#beginner cosplay
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bl00dkat · 1 year ago
Ren photoshoot~
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And a little treat haha ♡︎
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Photos were taken by my friend Angel [doesn't have tumblr]
Follow me on instagram: @/_xen._cos_
Character belongs to Gatobob
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elletudie · 8 months ago
because I’m obsessive and have zero chill I’ve decided I’m going to make every dress Danielle wears in Ever After (1998) (ok maybe not the breathe dress tho idk, I have the pattern but there is a LOT of beading 😅)
I’m starting easy, with her work dress. The blue one she wears while working around the house.
You’ll be able to follow my progress in the #danielletudiedresses tag
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cosplaytutorial · 2 years ago
Hey! I found this blog while looking for cosplay tips
I'm going to start making my first ever cosplay soon, so I'm looking for some tips!
I'm hoping to thrift as much of the outfit as I can but I'm guessing I'm gonna have to alter a lot.
But of course I have to choose a character with so many details. . . (I may simplify)
Anyways, any tips for this character? If you wanna look into him more it's Martin from Rune Factory 5 but I have refs all around
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Hello there!
I love to see that you are doing Rune Factory cosplay!
That said, some parts of this will be very easy to thrift and modify, and others will need a little creativity and perhaps sacrificing of accuracy. I'd suggest something with fewer armor details for a first cosplay, but that's still doable with some work.
I'm coming at this from the angle that you are thrifting due to both skill level and budget.
From the top:
The grey shirt will be quite easy. Find a white or light grey ribbed shirt or sweater, cut off the sleeves and sew the edges so they don't fray. If you got a white shirt, check the fiber content -- I'd recommend a natural fiber like cotton -- and dye it to light grey. Use the cutoff sleeves to test the dye.
If you can't find a sweater with ribs, you can get one without the ribs and sew with a twin needle to fake it.
The vest is going to be difficult to get from a thrift store and alter due to the shape. You MIGHT be able to get a blazer or vest in the correct color and alter it, but that would probably be more difficult than making it from scratch.
If altering: remove the sleeves. Cut off the lapels and the collar. Cut open the front to the correct shape, and add the side dart to fit it, as well as fitting from the side seams.
If making: Alter a pattern to have the correct front opening shape, do a mockup, and take it in to fit.
Either way, you will need to sew on the brown leather portion and then line the vest. You can add the straps yourself by sewing them out of the same fabric as your vest.
The apron is easy -- simply take a rectangle of fabric, hem it, and sew a strip of fabric onto it so you can tie it around your waist. For the pockets, I'd do patch pockets and glue on fake rivets (painted googly eyes, anyone?). The zigzags can be done just with topstitching.
For the pants, you can buy the widest leg pants you can find, paint on the stripes, and take in the bottoms. You can use the excess fabric you cut off the length of the pants to create the cuffs.
For the armor, look through our website for armor tutorials -- I'd recommend foam for budget reasons.
Good luck! This will be a challenge to thrift most of, but with some mods, you can probably get something close enough.
—Fabrickind / Q&A Staff / Twitter
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marlie-cosplays-again · 7 months ago
Hey there
I'm Marlie and i’ve been attending conventions for about 20 years and sporadically cosplayed for about 10 of those years. For the last 10 years my health, my schedule, my finances, my…exhaustion has prevented me from putting my all into a hobby I truly love.
For the last 2 1/2 years I have been unemployed and just absolutely depressed about it. But this last January I got involved in Community Theater through some of my friends. Being part of something big and creative has been a giant mood booster. I'm personally more of a backstage person and was lucky enough to be under the wing of a professional Stage Manager for my first production.
I then painted the whole set for the next production, took a break, and then came back to Stage Manage the huge end of the season show. I'm now Stage Managing the first show of this theater's 68th season. It's been a rocket of a fast track but I love it. And all of it has reminded me how much I miss cosplay.
I've finally gotten another job after 100+ applications, and while it doesn't pay well, it does pay.
I then stumbled onto Sarah Spaceman on YouTube and ended up binging a few of her cosplay builds and watching her con vlogs. My husband ended up watching them with me and we both are just aching to create like this again.
So we're going to.
I haven't touched my sewing machine in years and everything I did before was based on reasoning through my partial retention of pattern instructions and some advice from my mom. So I'm gonna start over. Back to square one. I'm gonna be thoughtful about the process. I'm gonna surge the hems. I'm gonna line the coat. I'm gonna do it right(my own ADHD self definition of right).
And I'm gonna compete.
Do I expect to win? Not really.
But I want to create with such pride that showing it off on stage is the only way I can find peace.
So that's what this is. Just a place to put my thoughts. My build sketches. My process and progress. My lessons learned.
Thanks for hanging out.
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fabrickind · 11 months ago
Adding prev tags in here:
#also something for cosplayers specifically:#try not to pose for photos anywhere inconvenient!#don't stop in front of stalls or in the middle of walkways#lead the photographer to an empty space nearby#it's much more polite and you'll get better photos!
Which is also very important! Also if you aren't a cosplayer and want to stop to chat with a friend, check your phone, etc., don't stop in the middle of a walkway. Cons are crowded enough as it is and we need to keep traffic flowing both so people can enjoy the con and for safety and accessibility reasons.
Post-covid cons have had an influx of attendees who have never been to a con before, and that's great! But I've also seen a rise in some slightly inconsiderate behaviour so I'd like to do a little post on what is generally considered good manners when attending a convention:
1️⃣ Ask before taking photos, whether it's of cosplays, stalls, traders, or merch. It's very rude to approach a table, take a photo of their stock without asking, and leave.
2️⃣ Don't comment on the prices of merchandise at exhibitors' tables. If you think something is too expensive, keep it to yourself; traders need to make money from their art and have likely already priced items fairly. Related, but in general don't make negative or jokey comments about someone's merchandise in front of them. Or at all, honestly.
3️⃣ Don't try to haggle or ask for bulk discounts. Conventions are not farmers' markets or retail stores.
4️⃣ Please try not to take up too much of the exhibitors' time by chatting. It can be really exciting to meet a creator, and a lot of traders are really friendly and enjoy talking to customers, but please remember that this is also a workplace for traders and they need to sell. If an exhibitor excuses themself because there are other customers waiting, this is usually a good point to thank them for their time and say goodbye so they can continue working.
5️⃣ Try to avoid placing anything on the exhibitors' tables, including bags but especially drinks and food. This can at best mess up a display and at worst ruin merchandise, putting exhibitors out of pocket.
6️⃣ If you are waiting to look at one table in particular, be courteous of neighbouring tables. Do not stand in front of other tables because you are queueing or just standing chatting with friends, as you are likely blocking other potential customers from seeing that table.
7️⃣ An extra point raised by @pppondi - feel free to ask to have a look through books and comics, but don't read the entire thing then put it back. That's why they're on sale, so you can read them!
☀️ I really do hope this helps someone! Some of these guidelines might not be obvious but it makes for a better con experience for both you and the exhibitors; traders are less stressed and you get to interact with happier creators. If you have more suggested guidelines for people who are starting to attend cons please feel free to share, but also remember that a lot of shy, anxious, and neurodivergent folk attend cons. I'm trying to be constructive, not just list "weird" behaviour.
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awesome-opossum-after-hours · 4 months ago
BEHOLD: the ProductiviTron!
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(aka my homemade Reagan Ridley cosplay)
also yes, the top 2 were giving the middle finger. they asked me to change that for the cosplay contest so that didn't last long
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thepurpleclownz · 9 months ago
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After three days he’s done!!!
This came out way better than I expected for my semi-first time doing something like this.
There are some nitpicks though. The paint seems a bit too yellow, at least for me. It don’t show up as yellow on camera though. His little beak thing is also crooked a bit, but it’ll be fine.
I’d love to make a full-body cosplay of Gabriel but I do not have the time nor the funds to do so sadly. If I did extend on it, I’d probably just make his props (Swords and his spear). As of right now, if I were going out in cosplay, I’d just put on a dress and the helmet and call it a day lol.
I’m thinking of making a V1 or a V2 helmet next. Maybe I’ll work on it during the summer but idk yet.
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My first ever illustration on an iPad. I think it may be finally done? I could literally keep adjusting things forever probably, but for now at least I’m saying it’s done.
This started because I was obsessed with this jacket @shoemakerobstetrician posted and kinda all went forward from there. Fighting my adhd urge to overshare about my dormant art background and all the details I went insane doing, but maybe I’ll do that in another post.
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jodisturbed · 7 months ago
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Hello Tumblr! Have my almost-year-old Patrick Bateman cosplay.
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fabrickind · 1 year ago
Hello there!
As someone who has been cosplaying for two decades now: no one will laugh at you. People will be excited to see a cosplayer from their favorite series. Believe me. Even if your costume was somehow the worst thing ever, no one will be mean about it in person. (and I'm sure your costume is fine!)
At the end of the day, we're all nerds playing dress up, and we are all going to look a little silly. The sooner you internalize that silliness, the sooner you will have maximum fun with the hobby. :] If you can bring a friend to the event, even better, so you have a backup person and also someone who can run interference in the off chance something DOES happen (which, again, very unlikely).
So with that said, here's my tips to help alleviate anxiety:
Bring a change of clothes to the con. You can stash them in a car if you have one, or bring something small enough to fit in a bag, or wear something under your costume. (A tank top and shorts if you aren't wearing the traditional kimono undergarments would work well for the latter.) You more than likely won't need them, but in case something does happen, you have a backup plan.
Practice wearing the costume around your house more. This will get you used to wearing it and how it feels to wear. Practice some poses in the mirror so you have confidence when someone asks for a photo. Know what parts make you uncomfortable and mitigate that (does it tend to gap open? Plan to safety pin that part shut. Do parts not stay in place? Find a way to keep them in place with pins or adhesives. Are the shoes painful after a while? Add insoles or bring a backup pair.)
Share photos of yourself in cosplay with close friends before the event. That way, someone will have seen you and is able to hype you up!
Practice things like makeup and wearing the wig before the event as well so you know what works for you and you don't have to worry about it day of.
Iron your cosplay. I'm assuming it's a pre-made one? These usually come folded in a way that creates creases in the fabric. If you want to really up your cosplay game in one easy step: iron the costume so it is nice and flat and crisp. This won't help with anxiety as much as it will help you to look your best, and looking your best might help your anxiety :]
Practice some comebacks or brainstorm ways to get yourself out of a situation in the very rare chance someone does say something mean. Even just "bro I'm literally neurodivergent and a minor" (I have no idea if those things are true or not LMAO) can disarm someone. If someone says something mean, tell yourself as many times as you need that it's a reflection of them, not of you. Fake an urgent phone call. Again, highly unlikely you will need this, but it can give peace of mind to know that you have the toolkit in case you do.
As for general tips, check out my beginner cosplay and cosplay 101 tags. This will have advice on both cosplay making and attending cons collected from around the net.
I hope that helps! Good luck :]
In April there’s a comic fair in my city and I’m going in cosplay,it will be the fist time that i cosplay outside of my room so for me is like battling with the fear of being bullied or laughed of.
I’m going as Nezuko,a classic character,that is cute and recognizable,do you have any tips ?
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elletudie · 2 years ago
the designer vs the designs but it’s all my failed attempts at sewing
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thatmossymoo · 4 months ago
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I made a Selmers from Night in the Woods cosplay and the lovely @inannieshead , or theabyss.photography on Instagram took some photos at Matsuricon, so I figured I'd share!
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thegaydepressedone · 2 months ago
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Low effort Jon Sims cosplay
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fabrickind · 1 year ago
Hello there!
Is this a bunnysuit, like, a Playboy style one? I'll assume it is, and oh BOY do i have tips. This is my specialty.
My first recommendation would be: a bunnysuit is a VERY amibitious first project. This is an advanced project in terms of techniques and fit. I mean, it can be done, but it's not something I'd personally recommend.
I would suggest choosing something simpler for a first project: make the cuffs and collar and ears first, choose something with a simpler design, etc. Even making a corset and pair of briefs would be easier imo, as a bunnysuit is basically a corset on hard mode haha
If you really want to do a bunnysuit for this character, fix up a premade. Most premade bunnysuits are stretch and have clear straps (which is not how one is usually made) and don't contain any structure, which is what helps keep it smooth on your body. I'd recommend buying one and refitting it to yourself (be sure to use stretch stitches), adding bra cups if it doesn't have them, and putting sew-through boning in the sides at the least. You can also add a bra band hook and eye set to the crotch if it doesn't have snaps so you can pee more easily without removing the whole thing.
If you have no fear and want to jump in headfirst: I have resources. You said you have a pattern, so first step is making sure it fits. You need zero to negative ease to make it fit properly and stay up, so have a friend help you take in a mockup. More under cut.
Use a fabric meant for corset structure as a strength layer: I use cheap herringbone coutil, but duck cloth works well. Just make sure it has no stretch. Add boning channels either by sewing down the seam allowances or adding twill tape. I like twill tape, as it allows more control, stronger seams, and also lets me place channels mid panel. The more control you want, the more channels you should add, especially if you are plus size and/or have larger breasts.
Use spiral steel for the curvy bits and flat steels for the center front and center back (next to the zipper). I like to bone over the bust, either all the way or just at the sides, to help hold the fabric in place there.
I like to sew the fashion fabric shell flat to the neckline and legline, then use a bias tape hem. It creates a flatter and neater look than a bag hem imo, and is easier, even if it takes more time. This involves sewing single fold bias tape to the right side of the suit, clipping your curves, and then pressing it to the backside and hand sewing the bottom edge to the fashion fabric or lining so the stitches don't show on the correct side and so the tape doesn't show at the edges either.
I also recommend hooks and eyes in the crotch to pee, and a hook and eye at the top of the zipper to make it easier to zip. I also sew in bra cups between the structural and lining layers, and add a twill tape at the waist to hold the fabric in place.
My bunnysuit resources I've posted here are woefully outdated and I've changed my methods a lot over the years (most of those changes are detailed above), but check out my bunnysuit tag. I've also recently gotten into fusing the fashion fabric to the strength layer and sewing it as one piece, but that creates a different look.
I think that's about it? With a pattern that presumably has instructions (unless you're using Aranea Black's corseted bunnysuit pattern) and some insider bunnysuiting tips, you should be able to work through it. If you run into issues, let me know and I can help troubleshoot.
I hope that helps! Good luck, and happy sewing :]
Okay, so I'm trying sew my own cosplay and just getting into cosplay more
My first cosplay I want to sew is going to be bunny girl Nanami. I think I found a decent sewing pattern and now I just need the supplies.
If anyone has sewing tips please let me know
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inkk-gutzz · 19 days ago
Jere Jere ★ Fire Endless Night!
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Man i feel like a fossil every time i remember the fnaf rebornica au from waaayyy back in the early days of fnaf- i kinda miss it in a bittersweet way, and ol jeremy still has a special place in my heart.
so heres a drawing of the weeb himself cosplaying gumi! i tried to do a perspective drawing but i literally dont know what perspective is-
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thepurpleclownz · 4 months ago
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ITS DONE!!!1!11!!
Sorry it’s been 3 months since the last helmet update. School has lowkey been kicking my ass lately-
I actually had it done a couple days before Halloween so I could wear it out. I sadly don’t have any photos with the dress I wore it with that night :( I’ll probably take a photo with the dress if I have time (no promises though)
Next on the list is making the clothing. I’ve decided to not go with a stylized version of Gabriel’s armor but instead a crusader knife type of armor for it. Mainly because I think it would be easier work with fabric then making an entire suit out of EVA foam.
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