#beforeigners spoilers
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no but like “i was a slave girl and i saw you getting pulled out of the ocean by a ship of warriors and you were wearing something like i had never seen. it marked me forever. i watched you sleep and saw the way your necklace caught the light and i took it from your unguarded little girl chest. we found each other in another time, a thousand years later, when you were having trouble sleeping and wanted my spiritual advice. i came onto you and ate you out. you enjoyed it. i helped your enemy, the christian crusader saint of norway—whose follower killed your best friend and who your old friend thought he killed—plant the evidence that framed that same old friend for a crime. i was mortally wounded in a car crash with him. in an alternate reality i created out of the rift in time you opened, i was queen. you showed up, drunk and angry and again from the wrong world, and spit curses at me from the courtyard. i put you in chains in a dungeon prison cell and touched your hand. i felt the moment of my death. i knew you were the only one who could destroy the life i’d made for myself. you took a knife, bloody, out of your own throat and ended it just as i foresaw. i died clutching your necklace.”
#BONKERS#like is season 2 Good???#no absolutely not#compels me though#beforeigners spoilers#beforeigners#i feel like i need to stress this is Six Episodes
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Okay SO people are saying "why haven't I heard about this" so I'm gonna TELL YOU about it bc I WILL MAKE A FANDOM FOR THIS SHOW
I will be avoiding spoilers as much as possible and nothing I'm saying plotwise isn't from the basic summary of the show.
Beforeigners is the first Norwegian-language show made by HBO Europe. It has a 98% user score on Rotten Tomatoes. People from the 1900s, the 11th century AD, and the Stone Age start "timeigrating" to the present. They appear in water, and the show is set in Oslo/Christiana (some 19th century ppl get spicy about the name) so people keep appearing in the Oslofjord. The city changes dramatically but also people are always people and things just keep going. Governments make new rules and procedures, people discuss whether "Viking" is an unfair word that shouldn't be used, and people learn new bigotries.
This is ... this is it. Here it is. The mood of the show.
"Wenche" is Nordic for "Karen"*
*(no it isn't but yes it is)
Also included:
Uhhh maybe there IS something to the Norse priests/shamans wtf is going on
Drinking with the girls in Nivlhel
"Spices ruin the authentic porridge flavor"
A new battlefield
The Stone Age has far fewer pants I guess
Ok just... just no garments at all then
Just for this one guy
Seriously you're gonna see this one dude's dick a lot
bartenders in shitty "themed" uniforms
Casual mention of a bigender Stone Age person
You know this HAS TO BE true bc the government makes sure to mention it MANY TIMES
"You wanna fight about it?"
The various uses of moss
Stone Age language that's heavily gesture-driven
Sami rep!
Oops, accidental priest
hey did we mention that it's fucked up to use drones
oh that's a cult
friendship as expressed by fish
wife has won glory for blogging*
This guy and his dog:
* Whenever either of my partners does anything praiseworthy now I square my shoulders and say "wife has won glory for blogging."
Seriously they look terrible.
Hello! I was wondering if you'd like to share something that happened today that made you smile?
Yeah, actually! Thank you for asking.
My spouses and I have been watching Beforeigners on HBO, which is really really good. We have been nerding out about the really complex and thoughtful ways in which the writers considered how people just kind of... go on... in the face of big changes. Life just kind of continues. Plus: The friendship between the male lead and one of his Mezolithic neighbors. The friendship between two shieldmaids, each coping with being forced forward into the future in her own way. The absolutely wonderfully hateable Wenche (the actress is amazing, everyone has known someone like Wenche).
But we started s2 tonight and literally like... the very first shot of s2 is someone covering challah with a cloth and lighting the Shabbat candles and we all literally yelled with delight. I may not like how that character ends up being represented later on in the season, but for now I can find delight in s2 starting with a Jewish character who breaks Shabbat in the name of saving lives.
This show has hot tall blonde Viking woman with incredible shoulders and Jewish rep? Yes please thank.
(I love this show, if it wasn't obvious, and anyone who enjoys urban fantasy/modern sci-fi shows or Nordic crime shows will probably dig it.)
(Also if you dislike this show or anything about it I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT RIGHT NOW.)
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Beforeigners season 2, episode 1
Whitechapel 1888. New character - Jewish Sherlock Holmes?
19th century woman founds messily murdered - counting down until somebody mentions Jack.
Oh, Alfhildr. Never change.
Pig on a bike!
King Olav vs. modern bureaucracy . modern bureaucracy wins. Alas.
Mr. Rubinstein is back! In the future!
“Who the hell is Check Dripper?!” *snerk*
Well, at least nobody’s pretending that oh, it could not possibly be Jack
Not how I usually imagine Odin.
Oh, dear. Mr. Rubinstein appears to be a naughty boy. Hmmm.
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I just finished Beforeigners, both seasons. I'm not going to put any spoilers on here but SERIOUSLY?!
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I’m watching S2E04 of Beforeigners right now. It’s still a very good show, I’m definitely still hooked by the overall plot, but, oh, am I frustrated by Ingrid’s storyline! Yes, yes, I get it, she’s a teenager, they do stupid things. But she’s not a child, she’s a young woman, and I need to rant. Spoilers, obviously.
Why, why would she think that, once she had sex with a Christian warrior from a thousand years ago whose past life was him using violence to force others to live by his own conservative religious rules and killing those who resisted, it was in any way a good idea to tell that guy she got pregnant and intends to abort? She knows he was one of Olaf’s men, she knows who Olaf was, and he is publicly building himself a following of men who think old-school king > modern democracy where women and poc have a voice. You don't inform a man like that that you intend to do something he won't like and expect him to go along. What did she even want to accomplish by telling him? He should know? Why? Did she genuinely think he’d nod, accept that it’s her body, her choice, and be emotionally supportive? After growing up in a world where cultural differences between timeigrants and “locals” are one of the main underlying reasons for tension and conflict in society?
That’s not naivety, it’s just plain stupid. All of that screen time could be out to so much better use!
#beforeigners#negativity cw#i'm sorry#just#why#if she'd have slept with the hot archaic warrior dude gotten pregnant and he'd have found out by accident fine okay#still taking time from storylines i care about but okay#but the fact that she went and told him for absolutely no reason?#argh#pregnancy cw#abortion cw
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Spoiler for episode 1 & 2 and possibly the rest of the season of Beforeigners.
When people arrive from the past, they are not suited for our climate. They also are carrying extinct diseases that could kill us, but not harm them. When the security team goes out and kidnaps woman, do they clean them properly and vaccinate them?
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beforeigners, eine kleine rezension
beforeigners ist eine bislang 6-teilige norwegische hbo serie, die bis zum 12.04.21 kostenlos in der ard mediathek verfügbar ist. Staffel 2 soll schon abgedreht sein.
und da ich in der quarantäne zeit habe, habe ich mir die teile an zwei tagen angeschaut.
ich werde versuchen, hier einige möglichst spoilerfreie kommentare niederzuschreiben, kann aber nicht garantieren, dass nicht doch hinweise dabei sind, die von nachdenkenden menschen als spoiler interpretiert werden könnten. also bitte: seid gewarnt, wenn ihr euch die spannung zum fall erhalten wollt.
- spoiler warnung -
es geht in der serie darum, dass auf unerklärliche weise menschen aus drei anderen zeitepochen - steinzeit, wikingerzeit und 19. jhd - im wasser auftauchen und dann in die moderne gesellschaft integriert werden müssen. die hauptcharaktere sind ein polizist aus unserer zeit und eine wikingerin, die erste polizistin mit zeitmigrationshintergrund wird. es spielt in norwegen, man erfährt aber, dass es weltweite phänomene sind.
in 6 folgen kann die geschichte nur grob strukturiert aufgebaut werden; es werden sehr viele themen aufgeworfen - und kaum eines wird wirklich vertieft betrachtet. ich war nach den ersten besprechungen, die ich gelesen habe, von einem üblichen “case of the week” schema mit zeitmigranten als rahmenhandlung ausgegangen. aber die 6 folgen erzählen eine fortgesetzte ermittlung, bei der am ende auch noch fragen für staffel 2 offen sind. (wer genauer oder mehrmals hinsieht wird bemerken, dass viele kleine brotkrumen gelegt werden, die in eine nächste staffel führen - einige hängen noch mit dem fall zusammen, andere mit dem geheimnis der zeitreisewelle).
mich stört insbesondere, dass der eine protagonist mal wieder ein (skandinavienkrimitypisch) kaputter typ ist. er ist (am ende der staffel supendierter) polizist mit suchtproblem, erfolgter scheidung und einem pubertierenden kind, das alterstypische herausforderungen zwischen getrennten eltern und stiefvater-zeitmigrant aufwirft. der polizist hat eine verletzung an der hand (später auch am bein); was es mit der handverletzung auf sich hat oder obs nur eine ausrede für die sucht ist... bleibt komplett im unklaren.
über alfhildr, die wikinger-polizistin, erfährt man leider nur sehr zäh etwas mehr.
die idee der massenmigration von fremden aus der vergangenheit gefällt mir sehr (catweazle, der sich aufdrängt, war ja nur einer) die umsetzung hakt aber. und dies ist der machart - kurzstaffel mit 6 folgen - geschuldet. 4 1/2h können nur der anfang sein, um eine solch weittragende geschichte zu erzählen... der blick auf staffel 2 ist mir aber an manchen stellen zu aufdringlich und aufgesetzt. was, wenn die serie durchgefallen wäre?
die nachstehenden themen sind drin, können aber nur angerissen werden: migration, verelendung der migranten, diskriminierung, kulturelle missverständnisse bis hin zu konflikten, christlicher fundamentalismus, nationalismus, incels und inländischer terrorismus, sucht durch eigentlich legale substanzen, rache, aber auch: krebserkrankung.
es ist zu viel nebenhandlung in der kurzen zeit, so dass vieles nur gestreift wird - dh es wird einmalig thema, bleibt im kopf, aber... fortsetzung folgt dann wohl erst ab folge 7. eine idee ploppt auf, wird dargestellt... und dann gehts schon weiter. dabei gibts einen handlungsstrang, der für die gesamthandlung (aber auch die ihn betreffende figur) komplett unwichtig ist: man hätte einiges an zeit für die anderen figuren verwenden können, wenn man davon abgesehen hätte, einen der (neben)charaktere mit einer krebsdiagnose zu belasten. hier gilt aber: würde die zeitmigration krebs verursachen, hätte es wiederum einen dramaturgischen sinn (wäre dann aber das problem der auf spätere staffeln vertagten ideen, die nur angerissen werden). ansonsten war es vergeudete sendezeit.
was dramaturgie und casting angeht: nachdem ich am ende von folge 6 angekommen bin und jmd verhaftet wurde, musste ich feststellen, dass ich mit einer vermutung recht hatte, die ich schon in folge 1 hatte. insofern war für mich ein puzzleteil der auflösung zu offensichtlich.
mit krista kosonen eine finnin als wikingerin in einer norwegischen serie zu besetzen... nun, das ist halt so. kosonen musste für die serie aber erst noch zwei sprachen lernen: das ausgedachte altnordische, und norwegisch. und da ist mein problem, nämlich mein eindruck. sie spielt reserviert, sparsam im ausdruck... das kann konzentration sein, oder langeweile. nur passt dieses spiel nicht zu ihrer andererseits so forschen und effektiven polizeiarbeit.
ich muss leider zugeben, dass beide hauptdarstellerInnen mich nicht überzeugt haben. ich bekomme keinen bezug zu ihnen. mit den nebencharakteren ergeht es mir ähnlich. so richtig kommen die emotionen bei mir nicht mit.
auf der seite der guten gibts (nur) einen todesfall... und der ist so vorhersehbar, dass das an dieser stelle nicht einmal ein spoiler wäre, wenn ich schreiben würde, wer’s ist.
und dann gibt’s natürlich das problem, dass zeitreisegeschichten immer haben: die zeitreiselogik und das zeitreiseparadox, denn: fehlen all die menschen in der vergangenheit nicht? und was ist mit den berühmten figuren, die in den geschichtsbüchern stehen? hier ist es zb tore hund, vielleicht auch andere. wenn er in unserer zeit ist, dann kann er ja in seiner nicht mehr vollenden, was in den geschichtsbüchern steht.
staffel 2 kommt, vielleicht auch noch weitere. die idee bietet potential für eine durchaus auch sehr lange serie. dann können auch die charaktere fortgeschrieben werden. da ich jedoch normalerweise kein fan von serien mit einer durchgehenden handlung bin... muss ich abwägen, ob ich der serie treu bleiben werde. da sind dann staffeln mit nur 6 episoden ein vorteil, denn es kostet nicht tage, sie zu schauen, und nicht lebensjahre, um (am ende sinnlose) fantheorien zu entwickeln.
in schulnoten bekäme die serie von mir eine 2- (wenn ich positiv werte, dass es eben der anfang einer längeren serie ist), die darsteller allerdings durch die bank eine 3-
#beforeigners#tv#tv serie#norwegen#HBO#arden cho#ardmediathek#zeitreise#zeitreisende#fremde#migration#migranten#einwanderer
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ok listen you’re SO right about beforeigners, I love the concept and my linguistics-loving heart skips a beat when they break out the old Norse and 19th century norwegian and I just WISH the show did not do so many of the other things it did because it could be so much better. forgive me for barging in I just saw your post and yeah
oh dude NO need to apologize it's so good to find someone who's watched it other than my parents lmaooo. no i so agree with you, there's so much POTENTIAL there and while it's enough to keep me watching i do have so many "imagine if they could do right by this super cool concept" daydreams. this got super long so im gonna stick it under the cut lol
like first off i wish they didn't feel the need to limit it to a cop show? like i get that it's easy and has automatic intrigue and a tried and true success record, but it's kind of lazy. aside from being Very Over the glorification of cops, i really am so invested in the idea of a show that explores the intersections of all the different spheres that were impacted by the repercussions of their worldbuilding? like you have this setup! now show me the teachers and childcarers. the social workers. clothing production and the food service world. the economic differences—the old norse who are trying to rely on the gift economy only to be hit by the closed fist of capitalism. show the tensions and social movements. actually explore the neo-luddite plot instead of throwing it away after a few episodes because yeah, actually, the industrial revolution has fucked a lot of shit up!! dig into it!!
like alfhildr is great and i did watch all of season 1 in a day so maybe i missed it but i still don't even remember if i know why she wanted to be a cop, of all things? it feels like her moral compass—and history as a shieldmaiden of the old ways at a time when christianity was crusading and trying to impose their authority on her people and her way of life—would chafe against that kind of imposed bureaucratic authority on her community. if they desperately wanted to keep the murder mystery component, i would've been more interested in an "alfhildr works a minimum wage job to pay off her student debt, unable to find better paying work because of temporal discrimination. one of her friends/coworkers/neighbors is killed and the authorities don't pay any attention and want to sweep it under the rug. she works to try to solve the murder—often at odds with local law enforcement—while also protecting her other friend/coworker/neighbor because she's wrapped up in the human trafficking of time displaced people. there still can be the intrigue of her origins, too!
in this situation, her co-protagonist is her coworker/neighbor who isn't time displaced, but is a migrant of color. maybe like lars, they have a family they love deeply and complexly, which parallels and foils alfhildr's strong non-biological kinship ties. paired together, the two allow a fuller, more nuanced exploration and interplay between the dynamics of this fictional time-ism or whatever they call it and the already established xenophobia and racism that pervades norwegian society, the differences there, and the shared experiences of poverty. discrimination, loss of home, and adapting to a new language. they of course also have a fun interpersonal repartee like the duo in the existing show!
and like okay sure fine if we're not Overhauling the whole series...if they had to make it a cop drama (which again. formulaic in a way that undersells how cool this setup is!)...they could've still had lars be the above. and in either iteration they should have people of color/immigrants/jewish people in the writers' room! they'd be able to craft the narrative far more fully and address the Bigger Issues i was speaking to in that post (which almost certainly come from a writers room that's almost entirely white).
and as far as season 2 goes....like the first three episodes and the last three episodes were Completely and Entirely different. why did i have to care about the people who were pretending to be the scotland yard people at all again? i don't feel like they had any bearing on the overarching plotlines? why did they have to accuse their only jewish character of being jack the ripper for most of his featured time??? what was the point of starting the season with his family's shabbat prayers if it wasn't going to be relevant?? and if alex was going to play the role he did, it would have been great if he'd been developed. i don't really have any feelings about him,because they never really let us know him. i feel like his twist could've paid off so much more if we'd had an attachment, you know? also, season 2 could've stood to mention alfhildr's best friend like, at least once!
i do wonder - and this will of course be revealed in time - if they learned they weren't going to be able to have a season 3. because the reason i can see for why you would shove so much together like that in such a rushed way (like the reveal at the end!! which i saw your post about and if you want to talk about my dms are open!! bonkers!!) is that you're worried you won't be able to unfold it in later episodes and you want to leave your fans on a kind of satisfied note? like in fairness to them, that's a pretty wild ending stroke!! and i guess if it can't be renewed, i don't feel like i have 16000 unanswered questions, which we would have, if we'd ended without finding out any hint of alfhildr's origins.
but then maybe they were just working within the parameters of 6 episode seasons and tried to bite off more than they could chew lmao! anyway, i totally hear you on the linguistics thing—it's cool. just like the intros—showing all the confluence and syncretism of people from different time periods is cool! and is why i cared enough to write out this whole essay!! anyway you're absolutely not barging in, thank you for dropping by <33
#like for its flaws i do like season 1 a lot#and season 2's final twist DID hit me like a - lmao - freight train#im still reeling!!!#and i am invested in the characters#there's just so much THERE that it drives me crazy#anyway#beforeigners#beforeigners spoilers
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Beforeigners season 2, episode 2
What’s a little graverobbing among family?
So, either Jack or somebody really wants it to appear that Jack is back?
Mr. Rubinstein seems to have questionable survival instincts.
The Neo-luddite ranch is absolutely not a cult. Nope. Not at all. Not anything cultishly, creepy about it.
No, Gregers, that is not a good way of handling your step-daughter having a sex life.
Well, somebody’s catering to the f/f fans.
And the plots thicken.
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The vibe from season 1 to season 2 is so so different and I honestly much preferred s1. Which I will expand on under the cut, if anyone cares to read my ramblings XD
I mean, for starters, jack the ripper is a way over played trope based on very real and horrific murders. It just seems unclassy to tie it into your writing/story to me? And frankly, gross, creepy, and not engaging.
And the science!! Like, they touch briefly on the “caveman” lives, and how their grammar isn’t great (which seems to be done for humor more than anything) but like!! the amount of evolution and brain changes we went through as a species in that amount of time?! How can you even adapt to life when you’re physically not mentally evolved enough to? And diseases!! And mental health!! And why aren’t the time holes being investigated more?? Did people just stop caring eventually? Like where are my science crews on the water 24/7 trying to figure it out?? I mean, okay, that’s not the focus of the show, sure, but I would still like to get at least some references as to what the heck is going on.
I’ve never thought about why Alfhildr (did I spell that right? rip my dyslexia) would be a cop, but now that you mention it, yeah. I guess I just assumed she wanted the adrenaline, or similar warrior status, or something? Idk. Also! I really like Lars’ character, but nothing about his character development made sense in s2. I feel like they tried to address the very real issue of drug addiction, which they started to do a good job of in s1, but completely dismantled in s2? Like, he was seeing a psychiatrist and taking meds, but then he completely stopped and started using again because it would help him solve a case? Seems very arrogant and hero complex-y to me, but okay. Also, what was the deal with Odin that wasn’t really Odin that was actually just a believer in another universe? Like, did I miss something?
I consider myself to be pretty adequate at keeping up with things, but the ending just mind fcked me. Like for real, none of it made sense. Lars, and his problems were never cleared up, which okay, season 3 maybe. The alternate reality episode didn’t make sense, bc how? Why and how did it happen? And HOW did the witch lady take control and alter things? Why was Ben Joseph after the dude, and why did he only want to tell Lars about it? Not to mention that the ending with Alfhildr’s origins made me kind of uncomfortable? Like, it seemed unexpected and I totally thought they were going to become a couple? Or at least they’re super cute bffs, so adding this element just seems… weird to me.
All in all, I enjoyed it. But I also can see the shows flaws. All I can think is that the pandemic messed them up, or HBO/the company bosses made the writers go in a specific direction and rush things. I feel like they could have kept the exact same plot and I would have been happy and unbothered if they just like, vibed it out differently, if that makes sense?
ok listen you’re SO right about beforeigners, I love the concept and my linguistics-loving heart skips a beat when they break out the old Norse and 19th century norwegian and I just WISH the show did not do so many of the other things it did because it could be so much better. forgive me for barging in I just saw your post and yeah
oh dude NO need to apologize it's so good to find someone who's watched it other than my parents lmaooo. no i so agree with you, there's so much POTENTIAL there and while it's enough to keep me watching i do have so many "imagine if they could do right by this super cool concept" daydreams. this got super long so im gonna stick it under the cut lol
like first off i wish they didn't feel the need to limit it to a cop show? like i get that it's easy and has automatic intrigue and a tried and true success record, but it's kind of lazy. aside from being Very Over the glorification of cops, i really am so invested in the idea of a show that explores the intersections of all the different spheres that were impacted by the repercussions of their worldbuilding? like you have this setup! now show me the teachers and childcarers. the social workers. clothing production and the food service world. the economic differences—the old norse who are trying to rely on the gift economy only to be hit by the closed fist of capitalism. show the tensions and social movements. actually explore the neo-luddite plot instead of throwing it away after a few episodes because yeah, actually, the industrial revolution has fucked a lot of shit up!! dig into it!!
like alfhildr is great and i did watch all of season 1 in a day so maybe i missed it but i still don't even remember if i know why she wanted to be a cop, of all things? it feels like her moral compass—and history as a shieldmaiden of the old ways at a time when christianity was crusading and trying to impose their authority on her people and her way of life—would chafe against that kind of imposed bureaucratic authority on her community. if they desperately wanted to keep the murder mystery component, i would've been more interested in an "alfhildr works a minimum wage job to pay off her student debt, unable to find better paying work because of temporal discrimination. one of her friends/coworkers/neighbors is killed and the authorities don't pay any attention and want to sweep it under the rug. she works to try to solve the murder—often at odds with local law enforcement—while also protecting her other friend/coworker/neighbor because she's wrapped up in the human trafficking of time displaced people. there still can be the intrigue of her origins, too!
in this situation, her co-protagonist is her coworker/neighbor who isn't time displaced, but is a migrant of color. maybe like lars, they have a family they love deeply and complexly, which parallels and foils alfhildr's strong non-biological kinship ties. paired together, the two allow a fuller, more nuanced exploration and interplay between the dynamics of this fictional time-ism or whatever they call it and the already established xenophobia and racism that pervades norwegian society, the differences there, and the shared experiences of poverty. discrimination, loss of home, and adapting to a new language. they of course also have a fun interpersonal repartee like the duo in the existing show!
and like okay sure fine if we're not Overhauling the whole series...if they had to make it a cop drama (which again. formulaic in a way that undersells how cool this setup is!)...they could've still had lars be the above. and in either iteration they should have people of color/immigrants/jewish people in the writers' room! they'd be able to craft the narrative far more fully and address the Bigger Issues i was speaking to in that post (which almost certainly come from a writers room that's almost entirely white).
and as far as season 2 goes....like the first three episodes and the last three episodes were Completely and Entirely different. why did i have to care about the people who were pretending to be the scotland yard people at all again? i don't feel like they had any bearing on the overarching plotlines? why did they have to accuse their only jewish character of being jack the ripper for most of his featured time??? what was the point of starting the season with his family's shabbat prayers if it wasn't going to be relevant?? and if alex was going to play the role he did, it would have been great if he'd been developed. i don't really have any feelings about him,because they never really let us know him. i feel like his twist could've paid off so much more if we'd had an attachment, you know? also, season 2 could've stood to mention alfhildr's best friend like, at least once!
i do wonder - and this will of course be revealed in time - if they learned they weren't going to be able to have a season 3. because the reason i can see for why you would shove so much together like that in such a rushed way (like the reveal at the end!! which i saw your post about and if you want to talk about my dms are open!! bonkers!!) is that you're worried you won't be able to unfold it in later episodes and you want to leave your fans on a kind of satisfied note? like in fairness to them, that's a pretty wild ending stroke!! and i guess if it can't be renewed, i don't feel like i have 16000 unanswered questions, which we would have, if we'd ended without finding out any hint of alfhildr's origins.
but then maybe they were just working within the parameters of 6 episode seasons and tried to bite off more than they could chew lmao! anyway, i totally hear you on the linguistics thing—it's cool. just like the intros—showing all the confluence and syncretism of people from different time periods is cool! and is why i cared enough to write out this whole essay!! anyway you're absolutely not barging in, thank you for dropping by <33
#beforeigners#beforeigners spoilers#beforeigners s2#alfhildr enginnsdóttir#hbo#tv shows#ramblings#old Norse mythos my beloved
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