#before going to sleep islam
PROPHET TODOS List before sleeping
Hadith Lesson: Perform ablution before sleeping like that for the prayer. Lie on your right side when going to bed. Recite the supplication: “Allahumma aslamtu wajhi ilaika…” (O Allah! I surrender to you…) Entrust all your affairs to Allah and depend on Him for blessings, with hope and fear. Acknowledge there is no fleeing from Allah and no place of safety except with Him. Profess belief in…
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sabrgirl · 10 months
2024 islamic goals ideas 🩷
finish the entire Qur’an
memorise at least x5 surah’s
start to pray on time
read and finish Qur’an in translation of your language
learn tajweed rules and improve Qur'an recitation
pray in the masjid more
plan your days around salah rather than the other way round
learn Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ 's 99 names/attributes
detach from worldly means/people/things/desires
adopt true tawakkul
speak in a manner that's pleasing to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ
have better hygiene
be kinder to the creation
eradicate the ego and adopt meekness and humility
habits to form
waking up for fajr more often
waking up for tahajjud more often
reading 1 page minimum of Qur’an every single day
reading books on religious knowledge bimonthly
exercising at least 2x a week
eating healthily with a balanced diet
daily dhikr after each fard prayer
listening to more islamic podcasts
daily gratitude journaling, thanking Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ
praying nawafil (voluntary) prayers more often
less backbiting, more journalling
getting better sleep and not sleeping so late
praying for people rather than judging them
giving sadaqah more often
durood sharif and dhikr before you go to bed
daily or at least weekly cleaning of your space
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zeestie · 3 months
my simple manifesting "routine"
it's v automatic & random cos that's how I like it
state: I remind myself of the fact that I have it all through acting/thinking like "her" and rampaging whenever I feel like it to boost my self esteem
reminders: I have a minutely reminder that manifesting is instant and hourly reminders for self love, not doubting myself, taking care of myself, celebrating the present moment (ngl this all you need – it will be embarrassing for others to see at first but you will get used to it)
visualisation: I like daydreaming (was a maladaptive daydreamer) so I try to always consciously choose what to imagine when my mind wants to daydream (usually happens before sleeping)
vision boards: I do quarter planning and I create a vision board by the end of it, I keep it anywhere i could see it – wallpapers, chrome bg, etc. I'm thinking of employing visual subs into it (if u have experience with that please lmk !)
affirming: I have this setting on my phone that as soon as I unlock it, it launches my counter app & I do 10 sets of affirmations in wtv language/pov I feel like (switching the language/pov helps me a lot) + I affirm whenever I feel like it
subliminals & tapes: I recently started making my own subs and tapes (ima start to critically examine the submakers I follow too...), anywho ! I play subs and tapes whenever I feel like it, my earbuds are stuck to my ears 24/7 & I got yt premium for better access >:)
mediation & hypnosis: I meditate whenever I feel like it (used to do it once a day), I might sit in silence, play some frequencies/subs, do a guided meditation, or opt for a hypnosis if I wanna go for long and deeper.
journaling/scripting: can't believe I almost forgot about this, but I script every evening to work my self concept, practice gratitude, and visualise my ideal life/scenarios.
rampages: so I sometimes do mirror work or talk to ai chatbots in order to vaunt in the morning and evening+ whenever I need it.
prayer: so I'm muslim & I like using prayer & religion in general as a way to regulate my nervous system + to manifest! I don't have anything specific I do outside of the regular islamic teachings.
media: I like using movies, books, music, etc. to get in the mood, raise my self concept, and also normalise my desires & take them off the pedestal.
lmk what u think of it and any cool/unconventional techniques you use !!
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lightgriffinsect · 7 months
muslim things we need more of in media
teenage Muslim guys. we've all seen teenage/adolescent Muslim girls in media, how about more guys? give me a Muslim boy in high school who plays cricket and likes Atif Aslam. idk
Muslim parents and parent figures who are chill and not overly strict. half the time the "strict Muslim parents" are not even behaving in an Islamic way.
Muslims who aren't anti-feminist. Islam is a feminist religion. Women are highly encouraged to pursue jobs and higher education. Show more Muslim women in well-paying jobs in STEM and business fields.
Muslims who don't make up restrictions out of thin air. it makes no sense for a Muslim woman to go "oh i can't do [mildly secular thing], I'm a Muslim" BEHAN THERE IS NOTHING IN ISLAM THAT SAYS YOU CAN'T.
Muslim girls who keep their hijab on in front of non-mahram people at all times. yes, this post is about Samirah al-Abbasi and Ms. Marvel. can we get Muslim girls who actually take pride in their hijab and don't take it off for non-mahram men or insist that it's okay because "you're LIKE family to me"
accurate depictions of gatherings, especially weddings, in Islam. This may differ depending on nationality of the characters.
Accurate depictions of Muslims in relationships. Samirah al-Abbas from Magnus Chase is a horrible representation of this. The vast majority of Muslim girls do not get engaged at the age of 12. Most of us do not get engaged or married until we're in our 20s.
Muslims who don't get engaged to or marry their cousins.
adding onto that, Muslims who don't have boyfriends or girlfriends or romanticize the idea of having one.
Muslim women who don't have children and don't regret it.
Muslims who don't get engaged or married at all! It's Sunnah to get married, but it is not mandatory. You can still be a devout Muslim without getting married or having children.
Muslim MEN AND BOYS WHO FOLLOW THE HIJAB. the hijab is NOT just a head covering, it is a WAY OF LIFE that ALL MUSLIMS must follow. it is about MODESTY for both the sexes. Muslim men ALSO need to cover themselves to an extent. yes, the rules differ slightly from male to female Muslims, but they STILL EXIST FOR BOTH. I suggest reading up more on this topic if you don't know much about the hijab.
Muslims who are actively working to get closer to Allah and trying to stop any non-Islamic habits. Muslims who smoke, drink, eat non-halal food but are aware that this is haram and are actively trying to stop. Muslims who show that you don't have to be perfect, you just have to try to be better than you were yesterday. Muslims who are real in their struggles. No one criticizes Christians for being secular or not following their faith perfectly, why are Muslims subjected to so much scrutiny?
Muslims who are shown practicing their faith onscreen. Praying, making du'a, fasting, going to Umrah, even.
Add little bits of the Muslim faith in their everyday life. Instead of air freshener hangings in their cars, my parents have hangings with Islamic calligraphy and the du'a for traveling. We have a stack of prayer mats sitting in a corner of the living room. We have a bookshelf where the entire top shelf is copies of the Quran and other Islamic books. We always say the designated du'a before doing anything such as eating a meal, starting a trip, or even going to sleep.
There are three types of jihad: jihad of the heart, jihad of the mind, and physical jihad.
Jihad of the heart is the Muslim's internal struggle to be faithful and practice their religion wholeheartedly. It is the struggle against temptations of evil, of haram actions. It is the most important form of jihad and one that every Muslim partakes in every day.
Jihad of the mind is the struggle against misinformation about Islam. It is spreading education and information about the principles of Islam. It condemns forcing people to accept Islam. People are meant to be guided. They are meant to find their own path to Islam with the help of knowledge and resources to learn. this form of jihad is important as it keeps Muslims and non-Muslims informed about Islam.
Physical Jihad is an absolute last resort that a Muslim nation must partake in when there is a threat of war from another nation. Islam condemns violence and murder and always pushes its followers to resolve matters peacefully. In a situation where this is impossible, only then is physical jihad permissible. and it has strict rules about who the Muslims can fight. It is haram to kill anyone who is not actively fighting from the opposing army. It is haram to kill women, children, elderly people, and any civilians. It is haram to kill animals except for food. It is haram even to take from the land or damage it in any way. If an army calling itself Islamic is not following these rules, it is not partaking in Jihad. it is partaking in unnecessary slaughter and bloodshed. there you go.
sorry i went on a rant about jihad for a minute there lol, i've been meaning to do that though anyway.
please depict Muslims in media more. please depict us with respect, and with the proper amount of research and effort needed for accuracy. thanks. Ramadan Mubarak, free Palestine <3
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Hi Maya I am this person. Can I be your 🧿 anon because I am Greek and middle eastern
I did end up getting into the void state with your theta method and manifesting everything I desire and it feels so great ☺️☺️ this is the evening for me and i have been living my best life so I wanted to thank you. You say don’t do that but your page has been motivating and helpful 🧡
I manifested in the void
My family having a net worth of 200 million dollars. Before my dad made 40k a year as a carpet cleaner and my mom was a stay at home mom.
Moving to La with my family and living in my dream super mansion.
Having a loyal and diverse friend group. I never had good friends before and when I did they always left me out or bullied me and used me as the D.U.F.F ugly friend.
Having a natural 90s beauty and my desires 90s body like Kate moss but with big boobs and I’m 5’7.
Loving accepting spiritual family who is not religious. My mom was never even Muslim she’s white but married my father who is Arab. He was fine except for the strict Islamic rules he mad me us follow so I revised that.
Having a private plane. My mom has already planned so many summer trips to Monaco, Mykonos, Milan, and Cabo for the summer. We have never travelled outside of the state and now we are going all over the world I am very excited
Awesome confident, personality and aura like tomie and Alexa deme, bad bitch energy, and energy of Saturn because you always talk about Saturn and it’s connection to woman and it sounds awesome 😎
Good intuition, safety from harm for my friends my family and me, being good with dieties and my spirit guide and being a master shifter. I haven’t done it yet but your shifting story sound very fun so it is something I want to explore
Always feeling like I got 9/10 hours of sleep no matter how long i sleep
Being a wonyoung Pilates pink princess girl. That’s why number 9 is so important because I’ve been obsessed with that lifestyle on Tik tok but I’m a night owl so now I can get to early :)
Omg this is the best thing I could have waken up to this morning <3 I am beyond happy for you 🧿 anon! Also the sleep manifestation is so goals I did the same thing earlier this year :)!!!
Anyways thank you for sharing 💗 I hope you continue to live your best and happiest life!
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tamershabans-blog · 6 days
Hello, I am Tamer Shaaban, I am 20 years old. I am a member of a family of 23 people. My parents and I were happy to complete my educational journey at the Islamic University after completing high school.
My family was very big, full of happiness, joy and fun. We celebrated our achievements together. In fact, all of my family members graduated from the Islamic University with honors.
Our last celebration was for the arrival of a new baby to my family, my middle sister Yumna’s daughter.
Before her, we celebrated the graduation of my older brother Anas from the College of Management with honors and obtaining his master’s degree.
Before her, my sister Fatima graduated from the College of Education with honors and a bachelor’s degree, and she intended to study for a master’s degree as well."This video shows the moment my family was crowned on the stage of the Islamic University "
Here was the disaster :
But the disaster of October 7, 2023 befell us. In fact, from the first day of the war, it was very difficult. The Israeli attacks did not stop."this video shows Moment of the fire belt in northern Gaza. Photographed by journalist Mohammed Al-Awadiya."
On the morning of the second day of the war, October 8, 2023, my older sister’s house was bombed with 3 Israeli missiles, which led to its destruction and the martyrdom of my sister, her husband, and her 4 children who were not yet 12 years old "these are photos from journalist Moataz Al-Azaizeh at the moment they were pulled out from under the rubble." "This video also shows the moment they were rescued."
The tragedy is not over yet... A week later, our house in northern Gaza was also bombed, destroying it ،and killing my father, my support in this world .
Which forced us to flee and go to the southern Gaza Strip. We lived very difficult nights. We were forced to sleep in the street, and all of my family members became ill. We could not find any medicine or treatment for them.
Also, on January 2, 2024, the occupation attacked Kamal Adwan Hospital, where my grandmother, my father’s mother, was receiving treatment because she had chronic diseases and was elderly. The occupation attacked her with their deadly bombs and unleashed their dogs on her, which tore her flesh, leading to blood poisoning and her loss of life
I do not want to lose my right to life and live freely and in peace. My family and I have the right to live in peace and stability without fear or killing. Please do not ignore this. Your participation, donation and support for my campaign will save the lives of innocent people whose rights to live in peace and tranquility have been violated. My family members need to travel, receive treatment and undergo surgeries outside the Gaza Strip. Please help me secure their travel, undergo the necessary surgeries and complete my educational career .
Important point (If I and my family lose their lives, this money will go to the poor and as ongoing charity on my behalf.)
My campaign is verified by @moayesh
I am Nesma's friend and her campaign is verified by: @sayruq @nabulsi @appsa @ibtisams
Campaign Sponsor @camgirlpanopticon
If you would like to contact me Instagram ta.r.sh
@fancysmudges @brokenbackmountain @mothblossoms @aleciosun @fluoresensitive @khizuo @lesbiandardevil @transmutationisms @schoolhater @timogsilangan @appsa @buttercuparry @sayruq @malcriada @palestinegenocide @sar-soor @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @visenyasdragon @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @kordeliiius @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @theropoda @tamarrud @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @awetistic-things @camgirlpanopticon @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @nabulsi @sygol @junglejim4322 @heritageposts @chososhairbuns @palistani123-blog @dlxxv-vetted-donations @illuminated-runas @imjustheretotrytohelp
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jewishvitya · 10 months
This is so horrifying. Other news sources picked up on this, but this is the source that did the investigating. +972mag and Local Call are a publication run by Palestinian and Israeli journalists.
From the article:
Several of the sources confirmed that the Israeli army has files on the vast majority of potential targets in Gaza — including homes — which stipulate the number of civilians who are likely to be killed in an attack on a particular target. This number is calculated and known in advance to the army’s intelligence units, who also know shortly before carrying out an attack roughly how many civilians are certain to be killed.
In one case discussed by the sources, the Israeli military command knowingly approved the killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in an attempt to assassinate a single top Hamas military commander. “The numbers increased from dozens of civilian deaths [permitted] as collateral damage as part of an attack on a senior official in previous operations, to hundreds of civilian deaths as collateral damage,” said one source.
“Nothing happens by accident,” said another source. “When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. We are not Hamas. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home.”
In the majority of cases, the sources added, military activity is not conducted from these targeted homes. “I remember thinking that it was like if [Palestinian militants] would bomb all the private residences of our families when [Israeli soldiers] go back to sleep at home on the weekend,” one source, who was critical of this practice, recalled.
In addition, there are apparently four kinds of targets. The first are "military targets such as armed militant cells, weapon warehouses, rocket launchers" etc. The second are underground targets, the tunnels, which harms whatever structure exists over them. The third are "power targets," and the fourth are the homes of suspected Hamas operatives, which can include their families.
The paragraph about "power targets":
The third is “power targets,” which includes high-rises and residential towers in the heart of cities, and public buildings such as universities, banks, and government offices. The idea behind hitting such targets, say three intelligence sources who were involved in planning or conducting strikes on power targets in the past, is that a deliberate attack on Palestinian society will exert “civil pressure” on Hamas.
In the early stages of the current war, the Israeli army appears to have given particular attention to the third and fourth categories of targets. According to statements on Oct. 11 by the IDF Spokesperson, during the first five days of fighting, half of the targets bombed — 1,329 out of a total 2,687 — were deemed power targets.
“We are asked to look for high-rise buildings with half a floor that can be attributed to Hamas,” said one source who took part in previous Israeli offensives in Gaza. “Sometimes it is a militant group’s spokesperson’s office, or a point where operatives meet. I understood that the floor is an excuse that allows the army to cause a lot of destruction in Gaza. That is what they told us.
“If they would tell the whole world that the [Islamic Jihad] offices on the 10th floor are not important as a target, but that its existence is a justification to bring down the entire high-rise with the aim of pressuring civilian families who live in it in order to put pressure on terrorist organizations, this would itself be seen as terrorism. So they do not say it,” the source added.
A thing that I see all the time is people saying "how can you trust the number of casualties, they're coming from Hamas" but:
The figures provided by the Health Ministry and the Government Media Office — both of which fall under the auspices of the Hamas government — do not deviate significantly from Israeli estimates.
And apparently the estimates of Hamas operatives killed are between 1000 and 3000. According to the guardian, "the estimate from Israel’s military that it has killed between 1,000 and 2,000 Hamas fighters, relates only to the assault on Gaza, and not to any Hamas fighters killed during the initial attacks on Israel." According to these numbers, around 80-93% of the deaths were civilians. So these are the numbers if we trust the Israeli military as a source.
And I made this point before, so it's validating to see here:
“Hamas is everywhere in Gaza; there is no building that does not have something of Hamas in it, so if you want to find a way to turn a high-rise into a target, you will be able to do so,” said one former intelligence official.
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swaggypsyduck · 2 years
i hope you don’t mind me asking but how does ramadan actually work? i know you can’t eat or drink anything while the sun is up and there’s something about music (?) but what other things are part of the celebrations?
hi anon!!
so ramadan is the holy month of fasting! its the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar and lasts 29-30 days depending on the new moon sighting. Islamic fasting is basically no food, water, and sex (not no food/water/sex at all just not during the day) from dawn to sunset. now then if u have medical issues (ex. diabetes) u dont have to fast. and if ur on ur period u dont have to fast those days that ur on ur period but unlike the ppl w medical issues u have to make those days up throughout the year.
ramadan is also the month of the quran and also when we believe the quran was first revealed to the prophet mohammed (pbuh) so we try to read as much of it as we can the entire month. it's also when all the evil djinns/shayateen are locked up so it's easier for us to make good decisions. if ur still sinnin then that's 100% a habit and u problem lmaoooo. so basically it doubles as showing us what we need to work on as ppl for the next year.
as for the music part its recommended u cut it out and replace it w quran. which is general advice but ive yet to meet someone who does that to a T lol. but if u must (for studying purposes) have music then islamic nasheeds or music w no words is ideal.
after the last mandatory prayer (isha) of the night there is a optional prayer that only happens in ramadan called taraweeh. it's where u go to the local mosque and pray as a community. and hopefully finish reciting the quran by the end of the month. its super fun bc after prayer ur friends and family bring desserts and tea and socialize a bit before going home and sleep/preparing for suhur.
once ramadan is done we have 3 days of EID UL FITR!!! which is the big celebration for after Ramadan. (ill make a post on that closer to eid)
NOW FOR THE CULTURE!! so different cultures do food differently. and some have foods specific to ramadan. we also invite friends and and family to iftar and its generally a super fun time!! and in some mosques taraweeh turns into a fashion show/pintrest board of inspiration. not that u have to be dripped out just be presentable in the house of god uk!!
p.s. i left out more specific information bc itd get too confusing but if u have anymore questions then feel free to ask!!
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sideblogfornothing · 14 days
We got a super interesting שיחה in school yesterday. They brought in an ex Muslim who converted to Judaism.
He started by telling us what his childhood was like, horrific shit let me tell you.
He explained how women are treated, and how they literally have no rights.
He explained how they would get beatings for being "disrespectful." He explained how if you were a "bad kid" like he was, you would get beaten. He said that he wanted to understand, so he would ask questions like "why do they have to pray at the mosque, why not just pray at home?" He said he got slapped for asking.
He talked about his sister, who was also disrespectful, he said that she got fed up, refused to do a chore or something and she got severely beaten. He told us how she would get beaten worse than anything we could imagine. He talked a bit more about how they treated his sister.
Then he told us how one day she convinced his brothers and father to let her get a job, (and give them all the money of course) and they let her.
One day she came back home a bit late, her brother's asked her why she was home late, and she explained how her friend took her to a shopping mall. Aperiently in Islam girls going to malls is illegal or something so they fucking killed her. (the reason was that she had supposedly dishonored the family, but omfg that's horrible.)
The guy explained how he was in his shared room with the rest of his brothers, he heard screaming, and his sister pleading for her life, and then pure silence.
He said that his brother opened the door, and before him was a gruesome sight he would never forget.
He was 9 years old or younger at the time btw.
So after that whole incident, his family decided to send him to study in a boarding school in Gaza. (I don't remember the name, I'm terrible with names.) Anyways, so he explained that he walked in and immediately he noticed that there were no tables or chairs. Later when he came to the sleeping quarters he realized there were also no beds. He inquired why, and was met with shock, confusion and some shitty explanation about how Muslims must be as close to the earth as possible or something like that.
So the way the school worked was that they study the Koran all day from 7:00 to 23:00 and then they sleep. He talked about how talking was forbidden and that you would get severely beaten at best if you were caught uttering a word. He than mentioned how he knew people who had lost their lives over a sentence.
When he was 12 and a half he was called to the principal's office, aperiently they thought he was "ready" something something that I didn't quite catch, ummm they taught them that Jews are the ultimate evil, that the greatest thing they could ever do would be to kill a Jew. Aperiently they were taught that killing a Jew would secure their place in heaven.
He explained that Muslims are willing to die to kill a Jew, cause if they die killing a Jew they are automatically going to heaven.
He said that he remembered that back home they would sometimes work with Jews, so he asked if it's ok to help a Jew. Like an elderly Jew or something. He was beaten until he couldn't walk for simply suggesting such a thing.
After that he was a bitch to the teacher again, he got beat and then they said they were sending him off. He was happy cause he thought he was being sent home, but turns out they were just sending him. To a different branch of the same school.
Once he arrived he immediately started hatching an escape plan.
He made a rule for himself that he would only ask each person 1 question.
Eventually he figured it out, hopped in a taxi or bus (I don't remember sorry) and made his way back home. The first thing he saw was his mother, who wouldn't even look at him because his brothers were nearby.
His brothers saw him, yelled at him said that he and the school would regret letting him come home ect. He said that he looked at his older brother and told him that he isn't the little 9 year old he was when they sent him off, they didn't know what he'd been through, and that he came home so he could be home and there was nothing they could do about it. And he reminded them of what they did to their sister, and said that he would tell the cops.
The brother raged something something (sorry I have a shit memory) eventually they decided to let him stay home, but he could not leave the house, and he had to do all the chores and probably something else im forgetting. They said that if he disobeyed what they did to their sister would seem miniscule in comparison to what they would do to him.
He decided that he would escape the moment he got the chance. And after 2 weeks, he got his chance. One of his brothers left the house key in his pocket, he pickpocketed him, unlocked the door in the middle of the night and ram away.
He knew that his family would be looking for him, waiting to kill him, so he hid in a graveyard for 10 days.
At some point he left to go look for scrap's, when he came across some Jew who had a baguette. He weighed his options and eventually decided that food came before the morals he's been taught.
So he approachs the Jew, and asks him if he speaks Arabic (in Arabic obviously) and the Jew says he does (In Arabic of course.) so he tells him that his brothers killed his sister, and their going to kill him too and can he pleaseee have some food.
The guy thinks he's pulling his leg, tells him to get lost something something the guy gets convinced and gives him some food and water.
Eventually (I don't remember what happened sorry) he ends up driving him to the central bus station in tel Aviv, hands him some money, and directs him to a bus, tells him to get off in Eilat, he says that what Eilat is, the guy tells him to get off where everyone gets off.
The bus was full of idf soldiers so it was very awkward and probably scarry for this guy to be on that bus.
He gets off where everyone gets off, lives on the streets for a while, until some guy who was also on the streets (they saw each other everyday,) approachs him to ask him what his deal is the guy doesn't understand Hebrew, so turns out this guy is fluent in Arabic. They talk the guy explains his deadly situation and this guy tells him that he has a brother who's could get him into a boarding school.
Now, a boarding school?! Boarding schools are awful! Remember what it was like!?? Hell no! So he obviously declines the offer, but this guy is persistent. So eventually he agrees, he goes this guy becomes like a father figure to him, reminder he's like 14-15 ish at this time.
So this guy takes him in, he's In shock, food water a roof for free??? Omg awesome! So he goes to this school, he learns Hebrew and life is good. But now his 18th birthday is approaching and he decides he wants to join the army. So he tells the guy, and other people in charge who kindly tell him can't but he explained how the more people explained why he couldn't he grew more and more convinced he could.
Eventually, this one guy in charge gets tired of this and tells him that if he can get his parents to sigh a permission slip he can. So naturally, his family will kill him if he shows up, so he tells this guy something like he should take to his parents without dying and something something he ends up being allowed to join.
Around this part we ran out of time so yeah.
I really feel like this guy's life story is important to share especially right now with everyone glorifying Islam and all that.
Islam is a religion built on murder. Kabam I'm tired sorry for the long post.
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That was in the 1990s, when Holocaust museums and exhibitions were opening all over the United States, including the monumental United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. Going to those new exhibitions then was predictably wrenching, but there was also something hopeful about them. Sponsored almost entirely by Jewish philanthropists and nonprofit groups, these museums were imbued with a kind of optimism, a bedrock assumption that they were, for lack of a better word, effective. The idea was that people could come to these museums and learn what the world had done to the Jews, where hatred can lead. They would then stop hating Jews.
It wasn't a ridiculous idea, but it seems to have been proven wrong. A generation later, antisemitism is once again the next big thing, and it is hard to go to these museums today without feeling that something profound has shifted.
No, what I'm wondering about is the purpose of my knowing all of these obscene facts, in such granular detail.
I already know the official answer of course: Everyone must learn the depths to which humanity can sink. Those who do not study history are bound to repeat it. I attended public middle school; I have been taught these things. But as I read the endless wall texts describing the specific quantities of poison used to murder 90 percent of Europe's Jewish children, something else occurred to me. Perhaps presenting all these facts has the opposite effect from what we think. Perhaps we are giving people ideas.
I don't mean giving people ideas about how to murder Jews. there is no shortage of ideas like that, going back to Pharaoh's decree in the Book of Exodus about drowning Hebrew baby boys in the Nile. I mean, rather, that perhaps we are giving people ideas about our standards. Yes, everyone must learn about the Holocaust so as to not repeat it. But this has come to mean that anything short of the Holocaust is, well, not the Holocaust. The bar is rather high.
Shooting people in a synagogue in San Diego or Pittsburgh isn't "systemic"; it's an act of a "lone wolf." And it's not the Holocaust. The same is true for arson attacks against two different Boston-area synagogues, followed by similar simultaneous attacks on Jewish institutions in Chicago a few days later, along with physical assaults on religious Jews on the streets of New York—all of which happened within a week of my visit to the Auschwitz show.
Lobbing missiles at sleeping children in Israel's Kiryat Gat, where my husband's cousins spent the week of my museum visit dragging their kids to bomb shelters, isn't an attempt to bring "Death to the Jews," no matter how frequently the people lobbing the missiles broadcast those very words; the wily Jews there figured out how to prevent their children from dying in large piles, so it is clearly no big deal.
Doxxing Jewish journalists is definitely not the Holocaust. Harassing Jewish college students is also not the Holocaust. Trolling Jews on social media is not the Holocaust either, even when it involves photoshopping them into gas chambers. (Give the trolls credit: They have definitely heard of Auschwitz.) Even hounding ancient Jewish communities out of entire countries and seizing all their assets—which happened in a dozen Muslim nations whose Jewish communities predated the Islamic conquest, countries that are now all almost entirely Judenrein—is emphatically not the Holocaust. It is quite amazing how many things are not the Holocaust.
The day of my visit to the museum, the rabbi of my synagogue attended a meeting arranged by police for local clergy, including him and seven Christian ministers and priests. The topic of the meeting was security. Even before the Pittsburgh massacre, membership dues at my synagogue included security fees. But apparently these local churches do not charge their congregants security fees, or avail themselves of government funds for this purpose. The rabbi later told me how he sat in stunned silence as church officials discussed whether to put a lock on a church door. "A lock on the door," the rabbi said to me afterward, stupefied.
I feel the need to apologize here, to acknowledge that yes, this rabbi and I both know that many non-Jewish houses of worship in other places also require rent-a-cops, to announce that yes, we both know that other groups have been persecuted too—and this degrading need to recite these middle-school-obvious facts is itself an illustration of the problem, which is that dead Jews are only worth discussing if they are part of something bigger, something more. Some other people might go to Holocaust museums to feel sad, and then to feel proud of themselves for feeling sad. They will have learned something officially important, discovered a fancy metaphor for the limits of Western civilization. The problem is that for us, dead Jews aren't a metaphor, but rather actual people that we do not want our children to become.
from "Blockbuster Dead Jews" in People Love Dead Jews by Dara Horn, pp. 183–184, 187–189
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dragoneyes618 · 8 months
"Perhaps presenting all these facts has the opposite effect from what we think. Perhaps we are giving people ideas.
I don't mean giving people ideas about how to murder Jews. There is no shortage of ideas like that, going back to Pharaoh's decree in the Book of Exodus about drowning Hebrew baby boys in the Nile. I mean, rather, that perhaps we are giving people ideas about our standards. Yes, everyone must learn about the Holocaust aso as not to repeat it. But this has come to mean that anything short of the Holocaust is, well, not the Holocaust. The bar is rather high.
Shooting people in a synagogue in San Diego or Pittsburgh isn't "systemic"; it's an act of a "lone wolf." And it's not the Holocaust. The same is true for arson attacks against two different Boston-area synagogues, followed by similar simultaneous attacks on Jewish institutions in Chicago a few days later, along with physical assaults on religious Jews on the streets of New York - all of which happened within a week of my visit to the Auschwitz show.
Lobbing missiles at sleeping children in Israel's Kiryat Gat, where my husband's cousins spent the week of my museum visit dragging their kids to bomb shelters, isn't an attempt to bring "Death to the Jews," no matter how frequently the people lobbing the missiles broadcast those very words; the wily Jews there figured out how to prevent their children form dying in large piles, so it is clearly no big deal.
Doxxing Jewish journalists is definitely not the Holocaust. Harassing Jewish college students is also not the Holocaust. Trolling Jews on social media is not the Holocaust either, even when it involves photoshopping them into gas chambers. (Give the trolls credit: They have definitely heard of Auschwitz.) Even hounding ancient Jewish communities out of entire countries and seizing all their assets - which happened in a dozen Muslim nations whose Jewish communities predated the Islamic conquest, countries that are now all almost entirely Judenrein - is emphatically not the Holocaust. It is quite amazing how many things are not the Holocaust.
The day of my visit to the museum, the rabbi of my synagogue attended a meeting arranged by police for local clergy, including him and seven Christian ministers and priests. The topic of the meeting was security. Even before the Pittsburgh massacre, membership dues at my synagogue included security fees. But apparently these local churches do not charge their congregants security fees, or avail themselves of government funds for this purpose.. The rabbi later told me how he sat in stunned silence as church officials discussed whether to put a lock on a church door. "A lock on the door," the rabbi said to me afterward, stupefied.
He didn't have to say what I already knew from the emails the synagogue routinely sends: that they've increased the rent-a-cops' hours, that they've done active-shooter training with the nursery school staff, that further initiatives are in place that "cannot be made public." A lock on the door," re repeated, astounded. "They just have no idea."
He is young, this rabbi - younger than me. He was realizing the same thing I realized at the Auschwitz exhibition, about the specificity of our experience. I feel the need to apologize here, to acknowledge that yes, this rabbi and I both know that many non-Jewish houses of worship in other places also require rent-a-cops, to announce that yes, we both know that other groups have been persecuted too - and this degrading need to recite these middle-school-obvious facts is itself an illustration of the problem, which is that dead Jews are only worth discussing if they are part of something bigger, something more. Some other people might go to Holocaust museums to feel sad, and then to feel proud of themselves for feeling sad. They will have learned something officially important, discovered a fancy metaphor for the limits of Western civilization. The problem is that for us, dead Jews aren't a metaphor, but rather actual people that we do not want our children to become." 
- Dara Horn, People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present
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sabrgirl · 7 months
ramadan 30 day challenge
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introducing the ramadan 30 day challenge!
I made this challenge in the hopes of catering to as many people as I can - so, regardless of anyone's home situation, health, money, whether or not you live near a mosque or a community etc, I think it is somewhat do-able or adaptable for all! you can access anything you need for this (verses/surahs from the Qur'an for eg) online. I also know that for some people (depending on countries etc), ramadan is either 29 or 30 days, so it's fine to finish on the 29th day if necessary.
if you miss a couple days as well (or end up seeing this post halfway through ramadan), just pick up from whatever day of ramadan it is!
it starts off easy and gets harder as you go along! i'm also going to be doing this ramadan challenge and posting my own updates on here, Insha’Allah! if you do this too, please do tag me because I would love to see how people are getting on! ♡ here it is:
recite surah ikhlas 3 times
recite durood sharif 3 times
read Qur'an after asr
recite the 3 Quls (last 3 surahs of the Qur'an) in the evening/before sleeping today
listen to an islamic podcast
write down 5 things you are grateful to Allah for on paper or phone notes app
istighfar 100 times
read all of surah mulk before bed
wake up for tahajjud and pray (at least) 2 rakaats
learn 5 names/attributes of Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ
do something nice for somebody else - can even be very small and will still be rewarded for it
wear your favourite abaya/thobe/modest clothing for every salah today. look your best for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ in your prayer like you would to go to a special event
give some (charity) sadaqah (create a sadaqah jar/box!)
read the last 2 verses of surah baqarah before sleeping
make a du'a for your friends and family - name them and pray for something specific for each of them
read all of surah Ya Sin after fajr
pray 2 nafl rakaats (voluntary prayer) today after the 2 sunnah rakaats of zuhr
no backbiting/gossiping about anyone at all and 2 nafl rakaats (voluntary prayer) if you do
pick a surah from the Qur'an and read the commentary for each verse
memorise the dua to recite on laylatul qadr اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي Allahumma innaka 'Afuwwun, tuhibbul 'afwa, fa'fu 'anni "O Allah, You are indeed Forgiving and love to forgive, so forgive me."
donate to a charity (for palestine!!). even the smallest amount will be beneficial + rewarded by Allah
recite ayatul kursi after each 5 fard (obligatory) salah
pray all the 12 sunnah today: 2 rakaats before Fajr; 4 rakaats before zuhr and two rakaats after; 2 rakaats after Maghrib; and 2 rakaats after Ishaa
pray (at least) 2 rakaats of taraweeh (either at the mosque or at home by yourself/with family!)
pray 2 rakaats of duha (optional) prayer - it is between 15 minutes after sunrise until zuhr time. (not after zuhr!!)
recite subhanallahi wabihamdi, subhanallahil adheem 100 times - (Glory be to Allah and all praise is due to Him, glory be to Allah, the Great)
be extra modest today (tailored to you. wear hijab outside if you don't, or wear your loosest outfit or lower your gaze completely (including lowering it on social media) today etc. whatever being extra modest is for you, do that today).
pray on time, no procrastination or delays. check what local time each prayer is for you and pray then (unless you're praying at the mosque!)
istighfar x1000 times
pray some of the nawafil ON TOP OF all the sunnah prayers that accompany the 5 obligatory prayers: - 2 rakaats of duha prayer - 2 rakaats after the 2 sunnah rakaats of zuhr - 4 rakaats before asr - 2 rakaats after the 2 sunnah rakaats of maghrib - 2 rakaats after the 2 sunnah rakaats of ishaa (extra challenge: wake up for tahajjud too)
level extreme: if you want an extra extra challenge, you can continue doing each one every day as you go along. so day 1 would be recite surah ikhlas 3 times and day 2 would be recite surah ikhlas and durood sharif 3 times, day 3 would be recite surah ikhlas and durood sharif 3 times and read Qur'an after asr... and you get the gist. if you do this, good luck on day 30 when you have 30 things to do lol
note: giving sadaqah (charity) can be adapted if donating money is a struggle - for eg, doing dhikr on behalf of somebody else can count as sadaqah. click here for more info on this.
may Allah make this challenge easy for whoever intends to participate and let the deeds indeed be multiplied by 100 this ramadan and forgive us for our shortcomings, Ameen ♡
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bolilloquemad0 · 1 month
We're back with Picking up Strays, get comfy!
(Go and check pt1 if you haven't)
With Talia, both me and Astro had different views on how she could end with a cat. So let's start with Astro's version.
They said that Damian could go with the pretense that he doesn't know how to take care of the cat (lie) or simply couldn't keep it with him, anyway Talia ends with a cat under pretense. Despite the League beliefs, Damian knows that Talia would take good care of the cat, and so mentions that the cat was mistreated by humans and Talia goes "Give it to me my son, I will take care of her".
Talia would go absolutely crazy with spoiling her princess, which she calls Arwa in honor of a Islamic queen. Arwa would have her own servants and everything, she really starts living as a queen. The 3 years old, brown-ish nebelung also has a ripped ear, consequences of her past, but Talia doesn't see it as a flaw. For Talia is proof of her resilience and warrior spirit.
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For me tho, it goes a bit different. Damian wants to give her a cat, he really wants, but he knows how pets are seen in the League. A weakness. And Damian knows what happens when weakness is shown. So, for now, Damian sends her pictures of Arwa without any context.
Talia is confused, but happy nonetheless that Damian is reaching out. Even if is through cat photos. After a few photos and noticing that is always the same cat, Talia asks about it and Damian responds, "Is yours."
Damian may have not been living with her for a long time, but he's still her son. Talia doesn't know the exact reason, but she knows what it implies.
"May I know her?"
"TT. Fine."
Talia still falls in love with Arwa, and she still becomes the spoiled queen Arwa was destined to be. After that, almost everyday Damian receives a photo of Arwa.
Barbie is next cause everyone loves Barbara Gordon.
This goes actually diferent. Babs has seen the cat in her neighborhood before. Always in the same alley and running around, with food in his mouth that definitely is stolen, she even has seen the cat sleeping in that broken stairs that no one uses in her building. So, she is quite familiar with the orange tabby that wanders here and there.
But after four days of not seeing him, Babs finally calls Robin to help her. She know is a personal matter but also knows that Damian is her best option to at least make sure the cat is fine. Damian finds him hurt, probably by a dog attack, and is quick to take him to the vet.
A month later, when Babs arrives at her apartment Damian is waiting for her with all the necessities a cat may need. One look at the purring tabby on her couch and Babs finally understands why everyone else accepts the cats.
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Babs decides to call the 2 years-old Jesse, honoring Jesse James (a famous robber way back in history). Jesse, as any other orange cat, is a whirlwind of energy. He specially likes stepping into her laptop everytime Barbara is working, she gently lifts him and puts him on the floor but he doesn't care, Jesse just tries again. That's it until Babs pulls out a old rusty laptop that she no longer uses and opens it when she is working. Jesse is so happy to have his own laptop.
Once, she decides to take Jesse with her at the library, partly worried but she can't let him in the apartment for whatever reason. Surprisingly enough, Jesses always stays calm and friendly, letting kids pet him. She finds him sleeping on shelves or close to the windows always under the sunlight. She starts taking him to work with her and you bet she even made him a credential.
Jesse's habits die hard tho. He still brings a lot of weird shit to Babs as gifts. Dead small animals, trinkets and random stuff she doesn't know what to do with. One day he brings a whole ass wallet.
No one is more surprised than Tim. Not only he receives a cat, but as a birthday gift too? Wow, he definitely didn't cried.
The cat in question is a 2 years old, siamese oriental shorthair. Really thin and lanky. The cat has this air of elegance at every step.
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At first he wants to name him Ghost or something like that, but Kon (joking) says that that's no name for the heir of the Drakes. Tim takes it too seriously and he names the cat a super rich-kind name.
He ends with Sir Konrad The Third Archduke of the Couch.
This name has so many jokes on it. Firts is Konrad, at the beginning it was with C (Conrad) but Astro pointed out that it could also be pronounced with a K, as a reference to Kon, that way it can also be read as Kon-rad (he was so happy about it, saying that Konrad was also his son). The Third stands cause Tim is the third Robin. And Archduke of the Couch just because Konrad is a heavy sleeper that barely leaves the couch.
Bringing back the thought of Konrad being a heavy sleeper that love warm places to sleep, so picture this with me fam. Tim is working on the couch, focused on a case, and probably hasn't seen his bed since two days ago, suddenly he notice that he needs something that is upstairs or in another room, the problem is that the cat is sleeping in his lap, and he looks so comfy, so if Tim moves he would probably wake him up and now he is trapped on the couch.
Ten minutes later he is sleeping in the couch with a cat on his lap. This repeats a lot, so Konrad is actually helping Tim with his sleep schedule. Bonus points for all the pics that the batfam have of Tim and Konrad sleeping together.
When Steph gets her cat, eventually, Korand and Steph's cat has the worst relationship ever. They literally can't stand eachother.
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ask-roqia-elahi · 2 months
only us three... or not? | Roqia's Backstory + facts
Gore + Blood + Death warning :D
Roqia Elahi, the only child of a baker and a tailor from Iran. Their family had a peaceful life, with the father, Abbas, running the local bakery, and the mother, Zeynab, helping her husband in paying rent and buying the necessities with tailoring clothes for various family and friends.
Everything was fine, until when Roqia was 4, her mother was diagnosed with a severe case of ITP— a blood disorder characterized by a decrease in the number of platelets— and she was unable to help Abbas as much and, more importantly, was forbidden to give birth to any other child since it could cause grave consequences. Roqia felt forever lonely and the family would probably cease to exist.
Turned out that a few doctors in Japan are investigating on a cure for ITP; therefore, Roqia's father sold his house, and the mother's jewelry, to travel there in order to cure mother. Roqia was 6 here.
Yet, after a few months, a demon attacked father's workplace and killed everyone. They had little savings, and soon, there would be no money left to afford the expensive and experimental medicine for mother— who also died of heart failure caused by the shock and depression she received. The last bits of money was spent to ship the two corpses back to Iran, but Roqia couldn't go back.
Now she was all alone, in a foreign country, without no one to go back to.
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She spent two years begging in the streets, against her wishes, since no one accepted an Iranian, young girl to work for them. She knew tailoring and had big talent in art, but seemed like no one liked a tailor or an artist with a hijab.
She could go to the red light district and work as a maid, but again her hijab and religion forbid both her and the owners from taking her in a house. So she kept on begging, as her only option left to live with.
Until one night, another demon attacked the village she lived in. As she was sleeping outside, she was its first target. Roqia woke up and, seeing the demon, screamed for help, and luckily, a demon slayer quickly arrived, beheading the demon and saving Roqia.
The demon slayer seemed to not care about her religion. When He realized she was homeless, he took her in where he lived and treated her with kindness. Roqia describes him and the other people who helped her back on her feet as "saviors sent from god".
Said demon slayer was in fact, the tsuguko and son of the Ethereal hashira, Amaya Mizuki, who was soon to retire. A year afterwards and after her retiring, Amaya asked Roqia if she wants to become a demon slayer and learn ethereal breathing from her as her second apprentice. The nine-year-old Roqia gladly accepted.
She trained for two years under Amaya's guidance, and did her final selection at eleven years old.
Amaya's son, Ichiro, was killed by lower moon one (Enmu) while being on a mission in the mugen train. Roqia's now trying her best in quickly becoming the ethereal hashira to replace Amaya as soon as possible.
at first, Roqia kept thinking of going back to Iran, but becoming a demon slayer made her realize she had to continue living in Japan to take revenge for her parents and save people who might experience the same death as her father.
Despite living in Japan, Roqia never abandoned Islam and fasts each Ramadan.
^ this doesn't bother her on missions though, as demons only appear after sunset and when she's opened her fast!
The lil bag she has with her in the lowest panel on the mini comic is the last things she picked from her parents' belongings before leaving the house behind.
^ they'd rented the house and she was thrown out the house after her mother's death.
^ inside the bag is a Qur'an, a small prayer book, her dad's blue prayer beads (not like Gyomei's– small ones that you can hold in your hand and count your prayers with, called Tasbih), food, a family drawing from her childhood, a sketchbook, and some bandage.
She enjoys drawing nature and people in her sketchbook.
She loves reading (that's why she has two books in her bag lol)
Her Hijab is actually for her mother and her ring is one that her father would wear when he was young.
She's thinking of making herself a haori, but pitch black like a chador. This way she won't be seen easily in the night either.
Tagging the amaizngs @larz-barz @love-stvrs @iincogneeto
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zaurae · 5 months
𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ℝ𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖
.ೃ࿐ 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬 𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓮 .ೃ࿐
Not everyone' s day or night routine is the same. Ultimately, we all have different routines we stick to--due to our different lifestyles.
For those who do not have a solid routine to follow, or is not consistent with their routine, or even wants to create a routine; I have listed ideas you can add to your new or current routine for more productivity, but also realistic to stay consistent.
Just like when you want to achieve a certain goal, make your routine realistic to your needs and lifestyle. If you have a busy schedule, add and work around what is best for you. For someone like me who can at times be lazy to do a task, I made it easier for myself to complete a task to do and set times for myself to enjoy like hobbies for that balance!
Try to challenge yourself everyday to stick by your own routine, and add habits that erases your current bad habits like going on your phone as soon as you wake up--to waking up and admiring the morning skies.
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𝐸𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑦 𝑀𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑅𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒
♡ Start your morning with extra prayers and focusing on your faith ♡︎
Perform Tahajjud (If you wake up earlier before Fajr Namaz or cannot sleep; perform tahajjud as your duas can become to reality!)
Perform your Fajur Sunnah and Fajr Farz
Do your daily Dhikr
Read the Quran (If you cannot read the Quran, recite any surah or dua you know by heart!)
It is highly recommended that you stay up after Fajr; however, for me, I most likely do fall right back asleep.
If you do however choose to stay up, use this time to work on any outstanding assignments or work that needs to be done. This alone creates more time to do other things in the afternoon, and prevents procrastination.
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𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑝 𝑎 𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑙𝑙/𝐺𝑜𝑎𝑙
。・゚゚・ Developing a new goal or skill adds more productivity in your day-to-day routine and leaves less time for laziness. Continue that goal you wanted to achieve; or that skill you want to learn. When enhancing more skills, not only are you using useful time to your day, but you are also pursuing growth!
These goals and skills can be anything!
Here are a few ideas for skills to learn:
Learning Microsoft platforms
Learning a new language
Baking or cooking
Learning about Islam/Quran
Financial needs
Any form of art
Along with stepping towards the goal you have set for yourself! For instance, start adding Sunnah prayer day-to-day and make it a habit!
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・❥・Always make time for yourself and do something you find joy. Indulge in hobbies you enjoy or never tried before such as:
Watching a movie/TV show
Writing or drawing
Create a halal blog
Go on walks
Extra Dhikr
Quality time with friends and family
Creating a vision board
Watch Islamic Podcast
With your hard work and long productive day, make sure to always make time for yourself for that balance--as balance is the most important thing. Without balance between work and time for yourself, it will lead to exhaustion and burnout.
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𝑺𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒆
♡ Self care isn't only about skin care and reading a book with tea; but it also means to rewind and relax, to do the things that are calming and peaceful to you. If the definition of self care means to sleep all day or watch Netfix, then so be it! ♡
Go take that nap; or perhaps lay in bed all day and watch that TV series you have been meaning to watch; put on some skin care products and read a book!
Whatever brings your mind and soul at peace--that is self care!
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𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑹𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆
☆ ★ ✮ Half of us are most likely guilty from sleeping late--me for instance--however, try to make a habit on sleeping earlier or 30 minutes earlier than the time you usually sleep at. This will slowly train your brain to sleep at an early time and can gradually fix your sleep schedule! ☆ ★ ✮
Before you do sleep, some of the habits I have been consistent on are:
Performing Witr (If you are unable to do perform Isha sunnah prayers, then perform Witr after Isha Farz!)
Practice self care
Write in your journal (Write about your day; what you are grateful for; your wishes; or simply anything in your mind!)
10-15 minutes on your phones
Dust off your bed
Recite Ayatul Kursi (Along with other surahs you know)
Make Dua (Ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make it easier for you to wake up for Fajr and Tahajjud)
Perform Dhikr (Subhanallah; Alhamdulillah; Agstafurillah; Allahu Akbar; La illaha ilallah; La hawla wala quwwata illa bilah; Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi, Subhanallahil azeem)
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the-rainbow-lesbian · 6 months
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Hi @menalez, you know I thought I was being courteous by keeping quiet about my grievances with you and not airing them publicly but I guess that isn't mutual, if you really wanted to have a conversation with me you could've talked to me on discord, you're not blocked there.
when October 7th first happened I was unwell tbh and very confused, I thought the world went mad when a massacre against the Jewish state and Israelis (both Jewish and Arab but the majority were Jews and they were targeted for being Jewish) somehow made them hateful against Jewish people, even the diaspora, I was also very confused when the "feminists" of the world even the radical feminists remained silent on the mass rape used as a weapon against Israeli women or tried to deny and minimize it. This is gonna sound dramatic but I haven't been the same person ever since because I lost my trust in people, I don't trust anyone who has no sympathy for others based on their ethnicity and nationality.
and when I went to tumblr I saw that you were also sharing content from antisemites, although you tried to distance yourself from it, sure Hamas did kill babies and rape women, but it wasn't as bad as the media is making it out to be, as if there is a number of raped women and murdered babies that needs to be met before we recognize this as a genocidal act by Hamas? I tried to read what you shared and honestly the people you tried to refute (badly) made more sense to me.
I spent a huge portion of my time watching content about the conflict even when I am working, reading about it, talking to my friend about it, I sought out another friend of mine who is retired professor who has visited Israel multiple times to learn from her, I listened to Jewish people and Israelis and also to Palestinians, I shared articles from Palestinian authors and a Muslim woman about the war, I am reading a book by Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of one of Hamas' founders, I didn't listen to the ones who cheered on October 7th which is fair, terrorists and their supporters don't have integrity. so even though you said I "admitted I don't know shit" and I am "willfully ignorant" I am really not, I am not an expert, I wish I could read and learn more than what I am already doing but I work full-time on 5-6 hours of sleep then travel on the weekends to see my girlfriend, so I am sorry I didn't know much about Christian Zionists? I'd rather not run on my mouth over something I don't know much about, it doesn't make all of my other opinions invalid somehow. I've always been the type of person who tries to do at least some research before forming an opinion and being outspoken about it.
you also said I am brainwashed by my country's antisemitism and I am "rebelling" (which is so fucking condescending I am not a child trying to prove a point) but actually I never agreed that the holocaust was good and that Hitler was a hero like the majority of people around me did, even if I had problematic beliefs I would never agree with genocide. it's also interesting that you refer to this rightfully as propaganda but do you know which news channel was funneling this and playing in my house? it was Aljazeera, and you share from them all the time without a hint of scrutiny, of course anything Israel says must be met with scrutiny but anything coming out of Hamas and Qatar is trustworthy even though both are islamofascist that don't allow any freedom of press, very interesting.
so mena, as an Arabic speaker why don't you look into Aljazeera's Arabic websites and articles where they don't sugarcoat the antisemitism for the western audience and share them with your followers? or anything from Hamas' leaders? are you intentionally misleading them or just lazy? not sure which is worse.
I do have sympathy for middle eastern women and that includes Israeli women! Which is why I'll never support an Islamic state, they are the worst for women. There is more going on in the middle east than just western imperialism, not everything is the west's fault and even if it was we should have more accountability and not just overlook terrorism and other problems we have, prophet Mohammad didn't need Zionism or western imperialism to massacre the Jews of Banu Qurayza, which was so horrific I decided to fully become an ex-muslim after reading about it and I was questioning my faith for two years at that time.
You accused me of supporting genocide which is..... wow there is a lot to say about that, but I won't get into it now, you said this isn't in character for me as an "empathetic and intelligent woman" you're right, maybe the genocide accusation against Israel is blood libel and unfounded, because why would I support genocide? have you tried to read anything besides Qatar and Hamas approved propaganda? have you listened to other opinions in good faith without plugging your ears calling them Zionists (as if it's a bad thing to want self-determination and not be a dhimmi anymore) and blocking them?
I don't know where you get the audacity to say that I am ignorant and should do the "decent thing" and shut up, do you have any Jewish loved ones? do you worry about them on a daily basis because of antisemitism and how antisemitic hate crimes have increased to an insane level? I can't go a day without seeing new incidents reported, which you have ignored of course, because the only good Jew to you is a Jewish person who just affirms your beliefs so you can delude yourself into thinking you're a good person, but after that you don't really care, do you think antisemites ask Jewish people if they're Zionists before they harass and assault them? get off your fucking high horse, I don't owe you shit and you have no right to judge me, if anyone should shut up it's you, the rhetoric and the blood libels you share is the same fucking rhetoric inciting the increase in hate crimes, sincerely fuck off :)
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