#before anni
justsquibby · 3 months
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I will probably be bumped to 4th. Especially since my game 2 was bad today and the person below me still has 3 games left lol.
I should have gotten toyo 😭 but nooo I didn’t want to be meta for once and got amaryllis (I do not regret it… but like sad lol. I need Toyo, I have all the other light attribute girls needed lol)
Also I’m like 84% sure akuma homura-Chan was also not out on April 1st And I can’t remember if ♾️iroha-Chan released on April fools, but I don’t think that’s happened since ultimate Madoka senapi but I’d have to check. (Tooooo lazy to do it for a tumblr post rn hehe) I just wouldn’t be too stressed about it… I did that when akuma homura Chan wasn’t released on the first back then and it was pointless stressing haha. The next papa character will be super cool and awesome and the game seems in a good state… we got a new event with Alina I guess. Idk. No new character for a second is like 👀 but I like to think it’s just a random thing they are doing lol.
but I will say I’m just here with my pile of gems… that I could have used on like 3 other banners I wanted but it’s fine and I will probably still being skipping the new April fool character and the old re-runs because that’s how cool I think xi is…
Early march my ass 😡
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locallibrarylover · 9 months
*by live theatre i mean plays, musicals, operas, ballets, concert versions of musicals, staged readings, & things of that nature. EDIT: YES this includes amateur, local, kids, high school, & community theatre. almost every show i've seen has been local
if you want, list the names of the shows you've seen in the tags!
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judasisgayriot · 3 months
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Pete on his relationship with Patrick (cryptophasia strikes again)
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phoenixtakaramono · 19 days
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𝘖𝘪. Ladies and gentlemen, The Boys are back 💉🩸
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gothra · 1 month
hughie: and that’s not to say that he isn’t handsome at all, it’s just to say that Butcher is a more rugged, 70s kind of handsome, just not the classical 50s kind of handsome, y’know? But Billy could be like James Dean if James Dean was big and buff and hairy, but anyway, I asked him if he’d like to go to Jamaica or someplace warm because I wanna see him in the new bathing suit I got for him, and he said he wants to go to somewhere like Norway or Sweden, and I asked him why, and he said he wanted to “fuck on a Swedish mattress” and try some of their candy and pastries. his doctor said he has to watch his cholesterol and blood sugar, but he doesn’t take anything the doctor says seriously. I don’t even think Butcher speaks Swedish or Norwegian, so I suggested we go to Spain or something, because he can speak some Spanish, but he said he might be banned from the country, and I don’t know if he’s joking about that, but knowing him it could be very true—
annie: so, did you call me for, like. a real reason?
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bluesnailsstuff · 2 months
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annie doodles!!
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litrallytyrus · 1 month
the episode where annie moves into the trobed apartment altered the way i view the world …….. trobedison ur so dear to me 😞😞😞😞😞😞
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spoondrifts · 4 months
i'm jeff and this is my girlfriend britta and her girlfriend annie and her boyfriend abed and his boyfriend troy
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aruanimess · 4 months
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Armin defending his right to simp.
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ladders101 · 6 months
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itsajollyjester · 5 months
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Childhood friends/sweethearts Odesta
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didsomeonesayventus · 5 months
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Happy birthday to The Fire Emblem Ever. I don't think I can quite put into words just how much joy this game has brought me and the friends it helped me make, just that I'm really happy I looked into it despite my lack of initial interest.
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march32nd · 2 months
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tumblr user march32nd debut text post compilation!!!
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judasisgayriot · 8 months
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arealtrashact · 1 year
can people draw the designs you did of the seven as dogs? i really like how you designed maeve and homelander
Go for it ! And if you do, please send it my way - I'd love to see what you come up with. There can never be too much Supey-Puppy content...
Here's an old doodle of everyone's favorite Co-Captains
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forthetaintedmemes · 11 months
Chuuya: We don't HAVE to shoot him.
Arahabaki: Boy if you don't at least bust his kneecaps he's never going to learn.
Chuuya: Yeah no you're right *cocks gun* So anyways....
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