#beetlejuice has the biggest crush on lydia
jadeluz-official · 24 days
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He always loved her, didn't he?
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caitlynskitten · 6 days
seeing your Wednesday/ Lydia posts reminded me that I used to headcanon that Enid was a fan of Beetlejuice especially because she had the biggest crush on Lydia leading her to unconsciously having a type 😂 and you know what I stand by this I just know Enid would have the biggest crush on Lydia Deetz especially this older version we get to see now
Lmaooo when the girls go watch Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Enid just gawks at the screen everytime Lydia Deetz appears. She had the biggest crush on her in the first movie but now she has the hots for her years later. Sometimes Enid can’t even focus on this story.
Wednesday is of course annoyed and a bit jealous. She does love Astrid a lot though. She finds her character very engaging and fun. Enid however finds her annoying and such a emo try hard which makes Wednesday mad!
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biggest-stupidhead · 3 years
Hiiii lovely ♥️
Congratulations on 800 followers! So happy for you ☺️ I was wondering for the October request celebration if I could make a Levi request? Butttt if you’re tired of writing tons of Levi fic, I would also love your take on Jean if you don’t mind :)
Anyway, here’s the plot LOL. The Scouts throw a Halloween costume party & it just so happens that the F reader & Levi’s costumes go together (it can be modern or not, your choice). That the reader wasn’t even sure if he was going to go, let alone dress up. Maybe the reader has too much to drink & Levi takes care of her/she gets the courage to tell Levi about her feelings. And that they’ve both been crushing on one another prior to the party & the story ends with some fluff! Hopefully that was clear enough ♥️ Biggest fan of your work & I would love to see you do this!
AN: This took me a min, last week was midterms for me so I apologize for the delay. But this was fun to write, I did a bit of both Levi and Jean for you to spice things up a bit ;)
Summary: You want more from Levi, and you're going to get it even if it means finding it with someone else. Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: drug use, alcohol, kissing, choking, heavy petting, angst.
The air was crisp and thin with the promise of fall on its breath. The trees shook in the wind, leaves long gone, littering the ground in an array of golden brown. Tree limbs rattled as they knocked against each other, like the sound of old bones.
The seasons had changed and with it came the time of the spirits, the day that ghosts and goblins roamed the earth when the veil between the living and the dead is said to be at its thinnest. You had always loved Halloween, the lore behind it, and the promise of tricks and treats. Even now as a young adult you never fail to dress up and get absolutely plastered.
This year would be no different, however, you were determined to see that a certain someone joined you in the festivities. Levi was stubborn and hated to relent, even to you who it was said he had a soft spot for.
The whole month of October you had pleaded for him to dress up with you, a costume that you had bought the very first week that Spirit Halloween had opened its doors. Now it was the week before the 31st and you were trying every trick in the book to persuade him. You brought him his favorite teas, made him his favorite lemon tarts, you even cleaned your messy apartment for him! What more could he ask from you? You had finally given up hope of him dressing up, choosing to leave the Gomez Addams costume on his bed when he was out doing homework at the library.
You spent that week gathering the finishing touches for your costume, the dress, and the makeup. By the time Saturday rolled around, you were satisfied with the outcome of your hard work. You had found the perfect wig and the perfect black dress that reached your ankles with slits up the thighs allowing you to show off the garters that you had bought. The makeup was more challenging, you had to seek help from Mikasa when you needed the eyeliner done, she also went ahead and did the eyeshadow for you. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled at your reflection, the red lipstick outlining your lips made your teeth look stark white.
Mikasa stood next to you, her hair stiff with all of the hairspray you had sprayed onto it. She wore a black puffy dress straight from the eighties, along with a frilly choker and dark eyeshadow. She made a perfect Lydia and Eren was going as Beetlejuice, you hoped that Connie had used the green hair dye correctly so it wouldn’t last longer than the weekend. The two of you left to meet up at Eren and Jean’s dorm to pregame before the frat party.
The room was crammed with bodies already, Sasha and Connie were Shaggy and Scooby, Ymir and Historia were going as a classic devil angel duo. Jean was dressed as the Joker, his face painted white with some impressive special effects makeup to make it look like his mouth was cut. Armin was dressed as cupid, which you found hilarious, the fake wings on his back kept getting jostled as people brushed past him. You all knocked back some shots before pulling on coats and making the hike up the hill that all of the frat houses were perched on.
The sidewalks were filled with people all dressed in various costumes, most of them were waiting in line hoping to get into Erwin’s frat, the biggest house on the block. Your group bypassed the line and went around the back as Erwin had instructed, the man at the back let you in, it was Mike. He was dressed like a dog, in a furry bodysuit with a pair of ears on top of his head.
The music was deafening, a Halloween playlist by the sounds of it. In the center of the living room was a game of beer pong, the hardwood floors already sticky with spilled beer. You stuck with your group, weaving through bodies, most dressed in scandalous costumes.
You made it to the kitchen, an array of alcoholic beverages lined up sloppily on the counter. Ymir was mixing rum and coke, Sasha was ladling out punch, gummies floating in the liquid. Connie was pulling out a ziploc baggie, buds of weed inside ready to be ground.
Eren dug into his pocket and pulled out some wrappers and a grinder. Mikasa was laughing over shots with Historia and Armin, their cheeks already flushing from the alcohol. You knocked back a shot and grinned as you watched Connie and Eren fuss over the weed. The group shuffled out of the kitchen once the weed was properly ground and found yourselves a spot in the basement where the crowd was thinnest. Connie took the first hit, a dopey grin on his face as he passed it off to Sasha to his right. The blunt worked its way around the group a few times before burning out. By the time you had finished it, the basement was shrouded in smoke and you were all laughing at something Ymir had said.
“I’m going to go upstairs and grab another drink.” You told them, smoothing out your dress as you stood. They all said something in acknowledgment before turning their focus back onto the conversation. You climbed the creaky stairs and reentered the party, your perception felt off, vision clouded, and your mind moving slowly. You managed to grab yourself a white claw without interruption, but once you turned to leave you were stopped by a hand.
“You look so sexy!” It was Hange, their hand was clamped tightly over your shoulder and you smiled warmly at them.
“Thanks! You look….” You weren’t sure what to say at first, their costume was loud, to say the least, they seemed to be a mad scientist. A large white lab coat that was spattered in blood, a pair of yellow gloves pulled over their hands, and goggles that were perched over their messy ponytail.
“Fabulous I know.” They grinned wickedly and you laughed as they snapped the glove against their forearm.
“I was going to say normal, you look like you would any given day.” You teased and they feigned a hurt expression.
“I’ll pretend that you didn’t just say that.” They steered you towards the jumble of dancing bodies and you yelped in protest.
“The reason I grabbed you is that someone is asking for you.” They answered your unspoken question, so you let them guide you through the throng of bodies towards the front door. There you saw Erwin, he was dressed like a zombie, fake blood staining his neck where he had some special effects makeup. Once you got closer, you recognized Levi. He was wearing the costume you had picked out for him, but he didn’t look happy about it. His hair was slicked back and the suit he wore was pristine. His dark eyes met yours and you tried to keep the excitement off of your features.
“Found her!” Hange shoved you forward like a prize, their voice light and almost sing-songy.
“Wow, Levi I didn’t think you would make it.” You commented, and Levi scowled at you.
“I didn’t either,” Levi grumbled, shooting a withering look to both Hange and Erwin who shared a mischievous grin.
“Well, you’re here now!” Erwin clapped him on the back and then slipped away into the crowd, when you looked behind you it seemed that Hange had also made a sneaky exit.
“Do you want a drink?” You asked him, stepping closer to him and his nose crinkled in disgust. You reeked of weed, he shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest, closing himself off.
“Isn’t being here enough?” He spat and you flinched, recoiling and glaring at him.
“If that’s how you feel.” You grumbled, turning and stalking back into the crowd. He watched you go, particularly the way the dress hugged your hips and exposed your thighs with each step. He didn’t want to follow you just yet, first, he would go find Erwin and give him a stern talking to.
You made it back to the basement unharmed and dropped onto the floor next to Jean, your shoulder pressed against his. He looked at you and smirked, his hand coming to rest on the top of your knee. This was fine, you needed a distraction right about now, you should’ve known that Levi would be an asshole. He only ever seemed to need you around when he was horny anyway. So you let Jean’s hand wander as your friends laughed and lit another blunt, his warm fingers rubbing the inside of your thigh.
You were grateful for the alcohol, it muddied your mind and made it easier to forget the disgust on Levi’s face when you came near him. You wondered if he was embarrassed by being seen with an underclassman, or maybe he just saw you as a whore, a hole to use. When the others left for another round of drinks you let Jean pull you into his lap, his strong arms wrapped around you.
He wasn’t embarrassed of you, he was all too eager to meet your receptiveness to his actions. He was speaking softly in your ear, and you enjoyed the way his breath made your skin tingle. You grew tired of his small talk, his hands still wandering up and down your legs. So you turned and brushed your lips against his when he stopped talking, you could feel the white face paint and the red fake blood rubbing off of his skin and onto your lips. His kiss was softer than Levi’s almost unsure, but eager nonetheless. You soon realized that you were the one calling the shots, so you turned and straddled his lap, your legs caging him in. His hands were in your hair now, tugging gently as he worked his lips against yours. He pulled away with a soft smack of his lips and let out a slow sigh. His breath fanning over your face.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all semester.” He mumbled as you tried to catch his mouth once more, you weren’t particularly interested in what he had to say at this moment. His hands were rubbing circles on your sides through the thin fabric of your dress. He seemed starved, it felt as if he was trying to devour you, and you felt needed. Appreciated, you felt as if you were desired, and Jean was hardly ashamed of you, hell you were sitting in the middle of the living room in the basement.
Just as Jean’s large warm hands slid up under your dress, you felt a cold hand grip the back of your neck, prying you apart from Jean. You yelped and Jean gripped on tighter to your thighs, his nails leaving crescent marks.
“Get up.” As good as Jean had made you feel, nothing compared to hearing Levi’s commanding voice in your ear. So you scrambled off of Jean’s lap, the poor boy looked hurt and confused. But those emotions were fleeting, soon changing to a look of anger.
Levi’s grip remained on the back of your neck, icy fingers holding you firmly as you stumbled to your feet. Your head was spinning, your mind groggy from the weed and shots that you had taken. Levi pulled you back roughly, forcing your back against his chest, you closed your eyes, savoring the scent of his shampoo and the hot puffs of air that escaped his nose.
“We’re leaving.” He wasn’t talking to Jean, he was talking to you and you alone. Before Jean could even get in a word of protest, Levi had shifted his grip on you to your bicep and steered you towards the door. You staggered alongside him, leaning onto him not necessarily because you needed the support, you liked feeling him close.
The two of you escaped out of the back door, the night air had a sobering effect. The cool breeze soaked right through your dress as you marched back towards Levi’s apartment a few blocks away. You passed plenty of young college students along the way, all dressed in scandalous costumes. Once you made it back into his building and into his apartment, Levi finally spoke. He threw you down onto his sofa, and you groaned when your head hit the armrest.
“Ow, why so rough?” You whimpered and he scowled down at you through narrowed eyes.
“What’s your problem?” You tried again when he still said nothing, instead he leaned in, his knee planted between your spread legs. His breath fanned across your face, transfixing you with thoughts of his lips on yours. You tried to lean in and catch his bottom lip, but his cold hand closed around your slender throat, pinning you back to the couch.
“I don’t know what game you’re playing, but it’s a game you will surely lose.” Levi’s words were smooth, lacking emotion. You swallowed thickly and you knew that he could feel the action.
“I’m not playing games.” You lied, and his brows furrowed.
“Lying now are we?” He growled, his hand closing off your airway, and you let out a sharp exhale.
“I thought we had a deal.” Levi continued, seeing that you weren’t able to speak.
“I don’t like to share (Y/n).” Levi’s hand relaxed on your throat and you knew that he expected an answer now. You sucked in a deep breath, eyes lidded and mouth hanging open.
“I’m not some whore you can use.” You snarled, and you got the brief satisfaction of shock passing over his features.
“That’s exactly what you’re acting like.” Levi’s knee crept forward, now dangerously close to your crotch. You wiggled, hoping to meet him halfway, but he saw right through you, his hand closing down around your throat once more to keep you in place.
“Then I’m your whore, Levi.” Tears were beginning to threaten to spill past your lashes, due to the frustration of needing him mixed with the emotions you felt that came with your rocky relationship.
“Then why were you kissing Jean?” He asked and you whimpered pathetically.
“Because I wanted to feel needed.” You whined and his hand released your neck, favoring to splay out across your chest, feeling the rapid beating of your heart.
“Why don’t you…” He stopped mid-sentence, you knew that he wasn’t one to speak on his emotions so you waited patiently.
“Why don’t you feel needed with me?” He finally forced the words from his mouth and you sighed with relief, this is what you wanted. You wanted to tell him how you felt without seeming too needy.
“I want to be more than your fuckbuddy Levi.” You spoke bluntly and you saw his brow quirk up as he played with the neckline of your dress.
“So you nearly fucked Jean because of this?” He chose his words carefully, and you knew that you had gone about this situation wrongly, but hey you were here now.
“Yes, because I thought that if you wouldn’t give me what I wanted, then I would find it elsewhere.” You watched the shock pass his features once more, but this time you felt little pleasure in seeing it.
“I’ll give you what you want,” Levi said after a moment of silence, he leaned forward and kissed you. It was softer than the way that Jean kissed you earlier, his lips moving slowly as if trying to memorize the feeling of your lips on his. He had never kissed you this way before, his hands in your hair and cradling your face like something precious, not like a toy to use.
When you pulled apart you pressed your forehead to his, breaths mingling sweetly. He sighed deeply, his eyes still close, long lashes brushing his cheeks. You ran your hands through his hair, feeling the slightly crusted gel that he had used for his costume.
“I don’t want to see you with anyone else.” He grumbled, lips brushing yours as he spoke softly.
“I don’t want to be with anyone else.” You mumbled, tilting your head to kiss him once more.
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youhearstatic · 3 years
Beetlejuice blupjeans?
Ohhhhh, anon, I like this one a lot. Come sit next to me, okay? I like your ideas.
So it's tempting and perhaps a bit obvious to say they're Barbara and Adam but, and I'm thinking of the Broadway play a bit more here than the movie for this idea (as well as a dash of the old cartoon and also, playing around a bit with ages because obviously) but come with me a minute on this one:
Lup is Lydia. She's been separated from Taako and she's absolutely miserably unhappy and worst of all, no one around her seems to care about that fact.
But she happens to be in a haunted house. And I'm going to cast Merle and Davenport as Barbara and Adam. (Look, I just love pairing these two as a sometimes fun, sometimes crotchety old married couple, okay?) This was their house and they don't want this bunch moving in and changing their stuff. Davenport would obviously be Adam, how easy is it to imagine him with an extensive model town he loves perfecting?
So they summon help. Bluejeans Bluejeans Bluejeans. (Why is he called Bluejeans if he's in a red robe? Best not to ask, perhaps.)
His ideas are... perhaps not the best. He talks all spooky and he doesn't seem to fully understand the line between harmless prank and grievous injury. (He's not bad just really out of touch with the living.) So Davenport decides no way, this guy is not their answer. Maybe they'll just deal. Besides, Lup seems nice. Merle agrees, though he's kinda finding a bit of a soft spot for this Bluejeans guy who maybe also just needs people too. But during one overly enthusiastic demonstration, Bluejeans wrecks one of Davenport's models and Dav kinda loses his patience with the guy.
But the problem is, once you summon Bluejeans, he's there. You can't just put the lid back on him. So of course it's not long before he gets an eyeful of Lup, Lup who is sad and lonely and really in need of distraction.
Bluejeans is nothing if not distraction. He's got magic, he's got stories, ... he's got a crush.
And Lup has someone who cares about how she feels and just wants her to be happy. She can't help but be a little smitten herself.
It's fun, it's messy, and lots of mistakes are made, but mostly they are both crushing hard on each other. The biggest problem is that he kinda stages a big prank to get back at her family for not caring about her feelings ... on the night Taako comes for a visit with his new boyfriend. He takes it too far and Taako is almost hurt. She tells him to get out.
He's crushed but again, her feelings are what are important to him, so he makes himself scarce.
The problem is, Taako's new boyfriend has seen enough to think they can take advantage of this and make some money. With the right information from this Book of the Dead, they can trap the guy (and hey, there's two other spirits here too!) and make so much money.
(In case it's not clear, this is not Kravitz we're talking about here.)
Lup might not be happy with Bluejeans but that doesn't mean she wants him exploited. And she definitely doesn't want that old couple messed with.
She ends up going to the Land of the Dead to try and find help and ends up meeting Kravitz who wants to know how and why one of the living has ended up here.
Further hijinks ensue, it turns out there's plenty of 'smitten' to go around when Kravitz gets an eyeful (and earful) of Taako, Bluejeans redeems himself, shitty new boyfriend is fed to a sandworm, and the twins both get cool new (not exactly alive) boyfriends.
And everyone agrees to let Davenport have the attic to himself for his models.
Thanks anon, this was really fun and one I'd never considered before!
Send me an AU and I'll tell you how I'd make it Blupjeans!
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daydreaming-jessi · 4 years
fave headcanon for each character??
YE!!! I have a good few for each different version of Beetlejuice, haha, but I’ll just go crazy about the musical for now. I’m about to go crazy I’m so sorry
So I actually really love this idea that Charles used to be a theatre kid. He just has big theatre kid energy, you know? So dramatic, such a baratone voice. But he took up the more lucrative real estate job when he and Emily got married because he wanted to be have stable income for his new family. He loved to play pretend with Lydia when she was little, really let his inner actor out in their games. There are a few home videos Emily took of them that he’d rather no one else saw, huehue
I like to think Barbara grew up on a farm, doing hard work and getting real strong and all of her hobbies involve getting hands on with stuff still, like pottery and gardening. (You can’t take the farm out of the farm girl) she’s super buff and can carry just about anyone, which surprises a lot of people. She also knows a lot about taking care of plants and animals from it.
I think Adam didn’t grow up with a dad. He didn’t even know who his dad was. It was just him and his mom his whole life and he grew up insecure about it. He doesn’t like to talk about it, all the kids he knew growing up would make fun of him for it. It’s also part of why he’s so scared of being a dad himself. But helping raise Lydia quenches that fear real fast.
Delia used to be grunge and knows how to play bass. Somewhere she has a hidden album of photos from the time she joined a grunge band as backup vocals as well as bass, and she doesn’t want anyone to see because she’s been made to feel embarrassed of it by her old ex-friends. One day Lydia found the photos and begged Delia to teach her how to play. This was also the time Delia realized she was pansexual when she developed a crush on the female drummer.
Lydia now has a fear of the people she loves getting sick. (Same with Charles actually haha) Watching her mom get so sick left Lydia reeling and she never wants to see someone she loves get that way ever again. If Charles, or Delia, or heck even Beej ever get ill, she gets uncharacteristically worried, and watches them like a hawk and makes sure they don’t push themselves. She is also little lesbian, but wonders occasionally if she might be aromantic.
Beej is never in danger of getting eaten by sandworms. One of the few perks of his status as a born dead is that he smells different to sandworms, so they don’t see him as prey like they do ghosts. Because of that he actually is able to hang out with them a lot and is pretty fond of the beasties. Sandy is the first Sandworm he’s ever ridden though, and he likes her a lot, she’s the nicest Sandworm he’s ever met.
Big Sandy acts like a protective mama Sandworm but she is not actually a mom. She does have a bunch of nieces and nephews that she adores, one especially feisty niece called Lil Sally who is smol for a Sandworm but super ready to kick ass and eat ghosts ;3 But Sandy doesn’t have any biological kids. She has however adopted Beej and the Maitlands and the Deetz
Skye the Girl Scout has the biggest puppy crush on Lydia. Lydia takes Skye as her apprentice, like Beej took Lydia as his, and she and Skye can raise absolute hell should they ever decide to. Lydia knows Skye has a crush on her, and it’s cute, but Lydia sees the Girl Scout as a little sister. She’ll definitely chaperone any date Skye has though, the queers gotta stick together, you know?
Miss Argentina and Toaster Lady are wives, and you can’t change my mind. Ever.
Otho disappeared during the events of the musical, and no one knows what happened to him. Did he actually die?? Did he just get sent somewhere else and he hasn’t contacted them again? Beetlejuice never says what the truth is, and at this point, people are too scared to ask.
Maxie Dean fired Charles after the disaster dinner. He died of unknown circumstances a few months later. Maxine Dean mysteriously disappeared before police could question her about it.
I’ll stop here but y’all can keep asking me shit haha. Hell send in your own headcanons! I’d love to hear it 🖤
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tropicalfreckles · 4 years
Friends Again CH 5
MASTER LIST found here
SUMMARY: A new dilemma has risen in Lydia that she takes to the only one she can talk to about it.
(TW mentions of J*no, mentions of murder(no murder tho), mentions of bullying, mentions of the wedding death scene)))
Another day of school, another day of Lydia having complex feelings bubble up in her stomach. This was getting borderline exhausting with all the thoughts she kept bottled up inside. Even though she had become more comfortable with her therapist, she still wasn't sure if she wanted to just spill her guts out about these thoughts. Closing the front door behind her, she swung her backpack off while exhaling a long groan. No one was home yet except for the Maitlands, of course. They were probably upstairs since she didn't see them after scanning the living room. Rummaging through her backpack on the table she pulled out things she needed for homework then sluggishly retreated upstairs. School wasn't engaging and often times left her yearning for more. The Maitlands had recently found a way to help make her learning more simulating through their ghostly powers. They were still learning themselves. They tried learning more from the Handbook for the Recently Deceased. However, as Adam put it, it 'read like radio instructions'. Lydia didn't have too much of a hard time understanding it personally. Though that probably was because she loved deciphering the nonsensical text.
Should she let the Maitlands know she's home?
She usually would announce herself. Yet, that feeling wasn't leaving her stomach. It dampening her mood. Lydia didn't want to bother the ghostly couple with her problem. Since she still didn't understand it entirely herself. It was days like these she wished her mom was still alive. Regret wove itself in her every once in a while for leaving the Netherworld. Missing her chance to reconnect with her mother again. She knew deep down it was for the best. She would've also liked it if Delia and her dad had waited for a while before getting wed. She understood though they felt the fleetingness of life and wanted to make the best of it as long as they both were breathing. That would be another can of worms for Lydia to tackle another day. Lydia tossed her things on her bed when she entered her room. Closing the door behind her then took off her shoes. Her nerves were starting to get the best of her when she walked over to her mirror and gazed at herself.
"Why are feelings stupid..." She muttered. Grabbing a hair tie off of her stand, she ran her fingers through the raven locks tying it up.
"That's because you breathers have too many feelings; It makes shit complicated." A gravely voice chimed in. Lydia flinched for a moment then turned to scowl at the older man.
"I told you that you couldn't come into the house yet!" She snarled at him. Lydia began rubbing the pads of her forefinger and middle in circles against the temple of her head. Beetlejuice snorted then crossed his arms.
"You ain't exactly the boss of me kid. I do what I want. Within reason of your dumb rules. Besides, I was bored waiting in the stupid cemetery. There weren't any breathers to mess with today so I couldn't get anyone else to say my name." Beetlejuice rambled on, giving Lydia a shrug. The young teen threw herself face first on her bed. She thought over for a moment how risky this was.
"You didn't let Barabara and Adam see you, right?" Lydia questioned, sitting up a little on her elbows. Beetlejuice hummed while pulling his eyes out from their sockets.
"Nope, not a peep!" He snickered while tossing them in the air like a pair of die. Lydia looked on unamused before rolling on her back to stare up at the ceiling. The demon popped his eyes back in.
"Oh boy, are you having one of those angsty teen moments again? Am I gonna have to leave while you recite goth poetry or some shit?" He floated up from the ground then whipped over to her. Lydia inhaled deeply before giving a loud groan.
"Go away if you're gonna be an ass." Lydia reached out for a pillow to grab. Beetlejuice tensed up as he knew it was meant for his face. He deflated a little when he saw her hug then bury herself against it. Just as the teen hated when he would get moody, he felt the same about her. Though it was strange, the past three months now that they've been hanging out he has started to feel something he never had before. Was it that gross thing called empathy? He sighed deeply while busying himself with picking at his nails. This was going to require some finesse.
"Alright, you twisted my arm Lyds. What's bugging ya? What can your ol' pal Mr. Betelboose do to, ugh, 'help'?" He peered from the corner of his eye to see if she'd budge. She did not. He did get a grunt in response. Some progress was a win for him. Lydia flailed her legs a little as a muffled groan rose from her. The demon patiently waited for her to speak.
"As bizarre as it is to say.." Lydia dug her fingernails into her pillow as she pulled it away from her face finally. Her features scrunched up, her lips pursed. Relaxing after a moment of what looked like deep contemplation from Beetlejuice's perspective she finally spoke. "I think you might be the only person I can talk to about this." Lydia softly spoke.
Now, this was interesting.
She was actually being vulnerable to him. He only saw her do that once and that was when she summoned him back from the Netherworld. That was because of everything that built up from before. This seemed to be a new dilemma on the young girl's mind. He waved his hand to let her know she could continue.
"Beej. When did you discover that you had feelings for guys, too?" Lydia drawled out while shiftily gazing around the room. Anywhere other than making eye contact. Beetlejuice stroked his scruffy chin while trying to figure out what she meant by that. Was there a boy she liked? Did his stoic bratty friend actually have sappy feelings as well?
"You're asking how I knew I was into more than just women? Well, first off, there is one thing ya gotta know about the Netherworld. Most folks swing both if not all ways." Beetlejuice jokingly conjured up a baseball bat and took multiple swings in different directions with it. It earned him a snort which he grinned at before continuing.
"It kind of came as an easy realization for me. I know that the stupid shit you breathers go about here on the mortal plane carries off into the Netherworld sometimes. It doesn't stick for long cause who the hell are you gonna complain to? No one." He rolled his eyes remembering all of the bigoted folks that would come through and get their panties in a twist at how the rest of the Netherworld was. While he wasn't the biggest fan of staying there all the time it wasn't always horrible there. The world of the living was more of a party for him.
"How did you really know, though?" Lydia hugged the pillow closer to her while sitting up. Beetlejuice plopped himself onto the bed next to her. Lydia had a surprisingly smart melon in that goth head of hers. He was curious why she was doubting herself so much.
"Probably when I made out with that one famous painter." He picked at his teeth. Lydia arched a brow.
"Which one?"
"You know me, scarecrow, don't kiss and tell." He grinned at her. Lydia gently smacked his knee.
"Oh BS, you always name drop famous people." She snorted. Beetlejuice snickered, moving his hands behind him then slid back more on the bed.
"You're right, I just don't remember the guy's name right now. Listen. I guess I get it. I've been observing you breathers for almost a millennia. Feelings are gross. But I know when it comes to this stuff it can be hard. Especially for kids. If there's something ya gotta blab to me about." He tilted his head in her direction while making sure he had her attention. She gave a slow nod for him to continue, "Then I'm listening."
Lydia inhaled deeply. This was nerve-racking. She just didn't know how to even express herself.
"I... I might have." Lydia banged her head into the soft pillow and gave a small whine. "I might.. like a girl at school." She spoke barely above a whisper. Beetlejuice leaned over since he could barely hear her. Lydia wrinkled her nose at the smell yet allowed him to do so.
"What was that kid? Gotta speak up." He gave a coy smile. Lydia scowled at him then looked away.
"I said... That I might like a girl at school. I'm not repeating myself again." Her cheeks were heating up at how embarrassing this was. Not so much expressing her feelings. It was more talking about a damn school crush to her stupid demon friend she was starting to make amends with. She looked over to him after a moment of making sure he wasn't going to tease her then noticed him grinning wide.
"Yeah, that's what I thought you said. HA. Of course, you're into girls! Look at you, you're tiny, snarky all the time and goth." Beetlejuice yammered on as he elbowed her side.
"Ha-ha, is this amusing to you or something? I just spilled my damn guts out." Lydia frowned, her cheeks flushed. Beetlejuice shook his head.
"Eh, maybe a little, I just find it funny that widdle Lydia has a crush. Always figured you were too feral and hated people too much for that." He pinched her cheek. She was close to snapping her teeth at his fingers. She opted for batting his hand away. Lydia wiped her cheek with her sleeve. He snickered in response then rested his elbows on his knees.
"Call me 'widdle' again and I'll throw you off the roof as I did before." She stuck her tongue out at him then took note of him smirking at her. "What?"
"Nuthin'. Just weird seeing you actually act like a teenager instead of your usual dry, deadpan self." He patted her hard on the back to which she grunted at him. "Good for you! Better to be your real self than locking that shit away. Dolores and Chuck'll probably be. I don't know, what's that word you breathers use now? 'Woke'? About this. I know the Maitlands will be. Ugh, they are just soooo supportive it's disgusting." He gagged at his last sentence to which Lydia rolled her eyes.
"I don't know if I'm going to tell anyone. At least not yet." Lydia softly spoke as she played with the pillow resting in her lap. Beej quirked a brow at her then snorted. He gave a soft bap on her head with his fist.
"Listen. I don't normally give pep talks that aren't about scaring, murder or crap. I guess I can try to understand. Daphne might be too intrusive about it. Chuck might just be super awkward about it and say something embarrassing. The other nerds are definitely gonna dote on you." Beetlejuice picked at his teeth. "Eh, take your time if you wanna. Just know that the Netherworld when ya shed your meat-sack body is gonna be fine with who or what yer into. Fuck what anyone else thinks." He let out a long yawn then stretched a little. "Trying to be nice makes me wanna take a nap or doing something nasty. Or hurl. Can't decide, this is gross."
Lydia looked over the demon while taking note of his words. She snickered at him dramatically pretending to upheave then shoved him.
"Stop being gross for five minutes." Lydia snorted then sat back on her bed finally letting go of her pillow. "Honestly.. My stomach is in a knot still. Part of me kind of wants to tell her however I don't want people to.." Midway through Lydia trailed off into a soft whisper. "I just don't want more of a reason for people to target me at school. I can handle myself for the most part. Just kind of hard when they gang up on me." She tugged at the edge of her school uniform. Without skipping a beat Beetlejuice responded.
"Want me to kill 'em for ya? I mean, if they're that big of lil assholes I'd probably be doing their parents a favor." Beetlejuice grinned while taking out a knife from his sleeve. "I'll 'cut' them down to size!" He cackled while swishing the knife around. Lydia ducked down then snorted.
"No. Murder isn't the answer to everything, BJ. Those girls are jerks but they aren't the root of the problem. Kids don't naturally act like bigoted brats. It's probably coming from their parents or something, to begin with." Lydia grabbed his arm to make him stop swinging the knife. Beetlejuice clicked his tongue then thought over what she said.
"Alright. Kill the parents and the brats. Two for two-plus no sad little orphans!" Beetlejuice hovered off the bed in glee while throwing his arms up into the air. "It'll be a real scream Lyds! Just let me loose on 'em! Come on! I haven't killed anyone since Juno!" He flexed his fingers while looking to her like an overjoyed child in a candy store. Lydia raised her hand up with a shake of her head.
"Didn't I just say murder wasn't the answer to everything?" She answered dryly while quirking a brow at him.
"I don't know, you murdered me pretty fast to try and kick my ass into the Netherworld," Beetlejuice muttered. Lydia inhaled deeply through her nostrils then slapped his thigh with her pillow.
"I'm serious. No murdering people on my behalf. I appreciate the enthusiasm but I don't want the cops on me. Making people suffer is more fun anyway." Lydia dropped the pillow then stretched her legs out. Beetlejuice floated back down to the bed then gave a little pout.
"Bah. Thought you were more fun than that, kid. Though torture also sounds like a blast." He stroked his scruffy chin. The goth teen kicked her feet against the edge of the bed.
"I was thinking more about pranking." She chuckled. "You know.. I might try talking to that girl. Just not yet." Lydia lulled her head against her shoulder to peer back at the demon. "I hate to stroke that big ego of yours. I wanna tell you that I kind of appreciate you talking to me about this. It's nice to talk to someone else who is attracted to the same gender." She took out her phone then opened the browser.
"Plus I see myself as more than one gender. Though that's a topic for another time, kid." He waved his hand as a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Lydia swung her head up to stare at him.
"Oh; does that mean you're genderfluid?"
"Gender what now?" Beetlejuice quizzically stared at her while scratching the top of his scalp. Lydia quickly brought something up on her phone then showed him.
"You identify as more than one gender. See?" Lydia began scrolling through a website about the LGBTQ+ community while Beetlejuice crossed his arms and tried reading over it.
"Huh. Well shit. Guess so? Then what's being attracted to more than one gender?" He quickly snatched the phone out of her hand to look over it more.
"Well, that is a broader category. You could be either Bisexual or Pansexual." She sat up on her knees as she pressed the pad of her forefinger into the screen. Slowly she scrolled back up on the browser and pointed out the two. Beetlejuice hummed then plopped the phone back into her lap.
"Learn something new every day!" Beetlejuice grinned. The two froze when they heard the familiar voice of a woman echoing through the house.
"Lydia?? Are you home? We can get started on your homework if you want!" Barbara's hand began phasing through the door. With that Beetlejuice flung himself out the window as Lydia swatted grave dirt he left behind on her bed.
"Coming Barbara!" Lydia called.
She couldn't keep hiding him forever.
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Lydia Coming Out
While I know I’ve made a bunch of joke text posts about how Lydia comes out to other characters in the show here are some of the real theories I have about how she told them. 
She told Charles before the events of the play but after her mother died. It was an off-handed comment but not in the same tone of a joke. It almost flew right over his head, but when he did a bit of mental math he was extremely supportive, though he was still learning and didn’t exactly know how best to support her. He came home from work one day with a rainbow flag for her and a pin that said: “I love my gay daughter”. While he doesn’t understand everything he tries is best and is constantly learning, he treats any girl she talks about exactly how a protective father would if it were a boy. “Ohh so you’re dating *insert name*..... where’s she live...I just wanna talk.”
She told Delia in a similar manner to the text post, after the events of the play. Delia was trying to bond with her step-daughter and thought talking about crushes would be a good way to connect with her. Lydia wasn't evasive but she avoided pronouns of love interests until a cute boy winked at her and Lydia grimaced in response; cue the text post where she claims to not be interested in being polite or heterosexual. Delia hardly bats an eye and switches boy-talk to girl-talk and Delia is the person Lydia went to when she was in tears after a girl she really liked rejected her. 
She told Adam after Barbara but I want to talk about Barabra’s last because it’s probably gonna be the longest lol. Anyway so she tells Adam just through conversation there is no “official” coming out she is just talking at the dinner table about this girl at school she thinks is cute or mentions how hot a celebrity she crushes on is. Adam is bisexual so she knew it wouldn’t really phase him, and she was right he just kinda rolls with it. He does eventually get to use the whole “Hi gay I’m Adam joke” and he talks about it all the time. Lydia dreaded the day she accidentally blatantly said “I’m gay” to Adam because she knew he would make the joke. 
Beetlejuice actually just asked her, like he may be a shitty demon bastard man (who we love) but he’s gonna be damned if he doesn’t respect Lydia. He just went up to her one day and asked, “Technically you married me and are now a widow so if you remarried would it be a guy or a gal.” She says girl and he claimed to have known all along and apologized for the whole child-marriage thing. 
She told Barabra before Delia. She was actually very nervous to tell Barbara, not because she thought Barbara would be unaccepting, but because she saw Barbara as the closest thing to a mother. She never got to tell Emily before she died and she saw this coming out as one of the more important ones she’d have to go through. She thought for a long time how she wanted to do it, what she wanted to say, and even though she desperately wanted to joke about it she figured it would be best to have a meaningful conversation. The two of them sat down at the kitchen table and Lydia told her about the whole thing; how she was nervous to come out to her, how she wishes she had been able to tell her mom, girls she had crushes on, homophobes she’s had to deal with, her hopes for the future, and how she appreciated Barbara listening to her talk for almost an hour. Barbara embraced the girl very tightly and explained that while she knows she is not Lydia’s mother, nor does she want to replace Emily she would be more than willing to help her with whatever a mother would. She is Lydia’s biggest ally which was a hard competition to win because she has the most supportive family. 
Pride month is basically Christmas at their house, they go all out and celebrate their unique family. Most importantly Lydia is loved, valued, and respected. 
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk
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lu-hemmingss · 6 years
Top 10 Favorite Fictional Characters 🌻
not in any specific order bc I could never rank my favorite fictional characters!
I was tagged by the beautiful @endearingcalum 💓💓💓
• Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean
i love the priates movies they're in my top favorite movies of all time and let's be honest Johnny Depp portrays Jack perfectly
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• The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland
I connect with the mad hatter cause he's the craziest person in the movie and I relate also Johnny Depp is my daddy
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• Jughead Jones from Riverdale
He's a badass and let's be honest he's waY hotter than sweat pea @ sabrina
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• Octavia Blake from the 100
I've loved Octavia from the very beginning and she grows so much throughout the show and I have a huge gigantic lesbian crush on her also she's the biggest badass ever
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• Louise Belcher from Bob's Burgers
I relate to Louise so much because we have very similar personalities
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• Lexa from the 100
She's the only leader in the 100 that I actually like plus she's gay so that gives her bonus points lmao
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• Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice
I'm almost as dead inside as her and I just love her so much she's so deep
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• Charlie Kelmeckis from Perks of Being a Wallflower
my heart aches for Charlie I just want to wrap him up in bubble wrap and protect him from the world
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• Mouth from The Goonies
I just love mouth so much he's my favorite goonies character
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• Lip Gallagher from Shameless
Lip has changed and grown so much throughout the 8 seasons he's a huge asshole but he's very loveable and he's emotionally damaged in the same ways as me lol and he's super hot
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I tag anyone who wants to do it! I never know who to tag whoops
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thenightling · 7 years
My Fictional Character obsessions as depicted in gifs
My obsessions from age ten onward as depicted in gifs.  Some of these characters have alternated in cycles over the years.  The ones with the * next to them are ones that have stood the test of time or are particularly strong obsessions. I am not posting them in a particular order, that would take too long to sort out and may change depending on my mood, however the current strongest obsession is at the bottom.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my fictional character obsessions through the years...  Or as Tumblr calls them... My “Garbage children.”
Note: I know only some of them count as “garbage children.”   So please don’t be offended that I may have called your favorite character a garbage child.
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Rumplestiltskin as depicted in the show Once Upon a Time, particularly seasons 1 through 3.  
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*Loki from Norse mythology and Marvel comics.  Tom Hiddleston is a great actor but I felt I should note that the MCU version is slightly disappointing, I wish they wouldn’t downplay the magick and try to pass them off as “alien.”
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*Dracula.  There are many depictions of Dracula that I am fond of / obsessed with.   Fred Saberhagen’s Dracula books for example, The Frank Wildhorn Dracula musical, and a few movie and TV versions.  
I love the 90s Dracula TV series even though he’s blond in that (not to be confused with the awful NBC show version from the twenty teens) but I have no Gifs of the 90s one.  Nor do I have any gifs of Rudolf Martin as Dracula in Buffy or Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula though I love that one.  But here’s the most recent version to feed my obsession.  Dracula of Castlevania (The Netflix series).   Look at that Adorkable vampire!
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*Jack Skellington of Nightmare before Christmas was one of my first truly all-consuming obsessions.  I played the cassette of the soundtrack to death.  I had a shelf of the toys (which were actually rare in the early 90s).  I became fixated on Danny Elfman’s singing voice as well as the gorgeous and haunting visuals.  
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Sally, who helped kindle my first Frankenstein obsession because until then I had never seen an intelligent Frankenstein monster.  I hadn’t yet learned that in the original novel he was articulate (once he learned how to speak) and intelligent, and did not have a flat head or neck bolts. Sally and later The Bride (1985 movie) eventually got me to read the novel and pointed me in the right direction.
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The ORIGINAL Peter Vincent from Fright Night, as played by Roddy McDowell.   I loved his character growth.  I loved watching him go from cowardly pretender to being the hero he always pretended to be and still having that B movie cheese to him.   Peter Vincent is my favorite vampire hunter.  Named after two of my favorite horror movie actors.  Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. 
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Lestat.  Yes, I went through an Anne Rice obsession in my teens.  What 90s teenager didn’t?
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The Dresden Files TV series, particularly Bob The Ghost AKA Hrothbert of Bainbridge as played by Broadway great, Terrence Mann.  Though short lived I loved that snarky ghost and this introduced me to the book series.  It was also the first TV series I enjoyed after my mother passed away so it has a special bittersweet place in my heart.
Another ghost character I love but I have no picture for him is Captain Gregg from the novel, movie, and TV show The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.   And Patrick Stewart as The Canterville Ghost from 1995 (as well as the original Oscar Wilde Story).  
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Jareth from Labyrinth (and David Bowie).  Does he need an explanation?
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Morbius from Marvel comics.  Because I just loved that emo SOB.
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Nick on Forever Knight.  I went through an emo vampire phase in the 90s, okay...
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The Doctor on Doctor Who
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Methos from Highlander the series.  Highlander the series was a LOT better than people give it credit for.  And Methos was the first fictional character with a truly dark past I had ever seen, who mostly became a decent person after years of penance and self analysis.  It was through Highlander that I finally saw fiction and characters with shades of grey and realized things aren’t always black and white.   When they revealed Methos’ dark past I was so worried it was an excuse to kill him off and show that he was secretly evil all along but no. They didn’t do that.   Highlander taught me just how much people CAN change.   And it also taught me a lot about history and inspired me to be curious about our world and its past.   (It also often helped me with Social Studies tests.)  
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Frank Langella as Dracula.
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Faust from Goethe’s Faust.  (The 1926 silent film is the most faithful adaptation and actually covers Faust and Faust Part 2.  Most adaptations leave out Part 2).
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Thomas Jerome Newton from The Man who fell to Earth.  Movie and novel by Walter Tevis.  Yes, depicted in the movie by David Bowie...  You’re lucky Bowie doesn’t turn up more in this list than he already does. 
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Maleficent.  This one is kind of a guilty pleasure...  
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As a long time book lover (One the first books I remember reading and loving was In a Dark Dark Room by Alvin Shwartz at age four...)  Belle from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast was the first Disney Princess I truly related to.  
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Elisa and “Charlie” from The Shape of Water.
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The Beast / Prince and Belle in Le Belle et la Bete original 1740 novel and the 2014 French film (even though that film isn’t all that faithful and Belle is a little cold, I love the visuals).
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*Luke Goss as the Frankenstein Monster from the 2004 Hallmark mini-series of Frankenstein.  The most faithful adaptation of the novel to date.  Woefully under-rated.  Note, this spot is for the literary character too.
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*Puck from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream AND Disney’s Gargoyles.  I love that little bastard.
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Mina and Dracula in Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992 film)   
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Emily The Corpse Bride. Also pretty much anything scored by Danny Elfman gets a slight nod here.  I love that man’s music.   It just catches me.   And I always can tell when it’s one of his scores (And no, I don’t think they all sound the same).   They’re just so beautiful and haunting.  
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The Frankenstein Monster in Penny Dreadful.  The second most accurate to the novel. They even go the eyes right.
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The Real Ghostbusters animated series.  Egon is what inspired me to want to study parapsychology.  I loved the nerd characters in shows like this.
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Barnabas Collins in the original Dark Shadows. And 1990s version.   And Doctor Julia Hoffman, a surprisingly empowered character for a 1960s TV show, which is why it annoys me that more “modern” versions always make her sexually obsessed with Barnabas or a villain or both whereas in the original show she was Barnabas’ closest confidant and even the one Barnabas cried out for whenever he was in trouble.  (Admittedly it took hundreds of episodes for them to develop that dynamic but they got there).
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Lucifer.  TV show incarnation and Sandman comics incarnation.
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Cain and The House of Mystery (The House of Mystery counts as a character)
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*Morpheus from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman.  My current biggest obsession.  I’m making up for lost time.  This is something I SHOULD have been obsessed with in my teens.  I’m thirty-six-years-old and was thirty-five-years-old when I read it for the first time.  Why the Hell did no one describe this thing well to me back in the 90s!? Yes, Sandman started when I was only seven-years-old but it was most popular in the mid-90s and I would have probably loved it if I only really knew what it was all about.  Instead it was always “He’s like a Goth Jareth” (which almost worked) and “You’ll love Death!  She’s so cute!” (which totally didn’t work at all...)   Don’t protect me from spoilers, damn it!  Tell me about his character growth, the gorgeous artwork, the horror hosts residing in The Dreaming, tell me about the mythology and Shakespeare references, the lore, tell me about the ambiance, the atmosphere, the humor and pathos.  For God’s sake, I SHOULD have loved this thing a LONG time ago!     
You’d be amazed how hard it is to find a gif of Morpheus- he’s never had a film or TV adaptation but there are fan films! (The gif is from The Sandman fan film, 24 Hour Diner).
Honorable mentions:
Lydia from the Beetlejuice animated series (My mother’s best friend often compared me to her but I think I had a crush on the character...) 
Xena: Warrior Princess (when I figured out I’m not entirely straight).  Though I think I liked Gabrielle a little more than Xena, herself. 
The mermaid in She-Creature (2001 film, not the black and white film of the same name)
The Crypt Keeper from Tales from the Crypt. 
Carmilla (vampire novella and Hammer horror film The Vampire Lovers)
Duncan Macleod from Highlander the series.
Various characters from Buffy The Vampire Slayer (TV series) including Buffy herself, Giles and Spike.
Doctor Strange (And in relation to that, Doctor Craven from the Vincent Price movie The Raven from 1963.)
Bruce “David” Banner in The Incredible Hulk, particularly as depicted by Bill Bixby.  Though that was more of a role model personality type that I saw as a truly good man in a bad situation.  
Dorian Gray from the Picture of Dorian Gray 
Elisa in Disney’s Gargoyles but I idolized her more than obsessed about her. There is a difference.    
The reason those aren’t properly on the list is because those aren’t precisely obsessions but just characters I happened to really like a lot.
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Juniper’s inspiration
I figured I’d share the song and character that helped inspire Juniper, I also sort of word vomitted her backstory so this entire thing will be under a Read more
Song that inspired Juniper
Hey look Ma, I made it By Panic and the disco
The lyrics of “Hey Look Ma, I Made It” basically covers Brendon Urie’s success and failures in the music industry. The title is self-explanatory as it shows him finally proving to his mother that he has been successful despite the hardships.
Read more at: https://www.songmeaningsandfacts.com/hey-look-ma-i-made-it-by-panic-at-the-disco/
The song made me think of her in chapters 2 and 3 finally moving on finally accepting it and being happy with her new life and friends.
Character that inspired her
Lydia Deetz from the musical version of Beetlejuice
Loves stuff most girls wouldn't like the idea of ghosts, horror stories and the work of Edgar Alan Poe
Had a better relationship with her mom than her father & losing her mom ruined the bond because he tried forcing the kids to move on without grieving
Loves photography but her true passion is painting
Juniper grew up around Larry but wasn't actually introduced to him until she was 5 and he was 4 when their moms thought it'd be good for them to actually be friends since they were two of the only 4 kids in the complex, unsurprisingly they got along like fish and water bonding over video games and music after Larry introduced her to his genre of choice.
They would go on to become practically inseparable and even bring Chug and Todd around to play expanding the friend circle as they grew up, Juniper was one of Larry's biggest supports after his time in juvenile hall and after his dad vanished but was devastated when he and Lisa left for a year because she was too used to always being around him.
After his return Ashley Campbell was added to the circle of friends, Juniper would happily welcome having a female friend and the group would all do artistic stuff like paint whenever Ash visits. Juniper knew Travis as she grew up, his dad had been looking for a babysitter and her dad signed her up so she also grew up with Travis and knows him.
Juniper developed her crush on Larry when she was 11 and he was 10, luckily he reciprocated her feelings and within a year they were dating and their moms thought it was adorable especially since a year after the kids had met and gotten close they'd told their parents they were married and gonna live in the tree house Jim was gonna build.
Due to them both having long hair they often fussed with each others hair or Juniper would simply brush and play with Larry's making him absolutely melt, Lisa has plenty of photos of them as they grew up together and Charlotte had copies.
When Juniper is 16 (in 1991) while she's spending a snowy day outside with her friends, her boyfriend, and her little brother her mom (who was slowly being consumed by the darkness) went into the bathroom in their apartment and hung herself. Mr. Fuller would be the one to find his wife and have to break the news to his children, Juniper would beg her friend Maple (Larry's ex they'd dated the year he lived with his grandma) to cut her hair and got a beautiful undercut.
When Sal moves in her little brother Carlton met him after he got the basement key from Lisa but introduced the boy to his sister before they'd invite Larry up and introduce the blue haired boy to him, the events of chapter one and 2 happen and the Fuller's move into 304 next to the Cohen's.
Juniper's fully against killing Packerton during the events of chapter 3 so she's relieved when a car crash handles it for them, she'd never liked bologna and her brother was too picky to eat it so they never ate the schools "bologna" when it was served.
Juniper marries Larry shortly after they graduate (in the band au they also marry Ashley) and Juniper moves in with him once he's the only one in the basement.
In the canon that follows the game Juniper's unaware of Larry's suicide because she actually walked Sal back to the house he shared with Neil and Todd and had stayed to set up the bedroom they were giving her and Larry when Sal returned and they got the texts from Larry.
When Ash arrives and doesn't know how to react to seeing Sal so distraught she has to take Juniper away to her own house, Juniper isn't there for the Addison apartment massacre (which costs her both her father and brother) but due to knowing about the cult and always believing Sal she knew it had to be done.
She works to prove his innocence when she's not in the treehouse trying to get Larry to show up, the night Sal's executed she's given his prosthetic since she's his only living family. She gives it to Travis the day she learns Ashley's going to burn down the treehouse, she leaves a suicide note in the group's house on the fridge then right before they lit up the tree she hugged Ash and stole the matches claiming she wanted to say goodbye to him one last time she slits her arms (similar to how ash does in chapter 5) then burns down the treehouse joining Larry in the void and she fights with him and Sal from the spiritual plain against the D.O.G.
In the happy ending and band ending AU the demon is destroyed fully in chapter 2 and after the bologna incident they no longer deal with the cult because they disband due to not having a way to summon the darkness, in 1999 Juniper has a little boy they name James Henry Johnson that's Larry's spitting image.
In the happy ending AU the Johnson's stay in the basement and raise their son there, they also have a daughter a few years later named Charlotte Lisa Johnson
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