#beetle chitter
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beetleships · 2 years ago
hehe new icon time :3 I'm proud of it! I colored it myself it was so fun!!
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normal-about-the-dca · 3 months ago
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guardian-insect · 5 months ago
There are many Rykers on this website. I must guide them all.
Da rules: - Keep interactions at game rating or lower (Mature allowed but not NC17) - Be nice and kind always
Tags guide
asks - #beetle prayers
posts - #beetle guidance
interactions - #beetle chitters
OOC - #thats not beetle
Why are you still here?
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coleopterabyte · 1 year ago
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Deciding to update the avatar for this blog to something more relevant to the url.
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7-ferrets-in-a-coat · 8 months ago
L,,, Lettuce,,
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This is accurate too because i fuciing LOVE lettuce guys
i WANT lettuce NOW i want my SNACK i want it NOW
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spookykestrel · 10 months ago
My Wikipedia search history be like “rabbit” “cow” “butterfly ” “cicindela sexguttata”
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pragretti · 6 months ago
Sometimes I wish I could talk to bugs
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zamney · 2 years ago
my favorite bugs are bed bugs they kiss me good night every night :)
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gur0beetl3 · 4 months ago
I really need to work on my regretevator au
Like it absolutely is just kind of a something is wrong/different au, with a few notable marked differences such as PartyNoob being a robot and Mark possibly being associated with or tormented by Folly in some way shape or form, but I don't have much for it otherwise other than some massive calamity happens and the entire dimension is destroyed leading to everyone getting scattered throughout different dimensions and I wanna plan out more for it tbh
also Pezt (Pest's name in this au) and Folly are vengeful exes that initially started working together for some larger goal, it turned romantic, then it turned sour
Pezt and Poob never actually met because Poob was stuck in Mr's cult, and instead of witnessing a cult sacrifice, they were the cult sacrifice
P-006, Poob's current vessel, was a robot being made by Pezt for companionship because he was suffering big time from isolation and really, truly, wanted someone he could at least talk to sometimes, Poob just died at the right time and their spirit came to possess the mechanical shell that was being built. Pezt just thought that the companion he had built was just had a particularly eccentric ai when no man that's a whole ghost in there
I'm debating if i want to sprinkle some barkbeetle angst in because barkbeetle is absolutely a ship of mine now even if the larger main ship is partybeetle because god Pezt and Poob remind me of my gf and i and we ship them for that reason
but something something saving someone you love from a terrible fate something something Pezt not wanting to give up on Mark and letting him become lost to Folly
i also just might make the endgame ship for this au barkpartybeetle,,,, i am Debating It,,,
oh also Mark fell victim to folly's manipulations and machinations out of desperation for initially wanting his ex husband back that then turns into "oh god i don't want Pezt to get hurt through all the work he's doing"
I've got concepts for Folly, Pezt (Pest), P-006 (PartyNoob), Wallter, Mark, and possibly MR and Gnarpy and maaaaaaybeeee Spudddddd??? that's it so far,,, but ourgh I want to do more
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also here's a wip of Pezt's design :]
i'm still trying to input his 3 other arms into it and then i wanna start to get clothes figured out for him too lol
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normal-about-the-dca · 3 days ago
Folks tend to draw Sun as the comedy mask and Moon as the tragedy mask but... what if it's the inverse? The games never specify which is which.
I think Sun would see itself as a tragic hero, and Moon would see itself as a comedic hero. Everything is a joke, and even as they do horrible things they fully expect to triumph at the end of their story, whatever they think that ending would be. Sun sees itself as a hero that has fallen from grace, dragged down by the evil it has no control over. Sun tries so hard to do the right thing, however warped their idea of right and wrong may be. And yet Ruin is where they end up.
Sun is the tragedy mask. Moon is the comedy mask.
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guardian-insect · 4 months ago
“Still nothing of importance that I can find on the island. How are you faring with the Priest?” - 🦌
Ryker Dublin is faring well. I have not needed to intervene as they do not seem to be in any danger. Not many of the cosmically planned events have occurred yet. It is baffling.
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kabr0ztrousers · 1 month ago
how about fem reader being kidnapped by aliens and being touched and experimented on by there weird science tools. And then aliens needing readers milk to feed there babies cause it's better than theres.
Happy to oblige, and thanks for your patience! Without further ado, here's:
Kabr0z Writes Episode 25: Suddenly, Sci-fi
Find the rest of the Kabr0z Writes anthology here!
CWs: Alien abduction; kidnapping; dubcon; noncon; weird science; sextoy use; drugging/intox; hucow; overstim;
You didn't often get chance to come out here. You used to live much closer to the moors, but had to move into the city for work. You don't own a car, no point when there's trams and buses everywhere, so it's only when something brings you back to your hometown you get to revisit your old stomping grounds and reminisce on the past. You wished it had been on better terms, but the funeral was weeks ago now, and the old house you grew up in now sat empty, ready for the buyers to move in. You doubt you'll ever find the excuse to come here again now.
You shiver. From the brisk January winds, from the weight of memory.
There's a sound, you're not sure where from. More of a feeling than a noise, like a purring engine, heard from underwater.
Light. All around you, a perfect circle of blinding azure light. Your skin tingles and you notice dirt and pieces of grass floating up past you. Your hair looks as though you're in a swimming pool, floating beneath the surface, spreading out in a soft brown halo around your head. Your stomach flips and you're no longer in the moors. You're in a room, lit by that intense azure light. You screwed your eyes shut against the glare, you could still see the blue but it's less painful this way. There's a chittering sound around you, like marbles being shaken in a jar. The light cut out. You opened your eyes.
The room is still very blue, but lit much softer now. The bare walls and floor a dull silver. The chittering was still happening. You remembered something, that conspiracy nut at work always said if you think you're on an alien spaceship, you should stomp out some numbers. What were the numbers? You racked your brain. Two, three, five, seven, eleven? Whatever, it sounds like a plan.
You start stamping. You're not sure what doing maths at them will achieve, but they do seem to take notice. You finish stamping eleven times, and something taps back. Thirteen taps. You hesitate. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, what next? Again you tried to think back to conversations you earnestly tried to not have at the time. Seventeen. Still not sure why, you stamped seventeen times, carefully counting your steps. The chittering started again. Louder, more insistent. The. The door opened. Whatever it was that stepped out into the room was in some sort of bodysuit, it looked pretty heavy-duty, and whatever it was he was holding you didn't want to get on the bad side of it.
You allowed yourself to be shepherded to another room, the alien keeping you at a distance from itself.
It was a curious sight, it had six limbs you could see: two legs and four arms. It only came up to about your shoulder, at a guess, but had a pronounced slouch so you weren't sure if it would normally be that short or if you just had the jailor with terrible posture. It showed you to a bench and motioned towards it. You sat, assuming that's what "pointing at the knee-high table" means in their culture.
That, on reflection, was a mistake.
More of the azure light bathed you. You couldn't move a muscle, paralysed where you sat. The alien opened a cupboard hidden in the wall and pulled forth a long stick with a hoop on the end. Weightless and unable to resist, it was an easy job for it to lie you down and take a bladed implement to your clothing, stripping you naked with effortless cuts. Once it had satisfied itself that every stitch of fabric was removed and you were quite immobile, it removed its suit.
A huge beetle-like creature stood before you. Mandibles chittering that rattling language into a device stuck to its thorax.
It pulled more tools out from the wall. Smaller ones, less for herding at arms length. It stood over you and started prodding you, dictating notes at your reaction. At least, that's what you guessed it was doing, it might just make that noise.
The tests got steadily more invasive. Once it had satisfied itself poking you, it started pushing devices inside you, one went into your mouth, one in your ear, it opened your legs and pushed thin probes into your asshole and your pussy. Was it taking your temperature?
It withdrew the probes, and pushed a tube into your mouth. You could see something inky-black start to flow down from the ceiling into some clear piping running down near you. You couldn't look around to see what was happening precisely, but you could guess. Something bitter flowed over your tongue from the tube. You gulped it down on reflex. It stung going down, like drinking indigestion. You could feel your heart start to race and your cheeks redden. Your whole body felt like it was blushing. Your clit started to tingle and throb. Your pussy ached and clenched. Your breathing caught and your eyes rolled as you felt hornier than you ever have before.
The alien thrust pushed something up to your pussy, and you came immediately. You heard it scurry back as your abs clenched in time with your cunt and you felt a stream of fluid escape you. You've never squirted before, who would've guessed all it newded was a cocktail of alien drugs.
The orgasm died down, but the neediness remained. You didn't care about the whole abduction thing. If you could speak you'd be begging it to fuck you. You didn't need to beg. It pressed something against you again. Again your whole body bucked and clenched, but it wasn't deterred now it knew what to expect. Something round was pushed into you. It only went an inch or so in, but you could feel the shape of it. Curved upwards, the end nestled exactly on your g-spot. A chittered command. It started to buzz. You felt your back arch as an animalistic groaning wail escaped you. You were shaking again, being held in an orgasm for minutes before it dies down. You could still feel it buzzing, driving you to another. Tears welled in your eyes as your aching cunt clenched and leaked in protest.
The alien kept taking notes, repeating the same pattern of chittered speech when you climaxed again and again. The repeated orgasms were taking their toll. Your mouth was dry but for the drip of bitter drug, your legs were twitching and aching, your abs were on fire.
Then it pushed a needle into your arm.
You couldn't see it coming this time, but you felt something hot in your veins. Your skin felt as if it was on fire, then freezing. Your breasts started to ache. With every fresh orgasm you felt hot, then cold, then your tits would ache more, over and over.
Ten? Fifteen? You don't know how many times you came until it happened. You felt a stream of milk spray from your nipples. Spurting out of you, pulsing in time with the painful clenching waves.
The chittering was manic, as though the creature was possessed. Devices were secured to your tits, probes suckling the milk from you in gentle sips, the new sensations only serving to speed up the frequency with which you kept cumming.
You don't know how long ago that was, time is meaningless here.
You were moved to another facility, then more women joined you, then men started to appear too, hooked up to similar machines.
An alien had come to your bedside once doing its rounds of the inmates. It explained in broken English, they had bought Earth in a land deal, and most humans are now livestock for them. They don't believe in eating sentient beings, but humans produce edible byproducts, which can be extracted.
So here you are. A dairy cow for aliens.
A/N: There's one more sci-fi story in the requests box, which will be tangentially attached to this but not really. I might reuse the alien race, they're fun.
If you want to see anything, get anything, or ask anything please don't hesitate! I'm hungry for ideas and inspiration, I won't judge, and I won't name you if you don't want
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gur0beetl3 · 21 days ago
Is this a safe space
Okay anyways thinking about it I fully respect that people make human AM designs and this genuinely isn't meant to riff on them or call them bad at all do I PROMISE
But also I think looking at them confuses me because it hates humanity so much that I feel like it would be disgusted by the thought of taking any form remotely similar to humans or if it did so it would be in a blatant, spiteful mockery of humanity. Just thoughts I've had over the last few days!!
I've seen some really cool human AM designs but admittedly none of them do anything for me for the above listed reasons lol
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guardian-insect · 5 months ago
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Ryker Dublin. Have you forgotten Them?
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how is your baby?
Baby...? What baby? Last time I checked I don't have any children, I've never even dated someone... A bit embarrassing to admit.
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normal-about-the-dca · 10 months ago
sun, knowing EXACTLY what he's doing but playing oblivious because he likes to see you fluster: oh my, friend. you're really red! are you sick? huh? huh??? rest a while! we can cuddle and watch videos on your phone until you feel better ^^
moon, no idea what he's doing but pretending he does, immediately after pretending to throw y/n from the balcony: ohh you want me so bad!!! you wanna kiss me silly sloppy style, huh? hehehehe! you wanna get smooched sssso so bad- wait no why are you angry (<-genuinely thinks scaring them is flirting)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 months ago
looks at u with sopping wet eyes.... can i request pest w/ a (nb) partner who is so patient w him despite him being an Ass... with kisses.. love him......... he is so evil and yet. i give him the world.
Of course. He deserves the world <3
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Who would've thought you could win the heart of a certain grumpy, thieving stag beetle?
Of course, you two had a rocky start, as Pest didn't like to make friends. He definitely didn't see himself having a partner any time soon.
No matter what, you've always been nice to him, asking about his day while riding in the elevator together (and somehow not taking offense when he tells you to stop bothering him).
You often gave him gifts you obtained on other floors, claiming you had no use for them.
You would even intentionally put coins just within his reach so that he can "steal" them from you, and you'd act surprised.
But Pest quickly catches onto your kind acts and assumes you wanted something from him...and he's right.
You only wanted to be his friend.
It took some time, but eventually he did warm up to you enough to invite you to his underground home, where you discover his coin collection, as well as all the mechanical trinkets and scrap pieces he's gathered over the years.
You liked hearing him explain his hobbies of building things, trying to assist in his construction of a robot.
One night, you went to meet him in the subway station to give him a part....only to trip and fall onto the tracks just as a train was passing through-
When suddenly Pest flew in and saved you from getting hit.
He rarely used his wings anymore, but he was genuinely worried for your safety in that moment. He didn't care that the useful mechanism you brought got destroyed. He could always find another one.
That's when you both realized..maybe he did care for you more than others.
Since that incident, you two have gotten close enough to be considered a couple (although it wasn't official, Poob ran off to tell everybody you and Pest were dating).
Pest was adamant about you actually liking him, thinking his irritable attitude would drive you away...but despite everything, your love, care, and patience for him persist.
Of course, he's not 100% ready to let his walls down yet. He still acts a little cold and sometimes annoyed when you give him kisses or hold his hand (especially in front of other people)...
But not even the sounds of the elevator could drown out the quiet purrs and happy chitters that come from the beetle.
Just like how he looked out for your safety that night at the train station, you've been looking out for Pest's safety as he went around scavenging on different floors.
Whenever he ran out to dismantle the gatling gun (Turret) or steal the ruby (Temple of Something), you'd keep a medkit handy in case he gets hurt.
He claims his exoskeleton is tough and doesn't need "pampering", but he won't complain if you insisted on patching up some of his cuts.
To your surprise, he actually enjoys dates at the Fishy Aquarium.
It's quiet and away from all the noisy people.
Although while you're admiring the fish, Pest is staring at the passing submarine outside the window, thinking of all the ways he could dismantle it for parts.
Too bad he's not a water beetle.
The others see a change in his attitude ever since you started dating him, noticing that he's been a little less rude while in the elevator with him.
He's kept his past with Folly and Dr. Retro a secret from you, not wanting you to get involved in his vendetta against the dream parasite.
You can tell he's hiding something, as you refuse to believe he was always this cold and irritable, but you won't pry unless he's ready to open up to you more.
It took a lot just to get him to befriend you, so you didn't wanna push any buttons you didn't have to.
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