#been replaying it n god. its so fucking good dude
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ajdrawshq · 10 months ago
thrilled to announce that twewy still goes hard as fuck
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where-are-the-spooky-gays-2 · 8 months ago
Have I talked about Skyrim au? Probably. I know I've at least mentioned it. Anywho. I'd say I'll be brief but I'm laughing at myself. Me? Brief? No way
Remus — Remus is a part of the Dark Brotherhood. They are ! assassins ! He specializes in contracts that are meant to send a message to the general public and he's kind of weird. A bit like Cicero but even Cicero says there's something off about him. He fits in extremely well though and it satiates his blood lust enough for him to actually chill the hell out the rest of the time.
Roman — Roman is a part of the Companions! They are a warriors guild and he has proven himself to be one of the best among them. A true shield-brother! He's also a werewolf in the inner circle (a fact of which Remus is extremely jealous) and he always plays the hero for whatever they have to do.. which is good because its the schtick. Clearing bounties, picking bandits off the roads, whatever. He's up for it.
Logan — Logan is a professor at the College Of Winterhold! I'm going to pretend there is more storyline to the College and actual classes because I love mage Logan and he deserves love!! He actually kind of hates that it's freezing there but he wants to learn more magic so he does. I love him and he is babey. I'm on a Logan kick rn.
Patton — Patton attends the Bards College in Solitude. He learns to play instruments and he travels. Why? Honestly, I just really like the idea of someone thinking he's a stupid bard but he has gossip from across Skyrim and will break his lute on someone's head if he needs to. I don't want to push Innocent Useless Patton; he's a deadly bitch. And bards aren't usually deadly in Skyrim so I'm changing things for him <3
Virgil — Virgil is a vampire in Clan Volkihar but he's often on the roads instead. He's not a big fan of the leader of the clan (Harkon when I catch you Harkon) and was actually friends with his daughter Serana before she went missing (to his knowledge). He was originally a member of the Dawnguard (vampire hunters) but he contracted vampirism and couldn't cure it in time. He treats it as a "you ever have one of those days where this might as well happen?" thing.
Janus — Janus is a thief in the Thieves Guild in Riften. I have been waiting for this. He is one of the best thieves they've got and he's cocky about it. He's basically Vex, except that he's actually better at pickpocketing and sneaking into places. He's also a fence, which means anything stolen that he's given he'll turn around and sell for a profit. He's immensely cocky but it's for a good reason.
Thomas — Dragonborn. Just some dude who turned out to be Dragonborn and is now travelling and oh god, why does he have to meet such interesting people?
Anyway they all know each other. Virgil and Janus are exes, Patton and Logan grew up together, the twins see each other like once in a blue moon but Remus occasionally tries to kill Roman for the fun of it (it's practice!), and I love them all dearly. I'm actually replaying Skyrim so !! Yippee !! I have something to base all this on :D
— 👑
Fucking D E V O U R I N G this I L O V E L O V E L O V E it S O fucking much!!! Assassin!Ree, Werewolf!Ro, Mage!Lo, B A D A S S Bard!Patt, Vamp!Vee, Thief!Jan, A N D Character!Thomas in AUs rep??? Sign me the F U C K up holy shit I N E E D it!!!
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
I love you, just you ⛄️🌪 [karl jacobs]
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[karl jacobs x reader]
“your boyfriend seems to be too preoccupied with tina to even acknowledge you”
warnings: angst
​​getting singled out; an expression of being excluded, isolated and neglected. something that had never crossed your mind until this very second.
“that just reminded me of that one time-“ karl’s giggle-laugh droned out in your ear as you heard him and tina making another inside joke for the 5th time in the past half hour. originally you had thought this stream was a fun idea, your boyfriend had wanted you to meet one of his close friends, in real life, in a stream, just the three of you.
it was at first, until it became unbearably pathetic for you to be stuck in a room with this atmosphere that anyone could tell was uncomfortable. just for you, though, not them.
you couldn't figure out where it went all wrong, the supposedly innocent ‘you laugh you lose’ stream really took a 180, as you now sat there awkwardly looking around the room until the next media share popped up. next to you sat karl and tina, poking one another, trying to make each other laugh; “a part of the challenge” he says.
your legs shook underneath the shared desk as you looked through chat, trying to thank the donations that the other two seemed to miss, of course they did, being too stuck up each other’s asses. subtle tears seemed to slightly blur your vision as you read what the viewers sent in chat. it only made you feel worse.
tf is karl doing?
i feel so bad?? what the fuck is going on?
someone tell those two to stfu
i thought karl was y/n’s boyfriend? not tina’s?
lmfaoo why’s tina trying so hard to get karls attention 💀
you got up from your chair, making an excuse to go to the bathroom. karl didnt even seem to notice anyways. when you entered the bathroom, you pulled out your phone and started to text you and karl’s shared best friend, quackity. ha, seems like he beat you to it.
hey you okay? whats going on in karl’s stream?
i dont know
i wanna get out of here
why are they such assholes?
they shouldnt be leaving you out like that.
especially karl
he was right, you didn't deserve this. god you wanted to break up with karl right there and then. but you didn't. instead, you returned back to the stream and patiently waited for it to come to an end. damn they were really having the time of their lives.
bro its been going on for the past hour 😐
karl doesnt even deserve y/n tbh
my respect for karl and tina 📉📉
as the stream slowly ended and tina left the house after saying her goodbyes, it became an uncomfortable silence between you and karl. the lively atmosphere stopped too abruptly, it seemed that karl had finally sensed something was wrong.
“hey baby, you okay? im sorry the stream was a bit long-“
“i think im gonna go to bed. im kinda tired” you mutter, going past him to his bed.
“o-oh okay, uhm have a good night-“
you close the door.
karl stood there behind the door that you had just closed, wide eyed. he slowly walked back to his monitor, perhaps you weren’t feeling too well? 
he had planned to edit the stream he had just done, thinking it went pretty well. as he opened up the vod from twitch, he got an uneasy feeling in his stomach. 13 unread messages from quackity on discord?
karl wtf?
its getting kinda annoying for y/n right now man
this is bullshit
what are you even doing?
youre leaving y/n out
so is tina
hey asshole?
read your texts
karl’s eyes widened as he read through the texts, guilt bubbling up in his stomach. he furrowed his eyebrows as the vod played on his second monitor, shifting his attention to it.
“KARL STOP YOURE GONNA MAKE ME LAUGH STOP POKING ME” tina’s voice played from the video. the back of his throat felt tight, panic starting to rise in him.
he continued watching the vod, occasionally skipping to other parts of it when the shame got too much to handle. the visible dismay on your face only helped it grow.
what was he even doing?
as he replayed the chat, his eyes glossed over.
hesitantly getting up from his seat, and taking off his headphones, karl walked over to his bedroom door.
he thought to himself before he opened the door. what should he say? how does he start? was it too late already?
the sight when he opened the door, somehow managed to crack his heart in the slightest.
you were on one side of the bed, far away towards the wall. where he usually slept with you was now empty, his spot on the bed seemed way too accessible now.
the guilt and regret slowly washed over him as he got in, wrapping one arm around your waist in an attempt to pull you closer. for some kind of reassurance for himself.
“y/n? are you awake?”
“im so sorry” 
“what?” you mumbled half asleep and sat up slowly. you were met with karl’s worried, now red eyes, never daring to make eye contact with you.
“you know i love you, right? and im really sorry, i shouldn't have left you out like that. im sorry for ignoring you and only talking to tina, im just so sorry and i don’t blame you if you want to break up, it’s just I didn’t mean to-”he cries.
“karl, slow down, its fine-”
“i love you, just you”
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bbrandy2002 · 4 years ago
Fool’s Rush In
Part 10
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I’m participating in @wackydrabbles​ prompt 71 “Dont be stubborn. Try it.”
Word Count: 1890
Pairing: Liam and Riley
Thanks @burnsoslow​ for beta reading and pretty much having to drag me across the finish line, as well as all the weeks and weeks of listening to me whine and pity myself.  And @emkay512​ for pre-reading and your encouraging words late Monday that made my whole night.
a/n: this is crack, plain and simple. I haven’t written since mid-october; just been paralyzed with fear over my own writing and this is my practice run and basically the best I could come up with. I’m going to try so so hard to finish this series
The new royal couple, fresh off their Vegas flight, stepped up to a makeshift podium the press had created on the tarmac. It was packed tightly with news station microphones crammed in every nook and cranny, one on top of the other. Voice recorders were spread across its surface, and the crown's private jet served as the backdrop. A bevy of frenzied reporters -- domestic and international -- pushed and elbowed their way into one another in hopes of getting the closest shot of the newlyweds and a chance to have their questions answered first.
“King Liam! Is the marriage binding?”
“How long have you known, Miss Brooks?”
“Were you trying to make a political statement by having a hooker at the ceremony?”
“Your Majesty! Will the monkey be joining your court soon?”
So many questions, most followed by laughter and snickers directed at the King and his bride.
Liam frowned as his eyes dashed side to side in a diligent effort to understand the literally thousands of questions that were lobbed at him all at once. He blinked rapidly as one flash of a camera after the next blinded and bleached his vision. Just as it would return to normal, another successive set of flashes would set him back again.
He had been a part of news conferences since he was a child, when he would watch his late father speak from different parts of the world, near and far, about this policy or that deal. Yet this was different. This was not only the biggest breaking story in Cordonia -- or even Europe -- but one that had swept the world. 
His drunken actions two nights ago, no doubt, would have created a stir; however, it was Maxwell's post on Instagram of the ceremony that now made him tabloid fodder. Everyone knew about the king who was married by his own brother and an Elvis impersonator, the leg-humping monkey that served as a ring bearer, and the chain-smoking, tube-top-wearing prostitute who was the maid of honor. As confident as Liam had been that he could handle this, as he'd dealt with so many other stories of intrigue regarding the monarchy, he couldn't dispel the twisting feeling that burrowed deep into the pit of his stomach.
Maybe Madeleine was right: he had become a laughingstock. A failure. Just one big fuck up.
As much as he hated to hear the things said about him, he could deal with it. In the morning, he would call Prince Harry to swap stories, survival tips, and perhaps share a good laugh about it.
It was just ...
Liam felt Riley's tiny hand grip his a little tighter. He wouldn't blame her one bit if his little pussycat turned around and headed back up the steps to the jet and returned to Las Vegas. The only thing Liam wanted to do was keep her shielded from the hurtful comments and insensitive questions. But to his astonishment, she stood there with all the feigned confidence in the world, flashing a big, beaming smile that lit his heart on fire, while staring back at him affectionately. She was handling the situation better than she was before they stepped off the plane. He knew she was doing it for him. God, she just makes everything better. 
Feeling a little more grounded and in control, Liam returned her smile. A touch of radiance sparkled between his eyes and hers, as if it were some sort of unspoken conversation only they understood. Riley knew exactly what he needed at that moment to rise above this scandal they were both being raked over the coals for: He needed her to be okay.
Raising his free hand to calm the crowd so that he might address their concerns, he noticed the press' attention and cameras suddenly shift away from him and into the distance. Murmurs and chatter soon erupted. Naturally, Liam's gaze followed suit -- towards a group of heavily-armed soldiers heading their way. They wore white hazmat uniforms and had self-contained breathing apparatus and personal protective equipment. Leading the charge was a well-dressed gentleman in a three-piece suit with a shiny bald head that glistened with heavy perspiration. 
He walked like he hadn't shit in weeks.
Liam squinted and lifted a hand to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight. “The hell is that?”
Riley inched closer to Liam and clasped his suit jacket. "What's happening right now? Who are all those people, Liam?"
Liam's forehead creased in puzzlement; he didn't know. Wrapping his arms protectively around Riley, he pulled her even closer but never answered the question. It wasn't until the uniformed men stopped briefly and pointed to Drake, who was standing with his arms crossed at the bottom of the stairs, that it suddenly became clear who they were looking for.
Reporters and onlookers had been so focused on Liam’s return with the American woman, they hadn’t noticed that the brooding Walker had exited the jet last among their posse. Just as everyone had watched replays and snippets of Maxwell’s Instagram video, they were also fully aware the King’s best friend wasn’t exactly returning to Cordonia … healthy … thanks to Maxwell’s Tik Tok sing-along. 
A video Drake Walker had no clue existed. 
 The crowd began to disperse in fear and panic. If men in hazmat suits were needed, they could only assume this went well beyond your casual, run-of-the-mill STD.
Still in no mood to play around, Drake started yelling obscenities and gradually backing away from the hazmat brigade that was closing in on him like a cheetah at a water buffalo hole. 
"Mr. Walker," a heavily echoed voice called out, sounding oddly reminiscent of Darth Vader through their breathing contraption, "we need you to come with us."
"The fuck I do." Drake shook his head emphatically while continuing to slide away from them. "I'll beat the shit out of all of ya if you so much as touch me."
"Now, Mr. Walker, don't be stubborn. Try it, and you'll find yourself with a nice little tranquilizer to the ass. Are you going to come with us willingly, or do we have to make this more difficult than it needs to be?"
Drake stood motionless in disbelief. "I don't even know what you guys want or what you think I did," he squawked with a hint of desperation in his tone.
"Tough titties. SEIZE HIM!"
With that order, Drake twisted on the heels of his boots and took off, dodging and weaving away from a bunch of men he had no clue why were even after him. 
He had a pretty good hunch, though, who set this chain of events in motion.
The bald guy in a three-piece suit walked up to Liam and flipped his badge open. "Your Majesty?"
Liam nodded, not bothering to acknowledge the man's credentials. "I am. What is the meaning of all this? What the hell are you doing with Drake?"
"Sir, if you will, it has come to our attention that Mr. Walker is a public health risk and highly contagious. We will have to secure him into our custody at once."
Liam scrunched up his face in utter confusion and stared back at the official before responding, “He just has case of crabs, syphilis, herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. You’re treating him like he’s about to start some damn worldwide pandemic. Without sexual contact and with heavy doses of medications and creams, Drake should be able to live a normal life like anyone else. So, as the ruler of this country, I am ordering your men to stand down at once.”
“My apologies, King Liam, but my orders come from the World Health Organization and the United Nations. You'll need to take this up with them. Dr. Wolfschitz was clear on the protocol."
"Dr. Wolfschitz?" Liam questioned as realization quickly set in. He twisted around to face Leo, who had this enormous shit-eating grin, the likes he'd never seen on him before. "You? You did this?"
“Walker messed with the wrong bull, little bro.” Leo stuck up his pointer fingers on both sides of his head with a menacing scowl and smugness in his tone. “Now he gets the horns.”
Liam swatted away one of Leo's finger horns. “This is serious, Leo. Not everything is a joke! You're going to fix this, NOW!"
Leo placed a comforting hand on his younger brother’s shoulder, patting it a few times before speaking softly to him. “Look, I know you’re upset right now. You two were very close. But the Drakester is going to a far better place. There’s a big open field and everything where he can run and play all day with others just like him. And all the meaty bones he can eat too … lucky bastard.”
Riley had to bury her face in Liam’s chest to prevent the laugh that threatened to escape, but the bobbing of her shoulders was something she couldn’t hide. 
“NOW, Leo!” 
Leo tried to hold his ground but was too weak to resist the impatient glare Liam was burning into his soul. After a brief moment, he rolled his eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "Why ya gotta be such a dillhole, Liam? Do you realize you get rattled faster than a two-tit turtle on a tightrope? It's really not your best quality, little brother, but we can work on that." Annoyed, Liam rubbed a hand over his eyes and groaned as his brother continued, "Either way, Father always said, ‘if you can't help your fellow man out, you might as well become one of the Walkers.’ Truer words were never spoken so eloquently.”  Leo raised his eyes to the heavens thoughtfully before thinking better of it and lowered them toward the ground. "May you rest in peace, Father," he shouted.
As Leo trotted off to speak with Bald Dude to confess his false claim, Bastien helped guide Liam and Riley through the rambunctious swarm of reporters and spectators. Once they reached the limo, Liam helped Riley inside as Maxwell rounded the vehicle and climbed in on the other side. Pausing for a moment before sliding in, the King placed his hands on top of the open door of the limo and turned one last time to check on his friend. He swallowed hard over the guilt of leaving him behind. As His Majesty watched in horror, Drake took a tranquilizer dart to the back of the thigh and Bastien insisted the area was a security threat, shoving him inside. They would send another car to transport Drake and Leo back to the palace. 
Bastien stomped on the gas pedal and sped off, kicking up dirt and smoke as the tires peeled and squealed against the fiery Cordonian asphalt.
When they passed through the airport's security gate, a small motorcade following closely behind, Liam finally lifted his head, his eyes growing wide when he realized what just happened: Bastien's shove had sent Liam flying across the seat to land face-first into a lap — her lap. 
He stayed frozen in place, unable to look anywhere but the two slender, bronzed legs peeking out below the hem of his new wife's dress. 
Riley lifted an eyebrow, a slight grin dangling from her plush pink lips. "Something you wanna say, Your Majesty?"
Everything that had just happened in the 15 minutes since they landed was long forgotten. Drake who? Liam glanced up with a devilish smirk. "Welcome to Cordonia, Pussycat."
@burnsoslow @dcbbw @ao719 @hopefulmoonobject @texaskitten30 @janezillow @merridithsmiscellany-blog @mskaneko @loveellamae @queenjilian @sirbeepsalot @drakexwillow @caroldxnvxrs @jovialyouthmusic @forthebrokenheartedthings @bebepac @kingliam2019 @lovablegranny @cordoniaqueensworld @amandablink
@liamxs-world @choiceskatie @iaminlovewithtrr @hopelessromanticmonie @charlotteg234 @annekebbphotography
@txemrn @ofpixelsandscribbles @alyssalauren @cordonianroyalty @monsoonblooms12 @mom2000aggie @theroyalheirshadowhunter @princessleac1 @kimmiedoo5 @graceful-leah @iam-the-kind-and-thoughtful @thegreentwin @gkittylove99 @cinnamonspongecake @lifeaskim @neotericthemis @pink-diamond13 @walker7519 @natureblooms24 @yourmajesty09
Liam x MC only: Cordonia-gothqueen
Anything with Drake: @tinkie1973
FRI Series Tags:  @sanchita012 ​  @narrytheworld ​  @queenwalton   @gabesmommie1130 @cordonianprincess   @liamandneca @emkay512 @waywardromancefantasygirl @nomadics-stuff @queendianaofcordonia @zaffrenotes @zilch3 @kat-tia801 @drrookie @sfb123
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mypimpademia · 5 years ago
Pull Up
Bakugo x fem!reader
TW: Swearing, mentions of alcohol but no actual drinking, Bakugo throwing hands
Note: i got this idea from @liltodo
College AU
This was just supposed to be pulling up to his house but the party idea was just spontaneous and happened while I was in the middle of writing so I just went with it
Also, I still aint good at writing fights 💀 it just gets repetitive because its just a lot of punching. And I personally wouldn't wanna read that so im not gonna write it. But enjoy
As of recently, there's been talk of a TikTok video that was going around your campus. You hadn't exactly seen it, which was odd considering everyone said you were the subject of said video.
And no matter how much you asked people for the video, or account no one would tell you or show you. They wouldn't even show your friends.
At this point, you were sure a majority of the campus had seen the video. Even your boyfriend, Katsuki, had heard about it, and he couldn't care less about the media.
But that was least of your worries as of now, because you and your friends were about to go to a party to release the stress of this week. Of course, it was at a frat house party, so you knew most of you were all going to leave wasted and tripping over your own feet.
This is exactly why Katsuki was coming in the first place. He'd never admit it, but it was so he could protect you from random creeps. Denki and Hanta would always say they'd do it so Katsuki could keep to his old man sleep schedule. But inevitably failed, as they'd get distracted by any pretty girl as soon as they walked through the door.
Katsuki also didn't trust Ubers, hence he was also designated driver for the guys while Momo was yours.
"Katsuki, hurry up! The others are waiting for us." You beckoned your boyfriend, turning over your shoulder to see him lagging several steps behind you.
"Don't tell me what to do, this is your fault y'know? I could be asleep right now if you weren't going to this stupid party." He grumbled, stuffing his hands deeper into the pockets of his sweatpants.
"Well, if its that bothersome, then you can go home and sleep." You tested him, knowing full and well that he'd stay.
Katsukis back straightened for a moment, making his face visible as he tilted his hooded head up. He scoffed, before slouching back down into his normal posture.
"Bakubro, Y/n, over here!" You heard Eijiro call. You turned to look ahead, and saw everyone waving in your direction.
You rushed over. You took turns hugging Mina, Momo and Jiro, and as you turned to hug the boys, you realized they were all talking quietly.
"No dude, Katsuki is gonna flip his shit." Kirishima whispered to Kaminari. "Yeah, but like, shouldn't he be allowed to know? Its kinda his business." Sero insisted.
"Whats my business?" Katsuki grunted, brows already furrowed, like he knew he'd be upset about whatever it was.
"N-nothing Bakubro!" Kirishima blurted, jumping back and holding his phone to his chest.
"Kirishima! They both have the right to know!" Mina told him, snatching his phone, and holding it out to you and Katsuki.
The video started, and the 'Let's Link' TikTok audio started. The back green screen picture was a screenshot of one of your Instagram posts. One where you were in a rather form fitting outfit, and in a pose that showed off your body shape.
The whole time during the "I like you" portion of the audio, he was pointing up at your picture, and grinding.
And then cut to a video of you playfully flipping off Katsuki, the boy flipping him off along with you. The whole time, he mouthed "dont give a fuck bout yo boyfriend.".
As the video replayed, you realized you knew the guy in the video. You had a class with him, and tutored him every now and then. And on top of that, the party you were going to was his.
Katsuki must've noticed this too, because he stormed off to his car.
And he must've been beyond mad, because he damn near broke his door with the way he flung it open. Denki, Eijiro, and Hanta all chased after him, somehow managing to not get dragged and/or run over with the way he peeled out before they could even fully get in.
"Holy shit, everyone get to the car." You said, grabbing Momos hand and pulling her towards her car. Mina and Jiro rushed behind you.
You all piled in, and Momo started up the car. You were struggling to keep up with Katsukis speed.
"Momo, go faster!" You told her, hearing Katsukis wheels begin to screech. "But I'm going the speed limit!" Momo told you.
"Would you rather get a speeding ticket or be a murder witness?" You asked her. Momo contemplated for a moment before speeding up.
You arrived at the party at the same time as the boys, thankfully. But before you could even fully stop and park the car Katsuki was already storming towards the front door, the guys chasing after him.
You got out of the car before Momo completely parked, and chased after him.
"Katsuki-" You tried to call out to your boyfriend, who was almost literally fuming. But as soon as you got the last syllable of his name out, he already blasted the front door open.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS JORDAN?!" Katsuki yelled, palms already emitting small explosions.
"Dude, my door-" Before Jordan could get his last word out, Katsuki was on him in an instant. He had Jordan by the collar, raised off the ground, back against the nearest wall.
Katsuki unlocked his phone to display the TikTok he has sent to himself god knows when. "This you?" Katsuki asked Jordan, holding the phone to his face.
"Y-yeah, but i-it was just a joke!" Jordan sputtered. "WELL IT AINT FUCKIN FUNNY. DO YOU SEE ME LAUGHING?" Katsuki barked, making Jordan flinch.
"L-look dude, I'm sorry, it didn't mean anything. I don't want any trouble." Jordan pleaded, beginning to physically shake.
"Yo, Katsuki, its just a video, chill-" Denki tried to soothe Katsuki, placing a hand on his shoulder. "SHUT IT, SPARKY, ITS MORE THAN THAT, THATS MY GOD DAMN GIRLFRIEND." Katsuki shouted, making Denki jump back.
While Katsuki had his head turned, Jordan took the chance to land a blow to Katsukis cheek.
However, it clearly didn't give the effect Jordan expected. All Katsuki did was scoff in his face. I mean, he's been punched by All Might, a basic punch wasn't gonna do much.
After a moment of all of you sitting in fear and suspense, Katsuki slammed Jordan to the ground and started punching him till his face started going purple. The collar on Jordan shirt was holding on for dear life, but Katsuki wasn't letting up.
Eijiro clearly wanted to intervene, but cringed away from the scene upon seeing Jordans swollen face, and hearing Katsuki give him quirk enhanced slaps.
At this point, there was blood splattering in all directions, and you knew you needed to intervene before someone actually got killed.
"Katsuki, that's enough!" You grabbed your boyfriends bicep, pulling it back. You both knew he could've easily shrugged you off and continue, but he decided to calm down for you.
He let go of Jordans tattered collar, standing up straight and taking jagged breaths.
Jordan spit out several teeth, and mouth full of blood, before seemingly passing out.
Katsuki stepped back, turning to you. His bloodied hand grabbed your wrist, and he leaned in next your ear.
"We're leaving." He told you, before tugging you towards the door.
He stopped right before stepping out, turning around to face everyone.
"NONE of you saw shit, and tell dick face to make up a lame excuse. If any of you snitch, ill kill you." He growled, staring to tug you back to the car.
"Fucking bastards..."
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poguesofthebau · 5 years ago
dance partners
requested by: @danicarosaline (literally forever ago bc i suck)
summary: you and jj had been besties for as long as the rest of the pogues, but everyone always thought it was strictly platonic. one night at a kegger, though, your relationship with the blonde changes drastically. (we love a lil friends-to-lovers moment!) word count: 2.9k
“this is gonna be an epic night, guys.”
“jj,” you said, rolling your eyes with a light laugh. “you say that on the way to every kegger. we all know you’re just excited to get fucked up.” the rest of the pogues chimed in, agreeing with you as jj flipped you off. the walk to the kegger was longer than most people would be willing to trek, but it was always your favorite part of the night. walking from the Chateau to the Boneyard was one of those little things that probably wouldn’t mean much to anyone else, but times when you could simply bicker and laugh with your best friends meant the world to you.
“y/n, you need to learn to look forward to these kinds of things. you only live once, you know.” he reached out to you, wrapping one arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his side as the other hand, in the shape of a fist, lightly ruffled the top of your head. you grabbed the hand that was resting on your shoulder, spinning yourself out of his gentle grip and conveniently forgetting to remove your hand from jj’s when you were free of his hold. to your left, kie, pope, and john b were exchanging suspicious glances, immediately noticing the lingering touch between their friends. kie snorted in surprise, but other than that, they all kept their mouths shut.
soon enough, the five of you had arrived to the scene of the party. within a few minutes of getting there, you all had red solo cups in hand, spreading out on the beach to mingle a little. after kie got her first refill, always having been the quickest drinker of the pogues, you two broke off from the boys, arms linked together as you roamed around the beach. somehow there was music flooding the beach, and neither you nor kie could stop yourselves from letting out a few dance moves to the songs you knew. you chatted and laughed at the antics of the already drunk teenagers scattering the sand, pointing out those who were doing the funniest shit. “okay, wait. we can’t laugh at those girls,” kie said, nodding toward two kook girls who were clearly too far gone, dancing messily with each other. a small flock of guys had begun to cheer the two on, but they seemed too busy enjoying each other’s company to notice. “that’s gonna be us in like, an hour.” you both laughed loudly, clinking your cups together before downing the rest of their contents without anymore words.
once you had emptied your cup, you turned to figure out how far you’d strayed from where the keg sat. as you scanned the beach, your eyes met jj’s, immediately earning a smile from your friend along with a raise of his own cup. you flipped yours upside down with a joking pout, indicating to the blonde that you were already out of ammo. he waved for you to come over to him, and you nodded with a smile before holding up a finger and turning back to kiara. before you could say anything, you noticed the sudden amused glint in her eye and she began to talk. “pope and jb are making fools of themselves again. i’m gonna go get in on that. i’ll catch up with you later?” you laughed at the two boys she had pointed out, both seemingly trying to limbo without reason.
“yeah, i got jj, so i’ll find you later. good luck with the other morons!” and with that you were parting ways, kie heading straight as you turned and made your way over to jj. “you gonna get me a refill or what, pogue?”
jj bowed sarcastically, grabbing your cup and falling into step beside you as you moved toward the keg. “it’d be my genuine honor, princess.” you scoffed at the nickname, bumping jj’s hip with your own. once again, his arm found its way around your shoulders, and the two of you swayed clumsily over to the source of the beer. “two refills, dude,” jj called to the kid manning the keg. once your cups were full again, you and jj found yourselves a seat in the heart of the chaos, perched on a fallen tree branch that some other pogues were standing in front of. as you laughed at the scene playing out before you (a bunch of touron guys standing in the middle of a circle of people doing ‘parkour’), jj watched you with a smile. the two of you bantered a little, mocking the actions of the people around you as you tried to ignore the feeling of his eyes burning into you. after a few minutes of trying to avoid his glance, you finally gave in. when you caught his eye, the glance you expected to exchange was not at all what you got. in all honesty, you’d never really seen jj with that expression. he looked... smitten. you raised your eyebrows at him, laughing again. “are you laughing at me now? don’t you know better?”
your eyes widened at the question, your cup-less hand immediately coming up to his chest to hold him back from any attacks. “no,” you corrected. “i’m laughing at your face, because i think it might be broken or something. you can’t make a face like that and expect me to take it normally. don’t you know better?” you were leaning into him tauntingly as you spoke, smiles spreading across both of your faces as you did.
“y/n,” jj teased back. “are you trying to get me to kiss you? hm?” your hand then fell from his chest, and you let out a scoff. jj, on the other hand, wasn’t satisfied with that being the end of the conversation. he lifted a hand to flick back a piece of hair that had fallen onto your shoulder, and that same hand somehow found its way to the side of your face. though you were still smirking confidently and comfortably, your insides were getting all sorts of twisted up. what was he doing? was this whole thing still just a joke? “i don’t know if you know this, but, if you are, you don’t have to try that hard. kinda don’t have to try at all.” jj was now wearing an expression you recognized. it was his i’m hot, and i pull girls, and i know it expression. for some reason, that pissed you off a little. slightly offended, you knocked his hand away from your face, turning back to face the tourons. you felt his gaze linger on you, but before either of you could do or say anything else, the rest of the pogues had materialized before you.
all three of them decently drunk at that point, john b and kie were laughing hysterically as pope dazedly looked between you and jj. hopping down from the tree branch and taking a step toward them, you decided to ignore pope’s obviously noticing that something had just happened. “what’s so funny?” you asked, internally hoping whatever they were giggling at would be enough to lift your spirits again. while they explained the joke they couldn’t get over, you essentially downed your second drink. at the tail end of the explanation, jb and kie both broke into more laughter, and this time you joined them. when the laughter faded, you spoke again, this time only to kie. “come get a refill with me?”
kiara looped her arm through yours, nodding with a smile. “of course! we’re off!”
after one more fleeting look at jj (a glance he caught, and even tried to hold), you and kie were walking away. against your own will, you let out a sigh, shoulders slumping a little as you replayed the past few minutes in your head. this time, you got a refill and remained standing by the keg, kie next to you with a drunk but concerned pout on her face. ignoring her, you downed your third drink within a minute, quickly stepping back up for another. that’s a bit better, you found yourself thinking as all the drinks seemed to hit you at once. turning to kie, you smiled insincerely. “what are you thinking about, my little drunk?” her eyebrows knitted together at the question, her head tilting knowingly. she was asking you the same thing. letting out a puff of air, you rolled your eyes but explained yourself nonetheless. “i’m fine! jj just like... implied that he wanted to kiss me or something. i’m just confused, i guess.”
“honey, i just watched you down a cup and a half of beer that you don’t even like. i may be a little bit drunker than you, but i think you’re something other than confused.” her arms crossed insistently across her chest, some of the liquid in her cup falling onto her arm in the process. she giggled at her own mistake, trying her best to wipe the drink away and looking back to you expectantly. “are you gonna explain, or should i go ask jj what he did to you?”
at that, you were vigorously shaking your head. “no, no, no. it’s not that big of a deal. it was just unexpected. i mean, jj hitting on me? that’s weird, isn’t it?” kiara simply shrugged, letting you continue the tangent she knew you were about to go off on. “it’s kind of annoying, too. i’m his best friend. at least, one of his best friends. and now he’s gonna try to, what, conquer me? like he does with the desperate tourons? i’m not a fucking touron. it could’ve been a really sweet moment if he hadn’t--”
“wait, a really sweet moment?” kie interrupted. “oh my god. you wanted him to kiss you!” without hesitation, your hand was clamping over her mouth, both of your eyes wide. peering over your shoulder, you caught eye contact with jj once again from across the beach. he waved nervously, and you threw him a tight lipped smile in return. easily distracted by the boy, your hand fell from kie’s mouth. when she realized she had some leeway to speak, she lowered her voice so only you could hear her words. “awww, you guys are so cute! seriously, since when was this a thing? and how come you didn’t tell me?”
you shook your head lightly, eyes fluttering shut for a second before you answered. “it’s not really a thing. i mean, i don’t think it is? i’ve had this little crush on jj forever, but i never let myself feed into it because it’s jj, you know?” kie nodded sympathetically, tossing a comforting arm over your shoulder. “but now he’s acting weird, and i don’t know what that means.”
taking a deep breath, kie forced you to fully face her, placing a hand on each of your shoulders. (actually, she had one hand on one shoulder, and the other held her full cup, which was being balanced on top of your other shoulder, but it was close enough.) “here’s what i think you should do,” she began, grabbing your full attention at the implication of a solution. “be you. it’s jj, y/n. he’s fucking weird. but, i don’t think you should assume he hasn’t had a little crush on you forever, too, because i’d say he has. but don’t tell him you got that knowledge from me.” you raised your eyebrows, opening your mouth to question her so-called knowledge but being cut off by your friend. “so what i’m saying is, just do what you always do. don’t freak out, or start avoiding him, or any of that shit. just be y/n, be normal, and i’m sure jj will be jj, in that terrifyingly concerning jj way. if something’s gonna happen, it’ll happen. and if not, you’re still y/n and jj, right?” you nodded slowly as you took in her words, your subconscious registering them as the truth. “oh, and one more thing: get drunk with me, please!” even when she was drunk, kie knew just what to say in times of distress. so you listened to her.
you took a few more seconds to let the nerves leave your body and mind, but soon enough you were back with the boys again, in that same spot next to jj. he seemed a little surprised by your return, but didn’t verbally question it. you bumped you shoulder against his with a smirk, and when he concluded that you weren’t upset, his arm was tossed back around your shoulder like nothing had happened.
within thirty minutes, you’d almost forgotten how weird jj was acting. instead, you were focused on being with your friends, and having fun. kiara, pope, and john b eventually began dancing foolishly, tripping over each other and laughing at their own actions. you and jj remained perched in your seats, both swaying and singing along to the music surrounding you. after a few songs of simply watching your friends’ drunken dance moves, jj was hopping down from his spot and putting a hand out for you just as the song changed. you looked at him hesitantly, laughing when he impatiently shook the hand that he wanted you to take. “c’mon, princess. you’re my dance partner. let’s go!” succumbing to his persistence, you put your hand in his and let him pull you from your seat and move you a few steps closer to the source of the music.
conveniently enough, jj had chosen a decently scandalous song for the two of you to dance to. the movements between you were goofy and innocent for the first few moments of the song, but when the bass dropped just before the first chorus began, you felt like every ounce of alcohol you’d had that night was hitting you at once, and your body was basically moving itself. you let jj pull you flush against him as your hips swayed with the beat, your back pressed firmly against his front. he followed your movements, one hand in yours as he tried not to focus too much on the way your ass was moving against him. with one particularly powerful roll of your hips, you had jj lightly groaning behind you, drawing a chuckle out of you as you spun in his arms. “what, you wanted me to be your dance partner and now you can’t handle it?” at that point, you were unbelievably aware of how close your face was to jj’s, but kie’s words were ringing through your head loud enough to keep you from moving away. if something’s gonna happen, it’ll happen.
jj’s arm snaked around your lower back as the two of you continued to dance while you quietly talked. “oh, no, princess. i can handle it.”
“then what’s the problem, dance partner?” your free hand came up to jj’s shoulder, fingers lightly grazing the nape of his neck, and you gave him a small, satisfied smile. maybe kie had told you to act normal, and this wasn’t normal, but it was fun, and you had gotten just as drunk as she’d wanted you to, so who was complaining?
“no problems here. absolutely none,” jj insisted quietly. suddenly, that smitten look from earlier was back on his face. before you could react, the hand that had been stationed on your back was moving to your cheek. he tugged you a centimeter closer, studying your face as he did. when your expression didn’t change, your eyes just flickering down to his lips and back to his eyes, he knew what his next move was. without giving himself another second to overthink it, his closed the gap between your mouths, both of your eyes now shut as you melted into each other. the music was long forgotten, and the (extremely loud) hoots and hollers of surprise from the other pogues were ignored. the hand you’d had around his shoulder was now raking through his hair, and his was holding the back of your head steady. neither of you moved away from the other until the song was changing, and you both realized that the volume of your friends would soon draw a lot of attention to the two of you. when you pulled back, you locked eyes with jj for a few seconds before breaking into laughter and burying your face in his shoulder. “what? am i that bad? you laughin’ at me again, princess?”
you pulled yourself away from the shelter you’d found in his shoulder to look at him again with a surprised smile. “that’s your main concern right now, jj?” he laughed with you, pulling you back into a hug. “by the way,” you murmured in his ear so none of the eavesdropping pogues could hear. “we’re gonna have to talk about that ‘princess’ thing, because i don’t know if i can handle it.”
jj released you from the hug, smiles plastered on both of your faces as you finally turned to face your friends, who were full-on applauding at that point. “we can talk about the ‘princess’ thing later, princess. let’s take a walk first.” and just like that, you and jj were waving sarcastically to your friends, refusing to otherwise acknowledge them (or answer any of the burning questions they were throwing at you), and heading off to a quieter part of the beach. the walk to this kegger had been fun, but you doubted anything could top the walk you and jj were taking now.
tags: @baby-bearie @g4bster @danicarosaline pls lmk if u guys wanna be tagged in all my stuff :) 
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maehara-san · 4 years ago
never ever || katsuki bakugo x reader ||
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x F!Reader 
Summary: Jealousy turned into anger and anger turned into a fake relationship. Neither of you were ever this way, looking back where did it all go wrong?
Waring(s): cursing, angst, alcohol, jealousy 
Word Count: 1885
Links: writing donations | masterlist 
A.N: I included my money pool if you guys would like to give me a tip or anything. Please don’t feel obligated to do so, it’s just a way I can help my parents with the bills. Again it’s not by force and thank you so much for your kind feedback!
“Are you sure you don’t wanna go back and talk to him?” your friend asked as she handed you a beer. “It would be better to talk than to ignore the issue.”
You thanked her and grabbed the beer. “With the way how things are going...I rather have space for both of us to cool down.”
“I don’t think that’s what you really want though.” a voice behind you spoke up making you turn around to see your long-time friend since high school.
“Well you are an expert in relationships Hitoshi.” you chuckled and hugged him tightly.
“That’s why I am here to help my dear friend out of this mess.” he joked.
“I told you I am fine.” you said, “I will know how to deal with this.” Ally shook her head as she heard your words.
“I don’t believe it. Come on have you ever thought about...leaving him?” she suggested.
You thought back to all the fights you had and the meaningless petty arguments. You didn’t even remember the last date you two were ever been on, ever since you entered your last year of college everything started to become different. You forgot all of the happy memories you had together.
“As much as things have gotten worse...” you sighed and drank your beer feeling the cold liquid move its way down your throat. “I love him...you have no idea how many people have told me to leave him...”
The little bell rang signaling another customer had arrived. His eyes scanned the place looking for a familiar face. “At times I have thought about calling it quits...” you admitted. Hitoshi wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
“It’s okay,” he said.
“Get the fuck off of her before I break your arm.” Bakugo threatened. You’ve never turned around so quickly before.
“Bakugo,” you said.
“Dude we’re only friends and I was consoling her-” Hitoshi explained but he didn’t believe any word coming out from his mouth.
“I didn’t ask you. Let her go before I make sure you never walk again you son of a bitch.” Bakugo said as his jaw tightened.
“I’m not afraid of you.” your friend got up and stood eye to eye with him.
You got in the middle of them both and pushed Bakugo back. “I’m here trying to have a good time with my friends. You have no right to barge in here like this.” you glared at him.
“I came here right on time to make sure this wannabe idiot troll doesn’t do anything to you.”
“Oh buddy I’m not the one who should be afraid of losing something-” Hitoshi edged him on further making Bakugo grab on to his shirt and pulled him to him.
“Stop it!” you yelled, “Let’s go Bakugo.” you managed to pull them apart before he did anything to your friend.
“Bakugo!” you angrily exclaimed. “Let him go!”
Finally, he let Hitoshi go and finally walked away with you. “This isn’t over.” Bakugo held your wrist and walked out of the bar. His grip was strong making it difficult to ease his hold. You could have sworn your hand was about to go numb.
“What are you doing?!” you yelled as Bakugo’s hold got tighter on your wrist. “Hey!” you tried pulling away but nothing was working till you had enough and decided to kick him on the back of his leg.
“What the hell?!” he glared at you as he rubbed the spot you hit him on.
“I told you to let go and you didn’t listen!” at this time all you wanted was to get away from him. “Who the fuck do you think you are dragging me outside like a dog?! I was with my friends!”
“I kept calling you but you never answered then I walk inside and see some guy all over you.” he sneered “I understand now why the fuck you won’t come home anymore.”
Sadness clouded down your features, you looked away feeling like a coward all of a sudden. “You know why...”
“No, I don’t. But how you were acting in there it’s clear to me now,” he said.
“YOU FUCKING KNOW WHY!” you screamed as the anger kept rushing up to the surface and it finally exploded.
At this point, you didn’t care who was looking. “I apologized already last time...” he lowered his voice “What other shit do you want me to say?!”
“And you have the balls to come and get me thinking its okay?” questioned looking him in the eyes. “You promised me...you’d be more understanding but you can’t even trust me when I’m out alone.”
“You pulled that same shit on me last time.” he blurted out “Did you think that i forgot?”
“I did that one time!” you exclaimed “I haven’t done it since then. You on the other hand can’t even let me have fun with my friends!”
Bakugo chuckled bitterly as he looked at you. “You know that’s not true either.”
You breathed in trying to calm yourself before you’d say something you would end up regretting later on. “Look...we talked about this. We promised each other we’d give it another chance to actually trust one another. I’ve been doing my best the least you can do is the same Bakugo.”
He had to admit hearing you say his last name felt like someone tore apart his heart. Hearing you say it so bitterly made him feel more regretful than he already felt for how he had treated you before. He was trying his best to trust you but kept fucking it up each time his anxiety grew. What the hell was wrong with him?
“I have slowly started to trust you! I saw the way that girl looked at you yesterday at the cafe. I didn’t say anything and let it go...it was eating me inside how she kept flirting with you. But I didn’t bother with it....” you sighed “Why can’t you do the same?...”
His gaze moved to the ground trying to form a complete thought to your question. But each time he does his head keeps replaying the image of that guy being close to you. Bakugo knew him, he understood there was nothing going on between you two still it was impossible for him to see that.
“Because I know the kind of guys you attract.” he blurted “You didn’t seem like you wanted to get away from him in the first place.”
“Why...” your eyes were slowly turning glossy “W-why...are you trying to sabotage everything we’ve worked...so hard for...”
“I’m not ruining anything. You have been the one to not care about how I feel!”
“You say I don’t care?” you chuckled in disbelief, “I have tried everything to make this right between us, and you god damn know it!” you exclaimed pointing your finger at him. “I tried going to so many people to find a solution for this. I stayed up thinking what the hell did I do so wrong for our love to suddenly disappear!” small tear droplets began to fall from your eyes. “I kept pushing on with this relationship for the sake trying to recover what we once had...and all you have ever done since then is pick fights with me.”
Bakugo stood still with his hands on his hips and an expressionless face. “You still wonder why I don’t bother coming back to the one place I used to call home?” you wiped away your tears angrily, “I tried being patient with you...but I don’t even know why the hell I bother to try and mend something that probably doesn’t have a chance to repair.”
He swallowed down the lump in his throat, his gaze turned to you. “If you felt like giving up...” the next words he said felt foreign as if someone else had taken over his body to speak them. “...you should’ve done it a long time ago then.”
“I thought you loved me...” you whispered, “I guess I was foolish to think that maybe...you would end up changing your ways...”
“This was never an us.” he emphasized on ‘never’ making your heartbreak into little pieces. A sudden pain took over your chest, you never believed people died from broken hearts, but now you understood that wasn’t a myth.
“Please...don’t hurt me like this...” you cried not caring what he thought about your appearance.
Bakugo blinked away the tears “I’m not...you said I never told you the truth so now I am. This was never working not even from the start...I don’t even know why the hell I stood by for so long. Those people were right we shouldn’t even have gotten into this in the first place.”
“And you know why I decided to not give a fuck about what they said?!” you raised your voice “Do you know what I told them when they come out with that none sense?!”
“What something cheesy like you always respond with.” he retorted and smirked.
“That I would give up anything to be with the man that I loved.” his eyes widened for a moment but returned back to normal in a second. It was evidently clear that even he saw how much people told you to leave him. Even then you didn’t budge one bit always came back and tried talking it out no matter how stubborn he was. He was acting like an asshole to the women who always believed in him.
“But looking back now...” you sniffled not looking at him, “Maybe...it was for the best that we never met.”
“y/n...” he whispered.
“It’s obvious that...you don’t care anymore...” you tucked the loose strands of hair behind your ear. “I don’t want to feel stuck in an endless loop filled with a cold shoulder and heartless feelings. I’m not going to continue this...I’m too tired to continue this...” everything in your body collapsed from the inside. Bakugo was having an eternal breakdown seeing you so weak and fragile, he had time to fix things when instead all he did was increase your hardship.
“Look I-”
You raised your hand to stop him from talking. “You win...so please just leave me alone and don’t...contact me again...I’m done.” with a swift movement you walked passed him. His world suddenly stopped and all he saw from the corner of his eyes was your figure leaving...forever.
He closed his eyes tightly letting all the tears roll down his cheeks while his hand tightly formed a fist. “I’m sorry...” was all he said wishing that you heard his apology.
“(y/n)!” a friend of yours yelled and ran over to you seeing you worked up. “Are you okay?”
“yeah...” you weakly responded, “Can we head back I’m kinda...not wanting to stay here anymore.”
“Sure...we can head back to my place instead.” she said.
You thanked her and held on to her as she led you back to the car. Bakugo’s phone buzzed multiple times but ignored it. He hit the car so many times not feeling any pain despite the blood that was coming down the side of his hand. “I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...”
‘We can change and learn to grow apart...but my heart as much as it was beaten down and broken by you will always find its way back to you...’ you thought.
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mrsmaybank · 5 years ago
Gas Station Girl - Spencer Reid x Reader - CH 3
Spencer Reid’s first impression of the Reader is mixed. She’s “audacious, promiscuous, clever, and troubled.” and there is so many things Spencer would like to do about it.
A/N:I’m writing a Spencer Reid x Reader multific! The series will be intense and 18+. Age gaps, Explicit sexual content (dom/sub dynamics/kinks), angst, family issues, dark themes including: violence, suicide, murder, death, blood, and drug use and addiction. (Chapters will of course have trigger warnings depending on the content) HIGHLY recommend you listen to the playlist as you read! 
A/N2: This chapter is the most wholesome one in the whole series! Other then the kinky smut LMAO. No for real though, this is as fluffy as it gets. Next chapter gets um... well you’ll see! 
TW: Language, Age gap, use of ‘Little Girl’ as pet name, explicit sexual content (light degradation & unprotected sex), mentions of death, smoking weed, mentions of violence
Fic Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4WYosdR6Tz4y9lsmUghoMU?si=ZvyS_2oqSDW95PxULRs2fQ
The seconds of ignorant bliss after opening your eyes for the first time since a night of horrible decisions didn’t last as long for Y/N anymore. Pains and aches serving a reminder of all the apologies that were owed from her. Instant dread and distaste for confrontation swirled in her stomach. Ah but she deserved it all. The night was blurry, but from recollection, it was only Teddy. He’d dropped her off home, she remembered that. From where? Who knows, but it probably didn’t matter. Teddy’s services didn’t really warrant (nor did Teddy want) a heartfelt, apologetic phone call she decided. Instead a simple, “thx” text sufficed.
She stepped out of her room, pleased with the sight of her roommate rolling a joint on the kitchen table. “Good fucking morning.”  she meant it. The weed would ease the sting of the bruises and busted lip.  
“Morning.” Kena said, licking the joint to seal its precious contents. “What the fuck happened to you last night?” making a face of amusement.
The friends bursted out in laughter in unison.
“Got my ass beat.” Y/N started telling the story as Kena lit the j. “Remember ‘Record Shop’ Dude’?”
“Do I remember? You guys fucked for like a week straight. Thought you guys were gonna get married.” 
“Well,” she couldn’t contain her laughter anymore, “Apparently he has a girlfriend. They’ve been together for three years.” 
Kena passed her the joint laughing, “Apparently.” she watched as her friend inhaled the smoke, “I’ll never understand why you don't fight back every time. I’ve seen your left hook, it’s deathly. It’s like you like getting your ass kicked.” 
Y/N finished the joint, putting it out. “Yeah, I get off. Masochist, remember?” she said in a serious tone. Kena understood the satire of her response. 
“What’re your plans tod-” she was cut off by her phone ringing. She saw the unknown number and smiled putting it on speaker for Kena to hear. “I’m fucking broke!” she shouted as Kena laughed. “You can’t scam me! I don’t have any fucking money to steal!” 
The line went silent and they awaited the confused stutter of some telemarketing con artist. And a confused stutter came. 
“Y/N? It’s Spencer.” he paused, “Spencer Reid?” he paused again. Perhaps she’d forgotten him.  “Dr. Spencer Reid?” 
“I know who you are.”  
Kena looked at her friend in confusion, but she was busy replaying the events of the previous night. Spencer had called Teddy, from the parking lot of a shady...her memory stalled, liquor store. 
“Holy fuck I’m such a piece of garbage.” was the only thing her subconscious could render. 
“I am so fucking sorry. Holy shit. Thank you for last night, dear fuck. I’m sorry about that. And for screaming at you! I didn’t have your number saved.” 
Spencer lightly sighed. She remembered. “It’s okay. How are you feeling?” 
“Uh, great.” she stammered, “I’ve woken up a lot worse.” 
Spencer could hear the slight embarrassment in her voice. “Good, good.” he took a deep breath, “Well I was wondering if maybe I could take you out to lunch? We’ve only ever spoken in parking lots.” 
Kena opened her eyes in delight, mouthing “Yes!”
Y/N couldn’t contain her smile, “I’d like that Dr. Reid. Pick me up at three?” 
“Sure little girl. See you soon.” Spencer hung up and Y/N melted. 
Kena screamed, “You’ve been fucking a doctor?!” 
“No.”  she smiled a devilish grin, “But I’m about to.” she sang, practically skipping with joy back to her room. 
Spencer hadn’t gotten a good look at the complex in the dark, but now he could see it in its full glory. Beer bottles and cigarette buds littered everywhere, sulky characters loitering at practically every corner, and a reek of marijuana. Not his personal idea of home sweet home. 
He watched as the girl he was waiting for exited from apartment 209, looking just as wild as ever. He wondered if the disheveled look was intentional or if she always looked so crazily hot. His eyes continued to follow as she walked down the steps and into his passenger seat. 
“Hi.” she said, eyes wide and if he didn’t know any better, he’d say she was blushing. Y/N didn’t seem like the kind of girl to blush. 
“Hey. You look nice.” he started to pull out of the parking space. 
“You don’t have to say that you know. I don’t look nice. I never look nice.” she sighed, “Truthfully I hate the idea of looking nice.” 
Spencer was amused with her little ramble, “Why?” 
“‘Cause nice is what you look like when you’re going to church. Or brunch. And I don’t do either of those.” she said plainly.
“What’s wrong with brunch?” he questioned smiling.  
“Nothing is wrong with brunch.” she paused for a minute, deciding whether or not to tell him all the atrocious memories she had in connection to brunch. He only asked you about fucking brunch. Don’t reveal all your baggage already. Don’t be a dramatic bitch. Just say your vegan or some bullshi-
“What are you contemplating on telling me?” 
Her mouth gaped playfully. “Fucking cut the profiling! Three minutes in and you’re already doing your weird government shit.” she remarked, teasingly defensively. 
Spencer laughed, “Weird government shit? Really?”
“Yeah.” she pursed her lips, “I said what I said.” 
“It’s psychology, not weird government shit. It’s analyzing body language, and speech patterns and-”
“I get it. You’re fucking smart.” They pulled out to a red light. 
“You’re smart too.” 
“Thanks Doctor.” she smiled, it did make her happy to hear that. “So where are you taking me?” 
“You’ll see.”, and see she did. As they got out of the car, Y/N couldn’t stop smiling. At first it was the way Spencer’s hand found hers, but then it was the sight. The restaurant was placed under the biggest trees she’d ever seen, with ivy hanging just a couple feet over her head. It was illuminated with lanterns and tiny hanging lights and she felt like she was in a fairy tale. It was beautiful. 
“Hey Spencer?” 
“Yes?” he said approaching the hostess, “Table for two, Spencer.” His attention shifted back down at her. “This is the prettiest place a boy has ever taken me.”
He smiled, “Yeah? You like it?” The hostess led them to their table and they sat. “A lot.” she giggled and Spencer swore his heart would explode. The sound was just too adorable. 
“So Y/N, where are you from?”
She was a little surprised at the question, almost like nobody had ever asked. Had she ever been on a date? Like a proper sit down date? 
“New York City, originally. But I uh, moved around a lot as a kid.” 
“Tell me about that.” 
“You really wanna know?” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” he questioned. 
“Okay, fine. I used to live in this beautiful townhouse in Manhattan. I had a pink room with a huge bed and canopy. A gorgeous chandelier, this vanity with all my tiaras, and my dolls! Oh my god, those dolls were so fucking pretty.” he listened intently, relishing in the way her eyes lit up in a way he’d never seen. 
“And then my dad died.” the glint of joy in her eyes was gone. “When I was seven. And we moved to West Virginia, living with my grandmother, until she died!” she let out a small laugh in attempts to keep the mood up. “Then we were living in this mobile park, which wasn’t so bad. Creeps and meth-heads came and went, but overall not a horrible place to grow up. It’s where I met Teddy, you know him.” 
He nodded his head, still listening to every detail of the story. 
“After my mom got remarried, him and I decided we wanted to go to California. This was supposed to just be a pitstop, get our shit together, you know? But we had a falling out, and he went without me. Came back when his brother got cancer. Then after Casey died he came back to D.C, got me to enroll in school with him And uh, now I’m here. I go to Washington Uni, by the way. Major in Journalism.” she ended shyly. 
“I’m sorry about your dad. And your grandma. That’s a story.” 
She nodded her head. “Its okay. Better place, you know?” How about you?” 
“Well, uh, I’m from Las Vegas. It’s been just me and my mom for a while.  My childhood was a little weird, graduated high school when I was twelve, then I-” 
“Hold the fuck up, twelve?” he nodded. “Holy shit. You’re one of those freakishly smart prodigy motherfuckers aren’t you?” 
He laughed, “IQ of 187, not to brag.” 
“Oh fuck you, you’re totally bragging.”
“You got into Washington, you did well in school too.” 
“Yeah uh, despite the shitty childhood school wasn’t really ever an issue. My dad was a Senator, George Y/L/N, in New York. He had a lot of random contacts. When we moved to West Virginia I got to go to some snobby private school ‘cause his friend was a board member. Saint Matilda Preparatory School. Top of my class.” she smiled, “Not to brag.” 
“You’re definitely bragging.” he teased.
Scoffing, she said, “I didn’t drop my IQ number, so you’re still the gloating one here.” 
“I didn’t think you were a high school drop-out.”                                                “Aw Spencer really?” she said sarcastically. 
There waiter came and took their order, but neither of them really cared about the food. They stayed there talking for longer then the restaurant would’ve liked, telling each other their craziest dreams, wildest experiences, bad decisions, and nothing and everything. Before they knew it, the restaurant was kicking them out. They walked back to Spencer’s car, hysterically laughing at the disdained waiter who had to so awkwardly ask them to order something else or leave, Y/N clinging to his arm. 
“Nobody’s ever done something like this for me before.” Y/N said as Spencer got into the drivers seat. 
“What do you mean?” Spencer turned to face her. 
“Picked me up, taken me to a pretty restaurant, paid, opened doors for me.” her eyes locked in his, “Listened to me talk for so long.”
“I could listen to you talk forever.” he grabbed her face and kissed her. The kiss was nothing like he’d expected. It wasn’t an aggressive make-out fired by lust, it was a kiss of passion and dear affection. 
They began to drive in silence. Not uncomfortable Awkward silence, more like enjoying each other's company silence. That is until Y/N did something Spencer should’ve seen coming as this was the same girl he’d met at the gas station. Her hands were inching their way up his leg to his crotch, teasingly slow. She scanned his eyes for some note to stop, but it never came. She palmed him gently through his pants, watching him struggle to keep his eyes on the road, as he twitched under her touch. “Fuck.” he sighed out quietly, “Stop.”
“Take your shoes off, get in the backseat.” he turned off the main road, driving down a more secluded street until he found a tiny spot almost completely hidden by trees.
“Take your clothes off.” he still hadn’t made eye contact with her since telling her she was smart. She did as she was told, taking off her top and shorts as fast as she could. Spencer got out of the driver's seat and got into the back passenger seat, only the middle seat separating them. “Come here.” obeying, she did. In only a bra and underwear, she crawled into Spencer's fully clothed lap, as he grabbed her face and kissed her. Her barely let her move, wanting to be able to explore her mouth freely, She gasped for air, whispering a small “Oh fuck.”
He tightly gripped her jaw, toying with her bottom lip as he spoke, “You have such a dirty mouth.”
She smiled more poisonously then he’d ever seen, it was mischievous and seductive, and it made him crazy. “What’re you gonna do about it sir?”
Now it was him smiling as the small girl looked up at him with big eyes, “So many things.” He started to kiss her again, this time his hands going down to tease her clothed clit. She moaned into the kiss and rocked her hips down harder into his hand. “Please?” she moaned again.
He moved her panties to the side, sliding a finger through her wetness, “You need something don’t you?” She nodded her head.
“Well, use your words.”
“Touch me.” she got closer in his ear, “Please.”
“What’s with the niceties little girl? You don’t want to be touched, no, Good girls like to be touched. You, you are a desperate little slut, hm?” His fingers dipped into her with no warning, curling immediately, “You want to be destroyed.”
Her hips bucked almost instantly as she cried out, “Yes. I do.”
“Beg for it.”
“Sir,” she opened her eyes to lock with his, “Please.” Spencer continued to curl his fingers while still rubbing her clit, and her moans and breathes got sloppier and louder.
“Please!” she whined. “Please sir.” He couldn’t contain a small laugh, “No.”  
“This is a bit pathetic even for you, no? You’re here naked in my lap begging for me to let you come.” She nodded her head. “Oh but I’m sure you’ve done worse haven’t you love?” She shook her head. As badly as he wanted to lecture her about lying, he could feel her tighten on his fingers. “Can..” she stuttered in between moans, “Can I? Please let me come?”
“Awe, good girl asking for permission.” he pulled his fingers out, “No.”
He slipped his fingers in her mouth and watched as she sucked them off. “Figures you’d be good at that.” he unbuckled his belt, pushing his pants and lied back so the door supported his back. “Come sit on it.”
Her eyes opened in delight as she crawled over and did as she was told. He watched in awe as she sunk herself down onto him, clenching as their thighs met. He let her think she had some control, eyes never leaving her as she bounced and moaned. “You’re such a good girl baby.” He could see her teetering right above the edge, and seeing as he was so close as well, he gave in. “Come for me.” and with that, she did. Practically screaming as he fucked up into her through her orgasm, pulling out and finishing himself.
He hugged her into his chest, whispering small praises and delivering soft kisses to her sweaty forehead. She made small circles with her nails on his arms, “I fucked a doctor!” She giggled. 
Spencer broke out into laughter, “I fucked YOU.” 
“We fucked each other.” They laid there for a moment, Y/N practically melting to the feeling of being in his arms. It was too comforting.  
Eventually, Spencer began driving back to her apartment, loving every moment of her outlandish singing and dancing in his passenger seat until he parked to drop her off. 
“You’re a very special girl.” Spencer said as she smiled.
She took a deep breath, “Spencer, I fucking like you. A lot. I can’t remember the last time I had a good time like this that I wasn’t fucking high or drunk or both.” she continued to ramble, “And I guess what I’m just trying to convey is-” 
She was cut off by Spencer crashing his lips to hers. “I know what you mean.”  
She smiled and gave him one last peck on the lips, “I hope I’ll see you soon Dr.” 
“You will.”
As she walked back up the stairs to her apartment, Y/N only had one thought. How am I gonna manage to fuck this up? 
Taglist (Comment to be added!):  @generaltheoristexpert @psych0crybaby @areallyusellesblog @arctic-duchess
@chevyimpala00067 @georgia4287 @purpleraindrops @drreidshands @must-be-a-weasley-92 @gabbie-is-sad @willowafsi
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lunchador · 4 years ago
ok but!!! what happened!!! im screaming!!! you finished the game but there are no details!!! friend i need details!!! who sided with who!!!! im just!!! so excited about ur playthru and i need any and all details about how u feel about anders rn especially!!! i think there was less different paths because funding but i still would like to Know
It was funny, cuz, y’know, in comparison to DA:O where the END OF THE WORLD is hanging above your head at all times, I felt the pacing was considerably more relaxed in 2. And in retrospect, it definitely was building up in ways you weren’t quite piecing together (Or am I dumb? That’s usually the case) as you aren’t even sure why you have the derogatory title from cassandras mouth of Champion. Champion, of fuckin what? I do chores for people.
So like most of the game feels like you’re chilling. Talk to some people, do some small quests, learn some lore.
Then like, the qunari attack happened. Which, I assume happens regardless, correct? Man that statue of me looks douchey as hell. Flaming sword?
ANDERS CAN SUCK SHIT. That fucker lied to me? and made everything OH SO MUCH FUKIN WORSE. Oh boohoo I want to rid justice, distract her so I can MURDER PEOPLE ACTUALLY INSTEAD?? Like, MAN, I really like him on paper, healer of the needy, activist, cat lover. But he is so warped in his thinking and self hate. Also I know I joked about this somewhere but our second conversation ever (first one being when I met him) he gives me a big speech about how he could see us together but how he’s so bad he’s a monster boohoo so i need to stay away from him romantically and I’m standing there like.......yeah ok man. 
I SHOULD HAVE KILLED HIM - I was legit SO mad he did that. Everything was bad as is, and he made it worse. If I hadn’t have helped in that quest would it still have happened? AUGH. Almost everyone wanted him dead but I still felt bad. Of the companions, I think i bonded with him and sebastian the least. I tried really hard to side with the mages, cuz, i’m a mage, i dont think magic is bad but bad people can have magic, and Meredith IS a dick and instigated it, BUT THERE IS SO FUCKING MUCH BLOOD MAGIC IN KIRKWALL, WHY.
AND FUCKIN SEBASTIAN - SO MAD - was like if you let him live i’m coming back with an army to attack. like...bro what happened to being a peaceful monk or whatever the shit? I thought I told you taking the crown wasn’t worth it if you don’t want it? fuckin jude law looking motherfucker. But i barely played with him and i figured anders healing would be useful for the end. so, i took anders with me. So now I guess I’m gonna hear in inquisition about this dude coming in to attack kirkwall later idk SIGH
So yeah, I tried to side with Orison. Then that bitch ass gave in to blood magic too and turned into that disgusting abomination. I HATE when you try to defend someone and they too turn into a jackass. Fuck you, man. And Meredith of course is off her rockers with red lyrium. I hate all of these people. I tried to save the decent mages where I could and that bit me in the ass with one of them at the end FUCK YOU, UNGRATEFUL.
A N Y W A Y S,
since I’m sooooooo good at these games (how am I so so so bad??) Hawke basically...lost everyone. I didn’t officially romance anyone. Though in the epilogue, it says everyone eventually splits from Hawke except Isabela. I figured she had a soft spot for me. I think I couldn’t fully romance her because I didn’t get her the boat? Idk. I didn’t like the romance system in this game. Like, yes it makes sense for story plot reasons but it’s terribly confusing for someone not in the know and I hated looking at guides because they had spoilers.
My mom got murdered by a serial killer blood mage, r.i.p. My sister is dead. I am SO surprised Carver sided with me in the end. I thought he was genuinely about to pick being a templar over me and fight. I TRIED TO BE SO NICE TO THAT FUCKER.
i’m surprised cullen sided with me too. the few interactions you have with him in origins and here he’s kind of a dick. and i know all that shit going on with his VA so i am not stoked for him in inquisition
I tried/failed to romance Fenris. Man, I got SO attached to him?? He tries so hard to be grumpy but you get under his skin. Every time he called me his friend or smiled I was like YES, YOU FUCKER, YOU LIKE ME. But being a mage is such a cockblock. FUCK. I’m definitely kissing him next time.  But I can at least brag that I guess I did his companion quest correctly enough and he was maxed out cuz he didn’t leave me. He seemed begruding that he was gonna defend mages but he was gonna do it for ME. BFFs til the end.
how the fuck did fenris turn around and settle for compromise while anders was still pissy as hell? I guess anders just feels so much for others. also the whole tranquil shit was sooo fucked. Also I love they’ve known each other for 6 years and they’re still disgustingly snippy with each other - FIGHT!!!!
MERRIL TRIED TO CONFESS FEELINGS FOR ME. HOW? I kept pissing her off by not supporting the blood mage shit. I HAD TO PULL THE LIKE A SISTER LINE. MERRIL IM SO SORRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY. She’s so sweet, yet her quest was incredibly fucked up oh my god?? We had to kill the dalish group and I FELT AWFUL. WHY SO MUCH BLOOD MAGIC????????
I thought this game was going to end with assigning a new viscount. ANd I was like man that sucks, Sid isn’t the type for permanent responsibility like that but like, if it’ll get everyone to shut the fuck up ok. But...that wasn’t the ending. I hope that gets addressed in inquisition? I felt like that kinda got cliffhanger’d. Also I’m assuming Aveline had to run too being she was associated with me so the guard is probably in shambles too.
oh my god what about dominic? D:
anyway, I would die for varric, and while I understand the story reasons for not letting him be romancable, it still sucks cuz he pairs SO well with a snarky Hawke, sigh
but yeah there may have been less big decisions but there certainly were a lot of smaller ones I felt I fucked up. I’m just.......so good at that. I got so many people KILLED.
def some replay value in there!! I tried to do a lot more sidequests in this one than origins. so we will see how inquisition goes. It’s been super hyped to me and I’m told it’s pretty long
Its just crazy all the shit hawke got caught up in without even particularly trying. Like the warden is there because, yeah, they’re a grey warden, one of the few, but in 2 its just kinda like..............oops lmfao.
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alleiradayne · 5 years ago
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There’s Something Strange A Reader/Sam Winchester Series
When Y/N Y/L/N escapes to the upper Midwest for a weekend of inspiration to begin her tenth paranormal thriller novel, she never imagined the source of that inspiration to be her own life. Between the old mansion, two peculiar men posing as antiquers, and the mysterious death of the heiress of Hill Manor one-hundred and fifty years ago, Y/N learns the truth about far more than the paranormal.
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Part V - The Haunting
Summary: With a poltergeist on the loose, Sam, Dean, and Y/N work together to investigate. Warnings/Tags: More hunting, more fluff, some mature discussion of sexual preferences Square filled: Author AU Characters/Pairings: Reader/Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester Word Count: 2,449 A/N: For @spnfluffbingo2019, this entire series fills the Author AU square. Super giant huge thank you to @atc74 who beta’d this giant thing for me.
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Watery eyes spilled over as she squeezed them against the pain that throbbed in her skull and dragged Y/N up from the nothingness in which she drifted. One eye cracked open and found pale moonlight glowed in angular lines across her bed where she lay on hear back. She could hardly remember how she had gotten there, or much of anything from the last two days. The hours blurred together the harder she thought, and the stress served little but to exacerbate her aching head.
And then she saw him. That familiar face, no longer bathed in eerie green light, hovered beside her, a nervous grind in his jaw twitching as he stared at his shoes.
When she sat up on her elbows, Sam startled and leaped from the bed. “Hey, you’re awake! Are you okay? How do you feel?”
He knelt beside her, one hand grasping hers and the other cupping her cheek. He pressed her fingers to his lips where he placed kisses on each one until she spoke.
“I’m okay,” she managed. The softness of his lips washed away her worry, and the endless empathy in his eyes soothed her pain. “What happened?”
“You were attacked,” he started, then paused as a look of consternation pinched his face. “How much do you remember from earlier today?”
Attacked? She swallowed a thick gulp, her tongue sticking to her mouth and throat dry. “I… got to the mansion,” she choked. Sam handed her a glass of water on the bedside table, and from it she drew a long swallow. “I had dinner with the guests. You… walked me back to my room.” Y/N hesitated, a familiar sting prickling her cheeks.
He smiled a shy grin as he glanced to the bed. “What else?” he asked as he returned to her, his hand atop her hand and gently stroking her hair. “What else do you remember?”
A flood of memories returned all at once, replaying rapidly. “Spirits. You hunt spirits. You told me. In the library,” Y/N stated.
“Okay, that’s good,” Sam said as he breathed in deep. “Earlier tonight, after we left your room, we found you in the library. A uh… poltergeist had you about dead to rights.”
The tears came then, unbidden and uncontrollable. Fucking hell, a poltergeist.
“Y/N, it’s okay, you’re fine,” Sam soothed.
She wiped the tears from her eyes as her anger subsided. “Did you save me?”
Sam shook his head. “No. We’re not sure what happened,” he explained. “We got to the back of the library just in time to see the poltergeist take off.”
At least she still had some sense of dignity left. The last thing she needed was to be the idiot damsel in her own fucked up haunting. But, dammit, why? Why had she rushed off to the library like some god damn hero ready to take on the world the second she had learned she truly knew half a thing about the paranormal? Her impulsive streak had gotten the better of her again, and once she got a hold of a couple clues, she thought she could solve the puzzle on her own. And with her writer’s block taken care of by that pen…
The pen.
She sat up in a rush and Sam squawked his protests as he grasped her shoulders. “Y/N, it’s okay, I’m here,” he said as he attempted to calm her, but Y/N had a mission. “What’s… what are you doing?”
Her pockets came up empty, but her bag sat on the writing table at the foot of her bed. “Where’s the pen?” she asked as she scrambled from Sam’s hands.
Sam let her go as another scoff of indignation burst from his lips. “What pen?”
“The pen!” she pointed at the writing desk. “The one Dean found earlier,” she continued as she dove into her bag and scraped the bottom. “Where is it?!”
The helpless look on Sam’s face broke her heart. “I… didn’t see it. You had it?”
“Yes!” Y/N shouted as she upended her bag. From its depths the pen fell, along with her hand-torch, and clattered to the floor. “Oh, thank god.”
“What does the pen—”
“This,” she interrupted as she brandished the pen, “has been holding Y/N Hillstead’s spirit for one-hundred fifty years.”
Sam withdrew his purple cloth from his back pocket and took the pen from her. “That explains… so much.”
Y/N slumped back onto the bed. “Yeah, and I let her out.”
“But now we know what happened,” Sam said in a rush of air. He knelt before her, edging his way between her knees. “How did you do it? What opened the trap?”
God, but he was so close. How did he expect her to focus with his ridiculously pretty face inches away from hers? “It—it’s an old fountain pen, right?” She paused as she waited for Sam to put it together but when he raised a curious brow at her, she continued. “It needs ink. It was bone dry when Dean tried it.”
He looked at the pen again, then back to her. “That’s fucking brilliant,” he breathed. “God, I don’t think I’d have thought of that, Y/N, that’s—”
Impulsive streak be damned, Y/N wanted him all to herself. Her lips landed on his, and her hands found his hair, delving deep to grasp at the back of his head as she kissed him. Sam responded without hesitation, his arms wrapping around her and holding her tightly to his chest. Constricted so, she could hardly move, but what a glorious sensation. To be so profoundly consumed by another, in body and mind, she thanked whatever gods existed for such luck. And how lucky she was to find that sort of connection in Sam, brilliant and kind and sweet and hotter than the surface of the sun.
The smooth taste of alcohol on his tongue—a particular hoppy beer—filled her mouth as he teased her lips apart. Not that he had to try very hard. She opened up to him like a summer flower on a bright morning, mouth and legs and arms all wide for him to press into with his enormous shoulders and narrow hips and—
Pressed firmly to her core, Sam’s hips rolled, grinding his erection along her sex. Though Y/N moaned, their lips never parted, long kisses and eager tongues devouring one another as Sam laid her on the bed and settled atop her.
Against his lips, she sighed his name, repeated pleas for more of him, his hands, his lips, his everything. And Sam acquiesced with equal fervor, eager as she.
The door to her room exploded as Dean damn near tore it off the hinges and burst through it. “Sam, we’ve got—oh, son of a bitch!”
Sam froze as his head whipped to the door, hair askew and mouth agape. Dean shielded his eyes as he stuttered his apologies and pulled the door halfway closed. When Y/N prodded Sam in the chest, he scrambled off her and sat on the end of the bed. She righted her shirt as Dean peeked through the door and laughed when he spotted Sam.
“Sam,” Y/N whispered as she pointed to her hair then his, “your… it’s…”
He ran his fingers through the long brown locks and brushed them straight, tucked behind his ears. The crimson blush on his cheeks depended to his neck, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him. Her own frustrated arousal ached between her thighs, and Sam's palpable want compounded the problem. Twice, they had found themselves alone, and twice, Dean had interrupted them.
Sam interrupted her thoughts when he stood and approached Dean. “What happened?”
Dean's face contorted as he asked, “You didn't hear that scream?”
Scream? “No,” Y/N stated as Sam regarded her and shook his head. “We didn't hear anything.”
Dean’s expressions cycled through emotions faster than a rollercoaster. “Damn.” He scratched the back of his head, then said, “Well, about fifteen minutes ago there was a scream loud enough to wake the dead. I went to the kitchen to figure out what happened. When you two didn’t show up, I came here.”
She hadn’t heard a thing but Sam’s breath and insistent moans. Christ, was that how bad she had it for him? Y/N shook her head to clear her thoughts and asked, “What happened?”
Dean motioned them into the hallways as he talked over his shoulder. “I think the poltergeist has attacked two people, possibly killed one,” he said. “We need to get these people out of here.”
Easier said than done. But Y/N followed Dean nonetheless, and Sam fell in step behind her. When Dean turned over his shoulder once more, he lowered his voice.
“So,” he started, “you and Sammy, huh?”
“I… uh,” she stuttered as she looked over her shoulder to find Sam's flat glare.
“Please, don't, dude,” he groaned. “Focus on the case.”
“Oh, I am focused on the case. It's you who isn't,” Dean retorted, but then turned his knowing smirk to Y/N. “Although, I can't blame you. I enjoy a naughty librarian every once in a while, too.”
Y/N cocked an eyebrow at him. “First off, I’m an author, and second, Dean, you wouldn’t last five minutes in a bed with me.”
“Yeah, but you don’t know what I can do in five minutes,” he said with a wink.
Y/N had another retort readied, poised on the tip of her tongue when Sam set a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Please, let him get the last word in. I’m mortified enough as it is.”
Down the grand staircase, Y/N slowed to allow some distance between Dean and the two of them. “Does dirty talk bother you, Sam?”
A vehement shake of his head loosened his hair from behind his ears. “Quite the opposite,” he muttered as he glanced to his feet.
Before her eyes made it that far, Y/N saw the stiff ridge of his erection straining against his pants. “Can I promise to take care of you later? How long has it been?”
He urged Y/N to keep up with Dean as he breathed his reply. “Months. I… relieve myself every other day, but it’s not enough. Nothing I’ve got back at the Bunker compares to a real person.”
Bunker? She logged that question away on her growing list in the back of her mind and instead asked, “Person?”
Sam turned a shade of crimson she wasn’t sure existed before then. “My partners aren’t exclusively women,” he stated.
“Are some of them men?”
He nodded.
“Are some of them silicone and shaped like a flashlight?”
He nodded again.
“Are some of them silicone and phallus shaped?”
He nodded a third time as they stopped outside the kitchen.
When she opened her mouth to ask another question, Dean interrupted her. “Alright, I officially know too much,” he paused. “The body is here, behind the island. No sign of a struggle. Groundskeeper found her on the floor after he heard her scream.”
“You get a read on him?” Sam asked as he strode past them both.
“Nope,” Dean stated as he followed. Y/N brought up the rear as she listened. “He looked like he went ten rounds with Mohammed Ali.” He paused, then added, “If Mohammad Ali had claws.”
In the kitchen, Sam stood at the feet of the body, then knelt as he shuffled to her shoulders. “There’s something here. In her ears.”
If the night had not been weird enough by then, the look Sam and Dean both shot Y/N had officially shoved it violently into something out of the Twilight Zone. She might as well have sprouted a second head and spoken to it. “What?”
Sam grabbed a cloth from the counter and wiped the cook's ear. He stepped over the body and handed the rag to Dean. “Ectoplasm.”
“How do you know all this stuff?” Sam asked.
She grabbed the rag from Dean and examined it. “I thought it would be green. Not black.”
“Okay, look, this isn’t that kind of poltergeist,” Dean started, “and this isn’t the Gho—”
A bone chilling scream rent the air and interrupted Dean. Y/N dropped the rag and bolted for the door, Sam and Dean hot on her heels. In the entry, the scream repeated, and she took the stairs two at a time as she headed for the western wing of the mansion.
In the furthest hallway, lights flickered and an icy chill slammed deep into her chest, sucking the air from her lungs. But she pressed on, charging headlong to the furthest room at the darkest end of the hallway to come upon the traveling woman and the distorted ghost of Y/N Hillstead, hideously transformed into a terrifying poltergeist. She had both of her hands wrapped around the poor woman’s throat and held three feet in the air, her legs kicking furiously as she struggled.
Sam and Dean skidded to a halt in front of her, arms spread to protect. But Y/N had a plan and she wasn’t about to abandon it to chivalry. She shoved past them as she brandished the pen and shouted, “Hey, Hillstead!”
Sam wrapped an arm around her waist and tried to pull her back, but he was too late. The poltergeist turned as she dropped the woman and rushed Y/N, but she had come prepared. The small hand-torch ignited with a sharp click, hissing bright blue flame to an orange point a scant inch shy of the pen. “I'll fucking do it! Leave! Last chance, asshole!”
The same scream they had heard earlier sounded again, emanating from Y/N Hillstead's unhinged mouth. In a swirl of dust and dirt, she vanished into thin air, taking with her the unearthly chill. The lamps flared to life as Sam rushed into the room and attended to the woman who stirred on the floor, thankfully alive.
“Do I want to even ask how you knew that would work?” Dean gasped.
Shit. Y/N shrugged for time as she came up with something. “I ah… I had a hunch.”
“Hunches are good,” Dean agreed as he clasped her shoulder and turned her to face him with flush cheeks. “But for the love of…” he paused, consternation contorting his face. “For the love of Cas, lie to Sam when he asks you the same question. Make something up, I don't care what, but do not tell him you ran in with a half-cocked plan. I do that enough for three people…”
He parted from her and headed back down the hallway as she called after him. “Where are you going?”
“To find a proton pack and a ghost trap!”
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If you want to be tagged for this series specifically, send me an ask or a DM! If you want in on any of my tags (Sam/Jared, Dean/Jensen), you can ask for that, too!
The Whole Thang:
@atc74  @hannahindie @bevans87  @meganwinchester1999  @plaided-ani-on-hiatus  @oneshoeshort @jonogueira @andkatiethings @elfinmox @wonderfulworldofwinchester @princessofthefandomrealm  @just-another-busyfangirl @jmekitchens @81mysteriouslyme @dolphincliffs  @seenashwrite  @canadianspnhunter  @meowmeow-motherfucker @depressed-moose-78 @staycejo1 @hobby27  @pretty-fortune @mypopculturediva @fanfictionjunkie1112 @sandlee44 @4llmywr1tings @claitynroberts @maddiepants @scarletluvscas @donnaintx @blackeyedangel9805 @rainflowermoon @winchesterprincessbride  @lazinessisalliknow @the-is13 @waywardafgrandma @keymology @sister-winchesters99
Sam’s Sasstresses:
@morganas-pendragons @karouwinchester
There’s Something Strange:
@peridottea91 @amanda-teaches
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suicidalcatz · 6 years ago
Pairing : Jake Kiszka x reader
Genre : College AU
Previous parts : Prologue ; Chap 1 ; Chap 2 ; Chap 3 ; Chap 4 ; Chap 5 ; Chap 6 ; Chap 7 ; Chap 8 ; Chap 9
Masterlist : Here
AN : Oh my God I made it this far. So, I’m writing part 13 atm, it does seem extra long but the beginning of this chap is only the 26th page of my doc. It’s always a very stressful experience for me to share my fics, I think I’m really scared to disappoint you. I hope you won’t/don’t hate y/n and that she’s relatable for you, she has a lil temper. Last angst chapter before fluff, fluff and more fluff. Again, please feel free to let me know what you think of it, I love chatting with you and it can help me improve my writing ! Thanks for the love and support, and for embarking into this journey with me.
Chapter 10 : Why didn't you tell me ?
Staying wrapped in a blanket in the comfort of my bed sounded like the best week-end plan. I didn't want to do anything else, anyway. Crying was the first thing I did when coming home last night, and it lasted a good portion of the night. Mandy had follow me soon after I hurried out of the room, concern all over her features. At some point I cried myself to sleep in her arms while she silently stroke my back. It sounded overly dramatic and made me feel pathetic in addition to everything else, but I had got my hopes up so much that the fall hit hard. Terribly so. Understanding that I needed some alone time (as much as our shared room allowed it), Mandy let me be, keeping herself busy with work, some Netflix, or going out from times to times. I heard her put on her shoes and coming next to me, probably waiting by the door before leaving. I couldn't see her, however, because my body was facing the wall, keeping my eyes fixated on the old yellowed paint.
- Dude, you can't stay in bed all day long listening to Fleetwood Mac.
- Oh yeah ?, I croaked. Watch me.
Stubbornly keeping my back to her, I slightly moved the blankets to cover my head. I felt hollow, at best. I wanted to cry, but there was no tears left. My eyes felt dry, probably red and puffy, and my chest wouldn't stop aching like someone had just stabbed my heart. It felt awful. I felt miserable.
Mandy quietly stayed a while longer behind me, before she spoke softly.
- I know it hurts sweetie.
This simple, compassionate sentence had my eyes instantly watering, and before I realized it, a sob found its way at the back of my throat, making me shake under the covers.
- It hurts so much, so fucking much.
My sobs became more erratic, to the point that I don't even know if she could hear me correctly, but in an instant she was by my side, taking me into her arms, shushing me gently, putting me to sleep.
My nights were sleepless, my naps were restless, my dreams were all filled with nightmares. I couldn't help seeing Jake's face over and over in it. Sometimes people would make fun of me for believing he could've wanted me. Other times, my mind would just show me his face, or replay unwanted memories. Some part of me knew it wasn't the end of the world and there was no reason for me to get this worked up over a heartbreak because it could've been way worse. He could've intentionally led me on. He could've cheated on me. He could've taken advantage of me for sex. What happened was nothing in comparision, it was just a disastrous twist of fate. Plain bad luck. But somehow the fact that no one was to blame in this situation felt even more cruel. Like some invisible force had decided to not let me be happy. And listening to Fleetwood Mac wouldn't help improve my mood, but at the moment I didn't wanted to feel better. There was something strangely comforting in feeling miserable. I wanted to let it all go, all the tears, all the pain, no matter how long it would take.
When I heard the door open again, I hadn't moved an inch from when Mandy had previously left. Even with my earphones on, I could hear some murmurs in the kitchen. She knocked on the doorframe to notify her presence before speaking up.
- Sweetie, someone's here to see you.
There was an uncomfortable edge to her voice that actually made me curious, before some more footsteps approached my way, keeping a safe distance. They were being too fucking cautious not to offend me or whatever, like I was some damn porcelain doll, and while it annoyed me, it really made me realize how alarming the state I was in must've look from an outside point of view.
- Hey, I think I owe you some explanation.
I recognized this raspy and low voice, very slightly different from Jake's. It made my heart skip a beat because of how much they sounded alike, and I turned to face him just to be sure. Josh looked as apologetic as ever, and I knew why. I didn't feel bad for him at all. Thank God he had remorse.
- I have nothing to say to you.
- I knew you had a crush on him, said Josh anyway. It was obvious... the painting, the time you spent together, even the way your face lit up just seeing him. I tried to prevent this ending, I swear, and I'm so, so sorry-
- I know what you did.
Sitting up, scrubbing the dried tears out of my reddened cheeks and nose with the back of my hand, I gave him a cold stare. In the corner of my eye I could see a tense Mandy not knowing what to do with herself, and if she was questionning ; yes, it was a terrible idea bringing Josh here.
It all came to me just before I fled from the party, but I got too engrossed in my heartbreak to really think it through. But now, with his guilty looking face just few meters away from me, it all clicked into place. His odd behaviour whenever Jake and I spent time together, his seemingly jealous fits, the way he interrupted us whenever we were getting closer. It wasn't jealousy at all. It wasn't him being left out, or whatever bullshit he had told me.
- You knew all along, I said as tears blurred my sight, you knew he had a girlfriend. You didn't tell me. This could've been avoided if you had told me.
My throat had never felt this constricted. Now, adding to the weight of sadness, humiliation, emptiness, and wretch, was betrayal. Which made my shame sentiment grow bigger and my anger begin to rise. Slowly, Josh nodded his head. Of course he knew, it was his twin.
-I didn't know, I, I wanted to protect you-
- I need you out. I don't want to see you.
- Doll let me-
- Get out.
I didn't have the energy to shout at him, and his fucked up logic. Duality splitted my mind in two, tiredness of this whole situation and anger. The latter won over, making me throw whatever came to  my hand when Josh closed the door behind him. He knew all along and he didn't tell me anything. He knew I had fallen for his brother, he saw it, and he didn't tell me. I couldn't believe it, that hit me hard, and made almost as much damage as Jake being in a relationship. They both broke my heart that day.
The night finally came after what felt like the longest day ever. I didn't move. I didn't shower. I didn't eat. One thing I wanted to do was going back home, to my parents' place and listen to their stories, letting them forcefeed me, or put a blanket on me as I would fall asleep on the couch during movie night. However, I didn't have money to afford buying a train ticket, and it was too far away for them to come pick me up. They were getting old, I couldn't bother them if it wasn't an emergency. So I lied awake in my bed for another night, and I'll do the same the next day.
I was doing a good job of lying half dead in bed all Sunday before Mandy interrupted my mourning with her sudden life goal of making me snap out of it. It started with her pulling out the covers, and confiscating my phone.
- No more depressing music for you, I've had it. We get it, you're sad. We all have been there, you included. Guess what ? Staying in bed all day won't make you feel better, so you're gonna move it and take a nice and long shower because we're going out.
Seeing her this determined, fists on her hips, actually surprised me.
- I'm not, I muttered into the pillow.
- Oh yeah we are. There are plenty of boys in the world, you're stronger than that. So you better get your pretty ass in the shower before I kick the hell out of it.
To be honest, she had a fair point, and I obliged reluctantly, finding myself getting dressed up faster than I expected. By foot, we were a good hour away from the downtown, and with that infernal weather there was no way we were gonna walk, so she ordered a Uber for us and pushed my sorry self inside. The center of the city was crossed by the river, where the best bars were, and about half of our school's students hung out in this area, so it was always crowded, even in December. Teenagers and young adults were drinking cheap beer, smoking weed and/or selling drugs. It was the perfect place to meet new people. We could already see people chatting noisily by the docks, some dudes peeing on the river, others playing the djembe or singing together in circles, passing the joint. The street was usually so crowded that when a police car went by to see if everything was in order, it rolled with difficulty, honking everybody standing in the middle of the road. Mandy's strategy was simple : getting my mind off of Jake. She wouldn't even say his name, and had me take a shot every time I did (which I didn't anyway). Despite all her efforts, I couldn't say I was into it. The night went by with me staying in the back as she befriended everyone, fake-smiling now and then when they tried to chat with me. Focusing on what they said has proved nearly impossible, so I excused myself, pretexting I had to go to the bathroom. I needed some alone time. I didn't even feel like drinking anything, even a soda. It was too crowded, too noisy, smelled like booze and beer too much, it was... everything was overwhelming for someone who had just lied motionless in silence for two whole days.
The bartenders didn't say a word about me coming into their bar in the sole purpose of using their toilets. I don't even think they saw me at all with all the yelling people lined up against the counter to get their drinks. The crowd was compact, and my frame nearly got smashed between strangers' bodies when I tried to come through it, tripping over when I got out of this sea of limbs, and finally bumping heads with some drunk dude.
- Sorry, we said in unison, lifting a hand to our head.
The sound of my name made me gaze up, reporting my attention on something else than the floor. Josh. Of course. Could my luck be any worse ? At this point I must say that I wasn't even surprised. He looked far too drunk, and smelled a disgusting mix of whisky and beer. Trying to wave him off before passing him didn't succeed, because he grabbed my wrist, saying we should talk, pulling me outside on the busy street where I just came from.
- Josh I don't want to hear-
As a response, his index finger pressed sloppily against my lips, shushing me, making me frown.
- I didn't get to say everything I needed, did I ?
At this point I wasn't even annoyed, just tired and sorry for the both of us. He looked almost as miserable as me, and was he alone ? My eyes shot glances from side to side, waiting for his friends to pick him up, or worse, his brothers. But nobody seemed to care about us, let alone witness us.
- Whatever, let's talk.
Sending a to text Mandy beforehand in case she thought I was once again locked in the bathroom, I let Josh walk me to the bridge at the end of the street, far from the crowd. The wind kept brushing our faces at full speed, making my ears ache and my fingers sting. It was so cold outside I couldn't understand why everybody kept coming at the docks, this was the worst place ever in Winter. Josh sat on a step leading to the top of the bridge, only wearing a light suede jacket, not bothered in the slightest by this awful weather. The boy kept looking at his feet, his mouth a pout, his gaze unfocused, looking deep in thought.
- Josh if you're not going to say anyth-
- I didn't know what to do about it, he interrupted like he didn't hear me at all. I panicked ? You have to believe me, doll, I'm so sorry about it. What should have I done ? You're my friend and he's my brother, what a shitty situation. It wasn't my place to tell you, it was his. He should've known, it was so fucking obvious to everyone except him, what an idiot...
Josh began rambling, shaking his head in disbelief. I felt my cheeks color at the new knowledge that everybody knew about my crush on Jake except himself. My shame level was about to burst, it was so embarrassing.
- He doesn't know ?
Needing to confirm this, I barely whispered but the boy heard me, staring intently into my eyes before shaking his head no, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
- He's an idiot, commented Josh. Can't even see his relationship has been going to the dogs since months now. And I'm deeply sorry his incompetent ass put you in this situation. Now I obviously can't beat him up for you but I do can steal his socks to piss him off.
What ? Josh kept rambling on and slurring, to the point I didn't know if he was talking to me or to himself. So Jake's relationship wasn't all great... It happened to everybody, I guess. It didn't rejoice me in any way, however. If anything, I felt empathy for him. Maybe it's not that he was oblivious, but that he wanted for this to work so much he willingly chose to ignore that his relationship was falling apart. According to Josh's mumbling, their love was dying. Knowing Jake better now I could picture him genuinely trying his best to make things work, even though there wasn't anything he could do about it, and it made me sad. Because who knew this feeling of helplessness better than me ? It made me see things from a new perspective. Why was I even fighting with Josh ? Again ? It was futile and childish. I felt betrayed out of anger and sadness. It didn't mean he handled the situation perfectly, oh no. But staying mad at him wouldn't change anything. Jake wasn't going to quit his girlfriend anytime soon and I didn't wish him that. I couldn't live a lie either. Now at least I knew he was in a relationship, and I could finally move on. And while doing it, I could help a friend.
- It's alright Josh, I interrupted his monologue. Come here, let's go.
Josh took the hand offered to him and with some difficulty, I helped him up, letting him wrap himself around me, hugging me tightly, making me giggle.
- Where are we going ?, he whined in my shoulder while I called a cab.
- Home.
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*in the middle of a case*
Wise Old Informant™: And based on all that evidence, I think we're dealing with a cult.
Dean: Awesome. But like on a scale of the Paris Hilton fandom to the Thules, where does it score?
Sam: Somewhere in the middle. So probably Illuminati level?
Dean: well except for the demonic science nerds with money pouring out their asscracks and Latin triangles tattooed on their dicks, right? Because that's really not my thing. *looks at Cas for reaction but there are none. Shrugs and laughs himself*
Sam: you're so far from correct, it is really not funny.
Dean: shut up I'm hilarious. You're just being bitchy because you fanboy for the Langdons of this World and cults *laughs, and looks at Cas for a reaction but gets none*
Sam: *bitchface*
Cas: *unaffected* So, do you have any descriptions of their rituals?
Dean: yeah, do you? Are they the sacrificing llamas type? Dancing around bonfires for tentacled aliens? Community orgies? *laughs again, and even Sam has to grin but Cas doesn't bat an eye*
Wise Old Informant™: No, they pray like we do. Different deities though, and way weirder than the ones we pray to.
Dean: are you sure? Because like Cas here is a cousin of Jesus Christ and a bunch of other evil dicks, and they're all sons of the creator, this home-alone called Chuck, who sings suckily in the shower and watches cat videos, but go off I guess
*now, Dean laughs with Sam but not Cas, and the Wise Old Informant™ looks at them worriedly*
Wise Old Informant™: I'm sorta religious, so just not going to react. So yeah, there's a hierarchy. The beginners stand. There's prostrating at the feet of statues. And then there's sitting.
Sam: yes. The most powerful position is on your knees.
Dean: ...that's what she said
Wise Old Informant™: *laughs*
Sam: *annoyedly laughs*
Dean: *proud of himself but Cas is as stoic as ever, so he finally loses it* Dude. what is wrong with you? You're not on a strike! You're allowed to laugh!
Cas: I would, if I, uh, felt the need to.
Dean: *irritated* what, like, angels can deactivate their sense of humor? And well, I think I'm on a roll here! This is comedy gold! Do you think I'm not funny, huh?
Cas: *polite* maybe we don't share the same sense of humor, Dean. If you want -
Dean: I don't need your pity laughs *mentally* challenge accepted.
*Dean decides that it's now a matter of his honor, and he'll make Cas laugh, come what may*
*while dealing with the Lucifer situation*
Sam: he's possessing some musician now ughhh
Dean: what some of us do for fame...
Dean: *sees Cas listening and takes it a step ahead* I mean, he's basically a Mean Girl now. He craves attention and would possess the President for drama™
Sam: *snicker*
Dean: I mean, think about it! He could just start driving a pink convertible and become friggin' Regina George next
Sam: *bursts out laughing*
*Dean looks at Cas to see if he laughed, but its like he doesn't even bother to react. Not even a smile*
Dean: ...you can do better Winchester
*In the middle of a vampire hunt*
Dean: *slicing some SOB's head off* Phew! Its basically routine now!
Cas: *admiring* you're very good at it, yes
Dean: *decides to seize the moment* they're just pretty bad at what they do. I mean sure, you sparkle just fine. But you don't need to shine out your ass for eternity to suck blood, just wear some headgear so that knifes don't slice through
Cas: *zoning out*
Dean: *desperate* heh I mean the only reason Twilight has all these movies is because it was those embassies against some more dumbasses. Throw in a hunter, and it would've been over before Pattinson could've cried out for the wolf with abs, Jake or whatever
Dean: *mentally* its gonna take more efforts, but you'll get there
*Gabriel is flirting with a random woman*
Dean: *sees an opportunity and charges* for a guy his age, Gabriel sure seems to get laid a lot
Cas: yes *smiles* he has had a lot of practise
Dean: yeah that, and he has all these great lines, being an angel and everything
Cas: like?
Dean: *excited that it might work* oh come on Cas, what's the use of being an angel if you don't use the pick-up lines it brings?
Cas: I see.
Dean: *sees Cas sobering up and tries harder* you know like, the whole array of heaven related ones? "Heaven's missing an angel, I now see why"?
Cas: *serious* why, Dean?
Dean: no, its just a line, don't take it seriously
Cas: okay
Dean: *desperacito* There's more too! Like, like, "Are you my vessel? 'Cause I would love to get inside you!" *waits for reaction*
Dean: it was funny, you ass
Cas: but how would that work like I'm a -
*TFW sees a girl wearing a trenchcoat, crossing the street*
Dean: *mentally* I'm gonna Carpe the Fucking Diem out of this
Dean: LOOK Cas! She's wearing your trench - no, not yours, I mean, one just like it - but hey, guess what that means?
Cas: what?
Dean: you're finally in season
Dean: get it? You're like a trendsetter? Your fashion is finally in style?? Get it????
Cas: ...yes?
Dean: *desperacito x 1234500016351903611* REACT TO IT THEN
Cas: OH! I completely forgot! I was supposed to laugh, wasn't I? Sam told me to look for cues when you spoke, but its much harder to know when to laugh when you speak than you think -
Dean: I swear to god Cas I'm goNNA -
Dean: and Sam, we need to have a fucking talk!? I'M HILARIOUS!! I DON'T NEED PITY LAUGHS
Sam: ...Sam thinks you do, Dean
*Many gruesome years later when all except Dean have forgotten about the challenge*
Sam: *teaching mode* and now you enter the name
Jack: I get to choose the name?
Sam: uh, go nuts *walks away*
Jack: *typing keenly* A - G - E - N - T B - I - E - B - E - R
Dean: *peeks* seriously kid?
Dean: *struck by a fabulous idea* HEY CAS! Remember the time you and Crowley used those fake-ass aliases when you went hunting behind our backs?
Cas: not really
Dean: *helpless, but too far gone to be brought back* You don't remember??? The Agent Beyonce and Z?
Cas: *grins* oh that. Yes, those were his idea
Dean: *spurred on* he was always an idiot. Seriously a miracle you 2 weren't caught that time! Close save!
Cas: I suppose
Dean: *dying because the moment is so close to falling flat, and jumping to the punchline* I mean, heh, if we'd not showed up, you would've moved on to the next city as Agent Kardashian and West *hopeful for a reaction, as he bats his eyes at Cas*
Cas: *polite* no we were not stupid
Dean: *sigh*
Cas: oH WAIT -
Dean: don't say it don't fucking say it. I give up okay? I'm done. I'm so done. I give up. I GIVE UP!
Cas: I'm sorry Dean, I'll laugh -
Dean: nO - I'VE G I V E N U P
Jack: ...what's happening?
Sam: Sam keeps forgetting how new you are until moments like these happen
*Sam, Cas and Dean are reading up on archangel lore*
Cas: *to Sam* ...and that is how he uses all 6 wings to his advantage.
Sam: that information could really be useful when we take him on. All you know about archangels is really gonna be helpful Cas, I should write it down. Speak slower
Sam: I can't take all of it at once.
Dean: *tries to resist but can't* THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID *Cas is stoic as ever and Sam bitchfaces him*
Sam: grow up jerk
Dean: bitch *does the armpit cart thing to demonstrate just how grown up he is*
Cas, suddenly: *snickers*
Dean: did you just -
Cas: I - I mean, I just - *begins to chuckle as he replays it in his head*
Cas: *rolling on the floor, full fledged laughing*
Dean: I've been...its been...y E a r s...I mean - this is what makes you laugh...I mean...
Cas: *unable to breathe from the laughing, red in the face*
Dean: ...fArTS, CAS!?
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mainly-kpop · 6 years ago
Kappa Beta part 5
You know what that means lads. VIAGRA SERIES IS ON ITS WAY. 
thank you for all the love on this series, i cant wait for yall to read the next one <3
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She straightened out her dress knowing this was a bad idea, that she was 100% being set up right now. Did he know? Was he even aware of anything going on around him? God why would he be, it’s not as if she made it obvious. Letting his whole frat house dick her down probably wasn’t the best way to say “hey you’re really cute, let’s date!” If punching herself in the face was an option right now, it’s one she would accept with open arms.
‘And are you sure everyone will be there?’ She questioned, one last time for good measure. Lara rolled her eyes, overtly sick of all these damn questions. In reality she knew she would be alone with him, she could see it in her best friends eyes. She was a shady bitch, but one terrible liar, especially towards her.
‘YES, 100%, I promise everyone will be together tonight.’ Technically that wasn’t a lie, nor was it the whole truth. Lara was finally meeting the boys tonight, Jimin excluded, but the boys all the same. She looked at her skeptically trying to find a lie, unable to fine the wavering she shrugged grabbing her purse.
‘Fine, let’s go then!’ She chirped, grabbing Lara’s hand, staying rooted to the spot she shook her head, causing a frown to form on the latter’s face.
‘Yea, no. Look at me, I am no where NEAR ready to meet these men!! You go ahead, I’ll text you when I’m on my way.’ She replied, easily letting the bullshit fall out her mouth. Frowning she shrugged, muttering a small ‘well okay…’ before exiting the house. Lara slipped down onto the couch sighing with relief texting the boys.
‘She’s on her way, get out of there now!’ She got a few emojis in response, confirming they were making their exit before locking her phone and chuckling to herself.
‘JIMIN, WE ARE GOING OUT TO GET STUFF FOR TONIGHT! WANT ANYTHING?!’ He rolled his eyes, looking exasperatedly at his door.
‘NO JUNGKOOK, AND HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS, stop screaming on the other side of my door. It ain’t that thick dude.’ He spoke, swinging the door open glaring at the taller boy.
‘Oh I just thought maybe YOU thought it was thicker.’ He spoke, smirking. He didn’t want to ask, but curiosity killed the cat and all that shit.
‘Why would I think that Kook?’ Pushing his hair back with his hand, he sighed. Jungkooks smirk still plastered on his perfect fucking face.
‘Just how loud you are, you know. Do you always think of Y/N or is that just nights you want to-‘
‘FUCK OFF JUNGLECOCK!’ He screamed, slamming the door in the younger boys face, sometimes he really couldn’t stand living here.
Yes he really liked this girl, fuck ever since she sat down on that couch, all bashful and shy, he had a thing for her. All the boys talked about destroying her, about wanting to fuck her until the only word she knew was their name. Not Jimin, he wanted to take care of her, to cuddle and watch movies. He wanted to go to parties and look for her in a crowd, he wanted her and only her. Sensing she had different plans however, he stayed out of her way, making sure that whatever she wanted she got. Whether it was him or not.
He recalls vividly Hobi talking about fucking her, his brags about how well she took him, how amazing she felt around him. Jin’s brag quickly after that of ‘You’re not the only one who got her yesterday’ making all them groan in want. He remembered Namjoon entering the living room, followed closely by Jungkook, talking about how much fun they had. How they hadn’t expected to enjoy a threesome with each other so much. About how rough they had been, about how well she took it all. By this point he was angry, watching everyone else get a go, and not him.
For a while he questioned if it was him that she didn’t want, but then she had come over recently, and never went to bed with anyone. That gave him comfort, that maybe you just didn’t want that anymore. Then he came home that night, all the boys crowded around Tae and Yoongi, begging for details, juicy details. They turned around to him, pity on their features, he was the last one. The only one left, and judging by your lack of attention towards him. It would never happen.
SO like any normal boy, with a bruised ego and a pained heart, he did what he knew best. Burying his dick in the prettiest thing that looked his way and avoiding her at all costs. Truthfully it wasn’t the smartest idea, but it helped for a while. That was before every face he looked at he saw her, every smile was dull compared to what he remembered of hers. Every moan, or groan, every whimper they made, there was no way it was near what he imagined hers being.
A swift knock at the front door brought him out of his thoughts, he didn’t know how long he had been sitting there so he assumed it was one of the boys.
‘What did you forget Nam-‘ He stopped his sentence, taking in her appearance. She was dressed for a party, he would give her that. Her hair was done to perfection, not a hair out of place, flowing in curls down her back. Her make up looked, yeah, to be honest Jimin didn’t know much about that, he just knew she looked fucking amazing. The tight black dress she picked hugged her body, stopping mid thigh, he couldn’t stop his eyes trailing the length of her legs settling on some sneakers.
‘Smart casual, they’re also comfy.’ She spoke, fearing she was being judged, she couldn’t see why he would be though considering he was in a hoodie and sweats.
‘Na it looks hot- I mean I’m hot, are you hot?, It’s hot in here wow.’ He stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck, she giggled watching him curiously.
‘Can I?’
‘Oh shit yeah, sorry!’ He fumbled once again, stepping to the side. How had he not thought to let the fucking girl inside.
‘So where is everyone?’ She questioned curiously, they said they would be in? Jimin shrugged, not knowing the time or anything.
‘I’m not sure, they popped out about half 6 maybe? Said they would be back soon.’ She sighed. She knew this was a fucking set up.
‘Jimin, its half seven, they aren’t coming back, well not tonight at least.’ She sounded disappointed, he couldn’t help but wonder if she was that sad when he wasn’t here. The times she showed up and he was no where in sight. He wondered if she was this upset when it was him. Not them.
‘God I should just go, I’m sorry for-‘
‘Why? You don’t have to leave because it’s just me.’ He whispered, she could hear the hurt in his voice. She looked at what she could see of his face, he looked upset. Why was he so sad when it’s him that’s avoiding her?
‘Jimin it’s not like that.’ She stated, sitting back on the couch she had raised her body from, as soon as she knew this was a set up. He turned his face to look at her, eyes hopeful and inviting, god he was so beautiful.
‘Then what is it like?’ He questioned, curious and ever so slightly ticked off.
‘I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, you seem to avoid me.’ Eyes popping out his head, he shook it violently. Yes it was sad the speed he replied, but he didn’t want her to feel like he was avoiding her.
‘Oh god no, I couldn’t, I would never. I just-god how do I explain this without sounding like an idiot?’ The question, directed at himself, was answered by her anyways.
‘From the heart Jimin, tell me how you’re feeling.’ She soothed, placing her hand gently on top of his, rubbing soothing circles. The motion was made to sooth, to calm, but all he could think about was how close their bodies were. How the length of her legs were incredible, how their knees were touching. How this was the closest he’d been to you since that night, that started it all.
‘I uh, I’m technically avoiding you yes, BUT NOT FOR THE REASONS YOU THINK, god I’m so bad at this, you look so pretty tonight.’ He babbled, blushing slightly. She smiled tucking a stray hair behind her ear, thanking him under her breath, urging him to continue.
‘I like you, like more than just wanting to have sex with you. I avoided you because I didn’t want to be like the others, but then you never even tried with me so I just assumed…’ trailing off he replayed the confession in his head, yeah that sounded coherent. She smirked, letting out a little snort like laugh, he looked up quickly confused at her reaction.
‘Jimin you idiot boy, I wasn’t avoiding you because I didn’t want you. Lord knows I wanted you, but I wanted you as more, like you’re saying I never wanted just sex from you. You never seemed down to do anything, the others were so…’ They looked at each other in stark silence for a moment before both giggling, she fell into his body sighing and trying to calm down.
‘Idiots, the both of us!’ He exclaimed, wrapping his arm tightly around her body. He rubbed his thumb along her shoulder, causing her to relax into him slightly more. She smiled breathing in his aftershave, snuggling in closer.
‘You can say that again.’ She hummed, wrapping her arm around his waist. Planting a small kiss on the top of her head, he smiled content to a certain extent.
‘So, what do we do now?’ They turned to each other, she considered the question for a moment before a sparkle danced in her eyes.
‘I can think of a couple things…’ She murmured, pressing herself closer to his body, fingers trailing up his torso resting gently on his shoulder.
‘Oh really and what are those?’ He questioned, already knowing where this was leading. He pushed his body into hers, she lay back going with the motions. Body hovered over hers, he pushed her thin strap down her shoulder, leaving it completely bare and open to him.
‘We could watch a movie, maybe order some take out?’
‘Oh, that sounds promising, a little boring though.’ He replied, planting sweet little kisses on her cheek. As he reached her jaw and neck the kisses became more hungry, nibbling and nipping between kisses.
‘Okay, maybe you’re right, we could go for a nap? I hear that’s a thing people do these days.’ His lips smashed against hers, in a hungry and heated kiss. The months of avoiding each other, staying far away all coming down to this moment.
‘That sounds good, one problem. This isn’t really a bedroom setting, the boys could come home and disturb our nap.’ He whispered through kisses, pushing her dress up her hips. She moaned into the kiss, feeling his hands trailing up her body, gripping everything in his path.
‘We could move, to the bedroom I mean.’ He cocked his eyebrow, fiddling with the hem of her panties.
‘Would you want that baby? The bedroom instead?’ He queried, voice huskier and deeper than before, she bit her lip jerking her hips into his crotch.
‘Fuck no.’ She gasped, slamming her lips onto his one more time. He yanked her panties down her legs, the cold air hitting her wetness, breath stuttering in her throat. His fingers traced up her inner thigh, sparking goosebumps in their way. His finger finally reached where she needed him, gasp pouring out her mouth. He chuckled seeing her already so pent up, ripping open the top of her dress her breasts bounced free.
‘This was one of my favourite dresses.’ She pouted, looking down at the now destroyed item of clothing.
‘I’ll buy you a new one baby, a better one, a sexier one.’ He smirked, pushing a finger ever so gently inside of her, she whined at the feeling reaching out to grab his shoulders. Lowering his head, he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, enjoying the low groaning noise she makes.
‘Jimin, fuck just fuck me please.’ She wanted foreplay, she really wanted it damn, but she was far more desperate to feel him. To feel what she had been missing. He moaned in her ear, not expecting to hear her say it that fast, yet he was so turned on he couldn’t say no. Even if he wanted to.
He stood up, pulling his trousers and boxers down his legs, sitting down on the couch. Patting his thighs he let her know exactly what he wanted. She smirked standing up, slipping herself out of the dress, kicking it to the side. Like it would matter that shit was destroyed. Sauntering over to him, she slipped her knees on either side of his legs scooting so their chests pushed against each other.
‘We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.’ She whispered onto his lips. It was weird for her, to have the tables turned so suddenly. For her to be saying they could stop, it made her smile, lips still pressed against his.
‘I want to, fuck I want to.’ He whined against her lips, gripping her hips tighter, forcing her to grind or move or something. She nodded lightly, kissing his lips one last time before wrapping her hand around his dick, pumping gently a couple of times. He moaned, throwing his head back, looking down at her, eyelids half closed. The gaze was penetrative, causing a shiver to glide down her spine. Slipping her thumb quickly across the top of his cock, gathering some pre cum before lifting her hips and slipping down on him. She placed her finger in her mouth, sucking off the pre cum but keeping direct eye contact the whole time.
‘You’re such a tease, you know that?’ He gasped, feeling her clenching around him. She smiled cheekily, nodding in reply. He placed his hands gently on her hips, urging her to move herself on him. She bit her lip raising her hips slightly, sinking back down letting a groan out.
‘Fuck baby, you feel so good.’ He grunted, helping her move her hips up and down, thrusting up to meet her half way. She let out short moans, breathless, holding her boobs as they bounce with each thrust.
‘Fuck Jimin, harder oh my god!’ She screamed, feeling like she was balanced on the edge, needing a hard push. He let a low guttural groan vibrate his chest before flipping their bodies around, her now lying on the couch. This position let him thrust harder and faster into her, hitting her sweet spot every damn time. She trailed her nails down his back, practically screaming for him at this point. His hand slipped between their bodies, seeking out her clit quickly. Feeling close himself, he needed to push her over the edge before he came.
‘Fuck, Jimin, I’m, fuck!’ She screamed, pushing his hips tighter into hers with her feet. She came with nothing but a breathless whimper, back arching and convulsing against him. As she clenched around him he came too, the feeling pushing him that little bit further over the edge. His body collapsed on top of hers, she giggled at his sweaty body pressed against hers, running her hand soothingly through his hair.
‘we should get off this couch before they come home.’ She whispered a while after, both of them completely down from their highs. He sighed, agreeing, pulling out slowly he helped her stand, both heading to the bathroom and then to bed.
‘So do we date now?’ He asked awkwardly, tracing circles into her stomach. She hummed, petting his hair.
‘I’d hope so, I did just confess my attraction to you.’ She chuckled, causing Jimin to poke at her sides.
‘Don’t be cheeky, it’s not too early for me to break up with you!’ She gasped pushing him off, folding her arms in mock anger.
‘Ah, baby don’t be like that, you know I want you.’ He whispered, crawling on top of her body nibbling gently at her earlobe.
‘Hmm and how do I know that?’ She countered, trailing her hands over his body anyways.
‘I’m sure I can think of a few ways…’ He answered, slipping his hands slowly between their bodies.
‘Okay, 20 bucks says they didn’t fuck.’ Jungkook whispered as they walked through the living room. Namjoon picked up an item of clothing from the floor, holding it up for the boys. The top half ripped completely, all of them smirking.
‘You might want to rethink that bet Kookie…’ Yoongi replied, smirking at the ruined dress.
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gaycrouton · 6 years ago
Words of Love 25/27 [Why hadn't he tried to kiss her again?]
Yearn: (verb) to have an earnest or strong desire; to feel tenderness; be moved or attracted.
It had been months since he tried to kiss her in his hallway. Eleven, to be specific. Call her optimistic, but she had hoped after everything was healed and resolved they could pick up where they had left off. They didn’t. Instead, they went back to living in a constant state of innuendos and trepidation.
In all the time since then, it’s only been brought up twice , and it was only in shy acknowledgement. One time was when they had to run an errand to his place. While he was unlocking the door, her gaze was automatically drawn to the area in the hallway where it had almost happened. The harsh click of the door unlocking shocked her eyes back to his, only to see he was staring at her with a wistful grin. Neither of them said anything.
The other time was a little more verbal, but barely. It had been hot in their office so they cracked the window, and a bee got in. It buzzed around the room noisily until an agitated Mulder stood up and, in a violent slap, killed the bee against a filing cabinet. Under his breath, she heard him mutter, “God, I hate bees.”
She casually muttered back with a tinge of frustration, “Yeah, tell me about it.” They locked eyes and the recognition was heavy in the room. She coyfully cocked and eyebrow at him, begging him to say something, but was interrupted by a phone call. It wasn’t mentioned again.
As much as she wished she could deny it, in all honesty, she replayed that moment in the hallway on a daily basis . ” His heartfelt admittance, the way his arms felt embracing her, the way his hands felt caressing her face, the look of pure love in his eyes as he leaned in, the velvet silk of his lips grazing her, the sting of that fucking bee. Some nights it made her sad, some angry, sometimes it got her off, but on nights like tonight, it made her drown her sorrows in booze.
It was rare, but it happened. Sometimes they would have a really good day, lots of flirting, maybe he touched her back one too many times, but then he said his goodbye for the day and they just parted ways. Instead of going home, she would go to a local bar and have a few rounds before hailing a taxi. It was just a little too depressing to go home and sulk alone at her apartment for hours. Drinking sometimes even enhanced her mood.
“Hey Dana, long time no see.” The same bartender was there every time. He was around fifty, married, and had listened to her rant about Mulder far too many times not to be embarrassed a little.
“Hey Tony,” she smiled, taking a seat at a secluded end of the bar.
“You want to start off with a Vodka Cranberry?” He asked, already preparing the drink.
“You know me so well,” she laughed and he passed her the drink after a moment.
Per usual, Scully sat at the bar and read from a book she kept in her purse, tonight it was a Neil Gaiman novel. She enjoyed the time to herself, it distracted her, she either got a nice buzz or comfortably drunk, and she was never worried, Tony was a great bouncer as well as listener.
She figured it was because she was a relatively young woman sitting alone at a bar, but once or twice every time, some random man would come and flirt with her. Even though she was sexually frustrated, they were never enticing enough; not tall enough, hair wasn’t brown enough, eyes not hazel enough, name not Fox Mulder enough. She would laugh, smile, let them but her a few drinks, and, when she gave him the signal, Tony would shoo them away. Usually, “she’s with the feds,” was enough.
Tonight was no different. She was on her third mixed drink, and sixty pages in, when a relatively handsome man sat next to her. She didn’t catch his name, it didn’t really matter, but his conversation was good and he bought her two shots and she was feeling good. Nameless man was telling her about an upcoming trip to Europe when her phone interrupted him. “Sorry about that,” she mumbled as she reached for her phone.
“Scully,” she said after trying to clear her throat of any possible slurring that would probably occur, realizing how drunk she was in that moment.
“Hey, it’s me. I was just in your neck of the woods and I was wondering if I could stop by.”
“Oh, hey Mulder! Yeah you totally can, but I’m not there,” she was playing with the rim of her glass, heart tingling the prospect of Mulder wanting to see her.
There was a slight pause as Mulder processed her words, chuckling a little bit, “I wanted to see you, not your apartment. Where are you?” The amusement in his voice made her think he knew she was drinking, even though she was trying to hide it.
“I’m at the bar, Cool Beans, to be specif-ic,” a hiccup embarrassingly slipping out.
“Babe, let me buy you another,” Nameless declared, she glanced at him, forgetting he was even there still, and politely shook her head.
“Scully, are you with someone?” He was trying to sound amused but he couldn’t hide the fear lacing his voice.
“No, no. I came here by myself and then,” she paused and turned to Nameless, “What’s your name?”
“Mark,” he reminded her.
“Then Mark came and has been buying me drinks.” She could practically hear Mulder’s anxiety through the phone.
“Hey, I’m not sure I caught your name?” Namel-Mark interrupted.
“Dana,” she said, not paying him much attention since she had Mulder on the phone.
“That fits, being you could definitely make me explode like Danamite,” he boasted, laughing at his own joke.
Scully was cringing at the horrible name pun, but Mulder apparently overheard and was offended by the crudeness on her behalf, “Scully, I’ll be there in a few minutes. Don’t go anywhere.” She was met with a dial tone before she could respond.
She felt a goofy grin spread across her face as she quickly finished off the new shot in front of her and adjusted her clothing. She quickly ran her index fingers under her eyes, checking the pads for running eyeliner. What could she say, she was excited to see him even though she just had two hours ago.
When she was finished a few moments later, a voice broke her out of her reverie. “Hon, I don’t know what you’re fidgeting around for. You look beyond sexy in that little suit.” Oh, he’s still here.
She turned to him with a polite smile before saying, “Sorry, my partner’s coming to drink with me. I appreciated your company though.” Even in her state of inebriation, she realized how harsh of a send off that was.
“Aww, come on,” he slurred, putting a hand on her shoulder and leaning closer, “Can’t we have a little more fun?”
“No thank y-you,” she slurred slightly, pushing him away.
He was about to lean back in when a strong hand clasped around his shoulder, pulling him back. “She said no.” She followed the arm up to the face and saw a very stern Mulder glaring at the man he was touching. If looks could kill, Mark would be on the floor.
Regardless of Mulder’s apparent irritation, she was ecstatic to see him. She knew her enthusiasm was partly fuelled by alcohol, but it didn’t stop her from sending a beaming smile his way, “Mulder! You’re here!”
Mark got up reluctantly before mumbling, “Damn, she barely even looked at me and you get that reaction after five seconds. Not fair dude,” but luckily he left without any reluctance. Mulder watched him go before sitting down in the recently vacant spot.
“I missed you.” The words came out of her mouth, but she was too drunk to feel any embarrassment. She half wished she hadn’t gotten drunk tonight so she could have been at her apartment when he was going to make his unexpected visit. But he was with her now, and that’s all that mattered.
He smiled at her words, “Scully, you saw me two hours ago.”
“And I mi-ssed you after five minutes-s” she slurred, hailing Tony the bartender over.
“Scully, how much have you had to drink?” He laughed.
“Ummmm-” she started, tapping a finger on her lips, noticing his eyes were drawn to the motion.
“She’s had three Vodka Cranberry’s, two shots of Fireball, and one shot of Jager, and she’s never gonna be interested in you buddy,” Tony snapped, glaring at Mulder.
Scully reached out and put her hands on Mulder’s shoulders, and whispered, not so quietly, “N-no, no, Tony, this is Mulder .” She drew out his name with unnecessary emphasis, the man’s eyebrows skyrocketing instantly in recognition from all her stories from the past few months.
“No shit! Well in that case, completely disregard that last comment,” he told a very confused Mulder. Scully ordered her and Mulder each a Shiner beer and closed out her tab.
She turned back to Mulder and saw he was staring at her in complete fascination. “What?” she laughed, taking a swig of her beer.
“I’ve never seen you drunk before. You’re so smiley,” he said, swiging his own drink.
She swayed lightly on her barstool and Mulder’s hand instinctively shot out to her thigh to stabilize her. His touch was electric and her own hand covered his to maintain the contact. “I’m just so happy to see you.”
“Scully, you see me all the time,” his eyes held an intensity she hadn’t seen in a while. Like he was trying to take in a plethora of new information and was desperately burning everything into his memory.
“I know, but we never hang out,” she whined.
“Scully, you pick up the phone and I’ll be there in a heartbeat. I want to hang out too, that’s why I had been coming over,” he reassured, hand squeezing the part of her leg he was still touching.
A little twinge of self-consciousness made its way through her inebriation and she started playing with the rim of the bottle to avoid his gaze. “I-I know you’d come if I asked, but I don’t want to feel like I’m burdening you or that you’re j-just doing it to appease me.” She felt his hand leave her leg before it was relocated to her chin, nudging her head to look at him.
His eyes held a mix of happiness and determination “Scully, I promise, from the bottom of my heart, I will never consider you a burden. If anything, I’m an inconvenience to you.”
She shook her head obnoxiously to emphasize her point, stopping when it made her dizzy, “No, no. Mulder, you are never an inconvenience to me! I love y-spending time with you.” Her heart was pounding from her near-declaration of love and she quickly finished off the last sip of her beer in one sweep.
He smiled and finished his own drink  before standing up and holding out his hand. “I think it’s about time I take you home.”
She grabbed his hand and slid out of the barstool and immediately fell into his waiting arms, relishing the strength and care he held her with. It was greedy, but she took the opportunity to wrap her arms around him and inhale the scent of him she only ever got whiffs of. She smiled into his chest when she felt him fully return the hug, resting one hand supportively on her back, his unspoken territory, and the other cradled her head.
After a moment he pulled back, still keeping her steady and looked down at her. She kept resting her cheek on his chest, but met his gaze. “Scully, I need to get you home.”
She drunkenly nodded and she heard a voice call from the bar, “I ordered you guys a cab, it should be here any minute.”
She didn’t take her eyes off Mulder as he gave the man words of appreciation. She also got to watch the bashful blush paint his face with the bartenders next words, “And buddy, if a bee is enough to stop you, buy a damn can of Raid.” Mulder looked back down at Scully for an explanation but she only chuckled in response, then grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the bar.
The cab was waiting for them and the ride was quick and smooth, she just rested her head on his shoulder and enjoyed the contact. When they pulled up in front of her building, Mulder paid the driver and helped Scully get out, holding a strong arm around her middle.
They were both relatively silent the whole elevator ride up, simply relishing the normally forbidden closeness. When they got to her hallway, she was reminded of why she got drunk in the first place. The kiss she had been yearning for for almost a year. Granted, wrong hallway, but still. A new found fervor filled her body and she stood up straighter as Mulder unlocked her door with his own key. When they were inside Mulder noticed her new demeanor. Apparently her look of determination wasn’t coming across as intense as she had hoped because he started chuckling, his eyes darting between her turned up chin and the hands on her hips. “Yes, Scully?” he prompted.
“Why haven’t you tried again?” She was able to refrain from slurring, but it definitely didn’t come out like the proclamation she wanted.
“I don’t know what you mean?” He cocked his head to the side.
“Eleven months ago Mulder!” She loudly declared, causing him to raise his eyebrows, “You almost kissed me, but were cock blocked by a bee. I thought when we got back you might, I dunno, try again! But nooooo, you don’t even talk about it! In case you didn’t notice Mulder, I was leaning forward, I wanted that, but now I feel like you were just using it as a ploy to get me to stay. Why will you only love me when you’re scared?” What she wanted to sound like a powerful speech faded to a melancholic plea.
Mulder’s eyes widened at her proclamation and he quickly was shaking his head to dissuade her fears. “Scully, n-no, please don’t think that.” He took a step towards her and nudged her to look at him again. “I love you so, so much. Beyond words. You consume my every thought. You just never mentioned it and I didn’t know if you wanted to bury it. You were upset at the time and I didn’t know if it was something you regretted."
She was beaming at his words and cursing that, in a desperate attempt to meet what they assumed the other wanted, they had both postponed what they had both wanted so badly. “Mulder, I love you so much. The only thing I regretted was getting stung by the bee.”
They both were openly relieved at the newfound revelation, spending a few moments just embracing each other. Scully was the first to break the silence, looking up at him, she whispered, “Can we try again?”
He bit his lip before mournfully groaning, “I can’t right now because I still fear that you’ll regret this in the morning and I would hate for you to think I took advantage of you while you were under the influence.”
She groaned in response, “Mulder. Usually I love what a progressive man you are, but right now it’s really being a pain in my ass.” He heartily laughed in response but it faltered when he noticed she was still hungrily looking at him. “What if I kissed you ? Then it’s on me, and I promise I will be thrilled with myself and you won’t have to feel guilty.”
He gave her an appreciative look and that was all she needed. She raised herself up on her toes and pressed a hungry kiss to his lips. He placed one hand on the small of her back as the other entangled itself in her hair. They stayed like that for a moment until he broke off and looked down at her, a goofy smile plastered on his face. The kiss was brief, but it was beautiful. “I’ll have to return the favor when I’m positive you’ll remember,” he murmured, pressing a kiss into her hair.
“I’m looking forward to it,” she mused. He waited in the living room as she went into her bedroom and changed into her pyjamas, which consisted of underwear and an oversized T-Shirt. It took a little bit longer than normal due to her getting dizzy with every sudden movement, but when she was ready she called out for him to come in.
He tentatively wandered into her room, glancing around at the new territory before taking in her outfit, or lack thereof, with hungry eyes. He quickly averted his gaze back to her own amused one and smiled at her. “Will you spend the night with me? Just sleep next to me. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, share a bed with you lying next to me. I want to see you in the morning and remember that this really happened. I don’t want to wake up and assume it was another dream and have you not mention it in fear I regret it.”
When she mentioned she dreamt about this she saw the sight twinge of arousal pass over his face, quickly taken over amusement at her last sentiment. “You know me so well.” She nodded proudly at his words and patted the bed for him to lay next to her.
He looked like he was about to say something, but after a quickly glance at her underwear-clad lower half, shrugged and took off his jeans. He must have been about to say he didn’t have any pyjamas before figuring her would be no more indecent than she was. She looked at his muscular thighs appreciatively as he tucked himself under the covers with her. She turned off the bedside lamp and they were plunged into darkness. All the sudden, the exhaustion from today caught up with her and she had a hard time keeping her eyes open. She turned on her side and nestled into him. He wrapped a warm arm around her, pulling her closer and kissed the crown of her head. “I love you.” The words tickled her head, and she swore no matter how many times he said it, her heart would always leap.
“I love you too,” she whispered into his chest before slipping off to the most restful sleep of her life.
She woke up and immediately noticed two things. One: Her head pounded, two: her naked legs were entangled with a man’s naked legs, a sensation she hasn’t felt in over half a decade. She tentatively opened her eyes and let out a sigh of relief when she saw it was Mulder laying next to her, his face more peaceful than she had ever seen it before.
Memories of last night came rushing back to her and she could have cried from happiness. He loves her, and he knows she loves him. She remembered how great the kiss was, but it got a little hazy after that. She started to feel butterflies in her stomach. How did they end up basically naked in her bed? She really would have wanted to remembered their first time.
During her inner monologue his eyes opened and he was freely watching her, nervous anticipation. She immediately dissuaded his fears by leaning down and kissing him on the mouth, to which he eagerly responded. This kiss was more passionate than the last. Her mouth opened and it was all the prompting he needed. Their tongues touched and danced like they were meant for each other. Because they were.
After they broke apart, she laid back down on the bed in his arms and enjoyed the sensation. Figuring it would come up eventually, she asked “Mulder, I remember the kiss, but how did we end up in bed?”
“After the kiss you came in here and invited me, you said it was something you always wanted,” he recounted to her with a smile, drawing lazy circles under the sleeve of the t-shirt. Something she’s always wanted? Fuck. They had sex and she didn’t remember a single thing.
She sighed and he immediately tensed in self-conscious fear, “What?”
“I'm just really sad that I can’t remember our first time having sex,” he was silent for a moment and she shyly looked up at him through her lashes. Only to see he was smiling from ear to ear, with unabashed happiness on his face. So apparently it was fantastic sex and I can’t remember it, great.
“Why are you smiling? Was it good?” It was her turn to be self-conscious.
“I don’t know Scully, but I’m more than willing to find out,” his voice was saturated with amusement and enthusiasm.
Now she was just confused. “Wait, what?”
He used one of his hands to lightly brush her baby hairs out of her face as he enlightened her, “When you invited me in here last night you said you have always wanted to share a bed with me. That’s all we did. We just laid down and fell asleep.” She wasn’t sure she had ever blushed harder in her entire life and it just egged him on. “I gotta say, Scully. I’m really appreciating how open you’re being about what you want from me.”
In all honesty, she probably would have been more mortified at her confession if he wasn’t telling her he wanted the same thing by the way his eyes were clouded with lust and happiness. “Well, my memory might not be great, but I definitely remember after the kiss  you said you’d return the favor,” she teased.
She giggle when he rolled on top of her, “Ask and you shall receive,” he declared before kissing her again.
Yeah, she’d remember, and it was way more than just good.
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hanalwayssolo · 6 years ago
Somewhere Between The Music and Lyrics: Ch. 1
A/N: I’m terribly off my own schedule, as usual! So. This Prompto one-shot became a monster I did not expect so I’m splitting it into two chapters. Honestly, among the chocobros, Prompto’s the first one that came to mind when I wanted to do a band AU of sorts—because I’ve heard Robbie Daymond sing on one of their LAVA streams and it is glorious. Anyway! Song featured for this first half is Gavin DeGraw’s We Belong Together. 
Tagging pals! @raspberryandechinacea @noboomoon@emmydots @bleucommelhiver @gowithme @hanatsuki89​ @valkyrieofardyn​ @animakupo​ @lazarustrashpit​ @blindedstarlight​ @mp938368 @boo-dangy
(Links in AO3) Alternate Universes in Which You and I Belong Together: Noctis | Gladio | Prompto | Ignis | Nyx | Cor | Ravus | Ardyn
Prompto had been busily sifting through The Lost Boys’ unanswered emails at the back of their tour bus when he hears his song.
Except, it’s not quite his song.
He recognizes the lyrics in an instant—and he of all people would know of course, since he had written those words as a cry for help for his hopelessly romantic soul. But the song that aches through the speakers holds none of Ignis’s electric riffs, the swell of Gladio’s drums, the steady hum of Noctis’s bass, let alone his own vocals. The one he hears is his music stripped to its rawest, the words made vulnerable by a melancholic leak of a lone acoustic guitar and an exquisitely soulful voice.
We belong together  Like the open seas and shores  Wedded by the planet force  We’ve all been spoken for
Prompto scrambles to the front lounge to find Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis huddling by the booth over a laptop set on the table, their eyes glued to the screen in wild wonder.
Curiously, Prompto eyes them—still grinning wide in awe—and asks, “Are you guys hearing what I’m hearing now? Am I dreaming? What is happening?”
Noctis snorts a laugh. He swivels the laptop to face Prompto. “You might want to check this out, my friend.”
Prompto excitedly moves closer. Immediately, he sees the video accompanying the song entitled “we belong together (cover) by my amazingly talented roommate!!!” posted by username MasterPelnaK. He barely even notices how this video has been raking almost five hundred thousand views and likes in the last twenty-four hours as his attention zeroes in on the stranger sitting on a bean bag, equipped with nothing but the guitar and that voice.
What good is a life  With no one to share  The light of the moon  The honour of a swear
Gods. The tone and vibrato is so on point it sends shivers down his spine. But then, Prompto begins to wonder why this person is not even looking directly at the camera. Were they even aware that they were being recorded? It seems all too candid given the angle, as if the camera had just been discreetly set up on a low-lying table. Not to mention the very personal space in the background, too: a well-lit room of white walls, a cozy looking sofa, an impressive shelf of books and vinyl records tucked between potted fiddle leaf figs. Somewhere out of sight, hushed whispers could still be heard. Was this only recorded from a mobile phone?
Anyway, not that any of these things mattered. Prompto has rarely come across other artists covering their songs, and when he does, each one he cherishes dearly. But this one—this one, for heaven’s sake—has moved him the way the winds bend the trees to its will, a tiny flint that sparks a flame. He didn’t realize that the words he had written could be afforded such lyrical heft, that the music he had created had been a delicate and honest confessional that could fit someone else’s voice so beautifully, like finding a piece of a puzzle he never knew he had been missing.
Where have you been all my life?
So Prompto watches it again. And then a couple times more. Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis gather to watch him curiously. Prompto briefly skims through the comments section and is thoroughly relieved to read overwhelmingly positive feedback. He didn’t even mind when he comes across a comment that says “this is even better than the original!” because fuck it, he shares the same sentiment.
And before Prompto could even scroll back up to replay the video, Gladio drags the laptop away from him.
Prompto sneers in protest. “Dude. Not cool at all—”
“What’s not cool is obsessing over a cover of your own fucking song,” Gladio says in jest.
“Hey, it’s a fucking cool cover, okay!” Prompto scoffs and flicks his eyes on the ceiling—almost rolls them, but not quite so. “And please, big guy. I’m not obsessing. I’m too chill to be obsessed, thank you very much.”
“I clearly remember you saying to the crowd earlier how you’re never the ‘chill’ person of sort, and my word. How quickly the tables have turned,” Ignis casually remarks as he takes a sip from his mug of coffee.
Prompto’s mouth falls open. He did say that onstage during their performance back at Leiden Fest. His immediate regret is letting Ignis triumphantly take it against him.
Meanwhile, Noctis lifts a suspicious eyebrow at Ignis. “Iggy, are you sure you’re not drinking tea? ‘Cause you just poured a scalding one right there.”
“I’m impressed—that’s a good one.” Gladio gives Noctis and Ignis a thundering high-five. They burst out in a gale of laughter.
“You guys are enjoying this, huh.” Prompto grabs a pillow and smashes it at Noctis, who only yelps in between fits of laughter. He hurls one at Gladio, too, but the big guy has reflexes of a jungle cat, so he only ends up catching the thing. Ignis, however, Prompto hesitates at the last second when he shoots him a menacing glance. “Okay, I’m not even going to bother attacking you, ‘cause I’m pretty sure you will kill me if you spill that coffee.”
Ignis gives him a smile and a nod, and returns to his drink.
“Also,” Noctis says, “now that I think about it, you’re giving off that same look and vibe the first time you were crushing on Cindy.”
“What? I do not—okay, okay—” Prompto groans, jabbing a finger at Noctis— “that is different. Cindy is our road manager, so I’m choosing not to cross the line. While this…” Prompto pauses and takes a deep breath. “This is also different. A very surreal and magical kind of different.”
“Now I’d say someone’s been bitten by a lovebug.” Ignis leans back on his seat, arms crossed, regarding Prompto with a pleasant smile.
Gladio laughs. “Tell me about it.”
“I can’t believe I’m friends with you guys,” Prompto says in a miserable groan.
But frankly, Prompto is far from miserable having Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis as friends. He considers himself quite fortunate to have found brothers in them, painfully annoying as they may be from time to time. Besides, it was through their music that helped them bond and weather the toughest of their adolescent years: they were no stranger to teenage angst, to riotous episodes of rebellion, to whirlwind romances and crazy ex-lovers, and to the turbulent journey that led them to be the band that they are today. Naming themselves The Lost Boys seemed to be a fitting tribute to the misadventures of their youth: Always lost and never found.
And yet, regardless of their highs and lows, the four of them have always had each other’s back. And that has not changed even now that they are in their thirties.
Perhaps Prompto is being overly sentimental at this point, but that’s just how it is.
Or maybe, he really has been bitten by a lovebug.
“In any case—“ Noctis firmly clasps Prompto’s shoulder— “this amazing cover of your song is breaking the Internet as we speak.”
“Well, yeah.” Prompto shrugs, though he cannot hide it in from his face how pleased he truly is. “Though I do wonder who this MasterPelnaK is.”
“Definitely not the person in the video, that’s for sure,” says Gladio.
“If I may?” Ignis reaches for the laptop from Gladio. “Let’s see here—“ the boys squeeze themselves into the seat so they could also get a look as Ignis hovers around the profile page— “this Pelna Khara happens to be a video game blogger—“
“It’s a vlogger, Iggy—get in with the times,” Prompto corrects cheerfully.
Ignis exhales an exasperated sigh. He returns his attention back on screen. “Apparently, this vlogger streams gameplays and commentaries—“
“Really?” Noctis interrupts out of a sudden rush of excitement. “Do you think he has one for Assassin's Creed—“
Prompto nudges Noctis by the arm. “Dude.”
“Right. Sorry,” Noctis says sheepishly. “Carry on.”
“Anyway.” Ignis is unfazed by the interruption as he goes on: “It appears that this is the first time this Pelna fellow uploaded this sort of material.”
“Oh and look, he’s very popular, too,” Noctis says. “Ten million subscribers? What the fuck—“
“Wouldn’t be surprised now that the video got so many hits overnight,” Gladio notes pensively. “And check it out—“ he points at the bio section— “he lives in the city. Says his hub is somewhere in Downtown Insomnia.”
As if struck by the same spectacular idea, Noctis and Gladio exchange knowing glances. Ignis, of course, is quick to catch on.
It takes a while for Prompto to understand what’s going on, and when he finally does, he shoots them all a dubious gaze. His friends are up to something, and the glint in their eyes could only spell mischief.
“Guys—” Prompto starts as calmly as he could, hands raised in an almost surrender— “whatever you guys are thinking, we don’t need to do this—”
“We don’t need to—but you do,” Gladio claps Prompto’s back. “We got ya, my guy.”
“And before you all intend to push through with this,” Ignis says, “would anyone be so kind as to ask Cindy if we can change our course and make a quick pitstop. And let Iris know, too, since… well. She’s our handler, after all.”
Gladio rises out of the booth. “On it,” he says as he makes his way to the driver’s seat.
“And allow me to send a message to this fella,” Noctis adds promptly, already typing away in front of the laptop.
Prompto sinks helplessly to the seat beside Noctis. “Why are we all friends again?” he says loudly, and the meaningful response he receives is the sound of their amused laughter.
 “I want that video deleted right now.”
Pelna winces at the sharpness of your words. Crowe, on the other hand, looks like she is ready to give you everything the world has to offer. In the years you have spent sharing a flat with them, this must be the first time you have ever seen them this apologetic. Which is only fair because this is the first time they have done something quite outrageous to upset you. Yes, sure—Crowe and Pelna might think you’re overreacting right now, but you’re no video blogger or Internet celebrity like the both of them are, so that’s entirely beside the point. As they sit side by side cowering on the couch and you standing over them—hands on waist, jaws clenched, eyes seething in fury—it’s as if they have committed a crime against all of humanity that cannot be forgiven.
Except the casualty of the said crime is you, and only you.
“Look, you have every right to be mad at me for my negligence—” Pelna nervously raises a hand, trying to look at you dead in the eye but flinches as if you are burning bright like the sun— “but I fucking swear, it wasn’t me who uploaded the thing! Okay, I admit—I’ve been tempted to record you for some time now ‘cause in case you don’t know this yet, you’re a really good singer. But trust me on this! I really have no idea how that video got out, I promise!”
“And it’s certainly not me who recorded you!” Crowe adds in their defense. “My alibi may not be perfect but I was already drunk that time! And even if I’m sober, I wouldn’t dare barge in Pelna’s room and tinker with his toys. Gods know what I’d find in there—”
“Only the good stuff, my dude,” Pelna says, suddenly pleased with himself. “Nothing but the good stuff—”
“How about we focus on the issue at hand, yes?” You pace back and forth, and in dire resignation, you finally flop on the armchair next to the couch. Fucking hell. It’s too early in the morning to have a head-splitting migraine. You wish this had been from a hangover or some other sickness, but it’s insane how this is all caused by seeing a video of yourself on the fucking Internet with no recollection of recording it at all. Sleuthing to find out the events that unfolded the night of Pelna’s birthday only seemed to make throbbing in your head even worse. As far as you could remember, most of the folks had been severely battered—which was why you had the guts to pull out your guitar and sing the blues away as everyone dozed off in their drunken stupor. But in your tight-knit circle of friends, if there’s anyone who could impressively hold their liquor the same way they could hold a knife, it could only be...
“Wait a fucking second.” Crowe narrow her eyes at Pelna, and then at you. She fishes out the phone in her pocket and hurriedly dials a number. With her phone on loudspeaker, the line rings once, twice, thrice. And then, a voice.
“What’s up, Crowe—”
“Nyx.” Crowe’s tone is already accusing that you didn’t even bother butting in. “You’re the one who uploaded the video on Pelna’s channel, weren’t you?”
A suspicious pause. Then, Nyx laughs. “Maybe.”
Pelna grabs the phone from Crowe. “I swear I will kill you when I see you, man! How dare you dishonour me—” as a knee-jerk reaction to his response, you kick Pelna in the shin that he yelps when he says— “and how dare you dishonour our friend!”
On the other line, Nyx is still laughing. “Wait, on a scale of one to ten, how angry is —”
“Not the fucking point!” Pelna snaps back. “How did you even manage to get into my account, you piece of beautiful shit?”
“Well, maybe next time you should make sure you always logout, alright?”
“Well, fuck you.”
“Thanks, but no thanks.” Nyx says breezily. Even in a phone call, his voice never fails to carry his air of arrogance. “But hey, kidding aside. You all said that we should help each other in living to the best of our potential, right? And our friend right there with you, Pelna—yes, you, I know you’re listening, too—do you even realize how fucking talented you are? You have been serenading us all our life, and this is the least I could do to share how proud I am to have a gifted friend like you. I’m sorry if it’s a jackass move, but I know if I asked for your permission, that thing would never see the light of day.”
The four of you bask in a sudden uneasy silence. You should not have been touched by Nyx’s words, but here you are, almost moved into tears. Despite his occasional display of pride and vanity, Nyx is one of the kindest human beings you have ever had the pleasure to meet. He may not seem like it, but he’s the very definition of a jerk with a heart of gold. You just hope he could completely forego being the jerk and stick with his golden heart instead.
This time, you take the phone from Pelna and say, “Treat the three of us for dinner for the next two weeks, and I’ll decide if I should forgive you.”
“Consider it done. I’m a man of my word,” Nyx says, and the sound of his relief is evident in his voice. “Now... am I out of trouble?”
“Certainly not, you dickhead. Later.”
You drop from the call and hand the phone back to Crowe. The two of them gape at you as if you have finally turned out to be the monster they have always known you to be.
“Wow. You really did that,” Crowe says, looking very impressed. “You actually shut Nyx up and made him agree to pay for two weeks worth of dinner. Aren’t you a delight.”
You manage a small smile. Pelna heaves one loud sigh of relief. “Now that we’ve finally cleared things up, are you sure you want me to take the video down? You’re really getting a lot of hype from my channel, I mean we’re close to half a million views! And—“
The shrieking sound of the doorbell cuts your conversation in an abrupt halt.
“Wait, I’ll get that,” Crowe gets up and rushes toward the door.
“So? Whaddaya say?” Pelna urges fervently. He is still invested on persuading you, and you can see it in his kind eyes. “It’s one video, I know… but you gotta believe us, you really are a fucking talent—”
“Pel, it’s not that. It’s...” You get on your feet, circling around the coffee table, as if it would help you articulate all the reasons behind your sense of trepidation. Honestly, you appreciate having Pelna and Crowe as friends for their selfless outpour of love and support for your craft. But how can you explain to them that sometimes, your own music terrifies you? Is there any logical explanation behind being scared of your own voice? So here you are, standing in front of Pelna, falling extremely inadequate to gather the words out of your mouth. Instead, you say, “I’m… just worried. What if The Lost Boys had seen it? And what if they’d hate me for it?”
Pelna offers you a weird, strained look. “Well, about that—”
“I don’t think there should be anything to worry about. We love it!”
The bell-like bounce of the voice that spoke clearly does not belong to Pelna nor Crowe, nor does it fit in the ordinariness of the space of your shared apartment.
You turn—hesitantly, too carefully—to see three of The Lost Boys standing by the doorway with Crowe. And standing in front of you is their frontman, Prompto, smilingly extending his hand to reach yours.
  This horribly sunny day is getting stranger and stranger, and it’s not even noon yet.
Pleasantries have been made—and a little bit of internally slapping yourself in the face to make sure this is all happening—and now, it has all come to this. Leaning from the bar counter, you watch as the four infuriatingly beautiful men of The Lost Boys struggle to squeeze themselves in the poor thing you all call a sofa. Across from them is Crowe, sitting cross-legged on the coffee table, analyzing each of them from head to toe with the sole purpose of intimidating the shit out them. Which is no surprise, of course; Crowe rarely gets star-struck in the presence of famous people, and even if she does, she hides it effortlessly well. Meanwhile, Pelna is playing a staring game with the band’s drummer—and frighteningly the tallest and largest in the group—that you cannot help but wonder if Pelna has some sort of a death wish that he needs to get fulfilled right this instant.
“So, let me get this straight—” Crowe says, crossing her arms— “and I hope you don’t mind if we’re being cautious ‘cause, well, we don’t want our roommate to get dragged into something sketchy, but… you came all the way down here to this shabby neighbourhood after you saw the cover of your song, and now you want to collaborate on a song? Is that it?”
Prompto is the one who willingly answers with a vigorous nod. He seems unfazed with Crowe’s intention of scaring them off. He glances your way before he says, “And there’s no need to worry about the contract and all that legal stuff, ‘cause we’ll have that arranged. Right, Ignis?”
“Indeed,” says Ignis. “I know this arrangement seems completely out of sorts, seeing as we came here on such a short notice, but I can assure you that we offer nothing but the best of intentions.”
“Really?” you say as you move from behind the counter to sit together with Crowe. “But you’re all men. And you know what’s more dangerous than men? Celebrity men.” No one said a word. A moment’s silence lingers as you study each of their faces, and then: “So how do I make sure that I could trust you with… this? That this isn’t some publicity stunt you’re trying to pull—”
“It’s not like that at all,” Prompto says firmly. “And if you have any doubts with your safety, well, I’m sorry if our friend Gladio looks so menacing for our image—”
“Seriously?” Gladio scoffs, turning to Prompto. “You really hurt my feelings.”
You try to stifle your laughter. Somehow, now that you look closely at the four of them, they remind you of Nyx, Libertus, and Pelna.
And suddenly, you feel bad for putting them in a hot seat like this.
As The Lost Boys begin to discuss amongst themselves with what you assume to be a stream of their inside jokes, Pelna sidles up to you while Crowe loops her arm around yours. Whispering, she says, “I think you should do it.”
Pelna discreetly adds, “And if they ever get you into trouble, Nyx is a lawyer so he should have your back. I already texted him and he’s ready to keep an eye out for you.”
You let out a rueful sigh. You have to admit, it’s hard to stay mad at Crowe and Pelna and Nyx when this is the way they exhibit their unwavering friendship: with a flourish of genuine love and steadfast support.
Empowered by your friends’ confidence, you clear your throat and you turn your attention to the four men sitting in front of you. You fix your eyes at Prompto, and you ask, “So. When do we start this thing?” 
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mrsmaybank · 5 years ago
Gas Station Girl - Spencer Reid x Reader - CH 3
Spencer Reid’s first impression of the Reader is mixed. She’s “audacious, promiscuous, clever, and troubled.” and there is so many things Spencer would like to do about it.
A/N:I’m writing a Spencer Reid x Reader multific! The series will be intense and 18+. Age gaps, Explicit sexual content (dom/sub dynamics/kinks), angst, family issues, dark themes including: violence, suicide, murder, death, blood, and drug use and addiction. (Chapters will of course have trigger warnings depending on the content) HIGHLY recommend you listen to the playlist as you read!
A/N2: This chapter is the most wholesome one in the whole series! Other then the kinky smut LMAO. No for real though, this is as fluffy as it gets. Next chapter gets um… well you’ll see!
TW: Language, Age gap, use of ‘Little Girl’ as pet name, explicit sexual content (light degradation & unprotected sex), mentions of death, smoking weed, mentions of violence
Fic Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4WYosdR6Tz4y9lsmUghoMU?si=ZvyS_2oqSDW95PxULRs2fQ
The seconds of ignorant bliss after opening your eyes for the first time since a night of horrible decisions didn’t last as long for Y/N anymore. Pains and aches serving a reminder of all the apologies that were owed from her. Instant dread and distaste for confrontation swirled in her stomach. Ah but she deserved it all. The night was blurry, but from recollection, it was only Teddy. He’d dropped her off home, she remembered that. From where? Who knows, but it probably didn’t matter. Teddy’s services didn’t really warrant (nor did Teddy want) a heartfelt, apologetic phone call she decided. Instead a simple, “thx” text sufficed.
She stepped out of her room, pleased with the sight of her roommate rolling a joint on the kitchen table. “Good fucking morning.”  she meant it. The weed would ease the sting of the bruises and busted lip.  
“Morning.” Kena said, licking the joint to seal its precious contents. “What the fuck happened to you last night?” making a face of amusement.
The friends bursted out in laughter in unison.
“Got my ass beat.” Y/N started telling the story as Kena lit the j. “Remember ‘Record Shop’ Dude’?”
“Do I remember? You guys fucked for like a week straight. Thought you guys were gonna get married.”
“Well,” she couldn’t contain her laughter anymore, “Apparently he has a girlfriend. They’ve been together for three years.”
Kena passed her the joint laughing, “Apparently.” she watched as her friend inhaled the smoke, “I’ll never understand why you don’t fight back every time. I’ve seen your left hook, it’s deathly. It’s like you like getting your ass kicked.”
Y/N finished the joint, putting it out. “Yeah, I get off. Masochist, remember?” she said in a serious tone. Kena understood the satire of her response.
“What’re your plans tod-” she was cut off by her phone ringing. She saw the unknown number and smiled putting it on speaker for Kena to hear. “I’m fucking broke!” she shouted as Kena laughed. “You can’t scam me! I don’t have any fucking money to steal!”
The line went silent and they awaited the confused stutter of some telemarketing con artist. And a confused stutter came.
“Y/N? It’s Spencer.” he paused, “Spencer Reid?” he paused again. Perhaps she’d forgotten him.  “Dr. Spencer Reid?”
“I know who you are.”  
Kena looked at her friend in confusion, but she was busy replaying the events of the previous night. Spencer had called Teddy, from the parking lot of a shady…her memory stalled, liquor store.
“Holy fuck I’m such a piece of garbage.” was the only thing her subconscious could render.
“I am so fucking sorry. Holy shit. Thank you for last night, dear fuck. I’m sorry about that. And for screaming at you! I didn’t have your number saved.”
Spencer lightly sighed. She remembered. “It’s okay. How are you feeling?”
“Uh, great.” she stammered, “I’ve woken up a lot worse.”
Spencer could hear the slight embarrassment in her voice. “Good, good.” he took a deep breath, “Well I was wondering if maybe I could take you out to lunch? We’ve only ever spoken in parking lots.”
Kena opened her eyes in delight, mouthing “Yes!”
Y/N couldn’t contain her smile, “I’d like that Dr. Reid. Pick me up at three?”
“Sure little girl. See you soon.” Spencer hung up and Y/N melted.
Kena screamed, “You’ve been fucking a doctor?!”
“No.”  she smiled a devilish grin, “But I’m about to.” she sang, practically skipping with joy back to her room.
Spencer hadn’t gotten a good look at the complex in the dark, but now he could see it in its full glory. Beer bottles and cigarette buds littered everywhere, sulky characters loitering at practically every corner, and a reek of marijuana. Not his personal idea of home sweet home.
He watched as the girl he was waiting for exited from apartment 209, looking just as wild as ever. He wondered if the disheveled look was intentional or if she always looked so crazily hot. His eyes continued to follow as she walked down the steps and into his passenger seat.
“Hi.” she said, eyes wide and if he didn’t know any better, he’d say she was blushing. Y/N didn’t seem like the kind of girl to blush.
“Hey. You look nice.” he started to pull out of the parking space.
“You don’t have to say that you know. I don’t look nice. I never look nice.” she sighed, “Truthfully I hate the idea of looking nice.”
Spencer was amused with her little ramble, “Why?”
“‘Cause nice is what you look like when you’re going to church. Or brunch. And I don’t do either of those.” she said plainly.
“What’s wrong with brunch?” he questioned smiling.  
“Nothing is wrong with brunch.” she paused for a minute, deciding whether or not to tell him all the atrocious memories she had in connection to brunch. He only asked you about fucking brunch. Don’t reveal all your baggage already. Don’t be a dramatic bitch. Just say your vegan or some bullshi-
“What are you contemplating on telling me?”
Her mouth gaped playfully. “Fucking cut the profiling! Three minutes in and you’re already doing your weird government shit.” she remarked, teasingly defensively.
Spencer laughed, “Weird government shit? Really?”
“Yeah.” she pursed her lips, “I said what I said.”
“It’s psychology, not weird government shit. It’s analyzing body language, and speech patterns and-”
“I get it. You’re fucking smart.” They pulled out to a red light.
“You’re smart too.”
“Thanks Doctor.” she smiled, it did make her happy to hear that. “So where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see.”, and see she did. As they got out of the car, Y/N couldn’t stop smiling. At first it was the way Spencer’s hand found hers, but then it was the sight. The restaurant was placed under the biggest trees she’d ever seen, with ivy hanging just a couple feet over her head. It was illuminated with lanterns and tiny hanging lights and she felt like she was in a fairy tale. It was beautiful.
“Hey Spencer?”
“Yes?” he said approaching the hostess, “Table for two, Spencer.” His attention shifted back down at her. “This is the prettiest place a boy has ever taken me.”
He smiled, “Yeah? You like it?” The hostess led them to their table and they sat. “A lot.” she giggled and Spencer swore his heart would explode. The sound was just too adorable.
“So Y/N, where are you from?”
She was a little surprised at the question, almost like nobody had ever asked. Had she ever been on a date? Like a proper sit down date?
“New York City, originally. But I uh, moved around a lot as a kid.”
“Tell me about that.”
“You really wanna know?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” he questioned.
“Okay, fine. I used to live in this beautiful townhouse in Manhattan. I had a pink room with a huge bed and canopy. A gorgeous chandelier, this vanity with all my tiaras, and my dolls! Oh my god, those dolls were so fucking pretty.” he listened intently, relishing in the way her eyes lit up in a way he’d never seen.
“And then my dad died.” the glint of joy in her eyes was gone. “When I was seven. And we moved to West Virginia, living with my grandmother, until she died!” she let out a small laugh in attempts to keep the mood up. “Then we were living in this mobile park, which wasn’t so bad. Creeps and meth-heads came and went, but overall not a horrible place to grow up. It’s where I met Teddy, you know him.”
He nodded his head, still listening to every detail of the story.
“After my mom got remarried, him and I decided we wanted to go to California. This was supposed to just be a pitstop, get our shit together, you know? But we had a falling out, and he went without me. Came back when his brother got cancer. Then after Casey died he came back to D.C, got me to enroll in school with him And uh, now I’m here. I go to Washington Uni, by the way. Major in Journalism.” she ended shyly.
“I’m sorry about your dad. And your grandma. That’s a story.”
She nodded her head. “Its okay. Better place, you know?” How about you?”
“Well, uh, I’m from Las Vegas. It’s been just me and my mom for a while.  My childhood was a little weird, graduated high school when I was twelve, then I-”
“Hold the fuck up, twelve?” he nodded. “Holy shit. You’re one of those freakishly smart prodigy motherfuckers aren’t you?”
He laughed, “IQ of 187, not to brag.”
“Oh fuck you, you’re totally bragging.”
“You got into Washington, you did well in school too.”
“Yeah uh, despite the shitty childhood school wasn’t really ever an issue. My dad was a Senator, George Y/L/N, in New York. He had a lot of random contacts. When we moved to West Virginia I got to go to some snobby private school ‘cause his friend was a board member. Saint Matilda Preparatory School. Top of my class.” she smiled, “Not to brag.”
“You’re definitely bragging.” he teased.
Scoffing, she said, “I didn’t drop my IQ number, so you’re still the gloating one here.”
“I didn’t think you were a high school drop-out.”                                                “Aw Spencer really?” she said sarcastically.
There waiter came and took their order, but neither of them really cared about the food. They stayed there talking for longer then the restaurant would’ve liked, telling each other their craziest dreams, wildest experiences, bad decisions, and nothing and everything. Before they knew it, the restaurant was kicking them out. They walked back to Spencer’s car, hysterically laughing at the disdained waiter who had to so awkwardly ask them to order something else or leave, Y/N clinging to his arm.
“Nobody’s ever done something like this for me before.” Y/N said as Spencer got into the drivers seat.
“What do you mean?” Spencer turned to face her.
“Picked me up, taken me to a pretty restaurant, paid, opened doors for me.” her eyes locked in his, “Listened to me talk for so long.”
“I could listen to you talk forever.” he grabbed her face and kissed her. The kiss was nothing like he’d expected. It wasn’t an aggressive make-out fired by lust, it was a kiss of passion and dear affection.
They began to drive in silence. Not uncomfortable Awkward silence, more like enjoying each other’s company silence. That is until Y/N did something Spencer should’ve seen coming as this was the same girl he’d met at the gas station. Her hands were inching their way up his leg to his crotch, teasingly slow. She scanned his eyes for some note to stop, but it never came. She palmed him gently through his pants, watching him struggle to keep his eyes on the road, as he twitched under her touch. “Fuck.” he sighed out quietly, “Stop.”
“Take your shoes off, get in the backseat.” he turned off the main road, driving down a more secluded street until he found a tiny spot almost completely hidden by trees.
“Take your clothes off.” he still hadn’t made eye contact with her since telling her she was smart. She did as she was told, taking off her top and shorts as fast as she could. Spencer got out of the driver’s seat and got into the back passenger seat, only the middle seat separating them. “Come here.” obeying, she did. In only a bra and underwear, she crawled into Spencer’s fully clothed lap, as he grabbed her face and kissed her. Her barely let her move, wanting to be able to explore her mouth freely, She gasped for air, whispering a small “Oh fuck.”
He tightly gripped her jaw, toying with her bottom lip as he spoke, “You have such a dirty mouth.”
She smiled more poisonously then he’d ever seen, it was mischievous and seductive, and it made him crazy. “What’re you gonna do about it sir?”
Now it was him smiling as the small girl looked up at him with big eyes, “So many things.” He started to kiss her again, this time his hands going down to tease her clothed clit. She moaned into the kiss and rocked her hips down harder into his hand. “Please?” she moaned again.
He moved her panties to the side, sliding a finger through her wetness, “You need something don’t you?” She nodded her head.
“Well, use your words.”
“Touch me.” she got closer in his ear, “Please.”
“What’s with the niceties little girl? You don’t want to be touched, no, Good girls like to be touched. You, you are a desperate little slut, hm?” His fingers dipped into her with no warning, curling immediately, “You want to be destroyed.”
Her hips bucked almost instantly as she cried out, “Yes. I do.”
“Beg for it.”
“Sir,” she opened her eyes to lock with his, “Please.” Spencer continued to curl his fingers while still rubbing her clit, and her moans and breathes got sloppier and louder.
“Please!” she whined. “Please sir.” He couldn’t contain a small laugh, “No.”  
“This is a bit pathetic even for you, no? You’re here naked in my lap begging for me to let you come.” She nodded her head. “Oh but I’m sure you’ve done worse haven’t you love?” She shook her head. As badly as he wanted to lecture her about lying, he could feel her tighten on his fingers. “Can..” she stuttered in between moans, “Can I? Please let me come?”
“Awe, good girl asking for permission.” he pulled his fingers out, “No.”
He slipped his fingers in her mouth and watched as she sucked them off. “Figures you’d be good at that.” he unbuckled his belt, pushing his pants and lied back so the door supported his back. “Come sit on it.”
Her eyes opened in delight as she crawled over and did as she was told. He watched in awe as she sunk herself down onto him, clenching as their thighs met. He let her think she had some control, eyes never leaving her as she bounced and moaned. “You’re such a good girl baby.” He could see her teetering right above the edge, and seeing as he was so close as well, he gave in. “Come for me.” and with that, she did. Practically screaming as he fucked up into her through her orgasm, pulling out and finishing himself.
He hugged her into his chest, whispering small praises and delivering soft kisses to her sweaty forehead. She made small circles with her nails on his arms, “I fucked a doctor!” She giggled.
Spencer broke out into laughter, “I fucked YOU.”
“We fucked each other.” They laid there for a moment, Y/N practically melting to the feeling of being in his arms. It was too comforting.  
Eventually, Spencer began driving back to her apartment, loving every moment of her outlandish singing and dancing in his passenger seat until he parked to drop her off.
“You’re a very special girl.” Spencer said as she smiled.
She took a deep breath, “Spencer, I fucking like you. A lot. I can’t remember the last time I had a good time like this that I wasn’t fucking high or drunk or both.” she continued to ramble, “And I guess what I’m just trying to convey is-”
She was cut off by Spencer crashing his lips to hers. “I know what you mean.”  
She smiled and gave him one last peck on the lips, “I hope I’ll see you soon Dr.”
“You will.”
As she walked back up the stairs to her apartment, Y/N only had one thought. How am I gonna manage to fuck this up?
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