I grieve in stereo, the stereo sounds strange.
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
the first kiss with wilbur and tommy
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“this is it will! youre gonna have your first kiss with y/n in the city of romance.” tommy says as they walk down the streets of paris.
wilbur had waited for the perfect moment to kiss you, the perfect moment to confess his undying love for you.
and just before the clock strikes 12 at midnight, he rushes to your hotel room, his heart beating out of his chest
as the door opens, he can see youve dressed up — like you knew he was coming.
“do you wanna take a walk? its really pretty out here.”
as the two of you roam around outside, all he can think about is how to make the moment perfect.
no matter how many times this scenario had gone through in his head, it never failed to make his heart flutter at just the thought — and it was happening right now!
“soo..ive wanted to tell you something for a while now” he begins.
his eyes trail down to your lips, breaking the eye contact as his mind got hazy
“just kiss me already.”
as the Eiffel Tower sparkles right behind the two of you, his lips crash into yours. knocking the air out of your lungs, he holds one hand on your cheek, the other on your waist.
he breaks apart for a second, whispering so close to you.
“how’d you know I was gonna do this?” his breath fans your lips.
“tommy told me” you slightly giggle.
“oh for fucks sake.” he brings his lips against yours once again, this time with more desperation.
your first kiss with tommy was a supposed accidental one.
you guys were baking cookies in the middle of the night, trying not to wake everyone else up in the chaos
the whole night tommy had been acting weird, doing flirty things that he never used to do
“you’ve got flour on your nose” he reaches to give you a tap your nose.
“you look good in an apron” you brushed that one off, but now that you thought about it, it got kinda suspicious
eventually you decided to ignore it, perhaps it was just you blushing over nothing?
“if these cookies come out good, i need at least 40 percent credit” tommy jokes, looking over at your concentrated face with a smile.
“no way, i made these all by myself! 15 minimum.” you reply, laughing quietly.
you reach over to grab the measuring scale, but of course, you drop your cup of flour while doing so
you let out a small “oh shit” and crouch down to clean it up
tommy crouches down with you, trying to help
it happens so fast, you dont even process it until hes looking at you, wide eyed.
his lips had touched yours, letting out a small noise as they collided unexpectedly.
“im sorry” he whispers, he backs away and stands back up while you stay on the ground with your eyes going everywhere but his.
your hands shook on your knees as you brought yourself up. you tried to say something to ease the tension, but nothing seemed to come out.
something you didnt know, was that tommy was smiling at himself, like he had perfectly lead everything up to this moment.
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
“watch as he stands with her holding your hand, put your arm 'round her shoulder, now im getting colder..”
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I still remember third of December,
Me in your sweater
You said it looked better on me than it did you.
“are you sure youre not cold? its freezing.” you ask. you clutched tightly onto his sweater as he shrugged. “im fine y/n. you look cute.” he smiles, staring at your figure. 
Only if you knew how much I liked you,
no matter how cold it was, the warm feeling in your cheeks didnt go away. you tore your eyes from his and looked down at your shoes. “you okay?” he asks.  im madly in love with you.
But I watch your eyes as she walks by,
sat in a cozy coffee shop, tommy’s words got quiet. when you trailed his eyes over your shoulder, you saw her. laughing with her friends with the prettiest smile youve ever seen. the prettiest smile tommy has ever seen.
What a sight for sore eyes,
Brighter than the blue sky
“hold on for a second y/n, im gonna go do something real quick.” he gets up from his seat and walks towards hers. you forcefully rip your head away from the scene. “excuse me, youre really pretty — could i have your number?” you overhear.
She's got you mesmerized, while I die.
you take off his sweater and swallow down the tears. the sick feeling in the back of your throat makes itself known. you leave the sweater behind on the table and walk out. the cold breeze hits your face once again as you shiver in the missing warmth.
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
his lips crashed into yours. he gently holds your cheek pressing in deeper. “asshole.” you whisper to yourself walking down the streets. you finally let the tears slip.
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
But you like her better
Wish I were Heather.
the next time you see him, hes with her. the falling snow clouds parts of your vision as you barely make out his figure. shes wearing his sweater. your sweater.
Watch as he stands with her, holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder.
the light turns green. you stand still frozen as they get closer to you. his arm is tightly wrapped around her shoulder to protect her from the traffic. “tom, im not a baby, i can cross the road by myself.” you smile. “i know love, but just in case.”
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel
But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she walks by,
“shes like the sweetest person ever, and-” he gushes through the phone. you reach to mute your mic as you break down into ragged breaths. you let out trembling sobs into your damp sleeves but he goes on without notice. “shes so amazing. and one time she- y/n? are you there?” you leave the call. 
What a sight for sore eyes,
Brighter than the blue sky,
She's got you mesmerized while I die.
6 missed calls and 18 unread messages. you toss your phone away from you.
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
“will, do you know why y/n’s been avoiding me? like all of a sudden-” tommy spits out in a rush. “no clue man, sorry.” wilbur cuts him off. “are you sure? im worried, will. ever since i started dating-”
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
But you like her better.
you go through every sappy note he’s given you, ripping them apart. ‘you looked really pretty today.’ ‘are you free tomorrow?’ ‘wilbur thinks we’re perfect for each other.’ you stop reading when a small ‘ding!’ is heard. your phone lights up with a text. 
Wilbur :)
it’ll get better, i promise.
I wish I were Heather.
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
hey!! can you maybe write a fic w quackity x fem or gn!reader
and like he and the reader are like enemies to lovers arc??
i j rlly want some angsty fics rnnnn
A Four-Way Call ☎️ [Quackity]
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a/n: this one might be my all time favorite :o
“the next few days were a blur. this whole ‘y/nnap’ thing was a dagger in the heart.”
TRACK: Show Me How - Men I Trust
“hey y/n, shut the fuck up — nobody asked.” his voice rang through your headphones. you felt the heat rush up your cheeks in embarrassment as karl and george started laughing.
normally, you would’ve found this funny. normally, you would’ve laughed along and thought of a witty remark to get him back. but today was not one of those days. today, his nasty words were just another add on to your shitty night, and you couldnt bring yourself to go along with the joke.
everytime you said something, quackity would spit out a casual “shut the fuck up” in response. so halfway through the stream you just gave up on speaking, and if someone asked you a question, your minecraft character would nod or shake its head.
“fuck off quackity, i asked. what were you saying y/n?” sapnap interuppted. you smiled for the first time that stream, and you couldnt help the warm feeling of appreciation. “sapnap, i am in love with you.” you joke, crouching your character in front of his.
he let out a small giggle, crouching back. “if anyone here is mean to y/n from now on, im going to kill you — and im talking to you quackity.” he plays along, the vc breaking into all sorts of noises. george lets out a loud wheeze, “woah sapnap no need to get all posessive” “Y/NNAP?” karl shouts. “yep. shes mine.” sapnap replies.
“okay jeez mr boyfriend, ill back off” quackity says in surrender. he knew it was all jokes, but the felt the wave of jealousy flooding through his veins made him question if it wasnt. it was pathetic to feel this way, especially over something he knew damn well was his fault. the remainder of the stream was such a mess. sapnap was giving you flowers and building you a house, and he could only watch with a salty, bitterness in his stomach.
after the stream, ‘Y/NNAP’ was trending on twitter. alex scrolled through the tag with his jaw clenched, making sure to scroll past the ones with hearts. if he’d known his one comment would’ve caused this whole mess, he would take it back in a heartbeat.
let me tell you something if you havent figured it out already. alex was infacutated with you. obsessed, even. the cruel jokes had no hurtful intention, he simply just wanted your attention. it would give him a sense of satisfaction when you would notice him for even a split second, and once he started, he couldnt stop. the shitty words came out left and right, any direction whenever he craved your attention.
you loved alex before you even met him. he was such a loveable person, someone you looked up to. and you did love him when you met him, you did at first, but something went wrong. you didnt know when or how, but something definitely went wrong.
with a snap of a finger, he started to hate you. of course you knew it was all a joke, but it seemed as if he got too carried away. at first he would send you apologetic texts after every stream, something along the lines of “hey, im sorry for being so harsh tonight, i didnt mean any of it.” but one day he just, stopped.
“thank you for the flowers, sap.” your voice rang through the vc. alex’s smile faultered for a split second before coming back up. he saw your character running up to him from a distance, with his heartbeat increasing by every step you took. “hey asshole. not telling me to shut up today?” you giggled, hitting him to say hi. “your boyfriend doesnt allow it now, does he?” he tested the waters. “i guess so.”
oh how he hated your reply. for the first time in his life, he hated that you agreed with him.
the next few days were a blur. this whole ‘y/nnap’ thing was a dagger in the heart. he felt intimidated, like he had to compete for someone that he didnt even have a chance with. surely you hated him by now, right?
quackity’s silence confused you. he didnt join your streams, didnt invite you to his — even if it meant he could roast the shit out of you. and there was one thing you didnt want to admit. you missed him. maybe it was the feeling in your gut that was bashing you for replacing him so easily, or maybe it was the feeling of this unexpected love and affection from someone else. but you did miss him.
it felt as if this rivalry dynamic between you and quackity had just been crushed by a newfound dynamic, one that was far different from this one. you didnt know which you liked better, you didnt know who you liked better.
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“whats going on with you and y/n? like are you guys good?” karl asks through the call. alex brings his phone better up to his ear, laying down on his bed. he looked up at the ceiling in a panic. “w-what do you mean?” he answers. “like youre always mean to her on stream like you hate her, and now you just dont talk to her anym-“
“im in love with y/n.” he blurts out. “okay- i know that seems really weird right now but-“
“what?” karl asks.
“what?” an unfamiliar voice. sapnap. sapnap was in the call.
“sapnap? what are you doing here? i thought it was just me and karl in the call-”
“youre in love with y/n?” he interrupts.
“well yeah. are you?” alex asks. he holds his breath in tightly awaiting his reply.
“no, she’s my friend.”
“someone’s in love with me?”
your voice made alex’s heart jump out of his chest. it was en electrifying feeling. the drag of his fingertips against his forehead felt too fake, this whole situation felt too fake. he wanted to wake up from this hell of a nightmare.
“y/n? y-you heard all of that?” he asked.
“no, just the last part. who’s in love with me? i swear if its sapnap joking around im gonna kill him-”
“alex is.” karls said. damn you, karl.
here it is again, the awkward silence. it felt like all oxygen had been sucked out your chest, leaving you behind hopeless. your mind became blank as you thought of something to say, something that wouldnt leave him hanging like this very moment.
“alex?” you ask.
“i am. im in love with you y/n.”
“i guess i can get used to your love.”
sapnap left the call the second he heard what you said. maybe he was all wrong.
maybe the master plan of swooping in to save you at just the perfect moment wasn’t enough, maybe dream was wrong.
“okay- the next time quackity says something you have to butt in and help her.”
“she’s playing along, great! she’ll love you in no time. trust me.”
“keep flirting with her. flirt until she flirts back.”
his words were loud and clear. effective too, but maybe not in the long run.
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
im writing a quackity enemies to lovers angst with a hint of sapnap love triangle omg this is gonna be so good.
its coming out today, be ready!!
update: it’s posted here
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
send in some very angsty quackity or karl requests please im in the mood to cry
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
hii i really liked your ‘accidentally revealing the relationship’ with crew boys and i was wondering if you could do that with tommy and wilbur??? if not, it’s fine so dw!
tommy and wilbur accidentally revealing their relationship
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wilbur’s ‘library girl’ crush was something that spiraled around every one of his streams
he would tell stories about her, and chat would hype him up to ask her out
but after a few weeks past, everyone noticed that wil had stopped talking about her completely
and although they were a few questions asked here and there, people took his silence as a hint that the first date did not go well
something that they didnt know, was that they had started dating! \[^^]>
“you know they still ask about you sometimes?” wil tells you — thinking his stream was muted
“did you tell them we’re dating?” you ask.
“not yet, but soon i hope” he looks up at you smiling.
when wil returns to his stream, he is absolutely terrified
“holy shit” his eyes widen, muting his stream (properly this time), looking back up at you
“i was unmuted baby”
“can i come say hi?” you grin in eagerness.
“sure, cmon come in frame”
you walk over, crouching down to his monitor
“uhh suprise? its library girl, chat” wilbur smiles looking at everyone freaking out
chat loves you — I mean how can they not? wilbur talked about you with so much love :’)
when you leave the room, wilbur brings the mic closer to his face so you dont hear
“i absolutely adore her chat. shes everything.”
“can i kiss you?” those 4 four words were only meant for you — not in the background of ranboo’s stream
ranboo immediately mutes the stream in a panicked rush
ranboo glances at the chat, his hands going through his hair
“tommy? stream just heard you”
tommy just lets out a breathy laugh in disbelief
“what should i do? do you want me to say it wasnt you?”
and tommy turns to you, your heartbeat inceasing every passing second
“do you wanna keep it a secret or tell everyone right now?”
“i dont mind telling people” you say quietly.
“alright, love” he laughs, ruffling your hair :,)
he holds your hand, giving it a tight squeeze while he heads with you to ranboo’s set up
“this was not a bit guys” ranboo says, leaning back in his chair
you give the camera a quick wave, looking at how fast the chat is going
tommy rests his chin on your head, hugging you from behind.
“chat, this is y/n.”
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
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i have 22 requests in my inbox this is surreal 😮
thank you for all the dream requests — you guys are so amazing :,)
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
Reader giving dream a haircut lol considering his snap stories today?
haircuts & patches [dreamwastaken]
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a/n: I combined this idea with @hearts4dwt’s request since they were quite similar! enjoy <33
TRACK: Been it - The Cardigans
“this is the fifth time im telling you to stay still— STOP MOVING” you shout between breaths. the scissors in your hand shook as you couldn’t keep your body still from all the laughing.
“WOAHHH Y/N GET THAT AWAY FROM ME YOURE GONNA KILL ME” dream wheezes out, forcing the scissors away from his face. he doubles over in laughter, his knees landing on the carpet beneath. he drags you down with him — holding your back to his chest as you feel him wrap his arms around your waist.
the wheezing continues with no end, dream rolling you around with him on the floor in every direction. you lightly hit at his thigh to escape his grip as he calms down.
“okay im good now you can try again.” he smiles, giving you a kiss on the forehead. you scoff, turning your head away. “as if youre gonna cooperate with me.” you joke. “i am, i promise baby.” he laughs at your words, slowly standing up with you.
“this is your last chance — if you dont stay still im gonna shave you bald” you threaten, causing him to start laughing again. “DONT YOU DARE”
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“okay- yeah hold patches like that and..” you trail off, making sure the camera doesn’t show his face. “SHES RUNNING AWAY STOP” he yells, laughing and chasing after the cat.
dream brings patches up to his face, making intense eye contact with her. “patches..if you work with me right now I promise I won’t bother you ever again.” he says in seriousness. nevertheless, she runs away from his hands, jumping onto the table in front of the couch.
“whatever, let’s just take the pictures without her then.” dream sighs. you ruffle his hair and give him a kiss on the cheek. “alright you ready?”
“don’t you think it’s time to show something other than your eyeballs clay”
“no, the fans like the eyeball pictures.”
“what about like..like an eyebrow reveal?”
“okay stop laughing I was being serious”
“you know I love you right?”
“after all that work I just did..im not so sure”
“okay- that’s not fair! I need to take the chance while sapnap’s out of town-”
“is this picture good enough?”
“that’s great babe, what about one more where your hands are in my hair-”
“OKAY IM POSTING” he shouts across the living room, bouncing around in excitement. you walk over, taking a look at his phone. while you’re next to him, you hear a small whisper in your ear. “thank you baby. you know i couldn’t have done this without you.”
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
through glass. [georgenotfound]
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a/n: @1wannab3yours I took one of your requests and made a fic, thank you and enjoy :)
TRACK: Lo Que Siento - Cuco
“quackity? are you trapped in there?” george teases, pointing his finger towards a shark in the walk through tunnel. the tunnel was dark, almost pitch black — the underwater leds being the only source of light. they would illuminate george’s face with a blue hue, and every so often, the stingrays would cast a shadow from above.
“okay asshole.” quackity replies, laughing into his hands. they slowly walked through the tunnel together, quackity claiming it to be ‘super romantic’ to which george just scoffed.
a cold breeze of air ruffled their hair as they exited the tunnel, rushing past the crowds of people until they reached another exhibit. walking away from quackity, george sauntered around the dim room until his eyes landed on what he was looking for — a jellyfish tank.
they floated in such a mesmerizing way. the colorful lights in the water almost made them seem like they were glowing. george didnt notice the girl standing across him, it seemed that he was just too busy looking anywhere else.
as one of the jellyfish floated away, it slowly gave away the face on the other side of the glass. she didnt notice, still stuck in the state of fascination.
the moving water made her pretty face look a little wobbly, the thought of it making him smile. and like magic, somehow, his smile made her see him. her eyes widened in surprise for a split second, before they turned up as she smiled. an eye smile, she had.
she gave him a small wave, turning him into a blushing, smiling mess. he waved back — george swore his heart stopped beating. everything about this moment was perfect, the colorful water, the intimate darkness, her.
he fell in love, through glass.
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
I had an anon ask in my inbox asking for my fics in the works, which I saved as a draft but accidentally deleted :’)
so currently I have a handful of requests in my inbox, but here are 2 that I plan on getting out soon!!
“and for George I imagine (just out of the random) he's at the aquarium or sum with quackity for instance and the reader and him both wind up looking at the same fish tank, then they see each other through the glass and , boom, smiling like crazy” -posted <3
“super duper nicely asking for more tommyinnit story's, maybe like one where it's a tesco trip at 6pm to get food for their flat or them at his house in Nottingham being all fluffy.”
anyone else who requests — please be aware that it might take me a million years to write yours, my motivation changes depending on the mcyt in the request.
I really hope that person finds this post, I’m so sorry, thanks for the ask though <33
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
wilbur and tommy when you fall asleep on their stream
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when wilbur was playing mcc, you were in the seat next to him with your head lazily on his desk
you promised to entertain the stream while wilbur played but you couldn’t — it was just too boring!
so when wilbur looks over to see why you’ve gotten so quiet, he melts
like quite literally he melts in his chair. his head drops back, sliding down like he’s about to fall off
he looks at you with so much love that chat is spamming purple hearts
“y/n failed to entertain you guys but this is so so worth it-“
“let’s take you to a proper bed darling, cmon.” he whispers to you.
you, tommy, tubbo and ranboo were doing a ‘late night movie marathon’ stream
you were laying on tommy’s lap facing towards him, one arm wrapped around his waist, not really interested in the movie
sometimes when a scene illuminates his face for a split second chat points out his blush :,)
at one point you just knock out, and tommy doesn’t even notice!
“is- did y/n fall asleep?” ranboo asks
and that’s when tommy internally freaks the fuck out
he can’t keep his hands still, and he has that one smile-gasp look on his face
he’ll take pictures — maybe to show off, or maybe to keep to himself.
he covers your ears if the movie’s too loud, or lower the volume himself
“oh my god chat- we are so cute right now clip it CLIP IT”
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
hi! do you have any rules/boundaries when it comes to writing? i couldn’t find any on your page, so i was just wondering! :)
hihi thanks for asking!!
here are my boundaries and things to consider before requesting :)
I don’t write nsfw or smut
I don’t write dream smp lore
I don’t write overly sensitive/personal topics
but that’s about it!
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
kindly kindly asking for more tommyinnit :))
airplane cuddles ♡ [tommyinnit]
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“hold my hand please” tommy asks, stretching his palm out to you. his knee bounces up and down in the seat before take off, a familar redness creeping up his cheeks as you interlock your fingers with his.
“awww tommy’s blushing” james taunts from the seat beside, pointing a finger at him for ash’s vlog. “shut up” tommy replies, laughing.
“wanna listen to some music with me?” he asks, lifting the other piece of his airpods towards you. you nod, taking it from him. he smiles, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
Even if my heart stops beating
You're the only thing I need, ooh, with me
Even if the Earth starts shaking
You're the only thing worth taking, ooh, with me
you feel tommy’s gaze, looking up to meet his eyes. “i love you.” he mouths. “i love you too.” you mouth back.
Even if the sky's on fire
Got you here, it's alright, ooh, with me
And if it's all over
I'm taking this moment, ooh, with me
tommy lays his head on your shoulder, pulling his hands away from yours to hug your arm. you give him a kiss on the head. “you okay?” you mumble in his hair.
“jus’ tired.” he replies.
Pretty boy, you did this with me, boy
Now it's all about to end
he closes his eyes, digging his head deeper into your shoulder. you smile as his hair slightly pushes against your cheek.
Baby girl, look where we made it, girl
Hmm, now we're falling
his breathing slows down as his head his heavier on your shoulder.
As long as I got you
I'm gonna be alright.
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
I just wanted to say I absolutely ADORE your writing!!! And just the whole theme of ur profile is perfect everything here is just so perfect aaaaaa
It’s so good oml-
Anyways that’s all :D
Have a nice day/night <3
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julibeeline · 3 years ago
unfortunately i cant access the actual post because of the glitch, but its there!!
an amazing person dmed me and helped me find it, THANK YOU I LOVE YOU ❤️❤️
you not having the anon option on is currently making it really hard for me to send something bUT if you still take requests i really think tommy screams best friends to lovers material do with it as you please
just the two of us 💌
[cc!romantic tommyinnit x reader]
a/n: broo im so sorry I added the anon option as soon as I saw this 😭 sorry this one’s kinda short im trying to get through them in order!! enjoy <33
“hey uh..y/n? can i ask you something?” tom says, calling after you as you walk towards the door.
“yes?” you answer, turning back around to face him. his cheeks are red.
“are you free tomorrow? like we can go out to eat or something?” he says nervously. he’s fiddling with the ends of his sweater sleeve. he chews on his lip, waitng for your answer.
“sure? dont we dont we do that every other day? whats up?” you ask frowning. any other day he would’ve nonchalantly texted you about it. this one confused you.
“uh yeah yeah right. um..ill see you tomorrow then.” he leaves the room really fast without letting you get another word in.
“see you…?”
“tom!!” you shout when you see his figure inside the cafe through the window. you excitedly wave as he turns around, smiling at you.
the two of you sat down on a table facing each other.
“you okay?” you ask, seeing his leg bouncing up at down udnerneath the table.
“yeah yeah yeah im good im good!” tommy spews out as he takes a sip of his coffee.
“i know youre not tom, tell me whats up?”
“i uh..have something to tell you.” he says seriously. it worries you a bit when you pick up the anxeity in his voice.
“go ahead.”
“ive liked you for a while now? and honestly i dont know if i should’ve told you sooner but i just wanted you to know. im not sure if you feel the same because sometimes i feel like you do but other times its just.. its just like-
d-do you wanna go out with me?”
you nod smiling, blush creeping up your cheeks by the second. your heart starts beating out of your chest at the sudden confession.
“great.” he says, holding back a grin.
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