#been an entire month holy shit
sleep-nurse · 1 month
oh my god i havent seen tumblr on browser in so long
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dawnthefluffyduck · 2 months
I drew this explanation post for why I was completely inactive for a week, but then felt too anxious and drained to post it, and subsequently disappeared for a second week
Two main blog drawings and one side blog wip later, I remembered I made this and still think it's funny, so even though I stopped being dead (TM) I still wanted to share lol
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Brief series of events at work
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^^^old, but I'm still taking it easy so posts on both this blog and my alt will continue to be scattered for now
#so for those of you that don't know; i have moderate combined scoliosis#my entire back is always at least a little strained so i have to really watch my physical activity#but i live in Tennessee where we have the lowest federally allowed minimum wage#so in order to pay for college i have to work in a package distribution company because it's the only place that pays well/has a scholarshi#I'm in the small package dept thankfully (bc spine)#but for the last three months one specific manager kept sending me out to a different area with the heaviest packages in the building#when i first disappeared it was because i was having trouble walking and using stairs lmao#I complained to that manager and it seems I'll be in smalls again for the foreseeable future; so I've had time to recover and am better :D#every day i didn't post after that was due to anxiety and a low social battery BUT I'm getting slightly better on that front too#i have been *very* aware of my spine lately though#the last time I got an xray was ten years ago and i wonder if it's changed since then... not that i can afford a new xray lol#also can i just take a space to complain about the US not using the metric system#so many packages have kilograms ONLY and i have NO frame of reference for that since we don't use kilograms anywhere else#''ooh wow 70 is a big number but surely it can't be that baD- HOLY SHIT THAT'S 154 POUNDS'' <- me all the time#at this point I myself will just switch to metric and make life harder for both myself and life around me out of principle
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threepatchpodcast · 2 years
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Episode 139: 10th Anniversary
It's Sherlock's birthday, but it's also the 10 YEAR anniversary of @threepatchpodcast! We're celebrating with an old-school 4+ hour episode full of reminiscing and drunken shenanigans.
A celebration of a decade of Sherlock fanworks with @emmagrant01, @merindab, @bluebellofbakerstreet, Iwantthatcoat, @themrsscience, and @songlin
A look back at the Setlock era with @penns-woods, Geny, and @foxestacado
Drunk history of TPP with @emmagrant01, @sundayduck, @kelly-mads, and @suspup
Our favorite ever top tens with @themrsscience, @hpswl-cumbercookie, and @suspup
Plus more staff memories and behind-the-scenes stories from the last 10 years of podcasting!
Stream or download on our website or wherever you catch your pods!
Art by @foxestacado
Reblog to help us celebrate a literal DECADE of monthly podcast episodes about fandom!
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buttdumplin · 1 month
first impressions: super excited to see such a thorough discussion of my piece in the tags! this person is so sweet 🥹 oh and they’re an older latine! its so rare to run into other latines in the fanfic space i should reach out ☺️!
current impression: mi xavito lindo! such a sweet boy who i yap too constantly (and i worry about yapping too much to). genuinely makes me so happy to flip my phone over and find a message from you 🥺💕 im so happy to be friends with you and so thankful to have sent you a message :) super excited for our future lotr night 💕💕 - @mikichko 💕
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Mi vida, mi amor, mi tesoro eterno 💕💕💕💕
I can't fucking believe our first exchange was because of a fucking writing analysis, help me what a nerd 😆😆
YOU BETTER STOP APOLOGIZING FOR YOUR YAPPING, I FUCKING LOVE IT!! You're such a wonderful fucking friend and I love you so much I'd burn the world for you 😘😘 our next movie night is gonna be fucking amazing, and you know why? Cos I'll get to spend time with you 💕💕
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candyn-gutz · 9 months
girl help i cant do this anymore
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rahabs · 6 months
Seeing myself in photos truly makes me want to die.
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volatilemariner · 8 months
Cronus has a wide, short box arrive on a nearby surface, wrapped in pearlescent-yellow paper with a pink bow on top and a note attached.
"ii know iit's been a whiile and we don't talk much, but you're cute and aiitar liikes you- so ii hope you liike these!!
-cookiie 💗"
Inside is a circular piece of stained glass art bearing a violet Aquarius symbol in its center, surrounded by clear and pink shards arranged in no particular pattern. It sits on top of a pink-and-purple blanket long enough to cover someone over 6ft tall.
You've been preoccupied, suffice to say; preoccupied with trying to stay alive (or... un-alive? You don't know the right terminology and you don't give a shit either, honestly) and then preoccupied with grieving the loss of someone who doesn't deserve it.
You'd put the gift in your sylladex when it arrived, figured you'd get around to it when you felt up to the task, and now you're safe in this bubble with friends around you and the good days outnumber the bad ones, so you guess that's now.
You retrieve it from your dex, twirl the box in your hands looking for the note you're sure it came with. It falls into your lap and you give it a cursory glance and then feel like a real piece of shit for not getting around to this sooner. For just letting it sit in your sylladex, abandoned for over a fucking month.
You pout, undo the ribbon. You pull out the glass art, treat it like it's fragile and precious, like it's priceless, and it fucking is, at least to you. It's been a long time since you've owned anything this pretty.
You don't know what to do with it; you're afraid of breaking it. You put it in your sylladex for safe-keeping and promise yourself not to forget about it.
You peek into the box again, run your hand across the blanket; soft, sateen, if you had to guess. It's light under your fingers and smooth to the touch and it's another bit of luxury you've grown unaccustomed to. You love it and you don't think you deserve it at all.
You pick up the note, stew for a second in your own guilt.
... you could at least reach out. You can at least thank him, send him some food, if he's interested.
You can at least do that.
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enderspawn · 2 years
its just occurred to me the sheer amount of time ive spent listening to jrwi
so im on episode 64, and just estimating that each episode was like 1 1/2 long (which is severly underestimating) that would be 96 hours of content but im listening on on 1.2x speed which brings it closer to 80 but like i said thats severely undershooting so ive listened to over 80 hours in about 3 weeks
rhats fucking insane oh my god
…. So I did a lil math— adding up just the hours and minutes of episodes 1-64 (no seconds, no rounding up, so this is 100% definitely to some extent lower than in reality) is 90 hours and 37 minutes. with the 1.2 speed, that places your pace at approx 75 hours and 30 minutes— aka a bit over 3 straight days.
3 weeks is only 504 hours. 75.5 hours is 14.9% of 504 hours. and that’s not ‘hours awake’, that’s hours in general.
assuming 8 hours of sleep each night, that gives you 336 hours awake. 22.4% of which was watching riptide. OVER 1/5th of your conscious existence for the past 3 weeks has been riptide.
(and that’s all technically a lowball since i completely disregarded seconds which would slowly add up to more minutes of watchtime BFJDND)
tldr. are you Okay.
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khattikeri · 10 months
challenge level: find a fic for md/z.s without c/q/l characterization
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told my mom earlier that i’ve been intentionally filling up my time socially because i’m scared of having alone time bc the past few times i’ve given myself alone time i end up constantly thinking about being single and my whole shitty break up and i get really sad and angry to the point where i don’t want to leave my couch to eat or piss and she was like “that was a month ago now you’ll be fine you need to rest” and like objectively i know she’s right but also. i was also right.
#like genuinely i’m happy with where my life is at in terms of my career/school is going well#and i have my friends back in town which has been lovely#but like. for a solid three months i did not think i would be single right now. and by god i do not miss my shitty ex#but small things will continue to remind me of him even though i don’t want to think about him#and i am also constantly white elephanting myself by being like ‘oh you haven’t thought about him today! nice!’ and then thinking about him#but even then when i say thinking about him it’s more just being angry at what he did or missing being physically affectionate with someone#and that doesn’t have to be him#but oh my god do i miss being physically affectionate with someone. holy shit.#i did not understand the appeal of kissing before but by god do i now. and i have NO ONE to do it with#all of my best friends are in long term committed monogamous relationships. literally all of them#and i’ve already disastrously fucked up the dating a friend of a friend thing so i doubt anyone will want to recommend anyone to me now#the two guys i had the idea of trying to flirt with are both entirely unavailable#so i quite literally have zero prospects and no idea of where to find new ones bc the day i get on a dating app is the day that hell freezes#and i just feel so fucking lonely dude 🙃🙃#and i also feel very behind because all of my close friends are in committed relationships and i’ve never experienced that#even tho i want to so badly#i just. idk#anyway vent over#mari is irrelevant
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starsincline · 2 months
Because of Woke, schools now have to ask about your mental health after literally ruining your life.
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rainswept · 3 months
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face of the person that just watched season five episode three
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scrambled-meat · 4 months
i forgot how freeing and amazing it is 2 just fucking sing, full-voice. doesnt matter if u think u sound like shit, that shit is a fucking natural antidepressant
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dandyshucks-moving · 10 months
that F/O really CAN get you through the horrors huh !!
#today has been. so bad. so very bad.#i am in so much pain fsdjkl#dentist appt this morning for a chipped molar that showed up out of nowhere. turns out its a Large cavity somehow.#that they just. didnt notice. at my last appointment. when i was still on my dad's insurance (i am uninsured now)#got in there an hour later by a miracle to get it dealt with but its so bad that they can't do a regular filling#they have to like. do a filling that helps clear out the bad stuff. and then do a proper filling in six months. OR take out the tooth#if it hasn't fixed itself enough. i feel very ill#so much money !!!!!!! so much money!!!! why did this happen right after i stopped being insured!!!#this was also my first filling ever bc i have not had cavities in my life bc i am very thorough with dental hygeine#so idk how this cavity even happened!!!! fuck!!!#so that was Really Incredibly Terrifying for me to have to get done fdskl had no idea what to expect#it wasn't that bad actually. but now. the numbing has worn off entirely and holy shit i am in so much pain. just so much pain#crying and shaking and everything fdsjkl this sucks. idk if this is normal fdsjkl#i also.... have not eaten anything today besides A Single Granola Bar. because of all of this happening. idk how im not starving rn#i just do not feel hungry at all fsjkdl#anyways!!! today has sucked so bad!! dbt class was decent but felt weird for some reason!!#the one good thing of today is that i got my appointment booked w this new counselor finally so hurray for that !!!#and my yarn order arrived so i can keep working on xmas gifts#anyways. thinkign about guz has been getting me through today for real. not even joking. keeping me sane fjdskl#dandyshucks#SORRY FOR VENTING. IM JUST. HHHHHHH. TODAY HAS BEEN SOMETHING ALRIGHT.
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shoutout to everybody who's got the sun trying to turn them into well done steaks
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homunculus-argument · 9 months
A fantasy/soft sci-fi story that features a race of creatures who are apparently - for no really sensible reason - all male. And upon encountering humans for the first time, one of them discovers that women exist. And this is an epiphany, and the most splendid news in the entire world as he knows it. Holy shit, women. It takes him some time before he stops making sure that every human he encounters is aware that women exist, it would be a pity if they wouldn't. They do, all of them do, and some of the ones that he addresses are women, who apparently come in a far wider range of appearances than he had previously been aware of. This, too, is amazing.
Neglecting whatever duties he was supposed to be performing while among humans, he focuses mainly on learning more about women. This leads to learning about human romantic relationships, which leads to discovering polyamorous relationships, and the LGBT community. All of which are splendid discoveries.
Eventually, after having not heard anything of their duty-neglecting emissary for months, the people receive one letter that basically goes "I am ceasing my mission and relinquishing my position in order to make a home here. Do not try to seek me, I am currently living in a household of seven women including myself, and I will fight you if you try to remove me. Farewell."
And these people, relieved to finally get a confirmation that they can get someone else on the task, just look at this letter like "what the fuck is a woman."
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