#anyways. thinkign about guz has been getting me through today for real. not even joking. keeping me sane fjdskl
dandyshucks-moving · 7 months
that F/O really CAN get you through the horrors huh !!
#today has been. so bad. so very bad.#i am in so much pain fsdjkl#dentist appt this morning for a chipped molar that showed up out of nowhere. turns out its a Large cavity somehow.#that they just. didnt notice. at my last appointment. when i was still on my dad's insurance (i am uninsured now)#got in there an hour later by a miracle to get it dealt with but its so bad that they can't do a regular filling#they have to like. do a filling that helps clear out the bad stuff. and then do a proper filling in six months. OR take out the tooth#if it hasn't fixed itself enough. i feel very ill#so much money !!!!!!! so much money!!!! why did this happen right after i stopped being insured!!!#this was also my first filling ever bc i have not had cavities in my life bc i am very thorough with dental hygeine#so idk how this cavity even happened!!!! fuck!!!#so that was Really Incredibly Terrifying for me to have to get done fdskl had no idea what to expect#it wasn't that bad actually. but now. the numbing has worn off entirely and holy shit i am in so much pain. just so much pain#crying and shaking and everything fdsjkl this sucks. idk if this is normal fdsjkl#i also.... have not eaten anything today besides A Single Granola Bar. because of all of this happening. idk how im not starving rn#i just do not feel hungry at all fsjkdl#anyways!!! today has sucked so bad!! dbt class was decent but felt weird for some reason!!#the one good thing of today is that i got my appointment booked w this new counselor finally so hurray for that !!!#and my yarn order arrived so i can keep working on xmas gifts#anyways. thinkign about guz has been getting me through today for real. not even joking. keeping me sane fjdskl#dandyshucks#SORRY FOR VENTING. IM JUST. HHHHHHH. TODAY HAS BEEN SOMETHING ALRIGHT.
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