aro-culture-is · 2 years
aro culture is asking your mom as a kid why all the songs were about love and relationships. her response was "Well what else is worth writing about" I carried that with me for years, not knowing why that response felt so suffocating. Now i do, but i also now know of so much more music, that I can actually relate to.
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nitw · 2 years
i NEED a copy of that blorbo thing
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atlas-of-galaxies · 2 years
im a nonbinary lesbian who likes ace attorney but im not named miles... im named apollo. can i still join the band
yah do you wanna be our vocalist. i've heard apollos are really good at that sort of thing
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sasuke for the character bingo
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[ID: A bingo chart titled "Unhinged Character Bingo," described here, filled out almost entirely with dark blue bubbles and with five gold lines marking bingo. The lines that form bingo are:
1. Go to ~fucking~ therapy, Why are they like this, I’m so normal about them (free space), If anything happens to them I will blow myself up*Puts them in a snow globe and shakes aggressively*,
2. I would take a bullet for them, I would try to hug them and they would punch me, They are insane, Crying and punching the wall: “I hate you. I hate you.”, Leave. Them. Alone!!!
3. Daddy issues, My pwecious widdle bubbububbub bububb (transcript: crying sounds), Go to ~fucking~ therapy, I would take a bullet for them, I will kill anyone who hurts them.
4. *Incoherent sobbing*, I torture them because I love them, Why are they like this, I would try to hug them and they would punch me, I need to dissect them under a microscope 
5. Angst angst angst, (Drawing of an angry person with sharp teeth biting a small doll with an incomprehensible caps-lock keysmash behind them), If anything happens to them I will blow myself up, Crying and punching the wall: “I hate you. I hate you.”, Hey do you want to hear a ten hour speech about this character.
The remaining filled-out squares say “God fucking damn it let them be happy” and “I want to cradle them gently in my arms.” End ID]
... my god, it would have been easier to only list the ones that didn't get filled out. Um. To be honest I think this speaks for itself. It's Sasuke fucking Uchiha, man
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bibluebutterfly · 11 months
Seeing a lot of people start hate on Helluva and how it portrays Greed compared to Lust And Gluttony, so let’s get into my 2 cents. This may be controversial, but I do think Helluva portrayed the sins well and here’s why.
Yes, on the outside, Mammon is definitely the most asshole of the sins we’ve seen so far, but this DOESN’T mean that Bee or even Ozzie are angels.
First of all, Bee ONLY stopped Blitz because he was indulging for PRIDE, not for Gluttony. With all of her other guests, she was more than okay with letting them get complete shit faced to a destructive degree.
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As for Ozzie, it’s been proven via “Ozzie’s” that he okay with cheating, going so far as to praise Stolas for it. He’s aware Stolas risked everything for the affair, and praised him for doing so. He straight up encourages people to be as kinky and as nasty as they possibly can. Basically for him, if it’s consensual, go wild.
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(Not to mention, he’s in a healthy, loving GAY relationship with his jester. While not inherently bad, it’s more than enough to make a deeply traditional Christian faint. Which does kind of seem to be the goal for the show.)
In the end: Ozzie and Bee are just as destructive as Mammon is. HOWEVER, they are so in a way where it’s not as obvious and they’re not as bad because of it.
Because they only fully indulge in Lust and Gluttony 110%, they’re still able to be relatively decent people because completely indulging in those sins doesn’t inherently make you an asshole. It can make you hella harmful, especially mixed with other sins, but on their own they’re somewhat manageable. (I say somewhat because again: cheating and health destruction are a thing).
Also it should be noted that despite being nice people Bee and Ozzie are still HORRIBLE influences. Like if they’re those people who your parents will disapprove of you being friends with.
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But besides that, you can be lustful and gluttonous to 110% and still be a nice person to be around. Not a good person, but a nice one.
HOWEVER, you cannot be greedy to the max and be a nice person.
Here’s the thing; Mam, Bee, and Oz don’t have limits to their own sins. All 3 are still destructive as hell, it’s just that Bee and Oz’s sins allow them to have healthy relationships DESPITE that.
Bee, for all her faults, is a wild party girl. However, her gluttonous nature also allows her to completely indulge in love and affection, hence why she can have such an adorable relationship with Tex.
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Ozzie is equally as wild but is also horny and kinky as fuck. But it works because Fizz is just as crazy in bed as he is, and arguably even crazier in general. Fizz is a kinky little gremlin who not only makes Ozzie laugh, but more importantly can keep up with him. That’s part of what allows them to be as happy and wholesome as they are.
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Mammon however, cannot be at his sin 110% and keep a relationship. It’s just not possible and I honestly don’t think he wants a relationship with someone anyway, as that means he’d have to share something with another person, which he is simply not capable of doing.
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In the end, all the sins are destructive. That’s just fact. However, because of their specific sins (and the fact that they don’t mix with the others), some are able to hold up healthier lifestyles and relationships than others.
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askfordoodles · 1 year
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Actual queen <3
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ladymiraclewings · 1 year
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Same night, two different musical numbers
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polymathart · 1 year
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petitprincess1 · 1 year
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Just now noticing that Bee poses in front of her sigil and it glowing. Same with how Ozzie appeared on stage and his sigil also glowed. Good way to know one of the 7 have arrived.
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puddingandp1 · 2 months
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i have no idea what else to draw today so please. take these doodles
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geekgirles · 11 months
Okay, but I genuinely think it's genius how Ozzie is the only Sin we've seen so far that is associated with fire, because so is lust!
Think about it, what's a way of saying you're horny? You're hot and bothered. What's a surefire way to describe someone getting aroused and/or freaky, especially in smutty works? Things like, "she felt like she was on fire", or "he felt like the temperature of the room had gone up a thousand degrees", or "they felt the place where they'd been touched burn".
Ozzie can manipulate fire, because lust is fire.
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x-i-l-verify · 1 year
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Queen Bee icons from Helluva Boss S1 Ep 8
(please like/reblog if you save!)
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fruity-phrog · 11 months
We just KNOW that if Helluva made Lust a big boobed horny lady (they typical portrayal of lust in media) everyone would Hate it for being boring what we got with Ozzie is sooooo interesting!
EXACTLY. I actually think the portrayal of the sins are actually amazing. Most people show Lust to be a big-boobed big-butt’d woman with a tiny waist, but they chose to portray them as a huge fire creature with hearts in his scarf-thingie. It’s a lot more introspective and like I said, it doesn’t portray lust as such a negative thing. Greed is usually shown as just someone incredibly fat and stupid, but here it’s shown more with the fact that he seems to have fifty layers of clothing, and his full form is a spider - one that catches anything it can in its net. This is also like gluttony. While gluttony is often showed to be fat and obsessed with food, Bee is more concerned with promoting food. This is shown in her ability to make food bigger and seemingly hypnotize people into wanting food. Essentially, she’s a walking fast food commercial.
The thing about the portrayals of the sins that the fandom doesn’t seem to like is that they don’t portray Gluttony and Lust as bad. But gluttony and lust isn’t bad. So what if you’re horny? So what if you like food? Helluva Boss’ designs of Ozzie and Bee are made, in my eyes, to display Heaven’s unfairness in outlawing regular human things and feeling, and I’m honestly disappointed that so much of the fandom doesn’t see that.
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bibluebutterfly · 1 year
I like how Bee is concerned for Blitzø because she can feel his “aura” coming off from him, and knows that at the moment, he isn’t being gluttonous.
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She realized that he isn’t indulging to have fun, he’s drinking to forget his problems, which is more pride than gluttony. Pride isn’t her sin, so it’s natural for her to be concerned.
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anthurak · 1 year
One detail I really like about ‘Queen Bee’ is how it essentially provides a ‘missing piece’ of Loona’s character development, and in turn makes Seeing Stars an even more impactful episode for her.
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Because Queen Bee gives us a first-hand look at Loona’s attempts to make friends, and by extension shows us why that is so hard for her. This episode showed us that Loona’s extreme awkwardness around Vortex back in Spring Broken wasn’t just a case of ‘not knowing how to talk to your crush’ awkwardness but rather how she acts in just about any social situation. As it turns out, Loona is a lot more socially awkward and introverted than a lot of us probably guessed. Which probably shouldn’t be all that surprising in hindsight given what we saw of her background before Blitzo adopted her in Seeing Stars.
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With this in mind it’s pretty easy to guess that Loona’s normal response to this social awkwardness is to fall back on her tried and tested psychological defense mechanism of getting sarcastic/abrasive/angry and possibly hitting something or someone in order to get herself to a safe distance. Something we both see inferred with the ‘Lunatic Loona’ comment and see in action with Loona’s response to the poodle who brought it up, and later when Loona gets angry at Bee. In hindsight, Loona acting super shy and awkward in Spring Broken is the result of her for once not being able to fall back on getting angry to avoid an awkward or uncomfortable social situation because she actually wants Vortex to like her.
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As an aside, I think this is something many people don’t recognize about Loona. That her general abrasiveness and ‘anger issues’ are almost certainly a defense mechanism that she’s developed over what clearly seems to have been years of trauma and likely abuse before being adopted by Blitzo. It’s a way for Loona to protect herself by keeping anyone who could possibly hurt her at a safe distance. A defense mechanism that’s become so ingrained for her that it’s pretty much reflexive at this point.
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For example, this is why I think all the claims that Loona is somehow ‘abusive’ to Blitzo are seriously missing the point: It’s pretty clear that Blitzo has little to no respect for personal boundaries, as we see with both his stalking of the M&Ms and showering Loona with overcompensating affection. So is it really so surprising that Loona would be beating the crap out of him so often when Blitzo is likely constantly triggering Loona’s deeply engrained and reflexive defense mechanism? All while Blitzo himself is entirely oblivious to what he’s doing because as we’ve seen, Blitzo would sooner chew off his own leg and arm before confronting emotional/psychological problems/baggage, ESPECIALLY his own.
Which of course is not to say that I think it’s somehow a good thing or justified when Loona beats the crap out of her father. Rather, that ‘Blitzo constantly invades Loona’s personal space and Loona responds with a brutal ass-kicking’ is a symptom of their respective issues and dysfunctional relationship. Not some banal ‘Blitzo is a poor helpless victim and Loona is a terrible person’ excuse.
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Going back to Loona’s development in Queen Bee that leads into Seeing Stars, all this demonstrates to us that Loona doesn’t really have any friends and why that is the case. Like at the start of Queen Bee, we can’t even really call Vortex a friend to Loona, at least from her perspective. For Loona, Vortex isn’t so much a friend as he is a crush. It’s clear that Loona’s initial reasons for coming to the party were mostly just to hang out with this one guy she has a crush on. As evidenced by how Loona immediately wants to ditch the party upon meeting Bee-lezebub, and by extension, realizes that she has absolutely ZERO chance with Vortex.
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Now of course, by the end of Queen Bee, we see that Loona seems to have at least started making a few friends among the other hounds at Bee’s party. It’s clear that getting invited back into the party by some friendlier hounds and imps as well as, ironically enough, Blitzo’s presence did help Loona get past some of her social awkwardness. At the same time though, we don’t see enough of them with Loona to really call these much more than ‘good acquaintances’/cool-people-she-met-at-a-party-once.
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Which, going into Seeing Stars, is what makes Loona’s scene with Octavia so MASSIVELY important for her.
As I discussed in a previous post, Loona didn’t need to put in effectively ALL of the legwork in finding Octavia. We see that she was at first perfectly content non-verballing telling Blitzo to fuck off and just chilling out around L.A. Instead, it seems that the real reason Loona decided to track down Octavia was because she related to what Octavia was probably going through, which spurred her to go and help her.
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Octavia is so much more than just some guy Loona had a crush on or someone Loona had fun with at a party once. This is someone that Loona clearly relates to on a very personal level. Someone that Loona clearly sees a lot of herself in. And because of that, for the first time we see Loona let down all the guards and defenses she normally puts up and really connect with someone else.
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A connection which is clearly something special. Loona, who has spent the whole show making it clear she does NOT like people getting in her personal space, and proving she can, will and has beat the utter crap out of anyone who does, offers Octavia to take her hand. And when Octavia goes for a full-blown hug instead, Loona is only briefly surprised and clearly not uncomfortable in the least, even returning and enjoying the hug herself.
I’ve stated in the past that I don’t particularly like how much of the HB fandom has really latched onto treating Loona and Octavia as sisters. And one of the big reasons is that I feel like it rather cheapens the bond and connection these two are actually forming. It paints these two more as kids whose relationship is simply an extension of their fathers’ relationship, brought together simply because those fathers became are a couple.
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When what we’re actually seeing is Loona’s and Octavia’s friendship developing largely independent of whatever Blitzo and Stolas have going on. I mean let’s not forget that Stolitz as a relationship is nowhere close to even dating, let alone marriage. Blitzo and Stolas never encourage their daughters to spend time together either, the closest thing to that we see is Blitzo telling Loona to go find Octavia while everyone else is getting sidetracked by shenanigans, which Loona initially blows off completely. Instead, Loona and Octavia clearly seem to be becoming friends due to shared interests, likes and a deep understanding and empathy to the problems the other is facing. And is really in no way dependent on Blitzo and Stolas being a thing, again considering the fact that Stolitz could at this point be charitably be described as a ‘vaguely-defined and very shaky fling’.
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Moreso than Vortex, Bee or any of the hounds Loona met in Queen Bee, Loona’s friendship with Octavia feels like something very significant and special for both of them.
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