#bedroom designs cartoon
secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Remix Cartoon Non AI) - good morning..
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illustratinghan · 5 months
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james loves nothing more (except cordelia) than settling in his ‘reading chair’ whilst the sun sets every evening - although he does more sleeping in it than reading😂
(also he really does love tea so there’s always a mug somewhere in his bedroom!)
characters by @cassandraclare 🤍
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vittamina · 5 months
Hayfields: Twigs - Bedroom
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This is twigs bedroom, it's super cozy <3 and it has a guitar!
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maslosstuff · 11 months
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Lil's room
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sakurastarkey · 5 months
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Fit for a princess 👑
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sketsagriya · 2 years
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prosewithpurpose · 6 months
Latest Digital Designs (Etsy Shop) Kids Room 16x20 Posters
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Etsy Shop
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sturniqlo · 2 months
We Make Three- M.S
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summary: the day stepdad!matt gets called 'dad' by y/n's son for the first time after two years. (a little extra something at the end)
cw: slight cursing, bit of angst, fluff, mentions of a toxic relationship and slight mention of abortion
an: thank you to this anon for the wonderful idea, i've never seen any fics about this so i decided to go with it. don't forget my inbox is always open | reminder: if this isn't your cup of tea you don't have to read it, i have many other fics :)
It's been two years since both Matt and Y/n have started dating. Despite her having a son, Matt wanted her either way. He's seen little Cameron go from an almost three year old toddler to a five year old child. Cameron had always wanted a dad ever since he started to understand the idea of a father when he would watch his cartoons at the age of three.
He would mention it from time to time to Y/n and she had to explain to him why he didn't have a father. However, she gave him the simplified version. Something an almost three year old would understand.
"Well- listen baby, you do have a father he just- he wasn't ready to be a daddy, okay?" She stroked his cheek. "But we don't need someone else, right? We have each other. Always, we'll always have each other."
That night, she cried herself to sleep, cursing her baby daddy hoping he could hear her wherever the hell he was. Cursing him for being the reason why she had to tell her son why his deadbeat of dad isn't around, leaving out the disgusting parts of him trying to force her to get an abortion, manipulating her that if she didn't get it he would leave her and never contact her again, not wanting a relationship with her or that thing, is what he referred to the unborn child.
Accusing her of cheating on him, implying that that baby wasn't his. She would never do such a thing! She was only nineteen at the time, she knew right from wrong. She soon realized he was self reflecting and he was the one cheating.
Thankfully, there was a light at the end of the tunnel and she met Matt, the love of her life, almost three years later.
"Hey, Matt. Is it okay if I run to the store really quickly? I need to get an ingredient for tonight's dinner." Y/n runs into the living room where her two favorite boys are on the race car track carpet playing with toy cars. "Of course, me and Cam will be here playing." He pauses from crashing the little red car into Cameron's blue one.
"Anything you two want from the store?" She asks. "Mm, I think we need a restock on ice cream." Matt says, looking at Cam who is suspiciously smiling. "We might've ate the last bit late last night when we were supposed to be sleeping." He refers to him and Cam. "Oh gosh, okay. I'll be back in no time." She rounds the couch and leans down to kiss Cameron's curls and pecks Matt on the lips. "Bye, Mommy!"
"Okay, where were we?" Matt says looking back at Cameron. "We were about to crash our cars." Cam lifts up his blue hot wheel before placing it back down. "Oh yeah, well- boom!" Matt crashes the mini car into the blue one. "Noo, now the car is on fire!" They continue playing for about five more minutes before Cameron gets bored of it.
"Let's play something else." He packs up the many toy cars into their designated container. "Here, let me help you with that, bud." Matt picks up the slightly heavy container due to the excessive amount of toy cars Matt has bought him (he received a small scolding from y/n).
Cameron leads both of them to his bedroom which is right next to the living room. Matt, his hands full with the container and the rolled up small carpet, sets them down in their designated spot. "Remember this!" Cam picks up an old stuffed animal. "How could I not! I remember when we first hung out, I bought this for you." Matt recalls the day, remembering it as if it was yesterday. Although he had met him before Y/n and him were a thing. He had never hung out with him until a month in their relationship.
Matt was eager to meet him officially and not it being just a run in. He wanted to form bond with him considering the fact that he saw a long life future with Y/n. "Don't be nervous, he's a toddler, Matt." Y/n said over the phone. "I know, I know, it just makes us feel more official you know? And I want it to be perfect." He said as he drove to her house. "I promise he's going to like you." Ten minutes later, Matt arrived and he met Cameron officially.
Even though he was still two, he loved to play and he was forming mini sentences here and there. Both him and Matt were playing when Matt remembered he had brought something for him. "Look, I got this for you. It's a pug." Cam immediately grabbed it and smiled at it. "You!" He said. A couple of weeks earlier, Y/n had mentioned how Cameron had a difficult time saying the word 'thank' and said you as a form of thank you. "You're very welcome."
"You know, you had some trouble saying 'thank you' wanna know how you said thank you instead?" Matt sat next to Cam. "What?" He looks up at Matt. "You." He giggles. "You?" Cam says confusingly. "Yea, you would say you."
"Thank you. I'll tell you now that I can say it." Cam says. "You're welcome." Matt loved moments like this when it's just the two of them. As much as he loved moment with Y/n and Cam together, he loved bonding with him one on one. It made it almost like a father and son bond. Cam has yet to call Matt, dad. Y/n and Matt had talked about it, whether Matt would be okay with it or not. And, he was more than okay with it. In all honesty, Y/n saw Matt as Cameron's dad and Matt also saw himself as Cams dad as well.
However, Matt decided it was best to not mention it to Cameron as he thought they would be pushing the idea onto him and he didn't want it to seem like that. He wanted Cameron to do it whenever he wanted to. And Y/n agreed with Matt's idea.
"Can we go to the park tomorrow? It's Saturday and I have no school." Cameron says, putting the stuffed pug back on his bed. "We can, we'll just have to ask Mom and see if she's okay with it." He nods. "Can I tell you something?" He almost whispers, as if what he's about to say is a secret. "Anything." Matt nods. "All of my friends at school make fun of me for not having a dad, and I want to tell them about you because I think you're my dad but, what if you think you're not my dad? Or- or what if mommy doesn't let me call you that." Cameron looks into Matt's eyes with a sad expression on his face.
"I like to think I'm your dad. Always have and always will, okay? You can call me whatever you want. You can still call me Matt or you can call me dad. And your mommy will one hundred percent let you call me dad, I promise you. And don't listen to your friends, alright? They don't know what they're talking about." Matt wipes Cameron's tear that has silently slipped down his cheek. "Okay... Dad."
When Y/n arrived back from the store, she quickly got started on dinner, realizing she was making dinner a bit late than usual. Matt excused himself from Cam as they were watching a movie cuddled up on the couch when Y/n got home. He spotted her in front of the stove mixing tonight's dinner.
Matt wrapped his arms around her waist and placed a small kiss on her shoulder making her jump a bit but soon relaxed into his touch. "Hi, baby." She says. "Hi, you'll never guess what happened when you were gone." Matt says excitedly. "What happened?"
She lets the food sit above the heat and turns around to face him, moving away from the stove. "Cam called me dad." Y/n gasps, knowing how much Matt has been waiting for this moment. "Really?! How- how did it happen, oh my gosh." She laughs happily. Matt tells her the whole story that happened a few moments ago and she couldn't be happier but a bit upset at the fact that he was getting made fun of. "How are you feeling about it? Know you've been wanting this." She fixes his hair a bit. "I'm over the moon, he's called me dad about three more times now and it still feels like the first time."
Over the next few days, Cam can't stop saying dad and the end of every sentence while talking to Matt. And Matt can't complain, he loves it. The following Friday, Nick and Chris wanted to hangout with both Matt and Cameron so they set up a 'boys day' is what Y/n liked to call it so it stuck between all of them. Nick and Chris have hung out with Cam many many times, they've even babysat him a handful of times. And he refers to them as Uncle Nick and Uncle Chris and they were more than okay with it. They loved it actually.
The first thing on their 'boys day' list was go out for ice cream, per Chris' request. "Hey, dad. Can I get that cone?" Cam points to the cone with sprinkles. "Of course." He looks at Nick and Chris whose eyes are widened and a smile is across their lips. They also knew how much Matt has been waiting for that and they were happy for his brother. Matt only smiles and nods at them.
"Come on, Dad! We're next!"
three years later
A lot has happened in the last three years. Matt had proposed to Y/n on their third year anniversary with the blessing from both her father, her two brothers, and of course Cameron. For the proposal, he wanted Cameron to be apart of it. And it turned out perfect. Matt had went out and bought lettered balloons and decorated the backyard while Y/n was out with her sister and mom doing some shopping.
He bought many bouquets of her favorite flowers and had Cameron help him rip the petals out and sprinkle them across the backyard and a bit in the house. "You think she'll like it?" Matt asked Cam. "Yes!" When she returned home, Cameron led her to the backyard and the rest was a wonderful memory.
The year after they got engaged, they got married. Y/n had finally gotten the wedding of her dreams. Her dress, her veil, her bouquet, the venue, everything. Cameron and Y/n's dad walked her down the aisle and Cam was of course the ring barrier and handed the rings to both his mom and dad. The vows made each other cry and all of the guests shed a tear or two. Matt had made a special speech for Cam and he couldn't get through it without a crack in his voice.
After the wedding, they went on their honeymoon and nine months later, a baby girl was born. It was a couple of months later and it was now Matt's birthday.
They decided to stay in for breakfast and lunch and later in the day they would meet up with his brothers and go out to dinner with the whole family. When they returned home, it was nearing nine pm and Y/n put the baby down to sleep while Matt was helping Cameron with some last minute math homework. Y/n soon came down and made herself known. "Cam, do you wanna give your dad his last birthday present from you?" She said, holding something being her back. "Oh! Yeah, I do!" Cam put the pencil down and ran over to his mom. "Close your eyes, Dad." He said. "They're closed."
Ever since his baby sister was born, Cam realized that she had Matt's last name. When Matt wasn't home, he brought it up to his mom. "Why does she have dad's last name and I don't?" He said sadly. "You don't like having my last name?" She said. "I do, but I also want Dads last name in my name." Y/n then explained to him that in order for him to have Matt's last name, Matt had to adopt him. Cam wanted that, he did.
Over the next few weeks, Y/n randomly asked Matt if he would ever want to adopt Cam and legally be his father. Matt immediately agreed and was up for it if that was something Cameron wanted. That happened a couple of months ago.
"Okay, put your hands out." Cameron said as he got closer to Matt. "And open you eyes." Matt felt a stack of papers land on his hands and he opened his eyes and looked at them first before looking down at what was in his hands. The first word that caught his eye was Adoption and immediately looked up at them eyes filling with tears. "Oh my god- are- are you guys serious?" He said, a smile creeping up on his face. "Will you adopt me?" Cam said.
Matt placed the papers down on the table and scooped Cameron in his arms. "Of course I will. A million times yes." Y/n only stood and watched, tears rolling down her face as she watched the beautiful moment between the two. The very next day, they signed the papers and waited until it was official.
"Cameron Sturniolo Y/l/n." Matt read as he held all of Cam's new records. "I love you, Dad."
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a-roguish-gambit · 2 months
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I made a turn of the century x men evolution au
Hey everyone so a big special interest of mine is the period from 1900 to about 1928 so I decided what if I took the kids from the X-Men evolution cartoon from their point at the turn of the 21st century and put them at the turn of the 20th century instead...and also added a few characters. I hope you enjoy this. I have a lot for this au, and I'm gonna put it all under the read more.
So Au thoughts
 The year is 1912. Xavier has started his institute a few years prior with scott summers and jean grey as students. Scott was adopted by Xavier after his parents died in a train crash and jean comes from a family of doctors and scientists Xavier is friends with. 
Because no computers yet, as the microprocessor  has yet to be invented, Forge didn't get stuck in a pocket dimention and got to grow up he works for xavier. He helps design and build a modified danger room that's more steam punk/dieselpunk. Lots of things are gear powered and Holograms are projections onto steam curtians. Because no computers, no cerebro. But jean and Xavier have trained themselves to be able to sense those with mutant powers around them and have been working with a network of underground individuals, some cases literally like the morlocks, to find out about new strange individuals popping up in the states. The morlocks are much more involved in this. they are good friends with Xavier and frequently helps young morlocks train their powers. 
One of those individuals is Gambit. Gambit is 17 in this and does various jobs for xavier. One is listening through the grape vine for odd individuals popping up. The other is essentially working the danger room with forge. As The danger room  is more steampunk/dieselpunk in this, with storm's help as well it can simulate weather events, earth quakes, fires, unstable ground, flooding, (bb gun based) old west shootouts, explosions (thanks to Gambit), search and rescue, avalanche / rock fall settings, and much more. 
Gambit helps set up the room and make the mechanisms work.  it functions well with automatons, steam engines, pistons, and a lot of theater special effect tricks. Gambit helps forge scrap hunt for machinery to repurpose for it. He has befriended the local street children and finds out from them wherever a factory tosses out a machine. 
Speaking of theater though, we have morph as well as a staff member. Kevin is well known fairy(period equivalent  to someone who does not fit into either gender) and drag expert from New York where they worked on broadway and a very close friend of Logan. So close they share a bedroom....;)
Morph is there to help with tailoring as well as helping kids who need disguises to pass in public cause of their time in broadway and avoid harassment, like Kurt. 
They also help simulate battles in the danger room with foes they have faced off against before.
Kurt doesn't have an image modifier in this obviously. No computers, no digital holograms. But with forge and morph they are able to help him pass. Morph designs pants for him that have a  special pocket for his tail to tuck away, as well as boots with  special braces that help disguise his digitigrade feet. Morph also helps him with makeup and hair in the morning to hide his blue face and pointed ears. 
For his hands forge has built some prothstetic fingers that are controlled by the other fingers in his hand like a puppet, so it appears he has five fingers on each hand covered by riding gloves, as well as colored contact lenses for his eyes to disguise them as brown. 
Kurt's parents came to America from Germany with him as a toddler. People found out about their adopted son and they had to flee. They settled in a small German speaking community in the middle of nowhere Iowa where they could be safe. They would have a priest visit Kurt to give him mass in private for his own safety and had a nun come to tutor him. Xavier found out about Kurt through gambits grapevine. 
Ororo came from Africa as a citizen of  British colony egypt to Jamaica where she met Charles she has family living in the states via her sister who do  are wealthy merchants.  they were british colony  expats that moved to the states to control British imports to the states easier. Thus how we get Evan. Skateboard hasn't been invented yet so he is big into the turn of the century cycling craze as well as roller skates. 
 Rogue is still a goth. A very very classic goth. Victorian goth. She still dresses like it's the 1800s to in part keep others from touching her skin but also she is just a great appreciator of Poe and Shelly and stoker. 
One thing that is different for Scott is that on top of the train crash his brother havoc is still with him at this time. His parents are very, very dead tho. No alien rescues. (Forgot to draw Alex tho but he's there as are the minor character students)
Beast is also there more from the begining as a teacher he helps take care of the kids medical needs. He got kicked out of his scientific circle, not cause of his mutant ness that came later, but because he insisted doctors must wash their hands before interacting with patients. 
Jean grey is a highly educated absolute Gibson girl. She and Kitty sneak out to do suffragette stuff regularly.  Speaking of, kitty is definitely a girl of the new century. Wants to go to college one day with Jean. Insists on wearing riding/sports pants wherever she goes. She is girly in certain ways, but defs is a very modern young woman. She likes helping Forge out with his projects. 
Magneto's hatred for humanity in this case comes from his survival of the pogroms of eastern Europe only to see there is still antisemitism once escaping them. And mystique has a boarding house where the brotherhood kids live, but she wasn't principal of the bayview school. 
Wolverine is a cowboy in this au yes. He has a horse, but he's also toying with some of the very few motorcycles. They are more of dirt bikes at this point tho, so his horse his still his go too. It's a deep black mare named Blackbird. He does not have an adimantium skeleton but his claws have been capped with silver to help protect them. 
No x jet but they do have a few biplanes they are training with. Forge is modifying them to be able to cary more people. So far he's made one that can vary five. 
 Gambit introduces everyone to jazz cause it hasn't left Louisiana yet. He brought his Grammaphone and all hell broke loose from there. 
Also rogue having a bit more of a high society upbringing thanks to irene. Gambit hasn't had a day of real school as public school wants universally established until the 1910s. He knows his reading, writing, and arithmetic from Sunday school and such and whatever jean luc  had him taught, but he's excited to learn about what the kids are learning about in their normal school. 
Rogue brings him her study material and teaches it to him and in return he teaches her the various crafts and skills he learned in the bayou and as a member of the theives guild. 
Hope you guys enjoy all this!!! Please feel free to share your thoughts!
Tried to keep things period accurate outfits wise.
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secretadmirer29 · 2 years
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RiNa (Remix Cartoon+AI) - Jom Kita Tidur..
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annisassintchaska · 2 months
Kylian Mbappe x Black!Reader: Family Day (Off Day)
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Today is an off day for Kylian and Y/n had been stressing with work while managing to look after their two kids even though she works at the office and not from home. Kylian noticing the tension and pressure his wife was feeling he decided to help her relax.
Entering her at home office, he walked around her d3sk closing down her laptop causing her to sigh and look uo at him expectantly. "Mon amour, you need to relax. Please take the rest of the week off and I'll reimburse you for the loss of money from your break." He negotiated with the young woman. "Kyky, I can't just drop work on a notice like that. My boss will not allow it." Y/n whined as she rubbed her sleepy face along his shirt, finding comfort in his scent. "Mon bebê, give me your phone" He said as he pulled it from her shorts pocket and entered into her call log. Stepping out of the room. He walked towards their bedroom speaking to her boss on the phone.
After securing her few days off with her boss, Kylian hung up the phone and went to get the children changed into their clothing before going back to his wife in the office. Waking her up her led her to the shower while the children were watching cartoon in their room and showered the both of them before picking out the outfits they would wear as they got dressed. Leading his wife out of the room he collected the kids as they exited the house and he drove them towards their destination for the day.
Y/n's eyes had been closed for almost the entirety of the drive as they finally opened after the car parked. Seeing that they were at an amusement park, she knew everyone would be completely exhausted at the end of the day. Unstrapping themselves, they exited the car and went to retrieve the children from their car seats. Walking into the park, the parents allowed their children to roam freely in front of them as they looked at the rides and games they wanted to try.
3 hours later, Kylian gathered his family as they drove to a restaurant to get some lunch. During lunch, the children expressed their joy of being able to attend the event and their thanks for the food they were now eating as they told their parents that they love them. Feeling happy at the appreciation that their children displayed, they decided to reward them with so1e more fun as their next destination was an indoor trampoline park.
The rest of their day was spent snapping pictures and videos of their kids jumping around and play fighting with the Styrofoam swords. The three little ones energy almost completely drained, they decided to return home. Kylian decided not to drive anymore, he called the chauffer to drive them back home as the family huddled in the back seats.
Upon arrival back home the 5,4 and 3 year olds jumped out of the car and ran one behind the other into the house, taking off their shoes in the process making their parents laugh and their dad lightly scold them about running.
Finally everyone was freshly showered and dressed in their nightwear as the parents tried putting their children in the designated bed, yet they refused to lay down. "Mis bebés, ¿qué pasa?" Y/n asked as even though she was black and her dominant language was English; her and Kylian agreed to teach them Spanish French and Portuguese in oder to help them in gaining opportunities in the future. "Maman, We want to sleep with you and Papa tonight, please?" Their baby girl asked sweetly as she twinkled her eyes at her parents.
Looking down at the three kids who were silently pleading the Y/n and Kylian looked at each other before finally lifting them up and walking to their bedroom, with the little ones cheering excitedly to be sleeping with their parents. With the lights off in the bedroom and the kids snuggled between, everyone was starting to fall asleep, the exhaustion finally setting in as the memories of the day invaded their minds leaving a bright smile on their faces.
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cheolaholic · 1 year
ring of love; csc (03)
summary; agreeing to join vernon spectate an underground boxing match wasn't how you'd expect to spend your friday night. you also didn't expect to see seungcheol, someone you've lost contact with for years, become a part of the ring.
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modern! au • boxer! au • hhu focused • multiple kinds of tropes • fluff, angst, smut
a/n; new chapter !! also added navigation and some lists to my profile where you can find right here &lt;3 you can find my masterlist, idea/wip dump, a link to my ask box where you can send in thots, requests and even comments; alongside my ao3 ^^
hope you all enjoy this chapter and lmk if you can guess which korean web series one of the scenes are from 👀
hint: it involves a certain kpop group
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it was the beginning of fall when your family moved to daegu.
though it wasn’t a big or dramatic move, since you’re moving from the big city to a smaller town in the same province, it was still big to you because it was your first moving experience.
you vividly remember watching the colored leaves fall from the branches and onto the pavement, being stepped on by pedestrians and you imagined they made those ‘crunch’ noises as depicted by the many cartoons you’ve watched.
you were only 5 years old.
“___, are you excited to see our new home?” your mother asked from the passenger seat, turning to see you kneeling on the backseat, admiring the outside view. you turned to her with a big smile, letting out an excited ‘mm!’.
smiling at your enthusiasm, your mother turned to your father who was driving; reaching out her hand and placing it over your father’s resting on the armrest of the car. “do you think she’ll like the place?”
intertwining his fingers with hers, your father gave your mother’s hand an assuring squeeze, “i’m sure she will,” he spoke, “if she doesn’t, we’ll just have to hope it grows on her.”
your mother laughs at your father’s statement; at the same time hoping that it wouldn’t come to that.
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the car stops in front of a white double-story terrace house. the second floor had been extended into a balcony and you notice the few familiar plants from your previous house put on display. half of the wall on the outside of the second story was an exposed brick wall, which adds a little bit of red-orange aesthetic to the full white design of the house. the ground level had a black gate, with two front doors in the same colour with floor-to-ceiling tinted windows.
getting out of the car, you ran up to the gates, attempting to climb them before your mother rushed over and picked you up. “sweetie, that’s dangerous!” she pointed out, a frown on her face.
your father was at the boot of the car, stacking two of the many boxes together before making his way to the gates. “honey, the keys are in my back pocket, could you get it?” reaching out a hand into your father’s pocket and fishing out the keys. unlocking the gates and the front door, your mother placed you down on the ground to help your father with the boxes while you decide to explore the interior of the house.
running up the stairs to the second story of the house, there were three gray colored doors. being a curious child, of course you went through all three of them. you opened the first door that revealed the master bedroom, which of course is going to be occupied by your parents. the second door lead to a bathroom; and when you reached the third door - a pink sign was hung on the door with your name written on it.
pushing the door open, the first thing you noticed was a pink bed tucked nicely in one corner of the room. across it was a white study table with a few trinkets decorating the surface, followed by a wooden closet right next to it. at the foot of your bed stood a similar level bookshelf, filled with all your favorite books and coloring books; alongside some of your plush toys.
“do you like it, babygirl?” came your father’s voice from behind you. whirling around and flashing him a big smile, you excitedly nod your head as he crouched down to your level, giving your hair a ruffle.
“i’m glad you do.”
he then proceeded to pick you up and placed you over his shoulder, legs hanging over his shoulders. “daddy!” you squealed, giggling as he gave you a piggyback ride.
“honey! ___!” your mother called out, “come meet our neighbours!”
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you stared down at the young boy from your father’s shoulder while he stared back up at you.
as your father sets you down from his shoulder, the roles switched; you’re now staring up at the boy while he stares down at you.
seeing how the staring contest would not end anytime soon, your mother placed her hands on your shoulders, introducing you to the young boy and the woman standing next to him who you deduced to be his mother.
“my, what an intense staring contest,” she chuckled. “we’re the lees’! that’s my husband, and this is ___, my daughter.”
“intense, indeed,” the woman chuckled. “we’re the chois’. it’s nice to meet you, ___. this boy here is seungcheol, my son. my husband’s out back dealing with the garden.”
she then looked down at seungcheol, lightly patting his shoulders, “cheol, did you bring what i asked you to?”
snapping out of the staring contest he was having with you, seungcheol handed you a paper bag which you accepted after getting a nod of confirmation from your mother. looking inside the bag, you see a container of brownies, a small ‘wah…’ leaving your lips.
“mom and i baked them last night! we hope you’ll like them!” seungcheol said with a big grin on his face.
placing a hand on your head, your mother smiles, “our little ___ will definitely like them. she has an incredible sweet tooth.”
“no, i do not!”
“___, sweetie,” your father spoke up, “you ate half a tub of ice cream in half an hour.”
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you were 7 when your little crush on seungcheol began.
you were in the playground, swinging on the swingset with your bear plush in your lap when a group of boys approached you. “that’s our swing,” one of the boys spoke, arms crossed as they stared down at you.
you stopped swinging and looked at the group, “you can’t claim a swing. it’s a playground for everyone.” visibly upset by your response, the boys stepped closer so that they would tower over you. “well, this is our swing now. get off.”
you could see the face of the boys turn red - from anger and embarrassment that you were refusing to follow their instructions. as they continued to stare down at you, one of them noticed your bear plush, snatching it out from your lap.
“hey!” you shouted, getting off the swing to try and get your plush back, “give him back!”
“nuh-uh,” the boy retorted, raising it up above his head so you can’t reach it, “that’s what you get for sitting on our swing!”
you then shove at the boy, crying out, “i said give him back!”
“back off, girlie!” another boy said, shoving you back with a harder force, causing you to fall back onto the ground of the playground.
as the boys walked away with your bear plush, leaving you to cry on the ground. they tossed it around, occasionally dropping it on the floor and purposefully stepping on the poor plush, later on acting as if they didn’t mean to do so. witnessing the boys’ treatment towards your plush,  you pulled your knees to your chest, hugging it as your cries grew louder.
“___?” a worried seungcheol called out.
crouching down in front of you, seungcheol places a hand on your head, gently petting it in an attempt to comfort you. “___, what happened? why are you crying? are you hurt anywhere?” you attempted to answer him. but, due to your crying, you had a hard time forming words, only letting out harsh pants and whimpers.
“easy there, ___,” seungcheol said softly, “take a deep breath, okay?”
when your crying calmed down, the older boy heard the laughters of the group of boys. turning his head towards their direction, he saw them taking turns throwing a plush bear at each other. seungcheol recognised the plush bear - it was the very same plush he had gifted you on your 7th birthday.
he then turned back to you, noticing that you were looking at the group with a frown on your face. pressing his thumb against your forehead, he gave you a gentle smile, “don’t frown like that, you’ll get wrinkles.”
turning back to the group, he let out a sigh, “they took your bear?”
you sniffled as you nod your head, wiping the snot from your nose with the sleeves of your hoodie. “do you want me to get it back for you?”
nodding his head, seungcheol got back up on his feet, ruffling your hair before making his way towards the group of boys.
“hey, you rascals over there!” he called out.
you don’t know why, but you felt your heart race, a small blush forming on your face.
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after seungcheol had gotten your bear plush back from the group of boys (mainly by scaring them off because imagine an older, taller boy approaching you with a scary look after talking to the girl whose bear you had snatched), he walked you back to your house.
as his parents were out working, it wasn’t unusual for seungcheol to spend some time at your place with your parents as he waited for his to return home. sitting beside you on the porch of the backyard of your back garden, seungcheol was eating a piece of brownie your mom had baked while you enjoyed a cone of vanilla ice cream.
“you need to learn to stand up for yourself, ___,” seungcheol spoke, placing the now empty plate next to him and looked at you. “but, i have you to protect me!” you responded with a smile on your face, earning a small laugh from the boy. “i know, ___. but, i can’t always be there for you.”
“d-does this mean you’re leaving me…?” you asked, tears welling up in your eyes. “oh, ___,” seungcheol said softly as he places a hand on your head, “that’s not what i mean. i meant it as in, there will be times where i can’t always be with you. you remind me of a puppy,” he chuckled. “maybe that can be a nickname for you, hmm?”
when your eyes light up and nod excitedly at the older boy, he lets out another laugh and ruffles your hair.
“alright then, pup.”
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taglist (unable to tag a few ㅠㅠ)
@yoonclip @1004luvangel @catjunhui @mystikha @spk93 @tinkerbell460 @yoozuku @dnylwoo @christinewithluv @limbomoon @plutoxxxworld @i-give-up-1234 @m1ngyuc0re @yunloyal @leclercloverbot @bettybeako @billboard-singer @ocyeanicc @krupyadoorrahe @seobinnieshi @xcynthiaaa @k411z @disneyprincesshuri @sunnyapp @khxsh @staygenezy @loufi8iepuff @ursweetener @noisypapergalaxy @wonwootakemyheart @sugainpinksweater @leah-rose03 @thisisnotthelastofus @yearnoclock @kwonhoeshi @minhui896 @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @ru-lin @deobiforever @belladaises @cheoliekkuma @duskunt1ldawn @hyneyedfiz @marshmallowshouse @ak6ko @chwevernonlover @jejuboo-s @tsukinluv @atinytinaa @gyros-cum-sock @soupbinlily @jungwoos-luvr @ener-energy @watermelon-sugars-things @cyberpunkhwx @ddaengpotate @nightwingsrobbinhoods @chaerrylov3r @joshuaahong @wonussmile @uliceeeeeeee @wonwoo24 @shinetogether17 @simplejihoon @luvkpopp
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crosshairlovebot · 1 year
kisses on palms / hunter x gn!reader
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pairing: hunter x gn!reader (no y/n). reader has a nickname.
description: hunter is home for a little while, and with his free time, he teaches you how to twirl that vibroknife of his.
word count: 3,844
warnings: minor knife injury. non-graphic injury description. blood mention. 
my first hunter x reader fic! i really loved writing hunter like this <3 he’s so sweet and soft. i hope you enjoy it <3
also posted this on ao3. feedback is welcomed, reblogs are appreciated <3
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It was the morning after he’d come home. It wasn’t a permanent stay – it never was, but for now, Hunter sat on the couch in nothing but a white sleeveless undershirt that partially hid the dark hair that covered his chest. His bottom half wore loose grey pants and his hair was bandana-less and tucked behind his ears. His eyes were focused on the holo in front of him, one leg tucked under him, and whilst one arm was stretched out across the back of the couch, the other twirled his vibro-knife nimbly between his fingers.
He was as handsome as he was before he left months ago, perhaps even more so. You admired him from the kitchen, the kettle boiling in the background. You trailed your eyes over the skull tattoo covering half his face and continued down his arm, outlining the bones that lay underneath the skin.
He looked at home here; out of his armour and regulation blacks, and in the casual civvies he always kept in the dresser drawer you gave him. You knew he was aware of your lingering gaze, but he never seemed to mind when you admired him unabashedly like this.
The kettle sounded, snapping you out of your reverie, and you turned away to pour the hot water into two mugs. Hunter preferred tea, with caf usually putting his already heightened senses on edge. You carried over both mugs to the couch, Hunter’s gaze lifted to meet yours as you approached, giving you a closed-mouth smile as he placed the knife on the caf table in front of him and reached for his mug. It was his designated mug that you’d bought especially for him a while ago now. It had a cartoon bantha on it and Hunter pretended to hate it.
“Thank you, ner ka’ra,” he said, wrapping his hands around his mug before he took a sip. You smiled. His star.
These moments of domesticity were something you cherished. They were few and far between. So little time was spent just being together with Hunter. When he managed to see you, he was often only able to stay overnight before he left Coruscant again on yet another mission. He was usually exhausted when he came home to you, his body sagging as he finally let himself relax and crawl under the covers with you, but he still tried his best to stay awake for those moments together.
You’d spend as many hours as you could awake with him, talking into the night, holding each other, feeling your skin move over his before drifting off together. Any little bit of Hunter you got; you would take. You would savour it, cherish it and hold onto it until he came back again – because neither of you knew when that would be.
“Did you sleep okay?” you asked, bringing the warm drink to your lips, and blowing on it gently before sipping it.
Hunter swallowed some tea and smiled warmly at you. “Yeah. I knocked out pretty fast.”
“You did. I even had to take your bandana off.”
Hunter chuckled and ran his fingers through his curls. “Yeah. The mission on Felucia was…tougher than expected.”
You tried not to think about the life-threatening danger he would’ve been in because it didn’t matter now – he was here and safe. You took a sip of your tea. “How long are you staying this time?”
“Right now…until we’re called out. We’re on shore leave for the next couple of days, but we’re still on call. They could assign us earlier.”
You nodded in understanding as he brought the mug to his lips. With the holo playing softly in the background, you thought about his armour piled in the corner of your bedroom, what perils it must have gone through, and how different he looked without it on. His broad shoulders were not as squared and rigid. He looked more at ease. You wondered if, when the war was over, he’d always look like this – and whether you’d get the privilege to see him like that. You didn’t know what the end of the war would hold – if it ever came at all.
“What are your brothers doing with this short time off?”
Hunter shrugged as he took another sip. “The usual.”
“The usual,” you repeated, a teasing smile stretching on your lips. “Just like you.”
Hunter chuckled, placed his already empty mug on the caf table, and picked up his knife again. “You know how it is…the boys have their habits.”
You watched him twirl the knife around in his hand with a playful smirk. “Habits like that?”
Hunter looked at you and then at the knife in his hand and moved to place it down again. “I can stop.”
“I never said that,” you placed your mug down and rested your arm on the back of the sofa, leaning your head to gaze at him. “I like watching you do that.”
Hunter smiled and you could see the tips of his ears turn a little red. He started twirling the knife again, moving it through his fingers with ease. It was almost hypnotising, watching him move the knife with proficient practised movements. He spun it around horizontally, then back vertically, using his index and middle fingers to spin it in figure eights. He then switched to his left hand, repeating the movements. It always amazed you that he was ambidextrous, it was another thing in a long list of qualities you loved about him. He was great in so many ways, but to notice and know the smaller ones that you had to squint to find was almost an honour.
Hunter’s eyes flicked to you gazing at him, and your face must’ve held an expression of awe because he chuckled with amusement. “Enjoying yourself?”
“Very much, yes.”
Hunter laughed, his eyes crinkling up at the sides as the gravelly sound filled the apartment. He halted his movements and held the tip of the blade, handle out towards you. “Wanna have a go?”
You sat up, eyes wide in surprise. “Me? Are you sure?”
Hunter nodded and nudged the handle in your direction. “I’ll show you how.”
You gingerly took the knife from him. It was heavy in your hands, and you turned it over, admiring the personalised carvings in the handle that Hunter added himself. You ran a finger over the glowing yellow lines of the blade and looked up at him. his eyes were on you, something in his expression you couldn’t place…adoration maybe? Or longing? You weren’t sure, but there was a soft intensity to it that left you a little breathless. “You trust me with this?”
“I trust you with my life,” Hunter declared with no hesitation before he shuffled closer to you. Butterflies erupted in your stomach at his proclamation. You trusted him with yours too.
His left leg still pulled up under him, he turned to face you. You mirrored him, crossing your legs as he reached out to touch your hand, holding it in his palm. “I think it goes without saying that we turn the knife by holding the base. You don’t want your fingers near the blade,” he said, using his other hand to trace the handle. “You need to keep the knife balanced, so you need to find the midpoint of the knife. It won’t always be equal halves; some handles are heavier than others and some blades are heavier – it all depends on the knife.”
You nodded along to his words. It seemed simple enough. “Can you find the midpoint?” he asked, moving his hands away. You adjusted your grip, using your fingers to feel the weight of the blade and handle dip on each side until you found the mid-point – just below the top of the handle. You looked up at him for approval and he nodded. “Good. We’ll start slow. First, I’ll show you how to change from a saber grip to a reverse grip; get you used to moving the knife in your hand first.”
You smiled and nodded. You liked seeing him like this, you could see why he was the leader of his squad. “Can you show me first?”
Hunter nodded, taking the knife from your hand, and demonstrating how to change grips. You watched the movement with a furrow in your brow, confused at how he even did that. “Can you show me slower?”
Hunter chuckled. “I’m getting there, ka’ra.” He held the knife still. “You need to hold the knife in the base of your hand, with your palm underneath it, so the knife is secure. Like this,” he showed you, turning his hand so you could see.
You nodded. “Then what?”
“Then you wanna place the handle between your middle and index finger, and then place your thumb underneath the handle so it rests on the other side. Then move your thumb to rotate the base to the top, making sure to keep your other fingers away from the blade and then you wrap your hand around the handle.” He demonstrated the movement slowly, as he talked through it, clearly showing each stage.
You watched intently, trying not to get distracted by his smoky voice and his hands as he spoke. You tried to focus on the words and not on the taunt tendons of his hand as he gripped the knife. You tried to focus on the movements and not his dextrous fingers and the bone tattoo that extended down to his wrist and arm.
“You can use the same technique to move back and forth.” He held out the handle. “Wanna have a go?”
You blinked up at him, his caf-coloured eyes on yours. “Sure.”
You took the knife from him and found the mid-point before you followed his instructions, slowly but successfully changing your grip. You looked up at him with an expression somewhere between elation and pride. “I did it!”
Hunter smiled warmly at you; pride present in the creases of his smile. “Very good. Giving me a run for my credits.”
You laughed and he smiled wider at you. You repeated the technique a few times, the movement becoming more fluid as you practised. Hunter watched you, gently adjusting your fingers at some points. His warm hands over yours, giving you little tips. You smiled at him as he looked up from where your hands touched between you, and he smiled back, his hair coming out from its place behind his ear. He tucked the loose curl back. “You’re getting the hang of it.”
“I have a good teacher.”
The corner of his mouth tipped up. “Wanna try twirling it now?”
You nodded, a little unsure, which he read on your face instantly. “I told you; we’ll take it slow.” Hunter took the knife from your hand and started explaining how to twirl the knife, demonstrating it nimbly before breaking it down in steps slowly. You noted which fingers the knife needed to be in between as it moved over his hand. It was a little daunting and confusing, but Hunter’s teaching was calm and patient.
He seemed eager to show you this skill; to show you a part of himself and share it with you like this. You knew how his vibroknife was a huge part of who he was as a soldier – becoming proficient in it as a cadet. It was his thing. And as you’d grown closer, he’d always taken an interest in the things you enjoyed, and you always tried to do the same.
But this was something else. He had this air about him when he explained the technique – he was so open, the Coruscant sun streaming through the window and lighting his features, making the blade in his hand glint and silhouetting his hooked nose, his dark brown eyes bright. It was easy to fall in love with Hunter, but it was even easier when you saw him like this.
“Ka’ra?” Hunter’s frown broke your daydreams about him. “You all right?”
You blinked. “Hmm? Yeah, of course. Why?”
“I asked  if you want to have a go now.” He said with an amused smirk.
You felt your cheeks go warm. “Sure. I’ll try.” You took the knife from him and got your grip ready.
“Just start slowly. And be careful of the blade, keep your fingers away from it.”
“I know,” you smiled and placed the knife between your thumb and index finger, then slipped the middle finger underneath and weaved the knife slowly through your fingers with your brow furrowed. Hunter watched your movements as you bit your lip, trying to manoeuvre the knife.
“Steady…” Hunter guided. You frowned as the knife suddenly got too heavy between your fingers, and you lost your grip. It slipped out from between your middle and fourth fingers and fell. On reflex, you tried to catch the knife in your hand, but it sliced your palm before landing on the couch between you. It all happened so quickly. You yelped as Hunter, only a split second too late, reached out to your hand as the knife fell, his eyes wide.
“Dank farrik,” he said as you clutched your hand with the other tightly, compressing the wound with your thumb, curling your fingers around the back of your hand. Hunter grabbed onto your wrist with one hand, looking at your tightly wound hands with a frantic expression before he cupped your face in his other hand. “Ka’ra, are you okay? Kriff, where’s your med kit?”
You winced at the stinging pain. “I’m okay. It’s in the bathroom under the sink.”
Hunter jumped up and raced to the bathroom. You heard doors slam and products clatter as he rummaged for it. Your cheeks flamed with embarrassment. How could you be so stupid and let the knife fall? You had been too busy thinking about how pretty Hunter was to pay attention.
Hunter came jogging out with the med kit. Before he sat down, he picked up the knife and put it out of reach from both of you. He opened the kit on the caf table and rifled through it for some antibac.
“I’m sorry,” you said, wincing as you felt the blood begin to pull in your palm. “I didn’t mean to drop it.”
“Why are you apologising? It’s not your fault,” he turned back to you, this worried expression on his face that you had never really seen before and already knew you hated. You wanted to press your thumb into the crease of his brows to remove it. “Can you show me the wound? I need to see how deep it is and apply the antibac.”
You slowly unfurled your hand and removed your thumb compression, grimacing. Hunter’s frown deepened as he saw the wound. It was almost three inches long and stretched diagonally across your palm. He placed his hand gently under yours, resting it in his palm as he looked at it. “It doesn’t look deep. I think you’ve only just sliced it. It doesn’t need stitches,” Hunter said firmly. He was in Sergeant mode. “I’m going to mop up the blood, and then clean it before applying some bacta, okay?”
You nodded and watched him grab a sterile cloth and mop up as much of the blood as he could. His touch was gentle, cradling your hand in his as he blotted the wound.
“This is going to sting a little, okay?” He warned, his voice soft again before he placed the antibac wipe on the wound. You sucked in a breath, holding it for a moment before sighing once the stinging stopped. You felt Hunter’s thumb rub reassuring circles on the back of your hand as he cleaned the wound. The skin of his hand was smooth, if not slightly dry. Other than those caresses, he was quiet, frown still etched into his face as he avoided looking at you. Focused only on the task at hand.
You trailed your eyes up his arm, following the bone tattoo that was covered in soft dark downy hair on his forearm, to his shoulders and across his chest and collarbones. Your eyes moved to watch his face. The beginnings of stubble formed along his cheeks and jaw. You couldn’t even count the times you’d kissed all over this tattoo, feeling his cheeks stretch into a rare wide smile under your lips.
Now, his lips were pressed into a firm line, seemingly deep in thought as he silently cleaned the wound and the rest of your palm. You wondered what kinds of thoughts were swirling around that beautiful head of his. You immediately felt bad for ruining his good mood with your clumsiness.
“I’m sorry, Hunter,” you repeated with a furrowed brow as you watched him. “I should’ve been more careful.”
Hunter looked up at you, a frown still on his face. “Don’t apologise. It’s my fault.”
Your frown deepened. “You weren’t holding the knife.”
He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. I shouldn’t have had you practising with a sharp blade like that. Especially not on your first go.”
It all clicked. Hunter wasn’t mad at you. He was mad at himself.
Your expression softened. “It’s okay.”
Hunter shook his head again, still avoiding your gaze with an angry expression on his face as he applied a bacta patch to your palm, smoothing it over with his thumb. “You got hurt.” He said it simply, like it was the only fact that mattered to him.
You tilted your head to look at him. “Things happen, Hunter.”
“They shouldn’t. Not when I’m here.” You watched him carefully as he wrapped a bandage around the bacta patch. “I’m sorry,” he said when he secured the bandage, bringing your hand up to his lips and placing a kiss on the bandaged wound.
“Hunter,” you started, placing your uninjured hand on his cheek, rubbing your thumb over his cheekbone. “It was an accident. It was nobody’s fault. Please, don’t blame yourself.”
Hunter closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, inhaling your skin before moving his head to kiss your wrist. “It’s my job to keep the people I care about safe.”
“And you’re great at it. Your brothers are lucky to have you looking out for them. You’re so good at what you do, and one accident won’t change that. I hate seeing you punish yourself for things out of your control.” You hold up your injured hand where the soreness is already beginning to dull with the bacta. “Look how quickly you patched me up, and so gently. It already feels better. I’m almost all fixed. Barely even hurts anymore.”
Hunter let out a puff of breath and the corner of his mouth turned up. “I guess you’re right.”
You smiled warmly at him. “Of course, I am.”
Hunter chuckled and nodded to the knife at the end of the caf table. “You almost had it though. Maybe…I’ll give you one of my old training knives…and you can practice while I’m gone?”
Your smile widened. “I’d really like that.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him to you. You felt his arms wrap around your torso and hold you tightly. His face buried in your neck as he relaxed in your arms.
You hoped the embrace held all the words you didn’t know how to say; words that reassured him that you were okay; that the burdens he placed upon himself didn’t need to be so heavy; that you wished you could take some of the weight off his shoulders, not add to it; that you loved him more and more every day and you didn’t think you would ever stop.
You felt him pull your forward as he leaned back on the couch, lying horizontally. You laughed as he pulled you on top of him, careful of your injured hand, your legs between his, chest to chest. You could feel his heartbeat against yours, steady and strong. His arms locked you to him, head nuzzled into your skin because you knew he loved breathing you in from that exact spot.
He once told you that your invisible scent was strongest there. He always retreated into that crook of your neck when he’d come home from a rough run of missions or was tired, or he simply just wanted to be close to you. You supposed he found it comforting, and who were you to deny him of it?
You made room for him by tilting angling your head a little more and spoke into his shoulder, your lips on his warm brown skin. “I mean, I won’t like you being gone but…”
You felt a chuckle rumble through Hunter’s chest. “I have a duty, ner ka’ra.”
“I thought you and your squad didn’t follow orders?”
You felt Hunter smile into your skin as he rolled you off him, so you occupied the space between his chest and the back of the couch. He placed a soft kiss where your neck meets your shoulders before he slowly kissed his way up behind your ear. You closed your eyes and smiled before he pulled back. You trailed your hands down his arms and cracked open your eyes slowly to see Hunter gazing at you. You felt your heartbeat increase as Hunter lifted a hand to hold your chin with his thumb and index finger, a soft expression on his face.
You watched his eyes trace your lips as he brushed the pad of his thumb over them and leaned in, slanting his lips over yours softly. You melted into the kiss, hands gripping at the thin fabric of his undershirt as he kissed you – your injured palm was all but forgotten. Hunter always made things better.
It was a gentle kiss – like if he kissed you too hard after your injury you might break again – but it was by no means unpassionate. He pulled you closer, cupping your face, deepening the kiss, and you moved to clutch his curls. You could smell the forest-scented shampoo he used and feel his breath tickling your cheek.
After a moment that could’ve been seconds, minutes, or hours long, he slowly pulled away, smiling out of the side of his mouth.  You chuckled and rubbed your nose against his, making his chest rumble again. “Would you like another cup of tea?” he asked just above a whisper in the space between you. “I’d like to make one for you.”
You caressed his cheek. “I’d love one.”
Hunter rolled back off the couch and stood up. The sunlight from the window behind him formed a halo around his silhouette, making him look so ethereal and completely and utterly beautiful you couldn’t believe this man was yours. He leaned down to place a kiss on the top of your head before he grabbed your two empty mugs and padded into the kitchen. You sat up to watch him as he filled up the kettle and flicked it on, looking right at home.
thank you for reading <3 here is a gif of hunter’s knife twirling bc it was playing in my head over and over as i wrote this:
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tags (please let me know if you would like to be removed/added): @crosshairs-wife @seriowan @fives-girlfriend @starrylothcat @crosshairsnose @jesseeka @wreckers-wife @leavingkamino @wanderer-six@32rotations @moodymisty @snarky-mans-gf @sinfulsalutations​ @nahoney22​ @mylifeisactuallyamess @bobafettsstarship @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @cloned-eyes @thegalaxys-edge @chopper-base @wenalena @pb-jellybeans @bluebird-dreams @a-streakofblue @rexamongthestars @r2d2staser @theawkwardartist12 @marierg @echoleo @whiskeysrevolvers @anythingbutmynamebro
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sapphic-moon-child · 11 months
Oh, Baby... Chapter 6
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Wife!reader Fluff level 10000000% Warnings: smut, mentions of TTC and pregnancy struggles, mentions of child abuse and trauma, mentions of eating disorders, food struggles, Age regression.
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Chapter 6: she's… little?
You woke up the next morning before Larissa to find small eyes on you, looking for permission to cuddle. "Mommy?" Amelia whispered and your heart melted at her statement. "Do you need some snuggles honey?" You were met with several nods and your little girl scooting to you in the soft morning glow. Opening your arms you welcomed her and tucked the blanket around her. The movement slowly woke Larissa and she held a finger to her lips. "Mama be upset me" you scrunched your face a bit in confusion. "Honey why would mama be upset with you?" You softly questioned. "Cause I'm not big." You looked at the girl and thought you had an idea of what was going on. She was probably never tested, but both of you were state caregivers.
"Honey how old are you right now" you kept your eyes on her only flashing Larissa a quick look to not draw questions to the girl. You watched as she held up 2 fingers. She was a little, you knew from her files it said nothing about her classification. You knew there was several Littles in the school and they had designated caregivers, but you had a little now and she was officially yours. "Mama won't be mad sweetheart, we understand sometimes you are big, but sometimes you are little. There's no need to be upset, you can be little anytime that you need to be and mama and I will take care of you and love you just the same." You snuggled her into your chest and looked at Larissa. "We need to go shopping today my love." Larissa nodded and slowly slid out of bed, she got dressed and came to take the small girl from you so you could do the same. "Mama up?" She asked, making grab hands at Larissa. Her small stature was easy for Larissa to pick up and tuck close.
"Let's go get dressed sweetheart" while you dressed Larissa battled the little into her clothes. She set her down in the living room with cartoons and went to find you. Walking into the bedroom she found you pulling on a sweater. "We are going to have to get so much to have her safely here. Josh and Amanda are bringing her things here from the dorm later." "I know, I've been mentally making a list of things. Firstly though a carseat, and shoes that fit her. The ones she has seem to be pinching her toes, poor thing." As you two were softly chatting you heard a blood curdling scream and crying coming from the next room. You and Larissa went running and she scooped Amelia up telling you to get a towel. "Oh my God!" You immediately held Amelia's head and pressed the towel to her eyebrow to stop the bleeding. "She had to have hit the coffee table. Oh I feel so stupid. Shh honey it's okay!" Larissa cuddled Amelia close and bounced the small girl gently. Her cries turned to small whimpers. "Riss it isn't your fault, kids get hurt. It was an accident." Luckily the cut wasn't deep enough for stitches, but left a pretty big bruise. After a plaster was applied and tears wiped away you three headed to the car. By the time you got to the store three towns over, Amelia was fast asleep so Larissa decided to just carry her. The two of you got a multitude of things that the little one would need. A safety gate, bumpers for the coffee table, highchair clothes and more. You brought up needing to get bottles and some paci's just in case. While over in that section your eyes caught Larissa looking over at the supplements. "Riss? You ok?" You asked softly, putting a gentle hand on her arm. "Oh I'm fine, did you get the bottles and some sip cups?"
You nodded and gave her a soft look. "Riss I know what you were thinking, and I'm not opposed to doing it either. I think she could really benefit from that time. And if she opposes it then we will have it for future use." Larissa smiled at you and put six bottles of the lactation induce and boost supplement into the cart as well as two supplement systems for you and her. After all was purchased you loaded the car and after much frustration installing the safety seat you were able to put Amelia in the car. Thankfully you and Larissa bought an adjustable infant seat as well knowing about Amelia's shape shifting powers should the need arise. The car lurched forward and you headed to a small Cafe for lunch. Amelia surprisingly stayed asleep while the two of you ate and chatted. Amelia woke up with a soft whine and Larissa rocked her softly. "Hi mama" "Hi sweetheart, would you like something to eat?
Mama can get you some Mac n cheese?" The little shook her head and nuzzled into her chest. "Mnot hungry mama" Larissa sighed and snuggled the little, not forcing the matter. "Would you like applesauce?" You tentatively asked. You were pleased when Amelia gave you a small nod. Reaching into your purse you pulled out a pouch of applesauce and gave it to her, ensuring a happy giggle. "Riss Mary is coming over tonight to properly evaluate Amelia. It doesn't change the adoption, but it will give her the right help for school and the caregivers grant to help offset the cost of all the things we will need." Larissa cupped Amelia's cheek and smiled at you. "I think that's a good idea. She told you she was two, I wonder if she will drop lower or this is her lowest. It's rare for her to drop this early, but with all the trauma it's understandable."
After lunch was finished you headed back to the cottage you called home. Amelia had fallen asleep only to wake up when the car parked. "Mo-Larissa? Where are we?" Amelia asked sleepily, correcting herself quickly. Larissa gave you a knowing look, getting out of the car and opening Amelia's door. "Sweetheart, we're home, and we have a few things we need to talk about, but first let's get you unbuckled. Amelia's eyes went wide at the safety seat and she knew her secret was out. Tears started to pool in her eyes. "Hush now my love, no need for tears." Larissa guided her into the house and you carried in a few bags. You watched Larissa gently guide Amelia to the couch to sit, you followed to sit on the other side of the small girl. "Why was I in the seat Larissa? Ya know in the car?" The young girl asked fiddling with her fingers obviously trying to play ignorance. "Well my love,  I think you might know that answer. Is there something you've been hiding? You aren't in any trouble, but we need to know the truth." Larissa softly padded her knee and you gently rubbed her back. "I…I…please don't send me back. I can stay big, it was an accident!" The girl burst into tears and covered her face with her hands. "My love, no we aren't sending you back. We love you so much." Larissa wrapped her in a hug and you kept rubbing circles on her back. "Sweetheart we love you just how you are, big or little. How long have you been in your littlespace?"
You gently asked her. "Since I came here last year." She whispered through hiccuped breaths. "Why didn't you come to me, my love?" Larissa pushed gently knowing the girl had one of the few single dorms. "When I went home, I was little and grandfather beat me and made me promise not to tell anyone. He said only cowards are little." Your heart broke in a million pieces. "Honey you aren't a coward, and if you need to be little that's ok, we will always let you be big or little and our love will never change for you Amelia Weems." You cooed softly and she hugged you. Larissa wiped a few stray tears and turned to quickly wipe your cheeks too. "Amelia, why don't we get you a nice hot bath and some pj's? Then mama can order pizza okay?" The girl nodded and gave Larissa a quick kiss on the cheek before taking your hand and following you into your large bathroom with the big tub. You set out everything she would need and ran the water for her. "Ok sugar, I'll be right outside if you need anything."
"No… I… I mean can you stay?" You nodded, a bit surprised. "Sure I can honey." You noticed she was having trouble with her shirt, wincing in pain. "What's the matter, sweets? Does something hurt?" She looked at her feet and nodded. "Do you need help?" She nodded again and you helped her gently take her shirt off. When she turned around you saw the large bruise on her back. "Honey what happened to your back?" She shook her head and mumbled a soft "nothing" at you. You grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her, turning her to face you. "Honey no secrets, I'm just worried." "One of the older boys bullies me… he…shoved me down and I hit the fountain a few days ago." You softly pulled her to you and wiped away her tears, mentally noting to talk to Larissa later. "Do you want me to wash your hair for you?" She nodded hesitantly and you helped her into the bath, telling her you'd be right back with a cup so she didn't have to bend down. Walking into the kitchen you caught your wife just as she hung up the phone from ordering take away.
"Riss, can you dose Amelia out some ibuprofen and paracetamol, and a bottle of juice? She has a gnarly bruise covering her back due to one of the older boys shoving her into the wall of the fountain." Larissa gasped and nodded quickly while you grabbed one of your larger cups walking back to the bathroom. You got down on your knees and slowly scooped up some water. "Head back a bit honey" she complied as you wet her hair and poured a bit of your own shampoo into your hands to run through her hair. Gently you massaged it through and watched her relax as you softly scratched her scalp. She turned a bit and rested her chin on her arm that was now placed on the edge of the tub. After a few minutes you grabbed the cup and rinsed her hair, then repeated with the conditioner. After her bath was finished you helped wrap her in a big fluffy towel and lead her to your room where you pulled out one of Larissa's old shirts and handed it to her along with a pair of her shorts and underwear.  I'll stay here but I'll turn around, okay honey?" She nodded at you and she put on her pants but struggled with the shirt.
"Can you help me?" She asked with a small blush. You turned around and pulled the shirt over her head holding out the sleeves for her to slide her arms into. "Would you like me to brush and braid your hair?" Amelia nodded and hopped up in the bed in front of you. A soft knock came from the door and you looked up and smiled. "Hello my dear, I come bearing some medicine to help that not hurt so much." Larissa sat down in front of Amelia and handed her the juice and gave the girl the two syringes of pain medicine. Once she was done with her juice you started brushing her hair, noticing Larissa was watching you, but also noticing Amelia was softly playing with her fingers. Once you were done braiding her hair Larissa produced a small tin of cream.  "Amelia, can I put some of this on your back? It smells good and will also help it heal. I promise to be gentle." She nodded and turned around laying her head in your lap with her back up. Larissa stifled a gasp when she pulled the young girl's shirt up, nearly crying at the sight. How could someone do this to her? She thought to herself. She gently applied the balm and pulled the shirt down. You were softly stroking her cheek, soothing her through the pain of the light touches. "All done honey." The three of you made your way to the living room just as the doorbell rang from the pizza guy. Larissa paid him and set the pizza on the table. After you all had your fill of pizza, a soft knock thrummed through the house. You let Mary in and was surprised that Amelia waved at her from the couch. After a few moments of talking you three decided to just ease into the assessment. You turned off the TV as Mary came to sit with Amelia. "Hello Amelia, how are you?" "Good, sore but mom helped with that." Mary gave a knowing look already knowing about the incident. "I brought some things with me and I want you to tell me which item you like best. And the. I have some questions, it's that ok?" You watched Amelia nod her head and waited with Larissa on baited breath. Mary set out three toys. One for an infant, one for a toddler, and one for a slightly older little. You watched as the girl seemed to like the toys and picked the small rubber stacking cups that were for infants. She then pulled out 3 more toys just like before. This time you chose a panda stuffy made for toddlers that had light up feet. She repeated the process one more time and you chose the infant toy again, not even flashing a thought to the older toys. She then asked a few questions to the small girl. "Amelia, do you know when you feel like you're going to drop?" Amelia shook her head and explained that she pushes away the tingly feeling often because it hurts. "Do you know how often you drop?" The young girl shook her head no. "That’s okay honey, would you like to go watch some tv for a bit and take a break? Amelia nodded her head and ran into you and Larissa's room. “Well it looks like she ranges around 1-3 in her little space. Do you have all you need to accommodate that?’’ Mary asked you two gently. “We do, and we have no intention of changing our mind about her. She is still the same girl we chose to bring into our lives.
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trancylovecraft · 5 months
(AOEX) The Blood Of An Unwilling Covenant
PART 3 OF 8: Astaroth
(Yandere Platonic Demon Kings (Ba'al) x Reader)
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Her hands gripped around the cold metal bars, The nipping of the night's air reflecting in the brisk chill coming from them.
A half-crescent was placed high in the sky, The moonstruck light reflecting in the ebony skies along with the sparks of the stars gleaming like spilled glitter. It was a beautiful night, One you could stare at for hours upon from your bedroom window while you fell into the depths of Hypnos's hold.
But he didn't have a grasp on [F/N] tonight, Instead she was wide awake to view his mother in all her glory. The song of the wind travelled through the outskirts of the town she stood in, Symphonic in nature as it played through her hair.
[F/N] stood grasping the corroding bars of the towns cemetery, One of it's kind and a rarity for Japan as the majority of the dead decided to be cremated. She was lucky it was in walking distance from the youth centre.
It had been about a year since the incident with Umaimon or whatever his name was, Only becoming a funny story to tell while mingling. She hadn't thought about it in ages however, Less than a C plot to her current arc.
Her eyes peered through the bar gaps, Pushing her face right in between as irises searched the perimeter for any kind of staff attending to the tombstones, Or whatever they did, [F/N] didn't know.
But she did know that there wasn't anyone in her sight, No matter how far she squeezed her face in between the gate bars or how much she listened out for any footsteps. Made sense, These places always tended to be understaffed.
She'd been staking this place out for nights now. Just like clockwork she would slip through the cracks of her old window, Always after making sure that the makeshift dummy of pillows and blankets was fastened in place.
[F/N] hadn't been allowed out for ages now, Serves her right for sneaking out so often and getting into trouble she supposed. But it was cruel not to let her come here, Not to let her speak her sorrows.
This was where Tetsuya was buried after all.
[F/N] stuffed her hand into her basil-coloured hoodie, The darkest shade she had to hide her in mother nights shawl as she pulled out a branded flashlight.
It was a childish design, Really. It was trademarked by scooby-doo, An American cartoon she and Tetsuya use to watch on the daily. It was designed like that old van the gang drove around in, Blue with green flames and the occasional orange flower to break it up.
It was also a flashlight that use to belong to Tetsuya, A fact that she smiled at, Admiring the chipping paint only for a moment before she flicked it on.
The light fluttered. [F/N] had to shake it to stabilize the rays as it finally shone against the bars in front of her.
It finally illuminated the grounds hidden behind the gate. Though the moon was luminescent it only helped to see the shapes of gravestones and flowers within the dark, The shadows consuming everything else leaving it difficult to see.
Though with the flashlight she could now see the exposed engravings of the granite rocks. Whispers of the dead and their legacies inscribed onto the stone. A brother, A sister, A mother and a wife was what they were known as but they weren't anything she knew.
As usual, There was no guard to react to the spotlight. Incompetent staff, They wouldn't even be able to spot her freshly-teenage self climb over the gates of the grounds they were meant to protect.
A foothold in the first bar. [F/N] pushed herself up and was just tall enough to grasp onto the upper bar of the gate's design, Hanging from the metal digging in her palms. She was spry enough to pull herself up.
It was easy cake to lug herself to the top of the gate, Fling a leg over the side and hop down into the overgrown grass of the graveyard below. Feet hitting the dirt with a thump, Barely even ripping her old jeans in the process.
[F/N] didn't hesitate to start sprinting across the valley the graveyard sat in, Guarded by the thick brick walls and nothing else as she seen the security passed out in the booth. Slobber down his shirt and a cup of coffee gone cold on the desk.
She ran past gravestones filled with flowers in all colours. Peonies, Roses and Daffodils were only the few she could name as she passed by, Only seen by the spotlight. Names she didn't recognise, Dates she wasn't around for and family members that weren't hers.
She knew however when she saw the far off headstone, One surrounded by nothing but corrosion and empty pots that it was the one she was looking for.
Her run skittered to a halt, Almost tripping over her feet as she came to the end of the row she was in. The scooby-doo flashlight still held tightly in her hands, The spotlight it shone dusting over the engravings of the tombstone.
Tetsuya Toyama
20XX - 20XX
Beloved child. Forever in our hearts, Rest in peace.
[F/N] smiled as she read the engravings, Almost as bright as the spotlight shining on them. Her body lowered, Knees bending as she crouched in front of the tombstone belonging to her late friend.
"Hey, Tetsu'.. Haven't been around much, I'm sorry about that but Mrs. Ono hasn't been letting me out. You know how she is.." [F/N] giggled lightly as she flicked the flashlight off, Stuffing it back into the front pocket of her hoodie.
She didn't get a response as she sat back onto the dry grass of the grave, Sitting directly in front of the soil where he was buried. She curled up into a ball, Arms hugging her knees as she let the silence sink in with the wind.
[F/N] sighed, Clicking her tongue.
"It's been so long since you've left me.. Ya know? Even though has been so long you're still my friend, My only friend.. Since the other kids think I'm delusional" [F/N] laughed lightly, Though it sounded strained in her throat as her smile started to die.
Her hand reached out, The very tips of her fingers dusting the surface of his headstone. The ice cold stone seeping into her skin like a sponge, Flooding her pores with an algid frost overtaking her body heat.
Her thumb brushed over his name, Lining the letters.
"I know I'm not crazy.. You know I'm not crazy, Don't you Tetsu'..? It was a demon that did this to you, It was a demon that took you away.. I know it's not a bear or a boar or a.." [F/N] trailed off as her thumb brushed along the words, Reaching his second name of Toyama.
She hummed.
"But to be fair.. I didn't even know you had a last name until you were dead." [F/N] muttered, Fixated on that one little last name and every syllable it held. "I don't even remember my own, To be honest with you.."
Her hand dropped from the headstone, Falling to her side as she sat in the silence of the wind. Her hands snaked themselves over to the opposite elbows, Hugging her hoodie closer to her body.
She sniffled, But it wasn't from the cold.
"I don't know a lot of things.. How to multiply fractions in school or.. Or I don't know what I want to do when I'm older. I don't know how you can make money or make new friends.." [F/N] trailed off, Shaking her head as a lump formed in the apex of her throat.
She stared at the gravestone, And as she read the name once more she hugged herself just a little tighter.
"..And I don't know how I'm ever gonna go on without you, Tetsuya. I want to avenge you, Tetsuya, I just.. I just.. I just don't know how.." [F/N] choked out through a salesman smile, Holding it up the best she could as her vision started to blur.
"Y-You were always the headstrong one.. You were always the one to find a solution first. You were never a crybaby like me, You always knew what to do so.. Please.. Just tell me.." [F/N] pleaded softly, Hands running down to the ungrown soil and gripping it tightly.
But yet again, She got not a single response from the coffin of her dearest friend.
[F/N] sniffled, Gripping the soil tighter. She knew she was never going to get a response, She knew there was no reply to her prayers or her pleads. There was never going to be one from him, Even if there was she didn't know what it would ever be.
"T-Tell me.." But she asked anyways. Body descending to the fresh soil of the grave, Cheek laying against the coursed soil as she rested in front of the grave. A makeshift bed for one, Yet knowing very well the second was lying just underneath beside her.
[F/N] shut her stinging eyes, The light red of them closing on the moonshine of the soil. She was so tired, So very tired.
What the counsellors, The staff and the psychiatrists didn't know was that the reason she kept leaving the youth centre was that she was searching for evidence. Every day she'd run off into the woods where he was killed, Retracing her steps and finding the exact spot.
For hours she would think of possible deaths, Angles and ways he could of died. Especially where the culprit would scamper off, Not to mention the search for the evidence of demons existence.
It was the only thing she did with her time nowadays, Nothing else.
The cigarettes she smoked were really the only fun she had left. She had grown to known it was bad but the way they tasted and the addiction was just so.. Enthralling to her. Even when they were kids and they pretended lollipop sticks had smoke raising high, She had liked them.
Tetsuya always thought they were cool, And she thought he was cool.
[F/N] loved him, She truly did. That old saying, The blood of the covenant was thicker than the water of the womb. It really did hold some weight, After all, She was lying next to the evidence.
He was her best friend, Her brother. In life or in death they were partners. Nothing would ever denounce that.
She just wished she had more time to tell him that.
"I-I'm sorry.. I was always the one holding you down.. I-If I wasn't such a coward then maybe I would of been there to save you.. I'm sorry, Tetsuya.." [F/N] sobbed quietly, Whispering the words to the cracked stone of the grave like the sweet nothings of a lost lover.
And most of all, She wished she passed over with him. Maybe then neither of them would need to be alone, Neither would have to go on without the other.
[F/N] jolted up from the silt of his grave, Cheek smeared in dry dirt as she craned up at the sudden sound.
Could it be the groundskeeper? Last she saw he was knocked out so deep that his drool dribbled all over his polo, Coffee so cold that it seemed iced and untouched for hours so did she really have such bad timing for him to wake up now?
Her hands lunged to the top of the gravestone, Peering over the edge of it. The sound had came a bit away from behind it, It sounded like something heavy slamming into the side of a large object.
Her eyes scanned back and forth like a hawk, Alert and attentive as she searched for whatever could of made the noise. [F/N] gulped, Hopefully it was just the deadbeat stoners coming out after a hit and not the groundskeeper.
[F/N] really couldn't afford the trouble.
There wasn't anything to be seen apart from the faraway mist surfing around the valley, Only illuminated by the tranquillity of the moonlight and obscured only slightly by the rows of shadowed gravestones.
[F/N] looked side to side once more. There was nothing in sight, Not person nor predator to be found within her vision. It was completely empty, All alone under the watchful eye of the moon.
[F/N] sighed, Breath dusting the air.
She lowered herself down from behind Tetsuya's gravestone, Knees resting on the dirt as relief washed over her like a rising flood.
Though that relief was drowned out by a taloned hand yanking her up by the scruff of her hood.
"AAH!" [F/N] screamed out into the night's air as suddenly her feet connected with nothing, Raised at least a few feet from the ground as the only thing holding her up was the sturdiness of her hoodie. Front fabric digging into her neck and choking her like a noose.
The hand shook her around, Body swinging back and forth as her screams echoed out into the night. She flailed and flailed but nothing she did let her go from whoever was attacking her, Neck craning behind her to try and get a good look.
But she could smell him before she saw him, And all she could pick up was the stench of deathly rot.
"GREAT! I come all the way here to absolutely nowhere and all I get is some human brat spying on me?!" The man wretched. His voice sounded like his vocal chords had decayed from his throat, Rotten and foul.
[F/N] couldn't hear him over the volumes of her screams, Her own chords straining to their final string.
"Y-YOU'RE NOT THE GROUNDSKEEPER-!" [F/N] shrieked as she was roughly shaken about by the hood, Both brain and organs hitting the insides of her flesh making her want to throw up her dinner of chicken stew.
"Shut up, You squealing little bitch! Of course I'm not your 'groundskeeper' or whatever the hell you think I am." The man snapped, Unflinching at her soles of her feet slamming wildly into his midsection.
[F/N] cried out, Feeling the edges of his overgrown and assumedly grotty nails start to run down the back of her neck, Teasing the uninjured flesh. She flailed her head around, Screams turning into obscenities as she finally got a glimpse of the man.
Tall and and withering, That was what came to mind at the sight of him. He was dressed in a salaryman's suit yet the oversized folds of his jacket and trousers could never cover his decaying weight.
What should've been out was in and vice versa, Ribs jutting up from behind his wrinkled blouse and his stomach caved in from what could've been hunger atop disease. While she couldn't see his face she could only guess what maggot-infested skeleton would've been of his complexion.
She could almost hear his teeth grind, Pincer's snapping together.
"W-What do you want from me?! I don't want any trouble, I-I don't know why you're here but let me go and I promise I wont say about seeing you here! J-Jus' let me go home!" [F/N] wailed out as the kicks to his shins, That seemed to do absolutely nothing to deter him.
"Let you go? Let you go?!" The man scoffed, Spit flying from his throat before his eyes lit up. "Ah, I get it now. You must be with those wretched little exorcists aren't you?! Tell me, Now!" He hollered.
The clawed nails on her neck went in, Jagged overgrown corners puncturing into her neck ever so slightly more. [F/N] screamed almost imagining it, Blood starting to pool up from the incisions and trickling down like rain on a car window, She could only imagine.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know!" [F/N] babbled out, Hysterics setting in as her voice reached a crescendo.
The nails jabbed in further, The carmine of her bloody pulp spurting up once more, Making her screech.
"Liar! You came here to take it, Didn't you?! You did! Tell me now and maybe I'll let you go with the majority of your limbs attached!" He bit. The claws puncturing her neck wrapping around her throat. Jerking her body to face him.
[F/N] gasped.
The mans face, The mans face was unable to be seen. Not the majority of it but from what she could see?
He was decaying.
Black and blue splotches were hidden behind an old paper bag covering his head, Holes ruptured to form a crooked frown and eye hollows. The splotches, Disgusting and just like the festering mould on expired bread. This time however, Covering his skin like red-hot pimples.
Bile rose in her throat, His sickly yellow eyes hidden within the shadows of the paper lunch bag he wore. [F/N] wanted to puke, The smell made so much more sense now. The one that reminded her of the squirrel carcasses often found on the roadside outside of the centre.
Sometimes days old, Scabbed with their cool blood and their black beady eyes listless. They were often mangled, Tiny little limbs dissected into their tendons and ligaments all across the road.
And as she looked at him, The image of the squirrels was the only thing that came to mind.
She swallowed back her burning puke, Though that only made her words all the more choked.
"P-PLEASE! I-I don't know what you're talking about, I really don't know what you're looking for-! I'm not with 'exorcists' or whatever I swear! I-I'm just here to visit a grave!" [F/N] bellowed, Dripping mucus coming down from her nose as she wept at his visage.
The pointed teeth in his maw bared into a hiss, The shadows of the bag only making the drips of saliva glinting from upon them. [F/N] shuddered, Unconsciously turtling into the warmth of her basil hue hoodie as she waited on baited breath.
And just like that it was over.
The hand around her neck tightened, Bringing her closer ever so much before launching her across the graveyard.
[F/N] screamed as the wind wept round her body, Flying back at impossible speeds for someone of his muscle rate before her back connected with the hard surface of the ground. [F/N] cried out, Something in her back cracking as she tumbled over on the grass.
She rolled onto her side, Vomit not being the only thing coming out as her lips were coated in a thick ichor. Her hands grasped clumps of the grass, Near tearing it out of the ground as she hung on for dear life. Vision spinning, World dizzy.
The cold air was so much much nipping as she heard the muffled stomps of angered footsteps approached her over the ringing in her ears. The back of her throat burned, The sepia retch splattered across the dry dirt being the cause.
The footsteps stopped, Fixed just behind her.
"Stupid little girl.." The man chided as his diseased eyes looked down at her pitiful form curled into a fetal position. His foot pressed into the dip of her back, Roughly pushing it forward and turning her onto her front as she retched at the movement.
Though as much as he looked at her like a dying rat, He did believe her. What a pitiful little thing like her would never be accepted as an exorcist, Even though they were rodents just like herself.
What he had came out here for, She obviously didn't have. An artefact the Illuminati had been tipped off to by one of their members, Said to just be lazing around in this nowhere graveyard.
What a waste of time.
"P-Please.." [F/N] choked out weakly, She had landed wrong at an odd angle and now she was paying the price. She had no idea who he was, Writhing around on the chilly grass as the moon watched over the scene as an avid spectator.
A junkie, A drunk, A psychopath or a felon. Any of those could've applied to him. She had just wanted to visit her dead friends grave, So what were the chances of this scenario happening?
What were the chances that he would let her go?
The man, Designated as The King of Rot, Astaroth raised his hand. The sheen of his dirty claws glistened in the pale moonlight, Fingers curling to take in the rev of the killing blow. He grinned, Slitting a rats neck was always so.. Satisfying.
His hand fell down, Falling down from the air at a velocity so fast it could cut glass. Her neck in sight, Exposed as she coughed up even more of the mixture of bile and blood.
Her eyes only caught the shimmer of the grime on the claws as they came at her neck. She opened her mouth, Spew dribbling out and she clenched her eyes shut to brace.
[F/N] screamed.
The excruciating agony of claws slitting a bloody ribbon on her neck, The tendons in her neck snapping like faulty guitar strings as her lifeblood spilled out into a punch. Juices shining in the abomidable night.
All of it together, It never came.
[F/N] waited a second, Shaking as she held her knees close to her chest before she widened her lids.
Head still laying against the valley's grass, Eyes opening to see the close up of weed strands and blue-back beetles scurrying about. Her neck, It was still intact, There was no connection of a blade or talon wringing it.
Instead it was only an inch away, Hovering just above her throat. Her heart thundered looking at it, Hands still grasping at the grass for dear life as she turned her head over. Snot running down from her nose as she came face to rotting face with the assailant.
He was angry, He was furious.
And for some reason, The angry chitters of insects was all she could hear.
"YOU WRETCHED BEASTS-! LET GO OF ME, I'M A KING! YOU SHOULDN'T BE ATTACKING ME- DID HE-" The man was bellowing, Body jerking around at odd angles from seemingly nothing. Face scrunched up as his bony limbs stood entirely still.
The bugs, The angry chitters were coming from all of the bugs surrounding him. She watched as they came from nowhere, The graveyard only housing the odd centipede or ant hiding in the grass.
But this seemed like swarms pooling at his feet, Angry pincers snapping at the hems of his trousers and ants biting at his bare ankles. [F/N]'s jaw dropped, In absolute awe at what was happening before her.
She scampered back, Body still splayed across the grass as her back hit an unidentified gravestone. The bugs were so miniscule like the stars overlooking them and despite their large numbers and nips, There was no way they could've been doing something like that to him.
Body jerking as if something much bigger than ants and beetles was attacking him, Ramming into sides of his body. Biting and scratching at his skin as dark marks and bloodied gashes were suddenly found on his skin.
Was it something she couldn't see? Something she couldn't grasp? What was it, What was it doing to him?
He toppled over, Back thudding against the ground as the bugs took their chance and started to swarm. Crawling up his arms, Legs, His torso and his neck. They were eating him alive, Gnawing him down to the bone.
He yelled.
"YOU'LL REGRET THIS-! IF THIS BODY WASN'T SO WEAK I COULD-! I COULD- BEELZEBUB!!" Astaroth hollered, Spit flying out from his mouth as he cursed out some unseen name. Yet even so, It made [F/N] gulp.
Beelzebub, She recognised it yet it had been so long since she had heard it at all. It was the name of her old imaginary friend she use to have when she was younger, One she pretended to play with out in the sticks.
All before she found.. She found the corpse..
[F/N] swallowed back the acid reflux singing away at her throat, Pushing herself forward onto her knees, Her body moved for her along with her tongue.
"S-STOP IT! FUCKING STOP IT, ALL OF YOU!" [F/N] screamed. She knew not what she was doing nor did she know why, The only thing she did know is that she wanted this all to stop. To go home, Never had she ever envied the fake dummy under her bed before now.
Her sweat dropped, The angry shrieking of cicadas and centipedes came to a sudden halt. As if a sudden trance had came over them, Pincers stopped snapping together. Little legs stopped churning and the jerks of the man's body fell entirely.
The moon just a little higher in the night, Whisping trails of mist still dancing across the scenery. [F/N]'s sweat turned cold as she watched the insects march backwards away from the man, Almost like a hive mind they parted like the red sea.
Just like a new-born foal, [F/N] got up onto shaky knees.
She was covered in dirt from head to toe, Her hoodie of polyester was blemished with dark splotches. The backside of her jeans wet and muddied from the way she hit the ground, Not to mention the throbbing pain in her back that is.
[F/N] pulled back the strands of hair from her eyes, Knotted and tangled from the commotion as she looked at him. The bugs, So small yet so violent did such a big number on him.
The moulded spots across his body were so much bigger now, Like the marks of the black plague he was twitching. Covered head to toe there was no more sign of his sickly pale skin now, All bitten off by the invertebrates around him.
[F/N] swallowed, If she hadn't let go of her lunch before she would've done it now. He was groaning or what sounded to be groaning, [F/N] couldn't tell as his vocal chords were chewed out from their place in his throat.
One foot forward, Pressing down onto the ground in front of her. The bugs surrounding them moved backwards even more, Watching as she warily stumbled her way over to him, Eyes never leaving him for a second.
"What the fuck.." [F/N] breathed as she stopped and stood over his body, The paper bag on his head long gone and floating somewhere off in the wind. She didn't care about it now, Only seeing the horror of what disgusting carcass he had become.
His rotting skin was layered out over his thinning bones like purple tarp on a corpse, His eyeballs were non existent yet there seemed to be some flicker of what use to be still in there. [F/N] gagged, The stench of guts so much more prominent now.
Why did the bugs attack him like that? Why were they so aggressive and why did they leave her out of it? [F/N] glanced warily at the invertebrates still surrounding them, Terrified as she eyed them carefully.
"You.. You bitch you.." He croaked out, Belching as his body quivered. His head lazed round to meet her, No eyes yet he stared straight into her like he did. [F/N] bit her quivering lip in attempt to stable it, Fighting back the urge to back away.
"You have connections.. You.. and Beelzebub.. You, How-"
The man choked out gargled coughs, [F/N] gasped as his body jolted in place. Wincing back from her position only a little bit.
"A.. Are you okay..?" [F/N] squeaked, Tears rolling down her face and tickling at her bare skin. Her hands together, She knew the answer very well as it was obvious, Yet the question so natural on her tongue it could've been instinct.
The coughing stopped, Wheezing dying off from what was left from his lungs. [F/N] sniffled as she watched his eyes hone in on her even more so. If [F/N] wasn't stupid, She might of mistook it for confusion.
"W-What..?" He spluttered, Blood pushed out from his mouth and spilling out over his charred cheeks as he choked on the rest. [F/N] shyed her eyes away, Heart drumming like rain on a rooftop as she kept back cries of your own.
"I-I said.. I said are you okay..?" [F/N] repeated, Trying not to look at the carcass lying not even a foot away from her. It was a stupid question, Making her feel so seen within the empty gravesite.
She kneeled down towards him, Hand hesitantly reaching out to where his heart should of been and pressed down, There was no beat yet he seemed to still be alive. Though her eyes darted, Her thumb brushed against something in his suit.
Astaroth twitched, Eyes still hawked on the girl perched above him. For some reason he couldn't speak and it was not because of the state of his vocal chords, It was strange and nothing like he had ever dealt with before.
But for some reason, It made his crumbling ribcage shake, Something pulsati-
"What the.." [F/N] said as she pulled out a folder of sorts. It was similar to the ones found in the youth centres archives, One's she snuck around in at night time but this one caught more dirt than the ones she was digging through. Stained with muck.
For some reason she felt compelled to take it, So much so when she spied a single word upon it.
Her hands seemed to move on their own, Possessed by the desire of a prying feline. Eyes narrowing in and sparkling with the shine of the Luna above as she opened the cream-folder-front to the first page.
"What.. What is this.." Astaroth wheezed though [F/N] wasn't focused on him. Documents, Dozens of them were stored inside the file. [F/N] shifted through them, Picking at the perimeters of the paper as she scanned the sentences inside.
Illuminati. Demons. Artefact. Laboratory. Location.
Words that made her widen her already-wide eyes, Her hands gripping the edges of the folder like it was her last life-line. It shook in her firm grasp, An oxymoron but she wasn't inclined to care.
"You.. Human, What are you doing to me..?" Astaroth whispered as his hazy eyes landed onto her form shifting through secret Illuminati files. He seethed, He couldn't be sure what was happening to him, Was it rage that she was searching through his stuff or was it.. Something more warm.
Was there a difference to him?
[F/N] wiped the drool on her polyester sweater sleeve, Not caring about the mess as her heart ran thousands of miles per hour. What was this? What did this mean? It spoke of atrocities, Talking of terrors and horrors she couldn't even comprehend.
Pictures, The pictures that were attached to the documents with a simple little paperclip were showing mutilated carcasses. People strapped to something you'd see in a dentists office yet their contorted, Almost disfigured jaws screaming was enough to speak to her.
This had to be fake right? This had to have some explanation..!
"You.. Come here.." Astaroth coughed out and this time it was enough to get her attention as [F/N] jerked her head over to him, Snapping the folder shut on instinct. She stared at him, Terror in her eyes as she let this sink in.
"Fuck.. I can't be here.." [F/N] exasperated, Suddenly realising the weight of the situation she was in. There was a dying man in front of her, A person she could be linked to if the groundskeeper woke up and saw her.
[F/N] shook her head, Lungs puffing out her chest and depressing back in. She took a few steps back from the cadaver. She couldn't afford to go to juvie! She had stuff to do, She had a mission to do, She needed to find Tetsuya's killer and there's no way she could do that behind bars.
The bugs around her chittered once before squirming away. Beetles crawling under stones, Worms and grubs returning to the earth from whenst they came. Ladybugs, Roaches, Snakeflies and mantises all skittered away from the scene, Leaving them alone.
[F/N] followed with them, Not wanting to be here any longer.
She shoved the file under her shoulder, Not taking her eyes off the dying man as she leaned down to pick up her scooby-doo flashlight that she had dropped in the fall. She shoved it into her pocket, Ready to turn away before she heard it.
"Wait.. W-Wait.. Come back here.." The man gurgled, Bony hand rising up from his side and pointing a withered finger at her. [F/N] shook, Stepping back further from the scene.
"No.. I gotta go, I'm sorry." [F/N] replied quickly, Shaking her head as she watched the mans body return to jerking and twitching. He moved violently, Making her hold her breath as his rotten carcass tried to get up.
"N-No! Get back here-" The man spluttered out another round of bloody coughs "D-Damn this weak body.. Useless! Stupid! M-Mortal body-!" He screamed out into the night, Wretched voice echoing throughout the valley.
[F/N] whined, Jerking away.
But by the time she had looked back, He had fallen silent.
He made no move now, Not twitch nor jerk of a single finger. He was just splayed out on the ground, Skeletal jawbone dropped open with no single syllable to be let out. He had died, Gone comatose after everything he seemed to still live through.
[F/N] seethed out air through her teeth, Dioxide turning into vapour in the night. She couldn't linger any longer, She couldn't be caught with a corpse. Even though it was the bugs that had done it, There was no way to explain why they did it.
[F/N] turned, Legs picking up and starting to sprint with the folder still sat under her armpit. The word demon written on a piece of paper in there, It could only mean that he was aware of their existence or at least had some idea about it.
He wouldn't miss it, He was dead. But she could use it well enough, Useful for her search.
So off she took into the night, Gone under the shawl of Mother Nyx. The groundskeeper would awaken and find the corpse lying through the rows of headstones without ever knowing she was there.
No camera's, No witnesses and an incompetent staff member. She was glad that these places were underfunded.
As she hopped the fence once more, [F/N] escaped into the open streets.
Uncaught and unseen.
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heich0e · 1 year
pleaseee can we get some nai college head cannons!
this is not headcanons my apologies
part of the trigun college!au (nai/f!reader)
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You hear the jingle of keys against the marble countertop down the hallway. The thump of a backpack hitting the floor. The swish of plastic bags. The sound of footsteps drawing nearer to you.
“Hey, I picked up takeout from—“
Nai turns the corner into Vash’s bedroom, one hand curling around the doorframe as his tousled, white-blonde hair comes into view.
You watch every trace of softness in his face harden. Harsh lines and ice overtaking the momentary glimpse of warmth you’d caught in his expression.
“Hi!” You wave from your place in Vash’s bed. You have a cozy blanket wrapped around you and your laptop resting in the cradle of your crossed legs. Your essay sits neglected on the screen, forgotten now even in spite of the looming deadline, your eyes glued instead to the boy hovering in his brother’s doorway.
“Where’s Vash?” 
Nai has a tone that makes people flinch. You’ve seen it happen countless times with your very eyes—on campus, at the convenience store around the corner from he and Vash’s apartment, even at the rare party he frequents. But no matter how terse his words might be, you never do.
“He accidentally stole Nicholas’ laptop charger when we were on campus earlier, he just ran over to bring it back before Nico’s night class.”
At the mere mention of the brunette, Knives’ expression turns even more severe; his upper lip curls in visible disgust.
“He’ll be right back,” you add, smiling softly.
Why are you smiling?
Nai spins on his heel to slink away, but you stop him.
“Did you say you got takeout?”
“I got my brother and I dinner,” he makes sure to emphasize who the meal was meant for, though he doesn’t spare you a glance over his shoulder.
You laugh into your fist as he slinks away back towards the kitchen, and you hear him clunking around huffily as you return your attention to your assignment.
You reach for your cellphone after rewording a sentence that really doesn’t matter instead of adding another one that does, pulling up your text conversation with the boy whose bed you’re sitting in.
(6:15pm) Nai’s home! Hurry back or he’ll kick me out again plssss
As soon as you hit send, you hear a suspicious jingling from somewhere in the room. It’s too conveniently timed to be a coincidence. You slip your laptop off your lap, pushing it to the side, and lean your body over the edge of the bed to peer down at where you’d heard the sound coming from. Lo and behold, Vash’s cellphone is resting on the ground next to his bedside table. It had probably fallen off the bed while the two of you had been toiling away at your respective school work, just before he made a mad dash to campus when he realized he’d accidentally come home with two laptop chargers instead of one—and gotten a strongly worded text message from the other charger’s owner (who’d obviously just come to the same conclusion.)
You sigh, plucking Vash’s phone up from the ground. He’s constantly losing the thing, or cracking the screen, which is a little ridiculous considering the brightly-coloured case he has it wrapped in—cute little cartoon characters are printed onto the red plastic, and he’s added various stickers (and scratches) to accompany them. You’re laughing a little at the design when the phone jingles again.
6:16PM - New Message (1) Nai: Hi. That girl is here again
6:16PM - New Message (2) Nai: She’s in your bedroom
6:16PM - New Message (3) Nai: When are you coming back? Where are you? If you (…)
You snort to yourself as message after message pops up on the screen, the latter part of the last one lost to the cut of the notification preview. You know Vash’s passcode, but you also know it’s not your place to see what his brother is texting him—not that the younger sibling would care.
But you suspect someone else might.
You pad out to the kitchen, Vash’s phone clutched in your hand.
Nai is standing in the kitchen in front of a mountain of takeout containers. They’re from a fancy restaurant uptown you know he likes, because Vash had mentioned it on a few occasions. Nai tends to have more… particular tastes than his little brother, who you’re fairly certain would be happy to eat out of a convenience store for the rest of his natural life.
The elder twin hears you come in and glowers at you at you hover in front of the island in the open concept kitchen, the expanse of marble separating you.
“He forgot his phone,” you say, holding up the device in front of you demonstratively. 
Nai’s brow creases, his lips tugging down at the corners in an even deeper frown than before. You watch as he lifts his hand to rub at his temple in frustration.
Knives hates it when Vash doesn’t have his phone. Or forgets to charge it. Or loses it. Or cracks the screen. Or does anything that impedes him from getting in touch with him.
“I’m sure he’ll be back soon,” you assure the elder of the two brothers, setting the phone down on the countertop. “He left a while ago and he was coming right home.”
The phone is snatched up from the counter almost as soon as your hand has pulled away from it, and Nai shoves it into the pocket of his joggers. You watch as he reaches for his keys next.
“Are you going to find him?” you ask, and Nai ignores you, tugging his jacket on.
“If you leave now, you’ll probably just end up missing each other. He’s probably already in the elevator!” you call to the blonde’s retreating form as he stalks towards the front door angrily.
“It’s not even dark out, and campus is only 10 minutes away.”
He stuffs his feet harshly into his sneakers, though he’s careful not to crease the backs.
You glance around furtively, looking for another excuse to keep him from needlessly going chasing after Vash.
“Hey, if you go, do you mind if I have some of this?”
Nai whips around just in time to see you leaning over the counter to slip a finger under the edge of one of the takeout container lids to peek inside. He crosses the apartment towards you in three long strides, leaning over and snatching the box out from under your hand with a sneer.
“Was that steak?” you ask, eyes wide and sparkling, your hands clasped in front of your heart.
“None of your business,” he snaps.
It is steak. Wagyu. Cooked to a perfect medium rare.
Just the way he likes it.
He opens his mouth to snap at you again, probably about touching things that don’t belong to you, or getting the hell out of his apartment, when the front door swings open.
“Honey I’m hoooooooo—”
Vash spots Knives sneering down at you on the other side of the apartment, craning over where you’re leaning against the kitchen counter, faltering to a stop. The fist-full of heavy convenience store bags he has clutched in his hands rustle as the swing in his grip.
“Oh, hi Nai! You’re home early!” Vash smiles when he sees his brother, his eyes crinkling at the corners behind the round lenses of his glasses. He kicks his tattered boots off clumsily in the doorway before approaching you both. “I got us dinner! There’s lots, so we can all share!”
You see a twitch of irritation in his older brother’s jaw. Nai takes a step back from you.
“You left the house without your cellphone again.”
Vash’s eyes widen in the wake of his brother’s words. He uses his free hand to pat along his pockets, and then winces sheepishly when he realizes his mistake.  “Sorry, sorry! Had to run to campus, and I must have left it—”
Nai reaches into his pocket and retrieves the device, holding it out to his little brother.
“What’s the point of a mobile phone if it stays in one place?” Nai mutters sullenly.
Vash takes it appreciatively, tucking it into his own pocket. Then he spots the containers on the counter.
“Woah, what’s all this?” he asks excitedly, craning up onto his tiptoes to peek around his brother’s shoulder at the food on the counter behind him. “Did you pick up food too?”
“My meeting with the department chair was shorter than I expected, so I thought it would be nice to eat together. I didn’t realize we’d have company.” Nai’s gaze flickers resentfully to you from the corner of his eye.
“Well, there’s so much food here now, it’s a good thing there’s three of us!” Vash chirps happily, turning to you. “You’ll stay, right?”
Your friend’s face is alight with expectation.
Behind him, Nai is scowling.
You smile brightly.
“Of course!”
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