#becuase its usually just one car
sandymybeloved · 10 months
by busy I mean cars in multiple directions or across multiple lanes, with fairly regular traffic, but still crossable (so not motorway busy)
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luveline · 1 year
hiii!! i saw that you wanted some roan & eddie & reader requests sooo,, becuase barbie is trending so muchh i was wondering if you could write reader watching roan play with her barbies and instantly taken back to her childhood and getting very emotional ??
i mean its whats happening to me being reminded how much ive grown and how much effect those dolls had on me soo yeah 😭
tysm ♡ eddie and roan
A long, creaking squeal sounds from Roan when you come home. Eddie plugs his ears, knowing exactly what it is you have in the huge plastic bag at your waist —Roan's special treats, as previously discussed, for being such a lovely girl lately. 
It might be a silly thing to treat her for, but she deserves toys before any amazing behaviour, and you have the extra money to buy them. Why shouldn't she get them? You and Eddie chatted some while you were at work that morning, trying to choose what toys to get. 
"I haven't bought her toys by myself since we first met, what if I pick something crappy?" you'd worried. 
Eddie gave it a little bit of thought, hand twined in the curling wire of the telephone, slouched as he usually does against the back wall of the shop. "Hey, she hasn't had any new dolls since Christmas. They'd go over nicely. Or she always likes a new dress. I'm sure you'll find something when you're there. You can get me something fun at the same time if you want." 
You'd laughed at his joke and, if the light in your eyes now is anything to go off of, managed to find some presents you're happy with.
"Naddy's Toy Emporium!?" Roan shouts, rocketing off of the couch where she'd been standing waiting for you. 
You've a nightly routine, hugging her when you come home like your life depends on it, but clearly Roan has decided the hug can wait. For once, Eddie's finished dinner before you're return, so he has a good seat on the couch to watch everything unfold. 
You let her grab the bag's sides but lift it a touch when she tries to take it. "Hey, they're for you, I promise, but let's come inside and put them on the table!" 
Roan squeals and knocks into Eddie's knees. He sits up and grabs her gently by the waist, hoisting her onto his lap. You sit on the couch cushion trampled flat by Roan's feet, pulling the play table where she likes to eat her snacks closer. 
"Are you doing the speech?" you ask Eddie, putting down the bag. 
He grins. "Ro," he begins, turning skewiff, her back to the couch to allow you both a great view of her face, "you've been a really good girl, lately. Do you know that? You've been eating all your dinner, no tantrums before school, and now you're even starting to help clean up around the house. So me and Y/N just want you to know how proud we are and how awesome we think you are." 
"And we think all this awesome deserves some presents because we love you," you say. "Do you want the smallest or the biggest one first?" 
There's lots of nice presents. You've stayed within the confines of the agreed budget, which is a feat for you (as you love to spoil her). There's five new barbies, one of which comes with a car, and the other a puppy dog. They have clothes, accessories, and an abundance of plastic he needs to cut away with scissors. His hand is welted red by the time he's through. 
You also bought her a glittery lip gloss to replace the one she lost a few weeks ago. The proof of it sparkles on your cheek and Eddie's, twin thank yous. 
You go quiet as Roan retreats to her satin princess tent, driving the pink corvette back and forth as she makes the barbies talk to one another. 
"You okay?" he asks. You'd been wearing this huge smile for the last twenty minutes and now it's gone, he hates it. "I've been thinking maybe you deserve something nice, too." 
You smile weakly. Okay, so you're not wanting anything. 
"Dinner should be ready soon." 
"Thanks, Eddie." 
He gives up. He's about as subtle as a feather boa and you love him that way, drifting down toward your arm, his face smashing into your shoulder. "What's wrong?" 
You put your head atop his. "Well, I'm just thinking." 
"I may not look like it, but I think too, occasionally. Share with me." 
You push his arm until he sits up and sinks down into his side instead. Eddie supposes you're allowed, even if usually he'd call it sexist or selfish. "I had a lot of fun picking those out today, and I kept thinking about the look on her face…"
Eddie hums to show he's listening. Kisses the top of your head 'cos he can. "Yeah?" 
"I just remembered being her age. Do you remember wanting something really badly? There was something so nice about getting to grab a kart and– and to just stand there debating which ones to get." 
Eddie toys with your pinky finger. "That's not everything, is it?" 
Your smile presses against his arm, a deep emotion in your voice that's hard to pin. "Watching her makes me remember. Being a kid, playing make believe. I'll never be that young ever again, and there's no way to go back. But I," —you take in a steadying breath— "don't mind. I love seeing her so happy." 
He intertwines your fingers between his, shorter and a little bit softer than his. He soaks in your presence for a moment, the smell of you, your tiny sounds, the secret you've shared with him. You're a mixture of sad and happy. He's not sure which one overpowers which, only that they're hitting you hard. 
"There's lots of cool shit that comes with being a parent. You know the best one?" he asks you, raising his eyebrows at you with a fondness lining his lips. 
"You can play games without anyone judging you. I know it's not the same as being a kid again, but it's close." 
"Yeah?" you ask, sitting up. "You'll come play too, right?" 
Eddie casts his gaze to his daughter where she chit chats on the floor. "Hey, Roanie? Can we come play with you?" 
Roan is almost as pleased as when she first laid eyes on her treasure trove of dolls. 
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mooodyblue · 2 years
Would love some protective angry cg!Elvis!!! ❤️❤️❤️
i looved writing this one!!! i don't know why i always have to include jerry, i think i have a soft spot for him now don't worry u will all have more jerry content soon ty for the request 💓
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wc: 1k
warnings: cursing, gn!reader, 70s!elvis
elvis had always been protective of you, especially with all the girls around him constantly, but when you opened up to him about you regressing, he became slightly more protective over you. he always made sure he had an eye on you. if he wasn't able to keep an eye on you, he'd have jerry watch over you.
jerry was usually in charge of watching after you during shows. elvis was always afraid you'd slip while he wasn't there and jerry was the only one who knew what to do in those situations. he'd also bring you straight to the car right after a show as elvis shortly followed.
you'd slipped into your headspace right before it ended after dealing with a few of his fans having a word with you, thankfully jerry was there to push them away before things got worse. you sat in the car, waiting for elvis to come in as fans anxiously waited to get a peak at him as he got in. you kept eyeing the brown, teddy bear jerry had hidden away at his feet, unable to take it until they were on the road. "jer-"
"he'll be here soon, hon. hold on."
you sighed, messing with the hem of your dress instead. after a few more minutes, a breathless elvis jumped in along with a few more members of his entourage, switching seats with jerry as they all got in the seats in front of you as they caught their breath. elvis gave you a warm smile, pressing his lips against your cheek. "missed ya."
you tugged your arm under his, gripping and holding onto it as you rested your head on his shoulder. elvis put his glasses on and looked down at you, "feelin' little, baby?"
"mhm." you nuzzled into him as jerry handed you the bear, tucking it in your lap.
"thanks for watchin' 'em jerry, they been like this long?" he wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you toyed with one of the many gems on his suit.
"not long at all, just right before we got in." he nodded.
"'m tired, daddy." you muttered.
"i know, doll. we'll be at the hotel soon." he said in your ear.
elvis had told everyone about your regression and what to do and how to act around you if you had dropped, most were understanding and some were a tad bit weirded out. but they knew better than to speak of you in that way. red turned around, eyeing you. "why do they get like that?"
elvis raised a brow, "like what?"
"y'know, like a baby 'n all that."
you frowned, moving from elvis to look down at your lap.
"i already explained it to you, didn't i?" he questioned. you could tell in elvis's tone that he was getting annoyed. part of you began to feel slightly bad for suddenly getting into your headspace.
"but it doesn't make sense to me. aren't they a full grown adult? they shouldn't be actin' like that! they've got a teddy bear for christ's sake!" he pointed at the bear that was in your lap. you held it tighter, resisting the urge to cover its ears becuase really, what did the bear have to do with this?
he then reached over to grab at it, most likely to tease you with it. elvis grabbed ahold of his wrist before he could make contact with it, gripping on it tightly. "lamar, pull the car over." he said through his teeth. "now."
lamar wasn't one to argue and pulled right over, everyone turning to look at the commotion in the back. elvis still had a tight grip around his friends wrist, glaring at him angrily, a look you'd never seen before in your life. "elvis-" you panicked.
he ignored the call of his name, knowing you must have been trying to force yourself out of your comforting headspace. "you do not, and i mean, do not touch my baby nor do you touch their bear." he let go of his wrist, waving a finger in his face.
"i've 'bout had it with some of y'all judgin' them behind their back, i know damn well that's what you do when i'm not around." you gave a quick glance to jerry who was sitting on the other side of you, who only gave you a sad smile and a gentle pat on the knee. you liked jerry, he was always kind to you.
"they're not even hurtin' anyone! they're bein' themselves, making themselves more comfortable after a stressful situation! and who are y'all to judge? l-like y'all don't have your own lil' quirks and such."
the whole car was still silent. you sunk farther into the seat, as if trying to hide from the situation.
"if i ever hear any of ya speak ill of my baby or make fun of 'em in anyway, your ass is gettin' kicked to the curb. and i mean it." his voice heavy with anger. "now all of you are gonna keep your mouths shut, face the front and don't even think about sayin' some shit to 'em. i will kick someone's ass if i have to. now lamar, drive." he finished his rant, sitting back again and letting out a huff.
"'m sorry." you mumbled.
"oh baby, don't apologize. i'm sorry for cursin' 'round ya. don't be saying those words either, you're too little for 'em." he pulled you close and adjusted the bear in your lap. "think we should get you another friend soon, what do you think?" he asked, changing the conversation.
your eyes lit up, your brain already creating names for your next plushie friend. "oh daddy, really?"
"don't they have enough?" jerry joked.
elvis tsk'd at jerry, shaking his head. "can never have enough, c'mon jer, y'know this already."
"yeah, jerry!" you added, sticking your tongue at him. "wait-are you gonna fire jerry now?"
elvis thought for a minute, "i reckon we give him one more chance."
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catchyhuh · 1 year
breakfast facts
must eat as soon as he wakes up or he’s fucked. not even like fully a physical stomach thing its just mentally he Must start his day with food
kellogs commercial table. the cereal, two slices of toast, one butter, one jam, apple, like bacon and eggs n shit
scarfs it down in two seconds. as a result no one else will make his breakfast for him becuase its kind of annoying spending 2 hours cooking at 7am so the princess can inhale his perfectly crisp bacon like the poltergust 3000 
yes he complains when he has to do it himself. so every day yes. it just wasn't practical to do the whole shebang every day so he whittled it down to his toast and eggs. but you know if he could,
the king must feast. he gives himself a stomach ache damn near every day he gets his food the way he actually wants it
eats what’s provided honestly. you could say that about every meal but he just doesn’t care too much esp with his breakfast
he’ll complain (he’s particular about waffles and pancakes needing to be a certain amount of savory to justify them existing in a MEAL meal and not just as a dessert) but not too a huge extent. honestly he’ll eat whatever
doesn't have a huge appetite early in the morning, usually balances it out with a big lunch and even BIGGER dinner. he's gotta ease into those heavy hitters man he's delicate bro
cawfee. cuppa joe. He hates it. jigen doesn’t like it despite dressing like a keurig machine gijinka and having the symphonic cadence of a coffee grinder. it just doesn’t taste good to him (it's that deceptive scent dude) that said {sleep hcs incoming soon} sometimes he needs some to jumpstart him like an old car. again, complains, but goes through with it
special k commercial table. the cereal. the side bowl with random dollops of peanut butter and mixed other nuts and oats (?) i guess it’s oats, the GRAPEFRUIT oh i know she’s a grapefruit bitch!! pb honey spread on an English Muffin too. like some. idk there’s a cinnamon stick involved YOU GET THE VISUAL
funny thing is she doesn’t even eat half of it. she just goes with the muffin, bowl of mini wheats, maybe two pieces of grapefruit ingested as she leaves the table. whoever passes the table next is expected to handle leftovers. breakfast leftovers. that's an insane concept now that i type it out
cawfee. she either drinks it with a thousand disgusting artificially flavored creams or she chews the beans raw. presentation vs functionality is a key aspect of ms mine's internal struggle
complex relationship with fast food coffee shop chains as a result
another guy who loves the Big Breakfast by tom cardy but unlike lupin (who loves his beauty sleep too much to wake up early) and fujiko (who usually gets her non-lupin boytoy of the month to make it for her) goemon actually gets up asscrack of dawn early to prepare a meal fit for a king
perfectly fluffy rice. hand squeezed juice. absolutely decadent vegetables. impossibly picturesque omelette. but just normal ass sara lee bread though he doesn’t have THAT much time on his hands
funny thing is he's definitely the most normal about it. goemon just. eats his breakfast. he might raise his eyebrows in slight surprise at how good the eggs taste today or something but really its just. food. all these other weirdos either take 10 years to eat a piece of toast or just inhale their food but the guy who dresses and talks like its the 18th century wins the normal award here
has emphasized the importance of eating breakfast to others before despite easily functioning without it. wake him up at 4 say “no time for brekkie dude we gotta go steal the fire hydrant of the louvre” and he’ll be like Done no problems
zenigata: i know i mentioned it before but NOT HEALTHY BEHAVIOR DO NOT FUCKING EMULATE
he’s very bad about it VERY bad about it always getting yelled at by third parties. they go “what’d you have for breakfast” and he shrugs and they go "oh god did you even eat" "ONE BOILED EGG HAS PROTEIN IN IT!!"
its amazing the stature you can get while still being the guy who eats half a protein bar for breakfast and doesn’t actually sit down for a meal again until like 1 am. really i cannot emphasize enough don’t try this at home
HES JUST SO DAMN BUSY! but if he could he’d take anything. unlike jigen, who just doesn't wanna start a fight THAT early in the morning, zeni just loves every breakfast food! muffins eggs potatoes pancakes cereal the random ass fruit he LOVES it 
god help the hotel with a free breakfast when this guy comes in. or that is, if he didn’t sleep until 11 AM because he was up lupin-ing all night.
in conclusion: they would all love a trip to the mcdonalds breakfast menu drivethru. they all get a hashbrown. would you believe me if i said i only remembered the mcdonald’s commercials after typing that
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could you make the reader 12 and jj is her mother. She gets into a fight at school and the school calls jj and she has to get to the bottom of the situation- pre teen angst.
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Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau x Teen daughter reader
This is a request from Tumblr.
Summary: could you make the reader 12 and jj is her mother. She gets into a fight at school and the school calls jj and she has to get to the bottom of the situation- pre teen angst.
After JJ gets Kidnapped episode.
Third person pov...
It has been a year since JJ was kidnapped and tortured by Askari, the blonde still has nightmares from that horrible day, the anniversary is coming up and Y/N Jareau, JJs daughter (before Will) has been acting all angry and been distant to her family especially her mum since she was kidnapped.
A year is a long time for a 12 year old to be angry at her Mum, JJ and Y/N used to be very close, but now all they do is fight, Y/N takes her anger out on her Mum and at the kids at school she has gotten into many fights at school, JJ and Will have had many trips to pick up their daughter for fighting.
The 12 year old has so much anger, It was early morning in the La montague and Jareau house, Will and JJ were running around trying to get their two kids ready for school, Will dealing with Henry which left JJ to get Y/N ready, the blonde woman was currently shouting at Y/N to get up.
"Y/N get up now, your going to be late" she yelled from the kitchen knowing her daughter can hear her, as usual she gets no response from the tween, she sighs sadly before putting down her cup of coffee and making her way upstairs hearing Will and Henry getting ready calmly.
'its one of those days' thinks to blonde, she knows the anniversary of her kidnapping is today and how it effected everyone espcially Y/N, currently the 12 year old was curled up under her covers, she doesnt want to face the day.
Since her Mum got kidnapped she has been full of anger and fear becuase A)her Mum acts like nothing happend and B) because she worried it might happen again. The 12 year old hears her Mum walking up the stairs, and sighs groaning she slides out of bed and onto her messy floor.
JJ stands in the doorway of her Daughters room, the 12 year old was sprawled out on thw floor her covers wrapped around her. "Y/N wake up!" She yells affectively making her daughter sit up and glare at the woman.
"Fine!" She exclaims glaring at her Mum the Woman sighs softly and walks away so her daughter can get dressed. Soon all 4 were ready to go, Will got picked up by his Partner.
While JJ was on drop off duty, She got the two in the car, Henry in the back and Y/N in the passenger seat next to her, as they drove Y/N had her earphones in and was turned away from her Mum.
JJ had a sad smile on her face as she watched her Daughters doby language, before Henry pulled her into a conversation about cars.
Time skip...
Both kids were dropped off and JJ was on her way to work, when she arrived she parked the car and got out, once she was on the right floor she walked out and into the bull pen, she then went to her desk and sat down.
The others all crowded around her asking if she wa sokay to be back and how she was doing. "I'm fine guys really" she insisted, and they all went back to work.
They were on case duty so know jets just writing up reports, JJ sighs and looked at the reports before looking at a picture on her desk, it was one of her Will, Henry and Y/N. All had big smiles on their faces, it was taken a couple weeks before JJ was kidnapped.
She smiles sadly before wiping away the tears under her eyes and getting to work. It was after lunch when she got a call on her personal phone.
She didn't look at the Caller ID before answering. "Jereau here" she answered, as she did a familiar voice came through it was Y/Ns vice principal.
JJ sighs quietly. "Yes this is Y/Ns Mum, Hi Mr Potter, Y/N got into another fight, okay I'll come pick her up, yes see you soon" ending the call she groans and turns off her computer.
"What's wrong JJ?" Asks Spencer next to her, his question makes the others look over. The blonde woman sighs and stands up. "Y/N got into another fight at school, so I'm picking her up" she explains before going to Hotches office to tell him.
When she was done she waves bye to the others and walks to the elevator, she angerly taps her foot as she waits. Once she was in her car she drove to Y/Ns middle school.
When she arrived at the office she was shown in by the vice principal to were Y/N was sitting, JJs eyes widened she she saw the state her daughter was in, the 12 year old had cuts all over her face, a black eye, her wrist was wrapped and she was supporting a tapped nose (mostly likely fractured).
"Y/N Jareau, you Mother is here" said the nurse making the 12 year old angrily stand up and grab her bag before stalking over to her Mum with a slight limp, this was one of the worst fights she had been in.
JJ has her arms crossed and frown on her beautiful face as her Daughter walks over, JJ grabs her bag and thw two leave the building and get into the car, JJ doesn't say anything to Y/N making the 12 worry she was in so much trouble.
Throughout the silent ride JJ was thinking of what she was going to say to her Daughter before they arrived back at her work. "You're going to have to stay with me until Will finishes work" she says before getting out of the car and shutting the door.
Y/N is still in shock at how angry her Mum sounded, thr 12 year old slowly got out of the car bring mindfully of her arm and ankle which was sprained, as she got out JJ said nothing ans the two began walking to the elevator where they were alone.
JJ crossed her arms and tapped her foot, while Y/N stood next to her Mum, it was weird usually it was her giving the silent treatment.
 "Mum im sorry-" "-Your sorry! Thats all you have to say Y/N, a year of this happening and all you have to say is sorry, im sorry Y/N but this behaviour cant go on anymore" said JJ finally looking at her daughter.
The woman was trying to keep her voice calm and not shout at her hurt daughter but she has had enough of her behavour and getting into fights this wasnt Y/N. The elevator dings and they walk out Y/N following behind her Mum.
As they walk Y/N stops at the gate between the bullpen and rest of the room. "Im sorry Mum! Its been a year since you were kidnapped and im the only one acting normal about it! you were kidnapped and tortured and nearly raped by Askari, you Hnery and Will have been acting like nothing happend but it did happen! im sorry i cant turned off my emotions like you can!" Yells the 12 year old pissed off.
JJ turns around facing her daughter, Y/N could see tears rolling down her face. the blonde woman walks over to her daughter " we arent having this conversation here" she said before pulling Y/N into her old office, the rest of the team sit patiently for the two to calm down from their arguments.
half an hour later the Mother and Daughter walk out of the room tears marks on their faces but smiles instead of frowns, looks like they had finally made up after a year of arguing, the two hug long and tight before Y/N sits next to JJ at her desk waiting for Will to be done with work.
the end!
hope you liked this oneshot so sorry for the late updates  havent had any ideas or motivation to write.
as always sorry for the grammar and spelling mistaktes.
requests are open!
word count: 1363
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
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Sweetapple | Dear Mr Tracy | Along the way - Part 1
This is a reblog of the beginning of Part 3 of Alexander Sweetapple. I'm reblogging it becuase of the recent interest in the two previous fics and this not being available on Ao3. I do know I have written more and a lot is planned out, but my writing mojo was hit by a train awhile back and I haven't written anything in ages, despite attempting a few times. Bit burnt out over the last five years, I guess. But! I will give it another go at some point and see what I can do.
::hugs the lot of you:: Thank you for all your wonderful support. It has been an amazing five years.
“Me and Alex, what?”
Virgil continued to roll up the long electrical cable that had served to connect Thunderbird Two’s generator systems to the ski lift’s safety mechanisms
Since the ski lift was now mostly in a ravine, thankfully minus the three families Virgil and Gordon had snatched from it, it was no longer needed.
Cold wind blew up the escarpment and despite the insulation of his uniform, Virgil shivered.
Gordon, as usual, was a spot of warmth off to his right stowing Virgil’s toolkit. Hopefully in order.
“Well, you guys do seem to have hit it off.”
Virgil concentrated fully on his task using far more neurons than necessary. “In what way?”
“You know…when boy meets boy…”
“Your point?”
“Hey, I’m just happy to see you happy.”
Virgil grunted. “Alexander Sweetapple is an employee of Tracy Industries.”
He straightened and cracked his back. “Gords, Alex is a friend. A good friend. Nothing more.”
Gordon stopped what he was doing and stared at his brother. You do know that Alex is gay, right?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Make a move.”
Gordon groaned and flopped dramatically over the stowed toolbox. “Oh, I don’t know.” He waved a hand towards the aether. “Because he’s smart? Because he wants to save the world just like you do? Because he has a crush on you big enough to sink the Titanic? Because he makes you smile?” Gordon sighed. “Pick one.”
Virgil turned away. “I will not take advantage of an employee.”
“Oh god.” Gordon ran his hand through his hair, only to have the wind mess it up a second later. “You have the love life of a monk, Virg. He’s a nice guy, ask him out.”
Virgil didn’t answer, his eyes still focussed on the yellow cable that he was rolling up. Alex was a nice guy, in every sense. He did make Virgil smile. He had lost count of how many times in the last six months the man had dropped something in front of him in surprise. Virgil had become an expert at the quick catch. But beyond that, they definitely clicked in the lab. The man was an inspiration, his mind capturing a situation and finding the most original solutions, fast and intuitively.
A hand landed on his shoulder. “Virg, he makes you happy. Happier than I’ve seen you in a long time.”
“We’re friends.”
“Yeah, I get that.” Gordon opened his mouth to say more, but then closed it. There was something in his eyes as he looked at Virgil.
A squeeze of his shoulder and Gordon was hugging him. “Whatever works, bro.”
Then Gordon was off, packing up the pod he had deployed earlier, leaving Virgil to stare at the long line of yellow cord still winding up on its spool.
Whatever works.
Jeff strode into Thunderbird Two’s hangar as the great machine glided to a stop atop its massive turntable and began its slow spin.
As ever, he was impressed with his sons’ capabilities in the huge vehicles. Scott wore One like a second skin, even more closely than Jeff had ever adopted a machine. That was definitely a case of the son exceeding the father.
With Virgil it was similar, but different. Where Scott was part of his machine, Virgil used Thunderbird Two as gracefully as he used any tool. Elegant, strong and ever reminding him of his beloved Lucille.
Paintbrush, technical equation, even the family car - they had all been tools and a means to an end for his wife. She created what she needed out of the tools around her.
As did her son.
He shook himself and tapped his cane on the concrete beneath his feet.
He had a tendency to drift back into his mind and visualise what he wanted to see. Long term habit to add colour to a monochrome world.
Thunderbird Two’s engines whined slowly down to silence, heat dissipating in a haze into the venting systems of the hangar. He could almost count the time required for post-flight. With Gordon on board, there would be professionalism laced with the occasional ribbing.
He smiled to himself. His little fish had grown into an amazing young man. Jeff’s heart hurt at the thought of the challenges Gordon had had to tackle in his relatively short life, but his spark had not been dimmed. Watching him with Virgil, stirring his quieter older brother, provoking smiles and commentary.
His sons were so tightly knit together.
The germ of selfishness deep in his soul worried how he was ever going to fit back into his family puzzle. But he had been welcomed home, wrapped in his boys and, honestly? He could not believe his luck.
Two’s forward hatch lowered with his two boys bickering about something. Looked like Gordon had a bee in his bonnet and wanted to make honey with his big brother - who was refusing adamantly.
“Gordon, I’m not going to give him one of your pet fish.”
“Why not? Could be an ice breaker.”
“There’s no ice!”
The two men strode towards Jeff, both intent on the other. Virgil’s glare was nuclear.
Yeah, definitely stirring his older brother.
They both startled, almost shooting to attention as they realised his presence.
Gordon recovered first “Uh, hi, Dad.” He waved a hand in his father’s direction. “Hey, maybe you can convince Virg.”
Uh, oh.
“Gordon!” Virgil’s voice echoed around the cavern.
“Hey, I’m not the only one worried about your love life.”
“What?” Virgil’s eyes darted between Gordon and Jeff. “This is not up for discussion.”
Jeff frowned. Sounded like this was going a little far…
“I’m taking a shower.” Virgil eyed his father and waved an apologetic hand in his direction before stalking off towards the locker rooms.
Jeff stared after him for a solid moment, aware of the frustration bouncing on his feet beside him.
“What did you do, Gordon?”
“Nothing! I just suggested he ask Alex out.”
“You know the engineer Virg has been ‘seeing’ at Māhia.”
“I thought they were just friends.”
“They are.” Gordon bit his lip and looked briefly off into the distance after his brother. “I don’t know, Dad. Scott, Virg and John, they don’t have anyone, you know?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I just want them to be happy.”
Jeff stared at Gordon. He had been surprised when he and Penelope were revealed to be a couple. But he had been even more surprised to find that none of his eldest sons had formed attachments, much less gifted him grandkids.
It was understandable considering their careers over the last eight years. Living on an isolated island didn’t help and, in John’s case, space wasn’t providing much in that direction either.
And yes, Jeff had no doubt that it was his fault. It had been him who put his boys on their current path, after all.
But at the time it had seemed the right thing to do. Scott had lost everything; he needed a goal. And Lucy, dear Lucy, there had been so many other mothers and sons and daughters and fathers out there who needed help.
He still remembered the fire lighting up in Scott’s eyes.
And the fear in Virgil’s.
Yes, it was his fault.
He cleared his throat. “Do you think Alex is interested?”
Gordon stared at him as if he had a third eye. “Have you seen how the guy falls all over Virg?”
Honestly, Jeff had thought the man had a nervous condition.
But it appeared Gordon didn’t need an answer, starting out on a rant that had obviously been building for some time.
“He has stars in his eyes for Virgil, Dad. Which isn’t unusual, I admit. But what is usual is that Virgil is clueless. Alex is a great guy. He’s smart and the two of them get on like a house on fire. You should see them together! Heads down, butts up, working the engineering stuff. I might as well not be there. In fact, I’ve left the room in the past and come back hours later and they haven’t noticed.” Gordon dropped his hands pleading at his father. “Do you know how often Virg has been to Māhia lately?”
Jeff blinked. “I haven’t been keeping count. Your brother’s business is his business.”
Gordon groaned. “Dad, twice last week I launched Two and had to pick him up on the way.”
A frown. “If you think your brother’s activities are impacting on International Rescue-“
“No, no, no, no, no! Dad, the guy needs a life, I get it. I want him to have one. One beyond what little camaraderie he can find online, beyond family, beyond International Rescue. It is great to see him having fun. But he should take the next step. He needs the next step!”
Jeff opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off in mid thought by another son.
“International Rescue, we have a situation.”
The reflex was automatic. Not a word was said. Gordon hurried ahead while Jeff made his slower way across the concrete floor to the elevator.
Entering the lounge, the scene was as he expected. Four sons staring somewhat religiously up at their fifth, projected from orbit.
Scott was in his uniform, having only returned shortly before Virgil and Gordon. Virgil was in a towel, his hair dripping wet. Apparently, he had meant it regarding the shower.
Gordon stepped up beside his older brother, a smirk on his face.
Virgil didn’t bother to even acknowledge him.
As Jeff joined the circle, Alan shifted towards him. His youngest was still wearing his green tee and shorts. There had been no space missions as yet today.
“Gisborne appears to have taken the brunt of the earthquake. Scans are telling me there are several collapsed buildings. However, surrounding towns, including Tracy Industries’ Māhia Complex have been affected. Director Thompson is requesting assistance.”
Jeff glanced at Virgil, as did Gordon, but there was nothing but professionalism on his face
Scott turned to his team. Because his brothers were his team. “Virgil, Gordon and Alan. Take Two to Gisborne. John, liaise with Gisborne emergency services. I’ll take One to Māhia.”
A mutter of FABs and his sons were moving.
A flush of pride washed over him, but as Virgil turned his back to his chute, Jeff caught the expression on his son’s face.
And his heart sank.
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thepiratefish · 1 year
I've crated a Spidersona!!
Introducing SpiderBite!
[]Given name: Dusty[]
//Suprised I haven't seen any other spidersona with that name//
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There a 14 year old kid who works for A mechanic shop called Difters.
His abilities consist of strength x2, the ability to climb walls, Webs, spidersense, and a set of fangs that can cause mild paralyzation.
They made there Hero Name spiderBite becuase well.. they got bit by a spider and thought if a villan asked about the name he could just say "oh its becuase I was Bitten by a spider definitely not becuase I can poison people by biting them :)"
//He doesn’t have the ability to poison others//
He wears a set of headphones he found during a robbery and he wears a hoodie he stitched together himself. His mask has the ability to cover there hair if they want it to and his eyes can light up with small emojis such as: ? 🌟 ❤️ If he want to.
There boss at there job is Named Jonah Jamieson but prefers to be called Bugs, He teaches them how to repair Cars, Prothestics and other types of things that are brought in.
He also has an extra room that is above the mechanic Garage/Shop that he lets Dusty stay in, He's also the one that Gave Dusty his name
When he First found Dusty he was fighting two rats for a piece of Pizza he stole and decided 'Yeah he's fit for a mechanic' so now he has a Mechanic Job. Bugs tells Dusty he has to pay a rent of 5 dollars every two weeks but instead he just puts it in a jar and saves it up for him.
[] This Part will be there cannon event It Is inspired by BITB by JRWI so If you have a fear of Entomophobia, Necrophobia or just don't like Gore You don't have to read this. []
There cannon event was when he was wandering down an alley to meet up with his Best freind Benji and his Uncle parker since they hanged out alot but instead found there body's missing the bottom half with most of there insides missing while bugs bit at there what seemed to be rotten corpses.
There were two people who where sitting on there knees limp while bugs crawled down from there faces they had black skin while this yellow goo dripped from there mouths.
He found this after being bit by the spider in there world so they already discovered The ability to climb and shoot webs, out of fear they shot webs pinning both of the things down before running/climbing a wall to get away.
His main motive now is to destroy these 'creatures' while protecting his city and trying to uncover why these things are doing this and exist in the first place while trying to do his job (and trying to convince Bugs not to send him to shcool).
[] Another Pic I did with them along with the base I used[]
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[] Funfacts []
There backpack can tighten when they aren't holding it so they can climb better or run better.
He has a notebook he carries with him and he writes about the villan and criminals he encounters into it.
He kept the two rats he was fighting and named them Cheese and Peperoni.
Nanobots exsist in this world and usually repair clothing and stuff (Most Nanobots can only do that though)
[] Unmasked! Version of Dusty (there was a reason thats there name) []
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tinyorangepotato · 2 years
Why do i have to be the optimistic one. God i can think of almost every way that everything can go wrong and be cynical and assholish about everything in my mind but everyone else is that way on the outside too and so i gotta stay opimistic. Well, i dont got to but if i dont no one else will and then we are all just miserable. Like my coworkers are horrible people who i would never talk to outside of work itself and talking about the people coming in over the border and how they're all just greedy and selfish or whatever and its like have you ever considered that they aren't like that and they are trying to make a better life and you guys are assholes and cynical. (man i really jsut like repeating adjectives huh). And like i gotta be patient too because theres no reason not to be. Being impatient expecially in conversations is horrible beucase then you get irritated then the person youre talking to is irritated and it makes everything jsut worst so why do it. like my grandma asked me 3 times if i was sleeping (i wasnt i jsut had my head under the covers) and i repsonded saying no every time and so my cousin that was standing next to her stepped and and went "she said no already" like he was annoyed. and like whats the point of that. you weren't apart of that conversation and now youre annoyed and becuase you had an attitude with that one single sentence you jsut said, she is too. Like bro theres no reason for it just wait a little bit or repsond better and then no one gets pissed. like it easy. And people that are already irritated and impatient at something else just takes it out on other things for no reason and its like jsut dont???? You can be annoyed at something and at the same time patient with something else. Theres no reason to make other peoples lives (and yours) worse becuase youre not super happy. You can still be kind even if youre going though something. You dont have to alwasy see the worst in everything beucase something bad is going on. you can see the good, you jsut gotta stop focusing on the bad and its not as difficult as it seems really. Like constantly ill think that ugh i dont want to go somewhere becuase itll be hot, adn there will be too many people, and everything expensive, and i have to drive for a while, and i gotta get gas which aslo costs moeny, adn i wont even have /that/ good of a time; but i dont beucase if you focus on that then you will have an even worse time. Focus on oh i get to hang out with my friends and look at cool homemade items and go do something outside of the normal wake up, work, and sleep routine and all that. Theres the "dont get me started" game that ive seen a couple times on tumblr and dude i would be so good at that beucase i can find almost anything that would make something unenjoyable and all that but everyone else can point things out like that too so i gotta take a step back and see the good side and rationalize it too instead.
This went absolutly no where but god i hate that I can't be annoyed or cynical or disrespectful ebcuase everyone else is and so whats the point. I should try to balance it out beucase once you dont see the good, theres no reason to so absooutely anything.
#tiny talking#tiny vent#<- i guess#im planning on taking my friends out for one of their birthday dinners on thrusday (their actual birthdate is sunday)#and so im planning and choosing where we are gonna eat and all that and im so meh about any choice most of the time#but so are the 3 of them so i gotta do it or no one else will. i have to make the plans or no one else will#i have to be like 'hey theres a bbq want to come' or no one else will#and samw with jsut actaully hanging out. yes im the only one with a car rn but still. like you guys can plan shit too and ill just ahve#to be in charge of getting us there. god it would be so nice#but everyone else doesn't seem to do nice things like that and so i gotta#and it is nice to do even though usually i dont ahve that good of a time but its still soemthing nice to do in general#like last year for my 'birthday' to me and also for my friend. i took us to the ren fair that was going on#so i paid for the tickets (it was a little under like 80 dolalrs or soemthing)#I had to go get them then drive an hour and a half to go to the damn thing. I had to make the plans. I paid for everything i wanted.#i didnt pay for gas becuase the one other person with moeny was kind enough to usually send me some gas moeny but still#its a lot of give and barely any take. like i think last years birthday was one of the worst technically. i didnt do anything. i didnt ge#t a cake until like a month after. i got no presents from my friends. i tihnk only like 4 family members wished me a hppy birthday.#just nothign. and like i dont like to be the center of attention but also. i do nice things for everyone else adn even though im the driver#it would still be nice if they planned (and confirmed with me obv) to hang out and see a movie or some shit idk#fucking so much give so little take which im fine with beucase it makes me feel good to be able to amke others have a good time#but still it would be nice to be on the reverse here and there but i dont think thats really gonna happen anytime soon.maybe once i get#my own place with my friend. itll be like he comes home with a cake and the other 2 and we hang out with a casual 'party'#but fuck man i dont even know if that would even happen. wishful thinking i guess but ykniw#anyways this went a whoel nother direction once i got back into the tags which i was planning on stopping doing but too late#guess i once again jsut wanted to get osmething ive been thinking of off my mind
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writing-with-olive · 4 years
How to write essays fast
I've been writing a lot of papers, so that's what's on my mind.
So this mostly applies to your standard 5-paragraph paper, though it's fairly straightforward to adapt it to longer (or sometimes shorter) assignments.
One of the main things to note is that essays are VERY formulaic, so knowing the formula and being able to write down your ideas in a way that fit into the formula is probably the number one way to get stuff done fast. Because of that, most of what I’m covering is breaking down the formulas so they’re more accessable.
Also this got very long. If there’s anything you want me to expand on just let me know in the comments or send me an ask/DM and I’ll make another post that goes more in-depth about it.
Structure (I hate this step, so I’ve figured out how to do it very fast becuase it’s still important)
The first thing to consider is prewriting and structure. To start, there are two major paper structures I usually consider. The first goes
Main point #1
Main point #2
Main point #3
This is good if you have a lot to say on the topic, or if it's something closer to a summary essay where there's not really an opposing side. In something where there are distinct sides, (or if you have less to say to support your own side), you may want something that looks like
Main point #1
Main point #2
Why the other side is wrong
The "why the other side is wrong" side is involves thinking through the MOST credible arguments the other side might make, and methodically breaking them down to show how they don't work. The stronger the argument you choose, the more effective this is.
Since I personally hate prewriting with a passion, I usually do this step very fast and end up with an outline that looks like
Intro [insert thesis statement]
P1: [three word summary]
P2: [three word summary]
P3: [three word summary]
(thesis statement, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion tips are all below the cut)
Usually, this is enough so when I look at my outline, I can see what I'm trying to focus on for each paragraph - and do so without straying from my main point.
For the prewriting, the main things to do are identify with basic structure of the two will serve your purposes better, and write a thesis statement that solidly supports your argument.
Thesis Statement
There are so many guides about creating thesis statements that are powerful, but I'm just going to quickly go over how to be fast about it.
The first thing to know is that a thesis statement is usually a complex sentence: it's your entire essay distilled down to a single line. The general formula I follow goes something like this:
"In their [media type] [name of specific piece], [creator's full name] explored/demonstrated/other verb [theme you're going to be arguing about] demonstrated/using/as evidenced/as shown by [example 1], [example 2], and [optional example 3]."
For example, a thesis statement that follows this format might go
“In his short film Job at Place, David Davidson explored the manifestations of human stupidity through the absurdity of the main character’s home, school, and office.”
Or, if you're writing a historical piece, it might look something like this:
"In [place/time period], [thing you're arguing was happening]: they had to/the conditions were such that/other thing to set up a list [example 1], [example 2], and [example 3]."
For example, a thesis statement that follows this format might go
“During the Tusken Invasion of 32nd century Tatooine, it was the lives of the children that were most affected, from their social development and connections with others to more personal struggles they didn’t yet have the tools to overcome.”
The examples you give are going to correlate to your paragraphs - example 1 is for body paragraph 1, and so on. 
I like to think of the introduction as a funnel that gets more and more specific.
First, write a broad statement that touches on whatever theme you’re referencing. 
Job at Place is about human stupidity, so something like “while great minds have flourished throughout the ages, so have the not-so-great.”
Tatooine is about war, and about child development, so something like “children’s development has always been impacted by the state of the world around them.” or “war has many effects, many of which impact those not directly involved with the conflict.”
The idea is that it’s a broad statement that can almost be looked at like a universal truth.
Next, you’re going to go deeper - two sentences that narrow down the time and place you’re talking about specifically, and how that time and place fit into your universal statement. 
The fourth sentence gets even more specific - introducing how the thesis sentence fits into your first three sentences.
Then the last line is your thesis statements. 
Body Paragraphs
Your three main body paragraphs all follow the same formula. (I’ll get to the “why the other side is wrong” paragraph in a minute)
The first sentence you’re going to want is a topic sentence. For this, you’re going to want to look at the example you gave in your thesis statement that corresponds to this paragraph, and see how it relates to your central claim. 
If we’re going with the Job at Place example from above, for the second paragraph, you might open with a line like:
“A striking characteristic of Davidson’s short film was the abnormality of the main character’s school, used to showcase exactly what happens when poor decisions get taken too far.”
Everything within the paragraph will then back up the claim you’re making in the topic sentence (which in turn is backing up your thesis). 
For each paragraph, you’re probably going to want about three pieces of evidence, either in the form of direct quotes (plucking words directly from the source) or paraphrased quotes (summarizing what happened in your own words). The quote should be used to directly support your argument.
After each piece of evidence, you’re going to want about... twoish lines of analysis (this number can change as you need it to, but two lines is something solid to fall back to). 
While analysis can take all kinds of forms, one pattern you can use if you’re stuck is
evidence sentence 
what it means
how that meaning ties back into your main point
Following this pattern, a piece of analysis of Job at Place might look like:
“One of the first images of the private school is that it’s a tall spire with creaking stairs and loose floorboards. Despite this, the principal has eight personal cars parked outside on full display. While the first glimpse of the school might indicate that there is little money to care for the structural integrity, the notion is directly negated by the principal’s actions. By using these two images, Davidson demonstrates what can happen to the youth when those in power let greed carry them away.”
After you write your analysis, include some kind of transition phrase, and go onto the next piece of evidence.
The last line of your paragraph is going to transition into the next paragraph while also summing up the main point of what you talked about in the current one. (This line can also get moved down and tacked onto the beginning of the next paragraph, before the topic sentence, but I have found it tends to look less cohesive that way).
You might choose something like:
“While the school was a disaster in its own right, it wasn’t the only example of human folly.”
If you’re writing a “this is why the other side is wrong” you’re going to want to think about the MOST compelling arguments the other side could make. Take the top one (or two), and figure out ways to crack them apart using evidence from your source material.
In this case, your topic sentence might start off with something like
“While opponents might say [insert compelling counterargument], their reasoning breaks down when one takes into account the evidence.”
At this point, you’re going to follow the same formula as above. The main thing to keep in mind is that for the duration of this paragraph, your point is that the other side’s claim of X is wrong.
If you know what you’re doing, this is actually the easiest part.
(wait, what??????)
The thing is, you NEVER want to introduce new ideas into your conclusion. Instead, you’re summarizing your main points.
The formula I follow per sentence is:
Thesis statement but reworded (you can change the sentence structure too)
Topic sentence for paragraph 2 or 3, but reworded (I’ll explain why you shouldn’t do the sentence for P1 in just a sec)
Topic sentence for paragraph 1 or 3 but reworded
Topic sentence for paragraph 1 or 2 but reworded
Wow sentence or question (i’ll get to this too)
The idea for the middle three sentences is you don’t want them to read as repetitive, so you’re going to mix up the order so it doesn’t match the order of the rest of the essay. This will help to keep it fresh.
The wow sentence is basically the last impression you get to make. I find it’s usually a good idea to go just a tad dramatic (it sounds dumb, but it has never failed me). If I can’t think of anything, a declarative statement on whatever major theme was being discussed throughout the essay usually does the trick.
All of this shows that in the absence of friendships and platonic love, humanity will falter.
Fiction may seem far fetched now, but if the world falls into those same mistakes, it’s only a matter of time until it becomes a reality.
Art has existed for as long as humans have populated the earth; it’s not going away any time soon.
A lesson everyone must understand is the most powerful weapon isn’t anything physical or tangeable: it’s the ideas that exist in the minds of those who care.
(I told you they were going to be dramatic) A way I look at it is if you can’t imagine dropping the mic on the last line, it needs to be stronger (yes I found that plagiarized with not even a whisper of credit on Pinterest, but it works).
If you wrote a SOLID essay, consider ending with a question aimed at the reader (this will push your essay in the direction of either the positive or negative extreme: a strong essay will become stronger, a weak essay will become weaker). Questions can be a call to action or rhetorical as a means to drive home your final point. Becuase they’re more nuanced to the content of the essay, I don’t really have great examples to give you though (sorry).
Hopefully this is useful to at least some of you - good luck!
If you want to be added to or removed from any of my taglists (found pinned to the top of my blog) just let me know :)
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maybebanks · 4 years
I Noticed You
jj maybank x kook! reader
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“Alright, Sarah. Bye now,” you groaned, stepping out past her white painted bedroom door.
“Noooo,” she whined, “don’t leave,”
“I gotta go.” You pouted, “my dad wants me home,”
“Fine. Be like that.” She waved you off.
“Your parents are way less strict then mine!” You argued.
“Uh huh,” Sarah responded sarcastically, “I’m gonna miss you, bitch,” she smiled.
“Okay...see ya,” you waved while walking through the door.
You continued down the hallway, it was a sort of narrow hallway, but you’ve been down it many times before.
“Hey Y/n,” you heard Rafe’s voice call for you, he was leaning casually against his door frame.
“Oh..hey,” you answer, stopping infront of him.
You had to look up to talk to him because he was taller than you.
“Can we talk for a minute?” Rafe asks. You had no idea why he would want to talk to you. I mean, he’s always been nice to you, but he was nearly 20. And you were barely 17.
You nodded, following his gesture for you to come into his room.
He closed the door after you. You just stood by the window. Raising your eyebrows at his suspicious actions.
You looked behind you and saw their backward looking fresh, a Pogue, you think his name is JJ but you didn’t know him well, mowing the lawn.
“I have to be quick. I promised to be home,” you mentioned.
Rafe smiled, not saying anything, just looking at you.
You fumbled with your crop top, “So..what’s this about?” You asked.
“You know how long I’ve been trying to get you alone. You and Sarah...it’s non stop,” he said.
“What?” You asked, very confused in general.
“You were at Toppers party right? Damn..when I saw you snort that coke I was like...this girl...she’s bad,” he chuckled.
“Oh...that was-that was a mistake. I don’t do drugs like that anymore,” you reassured, feeling regretful about that mistake.
He laughed, “don’t lie to yourself, baby. Just think of the fun we could have together,”
Is this some kind of flirting?
“Look...uh, I have to go. Talk later?” you opened the door a bit but Rafe slammed it shut.
“What the hell?” You asked angerly.
Rafe scoffed, “hanging out with Sarah makes you a real bitch,”
“Rafe...I have to go!” You raised your voice. This seemed to anger him. For next, he lunged towards you, trapping you against the wall.
“You think you can tell me what to fucking do?” He asked, his voice surprisingly calm.
When you saw his eyes, you could tell he was high.
“No, I’m-“ you began but stopped yourself when the door creaked open.
Wheezie’s brunette head peaked through the crack of the door.
When she saw both of you, her eyes turned confused.
Rafe moved off of you, “Wheezie, get out of here,” he ordered.
She didn’t argue like she usually would, she didn’t even exchange a glance at you. Just left the room, leaving the door a crack open.
“Shit,” you whispered involuntarily.
“Tell me, Y/n, what’s it gonna take?” he asked.
“Hi!” Wheezie shouted over the loud noise of the lawnmower. Waving her hand towards the boy out in the field.
JJ chuckled, he mowed the lawn for the Cameron’s once or twice a week. Wheezie was basically the only Cameron to talk to him, she would test out flirted to him, even though he was a pogue.
JJ turned the lawn mower off, walking over to Wheezie.
“What’s up?” JJ asked, honestly, he enjoyed a break from his work, and he would never get in trouble becuase Wheezie would defend him.
“So...uh...I don’t know for sure. But I think Rafe is gonna hurt her. And he’s kinda....you know, I mean he does drugs. I saw him this morning! Anyway, he’s in his room and I think-“
“Whoa! Slow down! Who’s gonna hurt who?” JJ asked, now concerned.
“Just put on a shirt and come with me!” She demanded, pulling him by his wrist towards the house.
“I don’t think your parents would be okay with me comin’ in,” JJ chuckled again.
“Just...okay...you know Y/n right? She’ll kill me if she knew I brough you into this becuase she hates attention or whatever but I’m worried, because you know...Rafe has a thing for her and I’m just worried he might try to kiss her and...” She trailed off, but JJ knew what she meant.
He frowned, “You sure I should go in there? What if she wants it. I mean, a lot of kook girls hook up with Rafe,”
“TMI!” Wheezie exclaimed, “anyway, Y/n isn’t one of those kook girls. She’s wayy too good for Rafe. Plus I think she’s into surfer boys,” Wheezie shrugs.
JJ sighs, “alright fine. But you owe me for this,” JJ began walking up the stairs, “what, you not comin’?”
“I am not about to get yelled at by Rafe. Plus I’ll cover the fort down here, so my parents don’t get involved.”
When he finally made it to the second floor, he heard your voice. You weren’t strangers, you’ve met once or twice, but JJ always thought you were way out of his league. And that was saying something.
“Rafe seriously. My dads gonna kill me!” You stated, pushing against Rafe’s rather buff chest.
“Who cares about your dad, Y/n. Just get on your knees,” he stated.
JJ felt disgusted. Even he knew that was no way to talk to a girl.
He stood outside the parted door.
“No, asshole,” you said bluntly, trying to get around him again.
He grabbed your wrist, harshly, pulling you back so you hit the wall. You moaned in pain when the doorknob from his closet door hit your back.
That’s when JJ interfered.
He pushed open the door to make his presence known.
You both looked up at him at the same time.
Rafe immediately stepped back from you, and you pushed the sleeve of your shoulder back to covering yourself.
“Everything alright in here?” JJ asked, studying the situation.
Rafe sniffled slightly nervously, he knew he probobly couldn’t take JJ in a fight due to all the drugs he’s on.
Rafe looked at you, to which you immediately understood, “uh...we are fine. Thanks JJ,” you answered, clearly nervous.
He was surprised, and unexpectedly flattered, when you addressed him by his name.
JJ thought fast, “there is a car here for Y/n,” JJ lied. But you believed it, and so did Rafe.
Rafe scratches the back of his neck, “Okay Y/n...have fun.” Rafe said as you stepped out of the room.
You wanted to flip him off, but JJ was right behind you.
When you got outside, JJ was about to tell you there was no car, but he couldn’t when you thre your arms around his torso, a hug, where you rested your head on his chest.
“Whoa,” he chuckled.
“Thank you, J, you have no idea...” you mumbled.
JJ slowly moved his arm to hug you back. But when his hand reached your mid back, you took a sharp intake of breath and pulled away.
“Sorry, for that. You really saved me back there,” you explained, looking up at him.
“It’s not problem. Oh and by the way, there’s no car here for you,” JJ mentioned.
“Oh...right. Shit I kinda need a ride. You looked around. Until your eyes landed on JJ again.
He studied you.
“What? Do I have something on my face?” You asked.
“No...” JJ shook his head, “this is the most you’ve ever talked to me,” he blurted. Kinda regretting not usuing his usual approach when talking to girls.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ignore you before. I just didn’t want to get you in trouble,” you explained, “but I have noticed you,”
Your phone dinged, and that’s when you remember to check the time, “shit,” you blurted.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just...my dads gonna kill me. I was suppose to be home like an hour ago,” you sigh, still nervous.
You noticed JJ tense, “I can give you a ride? The van is gonna smell like weed though,” he winked, gesturing for you to follow him.
You nodded, following him down the driveway to where his “busted” van was parked.
“I’m not usually this helpless, you know,” you blurted, wanting him to know you for the real you.
“Oh believe me, I know,” he chuckles, opening the van door for you.
He was surprised by himself, again. He’s never cared enough to open the door for anyone. But it was so simple you probobly wouldn’t notice.
You smiled, at him and hopped in. There were some all black aviators and a red SnapBack on the seat. Which you moved so you wouldn’t sit on them.
As JJ walked around the van, you couldn’t find anywhere to put them, with all the clutter around, so you just decided to wear the sunglasses and his hat.
When he opened the car his eyes widened in excitement, “looks good on you Y/n,” he said starting the van.
“Who the hells that? I’m JJ,” you joked. When you took a deep breath, you scrunched you’re nose at the stench.
“Whoo,” you sighed, “it’s strong in here. What’d you hotbox or something?” You continued with the JJ impression.
“How do you know me so well?” JJ laughed and grabbed the hat off your head and placed it backwards on his own.
“Just guessin’,” you shrugged, moving the sunglasses farther down your nose.
“Where’s your place?” JJ asked as he turned the wheel.
“Uh...” you trailed off when you noticed Rafe running out of the house, looking angry, waving at the van.
“Shit! JJ go!! Drive!” You commanded. Grabbing his hand and forcing it on the wheel.
You knew Rafe would judge you for spending time with a Pogue, and he would also be mad.
“Calm down, princess,” JJ responded, stepping on the gas.
You immediately retracted, “sorry.” You muttered.
He pulled out of the driveway quick and started heading down the wrong road.
“Where are you going?” You asked, slightly nervous now.
“Back to my place. Since you didn’t tell me where yours was,”
“Wait...uh it’s down that road. I’d really love to hang but I gotta be home,” you told him.
“Ya sure?” JJ said turning the wheel and heading down your street.
You nodded.
“No, I mean, kook princess, would be down to hang with a Pogue?” JJ asked.
You pointed to the pastel yellow mansion with terra-cotta roofing, “of course JJ, I think you’re dope,”
“Holy shitt,” JJ moaned when he saw your house, admiring its beauty and the boat you had parked in the front.
“Jesus, what id give to be a kook,” he mumbled.
“Trust me, it’s not as good as it-“
“Y/N!!!” Your father shouts, he must have seen you pull in.
“Fuck,” you muttered.
JJs heat started to race, that was so damn hot.
You pulled of the sunglasses and placed them on the dash.
“See ya later, and also, you can come over any time use any materials you like. My brother got a new surf board and then went off to college, it’s all yours if you want it,”
JJ smirked, perks of having a kook friend that lived with a family that bought status symbols with their money, “can I get your number?”
“Yeah, it’s-“
You both stopped at the banging on JJs window.
Your father, was urgently yelling, “Y/N get out here right now. Your late for training, god damn it,” it was muffled, but you both understood.
“Training?” JJ questioned.
“See you at the Cameron’s,” you winked, then hopped out of the car and joined your dad inside the kook mansion.
JJ contemplated a life with you, only for a moment, then pulled out of your, rather long, stone driveway.
happy friday !
my masterlist
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gaybitchnamed1del · 3 years
au where kei and tadashi are hella depressed headcanons because its midnight and im sad :D
kageyama continued to misgender yams one time when yams’s pronouns were them/them, (despite being told not to by hinata) so kei went up to him and punched him in the face
they are both incredibly mentally unstable but the only thing they are sure of in the world is that they love each other and no one is going to take them away from each other
when they are feeling bad, they will scream at each other about how they other deserves better before breaking down and hugging each other really tightly
They sneak out every night. tadashi climbs out his window and kei will pick him up in his recycled car becuase he is suprisingly good at engineering
they fuck all the time in that car
They share a scrapbook where they just write down all the shit thats going on so that they dont have to say it
They share smoke kisses
Kei’s dad left when kei was born and his mum is never around, so tsuki is free to do what he wants . Well except for his older brother who is meant to be looking out for kei but he’s an alcoholic and is the supplier for their weed and drugs and shit
After his parents spent all day yelling at them for their report card, yams climbed out the window and ran all the way to kei’s house. They knocked on his window and of course kei let him in. kei was about to say ‘what are you doing here’ (not that this was out of the usual, just yams normally texted if he was coming first) when yams just kissed him. They staggered through his room, lips still connected. Eventually, they hit the bed and kei fell on it with yams still on top of him, still kissing. Clothes have never been removed faster
Kei prefers cigarettes whilst yams likes to vape. They will argue for ages (jokingly) on which one is better
Yams is banned from seeing kei, so they have to sneak around. Yams has invented multiple fake names to say that he is hanging out with kei
Kei gave himself a tattoo, (permanant) and yams demanded that kei gave him one as well. So they have matching tattoos
they both have choking kinks
kei cannot, cannot control himself when he sees yams in a choker
idk have a good night :)
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ask-toto-and-co · 3 years
Arcy @ Toto: "Whoa!", Arcy said telepathically, while somewhat expressing a sort of shock expression. "You transform really fast! How do you do that? Is it link to you in someway that made you do that? This is the first time I've seen a non-Arceus do that! That... Is so cool!"
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for a few moments toto is completely stunned silent. faer mouth open in pure shock at both the sight before faer and the arceus words “...an arcues is talking to me...an arcues just complimented me...”
once faer brain puts the pieces together, she lets out a happy squeak 
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with a large smile, toto’s eyes quickly glow pink before fae began switching between different pokemon
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“I don’t know why I transform so fast, but I do know its super easy for me to do! I visualize the form in my head and kinda just will myself to become one! honestly iv been doing it for so long its kinda second nature haha! each one of my forms has their own types, move sets and abilities! so transforming into random shit does give me a massive edge in battle- assuming my dumb ass can remember how type advantages work nwn;” the eevee turned mew floats around arcy in a few circles “its a bit more complicated then turning into any pokemon I want though, my forms are based on my knowledge about what I wanna turn into more then the species itself. for example I guess,” fae gestures at faer body “I usually get confused if mew is a psychic or normal type so cuz’ of that when I turn into mew, i’ll be ether one of them. same goes for other pokemon I can’t remember the damn type of”    
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the eevee turned mew once again transforms, this time into a floette. fae take arcys hand while carful not to make them touch any of the thorns across her body
“im able to change my forms appearances to whatever I please, usually i’ll actually design a form for myself before turning into it the first time. I am a little selective when it comes to what I turn into. mainly becuase each form is a different and new body I have to adjust to and learn the moves for, so usually I just go with what I already got a grasp of. eevee’s just the one I use most cuz’...well I dunno how to explain it other then its just comfy!”  fae smile brightly but suddenly turn a bit sheepish “s-sorry for randomly rambling ahah...I got a little exited”  fae rub the back of her head “as for how I can do this...well I dunno, its something iv been able ta’ do since I was born, along with reality warping” the words leave the floettes mouth likes its the most normal thing she’s ever said (MOD NOTE: the flower toto’s holding is supposed to be a rose, its 3 in the fucking morning and im tired okay. also sorry no backround for this post but again blehh, tired toto. please forgive spelling errors im not awake enough to correct them atm) (edit: no I diden’t forget toto’s locket, when she turns into a super tiny pokemon or super large one it vanishes, its still their just not visible) 
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I heard about you on hold Florida trip as as a floridian may I recommend going to one of the springs. Its about 5 bucks per car to get in and on the weekdays they are usually empty. Most have swimming, hiking and some type of education center, usually all free with the exeptance of the entrance fee. Do be careful tho becuase some springs are literally split open rocks with water running out the top. In Orlando there is a really wonderful one about 10-20 miles out of town called Wekiwa, but if your willing for a drive you could find others literally anywhere in the state.
Hi Nonny!!
AHHHHH Thank you for the suggestion for when I finally go to Florida!
LOL A Florida trip for me has to be super planned out... I live a 26 hour drive from Orlando (2 hour flight, but I'm very wary about flying right now), so sadly it's not like a day or weekend trip for me that can just be done all willy-nilly, hahah. Lots of planning has to be involved. BUT!!! I will take this into consideration as something I can do one one of my days down there... rent a car and just explore the state! It's so beautiful from what I saw (I still get a kick out of actual palm trees, I'm such a Canadian), and I would love to see the ocean. One of the few things I never did when we went our two times.
Thank you SO much Floridian Nonny for this tip!! Appreciated, jotted it down in my "Disney" folder on my desktop! <3
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xmalereader · 5 years
Javier Pena X Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Request: Hi,can I request a javi x male reader where reader is another agent and is married and steve doesn't know but one day an the reader come into the station and visits javi and is super love towards javi and steve is just confused. Ps. I love your work, thank you hope you have a nice day
Warnings: Fluff, husbands, Steve being a confused child, sassy husband, making out, cuddling.
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“Pena, someone is here to see you.”
Steve looks up from his desktop and raises a brow, who would want to see Javier Pena?
Javier gives the man a strange and confused look as he simply sighs and stands up, “Do you know who they are?” He asks as he puts away the files, making sure that they were organized in their folders as he waits for the other to respond. “He said that he was your neigherbor?” Steve was now even more confused, first he lived down the hallway from Javier and second, he doesn’t remember anyone living in their neighborhood but them.
Javier gives Steve a look and heads outside towards the main hall were he saw a young man wearing a suit waiting for him. “Puta.” He whispers as he approached the man who gives him a small smile. “What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay home.” Javier grabs him by the arm and drags him towards an empty room.
Steve was leaning back in his chair as he watched Javier and the strange man closely, watching them enter an empty room with the blinds closed.
“I know, you’ve told me many times to not visit becuase it was dangerous.”
“So, why are you here.”
“You forgot something.” He reaches under his shirt and pulls out a gun, Javi’s gun. Javiers eyes widen as he snatches the gun away from him, “How did you get pass security with this?” He hisses out as the other giggles with a cheeky grin. “I’ve got my ways, mi amor.”
Javier looks at him up and down. “You flirted your way through didn’t you?”
“Maybe.” The other shurgs.
“okay yes! But hey, this is pay back to the time you flirted with one of the suspects.” He shot back which caused Javier to groan. “That was one time, okay? So please go back to work and maybe will see each other tonight.”
“Maybe? Hold it right their, I am your husband and you will be home tonight for dinner and if you aren’t then I won’t hesitate to drag you out of here by the balls.” He warns out with a small glare as Javier rolls his eyes. “Okay, ya I’ll be home by dinner.”
“You better be.” Y/n says again as he adjusts javiers shirt with a smirk, pulling him by the shirt and capturing his lips into a kiss. Javier groans as he steps back and shoved him up against the wall, as the two made out with each other a sudden knock makes them break apart. “Shit...” Y/n whispers out and fixes himself, fixing his own tie and hair as he tries to make himself look like nothing happened before Javier opens the door.
Steve was standing on the other side. “Hey, we just got a signal from one of escobars men.” He says as he eyes y/n.
Javier clears his throat and nods. “Right—uh, Steve this is y/n he works in a different department of the DEA.”
“No wonder you looked familiar.” Said Steve as he shakes his hand. Y/n smiles proudly, “Javiers jealous that imma higher rank than him.” He teased as javi glares at him. “Anyway, I only came to return Javi’s gun since he left it behind during one of our missions together, didn’t want him leaving the field without one.” He explains.
Steve hums as he crossed his arms. “So how do you two know each other?”
“We used to be partners before they transformed me to a higher department, in usually in charge of keeping everything settled while you guys do the dirty work.” He chuckled out shyly as Steve takes the bait. “Well, good to know someone from a different department.” He gives Javier a look and nods towards their desks.
Javier slips Past y/n and gives him a shrug over his shoulder, mouthing to him. ‘Tonight’ as in for saying that he’ll be home for dinner.
Y/n could only roll his eyes as he nods back and leaves Javier and Steve to do there own thing as he sighs deeply and gets back to his own work.
“So, y/n? What’s that about?” He hears Steve ask as the two of them a team of their own were raiding through a factory. “What about him?” He asks back and quirks a brow at his partner, checking out the bodies in hopping of finding a very important men amongst them. “I thought you would be upset you know, since he was able to move to a higher ranking than you even though you two were partners?”
“Nope, he deserved it. Whatever he did he deserves it and besides I enjoy the department that I am in, that just means less time with y/n.” He confess as he bends down to pick up some documents that were lying around. “Huh, you two just seemed really close.”
“Jealous Murphy, that my previous partner is better than you?” Javier tease with a grin on his face. Steve chuckles softly and shakes his head, “No just a little curious is all.” He watches as Javier hums in response and continues on with the evidence before Steve leaves him on his own and heads down stairs to talk to a few of his own men.
“Are you done?” Javier and Steve both look up to see y/n, leaning against the door frame. His arms were crossed over his chest as he gives Javier a small glare. “Almost.” He answers back and turns his attention back to the files. “You guys going out?” It was Steve who asks, he was already done with his work and was simply putting away the foldered files away. “I invited Javi out for drinks.” Y/n lies out with a smile as Javier rolls his eyes. “yeah.”
The two were secretly married, they have been for the last four years now and no one at the agency knew. The two have kept it well hidden and haven’t been caught yet, not that the embassy will care since they have been together for years but they wanted to keep it professional during work hours.
Steve chuckles as he glanced over to y/n and eyes him, getting the small details about him until he notices the golden band around his third finger on his left hand. “you married?”
Y/n glanced down at his wedding ring and smiles happily. “Yep! Have been for four years.” Y/n was the one who would wear his ring proudly while Javier would keep his hidden around his neck, keeping it as a necklace, afraid that he would lose it during one of his field chases. “Wow, must be some lucky women.” Y/n cringes a bit but hides his expression, Javi was able to tell that he wasn’t comfortable.
“Yeah, she uh—makes me very happy and she’s rather sexy too—“
“Okay I’m done.” Javier stands up from his desk and clears out everything, making sure to grab his gun and jacket before heading towards the exit. “Don’t show up late tommorrow or ill drag you out here myself.” Steve reminds Javi as he gives him a nod and sighs. “I got it, I’m heading out now.” He waves goodnight to Steve and leaves with Y/n.
“Rather sexy?”
Y/n hears Javi mumble out as they get inside the car, he chuckles at him and leans over his seat to kiss his cheek. “I was speaking the truth, you are rather sexy and in bed too.” He adds in the end as Javier laughs and drives them out of the embassy parking lot and heads back home. He double checks to make sure that Murphy wasn’t around when they arrive to the apartment complex.
The two step out and head inside, making sure oto be quiet as they head inside their apartment, y/n is the first to let out a groan and toss his jacket on the couch, landing face first into the cushions. “I thought you were gonna cook tonight?” Javier tossed his own jacket on a chair and sits by his husbands legs, chuckling at him.
“Forget it, lets order take out I’m too tired to do anything.”
“Newbies getting to you again?” He pulls out a cigarette and places it between his lips as y/n quickly sits up with a frown on his face. “They are the worst! They can’t listen for shit!” He cries out in frustration, he’s been dealing with new agents lately and they have been getting on his nerves, he was so close to actually murdering one of them.
“They’ll learn to obey, just give it time.”
“Javi, its been months now. Those idiots won’t learn!” He throws his hands in the air and falls back onto the couch, Javier sighs and sets his cigar down in an ashtray. He crawls above y/n and leaves kiss up his neck, undoing his tie. “Javi...”
“Si, mi amor?”
“Before we have sex I want some food first, I haven’t eaten all day—and don’t say that you aren’t hungry.” He quickly says as Javier sighs and drops his head on his husbands shoulder. “Fine ill order us something, in the meantime, Wash up.” He climbs off y/n and reaches out to grab his jacket and pull out his phone. As Javier dialed a number, y/n gets off the couch and heads towards the bathroom to take a shower.
He’s quick when it comes to showering, coming out with a pair of new clothes and the towel wrapped over his shoulders. He wore a white shirt and a pair of grey sweats as he walks back to the couch and sits next to Javier who was watching some tv. “How many times do I have to tell you, dry your hair once you finish.” He mutters out and sits up, taking the towel and helping his own husband with drying his hair.
Y/n smiles at the kind gesture. “that’s because you do it better and I enjoy the attention.” He admits as Javier frowns and lowers the towel down. “Will you should stop or else I won’t help anymore.”
Y/n pouts. “you wouldn’t.”
“Try me.” Javi tosses the towel on the other couch and sighs, lying back down as y/n lies on top of him. His head on his chest with an arm wrapped around him as he cuddled Javier. “What did did you order?”
“Just some pizza.” He whispers out and wraps an arm around y/n’s waist and with the other he ran his fingers through his damp hair. “that sounds good.” The other yawns out and stares at the tv, watching whatever was being prodcasted.
The two remained in comfortable silence as they waited for their food and once their meal arrived the two would stay up talking about work or planning out a date for each other, they haven’t had much time to spend with each other becuase of all the work pilling up and having to deal with Escobar and los Pepe’s. It was stressing them both out but the two still managed to make up time for each other.
Y/n always thought that there relationship wouldn’t work because of javi’s reputation.
He remembers the first time Javier asked him out on a date that he randomly blurted out if he was even interested in men? Of course that wasn’t really a good start for the two of them, Javier answered with a yes, telling him that he was interested in both genders but that still didn’t change y/n’s opinion about javi asking him out on a date but also he wasn’t one to refuse so he easily accepted the date.
Javier had prepared a nice dinner for the two of them, he was romantic on the first date. Y/n always expected him to make a move to get him into a bed and to never call him again or to speak to him but it wasn’t like that. Javier was serious about these dates, he wanted to be with y/n and he wanted to be happy together. The two had their ups and downs when it came towards their relationship but after making it for almost three years, Javi was able to propose. The two suddenly getting married for four years now and not having anyone question their love live.
As the sun began to rise its light shines through there apartment and bedroom window, causing y/n to groan from the sudden sunlight. He pulls the blankets higher to cover his face and bury himself against javiers chest. They were suppose to be working right now but since the two stayed up late talking and making out they didn’t have the energy to get out of bed. Y/n was close to calling in sick but before he could reach out for his phone he hears loud banging at their front door.
“Damn you.” Y/n hisses out in anger, he does not appreciate others waking him up. As the banging gets louder he groans and throws the blankets off hismelf and marches down the hall and towards the front door, as the banging continues on he growls.
“Who the hell is it?!” He shouts in anger as he swings the door open to see a very shocked Steve. “Steve?”
Y/n gasps and turns around to look at the clock, he was suppose to leave earlier than Javi but instead slept in. It was a thing that they planned out when he found out that Steve became javi’s new partner and was living in the same buildings them. He planned to leave ten minutes earlier than javi so that Steve wouldn’t get suspicious of the two but now here he is, standing in front of him in only a shirt and boxers.
“Y/n who is?”
Both y/n and Steve look over to see Javier coming out of his room, rubbing the tiredness from his face as he enters the main room in only his boxers. It takes Steve a few seconds to ask, “what is going on?”
Javier is startled by Steve’s voice and groans, cursing under his breath as he approaches the two. “Let him come inside while we get ready.”
“Yes Murphy, we.” He glares at Steve as the couple head back to their room to get dressed properly, Steve stays standing by the entrace as he waits for the two to finish up and explain to him, why he found y/n in javiers apartment and with the two half naked.
Y/n is the first to come out, adjusting his hair as he grabs his jacket and slips it on. Next to come out is Javi, he was wearing his casual tight pants and a tucked in button up shirt. “Okay, explain.” Steve was quick to get ask for answers.
Javier sighs as he moves towards the kitchen that was located close to their entrance, “Y/n and I have been seeing each other for awhile, hop that doesn’t bug you or anything.” He simply shrugs as he prepares some coffee for the three of them. “I mean it doesn’t really bug me but—since when were you interested in guys,—and y/n is married! An affair, really javi?” He gave his friend a look of disappointment as Javier hands him a cup of coffee without saying anything.
Y/n approaches them and takes his own cup. “What about you y/n, what would your wife think?”
“Well I hope she’s happy since she doesn’t really exist?” He bites his lip and sips his coffee.
“Wait what? What do you mean?” Steve was even more confused.
Y/n sighs and Sets his mug down, he shows him his wedding ring and nudges Javier who rolls his eyes and reaches under his shirt collar, pulling out a necklace that had a golden ring hanging from it.
Steve eyes both rings; putting two and two together as his mouth slowly shapes into an ‘o’, finally understanding everything. “H-how long?” He blurts out as y/n smiles. “Four almost five years now.” He replies back. “Four years? You’ve lasted four years in a marriage, I thought you were still a man whore.”
Javier glared at Steve. “Was, not anymore—“ he sets his empty mug in the sink. “you better not say anything at the embassy, they still don’t know and I would rather keep it that way.” He warns out.
Y/n chuckles. “you’re actually the first to know about us.” He whisper to Steve and winks at him, finishing up his coffee and washing his cup before grabbing his things. “ill be heading out first, try not to cause trouble.” He says and walks over to give javi a kiss on the lips, smirking at him. “Ill see you later tonight.” He flirts out with a wink as Javier chuckles with a grin.
“I’m still here.”
Javier rolls his eyes, hearing Steve as he turns towards his partner. “Don’t care—now lets go before the ambassador gets on our asses.” This earns him a laugh from y/n as the three of them leave the apartment together.
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shsl-gay-nurse · 3 years
OH BOY BACK TO MA BULLSHIT so time for me to ramble more about that cookie run AU that nobody but me and one (1) friend care about also im finally naming the AU, “cookie run totoverse AU” cuz I can’t think of anything better So how about I actually explain the AU for once, ima ramble about what some of the ocean cookies got going on fdsklfsd, originally while writing I was gonna do more, but I wanna play cookie run now LJKSFD NOT PROOF READ BTW
TW: mentions of child abuse and gaslighting 
-captain ice cookie goes by both “ice captain” and “captain ice” in this au PURLEY BECUASE I KEEP FUCKING UP HER NAME H E L P M E -how captain ice and peppermint meet is that, oneday peppermint gets onto ice captains ship thinking its a whale, captain ice is confused as to why theirs this random child at sea and asks where their parents are. peppermint says that they don’t know their parents and they just kinda travel around with whales n’ other sea life. hearing that ice captain decided that peppermint can stay with her till she finds some actual care for them -pirate cookie is NOT a good person in this au, sorry but im projecting my daddy issues onto the shark. im not going into detail but pirate really isn't a great parent, and holds resentment towards sorbet for not being able to save his leg -it comes to a head oneday when pirate gets drunk off his ass. he goes to  just chill but see’s sorbet shark chewing on the deck railing again (sorbet likes to chew on things, if it fits in their mouth its getting chewed on). being drunk the man has no filter so just goes off on this poor child, screaming everything that he’s been holding back. sorbet backs away into a wall in an attempt to distance themselves from pirate in fear, but pirate follows and continues his rant. eventually pirate gets so pissed that he punches the wall above sorbets head, witch sorbet shark mistakes as pirate attempting to hurt them, due to feeling like their in danger sorbet kicks pirate with all their strength, causing the man to fall over. once pirates on his ass sorbet makes a break for the ocean, jumping off the deck and swimming as fast and as hard as they can, wanting as much distance between them and pirate as possible -sorbet doesn't stop swimming till they eventually see ice captains ship, they head towards it as they want to see peppermint cookie. peppermint cookie can hear sorbet screaming their name and goes near the edge of the ship to see whats up, only to get knocked over when sorbet jumps out of the water and into them, clinging onto them in fear. peppermint asks them whats wrong and sorbet starts crying, witch soon causes peppermint to start crying
-captain ice comes onto the deck to see two crying children and is hella confused, it takes her awhile to calm them both down but eventually she succeeds. she pulls both children into a hug and has sorbet explain whats wrong (with peppermint to translate cuz sorbet goes “ooOOooO”) -after sorbet explains what happened, captain ice is FURIOS with pirate cookie, whatever small traces of "friendly rivalry” the two had are gone and she has every intention of throwing that cookie and his crew in jail. worth noting that- pirates crew would often gaslight sorbet whenever they tried talking about things pirate did to them, so sorbet eventually stopping trying to reach out. captian ice also decides that, yeah no sorbet is not going back to pirate and will instead stay with her still she can find better care for the two children -sorbet needs some time to warm up to ice captain and her crew. oneday while sorbet shark is attempting to help clean the ship they accidentally knock something over, captain ice see’s this and walks over witch causes them to start panicking. ice captain calms them down first and then tells them “its okay accidents happen, lets just be more carful next time” then helps them clean it up. theirs a few incidents like this where accidents happen and sorbet thinks they’ll be screamed at, but that just doesn't happen. even when they do get in trouble captain ice never raises her voice at them. this causes sorbet to start feeling way safer and open up to the crew
-peppermint will often get piggybacks from sorbet in their shark form when their in water. the two will often zoom around the ship or travel off a bit to look at sea life (while promising to be back at x time to ice captain)  -after a bit of having the kids living with her, ice captain gets really attached to the two and goes “fuck it im adopting them now”, you can pry momma ice captain  from my cold dead hands I love that concept sm -so like I said earlier sorbet likes to chew on things, they just feel like they need to and can’t explain why. after ice captain learns this she buys some chew necklace’s for them in the shape of different sea life, this makes sorbet very very happy -sorbet shark has a tendency to bring things from the ocean back onto the ship witch they consider “treasure”, usually things like pearls, shells, shiny rocks and very rarely items from sunken ships. ice captain lets them keep these things as long as they aren't dangerous (like rusty or sharp) and make sure to not leave them laying around the deck. sorbet will often give “treasures” to peppermint and they both have little chests that they store these “treasures” in and will sometimes trade with each other thats all I got for now- yeah its like 80% just sorbet shark but- leave me alone I get brainrot for my comfort characters sometimes 
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wordsandshawn · 4 years
Requested: If you take requests.. platonic Shawn! Shawn and y/n have been best friends forever and she is visiting Shawn on tour but has trouble sleeping in cars/buses and he knows that so he is tired of seeing her not sleep so he drags her into his bunk and the boys freak out in the morning thinking they are dating 💕
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Being best friends with Shawn from when you were 12 has meant you’ve visited him on tour countless times starting from the very beginning when he first began touring when he was fifteen. It’s best if you don’t stay with him on tour for more than a few nights at a time unless he’s staying at a hotel because you find it nearly impossible to sleep on the bus. You learned this in the very early years when you were basically a walking zombie because of lack of sleep despite Shawn being able to sleep like a baby on the moving bus all night long.
This time is a little bit different because Shawn’s on tour for such a long period of time, and with the amount of traveling you’re doing for your new job, you won’t be home during the few times Shawn will be. It’s unfortunate, really.
When you both realized this, Shawn convinced you to take a risk and stay an entire week and a half with him since you had a specific two weeks off while he was in the middle of the European leg of his tour. Even though you knew your sleep schedule would suffer, you couldn’t deny your best friend, especially knowing that you’d barely be able to see him for such a long time. Also, because it would be a long flight, you knew you’d want to stay more than just a day or two. 
That is how you ended up here on tour with Shawn. It’s day four and you’ve admittedly been stealing naps everywhere you can get them since you lay awake in your bunk most of the night staring into darkness and tossing and turning to the movement of the bus. 
Shawn’s in his Q&A right now, something you usually find fun to watch from the back of the room, but today, you decide to use that thirty minutes to sneak a nap on the couch of his dressing room while everyone else is busy. The thirty minutes pass far too quickly, and you awake to the sound of people talking. Rubbing your eyes, you sit up. Brian notices you first, “Shit, sorry y/n, I didn’t know you were in here.”
“It’s okay,” You mumble sleepily while trying to pretend to be more awake than you feel.
Shawn’s in the group of people who just walked in. He says something quietly to them before coming to the couch and taking a seat next to you.
“You haven’t been sleeping.” He tells you more as a statement than a question. Shawn’s been asking how you’ve been sleeping every day since you’ve joined him on tour. He knows you have a hard time sleeping, and even more so on a bus, but you had promised him every time that you were fine. There was nothing he could do about it, so you didn’t see a point in complaining.  
You shake your head, still half asleep, “Not really, but it’s okay.”
He shakes his head in response. “Why didn’t you say something earlier?”
You just shrug, hoping Shawn will drop the topic, and luckily, he does because he’s called away to meet some people.
That night after the show, you get ready for bed as the bus leaves the parking lot, but don’t bother going to your bunk. Since there are still a few people awake on the bus, Shawn included, you decide to hang out with them, knowing it would be pointless to go and lie down anyway.
Slowly, everyone starts turning in one by one. As Brian decides to turn in, you expect Shawn to do the same when he stands up. But instead of saying goodnight, Shawn tells you to follow him as he walks toward the back of the bus. You’re confused at first, but you follow without asking questions. He leads you into his room at the back of the bus. You look at him with a confused look, so he says, “You can sleep in here. I’ll take your bunk.”
“What?” You question, not quite understanding, but then you remember Shawn caught you napping earlier. “No, I’m not taking your bed.”
“I know you haven’t been sleeping in the bunk, maybe you’ll be able to sleep better in a bed.” 
“I don’t need to sleep. You do.” You respond, turning around to leave, but he stops you by grabbing your hand and pulling you back. 
“I’ll sleep fine in the bunk.” He reassures you, before saying, “I promise.” 
“Shawn, I’m not taking your bed.” You reply, shaking your head. 
“I know you’re stubborn, but I really think it will help you sleep.” He says with a sigh. He doesn’t want to argue with you any more than you want to argue with him. 
“You think calling me stubborn is going to help you get what you want?” You put your hands on your hips, attitude pouring out. 
He just chuckles, “No, but I'm hoping you’re too tired to put up much of a fight. I’m the one who dragged you out here on tour, the least I could do is give you an actual bed to sleep in.” He says with a shrug. 
“Shawn, I’m not taking your bed.” You say, turning to leave again, but he grabs your wrist, effectively stopping you, once again. You pull your hand away, and he lets go.
“We’ll both sleep in it. Then you won’t be taking it.” He offers. This wouldn’t be the first time you shared a bed with him. In fact, you’ve shared a bed with him countless times over the past almost ten years of knowing him, and it’s never been weird. It just never really crossed your mind before because there are so many extra bunks on the bus. 
As you ponder this suggestion, the idea of sharing his bed instead of laying alone in your own bunk is starting to sound better and better. The sleepiness you feel wins out over your stubbornness, so you sigh and say, “Fine, but just tonight. And don’t tell anyone because I don’t want Brian and Connor to tease us.”
“I won’t. Anyway, there’s nothing to tease about.” 
“You know them, they tease about nothing all the time.” You respond, and he nods, knowing you’re right. You pull-down Shawn’s covers and lay down in his bed. He lays down on the other side, and asks, “You comfortable?” You nod, and he turns off the light. “Goodnight.”  
“Night,” You respond before closing your eyes. At first, you’re pretty certain that this isn’t going to work. After no more than five minutes, you hear Shawn’s breathing even out and you know he’s asleep. You try not to move for fear of waking him up, and you’re cursing yourself for agreeing to this becuase now you feel like you can’t even move and you’ll have to lie here listening to Shawn breathe all night. 
You ponder moving back to your own bunk, but then you’d feel like you betrayed Shawn by going back on a deal you made, no matter how small, you wouldn’t want to do that. The truth is, you’re tired. Of course, you’re tired. Anyone would be with the time difference and the jet lag and surviving mostly on a few thirty-minute naps over the course of four days. You’re in the middle of these thoughts when you drift off to sleep. 
The only reason you wake up in the morning is because someone bursts in the door. You barely open your eyes to see a shocked and surprisingly wide-awake Brian. 
“Shit, sorry.” He says before slamming the door behind him. When you glance over, you see that Shawn was woken up by him too. 
You just close your eyes again and groan. You’re not thrilled Brian saw you because you can only imagine what he’s thinking and what he’s probably in the middle of saying to anyone else who’s awake on this bus. However, on the other hand, you realize that its morning and you actually slept through the night.  
“What the fuck?” Shawn quietly mumbles, shifting beside you. He wasn't ready to get up either. He rolls over, and doesn’t say anything, so you assume he fell back asleep, but after a minute, you hear his voice say, “So did you sleep?” 
You hesitate before answering. A part of you doesn’t even want to admit defeat to Shawn right now, even though “defeat” is actually a win since you got a good night's sleep. You just don’t want to admit he’s right. “Yeah, I did actually.” 
“Good,” He responds as he sits up in bed. “Now you want me to go out there and tell them to stop spreading rumors because we’re not doing anything.” He says, raising his eyebrows at you. 
You can’t help but roll your eyes, but you say, “Yes, please.” 
“Yeah, I got it,” He responds, dragging himself off the bed and out the door. You hear his voice call, “Brian!” 
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