#becoming millionaire
lifeofprosperity · 11 months
Explain to me why some people are rich but most are poor and what do I need to do to become wealthy
The distribution of wealth in society is influenced by a complex interplay of factors, and there isn’t a single explanation that applies universally. However, I can provide you with a general overview of some of the factors that contribute to this phenomenon: Income Inequality: Income inequality arises from differences in earnings. Factors such as education, skills, job opportunities, and luck…
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babybirbb · 11 months
my favorite pastime is shipping ships from stuff i don’t watch
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venuslilgirl · 10 months
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I attract money easily,
I attract money effortlessly,
I attract money consistently.
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ilynpilled · 2 years
tywin au where instead of terrorizing the realm he terrorizes twitter timelines by becoming a millionaire educator tradcath account
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arilphys · 6 months
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color study / painting practice / warmup of this fluttershy i found earlier :)
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I know many people who do believe in the afterlife and think that it's very likely to exist; I myself tend to be rather dubious about these beliefs. If there is a Heaven, it has to look like this, and you will probably be quite surprised: a vast, endless, featureless, greyness, with no recognizable form, not like a hotel or a shopping mall or a garden or a desert, but like a vast, endless sea. It is perfectly flat, there is not a single blade of grass; it goes on for ever, one long, continuous, featureless line, and you are always alone. The only sound is the endless rushing of the sea.
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gyunikum · 11 months
How to become a millionaire
by Jere Pöyhönen:
get a bowl cut
be tiny. everywhere.
get 300 boyfriends
get famous get even more boyfriends
wrap a few millionaires around your finger
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phleb0tomist · 6 months
if you guys ever wonder why i put words like ‘willpower’ and ‘deserve’ in quotation marks it’s because I don’t believe those concepts exist, at least not in the sense of having to earn things like safety and rest, or having to endure pain to get basic needs met. the fact of the matter is that willpower and resilience are 100x easier to have if the biopsychosocial factors of your life are set up in the right way, and you often have zero control over those factors. these are things like the class or caste you’re born into, your unavoidable social environment, job access/resource access/social access, genetics and biological predispositions, immutable factors like race sex ability neurodivergence orientation etc, and how much autonomy you are granted by others over your own body and decisions.
as my life circumstances have changed (totally out of my individual control), it has become way easier to pull myself up by my bootstraps and snap out of emotions etc, and it has NOTHING to do with how hard i’m trying. I was trying a lot harder a few years ago, I believe i had more willpower then, so by all logic i deserved to have this kind of self mastery before. it didn’t come. i only gained ‘resilience’ after my life circumstances changed. I didn’t earn it and I didn’t try. i find this a really annoying concept and also hard to explain, idk if anyone else has similar experiences
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iseathegalaxy · 27 days
I loved the battle of the dumpster, enjoyed every second, every frame, cried from the second it started. I am so, so lucky to have seen it on the big screen, what a pleasure.
having said that, we can all agree our perfect haikyuu ending would've not been movies (obviously).
perfection for me would've been the following:
(spoiler warning for the manga)
season 5 would've been like S3: shorter in length but completely dedicated to the match.
nekoma would've been given the shiratorizawa treatment with 10 episodes dedicated to only the match so that nothing from the manga (or at least very little) was cut.
fukorodani's match would've been an ova, I love them so much and would love to see their match animated, just don't see how they could've done it within a season and not cut most of it.
s6 would've been like S4: split into 2 parts but opposite now.
instead of pt1 being chill and all about growth (camp and japan youth) and pt2 the match (inarizaki), S6 wouldve been pt1 the match (kamomedai) and pt2 chill and growth (graduation and time skip, focusing mainly on hinata in brasil).
finally, after those two beautiful seasons and ova we would get to the main event, the culmination (or first of many) of all their hard work: a movie in cinemas lasting no less than 2hrs for the entire black jackals v adlers match, seen on a big screen as the universe intended it.
bonus points: the credits roll and there's a post credits scene, and we see all our faves getting ready in front of their tvs and then we cut to a court and we see hinata, kageyama, atsumu, kiyoomi, bokuto, wakatoshi, hoshiumi, kiryu, yaku, aran, motoya, suna and iwaizumi and kuroo with their official uniforms for the japan national team entering the olympic court and opposite them the argentinian team with oikawa among them.
that's my dream
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lifeofprosperity · 11 months
I make all the excuses on why I am not successful. How can I become successful if everything is against me?
You can have success or make excuses, you can’t have both. It’s normal to face challenges and feel overwhelmed at times, but attributing lack of success solely to external factors or making constant excuses can hinder your progress. To become successful, it’s essential to shift your mindset and take proactive steps towards your goals. Here are some strategies to help you overcome these…
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gwuncan-exhibit · 15 days
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venuslilgirl · 10 months
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I am the type of person to receive millions out of thin air.
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1-ufo · 21 days
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I know I have friends here who absolutely love Simon so I have to update that he needs some good vibes sent his way.
His absolute dumbass one braincelled self has gone and eaten something he was not supposed to and it’s caused an intestinal blockage and he needs to have surgery tomorrow to get it removed.
It’s not surprising. He’s got some PICA tendencies but it IS frustrating and it IS expensive and I’m mad at him for being too stupid for self preservation.
I know he can’t help it. His brain is pea sized. But my god. There’s absolutely no intelligence behind his eyes and now it’s costing me a lot of money to save his dumb life. Hoping he didn’t kill any of his intestines because of this.
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hastalavistarbaby · 7 months
love how Atticus was bad at math but decided to use it for his hyperfixation and proceeded to sell clothes he made for over 100,000 what an icon
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victimized-martyr · 1 year
to what degree do you think Cartman will grow to be a better person?
According to Trey’s commentary in Tsst, it doesn’t take much: Discipline, a firm male figure in his life. And now, implied by the end of Pandemic Special and towards the end of P.C, time away from friends who enable him are the ingredients for a better Cartman.
As little as it takes for him to be grow, it’s also just as easy for him to regress. Liane giving in on one occasion reverted what was months of firm parenting. A stagnant Kyle in P.C spurred Cartman’s paranoia, and reverted him back to his scheming 10 year old ways. He thinks he’s being talked down to and self sabotages out of spite at the end of Future Me. I think also a contributor to his Cartman-ness is how South Park itself doesn’t let him stay good for long, meager as his attempts may be on occasion. He’s the adults’s scapegoat (Bass to Mouth) as well as the Kids’s (Good Times With Weapons). the kids encourage Cartman to retaliate against Pc principal instead of letting him accept detention, and they smash his things while he was sincerely attempting to be PC.
Anyways, Cartman’s demonstrated he can be good in PC— he’s the father he never had, a loving (perhaps overzealous) husband, embracing the religion he’s constantly belittled.
While it was one off gag in Future Me, Cartman was inspired by end of the episode to study and work at his appearance. His future-self was proof that if he really wanted to, he can turn his life around.
He has the capacity to come to to right conclusions, (“should I just apologize to my friends and ask them to take me back, and tell them I was being a selfish jerk? Admit I was wrong and ask for forgiveness?”) He just… doesn’t have the discipline nor the humility to do so. (“Nah, screw that! I’m just gonna keep being a fucking dick!”)
At this point, we’ve experienced both extremes of the spectrum of goodness Cartman lies— his worst as a homeless drunk, the bastard boob-job narcissist he is now, and his best as a self made millionaire, or a family man devoted to his faith, or the obedient little boy who does his homework before school and eats a gay ass grapefruit for breakfast.
It isn’t a question to what degree Cartman can be good, because he’s shown to be good in various ways. The question is whether Mattrey/ the town of South Park will allow him to realize his potential. Given the very recent circumstances of The Hot Dog… well, it remains to be seen.
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idknotgonnapost · 15 days
i’m actually ill think about deleted lalo shower and admiring himself in mirror asking for nacho’s clothes like they ever fit with nacho behind him scene to shirtless with gun he took from nacho’s bedroom and towel over shoulder scene to borrowing nacho’s shirt scene like it’s driving me crazy and the script saying nacho was counting down the hours until lalo was out of his life as lalo walks back to nacho’s bedroom 😭
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