#because their relationship is absolutely based on like
gldnstrngs · 3 days
i respect people who don’t ship merthur but i feel like it cant be denied that, no matter who you ship, merlin was very clearly in love with arthur.
there are so many scenes in the entire show that indicate how merlin feels— even if he doesn’t explicitly say it, he doesn’t have to because his actions show it. plus he says things that either mean “i love you” or more than that.
at first, merlin didn’t like arthur (but also wanted arthur to trust him) and initially followed the prophecy in order to allow magic in camelot again. it’s pretty soon after that, no matter how much they fight, merlin didn’t just want arthur alive because of the prophecy, but also because he cared for him.
that’s shown when merlin and arthur are fighting over who will drink the poisoned cup; one could argue that merlin only did it because of arthur’s fate, but the way he’s absolutely heartbroken when he thought arthur was dead says way more than that. it was never really about the prophecy at that point.
but what solidifies it is the last episode of season one. the scene where merlin goes to check on arthur before he goes to see nimueh will ALWAYS be on my mind because it’s so obviously a love confession.
“i’m happy to be your servant, till the day i die.”
like. bro. the way they stare at each other after that too. and when he sees nimueh and says about arthur— “his life is worth a hundred of mine.” i don’t think merlin was just saying that because of arthur’s destiny, but because he truly genuinely loved arthur so much that he couldn’t stand to see him die.
and this is all in the span of a few months. my boy fell hard fr.
there are so many other scenes i can think of like in season two when arthur and merlin are trying to find balinor and they’re at the inn and in their room. the way merlin was doing a double take when arthur took off his shirt (there’s actually no heterosexual explanation for that💀) was CRAZY (someone pls link fics that are based on that scene bc that was so insane).
or in season 4 when arthur thinks gaius is a traitor (which i also refer to as Merlin’s Tolerate It era) and merlin is so distraught. obviously losing gaius was on his mind but the thought that arthur, the person he had complete and utter fate in and loved, could ever think that gaius would betray him absolutely destroyed him. or when merlin tells arthur that gaius would never betray him… like that’s such a clearly loaded statement where he’s saying “i would never betray you.”
there’s also the fact that in the season four finale merlin makes up all of this lore just so arthur could believe in himself. merlin’s face the entire time is just so telling like that is the face of someone who is so devoted to their lover.
there are so many hints that indicate merlin being in love with arthur like i don’t think it needed to be said outright for the audience to know. i think the both of them being men makes it easier to try to depict their relationship as solely platonic or brotherly, but merlin’s words and actions say otherwise.
i mean, merlin himself says “i use it [magic] for you, arthur. only for you.”
if that isn’t gay, then i don’t know what is.
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sgiandubh · 18 hours
Dear (returning) Considering Anon,
You wrote this and you have been blocked. Again. Fair enough, make as many clones as you wish: I shall not answer anymore.
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You took a hefty chunk of your time only to write this and be read on a very early morning start between urinating and brushing my teeth. I should applaud your dedication, but I won't.
If you wish to insinuate I hacked into their account, you are, once more, laughably wrong:
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As I said, someone from your own camp inadvertently pointed the way:
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Not an approximate payroll - a budget estimate. Two different things, as Claire was not cast at the time. Simple basis for further negotiations and in no way the final figures. Series' renewal was announced on August 15, 2014, 1 (one!) day after the broadcast of the first episode. Any negotiated raise was, therefore, involving both of them and their agents - we also know they 'had each other's back' since very early on - no need for me to further develop, you know exactly what I mean:
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That email was either hacked, or 'erroneous': the twain shall never meet, like Kipling's East and West. Too subtle for you? The appropriate term is 'vague': a vague enough 'we', for me not to base my reasoning on it alone.
Diana Gabaldon 'Erself confirmed the fact that there was not much to do, other than going on with the shooting of Season 1 and certainly no time for any exterior relationships. But hey, why bother, the Screeching Banshees know best, right, since they are happily 'adulting' in their corner (the nerve!).
You guys are always grasping at that paper the way people usually grasp at straws, with zero critical approach towards the many legitimate questions that 'marriage' leaves perfectly unanswered. If all marriage papers in the universe reflected deep love and commitment, we'd probably be living in a perfect, ideal and (between you and me) very boring world. In this case, the mismatch is obvious, a shitload of details do not click, the Happy Couple systematically looks as if pushed to the gallows with bayonets, rather than being a part of glam events, that house still looks, as we speak, emptier than Mrs. Havisham's living room and the commonly 'owned' businesses are, likewise, empty shells (spare one of them and for a very precise reason). And that is just scratching the surface of the itch, darling. Your inability to question whatever you are so opportunistically fed tells me more than you'd certainly want about yourself, that being said.
You are correct, shooting ended yesterday. Perhaps it's time for you to move on and find another obsessive fandom to pounce upon: after all, there are so many interesting series out there! After almost one year and a half in here, I am still amazed at your intolerance and your very credulous conviction that you are somehow doing God's work, every single day, harassing people who dare to think differently, simply because they know differently. And no, unlike you, I am not basing my very firm stance just on the interactions I see between them during promo, two historical trolls ridiculous lies or the social media findings of another obsessed troll.
The comparison between SC pics and Sam/Greedy Driver ones is simply grotesque. Dropping names as Lily (who?) won't make me believe you are one of the insiders, either.
On top of it all, thank you for the wonderful final idiocy:
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Romanian for bustard is 'dropie'. I remember watching them roam near my grandparents' home, many moons ago and can absolutely confirm they do run fast.
You should take heed, Anon. My question for you will always be why. Why are you doing this and exactly what do you hope to achieve?
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viktoriaashleyyx · 1 day
Tw: abuse discussion. This got darker than I planned.
The only reasoning I have found to justify the hatred of Tamlin in this fandom is that it has to be like a Nickelback situation. It's *Fun* to hate the same character. It's a bonding experience to share in the hatred of one entity.
Because objectively speaking, Tamlins abuse of Feyre was fairly mild compared to RhySAnds twisting of her broken arm, offering Claire up to be tortured (no one seems to mention the absolute mental toll this took on Feyre, to see Claire hanging and know it shouldve been her), drugging and humiliating her every night and making her vomit all the food *he sent her.* The weavers cottage, lying to her, reproductive abuse, abusing and meddling in her relationship with her sisters, isolating her to the point where she has no friends outside of his circle, the list goes on.
"Tamlin hit her." No, Tamlin exploded. Rowan closed fist, punched Aelin in the mouth. And yall still stan him.
I'm also brought back to the conversation from years ago: Why do more people hate Umbridge over Voldemort? Because Umbrige (Tamlin) is personal. Most people have an Umbridge in their life, most people have or know of a Tamlin in their life (a man that burries his emotions until they explode), Voldemort (RhySAnd) is a scary bedtime story. Far less people have dealt directly with a genocidal maniac, (more so nowadays with Netanyahu and Isnotreal) or been publicly sexually assaulted while emaciated and imprisoned.
Tamlins abuse is personal while RhySAnds is cartoonish. But what yall fail to realize is that some of us did have a RhySAnd in our lives. Some of us had to stand in front of a court and testify while a picture of our broken bleeding face hung on the screen. Some of us can't forget Book 1 because we don't want others to ignore ours. And some of us never got the chance.
That's why I have more respect for the Haunting Adeline fans, every one of them (that I know of, it can be different based on your experience) will tell you that this shit is dark. It is marketed as dark romance. I will never read it but because of the honesty I have the choice. ACOTAR fans don't have this level of awareness. The fans and the narrative JUSTIFY RhySAnds abuse. They market ACOTAR as a YA feminist book about overcoming adversary. That couldn't be farther from the truth.
That's why I feel some type of way when I get the anons wishing abuse on me for my content. Because I've been there, babygirl, your wish has already been fulfilled, and he had far more in common with RhySAnd than he did with Tamlin.
Don't settle for a RhySAnd, keep looking until you find your Gomez ❤️
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merwgue · 2 days
Why Cassian and Nesta Are the Absolute Worst Match
Let’s just dive right into it: Cassian and Nesta are a disaster waiting to happen, and somehow we’re supposed to believe they’re mates? Seriously, who thought putting these two together was a good idea? Nesta is a complex, emotionally guarded person who needs real support, empathy, and someone who gets that healing isn’t just about beating up some sparring dummies. Cassian’s idea of "help" is throwing her into a training ring and shouting, "Fight harder!"—because, apparently, fighting fixes trauma.
Nesta is someone who carries layers of pain and guilt, and she processes those feelings in her own (admittedly self-destructive) way. What she needs is someone who listens, someone who doesn’t bulldoze through her emotions like a wrecking ball. But Cassian? He’s like, "Oh, you’re feeling bad? Let’s fix that with push-ups!" Right, because emotional trauma is totally cured by physical exhaustion. Genius.
Let’s not forget how Cassian "supports" Nesta at her lowest. The girl is literally drowning in self-hate and using every self-destructive coping mechanism in the book, and what’s his solution? Let’s barely address the real issues and instead focus on getting her into training, or worse, the bedroom. Because clearly, that's what Nesta needs—more physical activity. His so-called "support" is surface-level at best, completely ignoring the depth of Nesta's emotional turmoil.
And can we talk about how the IC somehow acts like this is what Nesta deserves? Like, she’s too difficult, so obviously she needs someone to beat the emotional crap out of her until she comes around. It’s infuriating! All this "Nessian" dynamic does is highlight how misunderstood Nesta is. There’s no actual growth happening between them, just two people constantly clashing and calling it passion.
Sure, there’s chemistry—but you can’t base a healthy relationship on sexual tension alone. The whole thing is like mixing oil and water, shaking it up, and expecting it to magically blend. They’re always going to separate because they’re fundamentally wrong for each other. It’s toxic, plain and simple.
If you ask me, Nesta deserves way better than being paired with someone who treats her healing journey like a military exercise. She needs someone who can meet her on her emotional level, not just in a fight. But, you know, "mating bond" and all that.
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firewasabeast · 5 hours
I don´t think that both (Ryan or Oliver) ever said that Buck and Eddie are just friends when they get asked about Buddie. They both talk around it, imply it, Ryan came close with confirming Eddie is straight but neither of them ever said "there is no romantic or sexual relationship between them and there are not plans, I know off, that there will be" It´s the politcians way of conducting interviews and it´s why I hardly read celebrity interviews. If you can´t answer questions based on canon then I don´t know why I should listen to you. I always hear that they can´t deny anything because they don´t know what will happen but that is such a cop out, I feel. They can focus on the present and say that Buck and Eddie are not in love with each other. That is canon at the moment. Yes, it may not shut up Buddies but it absolutely WILL shut up the interviewer in that moment. There is no room left to further any Buddie conversation when the interview subject straight up said NO
Ryan has said Eddie is straight multiple times, they’ve both talked about the importance of showing male friendship (specifically between a straight man and a queer man). Oliver explicitly stated he didn’t want to fall into the trope of “friend realizes he’s gay and falls for his best friend”. Oliver most recently stated that his character’s bisexuality has nothing to do with Eddie or Tommy.
They’ve both been to media training. They know if they said “never gonna happen, let it go for the love of God!!” They’d have so much shit to deal with it wouldn’t be worth it. They’d get death threats galore, and there would still be people saying “they’re lying cause they can’t tell the truth!! Buddie canon season 9!!” They’d be accused of queerbaiting (which already drove Oliver off twitter), and being homophobic (something that Lou has been accused of, which, like, seriously???)
It’s not that they haven’t said it’s not gonna happen, it’s that certain fans and journalists refuse to listen to what they are saying and believe everything has a hidden meaning when it, in fact, does not. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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ckret2 · 2 days
Decided to shake up the constant Gravity Falls asks on the blog (even though I adore them). What is your favorite transformers continuity? And what's your favorite character from that continuity?
Tough call, but probably IDW1. The comics had room to get expansive in ways the show-based continuities couldn't, and I like that feeling of bigness to the universe. It introduced a lot of my favorite Transformers lore: forged vs cold constructed bots, Functionism (especially as a critique of marrying religion to conservative politics), empurata, really creative uses of holoforms, conjunx endura & amica endura (and queer bots, let's give it up for queer bots!!), the complex network of lost colonies, the idea that the gods definitely officially existed BUT they were just guys, the DJD...
All the work that went into immediate pre-war culture with the turbulent corrupt senate and the corrupt Primes was terrific. LSOTW and SOTW are just so damn good, MTMTE up through Remain In Light was brilliant, and Getaway's coup was great. I'm thrilled we got a look at Cybertron's relationships with the rest of the galaxy and it turns out they're hated, because that makes perfect sense but we never really see that. The post-war politics on Cybertron were really fun. I was skeptical IDW could pull off writing about a post-war Cybertron—I assumed within a year they'd default back to restarting the war—and then that ended up being when the whole series really started to shine.
Introduced some characters I love—Drift, Tarn, Stardrive, Windblade, and Pharma stand out off the top of my head. Amazing artwork, especially whenever Milne had the pen. ABSOLUTELY LOVED seeing Starscream get to rule Cybertron. Even though they had trouble committing to it, I appreciate that they had the balls to make Optimus morph into a well-intentioned villain. Love the tragic former senator Shockwave characterization. Love the lonely logical Prowl who can see the Autobots' flaws too clearly for his own good and in his desperation to compensate for the rest of the army morally compromised his way into becoming the villain. Love horrible amoral Tarantulas with his small shining moments of love and tenderness.
Although by the end it was getting really bloated with other Hasbro property crossovers, I did like some of the crossovers they introduced: GI Joe slid in pretty seamlessly—probably helps that TF & GI Joe crossovers have an established history—and I was surprised a how much I liked Rom. And even though the sheer quantity of crossovers got tedious, the concept of going "they've all been dragged into this story because they were all affected by Cybertron's past colonialism" is GREAT.
Love that they ended the story by swinging from "yay look at all these fun new colonies for us to play with!" to "oh my god the Autobots are colonizers." LOVE that they ended with Unicron—every longform Transformers series could end with Unicron and I probably wouldn't complain—and that they let him eat some planets, let him eat half the cast, LET HIM EAT CYBERTRON... and characterized him not as some random bogeyman but specifically as the karmic vengeance for Cybertron's past colonial crimes. Love that the only way to stop him was not by killing him, but by acknowledging that Cybertron was wrong and showing him compassion.
IDW didn't always get things right with their attempted grand messages about politics and injustice and oppression and colonization—but, hell, even when they didn't quite hit the bullseye I love that they were playing with that dartboard.
Favorite character from IDW is Prowl (albeit not without stiff competition). I'm a gleeful Prowl apologist. Yeah he did those terrible things but he was right tho. I started picking up RID & MTMTE right when Prowl got Devastatored, and that was both the thing that made me go "oh hold on the comics are doing something interesting" and the thing that made me take notice of Prowl as a character for the first time in my life lmao. BIG fan of his messy lovelife. (Personally I go "he's too good for Chromedome" and then ship him with the Constructicons and Tarantulas, who are objectively far worse than Chromedome.) He's endlessly fascinating to me, one of my favorite characters to read and one of my favorite characters to write.
Right up there is Starscream—averaged out across all continuities, Starscream's probably my #1 favorite Transformers character, and IDW Starscream is my favorite Starscream, a perfect blend of the bombastic G1 campy villain and the wary, competent, resilient TFP schemer. And Tarantulas rounds out my top 3, I loved him in Beast Wars and then SOTW 3 happened and I had to stop at nearly every panel Tarantulas was in to go "oh my god, this is canon? They got away with that??" Read like a fanfic in the best possible way. "We were each the muse to the other" still has an iron grip on my heart. "I want YOU. I want US." God. SOTW 3 is a masterpiece of literature. Here, do you want a 130k no-war AU where Prowl and Tarantulas are paranormal investigators together? You can have it. For free.
I just spent a lot of time singing the praises of IDW but shoutout to Armada and Energon/Super Link (I preferred the fansub over the dub) for getting me into Transformers, wouldn't be in this fandom today if not for Starscream's beautifully melodramatic redemption arc in Armada. I'm not saying they're good. I'm saying I love them. Totally different thing.
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cyberclouddream · 1 day
Mercury Signs in the 12th House
Part Two
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Based on signs for Mercury in the twelfth house. Mostly represents behaviors that are unrealized by the native because they’re subconscious or unaware they’re used to mask insecurities.
Click here for Aries through Virgo
Libras get isolated by trying to blend in with everything around them rather than owning their true feelings.
- on the surface they come off approachable, easy to talk to, and genuinely interested in others but they’re just masters at saying just enough to make others think they know them while keeping their real thoughts buried
- bend over backwards to avoid confrontation, but secretly resent that they constantly suppress their own needs
- overanalyze what they say or what other people say to point of jumping to conclusions
- absorb everyone else’s emotionq and dramas but never let anyone else know what they truly feel, since expressing their thoughts scare them
- strong fear of being disliked [ disapproved, disappointing, rejected, abandoned ] leads them to stay quiet in important or opportunistic situations
- act harmonious and diplomatic all the time but deep down they throw mental tantrums because no one truly “gets” what they’re really trying to say
- know how to subtly control conversations and twist situations to maintain the upper hand without getting their hands dirty
- fantasize about perfect relationships and scenarios but are too scared about speaking up on what’s wrong in the real ones
- have a bad habit of saying “i’m fine” no matter how much mental turmoil they’re facing, because they think vulnerability is a weakness
- big or small decisions can leave them trapped in an endless loop of “what if” thinking
- in their head every word has to be carefully chosen to avoid sounding stupid or offending someone, questioning every sentence before it leaves them to their mouth which can result in silence instead of speaking
- they often feel mentally exhausted because their thoughts are never just for them, but filtered through how they think others will react
- often come up with perfect ways to say things but keep it quiet or water it down to the point of it losing its impact
- feel like people would reject them if they knew how they really were so they hide behind pleasant words and shallow conversations
- often feel like its hard to trust their own mind because it constantly plays devil’s advocate with their ideas and thoughts
- rely on others to voice what they’re thinking instead of owning their opinions; may manipulate conversations or guide others to say what they’re too afraid to say themselves
- dodge clear and direct communication because clarity feels risky; often keep things vague or open-ended in case they change their minds later, but can lead them to feel misunderstood and isolation from deep connection
- may struggle with not knowing what they truly believe or think
- often find it hard to start projects or learn subjects because their mind pulls them into multiple directions, away from what’s practical or immediate; their concentration is fragmented
- mentally project their own unspoken real feelings to the point of making others feel responsible for them
- constantly apologizing, often not because they’re truly sorry but because it’s the easiest way to avoid conflict
- have the ability of saying a lot while revealing absolutely nothing about themselves, kinda like speaking like a politician
- prefer literature based on interpersonal dynamics, especially romance and psychology; prefer to read alone
Scorpios feel debilitated by their yearning for vulnerability, yet they fear losing power.
- people may find their way of speaking captivating, or mentally draining, because it feels like it has layers of meaning
- others may feel like they’re untrustworthy because it always seems like they’re holding something back
- can’t stand the thought of being caught of guard so they secretly manipulate situations from behind the scenes, mentally plotting 10 moves ahead
- often feel exhausted because their brain never shuts off from detective mode; they’re always analyzing, digging beneath the surface, and trying to uncover hidden motives; burnt out trying to figure everything out before anyone else does
- often don’t even trust their own mind, analyzing their own thoughts for hidden meanings or motives; often hiding things more than anyone else, especially subconsciously where they can’t decipher easily
- if someone crosses them, on purpose or unintentionally, they won’t know until it’s too late; they mentally keep score and deliver payback when people least expect it
- tend to keep their thoughts and feelings tightly controlled, even for years, where they can suffer in silence alone because many just won’t know the depth of their inner turmoil [ can eventually blow up in very destructive ways ]
- often want others to open up to them about their vulnerabilities, but shut down and retreat when it comes to their own
- they don’t have to say much to control a situation, their presence always feels like it’s watching, calculating, and influencing others to bend to their will, without they themselves even realizing their manipulation
- lock away their most intense thoughts to point of being unable to share them with the ones closest to them
- master of subtext, meaning that they often communicate in riddles, metaphors, and hints because they expect others to read between the lines but when this fails they can end up feeling misunderstood, frustrated, refusing to clarify
- seem detached but internally they’re intensely focused on the emotions and motives of those around them
Sagittarius gets isolated by being like the absent-minded professor with grand ideas yet little follow-through or tact.
- tend to turn conversations into lengthy monologues about abstract concepts that often lead others confused
- often jump from ideas, like going from traveling ideas to the meaning of life
- have a knack for seeing the silver lining in everything, even when it’s completely inappropriate, which can feel like they’re not taking things seriously because they’re too dismissive or naive
- often speak their mind without a filter, and while honesty is admirable it can come off tactless and leave others feeling uncomfortable or exposed
- they often use foreign phrases [ things they picked up from different cultures ] or use esoteric references in their speech, which showcases their love for travel and learning but can alienate others or themselves
- often retreat into their own thoughts to avoid reality, which can lead them to zone out in conversations
- procrastinators with a plan; they come up with great ideas and plans but can drag their feet when it comes to following through with them
- they typically share their experiences in a way that jumps from points without connecting them in easy ways to follow, like missing the punchline or key takeaways
- often focus on what could be rather than what is
- seem curious, like asking probing questions, but act dismissive when it comes to anything deep or emotional
- have inconsistent opinions because their thoughts change frequently, leading others to question their commitment or conviction in ideas, people, or situations
- tend to turn every conversation into a philosophical debate; love to challenge other people’s beliefs for the fun of it, pushing buttons to provoke thought
- their sense of humor is usually unconventional or borderline inappropriate, since they can find humor in the absurd
- often fail to acknowledge practical limitations
- their attention can wander mid-conversation
- can be charming yet inconsistent; people may enjoy their company but feel like they’re unreliable
- often regurgitate information without context
- tend to be interested in the darker side of philosophy, exploring taboo topics that others shy away from; seek truth in uncomfortable places that can either enlighten or alienate others around them
- enjoy playing Devil’s Advocate, especially when it comes to widely accepted beliefs
- often shift between being incredibly optimistic and cynically realistic
- often convey deep truths in a prophetic manner
- use humor as a coping mechanism to navigate the absurdities of life
Capricorns feel isolated by their need to avoid whats emotional or abstract in function.
- tend to approach everything so seriously, in a way that can seem cold or detached
- like mental archivist; really good at retaining details but tend to reference obscure facts or rules
- their internal dialogue is harsh and judgmental, so they can be hesitancy in conversation since they critique their own thoughts before voicing them
- converse with a shield up, wary of criticism so they can sound overly defensive or make others feel like they’re walking on eggshells around them
- often alienate others who seek empathy or connection because they tend to dismiss emotional expressions as too impractical
- prefer to watch and analyze than actively participate in discussions
- hard to see visionary or dreamy side of them because they heavily weight their big ambitions with practicality
- their sense of humor is often sarcastic and dry; it can sound harsh or uninviting
- often feel like they’re not qualified enough to voice their thoughts, like imposter syndrome
- analyze everything to the last detail before engaging in discussions, which can lead to them being paralyzed by overthinking
- chronic pessimist, focusing on pitfalls and obstacles in every situation
- rarely let their complex thoughts or emotions show
- often have long pauses or overly rehearsed speech
- can come off condescending because they overly critical at times, or at least sound that way when they’re giving practical insights
- often turn conversations towards what could go wrong rather than what can go well
- prefer to process their thoughts internally than aloud, so they can come off withdrawn or uninterested in social interactions; others can see them as unfriendly or detached when they’re simply deep in thought or think better in solitude
- have no problem delivering the hard truths, which can make them seem brutally honest and blunt
- speak softly but when they speak it has a certain weight to it that it compelling, even if the delivery is understated
- often use dark humor as a coping mechanism
- when they share their experiences or engage in storytelling they often focus on the facts than the feelings involved
- good at adapting their communication style to their audience, but this can make it seem like they have a facade
- often question established norms or beliefs
- tend to feel like they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, so often steer conversations towards topics related to duty and obligation
- often reflect on the past and draw lessons from them in conversation, which can make discussions feel nostalgic or stuck in time rather than moving forward
Aquarius get debilitated by their unconventional, and sometimes bizarre, way of approaching conversations and problems.
- often have unconventional ideas that others find bizarre since it veers off the beaten path
- often voice radical opinions because of their strong desire to challenge the status quo
- their way of speaking is often filled with abstract concepts and metaphors
- often shift between being optimistic about the future and cynical about humanity
- their sense of humor is probably quirky and offbeat, coming off as the “wild card” in conversations; some may find it hilarious while others find it strange or inappropriate
- often retreat into their own thoughts because they’re more comfortable analyzing conversations or their own thoughts in solitude
- question everything, even ideas others accept without hesitation
- often have great ideas about how to improve the world but struggle to put them into action
- approach conversations with a logical and almost clinical way, which can lead to emotions feeling dismissed, as they prioritize rationality over empathy
- probably excel in digital communication, finding it easier to express their thoughts through technology than face-to-face, which can create gaps in personal interactions
- often express conflicting thoughts in the same breath
- their storytelling may jump from one topic to the other without warning
- may find it hard to articulate their bold dreams clearly
- they ask a lot of questions but their curiosity seems impersonal, like they’re more interested in collecting information than genuine engagement
- tend to feel overwhelmed by all the knowledge they collect without sorting or using well
- often drift into musing about abstract and philosophical topics
- often speak passionately about social issues but have an unconventional approach to them
- tends to provoke thought and debate by challenging societal norms and intellectual conventions, which can create friction with those who value stability and tradition in conversations
- the depth of their brilliance often lies beneath the surface, where most may never see
- they can come off socially awkward because the bring deep philosophical discussions into casual conversations
- may create their own slang or unique way of expressing that few understand
- may have underlying anxieties about how their thoughts are perceived by others, under their confident detachment
- often present solutions that others find impractical to implement or even discuss
Pisces feel isolated because of their perspectives that transcend reality and logic.
- their mind often drifts into fantasy, making it hard to stay grounded in reality
- express their thoughts from an intuitive place which can make it hard for others who prefer straightforward dialogue or logic
- their speech can shift rapidly depending on their feelings, which can lead to moments of clarity followed but confusion
- tend to speak with abstract metaphors and poetic language
- when faced with uncomfortable truths they may retreat daydreams or fantasies
- often pick up on subtle emotions and underlying currents in conversation, which can help others feel seen but may overwhelm them if the feelings are too intense
- their thoughts can be easily swayed by others due to their empathetic nature
- often drawn to discussions about spirituality, mysticism, and the metaphysical
- adapt their speech to mirror those around them, which can make it hard to pin down their true beliefs or personality
- their humor tends to be whimsical and unpredictable, rooted in surreal observations that others may struggle to find to understand their comedic perspective
- may find mental clarity when there’s confusion or chaos; good at articulating thoughts amid chaotic situations
- often hesitate to express their thoughts out of fear of invalidation or not being accepted
- often tell stories in ways that seem to blur the lines between reality and imagination
- tend to be interested in obscure subjects like astronomy, mythology, and the paranormal
- often approach issues in a non-linear way, providing innovative ideas that others may not consider
- often struggle with sensory overload, especially in conversations
- tend to dwell on abstract concepts and existential questions
- express their thoughts more through feelings than words, like a lyrical communicator
- often have flashes of insight that seems lime divine inspiration
- their advice may lean more towards emotional support rather than practical solutions
- often prefer to remain quiet in groups and absorb the the energy and dynamics rather than participate
- their mind is like a battleground of conflicting thoughts that may spill into their speech
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eyedoeluhn · 1 day
Surprise, I think Brocktons celestial forge is handling characters badly. I don’t think the current “main pairing” (used loosely as possible since it’s one date) for our main character, Joe, is good. At all.
Crystal/Joe is at best extremely bland and basically nonexistent in the ideal platonic form of BCF that exists in a plane of perfect forms. In the real world I think it’s pretty creepy and Joe is also a massive piece of shit.
For context, to those uninitiated to BCF Joe is an ‘oc’ based off of a canonical character who is mentioned in one line and never named or expanded on. Specifically he is the man who attended college with Parian and contributed to her trigger by pressuring her to date him. That is a can of worms for another post because my god is this a terrible decision and Parian is handled fucking horribly. But LordRoustAbout has taken it on himself to expand with details on this event.
there’s an attempt to make Joe sympathetic, his perusal of Parian was fueled partially by a total social ineptitude and the spurring of his classmates, and he also found the entire situation harmful and ended up dropping out partially related to this and it tied into his own trigger event. Which….alright, whatever. But this did leave Joe with an aversion to romance and also apparently an incurable inability to understand it beyond bare minimums despite eight million powers related to it. This came up several times as online shipping is a major concern for Lord and thus Joe, but he didn’t have a love interest until Crystal.
The dissolution of New Wave is a major part of BCF. Frequently we have paused to see their points of view on how much of a big deal this is. In short, Joe, in a move at the time was unilaterally acknowledged as really fucking stupid but then he now pretends wasn’t his fault, confronts Panacea after arming the Undersiders for the bank job which went significantly worse for the Wards. He acknowledges he’s the person who did this, then goes on a long rant about what his ‘fanon shard’ has told him and trigger theory, basically bringing up Panacea’s actual father but more importantly the fact that there’s been infidelity within New Wave. This entire conversation is recorded and gets back to them. This is consequentially a huge fucking deal and is also timed just right to fuck over a lot of New Wave’s operations just in time for shit to get serious. So the city is fucking falling apart and basically looks like the Leviathan decided to pop in early with eight million effects, and Crystals entire family (yes including Lightstar, it was bad enough that he moved all the way back just to try and mediate the situation)is actively also falling apart, and these are both directly Joe’s fault. Now, you say, well to be nice to Joe it’s not his fault that Brandish and Manpower fucked or anything. Which is true, he didn’tcause the rift, but he is the one who voluntarily instigated the situation it for literally no reason for what became the worst possible moment, and is now not telling Crystal this.
Joe has met Crystal around three times, once in college, once at an event where she asks him out because he’s so hot and once on a date. The amount of stress Crystal is under as both her family life and her life in Brockton literally falls apart at the seams is pretty blatantly clear. Joe just does not fucking care. He does not find it that weird that he’s lying to this woman to date her about not knowing intimate details about her life or interfering with it. She has absolutely no idea Joe is the fucking maniac terrorizing her city or is the guy who got her cousin locked up for this entire time and destroyed her position as a cape either. She is completely oblivious, which I find extremely fucking weird.
Also this is WORM. Crystal is like, eighteen, nineteen or something like that. The most generous possible aging of Joe is in his early twenties. I think literally every part of this relationship gives me the creeps. I want Joe to stay far away from her.
Oh, and the date chapter produced what for me personally is in the running for one of the worst moments in all of BCF.
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What. The. Fuck.
Joe. What the FUCK is wrong with you?
the entire city is a fucking warzone because of him. Until like, five minutes ago, there was active lava flow, giant streaks of frozen land, FUCKING GLASS SHARD CLOUDS. Half the city is under a field that blocks all electrical devices from fucking working, there’s giant craters and the Protectorate, New Wave, PRT, police department, hospitals, and firefighters were all targeted during the attacks so they’re operating at half fucking capacity with a million other problems that are half because Joe didn’t want to use more than one robot (DESPITE SHOWING HE COULD INSTANTLY FABRICATE MORE HIS FIRST OUTING) and half things he could fix instantly but chooses to not, and one hundred percent things directly attributed to him.
So, Brook here is telling Joe about the fact that she is fucking volunteering with multiple groups to raise funds and help the community in this absolute fucking mess that he caused, a completely normal COLLEGE STUDENT (Joe is a fucking dropout) with NO POWERS who is doing MORE THAN JOE EVER HAS to help these people
and his first instinct is to snark that obviously her major is easy.
YOU DROPPED OUT. You lazy, malicious piece of shit are going to sit here and give this woman shit for cleaning up your mess. You aren’t fucking funny. You’re evil, frankly, and this entire date pains me to read. This isn’t funny. This isn’t endearing. I don’t feel happy that Joe is being ooh relatable he’s getting snippy. I feel frustrated that he’s avoided any meaningful effort to anything positive and then regards this random person who’s been perfectly nice to him and is frankly an incredible human being with derision.
fuck you joe. Jesus Christ.
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bomber-grl · 3 days
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Grell Sutcliff Dating Hc! —☆⋆。𖦹🖇️
Pairing(s): Grell Sutcliff x Gn!Reader
Disclaimer! I’ve only watched the anime and I’m semi aware of how she’s mischaracterized (according to others(?)) in it in comparison to the manga. So, these hc are solely based on the anime
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We’ve seen how she is when she’s interested in someone and so just imagine her in an actual relationship 💀
She’s constantly fonding over you at minimum and spouting profanities you’d rather not have to hear again at most
I mean the fact you’re together is obviously because you matched her freak
Anyway, the more surface level of her personality is her constant coddling, hugs, and overall lovey dovey self
If anything it’s just her reaction to hot people which i can’t even blame😭
Now, if you’re more shy leaning Grell thinks you’re so cute
The urge to trap you in a bone crushing hug deepens immensely
However, if you’re more bold and straightforward she’ll really play into it
Again, everyone just disregards when she’s like this so she really falls head over heels x 2
And if you pick her up? Deceased x2
Obviously she’s glad to have you around for practically forever if you’re a divine being but if you’re human
The angst 😭
You’re the first person she’s every genuinely connected with and felt understood by
Especially with her identity
So I imagine you dying had crossed her mind a few times before but the thought was too painful to ever actually continue thinking it
So the day that she saw your name amongst the people she had to kill- two words
Mental breakdown
Either you choose to die by her hand or kys to become a grim reaper, literally the only solutions
It’s like that one audio where it’s like “bye Abby, I’ll see you when you wake up, and if you don’t wake up, I’ll still see you cause I’m gonna meet you in heaven or whatever
Sorry I just realized these are supposed to be relationship hc and not so gruesome 😭
Anyway, regardless of your race (?) Your relationship is still very much existent and there’s nothing grell or you could do about it
I mean I mighttt be going boarderline ooc like the the far depths sort of level but if you’re in a committed relationship and anyone alludes to you trying to leave her
Let’s just say we hope they don’t or she’ll be extra possessive to a crazy extent💀
Also if you’re constantly surrounding yourself with grell then you’re bound to interact with Ciel and his lot
So what I’m trying to say is, you’re like that one stereotypical couple with over the top PDA where it’s sickening to them
Also if you don’t like it (pda) she’ll be a bit sad but she’ll try to respect it
Now if you’re a romantic she’s constantly happy
Especially when you go out on a picnic, get her nice things and do silly things like carry her
Despite these “happier” moments there’s eventual solemn topics (like her death) that she talks about with you
I mean she’s sharing personal things with someone she trusts but it’s still nervwrecking
Also, you Can’t tell me Grell wouldn’t absolutely defend you with her life(?)
Even if it ends with her being trampled 💀
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nashvillethotchicken · 8 months
I wish there were more black people who were into iwtv so I can talk about how Louis's class and race interests intersected
#iwtv#amc iwtv#iwtv 2022#its so crazy cus hes from a rich lightskin family in new orleans#like he says hed be a free man of color (not black) if not for jim crow#the intraracial dynamics of new orleans pre-1970 is so genuinely interesting to me and we never get to really get into them bc louis spends#all his time with white/nonblack people and when he is with his black daughter its different bc theyre so isolated from the great black com#like louis was absolutely in jack n jill as a kid. hed be in a blue vein society. hed be an alpha based off his name alone like#hes the black bourgeois class and its so crazy that people say hes middle class in fanworks like no babe. they had darkskin servants#i think it also stems from people relating blackness to poorness. ldpdl is not poor in any sense of the word#he inherented a literal plantation!!!! but because hes black people downplay his class interests (except for other black people)#yknow who really was poor? lestat! like eating syrup sandwiches with the lights and water cut off by the city poor#and yet people act like he grew up hyper rich in fanworks and its like... thats not what happened#you can talk about how jim crow and white supremacy squashed/manipulated the black elite class in nola while acknowledging louis' class#like they both came into the relationship with money (louis' money might have been shorter than lestats#but they still had money)#ldpdl#like i would even wager that louis family dont even consider themselves black like that#cus blackness is defined by whiteness and since louis spends all his time with white people bc of his business hes treated as and sees him-#self as black in a way that his family isnt. theyre only black when theyre made black if that makes sense#theyre black when white people are around
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razzledazzletrassh · 2 months
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no major fic updates just yet guys TAKE MY WOY OC I MADE LIKE. April of last year IM PLUGGING SOME INFO ABOUT THIS GUY IN THE TAGS.
I may also redesign her soon or something. Make her more bug-like with some stuff. I can cook guys let me cook !!!
#THIS IS VAL !!!! dubbed her as a he/she er..#I have lore about this guy and his homeplanet Amore and the Lovebugs..#all that’s really important to know is that ive based the worldbuilding for Amore around svtfoe’s mewni#design wise mostly. I’ll emphasize.#in terms of the societal parts of Amore the kingdom kinda flourishes in the arts of all sorts and trade within the kingdom it goes crazay…#they were pretty closed off from the rest of the galaxy though. like their tech and stuff is pretty outdated compared to most of the other-#planets with atleast escape ships and all that fun stuff.#foreshadowing#ANYHOW lovebugs are silly guys I think of them as like weird hedonistic freaks of sorts#they have very big dionysus worshipping energy to them just to give a perspective#and of course they prioritized relationships and the different forms of love#romance actually wasn’t even the big thing that built the kingdom#it was more like a love for community and friends#which is also kinda silly because of the monarchy aspect to Amore and all that#OH ALSO these guys go absolutely crazy with fashion and makeup. gender isn’t a major thing in the kingdom in my eyes#you WILL serve cunt!! /silly#WORLDBUILDING ASIDEEE Val was the prince to the kingdom and was set to be the heir to the throne#the designs are like three different route ideas ive had for Val#the first is just a baseline design so like. pre amore‘s destruction from dominator#the second is like a good ending design of sorts to my ideal lineup for a season three for woy with val continuing to embrace the lovebugs-#history and culture even with Amore gone and a good portion of her people#and the third. is a bit hard to describe because it’s more of an au but it’s just a concept idea I had of Val teaming up with Dom#(it would be short lived like probably a few months max so dw)#and silly note i joked about the idea of val being an ex to peepers BUT I WANNA DEVELOP THAT MORE BEFORE I SHARE.#tap into that this may be cringe but i am free mindset or something slash silly TEEHEE#BUT YEAH Val’s just a silly gal in my heart and soul no matter what. ive missed her a lot i wanna work on fics with him and especially to-#develop more stuff for Amore and the Lovebugs before Dominator’s destruction of the planet#BUT YEAH i wanna Val post more. go into depth for their dynamic with the other characters and all that#I may cook some more stuff with him once I get these stargazing fics all set and whatnot SO WE’LL SEE!#also /nf but if anyone would wanna ask questions about val/amore/lovebugs ask away I’d love to answer any questions! 🥺
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inkykeiji · 6 months
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void-botanist · 7 months
Rose's Kiss Week Day 5: Lonely
OCs: Marcus Asalun (aka Anchesh Pabat) and Gren Orech-Pabat
Words: 1335
Content warnings: mentions of family health issues
Notes: this takes place six months after Anchesh married his last spouse, human himbo Gren.
At the other end of the sofa, Gren sighed for the tenth time in as many minutes.  He was staring off at the other end of the room, chin propped up in one big hand, and more than likely didn’t even realize he sounded so despondent.  
“How are you doing?” Anchesh asked.
“I’m fine.  It’s just lonely without Yera.”
Probably it was best not to talk too much about Yera, because Gren would only get sadder if he started thinking about why Yera was out of town and how stressed she must be.  Instead Anchesh put aside his knitting.  
“I’m probably not as good at cuddling as Yera,” he said, moving to the cushion next to Gren, “but I’m here.”
Gren instantly pivoted and deflated into his lap, settling one cheek against his thigh and a hand over his knee.  Today Gren’s hair was held in a bunlike fold with just an alligator clip, which Anchesh gently pulled out and set on the open cushion beside him.  Then he combed his fingers back through Gren’s loose locks.
“I feel bad being lonely,” Gren murmured.  “Her family needs her way more than I do, and I’m not alone here.”
“You’re her family too,” Anchesh answered in the same low tone.  “And it doesn’t feel the same, not having her here.”
“Yeah.”  Gren squeezed his leg a little, like he needed something to cling to.  
Anchesh let Gren’s hair slip through his fingers over and over, massaging Gren’s scalp with each draw.  Truth be told, he was worried about Yera too.  She would be fine, unless her father got worse.  He probably wouldn’t die, not yet, but the wondering and waiting felt unsettling enough for him at home—it must be awful for her.  She was right to have the rest of them stay behind, except Hossan, because sooner or later they’d all be at loose ends and end up making her feel worse.  But he still wished he could be there to hold her and talk to her, probably just the same as Gren.  
“Maybe I don’t spend enough time with the rest of you,” Gren said suddenly.  “Especially you.”
“I don’t mind how much time you spend with Yera and Hossan,” Anchesh answered.
“Yeah, but—” Gren rose from his lap, slowly enough that he didn’t pull his own hair in Anchesh’s hands.  With his hair pushed behind his ears, he said, “I’m your husband too.  And you don’t get tired of me like Pali does.  I would leave you alone if you wanted me to but you’ve never told me to do that.”
Anchesh handed him the alligator clip.  “I mean, I’m happy to spend more time with you.  I just don’t want you to worry too much about it.”
Gren stared at nothing while he smoothed his hair back into a ponytail and clipped it there.  Then he continued looking at some spot further down the sofa.  “Anchesh...do you love me?”
It was a serious question that deserved a serious answer, but Anchesh was distracted by the plaintiveness of Gren’s voice.  Had this been worrying him for the last six months?  
Gren waited two seconds before adding, “Not like you love Yera or Umedes, but...”
He took Gren’s hand from his lap, and Gren looked up.  “I do love you, Gren.  You’re my friend.  And my husband.  And I’m glad I married you.”
“Really?”  He didn’t seem entirely convinced.
“Really.  I would have married you just for Yera and Hossan, but I like having you around too.  You’re so bright, and lovely, and you always make sure we have what we need.  And—”
“I think Pali does that.”
“Pali doesn’t keep everyone upbeat,” Anchesh said.  “And she’s definitely not good at making sure we all rest, especially not herself.  I think she’s gotten more sleep in the six months you’ve been here than she has since I married her.”  Gren didn’t say anything, so he kept going.  “We need someone who’s as thoughtful as you are.  I need someone who is.”  An almost melancholy gratitude welled up in him, and he tried to figure out how to put words to it.  He wasn’t sure that Gren understood how much he made life more bearable.  He wasn’t sure any of his spouses did, even though he didn’t know where he’d be without them.  He loved all of them, and he needed all of them, and on some level he needed Gren, the only one who wasn’t at least a little wrapped up in politics and particularities, most of all.  He put his other hand over Gren’s.  “You mean a lot to me, Gren.”
“Do you think you could say that more?  Not that, but like, ‘I love you’?”
When was the last time he’d told Gren he loved him?  Even if he didn’t remember exactly, he had a feeling it had been days, or weeks.  He’d decided without thinking about it that Gren didn’t really need to hear it, and he definitely didn’t need to hear it from him, arguably Gren’s least favorite spouse aside from Pali.  
“Of course I can,” he said, rubbing his thumb over the back of Gren’s hand.  “I’m sorry I haven’t said it very much.”
“It’s okay.”  Gren put his other hand on top of Anchesh’s.  Then he dropped his cheek against Anchesh’s shoulder.  
“You know you can always tell me about your feelings,” Anchesh said.
“You don’t tell me about yours,” Gren said.  “Except in bed, kinda.”
“Do you want to know about my feelings?”
“Yes!”  Gren lifted his head and his face was all exasperation.  “I know I don’t understand all of the things you do but I can understand how you feel!”
“Most of my feelings aren’t good.”  And it would be cruel to burden someone like Gren with them.
“I still want to know,” Gren said.  “I just want to be there for you, but I never know what’s going on with you.”
He’d given up on being there for Gren because it was obvious Gren didn’t need him, and he couldn’t keep track of the constantly shifting world he lived in with Yera and Hossan.  “While Yera and Hossan are gone, maybe we should focus on that.  Being there for each other.”
“I’d like that.”  Gren’s eyes fell to their hands, and Anchesh thought he could see a blush rising in his cheeks.  “I’d also like to kiss you more.”
“You can kiss me whenever you want.”  He felt like he meant that the most of anything he’d said so far.  Gren raised his head and went straight to softly touching his lips to Anchesh’s, his mustache tickling at Anchesh’s smooth-shaven upper lip.
On the next kiss his hand caressed the curve of Anchesh’s neck, and then he untangled his other hand from Anchesh’s and threw both arms around his neck, and when that apparently wasn’t enough he broke the kiss and fully straddled Anchesh’s thighs, hunching a little to reach his lips.  Anchesh tilted his head further back in turn, feeling the pleasant tension of his horns pressing against the back of the sofa.  Despite his position, Gren didn’t seem like he was trying to be seductive.  He kissed Anchesh to savor him, like he was fresh water on Gren’s parched tongue, a tongue carefully exploring the contours of Anchesh’s.  He was in no rush, and his skin was warm against Anchesh’s where they touched, Gren’s feet pressed against his knees, hands along the edge of his neckline, soft lips drinking him in.  Anchesh let his hands run back over Gren’s thighs, his hips, to the bare, fuzzy skin at his midriff, and held on there.  
When Gren pulled back at long last, his breath was edged with gasps, and so was Anchesh’s.
“I love you, Anchesh.  I love you so much.”
Without a word, they pulled each other close, Anchesh wrapping his arms around Gren’s back as he leaned forward to press his cheek against Gren’s shoulder.
“I love you too, Gren.”
RKW taglist: @vacantgodling @jezifster @kk7-rbs
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 8 months
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archersartcorner · 1 year
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Thought of an AU awhile ago where Weatherall n Prilbus somehow manage to survive and team up to enact both their desired revenges against Norman and Skip, didn’t draw anything for it then but saw a recent post in the tags that reminded me of it (op of that post if u see this, I am shaking ur hand rn!!!!!!!!) so here’s a thing! It feels so so unlikely that this would happen in canon but it ALSO feels like some absolute whack sci-fi plot twist that COULD happen ykwim? Some “I AM your father” ass bs LMAO
#my art#described#dimension 20#dimension 20 a starstruck odyssey#a starstruck odyssey#norman takamori#skip takamori#king prilbus#gust weatherall#gust is cognizant and aware but his physical body is pretty much being kept alive solely by Prilbus. like this is a VERY life or death kind-#-of symbiosis for the two of them.#I also just thematically like the idea of like. Norman and Skip having this symbiotic relationship through a mutual respect and potentially-#-love (platonic or romantic) they have for one another. then gust and Prilbus also have this symbiotic relationship but far more based on a-#-shared violent goal. and both absolutely have intentions to betray the other when their goals have been met. Prilbus thinking he’ll fully-#-take over gust’s body and gust preparing to force Prilbus out of his head (even knowing that could kill him).#just the dichotomy of two symbiotic relationships but one is based on a mutual love and respect and the other is based on mutual violent-#-desires… again something something love prevails something something theme of openness and vulnerability being a sign of strength etc.#but also I love angst. and Norman and Skip being captured and Skip being snatched away from Norman. just putting consistent cold damage on-#-Norman until Skip decides he has to leave because he doesn’t want Norman to keep getting hurt trying to protect him…#Skip being scared and cold and alone again. but at least Norman won’t keep being hurt because of him.#honestly this angst doesn’t even specifically pertain to this au. like it could be anyone or anything else doing that. but that’s where it-#-fits in in my head lmao. I am severely off my medication#don’t wanna do class assignments and finals. just wanna think about norm and Skip forever.
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