#because that would've been a doozy
khookn · 11 months
I’ve been lurking your account for awhile and really like your Clone High oc!!! Can we get some more info/lore?
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I'M SOOO EXCITED YOU WANT TO HEAR MORE ABOUT MY SUN TZU CLONE OH!!! Sorry if this isn't very clear it's because I'm not good with this sort of stuff I've had since August so like I got so so much
His inspiration stems from a lot of things like my irl friends, him being the opposite of Confucius, other stuff and a bit of the clonefather himself so yeah it's a doozy how much I got.
So, baseline is because he's a clone of the war general, strategist and philosopher I was like "yeah no this dude would mostly be a gamer for stuff that requires strategy and winning like League of Legends (I'm sorry)", I pin him as the type of gamer who'd have hundreds of games on steam clocking no less than 300 hours each and has a huge variety of stuff he plays but he can't stand some like minecraft because the world is too vast for him. Also he likes playing his games ranked and he's a rather good sport in games.
So like you know the shadow government right, like because Sun Tzu is one of those clones who in fact inherited the talents of their clonefathers and is able to utilize it really well, they're like "ohhh shit he could actually be like the legendary general of his clonefather" but he doesn't care at all he uses whatever tactic and strategy and psychology wit he inherited into gaming.
He's a pretty well known name because he's insane when it comes to gaming and winning esports competitons and whatnot so it brings to Confucius right because Confucius would've caught wind of it and want to grab him to do podcasts with him, in attempts to buttering Sun into doing so he got attached and clingy along the way and his entire dynamic with Sun just wound up being that because Sun doesn't actually have that many friends thanks to his gaming hyperfixation.
And like upbringing is,,, how do I put this
His upbringing like, his foster parents right, is different from confu in the sense I want it to be a household where he feels loved despite not having shown it because everyone's got their own boundaries. In my head, dad, mom, 3 triplet brothers so his dad looks like dude nukem, mom is a psych op, brothers look like replica toy soldiers, navy, airforce and field soldier respectively. The reason why he just wound up being a gamer was due to hand me downs from his brother and he got so hyperfixated at it he'd rather do nothing but that. Like he has nothing to do with the theme and aesthetic his family got like it's to the point the interior of the house is hella military heavy and shit and if you go into sun tzu's room it's soundproofed RTX light hell. Organized mess setup.
His personality I'd say is very blunt and direct, doesn't really care about his image, he's mellow but has a rather hyperactive side to him too, his temper is rather calm nerve but can be flicked like a switch but it's so hard to really do so but if he's angered he's sure to actually scare people without having to raise his fists. He knows how to talk people into submission and such if he really has to I think. His gaming addiction certainly did stunt or inhibit a lot of aspects in him but he doesn't really mind it as long as he has fun.
He's the kind of guy who'd be good at everything he does pretty easily but it doesn't seem to matter because like all he does is play video games for like bajillions of hours so it's not like it's really going to go anywhere but there so he's like, someone you know has potential but depending on how, or well, how the shadow government sees it is wasted potential.
He's super camera shy and has stage fright so he's not very good at performing for a crowd, he's also cursed whenever it comes to being in a camera because whenever his picture gets taken it wounds up scary or blurry and he's unable to fake a smile for the camera and while he likes taking pictures it's just that pictures taken by him are often garbage too like, when he takes food pics, it's AFTER he's eaten so people won't even be able to tell what he has eaten and that he just generally doesn't give that much thought into it either.
Few additional quirks include that he's aroace, he could actually get in shape very easily if he wanted to but since he's sitting on a gaming chair most of the time he just wound up tubby, if he were to exercise it's freakishly quick but he can also return to being chubby too. He's also severely addicted to G-Fuel even if it doesn't really work with him.
In regards to gaming he's able to not sleep for days at a time just to play over the sheer will but in turn he would have to sleep a lot when he's completely tired like he's THAT PASSIONATE (addicted).
Idk if this is understandable or anything but wow this is a word wall but I know I have a lot more than that I'm just not used to doing text posts. I'd be happy to answer other stuff regarding him!
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lunarspiral1127 · 5 months
X-Men 97 episode 5 *SPOILERS*
The interviews
The reporter seemed nice and doesn't act like a typical controversial one. And, seeing Beast blush was adorable. But, Scott's interview was a doozy. What he said when he lashed out, well....he ain't wrong. I just thought Magneto would be the one to say those things, not Scott. Still, not wrong.
Jean/Scott/Madelyn/Logan drama
UGH! I hate love triangles that bring out so much stress and drama. And, I'm worried that Jean and Scott will break up because of the crap Mr. Sinister pulled. I wasn't expecting Jean to kiss Logan, and it was HIM who told her to go talk to Scott. Despite his feelings, he's still trying to be respectful to their relationship. But, seriously, Jean, why did you kiss him?!
Then apparently, Scott and Madelyn were checking up on each other telepathically, which I get why Jean would be mad at that. But, Madelyn during her time at the mansion WAS Jean and Scott thought that was her! They're the same! At least they were? Then again, they're in contact for a month and Jean kissed Logan once....UGH! I hate this drama. SINISTER THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!
Beautiful. It was a paradise for mutants. They deserve this. The gala looked pretty, I liked the statues of Charles and Magneto, I was not expecting the Hellfire Club to be a part of this council cause I don't trust them (especially the crap they pulled in the previous show). Lots of cameos from other characters that I couldn't keep track on, but the place was lovely. It's a shame though on what happened later on....
This lovely, precious German Christian man. 🥰 I love Nightcrawler and I'm glad to see him in this show. The original voice actor who played him in the previous show still does a great job voicing him. And, he approves of Gambit and Rogue (adopted sister) being together, so that's extra bonus points. He got a new look compared to his previous one, but I still like it. Then when the massacre happened, I was so worried that he was gonna die. Thank goodness he survived, but I hate seeing him so hurt.
Gambit/Rogue/Magneto drama
I hate this love triangle SO MUCH! We get an explanation on how Rogue and Magneto got together, and I'm questioning how old she was when they first met and whether Magneto was influencing her in a bad way. Either way, still don't like this ship. Even when them dancing looked good animated, I STILL don't like it. Plus, it still doesn't make sense cause they've been against each other in the previous show, where there was no signs of the two having that past relationship.
Anyway, I'm glad Rogue finally told Gambit the truth, and I feel so bad for him. But, he knew what she wanted and how much it hurt, even going as far as to distance himself, which he showed a lot of emotional maturity, so respect to that. But, that thing where he'll lead Genosha if Rogue stays as his "queen"? DA FUQ?! Look, I like Magneto, but I did not like that. Still wish Rogue could've gotten one of those collars to nullify her powers so that she can touch Gambit. Would've solved a lot of drama, just saying.
I was SO relieved though, that Rogue said that he was right, and rejected Magneto, but I wish she could've done that without kissing him right where Gambit can see it. Either way, it seemed like she'll choose Gambit and not stay with Magneto in Genosha, THANK GOD!
So, you think this would be the end of that love triangle right? Well, yes and no? Cause what happened afterwards hurt like hell.
Genosha Massacre
So, a giant Master Mold thing showed up, killing mutants and destroying Genosha. It was cool seeing Cable again trying to stop it and seeing his mom after so long, which is a glimmer of hope but I'll get to that later. So, many people died. Sebastian Shaw, Calypso, Banshee, Marrow, pretty sure that was Dazzler or Moira not sure, and three more that hurt me so much.
Magneto. Okay, I may not like that love triangle, but I didn't hate the guy. Dude was fighting that Sentinel with a train as a whip, that was pretty cool. And, he tried to protect the Molocks. He tried to protect Leech! He got Rogue and Gambit out of the way. What hurt the most was he told Leech not to be afraid IN GERMAN! Again, didn't want him to die. Although, I wished he could've used his magnetism to push the Molocks away like he did with Rogue and Gambit, but nope. They all died!
Leech. Precious innocent Leech. He was just a kid, man! And, he got to hang out with other mutants his age. He was making friends. Only for this to happen. And, not a lot of people talk about Leech and what happened to him. But, I liked him, and that hurt.
And, finally, the one that hurt the most.....Gambit.....Remy.
He went out like a hero. He sacrificed himself to destroy that Sentinel from killing even more mutants. "The name's Gambit, mon ami. Remember it." Well, now we know why this episode is called Remember It, cause it was Gambit's last words. And, if that wasn't enough, Rogue holding onto him, crying over his body, finally able to touch him....only to not feel him.
THAT. FREAKING. HURT. SO. BAD!!! 😭 Gambit was one of my favorite X-Men characters, and I legit was crying seeing that end. It really hurt to see that happen to him, but at least he went out saving people. However! There is that slight glimmer of hope! Cable. He tried to go back to stop this, who's to say he won't try again? Time travel shenanigans will happen and he can team up with Bishop and the rest of the X-Men to prevent this from happening. It happened many times before, it can happen here. And, maybe, just maybe, Gambit, Leech, Magneto, and all those people won't have to die. This may the denial talking, but I'll be so pissed if Gambit's dead and he Rogue won't be together for good anymore, cause that would be bullcrap.
God, how am I gonna be okay when we're getting Storm and Forge vs. The Adversary next week?! And, jeez, if things keep up like this, Storm is gonna return to the whole mansion on fire. I can't imagine what her and everyone's reactions are gonna be when they find out about Gambit and even Magneto.
Anyway, good episode. Much better than last week's. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go find a way to cope from all of that.
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onlyancunin · 3 months
5 comfort characters
@judasiskariot tagged me and for that I thank you, darling! 🖤
It's gonna be a doozy so unless someone's really interested, feel free to skip. And yes, all my "comfort characters" have themes of trauma and revenge.
Astarion Ancunin - I think my url might've given it away; his story resonates with me in terms of struggling with intimacy post sa and experiencing the isolating loneliness that comes along with trauma incomprehensible for others. And also the world is a vile place and I say let it burnnn, baby! I must say I really had to think long and hard about the rest, but judging by what I like to come back to when in stress:
Dean Winchester - resonating with the trauma and/or complicated feelings coming from being the older sibling that's supposed to "save" the younger one, despite being unable to. And having a thing for drinking and/or isolating myself when the troubles hit. Also my 11 yo cat is literally called Cas lmao, he's equal part apex predator and fluffy dum dum, just like the original.
V from "V for Vendetta" - I wish I could spend my life meticulously plotting and flawlessly executing a plan of elaborate revenge on my past abusers. I feel like that would give me the kick, lol. This + the "inch of ourselves" quote was literally a theme for my therapy for years, while I was looking for my own identity panicking I've been destroyed to the last: "Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all that we really have. It is the very last inch of us. But within that inch, we are free… An inch; it is small, and it is fragile, and it is the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it or give it away; we must never let them take it from us.”
Lisbeth Salander (Millennium book series, "Girl with the dragon tattoo") - a woman who single-handedly made me dream of working remotely in IT and living independently. And of course one day I'll make my abuser pay the exact same way she did - and I already have the tattoo needle, eyyy! Proud to say after years and years I finally get to live in a single-bedroom studio place and spend my days developing code, even if just in a junior position for now. The next step is to live somewhere with palm trees, just like she did in the books. After the fucker gets his tat, of course. Bonus points for being neurodivergent and blatantly unapologetic about it. And getting her heart crushed because no matter how big the gesture, most will mostly pick the "normal" over the freak.
Jessica Jones - a little similar to Lisbeth, but with Marvel twist and way more psychotic opponent. I've just started watching his series recently and it's ripping my soul in hundreds of directions, even evoking a bit of my Stokholm Syndrome. And to have such strength as a woman! Makes me wonder what kind of use I'd actually make of it, given the chance. Would I actually go the hero route? The vigilante? Or just amuse myself with continuous torture of those who wronged me?
Who would've known, out of the whole bunch, Astarion seems like the most cheerful character lmao.
I'd like to no-pressure tag: @treshmind, @thedomesticanthropologist, @night-orchids, @thatdangeroussmile
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deepdarkdelights · 1 month
Hello hello! 👋🏻
"Forbidden Fruit" is a freaking masterpiece! My absolute favorite of all your stories! So good! A quick question for you, though!
At the end, it ends with someone saying something along the lines of, "Please don't ever leave me." Was that y/n or Hoseok? Because I feel like it really could've been either one of them, and it would've made 100% sense.
Hello! Sorry for the late response - I was scheduled for eight shifts in a row at work so I have been busy (and exhausted lol) - thank you for your patience!
Also, I am so happy to hear that you liked Forbidden Fruit, I haven't gotten an ask about it in what feels like forever! I am surprised it's your favorite as well (considering I think it's among some of my lesser known fics) but Forbidden Fruit was really different to any of my other fics at the time so I can see the unique appeal that it can have!
Right, time to answer your question! The last line of that fic was intended to be ambiguous, I wanted the reader to decide who they thought said it because either way (Hoseok or the MC) it would have interesting implications for the story depending on who said it!
Looking back on it now (now that its considerably old - scary to think about it!) I am leaning towards it having been the MC who said it, think about the implications that would have! What a doozy!
Anyways, I'm glad you liked Forbidden Fruit and I hope my response was helpful!
Thank you for reading 💜
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queenofbaws · 5 months
I adore Sam × Ashley dynamics in your fics 😍 So I want to order something with them 👉🏻👈🏻 Have a good day! 🌸
Whatever face she was making in that moment must've been a doozy, because entirely apropos of nothing, Sam settled herself into the hospital bed right beside her, teasing, "Hey, look on the bright side - things could've turned out, like, sooo much worse," as she shifted this way and that so they weren't crammed like a couple of sardines.
Under normal circumstances, Ashley would've appreciated the optimism; today, however, she was, yeah, stuck in a hospital bed with an IV shoved in her arm, everything from the tips of her toes to the top of her scalp aching like nobody's business, and, to add insult to injury, her face was bruised so bad a bystander probably would've thought she'd just gone three rounds with a lawnmower and lost. "How...on...Earth...could things have turned out worse than this?" she asked, sleepily shutting her eyes as she felt Sam's warmth - her solidity - behind her.
She was quiet for a second, acting like she was thinking on it, then hummed, "Mmm, well, you could've ended up sharing a room with Emily instead of me, so...I mean, there's that."
After everything that had happened on the mountain, after everything they'd seen and done and experienced and survived, that caught her by surprise; Ashley laughed, then groaned at the pain in her ribs, then laughed again, too tired to form full-fledged thoughts but just cogent enough to manage, "She told me to understand the palm of her hand."
"She sure did, and you could be lying here with her as the big spoon, so maybe, just maybe, you look on the sunny side until that morphine drip kicks in, huh?"
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
When I was driving to the mall today, I saw a license plate that read "[letters]-C137." Coincidence? Probably not! In the space of 30 seconds a couple of weeks ago, I saw a Pickle Rick sticker on somebody's car and a guy with a beard wearing a Rick and Morty shirt (why is it always guys with beards?)
I also saw a Tesla recently with the word "TESLA" in the license plate number, so I guess the Tesla logo on the front isn't enough. Gotta let everybody know that they're the kings and queens of the road while their vehicles blow up.
Anyway, Rue 21 had Rick and Morty women's undergarments, which is a little different.
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Finally, merchandise where Morty looks mischievous and crafty instead of yelling aimlessly. But he's still yelling on the tag!
This hoodie is adorable. I recognize the flower Morty from the Dolls Kill collaboration.
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The text is a little ominous, though. "Rick and Morty time! All day long, forever..." I guess that's another way of saying "Rick and Morty, a hundred years"? But the way it trails off is a little eerie.
Spencer's was well stocked with Shrimp and Toxic Rick energy drinks. Seriously, why did the marketing team choose two of the grossest Ricks for something that you put in your mouth?
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Well, at least it has one less gram of sugar than the Shrimp Rick drink. Yay, that means it's healthy!
They also had no shortage of Pickle Rick beanies, so you can buy one for yourself and each of your friends.
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And a new Hologram Rick glass. I don't know what it is about Hologram Rick and Spencer's, but they're always stocking merchandise with his face on it.
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I got a little curious about what Spencer's sells online and checked out the description on the Rick and Morty section. Boy, it's a doozy!
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Bold of them to assume that I have friends who are also fans of Rick and Morty. I brought it up ONCE and got antagonized.
Afterward, I stopped by the nearby head shop. That first pipe is pretty generic, but, uh...what's going on with Morty in the back? Bootleg merchandise is a lawless wasteland.
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I asked the employee "Can I see that Rick and Morty tray?" then said "Oh, it's a Ren and Stimpy reference!" I actually never watched that show growing up. I was more of a Spongebob, Powerpuff Girls, Scooby-Doo and Dexter's Laboratory fan.
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In a previous installment, I mentioned seeing a new Tesla building in the area. It would've been funny if that building just sat there empty, but...nope. Tesla is moving in.
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It was hard to take pictures because the windows reflected the street, so I literally had to stand in front of the windows to cast a shadow.
Display models, a service warehouse, a "modern" office room with inexplicably tiny chairs and tables that sit one foot off the ground...it's all here!
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I live in a low-to-middle income area, and Teslas aren't cheap, but I still see them everywhere, ready to explode at a moment's notice. Will Elon Musk visit one day to ramble about how he loves Rick and Morty, he's the real-life Rick, it's carton nihilism, he has ten Pickle Rick pillows, Spencer's gives him an exclusive 90% off Dudebro Discount and Rick would totally rail him in an alleyway?
Maybe not.
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arts-and-drafts · 1 year
Come Morning Light (Part 13)
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve
(Unlucky number 13 >:)c This chapter is a shorter one, but it's leading up to something VERY big that is taking most of my waking hours to write, so stay tuned! Next chapter is gonna be a doozy! Mind the content warnings on this one!)
CW: Death, manipulation, minor body horror
Tommy dropped in slow motion.
Joe couldn't move fast enough to catch him, but he was at his side in an instant, his hands on Tommy's shoulders. His mind was spinning with shock. He saw the message, but that made no sense. 'Falling out of the world' meant a player was killed by an admin, but Xisuma banned Dream, and he never would've--
And Tommy's body was still here.
His eyes were glossy and staring at the sky, taunting Joe and everything he thought he knew. Joe's blood dripped on Tommy's face, and it stood out against his paling skin like a poppy in snow.
Joe screamed.
He vaguely registered the other hermits closing in around them, but he couldn't look away. All he could see was Tommy's face, his corpse-
He wasn't going to accept this.
Joe's vision went white.
Cleo knew as soon as Joe stilled that he went Searching.
She shoved past the others to see Joe's eyes were now glowing white, the remnants of tears still streaking down his cheeks. Cleo pulled her mouth into a firm line and settled beside him, reaching to pry one of his hands away from--no, don't look down. Don't look. That makes it real. Just don't look.
Clumsily, she managed to fit their fingers together, and she gave Joe's hand a quick but firm squeeze.
The other hermits were deathly quiet, but Cleo kept her eyes on Joe's face. With his eyes like this, and blood pouring down his chin, he looked like a poltergeist.
'Come back,' Cleo prayed, to any god that would listen. 'Please, Joe, don't get lost.'
Immediately after the thought formed, Joe full-body jerked, and the glow faded from his eyes. His chest was heaving, and Cleo noticed one of her fingers had cracked with how tightly he gripped her hand. Distantly, she was thankful that most of her nerves had rotted away by now.
"Where is he?" Cleo murmured, because she still wasn't looking down and she wasn't going to, but she knew what had happened. The communicators never lied.
"He's-" Joe gasped, and he snapped to the side, looking Xisuma dead in the eyes, his pupils blown. "X, he's in the Void."
The Void was cold.
Even through his suit, Xisuma could feel the chill beginning to numb his extremities. No light reached here, no life or substance. It was just nothing. Empty, and vast.
Except for, of course, the banned.
Evil X's presence was much stronger here, having had all this time to himself to fester his anger, and Xisuma immediately had a headache from all the condensed hatred he could sense. Xisuma had taken every precaution with his counterpart, and was confident in his prison, but evil could never be contained completely.
Xisuma wasn't here for him. No, he was here for the other presence he could now sense, a chilling calm that was colder than the Void itself.
Xisuma steeled himself, and turned to see Dream, lounging in midair like he didn't have a care in the world. A lodestone compass lazily swung from a chain in his hand, its enchantment swirling with something Xisuma had never seen before.
"Let me out, and I'll give him back." Dream spoke, his gaze lifting to Xisuma. He looked almost disinterested with how calm he seemed.
"That's Tommy?" Xisuma asked, before he could stop himself. Joe had told him that he tracked Tommy's soul into the Void, but was then halted by a force stronger than his ability, and he was forced to turn back.
The force had to have been Dream.
"Yeah." Dream said, like it was obvious. "All of him is in this little compass."
Xisuma floated closer, only vaguely aware of his movement. At this distance, he could see lettering etched on the compass's back, but Dream was swinging it just fast enough that it was hard to make out.
"So?" Dream said. "Do we have a deal?"
"How do I know you're not lying?" Xisuma challenged, relying on his image to intimidate the man. He was only barely managing to keep his voice steady.
Dream scoffed, and abruptly yanked the chain and caught the compass in his hand. "You don't. But I hope you can see that this is not a good situation to lie to you in."
Now that the compass was still, Xisuma could read the words. Your Tommy.
Xisuma's stomach clenched in revulsion.
"You can keep me here," Dream said, taking advantage of Xisuma's silence, "and you'll never see him again. Or, you let me go, and I'll give him back to you."
The monster shrugged. "Your choice."
"You've been trying to get your hands on him this whole time." Xisuma argued, his hands shaking with rage. "Why would you give him up now?"
Dream turned in midair, moving like he was trying to get comfortable. Xisuma knew he wouldn't be able to, and he selfishly clung to that knowledge with a dark satisfaction in the midst of this situation.
"Tommy's not worth my freedom." Dream said simply. "I don't care about the brat that much."
"Then what if I say no?" Xisuma pressed, calling Dream's bluff. "What if I leave you here for eternity?"
Dream matched Xisuma's gaze, his one visible eye sharp and calculating.
"You'd do that to him?" He asked, and Xisuma couldn't bring himself to lie.
He cared about Tommy more than he cared about keeping Dream locked away.
"...One condition." Xisuma relented bitterly, clenching his fists. Dream raised an eyebrow.
"You don't come back here. You don't ever set foot in Hermitcraft again." Xisuma said, and he was not asking.
Dream's eye crinkled in an unseen smile, and Xisuma suddenly got the feeling that he messed up very badly.
Xisuma materialized back in the Overworld on Tommy's old bed, holding the compass like it would shatter at the slightest movement.
In a rush like a summer breeze, Xisuma felt the tension that was building in Hermitcraft's magic ease all at once, as if the balance of nature itself released a breath of relief.
Xisuma found no solace in the feeling. His stomach was twisted into knots over what he'd just done, what he'd just released back to the world Tommy came from.
One thing at a time.
Xisuma had to duck to contain his height through the doorframe. He kept his eyes down as he made his way to the battlefield, the crowd of hermits surrounding Tommy's body casting long shadows in the morning light. Xisuma noticed someone had rearranged Tommy's limbs into a more dignified pose, his legs straight and his arms laid over his stomach.
"I've got him." Xisuma uttered, and the hermits parted to give him a clear path to Joe. The admin slowly knelt and held out the compass, and for a moment, Joe matched his gaze with wet eyes.
Whatever he saw in Xisuma's expression, Joe opted instead to hover his hand over the compass. Immediately, his face changed.
"That's him," Joe said breathlessly. "Yeah, that's--put him here."
Joe guided Xisuma's hands to place the compass on Tommy's body, right next to the one Tommy had only just started wearing in the open. Now that they were side by side, something finally clicked.
Your Tubbo. Your Tommy.
"Now what?" Tango asked, breaking the somber silence. "Do we--do we break it?"
"No! No-" Joe blurted out. "Tommy's--well, technically, that compass is his body right now." He explained. "His soul's tethered to it. We've gotta extract him."
"How?" Impulse asked. "That's--that's serious magic, can any of us even do that?"
Joe looked at Cleo. "I can."
A heavy silence.
"But I'm gonna need help." Joe continued. "I can be a gateway to Tommy, but somebody needs to go in and get him out."
"I'll do it." Xisuma said, instantly, but Joe shook his head. "Tommy's gonna be in a very fragile headspace. It has to be somebody he trusts enough to follow back out, and...no offense, Xisuma, but you're not that to him."
Xisuma dipped his head and said nothing more. It did sting to hear, but Joe was right. Tommy had only just gotten comfortable enough around the admin that he wasn't always ready to pull out a weapon around him.
After what Xisuma had just done to get him back, he didn't blame the kid.
Joe looked to Mumbo, who was wringing his hands and staring at Tommy's body, his eyes glazed over with shock. He seemed to come back to himself when he noticed everyone following Joe's gaze.
"Do you not want to?" Joe replied, his face changing, and Mumbo scrambled. "No! I mean--yes, I'll do it, of course, but--me?" He asked again. "I'm not-"
"Haven't you heard how he talks about you?" Cleo interrupted. "He thinks you hung the stars, Mumbo. If you asked him for anything, he'd do it."
Mumbo still looked incredibly uncertain.
"You don't have to, Mumbo." Joe stated, somehow able to keep his tone understanding given the topic. "But I truly think you're his best bet. He looks to you more than any of us."
Mumbo took a breath, and slowly smoothed out the front of his suit jacket.
The ghost of a smile flitted across Joe's face. "Come on, we can't waste any time."
He glanced at Cleo again, guilt harbored in his eyes for a fraction of a second. Cleo rolled her eyes and nudged him, and Joe relaxed, their unsaid conversation putting him at ease.
Joe held out his hand to Mumbo, who took it. Joe gently placed his other over the compass, and then turned back to Mumbo.
"I'm sending you into Tommy's soul." Joe said, staring unblinking into Mumbo's eyes. "He's going to be very vulnerable. You have got to be the most careful you've ever been. Do you understand?"
Mumbo paled considerably, but he nodded, a look of determination on his face. "How do I--what do I do?"
"When you find him, just be honest." Joe said. "He should do the rest. But you have to come back with him, okay? We don't want an accidental possession, that would cause a whole new issue."
Mumbo nodded, and took a steadying breath.
"Get our boy back, Mumbo." Iskall uttered softly, placing a strong hand on Mumbo's shoulder. Mumbo laid his own over Iskall's, just for a moment.
"I'll do my best." Mumbo said, distantly, staring at Tommy's body. "Promise."
Joe and Iskall smiled, as strained as it was, and Iskall stepped back.
"Here we go," said Joe, and the world fell away.
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v0ideddr3ams · 4 months
Finally did the SBI family tree
Well kinda
And spoiler alert, yes QSMP eggs are in it because Philza confirmed its the same character
Hey guys I've been putting this off?
So let's start with the eldest being in the family, shall we?
The Unnamed winds, Aeolus, Ralsiah - The Goddess of the sky, direct decendant of the sky goddess. She was one of the first created, she used to control the winds. She also known as the one who dances. - Status: Dead - Colors: the rainbow actually, but combined together, white. - More Info: originally the Ancient humans had summoned her to figure out how to destroy the wither and she had refused to tell them such. She had also met a human that turned immortal when the skulk took over. We'll talk about him soon enough. During the great revolution against the GreaterX, she was the one who delivered the message of victory to the sun, turning her wings black. She went to the end to fix them but the dragons were dead.
Philza, The Angel of Death, West Winds, Death's Angel - Descendant of the sky herself, practices the arcane magic of Death, bringing him closer to his wife and other people connected to that realm. He is only an immortal because he is smart. He doesn't do stupid shit. He is also known as the Blood God Handler, but we'll get to that. - Status: Alive - Colors: Green and white - More Info: so this is the doozy; Philza has 4 kids legally speaking. Wilbur being his only biological child. From eldest to youngest it'd be Wilbur, Tommy, Chayanne, Tallulah. Now you may be wondering "what about Techno?"
Technoblade, The Blood God, The Host, The Boar, Techno - The host of the Blood God, direct descendant of an entire bloodline of piglins blessed by the Blood God himself. He does not practice arcane magic, that's Philza's thing. - Status: unknown, assumed to be alive because the Blood God title hasn't been passed down to Michael yet and things only the Blood God can do still happen here and there. - Colors: Red and sometimes Pink - More Info: Techno and Philza are closely related friends that happen to live in the same house and raised kids together (NO I AM NOT JOKING.) Techno was traveling when Wilbur was born and raised mostly, only was around the most when Tommy was brought home. Techno avoided Wilbur's birth and childhood because he wanted to stay on Kristin's good side. (Will explain later) Techno also technically helped raise Sally, but it was more training than raising. Speaking of which
Sally, Pearl of the Sea, The Siren, Calypso - Sally is the protector of rivers, goddess of the sea. At least the head goddess. There are smaller gods underneath her for specific parts of the sea. When she gave up her immortality, she was still a God because she was still worshipped. She was in the Syndicate for years before she "ran off to make a government with Wilbur" as Techno would've put it. The things you do in the name of love amirite? Sally also helped finish raising Tommy to the best of her ability along with her two kids and tubbo. Because somehow, she was the only one who was concerned about the kids being forced to fight in a WAR. - Status: Dead, dead as hell, what shoes she got? What shoes she got on the coffin??? - Colors: Fire coral red and Indigo blue - More Info: So she didn't have Fundy, we all know what happened there, if you don't go watch a vod, I ain't explainin it. Fundy is part of the generational curse Kristin put on Philza's bloodline from Wilbur down, so... yeeeaaaa. Sally did, however, have Milo! Milo was baptized in her name, whereas Fundy was baptized in XD's name. So little tidbit: Wilbur and Sally had been at religious war with each other which is stupid when Wilbur knows how important it is for a God to keep their dignity in their own worship because his moms, both his father's wife AND his BIOLOGICAL mother, are goddesses. Kristin is an example of what goddesses need, and Samantha (bio mom) is an example of what goddesses don't need. That being said, he still had the audacity to slowly strip her power away and use it to either his advantage or to have her worship another God, which was the church prime. So Sally, kinda outta spite, baptized Milo in her own name, the Pearl of the Sea, which is something a lot of pirates do if a child is born or adopted out at sea (Dream and Foolish were baptized like that by Puffy)
Putting a pause here, will repost when I feel like finishing this bc boy oh boy I'm tired.
Reminder for myself: we start off with Fundy, go to Milo, jump back up to Tommy, go to shroud, go to Wilbur-Ghostbur-Revivebur, go to Kristin, go to Samantha, go to Yogurt, go to Ranboo, Go to Michael, Jump back up to Chayanne, go to Tallulah
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abundantchewtoys · 7 months
HS^2 re: p534-576
Woof (pun not intended), it's a doozy, this one.
Jade as doting mother was hilariously embarassing. But it seems her reasons to have a child in the first place stem from her intense loneliness, exacerbated by her celebrity status.
Meanwhile, Rose's motivation to carry the child... There's two ways to interpret it. The least complimentary is that she's just as manipulative as Dirk, using her powers to 'okay' a disgraceful decision because she'll be forgiven in the end anyway. I hope she actually wanted to see if she could do something her powers couldn't predict the outcome of. It would mean she's aware of the Candy timeline's nature of decreasing truthfulness, relevance and necessity and is trying to do something about it. The fact that she's so dismissive about Earth C's people, as is Jade, could point in that direction.
In fact, it would seem that, for all that the Candy timeline appeared to be a 'saccharine end state' for most of the kids, they do seem to be aware that even beyond the totalitarian government, there's something else fundamentally wrong with the timeline?
Meanwhlie, Yiffany not talking is so funny when you think about it. Even while we're being her, she's just too cool to lower herself to such base characterizational devices.
Would be funny if she's treated as the teen version of hypothetical older Maggie Simpson of Beyond Canon. Implied to be witty & talkative but never shown. :p
What else? So, uh, Tavros & Yiffany are acquainted, and Yiffy probably got locked up/kept hidden in Tavros' house when she was away from boarding school. Like a perverse Rapunzel. Making Tavros not just her biological uncle but also foster brother, oh jeez. So, uh, it might also mean her enmity with Gamzee's corpse stemmed from actual, in-person interactions with the clown.
Meenah's probably calling to let Rose & Kanaya know that Jane's coming to the meteor too.
So, the Point. I'm assuming it's to do with the device behind the curtain, beneath the meteor.
Spitballing & exchanging theories with Blaperile, I'm assuming it's a way for the Candy people to travel into the Meat timeline.
I wouldn't like it to be one way, for one thing because some people might not want to leave. For another, what would The Influencers even be able to do?
It could be a Sburb copy for the new kids to boot a session with & interact with the Deltritus gang?
Would be funny to have a sort of Hivebent situation going on with 2 separate teams turning out to be entering the same session.
If it's a giant version of the Hiveswap device, maybe the Candy & Meat timeline meteors get swapped (a literal swapping of hives).
Then maybe Candy Earth C with the Meat meteor turns out to be Alternate Calliope's home timeline, and the reverse for Caliborn/Lord English?
It would seem Jade was carrying around a stuffed corpse in her sylladex! Of course Adult Dave (now Davebot) is the most likely person. It could lead to Davebot exploding if his corpse is ever prototyped! But then we'd have a new version of Davesprite...
If it were Candy Dirk, we'd get Dirksprite: aka Arquiusprite minus Equius minus autoresponder.
With how Rose's mom got touched on in the argument, what if Jade had stuffed Mom and Dad? As Blaperile pointed out to me, while John & Jade had a funeral for them pre-retcon, we don't know that they did post-retcon, do we?
No chance for a Johnsprite beyond Terezi prototyping Meat John, though! Would've been funny to have Johnsprite^2 or *2. But unless Jade took John's original body (from his quest bed) from LOWAS before it exploded, we won't have that. As she never found the bodies for John & Davesprite in her timeline.
(Yeah I'm just grasping at straws to get a POV & further fleshing out for Dad, can't help it.)
As for the newspost, turns out I missed the one from Feb 1st. Wow, Vast Error has gotten the Hussie stamp of approval and now falls under the HICU protection and can monetize on their work!
I haven't read it yet, but I know from experience how engaging fanventures can be, so good for them!
And oh geez, so much unvaulted commentary to read on Patreon. :B
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thelovelybitten · 8 months
HII so TY SO SO much for rebloggin my stendy (kinda??) FIC!! :DDD im super glad u enjoyed it and i loved readin all the lil hashtag thingies ??!!! i would've responded to the reblog but im still not too sure how tumblr works,, or how to dm folks. BUT JUST TY SO MUCH! it means the world to me <33
of course !!! I loved it so so much :’) (dw abt Tumblr, at first it’s a doozy but you’ll get the hang of it !!) (I also write everything and anything in my tags, so thank u haha)
I know ur fic was more Wendy-centric for her development and character, (which, thank you—we love girlboss Wendy, I love her so) but the stendy got me really hooked just because of the way you wrote them ! I like being able to see their flaws as a couple—without wendy being perceived as a total bitch (like some anti’s in the fandom paint her out to be) and Stan being honest with his feelings instead of completely neglecting/ghosting her like he does. In the fic, Wendy does prioritize her life so she can build a life with Stan, but she doesn’t realize she’s hurting him in the process. It’s how the two of them should be written. They do have toxic traits in the show that are very questionable ( their jealousy, for starters… stan’s dependency on her, wendy’s insecurity with everything stan does that’s not controllable…) but it’s times like in this writing where they do grow a bit and finally accept they don’t work out. It’s extremely hard on them because they’ve been so co-dependent that they can’t see life without the other.
on that same coin however, people need to understand that they can work together but they have such big contrasts and complications that they have to work on for the relationship they want.
sometimes they just. need to be on their own to figure that out. and that’s why this story ended up being so good because Wendy found her worth and now knows what and who she is without him.
they need to take care—find themselves before they can have someone else.
Wendy needed this. She’s such an activist in the show and in this story…Stan at the time just wasn’t helping like she thought he was. And he knew. He needed to let go.
Wendy is her own self at the end. It’s so nice to see. We love character development and to see her find confidence in who Wendy Testaburger is and will continue to be.
it was really refreshing, really. thank u <3 thank u for giving wendy depth bc that’s my baby girl and I love her forever
(P.S. I’m also just a stendy lovebot, I’ll take my crumbs even if not intentional, lol) (they get back together in my mind but that what stories are for—different interpretations).
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arabriddler · 10 months
Strap in the Everest discrepancy theory is a doozy
Okay so! It's pre 1921ish and the British adventures guild or whatever it's called decide someone needs to climb to the top of Everest and as such are funding anyone willing to make the expedition, enter George Mallory a younger climber with a passion! He and his team climb the mountain and stop roughly around the point where humans can no longer breath without assistance on the mountain (call back to the Bee ask) and find they can't go higher. This was well and fine until it wasn't and manically almost Mallory insists he has to go to the top. Only 7 Sherpa agreed to go up with him, and in this agreement the climbers faced avalanche that left all 7 dead and anyone else to est flee. Mallory was among the others to flee and descend back down the mountain under the preface that the team wasn't equipped enough for Everest. See, not only does the mountain eventually go so high you can't breath without assistance but the snow reflecting the sun can blind you, any skin left exposed near the upper levels will be frostbitten within 10 minutes, the mountain is always either in two kinds of bad weather conditions (monsoon or blizzards) besides MAYBE a 10 day period ish, and at the time of Mallory's expedition hadn't been successfully climbed meaning no trails to follow or maps to help.
Despite all this in 1924 Mallory attempts the climb again (4th time now) with a new team and yet again reach the pivotal spot of needing oxygen tanks. Due to the weather at the time entering blizzard time and the team not knowing he opts to go up with not a experienced climber like him but rather a oxygen specialist named Irvine. With the man originally going to climb in Irvine's place being told to follow with a camera and once they reach a certain point to stay and wait to see the men at the top within a certain time frame. Due to the fogs and clouds rolling in for those storms I brought up though the camera man never saw them except for a small 5 minute period at roughly 12pm, at this time he saw them climb over what he thought was the second step and then dissappear behind it and the fog promptly rolled back in to ensure he wouldn't spot them. That was the last time either men where seen alive.
Now here's the fun part! See we now know the men left with a extra oxygen tank, the group had two missing sleeping bags (the climbers), and that when the camera man saw them he was wrong. They couldn't have climbed that second step in only 5 minutes and even if they had that would've put the two 4 hours behind schedule. Now why couldn't it have been the second step of the three? Because that step isn't even used in the official climb to the top of Everest, let alone in the modern day trails, where the man returned after because it is so steep to climb, think a buildings wall level. Meaning Mallory and Irvine where either at the third or first step and either options spell bad news for the men because of the aforementioned timing situations of being behind. Not to mention the blizzard that rolled in as well.
So where does that leave the dead man? Well at first no one knew, as because someone climbing up wouldn't stop to admire the dead with the limited time they had to get up and get down, however the first of the men's things was found in the ice pick Irvine used to climb the mountain giving people a general area of where the bodies may be not to mention a Japenese man that claimed he saw a dead man in the time appropriate clothes and style of the region of England of when Mallory and Irvine made their deadly climb up laying face down in the snow so he couldn't see the man's face. A oxygen tank of the time period was also eventually found which gave people a good idea of where the men COULD be. As with weather conditions the bodies would never decay but they could easily be moved or hidden by snow and wind.
This brings us to 1999 when a team went up with the specific intent of finding the two men. In this attempt they managed to find Mallorys body with a broken rope attached to him, and many injuries that suggested a deadly fall. He did not have the camera the two men climbed up with on him, he didn't have any rocks (some rocks can only be found at the top of Everest and no where else on the world) on him, OR the picture of him and his wife he took with him to place at the summit. The picture was later found not at the summit however because of the weather its possible it once been at the summit and then fallen further down the mountian but Irving's body and the camera haven't been found as of the time I'm writing this. The camera company has since come out with a manual on how to properly process the film of the camera if ever found though to give people a chance.
Now why is all of this of note? Because until Irving's body and that camera are found uts impossible to know for sure if Mallory achieved his dreams of being the first man to reach the top or not as some argue he was and other claim the man to climb to the top and down again is (none of this is to take away from that man what he did is nothing short of incredible and if it was proven Mallory reached the top first the man to go up and down would still have a proper place in the history books) which if proven Mallory was first would mean a rewriting of history! Until that day Irving and the camera are found however we won't ever know.
woahhhh this is very cool. Feel bad for the first team though :(( but anyways thank you for sharing and if there are any updates let me know 👀👀
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8bitsupervillain · 3 months
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 2 Watanagashi pt. 16
Chapter 11 in Chapter 2: Watanagashi sure is one hell of a doozy.
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I find it fascinating the ability for characters in the Japanese language to mean something entirely different based on how it's spelled. Also the notion that Mion is the "demon" of the Sonozaki family is an interesting tidbit for the game to throw out suddenly. Much less that her demonic nature is something that's inherited and not strictly passed on by blood.
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Out of context that's just a wild reaction to have.
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I don't really get Keiichi's extreme guilt complex. He's not strictly to blame for everything that's happened. If anything him and Shion are actually just victims of circumstance. If he hadn't gone with Shion during Watanagashi and just stayed watching Rika's dance Takano and Tomitake would've still broken into the storehouse. Him being there was entirely coincidental. He is, in fact, a victim of a stray bullet. Unless the cult of Oyashiro holds to the idea that ignorance doesn't excuse his actions Keiichi really shouldn't be held responsible for the breaking and entering.
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I really can't help but wonder what Ooishi's game is here. He claims he doesn't think Keiichi is guilty, but he still thinks he's a vital lynchpin to the investigation into the Sonozakis. But why? Is it really only because he's friends with the heir to the family? Up until a few days ago Keiichi was blissfully unaware that Mion, and the rest of her family had this apparent death grip on the criminal underworld.
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He seems to want Keiichi to be guilty of something much more serious than just the trespassing, but again, why? Is it really that he's just hankering for someone to pin something on? Or is he just too laser focused on the idea that the Sonozaki group (I should really choose one term and stick to it, quit alternating between group, family, and organization) has a secret criminal enterprise they're running out of Hinamizawa?
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If Mion is behind the deaths and disappearances why would she spare Keiichi yet disappear her own flesh and blood sister? Is this something to do with the idea that she has to prove her worth to become the head of the Sonozaki group? She does seem to been acting a bit more impetuously than she had in the past Chapter. Or is the reason she hasn't gone after Keiichi in any real way because of Rika's protection she swore to give him? Is that the reason why Rika had to vanish? That so long as Rika was around she couldn't actually act against Keiichi, so she made her disappear, and since Satoko was a loose end that's why she took her as well?
That being said, I'm still not a hundred percent sold on Mion's guilt, I think there is something else at play here, and that Shion could still be running around. We only have Ooishi's word that Shion disappeared, she could simply have gone into hiding within the Sonozaki family's operation and is striking from the shadows. After all, Rika knows who attacked the mayor, she knows who the attack dog is, but she just doesn't have the motive.
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See, I don't doubt that it wasn't Shion on the phone, it was definitely Mion fishing for information from Keiichi so she would have definitive proof about her sister's actions. But I don't think Shion is actually disappeared. I think she's making moves behind the scenes out of everyone's vision. She's plotting and scheming her way to take down Mion and resolve the situation of her potential death herself. She just has to be out of the spotlight for a minute so she can gain an advantage to turn their efforts on their head.
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Why is Ooishi intentionally putting Keiichi on edge like this? Does he assume Keiichi is deeper involved with the goings-on within the Sonozaki group? I know he said that he doesn't think forcing a confession is in style these days, but if he genuinely thinks there might be a threat against Keiichi, and he's their star witness, why not just take him into custody? Or, does he not want to do that because it would reveal his hand somewhat to the Sonozakis?
This was a very good little sub-chapter because of the wild twists and revelations that happened in it. It really brings up the question of who is Ooishi, and what is his overall goal? I don't think it's just as simple as he wants to bring down a yakuza organization. There's something deeper going on with him. I just don't know what.
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whatsagauntlet · 1 year
It's 9 months out, but honestly, the trial segment was special. I can't get over it. The last time I was into wrestling, something with this level of emotional heft (between men in a heelish faction no less) would've been rare or unheard of. What these guys did was create something affecting, allowing what are supposed to be these tough larger than life characters to show vulnerability with each other (Roman/Jey post hiac another doozy). Everyone played their part, but the centerpiece was Sami and Jey.
For Sami, the Bloodline was a means to rebuild credibility before evolving into the desire for acceptance and belonging. Just as it seemed like all was good, the trial was a harsh reality that two of the family, who by all appearances accepted him early on, was paranoid and distrustful or straight up duplicitous. After months of earnestness and persistence to be in the Bloodline, despite some pushback, he was so defeated by their accusations that even an attempt to defend himself felt hopeless.
Then, the person who only a few months before was fighting against Sami, was now fighting for him. Jey wanted Sami to have nothing to do with his family, but now saw Sami as one of his own. Jey stepped up, challenged his blood his leader his abuser to protect Sami as he was one of his own. Jey was genuine, Jey was real. Even when Sami's loyalty was being questioned, Jey never wavered from his belief in him because they were bonded for life. And with that, Sami found in Jey what he was seeking the whole time.
Other bits: Oh boy, the acting. Heyman jumping to euthanasia and castration from an unintentional shoulder bump was too funny. Jey stopping the spike and Sami's double take. Jey coming prepared, having spent time poring through footage to put together a defense. Sami fighting back emotions after watching the tape. "My dawg basically bulletproof" and the little chuckle. Lastly, of course Jey putting his lei on Sami, the moment I finally disintegrated
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purplekoop · 11 months
Welcome to role requeue tech Support, how can we help you?
Role: Support Health: 200
No lore dump for this one because... well, like I said before, I don't think Sombra needs any substantial changes to her design or backstory in order to fit as a support! This is an opinion once shared by the actual devs, considering she was originally envisioned as a support character before being reiterated to the hacking assassin playstyle we saw enter the game back in late 2016, with the other aspects of that old concept being saved and eventually implemented into who we now know as Kiriko. Personally though, I always thought Sombra would've made more sense as a support the whole time, especially back when OW1's support roster was so comically small. I made iterations on a concept for her to be reworked into a support for the real game, but in the current state of OW2, with a much more robust Support lineup and Sombra's newly reworked playstyle being the best she's ever felt, I don't really feel that need anymore to see Sombra be changed to a Support in Overwatch itself... but luckily, that old spirit is perfect to help me with this alternate reality version of the game where she's been here (in the support role) all along.
Admittedly, while I always knew I wanted Sombra to be a support the day I came up with this AU, the exact details of her kit eluded me until recently. Ironically, her recent rework making her arguably more damage-focused than ever gave me the creative nudge needed to complete the concept for this new kit. Let's get into that now, shall we?
This Sombra mirrors her current iteration pretty closely actually, with all of her current abilities having a mirror here, including her primary fire, Machine Pistol. While not something that feels super obvious for a support, I don't really have any better ideas for what'd be her means of self-defense. Sombra isn't as much of an active direct healer, since I want to avoid the entire Support cast just being "shoot to heal" like most of the healers added since OW1's initial release. While obviously not as potent as the DPS counterpart, her SMG remains a rapid-fire hitscan weapon that can do some decent damage in a pinch. Like Lucio, Sombra should never really have much downtime where she isn't shooting.
So what is her main healing mechanic then? Well, that brings us to her first activated ability, and it's a doozy: Hack. Hack is used similarly to how you're familiar with. Hold secondary fire over a target, and Sombra will hack them in about half a second. What hacking does is... complicated. For one, you can still hack health packs like before, though now healing dealt by a hacked health pack will contribute to your ultimate charge, though possibly at a reduced rate. You can also hack non-player entities to deactivate them temporarily.
However, Hack now has two charges. Why? Because now you have almost double the possible hack targets.
Hacking can now be performed on allies, boosting their capabilities briefly. For the next 6 seconds, the hacked ally will have increased move speed, increased reload speed, and increased ability recharge speed, as well as be healed for 25 hps. If the ally takes damage however, their healing rate is halved to 12.5 hps for the next two seconds. Hack is Sombra's most readily available means of healing, but its additional benefits may provide more direct benefit.
However, Sombra can still hack enemies, which provides unique effects. The ability lockout aspect... I can't decide if it should stay at all, but if it does then it's reduced to 0.5 seconds, just enough to cancel active abilities. For the full 6 second duration though, Hacked enemies still are visible through walls, but also have an additional attribute: any damage dealt to them will heal the attacker by up to half of the damage dealt! This lifesteal debuff mechanic is Sombra's most potent means of healing allies, but still isn't her last.
For either variant of Hack though, there's a small cooldown before you can apply it to a target after it wears off, about 2-4 seconds. Hacking enemies also takes slightly longer than allies, but taking damage during the hack only cancels it and disables the ability for a second.
Sombra's other team support ability is... and brace yourself for this clever name, Antivirus. I'm a genius, I know. Similar to her new Virus ability, Sombra throws a glowing cube of data straight ahead through the air. However, on impact with terrain or an ally, the cube explodes, providing a burst of positive benefits to allies in the blast radius. Antivirus will cleanse allies of debuffs, including Hacks from enemy Sombras, though not provide a period of invulnerability like (normal) Kiriko's Protection Suzu. Instead, it also provides a small burst of 50 healing, and also gives allies a healing boost buff, doubling the healing they recieve for the next 3 seconds. Pair this up with Hacking an ally and you double the healing output to a whole 50 healing per second! Unless they take damage though, then it gets hacked back down to 25. The projectile has no effect on enemies, but can be blocked by enemy barriers or other anti-projectile abilities. Antivirus, similar to its main game counterpart, is best comboed with Hack for best results, and allows Sombra to have bursts of high healing output to bail allies out of a dire situation.
To bail herself out of a tight spot though, that's where Translocator comes in. The ability functions just like its current iteration: throw a device, then warp to it, cleansing yourself of debuffs and providing a moment of intangibility while you travel.
Translocator has a bonus aspect that should be familiar to some: for a few seconds after the translocator activates, you become invisible to enemies, and gain a personal move speed boost. However, taking any action besides reloading will end the invisibility early, as will taking damage. Going close to an enemy also reveals you, but doesn't end the stealth on its own. Yeah, Stealth isn't an automatic passive here, instead it's just a bonus effect of Translocator. This isn't a new idea actually, this is just how Sombra works in the Trials of Sanctuary PvE mode, and presumably other PvE modes as well due to the potentially broken implications of permanent passive invisibility against AI opponents. While I don't think it's imbalanced in a PvP setting for normal Sombra, I feel like it'd be a bit much and a bit unneeded for Support Sombra. Still useful for making a clean getaway, but this Sombra doesn't need to make the same ambush plays from nowhere that the DPS version does. It also encourages Sombra to be more active with her team while making her more vulnerable to the enemy in a way that feels fair. Just feels more appropriate in general.
Her Ultimate is similar in concept to EMP, in that it hacks all possible targets at once, but only affects one team still. The difference is that it's your own team instead. System Boost causes a massive stream of data to pour out of Sombra, energizing herself and all nearby allies. For eight seconds, all allies in range, including Sombra herself, gain the boosts granted by an allied Hack, meaning bonuses to reload speed, ability cooldown recharge speed, movement speed, and passive healing. The data tendrils also have a bonus effect: any healing gained from damaging a hacked enemy will also be granted to any allies in the chain. A teammate connected to the System Boost dealing 100 damage to a hacked enemy will cause everyone connected by the chain to be healed by 50 HP. Sombra herself during the ultimate will also gain a bonus recharge boost to Hack specifically, doubling its cooldown speed. Note that Hack doesn't work on allies already connected to the chain, so go ham on hacking enemies to pump up the total healing the team receives.
This isn't as simple of a Support ultimate as "you have 1000 HP for a second" or "you get healed so much the only lethal things are one-shots", but I like the team element and skill expression this adds over simpler ultimates. It's kind of like a mix of Kitsune Rush and Rally in a way. I wonder if it'd be overpowered, but there'd be ways to dial it down if necessary.
So that's Sombra as a Support! I feel largely satisfied with this, it gets a little complicated at parts but I like the idea of a character that really requires resource management and target priority. She has multiple ways to heal, but can't heal consistently on her own since all her options rely on a cooldown, and hacking allies directly is relatively weak healing compared to lifesteal. She also has strong utility available from hacking allies, but again, this is limited by its cooldown. I think fine-tuning Hack's availability, like increasing it to three charges but reducing its duration or something, would be the main adjustment to this concept I'd make for balance. Hard to get a grasp on something like this without getting to actually play it. Other than that I'm decently proud of this one. Also this is the first Support kit I've actually written out! Still need to actually write out Tracer's kit, since I've only mentioned the basics in the initial post. Might do that next, but might also do another easy one next. I'm thinking "Ashe", that's gonna be another fun one.
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Hey mutual *wink*
Anywho so I’m a little hermit and I only read the same like 9 fics over and over again and I was re-reading What We Become and I was like what the hell happened to the Professor? Like did he try to figure out how to fix himself or did he embrace it? Like what happened to my boy Professor Membrane and also their MOM?!
(If you’d prefer to leave this to the audiences imagination and not answer then it’s chill)
Also I ADORED how you wrote that fic with vignettes :0
Have the bestest day, thank youuu!!
What We Become (link for reference; warning for new readers that it's a doozy). I gotta put that on ao3 eventually, huh? I think if I do though I'll split it into quarters. Thoughts for another time.
B r u h because tell me why I wasn’t already following you??? I was so confused when tumblr recommended me your blog and I was like, uh, yeah, I know, I follow them already??? But apparently not. I have rectified this crime post-haste.
Lmao because what a vibe, I do the exact same shit. I love burning through new stories but I also my precious handful. It’s such a comfort to have a story in your back pocket that you already know you like, ready and waiting for you whenever.
SO, Professor Membrane eventually learned to live and adapt. I think I touched on it briefly but he eventually is into the changes that the serum cause in his body. Not sleeping or eating as much is great, because it leaves more room for SCIENCE!™️ to happen.
I don’t think his relationship with Zim could ever return to what it was pre-serum. Membrane facing the reality that his own neglect led to a literal sci-fi monster creeping into his life—and that of his kids—long enough to for him to trust him so blindly is understandably traumatic. Zim could’ve killed him on purpose, on accident, on a whim, etc. A boy he treated like a son was actually a creature who deeply betrayed all of them, even if he didn’t mean to. That’s something you can maybe forgive, but never forget. So Membrane gets to live forever, yayay, and learns to adapt to his new body. But there’s a boundary between he and Zim that never really goes away completely.
There is however also a new bond, eventually, much longer down the line. As ill-executed as it was, Membrane would also eventually recognize that Zim acted out of love, not cruelty. He wanted his loved ones to live forever, and THEIR loved ones to live forever. Zim also does everything in his power to make the transition as comfortable for them as possible. Check-ups, vitals, the occasional medicinal or technological remedy to any and all hiccups that have or might happen. The effort is recognized.
Mama Membrane is actually not someone I thought about in the “yay everyone gets to live forever” category, but oooh what an interesting question.
If we recall, Zim traded the Tallest for a limited amount of serum. Three precious vials. But he bartered the serum, not the recipe. Three was all he got.
I like to think he considered Mama Membrane, but only got so much leeway with the Tallest. He was already asking for a lot. Something had to give. He had to prioritize.
It would be a hard pill for all of the Membranes to swallow that she wasn’t included in the bargain. It'd also be further complicated by the fact that even if they did have extra serums, they wouldn't be able to ask her consent. Given how disastrously sudden-immortality had on a mentally stable, highly rational man like Membrane, the reality of the situation would be simply that, vial or no vial, Dr. Mrs. Membrane wouldn't have been able to join them in immortality. It'd probably be incredibly painful, even with the rationalization that, immortality or no, they would've one day had to face her eventual passing anyways. It'd just emphasized how unfair her sickness was, and how much it'd robbed from all of them. Just super unfun and really shitty in general.
I think it might motivate them to start seeing her more, if and when she could tolerate it. Check in on her more frequently, and deal with their own traumas about what seeing her awoke inside them. Maybe everyone gets the therapy they need to face the living ghost they let the very real, unwell person their mother/wife was. Maybe immortality might make them better appreciate the finite, and be more willing to face hard things when they knew they only had so long to do so.
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auspicious-voice · 10 months
A Post about the Future of AUSPICIOUS VOICE
Hi, I thought of making this post as I've been going to making changes to what I'd like to do with this project in the future.
If you're interested, read more under the cut. Nothing too bad and all, I promise. It'll be split into sections, and this might be the last time I'll address this for now.
Change in Vocalsynth-related Activities
As I've had a more sporadic schedule with uploading UTAU media, I've been developing more non-vsynth related interests that I find to be more enjoyable than just using plain old UTAU. It's been helping me branch out of UTAU quite a bit, really.
I've already stated in a previous post that I wouldn't be uploading covers every week and that I would upload whenever I can (on a sporadic basis), but now I've decided that starting next year (2024), I would like to make the effort to upload something once in a while - if I have the energy for it. At best I could be uploading something once a month, but I don't know. Making covers takes a lot of energy out of me nowadays and it is isn't really fun just working on them non-stop. The me from 5 years ago would've had more time and energy to pump out more covers, but I just can't really afford having that taking up so much of my time now.
Much like my recent uploads, if I were to upload a new cover next year, it will most likely be complete with art and a PV to go along with it. I've been practicing simple mograph using Alight Motion and After Effects in my free time, so maybe that'll be an advantage :)
Anniversary Uploads
The tradition of making video uploads celebrating my UTAUs' anniversaries will still be up and about, and I have plans for Maria and Mario's 9th and 10th anniversaries, especially the latter. The only anniversary I missed was in 2018, when it was 3 years since Maria and Mario were released to the public.
They might just be simple PVs at this point, but what I'd like to do is try to update Maria and Mario's fullbody artwork for their 9th anniversary, and maybe special designs for anniversary purposes. I've been meaning to make a retrospective post, but that'll come before their 10th anniversary.
And after their 10th anniversary, I will still upload anniversary covers because at that point that might the only UTAU-related thing I'll ever upload LOL.
Community Activity
When I was really active in the UTAU community, much of my community interaction was through Twitter. I don't use Twitter anymore for the sake of my wellbeing, and with that my interactions with the community significantly decreased over time. I only talk to a select number of people in the community at this point, mostly on Discord. Any inquiries about this project are to be sent to my e-mail, preferably over DMs.
Of course when it comes to YouTube and BiliBili uploads, I try to heart and reply to peoples' comments - while I am not able to reply to all comments, I appreciate them nonetheless. So my community activity is pretty much minimal at this point, and you'll probably just catch me working on animatics, OC projects, and other kinds of things that I enjoy doing apart from UTAU - if you're into that kind of thing that is.
UTAU as a Hobby
This one's a doozy, I guess.
Truth be told, I'm falling out of UTAU for the past couple of months. It's not that I find it boring - from making voicebanks to covers - it's just that I don't have the time and energy to use it anymore. In fact, it's more like a waste of my time when I could be working on other passion projects. When I first started out in 2014, I couldn't imagine myself falling out of the hobby anytime soon, but that's becoming even more of a reality.
Well, UTAU will end up being a smaller hobby of mine because my love for vocalsynths still goes strong - in terms of songs that is. I find myself finding new producers whose works I actually enjoy listening to instead of just hopping on cover and voicebank usage bandwagons because that's the Hot New Thing going around. I'll probably be that one person who just compiles a playlist of vocalsynth songs I like and then listen to them like there's no tomorrow. Maybe some cover inspiration will come out of that, or something.
As for new hobbies and interests that I've picked up... Keyboards is one small hobby that I'm interested in! I have my own custom keyboard that I modded but I'll have to lube the switches in the future. And new interests are mostly mecha/robot related, but to be fair the first media I ever consumed had to do SOMETHING with mecha, so it did...come full circle.
So with that being said, with old hobbies of mine becoming either irrelevant or something I'd like to indulge in (but not as much), the new interests and hobbies that I've picked up are something I'm more invested in. 2023 has been a pretty weird year in a good way, I guess.
Project Plans
No, I won't be shelving this project next year. It will still be alive and well, it's just that the activity on this project will be smaller than ever.
Voicebank Development and Status
I won't be quitting voicebank development just yet; Maria and Mario's DiffSinger voicebanks are currently in development for God knows how long, but I've been working on them at my own pace and my free time. I think it is safe to say that once I release these voicebanks, I'll be done with voicebank development once and for all, only working on small maintenance updates if I have to. Much like making covers, making voicebanks takes a lot of time and energy to devote to.
I want to make Maria and Mario's DiffSinger voicebanks sound good, and so far I'm about halfway done with recording Mario's dataset as of writing this post. Maria's dataset progress will start next year, hopefully. I'll try and figure out the whole multispeaker schtick but GOD Colab does hate me.
Maria and Mario will still be available for download, and I don't think I will discontinue them anytime soon. I would love to see them being used in all sorts of audiovisual work even when I'm not actively working on this project.
New Voicebanks...?
As Maria and Mario are the only UTAUs associated with this project, I don't have any plans adding new UTAUs. When I first started this project in 2014, it was all about Maria and Mario and how much I wanted to make lots of song covers with them - mostly the songs that I loved.
I did have plans for adding in new UTAUs for this project, but that won't be the case anymore. Devoting my time and energy to two UTAUs is already enough.
Site Updates
I won't be updating this site as much from this point, simple as that. I'm satisfied with the way this site looks, so no needless site revamping!!
The only times I will post here are when I upload a new cover, so no fan content promos and all, unfortunately.
Signing Off
So this will be my last post about the future of AUSPICIOUS VOICE. It'll be a smaller project compared to my other ones, and once I'm finished with Maria and Mario's DiffSinger voicebanks, they'll be the last voicebanks I'll ever release for them. Cover uploads will come by once in a while (or once a month if I feel like it), and this site will see very few updates. Also anniversary uploads are still a thing, and my interactions with the community are still at a minimum. And Maria and Mario are still available for download. :)
With that being said, UTAU's one hell of a ride, but I'm at that point where I'm devoting my time towards other things that are worth my time and energy. Out with UTAU (for like the most part), and in with OCs, animatics, and other bits of media I like doing best!
See you later,
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