fordofthefalls · 2 days
Darcy : so this guy named bill cipher offered me a deal and I said no cause I was unsure if it was a good idea you know about things here did I make a good choice or did I miss out on an opportunity?
Trust me when I say you made the best choice you could have made in that situation. Bill Cipher is not to be trusted. Ever.
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fordofthefalls · 2 days
"Hah! If you travel across many dimensions, you most likely met another version of myself. Infinite possibilities, after all!"
Hello, how are you? How are things going? 😁😁😁
"Well, hello there! I'm doing alright. Do I know you?"
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fordofthefalls · 2 days
Ford chuckled at her enthusiasm, and decided he'd get it for her. Soos would probably have done the same, but he knew Stanley would be incredibly disappointed.
"Here, I'll get it for ya." He smiled, pulling out the appropriate amount and going around the counter to add it to the register.
*a young bat pony flies towards him* oh my gosh!! Are you a human? I've only seen humans in myths! Do you guys really have hands? I gotta write this down!!
*she says asking too many questions excitingly*
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There isn't much that surprises Ford, but the sudden appearance of a talking pony certainly made the older man raise his eyebrows. He had seen creatures like this before, but it wasn't in reality, rather one of Mabel's favorite cartoons.
"Oh! Well, yes! I do in fact have hands!" He can't help but chuckle, and raises his hands to illustrate the point.
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fordofthefalls · 2 days
"This version of witches are called hags. They usually aren't as... pleasing to look at, and their dispositions are as rotten as their teeth. Usually described as 'warped reflections of civilized beings'. They're the kind of witch you never want to run into."
Hands you Riley Matthews
{ @cottoncandy-face }
"Ah! Uh, greetings! Is there something I can help you with?"
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fordofthefalls · 2 days
"Oh, thank you! It's my own personal oddity. In my childhood I was teased for it, but I learned to embrace my own weirdness. It even led me to my career of investigating the weird and the paranormal."
He looks down at his hand, smiling a little as he wiggles his fingers idly before looking back up at Dew. He shifted on his feet, brushing his fingers along his chin.
"So, you're somewhat of a nomad. Following where the wind takes you, so to speak. My brother and I are like that too when we're traveling, though more often than not we have a set direction. However, it's always nice to let the wind be your guide."
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。❜ AGH—! ❛
Crack… Crack… BAM! A… Creature suddenly fell down from a nearby tree. Definitely something decently interesting… Something of a human with dog ears and a tail. Pink bat-like demon wings… The creature stared up at you, quickly scrambling to get up.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。❜ HI-! I mean… Hi. Sorry, I miiiight’ve been watching you from that tree. ❛
The male(?) pointed up to a tree, the one he had literally just fell from. Yep! That one. He blinked a few times, his facial expression turning to one of anxiety and semi-discomfort(?) who knows. Clearly he was embarrassed he even got caught watching.
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(Ignore this is on my main, my sideblog is super new so I can’t tag it :( ALSO I hope it’s okay I dropped my oc in here!!! I rlly like ur blog so I got interested haha </3 )
Ford spun around upon hearing the sudden crack. His first instinct was to see if the creature was alright, though the corner of his eye twitched very slightly at the casual mention of stalking. He nevertheless remained largely nonchalant... at least for the moment, years of dealing with far weirder occurrences have conditioned him to such unexpected situations.
"Ah..." He muttered dryly, "You were spying on me... from a tree, no less?"
His gaze drifted upwards towards said tree briefly before returning back to its original focus, noting the various unusual traits that made up this hybrid being's anatomy. He resisted the urge to pull out his journal to immediately begin jotting notes down about what he's seeing, though his fingers are already brushing the cover.
"I'm wondering... what exactly you were hoping to gain from watching me?"
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fordofthefalls · 2 days
"Woah! You know each other?"
( meet Ange )
You would be traveling through an area where you would see some corpses and collected skulls you would see a girl covered in burn scars
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( art not mine )
She had a lot of blood on her
Ford pauses in his stride looking around at the disturbingly morbid scenery around him. He notices the badly burned girl covered in blood, a sight that twists his stomach unpleasantly. He quickly goes over to her.
"What happened here? This seems like the aftermath of some supernatural catastrophe..." He mumbles to himself. "Can you speak?" He asks the girl.
This isn't something I should handle on my own... He thinks to himself, before taking a radio from his inside pocket. "Stan, I need backup."
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fordofthefalls · 2 days
Ford is a little nervous about it. It's been a while since he's been this close with someone, and the last time he was this close with someone, they...
euh... kinda stabbed him in the back. Pardon his nervousness.
( @dr-ignis-ashton )
It was a nice day to go outside and walk around, which was not common for him. It had been raining, so everything was damp and earthy and dark and cool and he loved it.
Though that mean he wasn’t paying the most attention to where he was going.
The smell of damp earth and fresh rain was like a soothing balm to Stanford's senses. He had spent too far cooped up, and so the paranormal investigator relished the cool air on his face.
With one six-fingered hand brushing against the bark of a tree, he nearly plowed into someone coming from the other direction!
"Apologies," Ford began, a hint of exasperation tinging his words as he adjusted his glasses, "It seems I've been more preoccupied with my surroundings than I thought."
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fordofthefalls · 2 days
"So, you cannot return to heaven? You just remain on the mortal plane, then?"
{Hopefully it's alright to send you my oc? That's at least what I understood from the main post, so sorry if I got it wrong {@qbs-creatures}
Hands you Roury
OOC: YES! Send all your OCs! I love OCs. I have tons of 'em, and I love meeting them! :D
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fordofthefalls · 2 days
"Big waves..." Ford brushed his chin thoughtfully, thinking of how they could make big waves... oh! They could drape sheets over chairs to make them look like big waves!
"I have an idea! Let's find a bunch of blue sheets! And if we can't find any, I'll go to the store and grab some!"
.... . .-.. .-.. --- / -- .-. .-.-.- / -.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . ..--..
- @ask-the-mci
(OOC: feel free to ignore if you don't feel like a crossover btw!)
.-- .... -.-- / -.-- . ... / .. / .- -- / ..-. .- -- .. .-.. .. .- .-. / .-- .. - .... / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . .-- .... .- - / -.-. .- -. / .. / -.. --- / ..-. --- .-. / -.-- --- ..-
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fordofthefalls · 3 days
Ford stared at his outstretched hand for a moment, caught off-guard by the rapid-fire rambling and open cheeriness. It was an interesting blend of behavior considering their first interaction involved... stalking and eavesdropping.
"I... understand you find my work interesting, but there are boundaries..." He frowned, before sighing slightly. "However, spying or not... I appreciate your... enthusiasm."
Ford extended his own six-fingered hand to meet Dew's in a firm handshake offering him a nod of acknowledgement.
"Stanford Pines, or Ford if that suits your preference! And while you evidently heard about me... I uh, can't say I've come across any information regarding dog-like entities with wing appendages like yours. Would you mind sharing where you're from, or what brought you here in the first place?"
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。❜ AGH—! ❛
Crack… Crack… BAM! A… Creature suddenly fell down from a nearby tree. Definitely something decently interesting… Something of a human with dog ears and a tail. Pink bat-like demon wings… The creature stared up at you, quickly scrambling to get up.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。❜ HI-! I mean… Hi. Sorry, I miiiight’ve been watching you from that tree. ❛
The male(?) pointed up to a tree, the one he had literally just fell from. Yep! That one. He blinked a few times, his facial expression turning to one of anxiety and semi-discomfort(?) who knows. Clearly he was embarrassed he even got caught watching.
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(Ignore this is on my main, my sideblog is super new so I can’t tag it :( ALSO I hope it’s okay I dropped my oc in here!!! I rlly like ur blog so I got interested haha </3 )
Ford spun around upon hearing the sudden crack. His first instinct was to see if the creature was alright, though the corner of his eye twitched very slightly at the casual mention of stalking. He nevertheless remained largely nonchalant... at least for the moment, years of dealing with far weirder occurrences have conditioned him to such unexpected situations.
"Ah..." He muttered dryly, "You were spying on me... from a tree, no less?"
His gaze drifted upwards towards said tree briefly before returning back to its original focus, noting the various unusual traits that made up this hybrid being's anatomy. He resisted the urge to pull out his journal to immediately begin jotting notes down about what he's seeing, though his fingers are already brushing the cover.
"I'm wondering... what exactly you were hoping to gain from watching me?"
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fordofthefalls · 3 days
A chuckle escaped Ford as the figure attempted a high-five, the strangeness of the interaction fading into amusement for a moment. The sudden retreat movement took him by surprise, but his interest remained unperturbed.
Hoping that it was sentient enough to understand gestures, Ford extended an open palm once again towards it - an invitation or perhaps a silent question. Offering to help piece together its non-existent memory one step at a time.
"Would you like my help?" The words slipped out softly, yet firmly.
((aaa, i'm really rusty with Tumblr RP stuff lol, been years)) [@spare-vessel]
-A typical, plain, uneventful evening as per usual. The sky ever-dull due to clouds. Not much to really think or say about it. A just-as-plain, figure, was slowly hobbling along the dirt path in the midst of the woods, blankly staring forward with each step. It's form covered with bits of moss and grime from being idle for. . Who knows how long, in some run down building that was long abandoned.-
-The crunch of autumn leaves, mixed with the mildew of a recent rainfall, calming to those who could register it.-
-The figure, however. Stops to a halt the moment it unintentionally bumps into something solid, or was it standing? It had no clue. Though it tilts it's head up a little, eyelid drooping ever so slightly, almost like the tilt-eyes those unnerving dolls for kids had. Not a word or thought really surfacing at all-
Ford had been out for a solitary stroll to clear his mind, enjoying the soft autumn breeze and dim light filtering through the scattered foliage above. As he stopped to take in a deep breath and admire the changing colors of the leaves above him, he was rather taken aback by what had bumped into him.
With a curious expression, Ford glanced down, adjusting his bifocals to peer at the mysterious figure before him. His tired eyes narrowed slightly, taking in the being's peculiar appearance.
"Hmm... A figure not unlike a garden sculpture... Lost? Or simply forgotten..."
A reminiscent smile tugged at one corner of his lips as memories of countless oddities he'd come across in Gravity Falls sprang up behind those eyes. Seeking answers was always a thrill; and this appeared to be no different.
"Who are you?" He inquired politely yet firmly, curiosity piqued despite the potential danger posed by an unknown entity.
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fordofthefalls · 3 days
"I'm happy you think so!"
He then pointed to the journal and flipped a few pages to a page about witches, just in case she was interested.
Hands you Riley Matthews
{ @cottoncandy-face }
"Ah! Uh, greetings! Is there something I can help you with?"
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fordofthefalls · 3 days
"Anyways, don't let my silly ramblings interrupt you. Please tell me more about yourself!"
{Hopefully it's alright to send you my oc? That's at least what I understood from the main post, so sorry if I got it wrong {@qbs-creatures}
Hands you Roury
OOC: YES! Send all your OCs! I love OCs. I have tons of 'em, and I love meeting them! :D
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fordofthefalls · 3 days
"I'm sure that even they don't have clean track records. Even in mythology, many gods and goddesses humans believe in have made mistakes and screwed mortals over in one way or another."
Good thing nobody was in the gift shop at the moment. Ford didn't want to explain the fact he was bringing in a talking pony.
*a young bat pony flies towards him* oh my gosh!! Are you a human? I've only seen humans in myths! Do you guys really have hands? I gotta write this down!!
*she says asking too many questions excitingly*
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There isn't much that surprises Ford, but the sudden appearance of a talking pony certainly made the older man raise his eyebrows. He had seen creatures like this before, but it wasn't in reality, rather one of Mabel's favorite cartoons.
"Oh! Well, yes! I do in fact have hands!" He can't help but chuckle, and raises his hands to illustrate the point.
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fordofthefalls · 3 days
Ford was a little surprised that he did. For a short while he was a little tense, but then after a few minutes, he relaxed and leaned back a bit more before directing his attention back to the movie!
( @dr-ignis-ashton )
It was a nice day to go outside and walk around, which was not common for him. It had been raining, so everything was damp and earthy and dark and cool and he loved it.
Though that mean he wasn’t paying the most attention to where he was going.
The smell of damp earth and fresh rain was like a soothing balm to Stanford's senses. He had spent too far cooped up, and so the paranormal investigator relished the cool air on his face.
With one six-fingered hand brushing against the bark of a tree, he nearly plowed into someone coming from the other direction!
"Apologies," Ford began, a hint of exasperation tinging his words as he adjusted his glasses, "It seems I've been more preoccupied with my surroundings than I thought."
133 notes · View notes
fordofthefalls · 3 days
Hello, how are you? How are things going? 😁😁😁
"Well, hello there! I'm doing alright. Do I know you?"
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fordofthefalls · 3 days
"While I can't prove that I'm nothing like them, allow me to at least prove it?"
( meet Ange )
You would be traveling through an area where you would see some corpses and collected skulls you would see a girl covered in burn scars
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( art not mine )
She had a lot of blood on her
Ford pauses in his stride looking around at the disturbingly morbid scenery around him. He notices the badly burned girl covered in blood, a sight that twists his stomach unpleasantly. He quickly goes over to her.
"What happened here? This seems like the aftermath of some supernatural catastrophe..." He mumbles to himself. "Can you speak?" He asks the girl.
This isn't something I should handle on my own... He thinks to himself, before taking a radio from his inside pocket. "Stan, I need backup."
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