hokuukukhaos · 5 hours
Having Five date an alternate timeline version of Lila would have actually been funny and could have lead to way more character development for everyone involved
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hokuukukhaos · 5 hours
Pop quiz, hotshots! Which would you rather have:
A relationship that, when it goes wrong, you can tell the other person that you need a break to reassess your relationship, and they will discuss this calmly, let you go, and then go away and think about what you said, agree that they were in the wrong, and start working on ways to fix their own behaviour;
A relationship that, when you want to leave, they tell you that you don't really want to go, that you're happier with them, that you should isolate yourself from your family and friends so you can stay with them - and when you disagree and tell them the relationship is just a matter of necessity, they start in on your other relationship (which they have apparently decided is the reason you're going back, despite you making no mention of it), telling you that it's broken, that you shouldn't go back to him - and when you tell them to butt out of your personal business, they tell you they're entitled to have an opinion because you've been stranded alone together for a long time...
Is that or is that not what happened? Because I remember Lila making herself pretty clear on these points, but apparently a bunch of people think we should disregard a woman's expressed opinion about her own life, and go with what she's being told. Because Five knows best, amirite? Gosh he's so smart and clever! And he deserves this - he deserves Lila, no matter what Lila herself says. He's owed it by the universe, because he had a bad life.
Lila did have another relationship like that, where she was told what to do, kept in the dark, told that the other person knew what was best for her...and it wasn't Diego.
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hokuukukhaos · 21 hours
We now understand why Rob told us to go in with no expectations...
WTF was season 4??? (if you like it, I'm not hating on you-just my opinion)
Both Aidan and Ritu thought they were joking about the kiss until it was time to shoot and realized they weren't.
Ritu has known Aidan since he was 14/15 and they had to have a make out scene and implied sex. It's messed up on so many levels. This was planned and Steve was just waiting for Aidan to be legal. I'm honestly disgusted. He wanted to sexualize someone he's known since he was 13!!!! I just want to emphasize it. Every cast member tried to protest it, especially David.
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David hated that they wanted to ruin the characters, which they did successfully.
Five stated he did anything to get back to his family (not direct quote). He and Diego had a tight bond, and suddenly his family didn't matter. Lila may have said she needed a break and something for herself doesn't mean she was going to cheat with her brother.
The writers must have forgotten about the show, forgotten about the bracelet Diego made was important to Lila. "I choose you"
Lila and Diego had 3 kids together, married, and she thought it was a great idea to cheat with HIS BROTHER!!!!! I understand they were stuck together for 7 years-needing comfort they looked to each other. That does not excuse their behavior.
I do not claim season 4 Five and Lila.
Season 4 was a disappointment to me. At least we still had Klaus being Klaus and Viktor. (I will always love Viktor)
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hokuukukhaos · 1 day
qq for human reader x thranduil enjoyers. How does adopting legolas go? How do you imagine walking up to this giant man who is thousands of years older than you and go "i'm your new mommy, sweetie"
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hokuukukhaos · 1 day
Imagine Wade gets a shirt made that says, "Wolverine's Controversially Young Girlfriend".
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
To add on to my wall of tags,
This actually happened in my school. When i was in secondary 1-2.
A teacher said some inappropriate shit to one of my classmates and boom, next year he’s no where to be seen, teachers will not speak of him, students are whispering tryna get the full story.
And i knew the girl it happened to, she stopped coming to school for the rest of our years here.
we’re graduating this year.
i’m gunna crush my own skull with how hard i’m holding my head,
what in the two loving FUCKS was Miller’s Girl.
what. the. fuck.
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
Thranduil, Bagginshield save me 🙏😭
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
i’m gunna crush my own skull with how hard i’m holding my head,
what in the two loving FUCKS was Miller’s Girl.
what. the. fuck.
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
Miller’s Girl.
i fucking hate it, absolutely abhorred by it.
The rise in popularity of "subversive" movies and tv shows about students seducing their teachers or women lying about getting abused, raped and groomed is really concerning to me. I don't care if "its a good story" or about the aesthetic. Who are these getting produced for and why? As soon as the narrative started shifting around the abuse of women and girls people are trying to bring back the status quo.
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
Okay this (and as well as the linked articles in this post) helped me so much regarding Martin Freeman’s Controversy. Because i will honestly state it out loud that TikTok scared the shit out of me when i found out about allat.
And me being me, i needed to quell my curiosity by deep diving into research to form my own opinion of the man.
I recently joined The Hobbit fandom and i love it so much as well as Martin’s acting, not just that he’s also in the black panther movies WHICH ARE MY FAVOURITE marvel movies EVER. And Martin being in it delighted me as well.
I went into researching him fully expecting to be disappointed that yet another one of my favourite actors are problematic, but i was also wholeheartedly holding onto the hope that he isn’t.
1) Because i saw a video of him RESUSCITATING a BEE that had its stinger yanked out, like he gave it honey and all, and i found that super heart warming and thought: “no, a guy like that who would care for something so small wouldn’t be terrible irl right?”
2) i’m still researching, but one of my core beliefs is that no one should be held accountable for a terrible thing that they regret saying or doing in the past, especially if they’ve tried to make amends to it, that and i take sensitive topics very seriously.
So as of now, i’m still gaining info and trying to form an opinion, if anyone could help me it would be great. I’m just super confused and upset rn ☹️
Hello~ I saw that you are Martin Enthusiast, so I thought you would know better and wanted to clarify something. And sorry this is an uncomfortable topic to speak but I wanted to make sure before I conclude something. The thing is I saw a post with 200 likes about Martin and Benedict are shi**y people... Especially Martin uttering rap*st jokes and being homophobic? I don't know anything about them, it's only been a month I came to know these actors and after seeing this allegations I don't know what to think, so I thought maybe you could enlighten me that contradict this before I dwell into more of their movies/series. Again sorry for bringing such heavy topic into your feed, I can't help since I'm sensitive to such accusations, if it's not true I have no idea why people think these are something normal to accuse someone of, so yeah..... Have a good day 😇🥰
Hello, dear anon.
Before I answer in more detail let me say 3 things:
Thank you so much for not just blindly believing what you read on the internet and asking for advice. You have no idea how much this delights me. A few weeks ago, a TikTok video went a bit viral and claimed that Martin was homophobic, racist, abuses his kids and tells rape jokes. Seeing how many people blindly believed what they saw in a badly researched TikTok and cancelled Martin was disheartening. I also saw the post you mentioned, but decided not to react- because well, what's the point?
As you said yourself, I am a Martin enthusiast. I know next to nothing about Benedict, so all I am saying will be about Martin.
Most of the accusations are old, like several years old and originate from the infamous 'your fave is problematic' tumblr blog. Google it if you want to, I won't link it for obvious reason. The person behind that blog now looks back at it with 'shame and regret'.
So, is it true that Martin said some things in the past he probably shouldn't have said? Yes, it's true- there is no denying that. But then again: isn't that something we are ALL guilty of? I know I've said things in the past that I regret now. I have a very twisted and dark sense of humour, not unlike Martin (I think). Yes, he is a famous person and he should be more aware of what he says. I think his publicist probably hated him many, many times for speaking his mind. 😆 But that is also something I adore about Martin- he just says what he thinks without caring about what people will think about him. He just doesn't give a shit. I envy that. And I like him even more because of that.
Also, none of the things he said were truly awful. Most of them were taken out of context and sound bad- until you read the whole thing. Please read this article which deals with that nicely and so much better than I ever could. Also, this is totally worth a read and shows that Martin isn't a bad person and Cancel Culture sucks.
Do yourself a favour and read both articles/ blog posts I linked.
Maybe one of my followers has some similar links for Benedict?
I decided not to go into further detail about any of the 'problematic' things he said. For now. If you want my opinion on a certain quote/ joke, just let me know. I am not shying away from it, I just don't want to spend too much time on something if it's not really needed.
Thanks again for the ask, and I hope this helped.
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
i’m my 2 hours of research on the topic of Martin Freeman (because i recently got into The Hobbit Fandom) this helped me SO MUCH
oh this fucking bullshit again
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“I DON’T KNOW BUT” let me air my bullshit, uninformed and unsupported opinions again.
let’s start with the racist part first.
2. I guess all these people must be stupid then hanging out with a racist asshole who secretly hates them. Except for yellow hat lady the rest aren’t even people who worked on black panther with him.
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3. During the black panther press tour, Daniel Kaluuya and Winston Duke were asked “what was the blackest thing they did off set”. Their answer: “Martin Freeman on the drums.” In another interview, the same two guys again say “Martin Freeman is a G”, “He’s gone native. Ask for his password”, then agreed with the interviewer’s statement that Ryan Coogler had only directed one white guy (Andy Serkis) in the movie and not two.
4. THIS interview with Danai Gurira. I guess for a “racist” he didn’t do a very good job of raising his son to think like him. (gif source, video source)
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5. In his own words “Two-tone and Catholicism were my twin religions” What is two-tone? “Two-tone or 2 tone is a genre of British popular music of the early 1980s that fused traditional Jamaican ska music with elements of punk rock and new wave music.” often represented by:
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Its name derives from 2 Tone Records, a record label founded in 1979 by Jerry Dammers of The Specials, and references a desire to transcend and defuse racial tensions in Thatcher-era Britain; many two-tone groups, such as The Specials, The Selecter, and The Beat featured a mix of black, white, and multiracial people.
6. Says he spent his teenage years “finding fault with everybody and accusing every single person of constantly being a racist homophobe.” OH THE FUCKING IRONY.
7. THIS BLOG POST covers this topic and a bit more.
“So saying a word to point out that you don’t like to hear it and there was a time when people knew that it was an inappropriate word to call people; that’s not racist. If anything it’s the opposite of racist. What he’s saying is, “as a white man, I find this word to be inappropriate, and yet there it is.” He probably shouldn’t have called it “gangsta rap” and using the word was inappropriate, but that’s all it was. Inappropriate, not racist… This is primarily because it’s white people saying these things about him while ignoring actual PoC who are telling them that what he’s saying is not technically racist. It would be one thing if he were saying that word to someone, or was saying that that word was okay to say. He’s doing the opposite and saying that he finds it annoying that it’s there.”
so anyways moving on.
8. I guess Sir Ian Mckellen doesn’t know how to judge a person’s character since he considers Martin a friend. Or MF is such a great actor and pretender that he can fool him. Look at that little homophobic bastard SNUGGLING up to a gay man who’s been out since the fucking 80s.
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9. On one of the Hobbit red carpets, Stephen Fry tickles his neck when passing, Martin just turns around to blow him a kiss. Thought a homophobe would have been more likely to throw a punch instead but what would I fucking know right?
10. Let’s all look at him being phobic with Mark Gay-tease(???)
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11. Again another infamous MF quote. “We’re all are a bit (bi) aren’t we… Don’t give me labels.” Among whole other bunch of “Proof that Martin is Bi” posts which I honestly can’t even be bothered to search and link.
12. Has NEVER ONCE cringed or criticized or complained despite being shown very graphic and very gay fanart on talk shows NUMEROUS times. Has also been sent/given physical copies of fanart, has admitted to looking it up himself online, and has also shown said fanart to Benadryl Cumberpants. HE LITERALLY DOES NOT MIND THE GAY.
I’m sure some geniuses might bitch about these not proving anything. Yeah sure, fine, don’t believe me, what the fuck do I know JUST I’m a biased fan anyway. It’s still a fuck load more evidence than people bother to bring up while they’re slandering him.
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
actually i dont make art for myself. i make art so that i can see “#OUGH” and “#AUGHW” and “#WAAAH” in my notifications
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
the UNGODLY amount of fics i read about these two in AOTC is… concerning 💀
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☆ Anakin Skywalker & Obi-Wan Kenobi in Attack of the Clones appreciation post ☆
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
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“Love Pledge and The Arena” from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones  Featured again in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
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hokuukukhaos · 2 days
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