#because of the shadows they cast
which OC you suspect may actually be a vampire?
Like an oc of any person or just from mine? Dk how to read the "suspect" here ^^; . Gonna be egoistical here and go with the latter cuz it’s easier, hope that’s ok (if you meant the first one, please tell me!)
Anyways…I mean, sure, one of 'em’s a dark mage with a cloak, but Violet’s got pale skin, doesn’t like sunshine, never uses light magic even though she’s supposedly got much of it, always wearing that cape, maybe the freckles she gets in sunshine I always forget are actually sun burns, never seen outside that castle either…and who knows what secrets the royal family keeps, they had to get that magic affinity from somewhere right…very suspicious |:|
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cometrose · 2 months
Op I read your old post about "the blind dragon who wants to see the sun" and I realized wait Zhongli is most symbolized by the sun
zhongli has soooo much sun symbolism here is a list
Gold everywhere!!! Lots of yellow and gold in his color palette. His eyes are described as golden or amber -the golden glow of his hands, the gold in his suits or archon outfits. Gold, the color of the sun is his signature color.
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In his splash art his meteorite looks distinctly like the sun (plus his character demo is full of sun symbolism)
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In depictions of Rex Lapis he always symbolizes the sun
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Zhongli's namecard description: stars fall, light fades
His burst/ultimate is translated to "Planet Befall" in english but in chinese it is "Heavenly Star"
During one of the melusine quests in fontaine one them says "gold are the tears of the sun" if you gift them cor lapis. She also says cor lapis is warm to the touch "truly as gentle as the sun itself"
Deus Auri which translates to “god of gold” is one of Rex Lapis' titles
Mora (which is often referred synonymously with gold) is minted from Zhongli’s own flesh and blood
As you mentioned Azhdaha was a blind dragon who yearned to see the sun. As Morax was the one who granted him eyes -meaning he was the first person Azhdaha saw- Morax is in part the "sun" he yearned to see
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In Zhongli's TCG card the story says "a hidden gemstone can illuminate the whole earth, bright and unrivaled as a star"
One of the distinct features of the adepti is the "illumination" that Rex Lapis granted them that gave them the ability to create subspaces and other powers (what does the sun do? illuminate)
In Azhdaha's story he recites a poem to Jiu (his eroded self) "A star appears within the wild a sun ascends as bright as jade”. Other than gold Zhongli's signature item is jade! Fun fact the weapons of the Primordial Jade series were created by him.
In the description of the Geo Hypostasis it states maybe the reason it creates pillar is not to combat enemies but to get closer to the sky
In one of Albedo's voicelines he says "without human manipulation you would need to harness the power of a sun eight times the size of our own in order to naturally create gold”
Interestingly the Solar Chariot crashed into Liyue forming The Chasm about 6000 years ago, coincidentally Rex Lapis descended upon the region at the same time.
Lastly, while Zhongli symbolizes the sun a lot of the people around him symbolize the moon. Guizhong has a dark blue and white color palette with stars in her sleeves. Azhdaha often depicted with the moon and night. Ganyu and Xiao both have moon symbolism. The 'yue' in Liyue means moon. All the other archons -Venti, Nahida, and Ei especially- have a lot of moon symbolism. So not only is he very "sun-like" but the people around him are very "moon-like"
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sleepless-crows · 1 year
jessie and daisy 🤝 archie and paddy
inadvertently giving their characters way more chemistry and now genyalina and malkolai shippers are strong as ever
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travelingneuritis · 3 months
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from the 16th and final chapter of Heartbreak and Other Foreplay: a beginning dressed up as an ending.
watercolor and gouache on paper.
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cherries-and-knives · 5 months
I am begging you guys, please please please watch shadow and bone if you can. Is the show completely book accurate?? Hell no. But, it’s still a wonderful series (Emmy fucking nominated) with a truly amazing cast and I still haven’t the slightest clue as to why it was cancelled.
SO, the chances of Netflix un-canceling the show are extremely slim yes. But Netflix sees when shows get watched more, when people re-watch and make things popular. So please watch the show🙏 it doesn’t deserve to be cancelled.
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jazzy-art-time · 1 year
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lilisouless · 1 year
The difference between the stylist of each of the crow actors is a litle funny to me.
Amita and Dani are ✨GLAMOROUS✨
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Kit and Freddy are fancy and leaning on the modest side
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Meanwhile Calahan and Jack just keep figthing over who can undone more buttons
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grishaverse-chaos · 1 year
characters I am STEALING from eric whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is and any other producers/showrunners from s&b:
ALINA STARKOV (they can have her back if they do a good job with her in s3)
inej ghafa. seriously they didn't show her trauma at ALL and I'm SO mad about it. also killing tante heleen off screen!! what the fuck!!
n i n a z e n i k. that girl had ZERO personality beyond matthias in the show and I'm pissed about it
zoya nazyalensky. they really just made her a one-dimensional mean girl with no nuance, no personality beyond her aunt - which YES is an important part of her character but there's so much more to her than that!!!
i already said alina but I'm stealing malina as well. they did okay with mal as a character but malina's ending??? no. no stop that.
JESPER FUCKING FAHEY. again they barely showed his trauma and they flattened him into a comedic relief character (again, they can have him back if they do better in the spinoff)
genya safin. they didn't fuck with her character I'm just stealing her so I can give her the good things she deserves instead of the ENDLESS PAIN the show gave her
david kostyk!! I'm stealing him and resurrecting him
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apollodreams · 1 month
IWTV season 2 is coming out it's never been a better time to be an annoying gay horny theater actor who's really into the macabre
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foxett · 1 month
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the guy who didn't like musicals except the guy is shadow the hedgehog
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askblueandviolet · 1 month
Fave soap opera and fave true crime doc GO
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sleepless-crows · 1 year
T.S. = The Six
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kazscrows · 1 year
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
sorry i dont really like the shadow is silvers dad theory/headcanon/whatever and part of the reason for it is that people keep presenting it as an actual thing that could be possible even though it makes no sense and all "evidence" people use to back it up is easily disputed
#''they both have white chest fur'' okay ? there are so many other characters who have small physical traits in common#doesnt mean they have to be related#''shadow and silver are lancelot and galahad in sonic and the black knight'' okay and .#im sure there might be SOME meaning to the character choices in the storybook games but i highly doubt their lives are 1 to 1 parallels#or that the character choices are meant to imply anything about the characters that we dont already know#plus amy was nimue and nobody tries to argue that shadow and amy are related because of that?#also im aware that a lot of dad shadow stuff takes place in the future when silver is a baby and shadow has still been alive for a long tim#(which. how would that even work wasnt shadow in stasis again in the future)#but sometimes i see people do it with like present day shadow being a father figure to the silver who time traveled there ?#thats like the horrible combination of people infantilizing silver in a way they dont do with other characters his age or younger#and people pretending shadow is an adult when he isnt . what#also i dont get why people insist that if shadow is silver's dad then the other parent MUST be someone from the existing cast#like . silver is not from a few decades into the future hes from 200 years into the future#none of the characters youre saying shadow is gonna get with are gonna be living that long im sorry to say#and why does silver HAVE to be the child of a couple in the existing cast why cant he just be some random guy#and im not saying every au idea has to perfectly align with canon#but a lot of the people who think shadow is silvers dad arent presenting it as a fun little baseless headcanon#theyre presenting it as an actual plausible theory . when it really isnt .#also ive noticed one of the most common pairings for silvers parents is sonic and shadow .#sorry but that is just not happening i feel so strongly about sonic never wanting to get married or have kids#i think shadow being an older brother figure to silver could be cute .#and the idea of a timeline where shadow doesnt die or get put into stasis or whatever the hell and is still around in silvers time#could be interesting . but im not really on board with the dad thing
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voidzzermc · 8 months
When does the no fucks given portion of adulthood start? Is it in my 20’s or like do I have to wait another 10-20 years? Is my 20’s supposed to start my transition into wizardry? Do I get a pointy hat?
This is serious.
Do. i. get. a. pointy. hat?
Omg is that when I get the pointy hat of no fucks giveth?
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