#because luca is just too soft to get angry; and he would be way too soft towards him to get angry at anything he does.
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malkaviian · 2 years ago
how to realize i've had enough academically speaking today: i started to think about rafael and luca's domestic life, in case they somehow meet and get together after rafael's divorce.
#oc talk#i imagine he would be heartbroken but luca would be able to lift his spirits just by existing. luca would come home#after doing grocery shopping and he would be like 'ah!! i forgot salt and cheese!' while rafael's all 'its ok<3 i'll buy it get comfy'#he would be. really protective; the type to kill the bug except luca would feel bad so he asks him to put it outside instead.#these little kind gestures he shows through the day would enamour him more tbh. i dont think they would fight that much#because luca is just too soft to get angry; and he would be way too soft towards him to get angry at anything he does.#ok maybe he would get a bit angry on the whole 'not doing anything else besides blocking to the person who sends me death threats'#but its not directed at him its more the frustration over the fact he seems to be too kind and non confrontational for his own good.#a family can be a femboy who lives off streaming on twitch; a divorced soldier#and the guy who seems part of their lives because he loves to send said femboy horrific and medically accurate death threats.#also finally luca can live off something that isnt delivery or instant noodles because rafael will cook sometimes for the both of them#although he also doesnt know to cook. a lot of things bc charlotte used to be in charge of that (like the fucking patriarchy /j /s)#but hey at least they can eat homemade soup. or chicken wings. its better than nothing.#another thing is that he would feel suspicious of anything luca's fans send him and inspect the package just to see it doesnt contains.#an explosive or something KJDNKJDSNFJNJ the package needs to surpass his vibe check /j#oh and he would feel extremely awkward appearing on stream even if accidentally so whenever luca is Working™#he secludes himself on the living room and talks to mary or smth. luca on the other hand would probably talk about him on stream#whenever he knows he will be busy and not come home for a few days or more. he would miss him a lot:c#another thing before going to sleep and because i needed to say it: rafael's sex life would suffer a significant downgrade. and i dont mean#that sex became bad; moreso he doesnt have sex like. ever. his meat stick has no use now besides peeing#maybe now that hes dating someone though luca may be open to have sex SOMETIMES; but for him sometimes is like. 1 time every 2 months#and rafael's used to be way more sexually active (plus the few times would need to be way softer compared to how he was used with charlotte#i imagine that can be a bit frustrating tbh and as any guy traumatized by being cheated on (even more on his case) he would be#somewhat scared that luca doesnt likes him actually and that hes already looking for someone else/has someone else 'satisfying' him already#he realizes it doesnt makes sense at all because hes not that type of person; or so it seems. he was already tricked once for years.#but its ok they will find a solution because theyre 💖💘💖IN LOVE💖💘💖 the lingerie luca had for onlyfans could be useful for something#probably
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needleanddead · 5 months ago
going on a rampage of replying to asks that got abandoned btw. mostly about lucas (as is the way). under the cut, sorry if you see your ask from a million years ago!!!
general tws for cannibalism, murder, injury etc and one question about menstruation
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lucas probably (read: definitely) built the cabin himself. the floors are old wooden boards; not the most comfortable, but not the worst! there are a number of rugs that look as though they were woven by hand; perhaps a victim before you? he wouldn't be overjoyed to see you sleeping on the floor - your poor back! - but if it's the middle of the day, and you're looking cute in a patch of sunlight . . . he just rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue and lays a blanket over you with a fond smile on his face. you will have to return to the bed or the couch later, though; lucas is far too old for snuggling on the floor and he really enjoys holding his darling.
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you know what anon? you live your best life. lucas is a bit awkward and gruff when he's out in civilised society and sometimes this kind of thing goes over his head, but . . . always nice for an old man to feel like something pretty and young is flirting! and if you're silly enough to flirt all willy nilly with someone who may or may not be a mass-murderer cannibal - well, he's basically gotta take you home and keep you safe, right?
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oh, ABSOLUTELY. i do think lucas makes a bit of a thing about holidays; he can take or leave halloween, but he's a sap for romantic christmas time, for valentine's day, for a kiss on midnight at new year's eve . . . so yes, he's celebrating his darling's birthday. hopefully you've told him that (if not, he saw it on your ID before it all got mysteriously waterlogged and ruined and lost at the bottom of a covered well on his property.) or you're going to be in for a mildly disconcerting surprise!
he finds you a present he thinks you'll like. he absolutely does try and get a cake, though he's not a dab hand at baking himself (he much prefers darling to be the one to do that, it just feels so much more homemaker-y!). he might get one in town and say it's for his birthday. little bit of wrapping paper, some streamers . . . no balloons because he can't stand the popping sounds.
and of course, it's not really properly your birthday until you're underneath him in bed and . . . you know . . .
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so there isn't a like, canonical 'this is how many darlings lucas has had', but i always imagine the number hovering around eight or so. if this included the victims of all of his kill-and-eats, oof . . . but i think lucas - especially considering his general preference in soft sweet shy darlings - would feel as though he could take them on. they just need to work together . . .
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i think if you were very well-behaved and careful what you asked for, you could probably get some kind of personal music device. not an ipod - that way lies computers, finding a way to put music on it - but perhaps a cd player and cds, or even a walkman or a cassette player. the first time you don't hear him when he calls because you're too plugged in, though . . . well. lucas giveth, lucas taketh away.
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he's actually really a bit of a sweetheart about it. he's aware of these things, especially if his darling is afab - he's kind of clueless (definitely makes you write down the brand of pads you need and any info, and definitely drives a couple of towns away to get them), but when it comes to being taken care of . . .
lucas loves a darling who's a bit compromised, as long as they're pathetic about it. sniffling and snuggly and sad? he's all over it. so as long as you don't start getting angry and snappy, he's there with a hot water bottle and some of the chocolate he rarely ever buys and big hands gently rubbing over your stomach. won't let you do anything for yourself. he thinks the crying is cute and will snuggle and kiss and reassure and (unfortunately) get hard over it, the dacryphilia is strong.
but the snapping? he'll forgive it the first few times, but unfortunately you're right about the 'stern' correction. face set, voice warning. he won't punish you whilst you're still actively bleeding and in pain, but he remembers - and you'll get the punishment threefold when it's over. hope you didn't plan on sitting down !
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honestly, that would be his preference. if you prefer staying inside? he's way less worried you're going to make a run for it. he loves a cute little homebody. it would be nice if, once the two of you were settled together - and lucas ofc is convinced that will happen - you showed a bit of interest in some nice, calm pursuits like gardening or spending time with the chickens . . . but he's not going to try and force you outside, when you're so much safer in the cabin!
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he'd be patient!!! he speaks a little spanish (you pick up all sorts of things in the military, after all) though he's not all that great at it - his accent always bleeds through, no matter what he's doing. so if you're a spanish speaker, great! but he'll be patient with you and he'll probably try and learn a bit of your language too. his only irritation would be if he can't quite get across a telling off!
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listen, anon. he's my OC and as my wish fulfilment OC i get to say 'yes'. he still might not deal well with it, but he'd at least make an effort. a couple of things, unfortunately, might get used against you if he thinks it will be to the advantage of keeping you inside - but lucas himself is suffering with something that might be ptsd (read: is), so he's not going to dismiss it out of hand.
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i daresay SOMEONE will be offering to assist with the whole back blown out thing. not my fault. he's got to pay attention to his darlings, you see, because some of the others haven't worked out--
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paranoia absolutely activated. he brings it up CONSTANTLY. he's worse about leaving you (locks you in, gets bars for the windows, even if he trusted you entirely before this, his trust in human beings otherwise is completely gone and keeping you safe is more important than keeping you happy). holds you so tightly you think you're going to suffocate. jumps on every syllable you stress strangely, like walking on a tightrope edge.
it's . . . it's not a good time for anyone. there's a reason he works so hard to be as off the grid as possible.
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from february... crying.....
honestly i think he should get a dog. i think his darling deserves a dog. i think that your guilt tripping would work and you two would end up with a fluffy friend who slept on the couch with you and has to occasionally be shut out of the bedroom at night for a while. bonus - dog has plenty of bones to chew on!
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piggy backs are free and allowed but he would prefer to princess carry you around if it's an option (and it has been, in the times he's broken an ankle to prove a point). when he's mad he's very much the 'fireman carry toss you over the shoulder' kind of man. doesn't even break a sweat.
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ash5monster01 · 2 years ago
Perfect To Love Part 2
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, angst, trust issues.
Summary: Beth Walker was used to living in the shadows. She had only one friend and anyone else who paid her mind usually bullied her for her size. So she learned to keep her mouth shut, her head down, and her heart closed because she had to accept the fact that she would be nothing more than the fat girl to people. That is until Robin decides Beth needs more in life and that might just include a boy who she never would’ve thought could see her for who she truly was.
word count: 1,995
Part 1 ←→ Part 3
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After Saturday Beth had dealt with enough excitement to last her for a while. By the time she had made it home she fell asleep instantly, not even having a second of time to read her book like she had planned. She found herself torn for actually liking most of the kids including Steve. She hadn’t expected that and the other part of her that hated the world was angry she even liked them at all. Yet surprisingly it was nice to actually have people to spend time with, laugh with, and not for a single second feel judged or bullied by them. She wasn’t sure she remembered the last time she had ever felt like that. In the end though it was only a one time thing so she tried to not dwell on it too much.
That was until Monday afternoon and the last thing Beth expected was all the kids hanging around her car waiting for her. The minute they saw her coming their eyes lit up and they all cheered her name. “What’re you guys doing here?”
“We were wondering if you could give us all rides?” Mike asked and Beth turned to Robin who only chuckled. It was very like the kids to not give Beth a choice, Robin had known that since Steve used to sneak them in the movie theater. They always got their way.
“As long as you’re not busy” Max said and Beth realized she was never busy. She was just going to go home and read a book. She wasn’t used to having friends or making plans.
Before Beth could respond the rev of an engine pulling beside them cut them off and they all turned to see Steve in his BMW, sunglasses hung low on his nose, and an accusing hand dangling out the window.
“I’ve been waiting for you guys out front for like 20 minutes” an exasperated sigh fell from his lips and Beth realized Steve Harrington was still pretty even when he was annoyed.
“We wanted to see if Beth would give us a ride in her corvette” Dustin defended and Steve sighed as he got out of the car.
“Beth is probably busy, you should’ve asked earlier” Steve said and Beth began to shake her head.
“I’m free, as long as you guys are good taking turns. The car only has two seats” all the kids turned to Steve, looking as if they were asking for permission, and Steve sighed before turning to Beth, his eyes softening.
“Are you sure?” he asked and Beth realized he was being extremely sincere. Something she never expected from the boy.
“Positive Harrington, I’ll even let you have a turn” she told him before patting his arm and walking off. Steve didn’t expect the soft flush of his cheeks as she said this.
“That means we can?” Lucas asked and Beth chuckled before nodding.
“Yes, now figure out who’s going first” she said and instantly the kids began to bicker, Max stepping forward as she clearly won the fight. Beth gestured her to get in and all the kids moved out of the way as the engine roared to life, much louder than Steve’s.
“Can I pick a tape?” Max asked and Beth nodded as she began to thumb through the cassettes in the center console. Finally she settled on the Frontiers album by Journey and slipped it into the tape player, Separate Ways buzzing through the speakers.
Beth went around the block, a short ride but just long enough to give the kids an idea. Max sang along to the songs and Beth found herself having easy conversation with everyone. As each of the kids took a turn, and Robin despite already riding in it, she didn’t find herself nervous at all until she saw Steve approaching the door. Suddenly she worried he’d think she was too big to fit in the car, notice how her stomach stuck out when she sat unlike most girls, and that despite how hard she’d try he’d never think anything of her. Yet he was still getting in so she gave him a soft smile as he slid in the front seat, his knees tucked up from how long they were in the small car. Beth let out a soft chuckle as he struggled to fit and she pulled down the road, Ask The Lonely clicking on the radio.
“This is a beautiful car Beth” Beth glanced over to see Steve looking at her and she smiled.
“It really is, too bad it can’t land me a date” Beth joke and Steve pushed his lips together, realizing even is she was making a joke she believed it all the same.
“Don’t do that, you shouldn’t have to earn a date based of possessions” Steves voice was serious and it instantly made Beth start to shift in her seat.
“Yeah you earn dates based off of looks” Beth muttered under her breath and Steve snapped his head in her direction, shocked by her words.
“Beth you get a date based off of good personality and if you’re saying you don’t have good looks that isn’t true. I thought you were gorgeous from the moment I met you” Beth wished that those words could mean something coming from him, that they would somehow fix her self image. Yet she couldn’t because Steve didn’t realize he already met her and he definitely did not think she was pretty.
“No you didn’t” she whispered and Steve looked over, trying to read her facial expressions since he didn’t hear what she had said.
“What was that?” he asked and Beth began to shake her head.
“Nothing” she told him and Steve sighed as he looked back out the front of the car, trying to wrap his mind around the girl beside her. For a moment they sat insilence as Steve tried to analyze what she had said, Ask the Lonely still playing softly on the radio.
This love is your obsession
Your heart, your past possession
Let down your defenses
Won’t be up to the one who cares
“Beth you’re a very pretty girl, anyone who told you different sucks” Steve finally said and he did not miss the roll of her eyes as he said this. He wished he could shake some sense into her. “Was that an eye roll?”
“Look Steve, I’ve been lied to about my looks for a very long time. I don’t need to hear it again” Steve was silent as he let her words sink in, the fact she had allowed herself to believe that being bigger made her less. She was still beautiful, there was just more of her to love.
“I’m not lying Beth, I’m many things but I am not a liar. Just because I used to be an asshole doesn't change the fact you're still beautiful” Steve having rest his case turned back forward in the seat, his thoughts running a mile a minute. At first he wasn't on board with Robin's plan but now, he wanted to help her. Show her she was so much more than those assholes at Hawkins high.
"Thank you" she finally said after a beat, pulling back up beside the kids who were chatting away.
"Are you free Saturday night?" Steve found himself saying without much thought.
“What?” Beth was shocked on the spot, not expecting the gorgeous boy beside her to spit words like that out. In fact she was pretty sure no boy had ever said words like that to her.
“Look there’s this party and I don’t normally like to go but if you went with me I think it would be pretty cool” Beth’s heart was pounding so hard in her chest she was sure he could her it. She wasn’t sure if she was gonna cry or throw up.
“I- uh. Um, a party? I-“ words were firing out her mouth in record time but not forming anything understandable and suddenly a hand banged on the window, her jumping high in her seat.
“Let’s go, me and the guys have a new campaign we want to try out” Mike yelled through the window and Steve rolled his eyes.
“I’ll pick you up at 7” he told Beth and slipped out the car like he didn’t just completely short circuit the girl with only a few words. Beth quickly reminded herself she was looking for reasons to dislike the boy.
Doesn’t wait for permission
He did basically assume she said yes despite saying nothing at all. She was trying so hard to be mad about it but yet she was coming up short. He took initiative where she couldn’t and she kind of liked it because no matter how much she lied to herself, she was pretty sure she would’ve said yes the moment she got her thoughts in order. So was that really any reason to dislike Steve Harrington at all.
Doesn’t wait for permission
“Why do you look like someone killed your childhood pet?” Robin asked as she clambered into her car again.
“Why are you in my car?” Beth fired back and Robin rolled her eyes, flipping the visor down just to pout when she saw it didn’t have a mirror unlike Beth’s side.
“Not enough room in Steve’s, I was going to squish in the backseat but then Dustin got annoyed because I guess Steve yelled at them about not wearing seat belts, blah blah blah. But can you give me a ride home?” Beth snorted and shook her head before starting the car back up.
“Fine, you owe me” Beth told her pulling back onto the streets of Hawkins and Robin chuckled before digging through her bag, unable to keep still.
“So are we going to talk about why you looked all dazed and confused earlier?” Robin asked, pulling out some black nail polish and applying it to her fingers.
“Steve asked me to a party Saturday night” Robin’s eyes widened, this clearly not apart of her original plan with the boy.
“Did you say yes?” Robin finally asked, trying not to give way to the shock.
“He didn’t give me a chance to, just said he’d pick me up at seven” Beth informed her, turning down a road in the direction of Robins house.
“Are you excited?” Robin asked and Beth shrugged lightly.
“Maybe, more nervous. I dunno. I don’t do parties” Beth said trying to not give away the fact she was freaking out and normally when she wished the week would pass by quickly she was wishing it would slow down.
“Well I’ll come over and help you get ready, and if the party is lame I’ll call and give you some fake emergency so you can leave” Beth laughed and a huge smile widened across her face, realizing Robin was becoming a friend made for more than just school hours.
“Sounds good to me, but if the parties going good?” Beth asked and Robin tilted her head and leaned against the door.
“Then tell me you’ll see me later, we can make a code word. Like Steves lame” Beth chuckled and pulled into Robins driveway, shifting the car into park.
“And if he’s standing next to me?” a devious smile crossed Robins face.
“Even better” Beth laughed again and Robin dropped her nail polish into her bag and pushed open the door. “Or I’ll come to the party with you and at any point you want to leave we can ditch Steve”
“I’m good with absolutely any plan you have Rob” Beth told her as she climbed out the car and Robin smiled.
“Perfect, I’ll get any information out of Steve I can and let you know” Beth nodded and Robin shut the car door before waving and skipping up the steps into her home.
Beth wasn’t sure what to think now that she was caught in the world of the unlikely pair.
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Taglist: @kindablackenedsuperhero @rinarecommends @starryeyedpoet17 @crustless-toast @loverofmarsss @alexa-33 @bethanysnow @middle-of-the-earth @princessadriana4-blog
Comment if you want to be added to the tag list :))
a/n: sorry for the long wait, I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday. I’m very excited to finally be getting this chapter out there, hope you all enjoy <3
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imfinereallyy · 2 years ago
another birthday bit, unrelated to earlier, but something I wrote on my birthday. it’s a bit sad, I’m sorry.
There is an empty space on the couch.
There is an empty space on the couch between Dustin and Mike. The light from the window touches it gently. Making the Byers-Hoppers worn leather couch glow a soft brown. The house is filled with noise and chatter; a happiness that was once lost resides here.
Steve Harrington turns 24, and there is empty space on the couch.
Steve knows Max wouldn’t have sat there. That spot is not reserved for her. She would have sat on the floor between El’s legs while El brushed her hair softly with her fingers, or she would have draped herself over the edge of Lucas’ chair, teasing him with her head hooked on his shoulder.
Steve aches. He sees her in the missing pieces sometimes. A space in the car, a hand grasping at nothing, a laugh when there has only been silence. As if they are all moving in the same ways they did years before, not filling in the holes, just moving forward with gaping parts of themselves.
The house is full of noise, and love, and laughter. Robin leans her head on the tops of Steve’s knees, her hand braiding away at the new friendship bracelet she’s making him. He gets one every birthday. Will and El are drawing on a giant birthday card that Steve knows he’ll hang in his dingy apartment. Nancy and Erica are chattering away in the corner about something that will make Steve’s head spin, he’s sure. Everyone is here; everyone is safe. Steve thinks sometimes he will lose this; they will all push him away. But they come back time and time again. Except…
It’s Steve’s 24th birthday, and there is an empty space on the couch.
Steve Harrington is 24 years old, and Eddie Munson never makes it past twenty. And there is a space, that really isn’t his, but is there for him anyway.
Steve grieves.
He knows it’s unfair. Steve didn’t really know him. They were only ever sideways of each other. Paths crossed one another but never at the same time. A distance in a small place.
Steve feels bad at times, knows they could have done great things. Lead their friends on their strange journeys. Made each other better. He believes that they were more similar than they once thought. Different sure, but would have understood each other somehow.
Steve thinks they were kinda like stars in the same galaxy. Both shine brightly, both guide the way, but too far apart to say goodbye when the other burns too quickly.
When Steve had known him, it was temporary. Eddie had been a temporary person in the life of Steve Harrington. It isn’t a bad thing per se, but an unfortunate truth. Their time together was, although not very long, is held closely to Steve. It was important.
Steve thinks it’s unfair that he gets all the time; he gets all this time to waste, and be happy about it. Angry. Sad. Steve gets to feel, and Eddie gets an empty space.
Steve hears someone’s laugh from across the room. He wants to hold it in his hands and bottle it up, put it on a shelf for safekeeping. It’s not as rare as it used to be, time heals some things, but he finds it makes him want it more. Keep it close. The kids, who are not kids, shout and scream and yell, “Steve, you be the tiebreaker!”. There is never silence, only sounds, so they never really see the gaps that remain.
But Steve thinks about the smile Eddie had once sent his way. The slight tick of the lip into laugh lines. Steve craves for that moment again. Not because it meant anything, not because it held some secret. But because it was good, and Steve at the time didn’t really know much of that.
Steve knows, if the space on the couch was filled, Steve would be in love.
Their time together doesn’t prove this, he knows and is not delusional, but Steve can feel it in his gut.
At times, you meet a person and realize they are going to stick around for a while. And other moments, you meet someone and don’t notice that you were meant to know them until your chance has passed.
There are instances you meet someone, and you feel as if you should say “Hello again.” Even though you are meeting for the first time.
Steve can’t help but notice more time has passed since he left, then the the amount of time he knew him.
Steve knows it’s selfish. It’s selfish to grieve something that was never his, to grieve the idea of a person. But he can’t help the mourning that comes when he wakes. He can’t help but think there is a laugh he is supposed to know, like his favorite song. He can’t help but think, Eddie Munson should have made it to 24.
Steve can tell the rest miss him, even the ones who didn’t know him. There was a role Eddie was supposed to fill, a balance thrown off by his absence. Steve sometimes catches them all trying to put the pieces back together of a ghost. They’ll take his old clothing from Wayne, read a book left on his nightstand, and tap their fingers to the beat of a song Eddie once knew. It feels like they are all trying to build him from scratch.
The party sings Steve happy birthday; they try to squeeze all the candles on it. Hopper yells at them, tells the kids it’s a fire hazard, but makes no move to stop them. The boys are yelling to wish for things they want. The girls, El, tells him to wish for love. Jonathan takes a photo of him blowing out his candles. Robin squeezes his hand.
I wish I could have known.
They cut the cake; they spread out again. This time Lucas sits on the edge of his chair, like he’s leaving space for only one person to come back and sit. No one makes a move to share with him. There is an empty space on the couch. The sun no longer touches it; only the warm lamp light reaches its corners.
Steve doesn’t think he knew Eddie Munson very well, but he likes to believe that Eddie would have liked this. He would have liked the noise. He would have liked a mismatched family. He would have liked celebrating a meaningless birthday of a friend he didn’t have. Steve likes to think they wouldn’t have been friends for long. He knows, somehow, Eddie would have loved him too.
There is an empty space on the couch. Steve doesn’t plan on filling it anytime soon.
Sorry for any of the tense changes or mistakes, this was more of a stream of thought piece. It’s bittersweet.
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ladylooch · 1 year ago
Letters in Your Last Name - Chapter 30
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A/N: Oof. This one has all the feels 🥺 Our lil babies are going through it.
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: Infertility struggles, angsty
I purse my lips in frustration at the word I see on the pregnancy test in my hands. Beyond the bathroom door of our master suite, I can hear Luca squealing at CoComelon as Kevin, presumably, tries to drown out the madness of the toddler TV show for a few more moments of shut eye. It’s an off day, but his return flight from Arizona was late taking off after last night’s win. I glance at the white door, then focus back on the test.
Shit. I really thought this was it.
Kevin and I have been actively trying to conceive for the last three months. We decided to start trying on his birthday. His celebration in Switzerland included way too much wine, sweetness, and wandering hands from my husband to resist. But so far, we haven’t been successful. It all seemed like it would be so easy. Luca was conceived in one cycle. It never crossed my mind that it wouldn’t be the same with the second. After the first negative test, I shook it off- no big deal. The second negative made me angry. And now this third one just feels like the beginning of a black hole opening up beneath my feet. I don’t know how I’m going to go out there and tell Kevin it’s a no… again.
I gently rest the test back onto the counter and sit on the closed toilet lid. Maybe the test is faulty? I grab the directions, looking for what I should see if the test was inconclusive or defective. After a quick re-read, I know it's not. I grip my hands together and lean forward to stretch out my lower back. While I hang in the stretch, I think about all the things we have been trying. We have been having sex every other day. I’ve lightened my work outs. I’ve tracked ovulation down to the hour with every app and test I can find. This last month, I stopped drinking completely, even while my toddler has descended deeply into the terrible twos.
What gives?
As I sit back up, I feel the frustrated tears building in my eyes. This sucks. I stand, grabbing the test and chucking it into the garbage under the sink. It lands face up so that damn word mocks me and my empty womb. So I reach in and flip it over, then wash my hands. I look at myself in the mirror while I dry off. I look and feel perfectly healthy- glowing skin, bright eyes, and shiny hair from the extra vitamins. Why isn’t any of this working?
I open the bathroom door, causing both my boys to look at me. Luca because he is looking for the snack I promised him before I went in there and Kevin because he wants to know the results. My husband’s eyes are hopeful and expectant on me. I just shake my head in the negative at him and focus on our son.
“Are you ready for some yogurt!?” I ask Luca as I swoop him up into my arms and onto my hip.
“Yuh!” He squeals, bouncing excitedly and reaching towards the door that leads out of our bedroom.
“Sam.” Kevin calls to me from the bed as he sits up. His chest is bare as he scratches at the dark hairs there. “Are you okay?” His voice is soft as he picks up on my obvious mood change.
“Yep!” I exclaim, smooching our son’s soft cheek loudly. I turn and head out of the bedroom without another word to my husband. I don’t have to see Kevin to know his face is dripping with concern.
Luca and I enter the kitchen, feet quietly padding across the wood floor. I place him in his high chair then go to the fridge to grab his yogurt.
“Mmm!” He says, bringing his fingers to his lips to indicate his hunger.
“Yes, I know you’re hungry.” I say to him, watching as he fidgets in the chair. His impatience is growing by the second. So I go to the pantry and grab a few Gerber puffs, shaking them onto his tray to occupy him while I get the rest of his snack ready.
I carefully spoon out the vanilla yogurt into his green, plastic bowl. As I do so, I make a mental note to add yogurt to the list of groceries I am going to order for today. I didn’t get to the store yesterday because Luca was having a rough day. I didn’t trust that he wouldn’t reach a stage 5 freak out having to sit in the cart while I shopped. As I reach for the small spoon for our son, Kevin’s hands come to my hips. I resist the urge to pull away, recognizing he’s trying to help.
“Can you talk to me?” He holds me in place against the counter, hips pressing into my butt in a gentle pin.
“No.” I respond immediately.
“Babe, I know you’re disappointed-" He begins. I whirl around, tugging myself out of his grip.
“What did I just say?” I snap. My eyes are filled with fire as I stare back at him. His shoulders deflate in defeat as he grabs Luca’s bowl to bring him the snack. I watch with my fierce gaze fixed on his broad shoulders.
“Mama hat Joghurt für dich gemacht.” Kevin says to Luca in German. “Fressen.” He sets the bowl in front of him, then turns back to look at me across the kitchen. Our eyes meet but I look away, trying to mask my shame with anger.
“When it’s the right time for us… it will happen.” He finally says to me.
I chomp down on my bottom lip. My tears betray me, falling over my lashes and down my cheeks. Kevin hesitantly walks over to me. Our son watches our exchange curiously as he smears white yogurt across his lips. I stare at Luca as Kevin wraps me into his arms, holding me to his bare chest. My tears fall against his warm skin as he runs his fingers though my pony tail.
“I’m not disappointed.” I finally whisper, voice wavering with my tears. “I’m devastated.” The last word comes out as a squeak.
“We haven’t been trying that long, bubba.”
“Compared to Luca we have.”
“Well.. maybe that’s the first lesson here. Our kids won’t be the same and now neither are their creations.”
“Damn, that’s insightful.” I murmur with a slight laugh. Between the tears and speaking my feelings out loud to him, I already feel a bit lighter.
“Please look at me.” I shyly tilt my face up to his. His hands come to my cheeks, wiping at my tears in the way only he is good at. Each swipe of his thumbs soothes the ache in my chest.
“I just want to do this for us.”
“Baby, you already have. And you will again. I feel it. But you gotta relax.” His eyes widen a bit at the way his words come out. He knows that’s risky but he continues. “You being this stressed and having it all down to a science… it’s not working. You need to be loose.”
I know he is right. The last few times we have had sex, it’s been difficult for me to enjoy it. I’ve been so focused on flipping to my back immediately and holding all of him in me that I can’t let go enough to be in the moment. Last time, Kevin actually asked me if I came. I did, but it wasn’t anything earth shattering. I’m not sure that he believed me in the end. When I tried to initiate sex with him the next night, he gripped my wrist to stop my stroking and pushed me away, claiming he was exhausted from practice.
“Mama.” Luca calls to me as he lifts his bowl and begins to tilt it over his head.
“Ah, Luca!” Kevin and I sputter out at the same time to try and stop him. It’s way too late. The goopy, white yogurt drips down from his dark hair as he giggles. “Oops!” I close my eyes, chest shaking with quiet laughter.
“You sure you want more of this?” Kevin jokes as we go closer to our son. Both of us stare at him, not sure how to proceed with cleaning up this mess. Luca reaches his hands up, scraping some of the yogurt from his hair and eating it. “Ew.” Kevin grimaces, picking him up and bringing him to the kitchen sink.
We work together to rinse the yogurt from his hair with the sprayer. Luca hates every second of it, fighting Kevin’s grip with all the strength he can muster. It’s not a match for his professional athlete father.
“Tatínek.” He moans at Kevin in Czech. I know that means dad.
“Yaya. Jen trochu déle. máma je skoro hotová. Buď dobrý, prosím.” I watch as Luca completely comprehends the Czech and relaxes.
“What did you say?” I ask Kevin.
“Just a little longer. Mama is almost done and please be good.” He translates as I turn the faucet off and place the sprayer back in the holder. I shake my head.
“One day he’s going to speak to me in Czech or German and I’m going to just stare at him slack jawed while he’s telling me to F off.” I grab a fresh, fluffy towel from the kitchen drawer and work it over our son’s wet hair. Luca closes his eyes and waits patiently.
“No.” Kevin shakes his head at me. “He knows only to speak English with you.”
“He’s not even two. What do you mean he knows?”
“He just does.” Kevin insists. “Plus I won’t teach him any bad words.” Kevin smirks at the end, completely full of shit. He works our baby’s now wet t-shirt over his head. “I’ll go get a new one.” I grab Luca from his hands as he walks to the stairs.
“Who am I?” I wonder to our son.
“Mama!” He grins at me.
“Who is that?” I ask, pointing to where Kevin is walking back into the room.
“Tatínek.” He looks at Kevin, who nods in encouragement.
“Dobrá práce kamaráde.” Good job, buddy.
“What even is my life..” I laugh, handing our baby to Kevin.
“It’s just normal to me. I’ve always spoken multiple languages at home. It’s great. More ways to say I love you.” My husband reminds me. He easily slips Luca’s new shirt on. It’s a Minnesota Wild shirt we got early on in my pregnancy. Seeing it fit now makes my heart ache a bit more in my chest.
“Tell me in all of them.” I murmur, winding my hands around his hips, remembering his vows, wanting to hear it all from his lips again. Kevin smiles, squeezing me tighter as he settles Luca to the other side of his chest. Luca pats at my face as Kevin begins to speak. “Miluji tě. Ich liebe dich. Je’taime. Jag älskar dig. I love you.”
Luca, who recognizes several of those words, squeals in delight and leans down for a wet smooch on my lips.
I close my eyes as Kevin sways the three of us together.
He is right. This is enough. For now. Until it’s our time again.
_ _ _
The consistent pattering of the water against the shower glass is a soothing noise as I swipe the finishing touches of mascara onto my lashes. I lean back from the mirror, taking in the full look of my dark, event make up. I look like a star player’s wife, which is good as tonight is the annual Wild About Children gala. It’s important for me to look the part that is expected of me. But more so than that, I’m looking to tease my husband all night. It’s rare for us to have a night this fancy and I’m ready to take full advantage of it.
My make up is almost there. I just need to fix a smudge of eyeliner then I’m ready for setting spray. I open the closet in the bathroom, rummaging around for a Q-tip. I reach around the pregnancy tests, a slight smile tilting at my lips.
I’ll be using one of those tomorrow. My tracking app has been warning me of my lateness the last couple of days. But, truthfully, fear has been holding me back. I’ve already been playing the part of a pregnant woman the last few months. I’ve forgone drinking, been taking vitamins, and avoiding foods known to be hazardous. Yet, I’ve been struggling to get the courage to take the test. The devastation has been choking each time I haven’t seen the answer we want. Plus, with Kevin being on the road earlier this week, it felt too daunting to do alone.
The shower stops as I shut the door. I wet the Q- tip and carefully swipe off the excess black. My eyes drift beyond my face in the mirror to my husband. Water runs down the sculpted ridges of his body. The view is goosebump inducing. If my parents weren’t already here for Luca, I’d be bending over this counter, ass in the air, begging for him to fill me. Kevin’s eyes meet mine in the mirror where he gives me a knowing grin. We’ve been here before after all. He doesn’t provoke me, awareness of our guests and the time holding his thoughts in.
“Later.” He promises instead. I nod my head in agreement.
“Sure, but just so you know…” I tell him as he towels off his hair. “I’m late.”
“Yeah?” He grins at me in the mirror.
“Yeah.” I reciprocate his grin.
“You gonna take a test?”
“I will, but not tonight. It can wait until tomorrow.” Kevin nods because he understands the disappointment from the previous times. This is our first night out together in awhile and with it being a team and fan event, we both need to be on.
“I love you.” He says to me as he puts the used towel back on his hook. He leans forward and kisses the side of my head, careful of the make up I have been diligently working on for a half hour.
“Love you.” I murmur back to him, eyes trailing generously over his body as he walks to the closet. His firm ass bounces with each of his steps. “Is this what you’re wearing?” He asks, holding up my long, emerald dress.
“Okay.” He nods. “I have to wear black.” He murmurs mostly to himself, beginning to grab the pieces of his outfit together.
I fluff my hair briefly then join him in the closet. I undress before working the zipper of the dress down. My arms glide into the long sleeves then I pull the fabric up my body. I turn my back towards Kevin and he pauses from buckling his belt to zip me up. The dress exposes my skin with a V that goes to my mid-back. Kevin places his lips along that bare skin before allowing my hair to fall back down my shoulders.
I move from the closet and re-enter the bathroom to fasten my earrings and necklace on. I re-adjust my wedding rings to be centered on my finger, then give an approving nod at my reflection.
“Are you almost ready?” Kevin asks as he tightens his tie. I walk back into the closet, searching for my black, strappy heals. I grab them in my hands, tossing them into our bedroom by my clutch.
“Yes, I just need to use the bathroom then we are out the door.” I press my lips to his in a quick peck before starting to dash out of the closet.
“Hey.” He murmurs to me, grabbing my hand to stop me for a moment.
“Hm?” My green eyes find his. My lips break into a huge grin at the look he’s giving me.
“You look so damn sexy.” His eyes trail along all his favorite places, perfectly accented by the velvet fabric. He lingers at the slit going up my left thigh. I can already imagine the sinister thoughts he has involving that slice of my skin. “I can’t wait to walk in tonight with your hand in mine… everyone knowing who you belong to.” The possessiveness in his voice and touch has a shiver of pleasure rolling through my body.
“If you don’t let me go, we might not make it.” I tease him, dropping his fingers and returning to my quest for the bathroom.
“Not sure that would be a bad thing.” He calls to me. My light laughter echos in the bathroom as I shut the door.
I carefully move my dress around and sit. Once I’m finished, I stand, then go to push down on the lever. I pause when I look down at the surprise that awaits me. I have my period. I place my hand over my lower stomach, recognizing the dull cramping beneath. I was so rushed getting ready that I didn’t notice anything until now.
An overwhelming sadness descends on my body. I grab a tampon, putting it in place. I press my palms flat against the cool counter of the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I look beautiful, perfectly put together, dark make up accenting my winter skin and chocolate brown hair. But the pain in my green eyes radiates obviously over the rest of my figure. My lips begin to crumple into a sob, but I press them hard together to stop the impending tears.
I don’t have time to do this right now. We need to leave.
I reach into the drawer, grabbing a handful of tampons and heading back into the bedroom. Kevin is sitting on our bed, finishing sliding into dress shoes. My small clutch is next to his thigh, heels next to his feet. He greets me with a smile briefly before it slides off when he sees what’s in my hand. His eyes go to my face, but I can’t return his gaze. I stuff the tampons in my clutch and snap it shut decidedly.
“I guess we don’t need a test. It’s a no.” I say, shrugging my shoulders. “I want to be done trying.” I blurt, tears evident in my voice with each word dropping from my lips. The words are surprising to me when they hit the air but after they are out, I’m glad. I know this is the right decision. “I can’t do this anymore.”
“Okay.” He answers, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. He looks like he wants to say more, but the misery on my face stops him.
“Let’s go say goodnight to our baby.”
Kevin and I walk silently downstairs to where my parents are sitting with Luca in the kitchen. He is happily snacking on a piece of pizza and a cheese stick. My eyes blur for a brief moment when I look at him. I love this kid so damn much. I love being a mom. I love having Kevin as my co-parent. I want to add to our family so badly. Why isn’t it in our cards right now?
“Bye sweet boy.” I gently press my nose into Luca’s hair, not kissing him to avoid transferring my dark lipstick to his face. “Thank you for taking care of him tonight.” I say to my parents as Kevin says goodbye next.
“Of course.” My mom murmurs. Her eyes are inquisitive as she studies me. “That green is the perfect color for you, honey.” I smile politely at her, not able to respond. Kevin’s hand on the small of my back saves me from further scrutiny.
“We should be back by 10:30.” Kevin says to them.
“No worries. Take your time.” She waves us off. “We will have plenty of fun here.”
Kevin and I wave goodbye then head out to the garage to get into the car. The Porsche roars to life under Kevin’s foot as we pull out of the driveway and head west to the city. It’s a quick ten miles down Interstate 94 before Kevin is pulling off and beginning the twists and turns to the venue. He rubs at the skin of his jaw as he drives, eyes focused on the road but mind obviously elsewhere.
“Maybe it’s me?” Kevin breaks the silence as we wait for a red light. “Maybe something is wrong with my part?” I shrug my shoulders, shaking my head.
“At this point, it doesn’t really matter, Kev. I just can’t keep feeling this way every month.”
“Babe, we have options. We can go to a specialist and see what might be the issue.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Are you sure?” His hand releases from the wheel and he laces our fingers together. “We might get answers or suggestions.”
“I’m sure.” My tone is final as Kevin drives forward, continuing to bring us deeper into St. Paul.
The silence descends on us again. Once we reach the venue, we pull into the valet line. The attendant tells us we need to wait for a minute as the next valet is dashing back from the parking ramp. Kevin’s hand is still in mine as the music from my Spotify wraps around us. I fidget with the clip on my YSL clutch. I can feel his gaze on me as we wait. I have nothing left to say or do or convey about this decision. Only the knowing that I can’t keep subjecting myself to this heartbreak month after month.
“I love you, baby.” His tender tone is instantly soothing to me. It wraps around my heart, easing into the cracks and chips there from this entire experience. In this moment, where I struggle to love me, my husband shows up unconditionally. Kevin’s voice is holding me up while the hurtful thoughts want to consume me until I don’t resurface. My green eyes meet his in a glance that speaks a million words all at once. All I can speak to him is four:
“I love you too.”
Yet, in the end it’s enough because what else is there to say but that?
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jackiexmiller · 11 months ago
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Her whole life, Jackie had been nothing if not understanding. And people could sense it. More often than not, they opened up to her without even being prompted. But Lucas, he had layers, so many layers to peel back, so many layers to make one cry. And she loved him for it, but she did not like the way his words caused a stir within her soul. How hearing them made her sick, made her brain on fire. Yet this wasn't about her, and she drew that line in the sand of her mind, and did not let ego nor insecurity cross it. This was about him. She asked, and he answered, and she would have been a pretty shit fucking friend to make him regret giving her what she asked for. -- So in spite her own feelings, in spite how much it burnt to hear him say every single fucking word that fell off those lips, she looks at him with more gentleness than ever before. And her words are sweet, and soft and she wants more than anything, to further understand. "Andy's back? S-shouldn't that be...a good thing?" It was more complicated than that, she knew as much. But she wanted to hear it. For once in her life, she wanted to know instead of assume. "What did she say?"
Another deep breath in and she offers a nod. "I understand." it's all she has. That, and a comforting hand now reaching out for his. Jackie's eyes glaze over, and she bites her lip, and she wishes more than anything to leave it at that. Say nothing else. Just be, just exist. But she can't keep quiet. For once, she wants to be seen. "Life had always been...'unjustly cruel', as you put it. M-my father went to prison when I was five. Mother died when I was seven. I don't recall most of my childhood, matter of fact, I don't think I ever had one. --- My life only really began once I met Billie." there's a short pause, a small smile will lift the corners of her lips as she thinks of the other. "She'd been the only good thing, only real thing I've known for a long time." she looks at him now, and she swallows back tears, and she lights up the joint again. "But then I met you, and Briggs and Riley and Gabs and...my world got bigger and bigger and warmer and I just -- I never felt like I..." she didn't know the right word, for that feeling, there wasn't a word quite right enough to express it. "--- I don't know. I guess, I just don't know what to do with it. This feeling like I don't really matter. Like, if I didn't disappear, every once in a while, you guys would get tired of me. You'd see me for who I really am and then...well, it wouldn't be enough or...it would be too much. And then...then you'd be the ones to leave and I -- I couldn't handle that. I could not survive that." she feels the need now to explain further, dig that hole deeper. "And I know what you'll say Lucy, I know you'll reassure me and...and say I'm being irrational and it's nonsense and you're happy to have me around but I'm....I'm just so...ugly, I get so ugly and you just never had to see that. Never had a chance to. Because I didn't let you. Because I protected you from it. And if you did, if you saw how...how fucking angry and unfair and...empty and ugly I really am --" she takes another hit and she doesn't want to talk about this anymore. She doesn't want him to know all that. "I think it's a good thing Andy's back. Like...like Billie, like Riley - it's...a miracle. A second chance given out by the universe to set things right, you know? Not...not many people get that. And whatever it is we have, you and me...I mean, it wouldn't end well, either way. So..." she looks him in the eyes now, and squeezes his hand just a little bit tighter. And she hates herself for every single word. "Just don't let me be another confusing thing in your life, okay? I meant what I said earlier..." eyes narrow, showing just how much she means it. "I really do love you. And I want it to stay that way."
It was impulsive, he knew it and the thought that there was a chance that she'd think he was just using her as a distraction from the things that he was dealing with pained him. It couldn't be further from the truth. He had been wanting to kiss her for the longest time, aching to hold her for longer than she'd allow most times and, of course, like most things in his life the timing wasn't exactly right. There's a frown etched against his features as she pulls back and for a moment he's met with a fear that he wasn't used to. Verdant hues diverted away from her own, returning to stare out at the sea as she spoke and eventually a sigh escapes his lips. "Do you ever feel like life is unjustly cruel," Lucas eventually questions. "Like every time you try to move on, to get past all of the pain and the trauma, the universe decides to throw you yet another fastball that you just can't hit away from you?" He quiets, easing his frame back against the steps, his brows dipping lowly as sage irises reflected the pain that his soul held. "Andreia is back," he finally admits to her. "She's been back this whole time, she decided that I couldn't handle her being back but when all the dead was coming back I would've given anything to have her come home. I lost her, our daughter, and Billie all in the same year. I was moving on, I moved on and now she's here and I feel actual shit for that. I feel guilty and like an ass."
He falls silent, irises falling closed as he leans his head back a heavy hearted sigh easing from his lips as he hesitates to continue. "I have lost everything that I've ever cared about," the hybrid starts again after a few moments of silence. "My dad was a piece of shit, I lost my mom, my girlfriend, my daughter, both of my best friends, Riley, Gertie, and you're always coming and going which is fine, I get it, but that hurts so much, Jacks. Now it's like everyone's moving on, like everything is just suddenly normal again while I'm feeling trapped in my thoughts and all of the loss that I've been through. I'm terrified to feel anything anymore, like I'm numb. I feel lost and alone even when I'm surrounded by people and I'm so exhausted, half the time I wish that someone would just take me out of my misery."
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shuyamino · 3 years ago
characters(s) : ✒ ،، mysta rias | shu yamino | ike eveland | luca kaneshiro | vox akuma
content : ✒ ،، mostly sfw, but does get suggestive | crack | gender neutral pronouns | your foot is mentioned a lot
summary : ✒ ،، He's right there — on his knees, looking for something under the table but all you can think of is stepping on him.
notes : ✒ ،، writing this made me laugh a lil but like don't get me wrong, i would gladly step on all of these mfs whenever they ask. more under the cut!
minors + ageless blogs dni
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Awakened something in him.
MYSTA loooves to joke about it but that's about it. You don't really know what came over you — you never really saw the appeal in stepping on your boyfriend before. But here you were. Your foot on top of his forehead. Stepping on him.
You open your mouth, ready to apologize and to retract your foot, but there's something about Mysta's expression that stops you completely.
His eyes have glazed over, almost dazed. Mysta's jaw slackened, just opened slightly. It took a few moments before you realized what was happening — he actually liked this.
Your earlier confusion melted away into morbid curiosity. Your lips curve to a smirk before you can help it.
"You actually like this?" You question, feeling a surge of confidence course through your body. Your question must have pulled him back to reality because Mysta blinks his eyes, his cheeks flushed red as he pulls away from your foot.
"W-What the hell! No I fucking don't!" Mysta exclaimed, lightly slapping your foot away for good measure. Though his shouts are drowned out by your incredulous laughter. "Shut up! I swear to—"
SHU is…pretty vanilla. He'd never joked about being stepped on before and it's never really crossed your mind either. But right now…
Just seeing him on his knees in front of you… The urge to step on him was way too high to ignore. Before you know it, your placing your foot on his shoulder — the contact draws his attention up to you. Curiosity etched on his face.
"Um…babe?" He tilts his head, lips quirked to a frown. Not angry or annoyed. Just confused. "...What's up?"
"I — " You freeze, watching as his expression softens just the slightest bit. The change isn't obvious and you definitely wouldn't have caught it if you weren't already looking at him. You gulp. "…I just…thought…"
Shu tilts his head to the other side; this time resting the side of his face against your foot. His frown melts away to a soft smile — big, bright eyes looking up at you from where he's kneeled. A light flush dusts his cheeks as his eyes lock with yours.
It's almost funny — he should be the flustered one in this situation, so why did your whole body feel like it was on fire?
"Hm? Thought what, babe?"
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Confused — simply asks what you're doing.
IKE blinks up at you from where he was kneeling. Your bare foot was placed right on his forehead. You were stepping on him, right?
"Did you need something, love?" He asks, still blinking owlishly at you. Ike is far from grossed out, just…confused. You've never done this before, nor have you indicated anything of the sort. So this was totally out of left field for him.
You sweat under his stare before quickly pulling your foot away. Heat rises up to your cheeks — why did you do that in the first place?
"S-Sorry. I don't know why I did that." You quickly explain, hoping that he'd forget this happened. Ike is still confused, but he lets it pass. You'll talk about it with him when you're more comfortable of course.
Though, this doesn't stop his mind being plagued with the fact that you might want to step on him in the future.
LUCA smiles up at you. A confused smile, but a smile nevertheless. The heel of your foot is placed right on his forehead — pretty obvious that you meant to step on him.
"Uh… Babe...? What's up?" He finally asks after a few beats of silence. Luca doesn't seem the least bit concerned as he smiles up at you. You mentally slapped yourself for even doing such a thing. You retract your foot, your cheeks flushed as you do so.
"It's nothing Luca," You quickly answer. "Sorry — I just…felt like doing that all of the sudden."
Luca stands up just high enough to press a chaste kiss against your forehead. "It's okay babe, you just surprised me!"
You resist the urge to groan — he really is too cute. Maybe you'll gather the courage to ask him about hit more another time. He looked really good under you.
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Teases you about it and enjoys it himself.
VOX loves to talk about getting stepped on and he means it seriously. It wasn't something you thought about before meeting him and as much as you'd play along with the joke, you never felt the urge to step on him.
Except today, of course.
Vox blinks up at you as your foot is placed against his shoulder. His confusion melts away with a curve of a smirk, eyes lidding as he locks eyes with you. The demon isn't the least bit flustered compared to you.
"Oh?" He questions, eyebrow cocked as he does so. You're already melting under his gaze as you feel a deep flush settle over your cheeks and the nape of your neck. Vox turns his head towards your foot, lips brushing against your ankle. "If you wanted to step on me darling, all you had to do was ask~"
Your attempt to pull your foot back fails as Vox but his hand quickly wraps around your ankle, keeping you in place. Your face burns impossibly hot as he draws himself up between your legs. You pull your hands up to cover your face, as your heart pounding against your chest.
"Aw baby, why're you suddenly so shy?" He coos at you, with a deep chuckle. His hands lightly wrap around your wrist, slowly tugging them away from your face.
You should've known this was going to happen — maybe next time you'll think your actions more thoroughly. Especially ones such as this.
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luvxiem · 2 years ago
through the years
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word count ! ~500 pairing ! luca x gn!reader genre ! fluff summary ! relationship timeline with your favorite blonde himbo; repost bc the first one didnt show up in tags
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he met you through a mutual friend
originally he wasn't interested in you romantically, but as he hung around you more and more the blonde found himself falling for you
maybe it was your witty comebacks or the way you laughed at every deez nutz or ligma joke
or maybe it was the way you sat with him on the sofa, long after the movie ended and told him he made you feel safe
somewhere along the way, his thoughts were filled with you and your lovely smile
on your first date he took you to an arcade!
this one was special though because they specialized in vr games
luca kept poking and messing with you while you had your headset on, leading to many angry cries and shrieks of "luca you ass!" and his loud laughter following
for one game you had to walk on a small beam high up in the air and luca decided to push you right when you got to the end, leaving you falling to your doom
you ripped off your headset to see luca crouching on the floor clutching his stomach after watching you frantically try and balance yourself only to trip and land on your butt
needless to say, you went on a second date
not much actually changed after the two of you got together
in reality, dating luca means you get to date your best friend
only now with kisses and cuddles included :)
before he would give you his hoodie when you were cold but now he gives it to you while also admitting he likes seeing you in his clothes (don't mention his blush please)
he likes to hold your hand a lot—when he's driving, while walking down the street, even when you're just standing in line while waiting to order food
once the initial hype of omg im actually in a relationship with someone i really like wOw dies down, you two become a lot more casual with your affections
feeling his arms wrap around your waist while cooking
laying in bed with your head on his shoulder and watching tiktoks together
silly showers with lots of soap beards and mohawks
it's enough to just exist in the same space and simply enjoy the other's presence
mundane tasks like doing the laundry or going grocery shopping is infinitely better together
domesticity <3
he says i love you first
it was really anticlimatic
the words slipped out of his mouth as he was leaving for his usual daily run
you stared at your boyfriend in shock while he had a confused look on his face
pretty boy didn't even realize he said it
once it's sunken in, however, red is creeping up luca's neck and face while he tries to laugh it off and awkwardly saying sorry
before he could talk it back though you tell him you love him too
a look of surprise flashes on his face for a moment before he beams and picks you up to spin you around and leaving a lingering kiss on your lips
you pretend you don't hear the soft "pog!" as he slips out the door
what a cutie
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moonflowerdamie · 3 years ago
i’m super bored so i’m gonna rate stranger things ships! buckle in folks, let’s get into it😎
it’s ok ig. i’m not like a hater of it? but it’s definitely not a great ship. no hate to mileven stans, it’s just not for me. i liked them in season 1 and 2, but it got toxic and weird in season 3 and season 4 solidified my disdain for it. i think mike needs to do some self-reflection (maybe discover a few things about himself—michael wheeler i know what you are) and i think el needs to become her own person outside of her relationship with him. i wholeheartedly support the el/mike exes-to-besties agenda though!
they’re so cute oml, i shipped them since season 1 and their build-up and eventual payoff was immaculate! i loved their early season tension and their kiss in season 4 was so so good. they fit so well together. they don’t get 10/10 only because a) i LOVED bob and joyce in season 2 more than life and will forever mourn that joyous man and b) i kinda loved the whole single grumpy father figure/lonely teenage daughter dynamic el and hop had.
this ship. this goddamn ship. the hurt/comfort. the angst. the teasing. the SOULMATISM of it all. seriously, these two are meant for each other. lucas is max’s safe place, her happiest memory and her favourite escape. max is lucas’ sunshine, his wake-up call, his reason to try. i didn’t use to love them, in fact it was only since season 4 that i’ve been such an avid shipper of them but god. they really are the softest. ‘i like talking with you, mad max’ and ‘i’m still here’ and ‘lucas!’ and the notes and the snowball and holy shit i love them sm.
this is with the exception of season 2 byler, which gets 10/10 (‘crazy together’ oh my god). apart from that, i get the hype for it, but i also want the best for my lil ball of fruity sunshine will byers. he is my baby boy and i will protect him. and i just think that mike needs to do some growing up before he’s ready to be with will. also, i’ve never loved mike as a character (again, with the exception of s1 and 2 mike, he was a sweetie) and i think he’d end up hurting will if they got together at this point. in the future, if mike can prove that he’s matured and grown into himself, i will wholeheartedly support this relationship.
again, it’s ok. i did love them in season 2, but season 1 jonathan was a creep, and season 3 jancy just didn’t do it for me. jonny boy has grown on me over the seasons, but i think everybody moved on from him taking nakey nakey pictures of nancy without her knowledge wayyyyy too quickly. also, they just want different things in life and that’s ok! i do prefer them over stancy, but if i’m honest, i am absolutely a lesbian nancy supporter. the comphet on that woman is insane. so again, like mileven, i am a nancy/jonathan exes-to-besties advocate!
they were not it in season 4. like, it made me angry that the duffers tried to push it on us again. i did sort of like them in the early seasons, but steve was a jerk and nancy needed to grow into herself and they went their separate ways for the better. steve became a good person and nancy became the strong, independent badass woman we all know and love. i love them as friends and co-babysitters of the kids, but not as lovers. their arcs wouldn’t have happened without their break-up, and they’re both so different as people that getting back together would’ve been like going backwards. steve’s speech about kids in the van made me physically ill with how a) out of character it was and b) how the duffer brothers tried to make it seem like pushing out 6 kids and living the suburban american dream (read: nightmare) was something nancy would want, when she’s spent 3 seasons displaying an obvious disgust for that kind of life. if they get back together in s5 i’ll be throwing something at the tv.
they. are. so. cute. i love this ship sm, it’s so wholesome and soft. it just works as well—el allows max to explore her own kindness, her own vulnerability, her own ability to care, and max allows el to explore her own identity, what makes her happy, how to be independent. season 3 elmax was superior, but that scene in s4 where they reunite is utterly breathtaking—‘if you touch her again, i will kill you again’ protective gfs!! honestly, if i wasn’t such a lumax shipper i’d be all in for them. as it is, my motto is currently this: max has two hands! one for el and one for lucas :)
no. just no. these two actively dislike each other lmao. max is perpetually annoyed by mike’s existence and mike thinks max is like, the worst. they couldn’t even do enemies to lovers because max would steal mike’s gf in a heartbeat and would probably rather eat glass than kiss michael wheeler. they only get 1 point because finn and sadie have a sweet friendship.
they would’ve been cute tbh. and since it’s been discovered that chrissy is actually 18 instead of 16, it’s not a weird one either. when i thought she was 16 i was put off, but now i’m sort of neutral on it. that scene in the woods was very sweet and her and eddie totally could have had the whole popular cheerleader gf/metalhead nerdy bf thing going on. however, it was only one episode they were in together and the ship was never one i was like ‘oh my god i love this’ so. i will say that grace van dien does not deserve the hate she gets for shipping them, especially when joseph quinn gets none of it for the same thing. other than that, it’s not massively awesome but it’s pretty cute.
if you ship this, seek help. they are siblings.
they could be cute ig, but i just see them as besties. add in the fact that lumax is one of my fav ships and dustin and suzie are super cute and this ship is just sort of meh to me.
very sweet. nerd gf/geek bf. ‘never-ending story’ was a cultural reset and they’re both icons for it. honestly, not a ship that rocked my world but they are super cute so. 7 points.
at this point i just want robin to have a gf. just let maya hawke kiss a woman on this show. at first, i was super excited for these 2, but then i saw the way miss buckley looked at nancy wheeler and i was like ‘vickie who?’ (i see you duffer brothers). also, vickie’s whole character felt like a diversity box tick. like she had no originality whatsoever, they just made her a carbon copy of robin which pissed me off. however, i see the potential. i would not be unhappy if they had a fleshed out, well-developed relationship in s5. especially since vickie, a bi girl, is being played by amybeth mcnulty, a bi queen.
ok. so. i don’t hate this ship. i really don’t. in fact, i’ve written them in some of my ronance fics. i think they could’ve been cute. however. they hype for these two was so overdone and the way people treated them in comparison to more fleshed out, developed dynamics like ronance was really annoying. especially because the majority of steddie shippers are straight women who then deny that ronance could ever happen. the ship itself was ok, but if i’m being realistic, they didn’t have that many scenes together and the fandom of this ship ruined it for me. the fact that the majority of fics in the ronance tag on ao3 are steddie with background ronance really grinds my fucking gears, and the amount of people who are fetishising steddie because they’re both attractive men is just so fucking irritating. overall, not a bad ship but a fairly toxic fandom (not all of you, of course—chill steddie shippers are cool, but some of y’all, jesus christ)
awful, awful ship. no. don’t ship steve with the racist abuser just because they’re both semi-attractive white men. only gets a point because of joe keery’s fruity (not assuming his sexuality, just joking about his actions) behaviour towards dacre montgomery.
robin buckley. is. a LESBIAN. she’s GAY. SHE LIKES WOMEN AND WOMEN ONLY. if you ship these two romantically, i can only assume you’re a homophobic asshole who deserves sand thrown in their eyes. unapologetically, if you ship steve and robin as a couple, i hope you slip in the shower, motherfucker.
i mean, it’s not the worst??? but again, i think it’s people shipping them just because they’re two white men who talked to each other. like, did y’all forget that steve literally called jonathan a slur? and that they tried to beat the shit out of each other? i don’t hate it the way i hate harringrove, but it’s so so unlikely and i’d be so puzzled if it ever was even hinted at.
these two would’ve been cute. and i do think murray is gay, and probably did have a little thing for alexei. i don’t know about alexei but they were definitely cute friends. and i was so betrayed and upset by his death. a fairly good ship, no complaints from me.
and finally…
the best ship. for nancy, for robin, for the show, for ever. they mean the world to me. they are the world to me. if i had one wish, it would be for ronance to be canon. they make me so fucking emotional because i want what they have. as someone who so heavily relates to robin (chaotic lonely lesbian who is desperate for love but feels she may never be loved as much as she loves, possibly autistic and feels destined to be an annoyance to those around her) i want a nancy. i want to be loved in my entirety. and those two, they get each other. sure, robin irritated nancy at first and they didn’t get on, but they grew. nancy, who’s never had anyone listen to her and believe in her with such intent, finds robin, who is more than willing to, who thinks ‘nancy’s a genius’ and would follow her anywhere. robin, who thinks all she can ever be is helpless and annoying, finds nancy, who trusts her with her life, who picks her and picks her and keeps picking her, who thinks she’s just as smart as she actually is, who understands her needs and her vulnerabilities and validates her, tells her ‘it’s ok’ and ‘you got this’. these two work in a way no other ship does and they are so undeniably soulmates. they need each other. they want each other. they deserve each other. there’s a reason i write about them so much—holy shit honestly i love them so fucking much.
anyways, that got a lot longer than i thought it would! i hope you guys enjoyed my ramblings haha :)
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moonctzeny · 4 years ago
Can I request WayV reaction to you suddenly avoiding skinship/intimacy because you don't feel attractive anymore after they rejected you once? (they were tired or just not in the mood at that time)
WayV reaction - you avoid intimacy out of insecurity after they rejected your skinship
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warnings: WinWin's gets a tiny bit suggestive, alcohol consumption
He looked so good when he cooked. You couldn’t stop your eyes from following the veins on his arms as he cut the various vegetables in the smallest of pieces. Your fingers ached to run across their length so you let them, stroking the little hairs in the opposite direction from their growth in the meantime.
“Y/n, not now”, he whines with a strictness in his voice that has you withering away from him.
You stayed quiet for the rest of the cooking, watching Kun in silence until he finally put the dish in the oven to cook. He walks over to your seat on the countertop, fitting himself between your legs. His hands find their place on each of your shoulders, making their way down to your elbows lovingly, yet you go rigid at the feeling and back away from his touch.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
“Do I annoy you sometimes?”
Kun’s eyebrows shoot up at your question, dropping his hands immediately to wrap them around your wrists instead.
“Never. What makes you think that?”
“You seemed pretty annoyed at me when you were cooking earlier”
His face stays frozen for a second, trying to figure out what exactly you were talking about. You’re taken aback when he starts to laugh light-heartedly, planting a kiss on your pouty lips.
“I didn’t tell you to stop because I didn’t like you touching me, baby. I needed you to stop because I liked it too much”
You avoided his kisses like the plague. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into you, usually your nights visiting his dorm consisted of the both of you cuddling each other to death, napping in sheets that smelled of him and inviting the cats that snuggled between you. However now, the more he tried to approach you, the more you scooted away from him, and your excuses were starting to run out.
“Are you avoiding me or something?”
You shake your head negatively, avoiding eye contact so that he doesn’t see through you. But Ten is intuitive, especially when it comes to you, so he repeats the question again until he gets a sigh as an answer.
“You told me off pretty badly when I tried to kiss you an hour ago you know…”
“When I was drawing? You pushed my hand on accident and I missed like, half of my work!”
When he sees you continuing to be visibly upset at him, despite his light and teasing tone, he lifts your hand from your lap to his lips, kissing your wrist, then your palm, then your ring finger.
“I’m sorry if I said something I shouldn’t”, he leans over to peck your lips mid-sentence, and his voice is too soothing for you to resist him, “You know how much I love to kiss you.”
As if to prove his point he brings you closer again, and he smiles into the kiss when he feels you deepening it.
“I could taste your lips forever”
Your boyfriend was never big on skinship and you knew. You understood his paranoia of holding hands in public, even with sunglasses and a big mask covering half of his handsome face. Being a celebrity isn’t easy and you had come to terms with that, but you didn’t know he would react so coldly to you in this private party with his members being the only ones invited.
You were a little tipsy, holding on to Sicheng’s arm for stability, and admittedly you just wanted a little love from your boyfriend. Pulling his hair out of his eyes, you pucker your lips at him, waiting for a kiss that never came.
“What is up with you today? You’re all over me!”
The drive home was quiet, your whole body facing away from him, eyes staring outside the window or anywhere else but him. You weren’t angry, just sad if anything else, and Sicheng felt he had enough when you started to storm off to your shared bedroom without him. A hand on your wrist stops you abruptly.
“Why are you like this? You’ve been quiet ever since we left the party”
“Do you not find me attractive anymore?”
The filter between your brain and mouth had vanished from the alcohol, shocking Sicheng with your candor.
“What on earth makes you think that?”
“You never kiss me in front of your friends. It’s like you're embarrassed of being seen with me…”
Your boyfriend’s eyebrows furrow, almost meeting on the base of his forehead before he pushes you up against the entrance door. The kiss he initiates is full of passion and something animalistic that you’ve always thought looks good on him. It isn't long before the hands that you so desperately needed on your body before formed bruises on the skin over your hipbones.
“The reason why I don’t kiss you in public is because I won’t be able to stop, not when you always look so pretty. And then I will make you look needy and breathless and messy, just like you do right now. I don’t want anyone else to see you like this. You’re too damn beautiful. You’re mine.”
Skinship and Lucas were synonyms when it came to your relationship. He loved getting to touch you at all times, whether it was a big, suffocating hug or just his large hands on the small of your back. You were barely awake when your boyfriend came back to your apartment, his busy schedule with SuperM keeping his side of the bed colder than you’d like. He didn’t even bother to wash up, just took his clothes off and covered himself up with your shared duvet and his chest facing your own. Satisfied with his mere presence, you scoot over, and lay one arm over his waist, bringing yourself closer. It was a shock to you when he turned to the other side, unwrapping your arm in the process and letting it fall in the space between you.
You decided not to address the incident that left a sting to your heart the next morning, spending the whole day with Lucas since it was rare for him to be free of any schedules. It was absolutely lovely, from the movie you watched to the homemade food you prepared for the both of you. Until the sun set again.
“Are you going back to your dorm now?”, you ask him while doing the dishes, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Why would I do that?”
“I don’t know, maybe you prefer sleeping in your own bed. Alone.”
Your back is facing him but you can sense the pout forming on his handsome features. You feel his body heat as he comes closer to you and wraps his arms around you, only for you to squirm away from his hold and pat your hands dry, leaving the sink.
“What’s wrong?”, Lucas asks quietly, his eyes doubling in size.
“It’s just that last night when I tried to cuddle you to sleep you avoided me… It’s okay if you don’t want to crash here you know-”
“Babe, babe”, he starts, taking your hands in his, “I was dirty and sweaty last night. I didn’t have the energy to shower and I felt gross. I would never reject a night with you”
“Really. Now how about we go to bed and I give you those cuddles that I owe you?”
It was rare to see Xiaojun be so frustrated with anything. He’d been sitting on that same spot of the bed for hours now, guitar propped up on his lap and a blank sheet of paper in front of him. You tried to relieve his stress anyway you could, massaging his shoulders, kissing his cheek every time he sighed. And while your boyfriend accepted them at first, soon you saw him bend away from your acts of affection, so much so that you were worried about whether you have angered him.
An icky feeling weighed you down when he kept ignoring you as time went by, realizing that today was not the day you’d get the quality time you craved from your boyfriend. Quiet so as not to bother him, you start to collect your things and pack them back into your bag, the sound of the zipper finally catching Xiaojun’s attention.
“Where are you going?”
“You seem busy. I’ll come by another day”
“No no no!”, he exclaims, swiftly pulling his guitar aside, “I was looking forward to seeing you”
“Well you don’t seem to want any love from me right now. We can reschedule our date night for another time”
You didn’t expect him to jump up on his feet so quickly, neither to pull you into a hug as tight. His words come out muffled from your hair that is covering his mouth as he kisses it.
“Don’t leave, please. I’m sorry I was ignoring you”
“No, I’m sorry if I overstepped your personal space”
You soothe out the wrinkles that have formed between his pretty eyebrows with your thumb, taking a moment to appreciate his warm smile before he brings you into a long kiss.
“I’m stuck on this song that I’m writing. Maybe I just need inspiration”
“Why are you looking in the mirror so much?”
In the span of the last hour you managed to feel insecure over your hair, your skin, your choice of clothing. You thought you were being subtle when checking out yourself, the reflection only making you wanna shrink even more with every quick glance.
“Do you still find me as attractive as you did when we first met? Like do you ever get butterflies on your stomach anymore?”
“Why are you asking me this all of a sudden?”
You sigh, rubbing your face in embarrassment. Being content in yourself was a challenge on its own, even more so when your boyfriend looked like that.
“When we first started dating we were all over each other. I wouldn’t even make it past your bedroom door before you kissed me everywhere. Ten called us disgusting all the time.”
“And now it’s been an hour since I came here and you haven’t even touched me...”
Hendery sighs, and runs his fingers through his hair defeatedly. With a soft hand motion he encourages you to come lie next to him on his bed, cupping your face before leaving a kiss on your lips.
“When we first started dating I couldn’t believe you were mine. I had this urgency in me like I had to taste as much of you as I could. Like you would slip away from my fingers, but-”
Hendery takes your hand in his, and starts a trail of shiver-inducing kisses from your wrist up to your shoulder, so slow that you thought he’d never finish his sentence.
“But I realized that it wasn’t fair to you. I want to love you like we have a lifetime ahead, not like our time is running out. I want to love you like you deserve, and I want to take my time”
He was playing that damn video game again. Yangyang always looked so cute when he was concentrating so heavily, lips pursed in a pout and eyes following the different players on the screen. Desperate to feel the softness of his hoodie and comfort on his embrace you come closer to him, attempting to sit on his lap.
“He’s behind you! Shoot! Shoot!” You jump up from your seat along with him, wrapping your hands around his neck to keep your balance. “Babe not now! You made me miss the screen!”
Hurt by his sharp tone and volume of his voice you start to get up, hating the burning feeling of the fresh tears that begged to escape the corners of your eyes.
Yangyang’s grip on your elbow stops you before you leave his lap, a worried look painted on his face.
“What’s wrong? Are you crying?”
“You know sometimes you get so into your games that you yell at me over nothing…”
His pretty face falls into a frown, whole body rigid and focused on your sad expression.
“Baby, come here”
Throwing one leg over his lap, Yangyang turns you around in his hold so that you’re facing him. His fingers pet your hair until you close your eyes in bliss, your breath slowing down until it matches his.
“You’re right. I’m so, so sorry if I said something that hurt you. Will you please stay here? You’re my lucky charm. My beautiful, lucky charm that fits right into my lap”
You smile at his sweet words, letting your head rest against his neck and enjoying the little backrubs he gave you until he felt you were fully relaxed. You easily fell asleep in his arms, your sweet dreams interrupted only from the kisses he left on your temples.
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needleanddead · 3 years ago
"No longer being allowed to sleep or shower or bathe alone,"
Now I spent my whole day daydreaming about that. Just Lucas bathing his relatively new love, one he's not had sex with yet. just washing them roughly at first, they were bad, he's a little angry, scrubbing a little too hard. But then it dawns on him what he's doing, washing his love. Them all naked and wet, skin flush and soft, and his touch turns softer, gentler, maybe using his fingers to wash off the soap suds instead of the cloth. Just feeling them up, gentle touches down the chest, over nipples, fluttering between their thighs. Clicking his tongue and grabbing a little too tight when they get squirmy or complain.
Maybe he leaves it at that, or maybe he gets too overwhelmed and mc finds themselves forced to cum around his fingers, or Lucas cant take it anymore and drags them to the bedroom!
cw: forced intimacy, not sfw, non-con, victim-blame mindset
One of my favourite yandere things is the absolute stripping of any agency; being able to take away things that you didn't realise you took for granted, until you pushed their patience a little too far and proved that you needed to be kept on a tighter leash. Lucas excels in this - and he does it all (mostly) genuinely, because he does see danger in everything and if he can't trust them, that makes them all the more likely to walk into it head-first!
They cannot brush your own hair; cannot dress themselves (his hands are warm, palms calloused, an obvious swallow in the bob of his throat as he brushes their bare skin and picks out their clothes for them. How utterly humiliating, to not even be allowed to do up their own buttons, or tell him that they've never liked wearing this shade of blue - but they're aware of what he could do, if he wanted, and they're unwilling to argue). Perhaps he will have to cut up their food for them. Perhaps he might even have to feed them himself.
(That's not to mention how, if he has needed to resort to physical violence and broken bones, they'll require him to do those things. Lucas would never hurt them in a way that lasted, of course, but perhaps it might plant the seed of fear into their minds that perhaps if Lucas enjoys their helplessness so much, a broken bone is not too far off from one crushed beyond all repair and removed).
So, no. You cannot shower or bathe yourself. What if you were to drown yourself? What if you were to slip on wet tiles, cut yourself? So it's his responsibility to do that. And . . . yes, anon. You've hit the nail on the head, almost. He sometimes doesn't think things through all that much - he's a man of simple needs and simple desires, and so it might take a little while for him to realise just how vulnerable they are. But once he does . . . He may very well find himself getting carried away. Where do they have to squirm away to, when there's six foot two of scar and muscle blocking the nearest door, with hands that are capable of more than they would like to think on.
If he does feel kind, and they do end up coming on his fingers (or in his palm), he's murmuring soft reassurances the whole time; passing comment on how wet or how hard they are for him, how much he adores them too. He's the kind of man who sees their coming as a profession of their equal desire for him - if they did not want him, if they didn't like it, why would they have trembled so nicely under his touch?
It won't be enough. Perhaps they can sniffle and tremble and tell him they're overwhelmed and they can't go any further yet, but all that does is delay what is now the inevitable.
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hxt1b · 4 years ago
Know Your Type
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Jaehyun x Reader 
Requested Prompt 21 "you want me to go out with him" 
Genre: Angst, College AU
Warning: Swearing, Smut 
WC: 2.3k
Prompt List, for any requests you guys may have. I'm currently taking them again!
A/N: I apologize for the grammatical issues I did read it over but some things may have still slipped through. 
I hope you guys like this, please let me know what you think! Feedback is appreciated. 
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"I know what type of guys you like." Jaehyun boasted. You scoffed at him, he most definitely did not. 
"Fine then point at a guy you want me to go out with. Since you know my type so well. If you guess right I'll ask him out." You challenged. It wasn't that Jaehyun didn't know you. He did, he just didn't know who you liked because you couldn't look at him and tell him it was, in fact, him. 
Too many thoughts would go through your head every time you thought about telling him. The fact that he could reject you and then you'd lose a friend was terrifying to you. So you stayed quiet. 
"Him," Jaehyun said and pointed at a boy across the room, he was tucked into the corner an unlit cigarette hanging from his lips as he tapped away at his phone. 
You knew him, Lucas was a great guy. A great guy with a girlfriend. 
"You want me to go out with him?"  You couldn't help but laugh, your shoulder bumped into his as you did. 
"He has a girlfriend." You said, "Plus he's not the guy I like." Jaehyun froze next to you. 
"You like someone?" 
Suddenly the couch you were sitting on wasn't big enough for the two of you. You didn't realize you'd said that, he'd just been trying to demonstrate your type. 
"But you said you did." 
You couldn't reply to that. So you just stared at him as his face lit up. 
"Tell me who." He said his face getting closer to yours. 
"No." You deadpanned, and he frowned. 
"I bet you I can get you to tell if you have enough shots." You narrowed your eyes at his challenge again. Before you let him know that it was game on. 
This was how you and Jaehyun worked. Playful bets placed practically all the time, every little aspect of life was a game, and honestly, you liked it that way. You liked the way he laughed when he won, the dimply smiles that would adorn his face for the rest of the day. You liked the way he pouted when he lost, the complaining that would ensue was also something you wouldn't change. You liked the way he answered your phone and if he missed the call he called back within seconds. You liked that he called you randomly sometimes, a random 'I bet…' followed by something insane would leave his mouth and you'd always play into it. You liked him, everything about him and you loved your friendship. It was hard but you wouldn't ever tell him you liked him. Because you couldn't give him up. 
Jaehyun and you sat in a random room in the house, a huge bottle of vodka in-between you. The bottle was once full, you'd and Jaehyun had drank a considerable amount. 
"So Y/N, who do you like?" Jaehyun asked his words slightly slurred, the effects of the alcohol in full force. You stared at him, taking in the lift of his mouth as he smirked at you, the way his left dimple appeared as he did so. 
You unconsciously were leaning into him. 
"And if I tell you what do I get?" You asked your hand digging into the carpet in between you as your weight settled onto it. 
Jaehyun lowered his head to yours so that his nose was almost brushing yours. 
"You get to know that your best friend in the whole wide world will wingman you." 
"And what if that meant you'd be wing manning me for yourself?" You asked, your voice soft as the words left you. 
Jaehyun looked at you slowly registering the words that left you. Anxiety rolled in your stomach as you watched him blink at you. 
You knew you shouldn't have told him. 
Jaehyun cleared his throat as leaned away from him. 
"You like me?" He asked, you turned your head away from him. Suddenly all the alcohol in your system was gone. You slowly nodded, not being able to look back at him. 
He cleared his throat again, the silence was drowning you as the discomfort in the room grew. Eventually, Jaehyun pulled his phone out of his pocket. Tapping at his screen a few times as he got up. 
"So I- I just got a text from Jungwoo he needs me." You closed your eyes. 
Fuck vodka. 
"I'll see you tomorrow." 
But you didn't.
You didn't see him for a week. The first day you left him alone, the second day you thought maybe something had happened considering Jungwoo had called him that night. So you texted him, he didn't reply. You texted him again only to be left on read. The third day you tried calling him, that failed as well. You very quickly realized he was ignoring you. 
He came into your shared class on Wednesday followed by Jungwoo, and they sat with you. But Jungwoo sat in the middle and Jaehyun left halfway through the class. You didn't try after that, you didn't know how. 
Your head hurt that day because you couldn't help but cry. You knew you were right not to tell him, you knew you were right about the fact that the moment you told him you'd lose him. 
The opening of your apartment door drew you from your thoughts. Doyoung walked in holding a bag of takeout in his hand. 
"You look like shit." He said as his eyes swept over you. You laughed at his words. 
Doyoung set the takeout on the coffee table before heading into your kitchen to grab cutlery. 
"He ignored me in class on Wednesday." You said as you looked down at your hands. Your eyes stinging again. 
"You'd think that he would know how to act like an adult. If he doesn't like you back he doesn't have to cut you off." 
You nodded, but he had. Because that was how Jaehyun was. 
"Every girl I become friends with always ruins it by falling in love with me," Jaehyun grumbled as he sat across from you. 
"Humble." You muttered. 
"I'm not joking like I don't mean it as a prick. I just mean I want someone I can be friends with, without them wanting to suck my dick." You looked at him your eyebrows raising. 
Eventually, you rolled your eyes, a chuckle leaving you. "You want a girl to not want you for sex. How ironic."  
"Listen I sleep with girls," He started. 
"A lot go girls," You interjected  
"But I don't pretend to be their friend." He finished. 
"Such a saint you are Jaehyun." 
You weren't close back then, you grew close though over the year since then. To the point that you were inseparable. Until now. 
"Whatever forget him, let's drown in food," Doyoung said, he didn't make it to the couch before the apartment door was opening again. 
Only two people besides you had a key, one of them was already in the apartment. 
You stared at Jaehyun as he looked at Doyoung. 
"Oh, you're here." He said. 
"Yes, I'm here," Doyoung replied. 
"Sorry, I shouldn't have just shown up I guess." He said and retreated out of the apartment. You stared at Doyoung, who let out a loud sigh. 
"Okay fine, go after him. I'm going to start eating though." You nodded as you shot out of your spot on the couch. 
Slipping into a pair of flip flips you charged out the door. The elevator closed as you rounded the corner. So you settled for the stairs. 
You looked crazy, you knew you did. You were wearing an oversized t-shirt with stains on it, you weren't wearing any pants you just had on your underwear. Your eyes were swollen from the crying earlier, and your hair was up in a messy bun. Well, half of it was. 
You stopped to breathe as you hit the main floor, your throat hurting from your lack of air. Somewhere in your brain, you were looking at yourself wondering what the fuck you were doing. But at the forefront of your mind was Jaehyun. 
You pushed out the doors seeing him walking to his car. 
"Hey!" You called running down the few steps as he stopped right beside his car. 
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" You asked loudly, as you charged towards him. 
"I-" You cut him off before he could even truly start. 
"No actually, fuck you. You ignored me for a week. Then you chose to show up without a text, let alone a call. So what I told you I liked you and that's it? You forced me to tell you!"  
You were frantic, and angry and needed to yell at him because if you weren't yelling you would cry. You didn't even care if the people sitting in their apartments heard the commotion and looked out. 
Jaehyun stood silently in front of you fiddling with his keys. 
"Am I really that awful, that if I did like you the only option you'd have is; run away?" You asked, finally letting your voice quiet down as your confidence faded. Your brain being hit with the fact that he may have come to grab his things. The few things he'd left around your apartment. Like his hoodie, his many pairs of socks, the t-shirt you were in right now. 
"No," He finally answered. His eyes finally coming up to your face. 
"Then why have you been ignoring me?" You asked, your eyes stinging again as you tried not to cry. 
Jaehyun took a step towards you, grabbing your arm and pulling you into him. You let him. 
"I had to think. I needed to think about what you said." He said, his head resting on top of yours. You thought about pushing him away. You thought about storming back into your apartment and leaving him here, but you wanted to be in his arms you couldn't push away. So instead you grabbed his t-shirt tightly and pulled him closer to you. 
"I like you too, Y/N." He spoke softly, "I was just shocked when you said it to me at the party. I didn't know how to react so I ran. I'm so sorry for ignoring you. I know I'm a dick. I know I'll have to make it up to you and I will." 
"You were shocked so you decided that not talking to me was the way to go?" You asked, your voice muffled into his chest. 
"I never said I was smart." He said making you softly giggle. 
"You like me?" You asked turning your head up and looking at him. He nodded down at you. 
Maybe you were too quick to give in, maybe you weren't. All you knew was that a week's worth of trouble boiled down to a few words and you weren't willing to draw it out any longer. You could talk about it more later if you wanted to right now you just wanted him to hold you. You hadn't seen him for a week and you hated it. 
He pressed his lips to yours gently, cautiously. But you quickly deepened the kiss, letting your tongue move across his bottom lip before letting him push his tongue against yours. 
You moaned softly against him, your arms snaking around his neck as you pulled him closer to you. Jaehyun hit the side of the car as you two continued to kiss, his hands moving to your ass and pulling you flush against him. You could feel him hardening between you both. Your hips moving on their own grinding against him. 
His lips left your mouth leaving hot kisses down the side of your jaw. 
"It's cold." You whined as the cold air hit the trail of saliva he was leaving in his wake. Pulling his face away from you he unlocked his car. 
"He can wait." He said as he pulled open the back door and ushered you in. He scrambled in after you pulling you onto his lap as he did so. 
"Fuck your so hot." He said. You giggled down at him. 
"I'm in a stained t-shirt." You said as Jaehyun's hands crawled underneath it finding your boobs. You moaned when his cold fingers pinched at your nipples. 
Your hands went to his crotch, palming him through his sweats drawing soft grunts from him. You looked up at his face as he moved his hands to your face bringing your mouth back down to his. 
You pulled his erection out of his sweats bringing him to your clothed core and rubbing the head of his cock against yourself. Jaehyun hissed at your actions, his hand moving to the nape of your neck. 
Jaehyun's other hand moved towards your core, pushing your underwear aside so that he could feel you on his cock. He bucked his hips up towards you. You moaned against him as he began to move between your folds coating his cock in your slick. 
The tip of his dick hitting your clit with every move he made. Your mouth moved away from his, panting you looked down at where he was moving against you. 
"Fuck." You muttered. Your head spinning with each of his movements. 
A loud knocking on his car window scared you, your hands pulling Jaehyun to you as you both look out the car window. 
Doyoung was staring down at you both. 
"I'm going home." He said loud enough for you both to hear. "You two can move upstairs." 
You laughed down at Jaehyun as Doyoung walked away. 
"Were you going to leave after you fucked me?" You asked as you moved off him. Your brain going back to thinking in overdrive. Jaehyun grabbed your wrist pulling your hand to him and forcing you to look at him. His cock tucked away now. 
"I'm sorry I ignored you. I do not plan on doing it again. I swear." You nodded at him and got out of the car, waiting for him to follow you. 
"So you know what type of guys I like huh?" You asked as he used his key to get into your building. 
"Yeah babe, you like douche bags." He said and smiled down at you, dimples and all. You bit the corner of your lip to try to not laugh. Yet you laughed anyway. 
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angelguk · 4 years ago
so much happens in this it’s such a huge mess omg. the return of the angst plot line of jock!jk (aka pretty boy universe please check ml for the other parts). this time featuring: Angst (with a capital A), miscommunication that makes you want to scream, chayoung’s true nature, namjoon catching stray bullets (figuratively), and lucas being a gem. also jungkook is somewhat semi-violent in this one (in terms of thoughts and some actions but no one gets hurt) so please don’t read this if that makes you uncomfortable. in general just an angry heartbroken boy. also oc is finally doing something good. listen to mess it up by gracie abrams + if we were made of water by banks + i will by mitksi + save room for us by tinashe. roughly 4.2k
titled — old friends, new foes
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The spring scavenger hunt is an enormous success, all thanks to your careful planning and Bina’s much needed support. While you excelled at organising, you heavily lacked in the social aspect, something Bina fulfilled with smart marketing and a bright personality that drew in a larger crowd than you thought would appear. It's partially expected–she was head of the Events Committee for a reason–but it felt a little strange to lean onto her instead of Jeongguk. He was the one who usually spearheaded that side of your event plans, more than anyone else, and while planning this one you felt his absence tenfold. Like a gigantic gaping hole excavating through your chest and leaving behind a lonely hollow.
That hollowness surges when you spot him meandering towards the third location at the university courtyard, his fingers tangled with Hyeri’s. You slowly turn away from them, heart aching with each thud against your ribs, hoping they haven’t seen you. Maybe Bina sees the fall on your features because she’s gently tapping your arm, leaning in with a graceful brush of her amber locks over her shoulder.  
“Are you okay?” Her voice is soft, feathering through the late afternoon breeze to reach your ear. 
You’re about to say it, the pained ‘I’m fine' that had become a part of your routine. But then you hear him, loud effervescent laugh hitting the air, the sound striking your false demeanour down. Your vision blurs before you could choke the word out and suddenly Bina’s arm is firmly around you, guiding your heavy feet far away from the presence evoking your pain. 
“I’m fine,” you finally manage to choke up, folding into yourself in the middle of a bench. She stares at you for a moment, before taking a deep breath and sharply clicking her tongue.
“You’re not.” Her eyes are gentle despite the harshness of her words. “I know this isn’t my place, but I do know why you stopped coming to committee meetings.” 
The scoff you let out is instinctive. The jarring sound is a stark contrast to the action of your hand hurriedly wiping away the stray tears staining your cheeks. Of course, you’d avoided committee meetings – why the hell would you go when the president was your ex?
“And,” Bina continues, pointedly ignoring your reaction. Her hand reaches out moving to intertwine your fingers. You focus on the image of her sharp stiletto shaped nails that glitter under the glow of the sun settling on your lap instead of the thumping of your heart as she speaks. “Judging from what I’ve seen, it hasn’t been easy for him either. I know you’re probably thinking that you were the only one who cared about him–about your relationship, but I’m pretty sure he did too. So it’s perfectly okay for you to feel like this, no matter how long it’s been.”
Two months and three weeks, you mentally add. A lifetime and a single blink simultaneously. 
“I didn’t need to know that,” you say, hoping to kill the hope fluttering in your heart. Bina squeezes your hand instead and gives it wings.
“You did. Also, Jeongguk’s kind of an asshole. Sorry if it’s too soon.”
It’s not, and you can’t help the tiny laugh that escapes from your throat. You glance up at her then, suddenly glad for the dazzling glossed coated smile that greets you.
“But,” she continues. “You’re doing the wrong thing too. I know you’re dating Lucas and it’s not fair to him when you’re still hung up on Jeongguk.”
“I know,” you admit. “And I’m going to fix that.”
She beams. “I hope you do. Don’t let him make you pick the wrong choices. You deserve better than that.”
Perhaps it was her words of reassurance that aided in getting you out of the house tonight. (Or it was Bina gingerly whacking your arm and insisting you needed to reward yourself for working hard). But a minuscule part of you is glad you heeded her advice. The music is louder than the words bouncing around your head, sound shoving your sorrow down as Chayoung hands you another drink. Everything is fast, bodies shifting wildly around you and the faint sound of a beer pong game capturing everyone’s attention. For a moment, you begin to forget. But then Lucas’s looming head materializes before you and guilt swarms your heart.
“Hey,” he offers, deep timbre sinking into your bones. You might just throw up.
You haven’t told him about Namjoon. You can’t bear to. But there’s something else more urgent that you need to say to him first.
Chayoung watches through narrow eyes when he leans forward to brush a light kiss on your cheek. He’s so sweet it makes your mouth turn sour. 
“Haven’t seen you around,” Lucas continues, slipping beside you. A steady hand settles at the base of your back. You almost jolt away. 
Chayoung’s face is hard, expression carved out of marble as she stares you down. You know she’s mad at you, rightfully so. Even Sieun hadn’t said anything for a few days after you’d told them about Namjoon. You were mad at yourself too. For what you did–for what you need to do to fix it.
“Been busy. Planning the scavenger hunt and all,” you say, gaze glued to a random lamp at the opposite side of the room. It’s easier than staring at Lucas, who’s still so warm and bright. Practically glowing like he’s got the Sun living in his chest. 
You hope you don’t leave him cloudy.
He weaves his hand into yours, a pleasant noise escaping past his lips. “I know. Great job, by the way. You should be proud.”
Chayoung slinks away at that, the glower on her features burning your blood. You haven’t told anybody yet because you don’t want their advice on this. But you do need to end things with Lucas. It wasn’t fair to him. Yet, it feels nearly impossible when you tear your eyes off the fading figure of your friend and glance up to find him staring at you with the softest smile.
All you do is hurt good people. 
It’s a terrible realisation but it forces you to croak out the words, a rip forming inside of you when that soft smile slips off his face at the sound of them.
“We need to talk.”
But the second they are out you feel something in the world click into place like you’re finally making the right steps toward the correct path even though you need to step on the hearts of others to get there. 
Lucas lets you lead him in silence, the weight of it sinking onto your shoulders when he closes the door behind him, the music giving way to the noise in your head. When he turns to face you, watching apprehensively as you perch yourself at the edge of the bed in the room, it all begins to feel like deja vu. Except you’re on the other side.
“So,” you start, eyes on the wall. The feeling of the mattress dipping as Lucas descends beside you pulls your gaze back to him, heartstrings thrumming when the moonlight leaking through the opened curtains pools into his eyes.
How could Jeongguk have done this?
“We need to end this,” you say, realising as the air leaves your lungs that he did it like this. Like he needed to breath. It feels like cutting an anchor off your ankle, head breaking through furious waters to finally find air.
Lucas pauses, blinking slow. You don’t fill the emptiness with more words, afraid you’ll pour salt into an open wound. He lets what you said ruminate, eyes shifting to the scene around you. A random room, bathed by the glow of the room, and two hearts opposing each other–one already poised to leave. One that was never really there.
“Why?” It’s said lowly. You know why. You owe him this admission, after dragging him around on a sinking ship. But the words refuse to part from your throat. 
“I’m not right for you,” you say instead, hoping he understands. By the flicker across his eyes, he doesn’t. “Like,” you try, your eyes dropping to where his heart lies. “You’ve got a lot of good in you and I don’t. We don’t match.”
Lucas cocks his head, staring at the ceiling. And this his gaze careens to you.
“You don’t think you’re a good person?”
“Well–” you splutter. But Lucas isn’t having it.
“You’re a lovely person, Y/N. With a lot of good in you too. You are kind of shitty for this though but every good person does shitty things.” It’s said factually like he needs you to understand this.
“I know that–”
“You don’t. You put yourself down too much. Why do you think Jeongguk loved you?”
Oh. That seizes that air from your chest, Lucas’s gaze slamming into your own with a surety that stings. 
“Why do you think I like you?” He adds. You don’t know what to do, nervous system spazzing at this information assault. “And I know why you want to end this. You could have said it. I understand, though. The two of you did fight together so well.” He gets up then, towering like a God dictating judgment. “I didn’t expect you to stop loving him immediately, you know.” He’s near the door now, not fleeing but parting a new path. There’s a weird smile on his lips, like the forging of his steps hurts as much yours does. It’s like it’s been hung there, not pulled from his heart like you’d grown used to seeing. 
“What did you expect?” You can’t help but ask.
He pauses, the door half-open. You could tell him to shut it, you could tell him to stay. 
You don’t want to.
“That maybe one day you would love me more than you loved him,” Lucas whispers. He sees the fall on your features, knows the answer on your lips instantly. “But it’s okay that you never could.”
And then he’s gone, honey blonde hair swallowed by the crowd even with his impossible height. He leaves the door ajar, the music seeping into the room. But this time your head is louder, surer. Because Lucas just let you know something you weren’t even aware of yourself. There was no room for anybody else except Jeongguk. And it truly wasn’t fair to offer him your heart when it was half a world away.
Half a world away is apparently glaring at the shrubs flanking the back garden. Jeongguk doesn’t know who’s house this is. He doesn’t care either because at the moment he’s considering burning it down. He’d just seen you amble into a room, Lucas trailing behind like a stupid dog and his heart clenching hard in his chest. It took two seconds after the door shut for him to shove Hyeri off his lap and mumble something about needing air.
(What he needed was you).
The coolness of the night ebbed at his boiling blood, but nothing could ease the ache. 
“You look like you need a drink,” Chayoung’s voice feels alien, creeping up his back. He turns to look at her, a polite comment on how he’d like to be left alone hanging on his lips. She interrupts it by handing him a cup, a tender smile gracing her lips. Jeongguk accepts it with a shrug, hoping the burn in his throat will be a distraction. It isn’t. But he forces another sip down as Chayoung slithers outside too, the room behind her glowing as if the building was on fire.
What store sells matches and lighter fluid in the middle of the night? And won’t ask incriminating questions? 
“Why the long face?” She asks, peering at him from the corner of her eye.
Jeongguk shrugs, the words in his head refusing to form into understandable sounds.
“Hyeri not cutting it?” Chayoung murmurs. His eyes snap to her, but she’s not staring at him, her gaze fixed on the dark sky. 
“What do you mean?” Jeongguk is baffled say the least. He thought his act with Hyeri was a little bit more solid proof. He liked her–somewhat. 
Chayoung turns slow, almost sinisterly, a glint in her brown eyes that unsettles him. “I just don’t think she’s in your league.”
The scoff that leaves Jeongguk’s throat burns. He hated that stupid idea of leagues. You should like a person for who they are, not where they stand in foolish social hierarchies. But Chayoung reads his response wrong, suddenly impossibly close, a stray finger trailing along his shoulder. Her nails are talons. He shudders, trying to hide it by leaning away. Chayoung just leans closer, alcohol tainted breath grazing his own. For a moment, Jeongguk considers fleeing back inside to come ask you to collect your drunk friend (a perfect excuse to finally say something to you after months of radio silence) but then he remembers that might potentially end with him walking into the room and finding you with Lucas’s tongue down your throat.
And that would suck. A lot.
But before he can think of another solution Chayoung’s fingernails are scrapping his neck, leaving his skin prickled.
“But then again, do you seem to always pick the wrong ones.” That bristles him and his eyes are suddenly hard and narrow.
“What do you mean by that?” He spits it out, a spark igniting in his chest when Chayoung shrugs. The smile on her face disgusts him.
“You know what I mean.” Her finger is sliding down his shirt and Jeongguk feels branded even through the material. “When you look like this, running around girls like that is honestly a little sad.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He’s hoping he’s hearing this all wrong. That she’s just drunk and acting stupid. But when her eyes lift to him he knows she means it. Every word of it.
“You could do better, Jeongguk. So much better.”
“Chayoung you need to shut the fuc–”
Her lips taste like vodka and cherry lip balm, which is sickening because that’s what you taste like–sans the vodka. Cherry lip balm was your brand. It always was, you’ve got like five of them scattered around your room and a couple more hidden in Jeongguk’s. He recoils instantly, acid climbing up his throat as his hands find something–anything to push away. What he finds are Chayoung’s shoulders and when he pushes he pushes hard. They break apart and the floor beneath Jeongguk cracks wide open, his head spinning violently.
“What the fuck is your problem?” He doesn’t know what else to say, the circuits in his brain frying. Chayoung’s tongue skips over her lips, now wet and a little plush from the force she used to slam her mouth into his. 
“Showing you that you can do better.”
He blinks, taken a large step back when Chayoung moves forward, a little sway in her feet. 
“You’re drunk and acting crazy. I think I should call Y/N to com–”
“Oh fuck Y/N. Such a whiny bitch. Do you really think she deserves you? After all the shit she’s put you through?” Chayoung’s eyes feel like knives, sharp and striking deep with every word. 
“Aren't you her friend? What the hell is wrong with you?” Jeongguk needs this to de-escalate. Chayoung wants to throw gasoline on an open flame instead.
“No–what’s wrong with you, Jeongguk? Moping around for a girl who never realised what she had when it was right in front of her? C’mon now.”
“You seriously need to shut the fuck up. You’re not gonna talk about her like that in front of me.”
“Why not? Cause you still love her? Even when she’s fucking Lucas?”
That stings, his heart bursting in his chest because Jeongguk didn’t know you were sleeping with him. He thought it would just be kisses or something. Not that–not Lucas touching you like he used to. But then Hyeri’s face flashes in before his eyes and he wilts. He can’t blame you for anything, not when he’s been doing the same horrible shit to you. And that makes him pause, the sudden realisation that he’s been hurting you smashing into his head. He didn’t want to hurt you–never. Not even if you were hurting him. He just needed a distraction, something to ease you off his mind. And maybe you did too, but all left you both with was gaping wounds that would never heal. And with other people hurt too.
God, this was a mess. And it dawns on Jeongguk that’s he’s made the worst mistake he’s ever made in his life. 
“You should hate her,” Chayoung continues, venomous. 
“I don’t,” Jeongguk returns, voice levelled. All he hates right now is himself. And Lucas (which is fair). Chayoung blanches, shaken by his firmness. “I really don’t, in fact, I need to talk to her. Right now.”
He moves fast, foot already past the threshold when Chayoung speaks again, her words aimed with intent to kill.
“She kissed Namjoon.”
He feels the nerves in his legs still instantly, before they nearly give way entirely, his grip on the door frame the only thing holding him up as his heart tears out of his chest. 
“I thought you should know,” Chayoung adds. And he hears it then, that vile smugness in her voice. She’s lying. She has to be. You wouldn’t do that to him. And he says that, storming back to Chayoung with his chest ripped open, his body thrumming with barely concealed rage. And fear. Jeongguk feels so scared right now because if you did that means everything he felt–everything he feared–could be true.
“She did.” Chayoung is immovable, standing tall and staring him down. “I’m not lying to you. Go ask Namjoon if you don’t believe me.”
Which, Jeongguk realises as his eyes fall shut that is going to absolutely do. And possibly break a nose in the process. He turns, trying to blink away the blurriness in his eyes, before Chayoung stops him with a single sentence again, this one said a little softer.
“Jeongguk,” she starts, eyeing him down, her brown eyes aflame under the moonlight. “I mean it when I say she doesn’t deserve you.”
Someone is attempting to break down Namjoon’s door. Which is bizarre considering it’s almost three in the morning. He has to drag himself out of the comfort of his warm sheets to figure out which maniac is attempting to smash through solid wood with only their fists because it seems like they’re almost succeeding. 
The maniac in question is Jeon Jeongguk, standing rigid when Namjoon swings the door open, moonlight bleeding over his features. He’s mad, staring at Namjoon like he wished his head was rolling on the ground instead of stationed square on his shoulders. But there’s something else there, doe eyes glossy.
“Jeongguk? What the hell are–”
“You kissed her.”
Everything stills, the two men fixated on each other. Jeongguk is so still he could have been mistaken for a statue. Almost as if he was waiting for the words that would break this moment, ease the tension seizing his muscles, tell him what he wants to hear. Namjoon can’t do any of that. Instead, he sighs, a muted, “Oh”, floating from his lips.
Jeongguk snaps the second he realises it’s true.
“Oh? You kissed her and all you have to say is oh?” Hands are digging into the soft cotton of his nightshirt and Namjoon’s feet are no longer on the ground. He’s apparently levitating, lifted solely by this hurt angry boy invading his apartment. His back hits the nearest wall with a thud that vibrates through his bones. When the hell did Jeongguk get this strong?”
“Whoa–relax,” Namjoon wheezes, his strong fingers guiding Jeongguk off him. But heartbreak tends to be enough fuel because Jeongguk pushes back with an ease that unnerves him. “Jeongguk, you seriously need to relax. Let go of me and we can talk about this.”
“Why did you do it?” That is what he gets in return. Jeongguk’s voice wavers, coloured a violent red in the velvet of the night.
“I didn’t do anything,” Namjoon returns, the words delivered gingerly.
“No–no you did. You kissed her. You–”
“She kissed me, Jeongguk. And I can seriously explain all of it if you just relaxed and we talked about it–”
“No, she didn’t. She wouldn’t do that to me–she wouldn’t.” And Oh God No, Namjoon thinks he just heard the sound of a heart breaking. It sounds like a weird mangled bird collapsing from the sky and its wing hitting the ground with a funny wet smash, fragile bones snapping like twigs. 
Jeongguk’s fingers peel from his shirt and bury themselves in his hair, yanking at the cropped strands as his face twists. 
This is far too much emotion for a single person to deal with in the middle of the bloody night.
“Hey–hey, calm down. It was a mistake, I promise you. She was just feeling a little all over the place and made a bad choice–”
“No–that’s the fucking point! She made a choice. She chose you.” Jeongguk’s staring at him in a way that hurts, like he’s attempting to transfer all the pain that’s writhing through his body into Namjoon’s from sight alone.
“What? What are you talking about?” 
Jeongguk is frantic, almost like he’s trying to stop himself from pouring out onto the floor. A flood barely contained. “She chose you first. I was there–I was always there. But then you waltzed in and she saw something in you that she didn’t find in me and she chose you.”
Namjoon cocks his head, staring hard at Jeongguk’s round wide eyes, slowly coming to realisations that he was surrounded by idiotic people.
“I still have no idea what you are talking about, but I have to ask, don’t you remember a single thing I told you the last time we spoke about Y/N? You’re the reason we broke up.” That halts him and Namjoon takes that as a moment to press onward, somewhat tired of being dragged into this awkward mess. “And I’ll say this in the nicest way possible but you’re an idiot if you think Y/N wouldn’t pick you over me any day–over anyone really. I could be drowning and you could have a scrapped knee and she’d check on you first. We broke up because I realised I was just a placeholder until she felt brave enough to tell you she liked you. You were rather intimidating for her to approach. Or have you forgotten your track record of girls? It wasn’t easy for her–especially when she was risking losing her best friend.”
The silence that follows aches, Jeongguk’s eyes flashing like he never considered that in the first place. 
“But why the other guys then? Why not just tell me after you?” 
Namjoon’s going to bang his head into the wall. “You’re her best friend–what about that are you not getting? What if you didn’t like her back and it ruined the most important relationship in her life?”
“But I did–I always liked her.”
“No,” Namjoon nearly groans out loud. “You didn’t. If you liked her you wouldn’t have fucked Chaerin in the back of your car and then gone to report it to Y/N with a grin on your face.”
“Yeah,” Namjoon returns. “Oh. That’s the exact day we broke up too. Such a stupid fight because she was crying and that’s when I put two and two together and realised I was never going to take precedence over you.” 
“I didn’t know I was hurting her,” Jeongguk murmurs, almost distraught. 
A strangled noise erupts from Namjoon’s throat. “You’ve hurt her a lot more than you’ll realise.” But the second he says that and Jeongguk’s face twists into something unrecognisable he wants to take them back.
“She’s too good for me. Maybe we are better off apart.”
“No, no. You’re so wrong actually. This break-up thing has been miserable to watch and I’m not even in the centre of it. I’ve just caught a bunch of stray bullets.”
“You’re not getting me,” Jeongguk’s eyes swing to him. “She came to you at the end of it all. Maybe we are better with other people. Maybe you’re better for her.”
“She came to me because she missed you. She just needed someone to lean on during your absence. I wouldn’t have to do that if you were there. You know, you should just talk about this with Y/N.”
“I can’t, she’s happy with Lucas. I think.”
Namjoon wants to bang both your heads together so bad. Maybe finally the fact that you love each other would get through your thick skulls then. 
“She doesn’t,” he says, instead. “And I know that for a fact. You should really go talk to her. Figure this whole mess out. And also finally get out of my apartment.” Jeongguk’s gaze withers. Namjoon shrugs in return. “It’s the middle of the night and I have a meeting in the morning. I really need to sleep.”
“Oh, fuck, I’m sorry.” He’s so meek like this, nursing a shattered heart and a confused head. It’s slightly jarring to the image he usually presents, so self-assured and unfazed by whatever gets thrown at him. Never exposed like this, every emotion he holds inside displayed across his face. 
“It’s alright. Just think about what I said and talk to her. Honestly. Not skirting over shit like the two of you tend to do. Okay?”
“Yeah,” he says, trailing towards the open door. Namjoon had registered a breeze billowing in, but he’d completely missed the fact that the door of his apartment was swung wide open. Jeongguk abruptly stops just as Namjoon’s sense of bearing returns, turning to face him with his face pulled down by shame. “I’m really sorry. For this whole thing. I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that I was just–”
“I get it. You love her and it feels like she’s slipping from your fingers. Just don’t do that shit again and stop trying to push her away. I’ll say it again–you were always her first choice.” He sees it then, a slight flutter through Jeongguk’s chest. A broken bird mending. 
“Yeah,” Jeongguk breathes. “Thanks.”
Namjoon sighs, offering a tight smile and shutting the door firmly when Jeongguk finally drifts out. He needs a drink before he hits the sheets again. A strong one.
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wondersofdreaming · 4 years ago
Sex on Fire - 3
Co-written with @radaofrivia​
Characters: AU Captain Syverson - Gynaecologist, dr. Syverson x female reader
Word count: 7.601
Warnings: NSFW! Overthinking. Talking to a dog. Flirting. Nervous energy. A little awkwardness. Smut. 69. Making love. Love. Fluff. The end.
Author’s note: This story was co-written with the lovely @radaofrivia​​ - who wrote the beautiful smutty parts.
The dividers are made by @firefly-graphics
This story is dedicated to all the women who struggle with pain. It doesn’t matter where that pain is, but know that you are not alone.
Please go enjoy her stories here:
Rada’s Masterlist
I do not own any characters in this short story, except the reader who is a figment of my imagination.
Sex on Fire Masterlist
Feedback is appreciated.
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“What have I gotten myself into?
You stood in front of the mirror, having changed into the fifth dress, but nothing you had tried on was good enough for a date with the hottest doctor in town. A loud groan left your lips, making your sister peek inside your room.
“Everything alright in here?” she asked, looking over the room. Clothes were spread everywhere, shoes thrown all over, and you pacing in front of the closet, desperately trying to find something fitting to wear. “Looks like a tornado went through.”
“I have nothing to wear! So please, either come help me or get out,” you snapped. You heard the angry tone in your voice and turned around to face your younger sister, who looked mildly annoyed at you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like a bitch.”
“Care to tell me what’s going on? I thought you were excited to go out with the dashing doctor?” She asked and went to sit on the only available space on the bed.
You picked up the five discarded pieces of clothing.
“This,” you held up the first dress, “is too short. He’ll think I’m a whore.”
“Then wear leggings underneath it. Do I need to remind you, sissy, that he has already seen you butt-naked?”
You glared at your sister, feeling she didn’t understand your situation that this date had to be perfect.
What if our attraction was a fluke?
“This,” you showed the second dress, “is too long. He’ll think I’m a prude.”
“Then cut it to the right length.”
What if he thinks I was an easy prey? I was. I practically begged him to fuck me. Fuck!
You were starting to sweat as you held up the third dress.
“This shows too much cleavage. He’ll think I’m trying to seduce the entire restaurant.”
“Wear a shirt under it.”
What if he isn’t taking me to a restaurant? What if we’re going to his place?
You kept rambling about the fourth and fifth dress, and your sister retorted with solutions to each of them.
“Sissy, your thoughts are so loud I think even he can hear them.”
You threw a dress in her face.
“You’re thinking of every possibility that this could go wrong, aren’t you?”
“No…” you mumbled, but a good death stare from your sister made you change your mind from lying, “Yes, I’m scared, Pat. What if he isn’t the man he made me believe he is? What if he’s a serial killer disguised as a vaginal doctor? What if he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing? What if I’m walking right into grandma’s house and get eaten by the big bad wolf?”
“Stop, stop, you’re making no sense whatsoever…”
“And what if he doesn’t like me? What if we don’t have any chemistry? What if… oh my god, what if he only wants me as a fuck-buddy?”
You were pacing around your room, walking through the clothes, kicking the shoes away from your wandering path. Your sister grabbed your wrist and pulled you down on the bed.
“You are overthinking,” she booped your nose, “You are a gorgeous human being, very pretty too, if I have to say so myself. If he was only going to have you as his fuck-buddy, then you either say yes, because God knows you need a good fuck, or you say no because you’re looking for something deeper. And he wouldn’t have asked you on a date if he wasn’t into you! Take a deep breath with me.”
You both inhaled and exhaled, again and again, until your heartbeat wasn’t about to gallop right out of your chest.
“Now that you’re nice and calm… eh, ish, let’s put on some music and get you ready for your date. I have the perfect dress for you to wear tonight, just promise not to spill wine on it.”
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Lucas walked out of the steaming shower, wrapping a large fluffy towel around his hips. His dog, a German Shepherd, was lying on the carpeted bedroom floor by the door. Her brown eyes were staring at him intensely like she knew that he was going somewhere.
“I’ll be home as soon as I can, Aika. And I promise to bring your favourite treat from the restaurant,” he told the dog. Mention of the treat perked her ears up.
Sy chuckled as he started grooming his beard. Then a light went off in his mind.
Fuck, what if she doesn’t like dogs?
He looked apologetically at Aika, who was drooling on the carpet, already tasting the treat on her palate.
Lucas finished in the bathroom and went to his spacious walk-in closet.
“What should I wear, girl?” He asked as if Aika knew what was hot in fashion. She walked over to where he hung his trousers, sniffed a few before picking a grey pair down from the hanger. She then managed to trot over to him with a pair of brown leather shoes.
“Well, thanks, girl, these are perfect. So what do you think, a white shirt or a black shirt?” Sy held each piece up to Aika, and she barked happily at the white shirt, her tail wagging excitedly. The dashing doctor also chose a matching grey suit jacket. He looked himself over in the mirror.
“I really want this to work, Aika,” he mumbled to his dog, who cocked her head to the side. “I think she’s amazing, and I hope she likes dogs because if not, I would be really sad… to say goodbye to you.”
Aika growled at him, making Sy laugh out loud.
“Sorry girl, I’m just kidding, I’m kidding. You belong with me, forever and always,” he scratched her belly. “What do I do if I make an ass out of myself?”
Aika rolled around and let out a loud ‘woof’ as if she was saying that he should just be himself.
“Okay, I’ll do my best. But what if she’s not who I think she is? What do I do then?”
Aika let out a deep rumble from her chest. I’ll bite her sorry ass if she isn’t.
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You walked down the pavement looking for the restaurant Sy had texted you the address of. Sy was standing out front, waiting for you, he looked so handsome in his grey suit, and now you felt you might have been under-dressed. His face lit up in a warm grin, and his eyebrows arched when he saw you moving towards him. You smiled shyly back.
As Sy leaned down to kiss her cheek, you were going for his lips, ending in an awkward angled greeting.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you whispered at the same time he said: “Sorry!”
You stood there, looking down on the pavement, red-faced and suddenly very shy, not knowing what to do next while he was staring at you, not being able to take his eyes off you.
Lucas chuckled and presented his arm.
“Shall we go in?”
He was smiling at you, trying his best not to make your encounter awkward. You took his arm and was led into the restaurant. You looked around at the warm and comfortable atmosphere of the room. Chinese lanterns were hanging down from the loft, casting a soft light over space. The wooden tables had an induction heating plate for the hotpot that could contain either one, two or four different soups. The couple were seated near the covered fishing pond that was placed in the middle of the restaurant, a glass wall surrounding the pond, so no one could fall and get wet. The koi fish were swimming around, showing off their orange, red, white, and black scales. It was a soothing and calming sight and helped you relax in the presence of the handsome doctor.
A waitress came to take your drink orders while you looked through the menu.
“Oh, I don’t know what goes well with anything here,” you said, suddenly feeling so out of place.
“May I suggest one of their beers? They’re really good,” Lucas smiled at you warmly as he gave his drink order. You ordered one of their light and refreshing beers.
You looked down at the menu again. Not knowing what to pick as everything sounded delicious.
“There’s so much food,” you commented with a giggle.
“Do you want to try one of their special menus? That way, you can try a little of everything,” Sy suggested.
“I’d like that.”
The waitress came back with their drinks, and Sy rambled away your order. He ordered the four soup hot pot, various meats, seafood, vegetables, and an enormous amount of different types of noodles.
“How did you come by this place?” You asked, taking a sip of beer.
“I was walking around the neighbourhood one day with my sisters, and one of them wanted dumplings, another some noodles, and the third wanted some soup. I searched for a restaurant that had all three things, and this place popped up. It has become my favourite restaurant in the entire city,” he was a vivid storyteller that doctor.
“You brought me to your favourite restaurant?”
“Well, yes. I know it’s not the most traditional place to have a first date, but the food is amazing,” a pink blush crept up his neck and reached his cheeks.
“I think it’s the perfect place for a first date. I like trying new things,” you assured him, watching as a boyish grin of pride spread on his lips. God, how you wanted to kiss those lips.
“I hope you mean that because here comes the food,” Sy nodded towards the three waiters walking with an extra table full of food and the pot filled with the four soups.
“Oh dear,” you watched as they set the plates full of meat around you. “Are we feeding an army?”
“Trust me, darling, this might not be enough when we first get started,” Sy smiled. He reached for his chopsticks, “Have you eaten with chopsticks before?”
You gasped, pretending to be offended.
“I will let you know, doctor, that I was trained by the best to eat with chopsticks,” you showed him your hold, “My sister loves to get Chinese takeout when none of us feels like cooking, and there’s a restaurant that makes the best potstickers and chow mein.”
“Maybe we can order from there one day,” Sy suggested, his voice soft and full of promises.
“I’d like that. So, how do we do this?” you asked.
Lucas told you about the four different soups. They ranked from not-so-spicy to hell’s gate spicy. He talked about all the different cuts of meat, how to just put the ingredients in the soup, advising that you put in the lotus root first as it took a long time to cook.
While the doctor was talking, you were watching him. Your sole focus was on the way his lips moved and his tongue darting out from time to time. That tongue, that godly tongue.
His voice was rich and deep, so smooth and velvety you wanted to hear him talk forever. He caught you ogling at him.
“Everything alright?” he asked, looking a bit confused.
“Yeah, I was just thinking how amazing you look out of your white coat,” you blurted, making Sy laugh and blush an even deeper shade of pink before turning red.
“Why thank you, but I think the real showstopper tonight is you. You look beautiful,” he complimented.
“You’re just saying that because I complimented you first,” you giggled like a teenage schoolgirl with a crush.
Sy shook his head as he reached for the pieces of meat he had put in the soups. He picked one out and moved the chopsticks closer to your mouth.
“Try this,” he recommended. You closed your mouth around the chopsticks, letting the meat fall on your tongue. The sweet umami flavour of the pork was melting in your mouth, and you let out a soft moan.
Lucas was watching your mouth closely. The mouth that had been sucking him off a few days earlier in his office. The pretty mouth that swallowed his seed. His pants were suddenly feeling very snug around his groin area. Fuck, not now!
Thankfully his horny thoughts were interrupted by your suggestion.
“My turn to feed you,” you dove into the spiciest soup and picked out a dumpling. Why does he look so good? Lord, what is he thinking? Why is he looking at me like that? Something on my face?
Your hand was shaking a bit as you leaned over to give the dumpling to Sy, and then you dropped it, watching in slow motion as gravity did its thing, making the dumpling land on Lucas’ crisp white shirt and then down to his lap it went.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed. You quickly stood with your napkin and went over to clean the mess you had made. Lucas had picked up the fallen dumpling, not even thinking about the stain the red soup had made. He was having sinful thoughts of you sitting on your knees trying to wash off the red colour with your napkin.
“I ruined your shirt,” you sighed as the stain became worse, and it started to spread the more you rubbed the fabric.
“You’ve made it a habit to ruin my clothes, sunshine,” Lucas chuckled, but his laughter died quickly as you dabbed the napkin on his thigh, moving closer to the hard-on he was willing to go soft, but too late.
Oh, ooooooh.
“Maybe I don’t like that they’re hiding what nature has so gracefully given you,” you smirk up at him, giving him a sultry look.
Lucas swallowed hard. You could see his throat tensing as his Adam's apple bopped up and down. He’s looking you straight in the eyes, trying his best to restrain himself from taking you right then and there.
“God, I love your boldness,” his voice was low, soft, almost velvety, as if he was trying to tell you with the tone of his voice alone how much he wanted you. The smoothness of his voice was sending shivers down your spine, and some part of your brain was signalling that now was the time for you to attack him, rip his clothes off, ride him right there in the chair, not even caring about the people around you.
“Is everything okay?” A waitress asked, interrupting the moment. You snapped out of your lust-filled haze and went back to your chair. Sy coughed, masking his even dirtier thoughts.
“Yes, everything is good. The food is amazing. Can we get two shots of baijiu?” he asked, suddenly in need of something strong to stay put during dinner.
The waitress came back with the shots. Lucas held up his glass.
“Cheers,” he said and downed the clear liquid in one go, but you took a small sip.
“Oh shit, it’s burning my throat,” you gasped, putting the shot down.
“Believe me, you’re going to need all of it until we’ve finished eating,” Sy hinted at something more.
You inhaled the shot, letting the fire spread throughout your chest all the way down to your thighs and throbbing core. Your brain was slowly getting fuzzier, giving you the courage to ask him what had been on your mind since he asked you on the date.
“What are we, doctor?” You blurted, not thinking about how loud you actually were. You continued as you watched confusion spread on his handsome face: “What are you looking for in a partner? Are we going to be a no-strings-attached kind of thing? Casual hookup?”
You stopped and took a deep breath, waiting for his answer. You watched his lips, trying to avoid his eyes. If he wanted a ‘friends with benefits’-relationship, you would be devastated.
“There’s nothing casual about you, buttercup,” Sy was surprised by what you had just told him. He couldn’t deny the connection there was between the two of you. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he felt it deep in his guts that there was something more, and he wanted to be more for you. “I want to get to know you. I want to explore the deep connection that we have and see where it leads us. What about you? What are you looking for?”
“I… I want that too. Because to me, this. What we have is too good to be just an emotionless thing,” you started, “I feel safe around you, Lucas. I don’t know why, but I do. Do I make any sense? Because I feel like I’m just sitting here rambling…”
Lucas grabbed your hands across the table, avoiding the soups. He caressed the soft skin over your knuckles. His protective instinct was on overload, he wanted to protect you, and his heart was racing from hearing you say that you felt safe around him.
“You make sense to me, bug.”
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Your first date had been perfect, so were the following dates afterwards. Lucas Syverson was the perfect gentleman and taken it like a champ when you had asked to take things slow, especially with you not knowing if it was still going to hurt when having sex. You wanted to have your ‘problem’ solved before you took that all-intimate next step with Sy. You built a beautiful relationship and a strong friendship from your attraction.
Lucas had invited you out for lunch one day. He asked about how it was going with the new gynaecologist he had recommended, a woman, as he wasn’t keen on knowing another man touching you in such an intimate place. You told him that you had been referred to a physiotherapist and was going to see a specialist in vaginal diseases.
With time you hurt less and less, and it was with the support from your sister and Sy that you continued the different treatments the doctors gave you. You stretched out muscles in your abdominal area. You used soap that was for intimate use only. You even started using an anaesthetic gel to relax the nerves in your vagina by Sy’s recommendation. You had cursed him all the way to hell the first time you’d used it, even as far as telling him that it burnt worse than the alcohol shot he made you drink at the Hot Pot restaurant. You were walking like you’d ridden a horse all day long until the burning stopped after a few minutes, and Sy had kept his laughter to himself, not wanting to hurt your feelings, but when you had started giggling from looking at yourself in the mirror, he couldn’t stop the roaring laughter either.
Sy was very helpful when you were exercising. He had made the stretching into a game of some sort. You might not be having sex, but you could still tease each other, orally or with your hands, anything to build intimacy between the two of you. He was determined to make the process sexy and fun, not dull and boring.
You asked him to penetrate you a few times but had to tell him to pull out because the pain became too intense. Sy was extremely understanding, and he helped you through the crying afterwards, as you felt that you were never going to heal again. He loved that you were comfortable enough around him to tell him to stop, and you felt so safe with him.
It became your goal not only to have sex but to be penetrated without the pain. And you would get there eventually. For now, you would just bask in the afterglow of a good make-out session with Lucas on the sofa.
You had always felt that there was a part of you missing, a vital part, and now, with Lucas, you felt whole. You couldn’t go a day without at least texting him, saying you missed him, or when you were together, and he went to the bathroom, you missed him. When you had to go home the following day after a night of cuddling, you missed him the minute you walked out the door. Both of you felt like you were addicted to the other. It was almost becoming an obsession.
Life with a boyfriend like Sy was amazing, incredible, fantastic. He was everything you needed without having known it. And Lucas loved to have someone he could take care of, protect and maybe even love. Sy had never felt this way about anyone before. It was a fantastic feeling to have this wonderful woman he could call his girlfriend. His.
Not only were you an extraordinary human being: you also loved animals just as much as he did. If you were allowed animals in the apartment you lived in with your sister, you would have filled it already. Sy had let out a breath of relief when you’d told him. You and Aika had become cuddle buddies whenever you were visiting Lucas. The German Shepherd would completely ignore Sy and follow you around instead, and Lucas was only happy to share his girl with his other girl. The sense of having found you excited him, completed him and made him so happy.
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There are two kinds of tired: one that needs a good night's sleep and one that needs so much more. Lucas fell into the second category. He was both physically and mentally exhausted from a long and hard day at work, and he also had to face the guilt for ruining your plans for a quiet dinner.
“Plans are made to be changed,” you told him when he called you to cancel your dinner plans and suggest grabbing something to eat and spend the evening at his place instead.
"And I really like the sound of staying in and just cuddling with you, big bear," you whispered in your phone so your colleagues wouldn’t hear you.
"Big bear?"
"Yes, you're massive, hairy and just like a big cuddly teddy bear," finishing the phrase you noticed that one of your colleagues, Rita, was looking at you, chuckling at your big bear comment. You cleared your throat and with all the seriousness you could muster you told Sy: “I can’t talk right now. Call me when you get here,” and quickly ended the call, turning to her, “he’s an activist for the conservation of big brown bears.”
“Yeah, right,” she laughed. “Have fun with your bear-man, girl, you don’t need to explain yourself.” She winked at you and went about her work.
To your dismay, Lucas didn’t follow your instructions and decided that would be the day he showed his face to your work coming into the library to pick you up. He walked into the place, standing tall, his long strides and posture showing a sense of confidence and ease. He was as handsome as always, in his dress jacket, white shirt and jeans. Upon entering the library, he took off his sunglasses revealing his cobalt blue stare that made people stop in their tracks and this time was no different.
“Oh my God!” You heard your colleague gasping next to you when she laid eyes upon him. A small grin formed on your face to her reaction. You watched your man getting closer, noticing that his face looked tired, something only you would notice. The moment your eyes met a warm, sweet smile spread on his gorgeous lips, lighting up his face.
“Do they accept new members in the bear conservation club?” She asked not too loud, but loud enough for Sy to hear, who was standing right in front of you now. You blushed from embarrassment and broke eye contact with him. His soft laughter brought your eyes back on him.
"Sadly all positions have been filled up," he countered looking directly at you with a lopsided grin. “Ready to go home, sunshine?” You nodded excited, picking up your things quickly and moving on Lucas’ side, looping your arm around his offered elbow.
“Have a good evening, Rita,” you said giddily, looking back at her as she was fanning herself trying to cool off to the sight of Sy’s behind.
"What would you like to eat for dinner?" Sy asked as he opened the car door.
"You," you whispered silently.
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In the shower, the water came down warm and soothing, washing the weariness and bad energy of the day off of Lucas’ body. He took some time for himself to relax and find his balance again. But the thought of you sitting on the other side of the wall made him impatient. He needed to be close to you.
Aika whimpered at you, licking your fingers and begging for another treat. You were lying on Sy’s bed, flipping through channels, nibbling at the leftovers of your Chinese takeout, with a comfortable, fluffy pillow behind you, soft and crisp sheets underneath you and Aika laying across your lap, sharing the guilty pleasure of eating in bed with you.
“Shhh, girl! Do you want him to hear us?” You whispered at her, feeding her another bite of the delicious potstickers you had for dinner. She gulped the treat and then licked your hand in gratitude. “Eating in bed is the best, right Aika?” You told her in a colluding way, scratching your accomplice behind her ears. You knew that Sy didn’t approve of eating in bed nor sharing food with Aika, so you both were on the lookout for when he would finish his shower. You didn’t want him to find out the ‘magic tricks’ you had used to gain Aika’s trust so fast.
The moment you heard Sy turning off the water, you both jumped up, Aika taking her usual place at the foot end of the bed acting all cool, and you ran to hide the evidence in the kitchen and wash your hands from the grease. In a minute, you were back in bed pretending you were watching TV. Of course, you had no idea what was on.
“What are my girls doing?” The bathroom door opened, and Sy came out with a towel wrapped loosely around his hips. He leaned lazily on the door frame, smiling in all his wet, half-naked glory, making you choke on your own drool. Quickly, you gathered yourself trying to sound as convincing as possible.
“Nothing special, just sitting here and relaxing.”
Sy walked across the room heading for his dresser that was on your side. Your eyes followed every move he made, studying even the tiniest dent and bump his muscles formed. At the view of his butt, a very unladylike sound escaped your throat.
‘Everything ok, sweetheart?” Lucas asked absentmindedly while looking for his underwear.
“Mh-mm,” you nodded, turning your eyes to the TV. There was a short pause after you heard him close the drawer.
“Babe, is there something you want to tell me?” You craned up your head to meet his eyes. His face was serious. The only thing that kept you from worrying was a small twitch of a smile on his lips. Oh, his lips.
“Huh? Like what?” You asked puzzled.
“I don't know, maybe you want to confess something?” Your mind started racing, a hundred thoughts per second: you are so hot, take off that towel, take me now, how lucky can a girl be, you are perfect, I love you. What? Where did that come from?
“Uhh, no. I don’t think so,” you mumbled trying to hide the instant blushing on your face.
“Don’t you think that trust and openness are important, darling?” He leaned over you, his hand running over your jaw. So busted! But how?
“Of course!” You gulped, readying yourself for the revelation.
“Then can you tell me, why are there crumbs on the bed, bug?”
“What?” That was not what you were expecting.
“Aika?” Sy turned to the German shepherd. She whimpered, hiding her snout in her paws and quickly left the room.
“Traitor,” you muttered.
“I thought we had an agreement on this,” Sy spoke softly, putting on his underwear and sweatpants and headed to his side of the bed.
“I want her to like me,” you confessed in a small, guilty voice.
Lying down, Lucas let a deep sigh out, finally being able to relax and cuddle with his girlfriend. He pulled you closer letting you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Baby, you don’t need to buy her off. I’m sure that Aika loved you the first moment she met you… just like her owner.” Sy’s voice drifted off as he started zoning out, feeling so relaxed in your arms. Your breath caught in your throat, gazing at him like you saw the sun for the first time after an eternity of darkness. You wanted to say so many things but couldn’t find the words to bring out of your head. The only thing you could utter was:
“Wrap your arms around me,” you felt the need to be close to him, lost in him.
“How’s that?” He murmured with his eyes closed.
“Perfect.” He brought his face in your hair, inhaling deeply from your scent.
“Mmmmm, you smell amazing.” This felt so right to him, holding you and being held. He tightened his arms around you. Being in his embrace felt so soothing, calming and safe to you, that you let out a soft purring sound.
“Did you just purr?” He opened his eyes, a huge grin forming on his face.
“I think you did.”
“Uh-oh,” you said lazily, burying your face into his neck.
“Alright. But in case you did, I find it really cute.’’ He let you know in his deep, soft and gentle voice.
“I might have…” Your admission made you both dissolve into laughter allowing you to release all the pent up energy. Once out of your laughing fit, you were both left gazing into each other’s eyes. It was you who made the first move, bringing your hand on his cheeks, your fingers idly playing with the curls in his beard before you kissed him, slowly at first, lips tracing lips, becoming deeper, bolder and more intense as your tongues danced in a passionate rhythm. The moan that escaped his mouth when you finished the kiss, gently biting and tagging his lower lip set you on fire.
Sy felt he was on cloud nine. His head was spinning with giddy happiness. The way your body was moulded to fit him like a puzzle piece. His heart was galloping, his mind was going crazy, his feelings were all over the place with joy and love, he felt loved, so loved. But the minute you moved to sit in his lap, grinding against him as if you were riding a horse, his mind was transported to another place, only thinking about how good the friction between you felt, he wanted so bad to make love to you, to make you feel as good as you were doing to him at the moment.
He was still lost in your kiss, basking in your touch with his eyes closed as you kissed your way from his neck to his ear whispering:
“Baby, I think I'm ready.”
He opened his eyes, blinking lazily. At first, he didn’t understand what you were talking about. He looked straight into your eyes, his eyebrows furrowed with question. You caressed his face softly, waiting for realisation to hit him. The smile on your face, the feeling in your eyes soon let him in on the meaning of your words. His heart had skipped a beat as he truly grasped your words. You saw the surprise register on his face, his breathing quickened, his lips parted ever so slightly, his hands stilling on the lower part of your back and a faint wrinkle showed between his eyebrows. And then immediately his short-lived surprise gave its place to happiness shining through his eyes, fueled with desire as the colour of his blue orbs turned to a dark navy ring around his full-blown pupils.
His arms wrapped around you and you felt him pulling you onto his chest. You could feel the urgency in his movements, there was raw emotion in the way his fingers curled around the fabric of your dress. He claimed your lips once again, kissing you deeply, absorbing every detail of the moment, your scent, the weight of your body against his, all the feelings that were washing over him, raising a wave of heat inside him.
The taste of him stripped you from all your thoughts, fears and senses. His kiss, hungry and intense, ignited a fire inside you. Your palms were flat on his chest, your fingers were trying to dig into his skin as if wanting to hold on for dear life before you let go of all inhibitions and get lost in him. His hands trailed down your neck, never releasing your mouth from the hot, wet kiss he had you captured. Your body reacted to his touch, sending shivers down your spine and making you moan. You brought your hands to his deep brown curls, carding your fingers through them, tugging at his roots, to feel a little bit of control as your sanity was in the balance of tipping over. The little pain that he experienced made him exude more lust, he loved how you took control, as he could unwind and let you loose.
With one strong arm around your waist, he gathered you up and moved you both to a sitting position, letting you sit astride his lap. His fingers dug into your hips and pulled you closer to him, pressing your core to his straining bulge. You couldn’t help but grind against him, letting your instinct take over. Your kissing grew more passionate, more urgent, muffled moans and gasps filling the room. Sy brought his hands on your breast, kneading the soft flesh over the light fabric of your sundress and realising that you had no bra on. A throaty noise escaped him as he broke the kiss, looking at you with blazing eyes.
“You had it planned all along, you little minx!” he growled, his thumbs tracing your perky nipples through the thin layer, weakening your core, making you lean your forehead against his for purchase. He could feel the warmth coming off your skin through the lite fabric, but it wasn't enough. He wanted to touch you, he wanted to see the delicate, subtle flesh of your breasts.
You could feel the feral animosity inside him, as you kept grinding your core to his groin. You had never seen him like this before. His hands were eager to touch more than just your dress. Before you could think about taking the dress off, it was ripped from your chest, the fierce action kicking the breath out of you. Buttons flew in every direction and landed on the soft carpeted floor.
“That was my favourite dress,” you said in a shuddering voice, watching him take in the image of your naked body like a starving beast.
“Payback time,” he snarled. He studied you, running a finger over your breastbone slowly down to your stomach, his eyes following the invisible trail his touch burnt on your skin. He left a wet kiss on your chest and licked his way to one of your nipples, taking it into his mouth, torturing it with his tongue and tugging it with his teeth making it even harder. Although his moves were slow, you could feel how aroused and ravenous he was, his breathing shallow and fast just like yours. You closed your eyes, burying your face in his hair, feeling him everywhere; his lips on your breasts, his fingers pressing into the flesh of your lower back, his erection stirring between your legs. His scent and taste defined your reality now.
Sliding your hand between your bodies and pressing firmly on his arousal made him growl like a wild animal against your skin. He looked up at you with lustful eyes ordering you to take off your clothes. The demand in his husky voice stole your breath for a second. He commanded and needed you at the same time. You stood up obediently, let the dress fall down to your ankles, slowly peeled off your panties down your legs and stepped out of them with small moves while watching him watching you.
You crawled back onto the bed languidly, wrapping your fingers at the waistband of his sweatpants, removing them slowly along with his black boxer briefs, revealing his throbbing manhood and his muscular thighs. He stared at your face through half-lidded eyes with desire, taking in how you ran your tongue over your lips at the sight of the glistening precum that oozed from the top of the head, showing your eagerness to taste him.
He pulled you against his body, holding you close, feeling the warmth of your body skin on skin, your breasts pressed into his chest and his erection straining against your body. His lips captured yours in a deep passionate kiss, owning your very existence.
“The things I wanna do to you, right now,” he moaned in your mouth, locking eyes with you.
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want to make you come. Hard.”
“Mmm, how?” you purred, biting your lower lip to the suggestion. His eyes fell on your lips again and a small wicked grin appeared on his.
“Ride my face and I’ll show you,” his voice low and heavy with desire. His words sparked an adventurous excitement inside you, making your heart start racing. A bold smile appeared on your face taking up his challenge and the look of awe in the doctor’s eyes gave you the courage to move over, stride his beard, facing towards his body. His strong hands guided your knees on either side of his head and then trailed over your body, adoring every inch of it.
The beautiful close up of your dripping core mere inches from his eager mouth made him salivate, yearning for the taste of you. His tongue started tracing the inner of your thighs, writing small circles on the sensitive skin, lazily finding his way to your lips, licking, sucking, and making them beautifully wet. But his hands on your butt cheeks, kneading the round flesh with fervour showed you that he was impatient to dive into the main course immediately.
A warm, coiled tension started building up inside you, feeling your muscles quivering in anticipation. You couldn’t stop yourself from grinding on the soft bristles of his beard, the variation in textures making you weak. You leaned slightly forward, putting your hands on his stomach to hold on, the small change in angle intensifying the sensation and giving him more space to navigate. You couldn’t tell the difference between his lips or tongue. All you could feel was just a nice, sloppy warm mess. A loud gasp escaped you when you felt his tongue run over your opening, lapping your juices.
“You taste like honey,” he grunted into your core, the vibration of his bass hitting you hard. He didn’t wait for you to answer, he went on with his smooth, wet and warm stimulation. When he hit your clit, your whole body shuddered in his tight grip. The effect he had on you made his cock jump. You leaned lower, putting your mouth on him, your fingers wrapping around the base of his shaft. You felt his body jerk upon contact and he tried to drown a curse clenching his teeth, causing you to laugh around him. But you didn’t stop, taking him deeper, giving him the attention he needed.
For a moment, he let himself get lost in your ministrations, having your eager, soft tongue wrapped around him, eyes closed, moaning deep, feeling he was growing bigger and harder in your mouth. You took advantage of his openness and brought your hand over his sack, massaging it softly, accelerating the pace, your tongue twirling around his glands every time your lips were around his head.
His hips thrust up involuntarily, searching to go deeper into the wetness of your mouth. You felt like you had the upper hand, loving the power he granted you over him, the naughty side of you wanting to make this a race of who was going to come first. But you should have known better, Sy wouldn’t let you have this one. He pressed his tongue flat on your core, intensifying the sensation and then ran it over your opening and sliding it inside you. You couldn’t keep the needy moan from escaping, feeling his tongue teasing your moist entrance and penetrating you.
Your focus was lost and so was your balance. You leaned your forehead on his pelvis, concentrating on all the pleasure he was giving you, stroking him slowly with your hand.
"Don't stop,” you whimpered, feeling the warmth of your orgasm spreading all over you. He pulled you closer against his face and shoved his tongue deeper inside you, fucking you at a frantic pace while his beard set your clit on fire. Your legs started trembling, his firm grip not allowing you to move away from him, the light tremors of your orgasm building into an earthquake, making you shudder and scream.
“God, Luc! Your tongue is magical,” you gasped as you collapsed on the bed, panting with your eyes closed. You heard his deep chuckle and felt the bed shift as he moved over, lying next to you. His arm wrapped around your waist and he scattered small kisses on your shoulder and collarbone, his beard wet from your nectar left a cooling sensation on your skin. You turned to face him, bringing your hand on his jaw, guiding him into a deep kiss. His kisses were always a delicious treat but now that you tasted yourself on his lips and tongue, it made you feel amazing and aroused again.
Never breaking your kiss, Sy laid on top of you, his weight spreading your legs apart. You couldn’t stop your hands from tracing his taut body, relishing in the texture of his muscles. You could feel he was tense, his strength, his heat increasing as he was taking over you and you couldn’t get enough of it. You needed this. You wanted to watch his face as he came inside you, to have his sweat all over you and you couldn’t believe it was finally happening. And neither could he.
He fought to control his movements and the urge to claim you hard, pouring all his passion on you. He needed his mind to take over the primal, animal instinct he was feeling at that moment. He was too far gone by now, his whole body aflame. Your voice brought him back.
“Lucas,” you whispered more breath than voice.
“Say it again. Say my name,” he said in your ear, his voice a low groan.
“Lucas, do it.”
His expression was one of intense concentration, replaced by wide sensation, as he eased slowly inside you. His thrust was slow, gentle, allowing your body to get used to his size and open up for him. You took in a deep breath as your body prepared for that familiar feeling of pain to come and tensed up but his kisses, his bites, his touch, his fire engulfed you, making you relax and forget about everything. Without even being aware of it, your pelvises touched and there you were, one deep inside the other. The realization alone made you both gasp, staring at each other with awe.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Sy murmured, the overwhelming feeling choking him.
You paused for a moment, running a mental check before nodding faintly and breathing: “More”.
Sy took a moment trying to catch his breath and allowing you to catch yours. Eventually, your bodies unwinded and your breaths almost synced. With slow, soft thrusts he started moving inside you, claiming your mouth at the same slow, languid pace. Your bodies now were the closest they could be. The intense feeling of your tightness made him moan against your lips.
“I can feel every muscle inside you moving,” he gasped, “and it feels fucking incredible.”
"I love the way you feel inside me," you said, your voice giving away a slight hint of breaking, feeling a lump in your throat. You just needed to say it, tell him before your heart burst.
"I love the way I feel inside you," he let out a low content groan, not picking up your emotional overload.
"I love that I can trust you," you went on, closing your eyes trying to contain your feelings, trying to find comfort in his motions, rocking back and forth inside you.
The tears in your voice were more evident, making Sy stop and look at you with worry on his face.
"Baby... Look at me."
You couldn't bring yourself to open your eyes, you didn't want to ruin this moment for both of you.
"It's OK, bug. I'm here for you. Open your eyes."
"I love how you are always here for me," you gasped an intense sob ripping through you. "I-I love... you."
His eyes travelled from your lips forming those three words to your eyes, gazing inside them, finding your soul and claiming it as his own. He saw you, really, truly saw you and loved what was there. He tenderly caressed your face with his fingertips, wiping away the trail of your tears. He placed a feathery kiss on your lips and whispered:
"I love you too."
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yurtletheturtlehenderson · 4 years ago
COSMIC - S1:E4; Chapter Four, The Body- [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘴 𝘌𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘠/𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘺 𝘰𝘥𝘥 𝘴𝘺𝘮𝘱𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘧.
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|| 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
Mike flips through the drawings Will had given him what seems like ages ago. He found himself unable to tear himself away from one of Will's favorites. It was the party. But they were their dungeons and dragons selves. Will the Wise stood proudly amongst his fellow party members. Together they stood triumphantly.
Mike was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of the feedback from the supercomm.
"Can you please stop that?" He asked exasperatedly at El, who sat in her fort fiddling with the device.
El looks to him, before returning to the com, the crackling of the feedback whining throughout the room.
"Are you deaf?" Mike snapped.
El was determined to keep tinkering away.
"I thought we were friends, you know? But friends tell each other the truth. And they definitely don't lie to each other. You made me think Will was okay, that he was still out there, but he wasn't. He wasn't! Maybe you thought you were helping, but you weren't. You hurt me. Do you understand? What you did sucks. Lucas was right about you. All along."
El's eyes bore into Mike's as he yelled at her. However, she sat there, unfazed before turning back to the com. With the final crackle, the distinctive voice of Will Byers rang over the comm and across the room. He was singing.
"So come on and let me know, Should I stay or should I go?"
Mike slowly looked up from the picture and towards El, goosebumps littering his skin. She was looking to him expectantly, blood dripping from her nose.
"Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now?"
Mike jumped off the couch and ran to El, who slowly handed him the walkie. Mike stared at it in disbelief as he listened to the unmistakable voice of his best friend.
"If I go there will be trouble. If I stay it will be double."
Mike gladly took the comm. His finger pressed firmly on the speaker button he practically yelled into the speaker. "Will, is that you? It's Mike! Do you copy? Over."
El stares at the boy, wishing she could help him more. Alas, she knew Will would be unable to hear him. The room was met with the dreaded static of the other line as Mike waited for a response that would never come.
He tried again.
"Will, are you there? Will!"
Mike saw the look on El's face, knowing she had done her best. He dropped his hand to his side.
"Was that...? Was it...?"
El gave Mike a bittersweet smile.
There was a soft knock at the door.
"Michael? Hi, honey. How are you feeling?"
Karen poked her head into her son's room.
Mike stuttered as he lay under the blankets, and she crosses the room to sit at his bedside.
"I, uh... I don't think I can go to school today."
"Oh, that's fine, sweetie. I need to drop off Nance, then I'm gonna check in on Barb's parents. Why don't you grab a book or something and come with me? We can stop by the video store on the way back, pick out whatever you want. Even R-rated."
Karen offered, a small smile on her face.
"I think I just want to stay home today. I mean, if that's okay?" He asked, tentatively.
"Well, are you sure you're gonna be all right here by yourself?"
"I think so."
"Okay." She sighed, patting her son on the arm comfortingly."If you need anything, call Dad at work."
Mike softly nodded his head.
Karen leaned forward and kissed her son on the forehead before stepping out.
"Bye." Mike softly called after his mom.
She turned to him as she closed the door, a smile on her face.
"Bye, sweetie."
As soon as his mother closed the door, Mike jumped up from under the covers, fully clothed. He reached for the supercomm on his bedside table and extended the antenna.
"Lucas, do you copy? Lucas, come on, I know you're there! This is urgent. I'm serious."
Mike stood up from his bed, continuing into the walkie. "I'm not gonna stop until you answer. Lucas. Lucas!" He took a deep breath. "Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas... Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas--"
"Go away, Mike." Lucas had sat up in bed, frustrated as he extended the antenna.
"I'm not in the mood, all right? Over and out."
Before Lucas could close the supercomm antenna, Mike's voice had stopped him.
"No, not 'out.' I'm not messing around, okay? This is about Will. Over."
Lucas paused, not letting himself get his hopes up.
"What about Will? You mean about his funeral? Over."
"No, not his funeral. Screw his funeral!" Mike spits.
"Just get over here stat. And bring Dustin and Y/n. Over and out."
|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
I blink away the tears as I stare at the same wall my eyes haven't left since I woke up. Lucas saw me and Dustin off and made sure we got home. My whole body has been numb since last night. The image of Will laying lifeless on the gurney hasn't left my mind.
I never would have believed it but, I wanted more than anything to be at school rather than staying home today. Mom thinks it was the stress and trauma that made me sick today, but whatever it really is, she insisted I stay home.
I locked myself in my room as soon as I got home, Dustin had filled Mom in on what happened. She had woken me up this morning, apologizing and asking if there was anything she could do to help. But she couldn't do anything. Nobody could. Will, my best friend, is gone.
Apparently, I was burning up because Mom began freaking out when she felt my forehead. I didn't feel any different apart from grief and heartbreak.
"Alright, Pumpkin, I called the school and they know you're staying home. I wish I could stay with you but I can't miss another work day. I'll be back at the regular time, and you know what number to call if you need anything, right?"
I felt her hand rub my shoulder as I never broke eye contact with the wall. Tears were falling freely down my face, through my scalp and into my ears ears pillow. My left arm had become numb from laying on my left side.
"Mm." I couldn't even bring myself to speak.
"Bye, sweetie."
I heard her footsteps recede followed by the closing of my bedroom door.
I closed my eyes, trying to sleep. But every time my eyes closed I saw it all over again. Will being pulled from the water. I tried to push through it. But my mind began creating scenarios of how he fell in. Countless images of him stumbling over the cliff. Or even the horrific thought of his already lifeless body being tossed into the water by a faceless figure that I only assumed to be his murderer.
Countless, horrendous scenarios playing like a slideshow in my head and the second wave of pain washed over me as it felt as if someone reached into my chest and squeezed my heart into dust, while another hand punched my gut.
I rolled over on my back, I felt the anguish surging through my veins and all the way to my fingertips as a wave of anger erupted from deep within. I heard items fall to the floor somewhere around my room and I figured that in my fit I had slammed my fists too hard against my bed, shaking the room somehow.
I quickly dismissed the odd thought and the second wave of hot tears streamed down my cheeks.
My palms began to sweat as I felt my body temperature rise out of what I could only assume was anger. That must be where my fever had come from but I still didn't understand how that all happened.
I was angry my best friend was taken away from me. I loved him, and he was the closest friend I have ever had. And now he's gone. I still refused to believe it yet my mind was cruel enough to replay the worst moment of my life everytime I close my eyes.
Sniffling, I wiped my eyes and sat up. I couldn't stand being alone with anything else to think about and I looked around my room for anything to take my mind off everything that's been happening.
My eyes scanned the room and then they fell on the all too familiar mix tape Will had lent to me just months ago. A bittersweet smile had made its way onto my face and I got out of bed. I put the tape in the boombox and pressed play.
"Should I stay or should I go?"
I sat listening to Will's favorite song and I felt a different wave of emotion wash over me for once.
I think it was a stubborn hope.
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goldensstateofgrace · 4 years ago
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Part 2!! Of Alpha! Werewolf harry!
Part 1!
Word count: 3k+ 
Warnings: none.
Requests/asks (tell me what you’re thinking) // Masterlist
It’s been a few days since Harry found out about Lucas. He hadn’t seemed too angry, but did express that he wished you would have told him. 
You both decided to tell Lucas that Harry was just an old friend for right now, not wanting to confuse his little brain with why Harry didn’t want you as a mate. You were also confused about what this now meant for the both of you, does he still not want a mate? He probably has a girlfriend now, which stings just a bit since he didn’t properly reject you. The bond is still there, you could feel it tugging when you first locked eyes that day in the cafe. 
Your home now, your little man drinking his juice as you sit on the couch cuddled up watching cartoons. You live for this, him wrapped in your arms as you cuddle and watch his favorite shows. The soft giggles he lets out every once and a while. 
Harry wanted you to come back to his pack with him, he wanted to talk to you properly about everything. But you didn’t, you didn’t go back to his pack and you didn’t want to talk. Not after the way he treated you. 
But now, after having a few days to process and think about it, you regret your decision. Wishing you had agreed and talked it all out with him. Maybe you would actually have answers about that night three years ago and maybe you would have figured out how to feel about him now. 
You still felt all the feelings you had felt that night, you had throughout the few years after. You just didn’t know if him knowing about Lucas would change anything between both of you. You’re not gonna lie and say you didn’t want anything to change, because you did. 
You always wanted Luke to have his father in his life. You were just too selfish and hung on the past to actually do anything about it. Now, when the opportunity had presented itself, you didn’t take it like the dumbass you are, leaving you to regret your decision and feeling guilty. 
You wished you could go back and talk about everything, so you could know where you guys stood. 
You get up, slowly so as to not disturb luke and his cartoons. You walk into your room and change from the oversized t-shirt and shorts you wore to bed last night, into a pair of jeans and an old band t-shirt. 
You didn’t have any particular plans set today, maybe go see y/bsf/n or Matt and Kian. You haven't visited with them in a few days, you're sure luke would be happy to see them too. 
“Hey bub, can you come here so we can get you changed?” you ask your two and a half year old, who is cuddled up with his favorite blanket into the corner of the couch. 
Looking up at you with sleepy eyes, he nods slightly holding his arms out to you. “Come on bub,” you say picking him up and taking him back to your bedroom. 
After changing his diaper and clothes, you grab his diaper bag and your key before making your way out to your car. 
During the car ride you both jam out to some moana, “mommy?” Luke asks, making you turn down the radio and look into the rearview mirror for a second. 
“Yes, baby?” you question, ready to answer whatever his little mind can conjure up. 
He stays silent for a minute, his little eyebrows furrowed in the cutest way making a smile grace your lips. You wait patiently for his mind to come up with the words, so he can ask his question. 
“Why don’t i have a daddy?” he asks, his eyes looking into yours through the mirror. 
Now you’re the one taking a minute to come up with the words to answer his question. He had asked just once before about where his father was. He saw all the other kids in his daycare with their dads whenever they would get picked up. 
“You remember a few months ago when you asked?” you question him, your eyes flicking up into the rearview mirror to look at him. You see him nod slightly. 
“He’s just gone right now, but he loves you so much” you tell him, a false smile splayed across your mouth, but he wouldn’t know the difference. 
You hate lying to him, you know you should talk to harr, you know you do but you’re scared. You have no idea how to go about this. You see him nod before looking out the window and to the passing trees.  
Sighing, you look back at the road, your eyes flicking across your surroundings as your mind takes a different route and starts to over think. 
It’s been a few hours now, you had been visiting with y/bsf/n, Matt and their daughter Alexis. Kian had been out doing pack business and Mae was busy with her sister's wedding. 
You and y/bsf/n were talking while Matt played with the kids, “Yeah, he asked about his dad again.” you sigh, looking at Luke who is chasing Alexis with a lizard he managed to get ahold of, as she runs behind her fathers legs to hide. 
“Really? What did you say?” she asks, her head turning to you at your words. 
You shrug, “What I told him last time, that he was away but he loved him alot. It probably doesn’t help that Harry knows now. 
“What do you mean he knows?” she asks, her voice raised slightly in shock, which is written all over her face. 
“I stopped at a small cafe because Luke had to use the bathroom really bad, and once we came out he was coming through the doors and locked eyes. It wasn’t like he wouldn’t know, Harry could clearly feel  that he was attached to him in some way. “ you tell her. 
She nods along with what you're saying, “Did you guys talk about it?” 
You shake your head, “No, he wanted us to come back to his pack, but i didn’t want to. I introduced them, but I just told Luke that he was an old friend.” 
“You know, look probably felt connected to him too. He’s getting to the age where he notices more things.” she tells you, as you both look out at your children playing together. 
You nod, realizing that was a very likely possibility. 
Later that night you're in bed, watching the nightly cartoons with Luke as he’s cuddled up on your side almost asleep. Your eyes are growing heavy along with his when your phone rings from your bedside table. 
Quickly you grab it, answering it not even bothering to look at the caller I.D, “hello?” you whisper out. 
“Y/n” Harry’s deep voice sounds through the speaker. 
“Harry? How’d you get this number?” you question, confused on how he would've gotten your number. 
“I may have pulled a few strings, but that doesn’t matter. I called to ask if I could see Luke. i want to get to know my son.” he says, his deep slow voice reverberating down the phone line. 
You stay quiet for a minute, racking your brain for an answer. You know you should say yes, this is another opportunity for Luke to meet his father. 
“Uh- yeah, when do you want to meet up?” you question, having to clear your throat at the beginning. 
“I was thinking tomorrow, that’s ok? If not, then just tell me when you're free.” he says, his voice filled with nerves and hesitancy. 
“No, that’s fine. Do you want to meet somewhere or?” you trailed off. 
“I have a couple of meetings in the morning, but I was thinking maybe you could come to my pack. I should be done by the time you get her, but if I'm not there’s a huge playground Luke could play on.” he tells you. 
You sigh lightly, so he couldn’t hear you. You wanted to meet on neutral ground so you didn’t feel any pressure, but it sounds like a nice place and it would give Luke something to do while you wait. 
“That’s fine, we’ll probably leave around eight- eight thrity, Luke wakes up pretty early normally.” you tell him, your voice soft and quiet. 
You look down at the sleeping boy curled up in your side, thumb in his mouth, cheeks pink as his eyes are shut in deep sleep. 
You can hear his breath hitch slightly like he wanted to say something else, but didn’t. 
“If that’s all, I'm gonna get to bed. Make sure we're up on time.” you say stifling a yawn. 
“Actually, i have another question. You can say no, but i guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask. I just wanted to ask but-” you cut him off with a laugh. 
“Harry, stop rambling. What’s your question?” you giggle, his rambling amusing you. 
“I was wondering if you could maybe send me some pictures of Luke as a baby, and as he grew up? It’s ok if you don’t want to, I just wanted to see them.” he says, his voice holding the nerves like at the beginning of the call. 
You're shocked by the question, you would definitely give him the pictures. He might not have been there but Luke is his son too, he deserves to see them. 
“Yeah, of course. I’ll try and find some that i have two of, to bring tomorrow, but ill send some over that i have on my phone.” 
“Thank you” he says, sounding relieved but also excited. 
“good night, Harry. We’ll see you tomorrow,” you say. 
“Good night, y/n, see you both tomorrow,” 
Waking up the next morning around seven fifty to tiny hands squishing your cheeks together, and giggles filling the room, make a smile tug across your lips. 
You went to sleep a little later than normal because after you got off the phone with Harry, you went to look through the box you have in the hall closet of all the baby pictures of Luke. going through all of them and finding the ones you had copies of, setting them aside to give to harry. You're not gonna lie, you teared up. Realizing how much Luke has grown from the tiny baby that used to fit in the crook of your arm, to now, where he barely even fits on your hip because he’s growing so fast. 
You also realized his birthday is just a few months away, and he’ll be turning three. Three. God, time really has flown. 
Opening your eyes, you're met with the sight of your almost four year old looking at you, giggling like crazy telling you that you look like a fish when he squishes your cheeks together, only to do it again and fall into a laughing fit. 
“What’s so funny” you giggle, pulling him into your arms and hugging him tight. 
His only reply was to laugh more, a soft smile on your face as you watch him. 
You're so thankful for him, you honestly don’t know what you would do without him. He’s the light of your life, the one person that can put a smile on your face without even trying. 
Giggling, you roll over tickling his sides, making him let out the cutest little scream laugh ever. 
“Mommy! n-no tic-tickles” he laughs out while trying to get you to stop. 
“No can do bub” you laugh tickling his sides more, his arms waving around and his legs kicking. Lifting up his shirt, you blow a big raspberry on his belly making him giggle loudly. 
“Mommy!” he laughs. 
“Ok bub, we gotta get up.” you say picking him up and getting out of bed, walking into the kitchen that's around the corner from your room. 
“Where we goin’” he asks, his head resting on your shoulder, his breathing calming down from the laughing fit he had not even a minute ago. 
“Do you remember when we went to that cafe, and we met that man, Harry?” you ask him, sitting him down on the high chair next to the kitchen island. 
He nods, “mhm” he hums, while you turn around and grab a bowl from the cabinet for his oatmeal. “Well, he’s an old friend and we're gonna go see him at his pack. He told me how he has this big playground you can play on. Big slides and swings. Doesn’t that sound fun?” you tell him, a big smile on your face as you look at him. 
“Yeah!” he says excitedly, as you set down his breakfast in front of him, telling him to wait a minute before eating it because it's hot. You put a k-cup in the keurig, pulling a mug from the cabinet and turning it on. 
 You take a seat next to him, stirring his oatmeal and blowing on it before giving it to him to eat. 
You both sit there, eating breakfast, talking about whatever his little mind comes up with. You let him watch some cartoons while you get dressed, before taking him in the room and changing his diaper and clothes. 
You dress him in a pair of khaki shorts and a blue and white striped shirt. Yo hour clad in a pair of jean shorts and a white v-neck shirt and a pair of vans. It was supposed to be hot today and you didn’t want to sweat too much. 
After grabbing all your belongings, wallet, keys, phone and his diaper bag you head outside to the car and buckling him into his car seat. 
Pulling in the gates of Harry’s pack, you can’t help but marvel at this big it is. The road leads down into the 
Center of town and breaks off every different way. 
There’s lots of businesses and people buzzing around the town as you pass. 
You pass a school, little kids outside playing on the playground as a teacher calls out to them to form a line. 
Luke fell back asleep on the drive, his little hands fisted and laying in his lap.  
The guard at the gate told you to follow the main road and turn left when you get to the intersection. Doing so you gape at the large house sitting at the end of the road. 
Two- no, three stories high with a red brick structure. The paneling is white along with the window shutters. 
As you park you see a man walk out the front door, he looks of importance. Built, and tall but not as tall as Harry. Blonde hair and a bit of a beard. 
You get out and make your way to the passenger side and open the back door. You take the blanket off of Luke and start unbuckling him. 
He starts to wake, a pout forming on his face that he didn’t get to sleep longer. 
“I’m Niall, you must be y/n?” You hear a voice say behind you. Turning around you see the man that came out of the house a few minutes ago. 
Nodding, you pick Lucas up, putting him on your hip and placing the blanket over his small body, “yes I am, nice to meet you.” 
“Nice to meet you too, would you like some breakfast? Coffee? Or would you like to head to the playground? Harry still has about ten minutes left of his meeting.” 
Thinking about it, it’ll probably be about 20 minutes until luke is up and active, “coffee would be good. We already had breakfast,” you tell him, walking behind him as he leads you inside the house. 
Niall leads you into the kitchen, motioning for you to take a seat at the island as he pulls out a mug from the cabinet. 
Looking around you notice that this must be the pack house, the kitchen is huge. Multiple ovens and stove tops along with two huge refrigerators. You can hear people up stairs talking, you can’t quite make out what they’re saying though. 
You sit and chat with Niall for a while, Luke starts to stir in his sleep just as Harry starts making his way down stairs, along with whoever he was meeting with. 
You sit up, moving Luke so his head is resting on your chest. 
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” A voice you know so well asks, turning your head to the opening to the kitchen you find Matt and Harry. 
“Matt! Hey, what are you doing here?” You say, getting up and wrapping him in a hug, or we’ll, the best you could with a two year old holding on to you. 
Pulling back at the sound of a low growl, you turn to Harry, sending him a not pleasant look. 
 ‘Sorry’ he mutters, looking guilty. 
“I’m here because Harry is getting to know Luke,” I tell Matt, referring to his earlier question. 
He has a hesitant look on his face, “are you sure that’s a good idea?” He asks through a mind link.
“Yes I am. Luke should have his father, I’m not gonna be the one to take that away from him.” I mindlink back, a bit of anger seeping into my tone.  
I know he has the best intentions, but this is my child, I can make the decision for Harry to get to know his child. 
“Harry?” A little voice asks. 
You look down at Luke resting on your shoulder, eyes open and looking at Harry. A look of happiness washes over his face before he’s reaching for Harry. 
Harry looks at you for permission, you nod leaning over to help him grab Luke from you. 
“How are you buddy? It’s good to see you!” He says, hugging Luke tight. 
“Good, I happy to see you!” Luke says, a bright smile splayed across his face. 
“I’m happy to see you too, bud!” Harry smiles down at Luke in his arms. 
Matt leaves after saying he’ll see me later, leaving Harry, Luke and you in the kitchen, Niall having left after Matt. 
“You wanna go play on the playground, bud?” you ask Luke, his head resting on Harry's shoulder. His eyes light up like a light bulb. 
“Yes!” Luke exclaims. 
You had been running around playing with Luke on the playground with Harry by your side, taking turns going down the slide with Luke, pushing him on the swings. 
You had just taken a seat on the bench close to the sandbox, where Luke is playing with another little boy. Harry sits beside you, you both don’t say anything for a while, just watching Luke play. 
“Y/n, I want you to know how sorry I am for that night. I regret it so much. I never should have walked out on you. I’m sorry for causing you pain, I missed the first three years of my son's life because I acted like an arrogant son of a bitch. I don’t blame you for keeping him from me either, you were right to. I wouldn’t have been ready.” Harry rants, taking a breath before starting again, “But I am now. I’m ready to be his dad, I want to be his dad.” 
You stay quiet for a while, watching luke roll a monster truck around in the sand with the other little boy. 
You know Luke deserves his father in his life, that’s why you’re here in the first place, you just don’t know if you can trust him. He walked out on you after a night you thought was the start of your life together. 
You also don’t know whether you can forgive him for it or not. You can tell he’s changed, you know he has, he doesn’t act like the cocky asshole everyone used to gossip about. 
“Look, I know you’ll be a good father to him. I'm good with it, i wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t, but if you’re looking to try and win me back you’re gonna have to work really hard. I’m not just gonna give into you, I can’t.” You tell him. 
He nods, “I know, i understand that. You don’t trust me, but I’m gonna earn it. I walked away from the one thing I never had and that’s my fault. I want a family with you y/n, i never had that, or not the best of one, at least.” 
You remember faintly about hearing how his mother died when he was at a young age and that his father wasn’t much of one. 
“Ok,” you mutter. 
He looks at you with a look of shock covering his face, “ok?” 
“Ok, you can try and win back my trust, and we will be a family, I know Luke really wants to meet his dad.” you say, nodding your head in Luke’s direction. 
Getting up from your seat, you walk over and pick Luke up, “Hey, Harry and I need to tell you something.” 
Sitting back down beside Harry you place Luke on your lap, “bub, you remember when you asked about your dad and I told you he was away but he loved you?” you ask the two year old sitting in your lap, looking at you with big green eyes. 
“Mhm” he hums, nodding his head. 
“Well, this is him. Harry is your dad,” you hold your breath while Luke processes your words. 
Luke jumps out of  your lap, his little arms flinging around Harry's neck as an excited laugh comes out of his mouth. 
Later that afternoon, all of you are on the couch in Harry's living room watching Luke’s favorite movie ‘The Lion king’ but he’s asleep, his head resting on Harry's chest. Your eyes are refusing to stay open no matter how many times you try and keep them open. 
You feel the warmth of a blanket incase your body as your brain gives up the fight of trying to stay awake. 
That day leads to many more just like it, cuddled on the couch with your boys. Laughing as Harry and Luke tickle you. Eating dinner together, Luke spilling spaghetti sauce all over his white shirt. 
You wouldn’t change it for the world. 
Sorry it took so long! i hope you enjoyed it. 
if you guys want other blurbs of like small things that happen during their relationship, (first kiss, first i love you, ect.) Let me know!! i would be happy to write them!!! <33
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