#because it's always morning in morningflower!
chubfeather · 5 months
Fireheart x Morningflower AU Drabble
The old "what if I ship THIS rarepair as a joke?" but as per usual I get attached to said rarepair. Anyways. Here's some very scrambled `1 am thoughts.
I'll do something more concrete after I reread tpb again cause since Morningflower isn't a major character, somethings are blurry!
This is also a "Fireheart goes to Windclan" AU but its AFTER he's become a warrior of Thunderclan. Mostly because I thought it would be fun and also because I think it would be the most likely scenario for a Fire/Morning ship to work.
-In this AU, Fireheart fails to convince Bluestar that Tigerclaw is a threat. He's exiled, but finds refuge in Windclan [I think Jake tells Tallstar something about Fireheart at the end of Tallstar's revenge so that but its taken further]. Tallstar is more then happy to take in Fireheart when he both saved his clan and was talked about by his old mate [Tallstar/Jake is canon you can't tell me otherwise]. Tallstar almost sees Fireheart as a kit he never had.
-Kind of a take on what happens if one of starclan's prophecys fail cause they never do that and its lame [I'm only caught up to dawn of the clans so if they have done that afterwards my bad]. Since Bluestar doesn't end up trusting Fireheart's instincts "Fire alone can save our clan" doesn't pan out!!!
-Obviously this has a lot of implications when it comes to the main plot of tpb but I just like changing things to see where I would make them end up. Stuff like if Tigerclaw killed Bluestar, what happens to Yellowfang, what happens to Graystripe and Riverclan and Bloodclan, how Fireheart might be considered a traitor by other clans and how much Windclan would/wouldn't accept him. etc. lol. Big AU for tiny ship.
-Probably going to either fill in some windclan warriors or take a realllll close look at the allegiances between books because so few are actually listed in the first series.
-Not sure exactly when I want Fireheart's exile to take place- I think I would place it somewhere between Graystripe leaving for Riverclan and Tigerstar's murder attempt on Bluestar, but I'll think on that.
-Anyways onto the actual Fire/morning stuff.
-Other then talking at gatherings about how Gorsepaw is doing, the two don't really get romantic until after Fireheart joins Windclan. Originally on my main art blog I thought it would be funny if Fireheart was sneaking out to see Morningflower in the same vein Graystripe does with Silverstream, but I think that's too repetitive and a bit out of character for Fireheart [he's seen sneaking out and breaking the warrior code plenty sure, but he's also seen to be a complete goofball when it comes to romance]
-Fireheart acts as a sort of surrogate father for Gorsepaw [who lives in this au]. More father figures in Warriors please. [Pretty sure Morningflower's canon mate is Cloudrunner which is WILD becuase Cloudrunner was a moorunner warrior when Tallstar was a kit and Tallstar was Morningflower's mentor?????? What I'm saying is he's old as hell. I don't thin he's in TPB so I'm just assuming he's dead or generally ignoring his existence for now] Gorsepaw would absolutely adore having Fireheart in windclan
-Onestar and Fireheart being brother in laws is cute and they won't have the same kind of falling out if Fireheart is in windclan [Idk if Fireheart would ever become leader of windclan but hey. Question for another day]. Don't ask me about Ashfoot. I forgor what she's like
-I mostly like this ship because I like the thought of Fireheart being the one who comforted Morningflower in what was probably one of the darkest moments of her life!!! and also that Morningflower is such an underutilized character, with her retiring [rather early, i think she's brother's with Onewhisker?] to the elder's den after she feels like she avenged her son, but the way she fought so fiercely to do so always makes her stand out in my mind : (
-With how protective Fireheart is over Sandstorm in the last few books of tpb I think he would absolutely do the same for Morningflower and his adopted son.
-I have many doodles planned and will expand on this as I think of stuff haha. Will have to make some stuff up for Morningflower seeing as she doesn't appear in the books often.
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lolasucksmints89 · 1 year
Warriors Human AU Midnight
I have been thinking of New Prophecy, Midnight but the humans are humans with cat triats. Legs, tails, ears, eyes and claws. They mainly use weapons but claws can just as effective in close combat.
The main pov is Crowpaw. Since he is pretty important later. AAlso canon is clay for me to mold.
Crowpaw has a very strange dream, and a large field one he doesn't recognise he sees two kites sailing in the starry sky and follows them. He sees a man with a toddler on his lap the kites are sailing calmly until suddenly the flyaway. The man is gone so as the toddler. He realised he recognises that memory, he couldn't remember his father not well Crowpaw knew that he was born after the battle with bloodclan and that his father was very sick because of injuries that he sustained according to his mother, Ashfoot he hung on as long as possible to meet his son and when he was he able to pass.
Crowpaw turns around and he sees a man he doesn't recognise. The same man who he had saw earlier. Deadfoot properly introduces himself to his son, (in StarClan speak). Crowpaw is too shocked to talk back, Deadfoot recognises this he tells them that is proud of his son and that now is been chosen for a very difficult journey. And leaves him with the prophecy: after blood has ruled the land, darkness, air, water and sky will come together and shake the forest to its roots.
Crow is disturbed by this, he wakes up quickly writes down his dream before I lose it. But he struggles to remember the prophecy only writing down blood has run through the forest. He notices Barkface is asleep and decides to go into camp to get some breakfast. Windclan usually start the day by eating vegetables or other things that they have grown from their fields, then they go out to hunt for that day's fresh kill. Unlike Thunderclan who leave really early in the morning to go hunt and then bring back food through out the day.
Crowpaw watches Mudclaw as is ordering around the apprentices, making them run laps around the camp. He reflects on why he's training as a medic instead of a warrior. He was always scrawnier than the other kids but while they like to roughhouse you like to stay inside and read. But he knew he could fight one day he overheard one of the older apprentices Owlpaw, badmouthing his mom. Ashfoot was a former rogue she used to live happily by herself until bloodclan conquered the lands she lived and burned her farm so she left and joined up with the clans.
Crowpaw despite being much smaller than the apprentice had won that fight. He had liked it, beating someone up but he hadn't liked that he liked that feeling. He had brought this up to Barkface thinking Barkface could put in a word to Starclan to take those feelings back so he wouldn't turn in a monster. Like Tigerstar or something. Barkface told him that what he was feeling was normal but then discussed with him the possibility of becoming a medic. He did warn him that it was isolating and he would have the lives of others in his hands not in the same way that warrior would.
But as Crowpaw watches the other apprentices having to run more laps he is very glad about the choice that he made. Crowpaw gets his soup from Morningflower, she is an elder now but enjoyed spending her time cooking for others in the clan.
As is heading back to the medic's tent he watches an apprentice fall behind the others, Nightpaw. She was brought to the clan years after the Bloodclan battle by her mother who was a former warrior- after Bloodclan' fall  things got a lot worse for cats outside the clans. She needed a safe place for her daughter to stay, so after making a agreement with Tallstar she left her daughter in Windclan. Nightpaw was apprenticed to his mother so Crowpaw feels bad when he watches Mudclaw walk up and yell at her for not being able to keep up with the other apprentices.
When he gets back Barkface has woken up. Over breakfast he tells is mentor about the strange dream that he had and goes over his notes. Barkface is a bit perplexed by this prophecy as after Bloodclans defeat- "blood has already ruled the forest" they speculate on what this might mean and his mentor tells Crow to look for more signs.
Crowpaw after finishing his morning chores realising he has to do something that he hates. Gardening, he hates having to look after and grow herbs, he had killed a lot of their stock in the gardens close to the camp so they have been cultivating other herbs around the territory. Today he has to check up on one near the Thunderclan, Riverclan border. He goes and discovers that the plans that they've been growing has been surrounded by weeds. He has to go back to the camp to get the right tools and then come back and clear the weeds. He fluming because in the sun- he is sweating and uncomfortable and he would much rather be inside studying the medical book instead of out here in the dirt cutting his hands on thorns and weeds.
He puts down his scythe to survey his work. As is looking around he realises that he is in unfamiliar territory when suddenly someone knocks out his feet from under him. Squrrielpaw is over him brandishing his own scythe at him demanding what he's doing on Thunderclan territory. Crowpaw raises hackles and backs up but Bramblepaw blocks as escape.
He is interrogated by the two apprentices. While Bramblepaw is trying to reason about what should be done is talking aloud to himself and reasons that one in two things could happen they could send Crowpaw on his way  to camp and tell Firestar and then send a patrol out to Windclan later to complain or bring Crowpaw to thier camp to have punished by Clan whose borders they violated. Squirrelpaw calls Bramblepaw an idiot and thinks they should teach Crowpaw a lesson. Crowpaw just calls them both idiots.
As things escalate, Dustpelt approaches them all. As he walks up Crowpaw attempts to run back to the border but Bramblepaw grabs him. As soon as they touch they flinch as a spark of pain travels up his arm. But before he could do anything, Dustpelt starts berating them all. Apparently this was Bramblepaw's warrior's assessment and Dustpelt is disappointed with the three of them. Bramblepaw accuses Squirrelpaw of sabotaging him again. While Dustpelt points out that they didn't give Crowpaw  a chance to tell his side of the story.
Crowpaw does and it becomes apparent that Bramble and Squirrel didn't realise that he was a medic. Dustpelt  tells them that they're going to be sorted out when they get to camp. Crowpaw is smug for two seconds until Dustpelt turns on him and yells at him to go back his side of the territory. While clearing weeds from than the clan territories and crime clearing brush still drives away small prey. They go their separate ways.
Crow checks his his wrists when he gets back on his side of the border. Strange black smears have appeared across the skin jagged lines that seem to be a werid pattern. He shows Barkface and Barkface suggest that he meet up with Bramblepaw at the gathering which is in a week.
At the gathering Crowpaw bumps into Squirrelpaw again, they trade jabs at each other before Crowpaw asks where Bramblepaw is, Squirrelpaw responds mockingly, "Bramblepaw I don't know who that is." Before she goes her own way.
Crowpaw finds Bramblepaw talking with Stormfur of Riverclan. He is complaining about Squirrelpaw because she is a whiny know it all that's clearly just jealous that he got to be a warrior before she was. Stormfur provides his condolences because he heard about Bramble's new name. Bramble nods and admits that he is still processing that. He says something that Crowpaw doesn't understand: "I thought after all these years he wouldn't see me as him any more".
Before Crowpaw can talk with Bramble the gathering starts. Blackstar notes that they've been noticing fires outside of their territory. Shadowclan has decided not to take action until the borders of their territory is crossed but he make sure to warn the other clans of this new group of people though he says they are a group of only seven people so he doesn't consider them much of a threat. The clans discuss said without representatives to make sure the script doesn't cross into their territory and steal their prey. However they agree to leave the group until they trespass or move on.
When Firestar reports what happened with Thunderclan, he introduces their newest warrior Brambleclaw to the clans. Crowpaw understands now why Brambleclaw was hesitant about his name because he hears gossip start to stir around the cats around him.
Leopardstar announces that her daughter, Mothpaw has begun to train as a Medic and more gossip begins to stir. Crowpaw hears someone close by whisper that they thought that Leopardstar had two sons and that since Mothpaw is a Kin of Tigerstar she might use her status as medic to deceive the clan into another war.
Crowpaw ignores this he decides that he'll reserve his judgement of this new apprentice to when he meets her next Half-moon. He also hopes that Starclan will give him more clear instructions about his strange dreams.
Tallstar report new birth, Kestrelkit. Crow shudders at the memory of being there to help with the birth of Kestrelkit- he would take trading battle wounds over that anyday.
When the gathering begins to disperse, people wrap of thier trades and conversations. Crow manages to find Brambleclaw again he sees him be tackled by his Shadowclan sister Tawnypelt. He watches the interaction for a little bit, it's clear to him that Feathertail and Stromfur are more of Tawny's friends then Bramble's after all there's a five year age gap between Bramble and the three of them.
Crowpaw pulls Bramble aside. Brambleclaw apologises again for almost beating up Crowpaw back handily but Crowpaw interupts him by pulling up Brambleclaw's sleeve and he sees that Bramble has almost identical marks on his forearm. Brambleclaw shock as well when Crowpaw reveals his marks. And they both speculate on what it could mean. Thunderclan is packed up and is leaving, Brambleclaw leaves before Crowpaw and him to properly discuss what was happening.
As he leaves he swears he sees, Tawnypelt and Feathertail shake hands but flinch when some unspoken shock passed between them.
Crowpaw waits by the border where he and Bramble first met, but he is out of luck because he meets a patrol a Thunderclan patrol that consists of Shrewpaw, Squirrelpaw, Brightheart (who is a Shrewpaw's mentor) and Dustpelt. Under the supervision of her mentor Squirrel approaches Crow. Crow pretends to apologise for accidentally trespassing and give the patrol a few mice that Nightpaw was nice enough to teach how to catch. To make up for the  ones he probably scared off. While southerly He gives her a letter to only for Bramble's eyes. Squirrelpaw teases him for this but promises to not open it.
The letter detailed the dreams that he had and urged Bramble to meet him before the next half-moon so they could both go to the moonstone and decipher the meaning of the marks on their arms.
The next half-moon, Crowpaw, Barkface, Littlecloud, Runningnose, Mudfur and Mothpaw are waiting extra long for the Thunderclan medics to show up. Cinderpelt and Leafpaw come with a cart. Cinderpelt explains that they grew a lot of marigold this year and want to give it out. She apologises for being late because there appears to be something wrong with the cart. Leafpaw nervously explains that the wheel isn't on properly which is why it seems heavier than it is. She winks at Crowpaw.
They make it to the Moonstone. As everybody goes in Crow opens at the cart to find Bramble hiding inside. The two exchange jabs before Crow tells him to wait there is a medics go into their dreams. The way they do this is they touch their forehead to the stone say a prayer to Starclan then fall sleep staring at the stars.  Mothpaw is excited to do this as they settled in she is excitedly talking about how the journey of the mountain was very cool and she can't wait to do this every half-moon. Mudfur politely sat shushes her and they all go to sleep when they are all asleep Crowpaw sneaks Bramblecaw in.
Bramble and Crow share a dream, Crow looks out over mountains he sees strange creatures soaring through the sky- they are scaled and have leathery wings. When one strips to close to him he runs straight into dark beast that towers over him when he stumbles back he looks up to see Bramble talking with an apprentice about Bramble's age- they look simlair as well.
Crowpaw runs up to him when he sees that the marks on his arms are glowing, he holds his arm adn Bramble's arm together. He asked the Starclan apprentice what it means. Brambleclaw introdunces him as Swiftpaw. Swiftpaw repeats the prophecy, darkness, air water and sky will shake the forest to its roots.
They wake up from the dream earlier than the other medics. Crow drags Brambleclaw outside to discuss what they both saw. Brambleclaw revealed that he also had a dream like that earlier- the same time Crow did. They theorise that darkness, sky, air and water are all meant to represent the clans. So they theorise that there is someone in each clan that has been chosen for something that might become clear if they all compare the marks on their arms. Crowpaw agrees for them to meet next gathering and look for anybody with similar marks to them and he asks Bramble to write to his sister in Shadowclan to see if she's noticed anybody with these marks.
Barkface comes out of Mothermouth and Crowpaw quickly pushs Bramble back into the cart.
They split up. Crowpaw notice that Mothpaw is super quiet on the walk back but he doesn't care because when she did talk he found it annoying so he doesn't give much thought. When he Barkface split off from the rest. Barkface asks him about Bramble, Crowpaw stammers and Barkface jokingly scolds Crowpaw. But more seriously warns him about connections and relationships outside of his own clan.
A few weeks later, three days before the gathering Crowpaw is eating dinner with mother in camp. Ashfoot talks with him she's a bit disappointed that he isn't making many friends in his age group. Crowpaw says he is happier on his own but Ashfoot seems upset by that he points out that he is on good terms with Nightpaw. They are interrupted however when Sorreltail escorts Leafpaw into Windclan camp.
Leafpaw and Crowpaw when some are private and Leafpaw reveals that Bramble talked with sister and she had similar marks on her arm that appeared suddenly when she touched Feathertail and after talking with her he found out that she had the same marks. Leafpaw tells him that Bramble has decided that they're meeting tonight at fourtrees to talk about what this means.
Crowpaw that night sneaks out of camp to go to Fourtrees. He meets and finds only Feathertail, they compare  thier arms. Crowpaw gets flustered when they touch. Tawnypelt comes shortly followed by  Brambleclaw who apologises for being late because he swore that he was being followed by someone but dismisses it.
The four of them but therefore arms together and after some repositioning something clicks on their marks glow blue. The full image between all their arms is a map which burns into their skin and Crowpaw  looks at his arm he sees that the map has been solidified.
On their maps they identify the forest where they live but wonder about where Starclan is telling them where to go. Feathertail thinks its the mountain because she's had dreams about being surrounded by mountains and seen strange creatures with scales and wings. And people standing in lines screaming her name. Crow confirms that he also dreamt about the mountains that he ran into a different creature that was like a badgerbear.
But Tawnypelt tells them about her dream about an endless expanse of water, she was standing in the sand staring out at it with hundreds of people behind her. Bramble reveals that he had a very similar dream about the sun drowning in waves and waves of water. They look at the map and they see a place where there is water but offshore there is a huge range of mountains and they decide that where Starclan is pointing them to go.
There are interrupted by gasp behind them, Squirrelpaw followed Brambleclaw. She is so on-board with going with them to the sea. Brambleclaw is livid that she is here she reveals that she read Crow's letter and is the one that suggested Bamblecaw talk to Leafpaw if he had somewhere to be at halfmoon. In front of everyone she blackmails Brambleclaw into taking her with them. Claiming that Firestar is not going to let him anywhere after Cinderpelt's prophecy and if she tells him that Brambleclaw is planning to leave the territories he will never let him out of camp again.
Bramble agrees and Squirrel is overjoyed. Crow decides then that he despises Squirrelpaw and is going to hate having her on the journey.
The five of them agree that while the clan is at the gathering they will make their escape.
The maid of the gathering Crowpaw is packing his things. When Barkface catches him. Crowpaw says that he thinks he is understood what Starclan wants of him and shows Barkface the map on his arm. Barkface, helps him pack and tells Crow that he knows that his father would have been proud of him. Crowpaw tells him to make sure his mother doesn't worry- or try to chase him down and Barkface promises.
The group meets on the edge Thunderpath (a collection of train tracks which they are going to follow out of the forest. However when Feathertail shows up- she comes with Stormfur who want to help on the journey. When Bramble comes he is followed by Squirrel and Leafpaw. Leafpaw gives them all herds that will fight off thier hunger for the first day of the journey. They all say goodbye and begin their journey.
If all the train tracks out of the forest, until they have to split from it. The keep referring to the map and stop for a while because Stormfur had the idea of recording their map onto a piece of paper that we would be easier to read. While he's doing this Squirrelpaw has disappeared. They have to hold look for her when they return back to their temporary camp they find her there. She has cut them all giant hares. They eat well that night.
Next they find a strange abandoned farm, they go inside because a big storm is approaching. Crowpaw reads through the old diaries he finds grave warnings of strange things happening at the farm. He tells them that they should move along but the group doesn't want to be travelling in the rain unnecessarily.
Crowpaw doesn't get much sleep because he swears he hears things crawling between the floorboards. In the morning he was woken up by an excited Squirrel. She points out to the fields and he sees a herd of sheep. He confused but Squirrel is excited to get food and some new wool pelts. She runs out to the nearest sheep doesn't run away, Crow comes over as well. Squirrel marvels at how soft its wool is she pets the sheep until suddenly Crowpaw watches her go very pale and then collapse over the animal. Crowpaw is shocked even more so when he sees red quickly spreading over the sheep's pelt. He pulls Squirrel off and watches as her blood is absorbed by the sheep.
The sheep appears to break its bones as it turns into a creature with strange long black limbs and longs crusty muzzle and massive white mane and tail. The fur moved around it like limbs of thier own . The sheep around them begin to change just as the first one charges at them. Crowpaw drags Squirrelpaw back to the barn he slams the door shut and attempts to boarded it up. But is stopped by Brambleclaw, Feathertail and Stromfur.
They don't believe him when he tells them what happens despite Squirrelpaw still been unconscious. Crowpaw checks Squirrel over and sees loads of tiny needle my calls in her hand and her face. He deduces that the fur of that creature must be like mosquitoes. But the other thing he's talking nonsense, they can look outside the windows and see that there's just sheep in the field. And while he is trying to resuscitate Squirrelpaw, Stormfur opens the barn door to show Crowpaw that there is nothing to worry about. As he turns to him a tail descends and wraps around Stromfur and yanks him up. The creature cross onto the roof and Brambleclaw reseal is the barn door. They run up to Tawnypelt who is watching the sheep change in disbelief. They run to the roof to see the creature with an unconscious Stormfur. They managed to drive the creature into the house and recuse Stormfur and kill the creature. But they are still surrounded.
That night they devise a plan to escape, they work together to lure the herd into the barn and then trap them in there and set it on fire and run for thier lives.
Squirrel and Stormfur are solely getting nursed back to health via lots of sleep and food and water. While Tawnypelt, Feathertail, Bramble and Crow are arguing about who should lead the group. Feathertail, thinks that they work better together while Tawny, Bramble and Crow all think they should lead respectively: (T- because she is the oldest, B because he should and C because he is a medic).
They reach a ruined city. Squirrel gets tangled in some barbed wire and while Feathertail and Stormfur helping her get out the group is approached by a strange old man. He claims to be a historian with studied landmarks all across the globe and for a price he would take them around the city safely. The clans don't do money- they just trade so they don't know what exactly Purdy wants.
They decline but when they get lost in the city Purdy is there to offer his help again he says that though taken through the city in exchange for them taking care of a problem for him. When they ask what the problem is that he wants them to take care of it doesn't explain- he just says that they won't have to worry about it because they were young and strong and could probably easily take care of it. Whatever it is.
He takes them to all the "sightseeing" parts of the city, takes them up the highest building, shows them an old fairground and shows them a river that has been overtaken by goldfish. The six is starving so they take any goldfish they can and cook them. He tells them that it's getting dark so he won't show them around any more. He won't say why but he disappears suddenly. So they camp out at the fairgrounds. Squirrel challenges all of them to a ring toss. Squrriel gets Bramble and Feathertail to agree and wants to go in teams. Stormfur is already asleep and Tawnypelt isn't into wasting her time playing like kit. So Feathertail ask Crow to play with her and he can't refuse her.
Bramble and Squirrel when they are fighting actually make a great team and the both of them are very competitive so they grind Crow and Feather to the dirt. Crow is upset that they keep losing all these games but Feather is just happy to be playing and having a good time.
Crow realises that he has a big crush on Feather. And as they are all settling in he starts an argument about how he doesn't trust Purdy and thinks they should go thier own way.
In the morning Purdy takes them to see more sights. He takes them to a market then to a old museum. He makes comments about the underground and how he used to be able to take people through their body can't any more than won't say why. Tawny agrees with Crow that Purdy is wasting thier time they both challenge him but the others in the group defend the old man. So they decide to sneak off and check out the underground.
The begin exploring and see a map that looks like it leads them out of the city. They read train signs that are clearly going to the sea- or seaport. Decide to get the others to tell them about what they saw when suddenly they are attacked. There are attacked by rats that are very large. They use spears and ting daggers , talk and collect shiny things.
Tawny and Crow both fight as hard as they can but Tawny takes a spear to the shoulder. They are about to be swarmed when the others run in and save them. Purdy tells them about the rats. He going to ask them to kill the rat king of the underground because the rats were driving away his business and attacking tourists that he was taken around the city.
They return to the museum.
Crow tries to heal Tawny but Crow realises that the spear she was stabbed with was poisoned and whatever it is is attacking her system. He is stressed and snappy after they had taken out all the rats Squirrel had gathered up their bodies to cook later. It turns out one of the rats is alive.
The rat frees himself and runs for it. They try to catch it so they could be taken to the King of rats. Crow manages to catch it but he's so upset that he almost kills it trying to get info out of it.
Squirrel sees this and pulls Crow to the side. She goads him into fighting her and they throw punches, exchange blows by the end they are both laughing. Squirrelpaw tells him that when she's upset she trains super hard because it's good way to get her anger out and the more she practices stuff the more better shall be. And she likes training when she's angry, she feels good afterwards. Crowpaw agrees with her. He opens up how he is worried about Tawny and is worried about the very real possibility that Tawny could die. But Bramble interrupts them he tells them that the rat has promised to show them where the king if rats is.
Feathertail, Bramble,Squirrel and Crow go back into the underground to get the entity out while Stormfur watches Tawny and Purdy. And they show that they are keeping the rat alive but hostage they are not attacked. The king of rats is a massive fat rat easily the size of a small apprentice
The King of Rats explains that he would be happy not to attack Purdy and his tourists if they stopped attacking the rats. The city was there until Purdy started bringing tourists, he would take them around their city and then finally show them wherever they were camping and hunt and kill them. And they've had enough and are fighting back against him.
They agree that the leave the city forever and take Purdy with them if they get the antidote for Tawny. Feathertail especially despite being completely sweet their whole trip threatens the King to his face- that if they can't save their friend that she will come after him personally and even though there's a lot of rats see one really risk all of the life that she is going to take before they take her down.
They bring the antidote back to Tawnypelt. At Crow thinks it's too late because Tawny seizes and throws up alot. But she comes back. And he and everyone else celebrate. They waited day before they kidnap Purdy and the rats lead them down the tunnel to the seaport.
In the get out to a ruined village on a cliff-side the figure out that they now have to travel along the beach. And after a lot of arguing Purdy decides to come with them. He does explain the old cities and how they're all over the globe but no one really stays in them any more because it's not appropriate for farmland and that most people just stay in little groups to themselves. That's when the six of them start talking about their own clans and Purdy eagerly listens to all of them discuss what Clan life is to them.
After days of walking along the cliffs they arrive at a cove with a huge beach, miles into the sea they see mountains. They travel down to the beach and set up camp knowing that they are there. But now they have to wait for a sign. So they all sleep for the night. They wake when high tide crashes into their camp.
Thier stuff and they are getting rapidly taken out by the tide. But Stromfur and Feathertaili act fast. Crow gets taken under the water and is rescued, he thinks he is rescued by Feathertail and kisses his rescuer but it turns out to be Stormfur who now knows that Crow likes his sister.
Squirrelpaw realises that Brambleclaw isn't with any of them. And she sees him just about in the darkness being taken out by the riptide. She swims to him.
Feathertail and Stormfur dragging everyone to sure when Purdy points out that there are glowing marks in the sand. Crowpaw, touches one and it reacts to him and suddenly marks appear everywhere. Tawny touches the marks next and stones begin to rise around them breaking the waves. Feathertail touches the marks next. And they begin to rise out of the water as does more stone marks are still glowing and pulsing and they realise that Bramble has to touch them but he is still out at sea with Squrrielpaw.
They just hope that he is alive and able to touch the marks. They are wading their the water rising around them and suddenly the marks all disappear the light dissipates and the stones rise until they are far above the waves. Ruins tower all around them now and the sea rushes under them. When they all stand there is a faint glow from some of the stones lighting the way around the ruined city.
They ran forward to see that the stones are still rising and lead a path all the way to the mountains on the other side of the sea. They hear screams And they run to them.
Squrriel is screaming for help. The group see her, she is standing in front of a badgerbear who is towering over Brambleclaw, unconscious on the ground. The group all run over and draw their weapons but the badgerbear holds up a paw. Crow notices that it has wide unseen eyes and patterns all over its pelts that looks like they have been purposely shaved into swirls and star patterns.
The bagderbear holds its paw over Bramble's chest and the water rises from his lungs out through his clothes and into the air. The bagderbear disperses it she then taps her cane onto the stone around them and the stones that are glowing turn into lanterns which light the path clearly. Bramble coughs, and sits up disoriented Squirrel rushes over to him and hugs him. Before this separate clearly very embarrassed.
The Bagderbear introduces herself as Midnight. She explains that she is an ancient creature that watches over the ruins of the old world. She takes them across the ruins back to cave which the old bridges lead up to. They settle in her cave and she asks about them about the rest of them.
She tells them that the bridge will be not open for very long so wherever the rest of them are better cross quickly before the bridge sinks back into the ocean.
They ask what she means and she tells them about the clans and ask where they are.
They answer that all the clans are back in the forest and ask how she knows.
Midnight is very spooked by this because the clan are supposed to be here. And she's not sure how strong starclan's marks are as to summon the bridge more than once. They ask her to explain herself so she decides to make them tea the show them the world in the way that she sees it. Hesitantly Bramble, Feather, Tawny and Crow drink the tea.
They see visions of the forest being torn apart by an earthquake, Shadowclan camp disappearing into a crack that swallows it whole and crashes are the people inside, all the water gets drained out of Riverclan, trees fall and flatten thunderclan cat also revealing the camp enough for large birds to swoop down and pick off fightened cats. Crow watches fire take over his camp killing his mother and mentor.
And when it's all over there is nothing left but an empty wasteland and the roots were trees used to be.
Everyone is shocked into silence and they realise that they need to go back to get the clans. Midnight convinces them that they should stay the night and leave in the morning. She could even show them faster way to get back to the forest. They agree and get some rest.
In the morning Crow finds Stormfur sitting outside the cave sitting on the ruins. His muttering to himself asking the bridge to stay up. When he sees Crow he stops and they talk about the forest and what would happen if everything they know and love back in the forest just disappears. Stormfur talks about his father and how he doesn't see him nearly enough. They are interrupted though when they see something fighting in the air above them. Two small dragons are been attacked by one large dragon.
The big dragon grabs one of the smaller ones and Stormfur realise that the smaller dragons have people on them. The big dragon shakes the small one and the ride falls off and into the sea.
Stromfur jumps off the ruins to go swim and save them while Crow shouts for the others. The other small dragon managed to evade the big one by flying into the ruins where it can chase them. Storm grabs the person and they all hide back in Midnight's cave. while the big dragon circles.
The strangers introduce themselves as Brook and Crag. Crag is very upset at the loss of his dragon and Midnight says they cannot move until the big dragon is gone.
The group are very broken up about this but Bramble suggests that they use the dragon to get to the forest as quickly as possible. They ask Brook to use her dragon but she refuses at first but when Stormfur asks she hesitates and says that she will consider it.
The big dragon flies off. Midnight confirms that it safe when they step out. Brook and Crag jump on Brook's dragon. It flies off but then it comes back and picks up Stormfur and flies off with him. Midnight suddenly summons vines and has them reach out and grab the dragon. But it's too fast and easily outmanoeuvred them.
Feathertail cries out for her brother. But the only way to him is crossing the bridge.
And they realise that they have to choose between going back for the clan and Stormfur.
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Detailed Plot Summary- Fire and Ice Part 1
Book 2, here we go!
In the prologue, a group of unknown cats meet in the forest to discuss plans for the future. Suddenly, a cat comes from the bushes, but he’s not looking for a fight. Instead, he offers his assistance with their plight, albeit in exchange for a few “favors”...
The book proper begins with Fireheart and Graystripe a few days after they became Warriors attending a Gathering. Bluestar, Nightpelt (who was named Leader of ShadowClan after the previous book’s events but has yet to obtain his lives), and Stormstar agree that WindClan must be brought back to retain the balance of the Clans as their ancestors were commanded by StarClan (there have always been five four Clans, and there always will be). None of this “we don’t wanna help ‘cause we wanted to hunt in their territory” bull that canon pulls.
Anyway, Bluestar and Stormstar gather up a group of six Warriors to go find WindClan, three from each Clan: Fireheart, Graystripe, and Dustpelt from ThunderClan and Whitefoot, Smallsplash, and Stonefur from RiverClan. While Nightpelt and ShadowClan do want to help as well, dethroning Brokenstar caused enough issues and major injuries that sending Warriors away would be very detrimental to the Clan’s survival (and also WindClan might not react so well to being approached by ShadowClan again just after being driven off by them). The six go on their way together, and actually end up bonding a bit despite some original hostilities. Fireheart notices that Stonefur sort of reminds him of someone familiar, both in appearance and personality (it’s Bluestar. Let’s not beat around the bush here).
When the patrol finally finds WindClan, they aren't doing so hot: cats are starving, sick, or have infected wounds that they can’t treat because there are no herbs available to them. The group convinces Tallstar to bring his Clan home. Tallstar asks Fireheart if he knows a kittypet named Jake, as he looks a lot like him. When he confirms that Jake is his father, Tallstar asks how he's doing, saying the two were friends at one time (they were boyfriends but he isn't too open with that). Unfortunately, Fireheart only interacted his father when he was a young kit and lost contact with either of his parents and most of his siblings bar Princess after he was taken to his new home. Tallstar treats Fireheart much like a son after this, which he feels happy about. Fireheart also befriends a Warrior named Onewhisker, and the two bond over their unusual names. He also helps carry one of Morningflower’s kits, Gorsekit, as the group travels.
On the way back, Fireheart and Graystripe convince the others to stop by the farm for the night. There, they see Barley Junior, meet Barley Senior for the first time, and see a face they thought they’d never see again. Ravenpaw is still alive, and is now living at the farm! Dustpelt is especially overjoyed to finally see his brother again. The four catch up, and while Dustpelt pleads with his brother to come home to ThunderClan with him Ravenpaw refuses for reasons they don't explain to Dustpelt. He does tell Graystripe and Fireheart what really happened the time of his disappearance in secret: Tigerclaw became more and more paranoid that his apprentice had told someone about his murder of Redtail, and decided to prevent Ravenpaw from ever telling by killing them. Ravenpaw managed to get away and fled to the one place he knew Tigerclaw wouldn't willingly go.
In the morning, the wild cats leave the barn with a tearful goodbye from Ravenpaw to his brother and best friends. But still they press on, with WindClan regaining their old territory at long last. Before they part, Tallstar promises Fireheart a favor, and WindClan’s Medicine Cat Barkface gives the ThunderClan and RiverClan cats a serious warning that he received from StarClan concerning them: before the moon is over, there will be an unnecessary death that occurs between the two Clans. With that forboding warning, the group is on their way home. The RiverClan patrol allows Dustpelt, Fireheart, and Graystripe to take a shortcut through their territory on the way home.
Once they return home, the three are given a happy welcome home from (most of) their Clan. And a few days later, Bluestar calls Sandstorm, Graystripe, Dustpelt, Fireheart, Longtail, Quietwhisper, and Mousefur up to the Highrock and declares the assembled Warriors ready for apprentices of their own to mentor. Sandstorm receives Brightpaw, Graystripe gets Brackenpaw, Dustpelt is given Thornpaw, Mousefur receives Lynxpaw, Longtail gets Swiftpaw, Quietwhisper gets Fogpaw, and Fireheart gets Cinderpaw. Fireheart is bursting with pride and a bit of worry at this, but ultimately is delighted at getting an apprentice of his very own. But of course the peace doesn't last and Barkface’s prophecy soon comes to pass.
A battle occurs over Sunningrocks yet again, with a ThunderClan patrol headed by Tigerclaw “accidentally” trespassing in front of a RiverClan patrol already there. Brackenpaw is attacked by Whitefoot in the ensuing battle and in an effort to defend his apprentice Graystripe takes on the RiverClan Warrior himself. Due to the treacherous terrain, Whitefoot ends up plunging off of the side of a cliff to his demise in the waters below despite Graystripe's best efforts to save him once he realized what was happening. Graystripe is horrified; while he and Whitefoot never became friends on the journey to rescue WindClan the way Fireheart and Onewhisker had, he didn't dislike the prickly tom either. Leopardfur notices what’s happened as well, and the normally cold molly explodes into a murderous rage and tries to physically force him off of the cliff as well. Fireheart and Sandstorm run to stop Graystripe from suffering Whitefoot’s fate and while the three manage to drive Leopardfur back, Sandstorm falls over the edge. She is caught by Fireheart, though, and he and Graystripe succeed in pulling her back up. ThunderClan beats RiverClan back and takes control of Sunningrocks once again.
The death sours relations between ThunderClan and RiverClan even more than they already were. But Fireheart doesn't have the time to dwell on it. How can he, when he has an apprentice? Cinderpaw is enthusiastic and involved about her training, and Fireheart finds her enthusiasm contagious. He learns from her just as much as she learns from him. The two often train alongside Graystripe and Brackenpaw. One day, the group goes to Sunningrocks to teach the apprentices to better fight on rocky terrain and avoid snakes and Graystripe falls into the water while showing off and begins drowning due to not being able to swim. A RiverClan Warrior comes running from the other side of the border in response to the panicked yowls and splashing and dives into the water. The Warrior somehow manages to get Graystripe out of the water by lifting him out from below (a feat considering her smaller size). The ThunderClan cats thank her profusely, while Graystripe is completely lovestruck and not-so-subtly hits on her. She introduces herself as Silverstream before she leaves (after flirting back at Graystripe). Fireheart is jealous of this.
Graystripe begins sneaking out of camp and meeting with Silverstream, neglecting his Warrior duties and mentoring of Brackenpaw, and when Fireheart catches the two of them together Graystripe tells him that they are in love. Fireheart is upset by this (even more than he probably should be. hmmmmm) and tells them they need to stop seeing each other, but they both refuse. When Silverstream leaves, Fireheart reflects on how he feels jealous of her for stealing his crush best friend from him.
When leaf-bare comes, the Clan sees an outbreak of whitecough that sickens multiple cats. Thankfully, only two cats end up dying from the illness. Unfortunately, those cats are Fogpaw, whose death sends his mother and two surviving sisters careening back into grief, and Tulipkit, whose death similarly affects Brindleface. Fireheart does his best to comfort his apprentice. Days later, Darkstripe comes back into camp after going on patrol and requests that Bluestar come see Tigerclaw, as he has discovered evidence of stolen prey. However, Bluestar has just come down with greencough and must remain in quarantine as mandated by Yellowfang. Cinderpaw offers to do it, and Fireheart allows it as long as he comes along. However, he gets wrapped up in helping collect catmint with Spottedleaf to treat the sick cats and Cinderpaw sneaks out on her own to do it herself.
Meanwhile, Fireheart and Spottedleaf discuss issues with Tigerclaw. Fireheart confirms to her that Tigerclaw was responsible for Redtail’s death, and she remains eerily calm the whole time. He asks if she’s okay, to which she responds that if she doesn't keep her anger buried she is going to commit a murder, and that this kind of thing is something she’s used to. Fireheart distracts her by talking about the recent attack on RiverClan, which Tigerclaw seemed to have incited. Fireheart and Spottedleaf are snapped out of their theorizing and comparing of evidence by the scent of fresh cat blood nearby and pained sobs. They run to the source, the nearby Thunderpath, and discover a severely injured Cinderpaw. She was hit by a passing Monster and her leg appears to be broken in several places. They drop the catmint and rush her to Yellowfang for emergency treatment. She is quickly stabilized, but the question of whether or not her leg will heal is still up in the air.
Meanwhile, Fireheart makes the risky decision to leave ThunderClan territory to gather much-needed herbs (most of the gathered catmint was lost in the panic of transporting Cinderpaw back to camp). He reunites with Smudge, who barely recognizes him, but apologizes for what he said to Fireheart before he left to join the Clan. They talk about old times, but much to their dismay they no longer have much in common and their friendship isn’t what it used to be. Smudge tells Fireheart that Princess recently had a litter of kits and that he should go to her house to meet them. On his way to see Princess, he encounters Pinecone, Ferris, Pollyanna, and Xena out for a walk. Like Smudge, the four of them are happy to see him again, with Pinecone and Ferris taking interest in what Clan he joined. When he tells them he joined ThunderClan, they both begin pressing him with questions. This reminds Fireheart that both of them have a past with the Clans.
When Fireheart gets to Princess’ house, she is overjoyed to see him again and introduces him to her five kits: Zack, Taylor, Livvy, Nami, and Cloudy. He tells her and the kits stories about Clan life (leaving out the scary bits for the kits’ sake). While doing this, he is reminded of his father Jake doing the same when he was a kit and misses his parents. Before he leaves, Princess asks him if he is willing to do something for her. When Fireheart responds in affirmation, she asks if he will take Cloudy with him to join ThunderClan. He tries to dissuade her, telling her that the Clan might not want him, but she keeps insisting and so he does. 
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simply-yelly2 · 3 months
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The Queen of the Wind and proud mama of Gorsepaw.
I was inspired by the style of my friend @onedivinemisfit. You may no longer be involved with Warrior Cats, but it was so fun to talk with you and learn about the various wonders of cat genetics.
Name: Morningflower
Past Name(s): Morningkit, Morningpaw
Clan: Wind
Rank: Elder
Mentor: Palebird
Apprentice(s): Ashfoot
Father: Cloudrunner
Mother: Dawnstripe
Siblings: Larksplash, Appledawn, Houndleap, Leafshine, Rushtail, Robinstep (Robinwing (WC), Muddyclaw, Darkfoot, Oatwhisker
Mate(s): Tallstar
Offspring: *Firestar, *Whitetail, Gorsepaw, Storkkit, Quailkit
*There is an AU I am working on currently. In it, Firestar and Whitetail are both Tallstar and Morningflower kittens.
I got this picture done three days ago and made some touch-ups since then. I can now confidently say that I am 100% satisfied with how she turned out.
This is Morningflower, the lovely tortoiseshell queen from Fire and Ice who is the mother of Gorsepaw. She is part British Shorthair due to her father who was a former kittypet who was accepted into WindClan and later became a respected warrior.
Morningflower has always been known as a tortoiseshell with amber eyes, though once I saw on the Wiki that she had "light" as part of her description. Glancing at the allegiance for Onestar's confession has revealed that Morningflower is now a calico.
This version of Morningflower has her being a calico smoke. She inherited the silver gene from her dad and it gives her a lighter undercoat but also dilutes the colored patches on her body.
This coloration appears in a few breeds, but it does seem hard to get. Regardless of this fact, I LOVE calico smokes. I think they are very pretty, especially when you see the contrast between LH and SH. Plus this totally fits her name if you want to focus on a traditional route.
Prefix: Morning - You know how before sunrise the sky will take on a kind of creamy color? And usually the background is still dark because the sun hasn't risen yet. That is what came to mind with choosing this pattern. Some pretty powerful imagery.
Her suffix would come from the fact that she is very good with kits. Given how Morningflower was depicted as a queen in most of the allegiance, I like to imagine that she was like Daisy and Ferncloud. A permanent nursery queen who helped take care of kits and their mothers. This doesn't make her soft, however.
EDIT: I hated the old version, so once again tried to correct the markings. In this case I took inspiration from two real-life British Shorthairs, both featured in the Animal Planet show: Too Cute.
The "spots" around here are markings, the pose would not let me put them as they are supposed to go. So I tried to put them close to the parts of the body where they would normally sit.
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angst-and-fajitas · 6 years
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A long while ago, I drew some thumbnail sketches for RagTaggers in pen, and recently I went over them in color with my new drawing tablet!
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leporellian · 4 years
warrior cats rewrite: the darkest hour
- in the prologue, we are back at the prologue of the first book- smudge and rusty, as kits, being watched over by henry.
- one of them inquisitively asks henry what would they do if they were ever caught up in the war of the stars that happens every few hundred moons. what would happen? where would they go? what would they do?
- know that whatever happens, you were, you are, and you will always be loved, responds henry.
- back in the present. firestar gets his nine lives from redtail, gorseleap, runningwind, swiftpaw, brindleface, speckletail, cinderfur, yellowfang and bluestar
- firestar appoints lionheart as deputy. it’s noted that they feel as though someone is watching the camp
- next day turns out someone IS watching- darkstripe has poisoned willowpelt’s kit, but was stopped at the border by graystripe. darkstripe is furious at sorrelkit bc he views her as a ‘replacement’ for him and gray, but gray views it otherwise. well also find out gray and silver are now amicable exes. darkstripe, badly wounded, leaves
- lostface is officially renamed brightheart as in canon.
- gathering happens, and scourge appears instead of an official riverclan or shadowclan leader- apparently, both now face infighting over who the next leader will be. tawnypaw is drawn towards shadowclan and feels pity for them.
- scourge announces that he wants the forests for bloodclan- supposedly for their safety, but he and fire know that it’s Personal. he announces that he has taken riverclan and shadowclan’s land for bloodclan and will get to work on wind and fire Soon.
- firestar sees the roaring lion in his reflection in the moonlight. he hears a voice- take heed of what you have seen. know what you must be.
- graystripe rushes over later after the gathering and pleads for help. they go over to riverclan and find out that scourge has taken hold of featherpaw, stormpaw, silverstream, leopardfur, mistyfoot, and stonefur. scourge is holding up the latter three bc they worked with tiger, and feather storm and silver because they are crookedstar’s kin and likely candidates to challenge him as they’re familiar with leadership.
- naturally a fight erupts as the 6 try to escape. silverstream is killed fighting to her last breath. stonefur, knowing what he must do, distracts the bloodclan guards so misty and leopard can escape with feather and storm. he manages to take out one of the bloodclan guards but is quickly killed afterwards
- the riverclan cats take shelter in camp. tawnypaw leaves for shadowclan because it is one of the two clans her father’s legacy has not touched and she wants a fresh start.
- we also find out that bloodclan is attacking windclan.
- next day, firestar and scourge agree to meet. scourge gives the clan cats three days to leave or fight him at fourtrees, and expresses his anger at firestar. everyone else is like wait these 2 KNOW each other!?! firestar feels grief at what smudge has become. he also notices darkstripe among bloodclan.
- the clan cats start training- thunderclan and riverclan together and windclan and shadowclan together. firestar realizes scourge’s weakness- he does not know of the strategy and discipline the clan cats have, which he regards with an odd pity.
- eventually, the four clans join together and dub themselves lionclan. leopardfur is tasked with riverclan (the position is originally given to mistyfoot but she declines), having had her Character Arc. flintfang of shadowclan is given leadership duties. tallstar naturally leads windclan.
- the cats choose to have firestar at the front of the battle- both because he knows scourge and the bloodclan cats (his once-weakness has become his greatest asset) and because they begin to realize he is the newest incarnation of the fire that will lead the clans through the future war of starclan.
- the cats leave for fourtrees for the battle. lionheart thinks he will die in the battle.
- firestar gives scourge one last chance to give up and leave in peace. scourge doesn’t. the fight begins
- darkstripe tries to attack firestar, but longtail and graystripe kill him. firestar regards darkstripe with an odd sense of pity, remembering what darkstripe once had been
- lionheart is killed by bone. firestar appoints longtail as deputy.
- it’s noted bloodclan attacks by climbing up trees and launching themselves down
- tallstar loses a couple of lives. it’s mentioned mudclaw fights with tears in his eyes alongside his mother morningflower, and they chant gorsetail’s name over and over. firestar does not see onewhisker but knows onewhisker must be in there somewhere.
- goldenflower is killed saving kits.
- ravenwing is nearly killed when scourge attacks him, but firestar intervenes and takes on scourge for himself. the two fight brutally, and firestar realizes that he can take scourge by surprise by using his nine lives. purposely, he lets scourge kill him.
- fire wakes in starclan, and sees his first life join their ranks. he sees stonefur, silverstream, goldenflower, and lionheart in starclan’s ranks, and they tell him that there were five clans in the forest.
- what do you mean, asks firestar, there’s five? look to your attackers. do you not see how they climb? they were your kin once, just as smudge was. embrace what you will find in their shadows.
- firestar doesn’t know what they mean, and wakes up. he sees scourge attacking graystripe and throws himself at scourge. the two continue fighting, but scourge is discombobulated. firestar rips apart scourge’s collar and slashes his neck open.
- the battle slows to a stop as cats realize what’s happening. scourge- no, smudge-’s breaths grow tiny and light. he becomes delirious- or perhaps comforted by starclan?- as he dies, and his pale eyes suddenly become dark blue and speckled with light. rusty, he asks firestar, do you see the falling star? beyond the fence, near those four tallest oak trees.
- i do, responds firestar, still too attached to smudge to let him die alone.
- the trees. they’re on fire now. and you’re there, and your friends are there, and your children and grandchildren... they’re all there. but it’s okay, everything’s okay. ...rusty, did we do alright, for a couple of kittypets?
- we did just fine, says firestar. you were, you are, and will always be loved. that is how it always has been...
- smudge dies, bloodclan leaves, and the clan becomes four again.
- firestar returns to the spot on the fence where the series began, carefully in the early morning so his former owners do not recognize him. he sees they have a new housecat now- life goes on. he thinks of all who he had initially met, that first night in the woods- graystripe was in another clan now, tigerclaw and bluestar and the old way of things was dead... but there was something new in the horizon, and firestar remembers how he had been told of the comet that signaled his arrival. perhaps only now was it truly coming to fruition.
- he buries smudge just beyond the fence, where the tulips were beginning to sprout. he looks at the sky and knows what must be. there will be a war of the stars, and all he can do is embrace that. for that is how it always has been...
- the dawn, he notes, had never looked brighter.
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doritopaw101 · 4 years
Arc1, book 2: Chapter 3
When Icebelly opened his eyes again, gray light was glowing at the end of the tunnel. Dawn must be near. Icebelly's bones would have ached from the cold hard ground but he was used to this feeling from living on the streets during his kithood.
He nudged the closest cat to him, Silverpaw, the gray tabby grunted "Morning already?"
"Almost sunshine" Icebelly answered with low purr, getting to his paws. Silverpaw chuckled at the nickname as he stretched and stood up too. The began to wake up the others and shaking them awake in some cases, cough Graypaw cough.
"I think we should head that way" Icebelly mewed, craning his neck away from the blinding light.
"Lead the way then oh great leader" Fogtail replied with a sneer, lashing his long striped tail
They quickened their pace until they were racing up a short, steep slope that led them into a world filled with gray dawn light. They had come up near the edge of a patch of barren, dirty grass. Thunderpaths enclosed it on sides, and another arched overhead. Icebelly saw a camp fire with humans gathered around it.
Icebelly watched them warily, then froze as something else caught his eye: dark outlines that flitted back and forth in front of the flames. Windclan! Icebelly looked at the fire and the cats, and his mind flooded with the memory of his dream-the noise of the Thunderpath, the sight of the flames and the cats.
Icebelly looked over his shoulder "We must find Duskstar and speak with him"
"Is he even alive?" Silverpaw asked "Maybe Deadfoot leads them now"
"Then it is Windclan?" Graypaw asked
Icebelly nodded
"Let's go!" Silverstream braced herself, ready to leap forward.
"Hang on" Icebelly warned pulling Silverstream back by his scruff "We don't want to startle them"
Just then, one of the humans sat up with a jolt and began shouting at the ragged cats around the fire.
"Damn cats, get away!" the human snapped
The noise roused the other humans, who joined in with rough, angry voices.
The Windclan cats scattered. All the caution forgotten and thrown to the wind as Icebelly yowled "After them!" and gave chase.
One of the humans staggered to its feet, looming up in front of him. Icebelly skidded, sending up a spray of dust. Icebelly felt a bottle smash beside him, shards cutting into his pelt but he didn't stop running. They charged into the safety of the shadows beneath the soaring Thunderpath.
"Guys look" Silverstream whispered
Icebelly saw the Windclan cats stop close to one of the Thunderpath's great stone legs. And then, one by one, the cats disappeared into the ground.
"Where'd they go?" Graypaw mewed in amazement
"There must be another tunnel" Icebelly mewed "Come on let's find out"
Cautiously, they approached the spot where the Windclan cats vanished. As they neared, they saw a hole in the earth. Like their resting place on the previous night, the entrance was round and lined with stone, sloping away into utter blackness.
Icebelly led the way, all his senses alert for a Windclan patrol. The floor beneath his paws felt wet and slimy, and the sound of trickling water echoed around them. As the tunnel leveled out, Icebelly pricked his ears and opened his mouth. The damp air smelled rank and bitter-worse than tunnel they had slept in. Here the Thunderpath fumes mingled with the fear-scent of Windclan cats.
It was too dark to see anything, but after a few paces Icebelly's whiskers sensed a turning in the tunnel. Ahead of them, the tunnel was lit by a narrow hole in the ceiling that led to the wasteland above. Icebelly could see many cats huddled together in the gray light-warriors, queens, and kits, all painfully thin. A cold breeze blew relentlessly through the hole in the roof, stirring the thin fur one the skinny bodies. Icebelly could feel the others shudder at the stench of sickness and crowfood.
He didn't because he had to eat crowfood before. Dewflare couldn't always bring back fresh prey, so she pulled what she could from a dumpster and told them to eat it. It was better than nothing then. He remembered Luna complaint of a belly ache but Dewflare told her to deal with it but then tried to help Luna throw it up but then again Luna was one of her favorites.
"How do you tolerate this?" Graypaw asked while gagging, glaring at Icebelly
"I'm used to it, I lived on the stoneplace streets where I had to eat literal garbage to survive another day" Icebelly replied
Silverstream rubbed herself against him "Oh you poor thing"
Fogtail looked annoyed and uncomfortable while Graypaw looked unsure about the gesture. Silverpaw just saw this as normal and rubbed himself on the other side of Icebelly.
Suddenly the tunnel shook as a car roared overhead. The others jumped but Icebelly and the Windclan cats didn't react. They simply huddled with half-closed eyes, numb to their surroundings.
Once the noise died away, Icebelly took a deep breath and stepped around the corner, out into the thin light.
A gray Windclan tom with torn up ears spun around, his fur standing on end as he yowled an alarm to rest of the clan. In one smooth movement , the Windclan warriors formed a line across the tunnel in front of the queens, their backs arched, hissing fiercely.
With a strong feeling of dread, Icebelly saw the glint of unsheathed claws and thorn-sharp fangs. These half-starved cats were about to attack.
Icebelly held his ground. He could relate to these cats. He knew a hungry cat was a dangerous cat.
"Get down!" He hissed and the group obeyed.
The Windclan warriors stood their ground without moving a muscle. They're waiting for Duskstar's orders! It's just like in Bloodclan that aren't going to attack unless the leader says so. If only Thunderclan follow that.
"Splinter Icepaw?" From behind the line of warriors, a black and white tom weaved his way to the front but it wasn't just him who called his old name, Icebelly's eyes widen when he saw Luna and Jake standing beside the Windclan leader.
"Splinter" Luna padded over, pulling him close "I've missed ya fluffball"
Icebelly only chuckled. The others were still, especially Fogtail.
"It's great to see you again Splinter" Jake purred, grooming his son's ears
"Thunders and Rivers" Duskstar murmured "We've been expecting only Shadowclan, I never thought I'd see you again Icepaw" he touched his nose to Icebelly's own.
"Yeah that's all well and good but why are you here?" a gray and brown molly hissed, her amber gaze burning on them
"You need to go back" Icebelly mewed, stepping forward
"Why?" the molly replied
"Because you don't want Shadowclan to win over you do you?" Icebelly asked, playing with pride was always a good choice "Don't want them to think they're all powerful right?"
The Windclan cats gazed at each other.
"I really suggest going, Riverclan and Shadowclan seem eager to take your land for all it has" Icebelly added
"Although, Riverclan certainly won't do well with hunting rabbits, with our short limbs" Silverstream finished
Duskstar and his warriors purred in amusement
"What about Shadowclan?" a gray tom asked "They could just try to trap and kill us"
"They killed Larkfoot, Plumclaw, and Stoneclaw" a tortie molly hissed "They mostly likely killed Whitetail too"
"Whitetail's alive" Icebelly mewed
The clan stared at Icebelly, a white tom with blue eyes stepped forward "She's alive?"
Icebelly nodded "She's in Thunderclan camp, close to kitting in fact"
A gray tabby tom wailed with joy "My daughter lives" he cried
"Should we risk it Duskstar?" a dark gray and white tom asked
"This is not how any clan should live Pigeonwing" Duskstar replied "Not how Windclan should live and Whitetail and her kits need her clan, we shall return"
"Can we travel with you?" Silverpaw asked
"Yes you may" Duskstar replied, he turned to his clan "Are we all fit to travel?"
"All except Morningflower's kits" Jake replied
"We shall take turns carrying them"
"This is Silverstream, Silverpaw, Graypaw, Fogtail and I'm called Icebelly"
Duskstar nodded to his words "The name fits you"
The Windclan cat shuffled forward, eyes dull with pain and exhaustion
Silverstream and Fogtail led the group out of the tunnel and waited while the Windclan cats emerged blinking into the daylight. Duskstar padded out of the tunnel last and walked to the head of his clan.
"Shall we take you back the way we came?" Silverpaw asked boldly "It seems like a shortcut"
Duskstar seemed to consider this "Is it safe?"
"We had no problem on our way here" Silverstream mewed
"Fogtail take the lead along with Deadfoot, Silverpaw, Graypaw, Silverstream stay near the middle, Icebelly you're with me"
Icebelly saw everyone follow Duskstar's orders. He dropped to the back, Duskstar, Jake, and Luna were there. Icebelly just noticed two little kittens was walking beside Luna.
"How did you mange to wiggle your way into the clans in the first place?" Duskstar asked "Luna and Jake here gave me some idea about it"
"I got curious one night" Icebelly shrugged "Thunderclan's pretty cool and Bluestar leads well"
"Indeed she does" Jake agreed
"Yep, how did you two get here?"
"I got caught by humans and they were going to do the TSR thing to me but I managed to escape thanks to some dogs, I wandered around a bit then Jake found me and brought me here" Luna answered "Some of the clan was wary of me but let me stay because of Marble and Saw here. Anything else happen?"
"Nutmeg" he growled "Is Dewflare, lives in Shadowclan and bore Brokenstar's kits: Roachkit, Beekit, and Flykit. Flame is in Riverclan under the name of Flamepaw" Icebelly suddenly did a double take when he remembered the last part "Marble and Saw's your kit right?"
Luna chuckled "Yeah, screwed around with a kittypet named Simon"
As the Clan made its way under the Thunderpath arch, Icebelly could still smell the fire, but when they padded out onto the patch of wasteland, the humans were nowhere to be seen. Fogtail went straight to the tunnel where they had spent the night. Deadfoot entered first while Icebelly waited in the back along with Luna as the Clan disappeared inside.
Icebelly padded down into the dark hole. He emerged to find the Windclan cats staring across the field that led to the final Thunderpath. Icebelly consult briefly with Silverstream before they set off into the long, frost-crisp grass. Icebelly walked with the rest of the clan, flanking one side while Deadfoot limped steadily on the other.
Icebelly looked over his shoulder and saw some of the cats falling farther behind. Morningflower was among them, carrying two of her kits. Icebelly bounded over to her. She was panted heavily. It couldn't have been long since her kitting.
"I'll carry one for you" he offered "Just until you catch your breath"
"I'll help too" Silverstream mewed walking on the other side of the Windclan queen.
Morningflower looked hesitant but agreed. "Be careful with Gorsekit, he's so small" She set her kits down, Icebelly picked up a ginger and white one while Silverstream, picked up the tortie kitten. A brown tabby tom padded over, he set a kit down "Morningflower, are you okay?"
"I'm fine Weaselwhisker, just tired these two are carrying Briarkit and Gorsekit for me, keep carrying Quailkit for me please"
Weaselwhisker nodded picking up Quailkit and padding along side him and Silverstream. The brown tabby warrior looked strong but Icebelly didn't miss the small limp he carried.
"When we get to a place to rest, see Barkface you don't want a small sprain to be something worse" he whispered
Weaselwhisker's eyes widen in shock at his words, he obviously didn't expect such words from an enemy warrior but seemed to accept his words.
Duskstar slowed his pace, but only a little. In spite of his exhaustion, and the fact that every rib showed under his fur, he burned with a fierce energy that lent swiftness to his.
Icebelly could understand part of the reason for his urgency, The sun was steadily climbing above the horizon. Some of the Windclan cats were sick and all of them were weak from hunger. If they were going to cross the Thunderpath without losing any cats, they would have to do it quickly, before the monsters came in their swarms.
"We cross the Thunderpath here" Duskstar announced above the noise of a car racing past. The Windclan leader squeezed under the hedge. Deadfoot and a white tom followed him.
Morningflower leaned toward Icebelly and took hold of Gorsekit. She had stopped panting now and as she took the kit from Icebelly she brushed her cheek gratefully against his. He dipped his head to the tortoiseshell queen and followed Silverpaw under the hedge.
Duskstar and Deadfoot sat staring wordlessly at the wide gray path.
"We should try to get the clan over in small groups" Deadfoot mewed
"The strongest group will go first" Duskstar replied
"Me and Silverstream will help anyone who needs it" Icebelly stated, earning a nod from Duskstar.
The other Windclan cast began to appear through the hedge. Before long the whole clan was clustered beside them, pressed against the sharp twigs, as far back from the Thunderpath as possible.
Icebelly and Silverstream moved to the edge, watching for a break in the line of cars known to him as traffic. The Thunderpath was much busier than it had been when they'd crossed last night.
Weaselwhisker led the first group forward.
"Do you want us to cross with you?" Icebely offered. He could smell the brown warrior fear. The tabby shook his head. The cats beside him peered along the Thunderpath first one way, then the other. All was quiet, and the group dashed safely over to the other side.
Two warriors came next, accompanied by a pair of skinny apprentices. "Now!" Icebelly ordered as a monster flashed safely past.
The four Windclan cats stepped out onto the empty Thunderpath. The apprentices winced as they padded across on paws raw from the damp tunnel. Icebelly picked up a gray tabby apprentice carried them but tossed them when he heard Silverstream yowl "Look out!". The other cats bounded forward, fur bristling, and hurled themselves onto the other side a heartbeat before raced past.
Two larger groups crossed, leaving just one more. Only once they safely over would Duskstar and Deadfoot cross. Morningflower and her kits stepped to Icebelly's side. Behind her were three other warriors.
"Those three are Wrenflight, Aspenfall, and Crowfur" Morningflower mewed "They're older but I know that Wrenflight is expecting and believe Aspenfall is as well"
Icebelly nodded "We'll cross with you" He turned to Silverstream, who nodded "Tell us when it's safe to go, Silverstream"
He turned back to Morningflower "May I carry one of your kits?, I know you can carry two but..." he knew it's always important to ask before you pick up a kit especially when their mother was right in front of you.
Morningflower looked ready to say no but she did realize he was right. "Okay, carry Gorsekit but be careful"
Icebelly nodded and picked up the ginger and white kitten. The kitten and his littermates bodies looked more sturdy rather than the thin look Morningflower did. They most likely had Thunderclan blood, he would ask her later if he could.
"Now!" At Silverstream's yowl, Icebelly and Morningflower stepped out onto the Thunderpath. The Windclan warriors crept behind them with Silverstream beside them. As they moved Icebelly could feel the vibrations of an incoming car. He quickly made it to the other side, a gray molly called him.
"I'm Ashfoot, I'll take him go help the others" Icebelly nodded to him and padded back to the last group.
"Move move" Icebelly ordered helping nudge the older warriors forward. The noise of the approaching car grew louder and louder. Icebelly grabbed Crowfur by the scruff and dragged him forward, before turning the haul the second closer to the verge. The car raced closer. Icebelly closed his eyes and braced himself.
Nothing could prepare him for the pain.
He let out a screech as the car ran over his leg and an acrid smell that stung his throat, then a fading roar as the monster sped away. Icebelly opened his eyes and looked around. Silverstream was crouching in the middle of the Thunderpath, unscathed, but staring with eyes wide as full moons. The car was hurtling away from them, swerving across the Thunderpath.
"Icebelly!" Silverstream rushed to his side "What hurts?"
"My leg" he whimpered
"Barkface!" Jake called
Duskstar bounded across with Deadfoot and gathered his trembling clan around him.
Barkface bounded over and examined his leg "Looks like a clean break, no blood at all, you're really lucky"
"There's nothing we could use to help him right now?" Graypaw asked
Barkface shook his head "I don't have any herbs, maybe if we keep moving I can find something"
Weaselwhisker touched Icebelly's nose with his own. "You would've died for us" he murmured "For Windclan, I will never forget that"
"Weaselwhisker's right; we shall honor you all in our stories. We must keep going" he continued "We still have a long journey ahead of us"
"Could someone carry him?" Silverstream asked
"I'll do it" a black tom with purple eyes mewed as he padded over "Name's Darkfoot, Hold still Thundercat"
Darkfoot slid beneath Icebelly's front leg and lifted them onto his back "Sorry" when Icebelly couldn't suppress a groan of pain. The black warrior carried Icebelly off the road.
"Barley's den is around here" Silverstream mewed "We can stop there"
"A twoleg den?" Deadfoot hissed
"Barley's a fine cat" Jake mewed
"Juniperleaf just because you know him doesn't mean he can be trusted" the deputy retorted
"Have any better ideas?" Silverstream asked with a roll of her blue eyes "If not, let's go"
As the cats prepared to move off, Darkfoot carried him with ease. Icebelly lifted his head gaze at Morningflower who was busy licking her kits.
"Are you alright?" he asked softly
"All in one piece" she replied "I was worried for you"
"Thought you'd be fresh-kill" Darkfoot added
Icebelly chuckled "I'll bare it for now"
The clan followed the hedgerow along the Thunderpath before turning away to join track through the woods. The scents here seemed to soothe the Windclan cats, but the journey had taken its toll; they were traveling slower than every. And they reached the fence at far side, it took all of Icebelly's strength to help the weakest cats over before Darkfoot carried him again.
The sun had passed its highest point by the time Icebelly spotted the Twolegplace in the distance. He sniffed the air but he didn't catch the scent of Barley. Clouds billowed up over Highstones, growing blacker as they covered the sinking son. A cold wind ruffled the cats' fur, bringing the first drops of rain.
Icebelly looked at the Windclan cats. There was no way they could travel through a long, wet night. He was tired too, and, for the first since he'd eaten at the barn, he was feeling the effects of hunger. A glance at Fogtail, then to Silverstream and Sliverpaw told him the others felt the same way.
"Duskstar" Icebelly called "We should stop soon and shelter for the night" he really wanted to rest his leg and more importantly Darkfoot's back. The warrior wouldn't admit it but he could tell he was getting tired.
The Windclan leader stopped and waited while Icebelly caught up with him. "I agree" he mewed "There's a ditch here; we can shelter in that until sunrise"
"There's a barn nearby" Icebelly mewed "There's some loners there and their friendly, really they are"
Duskstar looked ready to to protest but thought must've entered his mind, reminding him of something.
"Alright" he turned to his clan and announced that they were sheltering in a barn for the night. Icebelly padded closer to the barn with all the others in tow.
"I thought I smelled Thunderclan 'round here" the voice of Barley made Icebelly smile "Glad to see ya" he noticed Darkfoot helped Icebelly stand "What happened?"
"Got hit by a car and great to see you" he mewed "We need shelter for the night, think we could use your barn"
"Sure, Mary and Violet won't mind" Barley purred 
Barley led them through the hedge into another field. In an abandoned corner, among the brambles and nettles, stood an abandoned Twoleg nest. The walls were full of holes where stones had fallen out, and only half the roof was left.
"You won't catch me in there!" a cat spat
"The humans don't come over here much" Barley mewed
"We'll be sheltered from the rain" Icebelly urged
Icebelly heard an apprentice whisper rather loudly "I'm not surprised he wants to hide in Twoleg nest-once a kittypet, always a kittypet"
Icebelly bristled. He heard this comment daily from his own clanmates, he didn't need it now and the ache in his leg didn't help, he hadn't even been a kittypet for fucks sake. He whipped around and glared daggers at the apprentice. "You've spent two moons living in a rotting twoleg tunnel. Does that make you a filthily rat?"
The Windclan apprentice, a gray tabby car drew themself up, ruffling out their fur, but Silverstream stepped between them. "Come on, we're just getting wetter the longer we stand out here"
"We've faced worse than a Twoleg shelter these past moons. One night here will do us no harm" Duskstar mewed
The Windclan cats murmured nervously among themselves, clearly reluctant, but with a glance at Icebelly, Morningflower called Ashfoot to help her pick up her kits and padded into the Twoleg shelter. The gray queen followed after her, nudging her own kit forward out of the rain with Briarkit in her jaws. The others cats gradually followed until every cat was inside.
Icebelly looked around the gloomy shelter. The ground was bare except for patches where weeds had burrowed their way under the stone walls. The wind and rain found their way through the gaps in the walls and roof, but it was drier and sheltered than anywhere outside. He watched the Windclan cats sniffing cautiously around.
"Ya'll be fine" a voice called and a ginger and white tabby molly padded out with three kits in tow. He guessed that was Mary, Violet must be somewhere around here.
The Windclan cats almost looked ready to attack the molly until they saw she had kits.
"That's Mary" Barley called "My sister Violet's 'round here somewhere, rest"
"What about food?" Deadfoot asked
"The barn's crawling with mice and voles" Mary mewed "You'll be stuffed for days"
"Great" Duskstar mewed "Tornear, Cloudrunner, Weaselwhisker, Sorrelflight find as much as you can"
"We'll help too" Silverpaw added as he and Silverstream dashed around the barn.
"Icebelly, come I want to fix your leg" Barkface called
He tried to do hunting but he only managed to catch one mouse before his leg gave out and Darkfoot dragged him back to the barn. He padded to where Mary laid with her kits. The ginger tabby molly had a straw piece in her mouth like Barley and her kits were wrestling with each other.
"Sorry for barging in like this" he mewed softly
"It's fine as long as my kits aren't hurt I could care less" Mary replied "My little Rose, Jacky and Joey" Now that he was getting a proper look at them, Rose was an complete copy of her mother. Jacky was a brown tabby while Joey was a bright ginger tom.
"As expected" Icebelly mewed "A dam will do anything to protect the young"
"Right you are young tom" Mary purred, she cocked her head to the side, a smirk appeared across her face "I think that tortie wants ya"
Icebelly turned to see Morningflower gazing at him, looking unsure of herself. He padded over to her, he looked down at her kits resting at her belly.
"Are you all alright?" he asked "You look nervous"
"Yes we are but.." she trailed off
"I know I'm asking a lot of you but can you...sleep with me..j..just close by..please?"
Icebelly could see how this could be uncomfortable to any other clan born cat but he was no such cat. It felt nice to be this close to another cat like this. He huddled close to the molly, nuzzling her cheek.
He felt her return the gesture. Though he could feel ice at the back of his head.
"I feel like were being watched" he muttered
"Mudclaw" she replied "He's the sire of these kits, we aren't mates by the way"
From the corner of his eye
"Um excuse me?" Icebelly turned his head to see the white tom and the gray tabby from earlier as well as the tabby apprentice "Juniperleaf said you'd be over here"
"My name is Aspenfall, this is Cloudrunner, this is Webfoot" the older tabby mewed "We're Whitetail's-"
"Family" he finished "Whitetail told me about you"
"What else did she say?" a tortie molly padded over, her pelt looked freshly groomed
"Thrushwing" Morningflower warned
"Relax dear sister" the younger molly replied "I'm just concerned for our clanmate and the kits she carries as this tom has said as they are our brother's kits"
"Yeah, she's due any day now" Icebelly added "She misses you"
"I'd certainly hope the furball did" Webfoot replied "At least she survived the dog"
"She said she'd been hiding out but Brokenstar found her and that's why she came to Thunderclan" Icebelly mewed
Aspenfall just smiled "I'm just glad she's alive"
"When were you going to tell us!?" Bluestar didn't so much as wince at her Embereyes's furious yowl, she was calm and still.
She had been cornered in the medicine den by Yellowfang after her patrol had a run in with a coyote. His mother said it bit Bluestar real good in the leg.
Mossthorn, Nettlemist, and Leopardstorm managed to overhear.
Dustpaw knew he shouldn't be listening but he was bored as day since Redtail became deputy and Sandstorm and Chestnutclaw became warriors. He really didn't want to watch Chivekit, Stagkit, Shrewkit, and Hawk-kit again since they've started to become terrors. Robinwing was busy discussing politics with Smallear, he refused to be around Fuzzypelt and his weakness, and Patchpelt...let's not talk about him.
At least Littlekit and Sleetkit became apprentices finally, Leopardfoot to Littlepaw and Nightshade to Sleetpaw. Smokypaw had been apprenticed to Tiger-roar.
It was unfair that he couldn't be a warrior with Cherrycloud and Chestnutclaw, or Sandstorm.
It stung more as that stupid Icebelly got his name before him. That tom was younger than him and he had to be injured during the Shadowclan attack.
And now the tom was missing, as well as Fogtail and Graypaw. Lionheart was in a frenzy worried over his apprentice/cousin, Willowpelt and Cranepaw weren't any better. The queen was worried sick and Leopardstorm and Miststrike had to almost force her to eat, Cranepaw clung to him and Sandstorm and they didn't have the heart to turn her away. Lionheart was blaming Icebelly for this of course, the outsider probably had something to do with this. Sandstorm seemed strange about this event, seeming to care and not caring at the same time.
Dustpaw while worried over his brother knew he'd be back and was alright, Robinwing taught him how to defend himself and his brother wasn't an idiot. 
"Were you just going to wait til it became to obvious to hide or hope you miscarried them in battle" Embereyes hissed, she looked away "You would do something like"
"It wasn't important Ember" Bluestar said simply
"Not important NOT IMPORTANT!" the dark gray and white molly spat "Kits lives are important, Mossthorn Nettle back me up here"
Nettlemist shuffled his paws "Kits are important but Embereyes but it's Bluestar's choice of what to do"
"Are you on her side?" she snarled
"I'm not on anyone's side" Nettlemist mewed, curling his tail over his paws
Mossthorn cutted in "But Mother you shouldn't have started starving yourself"
"Who's the sire?" Leopardstorm mewed, speaking for the first time "I've seen you go to twolegplace Auntie, I've seen you with a tom and molly, does the sire know?"
'Bluestar's mates with kittypets?!' Dustpaw thought with disgust
"He's aware" Bluestar replied
"You can't be in any more battles either" Yellowfang stated "Redtail might have to take over for at the next gathering"
Bluestar rolled her eyes "Fine" she got up and started to walk away
"Where are you going!" Embereyes called
"Out on a patrol"
Bluestar walked over and had no problem pulling Dustpaw from where he'd had been hiding "It's not good to eavesdrop Dustpaw"
"Not honorable to the code to be in love with a kittypet, but then again you didn't learn the first time-" he sneered but quickly clammed his mouth shut. He realized that was way too far.
But surprisingly, Bluestar chuckled "Loves works in many ways Dustpaw"
Dustpaw huffed "Sure and mice fly"
"Redtail!" Bluestar called "I want a patrol near Shadowclan, have you sent any out yet?"
Dustpaw saw his mentor's eyes widen "Shoot, I haven't, I've been keeping track of Riverclan's side and the hunting parties from the moor" he lowered his head "I'm sorry Bluestar"
Bluestar placed a paw over her face "Get some cats, we're going out"
"Umm...are you sure you should go?" Dustpaw asked
"I'll mange Dustpaw, if you ever decide to go with pregnancy for kits, you'll feel your limits as you go along and if not you'll have your healers to drag you away"
Dustpaw flicked his tail and rolled his eyes once more.
"Leopardstorm, Ravenpaw, Darkstripe, Smokypaw, Cherrycloud, Miststrike, Birchstep, come with us" Redtail called
'Great' Dustpaw thought with annoyance 'Stuck with scardypaw'
"He delayed his ceremony for you" Cherrycloud hissed in his ear "The least you can do is shut your trap if you can't even say thank you"
"Shut up" Dustpaw replied "Aren't you ashamed of him, it's great we have more siblings to make up for him"
Cherrycloud can be a difficult cat to read to most but Dustpaw could see though her most of the time, this wasn't one of them however.
"He's our kin, he hasn't done anything to be disowned so he will be treated as kin" she replied
"I won't hiss at him" Dustpaw stated "That's as far as I go"
"I'm here to shut your mouth for you" Cherrycloud sneered "Clearly Redtail can't do it"
Dustpaw jumped back as Ravenpaw rushed forward, his head low. The black tom lifted his head to reveal a squirrel.
"Nice job Ravenpaw" Leopardstorm purred
'hunting doesn't win fights' Robinwing says 'Fighting helps ensure better hunting'
"Could've been better" Dustpaw mewed, he ignored Cherrycloud hitting him in the shoulder "We'll need more so we'll survive leafbare"
"Agreed" Darkstripe lowly growled "We don't want more deaths, remember well Smokypaw" the apprentice nodded, very obedient.
Ravenpaw lowered his head "I can find more, I can smell some birds"
"That's great" Leopardstorm mewed "We'll feast on them"
"Don't hold your breath" Bluestar growled, her tail raised in a way that signaled an attack. Her claws unsheathed and her back fur raised.
"How many?" Redtail asked, thinking the same thing as Bluestar. His teeth bared.
"Six or seven I suspect" Bluestar mewed "Brokenstar's here, Come out and fight me Brokentail, if you have the bite to match that pathetic barking of yours" she yowled
The last thing Dustpaw saw before the fight was Brokenstar leaping out and smashing into Bluestar, teeth in her neck and claws in her shoulder.
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separatepath · 5 years
Warriors Canon Rewrite AU - Fire and Ice
This started getting really long with little change so I had to start rushing it! Sorry >-<
Prologue: Remains mostly the same. WindClan is fleeing from their territory, finding a sewer under the thunderpath to shelter into, staying there.
Fireheart and Greystripe finish their vigil, and go to sleep in the warriors den. Fireheart does get a dream about WindClan being chased away, although he first assumes that this was due to hearing it from cats at the latest gathering.
Fireheart tells Bluestar about Ravenpaw being alive and Tigerclaw’s actions. Bluestar refuses to believe in the latter, thinking that her nephew could never do such a thing, being Snowfur’s kin.
Fireheart and Greystripe attend the next gathering, with most things going as normal. Nightpelt is the stand-in leader, but neither believe that WindClan should come home.
Bluestar calls a camp meeting to address this matter. She speaks with some of the warriors late at night. The next morning, she calls Fireheart, Greystripe, Whitestorm and Rosetail to go and find WindClan and call them home, having chosen 2 trusted warriors and 2 new ones to raise their experience.
Whilst travelling, they find out a lot about Bluestar through Rosetail, her current mate.
The cats find the ravaged WindClan cat and pass over the Thunderpath safely, continuing on the other side where they eventually track WindClan down. The clan are very wary of the four ThunderClan cats, but Rosetail and Whitestorm are both very respected cats, who they knew wouldn’t lie.
The WindClan cats set off for home, and Fireheart, Onewhisker and Ashfoot carry Morningflower’s three young kits. Fireheart takes Gorsekit and becomes close to Morningflower, taking care of her kits for the journey home.
The group stop at Ravenpaw and Barley’s barn to rest, despite the WindClan cat’s denials. They reveal to Whitestorm and Rosetail about Ravenpaw being alive due to having no choice once Rosetail recognises his scent, but they both promise to keep the secret.
After catching up with Ravenpaw and sleeping, WindClan returns home. Fireheart makes sure that Morningflower and her three kits get rested in the nursery once it’s reinforced, before the four cats return home.
Barkface reveals that he had a vision about an unnecessary death occuring this day. It rattles the clan and helping cats, but WindClan still sends a patrol to make sure the ThunderClan cats get home safely. A RiverClan patrol ambushes them, and Tigerclaw’s patrol joins them to help. Fireheart saves Sandpaw from falling off of the gorge, but Whiteclaw, a RiverClan tom, isn’t so lucky and plummets to his death.
The patrols return and report what happened. Bluestar decides to let the issue rest despite the clearly upset Tigerclaw.
A half-moon passes. Speckletail has given birth to two kits, Snowkit and Mistlekit.To give them more room, Bluestar makes Frostfur’s kits apprentices a half-moon early. She gives Cinderpaw, Brackenpaw, Thornpaw and Brightpaw to Fireheart, Greystripe, Mousefur and Rosetail respectively. 
Fireheart and Cinderpaw go out around the territory to show her everything, and meet up with Greystripe and Brackenpaw for the second half. However, they meet a kittypet and scare her off, although Fireheart recognises her scent as Princess, his sister. He leaves Cinderpaw with Greystripe and Brackenpaw the next day to visit his pregnant sister, although Tigerclaw isn’t happy.
Fireheart continues to visit Princess frequently, doubting his own loyalty, however he always puts Cinderpaw first because this cats talents and futures were in his paws now. On a patrol with Greystripe and their apprentices, Greystripe falls into the river, but a cat from RiverClan named Silverstream rescues him.
Since that day, Greystripe slowly starts to sneak out of camp to see Silverstream, although Fireheart doesn’t know this. The latter is forced to start training Brackenpaw and Cinderpaw, and this becomes taxing.
This continues for another half-moon, with Greystripe missing every day for a long while. This angers Fireheart, who follows Greystripe one day to confront the duo. They refuse to stop seeing each other, even when Fireheart goes alone. This annoys him - how could two cats fall in love so quick when everything was against them? Why did Greystripe find himself able to do this? Because he wasn’t questioned on his loyalty, unlike Fireheart?
Whitecough, then greencough, starts to spread through the camp. Bluestar, Mistlekit, Elderkit, Tulipkit and Dappletail all come down with some form of the illness quickly. Fireheart is sent to fetch catmint, but upon returning finds Cinderpaw gone. He hears that Tigerclaw wanted Bluestar to come to the thunderpath, and Fireheart assumes Cinderpaw headed there. He goes, to discover his apprentice laying on the thunderpath.
Bluestar loses a life this night, and Elderkit dies. Yellowfang and Spottedleaf treat Cinderpaw, and get into a fight about her future ability to become a warrior. Fireheart can barely put up with his, as Greystripe doesn’t care and he feels like he didn’t teach Cinderpaw well enough. Frostfur has to come and talk to him that he doesn’t blame him about what happened to her daughter.
A moon passes. Princess has her kits, while Dappletail recovers and Patchpelt becomes ill. Tulipkit dies. Greystripe gets a cold, forcing him to stay in camp, and Cinderpaw comes down with a leg infection.
A ThunderClan patrol to attack RiverClan fails as the ice across the river melts, with Fireheart included. Greystripe feels betrayed and attacks Fireheart due to this.
Fireheart visits Princess, who gives him her first-born kit to take care of. He is taken aback but brings Cloudkit back to the camp. Brindleface and Speckletail share feeding duties.
Fireheart, determined to let Cinderpaw become a warrior, starts to slowly try train her, trying to strengthen her muscles with Spottedleaf’s help. He has basically taken over Brackenpaw’s training at this point.
Brokenstar’s rogues attack the camp not long after. Greystripe kills Clawface, saving Fireheart, and Yellowfang blinds and takes one of Brokenstar’s lives. His name is changed to Brokentail. This marks the START of Bluestar’s mental descent.
Sandpaw and Dustpaw become warriors by the name Sandstorm and Dustpelt. They take vigil after Clawface has been buried.
Cloudkit, Fernkit and Ashkit break out of camp and go hunting, and are heavily criticised when they all return.
RiverClan and ShadowClan try to drive WindClan out, and Onewhisker comes to ThunderClan for help, which they give. Fireheart spares Silverstream which Tigerclaw notices. They make up after winning the battle.
Time passed: 2.5 moons
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warriorstrivia · 5 years
Fireheart/Sandstorm, Fireheart/Cinderpelt, Fireheart/Morningflower, Fireheart/Graystripe, Fireheart/Spottedleaf
Fire/Sand is here
Fire/Cinder: she was his apprentices so nah; also he only had eyes for sand <3 vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / screaming and crying
Fire/Morning: i don’t know how big the age gap is, but i always felt there was a big one. I do like their canon relationship of being friendly though! vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / screaming and crying
Fire/Gray: no strong feelings, but i do feel like there’s a nice quote where graystripe says he would do anything for fireheart or something. either way i do love their relationship vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / screaming and crying
Fire/Spotted: this one is complicated because i quite liked it when i was a child so a little bit of the nostalgia tries to come in, although now that i’m older i see why people are creeped out by the age difference although i’m not sure the erins thought that far ahead with world planning when the first book was written so i’m abstaining. I do still think it’s sad how spotted sacrificed her afterlife for fire (well technically sandstorm) though :(
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suiriswhite · 7 years
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[Werbung/Advertisement] Happy Sunday!❤ What are you up to today? Relaxing, baking, yoga..?😅 No seriously, who’s into yoga? As I went to a concert last night, came home in the early morning and feel quite tired with tight shoulders, neck and back, I will definitely go on the mat today. It always helps so much to move your body.🌿 With not having a job anymore that takes away most of my time, I really want to dive into yoga more, especially now that I have this wonderful new yoga mat from @lotuscrafts_meditation ✨ I don’t know about you but new workout gear or clothes always motivate me so much. I already have a yoga/stretching routine that I try to incorporate in my life at least every second day but there’s so much to learn. Often I’m also a little insecure if I’m doing it “right” because I have kind of my own routine; I just do what feels good to me. However, as a lot of yoga teachers say “whatever you enjoy, whatever feels good to you, that’s YOUR personal yoga practice”. I truly love this concept that there’s no “wrong” or “right” when it comes to yoga.🙏 I’d love to know who your greatest yoga inspiration is or your favourite yoga account or youtube channel. So if you have any recommendations, please let me know in the comments.🤗 . . 🇩🇪Schaut doch mal in meiner Story vorbei, da erzähl ich noch ein bisschen mehr zur Yogamatte.💕 . . . #yogamattepure#lotuscraftsmeditation#yoga#yogaroutine#yogapractice#moveyourbody#stretching#stretchitout#instayoga#yogamat#yogalife#yogapracticenotyogaperfect#yogaforall#yogaspirit#noneedtobeperfect#morningflow#sunday#sundayvibes#happysunday#workoutexercise#gethealthy#sunrise#earlybird#outdoorworkout#outdooryoga#happiness#gratitude#positivity#treatyourselfright
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clans-of-the-sea · 7 years
Don't think I'm all in this world
Amber eyes fell on the body before him, the dark brown spotted form of the deputy was matted and wet, the poor deputy had been washed with the waves and crashed against the rocks. Buzzardstar had yet to give a proper send off for the young tom, and the tuxedo watched the unmoving form stiffly.
Rockflower and Cherrypelt were cleaning the damp fur the best they could, and Crowfang could see that Cherrypelt’s eyes glanced towards her brothers den every now and again. Bouldermuzzle was near Crowfang himself, the tuxedo’s former mentor had been head of the patrol that finally found Jayface…. Eelskip was gathering some lavender to wash away the scent of death… Though Crowfang could only think how he only scented of the ocean.
Piketooth and Eelcloud, who Crowfang hadn’t ever thought to be too close to their cousin, were silent near the Warrios Den, tails curled neatly over their paws while Thistleheart watched on along side them.
There was a single thought on everyones mind, and the tuxedo tom could feel eyes on him. Amber eyes closed, a deep breath taken, before he opened again to keep a steady gaze on the Nursery. He wondered in the queen in there believed the same as the others… She was too far along to say so, that much he believed. Maybe she wouldn’t partake in the gossip, and would be too busy trying to help Lionkit stay quiet.
Maybe not.
A scuffle of paws on stone turned heads, but Crowfang stayed looking forward, fur rising along his spine as if daring anyone else to say something.
“The loss of our deputy Jayface…. is a heavy one.” Buzzardstar’s voice sounded empty. He was deep in thought. Or maybe he was questioning himself.
“Jayface was not feeling well… his patrol was washed out when they went hunting far too close to the shore by the cliffs. Thistleheart was wounded when he was thrown against the rocks, Crowfang nearly drowned… We could have suffered much  more death then one loss. We should be thankful for that alone.”
A pause. Crowfang turned and watched the other white and black tom cat. Hesitation. Would he say what the entire clan was thinking?
“Crowfang will be a worthy successor of ShellClan’s deputy.”
He could feel it. Outrage grew in his clanmates pelts. But they all held their tongues.. for now.
“Why are we trusting them? They’ll only continue to rely on us.”
Buzzardstar let a small non-commitment noise in his throat as he turned from Eelskip to Crowfang. “…. Maybe I should go myself…” He rasped, frowning.
The old leader seemed torn, even when Crowfang grunted.
“We trade herbs for the better of all…. They need aster, we need hawthorn, its fair.” Eelskip watched him carefully. “Both clans need each other to survive.”
“Alderstar is a fool.”
“Alderstar is doing what is best for both clans. You should think about that once in awhile, deputy.” Eelskip snapped, grabbing his bundle of herbs and leading his escort to the border.
Crowstar thought the trade was useless. They had hawthorn. It didn’t grow in abundance because Eelskip over picked it! Skunkpaw had even said so himself, and Eelskip was getting up there… careless.
As they approached the border, his ears flattened. He could scent Sunpelt…. and Kestrelstream. These two older Medicine Cats were just going to chat, and Crowfang would have to sit idly by as Sunpelt made some snide comment. It must be real nice being handed the deputy position because your mate was leader.
It wasn’t a long meeting. The healing cats seemed to recognize the stiff air around the deputies. Sunpelt’s blue eyes stared at Crowfang, daring him to be the one to start trouble.
“…. Cats like him sicken me.”
“Cats like who?” Eelskip watched his deputy from the corner of his eyes.
“Cats who didn't earn to be in their position.”
“….. Funny.” The tortoiseshell looked back towards camp as he held his maw around the hawthorn flowers.
“….. Could it have been prevented?” Thistleheart stood besides his leader as they stood on their side of the border. The blue and white tom was watching a spot across the way, and the leader growled.
“She was in the way.”
“Crowstar, she was sick.”
“Yes. And if Sunstar had any wit he wouldn’t have brought her to the battlefield.” He scoffed, turning back towards camp. “PebbleClan shouldn’t be so reliant on us. We stopped trading herbs long enough for them to get their own supply in order. Sunstar shouldn’t be so worked up.”
“Crowstar… a lot of cats died because we cut them off…”
“Their sickness is no concern of ShellClan!”
The tom turned, hissing. “… Prepare the camp. In the morning we’re training battle move. Sunstar will try again to steal herbs from us. We cannot allow that to happen. And Thistleheart…. A wise deputy will heed their leaders words, and learn to become stronger from them. Not make an enemy of them.”
Amber eyes fell on the body before him, white and blue fur of the deputy was matted and dirty, the poor deputy had been dragged back to camp after the skirmish. Crowstar had yet to give a proper send off for the young tom, and the tuxedo watched the unmoving form stiffly.
Sagefrost and Daisyleap were cleaning the white parts of the fur the best they could, and Crowstar could see Sagefrosts eyes glanced towards him every now and again. Foggypelt was near Crowstar himself, his former apprentice seemed uncertain on what to do or say. She had been one of the ones to carry Thistleheart back. Eelskip stood by as Skunkbelly taught Otterpaw how to wash the lavender into the fur… Though Crowfang could only think how he only scented of blood.
Morningflower, who Crowstar hadn’t ever thought to be too close to her cousin, was silent near the Warriors Den, watching her kit.
There was a single thought on everyones mind, and the tuxedo tom could feel eyes on him. Amber eyes closed, a deep breath taken, before he opened again to keep a steady gaze on the Nursery. He wondered if the queen in there believed the same as the others… She had stood by him for so long, through all his decisions. She loved him, she loved their kits… and she had two more to keep her busy for now.
Crowstar cleared his throat, and hopped onto the Speaking Stone. His amber gaze swept over the crowd. He would have to think…. to be careful….
“The loss of our deputy Thistleheart is not an easy one to face….” His voice remained uniform. “He died defending our home from a PebbleClan invasion. Larkstar remains angry about loss that happened too long ago and too out of our control…. but he blames us. And Thistleheart agreed with me when we knew that PebbleClan could not be allowed to bully us.”
There was Slugface. His son was strong, wise, brilliant… and Mangledfoot had always been loyal.
…. but choosing his own son may not prove wise.
“He died in battle… and it is a shame no one saw who slaughtered him. Death is never necessary…. not in battles like these. PebbleClan has grown ruthless….”
Sandclaw wouldn’t be a bad choice. She was witty, quick. Moonstream had trained her, and she would follow him.
…Maybe. She was too smart.
“Tomorrow, I will go to the border. I will remind Larkstar that should he cross it again, we will not show them mercy!”
Foggypelt? She would follow him to her own death. But choosing his own apprentice may show favoritism. They may not trust her.
“I would like Skunkbelly to come with me, to how we mean no harm. And my new deputy…”
There was one. He could see her now. Favored for her quick wit and tactics in hunting. She was a formidable foe too, Dacewhisker had taught her amazingly and Bouldermuzzle and Dacewhisker had always liked him… She hadn’t questioned him once actually, he recalled seeing her watching him when she was small.
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