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murkshade · 7 months ago
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mrs president
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dividedskiesrp · 6 months ago
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welcome to divided skies we have fun here
apply now and perhaps you too can join in our next Game Night (serious business) !
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fledermaus-art · 2 years ago
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one of the games ever
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dawntilduskclan · 8 months ago
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Chapter title is a reference to the Cats song yes
And here we meet Nightstar's mother and Duskstar's mate, Starlingblaze
Also, I wonder who that Pantherpelt is in the flashback 👀
I apologize for how long it's been between updates. But I'm really excited to get back into this story and share all the things I've worked on it.
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clangenrising · 10 months ago
Oof, Scorchplume IMMEDIATELY imparting her transactional worldview on Fogpaw, I see... I mean, I don't think she's entirely wrong, the leaders definitely want to present themselves a certain way and Greyvoice was definitely trying to get gossip, and it's good to be aware of those things, but if you choose to view the world only through that lens, you close yourself off completely to any deeper connections and become incapable (like Scorch) of understanding genuine kindness without selfish motivations. Like yeah, pull your apprentice away from Greyvoice who's being nosy (though probably mostly just for the sake of being nosy, not necessarily to use that information against Fogpaw), but lying about the reason so that Scorch will have the "advantage" next time seems a bit extreme. There's a balance to be struck between naivete and paranoia and I fear Scorch will never accept that, though its very easy to understand why she is the way she is. Viewing all of your interactions in terms of advantages and disadvantages is just. A really heartbreaking way to live and though Scorch is clearly trying to protect her, I hope that Fogpaw doesn't fall entirely into that mindset. Anyways great writing and I am SO curious to watch this apprenticeship evolve.
You can tell that Scorch is trying to help but that means she wants to teach Fogpaw all of her maladaptive coping mechanisms in an attempt to keep her safe. We can only hope that Fogpaw has more positive influences in her life that can temper that mindset.
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hinterland-clans · 1 year ago
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this has been sitting in my wips for a year... don't look at me lmao. anyways more info about each leader under the cut
Juniperstar (Juniperbreeze, she/her)- the founder of PineClan, Juniperstar was once a ShadowClan warrior in the Lake Territories. After her sister Torrentstar died, Juniper was asked to step up as leader. She never wanted to be leader, but worked hard to build a Clan to be proud of. Her leader mark is a grey tail-tip.
Duskstar (Duskshadow, he/him)- Duskstar was one of the first kits born in the new territory, and was named for his previous Clan. Duskstar was a proud, stoic cat, with strong fighting skills. It was under his leadership that PineClan fought a war against GlenClan over the Sunstones. His leader mark was white spots on his flank.
Bumblestar (Bumblebee, he/him) - Bumblebee was a former kittypet, and one of the kindest cats the Clans have ever known. He was boisterous, understanding, and wise. His leader mark was stripes down his tail.
Mothstar (Mothpelt, they/them)- Mothstar, while kind and thoughtful like their grandfather Bumblestar, was also exceedingly lazy. They generally let the Clan run itself, spending most of their time in the leader's den or the nursery with their mate. Most duties that would've fallen to them were instead passed to their deputy, Snowcoat. Their leader mark was brown ears.
Snowstar (Snowcoat, she/her)- Snowstar was a quiet, authoritative, and very formidable cat. Given high authority at a young age, she believes that rank and power is everything and impressed this upon her descendants. Her leader mark was grey under her eyes.
Dovestar (Dovecurl, she/her)- Once Snowstar's apprentice, Dovestar was a sweet but spineless cat who was easily ordered around by others. Her purpose as deputy was to be the more charming face to Snowstar's iron paw, and as leader, she became listless and uncertain with no one to follow. She eventually retired after making Snowstar's grandson Vinetangle deputy. Her leader mark was brown spots on her face.
Vinestar (Vinetangle, he/him)- Told from birth that he was destined to lead his Clan, Vinestar was an aggressive, forboding cat. His ideas of his family's right to power came from Snowstar, and was passed to his own descendants. He was killed in a formal challenge by Blackreed. His leader mark is sharp spirals on his face.
Rosestar (Roseblossom, she/her)- A shy, unsure, but determined cat, Rosestar was chosen by StarClan to lead PineClan after Vinestar died. She is supported by her mate and deputy Hollyfrost, and does her best to lead her clanmates as StarClan wills. Her leader mark is white petal-shaped spots on her back.
Driftstar (Driftrunner, she/they)- A confident, playful cat, Driftstar was chosen to become deputy because she would fight for her clan like no other. Having had her vocal cords damaged from a severe neck wound when she was an apprentice, Driftstar has an extremely quiet and raspy voice. She communicates with signals, and her deputy speaks for her at gatherings. Her leader mark is a dark tail-tip.
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nightmares-mogai · 2 years ago
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A gender under the genderstar system where ones gender is related to dusk and stars, dusk covered in stars, being a star of dusk, etc…
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A gender under the genderstar system where one’s gender is related to dawn and stars, dawn covered in stars, being a star of dawn, etc…
No image IDs; help appreciated.
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marineclan · 8 months ago
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Duskstar - Leader
Troublesome, good climber, good fighter
Bio below:
Was dragged out to sea as an apprentice. Was distant with family as an apprentice but became close with his parents as an adult. Particularly respects Otterwhistle for her fierce reputation as a warrior.
Dislikes his siblings, but tried to protect his reputation by taking on his brother Sandshade as an apprentice. He ended up participating very little in his training, to the point that neither of them knew anything about each other by the time Sandshade became a warrior. Duskfuzz would come to regret this after Sandshade's death at the paws of rogues, wondering if his personal attention would have made enough of a difference to save his brother's life.
With this is mind, he resolved to train his nephew, Birchpaw, personally when he became old enough. Although their relationship was still fairly distant, Duskfuzz was proud of his nephew's progress and took great joy in all of his successes.
As Midnightstar's health declined, Duskfuzz spent hours agonizing over the potential candidates to take his place as deputy when the time came. Finquiver was his closest friend, but he had never shown much promise as an authority figure. His next best option was Bluebird, a former rogue, who he knew he could at least with practical matters. But something nagged at him that his successor should be clanborn. They should have been raised with the clan's values and have deep roots in its history.
Duskfuzz had been keeping a close eye on Reefpelt, whose training coincided with Birchjay's. The tom was charismatic, and even took Birchjay as a mate shortly after their warrior ceremony. Such a display of mature commitment surprised Duskfuzz, as it was something he was never able to achieve himself. His only commitment had always been to the clan and Midnightstar. Reefpelt was young, and hadn't trained an apprentice yet, so Duskfuzz put the thought aside.
When Midnightstar was finally called upon by Starclan, Duskfuzz was stuck with three ill-fitting candidates and one saving grace: Three kits who were only a couple of moons away from their apprentice ceremonies. He knew at this point that Reefpelt was his best option, so he risked the trust of his clanmates by refusing to select a deputy until Finquiver had successfully trained his apprentice and Cherrysplinter's kits were old enough to be apprenticed.
Luckily, his clan understood the severity of the decision and were patient as they awaited the fates the three candidates. He was careful, and forbid them all from the more dangerous patrols to preserve the clan's leadership potential. When the time finally came for Cherrysplinter's kits to become apprentices, he wasted no time in assigning one of them to Reefpelt, and formally made him his deputy.
Finquiver is his best friend, and he became slightly jealous of Heavyfoot after the two became mates. He would later give his own name to one of their kits, Dawndusk.
Duskstar did his best to connect with his remaining family throughout the rest of the life, and gradually grew to rely on Reefpelt before it was time for him to pass on the leadership role and join Starclan.
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laurelclangen · 1 year ago
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genderqueertree · 2 years ago
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wips for them cause i wanted to not stare at the computer screen all day
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oriolepaw · 2 years ago
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The Royal Family
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lizardsongstar · 1 year ago
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ClawStar and DuskStar talking!
They normally dont get along... At all (ClawStar once took one of DuskStar lives or "Gifts" as i call them in this AU.) Its nice to have them talking :b
About the quote, while none of them born in the Stars (the word i use instedd of clan), they both have a kinda direct ancestry, their grandparents, both were exiled from the Stars and have kids outside the forest.
They are not related tho, because it kinda sound like they are, but they are not lmao
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hollowflight-propaganda · 1 year ago
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I spoke too soon about him never being on screen
Anyway, I hate him even more now. He's so arrogant about it, I'm gonna kick him. "Thanks to me and my AMAZING idea, leaders can do whatever the fuck they want forever!" You fucking doomed the clans if anyone with bad intentions becomes leader, which if memory serves correct, happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
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fledermaus-art · 2 years ago
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when your mentor doesn't pay attention to you for five seconds
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dawntilduskclan · 1 year ago
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Every morning the world is created. Under the orange sticks of the sun the heaped ashes of the night turn into leaves again
Mary Oliver Morning Poem
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Here is the prologue! I am so very excited to get to posting and sharing this story. Though to note, the prologue will be very much not like the rest of the comic. I decided to do a fully illustrated set of traditional pages to contrast with the half illustrated style the main comic will be drawn in.
The main character here is Duskwater/Duskstar. I'm sure he won't be important later :)
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dawngen · 2 years ago
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"Oh, StarClan..."
Darkstar's heart squeezed. While she knew Alderrustle had begun to speak often of preparing the clan for his inevitable departure as his joints ached more and more with every moon and his paws grew slower, she liked to pretend. Pretend that every clan member was immune to the inevitability of death. As time passed, she ignored the signs of Alderrustle's fading energy, and played make-believe that all was well.
"Did you leave to spare my feelings?" softly she asked to the unmoving bundle of fur. Just outside of camp, curled up in the roots of a maple tree, she could pretend that Alderrustle left to take a nap in the sunshine, enjoying the peace and quiet. With eyes shut and nose buried into his belly, he looked at peace.
Somehow, it made her heart ache that much more.
"Thank you for everything, Alderrustle." He had done so much for HillClan, and in spite of having every right to stay behind to attend to their fallen clan members who could not make the journey, he made the painful choice to move on. Even if those lost souls insisted they be left behind, so that others may live, it did not mean he suffered any less for it.
He had come not only to support their clan, but to give guidance to this new leader. With invaluable wisdom and StarClan's guiding paw helping him, this journey may have been impossible, and these past moons nowhere near as easy.
Even when knowing his time was coming, he still thought of others first, leaving camp to avoid having to make anyone suffer the grief of saving goodbye.
"But, as much as it would have hurt, I wish I could have been with you in your final moments," Darkstar whispered, and slowly sunk to the ground. Feeling like a kit again, she slowly shifted until she was nestled against Alderrustle's still-warm body. The sunshine soaking into his dappled ginger fur imitated life, and when she shut her eyes, she could pretend he was still there.
Just sleeping in the morning sun.
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