#because it would fit his personal mythos better
netherzon · 1 year
A summary of why I prefer Matthew being the older NA brother:
1. I liked the chapter where Hima explained why Matthew is older, personally. I think its a good chapter with some really sweet interactions between Matthew and Arthur and some fun goofs, so that’s a part of canon I’ve accepted in my interpretation of the characters
2. On that note, I can’t imagine Alfred ever insisting on being older after that. I know people like the “protective older sibling vibes” but to me that’s just not a distinction Alfred would care about? I think he’s a protective brother, and doesn’t really give a shit about if he should be younger or older to do that. It wouldn’t change anything to him, and with my opinion that Matthew would insist on being the older one because he does care, Alfred would just say “alright, whatever you want bro ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “ and continue doing what he was doing.
3 & 4 (sorry it was hard to explain them separately). I think the family drama is juicier that way honestly, also Matthew just gives me big sibling energy. Just something about Matthew not living up to the expectations that usually come with being the oldest sibling, trying your hardest to be the best you can be in the eyes of someone else while watching your little brother completely reject that and somehow ending up with basically everything in even less time. I honestly don’t imagine Alfred was a well behaved kid, not to Arthur’s standards for behavior at least, so I think Matthew, who pretty much embodies the idea of a “well behaved child” would’ve become a stark contrast. The way I see it is a lot of Alfred’s behavior that he might’ve gotten away with before would’ve suddenly become a “why can’t you be more like your brother?” thing with Arthur. This would’ve bothered Alfred a lot while simultaneously giving Matthew the feeling of being a kind of role model, being the mature one, and being mature is a sign that he’s older of course, and because he’s older he’s the one in line for the throne of course. He will be, if not more successful in the long run, than at least he’ll be successful first. He’s doing the right things the right way, and Alfred is obviously not because he hasn’t grown up yet. Then Alfred has his revolution, and then he wins, and then he takes over the family inheritance that should’ve gone to Matthew by convention, if convention was something Alfred had ever cared about, and that part of Alfred’s character just doesn’t have the same impact to me if he’s the oldest the entire time
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Monster Art History: The Wendigo
You may be wondering why the wendigo, which has become very popular in pop culture over the last 10 years or so, is usually depicted in Western sources with a deer head. This appears nowhere in Native American traditions, despite the creature having lots of folkloric variations. The association of the wendigo with deer is 100% Western, 100% modern, and has a long, weird history.
Just in case you need a primer, the windigo or witiko is a supernatural being from the Algonquin speaking nations of the eastern American continent. It appears as an emaciated figure, sometimes giant, sometimes covered in ice, sometimes both. In many stories, they have a literal heart of ice. Windigos are manifestations of cannibalism and winter, and hunt, kill and eat people. Someone who resorts to cannibalism to survive, or otherwise abandons their community for personal gain, will become one of them. A few stories tell of someone being “cured” and turned back into a human, but usually the only cure is to kill the monster. In the last several decades, native writers have  associated windigos with capitalism and deforestation as an extension of their selfishness. If you would like to know more about the properly Native windigo in context, I recommend Dangerous Spirits: The Windigo in Myth and History by Shawn Smallman.
The creature first came into horror fiction with Algernon Blackwood’s “The Wendigo”. Note the spelling, which would become the standard in horror, and generally in non-academic Western sources. In that story, it is not associated with cannibalism, but instead is a more generic “evil spirit of nature”. This wendigo stalks white people in the wilderness and turns a Native character into a new wendigo by seizing them and flying with them into the sky. This definitely better fits fears about non white people, fears about nature, and how the one is closer to the other than “civilized” people. Its description in the story is vague (the most we get is that it has burned its feet away by running into the sky). But when the story appeared in Weird Tales in the 1930s, Virgil Finlay illustrated it like this, the first antlered wendigo I know of.
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This story was ripped off by August Derleth, a prominent Weird author in the 1940s and the main popularizer of HP Lovecraft. In his Cthulhu Mythos stories, he introduces Ithaqua the Wind Walker, which is an alien version of Blackwood’s monster. This fits into Derleth’s vision of the gods and monsters of HP Lovecraft falling into the four classical elements, with Ithaqua being invented to represent Air. Ithaqua is usually depicted as an icy, emaciated giant, so ironically is one of the more accurate wendigos to Indigeonous beliefs in pop culture.
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Image from a recent French edition of Call of Cthulhu RPG, by Loic Muzy
In Pet Sematary, Stephen King uses a wendigo as the reason for why the titular cemetery is cursed. This is an update of the classic racist trope of the “Indian Burial Ground”, except this time what gets buried there comes back animalistic and evil. The racist implications of that are pretty apparent. This wendigo is seen briefly and has ram’s horns. It does not appear in the first film adaptation, but does in the more recent one... with deer horns instead, because those are trendy right now.
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A good scholarly look at the real windigo versus the 20th century horror wendigo is “The Appropriation of the Windigo Spirit in Horror Literature” by Kallie Hunchman.
In the 1980s, a movie called Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendigo was produced, but it wasn’t released until 1995 by Troma. From what I’ve read, it’s a pretty transparent ripoff of Evil Dead 2, with the characters being picked off in a haunted cabin with a zombie in the basement. The “twist” is that the origin of the horrors is a wendigo released by breaking a Christian demonology-style sacred circle. This wendigo is realized in stop motion animation, and has the most deer-like body yet.
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A number of other independent horror movies in the 90s and 2000s used wendigos as a plot element. These follow the Blackwood/King approach of having the wendigo being something evil, ancient and Native American, reflecting white anxieties about living on stolen land more than Native anxieties about cannibalism and greed. Wendigo (2001) has the creature sicced on a white family when they hit a deer with their car. The Last Winter (2006) posits that global warming and fossil fuel extraction have unleashed the ghosts of dead animals, which are wendigo apparently, to revenge themselves on mankind. Which approaches the idea that greed is wendigo sickness, but I don’t think intentionally as a reference to modern Native literature. The “wendigo” in this movie are spectral moose and caribou.
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The mainstream breakthrough of the deer-headed wendigo was in, appropriately enough for this blog, Pathfinder RPG. In “Spires of Xin-Shalast”, the last volume of Rise of the Runelords published in 2008, a wendigo is a major encounter. I suspect that either the author (Greg A. Vaughn), or one of the editorial staff had seen Frostbiter, as the setup involves a cabin haunted by dwarven cannibal ghosts who all killed and ate each other due to a wendigo’s influence. This wendigo is a hybrid of the Blackwood and Cree versions in terms of its MO: it is a cannibal ice spirit that wants to make more cannibals, and does so by abducting people and running off into the sky with them. Its design is the standard for what most Western artists depict wendigos as these days: an emaciated humanoid with the head and antlers of a deer (and the burned off feet of Algernon Blackwood, which are less common):
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Image by Tyler Walpole, © Paizo Publishing
This wendigo definitely made a splash at the time; it was the first time I remember seeing a deer-headed wendigo, and art of that design started to become common. It pushed away previous wendigo depictions, which were typically werewolves (as French Canadian trappers had blended the concept with their own loup-garou, and Werewolf the Apocalypse had a whole faction of racist Native American “wendigos”) or shaggy and ape like (based more on the look of the Marvel Comics villain). 
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What turned wendigos from “folklore/horror monster” to “fandom blorbo” was Hannibal, which first aired in 2013. In that series, the first murder is a woman’s body impaled on a stag’s head, after which protagonist Will Graham has visions of a black stag, and a man with the antlers of a stag, representing murder, evil, and of course the cannibalistic murderer Hannibal Lecter.
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Since Hannibal was super popular with the shipping fandom set, wendigo themed characters became popular in its wake, creating a wholly new way to culturally appropriate the wendigo. This was magnified by Over the Garden Wall, which came out in 2014, and its villain The Beast. The Beast is never called a wendigo, but is an antlered giant associated with winter, and so is commonly head-canoned as a wendigo and associated with them in fandom circles.
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Which gets us to the modern day, where teenagers have misunderstood wendigo OCs, any character with antlers can be called a wendigo on the internet, and actual First Nations people with an actual cultural connection to the legend wish that people would just knock it off.
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
Honestly I would prefer if Liege Maximo was the "first Decepticon" rather than the Fallen as it usually is. I think he is a better fit for the role, one of his siblings can call him "the first Decepticon" as an insult and him taking it as a point of pride.
Same here, especially since in some canon lore Liege is known the most evil Prime or Prima's true enemy, and has a lot of traits from Loki of Nordic mythos, who's a trickster god.
Either one of the brothers is a sore loser to rewrite things, or something is up 🤔
Plus, it makes a way more interesting dynamic between Leige Maximo as the Prime of Stories/Lies and Prima as the Prime of Light.
Granted, it's based on a lot of personal tf headcanons, but there's something more captivating to me to see two mythic figures go at each other because of their opposing outlooks. Prima is the Eldest and Firstborn, so he would have an extremely set view on how to guide the newborn mortals (the divine light of Prima shining down upom them) compared to Liege, who actively works among so many of them (the quicksilver storyteller with golden horns near a campfire or within the Great Halls). Think of it as an authoritarian parent versus an authoritative parent.
Prima, in the end, still rules by divine right and might. Unlike Liege, whose Domains are centered on connectivity on a personal level, Prima can stand on his own.
If anything, I think of Liege as a major architect (but not the only one) for the Thirteen Primes' downfall as an ode to Loki's role with Ragnarok. Fitting for Prime of Stories because all stories must end.
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yersina · 1 year
concept: buddie supernatural au (the mythos. not the show.)
buck is like the werewolf coded character ever, so ofc that's what he is. he's a werewolf who grew up in a family of werewolves who never made him feel like part of a pack, so he’s trying so desperately to seek connection wherever he can get it. (no, that’s not right—maddie was always pack to him, but then she left with that vampire doug. she always smells a bit like blood now in a way that rubs him wrong, but she’s still staunchly, if tiredly, loyal whenever he nudges her about it, and it hurts to have the reminder that at the end of the day, he’s not her first choice. she’s still pack, she’ll always be pack, but there’s something broken and frayed there now that buck can’t poke at without wanting to break down, so he doesn’t.)
“you go, i go,” connor says, and buck hears pack, so he tags along.
“no man left behind,” the recruiter tells him, and buck hears pack, so he signs himself up for training.
“welcome to the 118,” bobby tells him, and buck still hears pack, but he’s long past trusting his ears.
but things get better. they get worse, first—he’s reminded that humans always find it easier to break bonds than werewolves—but then he’s hired again and saving lives and part of the team. and he has abby, who smells a bit like sickness and a lot like worry the first time he actually meets her, but she has a smile like the moon and always, always picks up the phone when he calls her.
(and then abby goes to europe, and she stops picking up the phone as often. buck doesn’t think of it as leaving him. he doesn’t. he doesn’t.)
the day that eddie shows up and buck catches a whiff of his scent, he’s... confused. the guy absolutely reeks of the sea, in a way that makes no sense if he's telling the truth about being in the army for several years before this. he should smell like sand and gunpowder, but instead buck is reminded of walks along the beach, and with a faint hint of fur and fish, too.
and then he sees the leather jacket that eddie hangs up in his locker.
“damn, this looks like high quality if i’ve ever seen it,” hen says, eyebrows raised, and they practically leap off her face when she catches both of them stiffening when she reaches for it. “oookay. i’ll just. go over there?”
“you brought it with you?” buck hisses at eddie when she’s out of earshot.
“you know what it is?” eddie narrows his eyes. “werewolf? vampire? fairy?” he sniffs the air and then snorts. “werewolf. got it.”
“don’t you have like a—like a box or something to keep it in for safekeeping? a safe?” literally anywhere other than the fire house.
“why don’t you leave my personal belongings to me?” eddie slams his locker door shut. “and the lockbox thing is a stereotype.”
but then they pull a grenade from a man’s leg and they work in a kind of harmony that buck’s never felt before with anyone else on the team, the kind that makes his blood sing and howl in his veins, and eddie says “you can have my back any day” and buck, despite everything, still hears pack.
eddie keeps his seal skin with him because he’s had it stolen once. or—stolen is a strong word, it would never hold up in any human court, but instinct doesn't care about semantics, and he’d ended up married anyway. so he always keeps it with him, he always knows where it is, and if he can’t fit it on under or over whatever uniform he's wearing at the time, it’s going in his locker and right back on his person at the end of his shift.
buck still gives him weird looks for it from time to time, like he can’t quite believe that eddie’s willing to take his coat with him outside of his house at all, but he quickly accepts it as the status quo and at least stops questioning him about it. besides, it’s not as if buck’s completely innocent on the supernatural front either. eddie’s never seen any other werewolf take a work shift on a full moon, and even though buck practically vibrates through his shift, he makes it through the night without so much as a five o’clock shadow.
“skipped your pack run?” he asks when they’re all changing back into their civvies. he instantly regrets the question when buck’s shoulders hitch up around his ears in the very picture of uncomfortable.
“i, uh. i have you guys,” buck says with a painful looking smile. shit. “i’ll see you on wednesday, man.”
“buck—” and he’s gone.
he doesn’t even get the chance to work up the courage to ask what that was all about because shannon. shannon.
there’s a lot of anger and betrayal and misunderstanding tangled up in their relationship, but there’s love there still, too. and christopher. always christopher. but then he lets it slip that she’s back in his life now, and buck—
“you're fucking with me, right?” buck’s voice is so flat that it doesn’t even sound like a question.
eddie sighs. “buck—”
“she’s the one who took your coat, right? that’s why you married her? why you had to marry her?”
“buck, it’s not that simple—”
“and now you let her back in, easy as that? you're not even a little bit mad?”
“of course i’m mad!” eddie yells. buck flinches. “but i left her too. it’s complicated, buck.”
despite all the jokes that the rest of the 118 make about buck and his golden retriever, frat boy energy, he’s always been good at thinking on his feet and memorizing facts and putting the pieces of a mystery together. “she gave you back your coat,” he says slowly, like he’s turning the idea over in his mind while he says it. “that’s why you enlisted. you were running. you were free.” eddie doesn’t deny it fast enough. “eddie.”
“like i said. it’s complicated.”
buck shakes his head slowly, eyes wide and wary like eddie’s a stranger that he’s never seen before. “doesn't sound complicated to me.”
the bell rings. eddie’s never been so grateful for a three-alarm fire in his life.
see, the thing is, everything buck is saying is true. shannon is the one who ended up with his coat. eddie did enlist after she gave his coat back. but that ignores everything before and after and in-between. shannon didn’t purposefully take his coat or hide it from him either, and she’d given it back when eddie had been forced to explain when chris would be born with his own coat. and despite everything, despite the fact that he knew he loved her, knew he loved chris—he still chose to leave. he thought he’d been sending a message when he’d chosen something with a built-in return date, a quiet ‘i’ll be back eventually, i promise’ but apparently not.
like he said—it’s complicated.
the universe decides to take that as a challenge, as it always does. shannon, the tsunami, the lawsuit—it’s all so much, all the time, and eddie doesn’t really tune back in to the world until he’s trapped forty feet below the ground, surrounded by water and missing his goddamn coat.
“really?” he asks the muddy tomb around him. “now?”
but the water is an old friend, as always, and he’s much less likely to die of hypothermia or shock from the cold than the average human, so he grits his teeth and dives below the surface. when he crawls his way back to his team, it’s buck that greets him first, pulling him into a hug that’d be painfully tight to a human and smelling of wet fur and tears. “i wasn’t sure you—i knew you’d survive the water, but all the mud on top of you—”
“i’m here,” eddie says, because what else can he say? “i made it.”
he gets bundled up in a blanket and carted off to a paramedic to get checked out, but he doesn’t forget the way buck’s shoulders shook against his own.
eddie gets shot and buck falls to fucking pieces because that’s his p—that’s his fucking best friend and now buck knows what his blood feels like on his hands and in his mouth. and he follows eddie all the way to the hospital, all the way to the double doors that he’s never been allowed past, before he remembers—
so he stays with eddie’s kid, takes care of him like he’s his own—like eddie would take care of him—and tries not to break down with every lungful of eddieandchris scented air that he takes in their house.
when buck gets that call from ana, he throws himself into action, tugging on a jacket with one hand and juggling his phone with the other so he can make sure that christopher will be safe at home with carla while he rushes to the hospital. to eddie.
ana’s presence hardly registers when he bursts into that hospital room and sees eddie on the bed. his scent is weak and laced with the smell of disinfectant and chemicals but his smile is still warm and alive and oh, buck missed him.
“h-hey,” buck stammers, pulling up short next to the bed. he’s not sure if he should or even can pick up eddie’s hand. can he touch? will eddie break? “i—i made sure that no one touched your stuff at the firehouse, your coat’s still safe, i promise, and—and chris is at home, i’ve been staying with him, making sure that he’s okay—did you know he’s been doing a good job in science class?—and i told carla to wait for a video call maybe, if you’re up to it, so—”
“buck.” and then all of the words spilling from his mouth come to a trembling halt when eddie puts a hand on his arm. “hey. breathe.” buck sucks in a reedy breath. “everything you did was perfect. thank you.”
buck’s exhale shakes. “yeah?”
the smile that eddie gives him could rival the sun in its warmth. “yeah.”
and then later, after eddie’s been discharged—
“you’re not expendable,” eddie says. “if i die, i want you to take care of christopher,” eddie says. buck’s blood is roaring in his ears.
all he hears is he’s yours too.
“eddie,” he chokes out. he dives for eddie, burrowing into his surprised embrace and wishing he could wrap his furry body around eddie and smother him with licks and kisses because human comfort just doesn’t compare sometimes. instead, he settles for tucking eddie’s face into the curve of his neck, right where buck’s the most vulnerable.
it’s not the same, he chants to himself, it doesn’t mean the same thing to him as it does to you, but that doesn’t matter over the triumphant roar of PACK in his veins. packs share pups. that’s the whole point of packs—so the children can grow up safely, surrounded by family. and eddie just gave him his.
he would’ve taken care of chris without the confirmation—already has been, really—but it feels entirely different to have the words out in the open, to know that eddie feels the same way. mine, he thinks with vicious satisfaction and something that feels a little too similar to relief, twisting his fingers tighter into eddie’s shirt. mine mine mine mine mine.
“thank you,” he whispers into eddie’s collarbone. “this means. uh. a lot. thank you.”
“hey.” buck can feel eddie’s confusion in the way his body doesn’t quite know whether to lean in or not, but it doesn’t make his voice any less warm. “i’m just making it official, yknow? i want someone who’d fight for him as hard as i would. and i know that’s you. it’s been you.”
“mhm.” buck’s hardly listening anymore. he just curls up and lets himself breathe out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. i’ve found them, he thinks. the missing pieces to my puzzle.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Percy,Miles and Jason are very important to me as the 'los tres amigos' trope because it's exactly a dynamic that fits and benefits all three of them
Miles is a soft sunshine boy who's clearly trans and autistic and a troubled kid so Percy would date adopt him as her little brother within three days TOPS of knowing him like she does every other character like that she meets in canon and Jason and her are the perfect setup for her classic enemies to frenemies due to being forced to work together to ride or die best friends she had with Thalia,Clarisse,Zoe and more and Miles is so sweet but has the same mouth running she does and Jason shares it too but he's got the same mean attitude she does so it's a perfect balance and she's got nothing to do with Bruce because they met straight after Utrh as a metaphor for Jason letting Bruce go for people he actually needs and wants and she ends up being part kryptonian because of old Jackson interdimensional shenanigans so Clark's her new dad instead of Poseidon's deadbeat ass and she can actually enjoy the revelation after processing it because it's a Sally thing
Miles never gets included in crossovers despite his whole franchise being about interdimensional hoping and making platonic soulmates along the way and the most recent installment having him break canon word for word because he knows better and i think we all know WHY the DC fandom obsessively ignores him despite their famous motto and why him and Percy have zero content together despite all their parallels but as someone who's read everything Jason's in and watched and played most of his adaptions and games,i know for a fact he's the only male superhero Jason would instantly like and that Miles would be fond of him back and there's good angst and darker storylines potential with Jason not outright telling him what he does for a living and the leadup and aftermath to the reveal and Percy being willing to kill too from the start makes things all the more interesting and on a lighter note,they'd give him special treatment 24/7 and initially only stick to eachother for his sake and their influence makes him tougher and more self-confident and he gets a Blue Lantern ring and Apollo's Blessing out of pure awe at his sheer artistic talent and love for his craft
And Jason gets an actual legit canon team,something DC has NEVER given him the grace of and yeah that's a pun but fr his and Artemis' dynamic and her lore remixes are literally the only good thing to come out Rhato.Instead of the Roy and Kory fuckery,Jason gets Miles,who he genuinely likes as a person and loves hanging out with and he fumbles sometimes but is good older brother at the end of the day and Miles makes him be good again without even trying just like he does pretty much everybody he interacts with that's got some fucked up shit going on and Percy,who's allowed to be not just a female lead but a trans woman one and is on equal grounds with him because again,he actually likes who she is and loves spending time with her inspite of their bickering and Miles and Percy get powerUPS instead of powerDOWNED and are allowed to be just as their own as him instead of walking talking props that aren't even good for him,much less him them.Also,Spider Mutant Jason that ended up that way because of constant exposure to Miles' spiderperson dna + Lazarus Pit dna + Middle name is deadass 'Peter' and he learns how to make special greek mythos items for backup
It's such a random ass crossover on the surface but there's a reason it's and they're called The Anomalies!!!They're supposed to be weird,not fuckass sanatized fandom tropes,they're supposed to find home in eachother,they're supposed to be stories told in the form of characters and sick as fuck powers and layered jokes and wholesome cheesiness that feels genuine because it IS genuine on my part and everybody else i've gotten into it has the same feelings on them i do!!!!Call me Odysseus the way i care them so much🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾
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Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (7) | s.r
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Stark!Reader, Tony Stark x Stark!Reader (siblings), Bucky Barnes x Stark!Reader (future)
Genre: Angsty city babyy!
Summary: The Avengers have a reunion... in Germany... at the airport... with a few new members.
(These scenes incorporate y/n, codename—Static, into the pre-existing story as a character without making drastic changes to the plot or mythos. All the major plot points from the MCU remain in place with the addition of the reader as Static, who is not only a Stark but also enhanced. Whatever events from the canon aren’t mentioned, take place without much change.)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Past Trauma, Canon Typical Violence
a/n: this was so hard to write wtf?
Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (6) | Captain America: Civil War ft. Static (8) | Series Masterlist | Age of Ultron (Static Origin Story) | The Avengers (ft. Static) | Captain America: The Winter Soldier (ft. Static) | Static Verse Masterlist
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As soon as she and Steve have the grounded chopper in sight, An electro-disabler slams onto the chopper, frying the systems and rendering it useless. Steve and Y/n look up. 
She watches with burning annoyance as Tony and Rhodey descend.
“Wow!” Tony fakes surprise looking at Rhodey, “It's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?”
“Definitely weird,” Rhodey answers.
“Hear me out, Tony,” Steve pleads. It almost seems genuine. “That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.”
T'Challa leaps over a truck, “Captain.” 
“Your Highness,” Steve replies.
“Anyway” Tony begins, as he walks around, “Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?”
“You're after the wrong guy.”
“Your judgment is askew.” She’s seldom seen her brother this fucking furious, but then again, maybe it’s cause it’s Steve.  “Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.”
“And there are five more super soldiers just like him,” Steve argues. “I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.”
And then, 
“Steve—you know what's about to happen,” Natasha chimes in joining the growing confrontation. “Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?”
No one’s addressed her since this entire thing—
“Why are you being so uncharacteristically fucking quiet!?” Tony screams at her.
Taken aback a bit, she straightens up. “What’s left to say?”
“Are you seriously going along with this? You know how this ends, way better than him,” Natasha tries to reason with her.
She shrugs. “I don’t—Frankly, I don’t care about any of this. I just want to go home.” She says it simple and sweet. Because it’s true. She understands that there is a threat looming but she’s sure Steve can handle it. If you asked her two weeks ago, she would have been enthusiastic about the whole thing, a mission to take down the last vestiges of HYDRA, of her nightmare—what’s not to love? 
But that was then and this is now, and now she has to fight her way through her friends to fight with some villain and that just—call her selfish but that just seems unnecessarily tedious. She just wants this all to be over. Part of her wishes things could just go back to that party at the Tower before Ultron attacked. Everything was… It was all so easy then. She misses it.
“Then let’s go home!” Tony urges.
And all she can do is let out a laugh in disbelief. “I said I wanna go home… Not a fucking prison cell.” 
Tony clenches his jaw. “ All right, I've run out of patience.” He cups his hands around his mouth and yells out, “Underoos!”
And suddenly, there is liquid spilling out onto tying up her and Steve’s hands. A person in tight fitted red and blue suit flips over and snatches the shield. He lands on top of a truck, joining the ensemble.
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FUCK TONY! She thinks. What did you do?
“Nice job, kid,” Tony compliments with a smile.
“Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit—Wait! It's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's--it's perfect. Thank you.”
“Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation,” Tony comments.
“Okay. Cap… Captain,” Spider-Man nods. “Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.” If he weren’t wearing a mask, Y/n is sure he’d be smiling.
“Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just—” He waves his hands dismissively. “—Good job.”
“Hey, everyone,” Spider-Man greets.
“You've been busy.” Steve notes, there is a blatant hint of disapproval in his words.
“And you’ve been a complete idiot!” Tony counters, pissed. “Dragging in Clint. ‘Rescuing’ Wanda from a place she doesn’t even want to leave—a safe space.”
“How are you any fucking different, Stark?!” Y/n bites back. She’s pissed too. If she hasn’t made it clear yet, she would like for it to be put on record that she is outraged, beyond outraged that she has to fight the tiny little family she has been able to piece together over something as heinous as her fear of being imprisoned again. She hates every second of it but this?
This is a new level of stupid on Tony’s part.
“What the fuck were you thinking? Why would you bring him here?” She asks, pointing at Spider-Man. She’s well aware of who he is. It is her job to know. Which means she knows, that he’s just a fucking kid!
Y/n is about to blow a fucking gasket.
Tony just runs a hand over his face, looking exhausted. “I did what I had to do. You’re not giving me a lot of options here.”
“Fuck off, Tony!” She throws back because that is nowhere near a valid excuse to bring the kid into this. 
“I'm trying to keep—” He sighs. “I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart,” Tony urges.
“You did that when you signed,” Steve answers. 
That might be the only thing that she and Steve agree on.
“Alright, We're done,” Tony announces. “You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys—with no compunction about being impolite.” He pauses for a second, and then a final plea, “Come on.”. 
Sam’s voice rings out over the comms, “We found it. Their Quinjet’s in hanger five, north runway.”
Instantly both she and Steve hold their hands up and Clint shoots the web off.
Tony’s helmet goes up as he turns to look at the source of the arrow.
“Alright, Lang,” Steve signals Lang to get to it.
And Lang does not disappoint. 
“Hey, guys, something—” Spider-Man is cut off by Lang sizing back up from Cap’s shield and retrieving it.
“Whoa. What--what the hell was that?” Rhodey asks aloud, confused as fuck.
Lang hands the shield back to Steve, “I believe this is yours, Captain America.”
“Oh, great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her.” Tony announces all their locations. “Rhodey, you want to take Cap?” He asks before flying off.
“Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes,” Rhodey calls out, as he begins to take flight.
Steve launches his shield, aiming for the chest of Rhodey’s suit, temporarily incapacitating him. 
“Barnes is mine!” T’Challa runs off and Steve swiftly follows behind.
Spider-Man swings away upon receiving whatever order he receives from Tony.
“I’m gonna—” Lang points over to Rhodey, to which Y/n just nods in response.
“Guess that just leaves you and me,” Natasha notes.
Y/n smiles a little, “In any other circumstance I would’ve enjoyed that more.”
Natasha smiles too, before she lunges at her. 
Y/n easily dodges every attack that Natasha throws at her. Nat’s trained. She’s amazing, agile and utterly formidable… But Y/n is better. Looking at her, it’s easy to forget that while she’s damn near ancient at this point. But she is. She has done this a lot longer than any other member of her team.
“You’re not fighting me,” Natasha notes.
Dodging another punch, “I don’t want to,” Y/n answers.
“How do you plan on fixing this?” She asks.
Taking a step back, with furrowed brows, “Why am I supposed to solve it?”
“Well, it was supposed to be us—you and I, together. But then you decided to leave with Steve.” Natasha counters. Her attacks are getting more intrusive, it’s taking a lot more work to dodge them.
“I left cause of Sergant Barnes, Steve cannot handle him alone and you know it,” Y/n reasoned.
“And you can?” 
“I’m not alone, am I?” Y/n’s getting a little annoyed.
“That doesn’t feel like a betrayal at all,” Natasha bites back, kicking her hard in the side.
“Fuck!” Y/n curses. Clicking her tongue, she swallows a groan while holding her side. “Yeah, like you didn’t fucking betray me signing that goddamn document.”
“These boys are demarcating the playground, claiming a side of their own.” Natasha lands another blow on her chest, making her stumble back sputtering. “They can’t clean up after themselves. They are too headstrong, too naive to see sense. We have to fix this!”
Y/n has had enough. When Natasha carges at her again, she stops her. Blocking with one hand, she knees Nat in the side. “It’s not my fucking responsibility!” Pushing her back, she counters Nat’s attacks easily. “I never wanted to be a part of this shit show. I didn’t want it then, I don’t want it now. This is not my fucking mess!” Y/n throws a punch. ”I just want to go home.”
Natasha blocks her. And then… then she fucking smiles.
It’s not a cunning one. It’s not mocking either. It’s something like sympathy. 
“You’re fighting me,” Natasha notes. And belatedly, Y/n realises, that yeah… yeah she is. “You’re always going to be a better fighter than me, Y/n. But this,” she taps at Y/n’s chest, right above her heart, “you let this loose way too easily. You make it too damn easy for me to do this.” Natasha manouvers herself around Y/n and pins her to the floor, trapped between fucking her legs. Fuck me, Y/n thinks. With a crippling elbow punch to the gut, Natasha gets up on her feet, leaving Y/n coughing on the floor.
“Just say what you want to say,” Y/n asks from where she’s lying flat on her ass.
“You cannot keep claiming Switzerland. You don’t want to pick a side? Don’t. Be on your own side, but don’t keep pretending to be uninvolved. Look around you, Y/n… you already are involved.”
With that, Natasha is off too, leaving Y/n to gather up her leftover dignity.
The fight, or well should she call it the fights—cause there are multiple—the fights continue. Vision enters the arena and draws a literal line in the sand. 
“Captain Rogers,” he says, levitating above them, “I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.”
As politely as it’s worded, it still remains a warning. Warning Steve to stop, but come on. Has that ever fucking worked with Steve ‘Bullheaded’ Rogers? 
Both teams charge at each other and Y/n just hates all of it. It feels absurd to fight against the people she has fought shoulder to shoulder, but in the moment, it feels like she just doesn’t have a choice… Does she?
She loses track of everyone she faces off, but rest assured it’s everyone but the Spider-Man. She tries her best to avoid using her powers, bringing up her armour only as defence. The powers—her attacks are meant to harm. These aren’t the people she would ever wish harm upon.
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Eventually she stumbles upon Spider-Man, barely holding up what once must have been a gangway. Manifesting the armour onto her arms and then curling her hand around the hilt of her sword as it’s forming into existence from her dimension, she glitches in just above him and free falls to the ground, cutting the whole thing down.
She lands on her knee. 
“Miss Stark!” Spider-Man yells out in excitement, dropping the halved gangway with ease. “It is so great to meet you! I am a huge fan, especially of your—”
She cuts him off, her sword disassembling out of existence, “Who did that?” she asks, pointing at the completely unrecognizable gangway.
“Captain America,” he answers easily. “Aren’t you on his team?”
“I don’t know which fucking team I’m on!” Y/n answers, throwing her arms up in utter frustration. 
The kid for his part remains calm, giving her a moment to compose herself again. 
Sighing, she looks up at him, “Do you make it a habit of willing following men dressed like stop signs to Germany, or is this one off thing?”
“Mr. Stark said he needed help… How could I say no?” 
There so much fucking ernestness in his words it burns Y/n from within.
“Go home, kid,” she tells him. “Tony—he…” She shakes her head. “All this is way too bigger than you…”
“I can handle it,” he replies, sounding almost desperate. 
“I don’t doubt it,” She answers, because she doesn’t. “But you’re better at being the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man.” With that she begins to walk away.
The kid, however, has other ideas. He shoots a web at her and instantly her sword manifests once again, cutting it down before it can stick to her. “Don’t be dumb, kid,” she scolds gently, glitching a few meters away. “Go home!” She yells out and glitches out of his sight.
As it goes on, at some point, a realization strikes them all.
“We gotta go,” Barnes’ voice rings out over the comms. She’s not sure she’ll ever get used to having that voice in her ear speaking anything but crude monosyllabic words in German. “That guy's probably in Siberia by now.”
“We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Tony. You get to the jet,” Steve replies. “Y/n, think you can take on Vision?”
“You bet you star-spangled ass—” She’s cut off before she can verbally assault Steve for questioning her at all.
“No, you get to the jet! All three of you!” Sam reasons, sounding a little strained. When she spots him in the air, Rhodey hot on his trail. “The rest of us aren't getting out of here.”
She wants to cut in, but before she gets the chance to, T’Challa throat punches her, pissing her off. Her focus shifts to handling the King of Wakanda.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it,” Clint chimes in.
“This isn't the real fight, Steve,” Sam urges softly.
“Alright, Sam,” Steve acquieces. “What's the play?”
“We need a diversion, something big,” Sam says.
“I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long,” Scott answers instantly over the comms. “On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half—don't come back for me.”
“He's gonna tear himself in half?” Barnes questions, sounding just as confused as she feels.
“You're sure about this, Scott?” Steve asks him.
“I do it all the time. I mean once…in a lab,” Scott answers.
“And then what happened?” Y/n asks, finally being able to find her voice, having pinned T’Challa on the ground with her thighs roped around his neck.
“Then I passed out,” Scott answers.
“Awesome,” Y/n remarks before, T’Challa lands a blow on her side, making her losen her grip. Both are quickly on their feet again. 
“You’ve gotten better, your majesty,” She tells him. T’Challa has always been a great fighter—trained by the Dora Malaje, of course she expects no less. “It feels like it was yesterday when I saw your father teaching you how to wield a staff.”
He charges at her with so much anger. “How dare you talk about my father when you choose to protect his murder!”
“T’Challa—” She tries but he’s not in a listening mood. He’s in an attacking mood; he keeps coming at her relentlessly. She dodges every strike.
“After all the kindness he showed you, you protect Barnes!? You are a traitor!”
“He didn’t kill your father, T’Challa! You have to know that,” Y/n tries to reason but clearly it has no affect. In the end she realizes she is not left with much of a choice. 
Before she can react on her realization, however, Scott fucking Lang decides to grow to the size of fucking building. 
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“Mother of whore-loving motherfucker,” Y/n is damn near astounded.
“I guess that’s the signal,” Sam’s voice comes in from the comms.
As soon as the shock fades, T’Challa charges at her again and she does the same. Running at him, she uses the momentum kneeing him in the chest. He stumbles back a little, she takes that moment to kick him in the back of calve, disbalancing him to make him fall and as he falls, she strikes him in the chest. 
With that, she glitches away.
“Y/n, you coming?” Steve asks over the comms.
“I don’t know,” she answers honestly, spotting Vision who’s eyes are set on Steve and Bucky who are running towards the quinjet.
She’s glitching in and out. Popping out of her dimension to attack Vision and then popping back in to stop herself from falling. It’s a fucking taxing thing, fighting an super-enhanced android with weird magic powers in the air, especially when you can’t fly.
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Sam asks her on the radio.
“It means I’m fucking thinking about it!” She bites back.
“What’s there to think about?” Clink asks.
“I don’t know!” She glitches into her dimension. “Fuck” She says to herself, then glitches out. “Something about my responsibility in all this—I don’t fucking know!”
And then Vision decides to shoot a beam at her with the mindstone. Her armour deflects but the force throws her to the ground. 
The fall hurts, it aches. It makes her ache in places she hasn’t ached since HYDRA had her. It’s all very fucking meloncholy if you ask her. So, you cannot blame her when she lies on her ass for a couple seconds, trying to recuperate. 
Meanwhile, Vision uses his beam to cut the control tower in half. It begins to collapse over the entrance to the hanger the quinjet is in. Wanda tries to hold off the debris from crumbling to the ground, keeping the way clear for Steve and Barnes who are fast approaching on foot. However, Rhodey intervenes, blasting her with a sonic boom, making her loose control. 
All of that is for naught, though, because Steve and Bucky do make it in. 
“Need a hand?” A gold-titanium allow hand, painted bright red is extended to her.
She takes the hand, letting it help her stand on her feet. “Thanks,” she tells him. “Shouldn’t you be spending this time stopping them?” She asks, pointing at the scene unfolding behind them.
“I’m trying to stop you,” Tony says evenly. And then, before she can even tell him she’s not sure if he needs to, if what she really wants to do is stick around and fix it—she doesn’t know how exactly but she wants to try, if any of this is necessary, she hears a sound. It’s a sound that has become almost ambient to her, a sound that used to bring her comfort, a sound that used to mean there was someone watching her back—the sound of Tony’s repulsors being activated. 
She feels the hit before he even aims for it.
“Don’t make me stop you, Stark,” Tony says sofly, his eyes are welling up but so are hers. She has categorically avoided him the entire time, knowing full well that faced with him, she’d just surrender and find a way to escape at a later point. But this… This fucking hurts.
It burns her. It burns her from within. 
The man doesn’t even have to take the shot to make her bleed. 
But his arms come up to aim the repulsors at her anyway.
“Really?” She asks him.
“I don’t want to do this,” he begs.
It doesn’t matter though, it doesn’t fucking matter because he is doing it. He’s aiming at her. Her baby brother is aiming his weapons at her, hesitantly but he’s aiming nonetheless. It fucking breaks her her. 
Her hands clench into fists. A tear escapes her eyes. And a single word slips out of her lips “Traitor.” 
She glitches away. 
When she glitches out, she’s facing Natasha. 
As their eyes meet, Natasha fires a widow bite from her wrist. Y/n waits for the hit but it never comes, turning back she met with T’Challa, who’s being incapacitated by the low voltage shocks from the widow bite.
“Oh,” Y/n notes, turning back at Natasha.
Her brows forrow at that reaction. “What?” When all Y/n does is point at T’Challa behind him, Nat continues, “What are you waiting for? Go!” 
“I—I’m not going…” she answers, dumbly. “I came here to stop you from stopping—” her eyes fly to Barnes and Steve who are already inside the jet. “—them…”
“Not going?” Natasha asks, with a smile.
Clenching her jaw, Y/n replies, “Not yet.”
Natasha just nods at her.
As the two super soldiers take off, T’Challa frees himself and tries to grab onto the jet but fails inevitably, landing easily on the ground.
He comes to face Natasha and even with the mask on Y/n can practically see how pissed off he is.
“I said I'd help you find him, not catch him. There's a difference,” Natasha tells him with a somewhat false sense of confidence, knowing very well herself that she’s lying. 
This is awkward, is all Y/n can think as she stands between the two of them.
As the three of them make their way out, she watches as Lang is going down in all his (Gi)Ant-Man might, Spider-Man’s webbing tied around his legs. Tony and Rhodey punch him out of the sky and Y/n can see the last vestiges of her ‘side’ crumbling.
In front of her, a few meters ahead, Vision has Wanda in her grasp, holding onto her and protecting her gently. 
While the jet flies off, Rhodey and Tony both take off after it, Sam is hot on their trails. Either of the two iron-men must call out an order because then Vision looks up at them in the sky. He uses the mind stone again, shooting off a beam. She’s sure it’s meant for Sam, but he folds away his wings, dropping altitude so the beam misses him entire, hitting Rhodey instead.
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For the next minute or so, everything happens in slow-motion. 
Rhodey begins to fall. He begins falling from the sky.
Her confusion over his inaction only lasts a second but the moment its clear that the beam hit Rhodey’s core, shutting the suit down, Y/n runs into action. 
She begins glitching in and out, trying to get higher and closer to Rhodey, coming out only to calculate how much farther he is from her reach.
Glitch, need to be higher.
Glitch, need to be closer.
Glitch, need to be further.
Glitch, need to be faster.
She can reach him. She’s sure.
But the ground is creeping in and Rhodey’s been falling for way too long.
She needs to slow his speed or he’ll—
No time to think. 
No time for anything but action.
The next time she glitches out, she grabs Rhodey.
“Y/n!” He yells out, afraid and lost.
“I got you,” she tells him. “I got you, Rhodey.”
She glitches him into her dimension, trying to decrease his speed. 
It’s not easy. 
Fuck it’s damn near impossible for her. 
She’s not good enough.
Especially not good enough at controlling her dimension when he’s been freefalling from the sky, in an impeccably heavy suit of weapons, and machine and metal. He’d been falling too long, with too much weight.
She holds onto him, making her dimension denser, not enough but still, denser. 
Manouvering herself under him, she extends her armour from her arms to span across her back. If she can’t slow him to a halt, she can cushion his fall.
When they glitch out of the dimension, the change in force hits them hard, slowing them down a little bit more. But the wind does not cooperate. The wind is a fucking bitch. Y/n cannot completely sustain the suits weight on her, but she tries her best.
As they brace themselves for what will undoubtedly be a rough fucking landing, the last thing she sees is Tony flying towards them.
They crash. 
The impact creates a fucking pit in the ground.
Before she can try helpless to move Rhodey off of her to check on him, Tony lands next to them and does it. 
He pulls off Rhodey’s face plate, and asks F.R.I.D.A.Y. to check his vitals.
“Heartbeat detected. Emergency medical is on its way,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. replies.
His eyes fly over to Y/n then. Hand on her chest in an instant, He says, “ F.R.I.D.A.Y. assess damage.”
“I’m fine,” Y/n tries, pushing him off of her but the blood she coughs out makes it seem like an act.
“Six broken ribs and heavy internal bleeding, sir. But her hearbeat holding steady. Miss Stark will be fine till the emergency medical arrives.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. tells him.
Y/n doesn’t care, she tries to get up but struggles somewhat hopelessly. Tony’s hands come to help her and she manages to get onto her knees to look at Rhodey. 
He’s bleeding, she notes, from his nose. 
Her jaw clenches, eyes watering up.
Somewhere behind them, Sam lands on his feet and apologizes. Tony blasts him with his repulsors but Y/n can’t bring herself to give a damn.
Both siblings wait there—lost and scared, each with a hand on the chest of their best friend, and prayers on their lips to a God they stopped believing in, waiting for help to arrive.
Find the next part here. Find the series masterlist here. Find other Static Verse works here.
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ryin-silverfish · 4 months
Hi, I was searching for a chinese LMK fan to ask a question and found this blog, so if you wouldn't mind, could you tell me if this AU concept is offensive in any way?
I've been making a story, well that is kind of a stretch, it's still in early worldbuilding, where all the characters are aliens and earth does not exist. It is a mix of fantasy and sci-fi where magic is very much a thing and present in the daily lives of the characters, but I decided to not include any mention of humans or earth to separate it as much as i can from any real world politics.
One of my main methods of worldbuilding is making AUs. I take characters from other media and ask myself: how would they fit in? What would their species be? It often leads me to create a new species or include something new in their culture, and it is fun to try to adapt and change their narratives to this new world.
My question is: is it okay for me to use LMK for that? I've been lowkey paranoid of making any LMK AUs that completely change the setting since someone said it was bad but I don't remember who said it or if they were chinese, so I wanted to ask.
This AU would not have any chinese aspects and only use the outline of the story since as I said, earth does not exist and I personally don't know anything about china and am extremely hesitant to include any real world cultures in my work since it would either limit my creative liberties or be potentially offensive.
First and foremost: I will say that I kinda hesitate to answer questions about whether something is "offensive".
Barring a few blatant cases, it all depends on the execution and writing skills of the author: you can take the most vanilla, seemingly inoffensive concept and still mess up, or take on a topic that others won't touch with a ten feet pole and manage to pull it off.
And no culture is a monolith: something I find offensive may be perfectly okay to another Chinese person, and vice versa, and none of us can speak for billions of people, only ourselves.
Considering that LMK is kinda an animated JTTW fanfiction that takes its own creative liberties on things, and the fun of AUs is putting the same characters into a different universe or timeline and seeing how they'd react?
I don't think there is anything inherently offensive about your concept, even though, well, if you are using Chinese mythos characters instead of LMK original ones, it'll be kinda hard to disentangle them entirely from their cultural backgrounds and still make them recognizable as themselves.
(Hard as in "It'll be an interesting challenge for you as a writer", not "Nope, you are unlikely to pull it off without disrespecting the culture".)
In fact, part of my problem with this trend of...obsessing over whether something is offensive or not is, well, it tends to cause people to not write anything at all.
Like, because they are so afraid of offending the culture in question, their solution is to avoid adding in things from that culture altogether, instead of maybe doing research or approaching the subject like any good writers would: with respect, creative imagining when needed, and empathy.
And maybe people from that culture would criticize their choices, maybe they wouldn't, but wasn't that just part and parcel of being a creative writer? Learning why people are, or aren't happy with your choices, so you can do better?
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fourtyfourcatss · 7 months
[████████ 100%] — the lovely @sugutoad !
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A girl of mysterious origins, your father, a mortal, your mother, a god. Yet… it doesn’t seem like your scent attracts too many monsters. Your blood is not weak, yet… it can’t be— you have a guardian?! Tell me, what is your name?!
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𖠳 The perfect cabin for you. It’s definitely the most well rounded for you, and encompasses more traits that makes you so specially you. I actually had a friend who has done very deep research into Greek mythos help me with this one, and he gave me his utmost approval when I said I paired you up with Athena.
𖠳 Other than the obvious perfectionism and the pursuit of knowledge and your healthy pride and openness to competition when it reaches your heels. Yet, you carry a sensitivity and insight around you— a rebellious spirit, a restrained soul. Children of Athena tend to focus on themselves, but that is because they are inclined on thinking, and the body that hosts that process is an important factor and element. Not only so, you have many likes because you need something to scratch your brain just right, and it has to be something that takes many thought, like murder mysteries. Not only that, you seem like someone who wishes to be seen and acknowledge and appreciated, in a good way, because you have had a lack of it. That itself is a very demigod but specifically child of Athena trait— seeking your mother’s approval.
𖠳 and in her own weird way, she gives you that approval. She gives you that approval with two things— a guardian spirit. An owl. It bequeaths you with more protection against monsters, but it does not attack, and only defends. Its very presence allows you, and only you, to not be afraid of using social media or phones to answer calls in fear of monsters. And the way she claims you is extremely distinct, and memorable. I will explore this later.
𖠳 and since you yourself is this kind of person— I believe your cabin mates would adore you too. You make sure nobody is unheard, and pursue a line of thinking to adapt everyone inside. That is a trait that many children of Athena, to my knowledge, do lack, as they are so caught up within their own webs to properly contemplate the outside. This makes you a fantastic cabin leader also, and the dynamics affected by how you have had siblings before in the past makes them respect you. How does this connect with Athena? She is also the god of war, someone who must take charge, someone who needs great organization and insight to hear every soldier out. You get where I’m going?
𖠳 also, you have that sense of justice that Athena children has that explicitly do not always appear on many other demigods of other cabins— but the Athena cabin has members who pursue their own sense of justice. And I believe you fit right in, lawyer girl.
𖠳 I think you humble yourself enough, and that sort of balances out what would be your fatal flaw enough to help you survive many encounters. And I also believe putting you in this cabin will help you and the others remark your findings on one another’s traits and what you guys can do to exchange pointers and avoid situations like being clouded by pride, etc, which may lead to inevitable doom. You guys wish to learn, and to support one another in your pursuits would be a better place to grow instead of being thrown into the cat fight that is the Nike cabin (who does more well for people who have higher self esteem, especially bouncing back very quickly from even a big loss).
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𖠳 your fiery attitude reminds me a lot like nemesis, and your seeking reminds me of Nike. But Nike’s cabin is more focused on winning and winning, and not much on being better as a whole. No shade. But you have the legacy of Dike, and it is not just because of your wish to become a lawyer, where this goddess of justice incorporates, but also, from your compassion for the people around you, and how you are trying to get over your judgement. I think it draws a good parallel, the legacy of a goddess of judgement and law, yet breaking away and finding ways to incorporate more representation and understanding within the courtroom. You already have Dike’s approval, so please, step forward!
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Your blood is racing, you are cornered. The shadow of the night looms over you, you, who is running parallel to the road. This is supposed to be a safe haven, your path to sanctuary— but it is bisected by a flying monster— a spider of all things, venom dripping from its fangs, poison marring its webs.
“Anna! ANNA, can you hear me?!” You hear an echo from a friend’s voice, distant. That’s the satyr who brought you here, separated as the dusk fell.
The next following events goes like this:
Your guardian flies by, nipping through the shot webs and the tiny spider babies trailing behind
In that moment, you devise a plan. There is something that looks like a well, and a heavy metal that can be wedged forward. You sprint, purposefully catching its eye, and run past the well. Its huge, lumpy body crashes down into it, unable to avoid it due to thick oak wood flanking where you could squeeze through. Then, before it can come out, you push the metal— it does not budge. Your veins turn to ice.
Is that all you have? A voice echoes in your head.
It cannot be, not if you wish for your life.
There is something else you can do, and swiftly, you manage to hull the clunk of metal down with a leverage. It smashes the spider into bits.
And as you stare down, the sparkling outline of a holographic owl appears on your head.
It turns out, the clunk of metal was celestial bronze, which was there to supplement the Hephaestus cabin’s latest projects. They’re absolutely mad at you for ruining the newest order, but Chiron chastises them, and welcome you with open arms.
Sorry for how lackluster this is… I didn’t really have much idea how you outsmart the monster, but that’s a main contribution to your claiming.
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Have no fear— I’ve created a chart entirely for that!
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I believe the only two I should elaborate on is number 2 and number 4. The reason why I have chosen number 2, is that from your personality, I see a more self-degrading side to you, as you attempt to press down your pride. This tells me that immediately after you or someone else directly points out your sense of hubris, you acknowledge how bad it is, and while I think it clouds your vision, but from your description, it seems your weakness are more settled on your judgement itself, whether it be clouded by anger or whatnot. However, I can moreso see you on the verge of indecision, weighing your choices just a bit too much. Perhaps you miss the opportunity to make a choice from how harshly you judge your own actions, scared of choosing the wrong one, or making the wrong decision, leading you further down a path of troubles.
That said, it’s not everyone in your cabin enjoys you. Perhaps they have some Nike legacy, or they’re characters of envy — some find you pretentious, and they show it, knowing you are keen on impressions. I would say, look out for people subtly edging you towards a bad fate.
And I think you already know your strengths well. Your deep compassion, your pursuit of the truth, yet you feel incredibly humane. You stumble on your words and you are overloaded with this passion. Hello, child of Athena.
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𖠳 WEAPONS — A shield, and a Crossbow.
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𖠳 Thinking of your build further, and as a child of Athena, I think you would shine brighter while pulling strings at the back. Not only that, thinking of your descriptor for your body also deigns me to think that, and additionally, a crossbow is a hunter’s weapon. You need to be athletically capable of running around, and I believe you can do just that, especially since Athena presides over war and combat. You would need to be precise, and grounded enough to use the weapon, but also versatile enough to change the trajectory at a whim.
𖠳 I gave you a shield both in honor of you inheriting a sort of will from Athena, and for further protection. I think you are more of a protector, being able to save your friends and teammates and shield them rather than having a full offensive ahead! kind of energy. When it involves their lives. If its capture the flag, I can see you taking a lot more risk.
So… I’ve run out of space for images lol, but here is some of my headcanons if you bring in camp.
𖠳 while the strawberry field of course has to be your favorite, acting picking the strawberries during the summer makes you wish for death. Better hope some child of Apollo with a rare ability to control light softens the sunlight there 😭
𖠳 there’s this one demigod you get into daily arguments with, but it isn’t draining surprisingly to talk to them. Later, you find out why. They’re only arguing with you.. for your attention lol. Here and there, there are other demigods who wants to be friends with you, or has an elementary crush on you, and wants your attention in some way, and they take you being a child of Athena as a way to scratch wits with you. A lot of people like challenging you for no reason other than the fact that you’re the head of the Athena cabin.
𖠳 What do you mean you can’t present? 😭 alright, they’re all nerds, but many of them are also the type to wish to get over things quickly. They’ll take care of it as long as you do your job well, and settling down other children of Athena, which is something you excel at.
𖠳 your favorite activity at camp is Capture the Flag, where you can show off your strategic skills and leadership abilities. You’re the captain of the blue team, and often comes up with clever plans to outsmart the red team. You’re respected and admired by your teammates, but also feared and envied by her opponents. Anna has a friendly rivalry with Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon and the leader of the red team.
𖠳 i feel like you’ll definitely hate the sound of the conch horn, and prefer to stay indoors to keep away from the insects in the grass and woods. This is more convenient for those who wants to find you, since you’re in exactly only three locations unless you have chores to run.
𖠳 your half siblings love your baking, and munching on your goodies while studying or reading or doing whatever they are doing is such a great destressor for them, and is enough to dash away any hate or resentment inside the cabin or any other places.
𖠳 you hang out with me lots 😼 and you also go out with Percy whenever the two of you are free. You rest under an umbrella as you watch him surf, sometimes going with him. Number one OTP of the camp 💀
𖠳 I can see you changing some rules around in the camp with the help of your own fellow cabin members and others. Camp half blood is like,,, a great mess sometimes. We need some organization around here that is better on everyone. Intentions beckon action!
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ultravioart · 1 month
"But one might wonder how Juno aquired such abilities, and why she has such a sense of awe and adventure with her quirky personality."
"Well I can tell you! (proceeds to explain Juno has an anxiety disorder)"
Okay, that doesn't answer the question at all?? Lol.
I hope we get info on Mars technology (is it a new energy? Or is it just different tech?) and why IS Juno doing all this? is Juno Mars' last hope? Or is Mars station so sheltered and rule strict that earth seems like scary chaos? Or does Juno just have... anxiety. The way this is presented, it feels like they made Juno have an anxiety disorder to feel 'relatable' without giving us story to make it feel like an authentic representation of a condition... feels hollow, token. Maybe that person did try to say more about the lore but couldn't so that part is a retake? Idk. Very odd.
On a positive note, I thought the hover explanation was cute, being that she works like old retro alien invasion shooters, hopping up and down rows. I also feel like her blaster does fit what they aimed for, more so medical as well as fitting the retro scifi single blaster look.
Mythic discussion below:
But... a 30 minute meeting being 5 minutes? If they had said "Oh Reyes is into fashion(Halloween event confirmed he makes his own costumes, is into design) and the bejeweled tombs matched with 'judging souls in the afterlife' fit Reaper's 'grim reaper' theme, so that's why we chose this mythic for Reaper," I would have been like "oh, okay."
But they litterally went "oh anubis is the god of death? Reaper lol."
Mind you, they messed up Hades as Pharah in greek mythos bp because they gave Hades a red and black firey volcanic color scheme (that's Hephaestus, not Hades) like a Christian 'gates to hell' type deal. That's not what Greek mythos Hades is at ALL. Hades is rivers (like water!!!) of souls, and the spiritual underworld, not the Christian hellfire. Cerberus theme instead of Hades maybe could fit the Helix guard aspect for Pharah, but a FLYING character for the god of the underworld??? Hades Pharah is what you get without doing any research. (And don't get me started on the ship nonsense with that skin. Persephone is the story of a mother losing her child to death stealing her away, and it explains a mother's mourning as the cause for winter. It's not really meant to be romantic, it's tragic with a touch of kidnapping/marriage drama for sport, as Greek mythos does lol. Greek mythos isn't always litteral, it's often metaphor.)
This instant pick of Reaper to me shows the team chose it for shallow reasons, and probably did little to no research on Egyptian mythology. Atleast they got the psychopomp (entities that escort souls) aspect correct, kinda. Both the Grim Reaper and Anubis escort souls, but Anubis judges them to determine if they can enter the afterlife. I mean sure, Reaper is out to inflict his sense of justice (kinda Anubis like to be the judgement?), I could see that. But why wasn't it explained...
I would have loved to see an Osiris Ramattra skin instead (Osiris is connected to Anubis in how the worshipping changed) or 'Anubis' or even Set skin. Would have fit better for the character, made more sense for a Tank to get a mythic. I KNOW Ramattra just got a skin, but come on. Ramattra was originally going to be the embodiment of the Anubis ai(or simply codenamed Anubis) as a hero based on a Pharaoh themed PVE boss that uses sand powers and resurrection of mobs. Then they turned that into nanites and made it into Ramattra (also lifted off of an ow oc from Argentinian fans called Voltikko most likely).
ANYWAYS this is a PR mess, really shows they don't know the community. (Not to mention clash+new maps in comp day 1 when people haven't been able to practice???)
Venture, the omnic archeologist character, was used in promo vids to advertise the new Anubis clash map, yet Venture gets no skins or emotes?
Ramattra, created by the anubis ai, gets no skins or emotes? And you can't say 'oh but Ramattra got stuff already--" SO DID Reinhardt! And he's seemingly getting ANOTHER collab skin right after the Optimus Prime and Mythic Weapon!
The people in charge need to understand promising one theme and delivering disjointed bp themes hurts the hype cycle and makes people stop caring about the new seasons. If you can't guess what might come bc ANYTHING unrelated could, there is no hype and it creates disappointment for what could have been... it's makes it look blatantly like a souless cashgrab skin factory at that point lol. How can you promise Egyptian mythology theme and have random unrelated heroes and skins (Genji, Kiriko) on the cover page? The Greek mythos bp was better than this.
Atleast Ana is getting a mythic weapon, ig.
Looking at the other skins, I was suprised to see Polar Reinhardt and Polar Brigitte. It gives me hope future Egyptian skins are just out of order right now (like null sector Zenyatta).
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for mythos: 17, 18, 20-22 because i want to hear more about this evil bastard (affectionate)
17: Do they like children?
It's not so much Mythos doesn't like children so much as Mythos doesn't really know how to interact with children. He more or less accepts that his “invoke fear with every performance” thing doesn't really click with a lot of kids. Meeting Yenna helps them come around.
“Scared by that story? No? Clearly, I'm off my game then. Another.”
18: Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
If they're given long enough to, tongue in almost every instance.
20: What do they like that nobody else does?
It doesn't exactly come up often, but Mythos has a fondness for jack-in-the-boxes. Also, they actually like the feeling of spider webbing against their skin and hair, and bugs crawling over their skin. Which. Fun coincidence, huh.
21: What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
At the beginning of the game and before that, it's simply boredom. Before the game, attempting to murder them was also a dealbreaker, buuut Astarion and Lae'zel very much made them forget that. To be fair, at least those two tried to kill him before any flirting happened. If I had a nickel, amiright?
Further into the game, Mythos gains a new one. Needing, or wanting, different things. The fact that he's attracted to people differently is something he was made aware of before the events of the game, but he didn't really care about people knowing. So long as they give him what he wants, it's fine, right?
[sips tea]
And then he realizes, “Oh no, I care about these people”. He's not used to that. Mythos had like, one actual friend before the illithid capture. Well, a lot, technically, since his best friend Cricket is also a necromancer in command of several skeletons and golems. But in terms of living, long-term friends, he just has Cricket. Cricket's sister Junebug and Mythos were somewhat stable, but there was a mutual understanding that there was no romance. It just didn't last long due to Mythos being kinda…kicked out for his own safety. So to be surrounded by all these beautiful interesting people, and then get deep platonic attachment to many of them…
“… Maybe what you really need is…a friend. Not…a lover.”
“I… I would like that.”
It completely changes things. The moment they realize that Lae'zel is more romantically attached then she lets on, they let her down as gently as possible. And, for them, it is gentle. Karlach, Wyll, and Shadowheart all cursing them out before leaving wrecks them more than they let most people see. Perhaps that's for the better. Though they have no romantic attraction, this nightmare bard does in fact have a heart.
[sips tea again]
Anyway, Mythos' last straw with The Emperor was Ansur. Because for fuck's sake, they were fine with it being transactional, but the hypocrisy? The “you should trust me” laced with it not trusting them? They're all too familiar. “You're more boring than I thought.”
22: Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
Mythos and pet names can get complicated. On one hand, they love being referred to as a gem, or a bug, or a rat. Really, just call them things that fit with either their love of shiny things, or their ~nightmare~ shtick, and you'll have them smiling. On the other, things like “lover” or “beloved” or being called “mine” or “my ___” are…stomached. Nauseating, but tolerated if they like the person saying them.
When it comes to giving, though. It is almost painfully obvious the way that Mythos desires. They don't like being called “mine”, but they do love calling other people that. So long as they make sure the other is comfortable first. My sweet-ling. My treasure. My pearl. My sweetmeat. Even flirting, Mythos likes to give others the feeling they could be devoured at any moment.
Bastard (affectionate) indeed.
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velvetvexations · 3 months
Discussing race and my flailing at how to handle it in my writing. I don't mean to constantly just outsource my praxis but if anyone wants to comment or has suggestions they would be appreciated. I'm really hoping this is taken in the intended spirit of "I'm a white dumbass and fully admit I don't know what I'm doing". The point of this post is that I'm painfully aware of how inadequate my knowledge and ability to deal with these subjects is.
I'm gonna break down the racial makeup of the main cast of the current stage of my project:
C - White, which is critical because the entire work pretty much revolves around issues of praxis and him being white is a part of that even though I try very hard to mostly go around race and only really speak to queer issues I can more confidently address.
Z - White, and being white specifically is not especially critical but a big part of her whole thing is that she is much, much poorer and had a much worse home life than everyone else, so I am nervous having her be anything else even though, obviously, poor PoC with bad home lives exist.
J - I made the first inkling of J waaaaay back when I was a kid, as with every other character in this post, but J was the only one who had a defined race until the past two years. His original concept was an Asian martial artist who's a very devout Christian and while I've dropped the kung fu (he knows French kickboxing for complicated reasons but he's not any better at CQB than the other brawlers) he is still very spiritual and reserved and humble etc. and I'm like ahhhhh is this a stereotype? This is a stereotype right? Ahhhhh.
A - I've ran into SO MANY PROBLEMS with A where I keep having to change her race. I wanted her to be Mongolian but then I discovered the song Genghis Khan, really loved it, and was like "oh fuck this fits her too well, it would cause me physical pain to not include it on her playlist." So I said, okay, how about a quarter Black? Not for any particular reason, it just kinna came to me like a lot of stuff does, but then I was like, well, actually maybe she should just be Black? Not that quarter-Black people don't also need representation...so it was between those two until I realized an absolutely insane coincidence that made her being Black potentially offensive, so I switched her race with Z, but then Z being Black looked way worse and for way, way more obvious reasons, so I was like "okay that coincidence is bullshit and I'm probably the only person that would have even thought of that, I'm just going to commit to her being Black." but I'm still not entirely sure.
(That coincidence is that my writing adapts the Cthulhu Mythos and has a lot of really obscure references to Lovecraft, and since A is an albino whose mother was from Tanzania it suddenly struck me that people could see that as having been an intentional nod to The White Ape, which deals with someone's ancestor having been an albino literal ape-person from Africa. This would not be an issue if not for the tiny Easter eggs to super obscure Lovecraft Circle stuff I do in fact pepper everywhere.)
W - W was a biologically artificial creation that mixed the DNA of a white woman and her Native wife, but I changed that an outright clone of one of the latter to bump of the number of PoC who aren't half-white, but everyone would still be pretending that they're their white mother's biological child which could maybe be more fucked up than if I just let them be half-white? Is this just the progressive version of being anti-miscegenation?
I'm worried I'm overthinking it but idk! I have a lot of half-white characters it feels like, because my writing spans over a century with some ancestors rooted in canonical Lovecraftian texts and some of my own devising that require positions of privilege in white society, so have only been able to introduce more color in the work's "present day". But like I said, I know mixed-race people also exist and I don't want to erase them or act like they're less PoC or something, which I'm afraid is what I'm overcorrecting into.
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alien-in-residence · 5 months
Survivors of Terra ch5. The Gardener
Ynrok was not a Yonk, although she appeared to be. She displayed the slight dimorphisms of female Yonks, but even this was artificial. She presented herself as an elderly Yonk woman but in her mind, she was neither elderly, Yonk, or a woman. So much of herself was a tailored experience. Her personality was almost entirely based on the effectiveness of the presentation. She was a creature of crafted expectations.
Her name, Ynrok, meant “Modest Gardener” in the long dead Yonk tongue. The language had been supplanted by Imperium Standard several millennia ago. Ynrok was also the name of a long forgotten Yonk fertility goddess. Worship of the goddess had died out an incredibly long time ago. There were very few alive that were even aware of the goddess’ existence. References to her had been expunged along with the mythos purges of the First Imperial council.
The history and reverence of her name pleased Ynrok. The history and entomology of her name were an inside joke to which only she was privy. It was fitting that she did actually spend a good portion of her time gardening.
Her hands were caked in dirt and the moisture of plant life. She’d been tending a neat row of flowers from Central, genetically modified for low gravity. She had filled the estate around her mansion with an array of decorative plant life but nothing as ostentatious as topiary. The main walkway cut through treelines from each of the Imperium Council Worlds. The large gardens that bookended the sole building were cut into neat rows.This is where Ynrok’s habit for layered meaning ceased as all the flowers were picked for how they pleased her personally.
Her estate was placed in a shallow valley in the center of her private world. Her home was an O’Neill cylinder, built at the height of the Artificial Worlds boom. The structure had been finished right as the boom had busted. Filling the cylinder with life and its support systems had fallen to her personally. The rotating cylinder had only her as the sole sentient occupant. She had filled much of the space with untended grasslands and some swamps to act as reservoirs.
The ends of the cylinder were capped with translucent ceramo-plastic domes. The nearby sunlight was angled inward, providing a sunrise look to the whole world. The domes were multifaceted and moved at a different pace from the cylinder’s structure. The reflected sunlight would move and cast shadows at a leisurely speed, reflected and twisted to give a day/night cycle in time with a standard day. Ynrok would sometimes tweak the simulated daytime to accommodate the time lag of guests.
She had a guest arriving today but it wasn’t the usual dignitary or prime. One of her tools was returning to the shop for inspection. He was coming back to be sharpened, listened to, and given purpose. Implants along her skull relayed information from the local data network, Vhan was docking his light craft and had sent his welcome. Ynrok patted the dirt with quiet satisfaction and wiped her dirty hands on her work clothes.
She didn’t have time to clean herself up or change out of her work clothes, but it was better that way with Vhan. He preferred honesty and authenticity in Ynrok’s display. She controlled him by making him believe he was part of an exclusive group. Ynrok could trust in him because he believed that Ynrok confided in him. Many people only had to be told they were useful to become so.
Ynrok returned her gardening tools to a concealed shed behind the main building. Through her implants she instructed the manor to begin the automated processes that would make Vhan feel at home. A bowl of spiced kelp flakes was warmed and placed on a kitchen table by servos embedded in the architecture. Humidity was increased in the guest bedroom to a level more suited to deep-water Yonks.
Vhan walked his way in. Ynrok did not go out to meet him. The main exterior portal of the O’Neill tube was a staircase that opened to a garage where dignitaries would often take a ground car to cover the short kilometer to Ynrok’s estate. Ynrok was washing dirt from her hands in a central kitchen as Vhan walked through the main entrance. She greeted him with a casual hand wave. Vhan wasted no time in enjoying the snacks she had set out.
Ynrok continued the casual appearance and sat in her expensively decorated lounge in her gardening clothes. They would need to be cleaned and she would see to it once Vhan had left. He sat down across from her and hydrated himself. He’d been on a long sub-light journey from the nearest Caravan stop.
“So?” she opened. The debrief had begun.
“So, you were right.” he answered, leaving things vague so he could continue relaxing.
She leaned back in her chair, intentionally popping a few joints. She sighed, genuinely tired from her gardening today. She didn’t make eye contact when she asked, “Is this the same kind of fear they always have or are they going to do something?”
“They’ve overestimated their strength considerably. The Commonality has too,” he answered between crunches of kelp flake. “Their intelligence community has a very inflated opinion of their war readiness. They can’t switch to a war economy in the long term. They’ll trade with each other but they’ve become dependent on us for major industrial output.”
Ynrok was silent as she considered this. It wasn’t the smoking gun that analysts looked for but when mixed with what she already knew it painted a clear picture. Recent rhetoric wasn’t posturing anymore. The other players in the Exchange were starting to really believe in their chances for an all-out war. The Imperium’s own chances were likely overestimations as well. She let the silence draw out while Vhan ate and hydrated.
“Anything else?” she asked.
He considered the question for another long period of silence. “The Rankart situation is going poorly for us. We might think of pulling out quietly.”
This was a shock for Ynrok. She’d been considering other political movements and had nearly forgotten the Rankart annexation. The planet was near the Imperium side of the DMZ but closer to the core, near Duoro space. Their species had gained Exchange status as a minor independent politic. Imperium agents had been manufacturing discontent and crisis in order to facilitate an eventual annexation. “I’ll look over your notes, maybe talk to the Marshals or their leash holders.”
Vhan nodded in appreciation and sank into his chair. Ynrok’s designed eyes could see the blood circulation across his skin. Exhaustion brought blood to his psion markings, hoping in vain to heal the scars there. His body was repairing and bathing itself in an immune response that Ynrok had herself designed. He would stay here for a day or two to rest and she would observe him.
She stood and the sun set. “Get some rest, sleep deeply, and we’ll talk more tomorrow.” Vhan went to his guest room, all too prepared to follow this recent order. The implants in Ynrok’s skull relayed the order to the station sky domes, giving Vhan 10 standard hours of night to enjoy his sleep.
Ynrok departed her estate and looked to the “ceiling” of the habitat, seeing the biomes there that were now bathed in light. She began to walk along the circumference of the station and into the sunlight.
She had introduced two canid predators to the habitat in order to control the population of smaller herbivores. She could smell where the two were if she focussed her olfactory nerves. The female had recently become pregnant with a litter. The male canid was hunting food for its mate. Ynrok knew the female would be delivering soon, she had designed these creatures.
The male was laying in a gully, eating the carcass of an amphibious mammal, also of Ynrok’s design. It would fill it’s own caloric needs then haul back as many corpses as it could hold in its jaws for its mate. Ynrok was not giving off any noticeable odor and she had been careful as she approached. She found the canid unaware of her presence. There were no other predators for the creature to fear or compete against for food.
Ynrok chose to make noise, her feet snapping twigs and dragging along the ground. She let her pores produce pheromone again, although the canid was already aware of her presence. Ynrok appeared to be a Yonk, although she was not. She appeared to be in her late 200’s, although she was much older. She appeared as if she was a doting Yonk mother. To the canid, she appeared a fitting meal for its mate.
The creature scrambled on six paws as it began its sprint. It lunged at her with lightning speed, fangs bared. She dodged its first lunge and pushed it away when it tried again. Ynrok kept the creature at a distance, always far from her vital organs. It gained no purchase on her clothes nor flesh but it had begun this fight and so its animal instincts would drive it to win.
On the next lunge, Ynrok slammed her open palm hard against its snout. The creature yelped in surprise and pain. The question of fight or flight was reconsidered but the canid went to attack again. This time Ynrok moved out of the way and kicked the creature in its abdomen, cracking the entire left side of its ribs. The creature whined and cried. It could no longer fight or run, so it whimpered.
Ynrok stood over the creature, considering its now pitiful noises. It had been so proud and regal, considering itself the unchallenged king of its domain. Now it was crying out to its mother, Ynrok. It made one last attempt to bite her as she got close to its face. It’s attempt was punished with a swift death. Ynrok let the creature lie there. It’s mate would survive without food, it was likely going to deliver its pups tonight.
She left the gully and walked through the biomes of her cylinder world. There was nothing in her wilds that could challenge her. She looked through the dome windows that capped the end of her domain and regarded the stars. There was nothing in her wilds that could challenge her.
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fvriva · 5 months
🐽 Whole hog Camille miss? Spare a whole hog Camille? 🍦
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✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
I think Camille Louise Brandenburg was one of the first ocs I named with BehindTheName or similar. Just picking something from a list as opposed to trying to come up with something myself. I wanted something that was pretty, European (specifically plausibly British with some foreign roots), and felt sort of noble.
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Visually speaking, Camille fluctuates between her late 20s and her mid-60s as she ages at a regular pace every time she reaches the end of her lifespan and is reborn. Actually speaking she is probably by default my oldest oc, even older than my other time-travelling types. I'd put her at over a billion years old.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Nope! She is aromantic. Not asexual, as she likes every now and then to have a little bit of fun, but she doesn't feel the urge to get settled or tied down to any one person like that. She does have a very dear friend that she visited as frequently as possible during his lifetime, William Clarence. They knew each other when she was still mortal.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Ice cream! The particular type changes with the season but she IS themed after neopolitain ice cream for a reason. She also likes all kinds of gourmet, luxury foods that are hard to get access to.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
She's got a little traveling ice cream parlor that she runs for fun, the Loop n' Scoop, her current hobby at present. She's got a long line of odd jobs, side hustles, projects, and pies with her fingers in them that she's picked up and put down over the years. She also works as a sort of interdimensional luck/UE cultivator, depending on the specific mythos she's working in, to help safely allow it to accumulate and disperse without harming as many people as possible. She also used to run The Savior Brigade, which was a sort of field medic adjacent group that would rescue souls confirmed to be dead by the timeline in various disasters in the moments before their "canon" death, letting them live out the rest of their natural lives if so they chose before being returned to the time and place where they were destined to die.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Oh, loads. The ice cream is just the most recent and most enthralling of them. She tends to prefer creative hobbies over everything, but she keeps fit to help stave off dying of heart failure and whatnot because that's kind of unpleasant.
🎯 -What do they do best?
Realistically speaking, she's probably better equipped at actually traversing dimensions than most everyone, given her impervious nature and her natural sense for the fabric of spacetime and the way lives weave through it.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
She's a tourist at heart. She loves meeting new people, seeing the way they live, and helping them how she can. She's got a bit of a complex about it that's helped carry her through her long life.
She abhors violence, and especially killing, even when she's not the one doing it. She tries to turn a blind eye to it when it's necessary but is not always successful.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Running all around town with Clarence after ditching both of their classes. He bought her an orange and it was so precious to her she didn't even eat it until it had already grown a little bit dehydrated and mealy, just left it sitting on top of her dresser to admire.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
You'd think it was the funerals of any one of her friends, but no, it was realizing that her ward had betrayed her.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Nope. Camille's very first form was a self-insert (before she was named Camille, even) dimensional traveller in a setting built specifically for selfshipping. I eventually introduced Camille's design as a more mature version of the old character (Winter Corvak), before spinning the old character into an UTAU (Winter Seiyuu) that eventually I shelved altogether. I keep changing Camille's outfits but her fluffy pink hair and pudgy body has been roughly consistent.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I'm gonna be real, we're cooking with Nu Who the Doctor juice right here first and foremost. However, I've always been drawn to the River Song archetype of time traveller where time travellers meet out of sequence. Finally, there was a screenshot of a Tumblr post floating around Pinterest about this girl with a bob before and after curling it, and the colors in that screenshot lit some part of my brain up.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
I feel like she is so built for adventure sci-fi it's not even funny. But if I had to put her somewhere else, a courtly slice-of-life would be fun for her. Enriching.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
She's aromantic, and is too old to care much for gender, but does tend to present femininely
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
I never gave her any, lol. I could see her with some though as part of her backstory.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
A little strained. She was too wild to stay at home really, and didn't want to be arranged-married.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
I like how versatile she is. She makes for a great character to just pop in and play dolls with because she's very consistent to write, but at the same time, easy to vary without being forced to remember every little detail about her.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
I don't write prose much for her because it's kind of difficult to pin down her life and arc because of how MUCH of it there is. I'm currently using her in an rp with @the-goblin-cat and @jin-kies, though, as a hook into the wider multiverse in our zany Monster of the Week adjacent game. I used to doodle her a lot more in high school but it's been a while since I've drawn her in general.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
I could literally never.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
She doesn't much enjoy tight spaces or being confined or tied down for a long period of time. She has the wanderlust in her. Restless. She can only be in any given set of coordinates once, after all.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Her former ward, Ardell DeOreo, who serves as her foil.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Since at least mid-2016 as Camille. As Winter Corvak, I've had her since 2014. That's between 8-10 years!
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
God, 13. At the youngest. 15 at the oldest.
send me an emoji + an oc (or order the WHOLE HOG)
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lesbianfakir · 1 year
do you have any thots or hcs about the ptutu protags’ fav dances/moves. i have a personal hc that although ahiru is generally a clumsy person she’d probs do better with fast but rhythmic/almost percussive footwork n moves than she does with the control required for long and sweeping movements in ballet. like if you put that girl in tap or some kind of kpop choreography or hip hop she might have a lot more fun doing it
Yesssssss I love this ask. So fair warning I love dance but I don’t know a ton about it
I’ve never thought about Duck doing some more contemporary dance styles but holy fuck you have a big brain she has the energy!! I’m loving the vision of her in tap. I don’t know why but I feel like Duck would have a lot of fun with swing dancing. I don’t necessarily think she’d be good at it but she seems to really enjoy partnered dances and the more easygoing fun atmosphere would click with her.
With fakir I think he’d be best in roles that requiere a lot of physical strength and focus on stamina, mainly in the jumps. Boy needs a way to get all his energy out. I saw a swan lake production where there was this jester guy doing these INSANE leaps and spins and I was sitting there like fakir could do that. Imagine. Imagine it. Fakir in a stupid jingly doing the most physically demanding jumps you ever did see. Also let’s be real he does not smile when he dances which could be a real problem if you tried to cast him in a leading non villain role
I see rue as very controlled very graceful but with a lot of power behind her dancing. I think she could be very versatile, able to play all sorts of characters. Like come on rue would be a great choice to play both odette/odile she can do the tragic doomed princess and she can do powerful scheming girlboss. Rue would be such a huge fan of waltzes too girl would love a good waltz. She’d be all about any chance to show off and look perfect and graceful with someone she cares about.
Mytho is honestly perfect for ballet he fits the vibe so well. It’s sad that the sport is so divided by gender because I think he would be GREAT en pointe. He’s very graceful and pretty in a way that I think translates well into a lot of typically women dominated ballet roles. As is, he works perfectly in any sort of traditional prince or love interest ballet role
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maaruin · 1 year
Story idea: Disney’s Heracles
Disney’s Hercules doesn’t have much to do with his story in mythology. That’s alright, but I have been thinking that with recent Disney movies often being about intra-family conflict that ends with reconciliation, why not try to adapt the mythos in that way. Here is how I imagine it:
Hera is the villain. Heracles* is the product of Zeus cheating on her. She can’t punish Zeus, so she takes it out on his lovers and their children. (Perhaps in this retelling Io could be the mother of Heracles instead of a more distant ancestor. She is the other famous case of Hera doing this.)
Heracles at one point gets together with Megara. Hera inflicts him with anger issues, which lead to outbursts against his wife. However, the part where he kills their children and in some version her is removed. She just breaks up with him. (I would probably just remove the children from the story.)
Herakles goes to the Oracle of Delphi and asks how he can win Megara back. The oracle tells him that to remove Hera’s curse, he has to do the 12 Labors. Turn the 12 Labors into an allegory for a person learning anger management. (I think with at least some of them you can built a progression: 1. is just “kill the Lion”, so his strength does the job. 2. is “kill the Hydra”, which requires more thinking. Then there are some tasks where he has to capture instead of kill. Later there are things like: Do this menial job. Convince that person to give you something. etc. I don’t know that much about how people learn anger management, but with enough creativity I think we could depict Heracles learning it through the course of those labors.)
At some point during the 12 Labors it Megara makes clear that she will not get back together with Heracles, even if he gets his anger under control. Herakles almost abandons his quest, but in the end decides to continue it.
Throughout all this, Heracles learns more and more that Zeus isn’t that great of a guy. Still, that doesn’t justify what Hera did, so he has his big moment where he calls her out. He tells her that what Zeus has done is no excuse for tormenting him (and his mother, if we make Io his mother).
There has to be reconciliation between Hera and Heracles in the end, and my idea for how that happens is: Like in the Gigantomachy, the giants attack Olympus to overthrow the gods. Herakles is prophecized to help the gods defeat the giants, but he says “Screw you Zeus, you are a horrible person. And screw you Hera, you tried to ruin my life.” And then we have Hera deciding to apologize to Heracles (and, if we do it with Io, stop tormenting his mother). Hera is the one who saves Olympus from Zeus perspective, because while the gods are loosing, she goes away and then comes back with Heracles in tow, who can defeat the giants. This could inspire Zeus to apologize to Hera as well.
The movie could end with a meet cute of Heracles and either Omphale or one of Heracles’ male lovers. I think Omphale works better: In the mythos she takes his club and lion fur and makes him do womanly work. In this movie she would do something like that in jest. This kind of thing would be set up earlier as something Heracles gets angry at, but now he has control of his anger and can laugh about it with her.
So, Disney, if you are reading this, hire me please. This would be a good movie.
*the Greek name Heracles fits much better for this story, because it means “glory to Hera”
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riri-postz · 2 years
Disturbing Media List
hii! i have been gathering a list on analog horror, args and just disturbing pieces of media in general for a while now and since i noe have a place to share it, i will be putting every single one on the list on here!! the only exceptions is if i haven't watched them!
if you are interested in any of these plz research triggers if neccessary this isn't a disturbing media list for no reason!
Analogue Horror
Analogue horror is a specific type of horror in an analogue setting, so tapes, found footage, radios, tv shows, etc.
Monument Mythos - Extremely good with a lot of hidden lore, but a very long series, Wendigoon made a good video on it here.
The Walten Files - Very good lore, based on the FNAF series, very high quality but some of the videos are quite long, also kind of an ARG if you like investigating things
Local 58 - One of the classic series that made analogue horror known 10/10 please watch this if you want to get into the genre
The Blue Channel - One of my favourites, probably the shortest series in the analogue horror part, not much lore (yet) but still an extremely good and original series
Mandela Catalog - I couldn't do this list and not put this series, its so well made and is extremely good at building tension and world building in general!
Andy Livengood - Not really a series, but still very good, also extremely short so if that sort of thing interests you, this is one of your best choices
ARG, meaning alternate reality game, is a type of disturbing media that takes place through multiple places, so it could start on youtube, but then give a clue for a website, and then and Instagram, and it all slowly leads to the end! Very good for people that like investigating lore! This is probably the shortest catagory because I don't know that many ARGs
Poochee and Pansy - I'm including this in here just because it is the start of an ARG known as the Hunt for the Gangadiddle. The series on it's own is also very good, though it hasn't got much lore to it
The Hynagogic Archive - Personally one of my favourite disturbing pieces of media, constantly being updated, at least have a look at the website if you aren't interested in the lore
Weird Youtube Things
I didn't know how to explain this other than weird things on youtube, take that as you will, also I will only be adding my opinions on the ones I am really interested in/fixated on because there are SO MANY of these
Daisy Brown
Hi Walter, I got a new girlfriend!
Lasagna Cat
Too Many Cooks
Dining Room Or There Is Nothing
nana835763 - I love this person they have made SO MANY GOOD STAND ALONE VIDEOS I really recommend PokopokoShopping and PokopokoPikotan from them
Llamas with Hats
Possibly in Michigan
Smile Guide
Agamemnon Counterpart
Henry Eats
Shed 17
Unedited Footage Of A Bear + This House Has People In It - These are grouped together because they are really similar and I really didn't want to talk about each of them but OH MY GOD these series are so good they would technically both count as ARG's but I put them in this section because they fit better
Thank you for reading all of this! I may update it if I find any more! If anyone wants a detailed summary and review of any of these please let me know and I will!
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