#so megatronus is ares and fucks with bothol
witchofthesouls ยท 4 months
Honestly I would prefer if Liege Maximo was the "first Decepticon" rather than the Fallen as it usually is. I think he is a better fit for the role, one of his siblings can call him "the first Decepticon" as an insult and him taking it as a point of pride.
Same here, especially since in some canon lore Liege is known the most evil Prime or Prima's true enemy, and has a lot of traits from Loki of Nordic mythos, who's a trickster god.
Either one of the brothers is a sore loser to rewrite things, or something is up ๐Ÿค”
Plus, it makes a way more interesting dynamic between Leige Maximo as the Prime of Stories/Lies and Prima as the Prime of Light.
Granted, it's based on a lot of personal tf headcanons, but there's something more captivating to me to see two mythic figures go at each other because of their opposing outlooks. Prima is the Eldest and Firstborn, so he would have an extremely set view on how to guide the newborn mortals (the divine light of Prima shining down upom them) compared to Liege, who actively works among so many of them (the quicksilver storyteller with golden horns near a campfire or within the Great Halls). Think of it as an authoritarian parent versus an authoritative parent.
Prima, in the end, still rules by divine right and might. Unlike Liege, whose Domains are centered on connectivity on a personal level, Prima can stand on his own.
If anything, I think of Liege as a major architect (but not the only one) for the Thirteen Primes' downfall as an ode to Loki's role with Ragnarok. Fitting for Prime of Stories because all stories must end.
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