#because if nothing else i felt like every character on the show had a purpose and that the overall chemistry worked so well
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bardengarde · 1 year ago
Every now and again I'd like to post my takes on the Trapper vs BJ debate, but I won't because I value my sanity and because I love both characters for different reasons- why do they have to fight???
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muxshwriting · 4 months ago
alone together
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Seth Clearwater x reader
summary: your boyfriend doesn't realise his own strength. it doesn't usually bother you until you realise that he's leaving something more permanent with his hugs || warnings: bruises, being loved to death, mentions of insecurity (like one sentence), characters aged up to like 18ish || word count: 921 || masterlist
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The moment Seth imprinted on you, he knew the rest of his life would be perfect. He'd heard from the others how amazing it felt to find your imprint but no one truly prepared him for when he first saw you. You'd been friends before he shifted but when he saw you again months after that, when he truly saw you, it was like nothing else in the world.
You spent almost every evening at the Clearwater's, your own parents understanding how much Seth meant to you. He quickly became your everything, your day was never good unless you saw him. And your day was never perfect until you were wrapped up in one of his hugs.
"Better?" His arms wrapped around you until they were pressing into your skin. Sometimes you needed to feel like your body wasn't yours, that you and him were one and the same so that his perfectness might rub off on you.
You hum in response, burrowing further into his neck and relishing in his warmth. The pair of you are sitting on the sofa at his house, simply taking time to be with each together without needing to do anything else. "Just a rough day."
His touch sooths you as his comforting weight around your midsection deepens and calms the feeling crawling through your chest. "You wanna talk about it?" His voice is muffled against you but the concern in it has your heart melting.
"No. It's getting better."
"Happy to help."
Almost a week later you're helping Leah bake some cookies for the pack at her house. Seth's out on patrol with a few of the other boys. You lean against the counter before going back to upright with a hiss of pain.
"You okay?"
Your eyes widen as you turn to Leah. "Yeah. It's fine."
"It doesn't sound fine."
"It's just a bruise."
Leah seems to relax that it's not serious. "Oh. How did you bruise your side? Fell off the bike or what?"
You laugh at her suggestion but don't answer the question.
"How'd you do it?"
"Um... It's from Seth."
"From my brother Seth? Your imprint? My little brother Seth?" Leah's face turned cold as her mind ran to the worst possibility.
"Not on purpose!" You're trying to reassure her but it only makes her more suspicious. "I had a rough day at work and stuff ad I just needed him to hold me. But with his wolf strength I guess he hugs a little too tight. I didn't even notice until a couple days ago."
Leah ran her hands through her hair, pulling at it slightly as she processed what she heard. "Does he know?"
"I don't want him to worry. Or not hug me because of it."
"Show me."
Slowly, you pull up the hem of your shirt, revealing the bruised and inflamed skin of your side and bottom of your ribs.
Leah has a sharp intake of breath as she sees the extent on your injury. "We might need to tell my mom about this."
You pull your shirt back down, gently wrapping your arms around you as if to shield yourself. "It's fine." You dismiss.
"It's really not." Leah argues. "Just let her check."
She's not giving in anytime soo so you concede. "Okay. But I don't think she can do anything about it. She's just gonna tell me to put a heat pack on it, which is why I have Seth."
Seth, at that very moment, comes back from patrol and waltzes in. "What do you have me for?" He presses a kiss to your forehead, wrapping an arm around your waist. It takes everything in you to not hiss as he rests his hand on the bruise as Leah raises an eyebrow at you.
"Don't worry about it." You kiss him back, letting you senses be surrounded by him for a moment before Leah clears her throat.
"It's not nothing. Tell him."
Seth, ever oblivious, asks "Tell me what?"
You sigh, reaching for the hem of your shirt but not lifting it yet. "You know how I had a rough day last week?"
"And you hugged me really tight cos I asked you to?"
"It kinda left a bruise. But it's fine! Leah's making it out to be a much bigger deal than it is and all I need is my personal hot water bottle and it'll be healed in no time." You lift the hem of your shirt to show him and Seth immediately starts fussing.
"Babe, this is a big bruise."
"It doesn't hurt that bad." Just at that moment Seth rests his hand on top and you can't stop the groan you let out. "...Only when I touch it."
"I want my mom to look at it."
"That's what I said!" Leah cried.
The two siblings started talking over one another about the best thing to do, whether they should go right now, whether you should even move or if it's best for you to go to bed. Their voices grew louder than just talking and you felt yourself shrinking back from them.
"I'm sorry."
Seth's mood immediately charges as he cups your face. "You don't need to be sorry for anything, okay? I'm sorry I did this to you."
"I don't want you to be sorry."
"Why don't we just go upstairs and cuddle, yeah? More gently this time."
You nod in response.
"Mom can have a look later. Let's just do nothing."
"Do nothing together?"
"Of course."
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grandline-fics · 10 months ago
Hi can i request a Luffy x fem!reader where the pair are just two dumb idiots together like the reader has a personality like his (overly enthusiastic and optimistic) and they do everything together but they both dont realize that the like eachither (bc again dumb idiots) and the crew works tgt to make them both realize and get them to confess to eachother?
DESCRIPTION: You’re just as clueless as Luffy and the crew have to intervene to make you both realise your feelings
WORDS: 1,734
A/N:  Thank you for this request. I honestly didn't know how to make this work in the beginning but I'm happy with how this fell into place. Hopefully you like what I came up with
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Once upon a time the Strawhat crew believed that their Captain was one of a kind. They took his energetic nature, clear motivation to only do what he wanted as his current mood directed without any thought beyond that, stubbornness, and still unwavering joy in the face of most things as the concoction that could only be Luffy. However they were all collectively shocked when you crash landed into their lives and promptly made them realise that everything that made Luffy his loveable yet exhausting self was also very clearly what made you you too and when you and Luffy first interacted it was like two points finally connecting, never to separate. 
All their adventures before you came along seemed like such a breeze, how naive they had been in those days to consider it difficult to keep up with Luffy’s optimism and spontaneity. After you joined the crew if felt like double the work. It didn’t matter if they had eyes on one of the chaotic pair you two created because without the vigilant supervision over both of you, it only assured a disaster that could have been avoided. It never mattered to you or Luffy because at the end of the day you two would be laughing and telling the drained crew that it had worked out in the end and that there had been nothing to worry about. After a while it wasn’t the lack of thought to the crew and their wants of an easy time on an island to explore that frustrated them, it was the fact that you and Luffy still hadn’t realised you had feelings for each other and continued to act like oblivious morons every single day while also so clearly showing them and anyone else you interacted that you were two idiots in love. 
“They’re doing it on purpose.” Nami muttered one day, arms folded tightly across her chest as she glared at you and Luffy running about the deck of the Sunny, laughing and chasing Chopper without a care in the world. Suddenly Luffy grabbed one of the masts and propelled himself through the air. Chopped managed to dodge but you ended up being the one Luffy tackled loudly onto the ground. There was a beat of silence before the two of you burst out into loud laughter once more, doing nothing to move out of the position you were currently in. “They have to be doing it on purpose. They’re evil geniuses.”
“Don’t give them so much credit. They’re both just blind to how they really feel.” Zoro disagreed from his spot in the shade, opening his good eye to look you and Luffy’s way. “Don’t know how many times the stupid cook and I have brought it up. Luffy just believes he loves them the same way he loves us as his crew.”
“Oh no, that’s a very different kind of love compared to what he feels for us.” Usopp said with a small shake of his head. He supposed that the only reason this whole matter hadn’t been resolved yet was because of your personality. Anyone else would have been more aware of the difference and clear feelings and actually talked things out with their Captain. Everyone seemed to let out a collective sigh of exhaustion and resignation. All of them wishing-more for their own selfish peace of mind more than anything- there was something to be done and help you both realise your feelings.
It wasn’t until a week later that the crew stopped at a new island to relax and enjoy while they waited for the Log Pose to set. While some took to resupplying the ships, others took to exploring. You weren’t exactly annoyed that you hadn’t gone with Luffy, you were just confused at why Usopp and Nami insisted on you joining them on their shopping trip and no one else coming with them. Had they had a fight with some of the others on the crew that you weren’t aware of? You certainly hoped not, you didn’t like the crew fighting amongst themselves. 
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Nami whispered to Usopp as they remained a couple paces away from you. Operation: Divide and Conquer might have had a good name but the strategy didn’t seem all that good except try and get you to confess to Luffy by either making you jealous or straight up lying. If they couldn’t get through to you, they would try the same tactic with Luffy.
“It has to!” Usopp hissed back, quickly throwing you a nervous smile when you looked over your shoulder with a curious tilt of your shoulder. “Hey let’s go in here!” He called out in a panic, pointing to the closest store. You stopped and shrugged, going along with whatever the sniper wanted. You had nothing to buy on this trip so you were just here for company and fun. Still this wasn’t what you’d thought would be on his or Name’s shopping list.
“Is someone getting married?” You asked, looking around the store filled with elegant gowns, robes and suits. Suddenly your eyes lit up as you hurried to hug Nami and Usopp tightly, so this was why they had insisted on you coming with them. You couldn’t fully understand why they were being so secretive but it didn’t matter given how overcome with happiness for them. “You guys! I’m so happy for you both! Have you told the others?! Are you getting married on the island?” 
“WHAT?! NO! ” Nami blurted out in shock while Usopp could only shriek at the implication. “We’re not getting married!”
“Oh…that’s a shame.” Your smile fell slightly. “I always thought you two made a nice couple. Guess I was wrong. So who is getting married?” You asked, staring intently on your friends who stammered and struggled to think of something. Operation: Divide and Conquer was crashing and burning around them and their brains all but blanked as together they rambled together while you patiently listened. Neither of them really knew what they’d told you or knew if it made any sort of sense but you seemed to accept it and continued with your day with the frazzled pair.
When you returned to the Sunny later that day you went to your usual perch of the railing near Sunny’s head. Silently you thought over what Usopp and Nami told you and were beginning to work it out in your head when Luffy appeared beside you with a bright grin. “Hey, what’s got you so frustrated looking?” He asked, oblivious to the rest of the crew on the deck; all of them pretending to go about their business when they were only making sure they were close enough to hear. 
“I’m thinking about Usopp.” You explained in a dazed tone, absently running your fingers along your bottom lip, deep in thought. Luffy frowned slightly while different sets of eyes glanced Usopp’s way, all confused about what he and Nami did while they were alone with you. “I’m trying to work out this wedding.”
“Usopp’s getting married?” Luffy asked. On the one hand he was happy but on the other hand he thought Usopp would have told him personally. “To who?”
“That’s what I’m trying to work out.” You mumbled before taking a deep breath, deciding to start from the beginning. “Usopp’s enemy wants him to marry their princess to avoid a great battle but he doesn’t want a fight or to get married so he needs to make them think he’s already married so they don’t get angry right? He needs Sanji to cater the wedding, Brook to preform the music, and Zoro to be his bodyguard so they’re out. Nami said because she’s giving Usopp the money for the wedding that’s the only favour she’s doing and won’t marry him as well because that’s not fair. Usopp said he can’t marry Franky or Robin because they’re like his parents and Chopper’s a reindeer and that’s weird. Which leaves us.” 
The more you explained the situation the more Usopp and Nami shrank towards the floor out of despair and embarrassment. Why had you believed that nonsense enough to now relay it to the entire crew who were now looking at them in bafflement. Through it all Luffy hadn’t taken his eyes off of you. He didn’t want Usopp to be forced to be married to someone he didn’t like but it didn’t stop him from quickly turning on his heel and looking to his friend. “Usopp I’ll marry you!”
“You can’t marry me dumbass!” Usopp shouted back making Luffy glare, all but standing in front of you to block you from Usopp’s stare.
“Well you’re not allowed to marry them. So it’s me or the princess.” Luffy told him with defiance in his eyes.
“Why can’t he marry me?” You asked curiously while getting to your feet, watching Luffy blink as he only now considered his fierce sense of protectiveness and possessiveness towards you. 
“Because I don’t want him to?” He suggested with a shrug. “I don’t want you to marry him, I don’t like it.”
“Well I don’t like you being married to Usopp.” You added, voicing your own reluctance and unhappiness at the thought of Luffy marrying…well anyone. There was a silent exchange between you and Luffy as though you were communicating in your own way through a look alone. Together you both grinned with a faint blush creeping across your cheeks as you both whipped your head towards Usopp and declared in unison.  “Usopp you’re marrying the princess.”
While it hadn’t been the grand romantic epiphany the crew had been expecting to witness, they could tell that a shift between you both had occurred. There was something a little more intimate between you both while you both remained your happy, energetic selves. No one on the crew had the heart to tell either of you that Usopp had been completely lying about the arranged marriage so they never mentioned it again. They were however all in agreement that if it ever was brought up it was to be brushed aside and explained as a story Usopp had been thinking of writing and nothing more. But from the looks of things slowly developing between you and Luffy they could all see that it was shaping up to having a happily ever after.  
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antheshewro · 6 months ago
Levi Ackerman headcanon — (My) analysis on his intimacy
Each time I wander around Tumblr and I read about how AOT fans picture Levi in a sexual context, I see a lot of fanfictions of him being a dom and a master of sex—very dominant, rough, knows every single position in bed. Given that I respect people's personal headcanons when it comes to characters since those aren't absolutely hurtful to anyone, I felt like sharing my own headcanons on his sexuality.
If we read the manga and analyze Levi's background, there's nothing that tells us that he's a virgin or not. Unless Isayama would say he is (I don't think he specified it, correct me if I'm wrong), there's a big question mark on that matter. What I do believe is that Levi knows about sex. He is, to me, like Sheldon Cooper from The Big bang theory: he knows the basics. The media shows him as a bookworm, which leads me to think that some of his knowledge on that subject came from books that he read during his life. I do picture him as one that he began to read to fight against the picture he had about himself, as an Underground resident; later in life, he began to read because he enjoyed it and it relaxed him.
That being said, just like Sheldon Cooper approached the topic of sex, flirting and dating, Levi knows how men and women would flirt and the purpose behind it for example. He mostly sees it from his comrades and the people in the Underground, but even though he recognizes a certain flirty comment or attitude, it's just that. It's like he would talk about it like he's reading from a manual. That doesn't mean he lacks affection, he's one that always showed that he cares in his own way.
Here it comes the topic of sex. I previously stated that we don't know if Levi is a virgin or not unless Isayama makes it canon. In my honest opinion, he is. During all his life and since he was a kid living and growing up in the Underground, he mostly focused on surviving, filling his stomach and not getting physically abused (just like in the Bad Boy chapter). An important detail, however, is that his mother Kuchel was a prostitute. Now, houses in the Underground were surely cramped and small; think about when Kenny found little Levi, that house was surely small. Or even the scene in Bad Boy where he makes tea; that house most likely had a bedroom, kitchen and living room altogether. If it had other rooms, those were as small as ever. A kitchen that if two people fit inside would get stuck, or a bathroom that was a stall.
When Kuchel had her clients inside her house, I firmly believe she tried to protect her son by letting him hide somewhere. Little Levi learned to recognize the moments where his mother had to work, hiding in a spot where the men she "welcomed" there wouldn't see him or else, they'd leave and that meant no money. No lunch nor dinner. Or worse, some sick men would try to have his way with him (remember in Bad Boy when those men talked about him having the same "skills" as his mother and wanted to sell him? Also, he didn't seem to be unaware about what they were talking about. That means Levi knew about what his mom's job was).
Kuchel would teach little Levi to hide, cover his ears and wait until she was done. But sometimes, as we know, men are brutal with prostitutes. She got some violent ones, and as much as she tried to keep quiet, Levi would hear her. And when he would see how those men were doing to poor Kuchel, he got traumatized. He heard their lewd words, their slurs and curses, and that got Levi permanently traumatized. From that moment on, he would see sex as violence, pain, something hurtful. No matter if he would educate himself on the matter, the wounds would always be fresh. He got so sick of that scenery, that it was like something switched in him. With him joining the Scouts and everything he went through while being a soldier, he – of course – focused on his job and the people he unfortunately lost up until the final battle.
In terms of approach to his own sexual desires, I see him being conflicted. He's a man, a human being; he got aroused at least once, to me. But that would be it. He knows what his body is trying to tell him, but indulging in self pleasure would be just because he feels too overwhelmed by it. As if he feels itchy and needs to scratch.
He surely had women flirting and throwing themselves at him. Just like he said to Zeke, he had a few successes with ladies. But that didn't mean he slept with them; again, he could recognize he was popular and some shamelessly drooled after him. He knows what dates are (he said, somewhere in the manga, "hot titan date" which if we want to be obnoxiously meticulous, that means he knows what a date is. Oh well).
This is just a little rant and random headcanon I wanted to share after quite a long time of pondering if it was a good idea or not. Once more: that's just my personal headcanon on Levi. Feel free to agree, disagree or share your own if you want 🩵
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lujingheswife · 1 year ago
and it felt like home again.
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summary: when he gets drowned in exhaustion and homesickness, the first thing he wishes for is home.
featuring: oikawa tooru
word count: 729
cw: gn!reader, timeskip!oikawa tooru, comfort, oikawa is just homesick, not proofread, intentional lowercase, a bit of fluff <3
author’s notes: wanna write a fic of a character feeling homesick and exhausted (because i was) and oikawa was the first person that came into my mind! hope you enjoyyy
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
it was seven o clock in the evening.
tooru limply stepped into his rented apartment, the familiar loneliness welcoming him with silence. his eyes felt droopy from lack of sleep, his body sore from multiple rounds of exercising and his arms bruised from the strong receives.
he should be used to this, which he is, yet it happened to be one of those days when he felt absolutely, dreadfully exhausted.
he would be lying if he says he does not want to go home; he really wanted to. the countless practices had always made him wanting to just pack his bags and leave. he missed his family and his mother’s home cooked meals, he missed enjoying authentic ramen at the restaurant near his high school, he missed being in the arms if his partner just taking his time to relax.
he missed his home.
tooru placed his bags by the entrance, not bothering to arrange them somewhere. he kicked his shoes off without caring to keep them nicely in the shoe rack. he let his legs drag him towards the nearest, softest place he could find to rest— the sofa.
the apartment was dark although illuminated by the light lingering in the evening sky. he heavily rested an arm over his eyes, a loud sigh escaped his lips.
the first person that came into his mind was you.
he wanted to see you.
tooru suddenly thought of his phone that was left forgotten in his bag. he slightly lifted his arm to take a peek at his bag, but ignored it after.
whatever, not in the mood...
just a little longer maybe.
when his eyes could no longer bear the weight of his consciousness, they finally put him into slumber.
he found himself in a dream. he was in a field of grass with nothing else around him. every direction he went showed no signs of obstacle, only an endless field.
what was he searching for?
where was he going?
he continued walking aimlessly.
ah... how long have i been walking for?
the sound of a bell ringing came to him from the front. it caught his attention, and his legs picked up the pace. there he was, running towards where the bell rung from in hopes of a destination.
a flash of light blinded him.
tooru jotted awake from the sofa as the sound of the ringing doorbell continued echoing the apartment. confused, he definitely recalled not ordering any food delivery today nor did he invite anyone to come over.
"coming," he called. he groggily dragged himself towards the door, not bothering to check his phone again.
his hand reached for the doorknob as he unlocked it open. he had not look at who the person is, yet the shoes definitely belonged to someone familiar. "do you need anythi-"
his once droopy eyes widened immediately at the familiar voice calling for his name. his head shot up from facing the floor, immediately locking eyes with you.
you stood in front of his door with a big backpack clinging onto your back like a koala and a luggage standing next to you. you were there, physically, in front of him, plastering a grin that he loved so much on your face. "you did not answer my call," you said as you pouted your lips on purpose, yet he was sure that you were simply amused at your boyfriend's reaction.
tooru remained speechless as he observed you top to toe, confirming whether its the real deal, his precious partner, in front of his doorstep. was it a coincidence that you somehow magically appeared in front of him like an angel during the times when he needed you the most? probably.
his hand left the door knob as he immediately pulled you into a tight, warm embrace. how surreal did it feel when he buried his face in the crook of your neck, enjoying the coziness he longed to feel. he felt you responding to his hug as you returned it, and he could feel your familiar scent tickling his nose saying, "it's been a while!"
he stayed with you for a little longer before getting pestered to help you with your heavy bags. he asked no questions, just clinging onto you like a helpless toddler and ended the day with a cuddle.
and it felt like home again.
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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evilbihan · 7 months ago
I'm not going to acknowledge that person by name because I have no wish to interact further with her, nor to have others find her and give her any attention. But with Noob Saibot being brought back, I remembered this rancid take they had, quote: "Bi-Han is a man who has time and time again become Noob Saibot, a man whose endings have shown the Netherrealm is where he wanted to be" which is wild af to say.
Because Bi-Han doesn't just 'become" Noob, he is literally made into Noob. Quan Chi resurrected him as a wraith that turned him into Noob Saibot and now Titan Havik tortures him and uses some insane magic even Liu Kang doesn't know, to turn him into Noob. It's not like some magical girl transformation. We're talking awful evil stuff being done to Bi-Han against his will, to warp him into this being known as Noob Saobot, who is stripped of his humanity and almost everything that made Bi-Han who he was.
And Bi-Han never wanted to end up in the Neatherrealm. In the previous timelines he literally had no choice. He was forced into the role of assassin. He was molded into one practically from birth. In Mythologies when he goes into the Neatherrealm he's informed that his soul is already tainted with evil, which is why he can exist there. That's not because he simply woke up one day and decided to kill some Gods for shits and gigs. He had to do what he was ordered to do or be a traitor to the clan and marked for death anyway. It was a lose lose situation. If anything this shows that Bi-Han was never where he wanted to be. His strings were always being pulled by someone else. History is repeating itself now. And leaks even say that Liu Kang doesn't fault him for his desires, but only the ways he goes about achieving his ends. Which further proves Bi-Han doesn't have some nefarious plots in mind with the deliberate intention of landing himself in the Neatherrealm.
She said she doesn't hate Bi-Han, but then this reads as a deep missunderstanding of his character. And at that point, if you can misinterpret his character to that degree, you probably don't like him much either.
Another day, another take so stupid it makes me want to never interact with anything MK related ever again.
Oh, who am I kidding? The trailer already achieved that.
Needless to say, you're 100% correct and this person, whoever they are, is obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. People who think Bi-Han wanted any of this are either being ignorant on purpose and want to misunderstand his character because they hate him or they're so blatantly stupid they don't understand the very simple fact that Bi-Han being turned into Noob Saibot always happened against his will in every damn timeline.
Does it look like Bi-Han tied himself to that damn wheel we see in the trailer? Does this person have the attention span of a goldfish and just missed the part where he looks terrified out of his mind when those drills/needles approach him?
For goodness' sake, I didn't want to talk about the trailer because watching it made me want to gauge my own eyeballs out. I never felt this sick looking at something in my life (that's coming from someone who plays horror and fighting games on the regular) and yet here we are and I'm talking about it regardless now. I hate it here.
But anyway, you're right. What more can I say? Anyone with even an ounce of common sense would know that. Anyone who has ever played any of the Mortal Kombat games should know that Bi-Han was forcefully turned into Noob Saibot. He was never evil. He was always a neutral character and he's still a neutral character in the New Era.
What more confirmation do you need outside of Liu Kang himself admitting that there's nothing wrong with Bi-Han's ambitions, only with his methods of achieving them? Ashrah says Bi-Han can be redeemed, Bi-Han said only people who don't understand him would mistake him for evil, the Lin Kuei all stand behind Bi-Han and support him... He isn't evil and he never was.
He literally saves Liu Kang's entire stupid trainwreck of a timeline single-handedly in this DLC and people still have the audacity to say he's evil?
I wish he was.
I wish Bi-Han would just sit back and watch Havik destroy Liu Kang's timeline along with all the pitiful hypocrites in it. I wish he'd let all of the fandom's pathetic favorites get torn to shreds and laugh.
But he won't. Because Bi-Han is a good and honorable man deep down.
Disagree and be wrong. It's as simple as that.
PS: Wasn't MK:Mythologies Sub-Zero all about Bi-Han trying to avoid ending up in the Netherrealm? He reacted with shock and concern to being told his soul is tainted with evil by Raiden and he was trying to turn his life around. There's even an ending in one of the older games where he kills Shang Tsung and leaves the Lin Kuei with the prize money from the tournament. Bi-Han never wanted to end up in the Netherrealm. Claiming anything else would be ignoring canon lore.
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antispopausandstuff · 2 months ago
aside from Adora and Catra...
Glimmer - too much potential wasted. her relationship with her mother is never fully realized and developed, her friendship with Bow feels oddly surface-level and like it's relevant only because Glimbow is a thing, and i personally don't like how the whole conflict between her, Adora, and Shadow Weaver was written.
Bow - the black best friend, nothing more to him. every opportunity of development was wasted, and he just ends up being a supporter for everyone else ( mostly his lighter-skinned friends ) with no arc, no importance, and no actual happy conclusion beyond ending up with Glimmer, who he had no legitimate romantic chemistry with. his backstory and the arc he had were so interesting to me, but no one did anything with them. that, and he honestly wasn't as angry or on guard with everyone as he should've been, in my opinion.
Mermista - i would've thought she was just another black stereotype, but she's apparently Southeast Asian, so never mind that, i guess. predictable, doesn't seem to care for Salineas at all, her relationship with Sea Hawk is forced and creepy, the only time i've seen her invested ( as far as i recall ) in anything was when Salineas was destroyed, which she didn't care about after 5 minutes, and the stupid Mermysteries episode.
Sea Hawk - unfunny, nonsensical, and creepy. serves no purpose other than to be a romantic interest for Mermista and occasional supposed comedic relief.
Perfuma - eugh. toxic positivity, two-faced, and simply a hypocrite. none of these issues are realized or resolved, resulting in her spouting bullshit about friendship and its 'powers' while she continues treating people she doesn't like ( namely Entrapta ) like trash. completely oblivious or willingly ignorant and irresponsible with Plumeria.
Entrapta - very much wasted potential. severely infantilized by both the writers and cast, even in her design, only considered 'morally grey' because her 'low empathy' ( i tried to look up the scientific name, but all that came up were misinterpretations of autistic people, NPD, sociopaths, and psychopaths, so. ) isn't portrayed well and misrepresents, and it gives a bad taste in my mouth that her time in Beast Island is entirely about her 'not understanding friendship' and not at all about the fact she was betrayed and sent to die. i'm equally for villain or reformed Entrapta, either one is very nice to see from other creators.
Frosta - gonna be honest, though i prefer her character introduction over how she is in the rest of the show, she's kinda an ass for no reason. kinda felt like they were trying to make a 'Toph' like character without understanding Toph at all. there's no explanation for why she feels the Horde isn't a threat to her, especially considering that the two noticeably Horde members ( Catra and Scorpia ) invaded only because Frosta let them, then pinned the blame on Adora for 'causing a scene' at her party?
Spinerella & Netossa - we don't know much about them, and we know nothing about their Kingdoms. literally nothing. we know Net is a strategist and doesn't take shit from anybody ( even if that only came s5 ), but Spin doesn't seem to have... much going for her? i didn't like the "calm lighter person angry darker person" thing they did, that wasn't cute, and i didn't like the thought of Netossa using the fact that Spinerella was involved in a cult and chipped as a way to avoid doing chores in the future.
Scorpia - honestly, there's so much we don't know about her that it drives me nuts. i really wish that we had Catra actually earn something for once, and it would've been awesome ( and tragic, considering s3-s4 ) if it was Scorpia's love, trust, and respect. a lot of her lore is just said, not even really referenced or implied, and hardly ever shown, if at all. and i would've loved her to be called out for her enabling by someone other than Lonnie, since... well, that's kinda just hypocrisy, isn't it?
Angella - ohhh, how she hurts me ( /pos ). one of the better written characters, but still had wasted potential and should've been respected much more, even if it wasn't going to be by Glimmer. dying // being trapped between dimensions while believing that you had been a coward all this time when you actually weren't and not being able to reunite with your husband because he turns out not to be dead is fucking tragic, and, at the very least, her death deserved to be respected and remembered.
Micah - uhh, man, where do i begin with this one? kooky man trope in the beginning, that wasn't cute. don't even recall why he was on Beast Island to begin with. he only got to grieve his wife for a minute or two. the rest of his character either has to do with just being a dad ( when Glimmer isn't even there ) or being chipped, so yay. also, for a supposedly women empowering show, they changed Castaspella from being one of the best sorcerers on Etheria to Micah. and also made them related, with him being the older brother. hm.
Castaspella - speaking of. she's just the unbearable aunt until s5, and even then, she doesn't have much relevance to the plot. the show also made her dynamic with Shadow Weaver fucking weird for no reason. just make them similar ages, if that's the case, you cretins. there's not much input from her about Micah's supposed death, even though, according to the show, Angella doesn't talk to her, for some reason.
Shadow Weaver - RAAAAAH ( /pos )!!! i'mma say it, she was another one of the better written characters and i love her. that said, she does fall under the 'would you look at that, your racism is showing' still, for similar reasons to Hordak and Horde Prime. basically, the bad people... the colonizers... are black. yeah. okay. also, demonizing disfigurement ( ableism ) is not cute, go fuck yourself 🤍.
Hordak - wasted potential, 100%, and could've been an angsty badass bastard if it weren't for how weak the writers made his character. instead of a domineering, powerful lord, he's kinda just a sad blanket that's sometimes cruel and effective. also deals with the racism and ableism issue, wooo.
Horde Prime - ...he's boring, made to sound smarter than he actually is, and falls under the racism ( and potentially under the ableism? ) category, second verse same as the first.
Wrong Hordak - i don't appreciate how he was never taken seriously, in terms of his traumas and struggling to come to terms with it, meanwhile everyone was catering to Catra's. that, and i don't like his name. i prefer calling him 'Horro'.
Lonnie - angry black woman trope. again. is also a bully, never gets that resolved, and somehow ends up with her victim and her enabler?
Rogelio - ... i don't know what to say about him, to be honest, aside from him enabling Lonnie's bullying and not really having a reason for it, considering he's supposedly Kyle's friend. oh, and the fact the only mute character ( apparently he has a speech impediment??? but i don't recall him ever talking??? ) is a big lizard is also not cute.
Kyle - 'everyman' trope, but i love him, and he deserves better than the abuse he faces for literally just existing, and i love when people acknowledge him. i genuinely feel like he deserved either a way out or a villain arc, i don't care how unserious it sounds.
DT - 🤮!!! only non-binary character is a lizard, a creep, act smarter than they are, and simply a plot device for future Catra angst and setting up drama between other characters for no reason.
Flutterina // Peekablue - does it even matter? they're not even real, apparently. ...okay, fine. Flutterina is just a damsel in distress who's pretended ( by the writers ) to be bigger just because it's DT in disguise, and Peekablue could've saved me a lot of headaches if he was introduced to the series earlier. but then again, they never used his abilities when he was introduced, so never mind.
Huntara - repeat after me, everybody: 🎉WASTED POTENTIAL🎉 just like the Crimson Waste, Huntara's character isn't ever explored beyond one episode and, half of the time, it's not even taken that seriously. she could've been an interesting foil or parallel to Adora.
Mara - tragedy. pure tragedy. i think there were a lot of missing details, but i still really like her character and her story ( except for the finale, but i honestly don't consider that the real her? maybe i'm just nitpicking and favoring, though ), and i will always believe she deserved better.
Light Hope - this might get me some heat, but i think she deserved better, too. i would've loved if her character was taken to a 'chained by protocol' route ( COUGHtotally not because i did the same thingCOUGH- ), especially since there were moments we saw her warmth and friendliness, and her attempt to comfort Adora was always kinda nice for me. i get that most people don't like her, or only like her because of her interactions with Mara, but after knowing of how she ( he ) was in the original, i feel like she was wasted and used as an obstacle.
Madame Razz - uhhh... i mean, kooky old grandma trope. once again, lots of waste of potential, especially considering i'm pretty sure that, in the original show, she's the reason the Rebellion could even hide in the Whispering Woods in the first place? or at least part of the reason.
Swift Wind - i prefer elegance and wittiness over this, sorry not sorry.
Imp - i mean. he's. there. that's kinda it.
Melog - deserved sooooo much more than just being Catra's therapy cat. lore was never utilized, the entirely wrong person was comforting them ( Catra. you cannot tell me an overtly aggressive, hostile person would be able to actually help an alien creature that doesn't trust anyone. especially since Catra has no positive relationships. why is she suddenly calm in the face of someone she attacked? ), and they're just an excuse for a 'shipper friend'. that, and i really wish that Melog was able to have an amazing transformation after Adora heals them, like in the original. Melog could've been a great friend to Adora and co. and a powerful asset to the Rebellion. someone talked about the possible trans metaphors Melog could've had and i am FERAL.
essentially, the show's writing is basically:
you had potential. and you fucked it up.
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vero1shere · 6 days ago
spring breakers! chapter one
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pairing: roman roy x fem!oc
word count: 3k
summary: Marla Carranza, despite being a board member, hasn't talked to the Roys in years. This changes the minute a very desperate Kendall Roy calls her.
warnings: i recommend you read the prologue first, foul language, main character is a bad person, lots of sexual commentary from roman, logan roy staring...
series masterlist. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁inbox
Stewy’s whistle was low, appreciative, and just a little smug. “Marla Carranza.” His eyes flicked down the length of her dress before he leaned in for a hug, the scent of expensive cologne clinging to him. “Kendall told me you were coming, but I didn’t believe him at all.”
Marla was wearing a dark grayish blue dress with a V-neckline that showed off just the right amount of cleavage. She’d gotten real pretty for this. Her first time seeing the family after such a long time, she had to leave a great impression. 
Marla let out a soft laugh, taking a slow sip of her champagne. “Yeah, honestly, I’m still surprised I accepted his… uh, invite.” 
“Ah, see, that’s what I love about you, Marla. Always full of bad decisions.” His grin was sharp, teasing, but there was an undercurrent of something else, something closer to curiosity.
Marla and Stewy had met during her internship at Waystar, when she became friends with Kendall, which entailed her partying every weekend at different high-end bars and clubs. 
Stewy and Marla hit it off immediately. Stewy was a flirty guy, and there was nothing Marla found more fun than being able to flirt back without consequences. Of course, they did date for a while but it was nothing really serious. They both knew that.
She raised a brow. “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”
The two of them stood at the edge of the gala, away from the cameras, the polished floor glinting beneath the chandeliers. The room was buzzing with business talk. On the opposite corner of the room, Marla recognised Connor, who appeared to be yelling at a server, clearly stressed out. She’d never really connected with him like she’d done with the rest of the Roys, mainly due to him being sort of an outsider inside both the family and the company. And what benefit would Marla obtain from buddying up with the interloper? Marla was always thinking about the benefit. 
Stewy followed her gaze, scoffing softly. “Poor guy. Always trying so hard to be relevant.”
Marla huffed a quiet laugh, though she couldn’t entirely disagree. Before she could say anything, she felt his eyes shift back to her, assessing. “You’re not like him,” he said, voice lower now, more deliberate. Like he’d been waiting for an opening. Like she was the most interesting thing in the room.
“I’m not so sure.” Marla turned her eyes back over to Stewy. “One might say I’m just as desperate for relevancy as Connor Roy is.”
Stewy shrugged. “At least you aren’t so obvious with it.” he swirled his drink. “So… you working for Logan now?”
Marla’s lips quirked into a knowing smile. “What makes you say that?”
“Because only people who work for Logan voluntarily walk into these fucking shark-infested waters.” His gaze sharpened. “And you don’t strike me as someone who came here just for the champagne.”
Marla held his stare, unblinking. “Maybe I just missed the family.”
That earned a quiet chuckle. “Right. And I’m here for the charity.” He tilted his head, assessing her like she was a stock on the rise. “So what’s your angle?”
She smirked. “I think I might just be trying too hard to be relevant.”
Stewy chuckled softly before leaning in just slightly. “I’ll say this, Marla—whatever you’re up to, you better be damn sure it’s worth it.”
There was no warning in his voice, just amusement, the kind that came from watching someone step into the lion’s den on purpose.
Marla just smiled, lifting her glass in an unbothered toast. “Cheers to bad decisions, then.”
Their glasses clinked, but before either could say another word, Stewy’s gaze flicked over her shoulder. His smirk widened, just a little.
“Well, well. Looks like you’ve got company.”
Marla turned just in time to see Shiv Roy approaching, alone. Behind her, Marla could grasp the image of her husband, whom she had only met in pictures, staring at Shiv’s back. 
Stewy exhaled, already taking a step back. “And that’s my cue to leave.”
“Coward,” Marla muttered.
“Strategist,” he corrected with a wink before slipping away, leaving her alone with Shiv.
And just like that, the air shifted.
Effortlessly poised, champagne flute in hand, she moved with the kind of confidence that came from knowing she was the smartest person in the room, or at least believing she was. The moment Marla locked eyes with her, it became clear: this wasn’t just a casual hello.
Marla straightened her posture, letting a slow smile curve her lips. “Why, hello Shiv.”
Shiv’s red lips parted into something that resembled a smile, but there was a sharpness to it. “Marla. Didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Didn’t expect to be here,” Marla replied easily, taking a sip of her drink. “But you know how it is, free booze, good lighting, rich men being miserable. Hard to say no.”
Shiv hummed, tilting her head slightly. “Right. And what exactly are you doing here?”
Straight to the point. Marla almost laughed. “Oh well, you know…” Marla played with the bracelet laying on her wrist. The situation made her nervous. She had always been intimidated by Shiv, even when they’d been best friends. “Wanted to see the um… new steps of the company. I am a board member after all.”
Shiv’s gaze flickered over her, quick and assessing. Sizing her up. Then, as if remembering something, she let out a soft chuckle. “God. Kendall must be feeling sentimental.”
Marla’s brows furrowed. “Is that what you think this is?”
“Isn’t it?” Shiv countered smoothly. “You show up after, what? Years? And suddenly, you’re sitting at his table, looking…” Her eyes swept over Marla’s dress, a flicker of something unreadable in her expression. “…expensive.”
Marla smiled, unbothered. “Oh but I always look like this. Don’t you remember Shivvy?”
Shiv’s lips pressed together, amusement barely masking the tension beneath. For a second, she looked like she might push further, ask more, dig deeper. And for a moment, Marla thought she might actually say something real.
After all, this was Shiv. Her Shiv. The girl she used to share cigarettes with outside of shitty college parties, both of them cackling about which idiot was going to fail the next exam. The one she stayed up with in their dorm, ranting about boys and family and futures that were supposed to be theirs for the taking.
But that was a long time ago.
And now, here they were, talking like strangers with knives behind their backs.
“I should go find Tom.” Shiv finally let her gaze move from Marla’s eyes, hesitating before doing so, something unspoken in her expression. “But it was… uh, nice seeing you Marla.”
“Nice seeing you too.” Marla had turned back to the table, taking out her phone before she suddenly overheard Kendall’s voice from behind her.
“Hey Shiv.”
“Nice work, bro.”
Marla barely turned her head as Kendall slid into view, noticing how Shiv’s lips were already curling into a smirk.
Kendall blinked, caught off guard. “What do you mean?”
Shiv took a slow sip of her drink, nudging towards the blonde girl sitting at the same table as Marla. “Fucking the talent.”
Kendall’s face barely shifted, but something in his posture stiffened. “Hey, come on.”
“No, it’s okay,” Shiv continued, voice light but razor-sharp. “You’re fucking ATN. ATN is fucking me. It’s a little clusterfuck.”
Marla watched Kendall’s jaw tighten. 
“But hey! Marla is here too! Maybe you can turn it into a threesome.” Shiv winked at him, but before he could respond, she was already turning away, leaving him standing there like a misplaced chess piece.
He exhaled sharply, running a hand down his face before his eyes finally landed on Marla.
“Marla,” he said, slow and careful, like he was testing the weight of her name after all these years.
Marla tilted her head, her smirk softening just a fraction. “Kendall.”
A beat of silence. He blinked, almost like he didn’t believe she was real.
“You…” He exhaled, shaking his head. “Holy shit. You’re actually here.”
Marla let out a soft chuckle, swirling the champagne in her glass. “Yeah well, you practically begged me to make an appearance tonight.”
“Yeah.” Kendall laughed. “I did… uh, have you met my date?” He pointed towards the blonde girl that Shiv had referred to just a moment ago. 
“Anna Newman.” Her voice was sweet, but she seemed bored. She extended her hand and Marla took it, a sympathetic smile on her face. 
“Marla Carranza.”
“Have you… uh, been having a good time?” Kendall directed the question towards Anna, sitting down as he did so. 
“Yeah. Uh… It’s been lovely.” She displayed what was clearly a fake smile on her face. “Thanks.”
“I’m glad.” Kendall turned around to look at Marla now. “So… how are you, uh, feeling about Tuesday?”
“I already told you. I’m fully team Kenny.”
“Yeah, no, I know. It’s just I’ve… I’m a little bit nervous about this whole thing.”
“Rightfully so. You’re kinda going to murder your dad.”
Kendall’s smile grew. “Hey, don’t say that.” Marla simply hummed as an answer. 
Before Marla could answer, Connor suddenly appeared, his energy frayed at the edges, lowering himself to Kendall’s height. "Hey, uh, Ken? Need to talk."
Kendall barely looked at him. "Yeah, what’s up?"
“Wait, Marla? How have things been going?” Marla wished Connor hadn’t realised she was there. This many reencounters in a night were giving her a headache.
“It’s been good.”
“So sorry about the butter.” Connor turned his attention back over to Kendall, leaving Marla confused and with no space to ask what was wrong with the butter. “Yeah so, apparently dad’s going to be doing the speech now, so late change of plans, I hope that’s cool.”
Kendall stood up in surprise, blinking. 
“Well, yeah, he just said. I guess that put a spoke in quite a few wheels, huh?”
“Con. Con.” Kendall’s voice was laced with worry as he stopped Connor from leaving. “He’s in no fit state.” “Gotta go backstage.” Connor touched his shoulder before leaving, Kendall following after him.
Marla barely had a second to process Kendall’s abrupt exit before a voice cut in from her right, dry and unmistakably amused.
“Holy shit. It’s alive.”
She didn’t need to turn to know who it was.
He dropped into the chair beside her like he owned it, all loose limbs and careless confidence, eyeing her over the rim of his drink.
“Did they roll out a red carpet for you, or did you just claw your way back in? Either way, congrats. You’re like a very sexy cockroach.”
Marla let out a slow breath, turning toward him at last. Roman looked the same, somehow both sharp and disheveled, suit slightly wrinkled like he’d just rolled out of someone else’s bed.
Her lips quirked. “That was almost a compliment.”
“Oh, yeah, I forgot to add the part where I’m deeply, profoundly unsettled by your presence.” He gestured vaguely at her dress. “But you do look… hot, so at least there’s that.”
Marla rolled her eyes, lifting her glass in mock gratitude. “Gee, thanks, Rome.”
He smirked. “Mm. That’s what I do. Boost female confidence. I’m basically the Gloria Steinem of billionaire failsons.”
She chuckled, shaking her head. “Where’s your date? Assuming you have one.”
Roman clicked his tongue, glancing briefly at the crowd. “Oh, she was here. You just missed her.”
His tone was deliberately vague, leaving room for interpretation. 
Marla raised a brow. “Uh-huh. Did she happen to be… a real person?”
“Define real.” He grinned. “Like, did she have a pulse? Was she tax-paying? Did she have a deep and meaningful relationship with her father? Some of those answers are yes.”
Marla smirked, leaning in slightly. “So, translation: you scared her off.”
“I did not.” Roman’s hand fluttered to his chest in mock offense. 
“Let me guess, she just had an urgent appointment? With a car? Going far away from you?” He shrugged. “Classic.”
“Are you projecting right now?” Roman cocked his head, eyes glinting. “What’s your deal here? You back for good? Or just here to haunt us like some terribly-fuckable poltergeist?”
Marla took a slow sip of her drink. “Why? You worried?”
Roman grinned. “Worried? No. Turned on? Only in a deeply concerning, self-loathing kind of way.”
Marla exhaled a short laugh, her gaze steady. Roman was always like this, always pushing, always performing. But there was something in his eyes, beneath the smirk, that was watching her just as closely.
She set her glass down with a soft clink. “So, is this the part where you pretend you didn’t miss me?”
Roman made a face, feigning horror. “Oh God, was I supposed to? Shit. No one gave me the memo.” He leaned in, dropping his voice to a low stage whisper. “Wait, do you want me to say I did? Will that make you feel all warm and gooey inside?”
Marla hummed, tilting her head as if considering it. “I think I’d rather watch you squirm.”
Roman barked out a laugh. “Mar, please. If I could be rattled by you, I’d be dead already.”
She arched a brow. “Mmm. Keep telling yourself that.”
His grin twitched, just barely, like she’d brushed against something real. But then he was back on the offense, tilting his head, studying her with faux curiosity.
“So, then. Who lured you out of exile? Kenny?” His smirk widened. “Wait, no. You’re too smart for that. Shiv, then? Or…” his eyes flickered with amusement, “dear old dad?”
There it was. The real test.
Marla didn’t flinch. Instead, she smiled, slow and sharp. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Roman clicked his tongue, mock-disappointed. “Oof. That’s such a Shiv answer.” He gave her a once-over. “You two been trading notes? I saw you talking to her just minutes before.”
“Are you stalking me Rome?” If he would tease, you could tease back. “Are you jealous that I didn’t run immediately towards you?” Her words were biting, mocking him in a fake sadness. 
Roman clutched his chest. “Christ, Marla, do you want me to cry? Because I will. Right here. Full meltdown.”
She pretended to consider. “Would be entertaining.”
Roman pointed at her. “See, now that? That’s the kind of passive-aggressive ex-girlfriend energy I live for.”
Marla just took a sip of her drink, unbothered. “We never dated.”
“Oh, we so did.”
“No, we didn’t.”
“Okay, yeah, maybe not in the ‘we are boyfriend and girlfriend and we fuck’ sense, but, like…” He made a vague, circular motion with his drink. “We did things. We were things.”
Marla’s smile turned sharp. “Yeah, the things were...”
“Hey.” Kendall slipped back into his seat beside her, his expression tight, his energy off. He barely acknowledged them, eyes fixed ahead. Whatever conversation he’d just had, it hadn’t gone his way.
“Well, what happened to you, my dear brother?” Roman’s tone was, as most of the time, mocking.
“Business mogul. Philanthropist.” A guy had stood up in the center of the stage, excusing Kendall out of answering. “And the man whose name is at the top of my checks.”
“Seems like it’s time for your daddy’s speech” 
“Ew don’t call him my daddy.” Roman pretended to gag. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my profound pleasure to introduce to you on this most auspicious occasion…”
Roman let out a loud mocking yawn as the guy kept talking. 
“... the man, the legend: Logan Roy.”
“Wait, was it not supposed to be Kenny?” Roman finally sat down correctly, seemingly interested now.
“Do you care?” 
Roman tilted his head, considering her question. “I mean… not really. But I do love a good family betrayal. It’s like porn for me.”
Marla’s gaze drifted back to the stage, ignoring Roman’s comment as Logan took his place.
The applause was immediate, obedient.
Logan stood tall, his presence swallowing the room whole. Even the clinking of glasses quieted.
“Alright,” he said, tone clipped. “Let’s get on with it.”
A small chuckle rippled through the crowd, the kind that came from people desperate to be in on the joke. 
“Some personal news,” Logan went on, voice steady, measured. “Seems someone took advantage of me being in the hospital… to propose…”
At this point Logan was staring directly at Kendall, clearly taking a jab at him.
“To my daughter.”
A slight pause. A murmur in the crowd.
“So I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome her fiancé, Tom Wambsgans, to the family.” Logan’s eyes found Tom in the crowd, holding him there for a beat too long. “Welcome to the family, Tom.”
Polite applause. The sound of it made Marla’s teeth clench. 
Logan continued, shifting gears without missing a beat and Marla disassociated, moving in her chair to look at Shiv and her husband, who seemed even more uncomfortable than Kendall. “It’s so, so important that children are supported and encouraged.” His voice took on an almost thoughtful lilt. “Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for my children.”
Marla turned her head back at him, just slightly. And that’s when she caught it.
Logan’s eyes, cutting through the crowd, landing directly on her.
It was brief. A flicker. A fraction of a second too long to be accidental.
Then he moved on, as if she were nothing.
Marla’s fingers tightened around her glass.
Roman, watching her, let out a low chuckle. “Wow. That was something.”
Marla’s expression didn’t waver. “Was it?”
“Oh, definitely.” Roman tilted his head, eyes gleaming. “What do you think it meant?”
Marla did not know what Logan’s stare meant. Was it even important? Was it a hello? A ‘fuck you’? Or just some good old-fashioned ‘I see you, and I own you’ Roy-family mind games? 
It didn’t really matter, what was important was how she felt about it. 
And Marla liked it.
She didn’t care if it meant that Logan hated her. All she cared about was the fact that he had noticed. That she was important. 
Marla set down her drink with careful precision. “If you have to ask, you’ll never know.”
Roman let out a soft whistle, amused. “You really haven’t lost your touch.”
She turned, fully toward him now, resting her elbow on the table. “And you? Same old Roman? Still playing fool while the kingdom burns?”
He grinned, unfazed. “What can I say? I know my strengths.”
She studied him for a beat. “And your weaknesses?”
Roman’s smirk faltered—just for a second.
But Marla caught it.
taglist: @televangrl
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scarletcomalies · 2 years ago
broken reflection
Wanda Maximoff x Fem Reader
Word count: 5,342
A/N: This story is inspired by Elizabeth Olsen's character in Love And Death. However, I must clarify that while I appreciate her performance in the show, I don’t agree with nor glorify the actions of the real-life person she portrays, Candy Montgomery. Therefore, I made the decision to switch the character to Wanda Maximoff and create a “multiverse” storyline. I was inspired by someone else who did a similar switch, and I felt that it was the right decision for my own. With nothing else to add, I hope you enjoy!
Marriage was supposed to be your happy ending, but as your marriage deteriorated, an encounter with another woman opened your eyes to a new world of possibilities and desires you never knew existed.
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Time seemed to pass at a frantic pace whenever you found yourself immersed in your most tormenting thoughts. The ceiling, which you watched as you lay in your bed, became your silent witness, as the moonlight streaming in through the window illuminated the cracks in the ceiling, which you could have sworn, you knew by heart by that point.
You caught yourself finding comfort in those seemingly insignificant details, but at that moment, they seemed to be the only tangible things in your life.
Because, no one had prepared you for this.
For as long as you could remember, the idea of marriage had been presented to you as something wonderful, as a kind of destiny that you had to reach in order to be happy and fulfilled. And very late you realized that, in your quest to find that sense of belonging and fulfillment you so longed for, you had fallen into the error of looking for in marriage what you should have found within yourself.
"I worked my ass off to give you everything you needed, I spoiled you rotten, and the one thing you were supposed to give me in return, you couldn't give it to me!" He exclaimed when he came home from work at nine o'clock at night, and you found yourself in the painful position of telling him again that no, you were not in the mood to try.
He had never told you anything like that, at least not explicitly. However, he always let you know by giving you those little looks whenever he saw those happy families with their children in the park, or disguised as a brief "we're working on it" whenever the subject came up in those absurd after-dinner conversations he made you attend. He never felt the need to say those hurtful words to you, until that time.
You could hear your mother's voice echoing in your head, "That's what you get for marrying so young, to someone so old." And yes, you were the youngest of all the wives who gathered after church on Sundays. From the way they talked to you, it was obvious that they thought you were so ignorant of everything just because you were young.
Before, every day of your marriage felt like a fairy tale, everything seemed solved, and you thought you had fulfilled your purpose. It wasn't until, for a change, some idiot friend of James' decided to pick on him by telling him that he was "falling behind."
What hurt the most was that he was looking for in children what you were looking for in marriage, both wrong because, you insisted, it was within you. That was why you refused to even try, in the first place. Being a father wasn't supposed to be just a compensation for his lack of fulfillment.
After failing miserably to go to sleep at a decent hour, you woke up at noon and realized that he was gone. It wasn't the first time he had breakfast out because you simply refused to wake up to prepare him something. The only reason it didn't bother him was because afterward, he took advantage to see other women. Oh, you knew, he didn't even deign to hide it.
Even if you weren't doing the same thing, you supposed you could care less anyway. Any semblance of love had vanished so long ago, but you couldn't afford to be as bold as he was, because you repeated, you were doing the same thing, seeing other women...
... or rather, another woman.
It all happened when one Sunday night, which you thought would end up as hell, was what started a part of your life that really meant something. Very chaotic and perhaps sick to consider it as such, but all you aspired to was those weekday evenings. Before, you had nothing to aspire to, no one you really wanted to give yourself to in that sense.
For a change, you were fighting with your husband. You were eagerly talking to the women about everything and nothing at the same time when he called you over to talk, and his expression was so serene that it was inevitable to think it was not good.
"You'll be happy now! I'm the laughing stock of all my friends because they know we are not even trying to have a child," he blurted out, his alcohol breath invading your nose, causing you a feeling of revulsion immediately.
"How fragile you are to accept a commitment as big as a child is, just because you can't stand the awful comments," you replied, almost in a mocking tone. He hated that, he hated that you seconded all the remarks in some way. His friends teased him because you refused to sleep with him, and you teased him because he cared. It was his nightmare and your delight.
"Not everything is about having kids! They know you're disgusted by me!" He clarified, and just imagining the kind of conversations they were having made you loathe him even more.
"We women are not trophies for you to show off. We are human beings," you replied, pushing him slightly, which was enough for him to fall like a sack of potatoes. "How empty-minded are you guys that the only remarkable thing you have to say is whether or not you slept with a woman, huh?"
He stood up awkwardly and laughed.
"Spare me your feminist talk, I'm outta here," he growled and proceeded to walk off to who knows where.
You let out a long sigh after watching his figure shrink in size until he became invisible to your eyes. Every time he was gone, you felt free. It was as if all your problems disappeared in the form of a loathsome person like he was.
You felt even too guilty because that day you wished he would dawn lost somewhere and never find his way back or have a horrible accident.
"What you said is too true," you heard a voice behind you, making you startle.
You looked around until you came upon Wanda in the driver's seat of her car, with the window open. You were so immersed in your discussion that you didn't even notice that she had been listening to everything.
"I'm sorry you had to witness this," you muttered, lowering your head.
"You know, I always thought of you as a naive girl who doesn't have a fucking clue, but I realize you have guts. Even more than many in there," she ignored your apology, and at her statement, you didn't know whether to be flattered or offended.
"I guess it only takes being ten years younger than you for you to condemn me like that," you shrugged, opting to feel satisfied. This was a great opportunity to prove yourself wrong.
"What are you talking about? That's a lifetime!" She exclaimed as she laughed. You really appreciated that she decided to lighten up what could have been another argument with a little joke, where she made fun of her own mistake. That definitely marked a before and after between you two.
"You're right, you were all here by the time Queen Elizabeth was born," you joked back, causing her to let out a loud laugh that even echoed throughout the neighborhood. It was her reaction that made you laugh even harder.
That day, she asked you to go with her in the car and get lost around the neighborhood. It was almost like a therapeutic session; she talked about her husband, and you talked about yours. You made them the biggest targets of ridicule and insults for maybe three hours, and only stopped when you went to a gas station store to buy snacks and subsequently find a spot in a parking lot on top of a building.
"Don't you sometimes wish you had met other people?" you concluded, as she finished telling you how her husband responded to a piece she wrote. With such indifference that it made you feel extremely indignant.
"All the time," she confirmed, nodding. "Sometimes I imagine what my life would have been like if I had married someone who cared about my mind and not my uterus, and who treats me like a diamond in the rough that values at all times, and not like a trophy that just shows off but leaves to rest in some closet as soon as everyone is gone."
"That's me!" you laughed, placing your hand above hers to squeeze it, as a sign of comfort.
"But I do have a better proposition for you, why don't you start by doing it yourself? Prove to yourself that you're more than what your stupid husband thinks you are, and maybe that will even give you the courage to walk away from him if that's what you want."
You felt a mixture of fear and excitement at the idea. Could you really do it? Would you be able to find the strength to stand on your own two feet and figure out what are your own dreams, even if it meant abandoning the security of your marriage?
You looked at her, who was smiling encouragingly at you, and you felt a surge of gratitude for the moment you shared. Maybe it was time to take a chance and see what else life had to offer.
"...Wow! Such wonderful words were not rehearsed before? You're a natural," you praised her. She blushed slightly at that. "Keep in mind that I'll think about it carefully."
"Think about it! Besides, my husband is an idiot and your husband is an idiot, what would you say if... we found that courage between us? That way maybe we won't settle for less," her voice became raspy in a matter of seconds, as she leaned towards you.
"Oh, sure! Keep in mind that I'm willing to support you...-"
"Look, regardless of that silly prejudice I had about you, when we were playing volleyball, and the sweat was running down your tight blouse... oh, you have no idea what it provoked inside me," she confessed. "Today when I saw you put that fucker in his place, I realized, I'm incredibly attracted to you."
You watched her for a moment, and noticed how her green eyes turned dark. Who were you kidding? If you didn't want James to lay a finger on you it was because it was women like Wanda that you coveted with your being to do whatever they wanted with you.
"I'm not going to lie to you, I was only going to volleyball to see you," you whispered, as if you weren't the only souls in that compound.
You weren't lying. You weren't a big fan of going to physically exhaust yourself after the mental exhaustion that being under the same roof as that disgusting man brought you. However, the mere thought of Wanda being there made you become the most passionate athlete.
"Would you be interested in having an affair?" She inquired without preamble.
Every day used to feel like a cycle of dreary routines from which you could find no escape, leaving you with a sense of longing for something different to shake up your existence. You never imagined, however, that said "something" would be an affair with Wanda Maximoff.
Instead, you adopted an exciting routine that was previously calculated, in order to be able to get away with it, and so far, not a soul suspected you.
However, you were also highly involved in the delight of each other's company, so there was no danger in going to the movies, shopping, visiting each other at home to simply read together, or sharing a lunch.
You hoped that, like you, Wanda would also feel that your presence had irrevocably improved her life, for it was evident that you found in her what you knew you would never find in anyone else.
And so the sleepless nights had become somewhat more frequent than usual. They were minutes turning into hours, until the light of a new dawn appeared through the windows of the room.
Your thoughts were mainly shaped by the failure of your marriage, which there was no longer any point in fighting to save, and how it all led to an affair whose most essential rule you had broken: don't fall in love.
Fortunately, you would fall asleep after your idiot husband left the bed and his scent gradually faded away. It was during those nights that you longed to find yourself on Wanda's chest instead, with her intoxicating scent invading your nostrils. For you, it was one of the most effective ways for you to sleep.
"Who is this?" You groaned, after the ringing of the phone had woken you from your slumber. It was when you saw the clock hanging on the wall that you realized it was four-thirty in the afternoon.
"Your mistress," Wanda laughed on the other end of the phone, replacing annoyance with a feeling of happiness that only she knew how to bring.
The more you fell in love with her, the more you knew this was doomed to fail. You could feel the impending apocalypse, the moment when she would break your heart because you were asking for too much. She was the only solace in a world that had lost all meaning, and you refused to lose her.
"Oh," You replied with a chuckle. "Are there plans for today?"
"I'm too excited to see the new Star Wars movie, and I was wondering if you'd like to go watch it with me," she proposed. "I know we went to the movies recently, but I really hope you don't mind..."
"Yes! You'd love to go with you," You exclaimed, with a huge smile plastered on your face. "If you want to go to the movies a thousand times, a thousand times I'll go with you."
"Yay, perfect! I'll pick you up in an hour and a half," she anticipated you. "See you then."
As soon as you hung up the phone, you set about taking a shower, putting on an outfit and applying makeup that would leave you sufficiently satisfied with your appearance. In a matter of effectively an hour, you were fully ready.
You were putting away the mess you had left behind when you heard your doorbell ring, and with great joy, you ran to the front door.
There she was, with a smile even bigger than yours, and she didn't hesitate for a second to throw herself at you and hug you warmly.
"You look beautiful," You complimented her, appreciating her green orbs and full lips that once kissed every inch of your being.
With a slight blush on her cheeks, she looked around, then grabbed the back of your neck and kissed your lips.
As if it was the first time ever, the softness of her lips against yours was an indescribable sensation that never failed to make you melt by her touch and surrender to her.
"And you look divine," she whispered, a few millimeters away, causing you to feel her hot breath as if it were your own.
When you finally broke apart, you were both breathless and flushed. You looked into her eyes and she returned your gaze with a look that was a mixture of passion and maybe, just maybe, a reciprocated feeling of love.
"Have you eaten yet, darling?" she asked, once you stopped in front of the cinema, whose line was somewhat extensive.
One thing you greatly appreciated was that concern which was represented through small actions, as in this case, they were questions of whether you had eaten, and at other times they regarded your sleeping habits or whether you had eaten something really healthy and not just fast food from some restaurant nearby. These were acts that may have been automatic and even inert to her, but to you they meant the world.
"I know that tone you take when you've just woken up," she began, referring to the way you answered the phone. "And since I only gave you an hour's notice, I guess you didn't get to eat."
You laughed at her conclusion, which completely evidenced how well she knew you and how interested she seemed in you, "You got me, but it's okay, popcorn will do."
"Not a chance," she countered, predictably. "Let's get you something to eat, and we'll smuggle it into the cinema to make it more fun," she proposed.
You nodded, knowing that she always found ways to make any situation more exciting.
Together you headed towards a small food stall near the cinema, and as you waited for your order, you couldn't help but feel grateful to have someone so thoughtful and considerate by your side.
Once your plates of food were delivered, you took care to hide them appropriately in your respective bags, and, after purchasing your tickets and popcorn, you proceeded to walk towards the cinema, completely satisfied with your successful smuggling.
Finally, you found your seats in the darkness of the theatre, surrounded by the fragrance of corn and butter. You looked to your side and saw Wanda already looking in your direction. It was there that you confirmed once again that the movie didn't matter as much as the fact that you were there together, sharing a fun moment where you could escape for a brief moment.
The film turned out to be shocking in every way.
From the very beginning, it kept you on the edge of your nerves with its intense and exciting plot. The pace of the film gradually picked up and the tension built up. The scenes were shocking and you were holding each other's hands tightly.
It was then that the unexpected plot twist occurred that left you gasping.
The iconic "I am your father" stunned everyone, especially the woman next to you, who was perhaps the biggest fan of the franchise in this room.
"No way," she whispered, and you noticed her eyes watering. "There is no way!"
You couldn't lie, you were just as surprised. Even though it all started as a way to keep Wanda company, you couldn't help but feel moved. You could say you were even beginning to understand what all the fuss was about.
Once the film was over, she stared into the void for a long time, still processing what had happened.
"Do you want me to drive?" You proposed, somewhat amused at her state, but also willing to help and understand her.
"No no, I'm fine, come on! I'm not a teenager!" She shook her head, heading for the passenger door and opening it for you - a gesture you adored.
"Thank you, ma'am," You thanked her, getting into the car. Once she made her way to the driver's seat, you decided to comfort her a little. "Sometimes you're a teenager... sometimes we are. I think growing up is overrated."
She took your hand in hers, and kissed it affectionately, "I wish it was like that all the time and not sometimes; I wish all the time I could have exciting experiences that constantly make me feel on top of the world. I wish I could give that to you all the time. If only we could get married... I swear I would make you the happiest, as happy as I know you would make me."
"Unfortunately you have Vision and I have James... society is slowly programming us to be another one of the bunch, another model of the housewives we're expected to be," You retorted, feeling infected by her melancholy. "That's why we have this, to escape from time to time."
"But I don't want it from time to time! You know something? I've had it with Vision," she stated, starting her car. "I'm sick of him not touching me, not listening to me, and just watching his stupid show."
Your eyes widened.
You never imagined hearing her say that. Sure, you complained about your husbands and the life they gave you, it just didn't seem feasible for neither of you to leave them.
But in the end, why couldn't you have what Steve and Peggy had, for example? And that's when you knew you could have it, you were just with the wrong people. The biggest question was, if Wanda got this person, was she going to leave you? Was it going to be really you?
And that was your biggest epiphany.
You didn't care if you could never have her the way you wanted her, just having her in your life in any way was more than enough. You wanted her happiness even if it was at the cost of your own, and that's when you realized that what you felt was love at its best.
"What are you going to do?" You questioned, once you came back to your senses. It wasn't until you got to your house that it happened.
"I'm going to take all the money he keeps hidden in that shoe box, get the hell out of this town and start over," she replied. "I've been thinking about it for about two weeks now, but I think it's time."
You felt a lump in your throat as you listened to Wanda's words. You couldn't believe that she was planning to go away and leave everything behind, and that on top of it all, she had her mind completely made up.
You had been through so much together, you had laughed, cried and shared unforgettable moments. But now, it seemed that all that would come to an end. You would return to that monotony where you desperately searched for something that could make the day different from others. You missed your home, your family, your friends... and it wasn't your husband, it was Wanda who made you feel that leaving all that behind was for the best.
And again, if she promised to do her best to find the happiness you knew she longed for as well, then this too would be worth it.
Tears began to well up in your eyes as you tried to keep your composure. You struggled for words, for inevitably, sadness gripped your heart. Goodbyes were never easy.
"What are you doing? Why are you crying?" Wanda asked, taking your face in her hands.
"It's just... I don't want to lose you, I love you and going back to the life before I met you is scary, but if that's what you want, then..."
"Don't be silly, you're coming with me," she interrupted, wiping your cheeks with her thumbs. "Wait, you said you loved me?"
You were surprised to hear Wanda's question, immediately mentally beating yourself up for not having calculated your words, but, to your surprise, you also felt a surge of joy at finally being able to express your feelings.
"Yes, I said I love you, silly!" You exclaimed, as if it hadn't been obvious enough. "Look at this godforsaken mess that you've made of me. You're like a bright light in my life, you're the only one who makes me laugh until my cheeks go numb, you make me feel alive, you taught me colors after I got used to so much black and white, you taught me a language I can't speak to someone else. You're everything I ever dreamed I could find in someone, how could I not love you?"
"We don't need to get married, we don't need a damn piece of paper to be happy. Happiness is the most important thing and we already have it," she said, moving closer to press her lips against yours for a moment. "I love you madly. Thank you for opening my eyes. You were my motivation for coming up with this plan in the first place, now that I know what it's like to really live, I refuse to go back to what came before."
"How are we going to do that?" You inquired, somehow reminding her that you too had an issue to disengage from.
"Meet me at midnight."
Once you returned home, you found the person you were unexpectedly certain you would leave behind in a matter of hours.
He had his feet up on the coffee table, his hair tousled and his tie undone, his eyes too focused on the television, which fortunately were struggling to stay open.
"You should go to sleep, or you'll have a very hard time getting up tomorrow," You suggested, knowing full well that you were only going to earn a complaint.
"It's my problem if I want to stay up all night," he grunted, straightening his posture to wake up a little. Even he couldn't deny that it was in vain.
With a scoff, you dropped your bag on the kitchen counter and headed for the bedroom.
You had to pack as soon as possible so that when James decided to go to bed, you wouldn't be caught literally displacing your entire life in a single suitcase.
You started with your clothes, which you folded into rolls so they would fit more effectively, and proceeded to take your beauty products, hygiene products, belongings that held sentimental significance, and sadly, space only allowed you to pack two pairs of your favorite shoes. It was a huge suitcase, the same one you used when you moved here, and you were even surprised at how much you could fit in it. You guess it was again going to accompany you in a new scenario, this time a successful one.
You heard James' clumsy footsteps approaching the room. By that time, you had the suitcase packed and hidden under the bed, waiting for midnight. It was only half an hour away.
He collapsed into bed, not bothering to change or pull the covers over himself. He just tossed and turned, with nothing else on his mind but sleep as soon as possible.
When the time came, you let out a deep sigh and carefully got out of bed, feeling your every movement like an explosion in the darkness of the room.
Once you felt more confident, you slowly bent down towards the suitcase you had hidden under the bed. Every inch you moved was a huge effort, but you knew you couldn't afford to be discovered.
Finally, you reached for the suitcase and carefully pulled it out. Each movement was as if you were touching a taut string, expecting that at any moment it might snap and make everything fall apart. Likewise, each step you took seemed to be heavier than the last, but without looking back for a moment, you kept moving forward, knowing that you were on the last step of your escape.
You heard footsteps approaching from behind and your heart began to pound.
No, no, no. You refused to turn around and look. You were too close!
You tried not to think about it, to convince yourself that everything was fine, but it was impossible.
Suddenly, a hand landed on your shoulder and you were startled. You turned around to face James, who was standing there, his eyes full of sadness and worry.
"Let me go, James. There's nothing you can do to stop me," you said quietly, trying to hide your fear.
"I know," he said in a calm voice. "I'm not going to stop you. There's no point in keeping this marriage if you're not happy. If I'm not happy. Go with her."
You were shocked to hear those words coming out of James' mouth. For so long, you had been holding back your true feelings for fear of hurting him, and that it would end badly. He already knew that, and he accepted it.
Your expression made him chuckle, "I saw you kissing before you came in," as if reading your thoughts, he confessed what you were wondering. "I just want you to know that I've been watching you for a while now. I noticed how happy you were coming back after spending time with her. Only someone very cruel would stand in the way of that... I'm not cruel, even though I haven't done a very good job of showing it."
You couldn't help but feel some gratitude towards James for being so understanding. It was a strange feeling, considering you were running away from him, but in that moment, you felt that you had finally found someone who understood what was going through your mind.
"You're not the only one who's been seeing other people. I've been seeing... men, too." He confessed, leaving you paralyzed, not knowing what to say. You never would have imagined James would say something like that to you. You felt confused, shocked, and at the same time, a little relieved. At least you weren't the only one who had been hiding something. "You should learn from me, I was careful about it," James joked, trying to lighten the tension in the air.
Finally, you found the right words, "Thank you, James. For understanding me, for being honest. I don't know what's going to happen to me and Wanda from now on, but I'm sure I'll find my way to happiness. And please do whatever it takes to find yours too, no matter with whom it is."
He simply nodded, an understanding expression on his face. "I promise I will, and I hope this isn't goodbye."
James and you hugged each other tightly, sharing an emotional moment that would seal the end of your marriage. It was amazing how this moment of parting was the one where you felt the most respect and compassion for him, and you could tell the feeling was mutual. It would have been easier if instead of condemning each other, you had been willing to understand each other.
Afterwards, he offered to walk you to the car towards Wanda, and you accepted. You walked together in silence, as if you both knew it was better to leave words behind.
The older woman was waiting inside the car, and both James and you laughed as her jaw practically dropped to the floor when she saw you. The confusion was palpable on every faction of her face.
James walked over to her and took her hand, looking at her lovingly, "Take care of each other as only you know how, love each other as you deserve to be loved, because you two are amazing people and deserve all the best in life." He told her sincerely, conveying his flooding desire to redeem himself.
Wanda was overwhelmed by your now ex-husband's words, and nodded tearfully. "Thank you for trusting me with something as precious as the happiness of this one right here."
James gave you one last hug before walking away, and Wanda's gaze was still fixed on him with equal parts sadness and gratitude.
You placed your suitcase in the trunk, and subsequently made your way to the passenger seat.
Wanda asked, "Do I want to know what happened?"
"Long story," you sighed, letting out the air you'd been holding in for far too long.
"Well, we have a long trip waiting for us. There's time," she started the car's engine.
With great excitement, your story with Wanda began this way, the person with whom you were destined to witness fulfillment at its greatest expression.
Together you started a business and lived on it, your daily routines never lacked for adventure and laughter. Every day your love grew more and more, and you never looked back, always moving forward together.
You fondly remember how each sunrise was like a new roller coaster of emotions, always full of new challenges. And in the most difficult moments, when darkness threatened to invade you, you clung to your union, knowing that together you could overcome any obstacle.
And so, with Wanda by your side, living each day with passion and enthusiasm, you knew you were exactly where you were meant to be, living your life to the fullest alongside the person you love most in this world.
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24kmagiic · 4 months ago
saw one of your old posts about Davina and Bonnie. I know you ship Klonnie and I was curious if you think Klavina?(klaus/davinas) dynamic is what Klonnie’s would’ve started off as
I felt like Bonnie was robbed in canon but Davina is elevated in the show even when she’s kicked aside she still gets her happy ending by the end of it all.
So, while I used to be so against her, towards the end of the show's run, I didn't mind Davina because, at the end of a very long day, she was a kid caught in supernatural business. However, it was painfully obvious to me that Davina was who they refused to let Bonnie be. She was their pitiful attempt to erase Bonnie. However, it didn't work because she was quickly cast aside, which I believe was because they never had a real purpose for her EXCEPT to erase Bonnie.
With all that said, yes, the way Davina kept her foot on Klaus's neck would have been identical to how I imagined Bonnie would be. We already saw her be that way with Damon. Damon couldn't pass gas without Bonnie showing up to make sure no one else smelled it lmao.
The possibilities in which the two of them would eventually warm up to one another are endless, and I feel like every Klonnie story in existence has found its own ways of showcasing how the two of them would eventually come together.
I am a SUCKER for forced proximity which I think works excellent for Enemies to Lovers tropes. But I also think the two of them would just naturally realize that they're two sides of the same coin and find their stake in each other's lives that way.
(This next part is me rambling and has nothing to do with what you asked, so you can skip past the italicized text if you want lol.)
People always see Bonnie as this moral beacon that is full of light but if you really dig deep, Bonnie is a very dark character. She is the antithesis of evil, which does not always equate to what we define as 'good.' Bonnie's goodness is rooted in the way she masters evil, and she knows how and when to tap in. (For example: Trying to kill Damon by fire.)
Most "good' characters we see in media today aren't actually good, they're harmless. Elena is a perfect example of this. Just because she was physically unable to hurt a fly doesn't mean she was a good person. Her selfishness placed Bonnie in ugly situations plenty of times, but it was brushed off because she was trying to be good. (Think of how Seattle responded to the BLM protests and how it negatively affected the whole movement. They 'meant' well, but we caught the fire behind that mess.)
On the flip side, Bonnie would be classified as an 'extremist' if she was in a political landscape. That said, Klaus is also an extremist but on the opposite end. (Think 'right-wing' and 'left-wing' but without the political connotations.) In my opinion, this is why they work so well together but they're bound to bump heads because of it.
(And now, back to Klonnie!)
There are so many commonalities between the two of them that make shipping Klonnie so fun.
Similar to how two siblings can grow up in the same house and face the same trauma but end up polar opposites of one another, that's how I view Klonnie's commonalities (minus the sibling bit, obviously). They both faced similar traumas, but how they processed it turned them into different people. Klaus is the Yin to Bonnie's Yang.
Shared Traumas:
Parental Negligence
Bonnie: Rudy was negligent after Abby left him and Bonnie and thus Bonnie grew up alone with only Grams who failed to teach Bonnie about her heritage. (I'm aware it was against Rudy's wishes but I'm still side-eyeing lol.)
Klaus: Esther was negligent in keeping his father's identity from him and allowing her husband to abuse him. Also, she created that necklace to weaken him for her own selfishness, thus putting the target on his back when it came to Mikael.
Bonnie: Her mother walked out on her for no legitimate reason. Her father was always gone and Grams was an alcoholic (so they say). Even the people in her life were emotionally absent. Then you have her friends who left her to deal with the consequences of magic alone.
Klaus: After killing their mother, he had a deep fear of his siblings abandoning him. Therefore, he became obsessed with loyalty. His biological father was nowhere to be found until a thousand years later.
For brevity's sake, I'll stop with those two but they have others.
How they processed these traumas is so interesting:
They both gained an unnatural sense of loyalty, which lies in the fear of abandonment. Klaus forced loyalty onto others, while Bonnie gave loyalty to those who never earned it or didn't deserve it.
Bonnie became codependent on her friends because she had no one else, and Klaus became co-dependent on his family for the same.
Bonnie became overburdened by responsibility. She became everyone's 'go-to' for morality and protection, which gave her a skewed sense of importance, but it also burned her out. Klaus became controlling and constantly sought validation (from Elijah in particular).
Klaus ruled through fear because of Mikael's abuse. Everyone's acceptance of Mikael's abuse sort of validated his use of fear as a way of controlling people. Bonnie used her morality as a means of control for both herself and others.
Klaus is very self-loathing, and while Bonnie doesn't initially appear to be that way, she is too. Her strong moral code is just that, her way of torturing herself. (For example: Constantly sacrificing herself for 'good' simply because she has the duty of wielding magic.)
If Klaus controlled his siblings, Bonnie's control came with how she wielded that moral compass of hers. Seeing everyone around her live freely was triggering because she had to be responsible so early in her life. She never got to make mistakes. Mistakes meant abandonment to her, so she walked a fine line and tried to force others to do the same. (This may be why she struggled with her magic so often. I often wondered if the spirits were actually punishing her or if she was self-actualizing and punishing herself subconsciously.)
This is the tip of the iceberg with these two, but can you already see the pattern? My favorite aspect is how one craves what the other has. Klaus craves loyalty, and Bonnie craves control. They both want what the other (seemingly) has.
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anathemaspeaks · 11 months ago
what was i made for?
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character(s): toji fushiguro synopsis: toji doesn't believe he deserves love - until you come along. word count: 0.6k warning(s): none, it's purely fluff a/n: tried something new lemme know how you feel about thisss
reblogs, follows, and likes are appreciated :)
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i used to float, now i just fall down i used to know, but i'm not sure now what was i made for?
toji who thinks he is not worthy of love. he is not a man deserving enough to have someone to care for him, someone who chooses to stay with him simply because they want to, not because they gain something out of it. all he did was cause pain, anyways. he was better off alone.
what was i made for?
his path had been one of solitude for god knows how long. looked down upon by everyone, barely surviving physically and mentally - a man, no, a monster who gave up his own son. people like him don't get second chances.
nobody can love a monster. nobody even wants to be around one.
taking a drive, i was an ideal looked so alive, turns out i'm not real just something you paid for
toji who had no one left in this world, nothing to live for, nothing but a shell of the man he used to be - the man he could have been. he was useless. empty. a man without a purpose. someone else's puppet. he didn't have any power over his own life. he was pathetic.
what was i made for? cause i don't know how to feel but i wanna try
vacant, brutal words engraved onto his soul. he was a monster, and he always will be. that is just how his life will be - his destiny. he would just be alive, never quite living, silently wishing he could end it all.
i don't know how to feel but someday, i might
and then you - who crashes into his life in all your frustratingly captivating glory and finds a home in his heart. you thought toji fushiguro was no monster, he was just a man who had been hurt and misunderstood far too many times. a broken man. you saw right through his tough façade. you were the first person who showed him how it felt to be seen as something other than a fraud of a human.
when did it end? all the enjoyment i'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend it's not what he's made for what was i made for?
falling in love with you was the easiest thing he ever had to do. you, with your kind eyes and gentle smile. you, with your warm words and and comforting presence. you, who never pitied him. quite the opposite, really. a man who had been through so much, and who still fought so hard every single day, how could you not be wonderstruck and completely infatuated by him?
you, the only person who made him feel safe.
cause i don't know how to feel but i wanna try
toji, who would rather die than ever see you cry. toji, who doesn't really know what love is, but gives you the whole world. toji, who isn't used to healthy communication, but for you, he tries. toji, who still has a lot to learn, but is perfect in your eyes. toji, who is only happy when he's with you. toji, who is always there for you. toji hadn't been sure of anything in his life until you.
i don't know how to feel but someday, i might
toji who gets his spark back. he knows who he is, and it's all because of you. toji who fixes his life, but can he even call it his when it's all for you? toji who doesn't even have to think twice about it when he asks you to marry him.
and you don't have to think twice about it when you say yes.
think i forgot how to be happy something i'm not, but something i can be
toji who would gladly spend the rest of his life with you. he was a man who had nothing, but with you in his arms, he has the whole world. a man considered to be stoic and unaffectionate, absolute putty in your hands. you would always have him wrapped around your finger.
and he would have it no other way.
something i wait for something i'm made for
toji, who finally gets the happy ever after he thought he didn't deserve.
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this is all based on a true story btw, we're getting married soon 💋
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sullina · 1 year ago
IT WAS A SIMPLE CONCEPT OF "there's a big bad thing. Our heroes have to fight it, using the unconventional method of expressing ones emotions in a healthy way" AND THIS IS SO GOOD
and even just what we GOT from Hanazuki already speaks of the potential the show had!
there's Hanazuki, obv, who's a healthy moonflower. She can grow treasure trees with little difficulty, and she can grow just about every kind of treasure tree.
Kiazuki, presumably, used to be a lot like Hanazuki, but she was unable to grow even a single treasure tree, so the "big bad" got her moon and all her little guys, except for one, are gone. From what I remember of the show, i can extrapolate, that either the big bad got her too soon, destroying her moon before she was able to grow a treasure tree. And since all "little guys" represent the range of emotions and are, presumably, supposed to help moonflowers grow treasure trees, Kiazukis little guys were probably lost sometime between after she came into existence and before the big bad got her moon. This loss left her depressed and angry and cold, effectively cutting her off from her ability to grow any treasure trees at all. And then Kiazuki meets Hanazuki and she's the villain for a while, but once they become friends, Kiazuki relearns, or rather learns for the first time, how to feel emotions. You don't see this kind of character arc often. We don't know exactly what happened, except for the fact that her moon was destroyed, but it's pretty obvious that it was traumatic for her, but instead of being reduced to the perfect victim, Kiazuki was made cold and angry and a villain. And only when this is acknowledged (by Hanazuki in this case) does she start to heal from it. And just as important is how Hanazuki, instead of getting angry with her and pushing her away indefinitely, instead showed understanding and helped her, even when Kiazuki stole Hanazukis treasure trees. It would've been easy for Hanazuki and the show to just dismiss Kiazuki as a cold hearted villain with evil intentions, but they didn't. And I just love that so much.
Then, in a similar strain to Kiazuki, there's Kiyoshi. He experienced a different kind of trauma to her, where instead of outside forces taking everything away, his own friends betrayed him and pushed him away. it's been a while since i watched it, but didn't they also, like... have him wanted like a criminal? Pretty harsh stuff anyway. So Kiyoshi, alone and betrayed, he still felt one emotion, but that emotion was sheer hopelessness. It's the only emotion he could feel anymore, because what else was he supposed to do? He was on his own and his former friends turned against him, there was nothing he could do.
Maroshi was introduced fairly late, but it's pretty clear that his way is the path of least resistance. If something bad happens, his go to response is "oh well, nothing I can do" and he gives up. According to the wiki, he didn't have any treasures available to protect his moon with in the first place, which does leave me wondering why? Hanazuki recieved her first treasure pretty much right after she was born, and both Kiazuki and Kiyoshi got plenty of treasures, despite one not being able to grow any and the other only being able to grow black trees. Did little dreamer not give him any on purpose? Did he forget about him? Seems unlikely, but it's pretty obvious that Maroshi wasn't born right before the big bad struck his moon, since him, Kiyoshi and Kiazuki had formed the Garlandians.
Miyumi was introduced last, only appearing in one single episode. Her attitude seems to be denial, since she seems to ignore any problem she comes across until Hanazuki could finally make her open her eyes to the fact that her little guys were being kidnapped. I don't have much to write about Miyumi. I mean, she was in one single episode.
But the introduction of the new unknown villain who kidnapped her little guys was so interesting and could've been so big! ESPECIALLY, because Kiazukis little guys were ALSO kidnapped like that!
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dendrophalaen · 1 year ago
my thoughts on godzilla minus one
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tl;dr i had a religious experience (positive) and it may be my new favorite godzilla movie
i'm going to try to organize my thoughts lmao i have never done a film analysis or review
i went in knowing next to nothing, so i was very afraid this was going to be heavy on the imperialist propaganda and reminiscing on the "good old days" of the japanese military
however i was pleasantly surprised to see that it was quite anti-government :]
loved the delivery of the themes of "all lives being precious" and "living on for yourself as well as for the sake of others" – not hammy or blunt!
FORESHADOWING OF THE EJECTION SEAT? chef's KISS we love picking up what the movie is putting down and getting to see the payoff
speaking of foreshadowing:
dr. noda: [takes noriko's picture]
me: oh no she's going to die
i spent like the last quarter of the movie with a headache because i was clenching my teeth and holding in tears after noriko's death ("death") AND koichi planning to blow himself up and orphan akiko
and all the ex-navy guys rallying together to defeat godzilla
i am not immune to classic story beats
semi-related i thought noriko would be covered in radiation burns, but then i realized a depiction of that would probably be insensitive
also the guys measuring radiation in plastic costs? come on now i know we weren't fully educated in the risks of radiation but there must've been some sort of better ppe
i enjoyed like every character which is rare for me in a godzilla film
koichi just can't catch a break. this man gained so much trauma in a short amount of time, like he doesn't have ptsd because the trauma is ONGOING. i think he's my favorite and it's very easy to root for him
his introduction is of him as a shaky baby-faced pilot and then you find out he was supposed to be a kamikaze pilot like goddamn
i liked noriko's assertiveness ("hey i'm staying in your house now :)") and her ability to see kindness in koichi and sumiko
her struggle of wanting to become independent is very relatable. you could see the bittersweetness in her eyes showing that she felt guilty yet grateful for koichi's support........
i was surprised how quickly sumiko agreed to taking care of akiko? but it makes sense since she was (is) a mother and could not bear to see another child suffer, and akiko gave her life a new purpose
i would've liked more focus on the female characters and i don't think it's fair to just blame it on the era :playdead:
i really liked the chemistry between dr. noda, captain akitsu, and mizushima
dr. noda in particular felt like a nice foil/parallel to serizawa from the 1954 movie; he's also a scientist but he's much more personable(?)/"human"
dr. serizawa was my favorite in 1954 but he was very anguished and set on making reparations by killing godzilla (and koichi could be a parallel to him in that regard)
noda focused on protecting the living, not avenging the dead
ough mizushima. being a Youth who feels useless sure hits home
i'd say tachibana is my least favorite just by comparison to everyone else, but he's honestly so valid for his whole deal
visuals and sound
very elegant color grading, costuming, and set design!
i don't know film girl help
GOOD SOUNDTRACK the music set the scenes so well
i joked about getting my eardrums blasted by godzilla but he really was that loud. as he should be
godzilla (design, abilities, etc)
godzilla: [shows up in the first 10 minutes with blair witch shaky cam]
me: the filmmakers are not messing around they mean BUSINESS
the rampage on odo island was rightfully terrifying
i love his texture and face. the scrunkliness of heisei with the horrifying pain of shin
i think his head is a bit small for his body, like if it was 5% bigger it would be perfect
loved the visuals of his scales flaking off after getting bombed
the nuclear fallout when he used his atomic breath in tokyo was awe-inducing
great use of godzilla as a war allegory
i saw the movie in d-box so the shotgun-blast of heat ray was intense
also coolest godzilla death. sick decapitation
the plan to imprison him in bubbles and give him the bends felt a bit silly in the moment but highlighted how desperate everyone was for ANYTHING to work
really liked how godzilla was more like an animal or unstoppable force of nature without a clear motive
i mean the only emotion you could ascribe is probably RAGE
sidenote i did think it was a lil funny whenever an object was flung through the air from offscreen. there goes godzilla having another tantrum
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thewiz9062 · 11 months ago
Smiling Critters AU: Dogday's Psyche
NOTE: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO CANON IN THE SLIGHTEST. An accurate description of this au is that I took every playtime.co poster art and promotional material from the game and lit up the rest of canon in a bonfire. Meaning that EVERY character is part of one big cartoon. Thats it. No bigger bodies project, no child souls, no experiments, just a depiction of a cartoon. PLEASE do not ask me to do anything suggestive with anyone.
OK I know it's been a while since I posted one of these but bear with me here this one was interesting to write
So dogday
In my other posts, I've already made him a constant in everyone's lives (as he's the main character) but I want to go into how he thinks because that explains alot of his actions and most importantly, his interactions with catnap.
Tldr, dogday is elation (que demoic giggling if you get the reference)
Now usually when you see a happy go lucky character you immediately go "they've either had the happiest childhood ever and are genuinely like this or they didn't and they're faking it" and that was gonna be my original assessment with dogday. But yk.....that's bland. So i decided to mix the two: pretty bad childhood but they're happy....unhealthily so. Hear me out here:
In my au, dogday was abandoned as a baby at a foster home. So they "raised him" (they just did just over the bare minimum, I don't wanna villianize the workers though because they did have like a bunch of other kids there as well, not excusing them of course) but he was mostly left to his own devices. Normally this would dampen a child's spirit but dogday is quite a fighter, finding joy or happiness wherever he could. Whether it be picture books or TV shows, he found a way to make himself happy. And All the media he knew subtly shunned sadness or anger or anything of the sort. So now all dogday knew was happiness, as anything else was 'bad' and needed to be fixed.
The people around him didn't help his mindset either. After interacting with the other kids there, they usually had some semblance of an uplift in mood for the rest of their day. It usually didn't last long, though, because while dogday lived there their entire life, the others were there due to...unfortunate circumstances. He also could notice how the workers felt like he was a breath of fresh air compared to the other children, who mostly needed consoling, while dogday was 'self-sufficient' (they try I swear they're just not good at it)
So all in all, after 13 years of this dogday... was in a very unique state of mind. If you want a simple explanation, then he has this mental limiter. Anything happy or can bring joy can stay, and any other thoughts get snuffed out immediately. So he's not faking happiness. In a way, he just doesn't know anything else. Present him a situation where someone is sad his first instinct is to cheer them up, and usually it works, but in the situation it doesn't, he'll pretty much blue-screen. Cuz after all, it's always worked before, what else does he know?
So enter catnap.
Catnap is essentially his foil, and his main purpose is to help him see the other side of things because sun and moon dynamic yk I had to do it
Someone like catnap won't be cheered up normally, catnaps sort of nihilistic when it comes to problems, believing nothing can be done about it, cause in his situation he had no control over what happened, so why try and fix what he can't, that's meaningless. So letting his emotions pass by and move on is his way of 'comfort' So dogday's attempts at cheering him up doesn't work, and as Dogday does in those situations, he blue-screens. Normally when dogday fails to cheer someone up and he visibly panics, they'll give him a smile or a laugh, and seeing that instantly fills dogday with relief, even though he doesn't see that it doesn't reach their eyes.
Catnap won't do that however, because of his own coping mechanism. So dogday will panic, quietly spiraling into thoughts like "why isn't it working, what do I do, how do I fix this" and catnap reads his face and tells him to stop, he just needs a moment. Dogday wouldn't understand, he's never seen sadness be good for someone.
And from there his learning journey begins (aka how to feel other things)
God I love making them mentally unstable
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spongebob-connoisseur · 3 months ago
Ngl season 15 of Spongebob has been significantly better than season 14 which is kinda funny because this isn't a *real* season 15. It's just the 2nd half of season 14. Regardless I have been liking it more.
Big League Bob, Sheldon Squarepants, Snow Yellow, Pinned, Dome Alone, Wary Gary, etc have been much more enjoyable than the latter half of season 13 and all of season 14. I know however I am biased so take my opinions with a grain of salt but I feel like most of season 14 is either made up of half hearted "sequel" episodes to classic episodes or characters exploring a new location but not much else done with it. Nothing has really clicked with me. On occasion there may be episodes with interesting plot ideas but they always seem to fall flat. I know people have complained that seasons 10-12 have been too expressive and "loud" but there was an attempt to make use of every second of the show and fill it up with gags. Even if not all of them land, there wasn't as much dead air as there is now. It honestly feels like they took fan advice and toned down the show now but now it feels hollow because nothing has really replaced those visual gags. So you end up with boring and monotonous episodes. Even the ones that have potential to be good end up feeling boring. It feels like they're trying too hard to play it safe, that it has become repetitive. Meanwhile The Patrick Star Show had absorbed all of the unique creativity of the show and has become better than the current show in many ways. I honestly end up enjoying it more. I'm getting off topic though.
One thing I had especially noticed was that I really missed Spongebob as a character. I know I have been going on with Slappy brainrot for the past few years but Spongebob has and always been my favorite character in the show. Slappy at this point is kinda tied with him but I feel like I've been neglecting my boy. But sometimes I feel like there's not much to be said about him that I have already said. I know when it comes to yapping about Spongebob, people tend to circlejerk the classic episodes and dunk on the middle seasons and I've done that all already. I feel like everything that can be said about those things have already been said. I have nothing else to add to that discussion. But at the same time time I feel like there was nothing substantial to be said about the character of Spongebob. I feel like he's grown into a background character in his own show. Used as a mascot character doing Spongebobisms but nothing actually substantial. (I mean how substantial can this be? This is a comedy children's cartoon after all)
I don't mind other characters getting the limelight. Squidward has been killing it in the most recent episodes, and unlike most folks, I like most of the newer characters and I don't mind the reuse of older characters and developing them and using them to build a more cohesive world. However I've always felt like something was missing. I felt too fatigued with Spongebob-brain/putting every single thought of mine into this blog/generally hyperfixating on all things Peter Lorre that I just didn't feel like digging into those feelings further. Now I feel a bit more refreshed I want to properly explain what I feel.
I miss Spongebob feeling like a well rounded character. This has been stated before especially talking about the classic seasons but I mean in general. Every season changes spongebob a bit. Whether to meet the popular comedic style of the decade so he stays fresh, or exaggerating him for comedic purposes, or just general different people working on him. I've grown to accept that Spongebob will always change in different eras of the show and I like that (most of the time). I have grown to accept "modern Spongebob" as his own character and I love him and how he interacts with characters. He has some differences from classic Spongebob but the familiarity is there and what I appreciate with him over middle seasons Spongebob was the fact that they were reinserting old character traits and dynamics that were forgotten with the middle seasons. It's never going to be exact but it is more familiar.
Now what is ""modern spongebob"" episodes are rounding close to a decade old, what is post sequel episodes. The current modern™ spongebob now would be post-spinoff spongebob or post-threequel Spongebob. There is a noticeable difference. Things are slowing down, things have felt less and less consistent since season 13. While seasons 10-12 definitely had it's misses, they felt more cohesive than what season 13 was putting out. I have my biases, I liked pretty unpopular episodes, I have bad taste I'll admit that. But especially towards the 2nd half of sesson 13 has felt like a slog. Of doing Spongebob things™ or what we expect of Spongebob rather than anything new and original. Both with the show and the character.
Of course how much could you do with a show that's 25 years old now? We have certain sets of expections for this show and what it can do. I think this is why The Patrick Show is currently having an advantage over the current show. There is no expectation for it. The fandom entirely rejects it. No matter what it will do, will be dunked on but that is also an advantage. There is no expectation on what it can or can't do. They can literally do anything, and that is exactly what they are doing. The show can be excessively morbid, grotesque, ridiculous, all around surrealist. Not having to adhere to any sort of logic. It creates an excessively cartoony show that perhaps may turn people off but has been growing a bit of a following now. Those who want to stay will stay and who doesn't, won't. It's excessively freeing, so the show manages to always feel fresh.
Meanwhile the current show feels like it's walking itself in circles trying to be as safe as possible. Doing what we expect of the characters and the show tropes, they begun to feel shallow, hollow. What is recognizably "Spongebob" on a surface level but nothing with feeling. Nothing that feels genuine. Kamp Koral had the exact same problem on TOP of all of the disadvantages of being a spinoff.
I'm not saying Spongebob needs to throw everything out and start from scratch, otherwise it wouldn't be "Spongebob". However especially with the character of Spongebob. He feels like a sheet. He's in the background as the "mascot" of the show but hardly a character. He does all what we expect him to do; loves his friends, annoys squidward, does his job. But there's nothing more. I've never thought I would find myself craving more. I miss how he'd interact with Patrick. I miss his friendship with Sandy, I miss something more.
When watching the Sandy movie, something stuck out to me. As Spongebob watches his town and his friends being kidnapped. The only one he calls out for and misses is Squidward. What of Gary? What of his best friend Patrick? Only Squidward? Does no one else matter to him? Obviously they do but he feels so single minded. I could'nt help but wonder if that's all?
I could say something similar with Patrick, I think he is the most noticeable especially when you're watching current Spongebob back to back with the current Patrick Show. I am glad they have undone jerky-Patrick from the middle seasons but they have hardly replaced it with anything else. When watching The Patrick Star Show, it is extremely striking how different the two of them are. He has a better range of emotions and interests. He feels more full in a way the main show Patrick just isn't. I don't expect Patrick to be a genius but he isn't enough to carry an episode. This is especially notable with Pet The Rock. I don't mind the whole "Oh you <3" lovable idiot thing they're doing with Patrick now but it's not enough. He's just a figure, like a silly pop up. He isn't enough of a person to last more than a few second gag.
This can extend to the spinoff characters whenever they appear in the main show. I've already yapped enough about Slappy. I don't mind characters who have one gag to tell. Rube is a guilty pleasure character. I like obnoxiously silly sweet characters but I wouldn't mind if they stay exclusively spinoff characters. The main show doesn't know what to do with them outside of letting the audience know what their "schtick" is, so it feels repetitive. In some cases feel like an outright caricatures of what they are compared to the spinoffs.
The more recent season 15 spongebob episodes are certainly not perfect. They feel slow and empty in some cases but it felt so nice to have an episode of just Spongebob in a situation where he has to actually act like a person. I'm sure none of you would find it even ""good"" because it feels so basic but I missed that. I missed Spongebob being a character, handling a situation, how he'd react, how he feels. I never thought I'd miss it so much but I do. I admit I have boring tastes but sometimes I like seeing how a character thinks or does things, even if it's not necessarily funny. (This is why I liked Slappy Daze so much, kill me)
It's not like this trait is incompatible with being funny. That's the next step. But humor takes exaggeration. You need to exaggerate characters to make funny scenarios which means sacrificing their depth for the scenario. Now the question I'd how much sacrifice does that take? This is often what people cite as the reason why the middle seasons are so bad compared to the classic seasons however this problem has begun with season 2. Season 1 may not have been as funny but it had the most character depth. Season 2 was when it began getting chipped away for humor but that does not make it bad. Season 2 is regarded as the best season of the whole show. They key is not to sacrifice too much depth for comedy otherwise you end up with shallow characters in insincere scenarios. There's nothing to hold onto, none of the gags land. It is empty.
The post sequel seasons did revive the show a bit by bringing back old traits as well as changing up the comedy style which refreshed the show. Now we are back at the issue of having chipped away at the characters too much. To refresh the show they have shifted focus to other characters who may have fresher stories to tell. In this case Squidward. I appreciate it but like I said I do end up missing Spongebob. Even when he's there, I feel like he's not.
I still love the show and the franchise. I'll watch new episodes even if they may not always satisfy me. The show is still comfort food for me but I genuinely wonder where this show will go from here. People have already begun calling season 14 is the new dark ages. I don't think so (I can actually sit through them without feeling annoyed unlike seasons 7-9A). But I also can't imagine where it will go from here or if I'll stick around long enough to see that.
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wheelerpilled · 1 year ago
OK IM SO EXCITED FOR 5x01 OPENING, I feel like it's been brushed over, like I've seen people excited that we get a 1983 flashback but I NEED to see people's theories on the further implications of this!!
Every opening scene in stranger things gives us information for a 'hook' for the season, which is why I really want to know about season 5 because it's just odd:
Season 1: something mysterious kills the scientist, leading us to wonder whats going on.
Season 2: we learn there are others like 11, and that Kali exists/escaped aswell, it's important.
Season 3: introduction of the Russian arc, and the attempted opening of the gate
Season 4: we learn about the Hawkins lab massacre and Elevens 'role' in it- revealing new backstory
Basically it's ALWAYS new information, so they wouldn't just be showing Will in the upside down and leaving it at that, because that brings nothing that we didn't already know to the table.
My point is that every one of these things is the hook for an arc within the season, we know the opening is Will in the upside down, but we don't know WHY. it has to be more than just a callback, they wouldn't waste the opening scene on something that doesn't add anything to plot, So I think this means we are finally going to get to know more of Will in the upside down (Ive read the comic but I mean what happens in the show, because I consider the stuff in the show more 'canon' and the comics are just a side thing)
we are finally going to LEARN more about his connection to the upside down, I think it'll probably confirm the theory that vecna was responsible for his kidnapping and not a demogorgan like the characters in the show assume.
Wills case is so different to the others who got killed in the upside down almost immediately and I do NOT believe it's simply because he's 'good at hiding'- like come on....those interdimensional creatures would beat his ass 💀
Also yes I 100% a demogorgan would NOT have slowly unlocked that shed door it would've ripped it apart to get inside let's bfr...something else did I and took Will 😭
I believe something had to have had sentience (probably vecna?) And doesn't kill him immediately, considering his further use, so it just leaves him alone for a WEEK?
I think he was purposely left alone, especially because we know he was singing in the upside down which would probably attract something towards the noise, Vecna definitely would've known because he can sense things through the vines and Will definitely wouldn't have known that
Even when Wills caught, he's not killed, he's taken elsewhere and is still alive, just unconscious? This is weird to me, a demogorgan wouldn't of done that, all depictions (apart from dart as a demodog) of demogorgans are shown to be immediately aggressive and attack unless locked in on a different subject (like in the S2 tunnels when the demodogs ignored them to run to the gate)
I definitely believe it was vecna, maybe making some sort of prototype for his plan to kill 4 people in season 4? I don't know, it's been awhile since I've scene S1 but I remember him kinda being like trapped vertically up in the vines with one in his mouth? I think there was definitely a plan vecna was trying to execute but it was foiled by Joyce and Hopper rescuing Will.
we know it's a hivemind, and that Will can feel the mindflayers presence, but at the end of season 4 he also states he can feel vecna hurting, which is weird because it's not like he could feel every individual in the hiveminds memories, he didn't feel the presence of every demogorgans current state and whatnot, only what the mindflayer felt, it's probably just because the mindflayer is also hurting because vecna is and he can sense that, but I thought Vecna would be smarter than to align himself into the hive Mind knowing it makes him more vulnerable, he can control them, but he isn't PART of them imo, because then if the mindflayer goes down so does he, and his 'underlings' would damage him whenever they're hurt, so I just don't think he'd do it, but Will can somehow still know how vecna feels, so I think he has some other connection to Vecna that'll be revealed in the opening scene...uh yeah sorry for rambling its dumb and I am NOT a good theorist
I just want to know people's thoughts on what they think will be revealed in the opening, because I think it'll be that vecna kidnapped him, or something that reveals their connection, it'll be cool though!!!
Sorry this post has like no grammatical structures and its UNNECESSARILY LONG + probably annoying to read thanks for sticking with me 😭💗
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