#because idk if there are enough hours in the day and i have a strict sleep schedule
Local person has to take a break from binging podcast because it's soon teatime and it'll be ready in less than the episode time, 234 dead 2354 injured
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 9 months
CAN I REQUEST LA SQUADRA WITH AN S/O WHO HAS A SWEET TOOTH?? (like they would be late at night just eating something sweet and they would get caught because of the candy wrappers making noise)
I cannot handle much sweetness in my food but for some reason i love writing about characters who have sweet tooths???? idk why. very cute request idea :3
La Squadra with an S/O with a sweet tooth
He learns about this trait of yours when the two of you get a crap ton of sweet treats together, only for him to find 90% of it gone within a day. He's not pleased, the way he complains about it you'd think it was the cat crying if you weren't watching him.
He isn't actually mad, obviously. I mean, in all honesty he was probably overestimating how many sweets he can handle, but...but the betrayal!!
Great new information now, because you're getting a new treat for your stash practically every day! He'll even come home with some incredibly bizarre sounding treat for either you to keep or for you to watch him eat.
Illuso learns when he finds you stuffing your face sometime around midnight. He plucks the sweet from your hands and holds it over your head (if you're shorter than him). "Having a snack right now? If you were planning to stay up for some sweets, you should've let me join you." He doesn't let you stay up for much longer though, just enough for your sugar buzz to end before dragging you to bed.
He's absolutely the kind of fellow to just steal some treats right out of your hand/bag. Make sure you aren't standing around any mirrors as you happily snack, unless you WANT to be jump-scared by an arm suddenly emerging from the wall.
He's picky with sweets, too, so not only is staying cautious keeping you safe from theft, but also from criticism. If you decide to start subtly eating more of his favourite sweets to avoid this, it definitely won't go unnoticed.
He became aware of your sweet tooth before you ever told him, and before any kind of eating-candy-late-at-night incident. He probably realises by the first time he's brought to your place. Whether it be a dedicated snack-y area somewhere in your kitchen or a few too many colourful wrappers in a trash bin, he takes note of the detail.
Prosciutto stays up pretty late, so it should've been expected that he would run into you digging into some chocolate "secretly" like a raccoon chowing down on some garbage. He stares at you, just a bit surprised that you'd decide to eat something so sugary in the middle of the night.
He doesn't mind your affinity for sweets and sometimes likes to indulge you by buying you fancy little candies and chocolates he thinks you'd enjoy, but he is strict about when you can eat them (no messing up your appetite or sleep!) it makes him seem like a parent but he just wants his partner feeling alright.
Shuffling through the kitchen with the lights off was an obvious challenge for you, but flicking on the light's would've been a surefire way to get caught at this late hour. Well, unfortunately that worry is thrown out the window as you end up crashing into something that...yelps?
So, yeah! You discover each other's sweet tooths and bad habits in that same moment. Your best survival strategy is to team up, becoming the Late Night Delicacy Duo - Pesci feels bad about his secret snacks but having you indulge in it with him makes it go from shameful to fun.
His favourite sweets are hard candies, but he'll have a try of anything the two of you manage to scavenge!
Dude. It's fucking Melone. You don't need to get caught doing jackshit, he tastes the sweet on your fucking lips and figures it out from there. He can tell your favourite chocolate brand just based on your body language or something.
Sounds weird but hey! At least you've got a partner who knows what you like incredibly well, and you often find your preferred treats either in his hands when the two of you are going out or laying on your bed when you return home. He's always right on the money.
He's far from a sweets person himself, save for a few exceptions (namely cake), so he has absolutely no qualms with you having any treats he ends up receiving. Probably likes feeding you a bit. Not in a kink way or anything but like, listen, I think it'd be nice to have his gloved hand gently place chocolates in my mouth while he watches with those beautiful eyes. No don't leave no listen please-
He's grumpy enough when he wakes up in the morning, why would you even risk waking him up in the middle of the night? No matter now, because he's ripped the sweet from your hand, tucked it into a cupboard, just nearly slammed the door shut, and is dragging you back to bed.
But as long as you aren't snacking late at night, he's fine with it. He can be a tiny bit strict about it though; doesn't want you overdoing how many sweets you eat, and he does not like trying other people's food so don't ask him.
Just as with most things about you, he loves the trait subtly. His love for this one lies in how he glances at you when the waiter asks if the two of you want dessert after your meal, or the way he taps your arm if the two of you pass a colourful candy store mid-stroll.
He likes licorice doesn't he. He does, doesn't he. Look me in the eyes, don't you see what i see hes a LICORICE LIKER
"I really hope your body goes through sugar well. That crash will not be pretty," is a very stupid thing to get jumpscared by, but in your defence you were MINDING your OWN BUSINESS and it's TWO AM- DOES THIS MAN SLEEP!???
Pleaseee ask him to share sweet treats with you, this man doesn't let himself have as many treats as he probably wants to. Beyond just the intimacy of sharing a moment together, you get to see him smile at the flavors. and isn't that what life is just all about.
Honestly if you're really really really in love with candy, he may get or make one one of those candy/chocolate bouquets, y'know the ones?
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
List of characters that i think smoke a lil weed:
Riddle. He needs to chill the fuck out. I don't think he'd be able to handle smoking though, physically or mentally, so like. Trey should maybe slip him a strawberry tart with some ganja in it
Cater. Let him find the will the live and spiritually high five Morgan freeman or smth idk
Ace and Deuce. Another day, another heart attack cause Yuu got into a situation again
Trey. Partially because we both know damn well how stressed he is on a daily, but mostly because I just want the strict "Rule Following Dorm" to just be chalk full of stoners. Never let them know your next move! 🤙
Ruggie. He deserves it. Weirdly enough, he actually preforms better at his jobs when he's high as balls (this is based on one of my brother's. He can't drive for shit but he can smoke a blunt and then suddenly he turns into a chauffeur???)
Jade. I don't think he would need it or even really feel a desire to do it; he just wanted to know what it felt like the first time he did it, but then Yuu shotgunned him once and now he's much more willing to smoke. Probably makes the best food ever when he's high
Jamil. Look me in my eye and tell me he doesn't need Marijuana like a white mom needs a live laugh love sign. You cant. He can't do it too much though cause whenever he gets high he ends up just. Melting into his floor and stares at the ceiling for the next few hours and he can't do shit.
Kalim. He wants to be included. Also I think he would be a crier cause Lord knows he needs a good sob
Epel. He'll do just about anything if he thinks it'll make him cooler, and in his mind, weed is pretty cool. It is significantly less cool when he starts coughing like he's trying to puke out his organs though.
Vil. I don't really know why, he just would. He wouldn't smoke it though. Probably just eat an edible, and not the normal ones like a brownie or a cookie or some type of sweet, nah. He's going for the peanut butter. "Vil why is your peanut butter green?" "It's made with pistachios" "Ok but why are your eyes so red" "it's windy out here". He's so good at lying through his teeth when it comes to this but come on! He needs a break! Let him do this or he's gonna bite neiges head off!
I dont think Rook would. I don't why for this either, it's just the vibes. Rook is staying sober.
Idia tried it once to see what the hype was about and started choking. He's one if those people who isn't affected by Marijuana so he didn't really do it again. Until those cotton candy vapes came out and then he tried it again.
Lilia. I don't think I have to explain this.
Yuu. They were the one that got everyone else smoking. The probably grow it in their garden and tell people it's mint (also inspired by my brother). They're stressed constantly and making out with their boyfriend doesn't always take that stress away, so why not make out with their boyfriend, but high.
Honorable mention: Sam! He's just cool like that.
Honorable mention: Chen'ya! Cause I feel like he would.
I know nothing about smoking weed because the smell makes me kind of sick so I will take your word for it that this list is accurate. I do know a decent bit about drinking vodka straight from the bottle so allow me to give you my list of people who I think would do that:
Crewel- i think he's a cocktail guy but sometimes he just doesn't have the patience. He also has a big bottle of absinthe for emergencies. It's been getting a work out with all the overblots this year.
Lilia- used to back when he was traveling the world, nowadays he prefers not to so he can set a good example for Silver. Probably sticks to weed since it's more natural
Floyd- I feel like he makes those toxic jungle juice mixes that you can't tell the alcohol content of for "funzies" but then refuses to drink it himself and just drinks it from the bottle.
Epel- again he thinks it makes him look cool. He hates vodka because as a proud citizen of Harveston he strikes me as more of a cider guy but he still assumes he looked cool.
Sebek- he did it on a dare and he hated every second of it.
Ruggie- he does the thing where he gets cheap vodka and puts it through a brita filter to make it better.
Leona- he is too lazy to get himself something better. Do you think he smokes weed or sticks to catnip? And if you asked him that how loud do you think he would laugh before trying to beat your ass?
Yuu- at all times they look like this to me:
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
I saw the recent request from skinny lector, I loved it, I felt identified, idk if it's not much, I could request the same but with my favs lilia, jamil, vil and rook, when skinny lector fem would like to be more voluptuous (like more curves kdjsj) but because of her metabolism she can't gain weight and this frustrates her :(( , tenks ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
his unwavering support
Characters: Lilia, Jamil, Vil, Rook
Synopsis: Your body's metabolism can be frustrating, but at least he's right here to support you.
Tags: body image issues, comfort, fluff, bot proofread
Word count: 813
Notes: as always, i hope everyone can be happy and comfortable in their own skin and body!
Part 1 ✧ Masterlist
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he thinks it's a human thing, but he's very supportive nonetheless
he finds you perfect in all ways, and really it's your spirit that has captivated him
but he'd encourage you to be what you want to be
this old fae is just happy to see you happy
and he's extra ready to help you by making sure you're eating enough nutrients of course!
he's raised silver, and now he'll take good care of you too!
but the recipes always seen rather lacking...
no worries, he'll just add more nutrients!
don't pay heed to the ominous smell and colour, it's totally not edible!
yeahh maybe you shouldn't let him make food for you
still he'll be all the more willing to support you
he'll pop in at random hours of the day to see if you're hungry, and thankfully he'll give you ready made snacks
just, for your sake, don't eat his cooking
"Beastie! There you are." Lilia rushes up to you with a basket in hand. "I have prepared a dish for us to share. Please, do give it a try. I promise it's not as bad as it looks," he beams, but the less than pleasant smell is more than enough for you to doubt his words.
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Jamil is very understanding and supportive of your insecurities
he truly loves you for who you are, and he couldn't be more grateful that you love him
but he understands that's just how insecurities work and he'd try his best to help you
he's a great listener, so he's always here to lend you an ear if you feel the need to rant
ever the practical and mindful thinker, he'd also offer practical advice on, life habits, diets, and even self-confidence tips
if you like his cooking, he's all the more willing to cook for you
always extends an invitation to you to kalim's banquets
and he makes sure to save a portion for you to eat later, so when you eventually get hungry, he can easily heat it up and serve it to you
keeps snacks on him at all times just in case you're suddenly hungry
all in all, he’s very accommodating and he’ll adapt to your every need
"Ya amar, is the food to your liking?" Jamil asks, reaching over with a napkin to gently wipe your cheek of sauce. At your nod, he smiles contentedly. "I'm glad, take your time and eat slowly, there's plently more left." He says as he starts eating his own plate.
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he understands what it feels like to want to change yoruself
he himself has worked incredibly hard to achieve his own desired physique
but definitely emphasizes self-acceptance and confidence regardless of physical appearance
he'll love you regardless for who you are, even better when you're happy and confident in your own skin
he'll encourage you to work hard towards your goals
makes use of his knowledge on diets and nutrition, high protein smoothies!
once you've set yourself realistic goals, he'll be there every step of the way to make sure you're not slacking off
beware, he's a strict coach once he's invested
when he sees you in school, he'll chastise you on eating your meals and staying hydrated properly
you will not hurt your body to pursue your ideals, absolutely not on his watch
he'll sprinkle in bits of affection here and there to keep you motivated, so keep at it!
"Darling, I don't want you to feel like you have to change yourself. You are perfect just the way you are," Vil says, before laying a sweet peck on your forehead. "No one else would ever be worthy of being my lover, please know that." His breath tickles your forehead.
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Rook finds beauty in anything and everything, but he can't deny he has a bias towards you
he'll genuinely be confused, but he's careful about asking you to elaborate your insecurities
he would never want to hurt your feelings
he definitely he waxes poetry about your beauty
he can be a little bit dramatic, but he means well
but man, he could go on for days about how your smile sends butterflies to his stomach
it's kind of a, he won't shut up about it so you'll have to accept his compliments
all the while, he’ll still support you whenever you need though
he understands that this is what you want, and he’ll be there for you every step of the way
stalking showing up randomly throughout the day to make sure his beloved is doing well
your huntsman is… very devoted
"Mon chou, you are beautiful just the way you are. Beauty is not just about shape or size. It's the inner essence that makes a person shine. I am fascinated by everything that you are, and I hope that you can find the same joy within yourself. Je suis là pour toi, toujours."
Part 1 ✧ Masterlist
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vacantgodling · 4 days
I figured I should send you an ask instead of spamming your notifications: I saw the word "cyberwestern" and almost lost my entire mind. Graves and Dove are so interesting. Can I get an infodump on the project? What inspired it and how it's coming along, etc. The more details you can give on What Their Fucking Problem Is, the better. Thank you :>
honestly i am totally down with notif spam so if you still want to after i talk your ear off, HAVE AT IT :DD
so i did kinda do a mini info dump centering around graves like 20 minutes ago -> here but i figure a more... organized answer should be in order!
what inspired the graves we dug is currently hard for me to remember. i think i mainly just wanted cowboy ocs? and one of my friends (@/nonsensical-pendulum) has an oc named 'graves' and the name sort of got stuck in my head because i thought it was Cool. and then, for once (this is a rarity for me) the title came pretty quickly after the graves we dug. and i didn't know what it was about for a bit, just that there were cowboys, a mc named graves, and they were digging holes... apparently. and then slowly from there things started to fall into place. unlike a lot of my other wips i feel like tgwd has a bit of a hard to pinpoint starting point, but i also think that's bc a lot of the stuff i had relating to its origins began on the blog i used to have in 2021, but then i deleted it entirely so all of that is lost now LOL
when it came to making it a cyberwestern itself, honestly i saw some cyberwestern style art with cowboys in citypop color schemes and i was like YEAHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH. so i thought it'd be cool to go cyber instead of a traditional western lol.
how its going
so i'mma be straight up, tgwd is on my secondary wips bracket. if you look at my big ol wip list here it kinda breaks it all down, but those on my secondary list are ones where i enjoy working on them but they just don't have the same level of brainrot status as those at the top of my mind--namely paramour and btaf have taken those spots in the past couple of years. so usually how it goes with any of my secondary wips is i'll just be vibing, suddenly think about an aspect of it, think about it for a bit and then perhaps have a bit of a frenzy where i build on it, and then i end up deflecting back to my major ideals lol. so rn (at least for the past hour) i've been thinking about tgwd and getting asks is kinda an excuse to keep focus and work on it. i'll probably end up defecting back to my usual haunts in a few days.
THIS BEING SAID i have written some things for it which i shall get into momentarily
but what's going on?
so basically here's a mini timeline/play by play of what's happening that leads up to the beginning of the wip
firstly, the land is kind of a perpetual night; the sun on this world (haven't decided if its another planet or smthn yet) is pretty dim and so cities and fluorescent lights are the main lightsources of the world. there is also an 'artificial moon' but tbh idk what that means rn.
GRAVES in his early 20s leaves the ranch where he grew up to make a life for himself in the closest city called Rapture. Rapture is a city of glitz and glamor, run by crime lords and greed. he ends up entering "the organization" (it doesn't have a name yet) as an armed hire and gets hired out on different hits by different vendors to do their bidding (which is usually taking out their grudges on other crime lords. the organization has a strict neutrality policy that most everyone respects--if you have enough money for a hit, it'll be done, or you better hire some better guards).
to aid in the ever growing violence in the city, somehow someway the organization develops a special ops unit for their largest jobs, which includes an injection of a serum which manifests certain abilities in their best agents. graves, and his new acquaintance TOMB become some of the first to experience the serum, and this ends with graves gaining a black glow around his feet and an ability to walk silently and through solid objects, and tomb gaining an ability where his mouth glows orange (i haven't decided what it is, but i do know unlike graves or dove, he can't turn his ability off).
the two do solo jobs for awhile, until the organization decides that they need mentors to train new recruits that use the serum and this is how graves ends up meeting DOVE--a former opera star who's ability glows green centered around his eyes. they sort of hit it off immediately, and though tomb warns graves about getting too attached but graves can't really help it. he and dove get. attached.
a few years like this go by, and then the organization gets a huge hit--to take place at one of the biggest centers of crime, a club modeled like an old state building called The Rome, towards the epicenter of Rapture. the organization puts its best agents: graves and tomb, and their two rapidly trustworthy mentees: dove and dawn (tomb's mentee). the situation quickly goes south when their plot for assassination is discovered, and in an effort to save the mission, graves makes well--a grave mistake, and ends up trying to take down the target. unfortunately, the shot misses and ends up hitting dove instead. an explosion goes off afterward, and tomb and graves barely escape with their lives. dawn and dove are presumed dead.
while tomb compartmentalizes and continues on with his work, graves breaks down. and in his grief, he decides to defect from the organization without getting permission first. (after the mission at the rome, graves and dove did get permission to retire, but since the job wasn't done they aren't allowed to leave) since he was also pretty high up, he also has trade secrets and they couldn't just let him go and be a loose canon like that. its easier that if he's not going to comply, that he be dead--and so they send the one person who can catch him after him: tomb. tomb's taking his time, but he's also doing what has to be done.
the whole thing however turns upside down again when dove comes "back" from the grave. he's alive! very much not dead! and from what i'm comfortable sharing at the moment is yes, he was harmed by what happened but he's still very much alive and is ready to make good on their promise: to retire. and if he has to drag graves into making it happen then so be it.
what's written thus far
the official chapter 1 -> the start of the rapture
beginning of chapter 2 -> you're supposed to be dead
i want what you want (or they try talking about it, doesn't work, sleep together to create more problems instead)
do you trust me? (or, dove lets out some of his aggression at a very kicked puppy graves LMAO)
and yeah -- i think that's the most info i got right now! there's a lot of stuff i got to figure out an outline as well. BUT yeah i hope this was helpful :3c
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0cto0tter · 1 year
Heyyy :D I just wanna quickly say I love your content!! It's amazing!! I was wondering if I could get some Peso x Shellington headcannons?
Thank you so much ^^
Sorry for the absence, I was in highschool, which I've GRADUATED FROM! Ignore that I graduated early June, I'm working on college stuff too.
So, I'm back to work here >:3
• At first, Peso thought Shellington was constantly in the med bay because of how accident prone he is
• Shellington mirrors Peso's stims, Peso mirrors Shellington's stims. They stim loop for HOURS
• Shellington would use "I want to learn first aid" as an excuse to spend more time with Peso without being hurt
• Alternatively, Peso would use "I want to learn more about this creature so I can provide better care" as an excuse to spend more time with Shellington with Shellington being hurt
• Dashi and Kwazii are the ones that ultimately got them together
• It was obvious to every that they were both pining after each other. Really obvious. Even Barnacles caught on. Do better.
• Catch these two info dumping at 3am, Peso half asleep and still talking while Shellington is vibrating in place waiting for their turn again
• Peso did Shellington's top surgery. It's canon, I was the bandage roll on the top shelf
• Shellington likes to bite, Peso preens (canon to their real life uhhhhh... alternates, animals, idk, o forgot the word)
• Shellington doesn't understand a single bit of Spanish. Peso always compliments him and says loving phrases in Spanish to them
• Family reunions are chaotic
• While Shellington has a small family, Peso's is big enough to fill a convention building with people still waiting outside
• Picture a baby penguin pointing at Shellington and saying, "Mama! Look at this weird penguin! He's got a lot of fuzzy feathers!" While Peso is trying not to laugh in the background
• Peso is the honorary 2nd father/older brother to the Vegimals now, I don't make the rules
• They have mini dates in the Gup E. Tweak has a strict "Don't let Shellington touch the wheel" with that gup
I'm back, expect a few posts today/in the next few days on both this account and my side accounts
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ladysomething · 7 days
honey, I'm homeee!
1. maddie I physically cannot wait for the untitled fic because it seems like it's gonna be good. (let's be honest, if it's yours, is gonna be good. weekly dose of me sending you love 😘)
2. the snippet made me feel a little bit like acting insane, you know?
3. I just now remembered that I, in fact, did not send my ask/rant/yapping session about last chapter. tumblr hates me I think. but, it's coming right up, because we're about to re- read. I do remember that I wanted to hit someone with a pan or something like that. although that happens quite often. regardless of whose face would be on the flat surface of the pan.
+1. brother asks: I do not want to jinx anyone, of course, but can you ask Lady if she believes in the ao3 writer curse and if she has ever experienced or something like it? he's been investigating, next thing you know, he'll be sending you asks himself. /jk
+2. my roommie also, has been investigating. though to a bigger level. he has turned our living room into a giant base of operations. we even have this funny whiteboard with the red thread and a damn lot of random drabbles he makes in the middle of the night only about your fic. If I could I would send you a picture but, as stated beforehand, tumblr hates me. so I can't. yes, he does have a job. a serious, strict and well-paid one at that. his question is: how did Max found Kelly? did he knew her from before, was she in the paddock before? was the recontratripletetrahijueputa carepicha malnacido desgraciado (idk if there's a translation for that insult, so we'll settle for wretch motherfucker) that hurt her was from there? and when will we see more of that Mercedes guy?
have a nice day sweetie! I'll come back in a while with our report. 🫡
blesssss! I won't respond to your first few because I have another ask waiting for me about the new fic, so I'll talk about all that there!!
so for the other stuff:
+1. serious answer: no I don't believe, because if somebody is writing long enough, then obviously something big will happen in their life! non-serious answer ... it's a thing. literally last night I posted the ao3 an hour after our brand new puppy was rushed to the vet after swallowing a bee and going into anaphylactic shock. I posted it to make myself feel better while waiting for news about whether she was going to live. so yes!!! its a thing!!! and well ... you could say I've experienced it, but tbh my life is literally just drama - writing fic - drama - writing fic. so like. ya know.
for his questions - can't tell you how Max found Kelly. it will be revealed soon!
can't tell you if he knew her before ... also about to be revealed!
can't tell you where her abuser is from - where about to find out who it is.
I CAN tell you that we will see of the Mercedes guy, his proper purpose will be served within the next ten or so chapters. probably less.
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skye707 · 1 year
SKYE! HOW would a date go with each of the Riddlers? I feel like ZY would sabotage the others any chance he could get. Hopefully this wasn’t already asked.
Who would have thought this is what my blog would become? Fulfilling people's desire to know how their favorite Riddler who go about romancing on a date.
I could not be prouder of myself.
Unburied - It’s pretty casual, I’m not gonna lie. He’s the most laidback of the Riddlers, and he’s not going out of his way to be strange. Something simple, like a lunch date, to feel out the situation. No fear for your life with this one.
ZY - Aw man, he’s got a date?? Better start the night off right by being twenty minutes fashionably late. While you’re on the date, though, I hope you’re not shy. He’s taking every opportunity he can to show you off to the waitstaff, bartender, other patrons of wherever you may be. “Yeah, aren’t they super hot? Only the best for Mr. Eddie Nygma.” Oh, shoot, yeah you’re paying, right?
Dano - Red. The entire time. There is not a moment he is not visibly embarrassed. Not by you! By the notion that other people can see that this little weirdo is on a date with this being of pure light for some fucking reason beyond his comprehension. Maybe stick to something secluded and personal.
YJ - This dude is falling over himself to ensure that every detail goes perfectly. He’s got an absolutely adorable day of activities planned. Ice cream shops, walks in the park, an evening of fireworks (idk how he managed to find that this time of the year but whatever). Like, this is the kind of date that a little kid dreams of having with their first love.
Gotham - Okay, where YJ’s perfectly planned date is cute and fun, this guy’s date is regimented and meticulous. It’s not that it isn’t a great time, he put a lot of thought into what you would enjoy together, but he’s very strict that “we have to leave at this time because otherwise we won’t be able to catch the sunset at this location at precisely 7:43 pm”. If you’re cool with that, then it’s gonna be great!
BTAA - Quite possibly the most romantic date you will ever go on in your life. He has evaluated the statistics and logic of every situation that may arise and is prepared for anything. He calls in some favors and has a Michelin Star restaurant air drop your favorite meal to be enjoyed on the deck of this yacht he just stole. Lots of compliments, both for you and himself, he’s such a sweetheart when he wants to be.
Arkham - It’s a date in the privacy of his little lair, but that doesn’t make it any less special. He covered the entire ceiling with stringed lights in the shape of question marks. Dinner is takeout from his favorite restaurant (the one thing he failed to acknowledge was what your preference was in terms of a meal). After that, with a flourish of his little dirty hands, he’ll get some music playing and set up chairs so you and he can watch the Batman fail another one of his stupendous traps. Yes, Mr. Nygma sir sure knows how to meticulously structure a good time.
BTAS - He’s shy! So very shy! When he’s the Riddler, he can do whatever he pleases, but when presenting himself as Eddie Nygma, he’s a little less confident. He’s sparing no expense to make this a memorable occasion for the both of you, but it’s easy to see that he’s just as nervous as you probably are.
Telltale - His idea of a “date” is going to a nice restaurant together. Which is great, but don’t expect any great lengths to be taken to make it romantic. Is it not enough that he would give up hours of his precious time to converse with you? Maybe that’s just his love language though: giving the time of day.
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mychlapci · 8 months
Prowl saying they should get rid of them? Nooo, the moment he suggests that Ratchet looks ready to throw hands, and if he didnt have an armful of bitlets he’d 100% beat the living daylights out of Prowl.
Maybe they switch every week once the second litter is old enough to spend more then a couple hours away from Megatron. Ratchet has the younger litter on the first week, everyone ends up loving the little guys- yet when they cry its just….sirens🚨. Extremely. Loud. Ambulance. Sirens. and then him and Megatron swap every sunday. The autobots trying to deal with demanding little brats once Ratchet has to parent the older bitties for the week, they bite, hiss and throw whatever their stubby arms can pick up, they’re strong for such tiny creatures, clearly their mix of genetics is the reason. But then they act like utter sweethearts for Ratchet so he doesnt believe any of the autobots saying his children are little twats because his sire-coding tells him they’re all trying to get his bitlets in trouble, tiny devils with bright blue optics and innocent-sounding giggles- innocent to Ratchet anyway.
They learn VERY quickly that Prowl shows the most emotion toward their shenanigans and he’s usually the one they annoy the most. Escaping whoever’s care their under when Ratchet has something important to and they escape JUST to annoy Prowl until he bluescreens or just drives off. I’d say something about lockdown / prowl but idk if it’d make sense but imagine prowl comes back from one of his little drives, those drives can last 4-5 days depending on how stressed he is, and he comes back pregnant. Anyway.
So naturally everyone fawns over the younger sparklings when its their turn to be round, Chubby cheeks with bright red optics is just too cute for even the most stubborn Autobots to ignore, so they get cuddles by everyone, ignoring that they carry the crazy warlord genes is hard, Even prowl interacts with these bitlets instead of the older hellspawns.
I really wanna draw the devil spawns, but like..I get so stressed drawing plus i almost broke my neck on some ice ;-;
SIDE RANT. Uh. Not really a rant I personally want to say that Burnt Ice anon seems to have a big brain thats really wrinkly because whatever they send gives the tingles, we need to make their ideas canon. 👍
- Chase anon, again im soo sorry i feel feral rn ;-;
I always enjoy the thought of grumpy, strict Ratchet being an absolute softie when it comes to his own bitlets. The older sparklings spent more time with Megatron so they're a little more hissy than the younger ones, which were born after Ratchet told everyone and therefore have been spending a little more time with him, and the autobots in general. But he loves all of them all the same. Oh, the older bitlets bit Prowl? No, they wouldn't do that! They're his bitlets, after all, and they've been raised with some manners, thank you very much! if they bit you, it was probably your own damn fault. He just coddles them so much that everyone is in complete disbelief that Ratchet even has that amount of kindness in him. 
Prowl eventually getting used to the younger bitlets because they're pretty sweet, all things considered, but the older ones he wishes would stay with Megatron. They're violent and they seem to only ever want to bite him. Of course, genocidal maniac genes carry on to all of the bitties, it's only a matter of time before the younger ones start causing trouble... Not to mention… Ratchet's pretty big and boxy. Megatron is twice as big and twice as boxy, so you know the bitlets are big, fat, and strong as hell. Menaces, the lot of them. 
Btw now i also kind of wanna draw the megaratch babies… i wish i had the time for it. and the art skills. oh well
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enha as twenty first century american teenager stereotypes (up until 2024)
I LIV LAF LUV playing association with enhypen because they're my interesting little stinka-butts who, in my opinion, are so frozen in this whole kpop ordeal and i need them BROKEN FREEEE
Hybe, babes, let them explore the real world and interact with idols and people who don't gaf about their latest random single release and just wanna vibe w them I BEG
+ Yang Jungwon aka "Maicah"
Maicah Jungwon Yang is the middle man of your class. He's involved, he's energetic with the dude-bros, and he's on the JV basketball team. He only has okay grades but is somehow on Student Council. He's friends with a ton of the Varsity boys, and he's got lots of cool friends. Jungwon is super bubbly but he's really put together. His rl engagement in school and enha leadership compels me to think he's responsible enough to be in Student Council but bros also just an athlete. He'd also probs be on the track team as a 100m sprinter or smth. He'd definitely have a lot of friends but he might have a surprisingly unconventional bestie. Maicah wears the same two pairs of nike sweats along with Yeezy slides and a black hoodie. If it's cold, Maicah brings a Spiderman blanket to school.
+ Lee Heeseung aka "Ethan"
Ethan is the ultimate trend maxxer of whatever Bay Area high school you have imagined. He wears string earphones, never sporting shorts, and always has a damn beanie on. Absolutely not in sports-- is THE arts student. He's on the junior group of horn instruments in band, probably plays the trumpet, and isn't all that great but he's a fast learner. Hee would be top 30 in his class, but would most likely prioritize his rising Sound Cloud presence post-Grad. Doesn't date but he has a lot of younger friends, flirts with girls two years younger than him but also maintains a homoerotic friendship with his childhood friend in college who's like a year older than him.
+ Park Jay aka "Jay"-- DUH
Jay is the batman. He's farms or surfs (depending on what region you imagine we're in the context of) by day, and is in a garage band by night. He has a super duper close knit friend group of equally spunky guys. Has absolutely no female friends-- not out of misogyny or anything but bro is just such a dude idk. He's pretty smart, def a AP Chem warrior but stinks at stem. His focal point is the school guitar group. He probably gets his community service hours working with the lunch ladies. Jay is charismatic and super sweet-- but he probably deals with anger issues and was def that kid in behavior management during elementary. Despite his emo TM status-- Jay wears the fluck out of his chino + Sperrys combo.
+ Sim Jaeyun aka "Jake"-- DUH
He is the captain of the Varsity Soccer team. Jake is popular as a mf; has a big friend group, dates around, is loved by the teachers, and most of the school appreciates his mega vibes. Think Jeremiah from The Summer I Turned Pretty. Jake probably gets zesty allegations cause he wears lots of jewelry and paints his nails but he doesn't mind cause trust-- he's pulling every female bro-lover in the COUNTY. He's super duper competitive and is a strict captain, which is the only reason why someone'd have a problem with him...but he makes up for it by being a beast on the field. He's also on Honor Roll, cranking his Class with a 4.6 GPA and Salutatorian status. He's a chronic overstayer at school with him being in sports and academic clubs year round. Jake probably has some weird connections with Parker which throw people off like Junior year. Chronic Croc wearer. Bro's committing to Notre Dame for Soccer.
+ Park Sunghoon aka "Parker"
The hottest loser on campus fr fr. He's well known for being the numba one hallway crush but bro has no school friends so everyone kinda just assumes he's a little bit of a bitch (in the best way possible). He never stays longer than he has to but he's a hard worker and the history teacher loves his compassion for AP Gov.. He's a club Volleyball player outside of school but he's not in school athletics (he's got connections to the Athletics Dir. tho). He's always at school early to use the weight room and he's an avid lean pump master poster on IG. Hoon was super isolated as a kid so I imagine that Parker would probably have a hard time being social with just normal kids (Parker's homeschooled in elementary for the plot). He was probably chubby in middle school and then had a gigantourous glow up freshman-sophomore year: 6'0, lean muscle, "clean guy" aesthetic. Guys def wanna be him but they're jelly cause their girlfriends are obsessed. Closet gay but no one knows until a random IG story during college where he takes a pic w his boyfriend or something idk. Wears Jordan 4s.
+ Kim Sunoo aka "Sonny"
The typical friendly gay bestie minus the obnoxious Netflixed exaggerations (i.e. loud and super sassy). Just think about the token feminine gay guy at your school-- he probably has a group of girl friends, is kinda introverted lwk, wears either super outdated 2018 IG fashion or is the most fabulous Hollister warrior. He definitely has a weird situationship with one of the popular guys-- top athlete, unlikely to be friends with him but is anyways...you know the shabang. Sonny's pretty witty, pretty scholarly-- excels in stem but has a soft spot for English. He probably listens to Ariana Grande and is a Olivia Rodrigo die-hard. Sonny probably bakes, too. Overall, he's on the low but anyone knows that unprovoked, that mf is loud sometimes. Will not hesitate to beat a bitch up too.
+ Nishimura Ri ki aka "Nico"
The skater boi TM, bahaha. Just kidding, but fr, I think American Ri ki would skateboard. Like-- in an East Coast way not a West Coast way if you catch my drift. He's a New Yorker at heart-- going to a crowded arts school somewhere idk. He's constantly outdoing himself with the fits-- the girls love it. He's can be shy but has a knack for being a trouble maker-- probably went to special group as a kid, the guy with ADHD (not that that's a big deal but ik we all got that one guy in class that's hyper to no end, n to me, that's ri ki). Nico's got a couple friends, plays basketball in his free time, and his specialty is, of course, dance. He leads the department by a long shot so everyone either loves him or hates him. Nico isn't afraid to be flamboyant or outgoing (as Ri ki is competitive and a little bit of a diva) but can come off a little high strung sometimes.
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gayamulet · 5 months
Art drawling
Its sort of wild how art came to a screeching halt as soon as I got a full time job. And yeah, there's a bunch of corresponding factors- a physically demanding full time job crammed into 4 days, that I'm older and so, working with less energy, sleeping a lot more (seriously wtf), and compartmentalizing time much more. Freestanding time & energy is less and has to be planned out and those times left open for the chance to 'do art' in whatever capacity I can do not equate to 100% output success rates like day job hours. I can go in with a 'fuck yeah, art night!' frame of mind and come out pretty unfulfilled (again, with the awareness that fulfillment is not the goal).
And of course recognizing that many more mundane tasks fulfill a bigger chunk of that makemakemake drive- meal prep, cleaning (ugh), plant care, yard care, mending work clothes, etc. And you know, the more annoying factor. A lot of that creative energy also gets fulfilled by mundane tasks at work- animal care, walking, cleaning (yes that includes complicated dogshit catastrophes), training, behavior data collection & entry. I come out of it of course physically tired because it is hard messy work, but it also just has me choosing/seeking artistic outlets less, and not feeling too bad about it introspectively. Its make-drive going someplace useful, through whatever framework my brain has established as useful, idk.
All this brings me to my actual point of frustration with art-making, that when I have time and there is a bit of planning involved (I have exactly one con art show and local tiny art market to work toward this summer) and I sit down and I casually think about what I'd like, for me, for these events with no pressure and, again, for me, that
I just don't want to make myself anything. That it already exists, that there are endless iterations of whatever visual landscape I'm riffing through at any given time, that it doesn't need physical manifestation, that it no longer serves me creatively, that I don't care. I can dangle a glittery new process (ink, linocut, etc) like a its-about-the-process carrot in front of me, but suddenly I don't like carrots. And it feels, less born of a dead creative drive, and more like...an extension of what I don't want from other people- junk. That I do not want to generate more junk for myself. Does this make sense? I think it sounds more heartless than I mean for it to. Like unless there is very defined intention, then I don't need it? I cannot think of a way to explain it that doesn't sound protestant as fuck. Maybe I've hit some critical mass of art intake overload thanks to the internet, maybe this is just what creativity looks like now. Tho, there's enough of a useful task involved that freelance artwork is still hopping along- much more slowly than before for all the regular reasons listed above- but otherwise its fine. I still get that pleasant little brain buzz.
I get these surges of frustration, that I've fallen off from working toward some ultra-personalized visual landscape goal like I used to, that once I do I'll be perceived as human again, or something. Like this is still some pinnacle of artistic merit, in some mythical corner of my brain. But those surges are much less frequent than they used to be, and fizzle out quickly. And idk. Art isn't going anywhere in my life, but where it comes from and how I'm making and shaping things is changing again. I guess?
*I DO, however, wanna make more cardboard masks. So bad.
**I know I kept this in a pretty strict work vs art vacuum, without acknowledging other uses of time, including other hobbies which of course also accounts for creative/emotional outlet but you know what I'm gonna stop here before you guys figure out I'm actually a robot
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plantwriting · 5 months
I am in purgatory or perhaps hell (had a 3 hour nap that I got up from around 10pm and have not been able to fall asleep and it is now 3:40am).
anyways, could u talk abt some headcanons that you've been wanting to? /nf ^-^
Oh shit sorry to hear that, can kinda relate I woke up at like 3.30 am and couldn’t fall back asleep today lol, hope you can get some rest though
Also! Absolutely!!!! Hold on entering my mind palace hhhh
Kian has NPD. I know this. In my heart. Very much like a case of “I /need/ to be better than others because if I’m not then I don’t have any worth at all”. Like he holds himself to impossibly high standards that he would never actually expect from anyone else because he’s supposed to be different
Rand also has npd. I also know this in my heart.
Got reminded of this while relistening to ep 4, when I first listened I just like. Decided to hc Rolan as transfem. And then promptly forgot and made him into a gay man instead oops
Rand was given Barc as an emotional support animal after Rachel disappeared
Kian’s parents were teens when they had him, which. Definitely played a role in why they didn’t do a great job with him. I imagine at least one of them (specifically his mom idk why) had like very strict parents who like. Disowned them when they got pregnant which is a pretty big part in why they ended up how they did
Rolan was a weird mix of super anxious and super obedient but then also extremely rebellious when they were young. Like extreme switches between being terrified of doing anything wrong and disappointing his parents and then a day later running away for a few days and getting drunk with the others because he just couldnt handle them
Stolen from @cleverpaws Rolan had like. Longish hair as a teen. Basically as long as his parents would let him have it
Kian went through like every possible hair color as a kid and preteen before settling on blonde because Identity Issues
Have. Touched on it a bit in the series but yeah Kian in my mind definitely did sex work at some point while living in Hollywood. He stopped after someone literally like nearly killed him (which i also referenced in that one oneshot! Fun times)
Becky’s band stayed together after her death/disapperance and ended up pretty popular. Like. Not a household name but they would definitely have a bit of a cult following especially within lgbtq+ circles
Rand was the tallest of the guys for so many years and he was so upset when Rolan had a sudden growth spurt and got tall
Also. Stolen from my convos with cleverpaws Kian was Rachel’s favorite babysitter because he 1. Would listen to her infodump 2. Was the only one that would agree to like. Play dressup and such with her and 3. Was actually smart enough to somewhat understand what she was talking about
I have talked about this before but. Rand. In my heart. Would not be skinny he is overweight and i need this to be more popular as a hc
Coming back from the dead healed all of kian’s wounds which unfortunately included his piercings :( he needs to get them redone oof (at least he still has his tattoos)
Speaking. Of tattoos: the guys would all get matching tattoos after everything happened
Not really a headcanon per se. But. I did realize yesterday that ive kinda accidentally started thinking of what happened between kian and becky under that tree as like. An allegory for sexual assault. Which. Yeah. Rough.
Mentioned both in the coming out oneshot and in a previous post at some point but kian has just a small box of things that mean a lot to him that he keeps hidden away and managed to keep safe even while homeless and stuff. It will definitely show up later on in the fic
Rolan has gone to a gay bar once, almost had a panic attack, and decided to never try again
No clue if i will include this in the therapy series or not. Also cant remember if ive made a post about this or not. But. Rand would start working out at some point after they all survived simply to flirt with kian better (pick him up. He just wants to be able to carry kian around)
Speaking of rand after they all survived (im not in denial shut up) he would eventually discover just a very genuine care for gardening. Like. Non weed plants. Hed grow a very nice garden in their backyard :)
Rolan has had 4 girlfriends in the past, one in high school, one in college, and then two afterwards. They all ended relatively calmly
I can absolutely give more if you want but to not make the post way too long here it is lol
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mariyekos · 1 month
OH I KEEP FORGETTING TO POST ABOUT THESE THINGS WHEN THEY HAPPEN BUT MY STATIC GOT A WEEK 2 CLEAR OF M4S!! I got to Enrage week 1 but pf was really inconsistent and spending 5 hours getting to your prog point twice was both soul crushing and time consuming to the point I gave up on the week 1 clear so it is what it is.
This does make me more confident about FRU, even if I know this tier was super easy. There are a few people I think might be interested in doing it together but idk how many will join us, especially given gearing in this game sucks and we potentially have double caster which may or may not be reasonable. Right now the ones I'm thinking *might* be interested are a tank, me on healer, a melee, a phys ranged, and two casters, but again idk if they will really want to do it on release (especially the tank) given how TOP went (i.e. 5 months of effort to disband halfway through P5 because a clear didn't seem like it was in the books). But if we do FRU I think we'd have a 3 month hard limit and be much more strict about the skill level, so we could maybe do it.
The upside of FRU will be that unlike TOP, I WON'T be raiding TEA/a second ultimate at the same time so if I feel like I'm lagging behind I will have more time to PF to try to improve. If we do FRU a few people might be interested in raising 4 days a week too, but we'll see. It's hard to schedule things when we're in different timezones. Especially since one person will be back to being 5 hours ahead of me starting a few weeks after FRU will drop, I think. I really do want to do FRU... M4S didn't really hit the spot in terms of hard content, and I'd like to do something that really challenges me again. Especially since AST isn't nearly as fun to play anymore with the Dawntrail changes. It's a lot mote braindead. I miss EW AST. And ShB AST. Dawntrail AST just doesn't require enough quick thinking.
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f0point5 · 2 months
I think one of the other things people overlook with dating an F1 driver (or most professional athletes) is how kinda boring and regimented their day to day is. Like yeah they do take private jets and party on yachts BUT they’re also going to bed at 10 pm every night and eating strict meal plans and training for hours a day (especially with sim work). I’ve worked with athletes before and they really live a train, play, eat, sleep routine 80% of the time. If not 90% of the time depending on how long their season is and how out of shape they can afford to get weight/endurance wise.
Dating someone like Mick or another reserve driver would be a way more enjoyable life than an active F1 driver bc they don’t have to travel to every race or watch their routines quite as much but obviously there’s pay differences there (for most of them outside of Mick) bc Drugovich/Vesti/Lawson aren’t making enough to live the lifestyle most girls would expect/want with an athlete
Yeah I can’t stand the diet thing. I avoid fit guys because of this honestly I can’t be around a man who’s counting calories it gives me such an intense ick
Idk Laila seems happy with Mick 🤷‍♀️ but then yeah I think your average reserve driver is not doing the numbers a proper wag would expect. They tend to have more “normie” gfs anyway
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alpinefrsh · 11 months
Hi! Baby writer here! I want to pick your brain because I like your writing!
How do you start writing? I’ve had book ideas for years, but I can’t seem to actually start writing anything. I wanna write and I wanna do this but my brain gets a little stuck at the idea part. Any tips, I guess?
How do you keep writing? My motivation is phenomenally low.
What helps you personally in the process of writing?
Do you have a beta reader for your fics?
How long have you been writing for? Can you see noticeable improvement as you keep writing?
How do you make sure the character you’re writing about has accurate characterization, do you have any tips?
Lots of love! :D
Hello there! This might be a little lengthy.
Well, usually I just have to get very strict with myself when I want to write something (no youtube, no reading fics, no gaming, etc). Easier said than done, and I actually tend to be more productive when I’m away from home, writing primarily from my phone. I suppose when there’s quite literally nothing I can do but write, it makes the decision much easier.
Also, if you’re getting stuck on a scene, don’t be afraid to rewrite and rework things. Just take whatever’s tripping you up and chuck it into a separate document. I’ve actually rewritten the first few thousand words of my next fic multiple times at this point. Finally found an angle I’m happy with not too long ago.
As for how to keep writing, it really is just a matter of dragging yourself one word at a time sometimes. I’ve got a bit of writer’s block myself at the minute, but I know that as long as I keep writing at least a little bit every day, I’ll eventually get my mojo back again. Or I’ll take a break to write something small and silly to reset my brain. That also helps sometimes. Finding a good playlist that fits the mood of the scene helps sometimes, there’s also this one playlist of videos that I’ll occasionally use. I find them helpful, but you’ve gotta be prepared to dedicate a couple of hours to doing nothing but write (with short intermittent breaks throughout). Here, just pick whichever one strikes your fancy.
No, don't really have a beta. My older sister reads my fics after I post them, so she’ll let me know if she spots any spelling errors, but for the most part it’s just me re-reading my fics in the week or so after posting to find and fix any spelling mistakes or poor wording.
My first fic on Ao3 was about 3 years ago, but I’ve been writing for more like… Idk, six years? Probably longer? Not really sure, I only started to really get into writing when I found sbi, because- I mean, have you seen that family dynamic? It’s literally so based, and not to mention versatile. You can put them anywhere and it never really feels out of place.
I’ve definitely noticed improvement in my writing. My older stuff is- well, I certainly wouldn’t want to re-read any of it. Even just the fics from the earlier stages of my crossover series (specifically fics 2 and 3) are pretty rough by my current standards. Though, thinking about it now, that might be partially because my wordcount standard has risen by a fair bit, 3-5k isn’t enough words anymore, lol.
Ah, characterization, my absolute beloved. The easiest way to nail a characterization- in my experience, that is- is to figure out how they speak. The kind of words they use most often, phrases and things. I’ve mentioned this briefly in a previous post, but I actually have a characterization notebook. It’s literally just a book filled with things people have said. I’ve got a bunch of stuff in there, certain words or phrases people use frequently, likes, dislikes- all that stuff. Though I’m very careful not to write anything speculative down, if it’s not explicitly stated to the public, it doesn’t touch the page. And on the rare occasion when I write down something from a secondhand source, I make sure to specify in no uncertain terms that the information is according to someone else, and therefore should be afforded very little merit.
To be honest, I don’t actually flip through it all that often unless I’m stressed, but the act of writing things down on paper makes things much easier to remember, in my experience.
Another thing that helps me with characterizations are voices. If you can get a character’s voice to stick in your head, that usually helps me a great deal. It’s always nice whenever a character has a more distinct voice, like Donnie, he’s pretty great for that. So’s Tommy, for that matter- but that could also just be because I’ve been watching him for a long time, lmao.
Whenever I’m really struggling to nail down a characterization, I’ll go watch clips and/or videos of whoever’s giving me trouble until I feel like I’ve got their voice back.
Original characters are a bit different, as you can’t exactly just look up clips to make sure you’re staying consistent- and I’m definitely not the person to go to for OCs- but on the occasion where I do need to make up characters, I try to make up a voice for them in my head. Give them specific accents or cadences to use whenever I write their dialogue so they hopefully don’t come across as too flat, haha
Anyway, I hope this was at all helpful, good luck with writing!! :D
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bigearsbunbun · 1 year
1st day in 10th grade 8/29/2023
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I literally couldnt sleep that much the night before and ended up staying up until 3AM, though I'm kinda surprised that I slept a bit early than usual so I felt a bit relieved. But knowing that I had to set an alarm so I wont wake up at 10 or 12 AM I was hella depressed from just the thought of having to wake up exhausted af. I ended up waking up at 8AM I was EXHAUSTED I couldnt even move for the first 10 minutes and I just stared at the ceiling. I was having a manic episode the night before because I was so chill and so anxious at the same time I couldnt contain myself.
I later found out that the entrance ceremony starts at 1PM so I felt relieved knowing I dont have to rush.
Then the ceremony began. It was just like the other ceremony I attended last year.....though I was more down that time I couldnt even listen to a single word I was hearing from the people on stage, I was so out of it TT its weird because it felt like 9th grade was just yesterday.....time flies so fast:/.....Anyway when I got there, there was already many students lining up.... it was I think 20 minutes before the ceremony starts I saw some of my friends from my previous school year I'm soooo lucky to have some of my friends on the same class this year...I hope I can make some friends this year too or just at least get along with some of them:D
After an HOUR of standing at the ceremony it finally ended and we all headed to our new classrooms. I was enlightened to know that my classroom was in the first floor cause I have a bad stamina and bad experience from my old school... I was first very happy about it "ohh I get to be on the 3rd floor!!" then months later "I HATE THESE STAIRS" so 2ND,3RD,4TH FLOOR CLASSROOMS?? NUH UH🗣🗣..
So when I got to my new classroom I immediately continue reading one piece cause Im too introverted and shy to even talk to my new classmates, but I'm pretty sure when group activities and all that start happening we'll all talk and get along well:) (probably not everyone though)..ALSO I just realized how much I space out but its not that bad it just happens at times Im seriously not aware which is scary....I believe the term for it is called dissociation but mine is just mild though it happens from time to time I think mine is pretty normal...
When it was time to introduce ourselves my hands were COLD. And when it was my time to introduce myself I just talked fast and sat down, not realizing I didnt include my other hobbies such as reading manga or watching anime but oh well I did tell myself I wont trust people that easily this year and be more secretive about myself since I talk so much about myself when I'm comfortable enough to someone....
A few hours later it was snack break.... some of my friends from our friend group gathered... gosh I miss them so much:{ I dont know but I think I became a bit more quite than last year.... idk though maybe its just me. So then we all started talking about our new teachers... some of them had badluck and have a strict teacher and meanwhile me I was luckkyyy even though I dont really fit in with my new teacher's humor she was still pretty chill and understanding and I relieved about it... though I still hoped that I had the other teacher I wanted to be my 10th grade teacher:( hes pretty strict but hes a friendly guy and teaches well... I hope hes my math teacher this year PLSPLSPLS🤞CROSSING FINGERS
Then a few hours later it was already time to go home...I'm kinda happy that the first day of school wasnt as tiring as last year:D...I walked home.... it was nice since we got dismissed pretty early than the normal school days since its still the first day after all.....I was walking while listening to the songs I downloaded on my phone and look at the sky...it was still 4PM so it wasnt dark outside yet.... it felt nice walking home like that:>.... while walking home I remembered one of my friends eshy gave me her snack since she didnt want any and I couldnt buy snacks at the canteen because it was pretty crowded and looked like it was impossible to even cut in line....I'm pretty grateful to have her as a friend....though she should srsly look out for herself too....so in order to pay her back I stopped at a small store...it was run by an old couple....I used to walk by the store a lot since kindergarten and I rarely bought anything from that store....when I walked in the old man smiled....idk but something about it made me a bit happy since like oh....its been so long since I bought anything from the store and its been...probably years ....he looks different from before....everyone gets old and its a sad thing for me to even think about://....anyway after buying the snacks I then head home and took this picture while walking.....thanks for reading this long ahh journal about my day:DD I usually ramble things in my journal but I firgured I should use this account instead and use it as a digital journal since I rarely post anything on this app, Im also planning on doing this everyday so lets see if I actually do it this time:DD so bye for now MY HANDS HURT FROM TYPING ONG but anyway take care!!
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