#because i think on some level he actually disliked her lol
morsesnotes · 9 months
Granted it's been a minute since I watched S5, but I really got the impression Morse found Claudine's Manic Pixie Dream Girl energy progressively annoying anyway.
When he was acting as her gondolier all I could think was that he must be hating it but his romantic nature made him want to commit to the bit, lol.
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fumifooms · 1 year
Marchil crumbs masterpost
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Because I can and I will. Someone already made a tiny one way back but I lost it idk if it was here or on reddit… And we’re so small that we have no tag… I can’t credit you sorry marchil warrior you are not forgotten. I’ll definitely updating this whenever I find a new crumb. We’ve already reached the 30 pics cap part 2 coming soon. They do interact a ton I suppose. As always it’s not because I put moments on here that I’m saying they’re inherently romantic blablabla.
Part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7
My vision: Unstoppable force vs immovable object. Corrupt (money) bitter divorcee and corrupt (magic) hopeless romantic. Emotional constipation vs emotional intelligence. Streets savvy vs prestigious academic. Girl with the longest lifespan possible who has trauma over loss x guy with the shortest lifespan who has trauma over past romance. They would take their romantic interest to the fricking grave.  Halfling vs elf. Emotionally distant vs clingy and needy… Not that Chilchuck doesn’t seek her attention plenty ngl. By all means they are so incompatible and yet their dynamic is so delightful, opposites certainly do attract if Kui’s to be believed because these two constantly drift towards each other.
To me they're the embodiment of "If we want the rewards of being loved we have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known". Oh actually that'd apply to Laios and Dunmeshi as a whole as well-
She’s his worst nightmare. Opening up to someone?? The audacity to ask that of him. She raises his blood pressure to dangerous levels. He would risk his life for her.
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HIS WORST NIGHTMARE (what he needs). She's classified as a friend who won’t shut up btw Notice how on the dating sim chapter cover, the clicky hand is always on the choice he ended up choosing in canon except for two, Falin’s and Marcille’s. Meaning he may have hesitated on it, on telling her she was pretty? She’s front and center~
It’s notable that Marcille is the main victim of his teasing, he criticizes Laios and everyone plenty but teasing is done much more towards her than anyone else, and we can see that it is something he enjoys. Perhaps one of the things that put him in a good mood the most, besides alcohol and laughing at others in general lol. Here’s a post compiling a lot of that teasing: link
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He often confronts her about things and teases/insults her but it's always without any real animosity, sometimes having problems with her actions but never disliking her.
She craves his approval? More likely than you think.
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Chilchuck having a sparkly flustered Marcille on his mind and failing to pull her ponytail so she'd give him her attention the right way, then being devastated when she claps back lol. For as much as he teases her, she’s very much able to stand up for herself when it goes too far and to challenge him on some flaws he may have.
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Marcille’s canon shapeshifter of Chilchuck is the most convincing one/last one standing! In which he was nicer because Marcille still had some trouble not seeing him as young and thus innocent. Which besides the whole age thing, her having an accurate but nicer version of Chilchuck in her mind is pretty flattering lol
In the earlier chapters they stick by each other the most, often sharing knowing glances and judging the other together. They share this complicity and "wow finally someone sane in this party" energy that none of the others have in quite that way. Comrades in disgust.
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He cannot escape her gossip, she will not rest until she knows all and has met his family and romanticized his life and relationships. She’s the one who pushes Chilchuck to be more open about himself the most. Which, we do also see her being jealous when Chilchuck opens up more to others instead of her, like pic below. Moreover, we see that she’s able to read him like a book to the point that it freaks him out!! Oh the horror of being known… Relationship goals, freak him out bc you understand him so well Oh can I just point out as well that they're the only ones who saw each other's succubus. Like wow knowing each other's most alluring form? Dayum
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When doing her theory about what happened between him and his wife, the pictures where her roleplaying as his wife, like literally with her being a half-foot like in the changeling chapters and the mini chilchuck for a baby lmaooo. Which I just now realized that means Marcille’s question about if his wife has blonde hair is valid, we technically don’t know if he already liked blondes or if it’s an acquired taste. Give me a sec to recover from that-
But yeah Marcille is so people-obsessed that she catalogues every little detail about someone, like how Chilchuck complains when he has to wait after someone… She notices things and takes them in stride even if they’re flaws. (In first page, it's the bottom row middle panel)
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She wanted to sleep in his bed when Izutsumi was being clingy and she didn't want to sleep alone <3
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Here he goes to her to either help her stay upright or comfort her… Uncharacteristic of him but very sweet. What are you gonna do if she collapses on you big guy, collapse along in a show of solidarity?
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He's been shown to make sure Marcille stays safe a few times as well, like below. No I will not accept "she's the healer of the party" as a full explanation. He really does get an arc, from not wanting to be anywhere near the battlefield to sticking by his party members. Unlike Laios, Senshi and Izutsumi they both tend to hang in the back in battles, I love how they often strategize together as well.
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The reverse is also sometimes true. Especially with how non-shy Marcille is with physical contact, interestingly she's way less delicate about saving others than him lol.
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He’s the only one shown to flinch when she makes a noisein the bath which leads me to think he’s the one most flustered by the whole Marcille changing and bathing close by thing, it prob doesn’t help that he has great hearing but yeah, he seems to be hyperaware of her presence in those instances and overreacts.
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"Come with me and braid my hair every day!" Meanwhile Chilchuck is fighting for his life holding her at an arm’s length
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I can’t believe this is on his ADVENTURER’S BIBLE DESCRIPTION like that thing is one big paragraph about his whole character and you allotted that important limited space for this. Kui do you hear yourself
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Part 2 here
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nardos-primetime · 4 months
first thing that pops up on my for you page from your blog:
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i am so lost from where this guy came from. is this an au? also i am extremely jealous of their hair, i want it for no good reason. lmfao sorry for the weird question/ask.
He's from a newer au I haven't talked about yet! Don't feel weird for asking at all!
The whole au is like. Heavily inspired by Cyberpunk 2077 (a guilty pleasure of mine), it could technically be a crossover au, I guess? I dunno, but I'm lazy/like to do stuff for fun, so certain aspects are obviously going to be changed. I'm not totally settled on designs, but I think I'm gonna keep most of the design aspects from this drawing for the "finalized" concepts.
The main plot centers on Casey Jr being put under the care of the turtles by "Mother" soon after having a whole (unwilling) relic insert situation in his brain, leading to former star Lou Jitsu to be revived within his mind!
The issue is that all of the turtles aren't really. The best father figures. None of them even want anything akin to a child, and even if Casey is 19, these guys are Mercs. Outside of their own clubbing and shows they do gigs for cash, including dangerous ones, ESPECIALLY dangerous ones. Having this new guy is like, a total roadblock, especially because Casey still, somehow, despite Night City's clutches and the last group he was pressured into before this, has some morals about him. The only reason they didn't kill him and stage an accident is because Mother promised them financial compensation for caring for him.
So he's stuck with four new "dads" who mostly all hate him or find him annoying, and Lou is not any different, he also finds him naive but he dislikes the turtles as well because he's a jaded old fuck (major hypocrite, too).
While the turtles are baseline all mercenaries, they share some traits between each other instead of leaving it to a "one guy only" job in most cases.
Donnie has the most technical skill, falling mostly under Techie and Net/Edgerunner, he adores tech after all, he also has illegally dabbles in being a ripperdoc, primarily for his brothers.
Mikey is actually the fallback for general medical issues, including those involving backfiring implants. He's only better at this because he's dabbled in researching (and using) tons of remedies, mainly for pain. He's the guy who's helped Donnie when working on inserting implants in the others. He's even stayed awake during his own surgeries to help Donnie during his fuck ups and implants.
Leo, while not extreme netrunner levels, does hold some hacking knowledge, just what he needs to make things a little easier with anything but combat most of the time, as combat is what he enjoys the most within jobs. He also tends to be the one to make their deals with Mother.
Raph is mainly muscle. Not to say he's simple, it's just his main role and main focus, having grown much more protective over the years, often acting as a bodyguard for the others during their own shows (hence he has the least involvement with any of their music). He's the least of the bad influences for Casey, at least directly.
They used to have another member of the group a few years ago, a media. Or a media wannabe, at least.
They normally have some reference to her, even if small, hidden within their shows.
This is all, of course, not tapping into their mystics, which are a bit different in this au as well with how they work. Lets just say Mother allows them special permissions when it comes to mystic usage.
...at least those are some of the basic ideas I've been throwing around in my head for the story, lol. I like to throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks to me. The whole thing is technically a wip still but so are 90% of my aus tbh lmao, this onrs just a lot more wippy because it's mainly a "for fun" au and I also haven't been able to play cyberpunk for myself to brush up on things outside of research and sometimes a man is just... not up for that, especially lately with my attention span, I hope to brush up a little more again sometime soon and maybe even delve into some aspects from the og ttrpg perhaps, I'm not sure yet, though, haha.
Oops long post, huh? My bad </3
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coralhoneyrose · 1 month
fun chrom and or robin headcanons? chrobin headcanons?
alternatively what are some widely accepted or constantly brought up things in the awakening fandom that you hate?
my fun headcanon is they try to both be objective and somewhat professional as leaders but when c&r are alone together they love to gossip. you know theyve seen some stuff
Oooh what a fun question! I’m sure as soon as I hit post I’ll remember a bunch more but here’s what I was able to come up with~
Robin: I actually like head-canoning Robin as having ADHD. I could ramble about that for ages tbh but I think they fit the “twice exceptional” profile really well and that a combination of being an anxious perfectionist and having an attention disorder would make a lot of sense given that we know Robin is both very confident in their tactics and intelligence but also prone to workaholic tendencies with pushing themselves to extremes to make sure they’ve thought of everything. I also headcanon Robin as being kind of a slob LOL like I think their room would always be a mess with things strewn everywhere but *they* know where everything is meant to be so don’t even think about moving anything, Frederick >:(
Also this may be obvious from my writing, but I like headcanoning Robin as having darker skin than in canon in large part to circumvent Awakening’s unfortunate tendency to only feature that trait for Plegians who are antagonists. OH! And I love the idea of Robin being touch-starved when the shepherds first find and adopt her too.
Chrom: I headcanon he has very pretty cursive handwriting that he was forced to learn by his tutors growing up; that he low-key kinda likes PDA; that he’s mindlessly touchy with Robin specifically, even before he realizes his feelings; that he has a praise kink; that he is a morning person; and that he’s not particularly religious, despite being….ya know, the exalt of a halidom.
Idk if it’s cheating to also list that I headcanon him as biromantic demisexual (given that I have a whole fic about that) but I’m restating it anyway because that one is very dear to me. Also! I did not come up with this one myself, but I saw a tweet from another Chrobin author once about how they hc that Chrom would abdicate the throne before he gets particularly old to help ensure that Lucina’s coronation is a happy and celebratory event, and I love that idea and thinks it suits both of them really well <3
I think the one you shared is cute and fitting for them too! Both of them take their jobs really seriously so I can absolutely see them making an effort to keep too many court politics out of their work but then debriefing about stuff and laughing at all the stuffy nobles together after to help maintain their sanity.
As for things brought up / widely accepted in the fandom that I dislike and / or strongly disagree with, the three that come most immediately to mind are:
- That Chrom and Robin have a dumb one / smart one dynamic. I think they’re both very competent leaders and that while Robin is clearly the smarter of the two, I’ve always interpreted Chrom as probably having above average intelligence and just being really blunt and kind of oblivious / not tactful in certain delicate social situations which….tbh I fully believe Robin can be guilty of that sort of thing as well LOL
- That the f!Chrobin supports are “objectively” some of the worst in the game”. I can definitely understand and sympathize with some of the complaints about them, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re my favorite supports in awakening full stop. And I do also think that a subset of the complaints leveled at them are wildly off base
- That male and female Robin have different personalities. I just do not think this is true. I think the differences we see in their supports are pretty much always a direct function of being treated differently by the other character on account of their gender and responding to those differing circumstances accordingly
I have started drafting and ultimately aborted so many posts making arguments for all these points but somewhere along the line I usually remind myself to take a deep breath and that people can enjoy these characters and ships however they want to. Ultimately if I don’t like something, it’s easy enough for me to tune it out and keep doing my own thing and I’ve found fandom has become a lot more pleasant that way LOL
Andddd I think that covers everything? Thanks so much for the ask—I had a lot of fun answering it as probably evidenced by how long this turned out to be asjfk
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
It's interesting how people have different reactions to Liara. I never even once considered her to be anything else besides Shepard's ride or die and borderline adopted sister.
I remember Liara as the person who saved Shepard's life between ME1 and ME2, I remember her as the person who basically pushed her desk out of the way to hug Shepard after not seeing her for 2 years. and most importantly, I remember her as the person who would more than once come to Shepard's cabin for something unrelated, see Shepard was in a bad place, and put everything aside to take time and ask "Are you ok?"
VERY few characters do the "Are you ok?" moment with Shepard because most of them just take it for granted that she is. Garrus does it more than once because he's an awkward nerd who worries. Joker does it because he's Joker and he's awesome (and because he has EDI monitoring Shepard's sress levels because he's worried about her but has no social skills to try and speak to her until those bottled up feelings finally burst). But Liara is the one I remember coming to the cabin and spending LONG moments with Shepard, in her own space, talking her through a lot of her stress and sadness.
My point is, I am NEVER the person to point and go "No! Your experiences are WRONG actually!". Because like ????? uhm ????? HOW??? 'I experienced something." "lol no you didn't"
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Yeah I don't play that way.
I just find it very interesting how some people see Liara as uncaring and having no empathy for Shepard, whereas I remember her most impactful moments are spending time with Shepard in the most intimate ways without romancing her.
It's just interesting to me what sticks with different people. I think it's a sign of good writing. Because it's one thing to write a character everybody likes because they were written to be likeable. And it's another thing to have a character with a fleshed out personality that is SO well written that some people dislike her because they'd dislike her if she was a real person too, and some people REALLY like her because they'd get along with her if she was a real person.
And I think that's actually pretty neat.
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 11 months
First of all sooo excited for your blog! The one thing I don't like about digital circus is the complete and utter lack of Ragtha love! Lol
I know you said you prefer platonic relationships, and for my girl Ragatha, I think if her and Jax were secretly besties, it would add so much more to each other. Cause it means Jax does have a vulnerable side, and Ragtha has an unlikely ally perhasp willing to push things a little far for her.
Also just a personal headcannon since Ragthas been there the longest maybe she's actively helped some of the main cast figure out to cope and hold on to their sanity, because she did say their was still time to "fix" Kafmo. So that's implies someone can be brought back if their not completely constructed yet. I think there's so much potential in her doing that for Jax because their different morals and personality seems like the most interesting dynamic to me. Plus, gotta love that angst.
// yeah same ! ragatha quickly became my favorite - for several reasons that will be too long for this post - and it really saddens me that she's already getting pushed aside ...
like don't get me wrong , she gets more attention than gangle and zooble ( who are also characters i'm fond of that i wish gets the same level of analysis as jax and kinger ) , but there's so much to pick apart and analyze with ragatha that someone has to take the mantle ^^
besides uurgh i may love jesterdoll but ragatha has so much potential for interesting dynamics , not just pomni ! like her being very compliant towards caine , how she might've helped zooble considering they were the newest before pomni , the history she might've had with kinger , how she's the most suitable to comfort gangle , and just !! her entire thing with jax !!
like i can see why they can be an interesting dynamic - they're like two sides of the same coin in a way ( both are secretly terrified out of their minds and hides it by either servicing people or pushing them away . do you see my vision ) . i personally see them as begrudging siblings - really dislike each other but most likely won't be able to live without the other
( also a part of that may not be fueled by how ragatha's heavily inspired by raggedy ann and that jax's voice is a raggedy andy impersonation ... )
i will admit it's a bit too early to draw a conclusion on what's going on between them though since gooseworx keeps reiterating that no one likes jax and that he's an irredeemable asshole - but i know their dynamic won't just be pure , mutual hate . i personally love the thought of them being the only one who truly understands the other despite the vitriol lol
also ! i've always thought of ragatha as the group meditator in a way ! in my head , she's the glue that helps hold the group together - i don't think the current cast will survive even a single hour without the only person who isn't panicky and/or irresponsible . i won't be surprised if she actually saved someone from near-abstraction !
though i don't think it's a role that's doing her any big favors . do you think anyone ever asks how she's doing ? (: //
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stillfrownyclownlol · 8 months
Disclaimer: please please please please please please please please please please please please please please don't read this.
Actual disclaimer: CW/TW for abusive/toxic relationships and most of the things they entail. Mentions of mental, physical, and financial abuse. If you don't like any of that stuff, PLEASE don't read this.
Also, this is long. Idk...I think about toxic ships a lot 🫠
Most of these are just reflections of the characters themselves but there's some stuff in here from my last relationship.
Just to clarify, I don't see the characters as this bad, this is just for fun/venting purposes, I'm not condoning this behavior irl... It's just some thoughts I had about some of their toxic behaviors and if they were already older. I'm not saying any of them would do this in canon 🤡👍🏽 Unless their morals dropped dramatically for some reason idk
(I was groomed at age 11-12 by somebody 12 years older than me for 6 years so I think I have some experience in the toxic relationship department lol)
Aidlyn relationship HCs if they were even more of a hot mess wowie
-Most of these are just like. Red flags they have that have been amplified to the max. Like how I say Aiden getting Ash expensive gifts isn't necessarily a bad thing, but here it reaches a toxic level. Like Aiden getting Ash things so expensive she can't hope to pay him back, or things that have to do with her livelihood (a car, renting an apartment, etc etc). Then he'll be like guilt tripping her that they spent all this money on you when she literally didn't ask bro. Wants to scream at him to take it back but like...she needs it tho so she's gonna shut up...
-Its really easy to make Aiden toxic cuz like he already has some behavioural problems haha 🫠
-Lowkey Ash is the type to rip Aiden a new one when her patience snaps. She has so much she wants to get into (pushing her boundaries, being an idiot, giving her a heart attack from stress, "ruining her life" if she's really over everything)
-He would threaten or actually go through with SH for her attention 🫠 pain doesn't really mean anything for him, it hurts worse when she leaves anyways... (SO glad I'm over that)
-She ignores/avoids him for long periods of time without actually telling him what's wrong because fuck it communicating is hard and like why even bother because she thinks he won't listen anyways (GIRL you have to ACTUALLY say smth)
-But I mean who can blame her cuz Aiden is real into that toxic positivity crap and likes to ignore all the problems in the relationship and tells everybody that everything is great (she does too don't worry) (worry.)
-Shes a bit of a hypocrite sometimes cuz she likes to ignore Aiden when he's getting on her nerves but she can't take it if HE'S ignoring her for once. She says she's just suspicious of what he's doing but. You know. Not that he would leave her but like if he did try she would. Not take it very well?? Aiden would be impressed.
-he's kind of. Weird. I don't really know how to explain it he just has like. A Weird Aura. Around her especially. Says weird things, sometimes inappropriate or threatening. But Ash literally feels like she's going crazy because he's ALWAYS like that so she can't tell that it's not normal or if he's just. Weird.
-They're the kind of couple to bruise each other's wrists ♥️ /sarcasm
-He'll push her boundaries and ignore her a lot because like he doesn't understand that she's being serious and that not everybody likes the things he likes. Grabs and touches and holds her a lot even when she doesn't want him too. Sometimes she goes along tho because she thinks it's not normal to dislike touching in a relationship or that she just needs to put in more effort (I'm projecting so hard rn) Also thanks to my bestie for this one! She's so smart
-Both possessive and overprotective little freaks. I feel like Ash would kill somebody for him and then she'd just fucking spiral and have a mental breakdown and the love-hate relationship would get worse, and if Aiden did it he'd just be "lol. Lmao."
-Loss of identity and self for both of them. Aiden has that disciple complex and his life pretty much revolves around Ash. Ash feels like she fell down a rabbit hole....
-he has no sense of consequences, his self destructive behaviors would be WAY worse here and can include Ash at the same time (like going over the speed limit while they're both in the car)
-but also she like lowkey enables his behavior because she knows that to stop it she'd have to leave him and she doesn't want to be without him. She definitely excuses his behavior to other people even tho she'll get on his ass about it-
-bit stalkerish and follows her around, she knows he's doing it tho- but yeah he won't leave her alone most of the time 🫠
-She goes into nervous breakdowns. Starts throwing stuff at him and when he gets closer she'll hit him, and he just holds her until she tires herself out.
-Oh man, he's pretty much addicted to her. She saved him, breathed life into his existence, made him feel alive for the first time in years, and what a euphoric feeling that is for him.
-Ash feels like she has to walk on eggshells around him because she doesn't understand what sets him off. She's generally more worried about him doing something to other people or himself than her own safety tho.
-They're really awful for each other but like. There's really nobody else for them, they just have to not get other people involved in the forest fire that is their relationship (The rest of the gang: 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️)
-Aiden and Ash: *literally just standing next to each other*
Aiden: *Looks at Ash*
Ash: ...?
Aiden: *Predator instinct* :) *Bites her cheek*
Ash: !!! MOTHERFU-
That's the relationship basically.
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destinyc1020 · 6 months
Destiny could I ask your honest opinion ? What is it that you like about Tom Holland and what is that you may or may not dislike about him? Thanks
Hey Anon! 👋🏾
Thanks for your ask! This is a very interesting one since I don't get this type of question often lol... 😅 So, thank you for this! I LOVE asks that make me think. I assume this is for Confession Sunday?? I'll label it as such just in case. First off, you should know that I'm ALWAYS 100% honest here on my blog....even if I think it will get me in trouble lol. 👀 So, if you ask me something, I'm going to give you my genuine, straight-forward answer. In answer to your question.....
Wow...where do I even begin? I will try to just make this in a list format so that it doesn't get too verbose lol. 😅
What I LOVE About Tom
His kindness 🥰 He is very kind-hearted, and it shows!
His philanthropy and how he tries to help others with his charity work (TBT). He's always thinking about others and wanting to do more, which is very commendable.
He has a big heart! ❤️
Everyone speaks so highly of him and says what a great person he is... I LOVE that. 🥰
I LOVE how he treats Zendaya and is so supportive of her. He seems like such a lovely boyfriend to her. He also seems incredibly romantic too. 🥰
I love love love Tom's charismatic and charming nature....he's so funny! Even when he's not trying to be lol 😅
Superficially, I think Tom is so cute...He's an attractive guy!
I love his floppy curly hair! I love it when it's long...But it's nice short as well... lol. 😅
I love his cheeky grin lol ....especially when he knows he's said something kind of naughty lol
I like how hard-working Tom is in Hollywood. He seems to have a great work ethic, and you never hear anything bad about him on set or about him from other co-stars who have worked with him. I like that!
I love how talented Tom is! He's very talented....very physically talented and hard-working... I would love to see more of his dancing training as well!
I love how close Tom is to his family members. You can tell he really cherishes his family and being close-knit with them.
I love how great of an actor Tom is. He has a great way of being able to make you feel his pain and express a lot through his eyes, even if he isn't saying anything.
I LOVE his friendship with Zendaya. I know we always talk about their love, but I think it's important to really focus on their friendship, because that's actually something that I don't see in a too many other Hollywood couples today.... Two people who are genuinely CLOSE FRIENDS with each other. Tom and Zendaya are special in that regard. 🥰
What I Dislike About Tom...
I can't really say that I "dislike" anything about Tom honestly? I think "dislike" is a strong word? I LOVE more about Tom than I "dislike", I'll just say that lol.
If there were things that I wish I could change, it would probably be these few things...
Sometimes, I can tell that the stress of this industry has taken a toll on him over the years... 😔 How he was back in 2017 when he was still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in this industry is somewhat different from how he is now in 2024. I mean, it's fine, because we all grow up and mature, and whatnot. But what I mean is that sometimes it feels as though fame has taken a toll on him, and his heart isn't really into it that much anymore. I see it sometimes in how he takes pictures with some fans, or how he has reacted when someone is in his personal space. 😔 It's sad to me to see that his level of fame has affected him in that way (even he has admitted that he isn't really too much of a fan of that aspect of fame, and Zendaya has helped him to be a bit more gracious towards fans)..... I almost wish that he were a little LESS famous?? That way, he wouldn't have to deal with those aspects as much. I can tell it stresses him out and makes him a bit crabby. Just something I've noticed. Again, it could just be me reading too much into things, but part of me kind of wishes that his level of fame were a little LOWER. Not everyone deals with large amounts of fame all that easily. 😔 It just seems like it's hard for him sometimes, and I hate to see that. He's a VERY nice guy and is always respectful of fans, but at times I can see what he means when he says that he can have a "short fuse" lol.... I think Tom would be just fine being an actor but not having the level of fame that he has. I really do think he would prefer to just act and not be clamored down the street lol, or followed by paparazzi asking him questions about his relationships, or have people invading his privacy, or having to always stop while out in public, etc. That can get tiring! This is what I mean by, I kind of wish he were not AS famous and recognizable. It's because I think it would be less stressful on him.
I hate how everyone wants to keep Tom in a Spider-Man box, and I would love to see him one day venture out from the ComicBook films, and really show people what he's really capable of. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Tom as Spiderman, and always will! 🥰 But I think because he's been filming the Spiderman character for almost a decade now, I feel like people (especially critics🙄) have sort of put him in a box.... He's so much MORE than Spiderman to me. He's done other work that has expanded his filmography and really shown his acting range, but I feel like some people just ignore this.
I want to see Tom pick some slightly better scripts/films in the future. 🫣 He's already said that he's going to be more selective in the future going forward. I don't think there's been anything necessarily wrong with his prior films (like some fans have had issues with), but I KNOW what he's capable of, and I would love to see him working with some other great directors and actors like he did in the past. I also think that for him, he shouldn't be afraid to take some non-lead roles every once in a while either. I know he's a "leading man", but I don't see anything wrong with doing more ensemble films...especially if the director is great, and the cast he's working with is great. I think he excels in them. 😊 TDATT, Infinity War, The Current War, In the Heart of the Sea, etc.
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oceanlipgloss · 8 months
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+ warnings: implicit mentions of sex, light angst, light curse words.
+ female mc, feminine pronouns, hints of female mc’s official appearance.
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Childhood friends, childhood friends, childhood friends.
Was sort of like watching some silly drama progress, except this one seemed to be all about angels, devils, and two childhood friends staying that way till the very end.
Eye candy, women thought. They were mostly college girls with their faded jeans and their long hair that glimmered just over their bubble butts.
A fair slice of the pie chart found the idea of being with him appealing, even if only for a day, or one night or two. Because, you know, the usual—pretty face, nice body, them not really bothering to look past those and into his personality, that kind of thing.
It's how their brains function. Blame them, or blame something else, whatever. It didn't really matter. The truth is, chemicals are weird. Or is it upbringing?
But wow, for once they didn't like the wrong guy, didn't crush over another loser. Kinda lucky. They were actually safe this time. Just not from rejection. Because sure, his mind may have been dirty, but those thoughts were reserved for one person only.
Dirty-minded...they would have liked that: an  innocent-looking, composed guy, hiding some freaky shit in his mind.
Well, he was a college student, and most of that population is like that or close to it, thinking about cheeky things and sex. There are extremely rare—opposite—exceptions, but it's kind of hard to expect something else. The others cut a pretty big portion of the pie chart.
Just like the girls who gushed about him.
Yeah, yeah, so what? He just liked the girl that knew him as her childhood friend, but he wanted way more than that—even when she didn't see in him what the lovestruck kids with their sadistic crushes did: perfect soulmate, unapproachable crush, sugar rush.
He thought she was cute, dammit. He liked her long purple hair and soft pale skin. He also knew she was really lewd, but had long ago accepted that aspect of her too.
He really, really wished that when she thought about him, suddenly her world would flush pink; and then, they would do more than a few naughty things.
But...she had seen—was still seeing—much better men, right?
He missed her.
Each time, he told her to come back to him in the end, and that's what she planned, but for platonic attachments and reasons entirely different.
He thought that maybe they would forever live with the sweet memories of childhood and awkward photographs of adolesence. He thought that maybe they're not meant to take that old friendship to the next level.
Sadness slapped him in the face, punched him in the heart. He thought that her percentage was meagre, thin, a sliver in the admirers' pie chart.
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+note: Minhyeok's moment of insecurity was the inspiration for this one. And though I'm not fond of him, I don't particularly dislike him either—the neutral part of the spectrum—but the idea already popped into existence, so I thought "meh, whatever, I'll write it." This will definitely be the last fic I write about him, however lol
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poetriarchy · 4 months
someone else said this felt like less strong of an ep compared to others this season and i see that as far as it being more set-up for upcoming plot rather than plot itself. but i think it's still a really interesting ep with some really strong moments.... digs into the characters in a way the other eps so far haven't had as much time for.
louis giving up on photography, then later letting go of the ghost lestat. and getting this outside opinion from the art dealer guy that he's got an eye for others' work but his own photos aren't strong. i think it's him giving up on trying to fill the hole in his life that was left by (the things he liked about) lestat. i.e. giving up on trying to be someone he's not. and then acknowledging that ghost lestat's commentary is actually just his own words (the "say apple" dialogue). jacob mentions in the post-ep that louis kind of falls into a lestat role in his relationship with armand because he knows he can manipulate him and get away with a lot, because armand is so insecure. so i think the moment of lestat's ghost losing its illusion and disappearing is in part louis absorbing that part of himself back into himself. acknowledging that he too can be powerful, he too desires control. that's not lestat, that's always existed in him.
WHICH sets up louis saying to armand "i don't know much about art, but i know a lot about running things". louis clearly retains his insecurity about not being able to be an artist like the artists he admires—and this continues to the present day as we see with the photos—but here he's willing to fall back into the role that feels good, the role that he knows he's good at. there's also that funny sort of parallel set up here between louis as pimp and louis as art dealer/theatre business guy/whatever. you can kind of picture him pulling the strings behind the scenes at the theatre, and doing it well. that's unlikely to actually happen now that the coven has claudia's old journals (and also just because they dislike him so much lol) but it's fun to think about.
there's also an interesting connection there with armand's personal history—being sexually exploited, and also being an artist's muse (i didn't catch some of that part bc no subtitles, so idk if i'm fully correct on that). louis' own personal history as a pimp works as a crazy foil to that, even if it's just on a subtextual level. the two of them are not on as level of ground as we might have thought, and armand as the eldest may not have the power over louis that one might assume from their present-day interactions. armand's "yes maitre" is CRAZY
anyways CLAUDIA. i'm kind of wishing we got more inside her head in this ep, especially because she doesn't have that much time left... it's interesting because you can see her spiraling and she says to madeleine how she feels broken, that there's something inherently wrong with her, but even then we still don't get a full window into her mind. it makes sense given the limited perspective of louis and armand as narrators, but still kind of sucks because she's the central female character of the whole show lol.
engaging with the show on its own terms, though, it's interesting how it's set up that claudia is denied subjectivity on multiple levels in this episode.
she's always been denied subjectivity by virtue of being perceived as a child. she's further denied subjectivity by being told to "live" the role of lulu by the coven she calls her family, being told to fully embody this naive, reckless, neglected child. this makes it so that later, when she behaves recklessly (being w/ madeleine), when she calls out louis for again prioritizing his romantic relationships over her, the audience is invited to ask—how much of this is her, and how much is just the role she's literally been forced to embody? she IS naive, and reckless, and neglected, but that is her real life, and her real emotions. by making her play a theatrical part that's a flat, cruel synecdoche of her life, you make her feel as though her real life and justified emotions are nothing but the tantrum of a stupid child. then you invite that (mis?)reading of her by the audience. then maybe, after enough time, she becomes that caricature of herself and is finally lost in the manner that armand suggested (...and orchestrated) in the previous episode.
and THEN, once she's gone, you have the additional layer of lost subjectivity. because she's no longer there to tell her story.
seriously fucked up
i guess the ep is all about ROLES. louis, claudia, armand, everyone. kind of obvious but still a useful shorthand for understanding how louis' and claudia's story arcs here overlap. even in the place where louis says he felt more free (as a vampire, as a Black man, as a gay man) than he did in the states, even in the old country that claudia longed for, they're still both coming up against that double consciousness.
looking forward to rewatching on my usual subtitled piracy site instead of having to cycle thru vpn servers for mega lmao
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cozymochi · 7 months
DOES TIA Do any school club stuff? Does she have one she admires, likes? Dislikes?
THANKS I LOVE TIA LORE DUMP EXCUSES!! SHE IS OFFICIALLY in the Newspaper Club 😩, but not out of actual interest. It’s just a means to assist in documenting her school life as she’s supposed to do. It’s her credit, I guess. Honestly, they don’t really get into the logistics too much, so I wouldn’t sweat the details here either. I imagine Crowley just shoved her (and Grim) in there.
Though despite being in that club, Grim says he’s in the “Gourmet Club.” But that’s just self-proclaimed only 😩 that club doesn’t actually exist, it’s just an excuse to eat food after classes are done. (Tho im pretty sure this is actually true, I have no basis for this though, just a hunch, but my hunch hasn’t been wrong yet.) I’m sure his “club” has a lot going for it considering the sole member lives with freaking Tia, an already gifted chef. Besides, they count as one student. If Tia is officially in the Newspaper Club, then so is he via technicality.
Since cooking is an art she’d probably be more drawn to the “arts” clubs. It’s hard to say if she admires any though, given I think she can have a one track mind at times. I don’t think she really gives herself the opportunity to be interested in them beyond surface level. Which kinda sucks, cuz she might be missing out on new things to experience or be invested in. She’s not a sports person either, but nearly all her closer friends are in sports clubs, so she’s often present to see tourneys, games, whatever if they have any. Which btw, this is definitely a shift from how she’d be back in her home world, cuz if her friends there ever invited her to anything or ask her to do something like that she’d’ve just shirked it in favor of focusing on her long term goal (as per her Tiana allusions, cough cough. And now she may never see those friends again :’3). She still kinda tries to shirk going to these things because… habits, y’know. I’m not entirely sure she has any opinion on sports clubs themselves, again, that one track mind can sorta. Y’know.
The only club Tia would actually want to hypothetically be in is a Cooking Club because god forbid she stray from the path she set up for herself. Though, I am not sure if one is confirmed to actually exist at the school. The Master Chef/Culinary Crucible special class DOES though, so I don’t know. I DREW THAT! …If Tia wasn’t so serious sometimes, I don’t think she would be totally opposed to just joining in on the “Gourmet Club” thing. She loves food too.
Total aside, I like to imagine that the Newspaper Club is sparsely populated with a few guys (probably 3) who just don’t even talk to each other lol. They all do different things without exactly collaborating because it’s NRC. No one reads the newspaper anyway!! Internet exists, as everyone points out. Club time for Tia is sitting in a classroom and perusing her ghost camera photos and organizing things. Or just… think. Worst case scenario she and Grim are completely alone in that “club” and it was a dead club that only got resurrected cuz it was convenient for the bird man and happened to line up with Tia’s documenting school life thing. Honestly that feels real. She’d rather be doing anything else though. It’s not like clubs were a school requirement back home unless you wanted to look more rounded on some applications. Clubs weren’t exactly on her radar either, it was saving money to get into her own school of her dreams. So dividing time for a club and hanging with people was mostly off the table.
I think Tia is still trying to figure herself out though. A lot of her identity so far is still solely based around her long term career goal and hardly considers much of anything else if it doesn’t tie into that somehow. The whole “being transported to another world” thing is just an obstacle on the path right now. Omg I wonder if she’ll be forced to go through life changing stuff, learn lessons, and go with the flow on top of being forced to confront any internal demons that up until now she’s been burying from watching other guys completely collapse from doing so, plus… other typical things of the genre!!! 🫣🫣
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…it’s an in-joke that I think she low key enjoys the picture taking. The cast is very pretty.
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sparklingdemon · 2 months
hmmm........ that one ask i got about fallen leaf's thoughts abt other pokepastas got me thinking about cody's opinions of other pokepastas, too………
(ramblings under the cut bc i'm silly)
note: i'm only doing my thoughts on the kanto pokepasta trainers bc those are the most relevant to cody. cody is indifferent to characters like lost silver gold bc they just simply do not care about them as people.
glitchy red: it's probably obvious that cody wants to keep their distance because being in proximity to glitchy red would probably glitch out THEIR sprite as well and they do not want to find out what that feels like, but it's clear that underneath the surface is a vehement dislike for glitchy personally that cody refuses to explain. glitchy would probably be confused because it seems like the two would have a lot they could connect over (a fear of their players, a hate for the modern generations of pokemon, etc.) but cody believes that they are better than glitchy and don't want to be brought down to his level, and they're insulted that he would even compare himself to them. (though if glitchy knew cody's entire history, he'd immediately lose any sense of solidarity with them. cody knows that, which is why they wouldn't want him to know. they'd rather have glitchy feel sorry for them rather than have him actively hate them, bc deep down they Are afraid of what glitchy can do to them if he really wanted to)
fallen leaf: same deal as glitchy but somehow even more weirdly personal - cody considers fallen leaf as indirectly responsible the glitch that caused red/leaf to assimilate. hacker cody and fallen leaf's hacker knew each other, and hacker cody took inspiration from the beliefs of fallen's hacker. they chose not to fix the glitch when you choose leaf because of that, so cody probably vents a lot of that frustration onto fallen leaf even though it's not her fault that hacker cody knew her hacker. fallen feels sorry for cody but ultimately decides that they're a pretentious rude asshole who blames others for their own issues. fallen still holds love and hope for the world of pokemon despite all her trauma and she resents that cody couldn't feel the same way
blue tears: cody's own blue has some (justifiable) motive to want to kill them, so it would barely surprise cody at all if one day their own blue just decided to skip the pokemon battles and go straight to stabbing them w a knife. unfortunately for BT!blue, cody is carrying pokemon to defend themself with and he is not. the MOMENT cody senses murderous intent from blue he's getting a thunderbolt sent his way because cody isn't too shellshocked to react in time like red in blue tears was. and if necessary cody WOULD fistfight blue even if they get cut in the process. cody is too damn scared of death to go down w/o a fight - which might actually surprise BT!blue, who just expected his "rival" to be as unexpressive as ever
steven [strangled red]: on a superficial level, cody hates how similar they look to this guy. (original the character™ with long hair who's wearing red's clothes happens to describe both cody And steven) cody is weirdly meta-aware of the fact that steven is someone's OC and not a canon character to the games, but if they actually met him face to face in-game? they'd be scared shitless of him. cody was lucky that their own charizard was too polite to attack/kill them, but s!3v3n can and Will sic his charizard on anyone he doesn't like - this boy has literally sent his charizard out to strangle his brother to death, and his whole thing in door's open is that he will still kill you whether you win or lose against him, so. cody wants nothing to do with that mess. cody already has enough charizard-related trauma, they don't need any more lol
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Sorry for all the asks lately but I have to know... what are some relationship turnoffs or deal breakers for (your versions of) Killer Croc, Riddler, Bane, and Harley?
"Dealbreakers" Killer Croc, Riddler, Bane and Harley Quinn
You're all good! I have plenty of asks in my box to keep me mentally distracted from animal hospital work externship and bullshit at my regular job lol.
Note: all of my interpretations actively have the dealbreaker if the person is homophobic, racist, ableist, etc. As well as judgement over criminal careers. So those are a baseline.
TW: suggestive/discussing kinks, brief mentions of abuse
Killer Croc
Obviously the big one is people being Weird about his condition. Either as a fetish or out of disgust. He's experienced both, fetishes creep him out. Yeah, yeah size kink is fun, he's on that. But he's a Person first.
Treating him like he's stupid. Is he the brightest guy? No, he'll be the first to admit to that, but he's not an idiot. Condescending anything will get you nowhere fast.
Mentions of kids, pregnancy kink, stuff along that line. Fill you up, marking you? good. Bringing up his very complicated relationship with genetics and offspring? bad.
Ignorance. Stupidity annoys him, yes, but you can teach stupid. Stupid can be changed and molded in the right hands. Ignorance is purposeful and stubborn. Ignorance... refuses to learn. It's the scourge and plague of humanity to a man like himself.
Complete restraint. He's been in full suit restraint at Arkham a number of times and not having that control makes him paranoid and itchy. It's ironic because HE likes tying up his partners and having control but no you can't do it to him. Fuzzy handcuffs and MAYBE light bondage okay.
Shushing him. Oh. That fills him with unbridled rage. If he's in a certain mood, gags are a kinky submissive thing but SHUSHING HIM while he's TALKING? You might as well have told him you don't think he's intelligent. the unmitigated GALL.
Seeing him only for his physical strength rather than all of him. If someone were to treat him as if he were just a brute for example. Instant relationship killer. Ogling his strength is fine and good but there's a fine distinctive line there.
Most forms of roleplay. He doesn't really... get it? Logically, he understands the why, he doesn't feel any emotional connection or attachment to it. Police or prison roleplay is something that will make him actually angry. If he's going to have sex with you, he wants sex with YOU.
Spooky stuff. Look, he knows what he looks like, he knows who he works with at times. That adrenaline that makes people horny and fun when they get a little spooked at movies or haunted houses? No, he wants to punch a wall when he's startled. Do not try moves on him.
Anything that's a potential red flag for abusive behavior. Trying to isolate her from friends and family, breaking her things, raising your voice a certain way- She is very careful to try and not show big visible reactions to triggers because of how others could take advantage of that but if you know you can see how it bothers her.
Telling her she's weird and meaning it in the negative. Been there, done that, get on her level, loser!
Anyone who dislikes Ivy. Sorry, Pamela is a part of the package, even if it's not romantic/sexual. She's the reason Harley is alive in the present, Poison Ivy's not going anywhere.
She's really not into pain as a kink. Sparring is a separate thing and that can lead to other things- Hurting her during sex is a hard turn-off. Reminds her way too much of Joker and his bullshit.
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breathlessmorro · 9 months
Okay I am loving your takes so much while I am not a huge fan of Misako and Wu what you said made me think about a few things I'm still not a fan of them buuuut I don't think I dislike Misako as much and I also agreed with your take with the whole Nya Cole Jay thing anyways that's besides the point!!! How would Wu and the rest of the family Garmadon Misako & Lloyd react to Morro liking Kai?
Thank you for saying that, I greatly appreciate it! I get that Wusako isn't everyone's cup of tea, so no worries fam! I haven't been able to really explain my "takes" on a lot of the canon ships before, so it's nice to know my thoughts are being well received lol
Okay if you're a regular on my blog you probably know I have a million different ways that Destiny can become canon. Beyond that, there's a mullion different ways Morro actually joins the team in the first place. Morro takes Wu's hand. Morro comes back on the day of the Departed. Morro never actually leaves Wu's monastery (but we're ignoring that one for the sake of Destiny)
It's no secret that Kai probably hates Morro the most. He was the most relentless when it came to fighting him, trying to get Lloyd back, et cetera. Even during the Day of the Departed, he's the only one other than Lloyd who actually addresses him, ready to fight. So naturally, when setting up Destiny as a couple, you need to get over that barrier.
Morro joining the team under any circumstances is weird. One, he and Lloyd obviously aren't going to get along. Two, he might not even want to be a ninja. Three, he may not even fit into the group at all. Because of the way the characters are written, I think that if Wu gave Morro the chance of redemption, and Morro actually took it, the team would accept it and him. They stood down when Wu told them to, so it's not unrealistic that they'd trust him - after some protesting - that Morro wouldn't hurt them.
Except for Kai. Kai didn't trust Garmadon in season one, and that was Lloyd's father. Why would he ever trust Morro? Eventually everyone moves past not trusting Morro, if only because they're so annoyed by him and Kai fighting all the time. Even Lloyd I think would want Kai to give Morro a chance. It wouldn't be until either they're united against a common enemy, or until they're forced to see each other beyond their surface level traits, that they'd even be friends. However, I think that the second both Kai and Morro get past their animosity, they're bound to get together. Completely inseparable.
As for the reactions? WELL BABY LET ME TELL YOU -
Wu: He's extremely grateful that they've stopped fighting. Wu will never stop seeing Morro as a son either, so he's happy that he's giving himself the chance to be truly happy with someone. Of course, he gives Kai the stereotypical threat of "you hurt my son I hurt your face" but he's very supportive
Garmadon: Depending on which Garmadon we're talking about here. Evil Garmadon couldn't care less, he's not involved with their teenage shenanigans. Good Garmadon, however, would be concerned. I think he'd want to treat with Morro with respect, given that he's Wu's adopted child, but Morro still hurt his baby. He's always going to be biased against him. Not that Kai is Garmadon's favorite or anything, but he's still a little protective. Regardless, he doesn't voice his concerns to either of them, instead showing support, even if he's skeptical of their pairing.
Misako: I feel like she'd be in the same boat as Wu - relieved that they're not fighting, and that they're both happy. Misako isn't super close with either boy, so she's not as protective, but they're both part of her family, and she's always glad to see people overcoming their differences.
Lloyd: Now Lloyd is the trickiest, because he can either be their biggest cheerleader, or their biggest opposer. It depends on whether or not Lloyd's actually forgiven Morro, how he'll react. If he has, then sure enough he was right with Wu, trying to encourage Kai to stop picking fights, and was glad to find out they actually care about each other. If he hasn't forgiven Morro, however, then it's gonna be all too easy for him to get reasonably upset. Kai is supposed to be his brother - to protect him, and he goes and starts kissing the ghost that forced him to fight his friends??? Lloyd would get bitter fast in that case, and though he'd try to keep his feelings out of the fight, he'd slip up occasionally, and until he resolved things with both Kai and Morro, it would cost the team a lot. Lloyd's understanding and kindness is underestimated a lot; he tries to see the best in even the worst of people, and if you make an effort to do the right thing, he'll notice it. That being said, this is still the same kid who opened three serpentine tombs because he couldn't have some candy. Lloyd's ability to hold a grudge is strong, even turning him against his father at one point, but in the end he always comes around when he realizes the cost of his anger and acting on it isn't worth the consequences
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marley-manson · 4 months
The whole Twilight of the Gods arc straight up sucks all kinds of ass, but I'm still in a very positive mood re this show so I'm gonna talk about the things I did like:
-- I don't actually dislike a lot of the Xena/Ares stuff? Ares is an enormous dick but he's the antagonistic entitled god of war so it's not exactly unexpected, and I find the way it leads up to him making a genuinely selfless sacrifice ultimately satisfying even if the emotional continuity could've been handled better. Plus I'm a fan of Xena throwing him around and playing with his tits when she's pretending to seduce him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-- And I'm also a fan of Ares impaling himself on Xena's sword while getting all seductive in their first reunion in 25 years.
-- Also I'm glad they made it very clear that Ares didn't know Livia was Xena's daughter lol.
-- I like Athena as the main antagonist, like that Athena has a mortal girlfriend, like Xena killing her. There's a lot of fic where Athena and Artemis show up and are treated as good and wise and deserving of respect and even worship, especially in contrast to evil Ares, and I've never really liked that sisterhood solidarity by default vibe lol so I like them as antagonists in canon. The final battle between Xena and Athena ft Artemis was also satisfying - the way Xena wins fair and square, and it only doesn't take the first time because Eve died first.
-- And as much as the whole plot is dumb, I like that Xena takes on like five gods at once and kills them all. When she gets Hades with the fire blowing technique 🥰
-- Oh also I love to see Gabrielle holding her own against some gods like Hades and Hephaeston. Not the war gods, but the gods whose thing isn't really combat? It makes sense to me (not having seen Hercules so having little reference point for the gods' power levels and also not really caring anyway), and it's awesome to see.
-- "Sounds like you and Xena had some great adventures together dad." Genuinely heartwarming as fuck.
-- Livia was irritating and the way she acted like a 16 year old when she was supposed to be 25 was obnoxious, BUT Adrienne Wilkinson was successfully channeling Hudson Leick imo and it was fun to hear Callisto's cadence from her.
-- Love Hope making an appearance while the Furies are driving Gab insane (even if that IS outside their jurisdiction lol) and drawing the obvious parallel between Eve and Hope. I like to think it's Gabrielle's very buried resentment being voiced, and frankly I support Gabby's right to murder Eve <3
-- Also on that note, I love Gab being the one to conclude that Livia is beyond saving and needs to die. I like to imagine she did feel a little thrill of satisfaction in turning the tables on Xena there, somewhere deep deep down, and maybe that lingering resentment over Hope is partly why she can write off Livia.
-- While Xena did wimp out when it came to killing her daughter and that sux, I give props for the moment when she says she could do it if she had to, and for the fact that the blocking of the fight leaves it ambiguous as to whether she would have pulled herself together and done it if Livia hadn't taken advantage of her hesitation. Like, at least she didn't drop the chakram and go "i can't," or something.
-- The show's attempt to ground Livia/Eve's magical personality change in memories of Xena taking care of her as a baby didn't work, but they clearly did make an effort to have some emotional continuity and I respect it.
-- Aphrodite helping Xena and Gabrielle because Gabrielle is her friend was very sweet and it's nice to see her get a dramatic scene.
-- It feels arbitrary and annoying that Xena doesn't just kill Ares - even if Xena does have feelings towards him to some extent lol that wouldn't stop her - but it is a fun moment when Ares is like "you can't bring yourself to shoot me," and she immediately shoots him. And I'm free to headcanon that Xena was not so much sparing Ares, as she was so pissed off at Ares in particular for enabling Eve's mortal wound that she deliberately chained him up just to make him watch her kill his family before she kills him.
-- Dying Eve telling Xena she liked spiders as a kid, and the scene at the end where she's playing with a spider on the beach was also genuinely sweet.
-- "Looks like you got your daughter back." "No, we got our daughter back." Of course I remembered this exchange distinctly, but I hadn't remembered that it was the very last line of the season. Excellent note to go out on.
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marsprincess889 · 8 months
Please, please, read.
Saw something dissapointing and not surprising online.
There was a post on insta about the Barbie movie's oscars snubs. One woman goes on to write about how she didn't like the movie and how she feels forced to love it because it's everywhere and everyone seems to love it. Granted, she did use a rather strong(but still polite) language, but I do agree with her.
A man replies to her, not knowing her gender, something along the lines of "you should just admit you're an insecure male."
The woman replies that he, in fact, is a she.
And believe or not, he then proceeds to reply that "no man would type so much nonsense" and that "only a woman who has spent her life realizing that she's inferior to men would go on and on."..............
I was going to reply to him that he had managed to write way more nonsense with way less words but he's so not worth interacting with. And yet I feel insulted.
First of all, I don't care if any if you love this movie and want to defend it. I just don't like it, and that's not the point.
The point, to me, is that maybe we should stop encouraging the surface-level, superficial feminism, when the very thing that people believe is helping equality does virtually nothing. A lot of you are going to argue that its impact was enough, but was it really?
I, personally, felt alienated by the whole hype. Very happy for those people who loved the movie and found meaning in it, but that was not my experience. I did not in any way feel represented while watching it. I definitely did not feel empowered and I don't think that there's anything wrong with that. People are allowed to have their their own taste, and everyone should be allowed to express their opinion, and if a woman is silenced like that just because her opinion is not popular, then maybe everyone should think twice about the whole situation. The vast majority of the world claims that, or at least acts as if the movie has helped the whole female population.
I've seen so many posts online defending the movie to the point where anyone who dislikes it is attacked.
I'm not an activist, nor do i write stuff like this, nor do I engage in debates about this subject online or in real life, but this felt personal.
Maybe it was because throught witnessing that woman's experience, I felt silenced myself.
Why shouldn't I call out an ignorant, arrogant, mysoginistic scum?
The ones like him are those who keep the inequality going.
And equality IS DEFINITELY NOT ABOUT MAKING WOMEN SIMILAR TO MEN, IT'S ABOUT EMPOWERING FEMININITY AND EACH AND EVERY WOMAN, despite what they're like. It's about giving each and every one of them voice. Men have no business teaching women about feminism.
Yes, I feel angry about it. So what?
But I'm also not going to allow him or anyone like him to diminish my self-worth or spirit.
I feel confident that there are people, no matter their gender(if they even have one) who agree with me. There must be.
The movie might have dabbled in gender equality, but at its core it is business, not activism.
And if some actual "inferior" male like that one uses this movie as a shield for his blatant sexism, then I think it's for the best if people stop forcing others to like the movie and allow everyone to dislike popular things.
And also, I have that post saved. If I get enough people to support me, I might drop his @, then we can all spam and humble him lol, if you guys feel like it's worth to spend your time and energy on that. We will have one less mysoginist, or at least a humbled one.
In all seriousness, replies to this will mean a lot.
That's all for now, I guess.
PS: I won't argue with anyone about this, as I really wish the conversations around this movie in context to sexism would stop.
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