#because i also wish to be wider read
shazleen · 28 days
Hi! I just wanted to pop in here and tell you that your webcomic BUUZA!! was one of the first ones I read and one that I hold really dear to my heart. After reading it for the first time a few years ago I realized how much I love fantasy and fiction based in non-western settings. Though I don't read comics/graphic novels often anymore, I wanted to thank you for creating such an amazing world and characters ❤
Thank you so much for enjoying Buuza!! ;w; that means a lot to me!!
I hope even though you don't read comics as much now, you have found lots of other fantasy media that centres black, asian and global majority voices :)
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brother-emperors · 6 months
you're SO right, how is it that the best portrayal of many italian renaissance figures comes from a bad videogame from the 2010s
wheezing I’m torn between going truly this is the best portrayal of Leonardo da Vinci we may ever get, and defending AC2 even though I’m a full time Ezio Saga Hater
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leezuhh · 1 year
it's crazy to me that there are people out there who still think that media and fiction do not affect how people think at all
#like that whole 'does fiction affect reality?' debate is so stupid to me cuz it's like#i mean just think about it for a second. what is propaganda? what did jaws do for people's perceptions of sharks?#i think studying the effect that popular media and fiction has on people in real life is really interesting#and it's crazy to me that there are people on the internet who think that it genuinely doesn't#like umm shoutout vit sisler for his paper 'digital arabs' i just read it for my game studies class and it's super interesting#about like orientalization how western shooter games' usage of middle eastern/muslim stereotypes as enemies created both a negative -#- stereotype for people who arent in that group and how it negatively affects the mental health and self-image of the people who are#also shoutout stuart hall and richard dyer they're really cool people and also have some super interesting papers on how representation -#- in media affects people's IRL perceptions of certain groups#i know online this focus tends to lean on that whole shipping discussion but i think it's more worthwhile to look at it on a wider scale#because 'does fiction affect reality?' is not just a 'fandom ship war' discussion it's like. the basis for many fields of study#anyways umm#liza post#actually this is more like a#liza ramble#i love tumblr bc i can write a one sentence post and put my body paragraphs in the tags#it's really late and i am tired ‼️ i wish i could be more concise i just adore my game studies class and visual culture studies in general
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aroaessidhe · 3 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Saint of Bright Doors
a surreal Sri Lankan fantasy about colonialism, revolution, mixing fantasy with the modern world
follows a man raised by his mother to kill his father, a god-like cult leader
but as an adult he puts aside his life of violence and moves to the city for a quiet life
he becomes fascinated with ‘bright doors’ around the city that never open and have no other side, and joins a group studying them to find out more
and a support group for those with divine heritage that becomes increasingly revolutionary, until the task he was made for reemerges and his life upends
#the Saint of Bright Doors#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#this is kind of hard to explain I dont know if I did a very good job here lol#it is weird and full of so many interesting elements. I’m still not entirely sure how I feel about it but?? I really liked it mostly???#It starts pretty small scale focused on the MC & slowly unravels the wider worldbuilding and narrative elements in a really interesting way#The first chapter or two I assumed it was typical high fantasy but then it’s like. oh this is a modern city. with emails and stuff.#The pacing is a bit weird - it’s quite meandering and also pivots significantly in the second half. tbh I’m still ????? about the ending lm#but also I am happy to float through on vibes.#and there’s some elements (like the doors that become….not that relevant) that I want to know more about. (as an aside - I saw someone say#that it’s a very clear retelling about Buddha’s son? which idk enough about but probably could give a deeper context to a lot of it)#writing style is kinda detached from the MC but also there is a reason for this that makes sense with the twist near the end!#which is a kind of twist i LOVE. Maybe I wish it had been emphasised a bit more over the story though? unsure.#I thought his mother's story was interesting also - you think she's an terrible parent just there for background context at the start but#then when she tells her story it's like ohh there's more context here.#also I hesitate to just say ‘if you like the spear cuts-- you should read this’ because I think the elements that are similar are done in a#kinda different way and might disappoint you if you’re expecting it to be the same as spear….but regardless the sort of dreamy writing#rich world; narrative with fantasy but also modern day elements; some of the writing style; mlm MC (tho not a romance)#idk. it will definitely not work for everyone but I enjoyed it overall#also it is full of queerness#bisexual books
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wingsmadeforflying · 2 months
I'm still so upset over Lance's "Calm, just how a like it" ending. BITCH WHEN. HOW. WHERE.
This is the man who fought to get out of being a cargo pilot. Has always felt confirmed in his lion. Has never once been genuinely "I want out". YOU CANNOT TELL ME. THIS MAN-
I get it. War changes you. But!!! If your genuinely committing with Allurance (bleh), THAT MAN. WOULD WANT TO BE IN THE STARS. NOT STARTING AT THE FUCKING ALTEAN FLOWERS. Lance is a devoted simp, through and through. He would be flying through the stars, basking in the glory of what Allura sacrificed for. What she became. Taking in everything she is and was. NOT BEING A FUCKING FARMER GGVHJNTUGH.
They did him so dirty overall it's terrible.
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otaku553 · 3 months
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Straw hat women redesigns :) I was trying to doodle some of the crew and came to the realization that I just Could Not with Nami so I wanted to play around with it a little bit
Some more design notes below:
Nami’s design actually went a lot smoother for me than Robin’s! I think canon post timeskip Nami is a very low bar. While you can argue that to some extent Nami being vain and seductive is part of her character, I do feel that there are many more integral parts of her character that can be highlighted in her design, namely map making and her combat. Though not one of the stronger straw hats, Nami does seem to be well practiced with her staff outside of its use for weather manipulation, and I think her being a physical combatant, even slightly, can be better reflected with more loose clothing for better mobility.
For her mapmaking, I wanted her to have constant easy access to her tools and to information about the locale, so around her waist she has one large pouch at the back for books and scrolls and maps in progress and one small pouch to the side for writing utensils and measurement tools. As backup she also has 2 pens in her bun, which also act as pins for keeping her hair up if she ever needs to move a lot.
I’m not sure how clearly it shows up in the notes, but Nami’s shoe soles are also made from whatever artificial cloud material makes up the weather island she stayed on during the timeskip, so that it both pads her steps to make them soundless and bounces for better mobility. The shoes are naturally shaped like heels but without the actual heel, since she tends to move around on tiptoes anyways- a nod to her epithet as cat burglar and her past as a thief.
I made her shoulders a bit broader because I think they probably get a lot of exercise with her staff, and changed out the bikini top for a more supportive chest wrap, with a loose tank over it for breathability. The compression socks and sleeve are more stylistic than anything, since I like layers, but they might come in handy for her if she spends extended amounts of time sitting down making maps for the crew.
Robin’s was a bit more difficult for me to figure out, and I might go back and revisit it at some point. For Nami, it was a bit easier to imagine what would pair well with her combat methods and her needs as a mapmaker, but with Robin, she’s an academic who fights almost completely hands off, without a specific weapon to her name. Because her strength lies mostly in her devil fruit, she has a bit more room for style over functionality, but I also still wanted her to have something that made sense with what she was. I don’t really think I succeeded in that regard, but it’s also hard to convey what she does visually— she’s more of like a professor than a field archaeologist I think.
I really really enjoy her cowboy hat but I didn’t think it would match with the rest of the outfit so I switched it out for a wider brimmed hat and kept the orange sunglasses on it, as a nod to the revolutionaries with the combination of headwear and eyewear. She deserves a trench coat. I don’t make the rules. And the rest of the fit mostly came down to things I think I would enjoy wearing, haha
The trench coat is partially a nod to the scholars of ohara, who seem to wear white coats like lab coats in some screenshots of robin’s backstory. I think also the reading glasses help to make her seem a bit more academic, but aren’t prominent enough to leave a strong impression. All in all I do wish robin’s design had more functionality in it but I also think that robin is a character who probably enjoys dressing up nicely like this, especially in the comfort and stability of the straw hats.
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graysoncritic · 2 months
A (Negative) Analysis of Tom Taylor's Nightwing Run - Introduction
Introduction Who is Dick Grayson? What Went Wrong? Dick's Characterization What Went Wrong? Barbara Gordon What Went Wrong? Bludhaven (Part 1, Part 2) What Went Wrong? Melinda Lin Grayson What Went Wrong? Bea Bennett What Went Wrong? Villains Conclusion Bibliography
I want to start this essay by admitting I’m actually embarrassed by its length. Why did I spend so much time on something I dislike? The truth is, I did not begin this with the intention of creating such an extensive, formal study of the Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo’s Nightwing run and how it reflects the wider problems with DC’s handling of one of their most iconic characters. I was just trying to organize the thoughts that came up during discussions with other Dick Grayson fans. Before I knew it, I had enough material, enough desire to challenge myself, and enough frustrations to vent to properly create this monstrosity.
I did not begin this Nightwing run determined to hate it. In fact, I was ready to love it. As Taylor promoted the run before the first issue was officially released, I was so excited for it. As I read short interviews where he discussed Heartless, I could not wait to have a new, incredible villain. Foolishly, I believed Taylor when he said he loved Dick Grayson. 
Needless to say, I was disappointed. Then frustrated. Then angry. The beginning of any story is a period where writer and reader form an indirect bond, and as the story progresses, so do the highs and the lows of said relationship. As such, a reader’s tolerance for negative factors will either increase or decrease depending on their experience up until that point.
In other words, if the writer fails to earn the reader’s trust and instead takes their attention for granted, even seemingly insignificant details become irritating in a way they would not be if presented in a better story. In such scenarios, the reader can no longer overlook those minor moments because there’s little good to balance them out with. It is a death by a thousand cuts. 
In the case of Taylor and Redondo’s run, along with those thousand cuts are also broken bones, internal bleeding, head trauma, and severed limbs. A weak plot, simplistic morality that undermines the story’s stated themes, and, most importantly, a careless disregard for Dick Grayson and everything he stands for utterly destroyed my enjoyment of this series. 
It is still too early to tell what sort of impact Taylor’s (as of time of writing, still unfinished) run will have on Dick Grayson’s future portrayals. But just because we cannot predict its long term significance, it does not mean we cannot critique it. Currently, we simply lack the benefit of hindsight. 
If this essay were to have a thesis, then it is this: Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo’s Nightwing not only fails to tell a compelling Nightwing story, but it also exemplifies a cynical, self-serving, and shallow approach to storytelling that prioritizes creating hollow viral moments to boost the creators’ own online popularity over crafting a good story, honoring the character in their care, and respecting his fans – fans who have, historically, often been women, queer folk, and other individuals who felt othered by a cisheteronormative patriarchal society. Taylor and Redondo’s thoughtless and superficial narrative not only undermine the socially progressive ideals they supposedly care for by propagating a cisheteronormative patriarchal worldview, but they also demonstrate a lack of love and understanding for the character in their care. At best, Taylor and Redondo have no interest in getting to know Dick Grayson, nor any respect for their predecessor and their contributions to this character. At worst, they despise Dick so much that they wish to reinvent him into something completely different, tossing away everything that was special to his fans in order to appeal to a readership that never cared about Dick Grayson. 
I structured this essay so that, hopefully, each part will build on the ones that came prior. Naturally, because all aspects of a story are interlaced, there will be overlaps between each of the sections. As it may have become obvious from this introduction, I’ll be focusing primarily on the writing of this run. That is not to say that I will not address the art, but writing is the field I know most about, and so it feels only fair to focus my critique on that. 
I hope that by the end of this essay, I will have successfully proved that this run’s mishandling of different narrative elements betray a cynical appropriation of progressive ideology and a disregard and disinterest in what makes Dick Grayson so special to so many people. This is an attitude that is present within DC Comics’ current ethos as a whole.
Now, who is this essay for? Honestly, it’s probably not for Tom Taylor fans. I do not believe I’ll be persuading anyone with my writing, and, to be quite honest, neither would I say I wish to do so. Taylor and Redondo’s run has won numerous awards and has many dedicated fans who adore it for what it is. If that is you, then I’m glad. I wish I could be among your numbers. I wish more than anything that I could love this story. But I do not, and I know many others agree with me, and it is to them, I think, that I’m speaking to. As Taylor’s run is praised to heaven and back, I needed a safe space to voice my thoughts. This essay became this safe space. And to others who also feel unseen by the constant praise this run is getting, I think this could speak to you, as well. To be cliche and cringe, this will hopefully let you know that you are not alone. 
Finally, I want to acknowledge some people whose thoughts greatly contributed to the creation of this essay. For around three years now I’ve been having wonderful interactions with other Dick Grayson’s fans, and those discussions were not only incredibly fun and cathartic, but also provided great insight into what needed to be included in this essay. My best friend especially gave me a space to vent when I got frustrated, and my original outline borrowed a lot from the messages I sent her, as well as notes I took for our discussions.  
I’ll also be directly quoting four different Dick Grayson fans (identified as Dick Grayson Fans A, B, and C in order to allow them to keep their anonymity). Their analyses were so critical to the formation of my thesis and for a lot of what will be addressed in this essay that I actually feel like they deserve co-credit in this essay. Dick Grayson Fan B especially deserves a shoutout in helping me track down a couple of pages used as supporting evidence, as I knew what pages I was looking for but was having a hard time remembering in which issue they were located. I’m quoting them with permission, and crediting their ideas and contributions whenever relevant. 
Now, without any further ado, let’s get started. 
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etheries1015 · 2 months
Do you think you could write a fic where MC!Reader who enthusiastically says yes to Rook's proposal for love?
For context:
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Every time I read this I just want to reach through the screen and give him the biggest kiss.
YES I'M SO GLAD SOMEONE POINTED THIS OUT BECAUSE I ADORE THIS LINE. I don't care what anyone else says I LOVE Rooks quirky-ness and honestly how am I supposed to find love when he does it ALL???? I would also enthusiastically agree to marry this man. I am glad we can agree on this, Anon
i'm gonna be honest I misread this at first and thought you were asking for a marriage proposal fic, sooooo I wrote two HAHA. This one is the acceptance of the gift he offered above, and i'll link the marriage proposal fic I just wrote HERE <-
An enthusiastic "yes"
featuring: Rook
General warnings: Gender Neutral reader, shorter than you may have hoped, I apologize but I hope you like it nonetheless!
TW: none!
Your birthday had finally come upon you, and the first the greet Ramshackle with his typical smile of affection and enthusiasm, Rook was there to offer his services to you.
"It is your birthday is it not? Normally I'd have planned something grandiose such as 500 poems to express my gratitude towards you, however, I decided to allow it be your choice this year!" You giggled at this, sitting on the couch and crossing your legs.
"I'm not sure I could ask for anything better than 500 poems about me... I'm sure I can think up of something, though. Tell me, what are your boundaries for my request?" You smiled at him with raised eyebrows. Rook returned your eager smile in full.
"Perhaps hunting lessons from yours truly! I'm sure you would look absolutely manifique in hunting attire. My love is on the table as well, of course..." Your eyes widened at this statement, your mouth opening slightly and a laugh escaping your lips. You jumped up from your seat and clasped your hands together in excitement, leaning forward with a bright smile on your features.
"I'll take you up on that offer!" Rooks typically smiley demeanor suddenly shifted, his lips turning into a shocked "o" and piercing eyes wider than yours at the suggestion.
"My...love? that Is what you truly want for your birthday?"
"Yes. Absolutely. And for the rest of our lives, preferably." You said without hesitation.
A large, mischievous grin brighter than you have ever seen plastered upon his glowing features as he picked you up bridal style and headed towards the door. (I would you say would resist, however, I would also say anyone who loves Rook would be incredibly eager at this action.)
"If it is my love you so eagerly desire, then, mon amour, my love is all yours! I shall start by reciting 500 poems I have already memorized to you, and then-" You listened with intent and hearts in your eyes as he began listing all the things he wished to do with you, and the fact you were so enthusiastically agreeable to his half-joke...
you two truly were going to be the talk of the campus, known as NRC couple of the decade.
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kikitakite · 23 days
I saw your callout in the Gale tag for that one user (no comment on them, tho ty for the callout bc i'd seen them in the notes of my fics) and was curious if you could elaborate on some of the Mystra incidents you described towards the end of the post? I'm new to the lore of the setting and find it hard to research (which makes sense given its importance to dnd), so I've heard a lot of conflicting things about Mystra's portrayal in the wider series. No pressure, obviously!
No problem! And yea, I've seen her arguing in the posts of a few people I follow or just Gale-related posts I find interesting. Usually I don't get involved in stuff like this, but I noticed a constant pattern and then all the homophobic shit so I went off a little.
Unfortunately it's hard to find exact examples of the Mystra lore because certain modules aren't very popular or even free to access, but if you're interested the best way to learn about her is by reading the Elminster novels. There's twelve total, dating all the way back to 1994, and they detail Elminster's adventures. I'll be honest though, some of them are a hard read and written through the lens of a man who's admitted very creative, but also has a lot of problematic ideas.
In the first book Elminster is a child. His entire town gets wiped out by mages, thereby making him hostile toward magic. He sneaks into Mystra's temple to deface her statue one night, but she appears before him and basically gaslights him into learning magic and becoming her rare Chosen. He becomes a wizard and cleric basically overnight, until eventually he multiclasses into pretty much every class type in DnD. As you can imagine a lot of players aren't too fond of Elminster, as he's a well known self-insert of the author and pretty annoying to run into during campaigns. None of my dungeon masters like him anyway.
He also becomes one of Mystra's most loyal followers, but she fucks with him over and over, turning him into a woman to teach him a lesson and SLEEPING with him in that form, berating him when he struggles with the torture he endures when he gets stuck in the hells, making him reproduce without his knowledge and getting jealous when he gives his partners more attention. Because she's a very jealous goddess, which I think the game vaguely touches on but not really.
I wish I had the time to flip through all the novels and give exact citations but the best I can do is suggest them, because they're so eye opening. She's considered a neutral good goddess, but neutral gods often do terrible things for the sake of their domain. I think it needs to be noted that Mystra, as with all gods in the pantheon, only cares about her portfolio. She isn't wrong for that, but it doesn't mean she's blameless when she messes with people's lives. She's done a lot of good but she's also made horrible decisions, especially where her followers are concerned.
For example, Elminster having children he doesn't know about. He has a daughter named Narnra. Her conception was... pretty fucked up. Basically a song dragon named Ammaratha Cyndusk was an occasional lover of Elminster's (he has a lot of those because of course he does) and she wanted to bear his child, but since he's a Chosen of Mystra he can control his fertility. Magic birth control, basically. He didn't want a kid so Ammaratha went behind his back to learn a counterspell that would make him fertile during sex. The man she asked refused to teach her because...duh that's messed up, but then Mystra intervened and told him to teach her the spell because she wanted Elminster's "seed to spread". Ammaratha never told him and neither did Mystra. No matter what the reasons, that was NOT consensual on Elminster's part, and it happened two more times, resulting in two more daughters with different women. If I remember correctly Elminster did eventually find out waaaaay later when they were all adults, but it never amounted to anything.
The sisters I was taking about are the Seven Sisters, Mystra's "daughters". And I put "daughters" in quotations because Mystra possessed the body of a woman named Elué and impregnated her without her consent. She slept with the woman's husband (again, while possessing her body) and made them sire seven children. This of course lead to Elué's death because the constant flow of magic in her body was too much for her to handle. Her grieving husband broke after she died and eventually left, abandoning his daughters and earning Mystra's scorn...as if he was in the wrong. The sisters were then orphaned and raised by foster families.
That said, most of the awful things anyone can say about Mystra were the doings of her previous incarnations so ultimately it doesn't apply to the Mystra of BG3. In fact, this third Mystra is supposed to be a new and improved goddess who's nicer to her followers. So her portrayal in BG3 annoyed a lot of DnD fans. I should also point out that Mystra has two types of fans: ones who will defend everything she does, even when it's fucked up beyond all comprehension, and the ones who will tell you she's a true neutral goddess capable of good and bad. I'm the latter. There are plenty examples of Mystra sticking her neck out for innocents, but there's also examples of her doing the most horrendous shit imaginable.
A lot of veteran players, at least the ones I know, are upset with the portrayal of Mystra in BG3 because her plan to end the Absolute is, quite frankly, stupid. Your party is the best chance anyone has of ending the threat, but she asks Gale to nuke himself and possibly tens of thousands, which makes no sense because she could've just sent her mages/clerics to deal with the problem. And there was no guarantee the bomb would've worked anyway. She put all the responsibility on one man and it DEFINITELY comes off as vindictive. That isn't out if character for her but she's not SUPPOSED to be that bad anymore. For a lot of DnD players it felt like she was reverting back to her old habits.
I think there's also a part in the game where you can directly ask Gale why she doesn't just blip the Absolute out of existence and he says something like, "She could but Ao won't allow it." That was also really strange for a lot of veteran players to hear because Gale drops Ao's name like it's nothing. Most people (especially if they're new to the franchise) wouldn't know this but most people in Faerûn don't know who Ao is! Because he wiped people's memories of his existence! I suppose it does make sense for Gale to know that name, since Mystra probably explained the pantheon to him, but it's VERY unlikely tav would know it. So during that conversation all I could picture was tav tilting their head like, "Huh? Who? Whaaa?"
And on top of that......Ao absolutely WOULD allow it because the Absolute effects the Weave and every other god! It had the potential to ruin the balance of the universe, which makes Ao a very angry boy. Balance is one of the ONLY things he cares about. The Dead Three were stealing souls and worshippers, which gods needs to survive, and dying gods disrupts the balance. It's a whole circle of chaos. So the only conclusion left for me to extrapolate is this: Mystra just really, really wanted Gale to kill himself to prove his devotion to her. Which...isn't great. Bad look for her.
It's kind of like how Raphael thinks the Crown of Karsus is going to help him end the Blood War and take over the hells. DnD players laughed during his epilogue because...no it won't lol. He doesn't stand a chance even with the crown. He's arrogant and he's gonna get slapped by his daddy and all the other archdevils, the same way Gale gets slapped by Mystra if he ascends. Even the Absolute ending of the game wouldn't last long because the gods would go to war with the Dead Three, wipe them out and rebuild Faerûn, which has happened many times in past DnD campaigns. Mystra alone has torn worlds apart and glued them back together. The main crisis of BG3 is saving the world you live in or everybody dies. For the gods it's just a Tuesday. I mean look at how Withers owns the Dead Three with a wave of his hand at the end of the game. Mystra COULD'VE killed the Absolute, just as she could've removed the orb from Gale's chest the moment it happened. She just didn't WANT to. She wanted him to die. She wanted him to chastise himself. She wanted him to suffer and come crawling back to her as an obedient follower. She wanted him to learn a harsh and honestly unfair lesson, which is a terrible throwback to her previous incarnations.
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thetriumphantpanda · 5 months
Take My Breath Away | Joel Miller
The Checklist - Breath Play
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Chapter Summary | It's the overthinking that makes it hard to ask for what you want sometimes, so you ask for the thing you want most in the only way you know how - in the heat of the moment.
Chapter Warnings | Again, and as always, porn without plot. Dirty talk, fingering, unprotected PiV sex, creampie, breath play (sexual choking), peeing after sex (pls do this), softness and lots of love. No outbreak AU. No use of y/n.
Word Count | 2k
Pairing | Joel Miller x F!Reader
Authors Note | Oh my god what is this? Charlie finishing another series? I cannot tell you how sad I am to be saying goodbye to these two - they have turned into the two greatest loves of my life. Thanks are due to @vickywallace for sending this idea into my inbox in the first place - thank you for such a wonderful idea and for supporting this series! If you like this then please considering reblogging or commenting, it makes my life worth living! And if you'd like to support me further you can donate to my Ko-Fi.
A reminder that whilst this is part of a wider series, this can be read as a standalone if you wish.
Beautiful divider by @saradika
I no longer have a taglist, to keep up to date with my work, please follow @thetriumphantpandanotifs and turn on notifications.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi.
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It started innocently enough. Joel’s big palm resting at your collarbone when he was inside you, his teeth nipping at your earlobe. It was a fleeting moment, no added pressure, but there was still a shot of thrill that settled across you, one that made you think of that little list and the thought in the back of your mind that you wanted him to push his hand a little higher and press.
How to ask for it properly had been playing on your mind for a little while. It’s not like the two of you weren’t open with each other, you’d proved that already. And you trusted Joel with your life, you know he wouldn’t hurt you. But each night, when you sit together on the couch and go to open your mouth to talk about it, nothing happens. Mainly because it feels inconsequential to you, does it need a big conversation like some of the other things? You don’t think so.
It happens about a week later. Friday night, dinner eaten, glass of whisky drunk in front of the TV. Joel is settled on his back, glasses perched on the end of his nose as he reads a book, you’re similar, but you’re restless. You’re reading some romance novel, and like clockwork, the two love interests have just turned up to the hotel to find there’s only one bed. They don’t really hate each other anymore, and in his sleep, he’s rolled over and draped an arm over her waist, chest to her back, and she can feel how much he wants her.
You scoff a little, which pulls Joel’s attention from his own reading, to you, “That bad huh?” He asks, innocently enough.
“Just predictable.” You shrug, trying to hide the way your thighs are unconsciously rubbing together under the sheets.
“Lemme guess,” He says, setting down his own book, along with his glasses, “They hate each other, but also secretly they don’t, and they’ve just turned up to the hotel and they have to share a bed?”
You turn to him, chuckling as you look at the front and back cover, “Have you read this before?”
“No baby,” He chuckles, “It’s just they’re all the same, if it ain’t that then it’s somethin’ forbidden or she’s too happy and he’s too grumpy, just a lucky first guess.”
There’s a little more talking, and then the lights turn off, Joel turning on his side to fall asleep, but there’s that deep throb between your thighs that no matter what you do, won’t go away.
“Joel?” You whisper, poking at his arm, listen to him grumble but ultimately not reply, “Joel?” You whisper again, a little louder.
“Yes, baby?” It’s soft when he talks, not annoyed at you for keeping him awake.
“Joel, I need you.” You whisper once more.
You can hear the rustle of the sheets as he turns, then his arm wrapping around your waist, tugging you into his chest, that hand of his wandering down to cup your ass, “You feelin’ needy, baby?” He asks lowly, pressing kisses to your forehead and then your cheek until he’s kissing your mouth.
You roll onto your back, gripping onto his naked shoulders so he follows, the entire weight of his body on yours until he rests his upper body on his elbows, hands pushing your hair back from your face as he settles himself between your thighs. You can feel him, pressing against that part of you, already semi-hard and wanting, like he was struggling just as much as you to go to bed without touching you.
“You needy for me too?” You ask innocently as his lips press to your neck, he doesn’t answer, just slowly rolls his hips into yours.
There’s a moment where he reaches down between the two of you, lets his fingers brush over your folds, dipping down slightly to find you already wet. It’s not a surprise for either of you anymore, you think that there’s always some level of slickness settling between your legs whenever you see him - still not quite believing you get him all to yourself.
Joel drags his fingers up to your clit, slick dragging across your bud of nerves, a soft whimper leaving your mouth as he gently circles it. He’s taking his time, working you up slowly because he knows you don’t have anywhere to be in the morning. In a few minutes, you’re already moving your hips in time with his fingers, his mouth kissing your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin too. You’re clutching at his shoulders, nails digging half-moon shapes into his skin, when he pulls his hand away.
You’d complain until you can feel what he’s doing - his fist tight around his cock, moving up and down as he positions himself at the entrance of your cunt, tip nudging there as his mouth comes to cover your own. You’re just opening your mouth to him when he slips himself inside, slowly edging further and further inside you until he’s sheathed in your tight heat and you’re moaning into his open mouth.
He’s slow with it at first, a gentle drag of his cock in and out of you, like he’s got all the time in the world. Every time he presses into you, he moans into your mouth a little, sighs when he drags back out and it’s perfect, but you know you need more. You reach out, circle his big wrist with your hand.
“Will you…” You trail off a little, “Will you do something for me?”
He stills inside you, tip of his cock pressed so deep you could cry, “Anything for you, honey.”
“Will you put your hand on my neck?” Your voice is timid, and you’re glad you’ve kept the lights off.
There’s enough moonlight drifting in through the blinds that don’t close properly that you can still see him, but he’s shrouded in shadows too. He’s careful when he moves, pushing himself up to rest on one palm that’s pressed net to your head, the other hand being dragged exactly where you want it. He lets you rest it where you’re comfortable, just at the base, right above your collarbone.
“You tap my arm three times if you want me to stop, okay?” He asks, finally dragging his cock back out of you.
He puts a little pressure on with his hand when he thrusts back into you. The pressure is nice, but there’s something about it that doesn’t feel right, so you do exactly as he says, tap his arm three times. Joel is quick to take his hand off you, but you grab it quickly enough that he doesn’t have chance to rest it back on the bed.
“Try it a little higher.” You suggest, pulling it back so that the pad of his thumb and middle finger are pressed into the skin just under your ear.
“Like this?” He asks quietly as he repeats his movements from before, adding a tiny bit of pressure to your neck as he pushes back into your slick cunt, and yes, you think, exactly like that.
Joel keeps his hand pressed there for a few of his movements before he lightens the pressure on your throat, letting you catch your breath but keeping that wide palm resting right where you asked for it to be.
It’s a sensation you never thought you’d enjoy so much, but every time Joel’s palm tightens around your throat, there’s a rush to your brain and a throb between your legs. It’s exhilarating and there’s something about the way you trust him, literally with your life right now, to know exactly what you want and how to give it to you.
“You like that, don’t ya?” Joel rasps out above you, hips snapping into yours.
He releases the pressure from your neck again, just enough for you to be able to nod your head and bite at your lip to try and stop yourself from grinning. Joel brings the hand from your neck up to your mouth, uses the pad of his thumb to drop your lip from your mouth.
“I wanna see that smile baby.”
So you do as he says - caught in the dance of his palm pressing against your throat, your mouth falling into a grin each time, sometimes a small giggle leaving your mouth as you do, and then the release of the pressure, back and forth like that until you can feel that coil tightening low in your belly, your own hips bucking to meet his own, desperate to come apart beneath him.
“You gonna come, baby?” He asks, palm tightening once more, you can feel your walls fluttering around him, the coil pulled tight, you’re not going to last much longer, “That’s okay, I got you baby, just let go for me.”
It’s always been his voice that does it for you - the gentle lilt of that southern drawl, the way he’s always taking care of you. The coil snaps, his hand tightening just a little further as you arch up into him, much dropping open in a silent scream as pleasure floods every nerve ending in your body. You’re mildly aware of him talking you through it, showering praise over you as his own hips start to falter, hand finally torn from your neck, both of his palms settled on the mattress beside your head as he fucks you for real now.
The sound of skin slapping on skin fills the room, Joel’s ragged groans mixed with your own squeals, not quite recovered from your orgasm. You reach your hands up, settle them on his sides and look up at him.
“Want you…” You choke out, “Come inside me, Joel.”
He groans, low in his chest, body shaking as his hips stop. He lets out a moan of your name as you feel his cock throb inside you, the familiar warmth of his cum spilling inside you. Joel’s body falls forward, crowding yours as he buries his head into the crook of your neck, mouth warm as he kisses you.
You both stay like that for a while, breathing heavy until you feel his softening cock slip from you. He rolls onto his back, dragging you with him so you’re leaning against his sweat-slicked chest, fingers drawing patterns through the hair there.
Eyes filled with love, you look at him, give him a small smile as he brings a hand to your neck, tracing where his fingers had been pressing, “Looks red, baby,” His voice is gravelly, thick with sleep, “Was it okay?”
Taking hold of his wrist, you drag his hand up to your mouth and press kisses to his palm. The hand he has around your back drags you up a little and then he’s manoeuvring himself so his mouth can press kisses on the two finger marks he’s left on your skin. You think this might be the way you love him most, soft and sated, gentle and loving.
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” You whisper at him, “Stay right here okay?”
Joel reluctantly lets you go. You curse him every time you have to walk down the hall to the bathroom for not buying a home all those years ago with an en-suite, especially when, by the time you come back, he’s flat out on his back, lightly snoring.
You take a moment to stand in the doorway, look at him painted in moonlight. He’s beautiful like this, none of those worries he has etched on his face. You love him, more than you’ve ever loved anyone before.
Padding quietly over to the bed, you settle under the sheets, draping an arm over his middle, your head pillowed on his shoulder. In his sleep, he pulls you further into his body, arm over your shoulder, other hand resting on the arm you have draped across his tummy. If this is what peace feels like, then long let it last.
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prythianpages · 6 months
Ohhhh would you ever write more about the witch reader x az. I loved it! I want to see feyres reaction :)
I might! I think I'd be open to making it like a series/au bc witch reader x Az makes me so soft 🥰 and I'm currently obsessed with the song that inspired it bc the song is so beautiful and whimsical and makes me wish I could experience a love like that
if you haven't read the original imagine, you can find it here.
here is a small drabble of feyre's reaction 😊 :
When you and Azriel return to the river house, Feyre is in the sitting room. She's lightly bouncing an agitated Nyx, who teethes at a cool wash cloth. "I know, baby," she coos at the infant.
Her blue-gray eyes are on you as soon as you enter and they light up when she notices Azriel's hands are ungloved and one of them is holding on to yours, fingers intertwined with another.
"How was the trip?" She asks, her lips curling up into a knowing smile.
"It was fine."
"She almost cursed Eris."
You're turning to Azriel with a playful glare and his wings twitch in response, his usual stoic demeanor now much lighter and Feyre knows it's all because of you. "It could've been a nice little hex that'd make his eyebrows fall off, you know. Just something to get him off his high horse."
Feyre laughs at the image that comes to mind. "I hope Eris didn't give you much trouble?"
"He shot an arrow through Azriel's hand."
You and Azriel exchange another look, missing the way Feyre's eyes grew distant for a brief moment.
They're holding hands! Feyre nearly screams into Rhysand's mind and he can feel all her excitement and joy through the bond.
He's sitting outside by one of the tables in their garden with Cassian and Mor on either side of him. If it were up to him, he'd be inside by his wife. But it was her who had kicked him outside, not wanting to overwhelm Azriel and you. "Out you busybodies!" She had exclaimed as she ushered them all out of the house.
"Hey, Cas," he grins. "You owe me twenty coins."
Cassian nearly spits out his lemonade. "What?" He sputters with wide eyes. Mor leans forward in her seat.
Rhysand then shows them the image Feyre had send him. It's of you and Azriel bickering and fussing over one another like an old married couple.
"Let's just call it even." Cassian insists, setting his cup down. "I am the one who got rid of all the dandelion root from her apothecary shop."
"Hey! Don't take all the credit. I am the one who kept her distracted!" Mor cuts in, dramatically throwing her hands in the air. "And also the one who kept Azriel from suspecting anything when Feyre had asked for an escort. Do you know how hard it is to sneak things around those two?"
"Thank you, Mor. Your hard work is much appreciated here," Rhysand says, his grin growing wider as he rises from his seat, knowing it'd only irritate Cassian further.
He catches the glare Cassian sends his way. "20 coins," Rhysand reminds him, holding his hand out expectantly.
"In a way," Cassian begins, not wanting to accept his loss. "I helped you win the bet!"
"That's not my problem." Rhysand replies with a smug shrug.
Cassian grumbles and digs into his pocket. He throws all twenty coins at Rhysand's face, who easily intercepts them with a wave of his hand. They fall gracefully into the palm of his hand instead.
Mor laughs as she also rises from her seat. Twenty coins is nothing to them. It's barely enough to buy a cheap bottle of wine.
Cassian follows shortly after, the three of them scurrying inside and wanting to catch a glimpse of you and Azriel holding hands in person. Although, they find you nestled on the couch with baby Nyx in your lap. You rub the elixir you had made earlier over Nyx's gums, smiling when you feel the babe relax in your arms, as you tell Feyre all about your venture earlier.
Azriel is seated on the armest of the couch right next to you, cutting into your story when he deems necessary. Everyone takes note of the way his hand is resting on the small of your back and one of his wings instinctively curls around your smaller form. They also take note of the lingering scent of your bond in the air, stronger now that you both have acknowledged the bond. Cedar and lavender.
a/n: I considered the whole Nyx being in pain to be a lie, a glamor made by Feyre to trick reader into having to go scavenge for dandelion root but decided it was better to just have Cassian and Mor be sneaky instead :)
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avocad1s · 1 year
Bring Back What Once Was Mine
Chapter Summary: The nation of Cryo welcomes you.
Characters Mentioned: The Fatui Harbingers & The Tsaritsa.
Content Warning: Cult and Religious themes ahead! You've been warned.
Reader is the true creator of Teyvat. GN! Reader
Part Four Part Five (you are here!) Part Six
You alr know what I’m gonna say… not beta read :>
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The Gnosis didn’t just connect the Archons to the Creator. It also connected them to Celestia.
Although very few understand it, one thing that is known is Celestia is the residence for the Gods. On rare occasions, mortals can ascend to Celestia if they preform great, heroic feats. Meaning even humans can achieve godhood.
However as the decades went by, the Archons begin cutting of their ties to Celestia after the Cataclysm. They decided to live in their respective nations rather than watching them from above.
Celestia, who noticed the reservations of the Seven, knew that it had to do something to keep its order intact.
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“You’re Grace?”
“You should put your coat on now, we will be arriving on shore soon.”
A few hours has passed since you had made a detour in your journey gotten a on the boat with Childe, he was a talkative individual, boasting about his skills in combat or about the Tsaritsa. Yet when you asked about the other Harbingers he wouldn’t say much, he would vaguely mention something about their strength or their contribution to the Fatui.
Speaking of the Fatui, you still had your reservations about the infamous group. Though when you try to reassure yourself that you know the Cryo Archon better than anyone else, Aether’s words fills your ears.
You sigh slipping the soft material of the coat onto your arms, feeling your body instantly heat up.
“Lord Harbinger,” one of Childe’s soldiers approached the two of you in a stiff bow. “We have arrived.”
Just like with Sumeru, it seems the Snezhnaya had changed a great deal since the last time you were here. You could hardly believe that this nation had been on lock for many years.
Childe holds his hand out to you, “I’ll lead you, Your Grace.” You rest your hand in his gloved one causing him to smile wider as he leads off the boat onto the icy deck.
The deck and the pathway leading to the Zapolyarny palace has a scare amount of security. You couldn’t help but wonder if it was on purpose or if your arrival to Snezhnaya is unexpectedly early.
“Are you nervous, Your Grace?” Childe asks suddenly.
You swallow, could he feel your apprehension? As the two of you get closer to the Zapolyarny palace, you could feel the tension in your body increase. The overwhelming presence of malice the palace was giving off, you could only imagine who- or what- was in there.
He gives your hand a slight squeeze looking over at you, “there’s no need to be nervous, the Fatui and Her Majesty are your most loyal servants. We will never do anything to betray you.”
Nodding at his words, you try to ignore the goosebumps that just appeared on your skin.
Childe pushes open the large doors leading you inside the icy fortress. Even though it wasn’t very well lit, the decor in the inside was spectacular. Multiple banners hung from the support beams all of them with snowflakes decorated at the bottom of it. There were also dozens of pews that lead to the front of the room which seemed to be the most lit. Many soldiers stood near the wall gawking in your direction once you entered the palace, but with a simple glance, you could tell they were lower ranked. Not because of anything they were wearing, but because of the two who stood in front of you.
One you recognized to be the Cryo Archon but the other was someone you’ve never seen before. Both were all dressed nicely but still kept the cold weather in mind.
The Tsaritsa was the only one to approach you, she wasted no time grabbing your free hand with both of hers. “Your Grace please forgive me for my rude welcoming. If I had known you would arrive today-“
“You have no reason to apologize, I wish I was here under better circumstances…” you interrupt.
She lets go of your hand nodding, “having you here already means everything to me.”
You smile at her sweet words, the Tsaritsa was still the same as you remembered. Maybe letting the words of Yelan and Aether get to you was a bad idea.
“You must tired after your journey.” The Tsaritsa begins, “we’ve prepared a room just for you. I hope it’s to your liking.”
Truthfully, you would take any bed right now. Ever since you descended to Teyvat, you’ve been sleeping outside or not sleeping at all, you wouldn’t complain about any accommodations right now.
She looks back at the man who was watching your interaction, “my most trusted will guide you to your chamber. I will come check on you later.”
The Tsaritsa takes a step away from you, turning her attention to Childe who was still holding your hand. “Come with me Tartaglia,” she orders.
Childe hesitantly lets go of your hand giving you a reassuring smile, “don’t worry Your Grace, if you need anything from me, I’ll still be in the palace.”
It fell silent for a moment in the palace, only thing that could be heard is the faint footsteps of Childe and the Cryo Archon walking off as they whisper about something you couldn’t make out.
“Divine One…”
You focus your attention on the man in front of you. He had on a mask like the soldiers in the room with you but his only covered half of his face, his hair is white and his eyes… (or eye) were the most peculiar. It was definitely something you recognized but he was standing to far away for you to make out what it was exactly.
“My name is Pierro,” he introduces, “I will guide you to your chamber.”
So this was the Tsaritsa most trusted. It makes you wonder how long he’s been in the Fatui to earn such a title. He leads you down a hall in the opposite direction that the Tsaritsa had went, he doesn’t say anything keeping his gaze forward and his hands behind his back.
“Where are the others?” You ask breaking the silence.
He glances at you for a moment, “I’m assuming you mean the other Harbingers? They’ll be returning soon.”
Pierro stops in front of a double doored room at the end of the hall, “this is where you’ll be staying while in Snezhnaya, Divine One.” He opens the door for you allowing you to walk inside as he stands by the threshold.
The room was fairly dark, the only light coming from the fireplace on the furthest wall from the door. There was one large bed in the middle of the room and a couch by the fireplace. There was also a table with a few books neatly stacked on it.
“I hope you enjoy your time in the Zapolyarny Palace.” Pierro closes the door leaving you alone in the large room.
Once the door clicks, you pull the flower Aether had given you out of your pocket inspecting it closely. Luckily it hadn’t wilted while on your journey to Snezhnaya. You place the flower on the table shrugging off your coat draping it on the chair. You relax into the couch allowing the fireplace to keep you warm, unaware that this is the last time you’ll relax before knowing the truth yourself.
The Zapolyarny palace was more comforting than you thought it be.
Slouching on this couch has to be the first time you ever allowed yourself to fully relax since you descended to Teyvat. You didn’t even realized you were succumbing to sleep until you heard faint voices outside your door that brought your attention back to reality.
“Is their Grace really behind this door?”
“That’s what the Jester said, maybe I should bring them something to eat.”
“Why should it be you? Their Grace knows me, they’ll be more comfortable if I bring it to them.”
“It shouldn’t have been you who found them in the first place, Tartaglia. I’m higher ranked than you, it should be me who gives it to them.”
“Well if it’s purely based off our rankings than it should be me, no? I am the highest ranked out of us all since number one isn’t here.”
“You’d just scare them off Dottore!”
Their fighting immediately ceases causing you to sit up on the couch. We’re they aware you were listening or did they walk off to argue somewhere else. Neither answer made sense, you hadn’t made a noise since you noticed they were outside your door and you didn’t hear their footsteps or fading voices indicating that they walked off.
A soft knock is heard at the large doors.
“Your Grace,” a voice calls out. It was the Tsaritsa, “are you awake? May I come inside?”
You use your palms to straighten out your wrinkled clothing before answering, “yes I’m awake. Please come in.”
The door opens immediately and the Cryo Archon walks inside closing the door behind her.
“We’re you able to settle in?”
You nod, “yes! This room is perfect, thank you.”
“I’m glad…” she slowly approaches you on the coach before hesitantly sitting next to you. “Well there’s no point of beating around the bush… I’m assuming you know why I came to see you?”
You rest your hands in your lap giving her your full attention, “it’s about the False Creator. Right?”
“Yes.” She confirms, “Tartaglia wasn’t lying when he said that I’ve figured out where the False Creator came from.”
You say nothing waiting for her to continue and after a best of silence she says, “Your Grace, there’s a reason why none of the Archons were alerted to your presence. We all removed our Gnosis.”
Your eyes widen, “what? Why?”
“It’s not because of you!” She quickly reassures, “we all still hold you in the highest regard, but to be connected to you we also have to be connected to…”
“…Celestia…” you finish her sentence. “Is there something wrong with Celestia? Why don’t you all want to be connected to it anymore?”
She brushes some of her hair off her shoulder, “when you went off world centuries ago and left Celestia in control of Teyvat, something changed.”
“What do you mean?” You ask.
She shrugs, “I’m not entirely sure what happened but once you left, being in Celestia felt… wrong. Like none of us were supposed to be there but it was Celestia’s final order that made us cut our connection to it.”
“Celestia’s final order?”
“What I’m trying to tell you is that Celestia had ordered us Archons to destroy Khaenri'ah under the guise that it was you who told us to.”
Once she had seen your face, it takes everything out of the Tsaritsa not to fall onto the floor and beg for your forgiveness, but telling you everything is whats important right now, even if you do hate her afterwards.
“We all thought it was you who told us to do it… and that’s when the other one had arrived. Pretending to be you, they reassured us that we did the right thing and that we had gotten rid of a nation filled with sinners.”
You notice her eyes fill with tears, she felt true guilt for what she and her fellow Archons had done. Reaching out, you place your hand on top of her silently urging her to continue.
“Celestia feared it was losing it’s control over Teyvat after us Archons stopped going there once you had departed. So it sent down a fake you to keep the control it had over the world. With the False Creator and the Gnosis, Celestia had Teyvat right in the palm of it’s hands.”
“Wait.” You interrupt, “if that’s all they did, then why was Khaenri'ah destroyed?”
You feel her hands trembling under yours, but before you can comment on it she continues. “Khaenri'ah had found out about Celestia’s plans to send down a False Creator. When Khaenri'ah had made plans to summon you, Celestia ordered the destruction of the nation. It’s what we call the Cataclysm.”
You remove your hand from hers bringing them up to your mouth. There’s no way she was actually telling the truth, Celestia had existed way before anyone on Teyvat did. It was one of your first creations, would it really betray you like that?
A cold hand on your cheek breaks you out of your thoughts, the Tsaritsa turns your head to look at her a frown apparent on her face.
“I know how this sounds your Grace but you must believe me. I would never tell you such a blasphemous lie if it weren’t the truth!”
“What were these plans Khaenri'ah had found?” Are the only words to leave your lips.
“A prototype.” She explains, “they had sent down a prototype to see if they could fool Khaenri'ah into believing it was actually you. Celestia knew that convincing that nation would be the hardest since it was the only nation without an Archon.”
You stand from your spot on the couch causing the Tsaritsa to jump up as well, her face looked frantic but she held her composure well. It was clear where the Fatui had gotten their cold nature from.
“And how exactly did you get all of this information?”
“There are many remnants of Khaenri'ah still around Teyvat Your Grace. Celestia wasn’t able to eradicate everything.” She explains.
There was a another silence between the two of you but it wasn’t like before, this time it felt suffocating. If what she claims is the truth that means your own creation, something you believed you could trust, had betrayed you. Now everything made sense. Everything Aether had told you about the remnants of Khaenri'ah still being present. He was there, he probably seen all of it.
You should’ve went with him when you had the chance. Outlander or not, you were conflicted on who you could trust now.
“Your Grace?” the Cryo Archon stutters out her hand resting gently on your shoulder. “What are you going to do now?”
You decide not to respond but her question continues to repeat in your mind. What are you going to do? If it was Celestia, then destroying the Imposter wouldn’t solve your problem. What if you decide to go off world again? Would Celestia just make another Fake Creator and take reign over your world once more? You couldn’t let that happen, it wasn’t a risk you were willing to take.
“As unbelievable everything you just told me sounds, I’m going to trust you…”
Her body visibly relaxes at your explanation.
“Even though I still don’t know everything I wanted, if Celestia was the one who created the Imposter then I cannot waste anymore time. I must return to Sumeru and deal with them immediately.”
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Note: I apologize for the five day wait, but this part took a lot of research on my end and yeah 💀 i already know there are some inaccuracies but for the sake of the plot idc. Anyways we have just reached the climax of the story, my plan is to wrap everything up in three more chapters but we’ll see how that turns out.
Taglist: @esthelily @the-dumber-scaramouche @grimreapersscythe @seawater-aurelia-writing @probablynoposts @genshin-impacts-me @itsredactedlove @chidouna @thedevioussmirk @hoo-hoo @chaoticfivesworld @akemiixx01 @lunarapple @nowords-onlybreathing @fangirlinindia @veyu002 @blackcoffex @kaveh-is-pretty @ariasdream @averycuriousperson @bloopthebat @chuuya-brainrot @crazydreamcat @sparklyphantom @multistanbee @bluebelony @mokakoto @mega-trash-cringe CLOSED
I apologize to anyone who has asked to be tagged over the past few days! Please know that I did see you but Tumblr is not allowing me to add anyone else to the Taglist :<
Also this blog has hit 200 followers in under two weeks… umm HELLO? where did all of you come from?!? Seriously though, I appreciate all of the love and support you all have given this story 🙏 I love you all platonically ofc !!!
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carlgrimesenthusiast · 11 months
saviour! reader x carl where he’s got a huge crush on her and thinks she’s soooo hot so when the two find themselves alone, and she makes a suggestive comment towards him, he begs her to have sex with him
we’re supposed to hate each other…
warnings: swearing, smut.
a/n: i decided to make this into an actual fic instead of just short couple of paragraphs. plus i haven’t written a fic in a long time! i also wrote in capitalisation and didn’t make the writing smaller, thought i would try it out.
also, i made reader negans daughter so it would fit to the title, but everything else is the same!
You heard someone knocking on the door from the other side of the door. “Come in.” You yelled, rolling your eyes. Someone always had to interrupt whilst you were reading a book.
“Alright, pumpkin. Get up, we’re going to Alexandria.” Your father said, after opening the door. You love going to Alexandria, mostly because of a special someone always being there whilst your father went off taking supplies from everyone. You and Carl were supposed to hate each other, at least that’s what you thought.
Whenever you saw Carl, you get butterflies in your stomach but your ignored them. Even if you were supposedly dating, would it really work out? Your fathers hate each other and even thought hate is a strong word, they really do hate each other. You wouldn’t blame Rick, Carls dad, you knew what kind of person your dad was but that didn’t change the fact that you still love him.
“Fine.” You abruptly sat up, removing the blankets off of you and leaving the marked up book onto the bed side table. “When are we leaving?” You questioned, taking your jacket and putting it on.
“Now, all the trucks are outside all ready.” Your father said, waiting for you to hurry up.
“Well, I’m ready so let’s go.” Negan nodded before turning around, opening the door wider and letting you leave first before closing the door and locking it.
You made your way outside, walking past all the workers and taking quick glances at them. You felt bad for them but weren’t they being kept safe? It shouldn’t be that bad, it’s way better then being left outside with all those walkers lurking around. If I were them, I’d prefer to be kept inside, fed and being able to sleep all safely, well mostly safe…
You boarded the car with you dad, not being bothered to buckle your seatbelt because who else would be driving on the road apart from the Saviours? You and Negan made small talk, a large quantity of it being what we would take when we get there and if your dad was going to stir up even more hatred.
You arrived outside the gate of Alexandria, you waited for the Alexandrians to open the gate before all the vehicles made their way inside.
You jumped out the car happily, you loved being here. You honestly wish you were here instead of the Sanctuary. The houses and the trees and the bright sun, everything about it here was beautiful. You were brought out of your thoughts when a certain someone made their way towards you.
“Hey, Y/n, haven’t seen you in ages.” Carl said, hands in his pockets whilst he looked down at you with his eyes squinted from the sun.
“I saw you like last week…” You had an obvious look on his face, did he miss me or something? You smiled at the thought of Carl missing you.
“What you smiling about?” Carl questioned, your smile immediately dropped.
“Nothing.” You folded your arms across your chest, “now, show me something that I might be interested in.” Last week when you came to Alexandria, you met up with Carl again and you told him that next time you’re here, he should show you all the things he found for you that you could be interested in having.
“Alright, I’ll lead the way. It’s in my bedroom, by the way.” Carl nodded before leading the way, you were both stopped by someones voice.
“Darling, where you going?” Your fathers voice boomed out, you turned around to see your dad standing there with the Saviours carrying supplies back to the trucks.
“I’m going with Carl, he’s offering me things he thinks I might like.” You shouted, loud enough for Negan to hear since he was quite far.
“Alright, be back in 10 minutes!” He shouted back, you nodded and held your thumb up to show that you will be back.
“I’ve got some things that you will definitely like to have, hopefully.” Carl whispered the last part to himself, thinking that you couldn’t hear him, but you did.
Carl opened the door to his house and let you enter, you were shocked. Your face didn’t display it but your mind was thinking otherwise. The furniture, the carpet, the lights, the living room. Everything about it is so homely, exactly like it was before the world went to shit.
“Everything’s in my room, come on.” Carl shut the door behind him and led the way upstairs. He opened the door to his bedroom, there was one poster in his room and a ton of shit on his bed. That’s what he was offering, a ton of comics that you wondered where he found them, video games, books, a paint set…in prestige condition as well. You seriously needed to know where Carl found this stuff.
“I want the comics.” You said before making your way to the comics, picking it up from his bed and flicking through it.
“That’s my second favourite.” Carl pointed out, closing the door behind him and walking to stand beside you.
“Oh, well, then I’m taking it.” You smiled, “it’s so hot in here.” You fanned your face before taking your jacket off and placing it on the chair that was in Carls bedroom.
“Be careful, there’s some weird scenes in that one. That’s why it’s my favourite.” Carl joked, you chuckled slightly.
“So what, like sexual stuff?” You asked, he nodded. “Let’s recreate them.” You joked as well. Carl stayed quiet, not knowing how to react. His mind went to other places…he couldn’t help but think about you and him recreating those scenes… “Carl?” You nudged him, bringing him out of his thoughts.
“Yeah?” He breathed out, a very obvious rose pink blush spread across his face. “Do you really want to recreate those?” Carl blushed.
“Do you?” You looked at him, he breathed in before nodding.
“I mean, we only have like 5 minutes left…maybe another time.” You glanced down at your watch.
“No!” Carl startled you, your eyes widening at the sudden burst. “I mean, 5 minutes is enough.”
“Are you sure? What if my dad comes barging in the room and sees us?” You feared.
“He won’t, we can be quick.” You looked at Carl unsure, you felt your panties starting to stick to you. “Unless you totally want to, I’m not forcing you. In fact, let’s just forget about what I said. You wanted the comics, here you can have them.” Carl reassured you, he didn’t want to force you to do anything you didn’t like.
You found it cute how he was talking so fast, almost like he was nervous. The thought of Carl missing you and being nervous about you made you wet.
“Alright, let’s go back outside. I bet your dads waitin-“ You cut Carl off by grabbing his face and smashing his lips against yours. He held his hands over yours, you let go off his lips with a deep breath.
“You said we’ll be quick, right!?” You were already removing your shirt, Carl kissed you again before taking taking his own shirt off revealing his body to you. You gasped, running your hands along his body, feeling his light muscles coming out.
You laid Carl down onto the bed, sitting on his lap. He unclasped your bra from behind for you and took id off. He stared at your boob, mouth agape. “Can I?” He looked up at you, needy.
“Of course.” That’s all you needed to hear before his lips wrapped around your nipples. “Fuck.” You breathed under your breathe, tugging onto Carls hair.
Carl let go with a ‘pop’, you stood back up removing your jeans along with your panties whilst Carl did the same, removing his boxers. You straddled Carl again, wrapping your arms around his neck. You pulled him in, your lips made its way to his neck.
“Please, please.” Carl begged, you probably only had about 2 minutes left so you had to be quick.
Carl slowly felt your pussy, “Shit.” he was harder then ever now, he needed you wrapped around him so badly. He slowly aligned himself with your seeping hole. He slowly thrusted into you, letting you get used to the feeling.
“Carl.” You moaned, his arms wrapped around your waist, bringing you closer and kissing your neck. You whimpered, feeling Carl sucking on your neck.
“Fuck, next time I see you, I’m gonna take it nice and slow with you. Treat you real nicely.” He groaned, you rolled your hips in sync with Carls thrust.
You felt yourself coming close, “Shit baby, you feel so good.” Carl praised, his praises brought you closer. You bit your lip to suppress your moans.
“Fuck.” You held onto Carl so tightly as you came, Carl kept going to help you through your orgasm. You felt Carl release inside of you.
After you were out of the haze, you began to get redress. You retouched yourself, fixing your hair making sure it looked like it did before, fixing your clothing and soothing your hand over it to fix the creases. “I’m sorry this wasn’t quite the best ever, but I promise you when you come back I will treat you even better.” Carl held your hands within his, kissing each knuckle.
“This was the best carl.” You reassured him, “i’ll see you later.” You giggled, you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before you and Carl made your way outside.
“There you are kid, I was getting worried.” Your dad said, folding his arms and a relieved look on his face.
“Sorry.” You giggled, you got into the car with your dad. Before leaving, you waved at Carl smiling so much.
“Did Carl not have anything good?” Negan asked.
“Nope” You popped the ‘p’.
“Why’re you smiling so much? Never seen you smile this much before.”
“No reason.” You looked back outside the window, he didn’t need to know the reason why you were.
a/n: i got lazy at the end :(( i’m sorry about that, i hope you enjoyed nonetheless! this is the longest fic i have ever written, my hands are very tired… also i just realised the title doesn’t really go with the plot but oh well… hope u enjoyed though!!!
thank you anon for the request!!!
(not proofread)
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I desperately need some ff in the doll AU where Vox shares doll!reader with Valentino<33
THIS IS THE ONE SENTENCE PROMPT TURNED 6708 WORD FIC IN QUESTION! Buckle up, shits about to go down.
Sharing a Toy (Vox x Doll!reader x Valentino)
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cw! Dub/noncon, hypnosis, mind control, objectification, smut, fingering, blow job, double penetration, bondage, creampie, somnophilia (fucking you when you’re unconscious), overstimulation, praise kink, daddy kink, etc. AU typical events, Vox being a little shit (he’s in hell for a reason), and Valentino. Enough said there.
Because of the content here, I’ve broken this fic down into sections. Whenever you see this
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It indicates a new section.
Section one is Vox getting you into the room with Val, AU typical shit ensues. Also a love potion and fingering.
Section two has the love potion (part 2: electric boogaloo) and blowjob. Well, one implied, one explicit.
Section three is completely somnophilia (and fingering). Bondage and DP at the end.
Section four, reader wakes up during DP. Creampie, overstimulation.
Section five is after care, which starts with Valentino licking you clean. Because of course it does. Slight obligatory fluff to help you recover from the trauma of reading this.
I think that’s all? Let me know if I missed anything. Good luck on this abominable journey.
“Hey darling,” Vox said with a grin, putting his hand on my shoulder. “How about we go lay down for a bit? You’ve been working so hard all day! You need a break, I insist.”
“I’m a little busy,” I said, not even looking at him. “Just let me finish this up first.”
"Finish it up later, my dear," Vox said, his voice smooth and persuasive as he gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze. "You deserve a little break right now. And don't worry, I'll make sure everything gets taken care of."
"Vox, this is serious! I need to finish this now or..." I lost my train of thought the moment I turned around and looked him in the eye. the swirling black and red spirals... beautiful, calming. They seemed to guide my thoughts away. "Okay," I said softly. "I guess... I can take a break. For you."
"That's the spirit, doll," Vox said, smiling warmly at me. "Come on, let's go lay down in the other room." He led me by the hand to a nearby room, where Valentino was already waiting for us, a devilish grin on his face.
I froze the moment I saw him, and tried to hide behind Vox. I didn't like Val. Vox was my boss, and I trusted him to some degree. Whenever Vox used his hypnosis on me, or the trigger phrase... god, it always felt so good. But I didn't like Valentino. if Val was here, it meant that Vox had lied. this wasn't a break, they just wanted to fuck me.
"Vox.." I whined, my voice small. I wasn't looking at his face anymore, nor the mesmerizing spirals in his left eye. I couldn't afford to let him take control of me now.
Vox raised an eyebrow at my sudden hesitation. "What's wrong, my dear?" he asked, slight concern etched on his face. Valentino just chuckled and stepped closer to me, a hungry look in his eyes. "Oh come on now, don't be like that."
"Can we go?" | asked quietly, tugging on Vox's sleeve. I knew the answer was no. Vox didn't care how I felt. I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing I had a way out.
Vox gently took my hand and led me towards the bed, his eyes never leaving mine. "Shh... just trust us, okay?" he whispered soothingly. Valentino's smirk only grew wider as he followed behind us.
"I trust you, just..." I felt his hands on me already and made a small whimpering noise in response. "Please."
Vox hesitated for a moment, but then he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Be a doll for us," he said softly, not a hint of regret in his voice. Just like that, the trigger phrase took effect, and I felt my resistance melt away.
"Okay," I said softly, my eyes glazing over. My body relaxed and I was all theirs. "Mmm," | mumbled, a dumbed out smile on my face. "I'm all yours."
Vox smiled at my response, his heart fluttering at my words. "That's right, doll," he said softly, his fingers tracing lightly along my skin. Valentino chuckled as he watched the scene unfold, his hands eagerly exploring my body.
"A little help?" I said, guiding Val's hands to my clothes. I was asking him to get me exactly how he wanted me- however he wanted, whatever his preference, I didn’t care. Something l'd never do if I were in my right mind. I started unbuttoning Vox's suit, desperate for him to join in. "I want to... how can I be the perfect doll for you?"
Vox grinned at my desperation, feeling his arousal spike at my touch. "Mmm, just like that," he purred, leaning in to capture my lips in a deep kiss. Val happily helped me undress, his hands roaming over my exposed skin.
I melted into his touch and kissed him back as best I could. It was only when Val started to slide off my underwear that it hit me. I flinched away, the soothing calm from before melting away (the trigger phrase only worked for so long, it'd have to be used repeatedly for a better effect) and panic filled its place.
My body never reacted the way they liked, I wasn't- usually Val lit a cigarette and blew smoke in my face to help. His spit was full of pheromones that worked as a powerful aphrodisiac, and that translated to the smoke pretty well. Right now, I didn't have any of that. I couldn't- I wasn’t- how was I supposed to please them when my body wouldn't cooperate?
Vox noticed my sudden panic and pulled back slightly. "What's wrong, doll?" he asked, raising a brow as he looked me up and down, trying to figure out what had happened. Val looked at me with confusion, not understanding why I was suddenly so tense.
"I- I can't," I said, pushing him away. The effect of the trigger phrase was lingering, making me want to please him, just unsure of how to. If he didn't use it again soon, l'd be back to normal, resisting everything they did.
I sat up properly and started rummaging through the nightstand, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of... something. It was called a love potion, but really, it was more of a glorified date rape drug. The only thing on my mind was my current lack of arousal, and how I could fix it.
"We have options," I said, my voice shaky. It hurt to think, I wished I could be a dumbed down sex doll right now. "I- I need some help. We could use the potion, Val's smoke or spit, Vox's hypnosis, or the trigger phrase." I shoved the pack of cigarettes and the bottle into their hands, trembling a little. it was clear I was already having second thoughts. "Do whatever you need, please. Please, I just- I just want to make you happy."
Vox smirked as he took the bottle and cigarettes from my trembling hands. He knew that deep down, I really did want to be their mindless sex doll, and he enjoyed teasing me with that desire. So, he stood there for a moment and waited.
"Please," I said again, more desperately. Pathetic. "I just want..." I trailed off, my mind becoming a bit more clear for a moment. My body wasn't reacting properly- I wasn't aroused or turned on by any of this- because I didn't want it. A fact I refused to accept when the trigger phrase, 'be a doll' was in effect, but it'd worn off now. Mostly.
I paused for a moment, my head still a little foggy, as I tried to figure out what I truly wanted. It felt nice to be theirs, not a thought in my head. It'd certainly be easier to deal with than this. Thinking was so much work. "Just... just fix me," I said thoughtlessly, the words slipping out before I could stop them.
“You're such a sweet little thing, aren't you?" Val asked, stroking my hair back from my forehead, his fingers gentle despite the hardness in his pants eyes.
"You really have no idea what you want, do you?" Vox chimed in, his voice dripping with amusement.
"N-no, I want... I want to be doing my work, in the office," | said, trying to move away. I wasn't even sure of that. "I... I don't want to be here, I don't want to have sex..." it was a struggle to even say it, I thought it was right but as the words came out I started to have second thoughts. I wished they'd make the decision for me, I wished they'd use the love potion or cigarettes or hypnosis or trigger phrase. Thinking was too difficult.
Being a doll was easy.
"Oh, but you want us, don't you?" Vox said, his voice low and sultry.
"You know how much we both love playing with you. And the trigger phrase makes it so easy for you to just… give in..." Val added, a hint of a smile on his lips. “Right, mi amorcita?”
"I... I don't know," | said quietly. I froze up, unable to make a decision for myself. It was something Vox had made sure of a long time ago- I always deferred to him and Valentino, I never made a choice on my own. At the end of the day, they had the last say in what happened to me, and I was always theirs to toy with. "Just... do whatever you want."
"Whatever we want, hmm?" Vox grinned, already ready to use the trigger phrase. "Be a doll and take off your clothes for us." He commanded, his voice firm but gentle at the same time.
Val grinned. “Be a good girl for papí,” he said, not liking to be upstaged.
I smiled dumbly as a wave of calm washed over me, making it hard to think. I mindlessly obliged, not that there was much else to do. Valentino had already taken off most of my clothes, so all I had to do was remove my bra and panties.
"Mmm... See, wasn't that easy?" Vox purred, his voice dripping with satisfaction. He took in my naked form with an appreciative gaze as Val began to touch my breasts gently, circling my nipples with his thumbs.
"Easy..." I repeated, with a small nod. "Can you... can you do it again? Please? It feels so good."
"Absolutely, darling." Vox nodded, a wicked smile playing at the corners of his lips. He repeated the trigger phrase, and I felt another wave of calmness wash over you. "Be a doll and let us play with you," he said.
"How do you like it?” Val asked, as a test. A good doll never made their own decision’s.
"However you do," I replied airily, deferring to him immediately. My words and my body's reaction didn't match, though. I'd do whatever they wanted, regardless. My hand slipped over to the love potion they'd set aside and I giggled lightly- the trigger phrase messing with my mind. "I wanna be perfect for you."
"Oh, how sweet of you," Vox chuckled, taking the love potion from my hand and giving it to Valentino. "We appreciate your dedication." They leaned in to kiss each other, then Val added a little something to the bottle. He moved his hands down to my hips, pulling me closer, then put the bottle to my lips.
I drank it without second thought, smiling lightly when I was done. I felt wonderfully warm, especially in my core. My thoughts were a dazed mess, but I didn't care. I didn't need to think anyway.
"Good girl," Vox praised, rubbing my back as the love potion took effect.
Valentino leaned in to kiss me, his tongue exploring my mouth as our bodies pressed together. "You're so perfect for us," he murmured.
"Mmn," I moaned, pressing into Val more desperately. They knew I had a praise kink. My pussy tightened and precum started to drip out and down my thighs.
"Look at how wet you're getting already," Vox purred in my ear, a finger teasingly rubbing at my entrance. "Would you like to be a good little sex doll for us, show us just how much you like being filled?"
"Yes," I mumbled, pouting for a moment when Val pulled away. It didn't last long when Vox began touching me. I pressed against him instead, though my hand was sloppily searching for Valentino. "Please... please, just give me something. Fingering... please daddy..."
"Look at how desperate she is," Val chuckled, moving back into my reach. "You want to be our little fuck toy, huh?" he asked, a hand running down my body to tease my already dripping wet folds.
"Yes, yes please," | said, my face only heating up a little. I was only slightly embarrassed. I just wanted to do whatever they wanted. I wanted them to please me, and I wanted to please them even more. "I want to be yours... please Daddy, please..."
"That's a good girl," Vox praised, his finger slipping inside of me with ease. "You're so tight and wet for us, aren't you? You want to be used for our pleasure?" he asked, sliding in and out of me at a leisurely pace.
"Mmm..." I moaned. "Yes, yes please. I want to be used, I want you to use me. Please use me..." It felt so good to be used. His fingers in me felt so nice. I didn't want to have a single thought in my head, not a single thought of my own.
"Fuck, she loves being a mindless little fucktoy," Val groaned, his own pleasure evident in his voice as he watched Vox finger me. "You want us to use all of your holes, don't you?”
"Yes... yes, pl- Mmngh... please, please..." I sighed and moaned as he touched me. I moved my hips a little and closed my eyes, desperate for anything they'd give me.
"Beg for it," Vox demanded, his fingers moving in and out of me faster now. "Beg us to use every single part of your body for our pleasure. Tell us how much you want to be our little fuckdoll."
"Mmngh... please, please, please use me... please daddy I just want to be yours..." I groaned, feeling myself nearing my climax. "Please make me into your mindless drooling fuckdoll, use me for whatever you want, please- please- mmmmn..."
"We will," Val promised, leaning in to kiss me deeply as Vox kept working his fingers in and out of my throbbing sex. "You're already completely addicted to the feeling of being stuffed full like the horny slut you are."
"Mmn.." I moaned and cummed all over Vox's hand, but tried to kiss Val back, desperate. I needed to make them happy. "Love you..."
"We love you too," Val said with a sickly smile, pulling back from the kiss and letting me catch my breath after my orgasm. "And now you're going to prove your love by making us cum with that talented little mouth of yours. Got it?"
"Yes, daddy," | mumbled, trying to get a hold of myself. I moved a little bit and frowned. A bit of dread was rising in me, and I couldn't understand why. I just- fuck, the effects were wearing off. "Vox," I said quietly- the first time l'd said his name since this whole thing started.
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Vox could tell a shift was happening in my mind and he knew he needed to act fast. "What's wrong, my sweet little fuckdoll? Do you need another dose?" He asked condescendingly, still trying to keep up the dominating persona.
"Yeah. I keep- I keep coming back," | said, not picking up on his tone. I was embarrassed now, feeling frustrated. "I can't- I don't want that. I don't want to go back to normal yet. Please fix me." Unfortunately the love potion wasn't potent enough for me (they used it so damn often I was building up an immunity) and I needed something more. I was only just beginning to get into my right mind, and I hated it. I desperately wanted to be mindless. In every sense of the word. I wanted him to fix me, to get rid of any other thoughts for good. "Do something please. Please."
Val quickly handed the vial of love potion over to Vox, who used his free hand to pull me in for a kiss. As he deepened the kiss, he slipped the love potion into my mouth, hoping it would be enough to keep me under his control. "Be a doll and stop thinking for the next few hours."
I relaxed immediately. I giggled a little and laid down on the bed, unable to hold myself up. "Thank you, Daddy," | mumbled with a dumb little smile. "Mm that feels so good. Do it again! I don't wanna take any chances, I wanna be perfect for you. Keep doing that! I wanna be your doll forever."
Vox couldn't help but smile at my response. "Of course, doll. I will always take care of you. I’ll always make sure you’re nice and perfectly mindless, the best doll you can be for me." He leaned down to kiss my forehead before commanding once again, "Be a doll and forget about any other thoughts or worries.”
"Mm..." | giggled lightly, feeling it all slip away. Perfect. "Keep going please... you're so good at this! You make me feel so nice."
Vox's smile grew wider as he continued to use the trigger phrase and his hypnosis to keep me in a state of blissful obedience and ignorance. He loved seeing me so relaxed and willing to do anything he and Valentino asked of me.
"Now repeat after me," Valentino said with a grin. “‘I want to suck dick so good for you, daddy.’”
"Mm, I wanna suck dick so good for you, daddy," | mumbled dumbly. I was basically an object at this point, not that I minded. I felt so good, I was filled with pleasure. "Please let me suck your dick."
“We just finished that part!” Val laughed at my words, feeling himself growing harder in response. He grinned- Vox and him had just been using the trigger phrase to get me to suck Val off perfectly and I couldn’t remember a single bit of it! All because they’d told me to forget. I was so deliciously easy to use to him, and he couldn’t get it off his mind as he cleaned himself up.
"Always so eager, doll." Vox praised, stepping closer and unzipping his pants to free his throbbing member. "Be a good girl and suck it, just like that."
I opened my mouth and he thrust it in without remorse. I gagged and nearly choked, but obliged anyway. It should've been painful- it was painful, but I didn't notice. I felt too good to notice. I sucked on his dick, feeling even better since I was doing as I was told. Being obedient felt so nice...
Vox groaned at the feeling of my warm, wet mouth around him, my tongue swirling and teasing at his tip. He couldn't help but thrust his hips, fucking my mouth and throat as he watched me obediently suck him off.
"Mmn." I moaned around him, the weight of him in me felt amazing. I could hardly breathe but I didn't care. I felt Val come up behind me and run his hands along my body and it only made me feel better. He squeezed my breasts, then tilted my head up so Vox's dick could slide in even more. My eyes rolled back with pleasure, I could tell Vox was close to his peak.
Val took the opportunity to squeeze my breasts more, kneading and teasing them as he watched me moan around Vox's dick. He leaned down and whispered in your ear, "Be a doll, a good girl for papí and make him cum. I want to see you take it all."
I made a small noise that sounded like a whimper, but that quickly turned into another moan. Moments later, Vox cummed in my mouth. He filled me up, choking me, but I didn't move. Val had told me to take it all, so I did. For him. The pleasure that came with doing as I was told overrode the discomfort.
Vox let out a low groan as he came, filling my mouth with his hot load. He held onto the back of my head, watching as I obediently swallowed every drop. Val chuckled and ran his fingers through my hair, "Good girl. See how easy that was?”
"So easy," | tried to say. It came out as an incoherent noise, with Vox still in me. I groaned, drool leaking out of my mouth the longer he kept his dick in it.
Vox smirked at my muffled response, then pulled out slowly, letting me breathe properly again. Val took a moment to admire the sight of me, with cum dribbling down the corner of my mouth and my hair in a mess from their rough handling.
I felt dizzy. My head was spinning but I wanted more, I was ready for another round. I struggled to stay up on my own, but I was desperate to be a good doll so I tried. I'd let them use me for as long as they wanted, even if I ended up passing out. "Mmn..."
At my incoherent sounds and desperate gaze, Vox gave a chuckle and pulled me up, supporting my weakened body as he turned me towards him again. "Looks like someone wants more, hmm?"
"Mm... yes," | managed to get out, my voice hoarse. I gave him a weak smile.
That weak smile sent lust surging anew in Vox, his possessive gaze raking over every inch of my exposed skin. "Such a good doll," he purred, his fingers trailing along the curve of my waist as he lowered his mouth to yours.
I pressed my lips to his and kissed him as best I could. My mouth still tasted like his cum, a bit of Valentinos lingering too. Not that I could tell the difference.
Vox deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping into my mouth and taking in the taste of himself that lingered on my lips. He moaned softly, savoring the flavor before pulling back and pressing a tender kiss to my forehead. "Feeling any better?" he asked with a smirk.
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"Feeling great," | said breathlessly. I could hardly keep my eyes open, I was tired, blissed out and fucked out. "Please keep using me."
Vox's smirk widened at my words, a thrill of satisfaction running through him as he ran his hands down my back. "Glad to hear it," he purred, turning to Val who was watching with hunger in his eyes. "Seems like our little doll needs some more attention.”
I let myself lay down on the bed, since neither of them were holding me up and I could hardly do it myself. I didn't care how they wanted me, so long as they were happy. "All yours," I mumbled dumbly. I couldn't think at all. I just knew I felt good and it was because of them.
Vox chuckled at my words, a wicked glint in his eyes. "All mine?" he repeated, leaning down to toy with the nipples he had so recently sucked on, giving them a gentle squeeze. "Well then, I suppose I'll just have to keep using you."
"Yes please," | said with a smile. I moved a little, but not much. I couldn't really manage to. "Do whatever you want. I just want to please you both."
Vox's grin grew wider at my eager words, letting go of my nipples to stand up and gaze down at me. "Whatever I want, huh?" he mused, tapping his screen thoughtfully. "Well, there is something I've been wanting to try,"
"Mm," | mumbled. I gave him a slight nod, despite not knowing what it was he wanted to do. I was about to pass out, but I didn't care. If they wanted to use me- whether I was conscious or not- I didn't care.
Vox's eyes lit up at my eager nod, before he glanced over at Val. "Looks like she's ready," he said, grabbing the ropes that they had brought in earlier and using them to bind my wrists to the bedpost.
"Hmm.. ah, you're so pretty," I said with a small giggle. I closed my eyes as they worked, and fell asleep for a short time.
Val chuckled at my words, shaking his head slightly. "Sleep tight, mi querida," he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead as they continued to tie me up.
Once they were finished, Vox climbed onto the bed and straddled my chest, looking down at me with a curious smile.
Val glanced down at me, noticing that I was still fast asleep. He smirked and looked over at Vox, motioning for him to get off. "She's out for the count," he said in a low voice.
"I know! She’s adorable. Did you see how fucked up she was? It gets better every time,” Vox said, looking over me. "She said she was okay with this. I think she can take it."
“What do you have in mind, cariño?”
Vox smiled, crawling onto the bed and positioning himself next to me. "Well, we could start with a little teasing," he suggested, reaching down and using his fingers to lightly graze my inner thigh. "She does look so pretty while she sleeps."
"Teasing? Why would we do that when we can fuck her however we want?" Val asked with a grin. "C'mon Voxxy, I know you're dying to do it. You have access to all her pretty little holes, you’ve gotta try something."
Vox shook his head and laughed. “What? No way, I just had a round, it’s your turn.”
Val chuckled, unable to resist the temptation any longer. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Be a doll, and spread your legs for me, sweetheart." I moved a little, but it was hard to do much when I was asleep. He used his hands to gently spread my legs apart the rest of the way, giving him full access to my most intimate areas. I didn't wake up, I was still out cold.
"There we go," Vox said full of approval. He was cradling my head in his lap, toying with my hair as he watched Val work.
Val slowly started to tease my lips, his fingers gliding over my sensitive skin. He then inserted a finger, crooking it and causing it to hit that special spot inside of me. He let out a breathy moan, enjoying the sensation of my warm walls wrapping around his finger.
my breath hitched slightly but I continued to sleep, unbothered as warmth and pleasure spread through me.
Val continued to finger me, using his other hand to explore my folds and tease my clit. He gradually increased the tempo and intensity of his movements, causing me to moan softly in my sleep. Vox watched with a satisfied grin on his face, enjoying seeing me so relaxed and satisfied.
My mouth was open, eyes closed, drool pooling onto him as Val continued. I moved a little and cummed, but never woke- I was a heavy sleeper. Especially after being fucked out of my mind- in trance and drugged up the whole time, no less.
Val chuckled softly at how deeply I was sleeping. He pulled his finger out of me, sucking it clean with a satisfied hum. Vox then leaned forward, whispering the trigger phrase ‘be a doll’ into my ear, telling me to wake up.
"Mm." | mumbled lightly, a small smile on my face as my eyes fluttered open. I was only partially awake. "Hmm? Whasa haplening?" | asked groggily, carefree.
Vox grinned, happy to see I was okay and unbothered. "We were just having a little fun with you, my dear. Why don't you stay asleep and let us continue?" He gently stroked my cheek, encouraging me to close my eyes again.
"Mmkay." I said, closing my eyes. "I love you..." I murmured. I was asleep again within moments, perfectly relaxed and happy.
“We love you too, doll," He whispered back, before leaning down to place a gentle kiss on my forehead. Vox and Val continued their fun, taking turns with me as I slept soundly in their arms.
"She's so cute when she's disoriented," Val said smugly, moving to switch places with Vox. "What are you gonna do now?"
"I think it's time for me to take over, my love." Vox said, as he took Val's place between my legs. He smiled down at me, gently brushing a strand of hair out of my face. "Be a doll, and spread your legs for me."
"Mm." I made a slight protest, then tried to fall back into whatever dream I was experiencing. I shifted my legs back open, like they were before Vox had originally woken me. He had quite the view now.
Vox took advantage of the opportunity, slowly sliding himself inside of me as he caressed my thighs. "That's it, doll. Just relax and let me take care of you." He whispered, before beginning to move in and out of me at a steady pace.
"Can't sleep..." | mumbled, opening my eyes a little. They were still glazed over, I was still under his and Val's control, willing to be a good doll. I just needed a little help falling asleep for good again. Vox was busy moving in and out of me, so I glanced at Valentino.
"Baaabbbee," | groaned, letting my eyes fall shut, I tried to reach for him. I was unsuccessful but the message was clear: I wanted him to put me to sleep.
"Allow me to help, mi amorcita." Val said with a coy smile, before he leaned down and kissed me deeply. He then pulled away, before wiping the excess saliva from my lips, and making sure that a substantial enough amount had dripped onto my tongue for it to work.
"Mm, thank you..." I giggled a little, then I was out cold again.
Vox chuckled at my response before picking up the pace in his thrusts, his hands gripping onto my hips as he plowed into me with more force. He watched with a smirk, as Val joined in, kissing and biting at any bit of skin he could get his mouth on.
I moaned lightly in my sleep, nearing my peak. I cummed again- Vox's cock still inside me- but didn't wake up.
"There she goes again." Vox smirked as he reached his own peak shortly after I did, his cum filling me up as he continued to thrust a few more times, making sure to coat my insides fully with his seed. Motherfucker was thorough.
"You're making a mess," Val noted, a grin on his face. "You want another round or can I eat her out?"
Vox grinned at the idea, looking down at me before pulling himself out completely, still letting a bit of his cum drip out of me as he took stood. "Why not both?"
"Oh? how do you plan on fucking her when I'm sticking my tongue in her folds, hm?" Val asked, as he positioned himself near my entrance.
Vox's grin grew wider, "Double penetration." He said, simply. It’d make it so they could fuck me at the same time, though Val would only get a taste after. He pulled Val in for a quick kiss, then dropped his voice to sound sultry. "That work for you?"
"Will it wake her?" Val asked. he seemed pleasantly surprised by the idea. "I like when she's like this. I want to see what we can do before she wakes on her own."
"I think I have just the thing." Vox said confidently, getting out more rope. Well, it was cables. Apparently they were more efficient- likely because he could control them. He tied me up expertly, ensuring I’d be in a good position for them. “She's not going to wake anytime soon. She’s going to like it, trust me."
"I know," he said, watching Vox carefully. "Just don’t try to substitute me with a sex toy," Valentino said with a pout. (Reference to the brat!reader fic I wrote a while back)
Vox chuckled, “I won’t! I'm just adding to the fun. You know how much she loves it when we take turns with her." He said, as he moved behind me and gently pushed himself inside me, alongside Valentino's cock. "See, she's loving it."
My breath hitched and I groaned. "Mmmn." I moaned in my sleep, tension leaving my body.
"Told you she would love it." Vox said, smirking at Valentino as he started thrusting. "Let's see how many times we can make her cum before she wakes up."
Three times. The answer was three. I woke up as I was cumming for the fourth time. "Mmngh." I moaned and moved a little, opening my eyes. "What the..?"
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Valentino and Vox both grinned at me as they continued to thrust. "We were just testing out a new technique." Val said, biting his lip as he looked at me.
Vox added, "You seemed to like it. We lost count of how many times you came."
"How did you even get me in this position?" | asked groggily. Bondage and magic, that was the answer. "I wanna sleeeep," | groaned. the effects of everything from earlier had worn off and I was returning to normal. I wasn't going to be happy for much longer.
"You were already asleep, we just placed you in the right position." Vox said, shrugging. "And we can very much make you our fucktoy for as long as we want. You won't be able to deny our orders with that trigger phrase in your head."
"Vooooxxxx..." it was meant to be a whine but quickly turned to a moan as I started cumming again.
"I think she likes it." Val commented, smirking. Vox leaned down to whisper in my ear.
"Be a doll and keep cumming for us. Don’t bother trying to stop it. Just let us make you feel good."
"Mmggh," | mumbled, my eyes closing again as sense of calm washed over me. I kept orgasaming, tears pricking my eyes. I was absolutely helpless and in pain, but I didn't even try to resist.
"That's it, doll." Val said, watching me with a hungry gaze. "You're going to keep cumming until we tell you to stop." Vox used his powers to keep me going, and it wasn't long before I was a sobbing mess.
"V-vox..." | cried, my voice small and quiet. It was the best I could do- begging was the only thing I could do. I couldn't defy them outright in any way.
"You want us to stop, doll?" Vox asked coyly. My eyes widened and my tears fell harder. I shook my head, unable to form words. "Good girl."
Val watched with a grin on his face. I could only make small noises, desperately.
"You like that, don't you?" Val asked, grinning down at me. "You love being our little doll, letting us play with you however we want." He was confident, enjoying every moment. "Say it."
"N-no," I mumbled. I wished I did. I wished they'd use Vox's hypnosis or Valentinos spit or the trigger phrase so I could go back to being a mindless fucktoy without any worries.
"No?" Vox asked, surprised. "You don't like it when we call you our little doll?" He used the trigger phrase again, to make me more compliant. He was getting tired of this. I moaned, my resistance fading away for a moment.
"See, you love it." Val smirked as he watched me struggle with my conflicting desires.
"S-st-stop," | said, a few tears slipping down my face as I cummed again. I wanted them to stop, to get their dicks out of me. I needed a break, at the very least. I couldn't bring myself to ask for one.
"Aww, poor little doll. Are you in pain?" Val asked mockingly.
Vox furrowed his brow, trying to figure out why the trigger phrase hadn’t been working as well as it usually did. Then it hit him. It’s because I was in actual pain- it relied entirely on me being pliant, and pain made me anything but that. He pulled out of me and leaned down to kiss my tears away, murmuring sweet words in my ear. "Shh, it's okay. You're doing so well."
"Too much," | mumbled, slumping against him. The moment the pain was gone, I was all theirs again. I relaxed and in my desperation for comfort, let the trigger phrase work its magic. I nuzzled against him, the last few tears slipping down my cheeks as I closed my eyes. "Did I make you feel good?"
"You were perfect, as always," Vox murmured, cuddling me closer and kissing my forehead. "You make us so happy, our little doll. Now, let's get you cleaned up and then maybe we can play with some toys."
"I got a few new dildos and vibrators- the handcuffs are, unfortunately, still in the mail..." Val said. He didn't understand the sudden shift in mood but he was doing his best to keep up. "What? I wasn't going to break her, why'd we stop?" He asked Vox, whispering in his ear so I couldn't hear.
"Because she looked like she was in pain, and I didn't want to hurt her," Vox whispered back, looking over at me with a soft expression. "But maybe she wants it rougher? We could try that next time, if you want.”
"She likes it rough," Val said, recalling one of our previous sessions. "Maybe she was overwhelmed? we have been fucking her all night..." I made a small noise and held Vox tighter for a moment, before loosening my grip as I leaned against him. I was falling asleep again.
"That's true, she does like it rough. Maybe she was just tired from all the excitement," Vox said, rubbing my back soothingly. "Let's get her to bed and let her rest, we can continue our fun later."
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"Like rest-rest, or rest while we fuck her?" he saw the look on Vox's face and nodded. "Right. actual rest. got it. can I clean her up, though? Please? There's cum everywhere, I promise I'll be gentle."
"Sure, you can clean her up," Vox said, nodding. "Just be gentle, she's had a long night." Val nodded eagerly and started to clean me up with his tongue, gently licking and sucking on my skin.
I moaned lightly and smiled. "You're so nice..." I said with a small laugh. I was out of it, completely. I played with the antennas on his head and spread my legs wider so he had easier access as I leaned against Vox.
"I'm always nice, especially when it comes to you, mi querida," Val said with a smile, continuing to clean me up. He shivered as I played with the antennas on his head, a small jolt of pleasure shooting through him. "You like those, huh?"
"Mhm," I said with a nod. "They're pretty."
"Thank you," Val said with a grin, leaning in to give me a soft kiss on the lips. "I'm glad you like them." He then went back to cleaning me up, making sure every trace of cum was gone. He then looked up at Vox and gave him a smirk.
"Are you done?" | asked, opening my eyes a little once it'd been awhile since l'd felt him. I spotted him on the other side of the room, putting on some fresh clothes. "Nooo, come back," | whined, reaching for him. he'd only gotten on his underwear so far. I glanced up at Vox, who was holding me. "I want cuddles. I'm tired. and cold. and I love you both."
"Don't worry, I'll keep you warm," Vox said with a grin, leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek before pulling me into his arms. He cuddled me close, rubbing my back to warm me up.
"I think some clothes would help you both," Val said, tossing some on the bed. Underwear for both of us and matching shark onesies.
I was delighted. "Awww, thank you!” I sat up a little to try to get dressed, but I was slow and uncoordinated. It'd be easier with help, but I hadn't quite processed that yet.
"Let me help you with that," Val said, smiling as he moved over to me and kneeled down. He helped me put on my underwear and then slipped the onesie over my head, adjusting it so that it fit perfectly. "There you go. You look adorable.”
"Thank you,” I said with a smile, as he brought me back onto the bed. Vox was now dressed, wearing his matching shark onesie. I curled up next to him and motioned for Val to join us.
"Of course," Val said with a smile, spreading his wings and wrapping them around us all and curling up against me. Vox wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. The three of us lay there in bed, cuddling and warming up.
I mumbled something incoherent and giggled. I planted a few kisses on Vox's chest, then closed my eyes, already drifting off to sleep again.
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crudely-drawn-ben · 2 months
Introducing Trilogy
Yesterday I released Trilogy, a new tabletop RPG crafted to support you in having grand adventures in worlds of your own making.
There are several reasons I started writing Trilogy, but the biggest one is that I ran a Dungeon World podcast called Crudely Drawn Swords for seven years and that was a lot of time to think about what we were playing. To a degree Trilogy is the game I wish that we could have had to run the podcast.
Starting from the question "what would a purely PbtA game for epic fantasy look like?" I started thinking more widely - what do I want from a fantasy game? And the truth is that I want a game that supports the structure of characters and their interactions but doesn't tie itself to a specific setting.
Trilogy begins with The Appendices - conventionally in epic fantasy these are at the end and document information about the wider world that might not have made it into the story, but here it is where you sit down as a group and decide what tone you want your game to have, and your world looks like. What kind of place is it? What magic is there? What is religion like? What are the major cultures where the story begins? How would it feel to be in this world? Trilogy doesn't tell you any of these things, it gives you the tools to think through how you want your world to look.
This creates a secondary challenge - without knowing what the world looks like, how could I design character classes for this type of game? Trilogy answers this by going back to the fundamentals - instead of a conventional character class, the playbooks in Trilogy represent a narrative arc. Some of them, like The Fighter, The Priest, or The Magus, look like familiar classes. Others, such as The Volunteer, The Mentor, The Weapon, or The Defeated, are a little different. Character arcs have a set of turning points, story beats that allow you to advance along your arc after you have collected a certain amount of experience. Some are positive and others negative, you choose which ones you want to hit and when, but every character's story has its highs and lows and to get the most from the game you need to lean into both. A character can pass through three arcs as they grow and change, like the three volumes of a trilogy.
The aim of the game is to create a slower but satisfying sense of progression - instead of hit points characters take Stress and Harm like in other Powered by the Apocalypse games that can have both mechanical and narrative effects. That makes combat feel dangerous, but the game also offers more ways to solve problems without getting into combat - I have played games where the player characters never got into a fight, instead resolving confrontations through an ingenious selection of alternative strategies including "lying" and "vomiting magic ink all over the floor." I'm genuinely enthusiastic about this game - I think I would be as excited about it if somebody else had written it. It leans hard into the joy of discovery and the excitement of adventure - you can play it as spooky and whimsical or gritty and hard-edged and anywhere in between.
Because I was writing it I even got to make most of the examples of play roll out as the story of someone's game, something I always appreciate when I read it. It also contains every technique I use as a GM in the hope that even before people get the chance to play it (heaven forbid any TTRPG afficionado have books we haven't got around to playing yet!) people who read it will still be able to use that advice in their other games. So that's Trilogy, the game I've been working on for the last few years. I think it's pretty great and I hope you will too:
Obviously it's a full-priced game and that's a big gamble from an unfamiliar creator - if you want an idea of what it's like in practice we've got the CDS team back together and we're starting a streamed campaign so you have a chance to see it in action. You can find that over on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxpXacko9Nc
The first episode includes me notably failing to use OBS at both the beginning and end, and I can't make any promises things will improve in that regard, but it should be a good opportunity to see how the game shapes up from this start and with this crew I know it's going to be funny and take some wild swings. If you're interested in reviewing Trilogy or you really want to give it a try but you can't afford it, drop me a message
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justa-fanfic-writer · 1 month
Suprise adoption
Summary: You came back home with a few bruises and some scars while carrying a small child that looked like him. Now you both are parents to said child.
Pairing: Domestic Mihawk x Male Reader
Content warning: None
Genre: Fluff
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It was a quiet evening, birds chirping, trees swaying a bit from the wind it was a perfect day to relax and do nothing.
Mihawk was reading the news to see if there was anything interesting happening while drinking black coffee.
Mihawk heard the door slam open, and he already knew who it was. It was his husband [Reader] who was screaming his name with excitement, running towards him with a wide grin while holding something or someone.
Mihawk wasn't phased when he saw him until he saw his husband holding something behind his back he took a good look at it, and it was a child...? Mihawk raised one of his eyebrows and asked what he was holding behind his back and than [Reader] smiled even wider and showed him what it is and spoke.
"Look, Mihawk, I kidnapped found a child when i was exploring egghead Island, and he looks just like you! isn't he just adorable? Let's adopt him!"
The child was stoically looking at him while crossing his arms together, demanding why he was taken here.
Mihawk looking at said child and to put it frankly, not surprised at the slightest he had a pink bubblegum goth and a moss headed swordsman who had no sense of directions dropped at his and your castle out of the blue so he didn't care if there was another one coming to freeload at his home again.
He was amused by your enthusiasm when you wanted to adopt him, oh well. Whatever his love wants, he will get and do no questions asked. (Wish I had a lover like him fr)
After you had forcibly adopted the seraphim child, you and Mihawk took care of him as if he were your actual child. The little hawk was warming up to you both quickly and started to see you both as his parent figures, and he even called Mihawk and You, his dad, and Papa!
Nothing really changed that much, except you both now have a bio-engineered seraphim child that had an unfathomable amount of strength, but what's the worst that can happen?
First order of business, You and Mihawk had started working on the murder tendencies that Vegapunk had put on the child instead of wanting to murder everything as if that would solve all problems.
Second order of business try to give the said murder tendency child a normal childhood like like giving him wooden toy swords or a plushie and not make the child feel as if his an object.
Mihawk is a dad by nature he even has the skills and reflexes to prove it too.
Mihawk wouldn't be the spoiling type of parent if anything discipline would be high on his list of parenting the child you're probably gonna be the one who would spoil the child because I mean how could you say no to the little baby-hawk hm? Or not who knows.
Mihawk is a quiet man, and so is the child. While baby-hawk doesn't always communicate verbally, he makes up by doing gestures like holding up books for You to read to him or tugging You or Mihawk's leg to point or say if he wants something.
Now imagine this scenario.
it's just that You and Mihawk are asleep cuddling in bed, and then you both wake up to mini-hawk, turning on the lights.
You groggily rubbed your eyes, and Mihawk was a little irritated that mini-hawk woke you both up, and then you asked mini-hawk why he woke you both up and than he said.
"I want to sleep with Dad and Papa"
Mini-hawk said stoically while keeping a serious face on and holding his favorite toy sword you bought for him.
You then cooed at the child and scooted over and patted the bed, letting him sleep in the middle, and You and Mihawk started sleeping while also cuddling the child in the middle just a happy gothic family bond.
All in all, it was just You, Mihawk, and your little child goth, and he wanted nothing more than that.
The world's strongest swordsman, the cute house husband, and the little baby swordsman, what a chaotic yet beautiful happy family, and they wouldn't have it any other way.
Sorry if it's short. This is all I could think of...
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