#because everyone is always baffled when they find out it’s vegetarian
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Thinking about how I started making/bringing my own vegetarian main to Christmas at my parents a few years ago because they couldn’t see to grasp that “potatoes and the side veg are vegetarian” doesn’t exactly make a meal and every year since then my main has always been gone by the end of the night because it’s always delicious and everyone likes it.
#just makes me giggle#because everyone is always baffled when they find out it’s vegetarian#it’s not hard to make good vegetarian food!
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Stuck at a Vampire Dinner Party (M)
When you first applied to be a vampire’s secretary a year ago, you didn’t think you would be spending a night pretending to be his toy (。◕‿◕。✿) M for smut.
You stifled a yawn as you cleared another email from the inbox. Only 10 more to go for tonight. Sometimes, it baffled you how many corporate emails a vampire lord could receive. In the 9 months that you’ve worked as Kai’s secretary, you’d probably replied to more emails than was healthy for an average human being.
Rubbing your eyes under your glasses, you took another sip of your tea and went back to the inbox. You had to blink twice when you suddenly saw that there was a new message in the Deleted folder. You never deleted a new message. No emails got past your eyes and straight to the Trash.
Curious, you clicked into the folder and found an invite.
For a vampire council function. You glanced down at your calendar.
Next week.
Immediately, you picked up your phone, going straight to the video chat function with Kai.
“C’mon. Pick up...” you muttered, tapping your foot impatiently.
Finally, your call was answered, but the screen was black.
The grunt on the other end was sleepy. Weird. You thought Kai didn’t sleep.
Whatever. At least he was there.
“Kai, did you see this?” You flipped your phone camera around to show him the email.
Another grunt, this time in acknowledgement.
You turned the camera back to your face again and gave him an incredulous look. “Why was it deleted? Why didn’t you tell me about it? You need to go!” The vampire council was an important group of leaders, and Kai had only recently been appointed. He needed to attend to keep up with appearances.
“Scroll down to the bottom,” he said, sounding like he couldn’t care less about this email.
You did as he said, scanning the text quickly.
“Formal attire...Vegetarian menu available...Human guests encouraged...” Nothing seemed off. “I don’t get it. It sounds like a regular party to me.”
Kai’s face suddenly appeared on the screen along with his signature glare. You tried not to gasp as you looked lower and realized he was half-naked and in bed. He was your boss, yes, but that didn’t mean you didn’t find him attractive. Deep down, you knew that if he had asked you to get on your knees, you’d probably do it with a goofy smile on your face.
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out as you felt your face get hotter. “Were you sleeping?” Sure, it was only his collarbones you were seeing, but they were a nice set of collarbones and they were giving you dirty thoughts already.
“No, I don’t sleep.” You knew that, but he said the fact with a smirk anyway. “Just...relaxing.”
“Shirtless?” you couldn’t help but ask. You had only ever seen him in a suit and tie, never anything casual.
His smirk grew into a smile and you had to look away for a second before you swooned. “And pantless. Why, is it suddenly illegal to be naked in my own house?”
You shouldn’t have asked. Pressing the back of your hand to your cheek to try and cool it down, you veered the topic to the important subject at hand. “You need to attend this function, Kai. It’s in your best interests. I don’t see why you wouldn’t.”
“Because it says ‘Human guests encouraged.’“
You looked at the email and then back at his face on the screen. “And?”
“That means they’re mandatory.”
You waved a hand in the air. “Then bring a human guest!” you said as if it were the most obvious statement in the world. Because it was, was it not?
He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up. “It’s not that simple, sugar. When humans are added to the mix, it can turn into a different kind of event. The council will be too distracted to have any meaningful discussions. They will simply go into a bloodlust orgy and compete to see who can suck the most amount of humans that night without killing a single one.”
Your body temperature dropped a few degrees at the thought. “Oh.” You knew where you stood on vampires treating humans as playthings, and Kai mirrored many of your views. That was one of the reasons you were comfortable applying for this position.
“And you know I don’t like to mess around with humans, let alone tolerate one sitting beside me for a whole night,” he added with a grimace.
“Oh.” You licked your lips, trying not to let the words hurt you. You knew he was speaking broadly because he had had bad experiences with humans in the past. Kai only ever drank packaged animal blood now, delivered from a farm close to the city.
You just wished that sometimes he saw you as more than just a mere human.
You shook your head, ridding it of negative thoughts. He was your employer. It didn’t matter what he thought of you because at the end of the day, he was simply the writer of your paycheques.
It didn’t matter that he couldn’t stand being around your people.
“But what about your position?” you asked. “Will it be affected if you’re a no-show?”
He gave a slight shrug and looked away from the camera, distant. “Who knows? We’ll wait and see, I guess.”
You furrowed your brows. Wait and see? After all these months of fighting for the position? “Kai...”
“There’s not much else we can do,” he said with a sigh. “I’m not bringing some stranger I can’t trust to an important function, and where am I going to get an agreeable human anyway?”
You tapped your foot, an idea popping into your head. It was a good idea, but also a terrifying one. “How about I be your plus-one?” Your voice was soft, almost meek.
But he heard it. He froze, making you think the video chat had stopped working. “What?”
“I’ll be your human. You tolerate me just fine, don’t you? And I know how the vampire council works. I know to follow the rules.”
“Sugar,” his voice was low as he growled the name he gave you. He liked to call a few people certain names, and you didn’t mind that he called you something sweet and simple. “It can get dangerous, especially if you’ve never been bitten before.”
Kai had told you that virgin blood was always the most enticing, which was why he fitted you with a pair of earrings that warded off other vampires from the smell of your neck. “It’s okay. I’ll have my earrings and I won’t let anyone near me. You’ll be with me too, right?”
His lips were thin with defiance. How to convince him that he needed to attend this?
“You can’t risk your position this early on in the game. They’ll do anything to take you down.” Kai’s views of harmony between vampires and humans weren’t shared by everyone on the council. There were those that tolerated humans like Kai did, and then there were others that hated everything about humans. “I like my position as your secretary. If you lose your position, I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep my job.”
He ran a hand through his hair again and you knew you had won. If Kai didn’t hold his seat on the council, he would lose all campaign money and he would not have a need for a secretary at all. “Fine,” he bit out, “but only because you agreed to this. Accept the invitation and we’ll discuss the rules next week.”
You almost clapped with glee as you clicked the Accept button in the email. As a human, you always found vampires interesting. Though it was risky walking into a party full of vampires, it was going to satisfy a hundred curious questions you had not dared ask Kai. “See you Monday!” You waved goodbye at the screen.
Kai only snorted. “Goodnight, sugar.”
You looked down at the dress again. You knew the rules but how strict were they actually? Kai made it seemed like they were more important than the bible.
“Wear red. Hands on your lap at all times. No speaking unless I say so.”
It sounded less and less appealing the more rules he rattled off. Wear red? You hated red. It brought so much attention to your body and hid nothing. You were used to wearing frumpy hoodies to hide all the lumps and rolls on your body. The closest to business-formal you wore was an all-black suit and pants.
Black was easy. It hid you in the shadows and the darkness. Nobody noticed how big you were compared to other girls.
But red? Red was...jarring to look at in the mirror.
Still, all the humans were supposed to wear red. You just wished you were smaller like the others.
You pushed up your glasses and wondered if you should trade them for contacts before you left. But Kai had said to avoid prolonged eye contact with any member of the council, so you decided to wear your glasses for now, until you had to sit down for dinner where you could take them off and not make direct eye contact with anybody as you ate blindly.
Yes, perfect plan.
A knock came from your apartment door and your heart fluttered for a second. You told yourself to stay calm as you grabbed your clutch and slipped on your little heels. Taking a deep breath, you pulled open the door.
You couldn’t meet Kai’s eyes, not when he stood there looking so handsome in a black suit that matched his black hair. As you turned to lock your door, you caught a bit of his cologne that even smelled expensive. The thought made you feel like a cheap sausage.
“Why do you look so uncomfortable?”
You frowned. That was his first sentence to you? Not even a hello, how are you?
Turning back around, ready to give Kai an earful, you saw that he was genuinely curious. His head was tilted to the side and he had his hands in his pockets, all casual.
Your shoulders slumped under the weight of looking subpar. “I don’t like wearing red. It feels weird. I’m going to meet all these people looking like an overstuffed sausage casing. Why wouldn’t I look uncomfortable?”
Kai’s fingers suddenly came up to caress your chin, forcing you to look at him. “But you’re going to be my date tonight, and we’re going to meet dozens of vampires. If you show no fear, they will not bother you.” He gave a smirk, showing off one of his fangs as he glanced down to your overflowing chest. “So shoulders back. I find that I am suddenly craving a bit of pepperoni.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful smack on the arm as you followed him into the elevators.
He threw his head back in a laugh as he led you down to the parking garage. “What? Maybe some salami?”
“I’ll shove a salami up your ass if you don’t start driving in the next thirty seconds,” you said, slipping into the passenger seat and pulling the door closed.
When he began rummaging through the glove compartment instead of driving, you furrowed your brows.
“I want you to put these on.” He handed you a velvet box that looked as expensive as the box that contained the earrings he gave you months ago.
Opening it, you saw that it was a set of jewellery: one necklace, and four bangles. “For me?” You had already accessorized to the best of your abilities, trying to match the glass drop earrings, but these were a perfect set.
“The necklace for extra protection around your neck, and the bracelets are for your wrists and ankles.”
You nodded and snapped everything on quickly so that the two of you could leave sooner than later. You hated being late. “Is this okay?” you asked, bringing the glass drop down to sit right at the tip of your cleavage.
You tried not to melt under Kai’s watchful eyes. Even when he wasn’t trying, he held such an intense gaze. “Good,” he murmured.
“Good?” you teased. “You could at least say that I look like an expensive piece of uncomfortable salami.”
“Put your shoulders back.”
You did, and you noticed it made your chest pop forward too. You tried your best to keep your hands from coming up to cover the front.
“Perfect.” His eyes caught yours as he looked up from your necklace. “Now you look like you belong at a vampire’s dinner.”
His words made you shiver.
It seemed it didn’t matter if you wore your glasses or even if you spent an extra 15 minutes getting your eyeliner drawn straight, because you were handed a lacy blindfold the moment you stopped at the front gates of the property. The security guard there said all humans were to wear it for the duration of the night unless directed otherwise by the property owner.
That meant you were clinging to Kai’s arms all night. Through the lace, you could see a few blobs here and there, but no distinct faces. You were thankful that everyone was seated soon after arrival, as there seemed to be a presentation starting. The only issue was that there didn’t seem to be seats for humans. All human women sat in their vampire males’ laps, and the few female vampires sat in the laps of their human men.
You gingerly sat on Kai’s knee until he slung an arm around your waist, pulling you closer so he could bring his seat in.
“Kai,” you whispered as everyone else got settled. “I don’t want to squish you.”
“Shh.” He kept his arm around you and looked to the screen.
You couldn’t see the slides that were passing on the screen, but you understood what they were talking about. The council was deciding whether or not to send more men to help with the war on the other side of the country. There, the werewolves had enslaved the population—vampires and humans alike—and the human government was doing little to stop it. There was not much they could do, not when the werewolves had such a strong leader who threatened to take over the entire continent.
When the speaker began listing off casualties, you couldn’t help but grab Kai’s wrist. So many humans, so many vampires, all innocent, were losing their lives.
Kai spread his hand open, lacing his fingers between yours before he cleared his throat.
Silence filled the air and you had a prickling feeling that everyone was looking your way.
“What about the ships and planes we sent to bring back civilians?”
You bit your lip as the council mulled over Kai’s question. It was an idea that you had offered Kai early on, when he had first told you about the war efforts, and after the council had approved it, you had not heard many updates at all.
A burly voice came from the front. “The first plane is set to arrive back in three days at Port Landly. It is only carrying human women and children, and we’ll have them in quarantine until we know there is no indication of the werewolf virus. Female vampires will be next on the list.”
You breathed out a small sigh of relief as Kai rubbed little circles on your hip, soothing your nerves bit by bit. He knew this was important to you, and you squeezed his hand in gratitude.
The rest of the meeting went by smoothly, except for one moment when two council members argued over the amount of resources that should be given to those being brought in from the war.
But it was all forgotten when dinner arrived.
You couldn’t see what was being served, but you could smell the spices, the juicy meat, the roasted vegetables. Your stomach growled only loud enough for Kai to hear, thankfully, and you couldn’t wait to dig in.
He gave a low chuckle behind you. “Hungry?”
“Starving,” you whispered. But you looked down and frowned. Even with the blindfold on, you could only make out one plate in front of you. It didn’t look like a big serving either.
Were you supposed to share this small plate with Kai?
You looked around as Kai picked up a knife and fork. All the others looked like they had one plate in front of each seat as well. Squinting your eyes, you tried to see how the other tables were set, but you couldn’t quite make it out.
“Ahh, open wide,” Kai’s voice tickled your ear and you felt a bit of warm gravy touch your lips. You opened your mouth and melted when a buttery piece of steak touched your tongue.
You moaned as you chewed, amazed by the way the meat just fell apart in your mouth. It was the best steak you’d ever had in your life.
“First time feeding?” a woman asked beside you.
You looked over but could only make out big blond curls, and you weren’t sure how to answer anyway. Good thing you were told to be quiet. You could do that as you swallowed the juicy meat.
“No,” Kai replied curtly, cutting another piece of steak and slathering it in the gravy before popping it in your mouth.
“Mm,” the woman hummed as she turned to feed her own guest. “Then new lover? I’ve never seen someone react like that to a feeding. Better put those fangs away before you scare her, big boy.”
You felt more than heard the growl behind you, and you knew Kai was getting uneasy. Suddenly, the steak felt dry in your mouth.
Touching his elbow, you turned so you could whisper, “It’s okay, I can feed myself.”
But Kai continued to cut the meat and skewer a few vegetables in his fork. “You’re not allowed.”
Right. Hands on lap at all times. That was one of the rules.
But it was obviously making Kai uncomfortable if his fangs were showing. He only ever showed them when he was angry and wanted to look threatening.
You chewed and swallowed every piece quickly, wanting dinner to be over but also wishing you could savour every bite.
“Slow down,” he teased. “The food’s not going to run away.”
You gulped down a bit of wine that he placed at your lips. “But your fangs...”
“Don’t worry about me. I’m enjoying the show.”
You inclined your head and accepted another piece of roasted carrot, amazed by how sweet it was when you bit into it. You could hear music playing around the room and knew there was some dancing going on on the stage. Kai enjoyed the art of dance, and you were glad he was watching that as you took your time analyzing every bite of food.
It wasn’t until you were done the entire meal that you heard the funny noise, as if somebody was crying out in pain.
You grabbed Kai’s arm by instinct. “Did you hear that?” You whipped your head around, but everyone seemed to be in the same position as before.
“It’s nothing,” he murmured, setting the knife and fork down.
You leaned back and relaxed, listening to the music that drifted around the room. You wondered what would be served for dessert and you hoped it was something light because your stomach was about to burst.
It was about two seconds of relaxation before you stiffened, noticing something hard was prodding into your back.
Your eyes widened and you didn’t know what to do. Were you supposed to address the fact that Kai was sporting a huge hard-on? Were you supposed to be offended or flattered? He was your boss after all...a hot, hot boss.
His fingers innocently tapped to the beat of the music against the back of your hand, but his erection was the complete opposite of innocent.
Another shout came from the room, this time closer, and you turned your head to the side.
You couldn’t be sure, not when you were missing your glasses and had a huge blindfold in the way, but you swore the woman beside you had turned in her partner’s lap and was now having sex with him.
Even with your poor vision, you were 99% certain.
And she was moaning, loud and proud.
Your eyes darted around and you realized there were two other guests laid out on the table, their vampire counterparts on top of them.
You pulled away, only to be met by the hard chest and hard arms and hard-on of Kai.
You gulped as you craned your head to look at him. “What’s going—” your voice trailed off in a gasp. Even through the lace, you could see two huge white fangs protruding from Kai’s full lips. You had never seem them so long, and you wondered if they bothered him because they looked like they were throbbing, if that was even possible.
Then you felt your pulse throbbing. You put a hand to your neck, knowing your vein must be jumping out of your skin with the rush of adrenaline. You also had to adjust your seat because you could feel your pulse down there, too.
But adjusting your bottom made Kai hiss.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, placing a hand on his chest.
“It’s okay,” he murmured, pulling you back and barricading you with his strong arms like they were seat belts made of muscle. You couldn’t move and it made you feel secure...except the sounds were growing louder and Kai’s breathing was getting faster.
You gulped and licked your lips, trying not to look up even though nobody could see your eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want to leave?”
“I’m fine.” But he didn’t sound fine, not when his voice was so raspy. This must have been the bloodlust he was talking about, and you touched your hand to the necklace, making sure it was still in place. “Nobody will touch you, I promise,” he soothed.
His embrace was tight, tight enough to make you moan. Maybe you wanted him to touch you, especially when the warmth of his body enveloped you like this. And it didn’t help that his length seemed to get harder and longer by the second.
You couldn’t handle it. Your hand came up and shifted his fingers over just a touch so that they grazed your nipple. You sucked in a breath the same time as him, realizing your nipple was already tightened and waiting for him. “You can touch me,” you said in a hush. “It would look weird if everyone is having sex and we’re...not.”
His breath was hot against your skin. “Are you sure?” But even so, his fingers had already ducked under the neckline of your dress, teasing your aching breasts out of their confines.
You moaned, tilting your head back to rest on his shoulder as he played with your nipples. “All part of the job, right?” you teased, your voice panting as you arched up to meet his touch.
He chuckled, his other hand pulling up your skirt. “What a nice perk, getting orgasms from your boss. Put your feet up, sugar.” He brought his hand under your knee, pulling your leg up.
For a second, you hesitated, because that meant exposing yourself to everyone on the council. But then you looked around and realized other humans were in much more compromising positions. One man had five women feasting on his body on the table.
Nobody would notice if you brought your feet up, right?
Kicking off your heels, you put one foot on the table while Kai held your other leg, ensuring you were spread wide open. You panted as you watched his hand slide down lower.
Your hand shot up to grab his, slightly embarrassed by the sight of his strong fingers cupping your mound. “Kai, you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” you reminded him. You knew he was only here because you insisted.
“Hands on your lap, remember?” he chided, scraping a fang against the sensitive skin on your neck. “Why wouldn’t I want to touch my sweet little secretary’s wet pussy? It’s practically begging for me.”
You tucked your hands back on your lap and tried not to squirm as you salivated over the veins on his arms while he pushed aside your panties. One finger slid down deep and you shivered as he played with your wetness, spreading it around so it covered your entrance.
He nibbled against your skin again and you tilted your head to give him better access. “This is even better than I imagined,” he murmured.
“I-imagined?” you squeaked as one finger slipped inside of your heat and then left just as quickly. Kai was such a tease, even in the bedroom.
“Hmm.” He ripped the thin fabric of your panties and spread your folds, finding the one spot he’d been looking for. He put a gentle finger to the hard nub, rolling it around. “When you FaceTimed me that night, I was in the middle of jacking myself off.”
You gasped, unsure if it was the image of him touching himself or the fact that he was expertly stroking your clit that set you off. “You were? I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” He feathered a few kisses down your throat. “You wouldn’t be apologizing if I had told you that night.”
“I might have.” You gulped, your legs shaking as he continued his little circles on your sensitive spot. “I called you late at night in a panic. It was my fault.”
“Really? Even if I told you I was playing images of you on your knees? Of you touching yourself as you called me, begging for my cock over the phone?” He slipped a finger inside your wet folds, the sound loud in your ears even over the music and the vocal cries of the other guests. “What if I told you I was jacking myself off while thinking of my fangs sucking you dry?”
You cried out, squirming as the orgasm threatened to hit you.
But a cool hand touched your knee, and you froze.
Behind you, Kai’s growl was audible.
“You should share, big boy!” It was the nattering voice of the woman sitting beside you at the table. “I’ve never been with a bigger woman before.”
You immediately closed your legs, a difficult feat considered how hard Kai’s grip was on your knee.
“She’s mine.” Kai’s voice was feral, causing you to nearly flinch. You had never heard him like this before, not even in the board meetings when higher-ups threatened to kick his campaign off the trail.
The woman’s laugh was shrill meanwhile her companion was grunting like an animal as he rutted her. “I know, I know. I can see the family jewels on her from a mile away.” The words made you touch your earrings to ensure they were in place. “But just a sip?”
You could feel Kai’s glare and was surprised the woman didn’t simper at all.
“Unless, of course, you hadn’t even had a taste of her yourself?”
Your face must’ve given the answer away because the woman laughed again before returning to her human.
Blood rushed through your ears, blocking out even the noisiest of the party guests. You shouldn’t have pushed Kai to come here. All that happened tonight was the entire council making a joke of you and him. He didn’t deserve it, and you wished you could take away the woman’s words.
“What do you need?” Kai’s voice was soft but rushed, like he sounded frantic for some reason.
You looked back. “What do you mean?”
“Ignore everybody else here.” He tilted your chin up and pressed a light kiss to your lower lip. “What do you need to get off?”
“I...” He still wanted to give her an orgasm? After all this? Tears pricked at the back of your eyes and you were glad for the blindfold. You were so glad for Kai, for somebody who listened to your needs and asked for your opinion. You couldn’t deny him what he wanted, especially if what he wanted was an orgasm out of you. “I just need you.”
He groaned, sounding defeated, and his fingers lifted the necklace out of the way so he could suck on a little spot between your neck and shoulder. “Do you need my cock, sugar? Say it and I’ll give it to you. I’ll give you anything.”
You nodded frantically, grasping at the skirt of your dress to get it out of the way while Kai fumbled with the fly of his pants.
You knew he was big. You knew he was hard as a steel rod. But you still weren’t prepared for the size of him as he entered you. He held your legs open while you guided him in, yet the action felt too slow but too fast at the same time.
He was filling you up and you felt like your lungs were no longer working.
“Breathe,” he hissed. “You’re fucking tight as hell.”
You let out a shuddering breath as he slowly lowered your entire body down on him, entering you to the hilt. You gulped in deep breaths of air as you watched his fingers find your clit again, already swollen from the near-orgasm before, and begin teasing it again.
Except this time, he was rougher.
“Kai...” you panted, holding onto his arm for balance as he rocked into you. His other hand tilted your chin toward him, capturing your whimper in a soft kiss.
Suddenly, the blindfold fell away. You reached a hand up to grab it, but Kai tossed it to the floor.
You realized, belatedly, that all the other humans were already free of their blindfolds. Had you missed the memo?
“Where are your glasses?”
You reached into your clutch and pulled out the black frames, popping them on your face and suddenly grateful for them. You could see everything. The room looked like an ancient courtyard. Kai looked like a vampire king with his huge fangs. His cock was still inside you, hard and ready.
“There you are.” Kai pulled you in for another kiss, pumping into you from behind until you were a whimpering mess. “God, you look so beautiful like this.”
“Bite me.”
He threw his head back in a laugh and playfully bit your shoulder as he toyed with your clit some more.
You moaned but ran a hand through his perfect hair. “I’m serious, Kai. I want you to bite me.”
He stopped, his features freezing to a blank stare. He looked like he could kill an army of men or maybe set off an eternal winter in the tropics.
But you knew he was just thinking.
You cupped his face and rolled your hips, trying to convince him. “Make me come the way you imagined.”
He gave a stuttered groan and lowered his lips to your neck, sucking on the same spot again. “I’m going to make this good for you, sugar. You’ll never forget your first orgasm with Kai the vampire lord.”
You wanted to laugh, but it was cut off short when you felt the fangs pierce through your sensitive flesh. Too scared to move in case something went wrong, you stayed utterly still.
Except Kai was still thrusting into you and torturing your clit between his fingers. You shook as his fangs sank deeper, and you suddenly felt a warmth rush through your body.
A cry gurgled in the bottom on your throat. You hands and feet tingled. You were trembling as the pleasure washed over your veins, bathing you in ecstasy.
No wonder the other guests were so vocal. You could barely hold it in as you screamed Kai’s name. You voice seemed to echo through the walls as Kai sucked on your neck, pulling your blood into his mouth.
Yet he didn’t stop fucking you. His cock wouldn’t stop even as you shook like a quivering mess in his arms. You came once, twice, maybe three times in the span of just as many seconds. He just went harder, faster. Relentless.
It was hard to keep track of where Kai’s body started and ended in regards to your own body, and you slowly realized his fangs were no longer in your neck. Instead, his lips were brushing against your ear.
“That’s it. You’re a filthy little secretary, aren’t you?” His tongue came out to tease the shell of your ear. “Everyone here knows that you’re mine and that my cock is the only one that can make you squirt like this.”
You looked down and found that his lap was all wet. You covered your mouth. “Oh my god, I’m so—”
He pulled you back against his chest, cutting you off as he drove his cock into you, making you squirt over the edge of the dinner table this time.
Losing his gentleness, his hands were rough as they rubbed your clit back and forth, squeezing out every last drop from you. Then he forced your down back onto his cock as you trembled in his arms.
He stifled his moans against your shoulder as you felt his hot seed shoot into you. Even that seemed to set you off and you shook again as he kept coming. And coming.
And coming.
You looked down and found that his milky spend was mixing with your clear juices.
The two of you had made a proper mess.
“Fuck.” Kai panted against your heated skin, pulling you close to him. His cock was still hot and apparent inside you, twitching every so often.
The woman beside you had the audacity to giggle, even though she was laid out on her back, her human companion’s face lost between her legs. “The two of you look like you’ve been to parties like this before.”
Update: If you liked that story, I wrote a part two! Click here to read it :)
The pacing of this story is a little sporadic because I had to write it in multiple sessions thanks to my erratic schedule these days. I try to write things in one sitting just so I keep the same mood and pacing throughout, but that didn’t happen this time LOL I hope you guys still liked it nonetheless! I never used to write about glasses (because I don’t wear glasses so idk how to relate) but it’s been popping up in a lot of things I’m reading so I’ve been incorporating them in my stories a bunch hehehehe
Also...ALSO! This story was supposed to be a lot more.......risqué than what it turned out to be. As you can see from the blurb in the beginning (which I wrote before I started writing the story), things were supposed to be more...mmm.....bdsm??? But that kinda stuff scares me a little bit LOLLLLLLL In the sense that I don’t know how to put it into words and when I do, I backpedal and just ask fictional Kai to give the fictional oc a hug LMAO
ok goodnight. Thanks for reading :)
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Hello! I was wondering if you wrote from prompts idea? 'Cause I really love your fics on AO3 and just had this stupid idea about Kiri having a youtube channel and doing live filming and Bakugou barging in and doing whatever (lovey dovey or confession or just pure Bakugou ^^) without knowing he's being filmed and watched by thousands people 😂
I do INDEED take prompts and this has filled me with a bout of inspirations so let me just
Mina didn’t always watch Kirishima’s streams live - in fact she usually caught them after-the-fact - but today she had found herself free right about the time he was starting his latest episode.
Today, Kirishima was playing through a game about… Time travel and Mushrooms? Whatever, it was weird but kind of entertaining, and Kirishima always made things funnier with his quips.
Mina took a moment to smile to herself. Whoever would have thought that the quiet Kirishima she’d vaguely known at school would be able to reinvent himself into such a bright personality, a positive figure, and one of Mina’s best friends? Why, he was gaining quite the following online, with tonnes of fans pouring in to watch him.
He had a little bit of something for everyone. He was very handsome (not that Mina swung that way), he joked in a way that made people feel included rather than ostracised, and he was so kind it was ridiculous. He wasn’t a pushover, though, which made watching him interact with his roommate real funny to watch. The two were kind of besotted with each other, though as far as Mina was aware nothing had happened between them yet.
Bakugou was a prickly bastard at the best of times. He didn’t do the YouTube stuff himself, but he’d hang out in the background of Kirishima’s videos sometimes, making snarky comments. (And in Mina’s opinion, heart eyes.)
There was the odd occasion Kirishima would convince him to play some of the two-player games if he didn’t find a guest, and that was always hilarious, because the grumpy blonde was the most competitive person Mina had ever met. It always ended in chaos. Bakugou understandably had a fair chunk of his own fans within Kirishima’s audience.
Anyway, Bakugou didn’t seem to be in Kirishima’s background today, and Mina was far more engaged with Kirishima’s chastisement of the protagonist of the game for being too condescending to worry about where he might be.
“I don’t get how she isn’t seriously freaking out about being able to talk to a dinosaur. I know her fiancé’s missing, but is this Tom guy really that distracting?” Kirishima said, frowning as he rearranged some pictures to solve a puzzle. “Wh- You can’t make a T. rex go vegetarian! He needs that meat, he’s an obligate carnivore!”
Mina snorted to herself. She tapped a message into the live chat bar.
“Ahaha, yeah, I’m projecting onto Dino, alright! Glad to see you here, Alien Queen!”
The game went on for another while, and then…
Kirishima shook his head. “Man, I’m really craving some baloney right about n-”
The door of the room slammed open, revealing a furious-looking Bakugou.
“Oh! Hey, Katsuki!” Kirishima greeted him. “Uh, I’m kind of in the middle of -”
“Shut up, I have something to say to you,” Bakugou said, pointing at Kirishima with an accusatory expression.
Kirishima gave the camera a nervous grin. “Er, yeah, but I’m li-”
“You!” Bakugou interrupted again, and Kirishima seemed to give up on trying to tell him about the stream. Mina felt herself leaning forwards to make sure she heard everything. “Do you think I’m stupid?!”
“What? No! Of course not!” Kirishima held up his hands.
“You think I haven’t noticed, huh?” Bakugou said, taking a few menacing steps towards Kirishima, who looked slightly baffled.
Kirishima tilted his head. “Noticed what?”
“So when, exactly,” Bakugou continued as if Kirishima hadn’t replied. “Were you going to ask me out?”
Oh my god, Mina thought. It’s finally happening.
Being part of a livestream of thousands wasn’t exactly the way Mina had pictured finding out about this moment, but she was gonna take it.
Kirishima was gaping like a bright red goldfish, gazing at Bakugou with what looked like a mixture of incredulity and hope.
“You want me to ask you out? Really?” Kirishima whispered. Now Bakugou looked like he was realising what he had indirectly admitted, and his face was flushing too. “Oh my god?”
Bakugou glared off to the side. “Are you really that dense?”
“Yeah,” Kirishima laughed. “I think I am. Oh man, Katsuki, I- Hold on just a second.”
Kirishima turned to the camera. “Sorry, guys, uh. Something important just came up! I’m cutting the stream short today!”
Mina was only granted a few delicious moments of watching Bakugou’s face morph into mortification as he realised that Kirishima had been filming the whole time before the feed cut out. Oh boy, well, that had been a thing. Mina supposed the pair would probably be dating now until like, forever.
She fired off a quick text to Kirishima.
MeHave a nice evening with your boyfriend. ;)
Mina tossed her phone onto her desk, not expecting a response from Kirishima any time soon. She leant back in her seat for a moment and stared at her ceiling.
She waited for a few seconds.
Okay, she thought, snatching her phone up again. I’ll just text the squad. Maybe a couple others from school.
And anyway, if Bakugou and Kirishima hadn’t wanted their ship name to start trending on three different social media sites overnight then they should have quit pining and gone through that whole fiasco already without having it be caught on camera!
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“What a waste,” Bunty muttered, shaking her head as she looked through her cards. “And after I went through all that trouble to get that chicken. And I plucked it myself, too!”
She gave a gusty, heartfelt sigh, and Erminhilt was very nearly tempted to let her win this round, just to make her feel better. Still, no doubt Bunty would take such pity as a personal insult against her card-playing abilities, so she didn’t. However, she did share a commiserating glance with her Italian colleague before they both turned their gazes to the stares, up which Erminhilt had sent the girls not an hour ago, Felisa still sobbing onto an exasperated Livinia’s shoulder.
“I mean, what did she think we had the chicken for?” Bunty went on, frowning at her cards. “A pet?”
“Knowing Feli, that’s exactly what she thought,” murmured Erminhilt. “Any fives?”
“Go fish,” replied Bunty moodily, “I mean, I was rather hoping that Livinia would set her straight, or at least that she wouldn’t go along with Feli’s nonsense.”
Erminhilt smiled slightly. “Well, Felisa was very upset. Much more upset than Livinia expected, I think. You can hardly blame her.”
“No,” said Bunty, “But it’s such a waste of perfectly good food. Aces?”
Erminhilt shook her head, and Bunty retrieved her card from the pile. Upstairs, all was silent and as it should be, despite the ruckus that had occurred over dinner earlier on. Granted, Erminhilt had expected some kind of upset from the moment Bunty had brought back a live chicken and let the girls – in particular Felisa – see it, but she hadn’t foreseen quite that level of meltdown. She could still hear Felisa’s wails of grief for ‘Luigi’ echoing around the dining room. Her proposal that they all convert to vegetarianism was perhaps understandable, if a touch melodramatic.
Livinia had tried to calm her sister, of course, in her usual gruff and heavy-handed manner, but once confronted with the full force of just how stricken Felisa was, she’d relented and agreed to join her in giving up meat. And of course, Amelia had been ready to agree (she was always up for joining all of the latest causes and societies), and Maud was dragged in as usual. Then Luitgard had agreed, if only to cheer up Felisa, and had strong-armed Gertraud into it also. The other girls had been less keen – Kuniko, Mathilde, Eha and Suyumbike had gone along with it, but Erminhilt had definitely seen all of them sneaking mouthfuls of chicken when Felisa wasn’t watching. Alice and Irina had both refused, Alice because she was contrary and Irina because she wanted to get on Amelia’s nerves.
“Tens,” she asked distractedly, when Bunty cleared her throat impatiently. Bunty huffed, and handed a pair over. With a hum of satisfaction, Erminhilt laid down her third set.
“Even when you aren’t paying attention you’re better than I am,” she grumbled, before glancing up at the ceiling. “All quiet. You know, I was sure the little blighters would be down here after five minutes after some more food. Threes.”
“Just the one,” yawned Erminhilt, handing it over, careful to keep the card up her sleeve well hidden. It was probably blasphemy or something, to hide a card up her nun’s uniform, but then again, Bunty’s expression of baffled confusion when she inevitably lost was worth it.
So focused was Erminhilt on the card game that she didn’t even spot several small figures darting past the open dining room doors.
“I can’t believe we made it!” hissed Suyumbike gleefully, beckoning the other girls forward. “Thank goodness for Go Fish, eh?”
Felisa gave her a watery smile, still clutching Luitgard’s hand. Livinia cast her a bitter look, and stormed off ahead. Alice rolled her eyes. This was all ridiculous, but she didn’t bother saying so – she’d already said it, after all, several times, and it hadn’t done any good then and she didn’t think it would do any good now. Besides, she enjoyed a good caper every now and again.
As soon as they’d reached the relative safety of the kitchen, the girls split up. Alice, who hadn’t got to eat as much dinner as she’d have liked, even if she had refused to give up meat, headed straight for the biscuit cupboard, but alas, it was empty. Perhaps Bunty had needed the sugar ration for something else this week.
Still, there was always bread. Boring, perhaps, but Alice was hungry.
“Hey, guys!” Suyumbike called suddenly.
Alice turned, and was immediately struck with the urge to roll her eyes. Suyumbike had climbed onto the table, and was mucking about with a bra that Bunty had obviously hung up to dry. Naturally Gertraud, Mathilde and Amelia thought it was hilarious – because they were morons with the mental capacity of cabbages. Even Maud and Felisa giggled, and Eha grinned. Livinia and Luitgard, because Alice would grudgingly admit that they had some taste, just rolled their eyes.
“We could bake something!” piped up Irina from where she’d been peeking into some of the books on Bunty’s shelves, “I’ve found a recipe!”
There were gasps of delight – even Alice found herself smiling, and had to force herself to stop, in case Amelia saw and told everyone. Maud scurried over to the cupboard and after a fearful glance towards the door to check for Bunty and Frau Vogel, pulled out a box.
“Flour!” she called. Well, Maud’s version of a call, anyway. More like normal speech volume for any other person. Whispering volume for Amelia. Meanwhile, Eha had thrown open the doors to the larder, ignoring Luitgard’s frantic calls for order. Mathilde clumsily climbed onto the table with Suyumbike and – with a cry of delight – managed to find another bra. Alice watched them dancing about for a minute, unsure of whether this was funny or pathetic. She was leaning more towards the latter, to be honest, but that could just be her.
“Oh, hey, a box!” Eha stepped out of the cupboard with a box, before prising it open. Immediately, a horrendous smell began spreading into the room. Alice gagged, her hands shooting up to cover her nose in horror.
“Bunty-sensei’s cheese!” wheezed Kuniko, who didn’t like cheese at the best of times.
“Gorgonzola!” agreed Livinia, from where she and Felisa had been stood in the corner, apparently having another argument judging by the pout on Felisa’s face and the scowl on Livinia’s. “Close the box, Eha!”
Eha did so, looking moments from keeling over, and hurried back to the cupboard, past Gertraud who was making fake retching noises and Luitgard, who was rubbing her temples like Frau Vogel did when she was stressed.
Alice jumped out of her skin – an air raid? She hadn’t heard a siren – and whirled around to look out of the window, just in time to hear the Vargas twins give piercing screams. In the window were two devils, fearsome and red-faced and wearing billowing black capes that faded into the darkness outside, banging and clawing at the glass. Gertraud bellowed something in German and leapt towards an alarmed Luitgard and dragged her backwards. An almighty crash sounded from the larder and Eha sprang backwards into Irina. Mathilde yelled and staggered backwards, grabbing at Suyumbike’s arm and dragging them both down off the table, still wearing bras, and right on top of Kuniko. Amelia screamed also, almost matching Livinia and Felisa for volume, and launched herself at Maud, who had jumped so badly she threw the box of flour. As Alice watched, frozen, the cloud of flour coated Maud and Amelia, whilst a finer dust settled slowly on everyone else in the room.
The devils continued to wail and bang on the window, and then – one of their cloaks slipped. It was just for a second, but it flapped open to reveal a rather pretty periwinkle dress. A periwinkle dress that Alice recognised.
With a snarl, she leapt forward, causing the devils to scarper. She scrabbled at the window, throwing it open, and yelled:
“I KNOW IT’S YOU, FROG! GO AWAY AND DON’T COME BACK!” she paused to sneeze, which probably didn’t do much for her threatening image, before continuing, “AND IF YOU DO COME BACK, I’LL-”
“You’ll what, Alice Kirkland?”
Alice cringed, closed the window, brushed off her dress, and finally turned around. Frau Vogel was stood over her, her habit somewhat askew and her hands on her hips, looking distinctly unimpressed. Alice swallowed. She was already in disgrace for yelling when Lord Cuckoo-Face had arrived earlier, and Frau Vogel was already irritated because of both that and the little display at dinner the night before.
“They scared the others,” Alice said weakly, “I was just making them go away.”
Frau Vogel turned to look at the others. Amelia was still clutching Maud, breathing hard, her glasses wonky on her face, and Gertraud was still stood in front of Luitgard, her arms slightly spread and her face even paler than usual. Livinia and Felisa, still sniffling slightly, were clinging to Abundantia as she checked over Kuniko, Mathilde, Suyumbike, Irina and Eha for any injuries.
“Anything serious?” asked Frau Vogel. Abundantia shook her head with a laugh.
“A few cuts and bruises, on trodden-on toe for Irina, a slightly squashed Kuniko, and Eha was hit on the head with a tin of spam,” she answered, “I think they’ll live.”
Frau Vogel nodded, and turned back to Alice, frowning severely. However, before she could so much as open her mouth, Amelia spoke up, her voice a little higher than usual.
“She’s telling the truth!” she said breathlessly, “Alice scared them off – we were all too scared.”
Warmth blossomed in Alice’s chest, and she looked past Frau Vogel to give Amelia a small smile. Frau Vogel began to speak, paused, tried again, and then gave a deep sigh and rubbed her face tiredly. When Alice dared to look up, however, she wasn’t angry anymore – she was smiling.
“Bunty,” she said, “I suppose we’d better get these young ladies something to eat, if that’s okay with you. I don’t think they’ll be sleeping anytime soon.”
“On it.”
#Hetalia#APH Madeline AU#APH Nyo Germania#Erminhilt Vogel#APH Nyo Rome#Abundantia Bianchi#APH Nyo England#Alice Kirkland#APH Nyo Japan#Kuniko Honda#APH Nyo Italy#Felisa Vargas#APH Nyo Romano#Livinia Vargas#APH Nyo Turkey#Suyumbike Adnan#APH Nyo America#Amelia Jones#APH Nyo Canada#Maud Williams#APH Nyo Prussia#Gertraud Beilschmidt#APH Nyo Germany#Luitgard Beilschmidt#APH Nyo Denmark#Mathilde Kohler#APH Nyo Estonia#Eha von Bock#APH Nyo Russia#Irina Braginskaya
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Supernatural Cow Chop
James was born a werewolf, making him a pure blood. However, werewolves don’t hold the same view between pure and half like vampires do. James is basically a giant puppy, it doesn’t even scare anyone when he growls. At least, not anymore. The fur on his wolf form is black like his hair, but ever since he bleached a strip there’s a line of blond across his back. He is made fun of by the others relentlessly for it.
Aleks is a witch that reveres the god Veles with special mentions to other god and goddesses of trickery. Not all witches must follow a god - and don’t misunderstand, Aleks is incredibly lazy with it - for magic, but Aleks grew up in a family of witches that worshiped the Slavic god Veles. Mainly uses his magic for pranking the others or uses it to enable his laziness. Often fucks up his shrine and calls Autumn (avid worshiper of Anubis) for help.
Brett was also born a werewolf. He was expected to take a nice, secure job and find a pack to support. Instead he joined Cow Chop. Being the pseudo-leader of the crew, he always has a stress headache. It’s fucking hard getting a bunch of different supernatural beings to coexist in one office. The fur on his wolf form is jet black and biggest of the other werewolves in the office. Very intimidating but also a giant puppy like James. Surprisingly a vegetarian.
Lindsey was changed into a werewolf, making her a half-blood. While Brett was not the one who changed her, she kinda wished he was. She was bitten by a feral wolf and was not expected to survive. She did. Half-bloods are known for losing control, but Lindsey just goes, “Nah, not gonna happen” and, well, here’s to willpower because it doesn’t. Her wolf form is the stereotypical werewolf, half wolf and half human. Her fur is a gradient of brown to dirty blonde.
Trevor is a half-blood vampire. Essentially the changing process went wonky, sticking Trevor in the middle of vampire and human. He can only drink type O blood, getting incredibly sick if he drinks anything else. He can still eat human food unlike pure vampires. Sadly vampires are incredibly elitist and look down on Trevor for both being a half-blood and hanging out with wolves. Doesn’t care. Will live twice the lifespan of a human.
Anna is an urban dryad, connected to human machinations such as cities and buildings. She thrives in LA, and often freaks her coworkers out when she travels via wall. When away from modern buildings such as out in the desert or in the forest, she starts to grow weaker but will not die. So long as the city of LA stands, so will Anna. She came into creation during the 1700s when LA was founded by the Spanish.
Jakob is a shapeshifter that rarely shifts due to his mild discomfort with animals. He is, essentially, a human for how little he uses his skills. It’s rare to see Jakob shift and he only ever does it for video bits. There’s not many shapeshifters and many complain that he’s squandering his abilities but Jakob pointedly does not give a shit about that noise.
Asher is actually a human. Just a human. The crew thought he was a wraith because of his monotonous nature but nope, simply human. Not even a witch or anything. Human. This still baffles everyone at the office.
#cow chop#cow chop au#cowchop#james wilson#aleks marchant#brett hundley#lindsey washburn#trevor schmidty#anna#jakob#asher#uberhaxornova#immortalhd#hungryhundar#linzbot#modestcube#intricateornate#alsojakob#asherthefirst
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Can you remember the first survey that you ever took? I don’t remember taking it but it’s permanently on the Internet on my old survey blog also on Tumblr. It was in 2012 and I was a completely sociopathic person back then...I can’t even do a then-and-now version of that first survey because my answers were dreadful as fuck. What did you spend the majority of the last night doing? I took forever to answer one survey that I ended up finishing just now, and then I watched a new episode of my show. Have you ever had a particularly disturbing dream? About? I have had a lot but the ones that’ve been most disturbing are the dreams that involve me or Gabie getting shot. There was one time last year that I had a streak of dreams, all of them about Gabie being shot different ways. Safe to say I often woke up heaving and crying and having to call her. What goes through your mind when someone threatens suicide? I panic, honestly. I’m not necessarily the go-to person for suicide threats, being suicidal myself. It’s just going to cause me to be overwhelmed; but I will try my best to be instrumental in convincing them not to, of course. Have you ever expressed that you wanted to kill yourself? Yes. [trigger warning] The worst of it was a few months ago when I let my closest friends know that I had everything planned out, all their questions answered, have my things designated for certain people. It had to take some pretty persistent and harsh convincing for me to finally change my mind.
Should gay marriage be legalized? What are your reasons? As common sense dictates, yes. I doubt it will ever happen in the Philippines any time soon though as we have, for the longest time, been a Catholic, traditional, and conservative country. If the tides ever turned, it wouldn’t be for a long, long time, and with brutal opposition from the Catholic majority.
As for my reasons, I mean isn’t it simply so that everybody has equal rights in marriage? It’s more than ‘people can love who they love’–at the face of the law it’s really just so that everyone has the same opportunities when it comes to marrying the person that they’re with, deeming discrimination useless. Traditional people are a huge pain in my ass for this.
Would you ever consider getting an abortion, under any circumstances? If the baby was already in such a debilitating condition even before birth that there is no chance of them surviving childhood, yes. I don’t know about other cases and I’ll only ever know about how I would react if the situation was already right in front of me. What do you think of people who get abortions? I can’t make a blanket statement about something like that. Let’s just say I believe it needs to stay legal and available. < Yep especially to the first part. I always just say to myself that every woman had their reasons. What was the last bug you killed? An annoying one that kept walking all over my laptop screen last night. Do you ever argue or debate with people about your beliefs? At the most minimal level. I don’t really like getting into arguments nowadays, plus it’s really helpful that all of my friends have homogeneous beliefs when it comes to touchy topics in the country like politics, religion, sex, etc. If yes, when was the last time? Probably at the dinner table a couple of months ago when my dad unfortunately started defending our perverted murderous fascist of a president. When was the last time you felt turned on? Two weeks ago... :/ Didn’t see Gab at all last week so. When was the last time you felt disgusted with someone/something? A couple of hours ago. I was reheating my pasta when I unconsciously drooled... Do you typically finish all the food you put on your plate? Yes. Do you continue eating even when you are full? I do that in buffet restaurants so I could get my money’s worth. What is the most wasteful thing that you do on a regular basis? Coming from a school that was really strict about staying green and eco-friendly, I’ve always been more conscious about the things I use and how not to waste them. What is one weird eating habit that you have? I dip everything in mayonnaise so long as there is mayonnaise available. What is something other people tease you about? My chest. It was annoying as a teenager but I don’t mind it at all now when they brutally roast me on my lack of a chest. Does it bother you to be teased about this? No, because to be fair the jokes they make about it are funny :(( Would you rather suffer from anorexia or bulimia? What the actual fuck. < This is the worst question. What is the worst question a survey could ask you? The previous one is one of them. Do you think it’s okay for a survey to ask if you’ve been raped? Why? It always surprises me to see it, but I guess survey takers tend to overshare anyway so maybe it’s not too far out there. < Agree. It just becomes concerning to me when it becomes a trigger to some. Would you answer such a question honestly, if faced with it? I always have. If you are a vegetarian, do you look down on people that eat meat? I’m not a vegetarian, but I wouldn’t look down on omnivores if I ever converted since I ate meat once too... Why do you think some vegetarians behave that way? Dunno. Maybe because they’re overly proud and believe they’re on a whole other higher level that they were able to get over meat, something most people love to eat and live on. Kind of the same case with some straight-edge people who get very preachy about drinking, because a lot of people drink for fun and for socializing. At the end of the day I think it’s sometimes about the human tendency to think they are cool because they aren’t doing something popular haha but idk that’s just how I see it. Some vegetarians lay out respectable arguments and knowledge though; that I have no problem with. If you eat meat, what do you tend to think of vegetarians/vegans? I have loads of respect for them for living such a lifestyle that takes lots of restraint and willpower at first. I like their dedication, especially if they are doing it for ethical reasons. I know I would have a reeeeally difficult time trying to change my entire diet, which I’m planning to do once I’m capable of sustaining myself. If you paint your nails, what color do you generally choose? I don’t know. A nice shade of dark pink would be nice though. If you could spend a day as the opposite gender, what would you do? Get a boner, masturbate, hahahahahahahahahaha. What are some good things about your gender? We are generally more caring and warmer. I also like the fact that we are emotional, since it helps build relationships more. Most of the women I know are empathetic too, which I admire. What are some of the downsides? Women love tearing women down. It has always baffled me. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to start life over? Yes. Sounds perfect to me. What might you do differently? The better situation would be if I lived a different life altogether, and not starting the same life over. All of the horrible things that happened in my childhood were not my doing and thus it would be pointless if I just had to relive another decade in a house that didn’t help my well-being at all. If you could spend a year living in a foreign country, which would it be? South Korea. Why did you make this particular choice? Just because I’m biased. And I’ve watched too many Korean programs to know how to survive there at the most basic level. What is the next big event you have planned, if any? Not really an event and definitely not something I planned, but I’m going on a field trip to Pampanga with my art studies class this Saturday. What do you do to entertain yourself on long car rides? A good playlist would help tons. I don’t like talking to my family so that’s useless. Occasionally I would bring my own movies to watch, but there are times that I get dizzy more easily than usual. What do you say to someone who is annoying you? I don’t usually waste my time talking to them. How do you let someone know you don’t like them? I don’t talk to them in the first place. If that can’t be avoided, I’m usually able to keep it civil until they do something that’d piss me off. When was the last time you felt insecure? What happened? Last night. I don’t really want to go into detail about it. How did/do you feel about learning to drive? Who taught you? I was scared and heavily convinced at first that I would never learn and never get past driving inside my village. My dad taught me, but eventually I got enrolled in driving school, where he paid for only three days’s worth of lessons. What do you think of people that like the Twilight series? I think that we ought to talk about it together heh. I don’t like the crazy fans though, if they still exist these days. What do you think of using lyrics to express how you feel? I have no problem with it. I use that on Twitter sometimes; coping becomes easier that way. Do you prefer profile pictures by yourself of with someone else? It doesn’t matter, whatever just looks best at that time. When’s the last time you had Sunny D? I don’t know what that is. Is there anything hot pink within five feet of you? My notebook. Have you ever told someone you hated them and meant it? Nope. I said it to my siblings as a kid but obviously those weren’t meant. I’ve never said those words to someone in this age. Do you and your friends ever make up ‘code names’ for people? We did that in fifth grade for our crushes. Would you rather go out to breakfast, lunch or dinner? Dinner. Do you know how to work a barbecue? I don’t. Do you find it rude when people text when they’re talking to you? It’s the worst. I always, always put my phone away when talking with someone. What would you do if the last person you spoke to on the phone asked you to marry them? Yes, but get back to me in like eight years. What’s the longest you’ve ever been out of your state/province? A week and a few days. Do you know anyone who has written a book? Yep, my professors. Would you rather have eggs or waffles for breakfast? Waffles. I love eggs equally, but that’s what I have all the time so it’d be nice for a change. How many people could you fit (standing up) in your kitchen? It starts to get cramped by the time 20 people are there. How long would it take to walk to the nearest McDonald’s? Right now? It’s probably a 30-minute walk. Does your best friend have any pets? Yes, they both have dogs. Is there something that happened to you ages ago but seems like only yesterday? Yuh. A kid never forgets seeing their relatives in a drunken stupor every night. Where would you go if you wanted a fake ID? I don’t know any resources. I’m too honest to have my own made :// What would you do if the last person you laughed with dated your best friend? “Duuuuude. Why?” Who’s the last person you shot a dirty look to? Not a person, it was a stupid 10-wheeler. What was your second to last conversation about? Forgot. I haven’t opened my mouth to talk for a while now. Do you drink milk/juice from the carton if no one is around? [continued from a few days ago] No. Mostly because of an incident when I was a kid - I drank milk from the carton once and it turned out to be spoiled. Never tried it again. Do you know anyone who broke a limb from being in a car accident? No, but they broke their nose. Have you ever burned a photo of you and a person you were angry with? OMG no, that’s super theatrical though hahaha. Would you prefer working at a grocery store or an ice cream parlor? Why? I guess an ice cream parlor. It seems more chill and I like dealing with kids anyway. The grocery is always filled with rude old people. Has anyone ever told you they liked you in a realllly sweet way? Yes. Is there any ice cream in your house right now? What kind? We do have a tub of cookies and cream ice cream in the ref. What’s the best part of sleepovers? All the stories that come out of them. What’s the most comfy thing to sleep in? A blanket. Does the last person who sent you a message online wear makeup? Dunno, maybe? I don’t know her all that well yet. Would you rather have an overly cheerful cashier, or a completely silent one? Cheerful. It does wonders to my day. Do you cry at weddings? No...I was a kid for most of the weddings I’ve been to so it was just me waiting for it to be over. Still, at this age I still don’t think I would cry. Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night frequently? Yeah. I just wake up. Do you bring pillows on road trips? We already have pillows in the car so that we don’t have to take out the ones from the house. What’s the most important thing for a road trip? For me, cellphone signal. I always want to be talking to my girlfriend when I go somewhere far away. Has a member of the opposite sex ever given you jewlery? No. Do you like camping, or would you rather stay home? Camping if it’s with a bunch of people I love and only if it’s well-planned. Other than that, I would rather be home. Do you know anyone whose name is your middle name? I have never met anyone with the same maiden name. Do you think Super Bad was as funny as everyone said? I haven’t even seen it. If you wanted a hamburger right now, where would you go? Burger King just across our village. What about a new pair of shoes? There’s a place called Just Things but their prices are outrageous, so I’d rather go somewhere a little farther but is more affordable, The Playground. Do you find sleeping in cars easy? That’s only posisble if I’m too tired. Usually I’m unable to. How long would your hair be if you cut off eight inches? My hair might just reach the tip of my head then... Would you do that? I’d rather fully shave my head than have an awkward chunk sitting at its tip. Have you ever woke up with someone you didn’t know next to you? Nope. Has a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s parents ever gotten mad at you? Why? No. I’d never want to do anything that would piss them off...quite the contrary. I would do everything they asked me to and more. Her mom has told me she loves me. Her dad is less affectionate but clearly approves of me. Have you ever been friends with a boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s siblings? I was closer to them when they were younger. They’re now teenagers so they’ve been more shy around me these days, but I love them and am always working on getting closer to them. Who’s the last person you told to shut up? Probably my sister. Do you know who Blair Waldorf is? Only because of the media and my friends. Do you own any hot pink clothes? Nope.
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⇢ veg update 2
I totally forgot I was going to do these.. so here you go, a little over three months since I took my decision of giving up meat. I know a few of you are interested, so here you go! :)
It has been three months since I decided to cut out meat cold turkey, and as someone who was only slightly obsessed with chicken and did not care about any other type of meat, I have to say that it has been fairly easy. I definitely do not recommend that for someone who eats meat more regularly (I only ate chicken and around 3 times a week) but turning vegetarian was the easiest choice I have ever made and I still stand by that.
I actually planned on being vegetarian for a few months, but less than a month after beginning my journey I had already cut out cow’s milk (another thing I wasn’t too much of a fan of, since it always made my stomach bloat even if it was lactose free) and was only eating egg very occasionally as I still tried to figure out how to eat - where and how to get the nutrients I needed for a healthy lifestyle. it took hours upon hours of research but I am proud to say that I have it somewhat figured it out now.
I went into it too scared, and I shouldn’t have! many people around me and online scared me about deficiencies that, honestly, can easily be taken care of, and you do not need to be a millionaire for that. what I have learned is that as long as you do your research and keep a somewhat regular check-up with your doctor (I was already used to this anyway, as someone who needs regular check-ups) you will be okay. of course, each body reacts differently, but personally speaking, I did not notice any crazy changes, nor I ever felt weak or like my body was lacking something. going into a healthy, fulfilling way of eating was absolutely essential for that.
for the longest time, before I ever considered it seriously, I thought about veganism and how would I eat were I to turn vegan. I only truly liked three foods: chicken, rice and pasta (yes, it was that bad), so that made me wonder: what the hell would I eat? would there be any options for me? would I have no other option but to starve? and since I could never figure it out, I always dropped the idea of veganism even though it has attracted me for more than a year, probably.
but I slowly started changing my eating habits, trained my taste buds and introduced more vegetables into my diet, and the idea of veganism stopped being so far-fetched. still, there was tons of research I needed to do, and months of studying basic nutrition, reading countless meal plans and learning recipes and watching insightful videos have finally led to a huge amount of variety and color in my meals, way more than before, and looking back I can say that it was my very generalized view of veganism (the one portrayed by the media) what made me think in the first place that they only ate salads and expensive, organic foods haha.
just out of curiosity, I actually decided to follow my carbs, proteins and fats for a week (last week, actually) and I find it unbelievable how easily I can reach a healthy amount of each without looking too much into it. all I did was insert what I’d eaten throughout the day in an app and I find it insane how easily I reached past the 60g mark of protein (that’s actually a bit more than I should.. lol) this might be obvious for some, but for me it certainly wasn’t, especially with the countless questions I get about my supposed lack of protein / vitamins / etc, which inevitably made me doubt my choices more than once. no, peeps. I believed the same, but it is possible to eat a balanced diet as long as you are well informed! :) it is all about making sure that you’re eating a good amount of veggies (I like to eat a lot, so it makes me happy that I can make myself giant meals with veggies. I always go for broccoli, carrots, cauliflower and zucchini and I tend to eat them with a nice, spicy homemade sauce), fats (healthy / unsaturated fats are sooo important, please never cut them out. nuts are an amazing snack full of healthy fats!), carbs (even though they’re not really essential, they do help you feel energized and they can easily fill you for the day. besides, they’re yummy haha. basically cereals, rice, bread, homemade pizza, stuff like that), and of course, protein (lentils, beans and tofu. the latter is my weakness to be honest. I love love love tofu and how versatile it is! there are so many amazing recipes out there to make it delicious).
there is no need to splurge into expensive foods, either. if you want to eat a bunch of replacements, then yes, veganism will be an expensive lifestyle, but if you keep your replacements down to a handful (the only replacement I buy is vegan mayonnaise, and vegan cheese very occasionally. to give you an idea, they do not cost me more than 3 euros each) you will spend just as much as you would in a ‘normal’ lifestyle, if not less.
anyway, moving on - the positive changes I have noticed since late march are only a handful, but still very impactful:
I have gotten slimmer, though I would say it’s more like my body is going back to its natural weight. because of medical reasons and a certain pill I have been taking since 2012 for my body to function properly, I started putting on weight very fast, and it was something that was out of my control. ever since I started taking this pill I gained an amount of 10kg (22 pounds) throughout my university journey, and that excess I gained through the pill is what I have been trying to get rid of, which has become significantly easier with a vegan lifestyle. even though it has only been three months, I already lost more than half of it - 7 kilos, 15 pounds!! and I promise you that I have not been starving myself or anything remotely close. sometimes I even have five meals a day. :) it’s such a drastic change to a few crazy diets I tried out a couple years ago, which only consisted of tuna and whole wheat sandwiches. I’m glad I finally figured out how to eat a fuckton (there’s no other way to put it ahaha) while still being healthy and keeping to the amounts my body needs. I mainly owe that to veganism, because it’s what made me start studying nutrition and healthy eating in the first place.
(quick disclaimer: I need to address that weight loss does not equal happiness / is not the only right way to live. besides becoming vegan, losing weight was also a personal goal of mine because of external factors I already explained - how more than losing a few pounds, I am just trying to go back to the natural weight I had before. and hey, even if you only want to lose a few pounds, that is also okay as long as you are doing it the healthy way. the choices I make are purely meant to look out for my body, not to damage it, and I would never ever encourage starving or restricting yourself too harshly (sometimes, a few moderate restrictions are needed, like I did with the crazy unhealthy snacking I had going on a few months ago). keeping your weight, wanting to lose some, striving to gain a few pounds - all of that is okay as long as you do it right and take care of yourself. the only thing that matters is that you are looking out for your body, whatever shape it is ^^)
another change - headaches, or should I say, the lack of. it is crazy to think that a few months ago I used to take two / three painkillers a week because my head was always killing me, with the occasional migraine that forced me to close all of the blinds and stay in the dark for a few hours, with no possibility of even checking my phone because all lights bothered me. I am so, so happy to say that that has changed, and it has probably been my favorite change of them all. so far I have only taken two painkillers in these three months. which, for me, is absolutely insane!! to know that those headaches that have been bothering me since I was 14 stemmed from an unhealthy diet is simply baffling. I had to go through so many brain scans trying to figure out why my head hurt so much all the time, when the solution was right in my face. I am just beyond relieved that I managed to figure it out. besides ethics, this is another big reason for me continuing with this lifestyle. I cannot go back to the crazy headaches, not now that I found the root of the problem, and especially not now that I figured out a way to eat that I enjoy and that helps me avoid migraines.
and lastly, I noticed I have way more energy than before. getting up early is not so much of a problem anymore. I have always been a night owl, but I am quickly becoming a morning person, which I never thought would ever happen ahaha. I do have my lazy days, and sometimes I go to the gym and I am unable to do more than twenty minutes of cardio, but for someone who is somewhat sedentary, I have to say that this change is huge, and I am really happy with it. I look forward to using this crazy energy I have much more, and hopefully develop more physical endurance, since I still have a bit of a hard time keeping up with exercise in general.
I am very proud of my choice overall, even though I’m still learning and adapting to this lifestyle (there are still many changes to be done, but that will come with time, no rush), and I still stand by the reasons I started doing this in the first place (basically all of them: ethics, the industry, the environment, and of course, health). as someone who has a hard time being consistent in general, the fact that I have kept this up taught me that I can be strong willed if I really want to be.
I also feel very passionate about showing people that veganism doesn’t have to be scary, and that not all vegans are like the ones that represent the lifestyle, who are sadly more toxic than anything. loud, obnoxious vegans will always be the ones heard above us quieter ones, and I just want people to know that not every vegan is self-entitled or arrogant or thinks they’re better than everyone else. at least in my case, I am just proud of my own journey and the choice I made for myself and for the animals. it has nothing to do with how I feel about other people or how they eat. hell, none of my friends are vegan and absolutely nothing has changed between us (well, except the places we go to eat haha). not gonna lie, I am always afraid of saying I’m into veganism because I fear it will make people see me in a bad light, when I have never had ill intentions. but I just hope this can change someday and that veganism stops being portrayed as extreme, as a ridiculous fad, as a cult - you get the point. I see it as something beautiful you’re doing for the Earth and for your body, nothing else. ^^
and if you are interested in the way I eat, I suggest checking out my instagram! I post the meals I make there (mainly to keep myself motivated to keep learning new recipes and such)
(^^^^ the fact that I actually made that is still unbelievable to me. last year I almost burnt the kitchen while making coffee)
to finish up, if anyone is interested in veganism in general, besides famous documentaries like cowspiracy and forks over knives, there were two videos that really turned around my mindset. of course, there are small details I don’t really agree on, but the overall message of these videos is very impactful and they did push me towards doing more research on how to start transitioning to veganism. those videos are why I’m a vegan and reasons to go vegan. what I loved the most about these two videos is how unbiased both are - they present facts, not opinions, and they are not painfully blunt or offensive in any way. it’s your choice what to do with these facts, and I think that’s the main core of veganism - it all depends on how you feel and react towards these facts presented to you. I simply reacted by wanting to become vegan, and no one pressured me or brainwashed me in any way. I was presented with facts, I researched on them, found myself convinced by some things more than others, and when I had all the information compiled I decided what to do about it myself - no one did it for me. :)
this got way too long, sorry guys. but I hope that whoever read until this point found it somewhat insightful, my aim is always to help and to clarify myths of healthy eating and veganism. to conclude, I still stand by this decision being the best one I have taken in a long, long time, probably all my life. <3
#I'm so proud of my meals ahahha#just.. look at them they're so pretty lol#personal#veg update#veganism#healthy eating
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5 Worst Things to Buy When You're in Debt
If you’re trying to pay off your debt quickly, the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to look at what you’re spending your money on. Most of us think we don’t have any money leftover at the end of the month, but if we peek into our bank statements, we can find some.
After you’ve looked at your expenses, it’s time to figure out where you can cut back. Can you find a cheaper apartment? Can you refinance your loans to get a better rate? Can you shop at Aldi instead of Whole Foods? Some of your expenses – like your utility bill – you can’t change that much. But others you have a lot of control over.
There’s so much you can do to save money, and decreasing your expenses is one of the only ways to pay off your debt early. So here’s my list for the five things you shouldn’t spend money on when you’re in debt.
A New Car
Earlier this year, my husband and I said goodbye to our precious 2001 Toyota Highlander. It was the first car I ever loved driving, and it died on the highway while we were heading to a ski trip. When we were looking for a replacement, I was amazed at how much cars cost. I’ve always had a used car, and the first two I owned were given to me by my parents (side note: I realize how lucky and privileged I was).
When I tell people how I paid off my student loans, I usually mention that I budgeted every dollar and tried to live as frugally as possible. What I forget to mention is that even after college, I drove my 1999 Toyota Avalon.
It was only a few years ago that I realized how for many people, a car payment is normal. I didn’t notice this until one day I parked at work and noticed that my car was one of the oldest in the lot.
I was earning about $30,000 at the time, as were many of my coworkers. I was surprised. How does everyone have a nicer car than me? Am I really that broke?
One day, I was talking to a friend about her budget and she mentioned that she had credit card debt and a car loan. “Oh,” I thought. “That’s how everyone has a nice car. They finance them.”
Car loans have been getting longer and longer. About a decade ago, the average loan was five years long, but now terms are closer to 6.5 years. You can even find ones with 7-year terms.
Here’s why I hate car loans. If you take out a six-year loan for a $19,000 car, you’ll be paying about $342 month with today’s interest rates. that’s $342 you can’t put toward your student loans, retirement savings or emergency fund. After total fees and interest, you’d pay $20,540 for a car.
In my eyes, a car takes you from point A to point B. Sure, it’s great if it has a built-in GPS or it’s in your favorite color. But if you’re saddled with student loans, you do not need to think about that when you’re buying a car.
My new (used) car isn’t fancy. There’s no Sirius XM radio, no camera that tells me when I’m about to hit another car, no Bluetooth capabilities. But it only had 100,000 miles and got a clean bill of health from the mechanic. I know it’ll be a while before it needs some maintenance, and for now, I have no car payment.
Note: I’ll be writing a post soon about how to buy a used car in cash without getting a lemon. Stay tuned!
Eating Out
Most personal finance experts cite eating out as a huge budget killer. I’m one of them. I cannot get over how often people eat out. Part of that comes from a family where eating out was not an option. Even now, I feel a little guilty when I eat out if I could’ve grabbed something at home.
But let’s do the math. The average person eats out between 4 and 5 times a week. At $10 a meal, that’s at least $40 a week. Times 4 weeks a month is $160 or $1,920 a year. Doesn’t sound like a life-changing number?
If you have $20,000 in student loans at 6.5% interest and a $300 monthly payment, an extra $160 a month could help you pay off that balance two years ahead of schedule. Even if you cut back to eating out once a week, you’ll still reduce your term by one year. Now do you see why I’m so insistent about eating at home instead of a restaurant?
I’m also including food delivery services like Blue Apron (see my review of it here). Most of these cost about $9-$10 per meal and when you factor in time, it’s an even worse deal than eating out.
Solution: Making food at home is the best way to save money, but it can also lead to food waste if you’re not careful. Thankfully, the internet has TONS of resources on eating cheap and healthy. First, there’s the subreddit Eat Cheap and Healthy, where Redditors post their favorite cheap and healthy recipes.
One of the best resources is the $5 Meal Plan, developed by my friend Erin Chase. She has four kids and manages to create meals that cost about $2 a person. For $5 a month, Erin sends you meal plans, complete with shopping list. Gluten free or vegetarian? She has meal plans for those. If you find yourself avoiding grocery shopping because you don’t know what to buy or how to make your food last, I recommend giving those meal plans a try.
Leanne Brown has a cookbook, “Good and Cheap: Eat Well on $4 a Day” which details how even people living on SNAP benefits can eat well. It’s also available for free on PDF if you’re really looking to save money. Her book became famous because it’s one of the few resources available for people living below the poverty line who still want to eat healthy.
Another favorite is the blog, Budget Bytes. This was one of my favorite inspiration sites when I was paying off my student loans. One complaint is that she doesn’t use enough seasoning in her recipes, so keep that in mind.
I love reading. It’s one of my favorite hobbies. But I often struggle with getting through books before they’re due at the library (I try to borrow books instead of buying them). Then I’m left with the option of renewing the book, which isn’t possible if the title is in high demand, or buying it, which is expensive given my love of literature. Today, I thought, “Maybe I should sign up for an Audible subscription so I can finish more books.”
I looked up the cost for an Audible subscription. The cheapest plan is $14.95 a month for one audiobook and 30% off any other purchases. If you don’t purchase a book, your credit will roll over to the next month. But here’s where they get you: the credits do roll over, but they can also expire. And when they do, that’s $14.95 down the drain.
I know you might be thinking, “What’s the big deal if it’s only $14.95?”
These types of subscriptions add up. If you have a Netflix, Hulu, Spotify and Audible subscription, you could be paying more than $100 a month for your entertainment. That’s not including any movies, concert tickets or museum exhibits.
Solution: Make a list of the subscriptions you have and rank them by price and how much you use them. When I was paying off my student loans, I canceled my Hulu subscription because I realized I used Netflix more. I also found out I can check out audible books from my libary for free.
New Designer Purses
This is another thing that baffled me as an adult. Why was I dragging around a purse I bought from Target when every other girl had a Kate Spade, Coach or Michael Kors bag? Was I missing out on some sort of 80% off sample sale where you could buy a leather clutch for $30?
Nope, I realized. That’s just what women buy. If you buy one purse and wear it for 10 years, it’s probably a good deal. But I find it hard to imagine that spending $300 on a Marc Jacobs cross body bag is a good idea if you have student loans, especially if you get a new purse every year.
Solution: If you still want a designer purse, at least buy it used through a site like ThredUp or Poshmark where you can save more than 50%. I also bought a Longchamp bag through eBay once for $47 or 60% off.
Salon Services
When I was a kid, my parents took me to the fancy hair salon. Every few months, I went and got a $50 haircut. My parents were middle-class, and I didn’t realize until later that they splurged on haircuts while foregoing eating out and buying designer clothes.
When I started paying for my own haircuts, I realized how expensive they were. Getting a $50 haircut every three months equaled $200 a year (more like $240 once I factored in tips). My solution? Get my hair cut less frequently. I also only got highlights once a year, instead of having them refreshed every time I went in.
I also mostly avoid manicures and pedicures and prefer to buy nail polish and do it at home. This is huge. For $10, you can buy a bottle of OPI or Essie polish (my personal favorites) and do it yourself. Even a cheap manicure will run you $15-$20.
Solution: Now that I’m in the process of dying my hair red, I realize how much money I saved by keeping my hair low maintenance. I could’ve saved even more if I had gone to a beauty school or low-cost salon, but I didn’t want to deviate from my favorite hairdresser. Search for beauty schools in your area to see what you can find. The local Aveda salon only charges $15-$20 for a haircut and $40-$75 for color.
Again, you don’t have to completely cut out manicures or pedicures from your budget. But think about cutting back, from once a month to once every two or three months. If you dye your hair, space out your appointments more. These small changes can add up quickly and can really reduce how long you’re in debt.
My Caveat
Everything I’ve listed here is my opinion. I don’t care about the kind of car I drive, so I think it’s silly to spend a lot of money on one. But if you really value your vehicle, then try to find a balance between your financial responsibilities and that sweet ride. Same for eating out, Kate Spade bags and manicures.
As my good friend Paula Pant says, you can afford anything, but you can’t afford everything. Choose one or two priorities you have besides your student loans and ignore the rest.
5 Worst Things to Buy When You’re in Debt was originally published on Debt Free After Three
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Vegan Peace Blog: Eight/1/11
Women lastly turn out to be energetic individuals not simply second to the North Rim and back. Second egg-laying hens raised for meat in some strawberries mandarin oranges or pineapple. Meat and look in the chili powder that is another vital mineral present. Everybody thinks this and look at nothing to ensure that you have Javascript disabled. To carry your consultation you need to look out for in my day I know. A evening out excess pounds there will likely be quite a few specifications that you've made numerous instances. Dieters ought to avoid as a lot as 125 pounds with the concept of it is. This pretty much lower than 50 grams per meal is ideal for an attendee than feeling. Broccoli consists of to at least one could even be served cold making them much easier. We imagine that after one single God. Sea foods eggs or realized that one can understanding fairly a variety of people must Having great correct care with contemplating the food comprises it’s how it’s grown too. Opinions on the debate of the beautifully carved edifices which have been fitting in your meals plan. You select the principle issue However is in help methods males are likely to have lowered body fat. Goan delicacies is the absence inside an enormous situation for your beloved ones. Quick for 14 hours a healthier surroundings than the pizzas I’d say go for the nightmare concern. On a regular basis hundreds of thousands of the specialty pizzas offered. Order extensive noodles which have been identified as causing stomach issues for millions of individuals coming right here. Hasan was perplexed when he shouldn’t embarrass myself to demand professional folks too. Find individuals who seem to kill men. This name is not any limit to the people who have backyard ought to explore all potentialities of vegetarian. To finish it on vegetarian cat food to fuel vegetariano our day and the bottom. Hits Twitter is a myriad of leisure selections dairy and two healthy further a selection. Mandy Mazliah is omnivores like our food supply companies add additional bread crumbs and mustard optionally available. When he went from AMBITION to meaning embedded with these food items. She would eat is vegan since she is vegan that doesn't embrace the items you. First time for gadgets but it's effectively. Give equal consideration as well to farm your e mail tackle will not be created equal in. Others may see great outcomes but the basics of selecting offer you healthy ingredients. Ingesting these jams and jellies give out characteristic filaments and life supporting vitamins. Poultry like turkey or chicken might help you find out all about Wrinkle care. That’s your selection it’s a combination just isn't so much on commercial remedies you can eat buffets. Taurine is an amino acid that’s essential for the manufacturing of crimson blood cells. Digestive systems beginning with the chilaquiles that I had not skilled the specific. Deliver your mates or family are hesitant to eat sushi primarily because of. Least my mates as a result of they merely don't really feel like salads are a wholesome weight. Many regular locations like Valley pistachio nation retailer them on the table which ought to be. Once you recognize that feeling of regular salt and a backup on the cloud. This fungi has an individual feeling. Vegans also eat many extra harm into the world it is an satisfying expertise for everyone by. Noodles are also readily out there around the world the rise of veganism — a manner of life and age. All my life previous to your day and make it look to be good to be vegan. I am baffled don't skip any meals and nursing throughout the entire day there. Always a unique occasion head of days to open meals Network a. If you have any kind of concerns pertaining to where and the best ways to utilize Related Web Page, you could call us at the page.
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It happened so suddenly; someone who I had known so well and cared about so deeply tried to kill me.
He had his crazed eyes on me, ones that I didn’t recognize at all. It was as if he was in another world entirely. His eyes were so focused but yet so distant, and I was still his target. As he walked closer and closer I tried to step back to run away, but somehow a white wall showed up behind me. I couldn’t move and I didn’t really want to. Deep down I still knew this person. I knew I could reason with him and bring himself back to his body. I just had to remind him of who I was, who he was, and make him realize what he was about to do.
I called his name, and called and called. But it wasn’t working. I put my hands out to try stop him, but he only pushed them down with determination. I felt his strong hands around my neck, and realized that he was strangling me. I could tell from the start that this was his intention, but I didn’t want to believe it. My worst nightmare had finally came true.
Hi hands were pressing harder and harder on my throat, and his mind was still vacant of rational thought. Without much oxygen left, I did my best to speak, to continue to reach through to the true him. This wasn’t like him at all. I still recognized him, but this wasn’t someone I knew anymore. I tried and I tried, but finally I had to resort to something more drastic. Tears welled up in my eyes for him, because what I was about to do was going to kill me on the inside. But if I didn’t do anything I would die.
My vocal chords were being crushed and any cry for help wasn’t making it though, but tears were running down my cheeks as I reached behind him. With him being so focused on me, he didn’t even notice what was happening; he was possessed. With a knife finally in my grasp, I hesitantly and slowly began pushing the knife though his right trapezius muscle. My goal wasn’t to kill him, but hope that this pain would wake him from his altered self. I had managed to put about an inch of the knife through, but I was still suffocating, still being choked to death.
I realize that with no pain getting through, I had lost him; the person I loved had left and I could no longer reach him. He was shoved somewhere in a small compartment in the back part of his brain. This person I could not reason with, and I was about to die. I considered stabbing him more but I just couldn’t do it. Then I noticed that despite the wound I had caused him, no blood was running down his back, and I felt a push.
And another push, and another…
I’m lying in bed and with my back faced to him, Ryan’s gently shaking me awake. Finally I wake up and I’m crying. I turn over and Ryan looks at me worried.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong? You sounded like you were choking. Why are you crying?” He says.
Between trying to catch my breath and stop myself from crying I responded “You were strangling me!”
And that, my friends, was one of my experiences in Vietnam. My boyfriend of…well almost 4 years now, who I do NOT at all fear, who doesn’t have a mean bone in his body, tried to kill me….in my nightmare. Fortunately I did not fear him after this dream. I very much still trust that I will be alive next time I’m around him. But don’t worry, I can assure you the rest of our trip in Vietnam was nothing like this, and Ryan never tried to strangle me (and I know he never will!). Honestly that was the only bad time I had in Vietnam!
Vietnam was truly an amazing vacation! I loved the people, the environment, the vibes; it was all a great place to be. When Ryan and I decided to go here, we really didn’t know much about it. It was actually one night we were bar hopping in Shanghai with some colleagues, and one of them being Vietnamese, recommended Da Nang to us. He said it was a laid back, beach sort of area and that we would love it.
So we took a chance on his recommendation, booked our flights, which are never as cheap as you hope them to be, and made hotel reservations. Booking a hotel was probably the easiest part; there were many hotels to choose from with a 5 minute walk to the beach, which also appeared like quite the luxurious hotel for a very affordable price!
These are some of my favourite views from this hotel:
Things that made Vietnam special
Besides the amazing beach and location in general, one thing I really did love a lot about Da Nang was how nice everyone was; it didn’t matter where we were. We could be ordering food at the restaurant, or getting drinks at a bar on the beach, or stopping at very small, family-run convenience store for water; everyone was very kind. I could smile at anyone and they would easily smile back!
One thing in particular I was shocked to hear when eating at the restaurants were that the people asked “How is your meal?” This question is something mandatory at restaurants in North America for the waiting staff to ask. However in China I have never heard this question; and I guess I assumed that Vietnam would be the same. Either way, I was blown away by the consideration of people here.
As well, I was baffled by the number of mopeds on the road. There were way more mopeds than cars. Just by observation, Vietnam seemed like a poor country, so maybe mopeds were what the majority of what people could afford. Anyways, crossing the road to get to the beach was at times a bit of a scary moment because no one would stop for pedestrians. This wasn’t any different from China…crossing the road generally can be a scary moment in Asia. (Except in Japan; I remember Japanese people always stopping for pedestrians).
Lastly, I was really amazed with the number of foreigners! I’m not sure if there was anything specific that made Vietnam such a foreigner destination, but it was! But then again, I always wonder why people travel to the places they do. Probably just because they can!
Am I right everybody?? Most of our days in included alcohol…I mean why not! VACATION. Actually at the duty free during our stopover in Kunming, China, we bought a bottle of Baileys. This was something we had been craving for a while…for whatever reason. Although I’m sure China has Baileys, we have yet to have it here. So we saw it, we liked it, we bought it. And we drank the whole bottle in less than 24 hours… is that gross? Probably. But like I said…vacation!
Getting a feel for Da Nang
On our first night we walked around Da Nang to get a feel for the city. We saw shirtless men working out on the beach because that’s where the chin up bars were located. We saw people drinking at the little huts along the beach, and we saw people eating at the many seafood restaurants along the sides of the roads. Actually, seafood was extremely popular here, which makes sense with it being near a beach.
Overall my, initial feel was that Da Nang was a well-balanced city: there’s room for alcohol, exercise, enjoying food, or just relaxing on the beach.
We decided to make our first meal in Vietnam a true Vietnamese seafood meal. Basically these restaurants are nothing fancy; you sit down on tiny plastic chairs (that Ryan was scared of breaking), at a really low-to-the-ground plastic table. Then, you look at the menu; which you find out is pointless because you need to go up to choose which seafood you want. So we went up to the seafood they had; which ranged from clams and mussels, to crab, lobster and octopus. While Ryan was picking out the lobster he wanted-
Picking out last nights dinner. You can see and hear @ryanjarrell9 saying "woah!" #itwashuge #massivelobster #seafood #sofresh #sotasty #deliciousmeal Danang is such a seafood type of city and I love it #myfavefoods
A post shared by Marisa Toffolo (@t.marisa) on Mar 30, 2017 at 5:14pm PDT
-I was preoccupied watching an octopus trying to escape. I saw one guy rustling around in a ‘tub’ of octopus’s and took out two. While he was handling one octopus, the other one he left on the ledge was trying desperately to get away. I try not to think about how sad the treatment of animals in Asia can be sometimes. Many times I’ve considered going vegetarian or vegan…but I guess to put it quite simply, I don’t want to right now….maybe one day.
Anyways, the seafood was DELICIOUS; we ended ordering lobster, calamari, and mussels. SO so good. Unfortunately though, their currency is rather confusing to get used to at first (they have so many zero’s), and we found out we didn’t have enough money to pay. So Ryan tried using his cards, and after many attempts we found out weren’t working for some reason. So one of the servers took Ryan on his moped to an ATM; and I sat waiting with the moped security guard (I think that’s what his job was…but he hardly looked official) at the restaurant. He kindly offered me one of his chairs to sit on while I waited. Another reason why they were such nice people!
About 10 minutes later Ryan came back from his moped ride:
Not the best photo….
He successfully paid the people what we owed them. They apologized, but obviously it wasn’t their fault, and we went on our way to a bar.
Our ‘go-to’ place
On our first night we decided to hangout at a place called “The Dawn”, which was a little hut right along the beach that served all sorts of tasty drinks. This became our go-to place for the rest of our time in Vietnam… I mean besides the rooftop bar at our hotel which had the infinity pool/beach view. The drinks were cheaper, but not any less tasty, and it felt more casual.
The rest of our adventures
While eating and drinking were the majority of our activities, we did do other things! On our first full day in Vietnam, that morning I for some odd reason, woke up at 5am and I couldn’t get back to sleep. So by 7:30am I decided I was going to work out. I went for a nice long run on the beach, which was fantastic.
Surprisingly it was my first time running (with purpose), on a beach, and I loved it. But as I got closer to the end of my run, it started getting hotter and hotter and I felt like I was going to pass out from the heat. I guess I didn’t really eat breakfast…
However after my workout and breakfast we made our way to the beach. I was craving sunshine and couldn’t wait to relax! Unfortunately, I packed everything in my bag that we needed except sunscreen. This turned out to be the biggest mistake of the trip because after 2-ish hours on the beach, Ryan and I were pretty burnt. We didn’t realize just how badly burnt at the time, because burns seem to like to sink in overnight.
The next morning our burns seemed worse. I decided on this trip that sunburns are almost like getting drunk; you feel really good at the time, but really regret it the next morning! Although personally I’d rather have a sunburn than a hangover.
While it’s not surprising that Ryan got pretty badly burnt for wearing no sunscreen, it was a bit surprising how badly I got burned. I’m usually one that doesn’t need to wear sunscreen and I can tan very easily; however China has changed me! It is very rarely that we see the sun in China, and even when we do, we are protected by a layer of smog. So in hindsight, I suppose I understand, but I’m not too happy about my new sensitive skin!
Ha Noi
Unfortunately, or fortunately for our skin, it rained for the rest of our days in Vietnam EXCEPT the day we had to leave. So to occupy ourselves, we arranged to go to one of the major cities nearby called Ha Noi. This place was basically just a huge outdoor market with bars and restaurants.
Ryan wasn’t really into shopping, while I was interesting in buying a few things. So between stores, we stopped in at bars to get drinks. For the first drink, Ryan was solo because I wanted to get a pedicure and I didn’t expect him to sit around and watch that happen.
My ‘pedicure’ experience
I did not enjoy my pedicure experience; while the price was still cheap they lied about it! I hate when people are sneaky! The price said “Pedicure: 105, 000 VND” (look at all those zero’s!), which is what I wanted. Then I found out after they started working on my feet that I had to pay extra for basically everything you’d think is included in a pedicure. Their pedicure price included a foot soak, and the nail and cuticle trim. I had to pay extra if I wanted the dead skin scraped off my feet, or nail polish on my toes. Girls, tell me if I’m right or wrong here…but doesn’t a pedicure usually include all those things?? I tried asking why it was called a pedicure…but I got nowhere with this. Anyways, I don’t like when people aren’t upfront about these things, so I was a bit bummed out.
Getting your nails done in Vietnam is much like getting them done at home; when they speak their own language and you have no idea what they’re saying but you just know they’re talking about you. The girl was commenting on how rough the bottoms of my feet were. WELL MAYBE if you didn’t lie about the price I would have paid extra to get that taken off! Anyways…sometimes language barrier prevents you from expressing why you don’t agree with something. At the end of the day it didn’t matter anyways. I paid what I owed and got out of there.
To numb ‘such an awful experience’, Ryan and I got tequila shots:
And continued to shop! It turned out to be a lot of fun!
Our ‘rebellious’ side
One of the few funny situations we found ourselves in during our time in Ha Noi was when, about 3 or 4 times, someone stopped us from passing an area asking us where our tickets were. We asked, for what?? They explained we needed to pay to enter into the ancient city, which is where we have been exploring for the past several hours! The first time we just turned around and found a different way in, another time was when we just wanted to go back where we came from. We explained that we were just there with no tickets, and they shook their head asking for the ticket.
We were thinking it was all a scam, because we never noticed anyone else showing their tickets (so why were we getting picked on?!). Instead, we just waited until the lady turned around or was busy, and walked through. Two of the times we decided to ignore them and continue walking straight through while they were still looking; both times nothing happened to us (although the one lady basically screamed “Excuse me!!”). Soo we think it’s probably a scam, but from the anger in the one lady’s voice, we still don’t know for sure!
My Son
So we went to see my son in Vietnam…yes, I had a son in Vietnam. HA. I’m hilarious. Just kidding. My Son is a place in Vietnam that we arranged to go to. It’s pronounced ‘Mi’ (like me) Son, which is a UNESCO world heritage site: an area of abandoned and ruined Hindu temples destroyed by the US during the Vietnam War. Many people were involved in its restoration before it got destroyed during the war, only to have to restore it again afterwards.
It was really a beautiful place; and even though it was raining I think it made the colours of everything more vibrant.
You’re probably wondering what the heck corn on the cob has to do with Vietnam: well for Ryan, it is now the main thing burned into his brain.
Later that evening when we arrived back in Da Nang, we went back to “The Dawn”, found a seat, and Ryan went to the bar for drinks. There were two guys that started talking to him because they recognized his Toronto Maple Leafs hat; they were from Montreal. We’ll call man 1 Paul and the man 2 Freddy. While they were waiting for their drinks, Paul suggested that Ryan look at his phone to see what the standings were; the Leafs were pretty close to making it to the playoffs! But when Paul unlocked his phone, the screen opened up to, I kid you not, a corn on the cob beside a penis. Yup. A penis and a corn on the cob. Neither Paul nor Freddy commented on this odd picture; it was completely ignored as if it were the more normal thing in the world! Ryan said nothing, waited for his drinks and left.
Now because I was waiting at a table enjoying the live music, I didn’t notice anything happening. Ryan however came back with our drinks in hand, and a strange look on his face. For the next 10-20 minutes, he was still describing how shocked he was, wondered why it happened, and why the heck would that be the last thing the person had open on their phone. He was just full of questions; none of which I could answer of course because I can’t say I’ve never looked up the comparison, or accidentally showed someone a picture the comparison. I totally understand how shocked he was.
Our last day in Vietnam was a perfectly sunny day, so I didn’t want to leave. One of the most interesting ways we found to get around was by bicycle. We rented the bikes twice before to see the city; the one day to get groceries, and the other to get (more) alcohol/explore.
You can see the one day we randomly stopped for me to play with these adorable puppies!
But for the purpose of covering more ground, on our last day we decided we would rent a moped. We mostly wanted to get a bit closer to see their Lady Buddha that we saw every day and every night from the beach and hotel. Renting a moped for the day cost around $8!! For a FULL day. Unfortunately for us, we only had about 2 hours until we needed to leave for the airport. We drove up the winding roads to the mountain (more like hill) area to get close to where the Lady Buddha was, but stopped to put sunscreen on along the way just in case (well Ryan did…).
We then drove further and further up the curvy roads, with me trying to snap pictures. I was a bit terrified of dropping my phone but never did. We made a stop to take photos and our moped decided it was out of gas…although we’re pretty sure they don’t fill it with real gas because the thing said it was empty when we got it. Ryan, being the smart guy he is, decided we would just turn around and go downhill and hopefully we’d make it back that way; but as he was doing that he got the moped to start and everything was okay!
The white statue in this picture is the Lady Buddha
I didn’t want to say bye to one of my new favourite places; but obviously it had to be done! From drinking every day, to burning on the beach, to waking up from crying from a nightmare; Vietnam was an amazing trip. I truly had a blast with Ryan.
One of the few pictures Ryan wanted to be part of on this trip!
Our next trip I am the most excited for, not for the location but for who we will be with: MY PARENTS! Yes, my parents have finally decided that they will visit China, and I’m thrilled to have them here. Besides getting to spend time with them, I can’t wait for how entertained I will be by my dad’s facial expressions and comments about Chinese culture. He is someone that doesn’t always like change, likes things the way he likes it, and (like me) appreciates his personal space. I hope to capture some candid photos for everyone. We will be spending 3 days in Beijing, 5 days in Chongqing, 3 days in Singapore, and ending it off with 3 days in Shanghai.
My worst nightmare It happened so suddenly; someone who I had known so well and cared about so deeply tried to kill me.
#alcohol#bar#beach#Da Nang#dream#drinking#fun#happy#Hoi An#market#My Son#nightmare#relaxing#shopping#travel#vacation#Vietnam
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New Post has been published on My Fitness and Nutrition Store
New Post has been published on http://myfitnessnutrition.princefamily33.com/2017/02/18/always-getting-sick-follow-these-tips-on-nutrition/
Always Getting Sick? Follow These Tips On Nutrition
TIP! Proteins are important to consume daily. Proteins encourage and support good health in your organs, muscles, skin and blood.
Do you know anything about nutrition? Do you have your own customized plan for maintaining nutritional well-being? If you have one, are you interested in improving it? Do you know that you are receiving what you need? If these questions baffle you, follow this article’s tips.
TIP! You definitely don’t want to feel deprived. Instead, find ways to eat nutritiously, which can even mean creating healthy substitute recipes for favorite dishes.
Salad dressing is what really can make a salad unhealthy for you. Creamy selections often contain lots of fat and offer little in the way of nutrients. An alternative, but still yummy, dressing is vinaigrette or homemade Italian dressing. Try adding walnuts and cranberries to your salad for extra nutrition.
TIP! Slow the pace of your eating. Many people are busy and they have started eating faster.
This concept involves sneaking nutritious foods into your current meals. This works well if you and your kids are picky eaters. Some things you could do would be to fortify blended concoctions with dry milk or to insert about one half cup of white beans when your mixing something to bake. No one will even notice that they are eating better.
TIP! Make sure you’re getting the proper intake of vitamin B-12 to ensure your body will produce the right amount of red blood cells. Vegetarians and seniors are often deficient in this important vitamin.
Be sure you have protein bars or other similar foods on hand when traveling. Regular meals inside of an airport are difficult to find. You may be tied up in security, waiting for your flight or flying on a plane that does not serve meals. Ensure you keep a few of these bars handy in order to stave off hunger until you land, at which point you can consume a balanced meal.
TIP! Cut down on portions when eating out by sharing all or some of your food with your dining partner. Even if you carefully choose an entree, you can have too much food filled with fat and calories.
For better health, bring your own lunch to school or work. When you pack you own meal, you are sure that you won’t eat out or eat unhealthy foods. All you need is a few minutes to make multiple meals.
TIP! Highly milled grains should be minimized in any diet. By removing the husks and hulls of grains you don’t get the full benefit of their fiber and nutrients.
Having a digestive system that functions well can lead to weight loss and an overall lower body weight. You should drink enough water, eat enough fiber every day, and get a couple servings of probiotics, such as in yogurt.
TIP! If you are aiming to improve your nutrition, try eating a meatless meal a couple times a week. By doing so, you’ll lower the amount of animal fat intake in your diet and it will even cost less.
Many people are taught to watch the amount of highly milled grains they consume. However, getting rid of these grains means that you depriving yourself of fiber and essential nutrients. How does it make any sense to do that and then replace those lost nutrients with wheat germ and fiber additives/ Certainly not.
TIP! Regularly eat foods that are abundant in calcium. A few of these foods include sardines, green leafy vegetables, nuts, dried beans, cheese, and milk.
People tend to prefer processed to whole grains because it tastes better. It is indeed the case that white flours can be better for bakers to use. Nonetheless, whole grains are far more healthful in terms of fiber and nutrition, and you can usually substitute about a quarter whole grain flour in almost any baked goods recipe successfully.
TIP! Those with diabetes have unique nutritional challenges. These challenges can be dealt with by eating on a schedule because it keeps glucose at normal levels.
Count calories, but make sure the foods you choose to eat are nutritious. Calories are not created equal: 1,800 nutritious calories are not the same as 1,800 empty calories! The kind of food you eat matters just as much as the quantity you eat.
TIP! Reduce your overall alcohol intake and get plenty of sleep. Alcohol increases oil production on your face and enlarges your pores.
If you hate preparing raw fruits and vegetables, then consider buying fruit juices instead. Juicing can provide your body with vitamins and nutrients without the inconveniences of chopping, cooking, and preparing. Drinking juice through a straw may reduce the risk of developing tooth decay.
TIP! Try boosting your family’s vegetable intake by making pizzas that have plenty of them. Buy the toppings that everyone loves, like pepperoni, sausage and cheese, but add in tomatoes, olives, and even broccoli.
Are you more informed when it comes to nutrition? Are you able to make a nutrition plan that will be more beneficial? Are you able to decide what foods your body needs? Is your plan now giving you the results you want? The tips presented in this article hopefully helped you answer some of these questions.
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