#because alear is now angry
creativesplat · 1 year
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So the Fell Xenologue... huh...
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Obsessed with male Alear…
His voice is just. He sounds like he is constantly on the verge of tears. He speaks very quietly and there’s a sort of scratchy quality that makes it sound like, at any given moment, he may just start crying. When he gets angry or upset and speaks louder, he sounds on the verge of frustrated tears. Whenever he speaks to enemies, I want to tell them to stop bullying him.
He is pretty tall. Just, in general, he is relatively big compared to the other characters (makes sense, he is a dragon child). He is also the biggest scaredy-cat. He is so scared. He is terrified. Let him go back to sleep. Please.
Speaking of sleep, he just falls asleep. All the time. He slept for a thousand years and he is still sleepy. This war’s going to end and he’s going to fall asleep for another thousand years.
(I am aware the sleepiness is almost certainly also a trait female Alear shares, and it is also funny with her. There’s just something about playing as male Alear that makes everything funner.)
That is, everything is funner because everyone’s first comment is on his appearance. Not to comment on how weird it is or how strong he looks; no, Alear is primarily looked at for the first time and announced beautiful. I feel like this is, somewhat, normal for female characters. Like, in media, someone’s first thought upon seeing a woman is almost always a judgement of how hot she is, isn’t it?
But, playing as male Alear, you get the same treatment. Everyone just thinks he is lovely. His divine dragon power is being divinely beautiful. It’s also just kind of funny when Alear says “Is now really the time or place?” After a bit, he just pretends not to hear them.
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bi-leth-eisner · 10 months
i benched Panette last playthrough because she missed a 98% and i got SO ANGRY but now that she and my wife Merrin are on the team on my f!Alear file they are not leaving
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My prejudgement of the engage cast: Brodia edition
This is as of before I venture into chapter 5, so obviously I don’t actually know ANYTHING about anyone except what I’ve accidentally absorbed through fanart. This is all purely based on their appearance and the vibe. I’ll reblog with what I actually think of them after I’ve finished the game, or have sufficient enough exposure to them \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
(These are still really harsh, no i do not mellow with time and yes I’m an excellent person with first acquaintances how could you guess??)
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Listens to my chemical romance
has Mysophobia
Kevin the teenager but make it anime
Haha Emo
An eMpAth
pathetic little meow meow who’s had a bucket of water dumped on him periodically
I don’t know if I’ve said it before but THE most morally unsound of the entire game but in a nice way (chaotic good style)
war crime is okay if you win the war then threaten anyone who brings it up
Very emotional but doesn’t show it on the outside, probably depressed but that’s his default setting
Depending on your choices in game, he’ll either snap and become a killing machine and like it or turn into a certified Alear malewife
practices his eyeliner while crying in a locked bathroom (bonus points if it’s his parents bathroom)
Has nice parents but acts out like he has a rocky home life
has a brother he doesn’t like
Comes across like he thinks he’s the best but actually he’s insecure
doesnt actually want to be royalty
Must be under surveillance 24/7
Smokes weed
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Tastes like yoghurt if you licked her
very good at handicrafts
has the biggest sapphic ship with Citrinne (now I’ve said that they’re automatically gonna be related)
I have a massive crush on her and Citrinne, we could be poly 😳❤️
why are her eyebrows above her fringe???
has magic eyebrows
secretly likes to have expensive, nice things but doesn’t want anyone to know because she feels bad about it
judges you but then says she would never
has a massive appetite and will eat anyone wait I mean anything
would collect crystals in a modern au
doesn’t like children but looks like she should
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Knows what she likes and likes what she knows
Is she gay or European? A genius would say why not both
Snobby and upper class but would snap your neck if you told her that
Same vibe as Dorothea
social justice warrior
sarcastic in an intimidating way
wine aunt
Also likes expensive things but is very money conscious
her time is precious but if you were ill she would spend all day and then some caring for you
thinks giving Starbucks gift cards for birthdays makes her a god
Money launders
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Constantly comes off angry for no reason but only because he isn’t very articulate
Believes in the power of camaraderie and friendship more than the care bears
Seems strict and unfeeling but in reality is SO the opposite
Diluc got a hair cut
a gym bro but too introverted to fully display his bro power
the most romantic man you’ve ever seen <3
takes everything very seriously and struggles to relax
Can do eye liner better than you GUARANTEED
Doesnt care about his appearance
Sexy but he doesn’t know it 😩
easily embarrassed about literally anything
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I’ve never even heard him speak but I already want him to stop talking
literally just shut up
acts like he’s THE man but is actually just a cringefail
wanna be Ferdinand von Aegir
Will mansplain, malewife, manwhore and manslaughter all at the same time
Pretentious bitch
cant do 2 piece puzzles
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Also a lesbian
can crush a melon with her thighs
Brodia is the nation of gay women and I’m here for it
Married to her axe because that’s definitely what she wields
the only aspect of her personality is that she likes weapons
Oh and women
Extremely and unapologetically blunt
A vigilante and her opinion is always correct
that’s all I’ve got to say
I take back what I said about Solm potentially being my favourite Nation, these guys are way swaggier (−_−;)
Previous posts in the series-
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nowis-scales · 1 year
Fire Emblem 17 Playthrough… Engage!
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Alear please just take the ring.
Oh my god she can’t hear me, she has AirPods in.
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Ok I was literally right about it being like, 48 hours lol
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This is just how I feel being on Tumblr trying not to be angry that everyone kept posting untagged Engage spoilers because they don’t want to take the extra minute to tag it, so I’ve already been spoiled
I literally have the tags filtered, too, everyone just hates me 😅
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sieglinde-freud · 2 years
for the ask game, a question of your choosing!!
why would u do this roy. now im gonna go on a tangent about religionshipping and its gonna be your fault
20. Are there any ships that you like, whether popular or rarepair?
well you see
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FIRST OF ALL god/worshipper dynamic is crazy. i dont have to point that out for you guys. but then also its like. you know with avatars and s supports becoming more common in fire emblem a lot of the “romances” have to be hamfisted in so everyone can pick their fav and be happy and it just kind of dilutes the quality sometime on account of there being so many. so especially in the case of avatars does it feel like romances are either one sided or just thrown in out of fucking nowhere just for the sake of completion. ur gonna tell me corrin spent the entire chain hating on odin just to fall in love with him out of nowhere in the s (that chain makes me irrationally angry btw but another vent for another day) so when that DOESNT happen it j makes it way more impactful and the way that it happens in pandreos s support feels like such a natural build off of their B and A supports where alear actually talks about how he doesnt believe he lives up to being a god and pandreo helps him get over that belief which is j really refreshing because i feel like a lot of “avatar” supports, not just in engage, are more about the protagonist helping and reacting to the other character and not the other way around so its j like. idk. alear/pandreo support fucks. also i personally dont really like projecting onto the avatars so having a support where alear stands more on his own is refreshing for me
and then outside of supports theyre just cute. its such a cute concept. i think pandreo trying to balance his frat boy and clergy personas in front of alear is so silly and the fact that alear doesnt really give a shit about which one hes putting up is even funnier. like itd be totally reasonable to think you’d have to have an eternal stick up ur ass around god but here he is. howling. its so silly. so goofy. also both of their hair styles are atrocious. ugly ass couple. i think i can make a shitpost out of that one actually. i just found the template im doing that later ok anyways they just make me mental illness. i beat the writers block for them. i have like 15 drafted posts just about me screaming about them. its so unwell. theyre so hhhggegrhj
i also really like panette/timerra
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
M!Alear × Vander
By Your Side
Series: Fire Emblem.
Character: Male Alear and Vander.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Notes: Spoilers for chapter 3 of Engage.
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He had always been there for Alear knowing or unknowingly. From the moment Alear had awoken in the Somniel and through his journey in Lythos. Vander had to be there to help Alear through thick and thin.
It could be for simple things such as getting Alear a change of clothes after training or defending him in battle. Even comforting him in times of need such as when Alear's mother Queen Lumera passed away. But they didn't understand each so quickly and grow close together from the very start.
Of course, both of them were friendly with each other as anyone else would be meeting for the first time. However, as Alear made his journey through the land of Lythos. They build up a good friendship with each other and grew to understand each other.
This took form in many ways such as Alear wanting to handle things such as laundry and for Vander not to. He wanted to see and speak with Vander as a friend and person not just a servant and his master. Of course, this was the same for Vander understanding Alear.
Vander compared Alear to Queen Lumera and had trouble seeing Alear as his person. It was something he changed with time and took more consideration of Alear seeing him as separate from Queen Lumera. Of by talking about all these things and sorting them our Vander and Alear remained ever close with each other.
Vander had felt guilty as he had not seen Alear as his person instead seeing him as another Queen Lumera in the flesh. But even still there are many similarities in Alear he saw from Queen Lumera. Such as how kind and thoughtful both of them are.
However, one thing was clear to Vander and he saw something different with Alear unlike with Queen Lumera. That was Alear had a future and was ever-growing and changing as a person. That made Vander happy he could see Alear grow as s person and enjoy life.
Both of them had come to realize their feelings for one another however both of them were not sure how to express those feelings. However Vander the man who had been with Alear through thick and thin knew when the time was right. So before they headed out for battle once more he would tell Alear how he truly felt.
"Alear I have something I must confess but beforehand I must admit something to you. I had been upset and angry that Queen Lumera appointed me as your Steward. I was angry I felt as though Queen Lumera had no use for me and all I wanted was to serve her until the very end. When this happened I failed to see this as something positive however after Queen Lumera passed away. I had come to realize serving you her beloved child was the highest honor for a Steward such as I."
Vander spoke to Alear finally confessing things to the man that he had kept hidden from him for far too long. Now but he would know now the truth about how he felt about him. Then finding his words is when Alear spoke to Vander.
"Vander I want to thank you for speaking with me so honestly and opening up to me. Now that you recognize yourself as my knight and the position of my Steward. There is something that I wish to give to you Vander." Alear spoke as from his pocket he took out the Pact Ring and held it before Vander.
"The Pack Ring? Surely you cannot give me something so precious Alear." Vander spoke in disbelief. "Of course can be given to you Vander because I want you to have it. As the Divine Dragon this ring shows a strong and special connection to those who receive it from a Divine Dragon like myself. For standing by my side and my mother's and serving us both tirelessly I want you to accept this ring."
Alear spoke happily to Vander with a smile on his face one unlike any other he had seen before. Then Vander spoke to the Alear with the Pack Ring now on his finger. "I, Vander swear to protect you. I will be your sword and shield, even should it cost me my life."
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shyflameweasel · 2 years
I am like, 12 hours into the game after playing it on and off for the past couple days and all I can say is that its meh. If you like it then all the power to you and I'd love to hear you're reasoning. This is just my little ol' opinion of the thing which I'm hoping will change as I get further into the game. Spoilers beware, you're in for a scare.
Honestly it's not worth the 60$ price tag or the 30$ dlc. Not the biggest fan of the character designs, the walking toothpaste commercial not withstanding just generally don't like any of the designs I've seen so far, especially whenever I need to talk to a character and I just see their hair clipping through their bodies or jiggle physics applied to hair/hair ornaments. Colorful looks aside a lot of them really do feel bland even when I do their support conversations. Feels like there could have been something there but so far its like drinking a flat soda filled with more melted ice than drink.
The boutique isn't for me either but I'm sure the people that want to dress up their characters in different designs are having a ball. Long as people are enjoying that feature I guess.
It is a bit weird that the possible marriage possibility that was introduced all the way back in Awakening but that may have been because the developers didn't want to turn the game into a dating sim. Or at least that's what I'm guessing but who knows, I stayed away from a lot of information regarding the game while it was in development so I wouldn't hype myself up. But with how watered down the characters are it really doesn't seem worth it to S rank anyone if it was available.
The story doesn't grip at all. It is nice to see all the locations and the four different nations plus flying sky island do offer a nice hook that it sadly didn't catch. Wake up with amnesia, get told that you're the kindest bravest person ever to live, find your mom who's a divine god dragon who's also obviously the queen of this land, get a dark and evil vision of yourself grinning evilly, queen dies because she was giving you all her power to wake up and then you go from place to place getting the pieces to dear old dead mom's jewelry collection. All I know is that Alear is the best thing since sliced bread and I would not at all be surprised if the allies on the Somneil became some weird cult.
The fighting mechanics are one of my favorites with how smooth it is at times but even then for a while I still felt something was off. That 'something' being the weapon proficiency leveling up. It doesn't do that unless you get to a high bond level with a Emblem that specializes with that weapon. Or when you change class you can increase you're weapon proficiency a whole rank or even decrease it. It feels a bit clunky still so I don't have much to say.
Also a bit iffy on the decision to get rid of the durability of most items. On one hand now people don't have to worry about their weapons randomly breaking during battle. On the other hand it feels like if you can get your hands on powerful weapons you can cheese the fights cause now you don't have to strategize as much as you did before.
Aside from the battle UI the only other things I can find enjoyment in are Sommie and the animal adoption aspect. Both are adorable and I am so getting every animal I can get my grubby little hands on.
And the Alear and Ring!Marth interactions that make me think they were a couple. Can't help but let out a cackle every so often.
Altogether, I'm just really hoping that the game does get better as I continue playing it. I'm not so much as angry at the game as I am disappointed that there's seemingly feels like there wasn't much thought put into it since it is a Fire Emblem game so obviously there's going to be people who buy it for the name alone. Only time will tell I guess.
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crapmagak · 2 years
New Engage Trailer
Just when I declare we probably won’t get one this week. Oh well, I’m not complaining.
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We started out with what I found to be a big shock. The silver haired woman can be seen on the special edition, and because of the lighting I always assumed she was a princess of the autumn nation (Which we now know is called Brodia). Nope. Instead she is Alears mother, who seems to die after the night bridge chapter, giving Alear their macguffin hunt quest. Fire Emblem gonna Fire Emblem.
This reminds me a lot of Queen Mikoto, which gets me worried. Mikoto had such a good design, and it was a huge (if obvious) disappointment when she died so early in the story. Maybe she’ll end up surviving somehow, considering her place on the box art, but I won’t hold my breath. Also, despite seeming to have round ears, it’s implied she’s the white dragon from earlier. Maybe it’s another sign she’ll survive. Or it could just be that the other divine dragon girl has the same model for her dragon form.
Another thing of note is her saying when Alears memories return, he must fight with the utmost divinity. Considering later parts of the trailer, this seems like it’ll be important. Speaking of which, Marth sure did hesitate a little when he said Alear was kind, huh.
Edit: Also noticed that she hands Alear Sigurd's ring specifically, so it seems Alfred was not it's original bearer.
Next, we get a look at the Brodian castle, with its prince at its starway. But what really catches my interest is the next scene. The scenery looks like the edge of the bridge map we caught glimpses of in the trailer, and we have two new face, and a familiar one. To the left is Citrinne, now in her mage outfit. This makes me think Alcryst is not the red haired swordsman like I originally assumed, but rather this blue haired archer. And we’ve seen this character on the box art before. Because of his vampire-like appearance, I assumed he was from Elusia, but if the silver haired woman isn’t the second Brodian noble, then perhaps this man is. When looking at the first japanese trailer, we can see a mage with Citrinnes color scheme, and an archer with this man's color scheme on the defense map. Then we see a pink haired, red armored swords woman. Then we get a clear look at Brodia’s crown prince
In terms of first impressions, the prince seems a lot more friendly and charming than I expected. I didn’t expect him to be an asshole by any means, but what glimpses we saw in the first trailer made me think he’d be more stoic and angsty. I’m confident his class will be Noble/ Back up; and use swords. 
Edit: Turns out this dudes name is Diamante in the spanish and chinese versions. It's a cool sounding name, so I'm curious if it'll change at in english.
The new Prince Alcryst is interesting though. His red and blue clothes make me wonder, is he also Brodian royalty, or is he an Elusian noble who’s gone rogue and joined the heroes side? Looking at his brief clip, he comes off as a weird mix of timid and angry. I suspect his class is Noble/ Spy, using bows.
It’s seems Citrinnes outfit in the first trailer was her unique casual wear, though the dress does look pretty. Then we have the pink haired girl. I don’t think she’s a sword fighter/ myrmidon because of the armor and cape. Instead, I think she’s gonna be a sword cavalier or pegasus knight. Thankfully, we’ll probably get a look at her via twitter bio to learn more.
From dialogue, we also learn a couple things about Brodia. An alliance with the country took “some doing”, it has an ambitious king, and it’s titled “The Kingdom of Might”. Considering the design of its likely king, I think he’s gonna become an antagonist at some point, because look at him. What exactly are those “ambitions” of yours, brah?
Then we get a glimpse at the desert country, now called Solm (Rough guess). It’s described as an open minded country that has good relations with Firene. We also get a glimpse of two other characters from the special edition box art; the dancer girl and the man with a rose. This also leads to some glances at the country itself. Seems to have more cliffs than I expected.
The dancer girl seems cute and perky. Judging from her outfit, her talking about fun, and how we saw her fight in the first trailer, I think it’s safe to say she’s a dancer. I don’t know if her class will be called something like Dancer/ Back up, or Noble/ Dancer though. Also, she’s shown to use lances.
The rose man seems fun too, playing into the Casanova Wannabe archetype. His chest guard made me assume he’d be a bow unit intiatal, but maybe he’ll use daggers instead, or something else entirely. But if Alcryst is the resident Noble/ Spy… Well, there's no rule saying two nobles can’t share in some way. Or maybe he’s a Noble/ Qigong, since none of the other noble box art characters seem to fit the bill. In that case, maybe he’s going to be our first fist lord.
I’m also curious about Solm as a whole, and if it’ll really be the last of the four countries we visit, especially considering how it was introduced third.
Next, we get another look at the snowy battlefield scene, complete with a better look at the view mage we saw put on the ring. Seems a lot taller and lankier than I assumed. I’d guess he’s either the king or some kind of evil vizier. The next shot really intrigues me. When they say some Elusians worship the fell dragon, we get a look at the inside of this church of some kind. We see a lot of snowflake designs in the stained glass, and none of the dragon statues seem to actually resemble the cobra headed fell dragon. We also see Alear, Marth, Alfred, the Bordian Prince, and Alcrsyst face the sorcerer and the jester girl. Definitely curious how this meeting happened. My best guess is our heroes got captured.
Next we get a look at the bridge chapter, with the jester girl and her girl squad leading the attack. We’ve actually seen the jester on the special edition box art before, making me think she’s an Elusian princess. That would make the two girls behind her likely her retainers. They’re all probably gonna be recruitable later down the line.
The jester girl seems like she's gonna be the cute but crazy archetype that’s pretty popular, think Harley Quinn and Toga from MHA. We can actually see a bit of her skirt in a later shot on someone riding a pegasus, which makes me curious. Obviously this makes her class Noble/ Flier, but her weapon is a mystery. That fact the pegasus is white makes me think she isn’t a dark flier, but maybe she’ll wield tomes anyways. Swords or axes also seem fitting for her.
Then we have a brunette girl in a yellow dress. Her single pauldron and her weapon make me think she’ll be a sword fighter. The girl with violet hair is a bit harder to pin down. On vibes alone she doesn't strike me as an ax fighter, maybe an ax cavalier or pegasus knight instead?
Next, we get a good look at the last remaining character of the normal box art, showing that her outfit is even sexier than we first thought. The lighting and angle also make her face less weird looking. Also, first look at wyverns in this game, which I’m rather down with. Considering her rather ominous threat, I’m curious how they’re going to make this character join our side later. Because that's obviously going to happen. Also, judging from her tome and wyvern, it’s safe to say she’s a malig knight. This cutscene also seems to take place in a fort or castle, with Brodian soldiers fighting in the background, maybe even the one shown in the defense chapter. Perhaps her class is also Noble/ Flier, or Noble/ Wyvern (Or Dragon). The wyvern also makes me think she’ll play a role similar to Minerva and Jill, the wyvern knight of an enemy kind that joins our side.
Back in the spooky church, we can see the sorcerer talking with the supposed fell dragon. It’s neet to get a better look at our likely main antagonist. He’s even got weird dragon feet. We then get a shot of the sorcerer man grabbing the Brodian general/ king's sword, with dark magic flowing out. Things are not looking good for him, but I don’t think he’s gonna die here.
Edit: We also got to the learn this fell dragon guys name thanks to Spanish subtitles. And upon rewatching, we actually can here it there too, if only briefly. It's Sombrom
 Then we see a cloaked figure holding a tome, attacking Alear in the same room where their mom died. Curiously, we can also see a statue of a girl in a skirt and cape with a sword in the shot. Maybe it means something. After some more shots, we get a better look at the figure, who seems to be using the young girl model. Obviously some plot twist is afoot. Is it the manakete girl, Celine, or some other character not shown yet but will “Die” during the attack on Lythos.
Edit: Looking at the footage some more, I noticed something. When Alear's mom is defending them from dark magic, we see a ring of dark fire around them. So, is this the person who kills mom?
Another fun bit comes where we get a look at the four enemy generals of this game. We have a green haired dude with piercings, showing off his abs. Makes me think he’ll be a berserker of some sort. Next a blond girl in gothic lolita armor. Think she’ll be a pegasus/ falco knight. I hoe she’s really fuck up. Then we have an armored man who looks like a general or a great knight. Finally, a sexy woman with pointed ears and crescent shaped horns. As such, I think she’s a manakete. Damn it intsys. You make a non-loli manakete girl in this game after all, and she’s probably evil and unrecruitable, or your mom.
Ignoring the next cuts for convenience, we see our token dragon loli shoot a fireball at a corrupted in the windmill village. Then she says she’s just passing through, looking for someone. Seeing as how she’s not the one who gave Alear his quest, I’m curious who she actually is now. Probably something we won’t figure out until way later in the game though. As for who she’s looking for… Yeah, I haven’t a clue. 
We also see some glimpses of other (Likely recruitable) characters. First is a red haired lass in a dark bodysuit with a matching cape. Think she’ll be a dark mage. Gives me Odin/ Ophelia vibes. Next, well… Women in plate armor may be one of my many weaknesses. Either way, she looks like another armor knight. Considering we’ve seen Louis with a lance, and that Blue haired man with an ax, I think she’ll be a sword armor knight. The next two are a bit curious. They’re shown in Solm, but not only are they rather pasty, but their clothes are mostly white. Perhaps Lythosian refugees after the attack on the castle that Solm took in? The pauldron on the blonde one makes me think he’s also a sword fighter. The orange haired man’s cowl makes me think he’ll me a mage or monk of some sort. Seems to have a “one’s flamboyant and the other’s grumpy” dynamic.
Next is a bunch of shots of our characters fighting corrupted in the destroyed bridge. I actually think this isn’t a part of the night bridge map we keep seeing, considering the Brodian and Solmnian royals are with us. We see Roy with the Brodian prince, like in the first trailer. We also see Ike with the dancer girl, which is an odd combination. Seeing Lucina with Alfred in a quick cut makes me think emblems may not be tied to specific characters as much as I initially assumed. In fact, I’m confident there will also be a cut with the Malig knight woman and some other emblem we just weren’t shown for spoilers sake. I think this scene takes place near the end of the game, where our heroes take back the castle of Lythos in a triumphant charge.
Next we get a scene of the fell dragon towering over the sorcerer. I think it’s one of those scenes where the lesser villain steps out of line, and the main villain gives a display of power to show the audience who the real big bad is. This is also a good time to say a theory I’ve had since the first trailer. Basically, I don’t think this drow elf dude and the cobra wyvern we’ve seen are the fell dragon. Rather, I think they’re descendants like Alear. Mostly because the fell dragon in ural has front legs, five eyes instead of three and seems a bit larger and more detailed. I also think the Sexy Manakete woman we’ve seen will also have a cobra dragon form.
Cutting back to the snowy battlefield, we see the summoner summon evil Lyn, who's shown using a bow, which is neat. We also saw Lucina and Ike using swords in the trailer, so it seems their weapons aren’t locked to the mural. Also confirming the villains have some of the emblems. We’re then shown the Jester girl with a Lucina ring. Seems like a good way to spice up getting the emblems rings, attaching them villains to fight.
Finally, a shocking reveal. We see Marth turn into evil, red haired Marth. It’s cut to make it look like the sorcerers did this, but we can actually see corrupted Marth next to the supposed fell dragon in the church. This likely means Marths ring is equipped to our main villain, which is an exciting twist to say the least.
As one last stinger for the trailer, we see a sinister, red haired Alear in the pillars bridge, surrounded by flames. And a deep voice declares that everyone Alear has ever cared about is dead. I’m curious if they’ll have the balls to make Alear in the past actually fucked up and the like. Or maybe the big plot twist is that they were the fell dragon all along.
All in all, a pretty juicy trailer in the story department. Personally, I would have also liked to see some more maps, maybe what the class trees are like, and maybe confirmation of shape shifting classes. Still, it’s rude to ask for dessert so soon, and we’ve got too months left where Fire Emblem Engage will be the next big Nintendo release. Not gonna lie though, as someone who’s on his knees, praying for the the return of beast shifter classes, I’m starting to get nervous.
The does give me some theories for the story, though. Mainly, it seems like once our heroes are done in Firene (I assume finding Micaiah’s ring), Elusia attacks Brodia. Our heroes help Brodia recapture its bridge, then head to the castle. Said castle is attacked by Elusian troops, and after defending it, Brodia decides to counter invade. There's a big battle in a snowy field, only for the Eulsian sorcerer to summon Lyn’s emblem and win the battle.
This leads to our heroes being captured and brought to the fell dragon cathedral. Here, we meet our supposed fell dragon, who takes marth’s ring oh shit! Alear has a traumatic flashback, and then our heroes manage to escape to Solm. In this part of the story, Alear is super angsty about maybe being evil in the past. Our heroes then help the Solm royals fight back against Elusia, and eventually the Elusian princesses and thei retainers can’t take the fell dragons antics and side with the heroes.
Then it’s actually counter invasion time, baby! Basically just our heroes pressing deeper and deeper into enemy territory until they get to the church. This leads to Alear having some kind of character arc about their past, and after a battle against the fell dragon or the Sorcerer, getting Marth’s ring back.
Before our heroes can retake Lythos, though, I think we’ll have to fight Brodia for a little bit. Why? Because, well, just look at their king, who's been described as ambitious. Maybe this will lead into why Elusia felt it needed to side with the fell dragon in the first place.
Once that’s taken care of, our heroes bring the fight to the fell dragon. We go though Lythos/ the dark country, taking care of the generals and the like. This leads to a big battle with the fell dragon, only for the real fell dragon to be revived somehow and become the final boss. Then your typical fe ending happens.
Then again, my predictions haven’t exactly been accurate lately. Uhh… The drip marketings gonna stay at a slow and inconsistent pace.
Also, yes, I know some of the details about these characters were revealed in the leaks, but I don’t wanna spoil stuff.
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fayesdiary · 1 year
Your headcanon makes me angry at Intsys because now i would want to know how Nel managed to success into seeing Alear as their siblings (but tbh i think in canon it doesn't really make sense for her to reach that conclusion since her supports are overall more friendly than family like and they can happen before the Sombron twist, only the pact ring support happens after the Sombron twist, once Alear died and becomes the Fire emblem and her support with Veyle shows the why she struggles with family in general but imo in Engage you don't need to prouve they are related becuz Clanne and Veyle aren't related yet Veyle got a little brother in their A support)
To be fair it kinda had to be like this since the Fell Xenologue doesn't have a set place in the main game's story, although personally I like to place it after Ch19 where Alear's fell heritage is revealed.
Speaking of, the fact neither the Winds or the Fell Twins have a boss convo with Past Alear and Evil Veyle sucks because the interactions could have been so good. We've been robbed. Robbed, I tell you!
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