#Being a reverse prophet is fun
crapmagak · 2 years
New Engage Trailer
Just when I declare we probably won’t get one this week. Oh well, I’m not complaining.
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We started out with what I found to be a big shock. The silver haired woman can be seen on the special edition, and because of the lighting I always assumed she was a princess of the autumn nation (Which we now know is called Brodia). Nope. Instead she is Alears mother, who seems to die after the night bridge chapter, giving Alear their macguffin hunt quest. Fire Emblem gonna Fire Emblem.
This reminds me a lot of Queen Mikoto, which gets me worried. Mikoto had such a good design, and it was a huge (if obvious) disappointment when she died so early in the story. Maybe she’ll end up surviving somehow, considering her place on the box art, but I won’t hold my breath. Also, despite seeming to have round ears, it’s implied she’s the white dragon from earlier. Maybe it’s another sign she’ll survive. Or it could just be that the other divine dragon girl has the same model for her dragon form.
Another thing of note is her saying when Alears memories return, he must fight with the utmost divinity. Considering later parts of the trailer, this seems like it’ll be important. Speaking of which, Marth sure did hesitate a little when he said Alear was kind, huh.
Edit: Also noticed that she hands Alear Sigurd's ring specifically, so it seems Alfred was not it's original bearer.
Next, we get a look at the Brodian castle, with its prince at its starway. But what really catches my interest is the next scene. The scenery looks like the edge of the bridge map we caught glimpses of in the trailer, and we have two new face, and a familiar one. To the left is Citrinne, now in her mage outfit. This makes me think Alcryst is not the red haired swordsman like I originally assumed, but rather this blue haired archer. And we’ve seen this character on the box art before. Because of his vampire-like appearance, I assumed he was from Elusia, but if the silver haired woman isn’t the second Brodian noble, then perhaps this man is. When looking at the first japanese trailer, we can see a mage with Citrinnes color scheme, and an archer with this man's color scheme on the defense map. Then we see a pink haired, red armored swords woman. Then we get a clear look at Brodia’s crown prince
In terms of first impressions, the prince seems a lot more friendly and charming than I expected. I didn’t expect him to be an asshole by any means, but what glimpses we saw in the first trailer made me think he’d be more stoic and angsty. I’m confident his class will be Noble/ Back up; and use swords. 
Edit: Turns out this dudes name is Diamante in the spanish and chinese versions. It's a cool sounding name, so I'm curious if it'll change at in english.
The new Prince Alcryst is interesting though. His red and blue clothes make me wonder, is he also Brodian royalty, or is he an Elusian noble who’s gone rogue and joined the heroes side? Looking at his brief clip, he comes off as a weird mix of timid and angry. I suspect his class is Noble/ Spy, using bows.
It’s seems Citrinnes outfit in the first trailer was her unique casual wear, though the dress does look pretty. Then we have the pink haired girl. I don’t think she’s a sword fighter/ myrmidon because of the armor and cape. Instead, I think she’s gonna be a sword cavalier or pegasus knight. Thankfully, we’ll probably get a look at her via twitter bio to learn more.
From dialogue, we also learn a couple things about Brodia. An alliance with the country took “some doing”, it has an ambitious king, and it’s titled “The Kingdom of Might”. Considering the design of its likely king, I think he’s gonna become an antagonist at some point, because look at him. What exactly are those “ambitions” of yours, brah?
Then we get a glimpse at the desert country, now called Solm (Rough guess). It’s described as an open minded country that has good relations with Firene. We also get a glimpse of two other characters from the special edition box art; the dancer girl and the man with a rose. This also leads to some glances at the country itself. Seems to have more cliffs than I expected.
The dancer girl seems cute and perky. Judging from her outfit, her talking about fun, and how we saw her fight in the first trailer, I think it’s safe to say she’s a dancer. I don’t know if her class will be called something like Dancer/ Back up, or Noble/ Dancer though. Also, she’s shown to use lances.
The rose man seems fun too, playing into the Casanova Wannabe archetype. His chest guard made me assume he’d be a bow unit intiatal, but maybe he’ll use daggers instead, or something else entirely. But if Alcryst is the resident Noble/ Spy… Well, there's no rule saying two nobles can’t share in some way. Or maybe he’s a Noble/ Qigong, since none of the other noble box art characters seem to fit the bill. In that case, maybe he’s going to be our first fist lord.
I’m also curious about Solm as a whole, and if it’ll really be the last of the four countries we visit, especially considering how it was introduced third.
Next, we get another look at the snowy battlefield scene, complete with a better look at the view mage we saw put on the ring. Seems a lot taller and lankier than I assumed. I’d guess he’s either the king or some kind of evil vizier. The next shot really intrigues me. When they say some Elusians worship the fell dragon, we get a look at the inside of this church of some kind. We see a lot of snowflake designs in the stained glass, and none of the dragon statues seem to actually resemble the cobra headed fell dragon. We also see Alear, Marth, Alfred, the Bordian Prince, and Alcrsyst face the sorcerer and the jester girl. Definitely curious how this meeting happened. My best guess is our heroes got captured.
Next we get a look at the bridge chapter, with the jester girl and her girl squad leading the attack. We’ve actually seen the jester on the special edition box art before, making me think she’s an Elusian princess. That would make the two girls behind her likely her retainers. They’re all probably gonna be recruitable later down the line.
The jester girl seems like she's gonna be the cute but crazy archetype that’s pretty popular, think Harley Quinn and Toga from MHA. We can actually see a bit of her skirt in a later shot on someone riding a pegasus, which makes me curious. Obviously this makes her class Noble/ Flier, but her weapon is a mystery. That fact the pegasus is white makes me think she isn’t a dark flier, but maybe she’ll wield tomes anyways. Swords or axes also seem fitting for her.
Then we have a brunette girl in a yellow dress. Her single pauldron and her weapon make me think she’ll be a sword fighter. The girl with violet hair is a bit harder to pin down. On vibes alone she doesn't strike me as an ax fighter, maybe an ax cavalier or pegasus knight instead?
Next, we get a good look at the last remaining character of the normal box art, showing that her outfit is even sexier than we first thought. The lighting and angle also make her face less weird looking. Also, first look at wyverns in this game, which I’m rather down with. Considering her rather ominous threat, I’m curious how they’re going to make this character join our side later. Because that's obviously going to happen. Also, judging from her tome and wyvern, it’s safe to say she’s a malig knight. This cutscene also seems to take place in a fort or castle, with Brodian soldiers fighting in the background, maybe even the one shown in the defense chapter. Perhaps her class is also Noble/ Flier, or Noble/ Wyvern (Or Dragon). The wyvern also makes me think she’ll play a role similar to Minerva and Jill, the wyvern knight of an enemy kind that joins our side.
Back in the spooky church, we can see the sorcerer talking with the supposed fell dragon. It’s neet to get a better look at our likely main antagonist. He’s even got weird dragon feet. We then get a shot of the sorcerer man grabbing the Brodian general/ king's sword, with dark magic flowing out. Things are not looking good for him, but I don’t think he’s gonna die here.
Edit: We also got to the learn this fell dragon guys name thanks to Spanish subtitles. And upon rewatching, we actually can here it there too, if only briefly. It's Sombrom
 Then we see a cloaked figure holding a tome, attacking Alear in the same room where their mom died. Curiously, we can also see a statue of a girl in a skirt and cape with a sword in the shot. Maybe it means something. After some more shots, we get a better look at the figure, who seems to be using the young girl model. Obviously some plot twist is afoot. Is it the manakete girl, Celine, or some other character not shown yet but will “Die” during the attack on Lythos.
Edit: Looking at the footage some more, I noticed something. When Alear's mom is defending them from dark magic, we see a ring of dark fire around them. So, is this the person who kills mom?
Another fun bit comes where we get a look at the four enemy generals of this game. We have a green haired dude with piercings, showing off his abs. Makes me think he’ll be a berserker of some sort. Next a blond girl in gothic lolita armor. Think she’ll be a pegasus/ falco knight. I hoe she’s really fuck up. Then we have an armored man who looks like a general or a great knight. Finally, a sexy woman with pointed ears and crescent shaped horns. As such, I think she’s a manakete. Damn it intsys. You make a non-loli manakete girl in this game after all, and she’s probably evil and unrecruitable, or your mom.
Ignoring the next cuts for convenience, we see our token dragon loli shoot a fireball at a corrupted in the windmill village. Then she says she’s just passing through, looking for someone. Seeing as how she’s not the one who gave Alear his quest, I’m curious who she actually is now. Probably something we won’t figure out until way later in the game though. As for who she’s looking for… Yeah, I haven’t a clue. 
We also see some glimpses of other (Likely recruitable) characters. First is a red haired lass in a dark bodysuit with a matching cape. Think she’ll be a dark mage. Gives me Odin/ Ophelia vibes. Next, well… Women in plate armor may be one of my many weaknesses. Either way, she looks like another armor knight. Considering we’ve seen Louis with a lance, and that Blue haired man with an ax, I think she’ll be a sword armor knight. The next two are a bit curious. They’re shown in Solm, but not only are they rather pasty, but their clothes are mostly white. Perhaps Lythosian refugees after the attack on the castle that Solm took in? The pauldron on the blonde one makes me think he’s also a sword fighter. The orange haired man’s cowl makes me think he’ll me a mage or monk of some sort. Seems to have a “one’s flamboyant and the other’s grumpy” dynamic.
Next is a bunch of shots of our characters fighting corrupted in the destroyed bridge. I actually think this isn’t a part of the night bridge map we keep seeing, considering the Brodian and Solmnian royals are with us. We see Roy with the Brodian prince, like in the first trailer. We also see Ike with the dancer girl, which is an odd combination. Seeing Lucina with Alfred in a quick cut makes me think emblems may not be tied to specific characters as much as I initially assumed. In fact, I’m confident there will also be a cut with the Malig knight woman and some other emblem we just weren’t shown for spoilers sake. I think this scene takes place near the end of the game, where our heroes take back the castle of Lythos in a triumphant charge.
Next we get a scene of the fell dragon towering over the sorcerer. I think it’s one of those scenes where the lesser villain steps out of line, and the main villain gives a display of power to show the audience who the real big bad is. This is also a good time to say a theory I’ve had since the first trailer. Basically, I don’t think this drow elf dude and the cobra wyvern we’ve seen are the fell dragon. Rather, I think they’re descendants like Alear. Mostly because the fell dragon in ural has front legs, five eyes instead of three and seems a bit larger and more detailed. I also think the Sexy Manakete woman we’ve seen will also have a cobra dragon form.
Cutting back to the snowy battlefield, we see the summoner summon evil Lyn, who's shown using a bow, which is neat. We also saw Lucina and Ike using swords in the trailer, so it seems their weapons aren’t locked to the mural. Also confirming the villains have some of the emblems. We’re then shown the Jester girl with a Lucina ring. Seems like a good way to spice up getting the emblems rings, attaching them villains to fight.
Finally, a shocking reveal. We see Marth turn into evil, red haired Marth. It’s cut to make it look like the sorcerers did this, but we can actually see corrupted Marth next to the supposed fell dragon in the church. This likely means Marths ring is equipped to our main villain, which is an exciting twist to say the least.
As one last stinger for the trailer, we see a sinister, red haired Alear in the pillars bridge, surrounded by flames. And a deep voice declares that everyone Alear has ever cared about is dead. I’m curious if they’ll have the balls to make Alear in the past actually fucked up and the like. Or maybe the big plot twist is that they were the fell dragon all along.
All in all, a pretty juicy trailer in the story department. Personally, I would have also liked to see some more maps, maybe what the class trees are like, and maybe confirmation of shape shifting classes. Still, it’s rude to ask for dessert so soon, and we’ve got too months left where Fire Emblem Engage will be the next big Nintendo release. Not gonna lie though, as someone who’s on his knees, praying for the the return of beast shifter classes, I’m starting to get nervous.
The does give me some theories for the story, though. Mainly, it seems like once our heroes are done in Firene (I assume finding Micaiah’s ring), Elusia attacks Brodia. Our heroes help Brodia recapture its bridge, then head to the castle. Said castle is attacked by Elusian troops, and after defending it, Brodia decides to counter invade. There's a big battle in a snowy field, only for the Eulsian sorcerer to summon Lyn’s emblem and win the battle.
This leads to our heroes being captured and brought to the fell dragon cathedral. Here, we meet our supposed fell dragon, who takes marth’s ring oh shit! Alear has a traumatic flashback, and then our heroes manage to escape to Solm. In this part of the story, Alear is super angsty about maybe being evil in the past. Our heroes then help the Solm royals fight back against Elusia, and eventually the Elusian princesses and thei retainers can’t take the fell dragons antics and side with the heroes.
Then it’s actually counter invasion time, baby! Basically just our heroes pressing deeper and deeper into enemy territory until they get to the church. This leads to Alear having some kind of character arc about their past, and after a battle against the fell dragon or the Sorcerer, getting Marth’s ring back.
Before our heroes can retake Lythos, though, I think we’ll have to fight Brodia for a little bit. Why? Because, well, just look at their king, who's been described as ambitious. Maybe this will lead into why Elusia felt it needed to side with the fell dragon in the first place.
Once that’s taken care of, our heroes bring the fight to the fell dragon. We go though Lythos/ the dark country, taking care of the generals and the like. This leads to a big battle with the fell dragon, only for the real fell dragon to be revived somehow and become the final boss. Then your typical fe ending happens.
Then again, my predictions haven’t exactly been accurate lately. Uhh… The drip marketings gonna stay at a slow and inconsistent pace.
Also, yes, I know some of the details about these characters were revealed in the leaks, but I don’t wanna spoil stuff.
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poppitron360 · 2 months
Raise your hand if you have a million bajillion works-in-progress!!!
Because I sure as hell do.
Anyway, I want to see which ones I should prioritise, so I’m doing a poll. Out of the 97 fic concepts i have in the vault, all with varying levels of completion, I have narrowed it down to 12 (the max number of poll options on Tumblr).
Please Vote!
Category 1- ANGST:
1. Ok not too many spoilers for this one but it’s SUPER angsty. All I can say is Leo faces a very creative punishment from Nemesis for cheating the prophecy and coming back to life, and it’s called “The only sad person in paradise” (undertones of Valgrace).
2. Leo deals with coping with the trauma of dying. LOT of angsty headcanons, including one where the design for the chb bead for the summer hoo is set in was the moment of Leo’s death. And he just has to keep that around his neck the whole time, and it’s chocking him. The opening line is “Every so often, Leo needed to remind himself that his heart was still beating.”
3. A curse befalls camp half-blood that’s slowly reversing the effects of their powers. Hecate cabin’s spells are being undone, plants are un-growing, arms healed by Apollo cabin are re-breaking. Magic is being unwound, and then Leo’s body starts to ache, and he realises… does that include a certain Physician’s Cure?
Category 2- VALGRACE
4. Platonic Valgrace (Romance implied)- “Never go to bed angry”- Leo and Jason have an argument on the Argo II. Jason thinks Leo won’t understand him because he’s never had to live up to the expectations of leadership that come with being a child soldier. Leo thinks Jason won’t understand him because he’s never had to fend for himself, he believes everything Jason has is because of who his father is. They storm off (Jason in the literal sense), argue with themselves for a bit- I did a really cool thing where I switch POVs every line or so, as their arguments parallel each other, like in a TV show where two characters are rehearsing a conversation with the other, but using the HOO multiple-POV thing- and then they go to sleep. They both have weird vision/flashbacks/prophetic dreams, where they experience a day in the other’s childhood. They then realise they completely misunderstood one another, and they’re not as different as they thought.
5. Jason and Leo go to New York pride. That’s the whole fic.
6. Instead of… whatever that ending to BOO was, the Gods reward Leo for his sacrifice by bringing Esperanza Valdez back to life. She thanks Jason for taking care of Leo while she was gone, and they have a heart-to-heart. They are officially boyfriends in this. Jason keeps being reminded of his own reunion with Thalia, and how Leo had stayed with him through that. He vows to do the same.
7. Leo and Jason get married (A classic “Wedding Episode”)
8. Just a fic describing married life with Leo and Jason- it’s called “Violets and Marigolds”
9. A fic from the POV of Leo and Jason’s kid, Isabella Valdez. Some angst, but I don’t have the full plot outlined yet. She’s adopted, and they don’t know her true godly heritage, and Leo suspects she might be mortal, and maybe Lupa made a mistake. Leo and Jason argue over whether she should join the Legion (They’re living in New Rome). Leo struggles with his fear of hurting the people he loves with his powers.
10. Platonic Perleo- Percy and Leo get captured by government agents and have to escape Area 51 (Vaguely inspired by an episode of Helluva Boss)- VERY NERDY. This is a very fun one.
11. Leo talks to Hestia about… life, I guess. I started writing this while still on TLH and never found an ending, but it’s a good concept. Leo learns to accept his powers as something that can be good, when he only sees the bad. Hestia tells him “If fire was only about danger and destruction, then it would be the symbol of Ares, not Hephaestus.”
12. Thalia, Luke and Annabeth find little Leo while on the run. Leo and Annabeth bond over engineering. Luke tries to use Leo’s trauma as leverage to get Leo angry at the Gods. He tries to put the blame of Leo’s mom’s death on Hephaestus, since he’s responsible for giving Leo his powers. He points out how the Gods are all-powerful, and yet they leave the four of them- their own children- to starve on the streets. Leo in canon harbours a lot of resentment for his situation growing up, and Luke could easily spin that to justify his own anger.
Tagging people who might be interested:
@four-leafed-queer-gal @lavenderfairiez @child-of-helios @green-tea217 @puzzled-pegasus @imasimpdealwithit @123letsgobestie @ginnyluna @euryvices @ollieisanerd @sleepyycapybara @twomanyfandomshelp @lokiwiiiiiii @yoshuko-ew @keefessketchbook @frankzhang-appreciation-posts @hollow8007 @fairytalesociology @via-rant @daonedaonlyskh
If you have any suggestions for things to add to these fics- leave them in the comments. A lot of these I’ve struggled to flesh out/find endings for. Any help is much appreciated and you will be tagged in the fic if I use it.
Also, Lmk if you want to be tagged in any/all of these!
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gorjee-art · 5 months
Hello! Your COTL art and AU is incredible! And your pinned Avatar looks very cool in otherworldly being way. Say, what happens in the Ascension of Mercy AU? What gave you the idea of prophets, false and true, regarding the Crowns? What about the other Crowns the Bishops had? Who are their prophets? What made Narinder willingly give up the Red Crown?
Drink water regularly, and may a kind week grace you.
Ohhh this is just too much fun to resist answering. 1. What gave you the idea of false/true prophets? Well the game itself gave me the idea!... I know I know, it sounds as though I'm being cheeky, but the tagline truly says "A Game of False Prophets" which...implies there are true prophets of the crown!
2. Who are the other prophets? No one is certain, the crown must be worn and tested for all the animals, but playing that game...is far too dangerous. However, Haro has told tales and prophecies of the true kings/queens of their Crown...The Lamb of Mercy, The Stag of Order, The Cattle of Harvest, The Snakes of Healing, and The Dove of Peace...But best leave them to live in ignorance... for now. 3. What made Narinder give up the crown? As soon as he made the deal with Lamb, it was long over down the line. Once he lay there, groveling and sulking in the sands of time looking up at the vengeful Lamb desperately trying to exercise restraint, he knew, the true prophet had shown their face.
4. What happens in the story of Ascension of Mercy? What you saw is...basically it! It's the story of Lamb...Ascending! Simple, cut and short, with lots of in-between. Now it may seem sparse, but I was inspired by stories such as Midsommar, Darkwood, and Mundaun. It's a trial. Is being a god truly a gift? Or is being a mortal that has a short few years on this earth...better?
As someone with a lot of anxiety and occasional existentialism, I decided to use Lamb as my therapy tool, what they go through is my fears. Living forever, eternity is a frightful concept for me, the unknown of what's going to happen to me, am I changing for the better or for the worse, am I a good person or will I succumb to my demons, Am I a coward that will not be able to protect those I love? Ascension of Mercy is essentially...the gift of the human experience.
Now there are some story beats, such as: - My plan for Lamb is to have a personal journal writing down their thoughts on certain NPCs. - Lamb witnessing the changes of the land no longer resembling its previous grounds - Lamb struggling with..."forgiveness", with the bishops and Narinder. I mean...they've committed genocide. It's hard to look at someone that was reborn as mortal. Who destroyed your entire family and gave you all your mental torment. They're..."Domesticated" sure, but they are not lacking in their bite. The only real Bishop they can get along with is...well. Shamura. Hard to fight with someone who had what was essentially is a tumor on their brain making them prone to aggression. Narinder warms up with Lamb eventually, sure, forever is a long time, but with the others, it's...so much harder, and they lack the proper patience in the meantime - Lastly, Lamb attempts to reverse what had been done, they want to bring back the goats, sheep, and lamb that had been killed...I won't say how that goes, it'll spoil the fun :)
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pathologicratman · 2 years
I don't care if its unfinished Clara's route is so fucking fun. Beautifully unhinged. The opening cutscene is absolutely immaculate, one of my favourite things in the game. The untextured hut, rats skittering everywhere, wonderful. I love piloting a very short child with guns for hands. The rat prophet!! He's back! Wonderful lore like the very important fact that Mark Immortell fucks, and himbo artemy being fully ready to jump in that hole. daniil and artemy are exploring each others bodies in the ring of suok, and apparently are both too stupid to realize that always hanging out in infected houses is a bad idea. You're just a reverse jesus, born anew from the grave and sacrificing the sinners for themselves, 10/10, high camp.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
something i love about your aus is how (almost) every character has a bad ending/fate for them
alt mark, alt thatcher, alt jonah, and alt cesar are doomed to an eternity of suffering. cesars mom was crucified, sarah got a chunk of concrete slammed into the back of her head, seth is all alone after finally getting close to people he considered his family.
prophet adam lives with crippling anxiety that the parasite will decide to come out and kill everyone he cares about, just like it did to jonah. thatcher's parasite breaks his bones, practically mangling him every time it comes out. evelin lost herself(?), becoming one with her parasite.
im not educated about the lab rats au so ill avoid commenting on it
guest mark is part of a house he hates, nobody listened when he said something was up with it, not even his own best friend. cesar is stuck all alone in the reflection of a mirror. guest jonah cant move at all, completely stuck in a wall. guest adam can move, but he cant ever leave.
spirit cesar literally got erased from existence by his best friend. shadow mark has to live with the guilt of that.
the characters lives get absolutely wrecked in ways that could never happen in reality but you write their reactions so realistically that it feels natural. their pain and grief and trauma are so realistic that its easy to have sympathy for them, even alt mark. alt mark is an absolute asshole but i think anyone would be if given his fate.
you can see how the characters got in the messes they did. its easy to be like "oh, theyre so dumb, i would never get myself in a mess like that" but you write the characters so realistically that it doesnt feel like a silly horror movie.
something that really stuck with me is the part in the alt au prologue fic where mark runs upstairs and quickly realizes he made a mistake just like so many characters in horror movies did. that detail made it feel so much more real.
AND YEAH. I want to make it clear that. these characters are. well. human. at least in how they act and react. No one is perfect, with even the most moral and understanding characters having flaws that can lead to bad things happening, or simply being doomed to begin with. Even the villains have motive, and aren't your typical cocky, one note evil bad guys who just want pain on people for no reason.
These characters get bad endings not because of who they are or just for fun. but because in that scenario. A good ending would be. bittersweet at best. And the most likely scenario, taking into consideration the characters and how they act can be. bad.
For example, the alt au has that ending because of the fact that Mark refuses to let go of the past. the bad ending is his fault, and not because he's a one note villain but because he's just. unable to come to terms with what he is and the circumstances of his "death."
The MP Au gets that ending due to Adam's lust for knowledge he shouldn't have, and he is suffering the consequences for it. Not only he drags himself into damnation, but everyone around him as well. All because he was too focused on his own goals to care about those around him.
The HSH au ends up there due to cruel circumstances. Home used Mark and Cesar's poor friendship to its advantage to make them drift apart, feeding off of their negative feelings towards each other. Were either of them in the wrong? no. but neither of them were in the right either.
The only au I can say has a pretty good ending is the lab au, where the patients eventually escape. but. it's not all sunshine and rainbows cause. the damage had already been done. they can't magically reverse the mutations or mental fuckery they've gone under. They're like that for the rest of their lives, but. they're free. Bittersweet, really.
But yeah, the point is. the MAIN goal with these characters is to be. realistic. No one has magic plot armor where no harm can be done to them, no one is the perfect person who can easily be framed as the hero, no one is necessarily absolute pure evil as they have their own motivations and in some cases believe what they're doing is right. They're people. And their actions lead to scenarios that sometimes lead to horrible endings. It all depends really.
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The Aquabats:
Most Fucked Up: Chemical Bond
Favorite: Story of Nothing
Propaganda: "a bunch of dads in wetsuits that galavant around and sing about pizza and beat up guys in costumes. entirely built off being confident about being a little freak which is incredibly commendable. the person speaking is a registered aquacadet! (#2000278!)"
ded ihn uh hul:
Most Fucked Up Song: Alcoholic Gummy Bears, Girl You Are So Beautiful Like the Sunset
Favorite Song: LTD, Still
Propaganda: "they’re really great and they support/are apart of several minorities and they have a female lead vocalist and they are multilingual and their music is just vibes"
"The utmost culty band of them all. They literally sacrifice people (lovingly) and resurrect them. They worship The hul, an upside down triangle entity. They make some absolute bangers. They are the moment. "
"They are apparently imimmortal (like pseudo-immortal, I dunno) beings from the "OtherUnderworld" who spread the will of their upside-down triangle deity called the hul through music. They claim to be the prophets of the hully clut. They have a choreographed reverse-sacrifice (they resurrect someone?) ritual to be performed before concerts, though they have only done one online concert to which about 11 people showed up; there is a fanfic written about it. They're SO disorganized and kind of cringefail, it's pure chaos. It took them 8 years to finish their debut album, Translation: Bacon, and they still haven't finished putting together the physical release, but when they do, it will include riddles and secret codes, poorly made booklets with lyrics and doodles that read right to left for no reason, and photocards. Their first EP was postponed because the drummer, who does all the art/design, took over 6 months to draw the album cover. They make weird videos and are also Twitch streamers and have an official Tumblr. Their musical style is like... metal infused with k-pop? The yassification of metal? Whatever they think seems fun in the moment? Their lyrics are mostly English but they have also used Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Dutch, and French. One is a talented music major, one is a linguistics nerd who is also a dancer in a k-pop cover group, and one is an autistic gamer (studying game design) with every medical problem. They're queer, if that helps; two of them are trans. Also, they're all cousins and started the band when they were like 10 or something. The fourth member mysteriously vanished."
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morimakesfanart · 1 year
I know your probably working on Sindria’s Prophet right now but I’m curious what one shot would be next
I'm mainly focusing on Sindria's Prophet, but when I need breaks I've been working on the next part of the Reverse Isekai AU, and Baby Mori AU. The Baby Mori AU will take place sometime after what will be ch37 of Sindria's Prophet, so I'll probably post the Reverse Isekai AU p2 first. It's going to be a collection of small moments and summaries. One of which is going to be about my cats because I love them. They each have very specific feelings about any guest we've had over -especially Coconut- so I think it would be fun to talk about how Sinbad and the Generals have to cope with them. The rest will mainly be based on other asks I've gotten for the AU :3
I've had a NSFW wetdream fully written out for months now. I've been slowly making art for it. I want to make sure I have a few more SFW chapters out before I post it. I do have several NSFW one shots that I plan on making. Some will be more vanilla, some will lean more into the sides of BDSM that I like. Part of what I like about BDSM is the explicit consent, trust, and care needed for everyone involved to enjoy it, so none will lean into the fantasy the BDSM creates. They will be Mori & Sin intentionally trying it out together :3
The next chapter of Sindria's Prophet will include a scene that shows some of how I handle being a soft Dom so you can use that to get a little bit of an idea of how those one shots will feel
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staceymcgillicuddy · 2 years
Hi! What are some of your hellcheer high fantasy AU headcanons? :)
Oh my gosh, I love this! And I could come at it from like a dozen different ways, so I'm just going to start making bullet points and letting my brain do the talking. I'm most well-versed in Tolkien, so that's where a lot of this is coming from, but fantasy doesn't get higher than that. (Wait, that came out wrong... :D )
So, if I were going traditional and Tolkien-esque, it would lean hard into the Beren and Luthien of it all, with Chrissy and Eddie falling into those roles. Arwen and Aragorn are too tragic, and Tuor & Idril are fun but kind of boring, story-wise. I would love to do a reversal, where Eddie's the elf and Chrissy's the human, because that wasn't something that ever really got explored in the books (though I do appreciate that Rings of Power is... trying to do something with that).
Going from there, I think I would play into Chrissy's issues with her mother in a way that she's chafing against the structure placed on her by her position. I think she'd be a lady, and promised to Jason, in whatever role made sense for him.
She starts hearing whispers on the wind, or having prophetic dreams, or something that tells her that her destiny lies elsewhere. And, much like with Vecna, Chrissy listens to her dreams enough that she seeks help, only instead of Miss Kelly (or maybe we turn Miss Kelly into) some wizened, ancient wisdom. So a real "Faramir was Gandalf's good pal and Denethor was Not Having It" situation.
Plot plot plot and Chrissy runs away to follow this new destiny, which is how she meets Eddie. I would want to do some parallel to their canonical situation, where she's in mortal peril and he saves her. Could be Luthien-esque "singing to Morgoth" situation, where Eddie frees her with a song, because he's an elf-bard, of course.
Will 100% be some dick elf politics in there, where Eddie's a prince or high-born and Chrissy has to prove herself before she can be with him.
ALTERNATIVELY, if we're dealing with higher beings and wizards and gods, there's the opportunity to kill her off, and have Eddie do some wild journey into the dark to retrieve her, or vice versa. I think either way works, so long as there's no damsel-ing.
Because I am a sucker for a happy ending, I'd need some sort of human becomes immortal and/or elf becomes human situation. Elrond and Elros, looking at you here, babes. ALTHOUGH if I did bring in any Tuor and Idril elements, this would be it, with the whole "Tuor gets to go to Valinor" thing.
This is a ridiculous amount of rambling and don't even get me started on how I'd involve everyone else, and where I think they fit in the grand scheme of things. THANK YOU for asking, this was so much fun to ponder!
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izzyfishie · 1 year
omg n'y'all. ok don't read this ask if you're having more fun with questions and you don't want answer
ok you're still here
sorry that this will be BORING
me aka anonymous informant aka squip dev is a person who only got to know you guys well through this rp, even if some of you saw me around. so i was in the server and uhhh probably should finally audition but i've been doing this instead lol
kind of like a reverse clark kent, the news bloggers are the ones that know my secret identity. but they aren't me. and i also have no idea who anima is played by.
i was sending some info jello's way because there's no way jeffrey was going to say "well, actually, i'm repressing my emotions for various reasons and I will list them for you." yknow? but at the same time, jello's questions were valid and i wanted to talk about them
ok thanks for being my Prophet of the Day, take a shower
ok das actually pretty cool
I ALREADY DID BTW stalker /j /lh
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shammah8 · 2 years
You Can Remember!
“Never say that you cannot remember things or that you areshort of memory. For My Spirit causes you to have a sharp memory and to recall the things I have put in your heart, says the Lord. So say this day that Your memory will always operate at full capacity.”
Prophetic Scripture
But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you (John 14:26).
With all the concern over disea
ses like Alzheimer’s and dementia, we need to reverse that concern by declaring that our minds and memories are blessed by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes people joke about being forgetful and say things in jest like, “I think I am losing it,” or, “Am I crazy?” Sometimes we joke about it being our age. While people mean it in good fun, we don’t want to be forming a mind-set because of our constant jest in thisarea. Even serious talk of memory loss can form a mind-set in your heart that you are a forgetful individual. That is because you begin to believe what you say about yourself. In some cases, people are dealing with real memory loss issues and they need God to heal them. John 14:26 teaches us that the Holy Spirit will cause our memory to remember what Jesus has told us in His Word. If He can recall the Scripture to our memory, then we can expect the Holy Spirit to speak to our memory in other areas.
Call your memory blessed today and declare over your life that your memory will always operate at full capacity.
Holy Spirit, I thank You that You are bringing to my memory everything Jesus has said. Cause me to recall the Word of God that is in my heart and I declare that my memory will always operate at full capacity. In Jesus’ Name, amen.☕️Brenda Kunneman
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I'm sorry but I'm a little confused. firstly its clear that the points against circumcision in the post you debunked are wildly out of place and driven by Antisemitism and Islamophobia. I mean we should be at a point where we all know that theres no real valid reasoning from a hygene-point of view for or against circumcision.
heres where I'm confused and might be ignorant about though: is it so bad to wait for people to be able to consent to a circumsision?
I man there's still a i think valid point about the loss of sensitivity and the irreversibly of it all.
or am I missing something?
In Judaism, circumcision is required/encouraged as soon as an infant is old enough, so at least eight days old for a full-term newborn. Most Mohalim are extra cautious about jaundice and tend to wait even longer than eight days.
But here's the thing... circumcision is more painful for an adult, especially without anesthesia. There's also the element of actually remembering it, whereas infants do not. It's why Jews-by-choice are so praiseworthy in my opinion, because many get circumcised as adults, which is really really hard physically and mentally. Even Hatafat Dam Brit, which is the drawing of blood for men who were already medically circumcised but not ritually circumcised, can be painful given how sensitive the area is. Just look at Abraham, he was the one to start the tradition of circumcision, and he was circumcised as an adult and was in immense pain.
And there really isn't a loss of sensitivity with circumcision, all my sources have shown that.
And circumcision is technically reversible, one of the first cosmetic surgeries developed was circumcision reversal thousands of years ago for Jews who were afraid of antisemitism in ancient Greece and Rome due to the social standards of circumcized penises being inferior and marking someone as a Jew or un-Greek or un-Roman. In fact, the cultural obsession with having an "intact" penis is due to antisemitism. Ask yourself why you think a circumcised penis is so bad, if there's no actual medical difference to it as my sources have shown? Just the language itself, "intact", shows that anti-circumcision activists view circumcized penises as inferior and incomplete. Which is, of course, antisemitic.
I get it, none of us want to hurt babies. But preservation of life and the body is super important in Judaism, and so circumcision wouldn't be performed for so long if it wasn't such a medically sound procedure. It's not fun, but it's not supposed to be fun, and really in the case of a Brit Milah, the parents are in more emotional pain than the baby. But parents have been risking their lives to circumcize their sons for thousands of years, it's that important to Judaism.
At the end of the day, if you're Jewish and don't want to circumcize your son, that's your decision, but circumcision is something that's been part of Judaism since the beginning, and it's deeply important, as well as spiritually connecting a baby to an unbroken chain of ancestors who've done the same. It's said that Elijah the Prophet himself visits every Brit Milah.
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romanianwilkinson · 3 years
A collection of quotes from my Discord server with friends. Feel free to change pronouns/wording as desired. CONTENT WARNING(S) FOR: Suggestive, crude, violence, gore, absolutely cursed. [ PART 1 ] [ PART 2 ]
“ Murder is therapeutic! ”
“ I've given them an 8ft tall juice box. ” “ It's full of bone juice! ” “ NOT THAT KIND OF BONE JUICE!! ”
“ [NAME]... You burp like dads sneeze. ”
“ Catboy twink shortage. ”
“ Has the government already taken catboys? ”
“ Why does it always come back to the catpeople here? ”
“ The government outlaws catboys and confiscates the catgirls. ”
“ It's always either cat people, tearing down the government, or tiddies. ”
“ [NAME], that’s cannibalism, you can’t do that. ”
“ You can’t eat gods without toebeans. ”
“ You're telling me, that someone's been holding out retractable titties on us?! ”
“ Do the drums, but sexy. ”
“ She is attractive because she is the Devil. This is what we have learned from Catholicism. ”
“ She is a Snacc, so you hold her securely like one. ”
“ Holy cake, call that communion bread. ”
“ It's a skeleton, I don't think it has a gender. ”
“ You’re straight, you’re not majestic. ”
“ How to Give Your Enemies Trauma 101. ”
“ Quiet, we’re approaching the therapist paddock. ”
“ Jesus has breached containment. ”
“ I really am cursed with knowledge of forbidden snacks. ”
“ Hey pog, are ya champ? ”
“ You ever look at a sheep? There's something messed up about sheep. ”
“ I can’t be convinced the art of charcuterie boards is not something inherently fae in nature. ”
“ We shall absorb the folly of man, grow and expand those snacks until they become a really big tendie. ”
“ Size of a cow, the speed of a cheetah. ”
“ This is what plays in my head when I'm Head Empty No Thoughts. ”
“ ... Okay. Exception made, but only specifically for roasting those overrated turkeys. ”
“ The wives that stay together commit war crimes together. ”
“ They tell time, they tell temperature, isn’t there anything a cat can’t tell you! ”
“ Today is the day he officially babied for the first time. ”
“ Oops I've accidentally created a murderer. ”
“ You're all dying??? Can't relate. ”
“ Sometimes all you need to make a friend, is to devour their corpse. ”
“ I mean I was talking about her big mommy milkers, but I also wanted to leave my words up to interpretation. ”
“ If your coven gathering doesn't include some dick jokes, what's the actual point? ”
“ I’m legally not allowed to kill, or have anyone die for me. ”
“ Get back here!!! We've got a BURGEONING FRIENDSHIP now, so that means you also get the aggressive self care spiel! ”
“ To no one's surprise, it was indeed, more gay shit. ”
“ [NAME] absolutely could become Sonic the Hedgehog if he had the means, and thus must never be allowed to do so. ”
“ I want to get into a gunfight on top of an elephant. ”
“ You know you want to get into an elephant-based gunfight! ”
“ If only [NAME] had the attention span to assist in scientific exploits instead of just like. Punching people. ”
“ Which god is the one punching my death member's club card? I wanna make sure I get that free sundae after 7 punches. ”
“ Okay, I know you're right, let me have my dignity. ”
“ She can have a little licky. A little taste. As a treat. ”
“ When will I get devoted worshippers? ”
“ I mean, they COULD, but then we wouldn't have Delicious Fanfiction Tropes. ”
“ Which level is Dante Alighieri in? I wanna punch him in the schnozz. ”
“ Gender? Never met 'em. ”
“ Wasabioli wasabioli give me the formuoli. ”
“ Don't ‘de-flesh’ my bones. ”
“ Would it be better if I fleshed your bones then? ” “ Yes. Give me more of that good bone flesh. ”
“ I inject you with more of the bone juice. ”
“ Oh, I'm a self-made sauce type. ”
“ Stop using chairs in unstable ways! ”
“ I’m travel size for convenience, and that convenience is crimes. ”
“ The mountains are proud and dependable, unlike us airsick lowlanders. ”
“ Ny’all is the one true contraction. ”
“ Y'all are both cursed to me. I've never heard nor read these words in my life. ”
“ Not the false prophets again. ”
“ The thigh is blessed. ”
“ I've seen him at practice, and I can assure you he has an ass. ”
“ I will put anything and everything I want onto my pizza as I please, including you. ”
“ Bone apple tea. ”
“ I progressed the regress. ”
“ Cult of the new moon gender! ”
“ I wish to be a unit of measurement. ”
“ Wh... How many hands does [NAME] HAVE?? ”
“ Which has absolutely nothing to do with Mothman. ”
“ That’s right: the robot wife was me all along! ”
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yellowocaballero · 4 years
Your reverse robin au is such an odd take on Tim? I don't hate it though? I am... confused
YES I GET TO TALK ABOUT TIM. Warning that this is probably going to be long, because Reverse Robin!Tim is probably one of the most complicated characters I've ever written, psychologically. Because Tim is my favorite character in comics, just behind Bart Allen, and I've been in love with him since I was 9. Also I'm going to talk about how we write comic book fanfic I am SO sorry you've unleashed a kraken. I'll put a cut later because Tumblr's bugging and not letting me. Content warning for discussions of suicide, self-harm, PTSD, drug and alcohol mentions, addiction, and homicidal urges.
 How do we write comic book fanfic? It's tremendously difficult. Especially for the Batfam: it's such a soap opera, if you take every single little thing as canon everybody ends up a sociopath. In comics, Bruce has PUNCHED Dick in canon. So we make up our fanon. But if we keep too closely to fanon, then you end up with fairly unrecognizable characters, which is no fun to read. And...a lot of Batfamily fanfic is just Bruce as a great dad with a hoard of adorable children. It's boring to me.  So what do we do? Well, I like to keep a character recognizable while still kind of doing what I want and what I find most nuanced and realistic. You can't completely divorce from canon, but you really should just keep to the essentials of the character. This is subjective - I find it essential to Bruce that he's not really a great parent, but he's constantly trying and working on it. Not everyone feels that way - valid. 
 So what I consider essential to Tim is this: he's a socially awkward nerd. He always feels extraneous and neglected, because he's insecure, because he was a victim of childhood neglect. For most of his life, he really doesn't consider himself Bruce's kid. He's crazy intelligent and good with computers. He's a better detective than Bruce. He has a ton of friends who love him very much, but he shows a different face to them than to his family. He has lost basically everybody he has ever cared about at one point or another and just kinda gotten on with his life, which if you want to be realistic about it was probably hugely traumatizing and a huge sign that Tim kind of boxes himself away. That's Tim to me. Everything else is flexible. And although Tim in the Reverse Robin AU is a COMPLETE FUCKING MANIAC, he is still all of those things.
 I've done it differently in other roleswap aus, but the idea behind the Reverse Robin is that everybody is half themselves, half who they were switched with. Damian is reserved and cold, but he is just as much 'oldest daughter syndrome' as Dick. Jason is intellectual and rough (which is canon!), but he is just as much of a mediator who feels like he has to single-handedly keep the family together as Tim (which is canon especially in very early Tim - check Knightfall, the stupid Gotham Earthquake thing, and his introduction). Dick is loving and hyper, but he's just as reserved and resentful and alien to America as Damian. So, Tim is all of the things I listed, so I can establish that he's basically Tim. But he is as batshit crazy as Red Hood!Jason. He's just as cruel, resentful, self-harming, desperate, alienated, attention-seeking, groomed by Talia and Ra's, and just bugfuck insane because of the Pit. He's also been low-key mentally ill his entire life due to his complete and total isolation and childhood neglect. His life ended through torture and suicide. In 'the prophetic spring', he is at Jason's lowest point in his life - and his own.
 But, and this is important, Tim as Red Hood does not work. Jason became a drug lord because he came from that background. Tim's spoiled and rich. Jason had a motivation, a reason to live, a Bruce to hate and a Dick that always reached out. Tim doesn't have this. Tim is listless and purposeless - and I say several times that Tim is cosplaying this life. He's cosplaying wanting to kill his friends, being an addict, being a supervillain. Without Bruce, without that target of hate, Tim is lost. Without his dad, who loved him, Tim is lost.
 It's important to understand that everything he does in 'the prophetic spring' in self-harm. He thinks of himself as a monster (because Tim was raised by Bruce and he's extremely rigidly moral, and he can't reconcile his morality with what he did while he was pit-mad), and as a result he wants everybody else in his life to think of himself as a monster. He wants to be hated as much as he hates himself, because at least that's real and validates his feelings. He thinks of himself as the lowest of the low, so he performs his image of a spoiled party boy - the kind of person he's never been, and who he always hated, because he thinks of himself as the person who ruined Tim Drake, not Tim Drake. The drugs and alcohol are self harm (and I'd say, in my essential interp, that Tim has an addictive personality). Having sex is self-harm for him specifically because he's sex-averse. Alienating everybody who ever loved him is self-harm. Practically begging Damian to put him in Arkham is self-harm. This is a 20 year old unstable kid who wants to self-harm until he dies or his family kills him, because he is suicidal. He's still clinging on because he doesn't want to do it himself, but if someone kills him no big deal, and if he overdoses he probably deserved it.
 It IS confusing! As readers we are used to traumatized characters who seek catharsis, affection, and safety. We want the hurt and the comfort. But I really wanted to highlight how fucking ugly PTSD is. It can genuinely make you into a cruel and hurtful person. Tim is suicidal and he responds by becoming an addict, rejecting his family and friends so nobody can try to help him, and lashing out nonstop because he wants to punish the people who love him for loving a monster. And because he wants to punish the people he blames for his death - Bruce and Damian. The Joker. But Bruce is dead and the Joker’s dead Damian isn't giving him the attention he wants...so what does he do? He's lost. And so 'the prophetic spring' is the story of someone who is so fucking lost that he tries to destroy his own life because he can't bring himself to end it again. 
 Hope that cleared stuff up. I really love Tim. You probably didn't need that amount of detail but I am psychically compelled to share these things...partly because most people take Tim's incredible trauma and just make him a cute woobie..no guys make him mean. People are mean sometimes. Fiction exaggerates and magnifies - so many hurt people WANT to do the stuff Tim does, but their lives aren't a comic book soap opera so they don't. I wanted to highlight that real pain. Thanks for asking!!!
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astrodances · 3 years
I’m surprise that the Cardassian (or whatever your Version of the  Cardassian is in your au) would let Negaduck a Canardian be in charge of the occupation because even with a mask I’m pretty sure they can still tell he’s  Canardian
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Haha I think in my last answer about their names and stuff I was so focused on keeping that "Mallard Drake" mirror parallel that I completely disregarded this aspect of things. XD Good catch!
Well, for one thing, I did mention before that Negaduck's the mirror Emissary of the Pah-wraiths, and that they put the plans in his head for the occupation of prime Canard. So, without him, there really wouldn't be an occupation, so that's a point in his favor here.
^ A quick note/tangent regarding that: the Bajoran Occupation lasted 50 years, and the Canardian one is probably of a similar length, erring on a bit less. (I might say anywhere in the 30-35-40 year range, because prime Drake will be like DT17 Drake (and a little like Kira, in this regard), in his late 20s/early 30s (probably towards the late 20s as a balance of DT17 and Kira) by the time we catch up with him at the "beginning" of the DS9 era in the AU. And so the occupation will at least need to be a little older than Drake, so he can have grown up wanting to be a resistance member.)
What this means for Negaduck is that he's going to be older than Drake (I'm guessing rn like, 20-30 years older?), which will be probably the main trait he gets from Jim Starling (even though he's more like his DW91 self in other regards, and is still very much mirror Mallard Drake). It's fine, because hey, if DS9's mirror universe can have characters die at different times than their prime counterparts (i.e., Jennifer Sisko), who's to say that their births can't be at different times (which I'm pretty sure is actually a thing in that?? I know some people aren't even born in the mirror universe - like Jake Sisko)? (And if it isn't, I'm just gonna say the Prophets/Pah-wraiths work in mysterious ways, and time isn't linear with them. XD) It'll probably help give a little more distinction between Darkwing and Negaduck anyway in terms of physicality, but Darkwing's still able to recognize Negaduck as himself at the moment of truth bc helloooo age-up mirror. XD (DW might actually think at first that there's some weird time travel shenanigans at play, until he can interrogate Negaduck alone.)
(Mirror Gosalyn will still be the same age as her prime self though, as will probably everyone else unless things prove otherwise.)
So, Negaduck is anywhere from being in his late 40s to late 60s by the time the DS9 kicks in and the occupation is over, and anywhere in his late teens to late 20s (maybe even early 30s) when he starts the occupation.
So, that was an important thing to start figuring out (and just putting in the reminder again that this is all subject to change - this is fun though!), but to get to the actual question...
I'd say, for now, there's a couple options to consider (keeping in mind that one way or another, this is going to stray from duck and/or Trek canon/parallels, and very much live up to being an AU):
Regardless of whether things were peaceful/neutral or a little tense between prime Canard and AU Cardassia, Negaduck might've come in from the mirror universe, gone up and knocked on AU Cardassia's door, and been like, "I've got a proposal for you..." and did whatever he needed to do to convince them to invade and occupy Canard. Just did a little reading on Memory Alpha, and besides Cardassia being militaristic and hostile, it says this of the Bajoran Occupation: "...the Cardassians coveted Bajor's rich natural resources and saw the Bajoran people as inferior." So maybe that's what Negaduck uses to incite AU Cardassia into action, and when they ask why he's betraying his own people, he tells them something about wanting power over the planet, and/or some of the resources/profit (probably in particular the Orbs - but he never reveals the true intentions of the Pah-wraiths at this point). (It might also have something to do with how things are going between the two peoples in the mirror universe? We'll see. At any rate, he'll probably know where all the resources/secret areas of Canard are.) As a side note, as the man behind the plans, and be the vicious mind that he is, he'll be the one to choose all the sub-commanders and such, which is where the rest of the Fearsome Five will come in, along with Taurus Bulba later on for that collaboration.
As for him being a Canardian, the AU Cardassians might buy/be intimidated into buying the betrayal (which answers your question, at any rate), but for the Canardians, it'll be a shock when they find out one of their supposed own sold them out. So that'll be where the mask comes in for Negaduck, to hide his identity, but he might be pretty blatant about being Canardian. (And the mask/disguise thing might also just be from being the mirror Darkwing/Negaduck already, depending on what he was doing in the mirror universe?? But he'll get some AU Cardassian armor when he comes into power, so it'll get changed up a bit.) But then Darkwing grows up and comes into his own, and when Negaduck first sees him, he knows exactly who he is, and he'll be like, "So that's where I am..." (for his prime counterpart).
A little side possibility: at least for a while, and at least to Canardians if not the AU Cardassians for a bit, Negaduck might act like a shadowy figure, pulling all the puppet strings from afar? (But after the above points, this is less likely.)
The other major possibility for a Canardian coming in to lead the occupation would be to have some surgical alteration done to look like an AU Cardassian. (I know I said before that I probably wouldn't need to do this for him, but it might actually work?) It would probably be done in the mirror universe or right after he went through the wormhole to the prime universe by a very shady doctor. Negaduck might have to work a bit more to rise to power over AU Cardassia, or gather the Fearsome Five and do a takeover type of thing. And then he'd change his appearance after the occupation and continue on with trying to fulfill the Pah-wraiths' plans some other way, and both the Canardians and AU Cardassians would feel betrayed. I'm really not feeling this idea, but it would actually have some reverse precedence with Dukat having altered himself to look like a Bajoran.
The main point with either possibility is that if Negaduck, a Canardian, is going to lead the Occupation of Canard, it's going to involve betrayal.
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justarandomsideblog · 3 years
Okay I admit it I'm obsessed, just more Winged!Fundy AU stuffs
-Most of canon is side-stepped, using rough elements as a guideline (L'Manburg was a thing, it had its revolution, the 16th and doomsday, Wilbur died, Fundy and Phil are estranged/disowned, Fundy has his prophetic dreams which jumpstart his godly magic, etc) but Fundy is around the same age as Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo are physically (the former of the two being immortals and the latter having a naturally long lifespan), and it takes place in a world where the nuke wasn't stolen and Quackity gets to be happy okay. Fundy is still being haunted by his dreams and begins to suffer from derealization, though I have no intention of going into details about it.
-Dream himself is mortal and isn't the big bad, but DreamXD, his twin/doppelganger is a god of chaos and is the main antagonist, and Dream is working for DreamXD. DreamXD has noticed Fundy's powers awakening.
-Phil is one of a handful of Angels of Death, having been created by Death through magic. He is technically Death's son, and if Death ever falls is the next choice to become the god of Death. He is technically a god, but as the son of a god and having wings he is referred to more often as an angel. Wilbur and Tommy are his biological sons, though they have different mothers (who are mortal and lived roughly 100 years apart). So technically all three of them are Angels of Death, and all their wings are made of magic.
-Wilbur manifested his godly magic when he was 3, and had Phil there to guide him through it so that growing his wings wouldn't hurt. His wings were pepper gray and white, but when he was still a small child he had a traumatic accident that irreversibly damaged his wings, and his wings were magically removed since leaving them be would have caused more problems.
-Tommy was barely 6 months old when he manifested his godly magic and grew his wings, taking both Phil and Wil by surprise. His wings are pure gold, a stark contrast to his father and brother. He still has them, but he started hiding them when he got involved in wars since they would become a target for the enemy.
-Angels have a special magic called an Angel's Bond, where they can, only once in their lives, share a bond with a mortal and extend their immortal life to them. There's different kinds of bonds this can fall under, though the most common are familial bonds, often between a mortal who was taken in by gods or angels. It ties that mortal's life to the angel's, and until the angel dies the mortal cannot die and will only age at the same rate as the angel.
-Techno and Tubbo are Phil's adopted children. Techno was found as a young Piglin in the nether, and he was roughly the same age as Wilbur. Phil ended up using his Angel's Bond with Techno. Tommy brought Tubbo home one day, Tubbo an orphan trying to get by in the forest, and Phil welcomed Tubbo into their home. Tommy ended up using his Angel's Bond with Tubbo after finding out that Tubbo's going to grow old and die before Tommy ever even reached adulthood. Phil has concerns about Tommy using his One and Only bond so young, but it can't be reversed so...
-Sally is the daughter of a god, and was created through magic. She has many sisters. Their mother calls themself Mother Nature, even though they are more accurately Life (versus Phil's father being Death) and Fundy is the actual embodiment of Nature, being the one and only descendant of Life and Death.
-Wilbur and Sally knew each other were angels/spirits/the children of gods, and they knew they were the children of opposite gods, meaning that their love was technically a forbidden love as life and death magic was never meant to mix. They fell in love anyways, and though the god of Life disapproved, they just sat back and watched. Sally actually couldn't have kids, being a product of pure magic, and ended up asking Life for help, and in the process made a deal; she and Wilbur got to have a kid and in exchange, they could never awaken the kid's magic (thus, these two immortals' son would be doomed to mortality) and Sally had to return to the sea after the kid turned 5. Oh, and Sally had to take a different form after being pregnant because Life did not want their grandchild to appear human. Yea Life's a sick fuck. Wilbur actually wanted to disagree but Sally wanted to have a kid biologically (they did raise several adopted kids which was very fulfilling but Sally just... wanted to have a baby, idk why, couldn't be me) so she agreed. Wilbur cried the day he came in for breakfast to find his wife had transformed into a fox woman cause he knew the timer had begun.
-They didn't tell anyone, not even Fundy, who they intended to raise as a mortal. They took away all magic from their house and told Fundy that Wil was a musician and Sally was an accountant. It was after Sally disappeared that Wilbur built L'Manburg's walls.
-Wilbur managed to keep Fundy from manifesting his magic all throughout his childhood and teenagehood, and he never found out that Fundy figured out astral projection and shapeshifting. After Wilbur died, however, Fundy began exploring a little more and ended up discovering some of his other powers (prophetic dreams/dreamwalking, being able to mold the world around him to a degree, things like that) and Ghostbur didn't remember enough to keep an eye on him. Phil had no idea, since Wilbur never told him, he never met Sally and Fundy hadn't manifested his magic when Phil was around. This time, where Fundy is completely alone and has all the time to himself, is when he begins manifesting the magic his parents had tried so hard to keep him from manifesting, and it's when the phantom pains from wings that hadn't grown yet began. It is a PAINFUL process to grow wings, even magically, because it comes from under the skin/attaches to muscle and bone, and since he has no older or more experienced Angel with him he has no one to help him or guide him...
-Ranboo is there when Fundy's wings grow, a very traumatizing moment for both of them (blood and Fundy definitely passes out and all that fun stuff), and manages to convince Fundy to not immediately try to chop them off with an axe (Fundy was panicking) but Fundy refused to go to Phil or Tommy because he has Issues(TM). Namely, he didn't want his family to decide he's suddenly worth loving because it turns out he's just like them after all. In fact, he's terrified that if they find out, he can never have a relationship with them because he'll never be sure if they love him or just love that he's like them. He wants to be loved for who he is, not what he is...
-On the other hand, Phil and Techno threaten to kill Dream when Dream shows interest (/p) in Fundy, and Phil tells him to "stay the hell away from my grandson" because even if he's angry about the whole Butcher Army thing, still, he is NOT about to let some cretin near his grandson. They do love him. They're just mad and waiting for a proper apology. (Phil, of course, does not know Fundy is more god than mortal so the idea of him manifesting death magic and growing wings doesn't even cross his mind, and doesn't know he let Fundy go through the wing growing process all by himself.)
-Funboo (/p) shenanigans as they try to hide the existence of Fundy's wings from literally everyone else. Tommy and Tubbo finding out in possibly the worst way possible. Tommy freaking out because Fundy A) went through that painful and traumatic process without another angel there to help, B) is trying to teach himself how to fly and use magic, and C) didn't feel like he could go to his own family about this thing that everyone in their family has gone through.
-Emotional family shit as Tommy realizes just how alone and isolated Fundy felt, not even willing to go to his own family to learn more about his magic? Learn how to fly?
-Enter Tommy&Tubbo&Fundy&Ranboo (/p ofc) shenanigans as they, very specifically, try to hide this from Phil, Techno, Ghostbur and anyone else they think might even possibly let it spill to them. Also Tommy taking over teaching Fundy about his magic and flying, because "no offence Ranboo but this is very different from enderman stuff"
-Fundy trying to come to terms with the fact that his family's perception of him won't change just because it turns out he's not mortal
-Fundy figuring out how to astral project right out of the mortal plane and talk to his father in the afterlife. It's tense ofc their last meeting was not a good one but Fundy needs answers because nothing's adding up....
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The Aquabats:
Most Fucked Up: Chemical Bond
Favorite: Story of Nothing
Propaganda: "a bunch of dads in wetsuits that galavant around and sing about pizza and beat up guys in costumes. entirely built off being confident about being a little freak which is incredibly commendable. the person speaking is a registered aquacadet! (#2000278!)"
ded ihn uh hul:
Most Fucked Up Song: Alcoholic Gummy Bears, Girl You Are So Beautiful Like the Sunset
Favorite Song: LTD, Still
Propaganda: "they’re really great and they support/are apart of several minorities and they have a female lead vocalist and they are multilingual and their music is just vibes"
"The utmost culty band of them all. They literally sacrifice people (lovingly) and resurrect them. They worship The hul, an upside down triangle entity. They make some absolute bangers. They are the moment. "
"They are apparently imimmortal (like pseudo-immortal, I dunno) beings from the "OtherUnderworld" who spread the will of their upside-down triangle deity called the hul through music. They claim to be the prophets of the hully clut. They have a choreographed reverse-sacrifice (they resurrect someone?) ritual to be performed before concerts, though they have only done one online concert to which about 11 people showed up; there is a fanfic written about it. They're SO disorganized and kind of cringefail, it's pure chaos. It took them 8 years to finish their debut album, Translation: Bacon, and they still haven't finished putting together the physical release, but when they do, it will include riddles and secret codes, poorly made booklets with lyrics and doodles that read right to left for no reason, and photocards. Their first EP was postponed because the drummer, who does all the art/design, took over 6 months to draw the album cover. They make weird videos and are also Twitch streamers and have an official Tumblr. Their musical style is like... metal infused with k-pop? The yassification of metal? Whatever they think seems fun in the moment? Their lyrics are mostly English but they have also used Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Dutch, and French. One is a talented music major, one is a linguistics nerd who is also a dancer in a k-pop cover group, and one is an autistic gamer (studying game design) with every medical problem. They're queer, if that helps; two of them are trans. Also, they're all cousins and started the band when they were like 10 or something. The fourth member mysteriously vanished."
Oingo Boingo:
Most Fucked Song: No One Lives Forever
Favorite Song: Running On A Treadmill
Propaganda: "It’s oingo boingo"
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