#because I'm terminally online
cuntwrap--supreme · 8 months
It's so cold my dog doesn't even want to go out to piss.
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Constantly citing this article and the studies it uses.
Here's a quote:
"That study shows that transmasculine individuals were actually more likely to be victims of childhood sexual assault, adult sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking than were transfeminine individuals (as shown in the chart below).
The only category in which trans women were more likely to be victimized was by hate violence, and even there the difference was small: 30 percent of trans women reported having experienced hate violence, compared to 29 percent of trans men."
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chronicbitchsyndrome · 11 months
it's annoying as hell to have my disability blog blocked by like 75% of radical disability tumblr because i don't believe in the anti-scientific concept of mind-body dualism, specifically because my specific disability outright disproves it entirely as my "mental" and "physical" symptoms are one and the same (and make me almost entirely incapable of existing in public, and therefore broadly unable to build friendships and support networks offline). good job building community for isolated housebound disabled people who need it, y'all. 10/10.
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tinystepsforward · 9 days
algerian trans women arent able to compete in women sports at all, but yeah its makes no sense to call khelif tme. youre so fucking smart.
i see you don't believe that i'm quoting one of the trans women in my life about that, which is your prerogative. it's also your right to miss my point entirely both about the ways this alienates intersex people and about the rigidity of a binary that comes down to the same shrinking circles terfs draw when they try to quantify what a woman is (speak up for women, the most organised nz group, have now submitted on the human rights act suggesting that all babies be karyotyped at birth and the results be public, bc they can't establish any other definition they agree on. absolutely fucking nobody, not even their christian or conspiracist allies, agrees with them on this one.)
but you don't have to take my word for it! when i was at that consultation with the nz law commission, i was in a room with many other intersex and trans people, including trans athletes and trans women like lexie matheson who consult on trans inclusion in sports at a high national level. i don't think there's a single person in that room who did not name what was happening to khelif as we spoke as transmisogyny, who did not speak of her as part of a group with whom we all shared something.
at the end of the day, prison abolition informs all of my politics. i believe that we must look clearly and carefully at harm and distinguish it from discomfort or disagreement, and identify its structural sources and true perpetrators. i believe that to build a better future we must be capable of imagining one. i believe that we can build a world where suffering is not the metric by which we determine value or punishment or righteousness. i believe that we can build a world where we centre and uplift those who are most hurt, in every arena — black and brown trans women, here; in some of my other work, it's incarcerated intellectually disabled people, or asian migrant sex workers affected by section 19, the list goes on — without then pitting them against other people who share some of the same story and will benefit from the same deconstruction of the systems that hold them down. i believe we can build a world in which asab doesn't affect so much of your life by beginning that work now.
there's a politics of scarcity — you have it better than me, so we have nothing in common. i saw it all the time in brothels, the idea that the new girl is taking money out of your kids' mouths. the viciousness with which people who are struggling are so ready to abandon solidarity. is it so hard to demand better for everyone? to think less about the ways we're alone and more about the ways we're together?
maybe it is. i know that well enough as a prison abolitionist. people get scared. they swing at shadows, they swing at anyone who seems to be suffering less, they — we, i should say, i am certainly not immune — get blindingly jealous of people who seem to have it easier. that's grief! that's grief for the easier life that we deserve. and we get to mourn, and take that time to feel it, and then we can choose if we want to keep working hand in hand with each other toward a world where that grief is dwarfed by the promise of the future.
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t1meslayer · 7 months
We're full steam ahead on edits for my Splatoon Pearlina fic — I'd expect to see something out tomorrow!!
In the meantime, here's a teaser for all the good squids and kids out there:
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schnuffel-danny · 3 months
watching iceberg videos related to any sort of internet specific topic is a great way of testing how chronically online you are the angrier a video like that makes you the worse you have it
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godslush · 6 months
I do think it's telling that Tumblr would force people to manually opt in to the boop campaign, preventing users from giving boops - IE reinforcing some positivity through a cute gesture - to people who might not be paying attention to the site for this specific, short interval of time...
...while at the same time auto-opting-in AI scraping and requiring people to manually opt out instead, thus trying to take advantage of people who've left and aren't paying attention to the site.
As cute as the boops are, it really does illustrate that the people running this site have their priorities for user enjoyment versus their own perceived profitability completely backwards.
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glitchlight · 9 months
very happy that folx died a quiet death when nobody was looking because it always felt stupid compared to just saying 'people', a word that is more accurate, easier to convince people to use, and isn't vaguely appropriated aave with an X because X MEANS GENDER NEUTRAL YEAHHH!!
(i use xe/xyr but that emotion and gender is different than 'we should append x to existing gender signifiers to fix them instead of building a world and a language where gender is not centralized)
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liesmyth · 3 months
I can't believe I'm so terminally online that I saw you read Mark Webber's book and my first thought was "woah #QueabeyanMention"
“can't believe I'm so terminally online—” you ARE. so am I. we should embrace our terminally online swag.
btw this ask made me realise I don't actually know how the name Queanbeyan is pronounced. I'm gonna look it up. wish me luck
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trans-leek-cookie · 2 months
sittimg at the Wikipedia article. Comptemplating
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toaster-boi · 7 months
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i think this is the best example of "you are not immune to propaganda" i've ever seen because.
holy shit. i could not create a more patronizing strawman than this person's genuine words. they weren't joking in the slightest.
(post was a screenshotted tumblr post about how, if your beliefs rely on thinking the world is hopeless and can only be saved by violently burning everything down, you are being radicalized and Not In A Good Way)
once again for the people in the back:
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helladventurers · 8 months
So proud of my irl friends 🥹 after we spent an entire night making fun of AI and how dumb people are to think it's gonna amount to anything (especially directed at Hollywood, AI """artists""", and people who are replacing their workforce with AI), we ended up deciding that as a inside joke, whenever we see someone acting dumb or making dumb decisions, we blame it on AI
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muffinrag · 9 months
every day i grow increasingly concerned that i don't actually like any of my friends and they don't actually like me
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alienheartattack · 1 year
Oh my god why am I being served so much femcel content on this hellsite? Ladies, invest in a vibrator and stop fucking posting.
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the-13th-rose · 1 year
[Realizes US summer break is soon] Brace yourselves. The terminally online teenagers are coming.
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acelessthan3 · 2 years
There are people who's only Homestuck knowledge is they saw a person in cosplay dabbing in the background of a local news segment covering the anime convention happening at the nearby bigger city right before flipping the channel to a rerun of CSI.
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