#because 1.) it’s a fruit so it fits with the fruit theme
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ew what that anon said was really yucky wtf, I do have a mareach question if this cheers you up
If Peach and Mario do have a kid, what would the name be if it's a boy or if it's a girl?
I’m glad I’m not the only one weirded out by it, like 😭😭😭
Admittedly I’m… not the greatest with names. I’ve written how many stories about them being parents? and still haven’t actually elaborated on my fankid, much less what her name is, because she has a name and a reasoning behind it, but it’s Very Cringy.
But! The predominant two name themes I see in other’s fankids is 1.) traditional Italian names and 2.) fruit names (and sometimes the two mixed together), and I really like both of those 🥹 I think either one is really cute, and a fun continuation of either parent’s name theme!
#peaches has opinions#mareach#hhhhhhhhh#this is the part where I finally suck it up and say it#cocoa. my mareach firstborn’s name is cocoa#because 1.) it’s a fruit so it fits with the fruit theme#2.) in my fics mario nicknames their daughter ‘albicoccetta’ (little apricot) and the non-diminutive form of that is ‘albicocca’#so in that way it also serves as a play on an italian-themed name#and 3.) peach craves anything and everything chocolate her whole pregnancy when normally she’s not a huge fan#so the name is also an in-joke between her and mario#and! and and and!#4.) peach’s mother named her peach because when she was born she was swaddled in a big pink blanket and had a little green hat#so she looked like. well.#and when cocoa is born she’s chubby and she has a full head of dark brown hair and peach notes that she looks like a little cocoa bean#making the name a posthumous inside joke with her departed mother as well#*deep dramatic inhale*#so! I told y’all it was cringe 😅#fankid hell#daddy marioposting
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Part 1: Simple Things
Masterlist -Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15
Cause your presence still lingers here (it won't leave me alone)
(In which a procrastinating writer starts another series to continuously procrastinate on)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Angst, Pining
Words: 5.8K (lowkey shocked I managed that)
TW: Swearing (I think that's it?)
A/N: Hello my lovelies <3 Look at me not being a liar! I'mma try to be good with updates but we all know me. This first chapter is mainly buildup and it's not my favorite but it's important to get the plot rolling. I know very little about California and it's going to become more and more apparent throughout this series so everyone who knows Cali, just pretend thanks! Did I edit? Yes. Are there probably still mistakes? Also yes. As always, let me know what you liked, what you disliked, and what you wanna see next!
February 2033
“Anywhere but GSV,” Paige says adamantly, staring at the white wall in front of her, instead of her exasperated agent.
Talia lets out a deep sigh, perfectly manicured sharp red nails tapping incessantly against her desk. For the most part, Paige is a dream client and when Talia says jump, she says how high. It’s easy to trust Talia’s vision when she hasn’t let her down once since Paige’s management company has assigned her to their basketball sensation. But most of those decisions had been about endorsement opportunities, opportunities that wouldn’t have other ramifications on the rest of Paige’s life, opportunities that didn’t come with personal consequences.
“How about the Sparks?”
“They’re not offering nearly as much.”
“I’m okay with taking a pay-.”
“You do not pay me as much as you do for me to let you finish such a stupid sentence.”
“Fine,” Paige spins around in her swivel chair, “you’re telling me nobody else is offering me anything as big as GSV.”
“Well I mean Indiana…” Talia trails off, barely able to hide an impish grin at Paige’s pronounced eyeroll, “and of course you could always just stay in Dallas.”
Paige winces at the mention of the current team. With one championship and two MVP campaigns under her belt, it would be incorrect to say her time with the Wings hadn’t been fruitful but she’d never felt quite at home here. And that had been before the personnel changes had hit Dallas and suddenly, the team coming off a near perfect season with a trophy in their hand, was struggling to keep themselves in playoff contention. Paige had stuck it out two more seasons after, a testament to her loyal nature and desire to start and finish her career at the same place like many legends had done but ultimately enough had been enough and she’s come to terms with the fact that she’s not meant to be a part of the Wings forever.
“Can’t you try talking to the Sparks again?” she says, hands massaging her temple as she resorts to begging, “it’s fucking L.A. they’ve got to have some money lying around somewhere.”
“Even if they did, you and I both know the Sparks aren’t a good fit basketball wise either. GSV has everything you’re looking for. They need a PG and you need a championship contender who’s offering you a deal like they are. You can’t throw all of that away just because-”, Talia bites her lip, catching herself before she can vocalise out loud the real reason they’re having such a complicated conversation about what should be a simple decision.
Paige swallows uncomfortably, skin prickling with that all too familiar fire that spreads through her veins every time her past brushes a little too close to her present. It would be impossible to keep them from ever colliding, but for almost a decade now, Paige has managed to keep them separate beyond absolute necessity. She’s done the cordial handshakes when the Wings played the Valkyries and given due diligent praise when the media had asked about the competition, but that was it. More than that would have been like willingly walking into a fire with kerosene all over her body. And Paige can’t do that, not when the burn marks from years and years ago, still haven’t healed.
“Team chemistry is important,” Paige says finally, “I might be an on-court fit at GSV but that won’t matter if it’s a disaster off the court.”
Talia sighs and Paige can tell she’s fighting the urge to whack her head against her desk, “it’s been years Paige. You've lived a whole life without each other. The two of you are adults. You’re professionals and you’re two of the best goddamn players in the league. You have the same goal; you want to win. You don’t think you can put that behind you to get you both what you want?”
You've lived a whole life without each other
It’s like a well-aimed arrow that barely breaks skin but shatters something underneath, something buried deep within, something she should have gotten rid of years ago but hasn’t been able to let go of yet. Something that feels a lot like a forever she’d never gotten to live out and an always that had flown out of her reach. And Paige knows nobody lives the life they’d expected to live at fifteen or even eighteen but the truth is that most of her dreams had come true. The only thing missing was the person she’d expected to be there by her side when they did.
“Okay listen,” Talia begins again, “here’s what’s gonna happen.”
“Bossy,” Paige smirks, bracing herself, knowing she’s not about to like the next words out of Talia’s mouth.
“You’re going to go to San Francisco,” the older woman raises a silencing hand the minute Paige tries to protest, “you’re going to meet the front office, you’re going to meet the GM and you’re going to tour their facilities. And if after talking with them and seeing all they have to offer, if it’s still not enough to counter having to play with her, then we can revisit this conversation.”
“Can I say no?” Paige tilts her head with a sigh.
Talia smirks and it’s enough for Paige to let her head finally hit the table, “your flight leaves in two days.”
Azzi wakes up to a light weight sprawled over her back and tiny fingers rubbing circles against her temple. She can’t help but smile, keeping her eyes closed and listening to the sound of her daughter’s quiet breathing as the little girl continues her ministrations. It’s a new skill she’s been taught, to wake her mom up like this instead of screaming. So far, Azzi think’s it’s been a successful transition.
“Mama,” Stephie whispers in Azzi’s ear, “are you awake yet cause I really really want waffles.”
Azzi laughs, finally flipping herself over and Stephie squeals as she goes from on top of her mother, to landing on the bed, “I thought you said you wanted pancakes last night?”
“I did,” a thoughtful look crosses the five-year-old's eyes, “I think I changed my mind.”
“You think?” Azzi suppresses a smile. It’s uncanny really how she’d given birth to her perfect mini-me. The moment the nurses had placed the tiny little creature into her waiting hands, she’d noticed immediately how much it felt like looking through a door into her childhood. And with every passing day, it seems Stephie morphs more and more into Azzi. From the way her face betrays her every emotion to the way she can’t make a decision to save her life, it’s all Azzi and really it makes sense, because Stephie is all Azzi’s.
“Yes,” Stephie nods matter-of-factly as she sits up onto her knee and pulls at Azzi’s blanket, “so can you get up and make me waffles now?”
“Oh of course I can, your highness,” Azzi says dramatically, rising off the bed and letting Stephie climb onto her back, “would you like chocolate sauce or maple syrup with that your majesty?”
Stephie groans, burying her face in Azzi’s neck as if her mother has asked her to make the most difficult decision in the world. They settle into their morning routine, Stephie brushing her teeth as Azzi goes through her meticulous skin care regiment, occasionally dabbing little bits of this and that on her daughter’s skin, eliciting soft giggles from the little girl. It’s her favourite sound in the entire world. Azzi’s life isn’t perfect and there’s a million what if’s, one bigger than all of the others, that plague her mind sometimes but then she looks at Stephie, and she knows she wouldn’t change a single decision she’d made. Because they’ve all led to this moment, 9 am on a Friday, making waffle batter as her five-year old sits on the counter-top. It’s not everything but it’s enough.
The frantic sound of a door being haphazardly slammed open has both Stephie and Azzi startled, until Colleen comes bursting through it like a tornado.
“Oh thank god you’re awake,” Azzi’s best friend and manager says, out of breath, as she throws her car keys on the kitchen table.
“Hi Aunty Leen,” Stephie grins, waffle batter all over her mouth as she continues to dip and lick.
“Hey kiddo,” Colleen ruffles Stephie’s hair before sitting down and staring pointedly up at Azzi, “you might wanna sit down for this. I have news.”
“Sorry to break it to you Collen but your new h-o-o-k-u-p-s are not sit-down-newsworthy,” Azzi smirks as Colleen scrunches up her nose trying to keep up with the spelling.
“Oh trust me Az, I wish this was about my h-o-o- whatever,” Colleen takes a deep breath, “GSV is meeting with a potential point guard this week.”
“I would hope so. We really need a PG if we’re gonna redeem ourselves next season.”
“Right, well- you see- the thing is-”
“Today if you can please Colleen,” but there’s this knot forming in the pit of her stomach. Her sixth sense that’s been dormant for years is prickling and if she’s honest with herself, Azzi knows the next words that are about to come out of Colleen’s mouth before her best friend has even said them.
“GSV wants to sign Paige,” Colleen says slowly.
For a moment there’s silence and it’s ridiculous how all it takes is her name for Azzi’s mind to start flipping through pages and pages of a photo album she’s buried deep in the treasure chest of her mind. And for a second, she allows herself to get lost in a flood of everything we could have been until the sting of her hand slipping against the waffle iron jolts her back to reality.
“Fuck,” she curses, immedaitely blowing at her fingers. It does nothing. She should know by now that when things burn, the flames might die out, but even the ashes remain on fire.
“Bad word Mama,” Stephie chides immediately, unaware that her mother’s world has just been thrown off balance, “you owe me a kiss.”
She juts her cheek out and Azzi complies, trying to ignore the way her heart is desperately trying to beat out of her chest. It only calms down a little when Stephie presses a kiss of her own against Azzi’s cheek.
“Sorry sweetheart, mama’s bad, Here can you mix this batter for me,” Azzi whispers to the younger girl, distracting her child with something to do, before rounding on her best friend, “she can’t come here.”
Colleen sighs, getting comfortable in her chair, “unfortunately I don’t think you have much choice.”
“The h-” Azzi cuts herself off, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, “the haystack I don’t. This is my team and I don’t want her on it and I’m gonna walk into Ohemaa’s office and tell her exactly that.”
“Right and what exactly are you going to tell her when she asks you why you don’t want the best point guard in the league on your team Azzi? Your team, who mind you, lost in the finals last year because you didn’t have a point guard.”
Azzi flinches, gritting her teeth, both at the reminder of the loss that had happened not long enough ago and the fact that she couldn’t very well go into her boss’s office and blurt out the truth about a tragic relationship that had lived and died in secret.
“It's a bad idea, the two of us- we’ll kill each other Colleen,” she struggles to string the words together, swallowing away the we already have that tastes like bile on the tip of her tongue.
“Well you’re gonna have to learn not to,” Colleen says decisively, slipping from being Azzi’s best friend to her manager, “because you and I both know that if you want GSV to win another championship, you’re going to need her.”
“Are you my manager or GSV’s,” Azzi grunts, rubbing a tired hand against her forehead.
Colleen smiles, “it’s the same thing isn’t it? What’s good for GSV is good for you. And we all know the two of you thrive on the court together.”
“We did. Past tense,” the admission falls like lava from Azzi’s lips, singeing the edges of her mouth as everything that she’d let simmer underneath threatens to bubble over, “there’s no guarantee we still will. Besides, it's all a moot point anyways because she would never agree.”
“Wouldn’t she?” Colleen cocks an eyebrow and Azzi groans at the rhetorical question, waiting for the inevitable other shoe to drop, “because last I checked, she’s flying into San Francisco tomorrow.”
Paige has a problem. A really big fuck i really want to be a golden state valkyrie type of problem. She’d fought it every step of the way since she’d landed in San Francisco. Something about the city felt like it was bursting with basketball. The drive from the airport into Oakland had been bursting with murals of the Warriors and the Valkyries and for a split second, Paige can see her own face up on the billboards in a #5 Valkyries jersey. She just doesn’t know if it she can imagine herself next to the woman in #35 again, the woman whose smile in the posters is exactly as she remembers it to have been like when it was pressed into Paige’s skin every night almost a decade ago.
On top of that, Omehaa Nyanin had seemed to know exactly what made Paige Bueckers, the basketball player, tick. Every argument Paige had about why she shouldn’t be Valkyrie, the woman had a counter ready, as if she’d already anticipated exactly what the blonde would say. The Valkyrie coach had been even more prepared with videos of their offensive and defensive sets and how they fit in tandem with Paige’s own skill set, all ready to show off the minute she had walked through the door. It should be the easiest decision in the world to let herself just belong to this world that is screaming her name but there’s a rope around her waist trying to tug her back to safety, trying to tug her away from dousing her still-open wounds in salt.
Sighing, Paige lets herself into what she’s been told is called the “chill area”. Coach had offered to give her a tour of the facilities herself but Paige had declined, asking instead for her former UConn teammate and currently Valkyrie centre Jana El Alfy to do the honours, desperate for a familiar face who knew her history to bounce her thoughts off. It clearly wasn’t what the woman had wanted, but considering she was trying to convince Paige to choose them, whatever the blonde wanted, she was going to get. Massaging her temples at this irritating predicament she’s unwillingly found herself in, Paige’s head rolls back against the back of the chair, eyes closing involuntarily.
“You’re not supposed to sleep in here,” a tiny voice echoes and Paige almost jumps out her skin in shock.
“Fucking hell,” she curses as her eyes fall upon a little girl who seems to have materialized out of nowhere, “shit kid, you scared me.”
The child scrunches her nose and Paige feels her heart beat start to quicken as recognition settles in. She knows this little girl, has seen her on the sidelines at countless games and just like every other time, all she can think of is just how much this child resembles the future Paige had once believed would be hers.
“You owe me three kisses,” the girl says matter-of-factly, her tone so similar to her mothers. It shouldn’t surprise Paige, not when the kid has those same dark curls, those same doey brown eyes, that same nose scrunch.
“I owe you three kisses?” Paige repeats.
The girl rolls her eyes letting out a sigh far too grave for someone of her age, “yes. Mama says whenever someone says a bad word around me, they have to give me a kiss. You said three bad words, so you owe me three kisses.”
“And what does Mama say about asking strangers for kisses?”
“Stranger danger duh silly,” the child puts her hands on her hips, tilting her head as she looks at Paige with a far too familiar expression, “but you’re not a stranger.”
Paige purses her lips, “I’m not?”
“You’re Paige Bueckers. I’ve seen you at Mama’s games and Nanna and Pops have pictures of you in their house,” she stops, staring accusingly, “you don’t know who I am? Did you forget me?”
And Paige doesn’t know what catches her off guard more. The casual mention of a house that used to feel like a home, of people that used to feel like family or the fact that, that puppy dog stare still has the exact same effect on her that it did years ago, even if the owner of said eyes is different.
“Of course I didn’t forget you. You’re Stephanie,” Paige says softly, trying to muster a smile as she adds the last name, “Stephanie Fudd.”
“Stephanie Katarina Fudd,” comes the immediate correction, “but everybody calls me Stephie,” tiny hands wrap around Paige’s neck as Stephie climbs on to her lap, tapping a finger on her left cheek as she smiles up at Paige, “so now can I have my kisses?”
Slowly, Paige presses three featherlight kisses against the little girl’s cheek and when Stephie squeals in delight, she wishes she could record it. Someone somewhere is playing a practical joke on her, Paige is sure of it. Because all of a sudden, all the little things she’s been collecting as to reasons why she might just like the Bay Area are starting to feel insignificant in front of this one, in front of Stephie and her innocent smile and the way her free hand is curled around Paige’s neck as if she’ll hold on forever. And the world is definitely playing a cruel prank on her because Stephie can’t be the reason Paige wants to stay, not when her mother’s the reason Paige needs to go.
“Your Mama just lets you run around the building like this?” Paige asks, trying to focus on Stephie instead of the turmoil in her brain.
Stephie smiles sheepishly, “well I was ‘posed to stay with Aunty Leen while Mama talks to Miss O but then Aunty Leen got a call and I was bored so I came here.”
It doesn’t take Paige too long to decipher that Miss O must be Omehaa, but she’s stuck on who the hell Aunty Leen could be. She’s distinctly aware that her skin has no right to prickle, her hands have no right to sweat, her stomach has no right to knot, she has no right to feel anything when it comes to Stephie’s mother. But jealousy floods through her anyways.
“Who is Aunty Leen?” Paige asks and then mentally slaps herself for it.
“Aunty Leen is Aunty Leen,” Stephie explains unhelpfully, “so Miss Buecks-”
Stephie shoots her an unimpressed look, “same things Miss Buecks. Are you here to join Mama’s team?”
“I-” Paige scratches her neck, only slightly taken aback by the direct question, “I don’t know.”
“You should,” Stephies says decisively, “Mama’s team is the best team in the world and Mama’s the best player in the whole wide world.”
Paige can’t help but smile at Stephie’s loyalty, “so why does her team need me then?”
Stephie looks contemplative for a moment before she uses her index finger to beckon Paige towards her, “can I tell you a secret?”
“Of course you can,” Paige says, leaning her ear down so Stephie can whisper into it.
“Don’t tell anyone but you’re my second favourite player.”
Paige swears her heart feels like it might burst. She’s been plenty of people’s favourite player and it’s always been nice to hear. But somehow, all of that seems to pale in comparison to being Stephie’s second favourite player.
“Why’s that a secret?” she asks softly.
“Cause you play for the wrong team silly. I can’t cheer for not Mama’s team,” Stephie huffs and then her eyes twinkle, “that’s why you should play for Mama’s team and then I can support you!”
“Can’t argue with that logic,” Paige concedes, battling against the part of her brain that’s conjuring up an image of Stephie on the sidelines, cheering for Paige.
“What’s log-ic?” Stephie asks.
“Just means you’re a really smart kid,” Paige says, tapping the little girl’s nose. Her head is ringing with warning bells because this floaty feeling of belonging that’s encompassed in this little bubble she’s found herself in with Stephie is not one she’s allowed to feel, not now, not ever.
“STEPHIE,” a shrill voice echoes outside and Stephie immediately dives into Paige’s neck, hiding herself in the crook of it as a frazzled woman bursts through the door. Her eyes soften when they fall on Paige and the blonde can’t help the caught expression that filters on her face. She knows she’s done nothing wrong; Stephie had been the one to find her after all. But perhaps it’s because she’s scared Colleen will take one look at her and see that tiny rebellious part of her that wants to fight what’s coming next, wants to fight the woman who’s going to take Stephie away from her. Paige isn’t one to get attached easily. It had only ever happened once before when she was fifteen and she’d just known that the girl shooting three’s next to her on the court was meant to be in her life in one way or another. But things had been simple then. Nothing was simple now.
“Stephie,” Colleen says slowly, “what have I told you about running away from me?”
Stephie peeks her head out from Paige’s chest, a coy smirk playing on her lips, “not to do it? But you were boring me Aunty Leen.”
Oh that’s Aunty Leen, Paige thinks and she absolutely should not let out a sigh of relief at that but she does anyway.
“I was on the phone for two minutes, Steph.”
“Two minutes too long,” Stephie counters and Paige has to stifle a laugh.
Colleen rolls her eyes before holding out a hand, “well your Mama’s nearly done so we have to get going kiddo.”
“Can Miss Buecks come with us?” Stephie asks innocently and both Colleen and Paige freeze.
“I don’t think-”
“I’m not sure-”
They both begin before their eyes flicker to each other and they can’t help but smile. It’s funny how relationships work, how one snapped string can cause a whole web to dissolve, no matter how hard everyone involved had tried to make it work.
“I’m waiting to meet someone sweetheart so I can’t come right now,” Paige explains, “but maybe next time?”
And she shouldn’t add that last part, not when Paige should be devising an escape plan to never be in Oakland again instead of giving Stephie false hope about a next time that’s far from guaranteed. But it’s worth it for the way Stephie grins, staring at Paige like she’s given her the world’s greatest gift.
Before Paige can say anything, the little girl presses her lips against Paige’s cheek and she swears she stops breathing for a moment, “I hope you choose to play for Mama’s team Miss Buecks. I think you’d look pretty in purple.”
May 2024
“I’ve figured it out,” Paige says triumphantly as she unceremoniously flops onto Azzi’s bed.
“Well hi to you too babe,” Azzi grumbles as she scoots over to give the other girl space. It’s unnecessary because the minute she does, Paige only moves closer, wrapping an arm around Azzi’s torso.
“Hi baby,” she whispers before pressing a kiss against her girlfriend’s lips and pulling away so quickly that it leaves Azzi chasing after her.
Azzi huffs and Paige laughs as she gets herself comfortable, resting her chest on the darker skinned girl's stomach, “I’ve figured it out.”
“Figured what out?”
“Our future,” Paige says triumphantly and Azzi can’t help but smile at the our as she intertwines their fingers together. It’s been years in the making and there’s nothing Azzi’s more confident in than those two words. Not everyone finds forever this young, but she’s certain they have because really she can’t imagine a life where they don’t belong to each other, a life where every night isn’t spent exactly like this.
“And what do you see for our future,” Azzi asks softly.
“Well it’s simple really,” Paige hums, “I’m going to get drafted wherever next year but the year after, you’re definitely getting drafted to Valkyries-”
“I don’t know about definitely-”
“Azzi it’s rude to interrupt,” Paige sends her a chastising look.
“Right of course,” Azzi nods solemnly, “continue.”
“As I was saying. You’re definitely getting drafted to the Valks and then we just have to wait for my rookie contract to be up and boom! I’ll join you in the Bay Area and we’ll be together forever and ever and ever.”
Azzi giggles, brushing her hands through Paige’s hair, “that simple huh?”
“That simple,” Paige promises, catching hold of one of Azzi’s hands to press a kiss to her palm, “it’s us Az, we’ll always be simple. Besides, I think we’d both look pretty good in purple.”
May 2033
The Valkyrie facilities are state of the art as expected. Jana is the perfect tour guide, pointing out everything she knows will garner Paige’s attention. As they step foot onto the practice court, Paige feels the overwhelming sense of this could be home that’s been dancing along with her every step of the way today. All the resolve she’d carried with her from Dallas is slowly crashing down and she can practically hear Talia’s sing-song i told you so voice echoing in her head.
“You’d be really good here P,” Jana says excitedly, doing a little spin.
“You’d be lucky to have me,” Paige teases, as she picks up a basketball and subconsciously starts dribbling.
Jana laughs, before a serious expression takes over, “we would. We got really close to winning it all last year and I think you might be our missing piece.”
“I want to,” Paige confesses, “I just-” her eyes flicker to the most recent MVP poster hanging on the walls, Jana’s gaze following hers, “I don’t know if I should. It’s so complicated.”
“Only if you let it be,” Jana says as she swipes the ball out Paige’s hands, “don’t think of everything else P, just- just think of the basketball. Because you know basketball-wise, this is the right move,” she passes the ball to Paige with a smirk, tilting her head towards the basket, “why not take a shot at it P?”
Paige shakes her head, palming the ball in her hands, “can’t believe my son’s all grown up.”
“Children of divorce have no choice but to grow up,” Jana says gravely and Paige laughs despite herself.
Taking a deep breath, Paige raises the ball, arching her arms perfect as she shoots it. It barely touches the rim, before falling through the basket with swish. Hitting the floor with a quiet thud, the ball rolls until it’s stopped by someone's foot. Behind her, Paige can hear Jana cheering for the shot but she barely registers it, her entire attention on the new figure who’s just entered the court. It’s a tale as old as time. Azzi Fudd enters the room and suddenly everything else in Paige’s peripheral fades away, until it’s just her and the girl who still manages to steal her breath away.
“Nice shot,” Azzi says, as she takes a slow step towards Paige. The air is thick with tension as if a time capsule has been opened and their past is leaking onto the pages of their present, staining it with marks of the you and me that we used to be. She should say something, even if it’s just an acknowledgement of the compliment but her tongue feels dry and she’s scared that if she opens her mouth, all the things she shouldn’t say will flood out instead.
“Hey Az,” Jana’s eyes flicker awkwardly between her former teammates, “I didn’t know you were coming in today.”
“Had to talk to Omehaa about a couple of things,” Azzi says airly, eyes still fixated on Paige, “Jana can we have a minute?”
“You won’t kill each other will you?” Jana asks nervously.
Azzi laughs and even Paige cracks a small smile, “no Jana, we won’t kill each other.”
“Just making sure because last time-” Jana clamps a hand to her mouth as both Paige and Azzi flinch, “because nothing- you guys- you guys talk. I’ll give you guys a minute.”
She scampers away cursing to herself about putting her foot in her mouth and it would be amusing, if not for the fact that Paige can still barely breathe. They haven’t been alone in a room since last time and the air around them hangs heavy with the casings of the grenades they’d hurled at each other.
“I’ve never seen you with braids this early in the year. They used to be your summer braids,” Paige remarks slowly. It’s a mundane change to notice but it’s significant of the larger truth, significant of all the time that’s passed, significant of the fact they don’t know these new versions of each other.
“Yeah um, can’t really do summer braids with the W season,” Azzi chews at her lip.
“Right yeah- yeah that makes sense,” Paige nods. The awkwardness is killing her. She’d never been a fan of the silence, always more comfortable in the chaos but it had been different with Azzi. There had been something peaceful, something calming, about the quiet, when it was just the two of them, hands intertwined, eyes closed, as they listened to the sound of each other’s heartbeat.
“Are you here to tell me not to come to GSV?” Paige blurts out, “because it’s- it’s okay if you are like I get it. I mean- the two of us- it’s just really fucking complicated so I get it- I get it if you don’t want me here.”
“I didn’t,” Azzi admits and it shouldn’t, but Paige feels it sting anyways, “you’re right. You and I- there’s just a lot there and it would- it would be really complicated and when Colleen first told me I- I was gonna go fight Omehaa and be like abso-fucking-lutely not but-” she sucks in a deep breath, “do you remember the promise we made to each other?”
“We made a lot of promises to each other,” Paige says, unable to keep the harshness out of her tone, “sorry I-”
“No you’re right,” Azzi swallows, “but I meant the promise we made when we first started dating. We said we’d never let the personal affect the professional. We promised each other that no matter what, we’d never let our relationship affect us on the court And I know- I know we’ve broken a lot of promises to each other,” they both let out a breath at that, “but I think- I think maybe we should try and keep this one.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying you need a championship contender and GSV needs a PG. Paige, I’m not here to convince you to not come to GSV, I’m here to ask you to join our team,” Azzi says resolutely.
Paige isn’t easily shocked by anything really. She’s lived what she’d consider a pretty interesting life but of course if anyone was going to surprise her, it would be Azzi. Azzi, who has always been an exception to every rule.
“You- you want me on your team?” Paige repeats, a little dumbfounded.
“Yes,” Azzi affirms, “you told me once that we could be the best backcourt duo in college basketball and we were, even if it was only for a year, we were and so now I’m telling you that I think we could be the best backcourt duo in the WNBA.”
Paige is silent for a second before a smirk takes over her features, “I think I did a lot more than tell you, pretty sure I had a whole video that proved it.”
“Are you asking me to make you a recruiting video?” Azzi raises an unamused eyebrow.
Paige shrugs, “could be a nice gesture.”
“I have a five year old child, Bueckers. Trust me when I say I don’t have enough spare time for bullshit like that when you can easily just search up our highlights on youtube. Or just look in your trophy case if you’re looking for proof of how good we can be together,” Azzi says, a hint of that familiar sass bleeding into her spiel.
“We really were good together weren’t we,” it spills out before Paige can stop it and it’s like they’re taking two steps back from each other, the friendly-ish banter of mere seconds ago being clouded by a past tainted by their mistakes, “on the court I mean. We were really good on the court.”
“Right,” Azzi averts her gaze, “just- just think about it okay? This doesn’t- it doesn’t have to be about you and me, not like that at least. It’s about basketball. GSV is the perfect fit for you and you’re the perfect fit for us. And deep down you must know that too, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.”
“Maybe I’m just in it for the free trip to Cali,” Paige surmises.
Azzi scoffs, “you and I both know you make too much money to need a free trip to Cali. If anything, the hotel they’ve given you is probably cheap for your standards.”
“Maybe I just like feeling important? I always did love people showering me with praise.”
“You always did love the attention,” Azzi grins teasingly, “but there’s one thing you always loved more.”
You, Paige thinks but she can’t say that, “and what’s that?”
“Winning. That’s what this is about. You want another championship, so do we. Come help us and let us help you. It’s that simple.”
As Azzi turns to walk away, Paige can’t help but call out from behind her, “you know I think your daughter’s pitch might have been better.”
There’s a smile playing on Azzi’s lips when she turns her face back a little. It’s a new smile that Paige can only assume is Azzi’s Stephie smile, “yeah? What did she say?”
“She told me she thinks I’d look good in purple,” Paige smirks.
Azzi laughs, and it’s exactly like Paige remembers, “it’s that simple huh?”
“It’s that simple.”
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I'm still working out what the significance of this is, but I'm now surer than ever:
In season 2, Aziraphale's bookshop is the Garden of Eden.
What first tipped me off was the end of 2x01, when Gabriel asks about Outside, and Crowley urgently warns him that he needs to stay inside the bookshop. It reverberated against the themes of season 1, where choosing freedom over safety is symbolised by Leaving the Garden. Supporting this connection, one of the songs on the season 2 soundtrack is called Leaving the Bookshop; it plays in 2x06 when Crowley escorts Nina and Maggie outside.
There's an even clearer indicator of the symbolism, though, and I am so fascinated by the implications. When Gabriel first arrives at the bookshop in a state of undress, one of the things he says to Aziraphale is:
"Who told you I was naked?"
It's a funny line but it's also surprisingly biblically significant. In Genesis, Adam and Eve's loss of innocence after eating the fruit of knowledge is shown by their realisation they are naked. In this scene, Gabriel is like them before this transgression, innocent and unconscious of his own nakedness.
But it's even more on the nose than that, because in Genesis, when God appears to Adam after he eats the fruit, Adam hides, and then admits he's afraid because he's naked. And I quote directly, Genesis 3:11 (New International Version):
And [God] said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”
I'm sure this reference is intended. It's too similar to be a coincidence. So Gabriel's memory loss is comparable to the innocence that preceded the Fall of Man, and that's fascinating in its own right. This also makes the bookshop, where he is protected so long as he stays inside its walls, a clear parallel to Eden.
In relation to Gabriel, I think Beelzebub is Eve, offering Adam the knowledge of good and evil in the form of a fly holding his hidden memories. An argument could be made that they are the serpent to his Eve, but I think the partnered dynamic makes this a more fitting interpretation.
I'm still thinking on the roles that Crowley and Aziraphale play in this analogy. I keep coming back to Gabriel's line, "I don't go outside, and now I have two friends." If this is Eden, who are his friends? Are Crowley and Aziraphale reprising their roles as the serpent and the guardian? Are they God and Satan playing games with their own little universe, perhaps? Or are they Adam and Eve?
Obviously, if the bookshop is Eden, this has major implications for Crowley and Aziraphale too in the context of their break up. With this framing, Crowley telling Aziraphale, "You can't leave this bookshop" becomes a fascinating twist on his traditional role. He's asking Aziraphale to stay with him in blissful ignorance, rather than confront the truth of their world. I'm not arguing that this is the only level at which this line should be read, but it's one that's worth considering.
You may also notice that in light of this biblical reference, "Who told you I was naked" becomes the first time amnesiac Gabriel echoes the words of God. I'm really not sure what these echoes mean, but they sure do intrigue me.
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Scriptures for queer people
I like that the scriptures show life is messy and complicated. God works with really flawed people and they learn to measure up and do amazing things. The scriptures are full of contradictions as people try to figure out God’s will and how it applies in their situation. The scriptures show that God’s people are a mess and often get it wrong. These are the chosen people? In that case, I’m doing alright.
God is an out-of-the-box thinker who wants to be inclusive. The scriptures teach me that God values a relationship with me, will adjust things so the gospel works for me and my situation, and God can help me do amazing things.
I'm not claiming to be an expert or that people should agree with my interpretations. I'm simply sharing how I am thinking of these verses when I apply my viewpoint and experience as a queer Latter-day Saint
Instead of concentrating on all the specific answers & rules, I look for the overarching themes of the scriptures, I can apply those principles in my life and to my life’s situations. Some principles & teachings are more important than others, we can use the more important ones to help us think about the rest. The Bible emphasizes love, equality, & justice, we can use these to filter which messages are important for us and which should remain in the past as part of ancient cultures. For example, the Biblical principles of loving other people as yourself and treating others how you want to be treated should cause us to dismiss slavery even though the Bible allows it. Would forbidding someone from marrying who they love while allowing yourself that opportunity fit with the Biblical principles of love, equality, & justice? No.
I think most people view the Bible as decidedly anti-queer because certain “clobber passages” are regularly used against queer people. A closer inspection of those “clobber passages” shows when put back in context they’re not quite what people think. For example, ‘don’t have gay sex...as part of worshiping a pagan god.’ For the record, straight sex that is done as worship of another god is also condemned, but nobody goes around saying all straight sex is banned.
The verses people like to use to condemn homosexuality, when put back into their cultural context and original language, they are condemnations of sexual exploitation and abuse which was common in the ancient world. They are not condemnations of loving, consensual same-sex relationships. The marriage doesn't define what marriage is, so how can people claim the Bible is against same-sex marriage?
There’s queer-positive scriptures that are usually ignored because they don’t fit the anti-queer narrative people want the Bible to have.
We’re also taught in Matthew 7 that good principles don’t bring forth bad results (“a good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit”). If teachings are bringing forth bad outcomes for a whole group of people, then we should discard those, they aren’t good.
It's sad to me that so much of modern Christianity identity is about being against LGBTQ people and against abortion when those things are not condemned in the Bible, but the Bible goes on and on about forgiving debt, liberating the poor, healing the sick, and loving others. Where are the sermons and Sunday School lessons on forgiving student debt, guaranteeing health care to every person, loving our LGBTQ+ neighbors, and decrying racism? The Bible has a lot to say about protecting women and children. Do we have preach more about queer people and abortions than we do condemning domestic violence, sexual assault, and molestation?
If every Christian church congregation in the United States decided to provide resources to help every child in foster care reconnect with their family or get adopted, each church would need to help only 1 child and there'd be none left in the foster care system. Same for the number of homeless people each church would have to help get into a home for there to be no more homeless people. Christians could transform the nation and the world if they actually applied the lessons taught by Jesus.
Genesis 1 & 2 - Adam & Eve AND Adam & Steve : The purpose of this story isn’t to discount being gay or trans, in fact queerness fits into this story
Genesis 2 - Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil : Humans have been messing up what to do with the concept of good & evil. Gender roles are a result of the Fall
Genesis 3:20; Genesis 17:5 & 15; Genesis 32:28; Numbers 13:16; Matthew 16:17-18 - Changing Names : The Bible has much to teach about our obligation to respect a person’s name
Genesis 4:9-10 - Your Brother’s Blood Cries Out to Me from the Ground : The blood of queer people is crying from the ground
Genesis 6:9 - Noah’s obedience led to destruction : Kindness & inclusion are more important than obedience
Genesis 7:2-3 - Noah and the Ark : Some people point to the animals on the ark as proof God only honors male/female pairings, however for many animals Noah didn’t just bring 2 of them but 14, which offers opportunities for diversity
Genesis 9:13-16 - Rainbow : Queer people carry the promise of the rainbow
Genesis 9:20-27 - Noah & Ham : It’s wrong to use this passage to justify the enslavement of people, or to be against love between consenting gay adults
Genesis 12:1-3 : A blessing to all families - If we choose to harm rather than to bless queer families, then we are not the people of God
Genesis 16 - Hagar : We may still be required to deal with difficult situations, but we have a God who hears us, a God who knows us
Genesis 19:1-11 - Sodom & Gomorrah : It’s ironic THIS story is used against queer people when its message is the opposite
Genesis 19:26 - Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt : She became a memorial to the destruction of two cities and likewise we need to witness and bear record of the suffering and marginalization of queer people
Genesis 21 - Hagar, Part 2 : God finds all of us in the wilderness
Genesis 22 - Rejection of Ishmael and Binding of Isaac : We aren’t asked to sacrifice our queer children, doing so may cut us off from God
Genesis 25 - Jacob & Esau : The great blessing didn’t belong to the manly man but to the effeminate one
Genesis 34 - Rape of Dinah & the Response : Diverse viewpoints are needed in positions of power & decision making
Genesis 38 - Tamar : It is a sin to deny people fair treatment & they are justified to find solutions when basic rights are denied
Genesis 37-46 - Joseph Sold by his Brothers into Slavery : Life gets better and there may come a time for forgiveness and reconciliation
Genesis - The Bible teaches that wealth is destructive
Exodus 1 - Pharaoh Seeks to Murder the Hebrew Baby Boys : The right thing is to defy the oppressors in order to protect the innocent and the vulnerable
Exodus 3:14 - I AM THAT I AM : I am who I am
Exodus 3:15 - The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob : Why not say “the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob”?
Exodus 10: 7-11, 24-26 - Passover is an annual reminder that we do not negotiate at the expense of others : Civil rights aren’t to be given sparingly, we fight for all.
Leviticus 18:5 & Ezekiel 20:11 - Doing what You Need to Live : Living is more important than obeying commandments
Leviticus 18, 20 - Lie with a Man as with a Woman : These verses forbid Jews from engaging in male-male sex done as part of pagan worship
Numbers 9:1-14 - Second Passover : God finds ways to include people
Numbers 21:6-9 - The Brass Serpent : The people’s tradition of not worshiping idols made them misunderstand what God wanted from them. What traditions do we have that blind us from what God wants for us?
Deuteronomy 22:5 - Cross Dressing : This verse isn’t about performing drag or living as a trans person, it’s meant to avoid harming others
Deuteronomy 23:17 - Whores and Sodomites : The word ���sodomite” is used for male prostitutes
Lessons from Moses’ life for Queer Folks
Judges 4-5 - Deborah : A woman prophet? What else is possible?
Judges 19 - Murder of the Levite’s Concubine : Despite this horrific story, we don’t condemn heterosexuals & heterosexuality
Ruth & Naomi : The Bible celebrates this relationship of 2 women
1 Samuel 16:7 - The Lord Looketh on the Heart : Gender & orientation are matters of the heart and God knows us for who we are
Jonathan & David : The possibility this is a same-sex relationship blessed by God is why this story has been a favorite of queer Christians
1 Kings 14:24; 1 Kings 15:12; 1 Kings 22:46; 2 Kings 23:7 - Sodomites : The Hebrew Bible condemns worshiping a different god
Esther : By ‘coming out,’ Esther changed how the king viewed a marginalized group, and gender non-conforming people are the unsung heroes of this story
Book of Job : God had a different path for Job, and queer believers know God has a path for us
Psalms 27 - With the Lord’s Strength, We don’t need to Fear : The Lord won’t abandon us even if our parents do
Psalms 126:5 - Shall Reap in Joy : Life gets better
Psalms 133:1-3 - How Pleasant it is for Brethren to Dwell Together in Unity
Psalms 139:13-14 - I am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made : Our sexual orientation & gender identity is woven throughout our bodies
Proverbs 6:16-19 - The 7 Things the Lord Hates : Being Queer ain’t on the list
Isaiah 3:9 - Declare their Sin as Sodom : Sodom’s sins are not taking care of the poor or visitors & not feeling guilt for committing sins (notice being gay isn’t one of the sins of Sodom)
Isaiah 43:1 - I have Called Thee by Thy Name; Thou art Mine : God is with us no matter whether our church is
Isaiah 51:1-2 - Abraham and Sarah are Intersex? : A traditional Jewish understanding for why they’re infertile is that they were intersex
Isaiah 54:2 - Enlarge the place of thy tents, and let them stretch forth the curtains : We need to make room for not just more people but for more diversity
Isaiah 56:3-7 - Eunuchs Welcomed by God : God’s way is radical inclusiveness, God doesn’t marginalize people
Jeremiah 1:5 - Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee : You are not a mistake. God loves you and intentionally made you into who you are
Jeremiah 16:1-2 - God tells the prophet Jeremiah not to marry nor have a family : How does this fit with the Latter-day Saint idea of exaltation where marriage is required? Maybe we need to expand our vision of heaven
Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7, 11 - God Plans to Give You Hope and a Future: God’s plan includes blessing & prospering You
Ezekiel 16:49-50 - Two types of forbidden things, To’evah is forbidden for Jews and Zimah is an injustice or a sin : The gay sex acts prohibited in Leviticus 18:22 & Leviticus 20:13 are to’evah, not forbidden for anyone but the Israelites
Daniel - Daniel & Ashpenaz : God supports a loving gay relationship
Hosea 6:6 - God desires mercy, not burnt offerings : True religion isn’t about practicing rituals, it’s about extending love and mercy
Joel 2:28 - Restoration of Gospel Leads to an Increase in Knowledge : Science is providing knowledge about queer people
Amos 5:23-24 - God Wants Justice, Not Our Hymns : Enough with the talk, let’s enact real change to achieve justice
Micah 6:8 - "What does the Lord require of us?" Are we to kill our enemies for a vengeful God? No!!! Micah teaches "To do justice, to do kindness, and to walk humbly with God." That is the whole point for the prophet Micah." : Are we just & kind to our queer siblings?
Malachi 4:6 - The human family is going to be united : if queer people are excluded then the whole is cursed
Socially Queer Jesus & Disciples : Queerness fits naturally with the life and teachings of Jesus Christ
Matthew 1 & Luke 3 - Jesus’ genealogy : Think what this means for chosen family
Matthew 1 : Joseph chose mercy over the Law - Joseph preserved Mary’s dignity and life
Matthew 2:1-12 : The Magi visit the Christchild : The Magi knew of the Savior’s birth but not those who read the Hebrew Bible. Knowledge, wisdom, and truth come from many sources and those inside a religion may be blind to what is apparent to others
Matthew 4 - Denying Identity is a Tactic of the Devil : Understanding who we are is an important part of facing the challenges of life
Matthew 5:30 : And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee : if a church continues teaching queerphobic things, it may be necessary to cut it from your life in order to survive and thrive
Matthew 5:21-48 - Ye have heard that it was said...But I say unto you : Jesus is saying this text has been interpreted one way, but He is giving a better way. With all that God taught about loving others and about all being alike unto God, what is a better way to interpret how we treat and love queer people?
Matthew 5:43-48 - Love Your Enemies : These verses refute the idea that the two great commandments to Love God and to Love Our Neighbor are in conflict
Matthew 6:9-13 - The Lord’s Prayer : We’re meant to build heaven on earth. There’s an idea that queer people will no longer be queer when they die and then can have joy and all the blessings. That’s wrong! We’re to have joy in THIS life. We’re to have justice in THIS life. We’re to have all the blessings in THIS life. We’re to be treated alike in THIS life.
Matthew 6:27 - Can’t change your height or extend your life just by thinking about it : Queerness is not something we can simply choose to change. Thoughts, prayer, & faith aren’t going to change this part of who we are
Matthew 7:9-12, 16-20 - If his Son Asks for Bread, Will He Give Him a Stone? : Our Heavenly Father is more liberal in his views, and boundless in his mercies and blessings, than we are ready to believe or receive
Matthew 8:2-3 - Jesus touched the leper : Contact with queer people heals others of their anti-queer bigotry, which leads to the question of who actually needs to be healed?
Matthew 8:5-13 - The Centurion and his ‘Servant’ : Jesus holds up a gay man as an example of faith for all to follow
Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-34; Luke 8:41-56 - Woman touched the hem of Jesus’ garment : She persisted in getting what she needed. Queer people have to persist to get what they need
Matthew 10:29-31 - God knows of every sparrow that falls to the grown and has numbered every hair of your head. You are worth more than many sparrows : You can trust that God isn’t squandering souls, isn’t creating queer people while simultaneously condemning them for being queer
Matthew 12:50 - Who does Jesus proclaim as brother, sister, and mother? : Chosen Families
Matthew 13:24-30 - Parable of the Wheat and the Tares : This parable teaches that the wheat and the tares can’t be separated until the very end. That to pull up tares would also uproot the wheat. Whichever one we are, we’re inseparable from each other. We can’t remove them without removing ourselves. Only Christ can tell them apart and will separate them. However, a lot of people think they can tell, and unsurprisingly, they always think they’re the wheat, and often they assume queer people are the tares
Matthew 14:22-23 - Peter Walks on Water : Queer people need to believe in ourselves, that’s when miracles happen
Matthew 15:7-14 - But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men : Some churches are misguided and teach the biases of humans rather than God’s message of love
Matthew 15:10-20 - The things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them : Racist, transphobic, and homophobic words make us unworthy
Matthew 15:21-28 - Yet the Dogs Eat of the Crumbs which Fall from their Master’s Table : God’s love is so expansive it can surprise and stretch even Jesus Christ
Matthew 17:1-9; Luke 9:28-43 - Jesus Comes Out : Jesus revealed the deepest truth about Himself to His closest friends
Matthew 18:6 - Do not Offend the Little Ones who Believe : Being queer isn’t the problem, it’s the church experience that is broken and defective
Matthew 19:5-12 - Marriage & Eunuchs : Jesus declares men who aren’t attracted to women are exempt from a male+female marriage
Matthew 19:16-23 - Obey the commandments to have eternal life : There is no commandment to live a heteronormative life
Matthew 20:1-16 - Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard : Queer people are relying on the goodness of the Master to bless us the same as others
Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-25 - Jesus curses the fig tree : The only time Jesus cursed a fig tree was for not being fruity enough, maybe we should contemplate on that as we consider how to love our LGBTQ+ neighbors
Matthew 21:31 - The Publicans and the Harlots go into the Kingdom of God before You : Church leaders are setting themselves up to go from ‘First’ to ‘Last’
Matthew 21-27; Mark 11-15; Luke 19-23; John 12-19 - Final Week of Jesus’ Life : Many lessons from Jesus’ life apply to queer lives
Matthew 22:17 - Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's : Jesus says to follow the law, and the law say that same-sex marriages are legal.
Matthew 22:23-32 - When His disciples asked about marriage and about whose wife someone will be when they reach heaven, this was Jesus’ answer, “You are in error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage, they will be like the angels in heaven.” : Sounds like no heterosexuality in heaven. Sorry.
Matthew 22:36-40 - The 2 Great Commandments
Matthew 23:37 - Even as a Hen Gathereth her Chickens under her Wings : Jesus uses feminine pronouns and imagery to illustrate His role
Matthew 25:1-13 - Parable of the 10 Virgins : the foolish bridesmaids listened to those who said they weren’t worthy to meet the groom
Matthew 25:14-30 - Parable of the Talents : telling queer people not to “act” on their queerness is akin to telling us to bury our talent and to go back to the Lord without doing anything with it
Matthew 25:31-46 - Jesus will use how I Treat Others to Determine if I Inherit his Blessings : Mistreating queer people isn’t a qualifier for Christ’s blessings
Garden of Gethsemane : Asking for help & seeking emotional support is Christlike
Easter : Jesus' resurrection can be read as a coming out story. Jesus came out into a changed body and new way of life. Likewise, queer people come out into a new identity and can never go back to what it was before. Others may look back and see your empty tomb that contains your deadname & the misgendered identity of how they saw you, but they'll also see your life reborn as you move forward in your new identity.
Mark 1:10-11 - God Knows Us, We aren’t a Mistake : Many queer people get messages of love from God
Mark 1:32 - Jesus is teaching that under certain circumstances it’s okay to break the rules about the Sabbath.
Mark 2:1-13 - Friends Lower a Paralyzed Man through the Roof to be Healed by Jesus : Better to break the house than to break the person
Mark 2:15 - Jesus invited sinners & disciples to His house and fed them : We also can invite people to our homes for meals as a way to show we love them and want them in our lives. As Ben Schilaty likes to say, “Love the sinner, invite them to dinner.”
Mark 2:27 - The Sabbath was Made for Man, not Man for the Sabbath : We don’t have to break ourselves against the commandments. They’re for our benefit, not our harm
Mark 9:17-27 - This is a story of demonic possession which causes the individual to act in strange ways, and when the demon(s) is cast out the person is healed : Today we use medicine and counseling because we understand diseases and mental health issues. When we know better, we should do better.
Mark 10:46-52 - Ask People Questions and Listen : “We need to listen to and understand what our LGBT brothers and sisters are feeling and experiencing”
Mark 12:30-31 - Love God and Love People : There’s no greater commandments. How do we love queer people, and do they recognize how we treat them as love?
Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4 - The Widow’s Mite : Jesus condemns making the widow impoverished and the same applies to queer people who are asked to sacrifice all they are
Mark 13:24-37 - Fig Tree’s Leaves Show Summer is Near : Members are trying to build a church that’s more inclusive of LGBTQ+ people. Maybe summer isn’t near, but perhaps it is Spring as it seems the winter chill is thawing
Luke 1:27 - Mary is a virgin : The Greek term parthenos normally referred to an unmarried woman of marriageable age, because in their society an unmarried female typically hadn’t yet had sex. As a missionary, I learned the Korean language does the same thing, all unmarried women of marriageable age can be referred to as a virgin, even though some unmarried women have had sex. But if we keep with the tradition that Mary was in fact a virgin as we think of that term in English, and she did not conceive through ordinary means but through the Holy Spirit she produced an offspring without a human father, then that raises some interesting questions. For example, the Y chromosome is inherited from the biological father, which calls into question how is Jesus a male? Could this suggest Jesus is trans?
Luke 1:37 - Nothing is impossible with God...except for LGBTQ+ people getting into the Celestial Kingdom, at least that’s what some Christians believe
Luke 1:78-79 - Give Light to Them that Sit in Darkness : Going from the darkness of the closet to the dayspring when we learn our Heavenly Parents love us
Luke 2; Matthew 1:18-25 - Nativity Story : Queer people can see ourselves in this story
Luke 2:52 - Jesus Increased in Wisdom and Stature, and in Favour with God and Man : Jesus didn’t marry, as a church we need to reprioritize what is important
Luke 3:12-14 - Jesus was able to meet people where they were at. He didn't ask the Roman soldiers to stop being a Roman Soldier. Jesus told him to be just and virtuous in his soldier duties. How does this apply to queer people?
Luke 3:23 - Jesus began His ministry at age 30 : There’s no rush, come out when you’re ready
Luke 4:16-30 - No prophet is accepted in his own country : Jesus understands the hardships & joys of ‘coming out’
Luke 4:17-21 - What did Jesus come to do? : Do we liberate or oppress queer people? Do we share God’s abundance with them or withhold it?
Luke 7:36-50 - Woman who Anoints Jesus’ Feet : Queer people’s tears wash Jesus’ feet
Luke 10:25-37 - The Good Samaritan : Members of the church avoid the injured man, or perhaps are even the ones who hurt him
Luke 13:24-30 - The First Shall be Last and the Last First : We’re gonna be surprised at who gets into heaven
Luke 14:15 - an ass or an ox fallen into a pit : Under some circumstances it’s okay to break a commandment/covenant
Luke 15:1-7 - The Lost Sheep : The 99 sheep are also sinners but they think it’s just the 1 who is lost
Luke 15:8-10 - The Lost Coin : The woman’s joy at being reunited with her lost coin is like God’s joy at being reunited with a queer person.
Luke 15:11-32 - The Prodigal Son : Queer People go on a journey similar to the Prodigal Son
Luke 17:34-35 - One Shall be Taken, and the Other Shall be Left : There shall be two men in one bed; two women shall be ‘grinding’ together, some of them are saved and some aren’t
Luke 22:10 - A Man Carrying a Pitcher of Water : A man not conforming to gender norms is mentioned without any negative connotation
Luke 22:33-34 - Paul will deny Jesus 3 times : What if Jesus tells Paul to deny Him so that he would live to lead the church? Queer people sometimes deny being queer in order to be safe (especially when they’re in the closet)
Luke 22:50-51 - After Peter Slices Off a Man’s Ear, Jesus says “No More of This!” and Heals the Man’s Ear : One day Jesus will say to those who harm queer people, “No more of this!”
John 1:11 - His own received him not : Many queer people experience being rejected by their families and loved ones
John 3:16 - Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life : Despite what some teach, Jesus didn’t come to earth to condemn us, but to save us. Unfortunately, some Christians add “unless you’re queer, in which case you can’t have eternal life”
John 4 - Jesus meets a woman at a well and points out she has had 5 husbands and now lives with a man to whom she is not married : What’s interesting is Jesus doesn’t call her to repent or command her to stop sinning. Contrast this with purity culture.
John 6:37-39 - I Shall Lose None of all Those He has Given Me : The Church may cast out, but Jesus does not
John 8:2-11 - Woman Caught in Adultery : Jesus stood with the woman, not the religious leaders
John 9 - Who sinned, the blind man or his parents? : We all have inherent value and should be respected and loved
John 10:10 - I am Come that They Might have Abundant Life : A Harvard Study found Relationships are key to happiness, as are having good health, being educated, having coping skills, and giving back to the community. This is how to have joy, don’t deny this to queer people.
John 11:43 - Jesus Helps Lazarus to Come Out : Coming out of the closet can feel like going from being dead to coming back to life, or to being fully alive
John 13:23 - John, whom Jesus Loved, is Laying against Jesus’ Breast : Could John & Jesus be in a same-sex relationship?
John 13:26 - Jesus feeds Judas : Jesus never excluded Judas, Judas excludes himself. So why does the church exclude queer people and treat us as enemies?
John 13:35 - By This Shall Men Know Ye are my Disciples if Ye have Love One to Another : To be Christian is to love others, including LGBTQIA+ people
John 14:1-3 - “In my Father's house are many mansions...” : Christ doesn’t tell queer people there’s not a place for us
John 20:15 - Supposing Him to be the Gardner : Jesus is our Gardner
Acts 1:15 - Peter has a dream where God commands him to consume food that his religion considers “unclean.” Peter is reminded that it’s God who gets to declare what is clean and may even contradict the law : This passage shows that God’s promises and beloved community are not defined by our own rules or boundaries, or even by our understanding of God’s law. God is constantly drawing us to love our neighbors
Acts 8:26-39 - Apostle Baptizes Eunuch into the Church : The early Church welcomed queer people. When will the modern Church allow queer people to fully participate?
Acts 10:15 - What God Hath Cleansed, that Call not thou Common : People who were traditionally excluded are welcome
Acts 10:34 - Peter declared “God shows no partiality”
Acts 17:28 - God has a Womb : Do we use the image of God to see the Divine in all of us or do we use God to diminish others?
Romans 1:20 - To Know God, Look at the Things God Created : What does the diversity of different sexual orientations & gender identities tell us about God?
Romans 1:26-27 - Vile Affections : People use this against gays, but it’s really directed at straight people
Romans 8:38-39 - Nothing Separates us from God’s Love : Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Not church leaders, not metaphorical muskets, not the church
Romans 10:12 - There is no distinction between Jew & Greek, the same Lord is the Lord of all, bestowing riches on all who call on Him
Romans 13:10 - Love Does no Wrong to Others : If church is causing harm, then it is not doing the work of Christ and God
1 Corinthians 1:27-28 - God Chose the Lowly Things of this World : Things look different from the margins than they do from the center
1 Corinthians 3:16 - You are the temple of God : The actual temple is our bodies and it's beautiful the way transgender people get to co-create with God in building their temple
1 Corinthians 4:3-4 - We’re often told not to judge others and not to let others judge us, but it’s easy to forget we shouldn’t shouldn’t judge ourselves. Work hard, do your best, and let yourself be forgiven. When we repent, the Lord forgives and forgets all of our transgressions so we should allow ourselves the same peace of mind. Stop beating yourself up, It’s okay, let it go
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - The Unrighteous Shall Not Inherit the Kingdom of God : No one believes Paul is condemning sex between heterosexual couples as unrighteous, we shouldn’t assume He’s condemning relationships between people of the same gender
1 Corinthians 7 - We Shouldn’t Force Ourselves to be Celibate if We have Sexual Desires, Instead We Should Channel our Sexual Appetites within Marriage : A great argument for Christians to accept & celebrate gay marriages
1 Corinthians 12:12-13 - All the Members are One Body : The church needs its LGBTQ+ members, without us the body of the church is incomplete
1 Corinthians 14:10-13 - So Many Kinds of Voices in the World : It takes every voice for the choir to sound beautiful, no one is without significance
1 Corinthians 15:41 - Glory of the Sun, Moon and Stars : The sun, moon and stars all appear in the same sky. Could this mean we’ll all be together?
Galatians 2:1-5 - Gentiles are not Required to become Jews : Gentiles are accepted as they are and not forced to lose their identity by becoming Jews. Likewise queer people should be accepted as we are and not required to live as cisgender straight people
Galatians 3:28 - Ye Are All One in Christ Jesus : The scriptures say that all our diversity is welcome by Christ
Galatians 5:22-23 - There is No Law Against Love : The law doesn’t distinguish between gay and straight love
Ephesians 5:22-33 - A marriage between a man and a wife is used to symbolize Christ’s relationship with the church : If the church is made up of its members, we are the bride of Christ, we are in a marriage relationship with Christ. Which is an interesting concept for cis hetero men, they’re in a same-sex marriage with Jesus
Colossians 3:9-11 - There is not Greek & Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, slave & free, we’re all one in Christ : We can continue this metaphor to say there is not difference between cis & trans, or gay and straight, you’re all one in Christ
1 Timothy 1:8-10 - Whoremongers...Them that Defile Themselves with Mankind...Menstealers : Condemnation of men who use boy prostitutes, and the slave dealers who procured the young boys and sold them into prostitution, in other words a condemnation of pedophiles, not as some claim of all homosexuals
1 Timothy 3:2 - Husbands of One Wife : Paul is not trying to address questions about sexual orientation or gay marriage in this verse
2 Timothy 3:1-3 - Without natural affection : Hateful, shaming, rejecting behavior by a parent to a queer child certainly sounds like the opposite of “natural affection” and was prophesied in the New Testament
1 Timothy 4:1-5 - Forbidding to marry : This is about people in the congregation leaving the faith because of what’s taught at the pulpit, teachings which happen to not be in line with God’s will . If you're against people of consenting age getting married, it seems like this is a test to show who's on the wrong side.
James 1:27 - Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world : Pure religion is not about hiding away in an ivory tower and discussing eternal truths--it's about being out in the world and living those truths by caring for people. We can come closest to Christ not by studying and memorizing His words but by loving the way He loved "that when he shall appear we shall be like him" (Moroni 7:48).
1 John 4:7-8 - He that Loveth not, Knoweth not God; for God is Love : Any genuine love comes from God. Unfortunately, Christians have created many laws against love
1 John 4:20 - If you hate others then you don’t love God : Quote this verse to any Christian who is yelling scriptures at you for being queer
Jude 1:7 - Going after Strange Flesh : Some use this to condemn homosexuality, but what would be the word for a married person going after “strange flesh,” aka “another flesh”? Adultery!
Revelation 4:1-4 - There’s a Rainbow Around the Throne of God : Confirmation that queer people make it to heaven
1 Nephi 2:2 - God tells Lehi to leave the land given to his ancestors, leave behind the temple, leave behind extended family, and go on a new path : Many queer people also get this message, to leave behind the church, the temple, and the community which are hurting them
1 Nephi 4:6-19 - Nephi Kills Laban : What does it tell us about God that He is chill with murder but not two men or two women in love? Maybe it’s the believers that are mixing up what is okay and what is not
1 Nephi 8 - When Lehi tastes the fruit of the tree, which symbolizes the pure love of Christ, he wants his family to experience it with him : God’s love isn’t meant to be experienced alone
1 Nephi 16:2 - the guilty take the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center : The truth about how church hurts queer people can be hard for believers to hear
1 Nephi 16:10, 26-29 - Liahona : They had the Brass Plates, but that wasn’t enough.
2 Nephi 2:25 - Adam Fell that Men Might Be; and Men are that They Might have Joy : A Harvard study found relationships are key to happiness, also helpful are good coping skills and giving back to the community. This is how to have joy
2 Nephi 26:33 - All are Alike Unto God : When will the Church embrace all people?
2 Nephi 31:20 - Love of all men : those who try to make sure they don’t love us too much so that it’s clear they don’t condone all our choices, they are breaking the commandments.
Jacob 5 - Allegory of the Olive Tree : Fruitful trees start producing bad fruit and wild olive branches are grafted in : It’s interesting that good fruit comes from margins of the vineyard, which is not the expected place. The Lord operates in places those in the center don’t even know about
Omni - Two Queer Authors? : This book is written by 5 different men, 2 of them have no sons to whom they could hand it down. Could that be it's because they’re queer?
Mosiah 3:19 - Putteth off the natural man : It’s natural to feel uncomfortable around people who are different from you. Try putting off your natural reaction and learn to see as God does.
Mosiah 9 - Zeniff sees beyond the biased teachings : It’s hard to hate people up close
Alma 7:11-12 - That He May Know How to Succor his People : The atonement lets Jesus know how to help us
Alma 17:24-25 - Ammon & King Lamoni : They love each other
Alma 19 - Abish : Abish was closeted, God used her to upend social norms
Alma 32:9-10 - What Shall We Do? For We are Cast Out of Our Synagogues : Queer people can worship God whether we’re allowed at church or the temple
Alma 34:34 - We’re still queer when we’re resurrected
Alma 37:6 - Who are the small and simple? : Queer people who were considered small and simple were the ones strong enough to break the rules of masculinity and femininity which made it safe for the strong and powerful to come out as queer
Alma 41:10 : Wickedness never was happiness : What makes you joyful is not wicked
Alma 53:2 - Captain Moroni and General Lehi : Could Moroni and Lehi love each other as more than just as friends and soldiers, but as family?
Alma 56:16-17 - Helaman and the 2000 young warriors show up and boost the soldiers’ morale : I can easily imagine feeling beat up and defeated by the nonsense of church folk, and then the arrival of a few more queer people would lift me up and feel like those who be with us are brave and fabulous and what we have is worth defending and affirming.
Alma 60:5-10 - Captain Moroni’s opening words could be a cry of marginalized people and a damning indictment of complicity or participation in their oppression
Ether 6 - Jaredite Barges are Driven by the Winds to the Promised Land : All 8 barges made it to the Promised Land and each made a separate journey
Ether 12:4 - Hope for a Better World : What would a better world look like? A place where we’re all treated alike and allowed personal dignity
Ether 12:27 - I Make Weak Things Become Strong Unto Them : To become strong, people must acquire a positive self image
3 Nephi 28 - The 3 Nephites : Could they be queer? It’s a possibility
Doctrine and Covenants 1 - Purpose of revelations to Joseph Smith : How is the church doing in these purposes in regards to queer people?
Doctrine and Covenants 38:25-27 - If Ye are not One Ye are not mine : Bad news for the homophobes, transphobes, and all those who oppose their queer siblings
Doctrine and Covenants 46:3-6 - Don’t Cast People out of Church Meetings : Don’t cast out queer people but instead provide a place that is safe, welcoming and inclusive
Doctrine and Covenants 49:15-17 - Whoso Forbiddeth to Marry is not ordained of God : This is a rejection of requiring life-long celibacy and affirms that getting married is approved by the Lord
Doctrine and Covenants 74 - Sometimes apostles teach their own opinions as commandments : Sometimes apostles actually are teaching things opposite of the Lord’s will
Doctrine and Covenants 78:5-6 - If Ye are not Equal in Earthly Things Ye cannot be Equal in Obtaining Heavenly Things : We could seal gay couples today if we wanted to, that would help make things equal on earth.
Doctrine and Covenants 93:33-34 - Fulness of Joy Contingent on Connectedness of Spirit & Body : Transitioning can be part of a person’s journey towards godliness
Doctrine and Covenants 121:41 - Priesthood doesn’t give Authority and Power over Others : It’s how you treat others
Doctrine and Covenants 128:18 - We cannot be pro-family and anti-LGBTQ+ at same time : Everyone talking about being exalted without their LGBTQ+ family members WON’T BE. If same-gender couples and trans people aren’t exalted, NO ONE will be.
Doctrine and Covenants 130:2 - And that Same Sociality which Exists among Us Here will Exist among Us in Eternity : Love will prevail
Doctrine and Covenants 131 - Eternal Life : Nothing in this section excludes queer people from obtaining Eternal Life
Doctrine and Covenants 132 - New and Everlasting Covenant : There’s no reason to think queer relationships were meant to be excluded from being sealed
Doctrine and Covenants 137:7-9 - We will be Judged According the Desires of our Heart : Queer people will not be judged for not completing opportunities not open to us
Moses 6:31 - Enoch doesn’t See Himself as God Does : When queer people accept ourselves it opens 1000 doors of possibility
Moses 7:28-40 - What makes God weep? : God weeps when we don’t have love for one another
Joseph Smith--History - God can be found outside church
Articles of Faith 2 - Adam’s Transgression : Elder Oaks classifies gay marriage as a transgression, not a sin. What are the implications of that?
Articles of Faith 8 - Scriptures only as Good as the Translation and Interpretation : Has the Church & Christianity been interpreting scriptures using fear, ignorance, and personal bias in a way that’s harmful to queer people?
Articles of Faith 13 - Doing Good to All Men : Harming queer people and denying them the promises & blessings made to others is the opposite of what this church claims to believe
Proclamation on the Family - It doesn’t say what most people assume it does. Queer people aren’t discussed at all in this document
Criteria by which Christ will Evaluate our Lives
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More Treasure Headcanons
I have to apologize for the lack of updating. For those who requested short stories and smuts, it's not that I haven't done it, I'm still working on the writing because I don't feel like they are good enough. I'm still learning to write a really good smut, so I hope you can give me more time. In the meantime, here's something to help you #Teume busy...I guess.
Theme : Treasure members' and what turns them on (Part 1 - HYung Line
Pairing : Treasure members x Female readers
NSFW content below.
This is a complex man and it takes something as complex as your perfume to turn him on. You walked into his studio while he is busy and one whiff of your scent, this man can forget his work and just turn beast mode on his s/o. Be prepared because his hand will cupped your head only so he could start smearing kisses all over your neck and the small area under your ear because that's where the scent are the strongest. And if you spritz some of your perfume on your chest, well, his lips will be there too and they will travel to your pert nipples and the next thing you know is the both of you going to town in his studio, on his table, your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands holding your back to steady you and the other holding your leg as you make love.
Wear your most fitted workout outfit and Jihoon will lose it especially if you planned to work out with him at the gym. Well, let's just say your plan was never to workout at the gym but 'work' with Jihoon whether it be at the gym or anywhere, as long as you both are 'working out' together. He watches you from behind stretching and warming up and somehow Jihoon just can't hold himself back. Once you're done warming up, he turns you around and pick you up to carry you back to the backroom where there is more privacy. Since you both are already in your workout outfits, it's not that hard to peel off the clothes off of both your backs.
Yoshi is a simple man. After a dinner date at his home, where he attempts to cook for you, let's say he fairs well at cooking, for desserts he could only whipped up strawberries with whipped cream. Because you are so turned on by your man's effort, you take a piece of strawberry and eat deliciously in front of him and just that action alone, looking at your lips and your reaction to the fruit, his eyes turned dark. With his thumb, Yoshi reaches out to your face to wipe a small stain of the cream at the corner of your lips and you cease the opportunity to turn your face and kiss his thumb and Yoshi lost it. He picked you up swift and carry you to your room where he made you scream his name all night long.
Junkyu is a homebody - if it's not at home, he will be at the office. If he is not making music, he is playing video games. Tonight, he was playing a video game in the living room. It was after dinner and you are getting ready for bed. You walked out of your room in your most comfy pajamas to grabbed some water and you pj shorts and tank top caught Junkyu's attention. To you, you pjs maybe something simple and comfortable but to Junkyu's eyes, he see something more and his brain went into overdrive that drove all his blood down to his pelvis. He threw his game console to the sofa and followed you back to the bedroom and grabbed you from behind only to lead you to the bed and start kissing your lips, your face and all over your body, getting you work up for a night of love making and back breaking.
#treasure headcanon#treasure smut#treasure x female reader#treasure hyunsuk#treasure jihoon#treasure yoshi#treasure junkyu
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mornings with them. (ii)
contents; fluff, suggestive themes, slight angst peppered on nami’s part. i just had to include my favourite girls in this one. and yeah of course i’m pushing the straw hat vivi agenda. cheers 🍷
ft. nami, robin, vivi | masterlist
here for part 1
⋆ ˚。༄ nami
this is just a personal take, but your first mornings with nami might feel a little lonely. not because she doesn't care about you, of course she does, but she finds it hard to manage this new feeling coming with the thought of you. sometimes she’s nowhere to be found—for minutes you ask about her, wander the hallways of the ship. but you will often find her on deck, checking her log pose, measuring cloud density, or sunbathing. nami isn’t one to necessarily run from affection, and she makes sure to let you know that during the rest of the day, but this form of affection, so pure and intimate, isn’t something she’s really used to. she needs time to accommodate it.
it’s definitely the most rewarding feeling when, some weeks after officialising your relationship, you open your eyes and she’s there, rays of sunlight cutting into her skin and pulling the corners of her mouth an inch higher. “you mind if i hang around for a bit?” she says, and it feels like honey when it reaches your ear.
what she likes to do the most during your mornings together is gently push her nose against yours, brush the hair out of your face, and maybe bite your bottom lip if she’s feeling a little more playful than usual. speaking of which, she might rub her leg against yours at times to let you know she’s in the mood.
nami’s morning routine includes a good amount of things: skincare, clothes, hair. after you start spending the mornings together she will be happy—the happiest—if you join her in the ritual. and just like that the room turns into a runway, with you dressing up and changing into your fit choices for the day, and your girlfriend, leg over leg, coffee in hand, rating and commenting on each. nami trusts and respects your taste; therefore she might also ask for your opinion about what works with what and what doesn’t.
⋆ ˚。༄ robin
you wouldn’t admit it to her, but sometimes you wonder whether she sleeps at all (she does). not once have you woken up only to see her seated at her desk, face propped in a palm, studying. however robin is highly perceptive and she will quickly notice if you are awake; she often lets you know this by using her devil fruit powers to boop your nose or lightly tickle you.
it does not take long until she rests on her elbows beside you, looking at you with the warmest smile you’ve seen, asking whether you had a good sleep. she patiently listens to anything you’d tell her, twirling some strands of your hair between her fingers or running gentle touches across your arm. “you’re cute,” eventually leaves her with a small chuckle. she rolls on the side. “go on talking like that and someone might fall for you.” robin likes to lift your chin with her forefinger, drawing you towards her lips. these kisses often lead to something more, not that either would mind, with you needing some stimulus to fully recover from your sleepiness and she needing a break from her reading.
if the crew is visiting a new island she would prefer to start the day early by exploring and taking any notes for her research. but none of this can happen without you two enjoying your coffee and a sweet treat on a blanket or at an outdoor table somewhere away from the ship. during busier days there are books scattered all around the place, teaspoons and lipglosses and sugar packets often misplaced under paper.
i can see robin feeding you some spoonfuls of her cake. her hand topped on yours, she randomly asks if you have tried this flavour. you say no. she smiles, “here, let me know what you think.” and at this the teaspoon in her hand hovers towards your direction. you open your mouth. “it’s really good,” you say, seconds later. robin’s eyes meet you like a most comforting breeze. “i knew you’d think that.” and not long after that, you are happy to return the gesture.
⋆ ˚。༄ vivi
when you open your eyes, the chandelier is the first thing you see. grand, bright, unfamiliar. breath catches in your throat for a moment. then you roll over and your girlfriend’s blue hair reaches your sight; you exhale. vivi meets your gaze with a playful smirk and a forefinger at her mouth, the guards, they will know we’re awake. i’m awake.
vivi’s schedule is at most times overfilled with summits, audiences, and other royal duties she’s deeply committed to, she will always be, but she knows that the mornings are when she gets to spend the most time with you; so naturally she tries to extend those for as much as possible. especially after her time with the straw hats, i think it became harder for her to switch to her princess persona, and being with you fills her with pretty much the same sense of freedom she felt back then.
at first she would help you leave the palace through the window—quietly, early in the day when stars would still bleed into the skies of the kingdom and no one would be looking, hopping on karoo in a sleepy daze. yet after your relationship was discovered and officialised in the eyes of the people at the court, your mornings would come to mean breakfast with vivi and her father under chandeliers similar to the one in your partner's chamber.
their conversations include politics and current affairs, setting goals for the near future, they might not even be aware of that. but vivi is still one of the most caring persons there are and she will notice if these either bore or overwhelm you. when this first happens, she will politely excuse both of you from the table. without other formalities she will lead you outside to a place she knows and where she promises that no one will bother you. wrapped in her mantle she keeps two buns of something sweet you can’t tell when she managed to snatch. “habit i picked from one of my friends,” she explains, placing the pastry in your hands and inviting you to cuddle with her at the base of a tree. she estimates an hour until her first meeting. soon enough this will become your spot for whenever you and vivi need some intimacy.
#one piece x reader#nami x reader#robin x reader#nico robin x reader#vivi x reader#nefertari vivi x reader#one piece scenario#one piece headcanons
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Mega-Giga Ask Comp: Part 3
@manorinthewoods asked: I'll be honest, I wrote the Locked Tomb ask having not read the Locked Tomb series. I literally only know the starting and ending strokes of the first book. That being said, I do like the half-soul-Sollux idea, and it works pretty well with the Locked Tomb's general theme of Lyctorhood, and how knotted the whole situation with Alecto, Gideon, and Harrow ends up being. (What is even going on with Nona) ~LOSS (4/13/24) @manorinthewoods asked: You know, if you hadn't already read Gideon the Ninth, I'd have recommended it as a good second liveblog. It really does fit your preferred sort of mystery. From all the clues presented, you could probably hit very close to the ultimate solution to the Lyctoral puzzle - as close as anybody could be expected to get. ~LOSS (25/4/24) @manorinthewoods asked: The Locked Tomb's prose is pretty good. On occasion, it happens to chime with a sound of 'Homestuck', but I only recall that twice so far in my reading. I like the skelebook. ~LOSS (27/4/24)
Once again, I'm glad my hidden agenda - convincing this blog's entire readership to check out The Locked Tomb - is bearing fruit.
I agree! TLT does occasionally give Homestuck vibes, presumably because its author is a fan. For the most part, though, its prose style is all its own.
Anonymous asked: Reference to American culture: the sphere of Jade's home dropping and the timer that preceded it are references to the Times Square Ball, an annual event held every New Year's Eve. A giant ball descends down a pole at 11:59 PM and reaches the bottom at 12:00 AM, January 1. I believe that you can figure out why the reference was included in the first place. Anonymous asked: btw the gamzee page was released on new years. ‘the miracle of a new beginning’ is the new year and the lab dropping is supposed to be a reference to the ball dropping in times square
Some America Lore here that I wasn't aware of.
I was wondering exactly what Gamzee meant by 'a new beginning'. Maybe Alternia practices the tradition as well.
@omnilew asked: the way you speculate and go indepth into sburbs features and how it affects the kids, made a silly headcanon that your kidsona is reading the comic while playing out their session though this is mainly because "Eventually, we were bound to cross a couple of wires that should never have been allowed to touch" kinda references chargerkind
I like it! Maybe my 'sonas have access to a more in-depth version of Rose's walkthrough, and are adding their own commentary in quiet moments during their own adventures.
@manorinthewoods asked: Your excitement over the resurrection of Dream Jade gave me a form of suspenseful mirth. Seeing how happy you were at her resurrection, while also knowing exactly what came of it, is perhaps textbook dramatic irony. If only you'd read a panel further… ~LOSS (26/4/24)
She looked so happy to be back, too! That certainly didn't last long.
She was prototyped with a smiling corpse, though. Maybe that was just her 'default' expression, and it vanished as soon as her actual feelings asserted themselves.
@thetinygladiator asked: 'I hadn’t really thought about Sally’s ectobiological parent - but now that I am, I think the funniest possible option is that it’s her landlady.' okay but i just gotta say… this immediately makes me think about how that relates to the house-building aspect. Like, with the giant tower, are they gonna charge the Imps for rent? That might work, honestly. Where do imps even live? Bet they don't have good AC or Wi-Fi, lemme tell ya.
@manorinthewoods submitted: How many computers would you have on your person if you were playing Sburb? Jade recommends at least 5. I say I'd have a laptop, phone, a spare of both of those, and computer gloves if I need to compute really fast. Also spare gloves. Speaking of the phone - is it possible for people to put phones in their pockets? Given Karkat (and a minor gag in Act 6), we can assume that it's difficult or uncommon to carry items without using the Sylladex - or maybe it's just tied to your dexterity, and you have to hold things gingerly to avoid captchaloguing them when you pick them up. On the other hand, there's no issues with accidentally storing something you've unstored and are using - so how does the Sylladex actually work? Do people just instinctively store their items once they're done using them? Is it difficult to avoid storing something you aren't using anymore? Can you stuff phones in pockets? If not, then why develop a PDA in the first place? Given the Sylladex, it should be much more commercially viable to make a tablet. ~LOSS (24/4/24)
Since Karkat can physically pick up a book, you can probably pocket your gear - although maybe there's a difference between holding an object and trying to add it to a physical 'inventory'. Either way, the issue is easily circumvented by employing wearable tech, like the kids do.

As depicted in my alchemy binge, my primary computing device would be the Pocket Holodex, which can remote into any computer in my sylladex.
In addition, my Modular Ring shirt is also a computer, which can presumably be augmented by adding extra mod1ules over time. I'd probably also captchalogue every computer in my apartment, of which I currently have six.
I'd be exploring the Medium with a minimum of seven computers, plus one pseudo-computer, plus a phone. Jade would certainly approve.
@iris-in-the-dark-world asked: the tension in act 5 act 2 is perfect, i love it. maybe even moreso on rereads, the foreshadowing and generally ominous vibes always get to me @heliotropopause asked: You're getting to the part where the comic really starts hitting its stride. This'll be fun.
The ever-present countdown certainly adds a degree of urgency to the situation.
I'm really liking the pacing of this current act, as things slowly progress towards some critical point - one which, for now, is still shrouded in mystery.
Anonymous asked: Forwarding another ask for the person with no account ~DJ: Eridan's deal seems to be based on Wizardry Herbert - a proto-Homestuck work by Hussie. A parody of Harry Potter dealing with whether magic is real. [] But Methods of Rationality began in February 2010, so "Harry Potter but obsessed with science" might have also been an intentional reference to that.-RM @heliotropopause asked: Eridan Ampora and the Methods of Rationality sure is an idea for a fanfic. He'd be so bad at it.
Eridan would be an extremely funny choice for a ratfic protagonist. He'd be so smarmy about it - and thus, a perfect addition to their ranks.
What would the definitive Homestuck ratfic be called, do you think? I think Tool-Assisted Speedrun would be a decent choice.
@killedthekat asked: An interesting thing about doomed timelines is how they serve to prevent stable loop metagaming. As a basic example, in a typical stable time loop scenario, if you observe yourself unharmed in the future, you can throw yourself into high danger high reward situations and know that probability will twist itself into whatever improbable knot it needs to do to keep you safe. But in homestuck if you lean too hard on predestination you just get shunted into a doomed timeline for your trouble.
It's true. Timehopping just isn't fun in Homestuck, as you're constantly walking a tightrope, desperately trying to stay in the one timeline that might not get you killed.
It's a good way to prevent time-travelers from becoming overpowered - something which is probably necessary for a comic which makes such heavy use of the concept.
Anonymous asked: Now that you're updating while HS^2 is, I've realised that while I'm barely keeping up with ^2, I just yelled "Oh! Upd8!" out loud when I checked your blog, so to me? You're the real continuation of Homestuck
What an honor!
For veterans of the comic, this blog is more Homestuck: Revisited than Homestuck 2. As a woman who would much rather watch video essays about old Simpsons episodes than new seasons of the show, I completely understand why some would prefer the latter.
@manorinthewoods asked: I've since finished Worm. I think Sophia's by far the best Vriska candidate. Lisa, Amy, and Colin are less so, I think. ~LOSS (21/4/24)
Oh, nice, you got all the way through it! Worm is an absolute behemoth, and I know a lot of people who started it, and gave up halfway through.
Sophia is likely the closest match to Vriska in personality. I agree with an earlier comment, though, that the most Vriska-like character in terms of audience reaction is probably Amy.
Anonymous asked: Cannot believe someone would propose a Homestuck/Locked Tomb scenario and leave Gamzee as part of a spare pairing, when the Homestuck fic The Serendipity Gospels, written by the author of The Locked Tomb, stars Gamzee and Terezi in the proto-necromancer/cavalier dynamic. Absolutely appropriate to have Gamzee as Ninth though, since his facepaint is the direct ancestor to Harrow's. Gamzee and Terezi is such a funny pairing to go with. I'm certainly looking forward to checking out The Serendipity Gospels when I'm done with the comic - both to compare it to Homestuck and to the Locked Tomb.
As am I. Apparently it was left unfinished - but considering how long this liveblog is taking, maybe Taz will have updated by the time I'm done!
Wishful thinking, of course, but I live in hope.
@bladekindeyewear submitted:
(I started Dragon's Dogma 2 a couple weeks ago and did my best to a Gideon Nav pawn (NPC ally), facepaint and two-hander and all, and the "Jaunty Straightforward" voice selection has been EXTREMELY distracting / game-improving because her voice and attitude chatting beside my player all the time sound almost straight out of the audiobook.)
Damn, you really captured her essence. Pawn is a very fitting title for her, too :(
@manorinthewoods asked: On the topic of blood color names - Blue through Purple were renamed in Hiveswap. Originally, Vriska was Cerulean, Equius was Blue, and Gamzee was Indigo - which I like more than their modern incarnations. I think 'bronze' might also be a Hiveswap thing, although I won't dispute it, and rust might have been renamed to burgundy? Maybe burgundy is a synonym. Idk. ~LOSS (4/13/24)
I think I prefer the likes of olive, indigo and bronze over more generic terms like green, blue and brown, which would quickly lead to confusion.
Vriska's blood, for example, is also a shade of blue, so it would be a little strange if blue blood was an official term, but it didn't apply to her.
@mxamericanblue asked:hi i have been absolutely BINGING your live blog rn and i gotta just get this out this is so so cool watching you react has been giving me so much joy, i don't have a computer so i can't really experience homestuck again casually when i want to but watching you read it and react and THEORIZE??? omg your theories have been so fuckin killer it's given me a new appreciation for Hussie as a story teller and how spectacular this comic truly was thank you for this, i've been having a grand ol' time, and it's all cuz of u
Thank you! I feel like I've been theorizing a lot less since I came back from my hiatus, mostly because the comic hasn't introduced many big mysteries recently - aside, of course, from Aradia's unexplained explosion.
(Pre-posting update: Since first drafting this ask, my statement above is no longer true, as Gamzee has been revealed as Homestuck's most important character. What the actual fuck.)
@lilietsblog asked: re fifth house aradia: she's an archeolodist :)
Oh, shit, you're right.
Maybe she'd be in more danger from the Lyctor than I thought.
@ben-guy asked: Vriska's ascension to god-tier is, in my personal opinion, one of the most visually striking scenes in all of Homestuck. Also, one of the panels you didn't include (which is understandable w/ Homestuck lol. Sacrifices for the sake of brevity) specifically the one where she has him write "[…] plenty of time for that l8r" above her head… Think about the position she would have had to move him to to write that.
…jesus, Vriska. You can't just do that!
@martinkhall asked: "What is treasure but a fortune, waiting to be found?" Or stolen if you're the THIEF of Light.
Son of a bitch. That's why she's a pirate, isn't it?
Because a Thief of Light is someone who steals fortunes!
@manorinthewoods asked: Eidolons. A species purpose-built to play Sburb, while breaking every mechanic you can solely with biology. Eidolons don't sleep, and live in a hive mind. Their psychologies are very poor at recognising distinct things, with Eidolons seeing the world more in terms of a blur of colors and shapes. They thus have a very difficult time understanding Classes and Aspects, never mind that their mythology never involved deities, and they never invented chess, or games of any sort… ~LOSS (15/4/24)
The idea of a species engineered from the ground up to be Players does raise the interesting question of whether there was a first species to play Sburb.
Of course, with all the time-loops we've been working with, there might not have been a first species - unless Sburb was 'created' in some sort of metatemporal space, 'before' any loops were put in place.
@manorinthewoods submitted: You are very good at analysing Vriska's psyche. Vriska's character was executed very well, I think, and I would hate her with a burning passion platonically but to a high degree if I knew her in real life. She's just… really horrible. She's a horrible person. And half her shtick is that she keeps evading consequences in spite of that. All of her mental torture of Tavros, for instance, ends in her becoming the most powerful player in the session. What sort of justice is that, Terezi? ~LOSS (15/4/24)
She hasn't entirely evaded consequences, but it's undeniable that none of the consequences she's experienced have actually stopped her from doing the things she does.
She's lost an arm, an eye, she's been beaten up, she's bled to death, and literally none of it has caused her to let up on Tavros, even a little. Letting up on Tavros, to her, would be worse than any physical harm, because it would be an attack on her worldview.
@sanctferum asked: "Has anything come of this since, actually? I haven’t heard anything about this new comic – although I do scroll in the opposite direction any time I see a reference to Homestuck, so I guess it makes sense that I wouldn’t." - The general feel I've gotten from the community has been largely positive re: the new Homestuck 2 updates, which have indeed been happening. It's being updated once per month for now, so a lot slower going than non-hiatused OG Homestuck. But I'm enjoying it so far!
Once a month seems more sustainable than Hussie's original barely-believable pace for the comic. With Hussie no longer at the helm, expecting daily panels seems like a pretty big ask - most people don't have the time, money or energy do what Hussie did.
Anonymous asked: I don't know if you read UTDR fanfiction, but this Tavros and Vriska situation reminds me a little bit of Flowey Is Not A Good Life Coach. she's trying to push him to his limits and torture him into being someone who will kill, and he just won't. say, what's your read on comparing Flowey : Vriska?
Flowey does what he does because he's lost his emotions, but Vriska does what she does because she's consumed by her emotions.
If anything, Flowey has more in common with Aradia. They're both time-travelers whose ability to feel is somewhat compromised.
This has happened before - but before, I was also removed from Tumblr's search function, which doesn't seem to be the case this time.
Is anyone else having issues with Wertsearch post notifications?
@elkian asked: So has anyone mentioned the godhood joke yet? (The God Tiers costumes have hoods. God Hoods. Badum-tish)
LOL, I did miss that.
Anonymous asked: Fun Homestuck fact! After writing Karkat, someone brought up that the writer of the 'Programming For [Expletive]s' book sounded a lot like Karkat. Andrew responded by telling them to imagine that it was actually written in all caps, basically canonizing that the 'Programming For [Expletive]s' book was written by Karkat. At least, I think that's how that went? ~LOSS (28/2/23)
And it could be any Karkat, too. Maybe one of the Karkats from a doomed timeline actually learned to code from Sollux, and became a famous ~ATH developer.
@morganwick asked: So with conversation 8=8 apparently taking place in the immediate aftermath of Rose destroying her gate (even technically during Descend), and Rose's attitude towards Kanaya in the part of it that we see, does that change how much you think her attitude in their previous conversations reflects her genuine mental state?
Oh yeah, no, I’m pretty sure she was genuinely in a bad mood here. Not really so much because of Kanaya, and I think the anger directed at Kanaya specifically was inauthentic, but the bad mood itself was real. She'd recently been injected with several months of traumatic memories, after all.
@manorinthewoods asked: That panel, of John in Vriska's 'fabulous outfit', is actually pretty neat, because you can see from the proportions how young John really is. He's small, not even fully a teenager yet, and he's been thrown into this chaotic world of humans and trolls, quadrants, violence and danger. Everyone in the game must be scared, in some degree, but none of them ever show it. It makes you wonder just how strong Skaia's children really are. ~LOSS (29/4/23)
Seriously. In what universe are 13-year-olds the people most qualified to make universes? Sburb has some very funny ideas about the optimal way it should be played.
I suppose this is something that had to be true, though, for Homestuck to be the coming-of-age story that Hussie wanted it to be.
Anonymous asked: My interpretation has always been that "the Blind Prophets" are actually just Terezi herself, in a time loop-y/predestined way. She's blind, her class is Seer, AKA prophet, and those are her numerals. Also, on an unrelated note, but to weigh in on your last ask, according to Latin conventions, the plural of lusus is lusus. Does Homestuck follow those conventions? Well…
Or, since there are two Seers in Homestuck, maybe they’re Terezi and Rose. She’s a Light Player, so a blinding would be suitably ironic.
Anonymous asked: re: captchalogue codes and the states of objects: it takes a relatively small change in the physical arrangement of atoms and whatnot to turn a ghost dad poster into, say, a little monsters poster, but the two have a relatively large difference between their conceptual nature. on the other hand, it would take a relatively large rearrangement of atoms to make the slime pogo ride be anything other than a slime pogo ride. perhaps this makes the former change state more easily than the latter? alternatively, maybe the captcha system just knows that all it would really take to make the slime pogo ride stop being covered in oil is soap and water and it's happy to do that on its own, but paper is harder to clean so it wants you to jump through more hoops for that one new question: if john had used his posters for alchemy before he was able to see their defacement, would the resultant objects also be beclowned? evidence seems to suggest that players with unawakened dream selves Will draw on their walls in their sleep and not see it until Ready, so there not being mechanisms in place to deal with that seems less likely than the alternative to me, but especially considering people who aren't them Can see the drawings, how??? would that even??? work??? what would've happened if john had done alchemy with the arms cake. i think it would be funny to see that
I think he’d still get the clown posters.
The kids keep accidentally making magic items, so It's clearly possible for someone to alchemize an object with properties they didn't foresee. Therefore, I think John would make what appears, to him, to be a normal poster - but Rose would still see it as it truly is.
Anonymous asked: any thoughts on what the horrorterrors are? beyond their (admittedly vague) intentions?
I think they’re a sign of the wider cosmology beyond Sburb - and, more specifically, a sign that there is a wider cosmology beyond Sburb.
I don't know if we'll necessarily get more expansion on them than we've already had, because their whole shtick is that they're unknowable. Needless to say, I'd love to be proven wrong.
#asks#full liveblog#act 5.2#ya girl also thought she had more asks to finish. I swear there were like ten but there were actually only two
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Take Notes Like Stag Part 2: Unrecorded Entity Note Taking Exercise
Part 1: Spirit Encounters Part 3: Spell "Lab Notes" The early stages of developing a relationship with an unrecorded entity can be frustrating and confusing for many people. The most commonly recommended first steps for getting to know a new entity are research and reading the entities myths and those don’t apply to a completely unrecorded entity and only help so far for an entity whose general type may be recorded in myth and folklore, but not them in specific. My general advice for getting to know an unrecorded entity of any kind is to take it slow and get to know them the same way you would get to know a new person in your life. Ask them about themselves every time you communicate with them, and keep track of each encounter using the format in part 1 - pay attention to themes, symbols, imagery, anything that you notice starts to repeat across multiple encounters. Once you feel like something might be a defining feature or factor of the entity, something fixed that you’re sure of, make note of it and you can then run this exercise. For this exercise you’ll need a few sheets of paper, a writing implement, the information you’ve been gathering, and a form of divination. Yes/no forms of divination is fine for this, but something with more nuance is preferred and will give you more detailed answers in later steps.
Review your existing notes on this entity and find a defining feature of the entity, this can be something that’s been repeated often enough in your notes on your earlier encounters to become a pattern, or something that’s happened less often but was experienced very strongly. You’re the judge in this step of what is important enough to single out for this exercise, you can always do it again with something else if one iteration of it doesn’t prove fruitful.
Get your paper and writing tool and write your feature in the center of the page. Then create a brainstorming web of free associations with anything and everything that comes to mind springing from the starting point. Add as many spokes to the web and layers to each spoke as you can think of and fit.
There are no wrong answers in this step - this isn’t you telling the entity they are associated with any of the things in the web, you’re making a list of things to ask them about.
(If you’ve never made or heard of a brainstorming web before here’s a link to a template)
Then go through each item on the web with your divination tool for confirmation or denial from the entity of the association. -- Yes/No divination can give you a yay/nay on an association, “Yes, this is associated with me” or “No, this is not associated with me.” But a more nuanced form of divination can unlock ones you didn’t think of with “no, but…” or “yes, and…” type answers. For instance if you started with the center word of “harvest” because you had the indication that the entity was associated with the harvest and from there you branched out to “grain.” You used your tarot cards to confirm “grain” and you pull the Three of Cups, which is a very harvest-y card so you could take that as a yes, but the guide book for your deck specifically mentions fruits and vegetables instead of grains. You can then follow up on fruits and vegetables vs grains to see if the entity strongly favors one over the other.
Record your results in your ongoing notes for this entity. Remember:

An example: When I was working on Returning my pantheon of unrecorded entities, The Forgotten Ones, I would get to know an entity organically through divination conversation, dreams, Otherworldly visits, etc. for maybe a few months before I had enough fixed points of data that I thought it was was worth going through this exercise. Then I would take an afternoon or an evening and run it multiple times for each data point I had, once through for a symbol that had appeared multiple times, once for a theme that the entity consistently used, once for an animal that they had shown a preference for, once for a flower they favored for offerings, etc. I like to do this exercise in a trance, to add a little oomph to what is basically word association, but that’s not strictly necessary. My goddess Brona, when I started working on her one of the few things I knew about her was that she was an entity that existed in the in betweens. Because she was so strongly liminal, so intrinsically neither here nor there I had trouble pin down more details on her even as I became very close to her. So I ran this exercise on the word “liminal” before I had gathered much else for her. Here is a sample of that map for her, that I just made for this post, so it’s all things that I know are associated with her - I can’t find my original, and at this point it’s hard to think of incorrect examples.

#witchcraft#pagan#the returning#spirit work#witchblr#paganblr#unrecorded gods#unrecorded entity#grimoire
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Strawberry | Juicy Fruit | Chenle [NSFW]
Zhong Chenle - NCT Dream
Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~2.1k
Pairing: Chenle x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Established Relationship, Porn without Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Dom! Chenle, Sir Kink, Spanking, Fingering, Squirting, Unprotected Sex (Don’t!!)
Summary: Your boyfriend likes strawberries a bit too much...
Author's Note: This series was supposed to be of drabbles, didn't happen.
This is only vaguely based off of Smoothie…I say this because I got the idea for a fruit theme, but past that its unrelated.
PS. Chenle is my bias so this is just me living vicariously through my writing…
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🍉 Mark 🍉
🍇 Renjun 🍇
🍌 Jeno 🍌
🍒 Haechan 🍒
🍑 Jaemin 🍑
🍍 Jisung 🍍
Revised (1/31/25)
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! Share, even if its to the other sites! Let me know if you want to be on the taglist!
"Oh, my god, stop!" You slap Chenle's hand again, so he’ll leave the berries alone. You’re trying to make a strawberry cake from scratch, even the sponge will be flavored and pink. Your boyfriend keeps eating your ingredients though!
"Just one more~?" He widens his eyes into his best version of a puppy stare, and you almost give in.
"No!" You harden your tone more for yourself than at him. He pouts, casting you a pitiful look and you click your tongue. If he’s really desperate, he knows what to do, but it doesn’t seem he’s that eager to get more strawberries.
"I just like fruits…" He drifts off and you huff.
"I know, Lele." He watches as you mix the batter for the cake, eyes glancing back to the fruits every so often.
"If I have some left over you can eat those." You tell him, using a rubber spatula to fill the cake pans.
"I still don't understand how Jaemin doesn't likes strawberries." He tilts his head, so it rests against his shoulder, elbows resting on the counter where he sits on a stool.
"No one will ever understand anything about Jaemin." You counter and your boyfriend laughs in agreement.
"At least he's not afraid of them." You toss him a defeated look and he laughs harder. While the sponge bakes, you make the frosting, Chenle watching in defeat as more and more of the berries disappear from the container. Finally, you’re cutting the last of the ones you need to decorate the cake, and you have only one left.
"Here." You hold the berry up to the side of your head, Chenle has sidled up behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder, arms loose around your middle. You feel his hum of delight from his chest pressed into your back as his lips wrap around the strawberry, his mouth brushing the skin of your fingers. Before you can pull your hand back down, his tongue flicks to lick the juice that has stuck there from your cutting.
"Hey! Now I gotta wash my hands again!" You click your tongue, bonking him softly on the head with a wooden spoon. He yelps much louder than is necessary and pouts at your side as you wash your hands once again. They’re getting dry from the repeated cleansing. You put your boyfriend to dish duty as you get the cake sponges out and let them cool. You clean the rest of the kitchen up as much as you can, and you both get done by the time it’s time to ice and decorate. He watches quietly (for once) while you finish the cake, eagerly taking the frosting bowl when you’re done to eat the remnants. You have offered to get him a spoon, but he refused, just using his finger. Once the final decorative berry is placed on the top you sigh in relief, back a little sore from leaning over the counter like you did. It’s simple, but that’s the only way you can still make it look good. Chenle helps you rearrange stuff in the fridge to fit the cake in so it can fully set by the time you go to your friend's housewarming that evening. Untying your apron, Chenle comes up to with the bowl, swiping the rest of the frosting onto his finger and holding it out for you. You give him a fake glare, but still take his digit between your lips to lick the pink sweet off his finger. He smiles cockily, pressing down on your tongue and you have to make a choice. Do you bite him or play along? You recognize the look on his face, it has been there since you fed him the strawberry…
"Ow, you bit me!" He pulls his hand back rapidly, flapping it in the air and you giggle, taking the now empty bowl from him to puts it in the sink. Trying not to giggle too much, you start to wash the rest of the dishes, feeling him come up behind you. You’re expecting a hug and whiny request, so you squeak when one arm wraps tight around your middle at your ribs. The other comes over your chest, his hand pressing against your throat, thumb on your jaw. He hold your head in place, mouth so close to your ear you can feel his breath fluttering your hair. He smirks at your instant stiffened posture, his hand at your jaw clenching a bit harder.
"You know that one strawberry really isn’t enough…" His tone is casual, but lower than his normal voice. Your mouth goes dry, and you lick your lips, hands stilling. When he doesn’t do anything else, you shut the water off and drop the dishes you’re holding, then wait for his next move.
"Good girl~" Chenle chuckles, his normal cheerful giggle has lowered about two or three octaves.
"Chenle-!" His hand tightens again, pinky curling even tighter to press against your throat.
"Who?" He reiterates and you don’t reply, swallowing hard. Glancing at the clock you’re worried if he does everything he normally does, you won’t have time to get ready.
"Please, sir. I need time to get ready-" His hum cuts your sentence short, his lips vibrating from the noise as they press to the skin between your shoulder and neck. You instinctively, submissively, turn your head to the side to let him have better access.
"Maybe I shouldn't let you go? Then I can have you and the cake for myself…" You shiver as he kisses the skin lightly, his grip on your jaw contrasting with the gentle act. You’d be really freaking pissed later if he does that, and you both know it. Luckily for you, your phone starts to ring, and he begrudgingly completely lets you go, resting grumpily against the island as you grab your device.
"Come early?" You glance at the clock on the oven again, then back to your boyfriend. He sneers but nods, going pouty again.
"Yes. I will be there in thirty." You hang up and Chenle shuffles to the couch so he can angrily stare at the TV as if he’s actually watching it. When you come out of your room in a cute little dress that looks like a big button up with a belt around the middle, he watches you dance around the kitchen getting the cake in a holder. It isn’t as cold as you’d have liked, but it’ll do.
"Bye, Lele~" You give him an air kiss as you leave and he grumbles to himself, crossing his arms.
When you finally get back later that night, you smell likes booze, but you don’t look like you partook.
"I need to change; this dress smells like chicken." You grumble. Chenle is still on the couch, as if he hadn’t moved at all in the last three hours. He has, but not much. The only difference you notice is that he has a pillow in his lap he’s hugging to his chest, but he’s still pouting. When you reach the door to your room, you turn to face him, hand behind your back on the knob.
"I don't have to take this off by myself, right?" Your tone lilts playfully, and you giggle as he shuts the TV off and gets up so fast you’re worried his socked feet will slip on the hard wood floor. He eagerly chases after you as you dash into your room, squealing in delight when he easily lifts you up as he catches you.
"Ah, Le!" You gasp when he spins you as he lifts, slinging you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. When did he get that strong? He doesn’t do it very hard, but his hand smacks your butt after he flips the skirt of your dress up. You squeak and he huffs a laugh, practically throwing you onto the bed. His hand wraps around the belt of the middle of your dress, yanking you down to the end of the bed by it, then rapidly takes it off. It clatters on the floor as he throws it behind him, fingers undoing the buttons fast. He really wants to just tear it open, hear the little pieces clack against the floor and wall as they fly off the garment. But he knows after you’ll be not too pleased by that. When it’s all undone, he lets the sides flop open, revealing your nicest set of black lace lingerie.
"Fuck." Chenle groans as you smirk yourself. You start to help him get the dress off, but once the first sleeve is off, he tugs on the fabric so hard it flips you over onto your stomach.
"Chenle!" You try to scold him as he rapidly removes the dress. Too obedient to flip back over and watch, you hear him discard his own clothes, the garments thumping slightly as they hit the floor. You let out another yelp when his hands grip your hips tight, hauling you back toward the end of the bed. You bring your legs down, so your feet touch the floor, already having an idea of what he’s doing. Your boyfriend is much more careful with your panties than your other garment, swiftly pulling them down and off. He chuckles when your body shivers as his fingers come to your soaking folds. His skin is cold, especially compared to your hot core. Your breath hitches when he immediately buries two fingers inside your cunt, all the way to the last knuckle. He loves the little mewls and whimpers you let out as he roughly wiggles his fingers, adding a third then pumping them hard against your back wall.
"Sir-" You try to protest when his fingers leave, but his hand comes down hard on your ass. Your whine makes his cock harden even further, the skin turning red in the shape of his hand.
"You left me hanging for hours, (Y/N)." He speaks derisively, "how many hours, hm?"
"Then how many do you get?" He asks and you try to do math quick. He likes to do an even number of spanks on each cheek, but six isn’t enough…
"Hm…okay~" His hand comes down again on the opposite side and you squeak.
"T-two." You have to think for a second, hoping your answer is right. Chenle don’t say anything in protest, laying another smack. Each time you let out a yipe, though the slick dripping from your cunt reveals how much you like it.
"Twelve~" You gasp out, legs twitching, the skin of your ass just as red as the strawberries you deprived him of. He wonders how red your cute little pussy could get if he smacked it, but he isn’t going to just do it without asking you.
"S-sir, please~" Your request turns into a moan as his cock meets your entrance and he slowly eases in. You can’t see his smirk, but he licks his bottom lip and fucks the last inch of his cock in hard, his hips meeting your still stinging ass. You yelp, fingers digging into the bedding above your head, eyes nearly crossing at the delicious pain, not just from the stretch of his cock but also your stinging butt. Chenle leans forward over you, chest pressed to your back, his mouth right by your ear. His fingers link with yours and he nibbles the crest of your ear, letting you adjust some. He huffs, then rolls his hips hard, instantly pulling out nearly all the way then slamming home. Your walls flutter and he chuckles as his next thrust throws your over the edge, your release coating not just his cock but the skin of his groin as well. He doesn’t let up as your orgasm rolls through you, continuing to relentlessly fuck his cock into you. He grips your hands tighter, helping you get some leverage. It’s good the bed is beneath you, holding you up, the pleasure wracking through you sapping all your strength. His right hand leaves yours, curling around and under your stomach, pulling your hips up. This forces you onto your tip toes but changes the angle and his cock gets even deeper, the head battering your cervix as he picks up the pace. He loves the squeaks it ekes out of you, and your cunt clenching his dick brings him closer to the edge as well. Chenle brings his finger to your clit, rubbing over it so you cum again. You try to milk him to completion as well, but he holds back, and once yours has subsided, he pulls out and cum all over your ass and lower back. You slump down, shivering and he admires the sight. He’ll have that any day over even the most perfect strawberry.
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Master-Master List
NCT Master List
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YELLOW1!!1 it's been a hot minute since I sent in an ask!
Since pokemon has really come to bite my butt, I wonder what kinda pokemon Mei and Macaque would have! (I'd guess Mei would have a gyrados for some reason, but it makes sense to me and that's good enough!)
the LMK storyboard director (Ashe Jacobson) actually made pokemon cards for the LMK gang based on her hcs of them! Although they were made during S1/2 and likely don't reflect current ideas or fanon (also too many legendaries for my taste). Also no Sandy card :(









Things I do love about each though:
He/They pronoun MK. MK having bunch of little monkey pokemon. Plus a Krabby for some reason. Also Age: Unknown foreshadowing... instead of the legendaries I could see him having a Ground type like a Gligar (cheeky bat pokemon based on a tyoe of Japanese yokai) or a Swinub (snow boar piglet).
Red Son out here with all the pronouns and a bunch of poor Bug/Steel types about to get melted XD. Honestly surprised that he doesn't have a Tauros. The Houndoom seems like an Erlang pokemon though, Red Son seems more of a Torchic kinda guy. I could also give him a legednary like Chi-Yu; a little piece of primordial fire based on the Chinese Great Peril of Hundun/Confusion.
Mei def deserves a Gyardos - no fault to Rayquaza but no legendaries allowed. Rapidash is perfect for her, but perhaps a shiny to fit her theme a little more + she def would be a Shiny hunter. Sceptile is a more subtle choice since it's a lizard pokemon with one of the highest base speed stats (450) and has sword-like leafy protrusions. I've seen ideas for her having a Blitzle (electric zebra pokemon) as well since it just seems like a Her pokemon to have.
I just love Tang having Shedinja (the cicada husk pokemon) partially because it falls into a little theory I have of him >:3 + Golden Cicada connection. Chimecho is also based on a type of shinto warding bell used to scare off spirits - a useful pokemon for a priest/superstitious nerd to have. The Hoothoot is adorable, he's just here cus of nerdiest. Spoink is based on a bible verse about casting wisdom to those who won't appriciate it (pearls before swine) so thats pretty Tang-coded. The Shuckle makes me think of Noodles and the infamous "don't fuckle with the Shuckle"-meme because of it's ability to become the most lethal attack pokemon under the right circumstances. Tang deserves another non-legendary tho so lets give him an artifact pokemon like a Golett or Baltoy for him to nerd about (and struggle to carry).
Pigsy has pigs. You know if Gen IX was out he'd have a LeChonk no question about it. The Munchlax is super adorable since is a hungry baby pokemon (reminds him of MK?), and the Clefable could be a hint at his amazing singing voice. Blipbug is a ladybird larva aka a "bookworm" pokemon - you know he got that one cus of Tang. The Ambipom is interesting tho - extra hands in the kitchen obvs, but maybe hinting at his incarnation's connection to SWK. I could def see him having "food"-type pokemon around too like Smoliv, Milcery, and/or Tatsugiri.
+Tang and Pigsy both have a pokemon that reminds them of eachother omg; Spoink and Blipbug. Perhaps the Spoink is (Pigsy's) Grumpig's baby?
Wukong using his flattering game art for his ID is very in-character of him XD. Most of his pokemon are really on the nose too - Infernape is legit based on him after all. I excuse the use of legendary pokemon (esp Landorus since it's a earth/cloud god pokemon) for him too since thats what he is. The most recent legendary pokemon is uber-Wukong coded tho - Pecharunt, based on the Peaches of Immortality combined with the japanese folktale of Momotaro + japanese death mythology. I could see Wukong also walking around with a bunch of horse (Mudsdale) and fruit pokemon (Boundsweet, Cherubi) as well. Maybe even having a team thats made of up pokemon that remind him of his old friends.
Macaque having a Zoroark and Zarude is super genius. Zoroark is a mimicry pokemon (based on kitsunes/huli-jings) and that checks out with what Macaque tried doing in the novel - also reminds me of my hc that Jiuweihuli took him under her wing. Zarude is a spooky legendary monkey pokemon obvs, but it's introduced in it's debut movie as "Dada" by the human it raised - sorta foreshadowing how the FFM baby monkeys really love Macaque. Gengar and Marshadow are great choices for his shadow powers ofc - with Marshow having a "lantern" kind vibe to it. Grimmsnarl I think was choosen based on it's Gigantamax form - it looks a lot like Macaque's Smoke Monster form. I could also see Macaque having a few Sneasels - little dark types based on a wind Yokai. I think that while he'd like sound/music-focused Pokemon, his ears are too sensitive to be around the moves - he'd start running the second he sees a Whimsur.
+Macaque and Wukong have Eevee-lutions that evolve based on high affection depending on time of day. Like the Sun and the Moon everybody. Oddly enough in the pokemon "I Choose You!" movie, Marshadow is considered a "guide" for those chosen by Ho-Oh (which Wukong has), early foreshadowing how Macaque becomes a legit mentor to MK.
Jin and Yin just have duo pokemon that work best together. These two def would buy both versions of a pokemon game so that they could play and trade together. The two NInetails is a cute reference to their mom - the OG Nine-Tailed Vixen. They need a Gourgeist for their Calabash tho.
This is the best i can do rn for poor Sandy; I used a mix of microsoft office word shapes, Imgflip, and the Pokecharms Trainer Id generator (I couldn't figure out how to change the trainer to a custom image).

I gave him Mantine and Lapras cus they're gentle "Ride" pokemon who like carrying people across water. Polteageist cus Tea and secrets. Smergle cus of art. Vivillion cus of the blue butterfly in "To Catch a Leaf" and the Dewpider cus Huntsman. Some more ideas include Dhelmise (the seaweed anchor pokemon), Misdreavus (cus of his necklace), and/or Machamp (wrestling theme in the Scroll of Memory). Lots of cat pokemon too - him and Nanu would get along. He's not a fighter at all - and neither are his pokemon. Don't underestimate them tho - they hit hard.
Additionally; Nezha has all snake pokemon + I can see him having a Charcadet. He's got a Phantump and a Dratini too but don't ask about them.
PIF has a swarm of Castform following her since they can't be blown away by her winds (she treats them like baby wind spirits). DBK has like fifty Tauros of different breeds' and a few Miltanks + a Scovillain who provides him with peppers.
Erlang has a Houndoom and nothing else... except maybe a Lotad who reminds him of his greatest regrets.
Chang'e owes a few bunny pokemon (Scorbunny, Buneary, Azumarill, Bunnelby etc) and an Alcremie, plus a bunch of stray Clefairy-line pokemon (moon origins) and Minior (meterorite/star candy pokemon). She also has a little Rowlet plush that she hugs tightly whenever she goes to sleep (Hou Yi's starter).
I feel like animal demons dont really "own" pokemon cus they see them as fellow demons/monster species. Wukong is an except since his are probably old friends/decended from pokemon he knew back on FFM.
this got a little away from me sorry - I love pokemon too <3
#lmk#lego monkie kid#pokemon#crossovers#lmk hcs#lmk headcanons#lmk mk#qi xiaotian#lmk red son#lmk mei#long xiaojiao#lmk tang#lmk pigsy#sun wukong#six eared macaque#liu er mihou#lmk jin & yin#lmk gold and silver demons#lmk pif#lmk princess iron fan#lmk dbk#lmk demon bul king#lmk nezha#lmk chang e#lmk erlang
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Wavelengths [Killer x Reader, Heat x Reader]
🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
Chapter 18 - Best Laid Plans
Kid finds a way to force you and Killer together, in the hopes that it will fix things.
WC: ~3k
Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055
A few weeks had passed and you had been hard at work, on Captain's orders, practising your new ability. Light had always been one of the harder things for you to control, being that it moved so much faster than anything you could touch or hear, it took a considerable amount more energy to alter. Until now you had only used it for small things, like changing the colour of someone's hair, or trying to make holograms of yourself, which were slowly getting more lifelike and opaque with each try but not good enough yet for real world applications. Making light pass through something was at least easier than altering it though, and it got a hell of a lot easier when you realised that you could alter physical objects instead to let the light pass straight through them, instead of forcing the wavelengths of light through the object. With some brute force and a hell of a lot of concentration, you were able to make the entire ship and its inhabitants entirely invisible for fifteen minutes. Any longer and you would pass out from the fatigue it took on your body. It wasn't much, but it was enough to sneak past outposts if Kid used his power in tandem to propel the ship by the metal that had been installed on the hull for that very purpose.
Your devil fruits combined, the ship had managed to entirely sneak past the guards of a marine-protected island to settle and hide in a secluded cave. It was the perfect setup for a sneak attack, they would never bother to check the cove because nobody would ever think a ship could get to it unseen in the first place. With a heavy exhale you released your fruit from where you stood on the dinosaur skull, Heat catching your fatigued body as rehearsed as you slumped to the deck. Kid, too, let out a groan as his stance wavered, grabbing the railing to keep himself upright and batting away Killer's arms that reached to help him. It was hard work for both of you to hold up your powers for that long, you were both exhausted and at your limits. No further progress would be made on the current mission today, you needed to rest, and the ship would be safe for a few days at least, hidden in the waterlogged cave that barely fit it. Lookouts were immediately posted at the mouth of the cave, and any local that happened to wander too close would immediately be taken care of before they could report back.
The next day, after you and the captain had both had a large dinner and a well deserved sleep, the commanders gathered in the navigation room to discuss the plans. The goal for this island was to acquire several eternal log pose, but how Kid intended to get them hadn't been discussed with you yet. Given your new ability though, you had a feeling that you would be an integral part of the plan.
Double laid a large map of the island and its residing marine base on the table, placing a couple of heavy tools and treasures at the corners to keep it flat. You sat with your elbow leaning on the table, your chin in your hand, a little bored and annoyed that you'd have to use your invisibility again after working so hard yesterday, like holding it for fifteen full minutes hadn't been hard enough as it was.
“Alright chucklefucks, here's the plan,” Kid announced, standing at one side of the table. The other commanders were scattered around it, either sitting or leaning against the walls. “Yin will use her power to mask herself and Killer, and the two of them will sneak in and retrieve the log poses on their own. A quick in and out stealth mission, then we're out of here. The rest of us will stay at the ship on standby, ready to raise anchor as soon as we see them coming back”
Your eyes flicked nervously to Killer, who was shifting uncomfortably from where he stood leaning against the wall in his usual cross armed pose. Apparently, he hadn't been made privy to the plan either. The two of you hadn't interacted at all outside of what your roles necessitated, everyone could feel the anxious tension between the two of you. “I can't take Heat instead?” You asked anxiously.
Heat cleared his throat and stood at your side, a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “Killer is the most suited to this job, he's quiet footed and agile, and his observation haki can protect you. Not to mention he's the smallest of us, you won't have you use as much energy to keep him hidden”
You grumbled at Heat. It made sense, you didn't like it but you knew he was right. The other's all murmured in agreement. Only Heat, Kid and Wire were privy to the real underlying plan to force you and Killer together, but the logic was sound so Mohawk and Double quickly agreed regardless. “Fine, where do we go?” you sighed.
“Killer will memorise the route so you can concentrate on keeping the two of you masked, no pun intended,” Wire explained, “I'll show him the route before you head out, you'll just have to follow him”
“Oh that'll be easy when he's invisible,” you bit back sarcastically, “not all of us have observation haki you know”
“Then you'll just have to hold hands or something,” Kid smirked, pleased with himself. You frowned and crossed your arms, your eyes flicking to Killer for a moment.
“Fine.” You submitted. Killer cleared his throat uncomfortably, you sounded less than impressed at the plan.
“Good, then you're excused,” Kid stated, “go get your weapons and shit, someone will come grab you when it's time”
“Aye aye captain,” you grumbled, giving him a mocking salute as you left.
You were just as unhappy about this arrangement now as you were when Kid had first commanded it, as you held Killer's hand and followed him silently through the marine base. Slipping through the main gate had been easy with your ability, but Killer was making sure to keep off the beaten path anyway - you may have been invisible, but you'd quickly be found out if you bumped into someone. His hand felt the same as it had on the island, warm and firm and comforting - you hated it. You hated the way it made you feel, and the way it made you remember him tossing you away the second the ship had appeared. It'd been weeks since you returned from the island but it still hurt to think about. No matter how much time passed and how much you did your best to avoid him, you couldn't seem to shake the butterflies you felt whenever you saw him.
Unbeknownst to you, Killer wasn't faring any better. His heart had been racing since the moment you'd begrudgingly taken his hand, and he was struggling to concentrate on his observation haki. Your fingers may not have been intertwined like they had been so often on the island, but it still felt intimate to hold your small, soft hand in his. He couldn't even see you, but he could feel your presence. You felt like a ghost to him, and he felt just as alone as he had for the last few weeks, with the same sharp ache in his heart.
It didn't take long to reach the spot Double had marked on the map where he guessed the log poses would be held based on experience. The door was locked but it was an easy fix for your devil fruit, vibrating the pins into place. You let yourself in first, Killer closing the door behind him and relocking it so you could search the room without having to stay invisible. The room had no windows for security reasons, and you'd quickly hear if someone tried their key.
The room seemed like a small map making room, with a few desks scattered around the edge and a larger, round central table for discussions. Sitting neatly in the centre of the table were three eternal poses and a normal New World three pointed pose. Killer wasted no time snatching them and stashing them in the bag he'd brought along. The two of you scoured the rest of the room, collecting several maps for other islands and marine bases and hastily stuffing them in the bag. With your mission accomplished, Killer held his hand back out for you to take again. You stared at it, hovering in the air, his mask tilted towards you expectantly.
“Look, I don't like this either,” he sighed, “but the sooner we get out of here the sooner it'll be over with”
“Until the next time Kid makes us do this,” you returned his sigh.
“What happened to ‘let's be friends’?” Killer asked, taking a step closer. You stepped back and he recoiled, letting his hand drop.
“It still hurts, Kil,” you avoided looking at him, “I feel lost”
“Maybe we should talk then, when we get back to the ship,” he suggested. “I feel lost too, I miss you. I miss talking to you, I miss when you didn't leave the room the second I entered”
“You threw me away, Kil,” you looked anywhere except at him. “I know we had an agreement, but it doesn't hurt any less”
“I know, and I'm sorry,” he sighed, “I thought it was for the best, I never meant for it to get this far, I never meant to hurt you. Can we please talk when we get back? You don't have to forgive me, but I miss you, Yin”
“Okay,” you gave in, not even sure what there was to talk about. What difference did it make? You were landlocked. He had told you time and time again that he wasn't capable of letting you in, and you weren't sure after all this that you could let him in either. But sure, let's talk. I'm sure beating the same dead horse will finally fix everything. You stepped back towards him and took his hand begrudgingly. “Let's just go home”
He hummed in agreement and unlatched the door, and you followed him out, retracing the same path as you had taken to get here. He moved with more confidence now, knowing exactly where he was going and what to expect.
If only he hadn't been distracted by your hand in his, or the butterflies in his stomach at your promise of talking when you got back, the opportunity to spill his heart to you and convince you to let him in. If only he had been focusing on the task at hand, then maybe he would have noticed the marine, walking in the opposite direction, and the way his eyes flicked towards you as he passed. He knew you were there, he could sense it with his haki. Killer noticed too late, gun already drawn, shot already fired, a bullet already lodged deep within your chest cavity, carving its way through a rib on its journey.
You spat blood, the crimson scattering over his shoulder as he turned just in time to watch the cloak drop, the two of you now visible and exposed as you grappled with the bleeding hole in your side. Killer moved fast, his punishers activating and removing the head of the marine before he had the chance to shoot again, but he was too late regardless - the damage was already done.
“Seastone,” you spat blood on the gravel, “Killer you have to leave me”
“I'm not going anywhere without you,” he pulled his sash from his waist and threaded it under your signature jacket, using it as a makeshift bandage to quell the bleeding. You leaned hard against him, your energy fading fast. It was different when the seastone was inside you, you weren't just a little sleepy as you were with the small piece on your bracelet, you could feel it actively draining you, your knees giving out underneath you from the exhaustion.
“They will have heard the gunshot, marines are gonna surround us any minute Kil,” you shook him as you tried to force him to listen to reason, “the guards will be alerted, the gates will be locked, the only way out of here is going to be moon stepping. I don't have the strength Kil, and you can't moon step fast enough to avoid bullets if you're carrying me”
“So we'll get captured, I'm not leaving you,” he insisted, “Kid will come find us, he has our vivre, even if they try and take us to Impel Down he'll catch them on their way”
“Kil, you won't make it that far,” you tried to explain, “they won't kill me, they need my fruit to stay out of rotation, but they'll execute you before Kid even realises anything is wrong”
He hated that you were right, and he was being torn in half as his loyalty to Kid and his love for you raged war inside him. This is why he had never wanted this in the first place, if you were anyone else he would already be gone. You removed your jacket and bracelet, shoving them inside his bag as he crouched in front of you.
“You have to go,” you removed your mask and forced it into his arms, “please don't die for me, please”
“I can't, I can't just leave you here,” you could both hear the hundreds of feet marching towards you, the metalic rhythm of weapons clinking as they were jostled by running.
“Killer, please,” you shoved him away, pleading with your eyes, which were pricking with tears. “Please don't die here. Just go, live your life, help Kid find the One Piece, fall in love with some girl who isn't afraid to open up to you, live”
Killer's own tears were beginning to escape him, so, unable to speak, he lifted his mask and kissed you. It was soft, all encompassing and all adoration, it spoke deeply of his love for you and you finally felt your walls break, far too late for it to be of use. You kissed him back before shoving him again, pulling yourself to your feet and unsheathing your sword, your other hand tight against your wound.
“Run, Killer, run,” you turned away from him, unable to bear watching him leave, raising your sword as the first wave of marines rounded the corner and came at you.
And so he ran. He ran from you like he always did, moon stepping till he cleared the boundary of the base, bullets whipping past him as he made his escape. As soon as he was clear he returned to the ground, moving faster now that he could press his full strength against the ground, running till the hill over the cave became visible. Heat spotted him from the opening of the cave, having been watching for his return, and quickly disappeared back inside to alert the crew. The plan had always been for the ship to raise anchor on your approach, for the two of you to moon step the remaining distance and make your escape, so that's exactly what he did as the ship came into sight, moving fast to flee to the ocean.
He hit the deck hard, panting and clutching at his chest for the ache he felt. Kid hurried to him, the wind on their side, propelling the ship as fast as it could away from the island. He was quick to notice your absence, and the mask in Killer's hands as he stood to full height.
“Where is she?” Kid barked.
“Kid, I-” Killer stuttered.
“WHERE IS SHE?” he yelled, grabbing Killer's collar and pinning him to the mast. A sob escaped Killer, a tear rolling off his chin to wet Kid's hand, and Kid immediately relented. “Heat, take command,” he ordered as he grabbed the front of Killer's shirt and pulled him to his cabin, before anyone could clock his breakdown. To any onlooker it just looked like he was going to scold Killer for losing an important weapon, not to comfort him after losing a love.
He ripped his mask off the second they stepped inside, throwing it to the bed along with your mask, pacing back and forth and tearing at his hair. “I fucked up Kid, I was too distracted, I didn't sense the other haki user,” Killer sobbed, “they got her with a seastone bullet, I couldn't do anything, this is all my fault”
Kid sighed and wrapped his arms around his friend, Killer sobbing into his chest and wetting the bare skin there. He wasn't sure what to say. This felt like his fuck up more than Killer's. The log poses he sent them for weren't even needed, it was all just an elaborate plan to force the two of you together. He never considered it could go wrong, he never weighed the risks of the needless plan.
“Is she alive?” Kid asked.
“She was fighting them when I left,” Killer replied through heavy sobs.
“Then we'll get her back, Kil,” Kid whispered, “we're not leaving her there, we're not letting her go back to that life. She's one of us, we'll kill every fucking marine that stands in our way till shes home safe with us”
“What if she gives up this time Kid?” he cried, “she knows what they'll do to her, what if she just ends it herself to save herself from it?”
“She's strong, she won't do that,” Kid assured him, “she's had a taste of freedom now, she has something to fight for. We'll get her Kil, you have my word”
There was nothing else Kid could say, so he just held Killer tight till his tears stopped falling, before leaving him to rest and heading back on deck to bark orders. Every man was to ready himself, it was time to go to war.
#one piece fanfiction#one piece smut#killer one piece#killer x reader#massacre soldier killer#heat one piece#heat x reader#kid pirates
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Part 2 of A Gaylor interpretation of "The Prophecy"
I had more Thoughts™ that I initially left out for length, but I'd like to elaborate in sections. Special thanks to @mamataylovesrubbi for being so friendly. This community is so lovely.
TW: Brief talk of self-destructive behavior and suicide near the end.
Part 1 here
Overblown Analysis Under the Cut ↓
Some things about Artemis/Diana that I left out of part one I left out were that 1) Artemis is also the goddess of the hunt and animals. I think that tidbit adds to the fable connection, as fables are often stories about animals. When it comes to the hunt, songs like WAOLOM and The Albotros possibly being about Taylor planning revenge on her closet-ers really scream huntress. Artemis can also become a deer, a somewhat surprisingly non-vicious animal for a huntress, if she pleases. "I've been the Archer / I've been the prey." I think this could portray Taylor's strengths and weaknesses. 2) Artemis is a virginal goddess, never having any male lovers in her stories. This doesn't necessarily make Artemis a sapphic goddess, even though I've seen that interpretation, but it's pretty telling that Taylor would align so closely to a goddess with that trait. 3) Artemis/Diana was also the goddess of the moon (somewhat, it's a bit complicated, but that's Greek mythology for you). Fits the themes of Midnights, with Taylor being Midnight (Rain) and her lover being Sunshine. Though that probably shouldn't be taken too literally, as Apollo, god of the sun, is Artemis's twin brother. Trust him like a brother, yeah—
2. Vocalizing
Taylor's vocalizing after "...tell me it'll be okay" reminds me vaguely of the vocalizing in "My Tears Ricochet", a song, like this album, alludes to Taylor dying.
3. "But I looked to the sky" and "I've been on my knees"
With all the talk of sky, I wonder if maybe "Bigger Than The Whole Sky" might be about failed coming outs. I don't know if this is something others thought have already (probably), but I never thought of it before. Meanwhile, the repeat of being on her knees makes me think of "Would've, Could've, Should've". I've mentioned before that I'm open to that song being actually about JM because it wouldn't surprise me if she tried dating dudes in some way early on in her career, whatever that would mean. However, I'm open to alternatives too. With my analysis of Taylor's Eve being bitten by the serpent/Devil, maybe the serpent could be the Devil from "Would've, Could've, Should've". Maybe the Devil could be The Professor from my "The Manuscript" analysis. I'm leaning toward that Devil being her old label.
4. Throttle
A throttle is several things. It can be something to give machinery fuel. It can be a verb, you can throttle something, aka kill it by strangulation. By "hand on the throttle," I think Taylor was saying she was ready to not only fuel/validate her truth, but kill her past lives. I get this vibe that TTPD might be for TS12 what Reputation was for Lover. Just like with Rep, she's killing the old Taylor(s) that hid her queerness before she steps into the daylight with what comes after. Makes me understand all the chockers and high-neck collars she's been sporting for this era.
5. "And it was written"
I feel like I grazed over this part of the line a bit. What was written? It could be Taylor's lyrics or her 100 thrown-out speeches. She wrote them, but wasn't heard anyway, cursed. Or it could be the word written in the Bible. (In my opinion, shit) translations of the Bible call for all kinds of things to happen to queer people, and has so for years. Not that many though because the word homosexual didn't even exist when the Bible was first scribed. Taylor was cursed before she was even born. Possibly like Eve. Didn't Eve have control over whether she ate the fruit or not? Do queer people have control in who they love? Christian will debate forever.
6. "Let it once be me"
One reason why Taylor wasn't out from the get-go obviously has to do with where her career began and under what industry she was entering. An underaged, famous, sapphic country singer sounds a bit wild now honestly, imagine in 2006! The world would not have been ready, unfortunately. But why can't Taylor come out now? Well, in "WAOLOM", Taylor sneers, "I am what I am 'cause you trained me". She was raised to closet for her whole career, maybe even longer, who could know? And of course, "Old habits die screaming" (from "The Black Dog"). After this album, however, I feel like she's gearing up to free herself. Still, there are so many people younger than Taylor who come out super casually, like Reneé Rapp, Girl in Red, etc, without games or clear fear. Taylor probably sees them and wonders why she couldn't have/had that freedom. Maybe when she says specifically, "redo the prophecy" rather than "change the prophecy" she wishes she could go back in time and somehow make it so she could've come onto the scene out and proud way back then.
7. "like fools in a fable / Oh, it was sinking in"
I think Taylor started feeling like she'd never be free as she began to write Folklore. Of course, she knew the plan didn't work before that in 2019, but as she created Folklore and Evermore, she realized she was anywhere near where she wanted to be in 2020, playing the same games. It sunk in with that. That's why Folklore, Evermore, and even some Midnights songs can sound so hopeless. As an LSK, I don't believe it was due to a breakup, but more closeting. All the albums after Lover seem to have minimal color because she can't be herself.
8. "My last coin"
So, I mentioned in part one that Taylor had/has referenced self-inflicting harmful actions towards herself in many songs. She also mentions poison in this song. It got me thinking about Romeo and Juliet and how that play goes. Taylor, with the "Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand" seems to be combining Romeo and Juliet's death, Juliet getting stabbed or "pricked" and Romeo drinking poison. Maybe this symbolizes that, even though when she was younger, more naïve and optimistic, she exclusively identified with Juliet and changed her ending in "Love Story", now she identifies with both Romeo and Juliet, even sometimes taking on the "male" role in her songs (e.g. The Heartbreak Prince and JaMEs). A part of me wonders if that could be a comment on her gender identity too, but that goes a bit over my skill level to analyze. But it feels sad that Taylor used to change the fates of Romeo and Juliet and now she's honest about what happens to them. As I said before, I want nothing but good for Taylor. it will be okay. 🤍 ✌️🌈
Alrighty, I think I got it all out of me. Watch me think of some more shit with this song. 🙄😅
#taylor swift#the prophecy#gaylor#the tortured poets department#gaylor swift#friend of dorothea#lgbetty#gaylor theory#song analysis
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Lappy fancam animatic blogging/production notes
now that wolfgirlyaoi is out on global its rambling time about my powerpoint presentation
Originally I wanted to do an (Tex & Lapp) animatic with the boss theme (broken wall/Signore dei Lupi .mp3) ever since the event dropped but I thought 1) by the time I finished anything someone else would have probably already done it first (lol, lmao even) 2) I remembered the song exists and how much i looped it then while listening to the group's new album drop and thought the lyrics fit Lapp a little too well and also doesn't end abruptly like the boss theme + was shorter so yea

initial stickman storyboard where i put down the lyrics with event dialogue/happenings that i felt would fit nicely together > hastily scribble the images that form in my head
storyboards were basically what i wanted to see (same rule as my comics) lol especially if they weren't shown in the event CGs, eg. there's a CG of the truck crashing into the courtroom so I didn't do that but they didn't mention her physical acting in that scene + the song I used has a bow/salute at that exact part in their live choreo with the very similar line so I wanted to do a homage even though-
-I was like it's going to be such a pain to figure out an economical hand twirl and bow but I have to do this I need to transplant the image in my brain onto the screen because official media did not do a—
Honestly still don't know if its a common phrase and action combo because I was having so much trouble finding external references that wasn't just scrubbing the live video over and over anyway
part of the storyboards were 'recycled' from comic drafts I did (of the chocolate scene because ofc) when the event was running on CN
Originally I wanted to draw Lapp feeding Texas for The Girlyaoi Funny but I wanted to reference the plaque you get which is a Creation of Adam reference right but I also saw people saying it's referencing the scene from Silence of the Lambs lol so...peel the layers to your liking!!
(The chocolate flavour choice was from asking my Columbian friends what the worst chocolate flavour they ever tried which was white coconut)


my sorry attempt at colour keys > final spreadsheet to keep track of progress and paste all the dialogue i put in
Art Direction
A bunch of shots/colour schemes are references to Måneskin's stuff or other media tehepero I'll just put a few here
At first I was going to limit red/blue to tex/lapp respectively but since Omertosa is blue I just did away with that rule and lapp gets to have both (and more!) these two colours have pretty obvious emotional readings I think but also
red = self blue = society Siracusa or: red = yaoi & blue = yuri
for the others:
Purple = Alberto/Saluzzo, its not orange like the fruit he keeps holding because see below; I needed the colour for something else LOL Also the Saluzzos are iirc nobility or whatever and they have purple hints in their clothes so I think it was a good fit anyway
Yellow/Orange = Its supposed to be representing the last word in the story which apparently, yostar went with 'Savagery' which is Correct I guess but (laments again about how nuance is lost in localisation because imo savagery has a more derogatory kind of connotation while I think 蛮荒 in context of the story also has a 'nature/untouched by civilisation' side to it) which is why Texas setting the house on fire was not (entirely) red but orange (and it complements the blues both visually and thematically) and it's yellow at the end when they're frolicking(?) in the wilderness lol
(these colour rules don't apply to the penglog shot and technically a few frames like the shot with shocked penance, the one right after and 'im just lappy' because...i forgor my own rules lol)
The greens/teals were just a reference to the shades in the 3DPV I think
The silhouette/general style was inspired from the 3D teaser thing they had at the beginning of the 3.5 anniversary stream and the card suits that I..forgot to move to the other layers which is why only the green one had them (supposed to be 1 per set 💀)
The clash bit is basically the same as the event CG but with a flipped camera/POV sorry for world's worst screenshot lmao. Couldn't imagine the poses in my head so I ended up posing 3d models in CSP pretty good posing practice

These shots got rendered extra because..they were the first frames I started on and I was still figuring out how much to simplify lol
I also posed the chairs shot for some inexplicable reason…my file was lagging so bad
Headcanon part (kind of)
The childhood flashback scene is probably the part I took the most liberties (headcanon) on since it's not explicitly canon like the rest...the sequence/how I connected the scenes itself to fabricate a timeline of her childhood was kind of inspired by some weibo post musing about how (iirc) texas's sweet tooth maybe came from when she was being fostered at casa Saluzzo and Lapp treating her like a pet essentially and giving her a lot of treats since...you know what happened to her actual pet hehe except maybe texas offered her a stick first and then Lappy just reciprocated endlessly because its one of the few 'acts' she knew that wasn't violence haha yeah this section was basically a stealth doujin sorry
It's mentioned that she was brought up as the ideal Siracusan or whatever and she does the cute doodle in the 3DPV so I thought she probably had the Forced Music Lessons as a kid (The music sheets are Bella Ciao and of course)
The bow choreo was the one thing i really wanted to animate but the music sheet segment (based on that one split second shot above) ended up being my favourite part even though compositing the motion was a mini hell on it's own (ended up compiling a long png to scroll by with the red doodles layered over)
Other things
I will never live down my (self-imposed) shame of misspelling the title (I fixed the title on youtube but its why the ending shot in the upload says ZittE e Buoni instead of ZittI e Buoni) don't rush your fancam in 10 days 😔
I didn't look through the entirety of the EN loc but Idk why they had Lappy say 'Then go.' to Texas when it's supposed to be more like 'Let's go.' as in, 'let's go together' as opposed to 'alright off you go to the greyhall alone' lmfao also her saying goodbye forever padre when addio is right there
I don't think I'm insane enough to do another ppt soon but man this pair really makes the 'imagines a whole music video while listening to music' part of my brain go wheee like first it was Starset's Manifest then Signore de Lupi then this and while working on this one i was thinking how Måneskin's Torna A Casa would be another good track
ok ty for reading #GIRLYAOIREAL
#arknights#Il siracusano#bentodraws#bentotexto#I was going to have this post as a reblog but tumblr broke my copypaste so here's a completely separate post#feel free to ask me about anything else i didn't cover in here
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Executive Cucumber's Thoughts on the Bad Batch Season 3, Episode 5, The Return!
(And I'm doing this instead of sleeping)
Spoilers after the break
Notes may not be in order
At first I was a little disappointed that we didn't start immediately after the end of the last episode, but I think I prefer it. We can have the reunion any way we want now. It's possible that the writers thought that they would all just awkwardly and quietly get on the Marauder and fly off and they knew we would be disappointed by that. So they left it to us to imagine what happened next. I think that's also why they didn't show Crosshair finding out about Tech. For them, Crosshair might just stay silent, or disassociate or something and we wouldn't be satisfied. But now we get to imagine all kinds of angst for when that happened.
Oh, the contrast between Omega waking up on Pabu and on Tantiss. SHE DESERVES THIS SO MUCH.
Aww AZ really loves Omega.
Okay, but how did Crosshair accept the fruit? Did he say thank you? I NEED TO SEE CROSSHAIR BE AWKWARD AROUND NORMAL PEOPLE.
I honestly think Crosshair wants to train Omega as his replacement if he can't get over his hands.
Wrecker and Hunter just blatantly watching them is amazing.
Crosshair's sass is everything to me in this episode.
I honestly think that Echo is the only one who really talks about Tech out loud because he's the only one of them who has experienced loss before. He knows how to handle it. The others...do not.
'Little brother' oh my gosh they are my everything.
I expected Crosshair to love Omega, but he ADORES her and I am here for it. I'm also here for the fury for when she is inevitably captured again.
Hunter, you are a butt. I still love you.
'It still fits' it might not have because he was so skinny and that is devastating.
Oh my gosh Hunter and Crosshair's arguing is everything I could have wanted.
'Kill each other later' Echo I love you.
I love that Batcher is just a member of the Batch now. Also, Hunter, get your senses in order the dog is doing your job.
Hunter: sees Crosshair tenderly arranging helmets
Also Hunter: this is unreasonably suspicious
Ugh I love Crosshair and Hunter's fight so much. Crosshair isn't just pushing Hunter's buttons, he's legitimately angry that Hunter let Omega get captured and go through what she did. And then there's the beautiful subtext of 'you let Tech die.'
Crosshair and Batcher are best duo.
This is their get-along-worm.
Wrecker hugging Crosshair and Hunter may be one of my favorite things ever.
'There's no blood.' I am requesting all fic writers to provide me with a plethora of fics featuring Hunter and Crosshair fighting to bloodshed, ranging from angst to the stupidest argument ever.
Okay after Hunter said he did things he regretted too I'm now convinced that he has committed so many war crimes in trying to find Omega. Wrecker has nightmares about it.
I can't remember where, but Crosshair's theme was played in the major key!!! LET HIM BE HAPPY
Crosshair is such a joy to watch this episode. This is who he is and it really contrasts with chipped Crosshair.
I miss Tech so much. I want to see him in this dynamic. I also want to see Crosshair and Phee's dynamic.
I mean this in the most complimentary way possible: this episode felt like a fanfiction. The focus on their interactions and emotions feels like something we'd get from a fic rather than Canon. And I love every moment of it.
I adore seasons 1 and 2, but there were definitely episodes I preferred over another. This season has been 10/10 for me so far. And once more I have to wait a FREAKING week for more.
#the bad batch season 3#tbb season 3#tbb spoilers#tbb season 3 spoilers#spoilers#the bad batch#tbb#the bad batch season 3 spoilers#tbb crosshair#tbb hunter#tbb echo#tbb omega#tbb wrecker#tbb tech#tbb batcher
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if sonic and the cast was in high-school headcannons...
Sonic would be the leader of.... the environmental club!!!! I know it seems super dumb and it would actually seem like something Amy or Cream would do but hear me out... There has always been an environmental tone throughout the Sonic franchise, ever spanning back from Sonic 1. I thought it'd be neat that the main character would be in a club that fits the entire theme of his franchise. Also, everyone would so surprised that Sonic is starting a environmental club that they'd be like... "... the SONIC? is owning a eco club??? thats nuts" and it'd be super funny because Sonic would just tell them to plant trees or piss off the corporates around them and cheekily rebelling against them. Sonic would just nap 95% of time he's leading the club tho lolol.
Shadow would be dragged into the environmental club, why? Probably because of a stupid bet and he lost it to Sonic and ever since he's stuck in this stupid place, he's even co-leader!! (Mostly because Sonic wanted to piss Shadow off even more) Shadow would be regretting his decisions 24/7 and literally would want to his shoot himself. although eventually Shadow does gain a respect for Sonic, although how dubious the respect is... quite uncertain.
The only reason why I want Tails to be a bit aged-up is so that Sonic and Tails could be at the same time in high-school so Tails a freshmen and Sonic a senior, and in this au... I imagine that no one really knows what Eggmen does since in this universe Eggman just owns a corporate company and does evil stuff BEHIND the scenes because that's what rich people do and so Tails would admire Eggman meanwhile Sonic has met Eggman a couple of times and Sonic absolutely despises Eggman, I'd imagine that it would only take to the end where Tails wants to punch Eggman to the face
Amy and Cheese own a baking club together!! Where they bake and talk about their feelings together. Sonic sometimes gets fruits and vegetables and gives it to Amy, it'd be the only reason why Sonic starts to make a school garden, it'd be so he can meet up with Amy and give her stuff for her to bake and give him food afterwards....
Knuckles, Rouge, Blaze and Sticks will be in the jewel hunting club!!! I would also headcannon that Tikal is the principal and so gives bias to Knuckles and so they hold an annual trip for the ENTIRE school for this one location to just find... rocks.
I would also imagine Sally, Scourge, Surge, Whisper, Tangle etc being here like the idw and Archie comic characters being here I haven't solved everything out for them quite yet but I'd imagine Scourge and Surge are apart of this "secret club". (They're planning to kill Sonic... yes they're highschoolers but they're still nuts!!!)
Tails ends up joining this secret club (he doesn't know the true extent or reason of why this club exists) due to it being closest to his likes and interests because they task him with fixing an robot!!!!! (This robot later turns out to be Metal Sonic .....)
Sally is Sonic’s ex girlfriend in this but they've become good friends, actually!!!!
Silver is a freshman and becomes besties with Tails, lol there's no exceptions they're becoming good friends ok
Cosmo will be in this and as Tails love interest!!! I wonder if she should die by the end of this.... hmm.... so many decisions
ok that's it!!! thanks for reading if you read this far <3333
#sonic#sonic the hedgehog#sth#sth fandom#sonic au#sonic fandom#sonic ideas#sonic the hedghog fandom#sonic headcanons#sonic fanfiction
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Someone mentioned the plot holes or new problems the new episode created. Since BBB's elements never reverted back to being tier 1 whenever he was tired. And even then, being tired that much doesn't make any sense, since in movie 2, he fought Tok Kasa in triple split form, lost Gempa, reverted back, splits again, and fused 3 times!! And not one did any of those Elements, reverted back to tier 1.
It's like, their writing became so lazy, trying to appease the younger audience. So many things from the comics were rewritten or flat out gone. They really avoided Gempa and Hali.
I really wanted to see the fox too back in Sori, no lawyer Gopal. No mushroom people.
I don't remember the reason why they only have 6 episodes. It's really disappointing. Kinda wished they just continued the comic animation like they did for the Sori arc. I would've preferred that honestly.
Sorry for the rant. I just really love your takes on the BoBoiBoy situations and I have no one to talk to about it since my friend still hasn't caught up to movie 2 and beyond
Someone mentioned the plot holes or new problems the new episode created. Since BBB's elements never reverted back to being tier 1 whenever he was tired. And even then, being tired that much doesn't make any sense, since in movie 2, he fought Tok Kasa in triple split form, lost Gempa, reverted back, splits again, and fused 3 times!! And not one did any of those Elements, reverted back to tier 1.
As much as i like that drawback, that’s true on how it doesnt make sense at that moment. But that happening in Movie 2 really explains Boi’s 7 day coma from what i remember, Monsta adds things along the way from what’s seen throughout the series, which isn’t bad, but its not really thought out well.
Which i also would like to question is how weird it is for Oakutuat fruit can activate third tier just by being consumed, not by an upgrade from the watch that had been like that so from movie 1, where Ochobot gives the power watches an upgrade through the last of his energy
The watches, though i don't know how it initially functions, in terms of logic, i would just assume the watch passes it’s energy through it’s host’s body and process it something physical through mental capability, so the explanation for the drink to upgrade the watch is the same process but the opposite way. If it had been explained already, then feel free to correct me but for now, this will be my assumption/explanation to myself from how they were able to upgrade the watch in a sense
It's like, their writing became so lazy, trying to appease the younger audience. So many things from the comics were rewritten or flat out gone. They really avoided Gempa and Hali. I really wanted to see the fox too back in Sori, no lawyer Gopal. No mushroom people. I don't remember the reason why they only have 6 episodes. It's really disappointing. Kinda wished they just continued the comic animation like they did for the Sori arc. I would've preferred that honestly.
I want to be considerate from their choices at certain parts of the show, it's true they're leaning unto the younger audience more, but that type of reason does not excuse lazy writing, Their writing isn't straight up horrible, but it isn't the far out best either, just neutral.
They are still able to entertain their audience, even if some are disappointed and provide more additional quirks of their characters, those quirks can provide more ideas for the fans to produce their own content about the show, but once more, they shouldn't just go down that path and let their fans replace or do what they expected from the show.
I would understand the reasons why they had to change certain scenes, mostly because of limited episodes, which are 6 episodes per arc to fit it into 24 episodes to complete the season, and they also separated Gurlatan to have it's own movie to produce it more better, and the many changes were to fit the themes more. The Sori changes were made due to the limited episodes, which again, I understand.
For the younger audience part, I think i should bring up the ask that had pointed out about the Boboibot arc, because thats a good reason to say that the recent seasons and episodes dont really need to be more comedic and can lead on a more deeper darker topic, and if they say 'its a children's show you cant show that to kids' yeah, you can, if they're considered too horrific, then make it a bit lighter, it's not needed to fully change it.
Especially since season 2- movie 1 of original boboiboy was shifting to a more darker tone, I was shocked to see Ejojo being in a whole incubator and have his entire limb torned off, its was horrific but i liked it bringing a more serious tone for the future, a new danger to become. That might not be the case for some kids, but those type of things bring a more developed understanding kids can learn about and stuff who knows, and that's when deeper topics are brought up,
im sure that can be answered more better from other shows. And bringing in more of those types of stories can perhaps expand imagination stories too. not saying that the present ones dont do that, just saying. the next episodes arent fully even out yet im making a whole deduction about this.
but i guess this feels like a missed opportunity to kids, especially if you add deep topics related to the main characters, for example, Fang's moment of grief with the old man in the comic,
one could argue, that the comic is there to be of satisfaction for some people, The comic did came out first and brought out more of the creative minds of the comic writers and artists, which is great, but that means it just provided an available path that the show could've gone on
who knows maybe Fang's instance of grief or his lost of his family from his backstory could've resonated with some children who experienced the same matter. If it's too dark for some kids then let me bring up the quote "comfort the disturb and disturb the comforted"
and im sure its possible to enact that since some kids would not really care if those matters are involved, it's nice to resonate these type of things to children, for an example is the bluey show giving out experiences of how children handle their struggles and how the parents help, it genuinely shows the kids and adults different ways to handle the things they feel that are presented in the show.
this topic too was brought up to where i saw a video talking about Tangled and mother gothel's gaslighting and abuse. Someone on the comment section stated that watching the movie made them realized that they were in abusive household
who knows maybe you can stop a kid from doing slavery by showing them slavery and portraying it as bad, who knows, and if they ask what those topics mean to their parents and their parents complain about it instead of teaching it or explaining it then thats not really the show's fault, is it? i dont know, they could just see these from other kids shows.
also, it's not bad to make things more lighthearted, but yeah.
i've typed too much
#boboiboy#boboiboy galaxy#xoshi asks#xoshi answers#rambles#thoughts#these are mostly just my opinions and me concocting up options#if this sounded disrespectful that is not my intention#this became a whole essay or smth lol#this is what happens when i'm on the laptop
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