#beauty and the beast reimagining
helpesslywriting · 10 months
Penelope shut the door to the small house she lived in and turned the wooden lock over so that no one could burst in. She had to change after all. She felt as if her body were possessed by a spirit who knew exactly what needed to be done without forming a coherent thought behind the why. It was simply known. A well-worn machine going about it's usual task. As if she had done this many times before. Thoughts were not scattered like papers in the wind in her mind as they would have been normally. Reaching out and grabbing the thought to cross it off her mental to do list as the task was completed. She just simply moved.
Draw the curtains so no prying eyes could see into the house. Lock the back door so no well-meaning visitor could barge in to check on her. Douse the fire in the fireplace. Change clothes into a simple brown dress and white apron. Neatly fold the Union Day froc and put it in the box her mother had placed it in before her passing and place it back above the wardrobe where it had waited for more than a decade.
More years up there will not hurt it. Penelope heard herself somewhere in her consciousness say to herself. A thought sent her soul into rolling fits as she wondered. Will I ever have a chance again to wear my mother's gown? She didn't want to think about that just now. She got down from the stepping stool and replaced it in its proper home.
And so, on she went, flitting through the house like a specter on a mission going about her chores with no real plan forward or thoughts to occupy her. It wasn't until she realized she needed to refill a water pitcher that she paused and listened to the silence of the house around her. She could hear voices from the village filtering through the walls. Shouts for children or animals to behave and get back into place, calls for others to catch attention. Greetings and exclamations of life going on around her. She tightened her grip on the mug and swayed on the spot. The idea of going to the nearby well to fetch water made her feel like throwing up onto the floors.
She would, with no uncertainty, run into some of the older women of the village there and have to answer questions of why she was doing chores on her Union Day. She walked back to the kitchen and placed the pitcher on the end of her table before pulling out the chair and flopping down hard on the wooden seat.
She sat there, staring at the table, and tried to fight the wail that was clawing its way up her throat. She wanted to cry, scream and demand answers from Tav, from Korrin, from the gods themselves. Anyone who could help her make sense of this and abandon his void in her chest that was threatening to suck everything of hers inside.
Tears flowed over her lashes and down her cheeks, her shoulders began to shake and soon she was openly sobbing at the kitchen table. She folded her arms on the table and cradled her head as she wept to herself. Her lungs felt like they were threatening to collapse on her with each sob. Like a bag turned inside out because someone was grabbing too much.
Thoughts were flying through her head like arrows with no destination. What was the next step now? What was she supposed to do? Would they outcast her? Force her to marry someone else? Did she want to marry someone else? Would she simply be left alone? Would they want her to become a teacher or help the Priest to fill her days?
The uncertainty of what her fate would be made the room seem like it was tilting and turning out of her control although she was aware she was seated. The probability of her throwing up soon became too high to ignore and pray it passed. She grabbed the pitcher and hovered over it, fearing that trying for the bucket in the storage closet would be too much of a gamble.
Just as she thought she was going to retch, there was a knock on the door.
Penelope sat the pitcher on the edge of the table and stood from her chair. She thought she might stumble on the way to the door but once she made it, she pressed her body against the door to steady herself.
"Penelope?" It was the Priest Ackerman. The Unions must be done now. "Are you in there?" She had her hand on the simple round knob to feel if he tried to open the door, but it stayed still in her hand. "I understand you must be in quite a state of shock. I'm not trying to pry, but I want to make sure you are alright."
Ackerman had his bald head pushed against the door. Surely, she would not have had the time to do something drastic in the time it took him to finish the union ceremony and inform the other temple members to finish up the event while he went to check on her? He had heard sobbing coming from inside the one story wooden home as he approached, but since he had knocked the house had gone eerily silent and an wave of cold washed over him. He could count his heartbeats things had fell so silent. That is, until he heard the locking mechanism being turned over. He pulled back from the door and put his hands together in prayer. "Oh thank the gods, I was worried about you." he told her as a puffy, red rimmed eye looked at him from under auburn bangs. "May I come in, I feel like you shouldn't be alone right now--I know that might sound pushy my dear and you probably don't want to see anyone, least of all me today, but..." His heart was hammering in his chest, and his words rushing together to the point he had forgotten to take a breath and steady himself.
He was prepared for her to slam the door in his face, to cry and shout and scream at him for not stopping Tav's and Korrin's union ceremony. He felt guilty for missing signs that Tav was unhappy in his pairing with Penelope. By all accounts, from what he had observed and had been told by both parties, they were each looking forward to today.
The golden eye blinked sadly at him, and Ackerman felt his heart break a little for her. He wasn't too much older than her, and unpaired himself. But he knew that a lot of young women, Penelope included among them, had always looked forward to this day. She wanted to have a pairing, and she had been over the moon when it had been Tav.
"Penelope...please." He held out his hands, pleading. "If nothing else, allow me to sit with you until you feel like you have your feet under you. We don't have to say anything. I can't begin to imagine how you must feel, so I won't say that I do or that I can understand. But I want to help you..."
He jumped a little in surprise as she let go of the door and it swung open on its own, the hinges had started to pull away from the frame. She was walking toward the kitchen area of the first room and Ackerman took it as a sign to follow. He stepped inside, removed his shoes and closed the door behind him.
He had been here once before, when the accident that took her parents from her had happened. So, he had already known that her father, Stephen, had built the house himself by hand and wasn't a forethought sort of man. He had simply built a semi large box of a house and put one set of windows on each side of the house. It wasn't until his pairing with Penelope's mother, Alicia that the house had gotten interior walls to separate rooms from one another and turn it from a box to a true home.
One thing that hadn't changed though, was the large kitchen and dinning room area being just to the left of the entry way. When you stepped inside, you could see the kitchen counters and pantry as well as the long wooden table set with six chairs.
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captainjackscoat · 2 months
my Once Upon A Time
Rumplestiltskin could predict the future. He didn't have to make the deal, but he chose to. He saw that the woman would become abusive towards her daughter, so he asked for her child so he could protect it.
The child was called Belle. Rumplestiltskin raised Belle as his own daughter and she was very happy.
Hansel and Gretel are orphans who can imagine things into existence. They run away from the orphanage, to find an exiled witch, who tries to feed them despite not having much herself. They imagine a gingerbread house into existence, and the witch adopts them.
One day, the witch disappears, and the villagers destroy the house. Without the witch to take care of them, Hansel and Gretel are alone and distraught. They attempt to imagine a world for them to live in, away from the people who want to hurt them. However, they imagine different worlds, and so the siblings are separated.
Hansel and Gretel's names are actually Peter and Alice. Peter imagines a world with pirates and mermaids and lost boys. Alice imagines a world with tea parties and talking caterpillars and painted roses.
The witch disappeared because she was trapped inside a mirror.
Aurora is forced to marry the prince of a neighbouring kingdom and turns to Maleficent for help.
Snow White loves Aurora. Snow's aunt, Maleficent, tries to help out by introducing the two. Aurora's fairy godmother, secretly an evil queen, doesn't approve and curses both girls into eternal sleep.
Prince Charming is childhood best friends with Snow. He kisses her forehead, which wakes her up. Snow attempts to kiss Aurora, but the nature of the curse means that she cannot go near Aurora. Aurora remains asleep.
Prince Charming doesn't go after the mystery princess and is forced to marry Snow after saving her. However, he rather likes newest servant girl - who is Cinderella, of course.
Ursula rescues the mermaid girls from their abusive father, Triton. They seek aid from above. The humans help them overthrow Triton, and the seas are divided so each of the princesses rule a different part. The sea and the land are now united.
Triton returns to his wife, the Evil Queen.
Goldilocks is homeless, and hides in the bears' house after being caught stealing food. When the bears return, they take pity on her and offer to take care of her. Goldilocks is raised by the bears.
Pinnochio was once a real boy who was cursed by the blue fairy (evil queen) after Gepetto refused to build the Magic Mirror for her. Gepetto builds a portal to send Pinnochio somewhere where a puppet can live. Pinnochio lands in Wonderland as a living puppet who can see through lies.
Alice, also known as The White Queen, falls in love with a madman who has an obsession with hats. Her adoptive sister, The Queen Of Hearts, is busy weaving a romance for a girl called Belle.
Belle, who lives with her inventor father Rumplestiltskin, gets sucked into one of her books. She falls in love with a character known as The Beast, and she becomes a fairy to free them from their curse. However, she can't stay with them, and she returns to the real world, and to her father.
Little Red Riding Hood is raised by the Werewolf, but she gets lost when she's little and the Werewolf thinks she intentionally ran away. The mother adopts her, and the Werewolf is really angry believing that the humans stole his child, and he swears revenge on the family.
Little Red Riding Hood meets a girl with golden hair who speaks Bear.
Rapunzel is a trans girl who is desperate to transition, but she is cursed to be stuck looking like a boy. Her adoptive mother is a sorceress who rescued her from an evil witch who wanted revenge on the vain royal family. She tells her mother that she is in fact a woman, and her mother searches for a spell to transition her.
Teenage Peter Pan flies to other worlds in search of his sister, but doesn't find her. However, he does find other girls and helps them. For example, a young princess called Rapunzel, who he brings back to Neverland for a little while and teaches her confidence, or Belle, who brings her father and chooses to stay with Peter, becoming the inventor fairy known as Tinkerbelle.
The Gingerbread House Witch is still trapped inside the Magic Mirror, which is unstable because it was made with dark magic. Maleficent employs Gepetto to study the Mirror, so she can free the Gingerbread House Witch, and hopefully find a way to wake up Aurora. She promises to restore Pinnochio if he helps, so he agrees.
The Werewolf finds Red Riding Hood and she remembers him. She takes him to meet her human family.
Peter Pan falls in love with a handsome teenage pirate captain.
Pinnochio lives with Hatter and Alice in Wonderland, and The Queen Of Hearts is now trying to fix things for Tinkerbelle.
Tinkerbelle falls in love with Peter's newest friend, Wendy, who can see dreams and stories.
Gepetto and Maleficent free the Gingerbread House Witch from the mirror, and they build another portal to Wonderland to try and find Pinnochio. Gepetto and Pinnochio reunite, as do the Gingerbread House Witch and Peter.
Maleficent stays behind to try and cure Aurora.
Charming, Cinderella and Snow go into the enchanted forest to try and find a cure for Aurora, and they find Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks, who help them survive in the forest. They meet the Dwarves who run an inn.
The Evil Queen and Triton discover Wonderland.
Charming, Cinderella and Snow leave the forest after finding nothing, to discover everyone else has gone to Wonderland and Maleficent is helping Aurora alone.
While the Queen of Hearts is trying to help Tinkerbelle, she spots Peter, and shows Alice, who tries to get to him but the Evil Queen smashes the Looking Glass.
Wendy begins to see the dreams of Aurora, and shows Tinkerbelle. Tinkerbelle makes the Captain's ship fly, and they ride Aurora's dreams into Aurora's world, where they meet Maleficent, Charming, Cinderella and Snow.
Peter trades his immortality, giving half his life to Aurora to wake her up.
Tinkerbelle, Peter, the Captain, Rumplestiltskin, Maleficent, Wendy, Aurora, Snow, Charming, Cinderella and the Lost Boys go through the portal to Wonderland.
Peter, Alice, and the Gingerbread House Witch reunite. Yay!
Pinnochio reveals that Cinderella is the mystery princess, and she confesses her love for Charming
Triton sends his whole army of sea creatures and monsters.
Rumplestiltskin and Tinkerbelle build weapons for Alice's army
The Hatter and Cinderella make the armour
Wendy, Charming and the Lost Boys take care of the people
A crocodile tries to get to Peter, but the Captain takes his place. The crocodile bites off the Captain's hand.
There's a fair bit of fighting
Triton cuts off Maleficent's wings
Aurora and Snow raise an army of animals, the ravens supporting Maleficent and being her wings.
Triton becomes the Kraken, but he is defeated by the Gingerbread House Witch, who sends him god knows where.
The Evil Queen becomes the Jabberwocky, attacking Wonderland. The Queen Of Hearts fights her, cutting off the Jabberwocky's head and causing the Evil Queen to take her mortal form.
The Evil Queen makes one last desperate attempt, threatening to burn Pinnochio if they don't surrender
Geppeto becomes furious, sending the Evil Queen into a portal that causes her to fall to her death.
All curses are lifted.
The Captain takes a piece of Triton's trident and attaches it to a piece of metal, then attaches that to his hand. It looks like a hook, but it looks cool, so he keeps it.
Peter and Alice imagine hard enough that they manage to combine Neverland and Wonderland into one huge world. In the centre of it all, there is a Gingerbread Palace.
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droo216 · 2 years
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disney reimagined → quinta brunson as belle and alex minsky as the beast
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pocketfullofpearlies · 2 months
(Descendants: Rise of Red FanFiction/Reimagining)
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Chapter 2
The Queen sat, awake in her bed laid with the finest red silks.
She could never sleep the night before the Heads and Hearts festival.
It was ironic how time, something that would normally pass by like lightening in Wonderland, seemed to crawl on and on when she really needed it to be fast.
With a sigh, she closed her eyes for a second, allowing herself to slip into a daze.
''Come along, Bridget. Don't be scared, follow me.''
Bridget looked into the tunnel and saw nothing but darkness.
''I don't know about this, Thorne. Seems dangerous,'' she said. '' And what if we're caught?''
His eyes twinkled mischievously.
''Come on. After me.''
''Wait,'' Bridget started to say as he sped past her. He laughed as he ran, but in seconds, the laughter turned into screams.
''Thorne? Thorne! No!''
She tried to run after him, only to be pulled back by strong arms fastened tight round her body.
''No! Let me go! No!''
''Your Majesty?''
The Queen's eyes shot open, instantly focusing on the servant's hand that lingered above her shoulder.
''What have I said about touching me?'' She asked, her voice cold and clipped.
The servant visibly shivered and stammered out her words. ''I-it w-was j-just th-that Her M-majesty was scr-screaming a-and-''
The Queen snapped her fingers, alerting the guards that were now stationed at the foot of her bed.
''Have her placed in the dungeon and prepared for beheading''
The tray bearing a bowl of rose water that the servant had been carrying clattered to the ground as she fell over in shock.
''Your Imperialness, please! I beg of you! I have a family to take care of!''
''You should have thought about that before disrespecting your Queen.''
As the sentenced servant was carried away, another scurried in through a back door and into place, bowing humbly as she presented a fresh bowl of ice-cold rose water to the Queen.
Before she started her morning routine of inhaling the rich scent and dipping her face and hands into it, she snapped to another guard at the far end of the room who rushed over to her.
''See to it that my daughter is out of her room in the next twenty minutes wearing the dress I had made for her. And get Mr. Hightopp here immediately.''
''I'm sorry, your Majesty, but who's that?'' The Guard asked.
The servant holding the tray looked up and tried to signal him with her frantically moving eyes and small head shakes.
The Queen paused and looked him dead in the eye.
''You don't know who Mr. Hightopp is? The Mad Hatter?''
''Oh! A thousand apologies, ma'am; I'm new.''
''Ah, of course,'' the Queen said, smiling tightly. ''And now you won't be able to get old. It's off with your head too!''
She snapped at the new set of guards at the foot of her bed and they snatched him up and took him away just as he began to process what she had just said.
With a sigh, the Queen gestured at the new guard coming in to replace him.
''Do exactly what I just told that hair brained buffoon to do,'' she ordered her, before turning back to continue her routine. ''And you; fetch me a fresh bowl. Extra cold!''
The guard and servant sped off, narrowly managing not to collide with each other.
''Imbeciles,'' the Queen muttered to herself.
But nothing and no one was going to ruin this day for her.
Not even the memories turning over like acrobats in the back of her mind.
Red expected the pounding knock on her door and rolled her eyes.
''P-Princess Red?''
''I'm awake!''
''Your mother asked that you be ready in twenty minutes, and you should wear the dress she had made for you.''
''Oh no,'' Red said to herself as she heard hastily retreating footsteps.
''Say, isn't that the dress you burned to a crisp the other day?'' Cheshire cat said, appearing above Red's head with a toothbrush in his mouth.
''Yup, the very one,'' Red replied, throwing off her covers.
''Wow. You're definitely setting yourself up to be chopped, huh?''
''Not funny, Chesh.''
She went into the bathroom and came out wrapped in towels, only to see about a half a dozen handmaids standing before her.
''What's all this?''
''Her Majesty, the Queen, sent us to help you get dressed, Your Highness,'' one of them answered.
Red nodded. ''Right, right. But, uh, you see the problem is, the dress my mum wants me to wear....it doesn't fit anymore. I had way too many expanding cookies the other day, you know what I mean? Bummer!''
''Oh, well that's no problem, Your Highness. Your mother had another one made.''
The handmaid stepped aside so Red could see the one directly behind her who was holding up an intricately designed, blood red and black gown similar to the ones her mother usually wore for special occasions.
Red maintained her fake smile. ''Okay, but like I said; not my size anymore.''
''That's still no issue. The Queen specifically had this one made with stretching satin. It could fit a Jabberwocky.''
''Fantastic!'' Red exclaimed. ''Could you give me some room to do my hair first, please?''
The handmaids glanced at each other nervously before another one spoke up.
''Actually, Your Highness, we were asked to do your hair and makeup ourselves, to suit your mother's taste.''
''Of course you were. Since I'm still in just a towel, wanna scrummage through my butt too? Make sure it suits my mum's tastes in there?''
They all blinked at her and she sighed.
''Whatever, let's just start.''
''Good of you to join us, Red,'' the Queen said, her voice dripping with disdain.
She was seated on a throne at the head of the heart shaped breakfast table, her meal on a heart shaped plate in front of her as Tarrant Hightopp, the Mad Hatter, and his son, Maddox, stood at her left side.
As usual, she was dressed to perfection, but her dress today was the times more intricate than her everyday ones; a black and red structural masterpiece that wrapped around her waist snugly before spreading out into a magnificent ball gown skirt that had been embroidered with blood red, heart shaped rubies to match her heart motifed makeup and hair.
Red gave her mother and all the guards and servants around a close-lipped smile as she struggled under the weight of her hair, which been styled into a gigantic heart atop her head.
She sat at her seat on the other end of the table, uncomfortable as the fancy dress she wore dug into her skin.
''What do you have for me, Tarrant?'' the Queen asked, beginning to cut into her bacon.
''Some bad news, I'm afraid, Your Majesty.''
The Queen dropped her fork and knife, looking at him directly.
''Go on, then.''
''Your Majesty, it's about your portrait that was in the Royal Courtyard. It seems a vandal came in the night and -well- vandalised it with paint and playing cards.''
Red and Maddox shared a quick glance, both of their heart rates picking up.
''A vandal, you say?'' The Queen sounded almost amused. ''Well, the Royal Courtyard is a heavily guarded place, isn't it? Where were the guards?''
''Well, Your Majesty. They were shrunken at the time of the vandalization.''
''By means of shrinking cookies, according to them.''
''Right, right. And this vandal; surely, the state of the art security camera system that you created and installed should have caught whoever they were?''
''On a regular night, yes, Your Majesty. But as I checked the footage, I noticed that the camera lenses had been covered in what appeared to be a gelatinous substance.''
The Queen's right eye twitched slightly. ''So..jelly? Jelly is the reason that the vandal isn't kneeling before me right now begging for their life?''
''Unfortunately, Your Majesty.''
''Oh, it's a good thing you said the word 'unfortunately', Tarrant. Because things are about to become even more unfortunate.''
The Queen snapped at one of the guards.
''Get me all the guards that were on duty at the Royal Courtyard last night. NOW!''
The guard left quickly and she turned to her daughter.
''Red, you were outside last night...did you see anything?''
All the blood in Red's face drained and she felt herself get pale, but she shook her head.
''Mum, come on. Let's not do this. Can't we just remove one of the tons and tons of portraits of you here and place it in the Courtyard? Plus, we have a time schedule to meet, don't we? Heads and Hearts Festival is supposed to start in an hour.''
''I rule Wonderland, so I say when anything, and I mean anything is supposed to start. Nothing starts without me saying it does.''
As she rounded up her statement, the guards arrived, heart shaped handcuffs on each one of their hands.
''Well, if it isn't the idiots who couldn't watch over my gorgeous and expensive portrait. KNEEL!''
All the guards went down on their knees, trembling with fear.
The Queen had a small, sick smile on her wine red lips as she watched them.
''I'm not even going to ask for any details,'' she said. '' Or maybe I should....it would make me even angrier than I am now.''
''Your Majesty....have mercy,'' one of the guards begged, tears and snot streaming down his face in an embarrassing combination.
'The Queen laughed; a high pitched, manic laugh that stopped at her mouth and didn't reach the rest of her face.
''I'm being merciful right now by not skewering you like a kebab with your own spear,'' she said, drily.
Guilt was beginning to eat Red up and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.
''Mum, I- ''
''-It seems you have a lot of ideas today, Red,'' The Queen snapped. ''How about you suggest how best I deal with these numbskulls?''
The air in Red's lungs seized and her mouth hung open.
'' And you had better make the punishment a good one, or it'll be your head on the chopping block.''
Red caught Maddox's gaze again, then turned to look at the kneeling guards.
''I can't, Mum,'' she managed to say.
The Queen's eyes blazed in anger. ''Are you really going to embarrass me in front of everyone like this?''
Red opened her mouth to speak but the words came out as a croak.
''Is this what I pay you to teach her, Tarrant? To go against me so blatantly?''
''Your Majesty, I get paid to teach Princess Red all she needs to know as a royal. That includes regular school subjects, etiquette and elocution, not how she should rule,'' the Mad Hatter replied.
''Really?'' The Queen drawled. ''I'll have you know that it is your years of friendship and good service that is keeping your head on your shoulders right now.''
Suddenly, a servant ran in, waving a letter in his right hand.
''Your Majesty!'' He called out, attracting the attention of everyone in the dining room.
Maddox stepped aside to collect the letter from him.
''It's from Auradon Prep. Signed by the Principal, Uma.''
That caught the Queen's attention. ''Uma? Ursula' s girl? She took over the school? Impressive.''
''Actually, no, Your Majesty,'' Maddox said. ''Uma was chosen for the position by King Ben and Queen Mal as part of their Auradon-Isle alliance.''
The Queen scoffed and rolled her huge, expressive brown eyes, that had been expertly lined with red.
''I still can't believe that forest rat's daughter couldn't go through with her mother's plans. And then what? She marries a guy whose father spent decades as a literal rabid animal, and we're supposed to take them all seriously?''
''Um, w-well, the letter seems to have been sent for Princess Red, Your Majesty,'' Maddox said, not quite knowing how to respond to her rant.
''For me?'' Red asked, the exact same time as her mother asked, ''For Red?''
Maddox looked carefully at the envelope again and nodded.
''Give it to me,'' the Queen ordered, stretching out a manicured hand.
She snatched the letter from Maddox and tore the envelope open with one of her stiletto nails.
The letter floated, twinkling with Auradonian magic and began to read itself out in Uma's voice.
''-Oh hush!'' the Queen snarled, making the letter go silent instantly.
She grabbed it and read through the contents, an undecipherable expression clouding her face the further she went.
The rest of the room waiting silently with bated breath.
''What's it say, Mum?'' Red eventually questioned, curiosity loosening her tongue.
The Queen put down the letter and looked at her.
''They want you at Auradon Prep. As a student.''
''Wait, what? You're joking, right?''
''I do not joke, Redwina.''
''Okay...but I know I'm not going.''
''On the contrary. You will go and attend Auradon Prep.''
Red looked around, trying to see if everyone was hearing what was.
The Queen clapped her hands and guards came to lift up her throne from the ground.
''Go get changed and pack up a trunk; we leave at once,'' she said simply. '' Tarrant, you and your boy, assist Red. As for the rest of you, remain here till I'm back.''
The guards carried the Queen's throne away as Red sunk back into her seat.
''What just happened?'' she asked Maddox.
''Honestly, I don't know either, Princess,'' he said.
The Mad Hatter took off his hat and pulled out a full shot glass, downing it all in one gulp.
''I'll be in the Shoppe, son. You take care of Her Highness,'' he said to Maddox.
Maddox nodded and walked over to Red, offering her a hand.
''Come on, Princess.''
Still dazed by her mother's abrupt decision, Red managed to stand up, and Maddox led her all the way to her room.
Once she was safe within her own space, Red sank down to the floor.
''She wants to ship me off to Auradon all of a sudden? No! This is definitely a trap....some kind of excuse to have me killed where no one would be able to save me.''
Maddox crouched down next to her and rubbed her back to calm her down.
''Maybe you should give your mother more credit, Princess. I know for a fact that the letter was authentic.''
''But why? She didn't even let me attend school here like you and other Wonderland kids, and suddenly she's okay with me attending some fancy boarding school in a kingdom she detests? I don't get it Mads.....I'm scared.''
Red was shaking as Maddox hugged her to himself.
''It's okay, Princess,'' he said, keeping his voice soft and gentle. ''It's all gonna be okay.''
She sniffled, syrup-like tears streaming from her eyes and smudging her heavy makeup.
''Think of it this way; you'll be away from your mother's control, in a kingdom that supports individuality and self expression. You won't have to hide or lie or trick anyone with weird snacks to be yourself,'' he told her. ''And you'll be interacting with other royals your age and learning from the best tutors and lecturers of all time. It'll be great.''
They were both lying on their backs on the floor at this point, hands intertwined.
''I suppose when you put it like that...''
''And, hey. If there's any trouble or you absolutely hate it, you could use this.''
He rummaged in his pocket with his free hand, eventually pulling out what appeared to be a thick pocket watch held with a crystalline rope.
Red gasped. ''The time machine! But I thought that-''
''-It could still destroy all time and life as we know it,'' he warned. ''So please, I literally beg of you; don't use it unless it's really, really necessary.''
''Okay,'' she said, attempting to take it.
Maddox raised it out of her reach and she made a face.
''I mean it, Red,'' he said firmly.
The use of her real name shook her slightly and she nodded.
''I'm trusting you with my life and yours and everyone else's by giving you this, Princess,'' he added, sitting up and pulling her up with him.
''I know,'' Red said as he placed the small device in her hands.
She looked at it, wrapping the rope round her fingers as she admired its simple intricacy.
''I won't let you down, Maddox. I promise,'' she told him, making the boy smile.
He had such a pleasantly handsome face, with strong features that somehow managed to appear gentle, coupled with tanned skin smothered with freckles and dancing green eyes canopied by thick, silvery eyelashes.
As he turned his face away slightly to hid his flushed cheeks, Red leaned over and gave him a soft peck, leaving a heart shaped lipstick print on his cheek.
Maddox faced her sharply, his breath hitching.
''What was that?'' he asked, his voice barely a whisper.
Red smiled, her eyes getting watery again. ''That was 'thank you'.''
He reached his hand out hesitantly and she lowered her cheek into his palm, immediately wetting it with tears.
''I'm not sure when next we'll see each other, '' she said, looking up at him.
''Can I....say goodbye?''
His voice was filled with emotion, and his eyes that were fixed on hers told her everything she needed to know.
With that, Maddox leaned in and kissed Red, using his hand under her cheek to position her better as his other hand went to her waist.
Red's eyes fluttered as she kissed his back with equal intensity, enjoying the feel of his soft lips caressing hers.
He held her gently but firmly, each movement eliciting reactions in his body he had never felt before.
''Princess,'' was all he managed to say when they paused for a second to catch their breath.
Her slightly swollen lips stretched into a smile but quickly parted to let out a gasp-like moan as he placed his lips on her neck.
She reached her hands upwards, knocking off his hat and sinking her fingers into his silky curls as he sucked on her neck with open mouthed kisses.
His one hand on her waist drew her towards him as close as she could possibly be in her fancy gown and she shivered at the sensation.
Eventually, he pulled his lips away from her neck and they shared a tender look, eyes speaking a thousand words as their chests heaved with effort, just about to continue when a knock sounded on the door.
''Princess Red? Your mother wants you to hurry it up. She says you have to be in Auradon by this afternoon.''
Red groaned and buried her face in Maddox's chest.
He rubbed she shoulders, planting gentle kisses on each of them.
''How 'bout I give you some room to change and then come back to help you pack?''
He stood up from the floor and helped her to her feet.
''See you in a bit, Princess,'' he said, giving her a brief but passionate kiss before he left.
Cheshire Cat slowly appeared as Red smiled at Maddox's retreating figure.
''Well that was as steamy as it was boring,'' he said, making her jump.
''Way to ruin a perfect moment, Chesh,'' Red retorted, rolling her eyes and kicking off her shoes.
''Tick-tock, Reddy Red. Auradon awaits,'' he said in a sing-song voice, fading away gradually till only his smirk floated in the air.
Taking a breath, Red went to the bathroom and filled her tub with water.
Once it was almost at the top she stuck her huge contraption of hair into it, letting the water dislodge all the gels and sprays that held it in place.
Then she went over to her sink and scrubbed her face clean of her mother's prescribed makeup.
She looked at her reflection, hair drenched and dripping her face and smiled.
Auradon would soon get to meet Princess Red 2.0.
Chapter 3:
A\N: Hi everyone! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to like and repost. Kk, bye<3
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pixie-skull · 5 months
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My 279th edit and a huge thank you to @little-bloodied-angel for the collab on this reimagining of Victoria and Emily from clay animation movie The Corpse Bride. This is my likely last reimagining of character(s) who are not hand drawn characters like 3D animation and clay animation to be 2D styled. I am especially grateful this series of reimaginings as I have not used one 2D character more than once and that was a personally goal for myself.
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ash-and-books · 5 months
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb:
Music says things words never can. I love you. I miss you. I’m sorry I killed you.
Every night, Ceridwen Kinsley plays music on her rooftop for the spirit of her dead mother. A peaceful if odd ritual, until she witnesses a murder by something not quite human. The monstrous encounter earns her notoriety within the city and a visit from the reclusive Lord Protector Drystan Winterbourne.
Charged with protecting the backwater city of Teneboure by the king, Drystan is failing at his task, and he can’t afford another slip up. But when fate and the very monster he means to conquer bring Ceridwen to his notice, he seizes the opportunity and presents her with an offer: play music for him at his manor in exchange for the money her impoverished family desperately needs. Music eases the strain of his magic, and who better to hire than the woman whose tunes he secretly listens to at night?
At first, Ceridwen is put off by Drystan’s unkempt appearance and harsh demeanor, not to mention the odd ailment that plagues him. But as he embraces her passion for music and she draws the recluse out of his lonely tower, the two develop an unlikely attachment. Class lines begin to blur as fearful indifference shifts to unexpected desire, and Ceridwen yearns to help Drystan subdue the monster as well as provide for her family. However, the monster prowling the night isn’t their only enemy, and as terrible secrets come to light, protecting those they love may risk their lives and their hearts.
This retelling of Beauty and the Beast incorporates themes and motifs from Phantom of the Opera, and is set in a gaslamp fantasy world with strong gothic vibes. It should appeal to fans of romantic and atmospheric retellings and fairy tales by authors such as Hannah Whitten, Tessonja Odette, and Stephanie Garber.
While this is book 4 in the Reimagined Fairy Tales series, it can be read as a standalone.
A talented flutist who secretly plays music on her rooftop is suddenly drawn into the mysterious life of a reclusive duke with a monstrous secret. A unique twist on the classic Beauty and the Beast story with hints of Phantom of the Opera! Ceridwen plays her flute at night on her roof, in spirit of her mother who died. Yet on one fateful night when she is attacked she is rescued by a monster... or so she thought. The next day the famous reclusive Lord Protector Drystan Winterbourne offers her a deal: if she agrees to live in his manor and play music for him for one year he will provide her poor family with money to support them. It's too good of a deal but Ceridwen wants to provide for her family, so she agrees to the deal. Drystan might be a bit unkept and have a bit of a harsh demeanor... yet he is passionate about her music for some reason and she knows he is hiding a secret. Drystan is has only a few rules: do not enter the tower, never leave the grounds, and make sure to be in her room at night least the monster come for her. Drystan has a secret: he is the monster, or rather, one of the monsters in the town. He was cursed after being gifted with magic and now turns into a wolflike creature that he can barely control... the only thing that eases it is Ceridwen's music. Yet if he tells her the truth he risks losing the only thing that is keeping the beast at bay. Ceridwen and Drystan may be falling for each other, yet with the Drystan's many secrets... can their romance really survive when the truth gets out? I've loved reading Megan Van Dyke's reimagined fairy tale series so much and I have found that each one of them is such a unique and fun twist. I loved the gothic atmosphere and story in this on with the monster twist and the romance was sweet. It's definitely a fun read for fans of reimagined fairytales and I would absolutely recommend the series!
*Thank you Megan Van Dyke for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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hah-studios · 1 year
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Okay so I finally watched that Belle anime and...I didn’t like it. Like at all.
BUT it got me thinking; if Hosoda can blatantly rip off Disney’s Beauty and the Beast I can blatantly rip off his internet batb au.
My rewrite/reimagining under the read more;
Okay so first off new characters! The main leads are two highschool kids of the same age but in rival schools both alike in dignity 
The female lead is Sayaka, a chubby girl who suffers from her lack of self confidence and self acceptance, unable to truly open up not only because of her looks but because of the trauma of losing her mind. Sayaka’s mother died from smoke inhalation in the same fire that left a nasty burn scar on Sayaka’s palm that she doesn’t like people to point out. When she receives what is basically a vr head set for this new virtual reality she makes an avatar that she finds beautiful and flawless. She dubs the avatar Belle and through it gets to sing without worrying people find her unpleasant to look at.
The male lead is Kazuhiko, a handsome japanese/european boy who goes to the school that rivals Sayaka. He is fonded over by both schools though and constantly has girls wanting to ask him out. Kazuhiko puts on a pleasant smile but secretly despises his popularity and his overly demanding home life. When he joins the virtual realty he makes an avatar dubbed the “Beast” a vicious looking avatar. With it he finally gets peace from his clingy classmates but also an outlet to release his frustration through battling without any real consequences (besides the avatars bitter at losing to him).
The story focuses on the two in both their real and virtual lives. Sayaka struggling to love herself and Kazuhiko struggling to be his true self. While they are slow to interact irl, in VR their avatars meet when Beast accidentally crashes Belle’s party while fighting but offers a rose as an apology/gift from a fan before rushing off. Belle will eventually find him again and they start to talk and form a close bond despite Belle’s many online suitors and Beast’s fear of being vulnerable.
In contrast Sayaka and Kazuhiko, when they do meet up, Kazuhiko tries to court Sayaka despite the jealous girls after him and Sayaka’s own insistence he can do better.
I don’t have ALL the middle planned out BUT I can picture the climatic ending being Belle serenading to her audience only to approach Beast and reveal to the VR world that he is the one she is in love with.
After this serenade Kazuhiko, having realized Sayaka is Belle from an earlier scene, goes after Sayaka and reveals he’s the Beast by bringing up old conversations and even singing the same song Belle sang to him.
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harleiquina · 2 years
The Lady of the Well
Some time ago, I got so angry at Disney remaking their movies (with a lot less heart than the originals) that I started to write my own versions.
So far I’ve just finished my Cinderella, but there are many others to come.
Keep in mind that English isn’t my native language and I tried to translate it as best as I could.
-I hope you are not trying to steal anything- said an authoritarian but warm and playful voice that echoed through all the gallery.
-No. ¡No! Of course not- the young girl rushed to answer nerviously since she hadn't noticed that the men in uniform was joking. -I... never... I didn't even touched anything- she was trying to find his eyes to make her case stronger but the mirrored mask prevented her from finding his gaze. Feeling observed without knowing exactly from where made the intimidation worse.
-Don't be afraid. I didn't mean it- she sighed loudly with relief -Still, it is odd that you are here and not in the Great Hall. Don't you want to enjoy the ball?-
-It's just... -she contained herself -I don't belong there-
-However, here you are. That implies that you were invited-
-You could say that. But if I have to be honest: I sneaked in with a big family that didn't noticed my presence-
The man laughed -If you wanted to be in the ball so badly, why are you wasting the night in the art gallery?-
-I just wanted to see the Palace and this was my only chance-
-I can give you an invitation, in case anybody asks-
-An invitation arrived home. It's just that I didn't came with them-
-Them?- he noticed a certain absence in the young girl's voice.
-My stepmother and her daughters-
Once again there was a fraction of bitterness on the way she spoke and that made him realize that something wasn't right. So he asked to confirm if his suspicions were true -Your family?-
-I guess- the girl noticed that she was letting her true feelings show so she tried to brush off the whole situation. She got closer to the next painting on the wall, the one that caught her attention more than the others -Those flowers are beautiful, do you know their name?-
-I'm sorry, no-
-It doesn't matter. Maybe some beauties should remain unnamed-
He smiled.
-Sir- one of the guards called, he was wearing the man's exact same outfit -Do you need us?-
-No, General. Thank you-
-Are you sure?- he wanted to check after examining the girl before him.
-I'm sure. You may all go- once the sentence ended other twenty men left their positions from all over the hall
- So many guards?- the guest was surprised after seeing them walk down the hallway.
-It's a palace. There is a guard every six feet or so- he answered amused. Many past events paraded in his mind and in all of them the excess of men was more than justified.
-Are you their captain?
-I guess- he smiled -What's your name?
-My name?
-There is nobody else here, right?-
-No- she was genuinely surprised and ashamed for the whole situation -I am not used to be called by my name-
-Then... how do people call you?-
-It depends on who's speaking. Kids call me "the lady of the well" because I always help them when they need to retreive water in buckets that are bigger than them. And I also hold them in my arms when they want to toss a coin to ask for a wish-
-Sounds nice. Alas there is no well here, so I cannot call you like that- both laughed.
-Those who were our servants still call me "little miss" "child" or "missy" when I find them in the market. It doesn't matter how hard I try I cannot convince them that I'm not 4 years old anymore- her voice now was filled with warmth and joy.
-I don't know you enough to call you like that. But now I'm curious about the servants that no longer work for you. Are they very old?
-Not that much- she started pacing between the statues at the center of the room. She just realized the mess she got herself into by mentioning that but it was too late. She took a deep breath and fought the tears that started swelling in her eyes at the memory of her last nickname -Cinderella, that's the name my stepmother and her daughters use to call me. I'm always covered in cinder from the fire they make me keep always alive... so I can cook for them, prepare their baths and carry around tje house in winter to keep the whole house warm -a single tear escaped from her eyes all the way down her cheek but she caught it before it could hit the floor -I even have to do it in Summer, because those are the Lady's orders-
-What about the servants?
-There is none. Just me...- she dried her tears again, this time with a handkerchief he offered her -...Marielle-
-Marielle?- he was surprised -Then I believe that some beauties should be named- the attempt to make her feel better seemed to work
-Don't you have something better to do than taking care of a stranger's feelings?-
-Honestly? No. I do not like parties and this kind even less-
-What kind?-
-The ones to find a girlfriend for the prince- je sat down in a couch nearby and asked her to join him -That's why we are all dressed the same: women just try to expose themselves, or their daughters, to him. The night won't be long enough if he had to dance with all of them-
-So none of you say who is the prince, you hear them, get to know them and then give a report of who is the most adequate, right?-
-I can't imagine how tedious it might be to deal with that-
-We take turns, another good reason to have so many guards nearby- she laughed -Of course, whoever tries to get any kind of advantage for themselves is removed. Usually will end up guarding the stables or the park-
-Still, it might be tough on them. Who says that a soldier can't fall in love with one of the girls?
-In that case they should say the truth-
-Has it happened already?
-The night is still young-
-If it's not a bother to you... may I ask you a question?- he nodded -Why a ball? I thought that the prince is meant to marry another kingdom's princess to strenghten commercial relationships, increase the lands and such-
-You are very smart, Marielle- she couldn't help blushing after hearing her name -Yes, that would be the most sensible and traditional way, so to speak. But, believe it or not, prince Jean has been rejected by many kingdoms both close and far away-
-Yes, you'll see: the prince is blind- he said while removing his mask so she could see his clouded eyes -That's why the other kings don't want to take a chance on having grandkids with the same weakness- there was no reaction from the girl -Please don't pity me. I've had enough of that up until now. Speak to me, it is still me-
-It's just... I don't understand. You are the prince?- she stood up and started to nerviously pace.
-Don't lie to me-
-I know that I said that some soldiers might take advantage but I did so thinking I've already earned your trust... that I could speak freely with you-
-But... what are you doing here? The ball is in the other wing!-
-Have you noticed that there's a slight inbalance in your walking? As if one of the legs was a few milimeters shorter than the other-
-I broke a leg when I was thirteen. It didn't heal well-
-You used to climb trees?
-A horseback riding accident then?
-Maybe you were running around the hallways in your home?
-I will answer only if you give me a good reason why you are wasting your time with me instead of enjoying your party-
-I am not wasting my time, but go ahead-
-I didn't clean the main dinning room window well enough and my stepmother punished me for that- she could feel the indignation on his silence so se rushed to add -She never did it again. She realized that I couldn't do much with a broken bone-
-You were a child-
-Which means that it happened a long time ago and it's not worth remembering it-
-Did she continued to hit you? Does she do it now?-
-That is not important. I already answered your question. Now answer mine-
His frustration became evident however he always kept his word. In first place, I'm exhausted of hearing "I am the perfect woman to become queen because..." and, in second place, General Batiste, the man that spoke to me a while ago, told me that there was a girl in a rather peculiar dress walking around the hallways. He didn't know if she was lost or if she had something else in mind. In other words, you spiked my curiosity- Marielle sat down again -Why your dress caught the good General's attention?-
-Probably because it's old... it was my mother's so it is probably way over twenty years old-
-A heirloom?-
-It's all I've got left of her. My stepmother got rid of everything else- she stopped so he couldn't notice her voice cracking -It was in a forgotten chest on the attic, that's why moths got it. I took some scraps of an old dress of mine, one made of silk and pink tulle that I used as a child, with that I made flowers to patch up the holes- she left one of the flowers that hanged from her sleeve on his hand so he could feel them -I used beads from my stepsisters' many broken necklaces to make the center of the flowers-
-I admire your skill and I am certain that you look beautiful. Even so I cannot stop feeling pity over your situation, you should not live like that-
-If I do not pity you for your blindness, you shouldn't pity me either-
-That's fair. However I would like to help you-
-Nobody can-
-I can have them arrested-
-Or you could marry one of my stepsisters and take all of them away from here-
-I thought we were friends, now you want me to suffer?- he laughed.
-They would never hurt you-
-And why they do hurt you?
-I don't know, I stopped asking myself about it a long time ago. I guess I'm an easy target-
-You just have to ask and I can make my guards drag them to the dungeons-
-No, please, no. They will hate me more if I do it-
-They will never come out. You would be safe-
-My father wouldn't approve-
-Oh, he lives with you? And lets them treat you like that?
-No, he died about 17 years ago. But if he chose to marry my stepmother, there had to be a good reason why-
-Well, for what it's worth... if it wasn't for your situation, we would've never met-
-That's true-
-Who was your father? Because if you all still live in the same house there might be a chance that he was a friend or aquaitance of mine-
-Yes, my father worked as an administrator for the King. George Reinauld-
-I can't say that I know the name, as a child I had nothing to do on my father's bussiness. However I can tell you that I know every inch of this palace thanks to the many hits and falls I had during my childhood. That's why I always have so many guards around me, my mother never where could I ever need inmmediate assistance-
The clock started to announce midnight just like the bells on the closest cathedral.
-Oh, no- Marielle worried -It's late-
-What are you talking about?-
-The ball ends at midnight, I wasn't expecting to stay for long. I won't be able to arrive before them- explained halfway to the exit.
-Wait, please-
-I can't-
-Yes you can, stop- he was next to her and held her arm -Batiste! -the man and a companion appeared almost magically, ready to receive orders -Make one of our coaches take her home and ask for the ball to be extended. Would an hour be enough?-
-Yes, yes it'll be enough. Thank you!- the young girl kissed his cheek and started to run following the soldier guiding her.
-Don't look at me like that and do as I said- he ordered again while hiding a smile from his General's complicit gaze.
Everybody in the Great Hall rejoiced after finding out that the very Prince asked for the party to continue. The ladies thought that they still had a chance to get him because if he did found someone then there was no need to go on with the ball; the men just focused on the food and wine still left to enjoy. Little they knew that the prince never joined them again for the rest of the night.
-Good morning, son- the King said when he saw him in the garden -I see that you've had a good time. You are still using yesterday's clothes. Is that why you asked for the party to continue?-
-Honestly, father, I barely was in the ball-
-You are joking, right? You know fair well why we did it and why it was necessary for you to be there-
-I know, I know. But you would've not lasted that long in my shoes either-
-It couldn't be that bad to dance with so many beautiful young girls-
-Most of them couldn't stop talking about their virtues and others thought that I was a soldier and tried to bribe me so I could pinpoint the real prince. And lets not mention a few missteps I gave transforming them into drunk sailors. I even think that I might've learned new curse words thanks to them- the King couldn't hold his laughter -However, I wasn't alone either. All the time I was away I spent it with one of the guests that was snooping on the Art Gallery. We talked. She is very nice. I told her who I am, the reason for the ball and, aside from a brief moment of incredulity, she didn't even blink-
-Well, maybe the ball wasn't such a bad idea. And who is this misterious girl?-
-Marielle- he felt his heart lighting up by saying her name -Marielle Reinauld, daughter of George Reinauld- he added in a serious tone to try and hide his happiness.
-George Reinauld, sounds familiar, ah, yes! Now I remember him. A good man, honest and smart. Such a pity that he died-
-What do you know about his wife?
-I didn't have the chance to meet her, she died when he started to work for me-
-I mean his second wife-
-All I know is that your mom didn't liked her. I cannot say much, I never met her-
-Marielle told me about the mistreatments she got from her. She's basically a servant since she was twelve-
-Why? That family has enough money to live a comfortable life for at least three more generations-
-I do not know. But I'm worried. I need to know that she's fine-
-We'll send someone to her house-
-Yes... but no. First I need someone to make sure that she's fine. She told me that she came to the ball hiding from her stepmother, if all the sudden someone from the palace shows up at her door, she'll know-
-What does it matter if the girl marries you? She'll be safe in the palace-
-If she accepts me-
-Why wouldn't she?-
-The fact that we had a conversation doesn't mean she will-
-But it is a good start-
-Father, please... I just want to be sure that she is fine-
-Fine. I'll send someone to observe the house-
It was late in the evening when the messenger came back with his report. He didn't see anybody resembling a maid, just the mother and her two daughters would come and go from the rooms he could see through the windows.
Without second thoughts, the prince called his General and asked him to gather a few men to go to Reinauld's house.
Once there, the Lady of the house thought that good news were coming but after seeing the soldiers getting into her home to search the rooms her face changed completely. Her yells stopped once the King and his son walked through the door.
-Your Majesties!- the well dressed and old woman celebrated them with fake cheer -To what do I owe the honor of your visit?
-We have been told about a girl missing from your house- answered General Batiste, hiding from any sight the prince behind him.
-A girl? Missing? Nonsense! I live with my daughters here, nobody else. They are not here because they left to visit a friend, countess Montreaux. These girls, bless them, they want to keep on talking about the wonderful ball-
-How many daughters do you have?- asked Jean coldly with his face fix in the window that showed the street.
-Two: Fleur y Claire-
-And what about Marielle?-
-I'm sorry?- despite her surprise, it was rather clear that she knew of whom he was talking about-
-Your stepdaughter, Marielle-
-Mar... ah, yes... she left with her father, when he left us-
-George Reinauld worked for me. At the time od his death I sent my condolences and a medallion as a token of appreciation after so many years of service to his country- the King seemed offended after the woman's lame attempt to get rid of the situation.
-Fine, I was lying... I should've take her to a convent, poor thing, her mind wasn't quite right. She's the family's greatest shame-
-She seemed fine last night- the prince provoked her .
-Last night?- a slight biterness took over the woman's voice.
-She went to the ball- silence -we talked. Don't worry, she didn't dare to say much about you... but her story didn't need many words to be understood-
-As I said, she had issues-
-Had?- he turned towards the woman for the very first time but before he could walk to her one of the soldiers called Batiste from the kitchen. The General helped him get down the stairs that would lead them to him.
At the moment he crossed the door he could tell that Marielle spent most of her time in there. The whole place smelled like her, or viceversa, with a faint smell of oregano and other spices mixed with the scent of flour and salt.
-What did you find, soldier?-
-The fire died many hours ago but it would seem that something was burned before- Batiste reached to get the piece of burnt cloth the soldier was giving him
-This looks like a silk flower- said the General so everybody could listen.
-You burned her dress?- even though he knew the kind of person she was, he couldn't help but feel a stab on his heart for witnessing such heinous act.
-She deserved it, for disobeying-
-You keep on talking in past time- a shadow appeared in his thoughts -Where is she?- he tried to sound harsh and menacing but his coice cracked before he could finish his question.
-Where she belongs-
The prince couldn't breathe anymore and he was shaking enough that his friend and General guided him by the shoulders outside, to the backyard where there was a chicken coup and an orchard.
-Batiste, please, make your men search every inch of this property. Inside and out. We must find her-
-Yes, sir- he retired to communicate his orders to his men.
-Son, are you alright?- the King's voice came from behind and he felt his hand on his shoulder.
-What can you see from here? How is the house and it's surroundings?
-Well, it's a beautiful house... pity it didn't have the propper maintenance. It has three stories aside from the attic and the basement with the kitchen. Stone facade, big windows, balconies... is almost as big as our summer house in the beach, do you remember it?- there was no answer, so he continued with his description -I can see that some of the roof tiles fell off and there's a hole getting bigger and bigger in the attic. There are even doves coming out of it!- he saw his son still lost in his thoughts -The orchard is really nice, the pumpkins are about to be harvested. There are tomato plants and chard... I think... yes, those are onions. Its a very good job, madmoiselle Marielle has a very good green hand-
-What else?- asked Jean.
-There's a chicken coup, I can count three chickens and a rooster. They are pecking the floor looking for food-
-Probably she had to feed them in the morning- added the Prince with biterness -I hear voices afar, is there anybody else aside from the soldiers?-
-There are some kids playing on a hill, they are near a well. I hope they don't try to climb it, they might fall-
-The well- remembered Jean -She helps kids to get water from it and to toss coins when asking wishes-
Batiste came out of the house.
-We searched everywhere, there is not a trace. I'm sorry-
-General, lets go to that hill, to the well- his heart started pounding he was certain they would find her there. Batiste checked the orders with the king, he nodded.
The men were carrying torches, the night already arrived and regardless how much they tried to illuminate the well, they couldn't see anything.
A young soldier asked his friends to hold him while he tried to get as far as he could inside the well to try and see anything. But he wasn't counting his ticklish nature and his friends touch made him toss the torch to the water. He shrieked when, before the fire was extinguished, he was able to see a face in the water and what seemed to be a white dress floating.
Without confirming their orders, the soldiers started to dig with whatever they had available at the time. The neighbours got closer and offered their help and tools. With the effort of 50 people, they were able to dig to the bottom of the well. The water started to rise and it made it near impossible to keep on digging, but the thought of miss Reynauld captive in it helped them fight off the elements and the tiredness.
Todos conocían a Marielle, la niña que siempre tenía una sonrisa en los labios a pesar de tener una vida dura junto a su madrastra. Aquella que ayudaba a quienes lo necesitaban y se preocupaba por cada uno como si fuera de la familia.
A couple of women delivered bebrages to the workers and every now and then bursted in tears worried for the fate of the girl they loved so much.
-Do you know her?- asked the prince when he felt them near him.
-Since her birth, Your Highness. She was such a good child- answered one wiping her tears with hee sleeve.
-She was like a daughter to us. She even carried provisions in her sleigh for us during a winter we fell sick. She was a little girl, she was 10! Y she took care of us without any kind of binding obligation to us... a couple of peasants way below her- added the second one.
-And when her stepmother started to mistreat her we wanted to help her... but the Lady threatened us with jail. We were very scared, Your Highness... we should've done something... look where we are now!- the first woman reproached herself.
Every story the prince heard pierced his soul, but a victory scream from one of the men brought some hope back into him.
Everybody approached his location and rushed to help him rescue the girl from the water. Carefully, three of them took her out to were the King was standing next to his son. The early morning lights allowed them to see the young girl unconscious, pale, soaking wet and with some bruises on her face and arms.
Many soldiers improvised a bed with their capes on the grass so she could rest. The town's doctor was also there and jumped into action to try and find her vitals.
-They are too weak, but they are still there- everybody sighed in relief as a carriage got closee to them.
-Ladies- Jean called the women that spoke wirt him earlier -We will take her to the palace. Could you watch over her?-
-Of course, Your Highness! We'll do it with pleasure, the poor child needs love an care. We will give it to her- answered the first one while Marielle was being carried to the carriage. The doctor also climbed in it followed by the two women.
-Batiste- he called his General -Lets go back to the house. Father, go back to the palace and make sure that the doctor has everything he needs-
-I'll call the royal doctors as well, I assure you son that everything will be alright-
-I hope so- he said his goodbyes before his friend helped him to return to the Reinauld's family house.
-Your Majesty!- the screeching voices of the Lady's daughters pierced his ears -Such a pleasure to see you here!- both spoke at the same time and that was even more annoying.
-Has your mother told you the reason for my visit?-
-Yes- all courtesy was gone and their voices were now poisonous.
-I must inform you that we have found your stepsister, miss Marielle Reinauld- nothing but silence -She was in the bottom of the well abpve the hill-
-As I said, Your Highness, her mind wasn't in great shape. She probably fell or threw herself chasing a toad... she always got those nasty creatures to torment my girls, wasn't that so?- the homeowner intervened looking for her daughters approval.
-She is still alive-
-What? I mean... it is good news but I'm less than excited to see her again after everything that happened.
-Don't worry, you won't. Batiste, arrest the lady for attempted murder-
-As you say, Your Highness-
-Don't you dare to touch me! I did nothing.... it was them, they threw her down the well like a broken plate-
-Mom!- Claire got offended.
-We only threw her because you told us to!- added Fleur.
-Fine, take the three of them- Jean ordered without thinking it twice.
The soldiers tried to be polite with them showing them the way but the women refused to follow them, so they had to grab and drag them against their will. Their indignation was silenced by the yelling of their neighbours, still covered in mud, that went to the house to see the pathetic scene.
Many weeks passed until Marielle was able to get up from the comfortable bed with silk sheets. Her good neighbours Carlotta and Vivianne helped her to eat, dress and wash herself the whole time. She didn't liked to be pampered with so much devotion, but she also knew that she couldn't do any of that alone.
Now it was a wonderful spring morning and she wanted to walk around the garden before goinf back home.
She found the kings having breakfast in a gazebo. After many pleas, she joined them.
-I am so glad that you are alright- started the Queen -Do you have everything you need? What about the dresses? Should we fix them in anyway?- she observed that Marielle had folded the cuffs since they were too long.
-No, Your Highness. It's not worth it. I have mine at home. I'm not planning on keeping any of these, they are just a loan-
-My girl! There's no need to return anything, these are gifts- said the King.
-I don't want you to think that I'm taking advantege of you. You did enough for me-
-And we would do it again- reassured the Queen -After hearing your neighbours' testimonies and your stepfamily's nonsense, I can't stop thinking that I should've followed my instincts that time and take you away from that house as soon as your father died. I always knew that that woman wasn't good news, but he was in love... I guess-
-Lets not speak more about the past, especially now that we know there are brighter days ahead. What are your plans, Marielle, now that you're free?- the king asked.
-I never made plans-
-And what would you like to do? Now you're not just the Lady and homeowner of the Reinauld House, you also possess your father's fortune.
-I have to do something for those who rescued me, both soldiers and civilians... but I do not know yet what it could be-
-That's a good start and we will support you in anything you might need- smiled the Queen while lovingly tapping her arm.
-There is no need, as I said, I don't want to take advantage of your generosity-
-You'll be the first one- laughed the King -Now I see why you caused such a good impression in Jean-
Marielle blushed, and that wasn't a secret for the other two.
-Have you talked to him? I think he's at the fountain. He enjoys the sound of water moving and the birds that sing over there.
-The Prince visited me many times and showed me the other pieces of art in the palace. He says he enjoys how I describe them- she smiled to herself -I hope I was a good friend to him-
-Why do you speak as if you are about to leave?- asked the Queen.
-Well, the doctirs told me that I am fully recovered. I must return home. I'm sure there's a lot to clean- she added laughing.
-Well, that's a shame... you know what I mean. All of us enjoy your company and it's sad to see you go away-
-I completely understand, don't worry. I know that you'll never wish any kind of evil upon me- smiled Marielle.
-Have you told Jean already?- asked the King.
-Well, the Prince knows how I think... but no, I haven't told him yet-
-You should, as we told you, he's at the fountain-
- Now?
-It is better to rip the bandage quickly- his comment was shut off by a hard stomp from his wife.
-If I may, Your Highnesses- Marielle stood up hiding her desire to laugh at the Queen's reaction.
As she was told, the prince was sitting in the grass under a tree's shadow, with his eyes closed focused on all the sounds around him. His face, just like everything near him, transmitted peace and warmth.
-Marielle- he called her softly while opening his eyes.
-I'll never be able to surprise you- she chuckled while helping him to stand up.
-You are a surprised by yoursel- he presented his arm to invite her to walk with him. She accepted.
-Why didn't you had breakfast with your parents?-
-I've been awake for hours. I had breakfast a lot earlier-
-Oh, did you have a rough night?-
-You could say that. Every day that goes by is a day closer to the day you'll leave- Marielle felt a strong pinch on her stomach -I know that you will... there is nothing to stop you-
-I'll visit you often, if you ask me to-
-You musn't base your actions in what I want but in what you want. I've enjoyed the hours that we spent together but if this were, in anyway, a duty or an obligation you set yourself as a payment for helping your escape, I do not pretend to let you continue with them-
-I would never think in that way. In any casa it's me who's embarrassed. I shared the darkest moments of my life with a complete stranger and because of that I dragged you with me. My apologies, Your Highness, if you've felt in the obligation to assit me in any way-
He smiled -Call me Jean, I've told you to do it before-
-I can't, it's disrespectful-
-I call you Marielle-
-I am a nobody-
-Don't say that- the prince noticed that his voice turned too solemn so he decided to switch the conversation tone -I have noticed something in the last couple of days: I've never danced with you-
-Maybe in the next ball-
-Or maybe now- he could feel Marielle's stranged look while he moved, still holding her hand, making her twirl to position her in the starting pose for a waltz. Jean carefully placed his hand on the center of her back while still holding her right hand. He felt foolish for a second but his worry disappeared once he felt Marielle's delicate touch on his left shoulder. She giggled and both started to dance in the grass. There, in each other's arms, they didn't needed music -There's no need for you to say anything, I know you'll be leaving tomorrow- he whispered in her ear.
-I'm sorry, I can't stay here any longer. I am recovered, I have no excuse to stay-
-I understand-
-Won't you ask me to stay?- there was a faint dissapointment tone in her voice.
-I would never be selfish enough to impose my wishes to yours- he could feel her beating heart with his fingertips and his own heart was hammering in his ears. They seemed to be synchronized and both got louder once they, unconsciously got even closer to each other -You are free- they stopped but didn't separate from the embrace.
-I no longer know what that means. It's been a long time-
-More reasons then to enjoy your freedom. You can do as you wish- a delicated kiss on his lips took him by surprise. He couldn't deny that he imagined this moment hundreds of times, but he never expected this reaction coming from her. Shyness turned into certainty and with it passion arrived. Jean didn't fight back the need to lose himself in her scent and and the warmth that came from Marielle's body. For the first time in so many years he forgot his blindness and the pain it caused him. Nothing else mattered, only that moment -Marielle- he whispered when everything was over -Don't hurt me like this-
-That's not my intention-
-You have a good heart, but pity and compassion can lead to even major cruelties if they are not measured-
-I love you- she held him tight and pressed her forehead to his -Jean, I love you-
-Still hurts seeing you escaping from an iron cage to get into a golden one-
-At least I'll have company-
-Quite a partner- he sighed -You deserve someone who can enjoy your smile, the blush on your cheeks and your eyes full of love-
-No- she caressed his face -You've asked me not to feel pity upon you, then why can you speak like this?-
-Because I want you to have a good life, even if it's not with me. Get out to the world, explore the cities, meet people. Do not waste a single more minute locked down in a house... or a palace-
-I'm not going anywhere unless you come with me-
-Marielle...- he begged.
-Jean, do you love me?- her voice was warm but there was still a shadow of uncertainty in it.
-Nobody in this world, in an individual or collective way, has loved any other person as much as I love you-
-Then, respect my decisions. I'll stay with you. Not out of compassion, not as appreciation for having saved me... but because you are a good man: you've trusted me when you didn't have to, any other person would've vanished me from the ball for snooping around where I shouldn't be. You took care of me and accompanied me without expecting anything in return. You've became the reason why I started to laugh again, you gave me hope: I never thought about the future before and now all I want is to be with you every day, every night, with children or without them, in the throne room or in a farm away from everything, I don't care as long as we are together. Please, don't ask me to be alone again-
-I'll never do that-
-So, do you accept me?
The only answer she got was a brief smile before a kiss that awoke in her chest the heat of a thousand suns. Jean held her tight and started to spin on himself. They laughed together and some tears were still running down. Their embrace was so strong that it was impossible determin where one ended and the other began. They were one. They were happy. They were everything they ever dreamt of.
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robinwoodsfiction · 4 months
Storm & Solace on Audiobook
I have some exciting news! For those of you who prefer audiobooks, Storm & Solace is now available on audiobook. Woot! (Insert nerdy happy dance here. Or Belle in the library, because that’s how I feel). Yes, I do prefer the weight of a book in my hands, but my life doesn’t always permit me to read as much as I want to. So, audiobooks have become my friend. I often listen while driving or…
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tteokdoroki · 4 days
ᯓ★ ONCE UPON A FUCK ME !? — kinktober 2024 !
mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the filthiest fairytale of them all? your favourite storybook characters, reimagined.
✧ there’s a note from your fairy godmother - hello my angels !! welcome to another kinktober. i hope you guys are as excited as i am. wave your magic wand here ! to join the taglist. rb for a happy ending ₊˚⊹ ᥫ᭡.
✧ read the blurb - each of the following fairytales contain nsfw and dark themes. fem!reader. each fic comes with its own warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact.
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✐ᝰ.ᐟ CHAPTER ONE RAPUNZEL - satoru gojo.
[OCT 1ST ★ BONDAGE] once upon a time, a girl trapped in a tower with nothing but her extremely lavish, long hair as company decides…fuck it and sleeps with a handsome stranger to get what she wants.
additional kinks. orgasm control, sensory deprivation, edging, thigh riding, spit kink, outer-course, begging, switching.
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✐ᝰ.ᐟ CHAPTER EIGHT BEAUTY & THE BEAST - katsuki bakugou.
[OCT 8TH ★ MONSTER FUCKING] once upon a time, a village girl thinks to herself — fuck it! being trapped inside a castle with a monstrous sexy bloody beast isn’t so bad… she might as well make it worth her while.
additional kinks. bath sex, soft sex, blood play, size kink, praise kink, body worship, body modifications.
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✐ᝰ.ᐟ CHAPTER FIFTEEN CINDERELLA - tobio kageyama.
[OCT 15TH ★ MUTUAL MASTURBATION] once upon a time, a soon-to-be crowned princess, once down on her luck, says fuck it and settles on consummating her marriage with the crown prince before they’re actually due to be married.
additional kinks. oral sex, clothed sex, cherry chasing, first time, corruption.
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✐ᝰ.ᐟ CHAPTER SIXTEEN THE LITTLE MERMAID - eijirou kirishima.
[OCT 16TH ★ FUCK OR DIE] once upon a time, a princess decides — fuck it! fuck the engagement. who cares when a sexy half-man, half -fish…prince? whatever! needs to drown her in an ocean of pleasure in order to survive…
additional kinks. underwater sex, ritualistic sex, voice kink, pain kink, choking, quickie.
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[OCT 22ND ★ SOMNOPHILIA] once upon a time, a brave knight, destined to marry someone she’d never met, says fuck it and plans to reap the rewards of saving the prince from eternal slumber. without realising that he’s already awake…
additional kinks. hold the moan, overstimulation, cockwarming, dacryphilia, outer-course, free use, dub con, cumplay.
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[OCT 29TH ★ KNOTTING] once upon a time, a curious little girl says fuck it and disobeyes her mother’s only wish. stay on the path when you visit your granny, you don’t want to get snatched up by the big bad wolf.
additional kinks. wolf hybrids, mating season, oral fixation, sweat + scent kink, pregnancy kink, lactation, breeding, a/b/o.
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✐ᝰ.ᐟ BONUS CHAPTER: GOLDILOCKS & THE THREE BEARS - bachira, isagi 'n nagi.
[OCT 31ST ★ CUCKING] once upon a time, a sweet little bear hybrid on her own in the woods decides... fuck it! she'll teach that pesky thief goldilocks what it really means to share. with the help of friends, of course.
additional kinks. bear hybrids, double penetration, mutual masturbation, deep throating, brat taming, exhibitionism, multiple orgasms, foursome, dub-con, coercion, marking, oral sex.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate, feed into ai & recommend elsewhere.
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helpesslywriting · 10 months
Ackerman watched as Penelope opened the pantry and kept herself busy. Gathering three red apples, a wooden bowl, a knife. She washed the apples in the clear water bucket before she gestured for him to take a seat before she sat down across from him and got to work with apple peeling.
Ackerman sank slowly down onto the seat across from her and watched silently for a moment. When she spoke it made him jump in shock. Her voice was thick from sobbing, her eyes locked on the slowly rotating apple as the peel pulled away from it.
"So now what happens."
"Well," Ackerman started and then folded his hands nearly and sat them on the table top. "I suppose that's for you to decide." He watched as her apple stopped moving in her hands for a moment...then another....before it started again. "Going unpaired is not terribly uncommon. But I understand it wasn't the future you had in mind for yourself..." His eyebrows were shaved like his head, but he felt the skin move to furrow his brow. "Honestly, what was he thinking. Pulling that stunt like that. It's very unbecoming and improper."
"So I'm not going to be sent away?"
"Sent away?" Ackerman choked, "Heavens no! Being unpaired isn't grounds for exile, Penelope!"
"Not for being unpaired," she corrected, "for fear I might..." She trailed off and Ackerman grimaced, he could see where her mind was taking her.
"But you're not...right?" He asked, watching her intently as she laid the long curling peel on the table and began slicing the apple expertly and placing the slices in the bowl one by one.
"No. Yes. Maybe." She shrugged, "I feel like I'm falling from a cliff blind folded. I can't see what's coming next. How to prepare for the landing. When I will land. I don't know what to do now. "
They both fell silent for a while, sounds of birds filtered through the closed windows, despite the attempt to shut the world out. After a while, Penelope picked up the second apple and began peeling it as well.
"It's understandable to feel that way." Ackerman sighed heavily and took a slice from the bowl and turned it over in his hand. "It was my understanding that you were over the moon about being paired and couldn't wait for your Union Day. I'm sorry that he made your rejection such a horrid spectacle at the last minute." He took a bite from the crisp apple and chewed in thought as he tried to covertly watch her reaction.
Since she kept peeling the apple without stopping, he continued after he swallowed. "To tell you the truth, out of everyone in that building. I think it should be said that you were the only one who behaved appropriately." He turned his apple slice over again and sighed heavily. "And the group that deserves the blame includes me. I apologize. As Temple leader I should have reacted quicker and put a stop to the ceremony so this could be settled in private."
"It's not really your fault." She said quietly, then heaved a heavy, shaking sigh. "He had this planned out; I fear. He wanted the spectacle. He can't speak in front of a crowd to save his life; he always forgets what he's going to say unless he practices it before hand." She scoffed and shook her head. "That's why I just left. I knew there was nothing to work out, in the end. He planned this. He put effort into remembering what he wanted to say. He wanted her, and he wanted it to happen this way." She lowered the apple peel to the table with the other and looked up at Ackerman. "So, who am I to stop him, or try to insert myself where I am clearly not wanted." As she spoke, more tears fell from her eyes. "I just wish I didn't feel quite so lost." She put down the knife and wiped her eyes with her free hand.
"You're not lost," Ackerman reached out across the table and put his hand on her cheek. "You just had an awful thing be done to you, and you're hurt. It will take time to heal. Don't rush yourself on anyone's account."
"People will talk." She sobbed as more tears fell and wet his hand. He got up from his seat and rushed around the table to kneel by her chair.
"They will. And I'm afraid there's nothing you or I can do to stop them. I truly wish I could Penelope. You are not at fault for this and you, if anyone, are the victim here. Other people are not your concern right now. Your concern is your how heart and future." He took the apple from her hand as it looked as though she was going to drop it any second and felt her lean against him and sob into his shoulder. He cradled her head and stroked her back gently. "I wish I could take this burden from you, truly." He said softly as she blubbered into his purple robe. "But it your hurt, and sadly, I don't think even the gods can mend a broken heart overnight."
Her sobs became louder, and her shoulders trembled as she cried into his shoulder.
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lunemomo · 2 years
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I’m working on a reimagining of Beauty and the Beast so I got a ton of time periods and aesthetics from my friends to help choose a setting and these are some ideas from what I chose at random!
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artbymagsn · 2 years
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beauty and the beast (2021)
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(Descendants: Rise of Red Fan fiction/Re-imagining)
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Chapter 3
Clothes? Check.
Shoes? Check.
Skincare and makeup? Check.
Jewelry? Check.
Interior decor for room? Check.
Devices? Check.
Extra notebooks and journals?
Extra notebooks and journals!
King Charming's raised voice jolted his daughter out of her thoughts and she blinked at him, putting her sword down at her side.
"Dad..why'd you stop?"
"Maybe because you zoned out for almost three minutes there, hon. If this had been an actual battle ground, you'd be long gone by now,'' King Charming said, walking over to a table at the side and grabbing a glass of water.
Chloe groaned and itched at her neck awkwardly.
''I'm sorry, Daddy. I know I got you out here so I could do some sword training with you to get my mind off of things, yet here I am still stressing over the fact that I might not have enough notebooks for the semester.''
''I doubt that'll be an issue, Chloe,'' a calm, soft, lightly accented voice spoke, causing both Chloe and the King to turn round.
Queen Cinderella walked in to meet her husband and daughter, looking elegant in a simple yet stunning day gown that was silvery-white but shone with a blue hue when hit by the light. The dress complimented her gorgeous brown skin and went well with her honey blonde hair, done up in braids and held in an intricate fish-tail plait.
Chloe loved the way her mother's bedazzled crown was placed on her bed of glorious hair, although she already looked like royalty regardless of it.
''If you run out, which I doubt you will,'' she continued, ''the school has more than enough that you can use, ma cherie.''
''I never once carried a book at the beginning of a new semester,'' the King said, going up to meet his wife.
''And yet he always managed to pass excellently well,'' the Queen said, leaning into her husband's arms.
''What can I say? I am charming,'' he said, giving her a soft kiss on the lips.
''Mmm....that's debatable,'' she teased.
Chloe rolled her eyes playfully.
Her parents were never shy in expressing their love for each other.
Her phone buzzed from a pocket in her pants and she pulled it out only to see yet other text from her older brother.
AP Tip #765: Compliment the lunch lady and she'll give you the Bayou Special like we had at Queen Tiana's restaurant last time we visited.
''Qui est-ce, bébé? (Who is it, baby?)'' the Queen when she noticed Chloe typing back a reply.
''It's just Chad, Mum,'' Chloe answered. ''And now he's video calling.''
She picked and raised her phone up immediately greeted by her brother's smiling face.
''Bonjour, baby sis,'' he said, shaking his golden curls out of his face.
Chad had inherited his features from their grandfather, having fair skin, hair the colour of a wheat field and eyes like a tropical waterfall.
Chloe, on the other hand, had combined their parents looks, with her skin that was a perfect light brown, deeper toned blonde hair like their mother and eyes like a flickering fireplace that matched their father's.
''I assume the pink thong on your lamp doesn't belong to you?'' she whispered back.
''H-how did that get there?'' Chad laughed awkwardly, moving his phone so it wouldn't show.
''Tell Audrey I said hi,'' Chloe said, still in a low voice.
''Yeah, well, she's out getting her hair done so I'll see her much later.''
''Are you talking to Chad, baby? Bring the phone over!'' Queen Cinderella said, gesturing for Chloe to come.
''Mommy! Pops!'' Chad said immediately the Queen took the phone from Chloe.
''Chadwick, mon fils!(my son!)'' the Queen gushed.
''How you doing, bud?'' asked the King.
''About to finish getting ready for the tourney match. You still coming?''
''Of course! Your mum's gonna drop Chlo off, help her settle down and join us there.''
''Really wish I could be there with you, Chloster, but Jay has been on everyone's asses about the game-''
''-Language, Chadwick!'' his mother scolded.
''Yeah, watch your tone around your mama, college boy,'' the King warned, his voice strict, but giving his son a wink through the screen.
''What happened to your manners, your royal blondness?'' Chloe teased.
Chad made a face at her and was about to continue talking when Chloe's phone started beeping and buzzing.
''What's that?'' he asked.
''The alarm I set so mum and I would leave the castle on time,'' she replied, tapping her phone screen to deactivate it.
''I think we'd better head out now, ma cherie. It's a two hour drive to Auradon if we don't run into any traffic,'' the Queen said.
Chloe nodded but her brother noticed how her face fell slightly.
''Hey, it's gonna be okay, Chlo. Auradon Prep is the-''
''-the best, I know,'' she completed. ''And it's even more special because mum and dad went there and so did you.''
''Exactly! It'll be a breeze. Don't be such a worry wart like mum.''
''Very funny, Chadwick," the Queen said sarcastically, but with a small smile on her face .“I’ll see you when I’m done at AP.”
“See you soon, Mummy,” Chad said. “Bye, Dad. Eat rocks, Chlo. Love you.”
The call went off and Chloe sighed, pocketing her phone.
“I guess it’s time to say the final goodbyes,” she said, looking at her dad.
“Aww, hon.”
King Charming wrapped his daughter in a big hug, resting his head on top of her blonde curls.
“I’m gonna miss you, mouse,” he said.
“Me too, Daddy.”
Chloe inhaled his clean, woody scent, knowing she wouldn’t get to smell his cologne for the next few months.
“My princess,” the king said, when he released her from the hug, admiring her features that were so similar to his own.
Queen Cinderella watched them, blinking rapidly to avoiding tearing up.
“Your Majesty,” a servant said, bowing as he stood in the doorway. “All the princess’ bags have been loaded into the car.”
“Thank you, Mithius,” the Queen said. “My loves, I’ll be in the car too.”
She kissed her husband again and stroked Chloe’s face lovingly.
“You can put any last minute things from your room in your rucksack,” the king said as she walked away, “including a new pair of shoes your mum and I got for the semester.”
That made Chloe light up and she beamed.
“But of course. Our baby can’t start school without some new kicks. It’s like a family tradition.”
“Now I’m gonna miss you more than ever.”
“I know, I know. What can I say? I’m amazing.”
The king chuckled. “Your mum and I will come visit you regularly, mouse, don’t worry. Plus I’m sure you’re gonna make so many new friends; you won’t ever be lonely.”
Chloe laughed with him. “Yeah, sure.”
“I mean it. Now, go on. You don’t want to keep your mama waiting.”
After one last hug and a trip to her room to pick up some notebooks and her new shoes, Chloe was seated with her mum in their cream coloured limousine.
“This is it, Cherie. You’re on your way to a bright and beautiful future,” Queen Cinderella said, smiling sweetly at her daughter.
“Is that how you felt on your first day?”
“You mean my first day in a new school in a whole new country with step-sisters that hated my guts? Absolutely not.”
“My bad; you definitely had it worse.”
“Well, it’s not a competition, dear. And my greatest joy is that you and your brother have never faced any of the difficulties I did.”
“Do you think grandmere and grandpere would’ve wanted you to attend Auradon Prep? Grandpere was a lord, right?”
“He was, and the title was supposed to be passed onto me when he died, but my step-mother had other ideas and I didn’t have the power to go against her. When we moved from France down here, the only reason she put me in school at all was to avoid suspicion, and even though my step-sisters literally wanted to die at the prospect of me being in the same school as them, she couldn’t bear the thought of anyone thinking she couldn’t afford the best money could buy for even someone as lowly as me.”
“And as chance would have it, you met a French prince that swept you off your feet, and your life has been a fairytale ever since.”
“That’s why I want you to go there and find your own. We can’t keep you hidden away in Cinderellasburg forever. The world deserves to meet you, and you deserve to experience it all.”
“You make it all sound so dreamy, but I don’t know, I’m still scared. I hope I can live up to the legacy you, Dad and Chad have set…..okay maybe just you and Dad’s legacy. You get what I mean, though.”
Queen Cinderella laughed at Chlobeautife’s expression, reaching out to arrange her curls.
“Just be yourself, Chloe. Be true to who you are; don’t compromise. You’re perfect. Okay?”
Chloe smiled gratefully. “Merci, maman.”
Her phone buzzed and she looked at the screen, brightening up immediately.
“It’s Dizzy. She’s asking if we’re on the way,’ she told her mum as she began rapidly typing out a reply.
“Tell her we’ll be there in half an hour, and that her mum can only use a vacation as an excuse to not call back three times before it gets sus.”
“I am not telling my cousin that you just used the word ‘sus’.”
“I know for a fact that I used it within the right context.”
Chloe bit back a snort, raising her eyes from her phone briefly to see her mum’s nose in the air sassily.
It was from moments like this that one could tell where Chad got some of his whims from.
“Ooh, Dizzy says Aunt Faye’s going to be at the Welcome Ceremony today.”
“Yes, she’s officially handing over the role of Principal to Uma today. The ceremony’s going to be incredible.”
“Wait…Uma the pirate? My Principal? Okay, now I can’t wait to get to school.”
The minutes in the car seemed to fly away as a comfortable silence washed over mother and daughter.
Before Chloe knew it, they were driving over the smooth, cobbled paths of Auradon Prep.
The car was parked in the designated spot for the Charmings in the parking lot and the Queen and princess came down.
As usual, there were bows and greetings directed to them the moment they were sighted.
Chloe smiled politely in return as they walked the path together, only to hear an ear-shattering squeal that made her smile double in size.
Dizzy, her step-cousin, ran up to meet them, wearing a green, silky romper with reddish brown hair styled atop her head in space buns that were both childish and mature at once.
“Hey,” they chorused as soon as she got to them and they shared a hug.
“It’s so good to see you again, Chloe. You look sooo cute. And Aunt Ella, ravishing as always. Is that a custom design?”
“But of course. I designed it specially for my baby’s big day.”
Dizzy observed the dress closely, nodding in awe and approval.
“The stitch work is phenomenal.”
“I know. The mice really outdid themselves on this one.”
“I’ll definitely come round the castle sometime to check out your new work. But for now, I need to get Chloe settled it.”
Chloe then noticed the bedazzled ear-piece Dizzy was wearing and the clipboard and pen in her right hand.
“I’m still on the clock right now, but you can just join the line over there to meet my girl Celia. I’ve already picked out the perfect room for you in the system beforehand, so all you have to do is sign in with Celia and pick up your dorm key, okay?”
“Okay,” Chloe said with a nod.
Dizzy gave her step-aunt and cousin one last smile before she walked past them to continue welcoming new students.
“You ready, angel?” Queen Cinderella asked.
Chloe took in a deep breath and released.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” 
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pixie-skull · 19 days
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My 224th edit of Courtney from ParaNorman reimagined as a 2D character. Making someone in a dress to a more modern yoga or workout outfit came out better than I anticipated.
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fairytalesfromthesmp · 2 months
Settle into your seats, folks, we’ve got some new stories to tell. We are proud to present…
Fairytales from the SMP: Volume II
This year’s storybook consists of twelve incredible fairytales reimagined by a few wonderful minds of the dsmp fandom! Follow some of your favorites through tales of family, friendship, romance, and more as we dive into this spellbinding collection.
Thank you to everyone who made this possible! To all the writers, artists, betas, and backups, this wouldn’t have been possible without you. Thank you to the mods, new and old, and thank you to all who joined us in this journey, come and gone. You’ve all made this worthwhile!
Be sure to give lots of love to all these people because without them, this collab would be nothing more than a dream!
Little Red Riding Hood - Written by Ocean ( @bottleofchaos ), Illustrated by Taizi ( @rebelwithoutabroom ) and Yumi ( @mahikamihan )
Snow White & The Seven Dwarves - Written by Stardust ( @chasing-stardust-22 ), Illustrated by Ocean
Hansel and Gretel - Written by Day ( @day-time-dream ), Illustrated by Zuzu ( @zuzypiia ) and Orange ( @fresh-flames )
Jack and the Beanstalk - Written by Lupine ( @iced-sweet-dt ), Illustrated by Michy ( @michygranger23 )
The Tortoise and the Hare - Written by Blank ( @blankerthought ), Illustrated by Calder ( @day-mark ) and Curo ( @curoopeez )
Robin Hood - Written by Scoops ( @scoops404 ), Illustrated by Thal ( @thal-chandra ) and Root ( @rutadales )
Prince and the Pauper - Written by Cadence ( @dwtdog ), Illustrated by Blank
The Seal Catcher - Written by Chelsey ( @czargasm ), Illustrated by Bicho ( @bicho-callejero ) and VoidPidgeon ( @voidpidgeon )
The Three Musketeers - Written by Amie/Bagel ( @bagelrites ), Illustrated by Litchi ( @llitchilitchi ) and Vi ( @icecreamvi )
Beauty and the Beast - Written by Taizi, Illustrated by VoidPidgeon and Wolflyn ( @wolflyndraws )
The Unwilling Mermaid - Written by Sword ( @swordfright ), Illustrated by Root and Kenjo ( @kenjo-arts )
Rapunzel - Written by Crow ( @mello-when-hi ), Illustrated by Calder and Shishi ( @shishi-neraoiba )
Beta Readers: Echo ( @timetravelkoolaid ), Luna ( @milktearosethorn ), Scrims ( @scrimblyprimbly ), Lobelia ( @unholy-virtue ), Vee ( @twirlybumblevee ), Spri ( @showcontrols ), and Jinx ( @nyxcandie )
Backups: Backup Writer Rav ( @raviolihailstorm ), Backup Writer Lobelia, and Backup Artist Harmony ( @harmingharmony )
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