#beau ramsey
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cowboybuckleys · 1 year ago
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thiscenturys31stenigma · 6 months ago
Me after getting the most epic Ivy/Kitty and Declin edit idea (also just the conversion therapy arc in general)
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gayboyobsessions · 1 year ago
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Beau Ramsey - Hollyoaks - 12/2/24
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redpool · 5 days ago
No One Lives being a WWE Stuidos production will never not shock and confuse me.
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whereifindsanity · 5 months ago
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Mount Pilchuck fire lookout by Beau Ramsey
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eludin-realm · 1 year ago
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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deepwoundsandfadedscars · 2 years ago
We don't talk enough about whumpy songs, do you have any recommendations? i mean, look at the lyrics of these songs, whumpy asf: Bleeding out - Imagine Dragons, Stitches - Shawn Mendes, I'm a sucker for pain- Imagine Dragons, etc
YES 👏 those are all fantastic songs, I love them so much. And ooh buddy did you send me into a hyperfocus zone for the past like hour and a half at least, I think I went through every playlist I've ever made + liked songs 😂😂 unless noted, I haven't watched the music videos for most of these so full disclosure I don't know what you'll find on youtube, I made this list from Spotify
Bloodshot - Sam Tinnesz
See You Bleed - Ramsey
Run for Your Life - K.Flay
Partners in Crime - Set It Off, Ash Costello
Choke - I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME (acoustic version feels even whumpier to me tbh)
Liar - The Arcadian Wild (mildly, but I like it)
She Doesn't Sleep - Anthony Amorim
Hit and Run - LOLO
Blood - My Chemical Romance
I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters
An Unhealthy Obsession - The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra (very heavily about stalking lol)
Body - Mother Mother
Champion - American Authors, Beau Young Prince
Trouble - Valerie Broussard
Siren Head - Chills, CORPSE (horror based topic but corpse voice make brain go brr)
In Hell I'll Be in Good Company - The Dead South
Sloppy Seconds - Watsky (mainly the first verse)
The London Air Raids - Vian Izak (civilians during war cw)
Bulletproof - La Roux
This is Love - Air Traffic Controller
Kill of the Night - Gin Wigmore
Dying Day - Gin Wigmore
Doombop! - The Toxhards (music video is funny but also whump vibes)
Dead! - My Chemical Romance
Rusted From the Rain - Billy Talent
River Below - Billy Talent
Cult leader - KiNG MALA
Run Boy Run - Woodkid
Bones - NateWantsToBattle (music video is pretty great too)
As We Fall - League of Legends (check out the music video!!!)
I Hope You Die in a Fire - Grand Commander
Stronger - The Score
Kiss With A Fist - Florence+ The Machine (cw for domestic abuse but it's like. Kinda a bop tbh)
The Wolves - JJ and The Pillars
Hell's Comin' with Me - Poor Man's Poison
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rededgeevents · 1 year ago
Ireland Roommate List
Under the cut you'll find out your roommates for the Ireland trip!
First Floor, West Wing: W-101: Ivy Fitzgerald & Nicole Balliol W-102: Elijah Cavannaugh & Teddy Wintson W-103: Paco Florez & TJ Cohen W-104: Alejandro Fuentes & Melody Hastings W-105: Anastasia Hill & Lucas Roden W-106: Lana & Noah Rodgers W-107: Kirby Sinclair & Serena Bennett W-108: Brittany Miller & Brooke Barlow W-109: Austin Barnes & Kennedy Simpson W-110: Jeremy Flows & Georgina Russell
First Floor, East Wing: E-101: Valentina Lopez & Jax King E-102: Vincet Baxter & Kiara Langford E-103: Shane Nichols & Lydia Brown E-104: Rosalie Collins & Bonnie Brook E-105: Donny Keller & Mariana Florez E-106: Lucia Rossi & Jayce King E-107: Alexa White & Wyatt Baker E-108: Devin Carter & Jack Sterling E-109: Jasmine Harris & Declan Mitchell E-110: Caleb Peace & Juliette Maddox E-111: Cyrus Thompson
Second Floor, West Wing: W-201: Pogue O'Connor & Ocean Simmons W-202: Nova Rockwell & Klaus Richards W-203: Emersyn Michaels & Flynn Gilbert W-204: Maverick Anderson & Elena Dawson W-205: Leighton Whitlock & Kyle Hale W-206: Marisol Monroe & Luke Myers W-207: Marc Hall & Sloane Ross W-208: Aurora Thompson & Chase Knight W-209: Emma Eklund & Elliot Booker W-210: Max Turner & Illiana Fuentes
Second Floor, East Wing: E-201: Arrow Ellington & Thomas Ramsey E-202: Archibald Deaton & Autumn Hawthorne E-203: Logan Slater & Tanner Sommers E-204: Eric Rose & Atlas Quinn E-205: Silas Rivers & Petra Cromwell E-206: Sienna Johnson & Paris Astor E-207: Tyler Dupont & Mila Monroe E-208: Emmett Hills & Kinsley Argent E-209: Beau Williams & Freya Smith E-210: Killian Quinn & Damon Henderson
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splinter-cat · 8 months ago
Hello! I just wanted to say that i've been reading beasts in blue on AO3 and i'm very interested in the story and characters!
Beau and rowan's relationship has such interesting complexities and i can't wait to discover more :)
I also wanted to ask out of curiosity if you have any rules to name the characters? For example do you look up for the meaning or do you just pick what sounds right?
And do the characters have voice/face claims (even drawn and not irl people)?
I hope you have a nice day
Thank you so much! <3 I'm really enjoying writing their relationship so I'm glad y'all are enjoying reading it.
For naming, I actually don't go by meaning most of the time, moreso the sound. Like do I like the flow of this name and does the sound fit the character, etc. Beau is a very different sound than say, Zack, for example.
Other than that, the way I find names to look at is on Behind the Name, there's a name popularity page where you can sort by year. I look at names popular around the time the character would have been born and choose one I like off that list that's somewhere around the top 200. That helps me find one that doesn't sound too out of place for their age.
For surnames I go to the Behind the Name surname site and pick off their top 1000 list. Often, I'll use a random number generator and go until I find one I like.
Once I've got a name put together, I google google google to make sure there's not like, a celebrity or other well-known person with that name haha.
Though one exception to my naming schemes is Rowan! I don't remember how I picked his first name, it might have just come to me, but his last name is inspired by a detective I really enjoy, Jack Mooney on Death in Paradise. :D (Also, I must admit there was a little bit of punny-ness going on with Mooney working with a werewolf, haha.)
As to faceclaims, you might notice a pattern in them, haha. I watch a lot of crime shows, which is actually what initially inspired the story! When I first thought of it, it was more of a buddy comedy "haha what if a werewolf got assigned to the K9 unit" kinda joke, but then I thought about the implications of a world like that. And it ended up being a great premise for whump, which is something I wanted to get into. Along the way, it went from being something to write random oneshots in and gained an actual story. I ended up deciding to make it a bit of a takedown of copaganda shows, because as much as I love watching them, there's definitely a lot of issues with them. So this is my cathartic take on them. :)
Putting the faceclaims under a cut because I know some folks prefer to keep to their own faceclaims:
So not every character has a faceclaim because I just haven't encountered one that works for me yet, but some characters were initially inspired by certain actors.
Rowan Mooney: Naveen Andrews as Ashok Ramsey on Law and Order: SVU
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So Rowan's appearance actually took a bit to decide on because I didn't have a fully formed image of him in my mind when I started the story. However, I was at the time doing a binge watch of SVU and saw the episode "Shadow" that Naveen Andrews guest-starred in. My brain immediately went "that guy, he's the vibe I've been looking for!" haha. So he's the inspiration for Rowan's look.
Bonus gif since I couldn't find one of his SVU role:
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Mitchell Cooper: Walton Goggins as Boyd Crowder on Justified
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Honestly, Boyd Crowder was the inspiration for Cooper right from the start. I'm often playing his lines back in my head, going "Does this sound right in his voice/accent/mannerisms?" As many horrible things as Boyd does on Justified, he was a super entertaining villain, and that's how I feel about Cooper, too, haha. He's just fun to write!
Douglas Owens: Corey Reynolds as David Gabriel on The Closer
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It's actually been a while since I watched The Closer, but Gabriel was pretty much my first thought when I was deciding to make Owens. Now, Owens would be a bit younger, maybe, but generally his look is what I'm thinking of. :)
Fabian Rivero: Jonathan Del Arco as Fernando Morales on The Closer/Major Crimes
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Morales is one of my favorite medical examiner characters, so of course he's who I thought of first when I needed to make an ME. :D
Frank Warren: Dann Florek as Donald Cragen on Law and Order: SVU
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Ok, this one isn't fully set in stone or anything, since I mostly described/wrote Warren without thinking of him. But when I'm picturing a scene, he's largely who I've got for imagining the voice of Warren.
Sadly, other characters don't really have faceclaims! For example, for Beau, I have such a specific image in my mind that I haven't found anyone who really works yet. Same goes for Sidney. Shannon has vitiligo, so while I do have someone I think of to get her voice right (someone I knew IRL so not an actor I could share), I haven't found anyone who matches her appearance properly.
If I do encounter faceclaims for the others, I'll make another post tagged faceclaims so folks can see!
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bradley-banner · 1 year ago
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welcome to aurora bay, [BRADLEY BANNER]! i couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [MEGAN FOX]. you must be the [THIRTY FOUR] year old [A-LISTER / OWNER OF SEASCAPE HOTEL + FIRE & ICE STEAKHOUSE & COCKTAIL BAR]. word is you’re [INDEPENDENT] but can also be a bit [STOIC] and your favorite song is [HOTTER THAN HELL BY DUA LIPA]. i also heard you’ll be staying in [AURORA BAY DRIVE]. i’m sure you’ll love it! 
NAME: bradley billie banner.
BIRTHDAY: january 7th, 1989.
GENDER + PRONOUNS: cis-female, she/her.
TIME LIVED IN TOWN: on and off since twenty-five, permanently for the past 18 months (as of 17th sept 2023).
OCCUPATION: owner of seascape hotel & fire and ice steakhouse and cocktail bar that’s situated within the hotel — the hotel is part of a large chain of hotels owned by her family. bradley is the COO to the banner group, her father is CEO. bradley has gained global a-lister acclaim through business & has various separate business deals going on that put her at the forefront of magazines / billboards / etc (think, socialite / hilton family vibes).
FAMILY: elijah banner (father), isla banner (mother), beau banner (twin brother, deceased), blue ramsey (half-brother, family secret).
TATTOOS: 'SDL' in tiny caps on her hip (her ex-husbands favourite spot to rest his hand big up scottsdale airport, arizona), three dots on her inner elbow (received from whang-od), a small bird outline on her shoulder (for beau), & a very faint outline of writing on her ribs that she had removed (was prev. a line from her wedding vows in spanish).
PIERCINGS: ears and right nipple.
POSITIVE TRAITS: independent, adventurous, perceptive.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: stoic, extravagant, suspicious.
NEIGHBOURHOOD: aurora bay drive (but also constantly has a room checked out at the hotel).
FC: megan fox.
PART OF: @aurorabayaesthetic.
tw. mention of drug use / car crash + sibling death / infidelity + divorce / miscarriage / brief stalking mention.  
born in calabasas, los angeles.
1 of 2, born with a diamond spoon firmly in her mouth to parents who belonged to a vast hotelier dynasty, bradley and her older (by three minutes) twin brother beau never had to want for anything.
grew up in the spotlight (elijah banner was naturally known from being one of fortune 500s business owners) being juggled between boardrooms and nannies until she was old enough to be shipped off to the best boarding school the US had to offer.
unlike her twin, bradley managed to stay on the straight and narrow, working hard, making friends (natural born leader), and not letting the name that followed her weigh her down with expectations.
beau however, struggling between who were real friends and who wanted something took to a lifestyle of partying, sneaking out of school, getting high, getting into fights, and stealing their fathers stupidly fast cars.
it was after the latest fight about college applications and one of those stupidly fast cars that had the family called to the ER one night, breaking news reporting that beau banner had died after crashing through a bridge at 143 mph.
the banners set up a charity in the name of their son, making beau the poster child and bradley the presenter. she spent the next seven months counting down the days until she went to college so she could escape the circus.
attended yale (like the generations of banners before her), studying economics and political science.
got her MBA from harvard.
after graduation she had zero choice in the fact she'd take a seat at the banner table, joining the family business and making her mark on the hotelier world as a member of the board.
at the age of twenty five, and on the anniversary of beaus death (14th march), bradley entered her parents house and (unbeknown to them) overheard a drunken argument about how her father still had a son and couldn't comprehend the loss her mother felt. even though listening in on her parents was not something she made habit of, she proceeded to listen in on how "thats not my son, not really" transcended into a twenty seven year old half-sibling that bradley previously had no knowledge of.
elijah banner had managed to knock up the receptionist at one of the hotels whilst on a golf trip in aurora bay and then skipped out on that responsibility before baby trapping his wife with twins before she found out.
bradley took that as an opportunity to visit aurora bay. seeking the sibling that could perhaps heal just a tiny bit of pain she still constantly felt about beau.
whilst in aurora bay, she met santiago de leon, marrying him somewhat swiftly (news that indeed, shocked anyone that kept up with her). some even calling it a late stage rebellion. in reality, she just needed someone in her corner without banner drama and an excuse other than blue to stay.
spent the next four years of her marriage private jetting between boardrooms in LA and her home in aurora bay, juggling a husband and a career, whilst getting to know her new sibling.
the marriage ended when she found out santiago was cheating on her. divorce papers were served before he'd even been given the opportunity to explain himself.
it was six weeks into the divorce that bradley realised she had skipped her period twice, and honestly, she'd claim still couldn't tell you if the father was her ex-husband or the hockey player she crawled under to get over him (even if those dates don't add up). either way, she quickly decided that maybe this was the one good thing to come out of her marriage until it wasn't — a routine scan showed no sign of a fetal heartbeat and she found she'd lost the child that had quickly become her reason to get up in the morning.
spent the next twelve months being photographed at various locations around the globe on a constant cycle of vacationing, working, dating anyone whose anyone and playing the life of a socialite.
finally returned to aurora bay 18 months ago, she still spends a large amount of time on flights and sitting in boardrooms, but home is her mansion in aurora bay drive, and she always finds herself back there, blue feels more like family than any of the banners do but there’s still a missing spot from where her extended de leons family used to sit.
is a household name in the same way kim kardashian is. your grandma has probably heard of her (even if she couldn’t pick her out of a lineup).
elijah banner (bradleys father) is the CEO of the banner group, bradley is the COO.
the banners own 450+ hotels across six continents (think the hiltons!) and don't generally have day-to-day dealings with any of them, but bradley likes to show her face at seascape to review renovations on the 7th floor seeing as she's so close by.
was once on the cover of playboy.
lives alone (minus ellis shipley and lennon clarke, her butler and her chef) but has a whole other host of staff in and out throughout the day. truly doesn't need to lift a finger in the sense of running her home.
has several other properties dotted around due to her travel needs.
has a private jet & has been subject to one of those twitter accounts following its every move. refuses to comment on her travel arrangements but feels guilt about her global footprint & tries to offset this feeling by donating (very generously) to sustainability & reforestation projects.
was on forbes 30 under 30.
is on forbes billionaire rich list (her first entry was in 2022) with an estimated net worth of 1.3 billion usd. this is a mix of her banner worth & her personal business deals (brand deals / buying into businesses as a partner / modelling for fashion houses, etc) outside of the banner dynasty.
has an AMEX centurion card (american express black card).
can play the piano.
spends every vacation visiting a new country.
can speak several languages fluently.
has been on the cover of vogue seven times, three for amercan vogue, four international.
has been on various other magazine covers and has a whole wall of them framed in her home office (all except her people magazine wedding day cover, which is buried deep in storage somewhere.)
theres a 98% chance that she can get you tickets to anything, but the reality that she actually will is much lower.
aside from hotels, her family owns shares in an indy 500 team and is currently looking into buying into formula 2, the banners sponsor the mercedes f1 team and have for the past ten years. as well as various other business ventures.
has a custom made monopoly board that is banner inspired, but is absolutely terrible at monopoly. the dice never seem to roll in her favour.
has 327.4 million followers on instagram (@bradleybanner).
has a finster for her actual friends (@bannersryan).
has been known to use the name ryan when she doesn't want to be recognised (how well that works out depends on how well the person she's using it on knows what she looks like).
rumour is she's writing a book about her life.
had a legit stalker in 2022 and has only just relaxed her security.
has been to the MET gala six times, 2024 will be her seventh.
was in a submergence (xaviers band) music video.
hates hates hates (!!) spiders.
is a democrat (and has donated a lot of money to presidential campaigns).
regularly donates blood (and documents it on social media in hopes of influencing others to do the same).
was announced as brand ambassador for balmain 2024.
ex-wife of @santiagodeleons.
old-friend of @aeris-flores.
bestie & frequent deuxmoi blind-item feature with @xaviermattthews.
employer of @maverick-liu (he's her personal assistant).
dated @pxtrickbalfe after her marriage ended.
friends with @vanessagable, @cavenshh, @delilahcarreno, @auggievillanueva, @firefighterrojas, @thelizaxlevin, @dancingdanvers, @connievanderbilt.
fired (or at least shipley fired) @cricketcampbell for accidentally posting her address in a tiktok video.
was-aunt (via her marriage to santiago) to @maura-cortes.
its sort-of-awkward on friend(ly) terms with @benj-hyun (her ex-husbands best friend).
@mackmontgomery, the 'soulmate' super fan — she doesn't know he exists.
anyone within her staff circle, bradley has a ton of staff bound by NDAs: hair-stylist, make-up artist, wardrobe stylist, personal assistant, security, maid, chef, social media manager (basically anyone who could work for her) — bradley treats her staff with respect / treats them like extended family but would be quick to dismiss anyone who puts her reputation / privacy at risk.
best friend, someone who just gets her / no judgement, easy vibes.
anyone in her inner circle: aka people who grew up under similar circumstances (rich / famous / affluent families — all of the above).
someone she attempted to date since her ex-husband, lasted a couple of months before fizzing out for whatever reason tbd. (after her divorce she's sworn off dating a normie — would need to be rich, with good social standing / reputation / likes the finer things in life / understands her world.)
people she dated before her ex-husband that didnt work out for whatever reason (she’s from calabasas LA, so would require some timeline matching) teens through to young adult.
anyone who works at seascape. (bradley doesnt involve herself in day-to-day running of the hotel, but she is present at the hotel sometimes — has a room constantly booked out).
that one wild fan that seems to be everywhere and is very sweet — doesn't quite overstep the boundary, but teeters close.
the hater! honestly, she hasn't done anything but they just don't like her because "why is she famous".
(brief because they’re just suggestions & i’m certainly open to anything not here!!)
squad (pls give her a wolf pack!) / ride or die / best friends / sibling like friends / unlikely friends / new friends / friends from LA.  
raya matches (she's not on tinder) / blind date / one night stand(s) / flirtationship / we dated but it didn't quite work out.
former friends / frenemies / enemies / fake friends / stans.
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savoir-entreprendre · 7 months ago
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Certains jours il peut être difficile de se motiver quand on entreprend des choses.Créateurs d’entreprise, investisseurs Africaine, le début de l’aventure entrepreneuriale est souvent une belle histoire qu’on se plait à raconter. Certains ont trouvé l’inspiration dans des lectures, d’autres s’identifient dans le cinéma. Nous avons sélectionné pour vous les 5 films Africains que tous les entrepreneurs du Continent devraient voir. TOP 5 DES FILMS NOOLYWOOD POUR LES ENTREPRENEURS AFRICAINS QUI MOTIVER ET INSPIRÉ ! Lionheart Adaeze reprend la compagnie de son père malade, avec l'aide d'un oncle. Dans ce monde dominé par les hommes, il lui faudra faire ses preuves.Lionheart est un film dramatique nigérian de 2018 produit par Chinny Onwugbenu et réalisé par Genevieve Nnaji. Il a été acquis par Netflix le 7 septembre 2018 ce qui en fait le premier film original de Netflix produit au Nigéria et une première sur le continent africain.  Hakkunde Le diplôme ne garan­tit pas l’accès à l’accom­plis­se­ment (de soi). On aura beau se déme­ner, mais le plus dif­fi­cile est de trou­ver le coco­tier pour le secouer. Dans un Nigeria où le chô­mage cloue au dénue­ment et à la misère bon nombre de jeunes ayant sous la main le sésame, garant de la qua­li­fi­ca­tion pro­fes­sion­nelle, Hakkunde, un diplômé, se cher­che une porte de sortie. Voulant exploi­ter une oppor­tu­nité, contre la volonté de sa sœur, il part s’ins­tal­ler à Kaduna, mais très vite, c’est la désillu­sion. La seule alter­na­tive est donc de se battre pour rester à flot. Ce film fait trans­pa­rai­tre la bra­voure, la per­sé­vé­rance, le refus des rac­cour­cis et de la faci­lité dont font montre bon nombre de citoyens enclins à la réus­site. Fifty FIFTY capture quelques jours charnières dans la vie de quatre Nigérianes au sommet de leur carrière. Rencontrez Tola, Elizabeth, Maria et Kate quatre amis forcés à mi-vie de faire l'inventaire … Voir le résumé complet  » Ola (Dakore Akande), c’est la diva de la télé-réalité, riche et désoeuvrée dont le mari aime une autre femme, Elizabeth (Iretiola Doyle), médecin de renom a un toy boy et une fille qui ne lui parle pas, Maria (Omoni Oboli), est celle a qui tout réussi mais qui tombe enceinte d’un homme marié, et Kate (Nse Ikpe-Etim) est une wedding planner et fervente croyante . Quatre amies dans la cinquantaine qui traversent la vie comme n’importe quelle femme de 50 ans, c’est-à-dire en tenant le taureau par les cornes. Mais elles vont voir toute leur vie et leurs choix remis en question en une semaine. Fifty est le premier film d’EbonyLife Films, et il a rapporté plus de 400 millions. Le succès de « Fifty » a été tel que le film a été transformé en une série New money Le film raconte l'histoire d'une jeune fille, qui est passée de commerçante à milliardaire, après que son père lui a laissé son empire pour courir. Dans  New Money , une jeune créatrice en difficulté découvre que le père qu'elle croyait mort depuis des années, n'était décédé que récemment et lui avait laissé le contrôle des actions de sa société de plusieurs milliards de nairas. Avec les actions, il y a la responsabilité d'être le PDG, la menace d'une attaque d'autres «aspirants PDG», ainsi que le potentiel de perdre une chance unique de devenir un créateur de mode de renom. Merry men Quatre célibataires nigérians très fortunés mènent grand train à Abuja, mais cette vie de luxe et de séduction masque leurs véritables occupations. Remi Martins (Falz le méchant), Amaju Abioritsegbemi (Ay le comédien), Ayo Alesinloye (Ramsey Nouah), et Naz Okibo (Jym Lyke) sont les célibataires les plus éligibles et les plus notoires d’Abuja. Ils ont des entreprises prospères, vivent dans de somptueux palais, conduisent des voitures de sport et attirent l’attention des femmes. Leur mission ? Voler l’élite corrompu et redistribuer aux pauvres. Merry Men est le plus fort démarrage de l’histoire de Nollywood. Un film peut t’aider à changer ta vie et te motiver à entreprendre.
J’aimerais beaucoup avoir ton retour sur ces films une fois que tu les auras vu. N’hésites pas de me donner ton avis. Également quelles sont les films que tu pourrais nous recommander.Partages tout ça dans un commentaire https://savoirentreprendre.net/?p=5369&feed_id=11753
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ulkaralakbarova · 8 months ago
Over the summer of 1976, thirty-six bombs detonate in the heart of Cleveland while a turf war raged between Irish mobster Danny Greene and the Italian mafia. Based on a true story, Kill the Irishman chronicles Greene’s heroic rise from a tough Cleveland neighborhood to become an enforcer in the local mob. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Danny Greene: Ray Stevenson John Nardi: Vincent D’Onofrio Joe Manditski: Val Kilmer Shondor Birns: Christopher Walken Joan Madigan: Linda Cardellini Mikey Mendarolo: Tony Darrow Ray Ferritto: Robert Davi Grace O’Keefe: Fionnula Flanagan Jerry Merke: Bob Gunton Art Sneperger: Jason Butler Harner Keith Ritson: Vinnie Jones Jack Licavoli: Tony Lo Bianco Ellie O’Hara: Laura Ramsey Mike Frato: Steve Schirripa Tony Salerno: Paul Sorvino Leo “Lips” Moceri: Mike Starr William “Billy” McComber: Marcus Thomas Frank Brancato: Vinny Vella Valet: Brian Balzerini Young Danny Greene: Cody Christian Young Billy McComber: Dante Wildern Tony Lupero: Sean O’Reily Vic Centauro: Vincent Rogo Angelini Tommy Sinito: Grant Krause Joe Buka: Jeff Chase Stan Gilroy: Jim Porterfield Undercover Cop: Jeff Wolfe Film Crew: Director: Jonathan Hensleigh Executive Producer: Tara Reid Casting: Mary Vernieu Production Design: Patrizia von Brandenstein Director of Photography: Karl Walter Lindenlaub Editor: Douglas Crise Executive Producer: Arthur M. Sarkissian Visual Effects Supervisor: Chris Ervin Producer: Al Corley Producer: Eugene Musso Unit Production Manager: Bart Rosenblatt Producer: Tommy Reid Casting: Juan Carlos Cantu Screenplay: Jeremy Walters Book: Rick Porrello Executive Producer: Jonathan Dana Costume Design: Melissa Bruning Original Music Composer: Patrick Cassidy Music Supervisor: John Bissell Production Supervisor: Michael D. Jones Art Direction: Gary Baugh Script Supervisor: Dug Rotstein Still Photographer: Kim C. Simms Set Decoration: Joan MacFarlane Production Sound Mixer: Beau Williams Second Assistant Director: Phil Robinson Stunt Double: Cassandra McCormick Movie Reviews: Kenneth Axel Carlsson: This is the story of the irishman, Danny Greene (Ray Stevenson), a corrupt union man, who ended up as sort of a Robin Hood figure of Cleveland. This is the story of how he rose in the ranks, making countless of enemies along the way. This is also the story of how they tried to kill him, but failed. I’ve never heard of Danny Greene, but the movie paints a nice realistic picture of the 1970s. This is not a pleasant world, but one where everyone is trying to get their piece of the cake. Danny himself is a hard one to figure out, is he good, is he bad? The one moment he helps out a friend in need, the next… he is killing people. I kinda like the fact that he is a person with both sides to him, allowing us to make up our own mind about him. Life is never as simple as most movies would like us to think it is. The movie itself is a little messy, and I had expected a bit more from the cast, but of course, this is a movie based on actual events and characters, and of course that means that they can’t change too much. In minor roles we find Val Kilmer and Christopher Walken, both excellent actors that tend to make quirky and interesting characters, but not so much here. Last words… a solid movie that gives us some insight into a man who really lived and breathed. It has some heart, for sure, but ain’t all that interesting when it comes down to it. I probably won’t ever see it a second time, but I definitely survived seeing it once.
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musicarenagh · 10 months ago
Now 'Gender Reveal Atomic Bomb' Ask's 'Who is the Alien' Gender Reveal Atomic Bomb' has been recently on a roll with their newest releases. This Belgian punk rock band, led by the twin brother and sister combo of Beau and Blaise Ramsey, is more than just a group which bangs out cool tunes.  Their mission is to call out the bullshit in our society. The new song of theirs “Who is the Alien?” is a concise bombastic grenade, launched at the inflammatory rhetoric of people like Donald Trump, about the immigration. A vicious fusion of prog-punk and unsparing lyrics, the GRAB angrily resigns the dehumanization of hate with no remorse. This song can be described as acoustic-guitar ridden fire for whoever is fighting racism and inequality. The saga continues with "Generation Atomic Bomb" - an explosive punk rock volcano featuring blasting guitars and pounding drums. It’s a pop-punk/goth/classic punk thriller that proves GRAB's mastery of the midas touch while not giving af, obviously. [caption id="attachment_55363" align="alignnone" width="1440"] It’s a pop-punk/goth/classic punk thriller that proves GRAB's mastery of the midas touch while not giving af, obviously.[/caption] However, it is crazy how maturely beyond their chronological ages, the Ramsey siblings and their band sound. Their completely-do-it-yourself mentality and audacity to confront uncooperative topics make them different from the rest of the population by far. Year after year, Gender Reveal Atomic Bomb proves that the most powerful and unstoppable band is the one that is never content with just the status quo. On "Who is the Alien ?" and "Generation Atomic Bomb", this band is not only doling out catchy tunes, but's also making a huge impact on a global scale. With all the doors they keep nocking and the flames they are setting, they are indeed the literal embodiment of the ancient saying, "punk is not just a music genre, but actually a cultural shockwave for Change with a capital C". Listen to Who is the Alien? https://open.spotify.com/track/6guLNxZMcXBSz8jGyKLEW1 Follow Gender Reveal Atomic Bomb on Spotify Instagram
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myheadsgonenumb · 1 year ago
Meeting the Quidditch Players - The Wolf's Tail
With the inaugural International School's Quidditch Cup taking place in the Marauder's Fifth year of The Wolf's Tail , 63 foreign teen Quidditch players and their coaches have descended on Hogwarts and, although every player won't be named in the fic (that's a lot to fit in) each player for every team has been created in my notes. Some of their names are a mixture of canon names and/ or names with mythological/ historical/ cultural or flight related links ... and as there won't be room to go into them in the fic, I thought I would post some of the extra details here. First up, the English speaking schools:
Gwenog Jones (beater) - the youngest player on the team is the canonical captain of the Holyhead Harpies in Harry's time. A great heroine of Ginny's, Hermione meets her at the slug club and is unimpressed.
Sidhe Moran (chaser) - A member of the 1994 World Cup Irish winning team. Sidhe (roughly pronounced like "five" but starting with an s) is an Irish name which comes from the name for the fairy people who live under the hills.
Memengwaa Campbell (seeker) - A First Nations Canadian witch (with a Scottish great great great grandfather), she is from the Ojibwe tribe and her name means "butterfly".
Bertram Aubrey (chaser) - A character canonically famous for having an illegal hex performed on him by one James Potter. Bertram ended up in the Hospital Wing with his head twice the regular size, James ended up in detention.
Diego Di Marco (chaser) - A Mexican wizard and a love interest for Lily, he is named after Don Juan for his last name and has been given a Spanish version of Casanova's first name as his given name. Cassanova's name was Giancomo, which is Italian for ... James
Beau Rogers and Jesse Bonney (beaters) - take their name from assorted famous cowboys/ outlaws notably Will Rogers, Jesse James and William Bonney (Billy the Kid)
Mister Wright (coach) - Named after the Wright brothers.
Yeperenye School of Sorcery
Harold Holt-Bishop (keeper) - The vanishing keeper, named after two Australians who famously vanished. Harold Holt was the 17th Australian Prime Minister who disappeared in 1967 and was never found, and Harold Bishop - a character in long running Aussie soap "Neighbours" - who was lost at sea in 1991 but who was found safe and well (if suffering from amnesia) in 1996. Harold left Ramsey Street for the final time (perhaps) in late 2023.
Ned Barrett (beater) - Takes his name from famous Australian outlaw, Ned Kelly
Basil Burrunjor (chaser) - A Burrunjor is a mythological giant lizard. The first European witch in Australia - and founder of Yeperenye - Joanna Jamieson, fashioned herself a new wand from wattlewood and the heartstring of a burrunjor upon her release from prison (she had been transported for the crime of fraud, after she vanished her neighbour's cow and the authorities refused to recognise she was a witch).
Alinta Gunidjaa (seeker) - Alinta is an Aboriginal Australian and thus has come to Yeperenye via the "Aboriginal Controversy" following the muggle policy of separating native children from their parents. Aboriginal Australians did not traditionally have last names and so were assigned them by the white authorities. Wizarding assigned last names are based off native Australian flora and fauna. A Gunidjaa is a black faced cuckoo shrike, but cruelly is also an Aboriginal word for "motherless child" or "orphan" - the irony being Alinta is not an orphan, she has been stolen from her parents.
Madam Larrikin (coach) - like Alinta she is named after a native bird and so is probably an Aboriginal Australian who came to Yeperenye after ending up in a muggle home. Larrikin can also be used as a pejorative name "you cheeky Larrikin" - which along with Alinta's name - suggests there is a certain amount of racism involved in the bestowing of last names on Aboriginal wizards.
This post is getting quite long, so I'll return tomorrow with another post for the other schools (Durmstrang might need a post all to themselves).
Link to part 2
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tbthqs · 1 year ago
Mulheres: Angelina Jolie, AJ Cook, Lyndsy Fonseca, Gemma Chan, Aisha Dee, Annie Murphy, Nikki Reed, Aja Naomi King, Alexandra Daddario, Dianna Agron, Lalisa Manoban, Victoria Pedretti, Summer Bishil, Meghann Fahy, Gabrielle Union, Candice King, Hillarie Burton Morgan, Demet Ozdemir, Lindsey Morgan, Piper Perabo, Kristin Bell, Candice Patton, Karla Souza, Christian Serratos, Adria Arjona, Spencer Locke, Nathalie Kelley, Cobie Smulders, Tessa Thompson, Olivia Wilde, Melissa Roxburgh, Brittany Snow, Emily Brown, Maya Mitchell, Olivia Munn, Jamie Chung, Lucy Liu, Bethany Joy Lenz.
Homens: Charlie Hunnam, Chris Evans, Kit Connor, Charles Michael Davis, Dev Patel, Beau Mirchoff, Danial Sharman, Avan Jogia, Henry Golding, Diego Luna, Charlie Weber, William Harper, Michael B. Jordan, Dacre Montgomery, Casey Deidrick, Dylan O'Brien, Tyler Posey, Oliver Stark, Adam Rodriguez, Daniel Henney, Patrick Flueger, Lucien Laviscount, Jeremy Allen White, Chris Hemswort, Peter Gadiot, Josh Dallas, Amadeus Serafini, George Mackay, Taron Egerton, Alfred Enoch, Nathan Parsons, Dwayne Johnson, John Krasinski, Richard Harmon, Liam Hemsworth, John David Washington, Joe Keery, Jesse Williams.
NB: Asia Kate Dillon, Emma Darcy, Bella Ramsey, Jesse Mei Li
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etcemais · 1 year ago
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Confira a lista completa dos indicados para o Globo de Ouro. A premiação acontece no dia 7 de janeiro.
Toda Luz que Não Podemos Ver Treta Daisy Jones & The Six Fargo Companheiros de Viagem Uma Questão de Química
Matt Bomer (Companheiros de Viagem) Sam Claflin (Daisy Jones & The Six) Jon Hamm (Fargo) Woody Harrenson (Os Encanadores da Casa Branca) David Oyelowo (Homens da Lei: Bass Reeves) Steven Yeun (Treta)
Riley Keough (Daisy Jones & The Six) Brie Larson (Uma Questão de Química) Elizabeth Olsen (Amor & Morte) Juno Temple (Fargo) Rachel Weisz (Gêmeas - Mórbida Semelhança) Ali Wong (Treta)
Abbott Elementary Barry O Urso Jury Duty Only Murders in the Building Ted Lasso
Bill Hader (Barry) Steve Martin (Only Murders in the Building) Jason Segel (Shrinking) Martin Short (Only Murders in the Building) Jason Sudeikis (Ted Lasso) Jeremy Allen White (O Urso)
Rachel Brosnahan (Maravilhosa Sra. Maisel) Quinta Brunson (Abbott Elementary) Ayo Edebiri (O Urso) Selena Gomez (Only Murders in the Building) Natasha Lyonne (Poker Face)
1923 The Crown A Diplomata The Last of Us The Morning Show Succession
Brian Cox (Succession) Kieran Culkin (Succession) Gary Oldman (Slow Horses) Pedro Pascal (The Last of Us) Jeremy Strong (Succession) Dominic West (The Crown)
Helen Mirren (1923) Bella Ramsey (The Last of Us) Keri Russell (A Diplomata) Sarah Snook (Succession) Imelda Staunton (The Crown) Emma Stone (The Curse)
Billy Crudup (The Morning Show) Matthew Macfadyen (Succession) James Marsden (Jury Duty) Ebon Moss-Bachrach (O Urso) Alan Ruck (Succession) Alexander Skarsgard (Succession)
Elizabeth Debicki (The Crown) Abby Elliott (O Urso) Christina Ricci (Yellowjackets) J. Smith-Cameron (Succession) Meryl Streep (Only Murders in the Building) Hannah Waddingham (Ted Lasso)
The Boy and The Heron Elementos Homem-Aranha Através do Aranhaverso Super Mario Bros Suzume Wish
Anatomia de uma Queda (França) Folhas de Outono (Finlândia) Io Capitano (Itália) Vidas Passadas (Estados Unidos) Society of the Snow (Espanha) Zona de Interesse (Reino Unido/Estados Unidos)
Anatomia de Uma Queda Assassinos da Lua das Flores Maestro Oppenheimer Vidas Passadas Zona de Interesse
Bradley Cooper (Maestro) Leonardo diCaprio (Assassinos da Lua das Flores) Colman Domingo (Rustin) Barry Keoghan (Saltburn) Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer) Andrew Scott (Todos Nós Desconhecidos)
Annette Bening (NYAD) Lily Gladstone (Assassinos da Lua das Flores) Sandra Hüller (Anatomia de uma Queda) Greta Lee (Vidas Passadas) Carey Mulligan (Maestro) Cailee Spaeny (Priscilla)
Air American Fiction Barbie The Holdovers Segredos de um Escândalo Pobres Criaturas
Nicolas Cage (Dream Scenario) Timothée Chalamet (Wonka) Matt Damon (Air) Paul Giamatti (The Holdovers) Joaquin Phoenix (Beau Tem Medo) Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction)
Fantasia Barrino (A Cor Púrpura) Jennifer Lawrence (Que Horas Eu Te Pego?) Natalie Portman (Segredos de um Escândalo) Alma Pöysti (Folhas de Outono) Margot Robbie (Barbie) Emma Stone (Pobres Criaturas)
Willem Dafoe (Pobres Criaturas) Robert de Niro (Assassinos da Lua das Flores) Robert Downey Jr (Oppenheimer) Ryan Gosling (Barbie) Charles Melton (Segredos de um Escândalo) Mark Ruffalo (Pobres Criaturas)
Emily Blunt (Oppenheimer) Danielle Brooks (A Cor Púrpura) Jodie Foster (NYAD) Julianne Moore (Segredos de um Escândalo) Rosamund Pike (Saltburn) Da'vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers)
Bradley Cooper (Maestro) Greta Gerwig (Barbie) Yorgos Lanthimos (Pobres Criaturas) Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) Martin Scorsese (Assassinos da Lua das Flores) Celine Song (Vidas Passadas)
Greta Gerwig & Noah Baumbach (Barbie) Tony McNamara (Pobres Criaturas) Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) Eric Roth & Martin Scorsese (Assassinos da Lua das Flores) Celine Song (Vidas Passadas) Justine Triet & Arthur Harari (Anatomia de uma Queda)
Jerskin Fendrix (Pobres Criaturas) Ludwig Göransson (Oppenheimer) Joe Hisaishi (The Boy and The Heron) Mica Levi (Zona de Interesse) Daniel Pemberton (Homem-Aranha Através do Aranhaverso) Robbie Robertson (Assassinos da Lua das Flores)
"Addicted to Romance, Bruce Springsteen (She Came to Me) "Dance the Night", Mark Ronson, Andrew Wyatt, Dua Lipa, Caroline Ailin (Barbie) "I'm Just Ken", Mark Ronson, Andrew Wyatt (Barbie) "Peaches", Jack Black, Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic, Eric Osmond, John Spiker (Super Mario Bros) "Road to Freedom", Lenny Kravitz (Rustin) "What Was I Made For", Billie Eilish O'Connell, Finneas O'Connell (Barbie)
Barbie Guardiões da Galáxia Vol. 3 John Wick 4 Missão: Impossível - Acerto de Contas Parte 1 Oppenheimer Homem-Aranha Através do Aranhaverso Super Mario Bros Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour
Ricky Gervais: Armageddon Trevor Noah: Where Was I Chris Rock: Selective Outrage Amy Schumer: Emergency Contact Sarah Silverman: Someone You Love Wanda Sykes: I'm an Entertainer
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