#bea McGregor
junadeo · 1 year
Peter Rabbit is communism
Honestly, I don't think any of y'all are ready for what I'm about to say, but Peter Rabbit (the Movie) is actually Marxist/communist propaganda. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I am completely 100% serious with this. So, I made a longish essay analyzing the plot of this movie. There are spoilers, obviously, but you aren't missing out on a lot by not watching this insane woke dumpster fire of a film.
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A much better name for this movie would probably be Revolutionary Rabbit ☭ .
Part I: introduction and context
Just so we're all on the same page, Peter Rabbit (the Movie) is a 2018 film directed by Will Gluck. It is partially live-action and CGI. Many of the movie's characters are taken from Helen Beatrix Potter's 23 stories, including the titular protagonist Peter Rabbit, but also Benjamin Bunny, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail Rabbit, and many more. The movie also includes Beatrix herself as a main character, alongside an entirely original one, Thomas McGregor. The movie was first released by Colombia Pictures in the US.
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Will Gluck, a movie director, and known communist, socialist, and wokist.
The first piece of evidence of this movie being communist lies in the fact that the director of this movie, Will Gluck, is also one of the executive producers of the leftist show Woke. That's right. The very DIRECTOR OF THIS MOVIE is a communist involved in the production of woke propaganda. But believe me, there's so much more.
Part II: beginning of the plot
So, the first 15 minutes of this movie is set in the Lakes district of England, where Peter Rabbit, his three sisters Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail, and his friend Benjamin Bunny, all live. The five rabbits often raid Mr. McGregor's garden and steal his vegetables. One day, however, Peter accidentally sets off a trap McGregor had prepared, causing McGregor to chase Peter away in an attempt to catch him. Luckly, Beatrix, a lovely artist who cares for the animals, catches Peter in her arms before McGregor could. It is later revealed that McGregor ate Peter's father, and that Bea has cared for the rabbits ever since their mom died. However, Peter goes back into the garden to take back his jacket which he lost and gets caught by McGregor, who then immediately dies from a heart attack caused by his unhealthy, American-centric diet. A ecstatic Peter then invites all the animals to McGregor's home.
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A photo of Beatrix (foreground left), the five rabbits (background left), and Mr. McGregor (center) and his garden (right).
Already, these first 15 minutes infuriate me. Peter Rabbit actually believes that he has a right to raid Mr. McGregor's garden, or in other words, his property, and a right to take and eat his vegetables, or in other words, his property. Other than this being completely immoral, trespassing on someone else's property and stealing their stuff is criminalized by countless laws in the United States and would quite possibly land him in death row. The only reason he has not been caught by the law is simply because he lives in the UK.
Keep in mind that this movie is made for children. Why does a movie made for children include a scene where a person literally kills and eats a rabbit? Is this movie for children or not? I guess it's just woke Hollywood nonsense again, not known for being logical or consistent.
Not to mention about all the anti-American racism present here? Mr. McGregor literally just eats an all-American diet, and then the movie claims that diet is what killed him. That's fucking ridiculous and so, SO racist. If that's not anti-American and racist, then I don't know what is. I really don't. And once again, this anti-American racism is indicative of a communist, wokeist ideology. Just think about it! You have to be pro- something, and if you're anti-America, then what else could you possibly be for, other than China? And - big shocker - but China is literally communist.
Part III: Thomas McGregor
At about the 15 minute mark of this movie, Thomas mcGregor (aka mr. mcGregor) is finally introduced. he is a perfectionist, a workaholic, and a controling man, working for the toy department of Harrods in London for ten years, waiting for a promotion. He sees the general manager, expecting his promotion, but is instead told that his Great-Uncle has died. Unfazed by such trivial information, he pressures the maneger to reveal to him whether or not he got a premotion. but sadly for him, the promotion went to a lazy and idiotic nephew of the managing director. This infuriates Thomas, causing him to fucking lose it and mess up the store. and because of that he gets fired.
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A photo of Thomas McGregor (centre, right in front of the toilet), immediately before he goes to talk with his manager.
This momant provides perfect evidence that this movie is communist: the movie shows that even the perfect worker, a man who does absolutely everything perfectly and has done everything perfectly for years, that his work will not let him to clime the socio-economic ladder. His talents, his hard work, all of his merits, none of them will ever pay off. Yet, a lazy and stupid man is given a high-ranking position simply because he is related to another guy already in a powerful posision. This moment is, clearly, a jab at the idea of a meritocracy. Its an woke attack on our American system and I will not stand for it. Remember, that Peter Rabbit (the Movie) is (at the very least, supposedly) a childrens movie, and at just fifteen minutes communism is being shoved down children's throats! Ridiculous!
Part IV: conflict
After Thomas is firred, he then realizes that he had inherited the valueble mcgregor manor and that he could sell it to create his own toystore. When he arives he is shoked to find all the animalds and so he kicks them out. and cleans up the house and fixxes the fence. Bea speaks with Thomas, encourages him to let the wildlife freely enter the gardan, and givies him a pair of binoculars. Dispite Beas efforts Thomas keeps the gstes closed and ups the security. Petre and Benjiman sneak back into the garden, and are chased down by Thomas. while Peter escapes, Benjamin is caught by Thomas ahd taken by Tomas to be thrown of a bridge, but he is rescued by the other rabbits and Thomas accidentily drops the binoculars instead. Thomas than goes and buys an ellectroc fence and dynamite. Bea and Thomas met again, and fall in lovve with eachother, much to Peters dismay and jealosy. Peter and Thomus start anotger war between themselves, resulting in one of Bea's paiinting getting ruinned and Peter getting kicked out of Bea's home.
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Peter Rabbit and Thomas McGregor going absolutely batshit insane on each other.
this part of the Peter Rabbit (the Movie) is prehaps the best part. I cant find any communism or sociallism here. Fore example Thomas literally shoos away all the trespassing animals who violate his propertie rights. He puts so much effort into cleanign his house, and it all pays of: a clear demonstratuon that hard work will always be worthwhile. Still, there are many propblems with this part of the movie. For example, why is there a man doing all this cleaning? I knoe that hes doing a lot of work, but why would he threaten his oun masculinity like that? And, if you pay attention, the narriator litterally says this: "romance is a powerful thing. It can sneak up on any two people. Even if one's amazing, and the other is a McGregor". I'm sorry, but that implies that literally any twlo people can fall in love, even if they're both men, or both women. And this is supposed to be a kids movie? if so than why are you promoting liberal gender ideology nonsence in this movie? I guess this just coms down to Holly wood always having to promote an ideology. If it's not marxist socialist communism, than it must be liberal gender ideology. Of course.
Part V: shit goes crazy
This is the piont of the Peter Rabbit (the Movie) where every thimg devolves into all out war. Petre and his famly decid to put boobytrapps in side Thomes 's home in aqn attemt to get rid of him, caosing Thamas many pain and frustetion. So thomas upgrafes his securite again, electrifoiing his femce. in response, Perte rewires the electic fence so wheng thomAs touches a toorhandle he receves a shock, prevocing Thomas to throw dynamite in the rabbits burrow. the rabbbits attack back by triggreing Thomass 's blackberry allergy. Thamos retalliates by lighting and throwing dynamte at the babbits. Bea notices the sounds and approches Thpmas asking him abuot the commotion. He assures Bea everytihng is alreight but Peter detonates the rest ofthe explosifes destroing the Beaas artstudio and the rabits burroew. Bea is uotraged with thomas and dismisis his explanation that the rabits were involved and splits up with him.
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An explosive, trying to tear apart a heterosexual relationship.
the conflict thaet erupts betwen Thomas and Peter symbloises the violence that marxxists and comunists want, in oorder to achieve there terrible goals for sociietie. they want to terrorise, pillege, and destroy their way to create thier own litle utopia, to destrioy traditional, patriotic, AMERICAN values,like heterosexuality. as you can see, the btreaking up of a heterosexual relationship is exactly wat marxiists want, and its exactly ehat happens in this scene.
Part VI: Bee and Thomus departt and join up agein
Tomase is lreft heartbrokken, and geos back tto Londdon, wile pEtre rebit feils guillty aend remosefl fr hes actiones, aned so he goes into Loendonm widh Bonjiman to finnd Thumus and brieng him beck. bi nowe Htomas has reterned to harrots, and bakc in the cooutnriyside Bea is leaving hher homse, althoughh the ohter rebbits and the woldlife try tto stup her. Peter snd Binjimon encorage THomas two lissin to his heart end go back to the countrie side wth Bea. thommis agrees and gos.
Thommase meets Beaa back at Lakes annd apologies to herr. Petre Robot shoes Bea that he pooshed the dettinatore botton, comvinsing her thet thomsa was rihgt. A rich cuople who buorgt the mcGregore hous ise electriffied when the rabots riwire the elctric fonce again and scarred awey by the animols hwo gott insi de th e hause.
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Formation of class solidarity. Beatrix represents the agrarian worker, while Thomas represents the industrial worker.
inn the lasst twentie minots of thise mivie a form of claess solidaride, is slowly formmed betweeen Tomass mcgregoir , hwo respresents the industiul werker, and Beatrich, whoe respresenrs the agrarian workers, against the exploitrive bourgeios r ich couple who wants to buye thir hous. Beayrrl and Thomasa noe littrolly live in the counrtie side, away from werking four rich buorgois cepitalissts. they literilly live in a comunist utopiae with the robits. it doosent get anymire explicit than this, it reolly dozn't. the mobie is litterolly yelling, screeming, even screetching in yur face "communism communism commumisn i love karl marx and vlodimir lennin" and mobody realizede.
Purt VII: movii ends
Port VIII: outfghjmk stuff
so in summery Peter Rabbit (the Movie) ise marcxist, sociallst, comunisst, lefttiest, wokist. liberalist, gender, ideolodgy, AND umpatreon all at the saem time. THYIS IS FUKKUNG UNBELIEVABLO! how could tey gottin awiy wid this? they arre puttinb gonfder thoery in yuoir minds with thies mobie as well and yrou alle jost ated it op!
four fuckks saqe did yuo knorw that JOER BIDEN and KARLL MARXS is even lkisted in thde credirs section? he IS fycking repsonsibl for this communits propugander, an evryoin all jist ignored it!! ajd they are listred rihgt nects to other communit dictaters, like josif staling, borax obama, and mau zetong! hoe is this evin acceptibole? siriousli fuck joe biden any those wokketarreckdds
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butt yeahj. i dont hev anithim left to sae. Peter Rabbit (the Movie) is jusr communis scialist marxi st liboral gener thery pro joe bidan propaganda ans thereyteertyu are puttign it in thye mindes of you adn yuor chuldren, and yuor froinds and yrou. amorica is folling aport ind itser becgiyse igf big chmiigfdepret dimohggfret prioiugfddyjn mlikgefjklhy Peter Rabbit (the Movie).
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scarletunit6 · 7 months
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Looking closely at British culture I wanted to deepen my research further into typical British films.
Wallace and Gromit
Wallace and Gromit is a British stop-motion animated comedy franchise created by Nick Park and produced by Aardman Animations. The main film series consists of four short films and one feature-length film, and has spawned numerous spin-offs and TV adaptations.
Wikipedia. (2024). Wallace and Gromit. [online] Available at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wallace_and_Gromit#:~:text=Wallace%20and%20Gromit%20is%20a [Accessed 17 Mar. 2024]. ‌
Paddington is a 2014 live-action animated comedy film written and directed by Paul King. It was developed from a story by King and Hamish McColl, which was based on the stories of the character Paddington Bear created by Michael Bond.
Wikipedia. (2024). Paddington (film). [online] Available at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paddington_(film)#:~:text=Paddington%20is%20a%202014%20live [Accessed 17 Mar. 2024]. ‌
Mr bean
Mr. Bean is a British comedy television show about a silly buffoon with the same name. Mr. Bean has been very popular on TV and has been played by Rowan Atkinson. He had later gotten a movie based on the show as the star and soon an animated series. While the series may be over now, we can still try and show our love for it here at the Mr. Bean Wiki.
mrbean.fandom.com. (n.d.). Mr. Bean Wiki. [online] Available at: https://mrbean.fandom.com/wiki/Mr._Bean_Wiki#google_vignette [Accessed 17 Mar. 2024]. ‌
Peter Rabbit
Peter Rabbit, his cousin Benjamin and his triplet sisters Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail spend most of their days stealing vegetables from the garden of Mr. McGregor, a nearby farmer. After Mr. McGregor dies of a heart attack, his nephew Thomas arrives from London to take over the property in order to sell it for a profit. Thomas removes the animals from the house and begins to secretly wall up the garden, despite the objection of local woman Bea – a friend to the rabbits – who begins to fall in love with Thomas. Peter becomes jealous, and becomes embroiled in a war of traps with Thomas in this family comedy which mixes live-action and animation, adapted from the beloved children’s books by author Beatrix Potter.
Film, I. (n.d.). Peter Rabbit. [online] www.intofilm.org. Available at: https://www.intofilm.org/films/19116 [Accessed 17 Mar. 2024]. ‌
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Pedro Coelho Online fácil
Assistir Filme Pedro Coelho Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/pedro-coelho/
Pedro Coelho - Filmes Online Fácil
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Pedro Coelho é um animal rebelde que apronta todas no quintal e até dentro da casa do Mr. McGregor (Domhnall Gleeson), com quem trava uma dura batalha pelo carinho da amante de animais Bea (Rose Byrne).
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aquamarineglow · 3 years
The World of Peter Rabbit and friends is my childhood and my special interest, so I was so excited to finally watch Peter Rabbit 2.
Here are some of the highlights:
Thomas is literally the best character. He's a bisexual disaster, infodumps about printing, loves his wife, loves his rabbit children. I could write an essay on how he is the perfect man. I want to marry both him and his wife and live in the country together with all the animals. That's the dream.
Since I love the original books so much, everytime I saw a returning character, I freaked out. Literally every five seconds I was like:
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Peter rabbit walking through wet cement while a squirrel sings Boulevard of Broken Dreams? Cinematic masterpiece.
Protect the Tailor of Gloucester at all costs. Give him all the sausages.
I am still not over the filmmakers killing off Peter's mother. His father died in the original, but not her. Josephine was a queen. An icon.
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Mrs Tiggywinkle does not fear death. Death fears Mrs Tiggywinkle.
Benjamin Bunny is totally ok with his cousin hooking up with an older man. But a criminal? Definitely not!
Jeremy Fisher is literally a king. Words cannot express the love I have for this frog. I would die for him.
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Fun fact: In the original books, Flopsy and Benjamin get married and have babies together. They are cousins.
All the hidden references to the books!! Ginger and Pickles Shop! Piperton pets! The tailor of Gloucester! I love the little details!
Pigling Bland is still the distinguished gay he's been since 1913. All he needs now is his lesbian girlfriend Pig Wig so they can laugh and judge others together. Please. I miss her.
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I'm still clinging onto the hope that Mr Bouncer will appear one day. Him and Tabitha Twitchett.
Speaking of Tabitha, does she know that two of her kittens are in a gang??
And Tom Kitten??? Why are you in a gang with Samuel Whiskers???? Remember when he literally tried to eat you???
Johnny Townmouse mentions having a wife and lots of babies. I guess his long distance relationship with Timmy Willie didn't work out. What a pity.
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Those are all the thoughts I have for now. Knowing my obsession, I will probably make more lol.
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untamed-force · 3 years
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lvkeskyvvalker · 3 years
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kittyboones · 4 years
Hi sorry for how little I've been active today, my sister dropped by and we watched Peter Rabbit and😳 Thomas McGregor and Bea doe, but also Benjamin😳🥺
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 5 years
I relate to Thomas McGregor because I too would jump into a river to retrieve a gift Rose Byrne gave me for a hobby I’m shit at and be unable to hide my smile if she touched foreheads with me.
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sherrenaz · 6 years
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thoselittleboats · 6 years
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I actually kind of fell for him.
I could have loved him, even.
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shortbreadhotpot · 6 years
More adorable japanese Peter Rabbit Promos <3 <3
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goldproblems · 7 years
Ewan McGregor just wont best actor in a drama series and all I can think about is that obi wan beard *eyes emoji*
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untamed-force · 5 years
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Ewan McGregor’s lovers dying in his arms:

Christian/Satine: Moulin Rouge (2001) 
Obi-Wan/Satine: Star Wars: The Clone Wars: “The Lawless” (2013) 
Lumière/Plumette: Beauty and the Beast (2017) [gifs by @batbedits]
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torivikachu · 3 years
I’m going to make this one really really really hard for you >:)
I dislike cheese unless it’s on something, my least favourite color is brown, my anxious habit is to bite my nails, I love ribbons and pretty dresses, one of my favourite actors is Ewan McGregor.
Oh. And I love the musical and movie “Legally Blonde”
I don’t even know if these are things I’ve told you about myself :) but good luck.
okayyyy I have this strong feeling that this is Bea, mostly based on the fact that Ewan McGregor starred in Star Wars and bc as far as I remember Bea doesn't like cheese.....
I honestly haven't heard these exact facts from any of my mutuals!!!
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novakspector · 3 years
Thomas McGregor is gonna leave Bea for a sexy black man 🤭😱😳
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