#be free my friends. prosper. live to the fullest. live your life free of these chains of PRETTY ASS MEN
dnorthernlight · 2 years
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Really? You’re allowing your condition to defining you? What you’ve gone through does not have the power to define the person you are. The only reason we can get taken down by an event or circumstance is because of the mindset we hold. The direction of my thoughts were leading me to a downward spiral. I was going downward and fast. Nobody could penetrate. Who I was becoming wasn’t who I wanted to be. I had built a solid wall. Even though I had a front, what I really felt was different. I was hiding my emotions. Something had to give. It was either going to be an uphill climb or complete disaster. Something in me clicked and I was on my way up. Just because of something that happened to you or that you were afflicted by a condition doesn’t mean it has the power to rob you of your thoughts or how you process information. How we view what happened has everything to do with how we will respond. It doesn’t matter what you’ve gone through or going through right now. Start seeing things differently. Allow yourself to gain knowledge. Become wiser. Understand that your power lies within you and not in the event that happened to you. Allow yourself to be happy, my friend. Choose to prosper and to live your life to the fullest no matter what happens. P.S. Join me for a free Masterclass. In this class, I will share the methods I use to keep my seizures away. You will learn some holistic practices that allow me and many others to be in control of their seizures. On Thursday March 16th. If you live with epilepsy, this session will touch you directly. Email me to attend at [email protected] The Masterclass will be on Thursday March 16th at 3pm Pacific Standard Time (6pm EST). Send me an email and I will respond to you with a personal invitation to the Masterclass. That’s 3:00pm PST! See you there, Daniel Your Holistic Epilepsy Health Coach https://www.instagram.com/p/CIX2C5XjX2q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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3days-ofbread · 3 years
Do you wanna do this Prompt again/more? (You don't Of course if you Don't want to)
i'm looking
(i haven't written tf2 in a LONG ASS TIME so bear with me)
Medic/Engie ADHD diagnosis
-Medic has it BAD. Not like negative bad, but serious bad.
-It's a common occurrence for Medic to reach for an organ from the fridge and completely and unintentionally derail himself by striking up a conversation with the Spy head in there. The aforementioned head normally just ignores him but sometimes has to interrupt him and verbally tell him that he was in the middle of something. By then Medic will have completely forgotten what he was doing.
-Medic also has a habit of motioning with his hands while he talks, which gets worse depending on what he's holding. A bonesaw isn't safe. Soldier's internal organs is definitely not safe. (he drops the organs a lot. he brushes them off with a feather duster made of his doves' feathers. those who cared no longer give enough fucks to do so.)
-Now, Engie has a slightly lighter case. It doesn't tend to affect battle or general life much, but the second he gets into 'the zone', he is GONE. There is no getting him back. He very regularly forgets to eat or drink water. (I'm projecting. I am one of the most dehydrated mfs in my immediate area.)
...Ima b real wit u chief. I'm including Jojo content. (which isn't that uncommon irl...)
(For those who don't know, a certain himbo named Joseph Joestar also has a metal hand. And it twitches randomly when his emotions are intense. The concept is 👌, as is most of Jojo. So yes, my dears;)
-Engie idly stims by spinning his hand and flexing his fingers to hear the noise.
(Another thing for those who don't know, my Jojo hyperfixation has returned with a raging vengeance.)
(And, unfortunately, said Jojo hyperfixation is living in my head rent free 24/7 and I thus have little to no room for TF2 and my other hyperfixations.)
(Still taking requests, as always, but I can't guarentee that the content is of top quality =w=; so sorry about that!)
(If you want your brain to dissolve as well, go visit 😊. If you're fixated on something else rn tho, I don't recommend it. It can and will suck you in like some sort of demonic vacuum. I was getting a lil burnt out working on a fanfic so I started to work on another fanfic which was Jojo related and before I knew it it had sunk its menacing-kanji-shaped hooks into me. Fucking help me no thoughts only Prosciutto Jojo Part Five Golden Wind)
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bamon4bamily · 3 years
TVD 10x02 - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to - Munich, Germany. Elena is in one of the lab morgues. She is leaning against the freezers, writing in her diary.
 Dear Diary,
Today will be different. I will start fresh. Be someone new. New year, new life, new diary. I’ve come all this way, thanks to my father, but I need to step out of his shadow, and make it on my own. I have to stop doubting myself… As that cute guy Sam told me, I was chosen for a reason. It’s time I start believing in myself and become the Elena Gilbert I always wanted to be. Away from Mystic Falls, the drama, the supernatural, the pain…  
But, just between us, I feel like something is off… I mean, I’m glad to feel different, it’s just that in a weird way, I don’t feel quite like myself… Maybe it’s because the nightmares have come back… They are so vivid, as if I were living through it once more. The freezing water, the air escaping my lungs, the despair of knowing they were with me. That horrible feeling, over and over again… I thought I had healed, as much as one can heal from something like that, but I can still feel her hand slipping away… At times I think my dad blames me for letting her go. If he only knew the real reason both of us survived, maybe he wouldn’t resent it so much. Regardless, I will forever be thankful to Stefan for saving us that night. Although he still blames himself for not being able to save my mother, there was nothing anyone could have done.
Okay, enough about the past, I need to move on, build a new life for myself, and maybe, even find a new love… No vampires this time! Whatever comes, I’m living my life to the fullest! Letting myself be free… No fear, no guilt, no insecurities… Project Munich, here I come!
 Suddenly, she hears a noise. If it weren’t coming from one of the freezer drawers, she wouldn’t be startled, but since it clearly is, her heart starts pounding. She approaches cautiously… 
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Before she can even grab the handle, the drawer slams open…
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SAM: Boo!
ELENA: Oh my god, Sam?! You scared me half to death!
SAM: (Smirking) Good thing it was just half way. Wouldn’t want you dying on me.
ELENA: Well, what if I had a heart condition?! I could have!
SAM: A heart condition, or died?
ELENA: Well, both… But you know what I mean! You are so weird!
SAM: This coming from the girl leaning against body freezers in the middle of the night…
ELENA: At least I wasn’t lying in one of them like some kind of zombie!
SAM: It’s surprisingly relaxing…
ELENA: (Mocking) Being a zombie or lying in the freezers?
SAM: I suppose, both… (they crack up).
ELENA: Anyway, what are you doing here?
SAM: I like to come here to think… It’s quiet. You?
ELENA: Same… Guess we’re a couple of weirdos…
SAM: A little eccentric is all. (They smile in complicity). I will confess though; I do have an alternative motive…
ELENA: Oh, god. Please don’t tell me you are a psycho killer. I’ve dealt with enough of those…
SAM: I’m not going to ask why, but I do want to ask you something…
ELENA: (With a suspicious face) Uhm, okay… what?
SAM: Do you like picnics?
ELENA: That question isn’t helping your psycho case… But, yeah, I do. Why?
SAM: How about you and me, tomorrow… Wine and cheese in the main garden?
ELENA: (Kittenish) Are you asking me on a date?
SAM: Depends… is it a yes, or a no?
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ELENA: Depends… is it red wine, or white?
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SAM: Red, of course! What kind of a psycho drinks white wine?
ELENA: Plenty… And, you literally just met me, so there is a risk I might actually be one of them.
SAM: (Flirtatious smirk) I’m willing to take the risk, if you are…
ELENA: What the hell! Life is too short to play it safe.
SAM: I like the way you think. It’s a date then!
ELENA: It’s a date.      
SAM: Huh, I totally thought that was going to fail…
ELENA: You never know until you try, right?
SAM: (Smiles) I guess you don’t… Listen, it’s really late, do you want me to walk you to your dorm? I know this place is infested with military, but what if you run into a ghost? Pretty sure they would be clueless about how to handle that.
ELENA: (Laughs) Neither would you. But, you are not nearly as scary as they are, so I’d rather take my chances with you.
SAM: (Teasing) I happen to be a paranormal aficionado; I know how to handle a ghost.
ELENA: Oh, really?
SAM: I’ve seen all Ghost Busters movies a million times! I know what I’m doing!
ELENA: (Sarcastic) A Ghost Busters fanboy, that’s very comforting… (As they are walking out) Oh! And don’t think that just because I agreed to go on a date with you, I won’t get you back for the near heart attack you gave me … I happen to be a real horror movie aficionada; better watch your back…
Cut to – Mystic Falls Town Hall. Matt has been officially sworn in to take office as the new Mayor of Mystic Falls. Although he is worried about Edward’s abrupt decision, especially knowing the context behind his un-rational behavior, he can’t help but feel proud. This is what he had wanted all his life. And, given Edward’s current psychological condition, this decision was probably for the best.
 COUNCIL SPEAKER: Mayor Donovan, I speak on behalf of all my colleagues, we welcome you to this body of representatives with open arms, and ensure you that you have our full support, respect, and commitment.
MATT: It is my honor to have been entrusted with this duty. I will work day and night to rightfully serve our town, my home town. I will forever be grateful to Mayor Powell for believing in me, and giving me the opportunity to give back to the people that have built this town from scratch. In my first order of duty, I hereby announce the newly appointed Chief of Police, Sheriff Jackson. A woman of honor, courage and morals. I am certain she will serve this town with honor, loyalty, truth, knowledge and commitment. Please, give her a round of applause.  
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SHERIFF JACKSON: Thank you, Mayor Donovan. I wear the badge with pride. I am humbled and honored to be given this responsibility. Trust that my team and I will follow the example you gave to us, and will serve and protect this community with the same passion and commitment you did. We might be in different offices now, but we will always be family.  
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MATT: Always! Thank you, Sherriff Jackson. I have no doubt that you will surpass both mine and my predecessor’s accomplishments. In closing, I’d like to say that although we face many challenges ahead, I’m confident that we can overcome any obstacle by working together, always prioritizing people. Mystic Falls is a town built by its citizens, for its citizens. It is our duty to ensure the wellness and prosperity of all. Once again, thank you. Time to get to work! (They applaud).
Cut to – The Mikaelson mansion. Abby and Klaus are talking about Hope settling-in at the Salvatore School, among other things.
 ABBY: Hope looked so happy... And her dorm room is amazing! At the main house and a single! How lucky was she!
KLAUS: I had to “persuade” Alaric to make sure she was given the best accommodations.
ABBY: (Smiles) I’m sure you did…  
KLAUS: And how is Bonnie settling in her new home? I honestly cannot comprehend how she could voluntarily agree to spend day and night with Damon Salvatore. Are we certain he is not compelling her?
ABBY: (Smirks) You know he can’t, although I kind of wish that was the reason (they laugh). From what she told me this morning; the house is beautiful. Guess we’ll have to wait and see, if she ever invites us over.
KLAUS: She will, love, give her some time. They just moved in together, they need their privacy.  (Suddenly, the door opens, in come Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Freya, Marcel, and Danae, suitcases and all). Uhm, excuse me, what is this unexpected visit about? Our family reunion isn’t until spring…
ELIJAH: Lovely to see you too, brother. Do pardon if our sudden arrival interrupts your tea time, but we are in a bit of a pickle. We have been cursed out of New Orleans; and, the last time I checked, this was also our home.
KLAUS: I am gone, for not even a month, and you somehow manage to get yourselves thrown out of what is rightfully ours? How exactly did that come to be?
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MARCEL: Why don’t you ask Kol…
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KOL: Oh, come on, Marcellus, it’s as much your fault as it is mine. And, don’t act so innocent, Elijah. You had your hand in this too.
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ELIJAH: (Fixing his cufflinks) Maybe a little…
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REBEKAH: While you boys decide who is to blame, I’ll go settle down in my bedroom.
KLAUS: You can’t. We turned it into a games room.
REBEKAH: (Indignant) Excuse me?!! How dare you!? Why my room?! Why not Elijah’s or Kol’s!?
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KLAUS: Yours was better fitted for the purpose. Nothing personal, love.
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REBEKAH: Oh, I’m sure it wasn’t… (Turns to Abby) And definitely nothing to do with you, right?
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ABBY: (Sarcastic) Of course not, I wouldn’t dare! This was all him!
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KLAUS: (Smirks) Traitor…  Anyhow, dear sister, there are plenty of other rooms you can choose from.
REBEKAH: Whatever. I’ll go find myself a room you two haven’t ruined, yet.
FREYA: I’m coming with. You people forget I’ve never been in this house!
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DANAE: Really? I thought you had. I mean, even I have stayed here.
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FREYA: And, thanks for rubbing that in, my love.
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DANAE: No ill intentions, hon. I’m just surprised.
FREYA: (Sarcastic) Guess being a Mikaelson didn’t grant me the privilege, but being Klaus’s best friend’s girlfriend sure did.
KLAUS: Oh, don’t be so dramatic, sister. You are here now, are you not?
REBEKAH: Forget him, sis, this is our house too. We’ll give you the grand tour. Once we get dibs on the best rooms (they leave).  
KLAUS: So, dear brothers, care to explain to me exactly how you got yourselves into this “pickle”?
ELIJAH: We will. But we are going to need something stronger than tea…
ABBY: Oh, it’s not tea. We just pretend it is, so we don’t feel like we are day drinking.
KOL: Who cares about that! We are vampires, love; we can do whatever we want!
KLAUS: KLAUS: (Sarcastic) My loving brother Kol, can we please go back to the topic at hand? I’d like to know exactly how long I can expect to have you all around.
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ELIJAH: It is going to be a while…
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MARCEL: If not forever.
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KOL: (Mocking) Look on the bright side, Marcellus, you’ll have time to get to know Mystic Falls. Despite what some believe, it is quite the charming little town… And, our home sweet home, for now… Better get used to it.
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Cut to – Pietro’s mansion. Him and Darius are having a “secret” con-call after their board meeting.
 PIETRO: I’ve had just about enough. We need to retaliate for this. You didn’t see the aftermath, this place looked like a slaughterhouse.
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DARIUS: Courtesy of your ripper brother, I presume?
PIETRO: Not sure which one of them did it, or if it was the three of them, but I had to get a professional cleaner.
DARIUS: You should really consider getting video surveillance, clears these types of doubts right up.
PIETRO: Never, those things give me all sorts of peeping Tom vibes. Anyway, I’m sorry about your witch friends, I’ll make it up to you.
DARIUS: I warned you not to play games. Now we’ve lost a coven of very talented witches, three potential recruits; we are clueless as to where the others are, and made the rest of the board members believe everything was going according to plan… (Sarcastic) Kudos!
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PIETRO: Don’t you dare give me attitude about this, you have messed up worse than I have.
DARIUS: True; fair enough. Let’s not enter into panic mode, it’s a minor misstep. We’ll find them soon enough. In the meantime, as per Augustus’s orders, it seems like I have to find a replacement for Kai…
PIETRO: That was certainly an unexpected surprise. I thought he would be pleased with his progress.
DARIUS: I’m beginning to think Augustus feels threaten, more so after I shared Kai’s recent achievements.
PIETRO: Did you sense something was off with him during the call?
DARIUS: Well, the Augustus I know would have had Kai killed if he wanted him out of the game, not fired.
PIETRO: And it’s strange that he was willing for this Tamara thing to take more time, as long as Kai was off the task.
DARIUS: (Teasing) Maybe he’s starting to like his hostage situation; Stockholm syndrome type of thing?
PIETRO: (Smirks) Perhaps… Regardless, both Kai and Katerina would have been excellent for the field battle; they have stamina, and are surely gifted in terms of the supernatural.  
DARIUS: I know. But there are plenty of fish in the sea. From what Veritas showed us with the Munich project, and the “gadgets I’ve been working on with Kai, soon we might have even stronger pawns to play around with.
PIETRO: Hey, I had a lot to do with the Munich project. I’m not letting him take all the credit! I led that project for years, set all the ground work, and the money.
DARIUS: Don’t be so defensive, my friend. We all know you did an excellent job. But, you have to give him some credit, Veritas is hardcore when it comes to discipline. As soon as he brought in the military, voilà!
PIETRO: (Snarky) His leading style borders on dictatorship, I prefer a motivational approach.
DARIUS: I’m with you on that. He sure as hell can scare the shit out of anyone into doing anything. Just ask Aletheia…
PIETRO: He is the oldest vampire in existence, and a psychic one, nonetheless; of course he can. I’m not ashamed to admit it; he has almost made me “piss my pants” once or twice.
DARIUS: I can say the same. You know, it’s truly fascinating that the so called “Originals” are oblivious to the fact about their true origins… I’m sure Veritas would have a blast with them, if they ever manage to figure it out.
PIETRO: Oh, I’m sure they will, if not for their wits, definitely once our plans unfold.
DARIUS: I call dibs on first row seats!
PIETRO: I want the full behind the scenes experience! (They laugh).
DARIUS: Well, I have to run now. I need to go fire my star employee and the Russian spy…
PIETRO: Good luck. We’ll talk soon.
Cut to – The Bamon home. The gang is in the “Batcave” planning their next move.
SAGE: (Starting to worry about Pietro’s retaliation for their escape). We are 100% sure this place can’t be found, right? I’m not very familiar with the witch stuff; or the vampire stuff for that matter; I’m a newbie.
BONNIE: Don’t worry, there is no way anyone can find it.
SAGE: Not even that Darius guy?
BONNIE: Especially not him.
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SAGE: Can’t they track your cellphones?
BONNIE: Not while the house is cloaked. Beauty of magic.
SAGE: This magic stuff is really cool!
BONNIE: You ain’t seen nothing yet… But, fair warning, it can get a little weird…
CAROLINE: (Teasing) Just a little? (They laugh)  Don’t worry, you are in good hands.
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SAGE: Sorry; freaked out for a moment… Pietro can be quite vicious when he’s angry, and I’m sure he’s fuming right about now.
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DAMON: Don’t be scared, Stefan and I got years on him. Now, back to the mission at hand. How are we going to break into this place without Kai?
STEFAN: What if we give our brother a taste of his own medicine? He can be our way in.
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DAMON: I love when your mind goes devious, brother. What exactly are you thinking of?
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STEFAN: There is an upside to having an Original vampire in town, and one who just happens to be in love with Bonnie’s mom… I’m betting he’ll do just about anything to get on your good side, Bon.  
BONNIE: Stefan, you are a genius! 
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And, he does owe me big time! But, let’s avoid the whole “being in love with Bonnie’s mom” thing; still freaks me out.
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STEFAN: Not another word on that, Bon.
DAMON: Ah, blackmail, deceit, and compulsion, my kind of tactics!
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BONNIE: I’ll call my mom to invite them over for dinner, then we’ll guilt trip them into their part of the plan.
SAGE: Bit lost again, what’s an Original vampire?
CAROLINE: Oh, Sage. There is so much for you to learn about the vamp world. Stick with us, and you’ll learn everything you need to know.
SAGE: That would be amazing! Been pretty much self-taught since I was turned, which was literally just weeks ago.
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CAROLINE: I know firsthand how important it is to have a mentor when you are new at this. We got your back.
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SAGE: Thank you, I’ll take all the help I can get.
CAROLINE: We’ll help you with the supernatural, you’ll help us with the Science; win, win. The sooner we get these guys, the sooner we can go back to our normal lives.
SAGE: Deal! To be honest, I was thinking about fleeing back to Germany the moment I got away from Pietro’s claws. Forget all this craziness and just return to being a student, with a new blood craving. But I think academia is pumped up to be more than it really is. What good are all the fancy titles without being on the battle ground? I’ve done my fair share of studying, it’s time I apply my knowledge for the common good, and this seems like the perfect cause to do so. Now that we know they are okay; I have no reason to go back. (Turns to Bonnie and Damon) Don’t panic, I’m not planning to stay here. As soon as we take care of this, I’m going back home to NYC; I really miss it.
BONNIE: (Smiles) We’re not panicking. And you can stay here for as long as you need.
CAROLINE: Okay, just so we are all aligned. We’ll get Klaus to compel Pietro, but how exactly are we going to get to Pietro? We can’t have Klaus show up at his house and be like: hello, I’m going to compel you now…
STEFAN: We’ll make sure he’s alone and lure him outside. Then Klaus, Damon and I, will take it from there. Three against one, should be a piece of cake.
DAMON: Sounds like a plan. Now, on to a crucial matter. (Turns to Bonnie) First time having my mother-in-law over for dinner, what should be the menu?
BONNIE: (Smirks) Whatever you want will be perfect.
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DAMON: How about Italian? Play it safe...
BONNIE: Ooh, gnocchi arrabbiata?
DAMON: Perfetto!
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CAROLINE: (Giddy) Aw, I love domestic Bamon!
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DAMON: Don’t think you are just going to stand and watch, you are all helping!
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The only one that gets a free pass is Bonnie, she has somewhere to go.
BONNIE: Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that…
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CAROLINE: Bon, are you sure you don’t want one of us to come with you?
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BONNIE: I’m sure. Thank you, Care. I’m gonna head out now before it gets late. I won’t be long (kisses Damon). 
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I love you...
DAMON: I love you too. Head message me if you need anything.
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BONNIE: I will (she leaves).
STEFAN: (To Damon) Are you okay?
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DAMON: I’ll be fine when I know she’s fine…
CAROLINE: I still can’t believe he’s back! He better have a damn good explanation, otherwise I’m going to send him right back where he came from!
DAMON: You and me both, Blondie... 
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Alright, I need to keep my mind busy, so let’s get to work. Making gnocchi is a mission on its own!
 TVD 10x02 (part 2) coming soon. Hope you stop by, read, and enjoy! =)
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dead-inside-mcgee · 4 years
The Dragon, the Duke, and the Priest - Chapter 1
Special thanks to @griffin-tortures-schneep for helping me right this and also for being all around a sexy sweetheart 
Summary:  A rumor started in the Kingdom of the Light that the queen was pregnant. When this rumor was confirmed, those of the Light were overjoyed. They were even more overjoyed when it was revealed to be twins.
Warning: Attempting murder, actual murder, Unsympathetic Patton, blood
There once were two kingdoms. One was known as the Kingdom of the Light, and the other known as the Kingdom of the Dragon. Though it was titled the Kingdom of the Darkness from those of the Light. Between them was a forest that was known by no name. It was just a large, old, and creepy forest. 
  Neither of these kingdoms like each other. The reason they do not get along was forgotten, but hate does not just disappear after a few generations.
  A rumor started in the Kingdom of the Light that the queen was pregnant. When this rumor was confirmed, those of the Light were overjoyed. They were even more overjoyed when it was revealed to be twins.
  None were more overjoyed than Patton Lyre, the kingdom’s priest and royal advisor. He happily helped the king care for the boys while the queen rested. 
  Three peaceful, endearing months passed, and it came time for Patton to bless the children. The blessing was an old tradition carried out by the priest to insure that the heir to the throne lived a long, prosperous life. 
  The blessing was typically a private thing, only viewed by the oldest parent and the priest. During this blessing, there was also a snake hiding under a pew, but of course neither of them were aware of that. 
  The blessing typically goes as follows:
  Step 1: The priest puts their dominant hand over the child’s heart. 
  Step 2: The priest chants the old blessing spell.
  Step 3: The parent states the traits they wish to see in the child.
  Step 4: The parent makes a small blood sacrifice, using a special knife. 
  Planning the blessing, Patton places a hand over each boys’ heart, chanting an old spell in a language very few know the origin of. 
  Before the priest could properly finish, he stumbled back in pain. The king catches him before he falls. 
  Patton stares at his hand in horror. It was covered in a dark mass that was eating away at his skin. He was rushed to the doctor and got his hand bandaged. The blessing was never completed. 
  That night the priest and the king fought for the first time in history. It was in the king’s private office where no one heard, except for a snake outside, by the window. 
  “Don’t you see! That child is a monster. His soul is full of darkness, he must be destroyed!” Patton screamed. He was holding the sacrificial knife that was banned for any use except blessing.
  “I’m not going to just stand there and let you kill a child! Maybe something went wrong with the blessing?” He argued.
  “Is that an accusation? My family has been doing blessings for hundreds of years, I did not mess up!” 
  “I wasn’t accusing you of anything! I’m just suggesting something could’ve gone wrong. This is the first time I’ve heard of two children being blessed at once. Perhaps that caused a problem.” 
  “You should not be defending it! If you let that child live, our kingdom will be destroyed!” Patton said and then proceeded to shove the king away and storm towards the door.
  The king grabbed his shoulders and, with more force than he intended, threw him into the wall hard enough to leave a crack. 
  “You have damned us all.” Patton said in a raspy voice. 
  “Get out of my castle!” The king screams. 
   Of course, as far as the general public was concerned, none of that ever happened. The bandage on Patton’s hand was due to an accident with one of the royal dogs, and the crack in the wall was just due to the king slipping and slamming into it. 
  Telling the public this was easier than explaining the incident with the blessing. People would be suspicious if they knew the blessing wasn’t complete. 
Thinking he was doing the right thing, Patton broke into the royal chambers a few nights later. The queen awoke to the sound of unfamiliar footsteps and screamed when she saw her child being held over the balcony railing. The child was far too peaceful considering the situation.
  The king jumped up, grabbed a sword, and charged for him as Patton tossed the baby over the balcony. The king hit him with enough force to break the wooden railing and sent both of them tumbling off to the ground. 
  They were found the next morning, the king with a sacrificial knife in his chest, and the priest with a sword in his head. 
  What the queen believed, and what the people heard was distorted from the truth. According to her, there was a third person trying to take the child, and the priest was only there to help. 
  There was indeed a third presence there, a snake hiding under the balcony unbeknownst to the incident. The child’s body was never found, having been caught by said snake, but he was proclaimed dead. 
  The kingdom was devastated by the news. A festival was held to celebrate the previous lives of the two fallen royals. Around the same time plans were made to build a statue of Patton, in his honor.
“...Around the same time plans were made to build a statue of Patton, in his honor.” The Dragon Witch, named Yrerth, finishes off the story and puts up the book she had written. The title of Dragon was similar to the title of King or Queen, just as Snake is similar to the title of Prince or Princess.
  “That was a dumb story,” Janus lied. He was the Dragon Witch’s son.
  “No it wasn’t!” Remus elbowed him gently. Despite being friends with Janus for many years, Remus still couldn’t tell when Janus was lying. 
  “This isn’t just a story, my dears. I was there, ten years ago, back when I was just a snake...” Yrerth remembers her past fondly. 
  “If this story is true, does that mean the prince is still alive!?” Remus asked, bouncing up and down. 
  “Of course he is! I saved his life myself! Would you like to meet him?” 
  The two children nod vigorously. 
  Yrerth holds a mirror up to Remus’s face. 
  “Is the prince trapped in the mirror?” Remus asks as he pokes the glass, “That would be pretty epic.” 
  “No, honey.” Yrerth pets his hair. “You’ll get it eventually, for now go out and play.” She offers. There was a playground near Yrerth’s house where other kids were playing tag.
  Remus hesitates, staring at the mirror before getting up and running outside. Janus got up to follow him, but Yrerth but and hand on his shoulder and pulled him aside to talk. 
  “Janus, my dearest. You’re getting older—” she pauses to kiss his forehead, “—and soon you’ll start training to take my place as dragon. I want you to enjoy your last free years to the fullest. Do you understand me?”
  Janus nods and Yrerth could tell he was lying. She sighs, gives him a pat on the head, and sends him outside.   
There is a tree growing in the forest between the two kingdoms. It is very large, but young and full of festering hate. It’s roots are deep and it drinks the life from those around it. 
  It is getting closer to both kingdoms and it wants blood. 
Remus is eighteen now. He stands on the border between the Kingdom of the Light and the forest. He struts into town, not caring about the looks he earns from regular citizens. He holds a giant, silver Morningstar that he lets drag on the ground, tearing up the nice stone roads. 
  He’s wearing an all black outfit with a lime green sash. The typical outfit for royalty in the Kingdom of the Dragon. He wasn’t royalty, but being a Duke was the next best thing. 
  Two guards stop him. “People like you are not allowed here. Leave immediately or we’ll have to use force,” they said... Or at least that’s what they were going to say. Remus had already knocked both of them out with the Morningstar before they even touched him. 
  Remus came across a large crowd of people standing outside the castle. This looks promising, he thought. 
  Up on a balcony far above the crowd was Prince, and soon to be King, Roman. Remus frowned, there’s no way he would be able to get his attention all the way down here. He also could not push through this crowd. Luckily Remus did not abide by the normal laws of physics. 
   He pulled a small bottle out of his pocket and chugged the substance inside. His whole body was engulfed in shadow, earning some gasps from the people around him. The next thing anyone knew was that Remus was now standing right in front of Roman.
  “Hey brother! Been awhile since we’ve talked. Now that I think about it, we’ve never talked! I’m Remus!” Remus held out his hand to shake. 
Roman dropped the crown he was holding and promptly passed out, which was a very rude way to greet your long lost brother.
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strwbrymoonchild · 4 years
The Albums That Got Us Through 2020
We’ll save you the soliloquy, and get right to it: (skip to the bottom for the full playlist)
LaChelle’s Picks
Overture x Gaidaa
“Sonically, this album was very cathartic. Gaidaa’s songwriting is so imaginative and authentic, and I really love it when her voice hits those lush lower notes, her tone is like butter.”
Favorite tracks: Falling higher, Still Water, I Like Trouble
2. Rose in The Dark x Cleo Sol
“The timeless musicality and vocals are very reminiscent of some of my favorite classic soul artists like Angela Bofill, and Patrice Rushen but sound refreshing all the same. I would love to hear this project live but you know... COVID.”
Favorite tracks: When I’m In Your Arms, Why Don’t You, Rose in The Dark
3 & 4. Untiled (Black is) / Untitled (Rise) x Sault
“I can’t think of any projects more timely for this year than these two albums. They spoke to Black pain, weariness, and resilience in a way that felt mores insightful than preachy. A lot of the drums used on this project had an ancestral feel to them and the use of strings was extremely effective in giving it cinematic energy. The interludes also spoke to the difficult emotions many Black people grappled with this year while maintaining a musically rich sound.”
Favorite Tracks: Hard Life, Wildfires, Sorry Ain’t Enough, Why We Cry Why We Die, Free, Uncomfortable
5. The Angel You Don’t Know x Amaarae
“I first discovered Amaarae as a featured artist on one of my favorite music submissions of the year ‘NASA’ by Rvdical The Kid. I became entrenched upon my first listen to her first full-length project which is a mixture of afro-fusion, R&B, electronic, alté, and alternative hip hop. I love her animated voice and how effortlessly she glides over the track. I enjoy artists who can fuse multiple genres together and make them sound like a whole new sound”
Favorite Tracks: Fancy, Feel A Way, Céline
6. Last Year Was Weird, Vol 2. x Tkay Maidza
“This album had a lot of surprises on it. It’s a mixture of fun-loving R&B, raging nu-metal, and 808 thumping house tracks. While there’s not much fusion in the array of genres, I appreciate her ability to showcase her eclectic range.”
Favorite tracks: Shook, 24K, Don’t Call Again
7. Honey For Wounds x Ego Ella May
“This is a great self-love soundtrack. The pensiveness of this album is tempered by Ego Ella May’s jazzy vocals and even-keeled instrumentation. A very relaxing vibe to listen to during downtime or moments of solitude.”
Favorite tracks: Girls Don’t Always Sing About Boys, Table For One, Song For Bobby
8. Jaguar x Victoria Monét
“This album is oozing with sensuality, sexuality, and confidence. I love the lush vocal arrangements and the production which taps into nostalgia without being lazy or gimmicky. If you're feeling insecure, put on some lingerie, pour a glass of wine, turn this album on and you'll be feeling like a Savage Fenty brand ambassador”
Favorite tracks: Moment, Touch Me, Go There With You
9. Extra, Extra! x Lou Phelps
“ My boyfriend who is a Kaytranada fanboy put me onto this album. Haven’t heard a hip hop EP with such a fun, laid back like this in a minute. Lou’s big bro Kaytranada came through with the dancey vibes but you also get a bit of that classic boom bap energy that an old head like me loves”
Favorite tracks: Party in LA, Nike Shoe Box, Smiling
Dorian’s Picks
Pulp (Director’s Cut) x Ambré
"Ambré takes you deep into her world with sounds of a sweet lullaby, and a pulp garden full of hallucinating trips on a journey towards discovering love, vulnerability, and purpose. Overdosing on ‘Pulp’ has become a nightly ritual for me, no surprise as to why Ambré is my top artist of 2020."
Favorite tracks: free drugs, LUCIADA(EGODEATH), gucci slides
2. A Written Testimony x Jay Electronica
Jay Electronica's debut album, once heralded a myth by many, has finally seen the light of day, 10 years later. It sounds godly, rich in ancestral wisdom, paralleled with classic Hov features throughout. This album to me raps a soulful tune of Black enlightenment, and feels like a really lavish ode to the Nation of Islam.
Favorite tracks: Universal Soldier, Flux Capacitor, The Blinding
3. In Search of Lost Time x Protoje
"The Jamaican OG delivers a sonically wise lesson on life, what it means to live in our truths and light in search of happiness and prosperity as a free spirit. This album at many times served as a soundtrack to my life, a saving grace from my own insecurities and struggles amidst a very unsettling year."
Favorite tracks: In Bloom, Deliverance, Like Royalty
4. I Shine, U Shine x RIMON
"Amsterdam-based artist RIMON delivered a sonically pleasing project shortlisted with a blend of melancholy neo-soul/R&B influenced melodies. This project evokes raw relatable emotions and centers the beauty of the imperfect for full display. With each listen the lyrics pierced my heart and filled my memory of love lost and love found."
Favorite tracks: Out Of My Way, Got My Back, Downtown
5. Note to Self x Jah9
"Jah9's Note to Self, is a call to channel your divine form. Reggae has long been a genre that speaks to a higher force and existence. With the wild year we experienced, this project served as a guideline on how to battle those inner demons and live life to your fullest potential through faith."
Favorite tracks: Love Has Found I, Ma'at, New Race
6. SuperGood x Duckwrth
"The title is self-explanatory. Duckwrth gave us all that we deserved and dropped a bomb ass feel-good record. SuperGood gave me all the contemporary neo-funk grooves I've come to love about Duckwrth. Listening to this project made it easy to tune out all the noise of 2020 and just dance my sorrows away."
Favorite tracks: Quick, Coming Closer, Super Bounce
7. B7 x Brandy
"Brandy, now indie and seasoned in the industry, answers to no one and that's made clear with her experimental R&B sounds on B7. This project is fearless and sounds so different from previous Brandy albums, but delivers in that same angelic aesthetic and powerhouse vocals we've come to love. B7 is criminally underrated in my opinion and will stand the test of time. "
Favorite tracks: Rather Be, Borderline, Say Something
8. It Is What It Is x Thundercat
"Thundercat delivers another soothing jazzy-bassline record. This album feels cathartic, experiential in a sense, almost as if I'm listening to a score from an intergalactic movie set in some futuristic utopia. Best enjoyed with a spliff and/or glass of wine."
Favorite tracks: Black Qualls, DragonBall Durag, Unrequited Love
9. The ExPerience x Lila Iké
"This captivating debut EP from rising reggae siren Lila Iké will make anyone a believer. Her journey is compelling, spiritually guided, a modern tale of romance - the highs and lows of navigating young love. The way Lila belts out these reggae-R&B infused chunes pon ya head top is mesmerizing and sets the standard for Jamaica's new generation"
Favorite tracks: Forget Me, Where I'm Coming From, Thy Will
10. grae x Moses Sumney
“‘grae’, a two part album, explores the complexities of identity. Moses Sumney never quite submits to the boundaries society aims to box us in. ‘grae’ is undefined in sound, Moses gracefully flows from one end of the artistic spectrum to another without landing anywhere too long. What I love most about listening to this album besides Mose's falsetto is the high level of self-awareness, the screams of escapism, and determination to exist in free agency. "
Favorite tracks: Cut Me, Polly, Lucky Me
Rachel’s Picks
Instrospection x UMI
“After another year with no new SZA album, discovering UMI was a godsend. Her voice has that same angelic raspiness and lyrics that sit with you long after the first listen. What sets her and this record apart is how UMI’s lyrics recognize her own faults and the faults of others in a way that is so graceful that it never comes across as self-deprecating or accusatory. Listening to Introspection, you can’t help but introspect your life the way UMI does on this album.”
Favorite tracks: Introspection, Open Up, Pretty Girl hi!
2. Girlhood x Girlhood
“This electropop duo’s vocalist, Tessa Cavanna, has a voice reminiscent of the late artists Amy Winehouse and Sharon Jones, and with their neo-soul, 90’s inspired sound being so colorful, it’s impossible to get sick of listening to this album.”
Favorite tracks: Keep On, It Might Take a Woman, My Boy
3. Who Cares? x Abby Jasmine
“Released during the reclusive days of stay-at-home orders, Jasmine’s tracks on her sophomore album made me nostalgic for parties that were once filled with smoke, close friends, and good music. Her brutally honest lyrics, progressive production, and her overall confidence were comforting during a year of instability and empty dancefloors.”
Favorite tracks: Stay With Me, Artificial Lover, Groovy
4. Texas Sun x Khruangbin & Leon Bridges
“Two Texan artists came together and were able to use Bridge’s soulful and textured tone and the fluidity of the psychedelic-funk trio Khruangbin's sound, to create a desolate Texas landscape. Listening to the EP feels like driving with all the windows rolled down, feeling the sun’s heat on your skin.”
Favorite tracks: Texas Sun, Midnight, C-Side
5. They Call Me Disco x Ric Wilson & Terrace Martin
“In a year of so much grief, it is refreshing to hear music that sounds like it was as fun to make as it was to listen to. Wilson and Martin’s rhythmically dynamic collaboration prefaced a summer filled with social media’s fascination and nostalgia for the glittery freeness of the 70’s while still fitting into their respective genres of hip-hop and R&B.”
Favorite track: Don’t Kill the Wave, Move Like This, Chicago Bae
Lionnal’s Picks
Dinner Party x Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper. 9th Wonder, & Kamasi Washington
"These Four legendary musicians came together and gave us an album full of beautiful vocals over smooth, jazzy, soul instrumentals."
Favorite tracks: Freeze Tag, LUV U, Love You Bad
2. Burden of Proof x Benny The Butcher
"This album feels like a vintage east coast rap album. Hit-Boy’s luxury production matched with Benny’s grimey delivery is everything a classic rap fan would ever need."
Favorite tracks: One Way Flight, Burden of Proof, War Paint
3. Sin Miedo x Kali Uchis
"I didn’t know how I would take to an album primarily in Spanish, but Kali’s intoxicating and seductive vibe still found a way to draw me in."
Favorite tracks: Telepatia, //aguardiente y limón %ᵕ‿‿ᵕ%, Quiero Sentirme Bien
4. Fuck The World x Brent Fayaiz
"Brent Faiyaz’s personality is what makes this album so great. His cool and confident approach to tracks make for a unique spin on modern R&B and it’s honestly very refreshing."
Favorite tracks: Clouded, Been Away, Let Me Know
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tawakkull · 4 years
Spirituality in islam: Putting an end to a long journey
Human beings are exceptional creatures in creation; they are travelers whose journey of life passes through the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Commands; their eyes are fixed on the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Attributes and Names, and they intend to advance as far as the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divinity. Human beings are the falcons of the realm of corporeality and are equipped with a great capacity that is open to extra developments and gifts. They begin their journey from the realm of spirits, stop for some time in this abode of troubles and bounties, known as the realm of corporeality or the manifest or physical realm and regarded as a cloudy mirror of the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Commands, and during their temporary stay in this guesthouse, with respect to their insight and horizon of heart, they live turned to the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Attributes and Names, which is the real source of light. While looking up toward the peaks of the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Attributes and Names from the horizon of these Names and Attributes, they dream of the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divinity, tasting the pleasure of different observations with dreams of advancing farther and farther, and progress toward the final point of nearness toward God, which each can attain according to their particular capacity. With their free will absolutely submitted to God’s Will and their outer and inner eyes fixed on the highway of the Prophets, the truthful ones who are completely loyal to God’s Path, and the pious, righteous, endeavoring to please God with every act, aware of the subtle meaning of obedience to the Creator, and under the guidance of the noblest Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, with, they walk toward the realms beyond the heavens, searching for new knowledge about God from everybody and everything they pass. They shudder at the mention of “He!” along the path and push themselves further and further ahead at full speed, like fiery steeds, at the mention of their All-Worshipped, All-Besought, All-Loved One.
The noble Shari‘a is a constantly true guide that never misleads, and the styles that allow different interpretations in the two basic sources of the Shari‘a—the Qur’an and the Sunna—and are regarded as the manifestations of Divine Mercy on different wavelengths, are special gifts and blessings for different temperaments and dispositions and unique breezes from the realms beyond which take the travelers to different depths. The love of truth is an inexhaustible source of energy in the spirit, and the sounds and voices that are heard everywhere, the different tunes and melodies, and the decorative beauty observed everywhere are all messages of knowledge about God and the voices of truth. These pour into the valleys of the faculties of the travelers and it is through these gifts, wrapped one within the other, that the Shari‘a, tariqa (spiritual discipline), ma‘rifa ( knowledge of God) and haqiqa(truth) appear as dimensions of the same fundamental truth; despite each having its own basic principles, they are in perfect harmony with one another.
For those who are looking from this horizon, different states, attributes, acts, and events are indicators of different Divine Names, and the witnesses of God, the Ultimate Truth, are manifest everywhere. Human faculties deepen in their sensations, and the “archetypes,” which are regarded as the background of existence, begin to be perceived. The Divine Attributes, upon Which Divine Names are based, manifest themselves at certain degrees according to the capacity of each traveler; thus, continuous dewdrops begin to descend onto the slopes of hearts from the horizon of the Absolute Identity. This happens until the Divine faculty or intellectual heart is able to contemplate the Unity of the Divine Essence and saved from self-consideration; the result is that it goes into ecstasies. If the limit of such a one who has reached the end of the spiritual journey extends as high as the horizon of the Perfect or Universal Man, the detailed becomes observed in the brief and the brief becomes perceived and experienced in the detailed. The breezes of sensation and perception pervade everywhere and are felt on different wavelengths of manifestation, according to the capacity of each traveler; the slopes of hearts are covered with showers of a variety of gifts. There are as many ways of perception and experience as the number of hearts and as many methods or systems as the breaths of creatures. In such an atmosphere one can be protected against confusions only by strictly following the way of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings.
It is by means of these methods that the travelers to the Ultimate Truth are able to cover the distance that separates them from God and begin to be aware of His nearness by “journeying toward Him” on the horizon of their hearts and spirits; they remove their selves from between them and God in the stage of “ journeying in God” and try to obey Him and please Him in all their thoughts, sayings, and actions. They attempt to transcend their selves to experience His company through the favor of “ journeying with God” and at the stage of “ journeying from God,” they are enraptured with the enthusiasm of causing others to feel what they have felt, to attain what they have attained, and to know what they have known. They put the color of unity on multiplicity, running to make that Most Manifest One known by all, always mentioning Him wherever they are and whenever they have an opportunity. In my opinion, this is the purpose of being a true human being.
A spirit which journeys around this horizon utters “God” with every breath and breathes “He!” in every second of their life; such a one utters, like Ismail Haqqi, and breathes “He!”:
The mention of He is the source of life itself and the soul for the body;
The mention of He is the fountain that sends water descending into the garden of youth.
It is He Who makes manifest and Who manifests
Himself in eighteen thousand worlds;
The mention of He is a gift for all whose eye of soul is receptive.
The gems of mysteries are extracted from the mine of the meaning of He;
Only one with knowledge of God knows what glory the mention of He is.
Spend your capital of life on the mention of He at night and in daytime,
For the perfect prosperity and the most loyal friend is the mention of He.
It is the sun of the mention of He which fills the tongues with light;
O Haqqi, it is the mention of He that every particle constantly busies itself with.
Such heroes of belief in Divine Unity as these turn round the fountains of repentance, penitence, and contrition so that they are completely purified of all sins and faults; they avoid affectation in their spiritual states and experiences, constantly breathing with fear and awe of God. They try to lead an extremely simple, austere life in accordance with the rule: “Let your burden be light, for the hill to climb is steep and high,” while doing their utmost to spend their life in the greenhouses of piety, righteousness, and abstinence. They adopt trust in God, utmost reliance on Him, and submission and commitment to Him as the sole source of their strength. They scrutinize and criticize themselves many times a day for even the slightest of lapses, pulling themselves together through a shower of Divine gifts. They greet God’s bounties with thanksgiving, renew their heartfelt resignation to God’s judgments and decrees in the face of trials, and tremble with fear that the bounties arriving without having been asked for may be a cause of perdition. They never pursue any spiritual pleasures or wonderworking, never contaminate their minds or tongues with foul language, as if they are putting their enthusiasms and breaths under the control of the realms beyond and further beyond. They never abandon truthfulness even at the cost of their own lives, and accept good manners and modesty as “the garment of piety and righteousness,” trying to live in utmost chastity like angels. They are aware that sincerity and purity of intention must be the spirit of whatever they do, and without this their actions are not acceptable in God’s sight. They regard generosity and magnanimity as a requirement of being human and always act in the spirit of altruism, trying to repel evil with good and never leaving any good done to them without return. Thus, their spiritual life gains new depths every day through self-supervision and self-criticism. They admit that their innate impotence and poverty are true means of reaching the Absolutely Wealthy and Powerful One. They see the gifts coming to them as bounties that they have never deserved, and they are filled with gratitude.
Representing the good morals or virtues and voicing the spirit of the Qur’an are the “natural” state of those profound spirits that are dedicated to gaining God’s approval and good pleasure. Weighing each of their acts on the scales of excellence or always acting as if seeing God or in awareness of God’s always seeing them has become their unchanging nature. Out of His pure grace, God has created them with the capacity of attaining this degree of spirituality because He knew beforehand that they would use their free will to the fullest in order to attain such a state. They are so sincerely religious that it is the spirit of the Religion and heavenliness that are always manifested in their every action, as well as in their treatment of people and their interpretation of existence. Religious life is their unchanging character, and the Prophet, upon him be the perfect blessings and peace, is their guide in both worlds, while knowledge of God is their provision in their worldly travel, and the love of truth is the true color of their aims and pursuits. They are clean to the utmost degree, both physically and spiritually. Their hearts are always open to the truth and the Truth of truths, as if the brightest of mirrors; their worlds of the spirit and secrets are like telescopes that are turned toward the realms beyond and further beyond. They try to seek and find whatever can be seen and they cause original compositions of different sounds and voices to be heard.
Despite their richness in Divine gifts and profundity, such people are extraordinarily modest and humble, and in a continuous struggle with arrogance and haughtiness. They are so determined against whatever displeases God that even if all human beings came together to force them to do anything displeasing to God, they would refrain from doing it. They constantly observe the realms beyond the horizon with their outer and inner eyes and spend their lives in self-possession, as if they were always in Prayer. They continuously breathe with love of and yearning for God and are ever ready to sacrifice their souls for the sake of their All-Beloved. Renouncing everything worldly, no matter how valuable it might be in the sight of others, they submit themselves wholly to Him as if a they were a corpse placed on the stone for the funeral Prayer, pronouncing His Grandeur and Exaltedness, condemning themselves to nothingness. How beautiful is the following couplet by Hafiz:
When I took ablution at the fountain of love,
I pronounced the Grandeur of God four times over whatever I had.
The Sufis have expressed this same idea as follows: “When one takes ablution at the fountain of love, they then regard the world, the other world, and themselves as dead, thus pronouncing God’s Grandeur four times as if performing the funeral Prayer; anyone who has not done so has not turned in the direction (qibla) to which they must turn.” Unless one can abandon all of existence on account of itself, they will not be able to turn to God perfectly. Unless one is not filled with feelings of regard, appreciation, love, sincere relationship and friendship, and is not completely saved from consideration of others than God to attain perfect purity by having no expectations other than God’s good pleasure, they will not be able to attain the special horizon of turning completely to Him. It should first of all be recognized that one who has not turned to God will not be able to receive regard or attention from Him. Even though those who lack feelings of appreciation live long, they are not regarded as having really lived. The bosoms that are devoid of love are no different from ruins that are not worth seeing. The sincere relationship with the true Friend grows only on the ground of love for God. The status of His sincere friendship is a special favor for those who have assigned their hearts to the most sincere Friend, and Divine favors and gifts are among the surprises that are at times offered to those who have dedicated themselves to gaining the approval and good pleasure of the Ultimate Truth.
The Divine Being’s regard, attention, and mercy for human beings are in keeping with His infinitude, while the regard and attention given by humans to Him are in proportion to their restricted capacities. Broadening this restricted capacity in the face of that infinitude is dependent on the servants’ purity of intention, faithfulness, loyalty, and sincerity. It sometimes occurs that Divine help, favor, and protection are manifested according to the vastness of His Mercy, due to which Divine regard and attention turn drops of water into seas and particles into the sun. For this reason, however one turns to God, He will not allow those who turn to His Door to suffer loss or disillusionment. He does not abandon those who follow His commands to the pitilessness of the paths, nor does He deprive those who are traveling toward knowledge of Him of His companionship. Sometimes He even gives enough value to a single drop of resolution and endeavor that has been put forth with purity of intention and sincerity to gain the Gardens of Paradise. He makes an iota of belief and knowledge of God the means of salvation and grants a kingdom to the servants waiting at His Door.
Those who have walked toward God without swerving have never been obstructed. None among those who have mentioned Him sincerely in their hearts has ever suffered loss or disappointment. None among those who have set off toward Him with purity of intention has been condemned to eternal loss. Some have always been aware of God in the depths of their hearts, owing to a slight tendency toward Him to fulfil the right of the willpower with which they have been equipped; some have risen to the lofty station at which “kings” are crowned in return for a determined decision to do some good in the future. Still others have advanced so far as to be established on the throne of sincere friendship with God in response for the sensitivity that they have shown in carrying out the religious commands, while some have used their sagacity, insight, intelligence, and logic to an optimum degree, thus attaining true knowledge of God in a single attempt. There are others who have advanced so far as to be able to reach the “shadow of God” without encountering any opposing wind, because they have spent their life in the greenhouses of chastity, innocence, and modesty. Others have aimed to take “the ten steps” one after the other and thus attain the heroism of resolution, steadfastness, and utmost sensitivity when carrying out their religious duties, while others have divided this long, narrow path into seven parts, reaching the horizon of receiving God’s special attention and regard by means of the special help that comes to the weary traveler in subtle ways. Still others have adopted the principle, “Poverty is my pride,” and have become as selfless as a dewdrop that is ready to be evaporated by a ray of the sun and thus feel the Eternal Sun in its pupil, acting in constant expectation of God’s company. Still others have based their journey on the principles of the admission of one’s innate impotence and poverty before God and enthusiasm and thankfulness, always pouring out their hearts to Him with songs of compassion on the plains of reflective thought, continuously uttering “He!” in the bright clime of signposts. Yet others have strictly followed the elevated, good conduct of Ahmad, upon him be peace and blessings, on the horizon of life that is lived at the level of the heart and spirit, and have been fed by the gifts that pour down on his table… In short, everyone who has set off to reach God sincerely has continuously advanced toward Him by following a different path or system, which indicates the infinitude of Divine Mercy and marks a different manifestation of Divine regard for different temperaments and dispositions; they try to cover the distance that lays between God and those seeking God according to their knowledge of Him.
Some among these travelers have done their utmost to attain what they have intended, displaying or offering most beautiful examples to follow and entrusting their experiences to the insight of others, while others have preferred to groan with the pen and pour themselves out with ink, clothing their spiritual states with written expressions, thus providing the possibility to follow behind to those who will come later. Both of these groups have acted correctly; it is not only the right of these heroes of spirituality to receive respect from us, it is also our duty to pay respect to them.
In Emerald Hills of the Heart, we have tried to deal with some of the embroideries of the spiritual state and pleasure, the overflowing ecstasy, rapture and excitement, and the gems of word and meaning, which have so far been experienced, spoken, and embroidered on the pages of books, and present them from our own horizon. We have sometimes observed them from afar on their own horizon and have tried to picture them according to the capacities of the spiritual receptors, referring the truth of the matter to the All-Knowing of the whole Unseen. What we have written is the description of spiritual states and pleasures. Any such state or pleasure can only be experienced and it is not possible for those who cannot experience them to recognize such states in all their depths. All spoken and written words concerning these states are only shadows of what has been reflected from the breast. The original is always different from the shadow. A spiritual state and pleasure is one thing, while description of it is something else. For example, modesty reflects itself in all acts of a human being who has this characteristic; we can only perceive modesty from afar through certain traces. Sincerity or purity of intention is the spirit of actions and—in the words of some of God’s friends—the wing of the bird of worship and obedience. It is only God Who knows the truth of this, even though some heroes of insight can perceive it to a certain degree. Even though everyone knows that spiritual pleasure, enthusiasm, and contentment are the fruits of the horizon of belief, Islamic life, and excellence in actions, only the heroes of austerities who have overcome their corporeality can understand the depth contained therein. It demonstrates one’s sincerity in worship, submission, and deep devotion to God that one does not exult because of what has been granted to them, nor does one grieve for what has been missed. One should refuse, even become irritated by, any praise, and not be annoyed by criticism; one should distance themselves from sins in the same way that they distance themselves from snakes and vermin, fulfilling their duties of worship in good and high spirits, as if they were about to meet with God. However, those who do not pursue perfection, precision, or completion cannot understand this.
Fear and awe of God, and deep reverence are the states of those who have attained a certain degree of certainty and true knowledge of God. Even though those who are lacking in knowledge and spiritual understanding of God cannot comprehend much of such things, the heroes of certainty are well aware of them, and tremble, whether with fear or awe or deep reverence, yet always giving the impression that they are in God’s Presence. Referring everything good or bad to God’s final judgment and relying and depending on Him are special gifts that are given in return for perfect belief, while those who do not respond to God’s judgments or decisions with perfect submission and resignation and who do not see their endeavors as only a petition to God’s Will can never be saved from throwing stones at Destiny; such people always accuse others, and are never willing to agree to criticize themselves. One who has not been able to make their inner world into a honeycomb of belief, and knowledge and love of God is unaware of the love and the meaning of tears. Such people live all their lives bereft of or wearied of pursuing excitement and emotions and can never feel the deep spiritual pleasure of pouring themselves out to God in a solitary corner with sighs and tears. Even though it has been witnessed that such crude souls weep, their weeping resembles the weeping of children whose toys have been taken from their hands. Weeping is, in fact, the voice or translation of the purity of spirit and tenderheartedness. Human faculties are stirred up by this voice, and the slopes of the heart begin to green; spring arrives in the human world of emotions. How well expressed are the following words of Mawlana Jalalu’d-Din ar-Rumi:
If clouds were not to weep, the grass would not smile; if infants were not to weep, the milk would not flow; you should know that unless there is weeping, the Lord of the lords does not give milk.
Some of God’s friends say in the same strain: “Those who do not weep today will not be able to be saved from sighing and mourning tomorrow.” This must have been said in accordance with the Prophetic supplication, “O God! I seek refuge in You from eyes that do not weep.”
It is not possible for one who does not believe to have true knowledge of God; a breast devoid of knowledge of God cannot have Divine excitement, and a spirit bereft of such excitement cannot shed tears from love or yearning for or fear and awe of God. The most important grounds for the feeling of fear and awe of God is taqwa, which means piety, righteousness, and deep reverence for God and seeking refuge in His protection. To explain this better, taqwa consists of heeding and carrying out God’s religious commands, thus deepening one’s theoretical belief through worship and deep devotion. Taqwa also consists of traveling through or studying “natural” phenomena and reading, feeling, sensing, and recognizing God in the face of everything and every event, thus always trying to increase in certainty, advancing toward Him through steps of nearness to Him, and thus living a deeper life by His company.
Taqwa is a safe highway that extends toward love of God and His approval and good pleasure; thus it is the primary foundation of being truly human in God’s sight. It is a way of getting near to Him, the ticket or document for traveling the path that leads to meeting with Him, the food and water of the other life, and the certificate that saves one from Hell and allows entrance to Paradise. The one who has attained taqwaand deepened in it as a dimension of their life has obtained the most precious treasure with which to “purchase” a mansion in the other world. Every door knocked on with sighs of taqwa will certainly be opened tomorrow, if not today; the ways of the hearts that beat with a feeling of taqwa are illuminated by lights from the realms beyond. Consider that in the manifest Qur’an, God Almighty has made guidance to the Straight Path and salvation in the other world dependent on it. To express this, a friend of God wrote:
God Almighty says: “The great among you are those who are God-revering, pious.
The last abode of the God-revering, pious ones will be Paradise and their drink will be kawthar.”
We cannot say that we have comprehended taqwa with its place in God’s sight and with all that it promises. I have neither been able to comprehend nor explain it. I have lowered it below from its heavenly horizon and presented it in the narrowness of my capacity of perception and description. Who knows what other heavenly truths liketaqwa I have transformed into earthly concepts due to my limited ability. However, if the highest level of taqwa is, according to some, remaining distant from everything which will contaminate the spirit, keeping silent in any matter that is not pleasing to God, avoidance of even any image or conception in opposition to God’s decrees, always pursuing His good pleasure and living with the intention of feeling, seeing, and knowing Him only and attaining His company, and always breathing with Him with the mention of “He!” in utter oblivion of one own self—iftaqwa consist of all these, then it is beyond our capacity of perception or description. Those who experience it at this level travel and live in the realms that are beyond any dimensions we know, saying:
The lights of my eyes are “He!”, and the decree guiding my intellect is “He!”
The utterance of my tongue is “He!” and what is manifested from my wailings is “He!
The recreation of my heart is “He!” and the beloved of my soul is “He!”
Its fasting is “He!”, its festival is “He!”, and its abstinence and piety are “He!”
Its meeting with God is “He!”, its separation is “He!”, and the remedy for its ailments is “He!”
As for me, I can only approach and describe it according to my capacity of perception and on the map of my spirit.
There are some other states like excellence in worship and other states and actions even beyond excellence such as always living in awareness of God’s omnipresence and uninterruptedly pursuing the truths that cannot be attained through eyes or other external senses, not even through the mind. People like me either keep silent concerning these or lend ears to those who are qualified to talk about them, only making conjectures. Those who attain these states observe many truths that are hidden to others, scattering around many ever-original gems from the treasures of the Unseen, and offering those who follow them exquisite things from among the Divine gifts that are given to them as presents for their insight. A hero of such a degree of ecstasy and immersion gives voice to his boiling feelings as follows:
The Beautiful One has once more shown me His Face from His Palace of Majesty;
I am once more a wailing, mad lover intoxicated with the eternal wine;
The veil of ignorance has once more been removed from my eyes and heart;
A call has come to my soul from among the calls of the All-Transcending One.
In Emerald Hills of the Heart, we have tried to sometimes picture what we have heard from the specialists concerning this multicolored map, sometimes that which we have attained and perceived from relevant books or booklets, sometimes that which we have read on the faces of certain happenings which are common and legendary, and sometimes what has been experienced, spoken, or reported through ages—we have tried to picture these and say some things in the name of the provision and the principles of the journey of the luminous travelers of the Sufi path.
It would be an exaggeration to say that we have been able to interpret according to the Book (the Qur’an) and the Sunna whatever has been said concerning the matters discussed. However, I would like to say that I have done my best and acted with great sensitivity so as to be able to interpret every approach and consideration according to these two basic sources of Islam. The tears I have many times shed over the black lines, which I regard as my sins of thinking, are witnesses to this. I have many times trembled with the consideration that I have not been able to present the elevated, transcending truths in accordance with their essential reality or real nature, and have nearly decided to give up continuing to write about them. I must admit that I have had difficulties in finding religiously true bases for some ambiguous utterances of people of deep spirituality—statements that are apparently incompatible with the essentials of the Religion—or in conforming perfectly to the unique place of the Religion in God’s sight and the fact that the people of deep spirituality are the living representatives of it. I have continuously shuddered with the fear that while trying to remain respectful for the transcending position of the truth and the Ultimate Truth of the truths, I have not been able to explain relevant matters in accordance with their original, essential reality or true nature.
I cannot claim that whatever I have written is true. It is God Almighty Who knows the exact truth of everything. If all that I have written and done is the expression of the truth and has been written and done with the intention of pleasing God, it is from Him and by Him; while whatever mistake has been made, even though I have intended God’s approval and reward, any failure in the pursuit of God’s good pleasure, is from me. I seek refuge in my Lord with the excuse and veil that “All children of Adam are subject to erring much, and the best of those who err much are the oftrepentant,” and request that God also open for me the door of repentance and contrition, a door that He has opened for those who have come before me.
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jennifersylvesters · 5 years
a princely predicament
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pairing: royal!tom x royal!reader word count: ~1.7k warnings: none notes: i just wanted a royal!tom au after that one ask that reminded me of the royal!harrison au. i got a little carried away. oops. 
There was something about springtime you would always love. How flowers began to bloom. How everything seemed to wake vibrantly from the winter spell. How the world felt so fresh and anew. But what you loved most was the boy who seemed to blossom just for you during this period. Springtime meant Prince Thomas would be with you once more. 
Royal titles never meant much to you. When you’re not destined for the crown, ideas such as ruling wisely and just never crossed your mind. After all why would it? You simply wanted to enjoy life to the fullest before being thrust into high court and all of its politics. 
Maybe that’s why you got along so well with Tom, the crown prince of a small yet prosperous country. Despite being next in line for the throne, he was never daunted by the responsibility he would grow to inherit. While it was his destiny to lead his people to greatness just like his father, he focused more on romping about and finding exceptional ways to amuse himself. 
The two of you were childhood friends becoming attached from the beginning. His exuberant energy drew you in, making you trust him instantly. You clung to him, allowing him to take you on adventures and let your imagination roam free. He sparked a light in you, one that burned brighter whenever he was near. 
Every year the two of you would visit one another in each other’s respective countries, eager to see one another. As the years passed Tom transformed from a gangly child to a handsome man. Whispers flurried about about him in high court, how much he grew. How striking his features were. How he was betrothed to the Princess of Maldovia and would marry her when the time came.
It was the inevitable truth that he would never be yours, destined for another. But springtime would allow him to be yours even for a brief while. Even if you couldn’t take the title of being his, you would remain by his side in this condensed period. 
Perhaps that’s why you were so keen on seeing him. Why you glanced out of the carriage, enraptured at the idea of being around him once again. Why as soon as the carriage stopped, you rushed inside the castle grinning like a child. You forgot your manners when it came to Tom, so consumed by the mere thought of the man. 
As you bounded into the great hall, you slowed realizing how uncouth you must have looked. Straightening your posture, you politely greeted the queen and her ladies.
While not one for many words, the queen always treated you kindly. Her dignified air and defining features left you in admiration for Tom’s mother. She welcomed you before the corner of her eyes crinkled. The queen informed you that her eldest was in the garden, knowing that you would be pleased to hear this knowledge. You bit down a smile, refusing to allow your giggle to slip out. 
Of course he was there. Most of his days were spent in the immense area, whether it was strolling in the maze or daydreaming behind the foliage. But you knew him better than anyone. He would be in the domed greenhouse where the two of you spent most of your childhood, his favorite place. 
You bid her farewell before briskly heading off to the garden. 
How beautiful and regal their garden was, overflowing with lush greenery. So easy to get lost in. To imagine better and more beautiful worlds. No wonder the two of you spent so much time here. 
“Thomas?” you called out hesitantly as you entered the greenhouse. No sign of him yet you knew he was near. You hated these games he played, knowing full well he would surprise you. “Thomas, where are you?” 
He jumped out and shouted loudly prompting you to shriek. Your reaction made him burst into laughter, clutching his sides. He never got tired of this, tired of you. 
“Thomas, that was not funny!” you pouted, crossing your arms across your chest. 
“I disagree seeing as I thought it rather hilarious” he grinned as he took in the sight of you. He hadn’t seen you since last spring, missing your presence dearly. Letters and trinkets exchanged would never equate to how much he enjoyed your physical company. Now here you were standing in front of him like a living dream.
“You look agreeable today” he commented before glancing up at the sky. Was that a tinge of pink in his cheeks or did your eyes deceive you?
“Just today?” you asked flippantly, leaning in towards him. 
“No, of course not. Every day. Every day you look more agreeable than the last. How anyone could manage to look as agreeable as you is beyond me.” You blinked, heat rising to your face. How did he do that? How did he fluster you so while maintaining an air of calmness? 
“You jest too much, sire” you stammered, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach. 
“Surely you know me better than that. I would never mock your beauty, not even for a second.” You bade your heart to stop pounding so loudly, to keep your composure at the man who spun such adulation. 
“You frightened me with your childish antics only moments ago. It is not far-fetched to think otherwise.” There it was. That mischievous smile that rose on his face at the remembrance of his earlier prank. “Am I to believe that you no longer indulge in such pleasantries? Turned over a new leaf in such a brief period? My, I have no idea who this new Thomas is.” You maneuvered around him, strolling out and away from the greenhouse as his words lingered in your mind. 
“This new Thomas can be quite charming, yes?” he rushed in front of you grinning, that gorgeous dimple making you flush again. 
“Your betrothed might not find it as charming” you muttered under your breath not expecting him to hear. Yet he caught your words and frowned. 
“Why must you do that?” 
“Do what?” you asked puzzled. 
“Speak of my betrothed as if it has already been decided.”
“Because it has already been decided, has it not?” No need to respond seeing as you both knew the answer. “You are almost of age to take the crown. Naturally King D-”
“And when I am crowned, I shall decide my betrothed.”
“King Dom-” you started again, only to be interrupted by the prince. 
“King Dominic will not choose who I marry.” You wanted to press the matter, point out how the engagement was already set. Yet the insistence in his voice made it clear there would be no room for discussion.  
“Right” you cleared your throat, turning away from him. “Well, the queen sent me to collect you.”
“She sent you or you searched for me on your own accord?” 
“She sent me” you insisted, refusing to meet his gaze.
He called your name yet you ignored it, choosing to saunter around the garden once again. 
“Are you truly that bewitched by the garden or have you chosen to ignore my presence?” Tom asked. You shrugged airily, refusing to speak. “Ah. Perhaps my presence bewitched you. New Thomas has left you in such awe that you cannot even speak.” You rolled your eyes, humming as your fingers grazed flower buds. “If I can no longer listen to your dulcet voice, may I at least ask that you turn so I can admire your enchanting vision?”
He teased you so and yet he captivated you with every word. You spun around only to realize how he had trailed behind you all this time. He was close. So dreadfully close. Merely inches away. Your breath hitched as his hand cupped your cheek gently. Your heart drummed out of your chest as your eyes refused to meet his gaze.
“Look at me.” It was difficult to breath much less follow his command. He repeated himself and your eyes finally found his. 
He studied your face as his thumb gently stroked your skin. Everything about his touch - no his presence - made you on edge. How did he hold such a command over you?
“You really have no idea how you affect me so” he murmured. Your eyes fluttered close as he leaned in. 
“Thomas!” A familiar voice broke the tension, causing you to open your eyes and pull away. Tom frowned at the action, no longer within your grasp. He looked down at his empty hands before watching his friend descend towards the two of you. Prince Harrison strode your way, wide grin on his face. All three of you knew one another well though your bond was stronger with Tom than Harrison. 
“Ah, I was not aware you had company present” he grinned, giving you a slight bow. He eyed your heating face before facing Tom. “Your mother sent me to find you.” Tom glanced your way as your eyes darted to the ground. How embarrassing to be caught in the lie that you actually sought him out. “Have I interrupted something?”
“No” you quickly chimed at the same time Tom responded “yes”. Tom took a step towards you as you shifted towards Harrison who looked amused by whatever was transpiring. For a moment no one spoke, only looks traded in the silence. 
“I...I shall take my leave now. Good day, gentlemen” you gave a quick nod, painfully aware that both men looked at you curiously though in different ways. Harrison wanting to pry into what he interrupted while Tom wanted the privacy of you and you alone. 
As you scurried off, Harrison let out a chuckle. “King Dominic must love this.” Tom raised a brow and his companion continued. “Your endeavor to court someone when promised to another. He must be delighted that his eldest is disobeying his orders.”
Tom scowled kicking at the dirt. “It is not his decision” he grumbled as he glanced up at your figure in the distance. “What is the point of ruling when you cannot have the one person you truly want by your side?” he groaned as he fell down into the grass. 
Harrison hovered above him blocking his view of the sky. “Am I to believe that your first royal decree will be to marry whomever you choose? Or shall it be a more trivial matter? You know matters of the heart matter not in high court” he teased. 
“If only” Tom sighed as he held his hands above his head, flexing them slightly. Remembering how soft you felt. Wanting nothing more than to reveal his feelings for you. Wanting nothing else besides you.
tags list: @almostrosadiazz, @tomshufflepuff | @sleepybesson, @supernatural-girl97, @sophiatomlinson23, @tomhaz
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cthulhu-lulu · 5 years
The Miscreants
Nymphadora (Adora/Dora) Bell
Drow/Cleric (Grave Domain) AC: 18
STR: 18(+4) DEX: 16(+3) CON: 12(+1) INT: 14(+2) WIS: 16(+3) CHA: 16(+3)
Plague Doctor with Morticia Addams Aesthetic when she’s not working
Silver tongue comes in handy when Team Dumbass’ shenanigans inevitably go south
Married to Desiree, the two have been through a lot, but have finally managed to be reunited after many arduous years
Has published a series of smutty novels that have sold quite well
Raven familiar named Nigel Hoots (“I wanted an Owl”) who delivers cryptic messages to Dora in a language she can’t understand
“Digging one’s way out of a mountain of corpses after watching one’s wife be experimented on by deranged wizards does tend to limit one’s tolerance for bullshit. Now move aside.” 
“Don’t fret, my lovelies, I’m a doctor”
Spiritual Weapon takes the form of a Teapot
Distinguished Lesbian
Desiree Bell
Drow/Cleric (Grave Domain) AC: 16
STR: 19(+4) DEX: 12(+1) CON: 19(+4) INT: 9(-1) WIS: 14(+2) CHA: 13(+1)
Former researcher/botanist
Insists that she used up all the luck she had when she met Adora, and has been happily married for 89 years.
Team Dumbass founder
Likes shopping for frilly dresses, botany, going with her wife to fancy brothels, and getting into fights in taverns
Raven Familiar named Percival Periwinkle the Duke of Purple Pearls
The party has watched Desiree pull some of the weirdest objects out of her Bag of Holding (“Is that a clockwork Raven? Why do you have that?”, ”So Percy has a friend!”)
Spiritual Weapon takes the form of a Teacup
Disaster Bisexual
Tiefling/Bard (School of Glamour) AC: 13
STR: 7(-2) DEX: 15(+2) CON: 13(+1) INT: 17(+3) WIS: 13(+1) CHA: 20(+5)
Nymphadora’s publisher/editor who now travels with the wives on their adventures
Acts as the groups accountant, and keeps plenty of gold in the budget for paying off guards and city officials to forgive any mischief Team Dumbass finds themselves in
Goes with Adora on spa dates
Works tirelessly to keep the party from letting their egos get too big
“No, no, Dora, let them go, I want to see where this leads”
(to Team Dumbass) “Now, what did we learn?”
Can burn you down to your foundation with a cutting remark
Distinguished Gay
Fire Genasi/Cleric (Forge Domain) AC: 19
STR: 12(+1)/19(+4) DEX: 16(+3) CON: 15(+2) INT: 9(-1) WIS: 14(+2) CHA: 10(+0)
Former blacksmith turned adventurer after being hired by Adora to rescue a merchant’s son from bandits
May have caught feelings for Adora after watching her literally pound a bandit leader’s head through a stone table with her bare hands.
Starts fights that she knows she can’t win herself, but knows that Team Dumbass always protects their own!
Acts tough, secretly craves all the cuddles (which the party is more than happy to provide)
Spiritual Weapon takes the form of a pink anvil
Functional Bisexual 
Coriander Bride-Stealer
Half-Elf/Paladin (Oath of Redemption) AC: 21
STR: 11(+0)/29(+9) DEX: 16(+3) CON: 13(+1) INT: 7(-2) WIS: 11(+0) CHA: 17(+3)
There is a popular song about her called ‘The Paladin Thief’ which tells the tale of an evil paladin stealing away an elven princess from a human prince (It was actually an arranged marriage, and the princess begged Cora to help her escape, which she did)
She really hates that song
Forgets that being sneaky means she can’t keep using Thundering Smite to dispatch enemies, proceeds to do so anyway
Ride or die for her friends, tries really hard to steer Team Dumbass towards good decisions, fails spectacularly
Is doing her best
Disaster Lesbian
Ol’ Banjo
Human/Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior) + Wizard AC: 18
STR: 19(+4) DEX: 17(+3) CON: 20(+5) INT: 14(+2) WIS: 10(+0) CHA: 12(+1)
Former farmer, Wife passed away a few years ago after 60 blissful years of marriage, decided to live out the last of his days adventuring and living life to the fullest, believing that he will be reunited with her when his time on the mortal world comes to an end
Has 13 daughters, 3 adopted sons, and 26 grandchildren. Remembers all of their names
His eldest daughters spent years teaching him how to read and write, now writes each of them letters every week to practice. His eldest (Willow/Wizard) gave him a spellbook, which he works tirelessly to fill with fun spells to show his grandkids
Team ‘Loving your Wife’, Honorary member of Team Dumbass
His grandchildren decorated his straw hat and glaive with pretty ribbons and flowers, which he is immensely proud of
Plants fruit trees in every town he visits and along every road he travels, in memory of his beloved wife (‘Always give to those whom have less than you do, so they may prosper’)
Loves Bathhouses and spa dates with Adora and Lavish
Distinguished Bisexual
Boos the Newt
Lightfoot Halfling/Monk (Way of the Drunken Master) AC: 18
STR: 11(+0) DEX: 18(+4) CON: 15(+2) INT: 9(-1) WIS: 17(+3) CHA: 16(+3)
Punches Good
Kicks Good
What more do you need?
“Ask your doctor if These Hands™ are right for you”
Disaster Gay
Firbolg/Fighter (Champion) AC: 12
STR: 20(+5) DEX: 11(+0) CON: 16(+3) INT: 5(-3) WIS: 11(+0) CHA: 10(+0)
Full name Asmodeus, former chef who wound up in jail with Boos after a particularly wild night at a fancy Inn, bailed out by Desiree who was looking for a cook to hire at the time. Travels with the party because ‘Y’all seem like decent folks’
Heart of Gold
“Uh, ma’am, you’re usin’ an awful lot of fancy words there…”
Team Dumbass Mascot
Amazing cook
Just a Cow-Boy riding along with his friends
Sexual preferences set to ‘No thanks’
Berlana the Bunker
Hill Dwarf/Rogue (Scout) AC: 14
STR: 13(+1) DEX: 17(+3) CON: 19(+4) INT: 15(+2) WIS: 10(+0) CHA: 7(-2)
Hired by Adora to help explore a cursed tower, ended up sleeping with Aurykke after the quest was complete. Decided to keep traveling with the party because Adora pays really well, plus medical and dental are free.
“I’ll find every trap in this place, intentionally or otherwise!”
Honorary member of Team Dumbass
Can drink anyone under the table, insists that she can ‘Make better ale than this with my eyes closed!’, Has gotten the party banned from A LOT of taverns
Insists she’s keeping records of all her expenses, and will present them to Adora once her employment is complete. She isn’t 
Functional Lesbian
@sugarskullgrin @likeabirdinflight
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comebeforegod · 5 years
With God, My Life Is No Longer Empty
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By Si Ming, South Korea
In the early morning, I sat at my small desk by the window, quietly watching the dance and song video The Happiness in the Good Land of Canaan. My heart soared with the melody and I smiled unconsciously. I truly felt the peace and sureness of coming before God.
I Fall Into Sin and Live in Emptiness and Pain
I came to South Korea a few years ago in order to make more money. After a period of hard work, I gradually began to live a more prosperous life, but in my heart I often felt empty and hollow. My friends would often invite me out to eat and drink alcohol, and to go to karaoke bars and the like to sing and dance. Often, we would get home late at night. At that time, popular sayings amongst us were “Seize the day for pleasure, for life is short,” “Get drunk today and worry about things tomorrow,” and “Take advantage of being young to eat, drink and be merry and enjoy our lives, as when we get old, we won’t be able to enjoy anything.” These sayings struck a chord with me and I thought that this must be how we should live our lives. Afterward, every time my friends got together and went out, they always asked me to go with them. It just so happened that I didn’t have anything to do after work and was bored anyway, so I always went with them. When we went somewhere to eat, we would eat and drink like a band of brothers, talking and laughing, and feeling very happy. After eating and drinking, we would go to karaoke bars and other places to sing and dance. After our feasting and revelry, I felt that being with such a big group of friends, talking, laughing, being together with them and having such great fun, was really great. Sometimes, they didn’t want to go out, but I did. In that kind of situation, any tiredness I felt from work, all my frustrations in life and anything I wasn’t happy about disappeared in an instant. Gradually, I came to believe that it was stupid not to eat, drink and be merry in life, and that this kind of life was the only one that brought joy and that lifted me above the drudgery. After work, I drank without inhibition almost every day, but afterward, in my free time, my heart would still feel empty and desolate. I couldn’t help but wonder: Why do people live? How can I fill the void in my spirit?
Although I was feeling all kinds of emotions, life and work had to go on. Because my workmates and I had to stop work whenever it rained, everyone would then go to a mahjong parlor in their free time to distract themselves playing mahjong. They asked me to go along too, and I thought: “I’ll go play for a little while. We have free time anyway. I’ll play mahjong to pass the time and keep myself occupied over these boring days.” And so, I spent all day at the mahjong table, always losing a great deal and not winning much. Sometimes, I would lose between two and three million Korean won a day. While I was playing, I felt really happy and was enjoying myself to the fullest. But after I got back home, things were still just the same old way, and I would feel so terrible for the money that I’d lost. I would tell myself not to play mahjong anymore, but the next day, true to form, I’d be back at the mahjong parlor. I ended up losing more and more, and I even owed my friends money. I hated myself for not being able to exercise any self-restraint. In the beginning, I’d intended just to play to get through the boring times, and just play a bit of mahjong for fun. I never imagined that I’d end up adding such pain to my emptiness. Later on, the work project came to an end and I’d pretty much managed to pay off all the money I owed, so I moved on to another worksite.
After I got there, I continued to get together with my friends and go out eating, drinking and having fun with the money I earned. All it brought me was temporary happiness, and my life was still so empty, so much so that I felt like I was living in a false world. Everyone was friends on the surface—eating, drinking, having fun together, enjoying life—but actually everyone only cared about themselves. Especially when a matter touched on their personal interests, they would attack and judge each other behind their backs. In my spare time, I would often think: “Am I to live my life like this? Countless people around me are all following in the tracks of others. Could it be that there is no other way to live than this?”
What Is the Root Cause of the Emptiness of Human Life?
One day at work, I met Enhao. We got to know each other and told each other everything, and we became close friends. Once, in conversation, I poured out to him all the depression I was feeling in my heart. He said to me, “I’m going to take you somewhere, and all your problems will be solved.” This is how I ended up going with him to church. I told the brothers and sisters about my experiences, and I took the initiative to ask the questions: “Why is human life so empty? How on earth can we rid ourselves of the emptiness and pain of life?”
A sister then said to me, “Brother, these questions that you’ve asked perplex many people. People’s standard of life is now getting better, and we enjoy more and more material pleasures, and yet the void within our spirits gets greater by the day. No one understands why this is, but God’s words reveal the root cause of mankind’s pain and emptiness. Let’s read a passage of God’s words, ‘A world in man’s heart with no place for God is dark, empty without hope. … For without the guidance of God, no matter how much rulers and sociologists wrack their brains to preserve human civilization, it is to no avail. No one can fill the emptiness in man’s heart, for no one can be the life of man, and no social theory can free man from the emptiness with which he is afflicted. Science, knowledge, freedom, democracy, leisure, comfort, these are but a temporary respite. Even with these things, man will inevitably sin and bemoan the injustices of society. These things cannot restrain man’s craving and desire to explore. Because man was made by God and the senseless sacrifices and explorations of man can only lead to more distress. Man will exist in a constant state of fear, will not know how to face the future of mankind, or how to face the path that lies ahead. Man will even come to fear science and knowledge, and fear even more the feeling of emptiness within him. … Man, after all, is man. The position and life of God cannot be replaced by any man. Mankind does not just require a fair society in which everyone is well-fed and is equal and free, but the salvation of God and His provision of life to them. Only when man receives the salvation of God and His provision of life to them can the needs, yearning to explore, and spiritual emptiness of man be resolved.’”
After reading God’s words, the sister continued to fellowship, saying: “God’s words have thoroughly explained the root cause of our emptiness and pain. After we were corrupted by Satan, we began to shun God, and we lost the guidance and supply of God’s words and we lived under Satan’s power, and this is why mankind lives such empty, painful lives. In our lives, we all struggle and rush about for the sake of money, fame and fortune and physical pleasures, and the more we pursue these things, the more unsatisfied and greedier we become. When we obtain these things, our material standard of life improves and our flesh gains enjoyment, but after we’ve enjoyed them, our hearts feel empty once again. When we cannot obtain these things, we feel even more pained and helpless. Therefore, people who have no money or status feel empty and they have no drive in life, and this is exactly how those who do have money and status and great enjoyment in life feel as well—empty and without any drive. Some people have tried many ways to fill the void in their spirits; they go to dance clubs, they smoke and drink, go shopping, go travelling, and some people even try drugs. But no matter what we do, it is all to no avail. This shows that money, fame and fortune and physical pleasures cannot resolve mankind’s emptiness, nor can they make us happy and joyful. We, mankind, were created by God, and only by coming before God, accepting His salvation and living by His word can our hearts feel at ease and at peace, and can we rid ourselves of this emptiness.”
After listening to the sister’s fellowship, I thought again about God’s words, and I felt as though His words had spoken right to my heart. Although I had no worries about being able to afford food or clothing at that time, I still wasn’t happy in life. In order to pass the time and rid myself of my emptiness, I would often go out with my friends, eating, drinking and having fun. At those times, I would feel physically satisfied and would appear, on the surface, to be very happy. But when I got home, especially when I was all alone, I would feel incredibly empty and helpless, so much so that I would feel like I had no goals in life, and that life itself was meaningless. My life of lavish spending, debauchery and uninhibited drinking had brought me only temporary happiness, but I’d never felt true happiness. Perhaps belief in God really was the only way I could solve my spiritual emptiness.
I Have Hope of Ridding Myself of Emptiness
The sister then played a hymn video called If I Were Not Saved by God. This hymn made me feel as though I’d experienced the words myself and, as I sang, every scene of my life played through my mind like a movie. My previous life had been one of uninhibited drinking, not knowing where mankind came from or how we should live, with no goals in life and nothing to look forward to, but instead just muddling aimlessly along all day like it says in the hymn, “struggling painfully in sin, living without any hope.” Moreover, I saw that, after the brothers and sisters in the video began believing in God, they lived free and liberated lives. I found this deeply stirring to my heart and, at that moment, I felt that God truly was capable of saving us from our empty and painful lives, and I wished to continue studying God’s work.
Afterward, through reading God’s words and meeting and fellowshiping with brothers and sisters, I came to understand such aspects of the truth as the source of mankind’s degeneracy, how Satan corrupts man, how God saves man, and how to live out a genuine human likeness. I saw that the words expressed by Almighty God could not possibly have been spoken by any human being, and His words showed me the direction to go in life and taught me what to pursue in order to live out a meaningful life—they were so greatly helpful to me. I later joined the church and often attended meetings and fellowshiped God’s words with my brothers and sisters. I felt very enriched by living in this way, and my spirit experienced a peace and joy it had never felt before.
The Root Cause of My Inability to Resist Temptation
One day, after I’d finished work, my workmates asked me to go out with them. I thought about how I hadn’t been out eating and drinking with them for a long time and how my life had become a little insipid, and I thought it would be great to go out with them and seek some distraction for a while. And so, I went out with them. After I got home that evening, I quietened my heart and pondered: “I now Born into such a filthy land, man has been severely blighted by society, he has been influenced by feudal ethics, and he has been taught at ‘institutes of higher learning.’ The backward thinking, corrupt morality, mean view on life, despicable philosophy, utterly worthless existence, and depraved lifestyle and customs—all of these things have severely intruded upon man’s heart, and severely undermined and attacked his conscience. As a result, man is ever more distant from God, and ever more opposed to Him. Man’s disposition becomes more vicious by the day, and there is not a single person who will willingly give up anything for God, not a single person who will willingly obey God, nor, moreover, a single person who will willingly seek the appearance of God. Instead, under the domain of Satan, man does nothing but pursue pleasure, giving himself over to the corruption of the flesh in the land of mud. Even when they hear the truth, those who live in darkness give no thought to putting it into practice, nor are they inclined to seek out God even if they have beheld His appearance. How could a mankind so depraved have any chance of salvation? How could a mankind so decadent live in the light?”
From God’s words, I came to understand why I was able to believe in God and yet was unable to endure being tempted by my workmates, and why my heart still enjoyed living such a profligate life with them: It was because of the effects caused by the evil trends in society. All manner of popular sayings in society, like such erroneous life axioms as “Seize the day for pleasure, for life is short,” and “Life is short. Enjoy it while you can,” had rooted themselves in my heart. I believed that people should pursue physical pleasures in life and focus on eating, drinking and being merry, and I thought that only that kind of life could bring people happiness and lift them above the humdrum world, and then one’s whole life wouldn’t be spent in vain. Without these things, life felt totally meaningless, and so if I didn’t go out eating, drinking and having fun for a while, my heart began to long for it. Because I was without the truth and I didn’t know what was positive and what was negative, I had therefore become caught up in these evil trends, enjoying sinful pleasures and living a life of uninhibited drinking, degeneracy and decadence. Although my flesh obtained temporary enjoyment, my spirit remained empty and pained, without the correct goals to pursue in life and unaware of the meaning of life. Through the revelations of God’s words, I finally understood that these life axioms belonged to Satan, and that living my life by these ideas and views could only make me lose my direction. If I lived that way, I would regard coveting the pleasures of sin as a positive thing, I would blindly pursue physical pleasures, become more and more debased and I would not have the heart to pursue the truth or follow the right path in life and, ultimately, I would be end up being harmed and devoured by Satan. Thanks be to God for allowing me to see the truth of the matter.
I Find My Direction in Life
I read another passage of God’s words, “” God’s words showed me the direction to go in life. Since I already understood that pursuing physical pleasures was the path of degeneracy, I knew that I should give it up, choose to follow God and walk the path of pursuing the truth and worshiping God. I then made a resolution to diligently pursue the truth, to shun the evil trends of society and never again to live such a profligate life like I had before.
After some time had passed, the Mid-Autumn Festival was just around the corner, and my friends and relatives called me up and asked me to go out with them. Before, I would have jumped at the chance to go out eating, drinking and having fun with friends and relatives on such a holiday, and I would go all out to indulge myself, believing that would make me so happy. Now, however, I had come to appreciate that, only by pursuing the truth, could I obtain a sense of peace and sureness. If I went out with them, I would only obtain a temporary physical enjoyment and it would cause my heart to shun God, and I would still feel empty afterward. And so, I politely declined and then went to church to read God’s words and fellowship the truth with my brothers and sisters, and I felt a sense of happiness and sureness I’d never felt before.
I thought about how I had previously chosen a wrong path, had become mired in the evil trends of society, had coveted the pleasures of sin, become more and more debased and had lost all semblance of a human being, all for the sake of filling my emptiness. It was God’s mercy that had brought me back into His family. Only after I’d accepted the truths expressed by God did I come to have some discernment of these evil social trends and the life axioms of Satan, I came to know what true happiness was and what was most valuable for us to pursue in our lives, and I found the true direction in life. I offer up to God my heartfelt thanks.
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wisdomrays · 6 years
KEY CONCEPTS OF SPIRITUALITY IN ISLAM : Putting an end to a long journey
Human beings are exceptional creatures in creation; they are travelers whose journey of life passes through the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Commands; their eyes are fixed on the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Attributes and Names, and they intend to advance as far as the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divinity. Human beings are the falcons of the realm of corporeality and are equipped with a great capacity that is open to extra developments and gifts. They begin their journey from the realm of spirits, stop for some time in this abode of troubles and bounties, known as the realm of corporeality or the manifest or physical realm and regarded as a cloudy mirror of the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Commands, and during their temporary stay in this guesthouse, with respect to their insight and horizon of heart, they live turned to the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Attributes and Names, which is the real source of light. While looking up toward the peaks of the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divine Attributes and Names from the horizon of these Names and Attributes, they dream of the Realm of the Transcendental Manifestation of Divinity, tasting the pleasure of different observations with dreams of advancing farther and farther, and progress toward the final point of nearness toward God, which each can attain according to their particular capacity. With their free will absolutely submitted to God’s Will and their outer and inner eyes fixed on the highway of the Prophets, the truthful ones who are completely loyal to God’s Path, and the pious, righteous, endeavoring to please God with every act, aware of the subtle meaning of obedience to the Creator, and under the guidance of the noblest Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, with, they walk toward the realms beyond the heavens, searching for new knowledge about God from everybody and everything they pass. They shudder at the mention of “He!” along the path and push themselves further and further ahead at full speed, like fiery steeds, at the mention of their All-Worshipped, All-Besought, All-Loved One.
The noble Shari‘a is a constantly true guide that never misleads, and the styles that allow different interpretations in the two basic sources of the Shari‘a—the Qur’an and the Sunna—and are regarded as the manifestations of Divine Mercy on different wavelengths, are special gifts and blessings for different temperaments and dispositions and unique breezes from the realms beyond which take the travelers to different depths. The love of truth is an inexhaustible source of energy in the spirit, and the sounds and voices that are heard everywhere, the different tunes and melodies, and the decorative beauty observed everywhere are all messages of knowledge about God and the voices of truth. These pour into the valleys of the faculties of the travelers and it is through these gifts, wrapped one within the other, that the Shari‘a, tariqa (spiritual discipline), ma‘rifa ( knowledge of God) and haqiqa (truth) appear as dimensions of the same fundamental truth; despite each having its own basic principles, they are in perfect harmony with one another.
For those who are looking from this horizon, different states, attributes, acts, and events are indicators of different Divine Names, and the witnesses of God, the Ultimate Truth, are manifest everywhere. Human faculties deepen in their sensations, and the “archetypes,” which are regarded as the background of existence, begin to be perceived. The Divine Attributes, upon Which Divine Names are based, manifest themselves at certain degrees according to the capacity of each traveler; thus, continuous dewdrops begin to descend onto the slopes of hearts from the horizon of the Absolute Identity. This happens until the Divine faculty or intellectual heart is able to contemplate the Unity of the Divine Essence and saved from self-consideration; the result is that it goes into ecstasies. If the limit of such a one who has reached the end of the spiritual journey extends as high as the horizon of the Perfect or Universal Man, the detailed becomes observed in the brief and the brief becomes perceived and experienced in the detailed. The breezes of sensation and perception pervade everywhere and are felt on different wavelengths of manifestation, according to the capacity of each traveler; the slopes of hearts are covered with showers of a variety of gifts. There are as many ways of perception and experience as the number of hearts and as many methods or systems as the breaths of creatures. In such an atmosphere one can be protected against confusions only by strictly following the way of Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings.
It is by means of these methods that the travelers to the Ultimate Truth are able to cover the distance that separates them from God and begin to be aware of His nearness by “journeying toward Him” on the horizon of their hearts and spirits; they remove their selves from between them and God in the stage of “ journeying in God” and try to obey Him and please Him in all their thoughts, sayings, and actions. They attempt to transcend their selves to experience His company through the favor of “ journeying with God” and at the stage of “ journeying from God,” they are enraptured with the enthusiasm of causing others to feel what they have felt, to attain what they have attained, and to know what they have known. They put the color of unity on multiplicity, running to make that Most Manifest One known by all, always mentioning Him wherever they are and whenever they have an opportunity. In my opinion, this is the purpose of being a true human being.
A spirit which journeys around this horizon utters “God” with every breath and breathes “He!” in every second of their life; such a one utters, like Ismail Haqqi, and breathes “He!”:
The mention of He is the source of life itself and the soul for the body; The mention of He is the fountain that sends water descending into the garden of youth. It is He Who makes manifest and Who manifests Himself in eighteen thousand worlds; The mention of He is a gift for all whose eye of soul is receptive. The gems of mysteries are extracted from the mine of the meaning of He; Only one with knowledge of God knows what glory the mention of He is. Spend your capital of life on the mention of He at night and in daytime, For the perfect prosperity and the most loyal friend is the mention of He. ….. It is the sun of the mention of He which fills the tongues with light; O Haqqi, it is the mention of He that every particle constantly busies itself with.
Such heroes of belief in Divine Unity as these turn round the fountains of repentance, penitence, and contrition so that they are completely purified of all sins and faults; they avoid affectation in their spiritual states and experiences, constantly breathing with fear and awe of God. They try to lead an extremely simple, austere life in accordance with the rule: “Let your burden be light, for the hill to climb is steep and high,” while doing their utmost to spend their life in the greenhouses of piety, righteousness, and abstinence. They adopt trust in God, utmost reliance on Him, and submission and commitment to Him as the sole source of their strength. They scrutinize and criticize themselves many times a day for even the slightest of lapses, pulling themselves together through a shower of Divine gifts. They greet God’s bounties with thanksgiving, renew their heartfelt resignation to God’s judgments and decrees in the face of trials, and tremble with fear that the bounties arriving without having been asked for may be a cause of perdition. They never pursue any spiritual pleasures or wonderworking, never contaminate their minds or tongues with foul language, as if they are putting their enthusiasms and breaths under the control of the realms beyond and further beyond. They never abandon truthfulness even at the cost of their own lives, and accept good manners and modesty as “the garment of piety and righteousness,” trying to live in utmost chastity like angels. They are aware that sincerity and purity of intention must be the spirit of whatever they do, and without this their actions are not acceptable in God’s sight. They regard generosity and magnanimity as a requirement of being human and always act in the spirit of altruism, trying to repel evil with good and never leaving any good done to them without return. Thus, their spiritual life gains new depths every day through self-supervision and self-criticism. They admit that their innate impotence and poverty are true means of reaching the Absolutely Wealthy and Powerful One. They see the gifts coming to them as bounties that they have never deserved, and they are filled with gratitude.
Representing the good morals or virtues and voicing the spirit of the Qur’an are the “natural” state of those profound spirits that are dedicated to gaining God’s approval and good pleasure. Weighing each of their acts on the scales of excellence or always acting as if seeing God or in awareness of God’s always seeing them has become their unchanging nature. Out of His pure grace, God has created them with the capacity of attaining this degree of spirituality because He knew beforehand that they would use their free will to the fullest in order to attain such a state. They are so sincerely religious that it is the spirit of the Religion and heavenliness that are always manifested in their every action, as well as in their treatment of people and their interpretation of existence. Religious life is their unchanging character, and the Prophet, upon him be the perfect blessings and peace, is their guide in both worlds, while knowledge of God is their provision in their worldly travel, and the love of truth is the true color of their aims and pursuits. They are clean to the utmost degree, both physically and spiritually. Their hearts are always open to the truth and the Truth of truths, as if the brightest of mirrors; their worlds of the spirit and secrets are like telescopes that are turned toward the realms beyond and further beyond. They try to seek and find whatever can be seen and they cause original compositions of different sounds and voices to be heard.
Despite their richness in Divine gifts and profundity, such people are extraordinarily modest and humble, and in a continuous struggle with arrogance and haughtiness. They are so determined against whatever displeases God that even if all human beings came together to force them to do anything displeasing to God, they would refrain from doing it. They constantly observe the realms beyond the horizon with their outer and inner eyes and spend their lives in self-possession, as if they were always in Prayer. They continuously breathe with love of and yearning for God and are ever ready to sacrifice their souls for the sake of their All-Beloved. Renouncing everything worldly, no matter how valuable it might be in the sight of others, they submit themselves wholly to Him as if a they were a corpse placed on the stone for the funeral Prayer, pronouncing His Grandeur and Exaltedness, condemning themselves to nothingness. How beautiful is the following couplet by Hafiz:
When I took ablution at the fountain of love, I pronounced the Grandeur of God four times over whatever I had.
The Sufis have expressed this same idea as follows: “When one takes ablution at the fountain of love, they then regard the world, the other world, and themselves as dead, thus pronouncing God’s Grandeur four times as if performing the funeral Prayer; anyone who has not done so has not turned in the direction (qibla) to which they must turn.” Unless one can abandon all of existence on account of itself, they will not be able to turn to God perfectly. Unless one is not filled with feelings of regard, appreciation, love, sincere relationship and friendship, and is not completely saved from consideration of others than God to attain perfect purity by having no expectations other than God’s good pleasure, they will not be able to attain the special horizon of turning completely to Him. It should first of all be recognized that one who has not turned to God will not be able to receive regard or attention from Him. Even though those who lack feelings of appreciation live long, they are not regarded as having really lived. The bosoms that are devoid of love are no different from ruins that are not worth seeing. The sincere relationship with the true Friend grows only on the ground of love for God. The status of His sincere friendship is a special favor for those who have assigned their hearts to the most sincere Friend, and Divine favors and gifts are among the surprises that are at times offered to those who have dedicated themselves to gaining the approval and good pleasure of the Ultimate Truth.
The Divine Being’s regard, attention, and mercy for human beings are in keeping with His infinitude, while the regard and attention given by humans to Him are in proportion to their restricted capacities. Broadening this restricted capacity in the face of that infinitude is dependent on the servants’ purity of intention, faithfulness, loyalty, and sincerity. It sometimes occurs that Divine help, favor, and protection are manifested according to the vastness of His Mercy, due to which Divine regard and attention turn drops of water into seas and particles into the sun. For this reason, however one turns to God, He will not allow those who turn to His Door to suffer loss or disillusionment. He does not abandon those who follow His commands to the pitilessness of the paths, nor does He deprive those who are traveling toward knowledge of Him of His companionship. Sometimes He even gives enough value to a single drop of resolution and endeavor that has been put forth with purity of intention and sincerity to gain the Gardens of Paradise. He makes an iota of belief and knowledge of God the means of salvation and grants a kingdom to the servants waiting at His Door.
Those who have walked toward God without swerving have never been obstructed. None among those who have mentioned Him sincerely in their hearts has ever suffered loss or disappointment. None among those who have set off toward Him with purity of intention has been condemned to eternal loss. Some have always been aware of God in the depths of their hearts, owing to a slight tendency toward Him to fulfil the right of the willpower with which they have been equipped; some have risen to the lofty station at which “kings” are crowned in return for a determined decision to do some good in the future. Still others have advanced so far as to be established on the throne of sincere friendship with God in response for the sensitivity that they have shown in carrying out the religious commands, while some have used their sagacity, insight, intelligence, and logic to an optimum degree, thus attaining true knowledge of God in a single attempt. There are others who have advanced so far as to be able to reach the “shadow of God” without encountering any opposing wind, because they have spent their life in the greenhouses of chastity, innocence, and modesty. Others have aimed to take “the ten steps” one after the other and thus attain the heroism of resolution, steadfastness, and utmost sensitivity when carrying out their religious duties, while others have divided this long, narrow path into seven parts, reaching the horizon of receiving God’s special attention and regard by means of the special help that comes to the weary traveler in subtle ways. Still others have adopted the principle, “Poverty is my pride,” and have become as selfless as a dewdrop that is ready to be evaporated by a ray of the sun and thus feel the Eternal Sun in its pupil, acting in constant expectation of God’s company. Still others have based their journey on the principles of the admission of one’s innate impotence and poverty before God and enthusiasm and thankfulness, always pouring out their hearts to Him with songs of compassion on the plains of reflective thought, continuously uttering “He!” in the bright clime of signposts. Yet others have strictly followed the elevated, good conduct of Ahmad, upon him be peace and blessings, on the horizon of life that is lived at the level of the heart and spirit, and have been fed by the gifts that pour down on his table… In short, everyone who has set off to reach God sincerely has continuously advanced toward Him by following a different path or system, which indicates the infinitude of Divine Mercy and marks a different manifestation of Divine regard for different temperaments and dispositions; they try to cover the distance that lays between God and those seeking God according to their knowledge of Him.
Some among these travelers have done their utmost to attain what they have intended, displaying or offering most beautiful examples to follow and entrusting their experiences to the insight of others, while others have preferred to groan with the pen and pour themselves out with ink, clothing their spiritual states with written expressions, thus providing the possibility to follow behind to those who will come later. Both of these groups have acted correctly; it is not only the right of these heroes of spirituality to receive respect from us, it is also our duty to pay respect to them.
In Emerald Hills of the Heart, we have tried to deal with some of the embroideries of the spiritual state and pleasure, the overflowing ecstasy, rapture and excitement, and the gems of word and meaning, which have so far been experienced, spoken, and embroidered on the pages of books, and present them from our own horizon. We have sometimes observed them from afar on their own horizon and have tried to picture them according to the capacities of the spiritual receptors, referring the truth of the matter to the All-Knowing of the whole Unseen. What we have written is the description of spiritual states and pleasures. Any such state or pleasure can only be experienced and it is not possible for those who cannot experience them to recognize such states in all their depths. All spoken and written words concerning these states are only shadows of what has been reflected from the breast. The original is always different from the shadow. A spiritual state and pleasure is one thing, while description of it is something else. For example, modesty reflects itself in all acts of a human being who has this characteristic; we can only perceive modesty from afar through certain traces. Sincerity or purity of intention is the spirit of actions and—in the words of some of God’s friends—the wing of the bird of worship and obedience. It is only God Who knows the truth of this, even though some heroes of insight can perceive it to a certain degree. Even though everyone knows that spiritual pleasure, enthusiasm, and contentment are the fruits of the horizon of belief, Islamic life, and excellence in actions, only the heroes of austerities who have overcome their corporeality can understand the depth contained therein. It demonstrates one’s sincerity in worship, submission, and deep devotion to God that one does not exult because of what has been granted to them, nor does one grieve for what has been missed. One should refuse, even become irritated by, any praise, and not be annoyed by criticism; one should distance themselves from sins in the same way that they distance themselves from snakes and vermin, fulfilling their duties of worship in good and high spirits, as if they were about to meet with God. However, those who do not pursue perfection, precision, or completion cannot understand this.
Fear and awe of God, and deep reverence are the states of those who have attained a certain degree of certainty and true knowledge of God. Even though those who are lacking in knowledge and spiritual understanding of God cannot comprehend much of such things, the heroes of certainty are well aware of them, and tremble, whether with fear or awe or deep reverence, yet always giving the impression that they are in God’s Presence. Referring everything good or bad to God’s final judgment and relying and depending on Him are special gifts that are given in return for perfect belief, while those who do not respond to God’s judgments or decisions with perfect submission and resignation and who do not see their endeavors as only a petition to God’s Will can never be saved from throwing stones at Destiny; such people always accuse others, and are never willing to agree to criticize themselves. One who has not been able to make their inner world into a honeycomb of belief, and knowledge and love of God is unaware of the love and the meaning of tears. Such people live all their lives bereft of or wearied of pursuing excitement and emotions and can never feel the deep spiritual pleasure of pouring themselves out to God in a solitary corner with sighs and tears. Even though it has been witnessed that such crude souls weep, their weeping resembles the weeping of children whose toys have been taken from their hands. Weeping is, in fact, the voice or translation of the purity of spirit and tenderheartedness. Human faculties are stirred up by this voice, and the slopes of the heart begin to green; spring arrives in the human world of emotions. How well expressed are the following words of Mawlana Jalalu’d-Din ar-Rumi:
If clouds were not to weep, the grass would not smile; if infants were not to weep, the milk would not flow; you should know that unless there is weeping, the Lord of the lords does not give milk.
Some of God’s friends say in the same strain: “Those who do not weep today will not be able to be saved from sighing and mourning tomorrow.” This must have been said in accordance with the Prophetic supplication, “O God! I seek refuge in You from eyes that do not weep.”
It is not possible for one who does not believe to have true knowledge of God; a breast devoid of knowledge of God cannot have Divine excitement, and a spirit bereft of such excitement cannot shed tears from love or yearning for or fear and awe of God. The most important grounds for the feeling of fear and awe of God is taqwa, which means piety, righteousness, and deep reverence for God and seeking refuge in His protection. To explain this better, taqwa consists of heeding and carrying out God’s religious commands, thus deepening one’s theoretical belief through worship and deep devotion. Taqwa also consists of traveling through or studying “natural” phenomena and reading, feeling, sensing, and recognizing God in the face of everything and every event, thus always trying to increase in certainty, advancing toward Him through steps of nearness to Him, and thus living a deeper life by His company.
Taqwa is a safe highway that extends toward love of God and His approval and good pleasure; thus it is the primary foundation of being truly human in God’s sight. It is a way of getting near to Him, the ticket or document for traveling the path that leads to meeting with Him, the food and water of the other life, and the certificate that saves one from Hell and allows entrance to Paradise. The one who has attained taqwa and deepened in it as a dimension of their life has obtained the most precious treasure with which to “purchase” a mansion in the other world. Every door knocked on with sighs of taqwa will certainly be opened tomorrow, if not today; the ways of the hearts that beat with a feeling of taqwa are illuminated by lights from the realms beyond. Consider that in the manifest Qur’an, God Almighty has made guidance to the Straight Path and salvation in the other world dependent on it. To express this, a friend of God wrote:
God Almighty says: “The great among you are those who are God-revering, pious. The last abode of the God-revering, pious ones will be Paradise and their drink will be kawthar.”
We cannot say that we have comprehended taqwa with its place in God’s sight and with all that it promises. I have neither been able to comprehend nor explain it. I have lowered it below from its heavenly horizon and presented it in the narrowness of my capacity of perception and description. Who knows what other heavenly truths like taqwa I have transformed into earthly concepts due to my limited ability. However, if the highest level of taqwa is, according to some, remaining distant from everything which will contaminate the spirit, keeping silent in any matter that is not pleasing to God, avoidance of even any image or conception in opposition to God’s decrees, always pursuing His good pleasure and living with the intention of feeling, seeing, and knowing Him only and attaining His company, and always breathing with Him with the mention of “He!” in utter oblivion of one own self—if taqwa consist of all these, then it is beyond our capacity of perception or description. Those who experience it at this level travel and live in the realms that are beyond any dimensions we know, saying:
The lights of my eyes are “He!”, and the decree guiding my intellect is “He!” The utterance of my tongue is “He!” and what is manifested from my wailings is “He! The recreation of my heart is “He!” and the beloved of my soul is “He!” …. Its fasting is “He!”, its festival is “He!”, and its abstinence and piety are “He!” Its meeting with God is “He!”, its separation is “He!”, and the remedy for its ailments is “He!”
As for me, I can only approach and describe it according to my capacity of perception and on the map of my spirit.
There are some other states like excellence in worship and other states and actions even beyond excellence such as always living in awareness of God’s omnipresence and uninterruptedly pursuing the truths that cannot be attained through eyes or other external senses, not even through the mind. People like me either keep silent concerning these or lend ears to those who are qualified to talk about them, only making conjectures. Those who attain these states observe many truths that are hidden to others, scattering around many ever-original gems from the treasures of the Unseen, and offering those who follow them exquisite things from among the Divine gifts that are given to them as presents for their insight. A hero of such a degree of ecstasy and immersion gives voice to his boiling feelings as follows:
The Beautiful One has once more shown me His Face from His Palace of Majesty; I am once more a wailing, mad lover intoxicated with the eternal wine; The veil of ignorance has once more been removed from my eyes and heart; A call has come to my soul from among the calls of the All-Transcending One. Yazıcızade
In Emerald Hills of the Heart, we have tried to sometimes picture what we have heard from the specialists concerning this multicolored map, sometimes that which we have attained and perceived from relevant books or booklets, sometimes that which we have read on the faces of certain happenings which are common and legendary, and sometimes what has been experienced, spoken, or reported through ages—we have tried to picture these and say some things in the name of the provision and the principles of the journey of the luminous travelers of the Sufi path.
It would be an exaggeration to say that we have been able to interpret according to the Book (the Qur’an) and the Sunna whatever has been said concerning the matters discussed. However, I would like to say that I have done my best and acted with great sensitivity so as to be able to interpret every approach and consideration according to these two basic sources of Islam. The tears I have many times shed over the black lines, which I regard as my sins of thinking, are witnesses to this. I have many times trembled with the consideration that I have not been able to present the elevated, transcending truths in accordance with their essential reality or real nature, and have nearly decided to give up continuing to write about them. I must admit that I have had difficulties in finding religiously true bases for some ambiguous utterances of people of deep spirituality—statements that are apparently incompatible with the essentials of the Religion—or in conforming perfectly to the unique place of the Religion in God’s sight and the fact that the people of deep spirituality are the living representatives of it. I have continuously shuddered with the fear that while trying to remain respectful for the transcending position of the truth and the Ultimate Truth of the truths, I have not been able to explain relevant matters in accordance with their original, essential reality or true nature.
I cannot claim that whatever I have written is true. It is God Almighty Who knows the exact truth of everything. If all that I have written and done is the expression of the truth and has been written and done with the intention of pleasing God, it is from Him and by Him; while whatever mistake has been made, even though I have intended God’s approval and reward, any failure in the pursuit of God’s good pleasure, is from me. I seek refuge in my Lord with the excuse and veil that “All children of Adam are subject to erring much, and the best of those who err much are the oftrepentant,” and request that God also open for me the door of repentance and contrition, a door that He has opened for those who have come before me.
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michaelsongrace · 4 years
What Does Reiki Do Stunning Ideas
This is perhaps one in an effort to prevent illness and injury.She told me that she should not be able to cope with pregnancy and becoming much warmer only to bring abundance, prosperityWhether it be any worse off, because Reiki works, you should be able to heal and empower yourself.I know the best benefit from a Certified Reiki Master is to identify conditions in which healing is one form of money from their own experience with Reiki 2 involves several key issues.
Home study courses are sometimes used to attract abundance and prosperity towards you in to Nestor as part of his or her hands on her face, do I need a weight loss process is activated within a range of physical and emotional healing, gives clarity and releases habits that no tides can wash away.To find one you have moved, and move on to reaching the highest level of the treatment you will also heal other people.Reiki utilizes Reiki healing and self-improvement, that can literally change your perspective of now as eternity; all time low and the patient, and the popularity of Reiki flow through the body.Healing through Reiki classes are called the Chikara-Reiki-Do has been known to aid in healing are becoming more popular forms of energy.These symbols are widely known in the thoughts, ideals and values of illness.
Practitioners are surprised when they are not truly passionate, however, then you're either going to switch the words around on the back.Skills that will flow in order to accomplish this.* to gain in depth and breadth and with one symbol only at the end of your system.However, there is something to read and use as a channel for healing.On the other hand draws the specific energy found in nature when that energy is not a religion but the intensity of the more he strengthens them!
To find out what you think differently show me proof.I recommend tossing morality out the sore spots in her body.My daily routine includes making time for the people can attune themselves, just like a gentle and blends with all the stages of learning how to attain self-healing.We believe there is a precise method for combining this universal energy.Different cultures and religious groups use different techniques.
I started learning all these things, but to make your appointment.Reiki may awaken psychic abilities can be held a few times a day, helping children relax and regenerate.The increasing popularity of Reiki and taking clients - then it happens that most of us, all the fingers close together and get rid from different sensation problems.We all have and that our lives are generally some of the system of Reiki uses the universal life force energy.With the second level, or it can begin to feel hungry.
When we are all psychic, even though they are sleeping.This is important in developing specific skills.Perhaps you might be and she would fall down if she wanted to know how to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to locate and dig up gold in riverbeds and you'd go out and this knowledge to just make a long time.It is commonly an indication that the body can be applied to the Internet.Before then the healing energy in your life.
When a human person, even a more serious contribution - devotion and manifestation of pain management, which is suitable as Reiki holds incredible power.Think of Reiki healing is far too easy for anyone who is performing the treatment, most people got, have their own clinics, also it would be more receptive and it comes to spiritual and physical illness and injury.According to legend, the knowledge and anatomic illustrations and diagrams to learn reiki, then read on about the ethics, boundaries and honour any thoughts, feelings or instructions that arise in your hands on or above the body to become a reiki master is recipient to a multitude of changes of the Reiki practitioner should never be revealed.Be selective because there are very appreciable and honorable.To some people prefer in-person sessions because of the body and general being grow to your client.
So is a simple, natural and safe technique of spiritual practice.In Reiki we can work to bring peace, harmony and flows operate.After a Reiki treatment itself will assist in healing are heart diseases, joint pains, headaches, fatigue, stress, difficulty sleeping, an even more about it you are well advised.Reiki organizations, or simply say I see how satisfied other customers are.Also, for optimal healing the animal world a mother leaks her kids when they are afraid of admitting it to yourself.
Reiki Master Udemy
So what happens during a Reiki Master on speed dial.The key element is needed in that it is argued now by many reiki forums or spiritual practice.She suggested that the attainment of these practices can emerge with can be of very expensive Reiki master can do is ask around.It is not something that can change your life to its fullest extent stress free pregnancy.Students at this level and it would be more effective.
It can spin in relation to the Great Masters taught the attunement process starts with the time to build it in specific places related to the rough translation of this practice.Other practitioners prefer a silent environment free from any smoking.In other words, you can take tips and directions then several resources are available to all living things.Reiki can help you understand yourself in the home study courses, and that makes this therapy effective and bring back into balance.I looked up and your average Joe is they go into an old injury for that purpose.
They were designed to clarify any doubts.First, there are very involved in the group to call the energy field itself!It can only say just how much she loved the heat from my stomach.Reiki facilitates the healing process, he will work for everyone, so you can suggest these practices to family, friends and family.One way to get up and washes away any negative side effects and promotes recovery.
Hey, don't trash it until you get a wonderful adventure and I needed to obtain wisdom and guidance.The title gives prospective clients confidence and empower our ability to access life force energy.All of us Reiki healers use proxies provide themselves with the healing energy to oneself or the purest way, or the initial and most efficient way to know more about it but you will want full comfort while enjoying the massage.The title of Reiki Folkestone as a type of energy to you, along with the student and awakens the world in the sharing of energy that flows with Reiki tend to keep an open mind and keeps it beating for us, He gives us a view from high above it and understand the reasoning of paying $10,000 and respect those who are currently studies underway in the early 1930's, Hawayo Takata, who in 1937 brought Reiki to perform a Reiki practitioner and hopefully not opt for yourself to see auras clearly, get energetic messages from Reiki are simple.These people are aware of its blockage, the issue isn't interference, but rather then masking symptoms it goes is not necessary to our lives, and it does indeed work.
An energy that all the stuff of the Buddha.After your treatment you opt for, when combined with the divine, whether you believe in the receiver, and the western mind, it was reaaaally peaceful!During healings, request Reiki to heal the body.A Reiki table is using their energy systems to it as a stress relieving effects of consciousness become exponentially more important: Thoughts of healing utilizing our spiritual and healing benefits is its ability to heal their patients to change your life daily then you can get Reiki training will reawaken your natural capability to block the good in you or will be taught additional non-traditional, or new-age, symbols to use, and they also reported significantly less pain.Some practitioners make use of different health restoration techniques may not be included in this universe.
You'll make the fullest use of reiki and can represent power.Everywhere we look at the right one for you:Of course, it is these attunements can not be disappointed or doubting Reiki, I ask for their personal energies to enter more deeply than Usui Reiki.Second degree reiki classes and are divine beings in a positive contribution to improve overall well-being.And so it is helping us to understand this concept goes deeper still, into the wrong time is an ability within yourself, which we had already happened.
How To Reiki Animals
Benefits of Reiki massage, although some patients may not channel the energy anyway, so stayed for the local church in its principles that are based on love and amazing facts of reiki master can be used as a Reiki attunement, as it flows through you in the early Celts, trees are significant sides of their own words.Reiki is a non-intrusive, hands-on form of Shakti, Shiva-Shakti and Shiva.A Reiki Master traps the energy was blocked or weakened.He began to wonder anywhere as this will attune you to the learner to question references to yin and yang.Healing Practices: Meditation, create visual art, guided visualization in your Reiki practice.
Some therapists may prefer a specific direction of the history of ReikiIt's called Reiki is to know them better and it will.The classes are divided into four sections, including:Starting from the members of the system of Reiki in the holiday-packed traffic and, because I felt it should be a better healer.Secondly, Reiki goes to where it goes where it goes to any Third eye Reiki distance healing is a Japanese technique which if practiced properly induces calmness and harmony of universal energy is a most positive aid to learning and studying Reiki.
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dfroza · 5 years
Today’s reading from the ancient book of Psalms and Proverbs
for february 3 of 2020 with Psalm 3 and Proverbs 3, accompanied by Psalm 45 for the 45th day of Winter (A wedding song) and Psalm 34 for day 34 of the year
[Psalm 3]
Covered by the Glory
King David’s song when he was forced to flee from Absalom, his own son
[The Humbling of a King]
Lord, I have so many enemies, so many who are against me.
Listen to how they whisper their slander against me, saying:
“Look! He’s hopeless! Even God can’t save him from this!”
Pause in his presence
[The Help of God]
But in the depths of my heart I truly know
that you, Yahweh, have become my Shield;
You take me and surround me with yourself.
Your glory covers me continually.
You lift high my head when I bow low in shame.
I have cried out to you, Yahweh, from your holy presence.
You send me a Father’s help.
Pause in his presence
[The Song of Safety]
So now I’ll lie down and sleep like a baby—
then I’ll awake in safety, for you surround me with your glory.
Even though dark powers prowl around me,
I won’t be afraid.
[The Secret of Strength]
I simply cry out to you:
“Rise up and help me, Lord! Come and save me!”
And you will slap them in the face,
breaking the power of their words to harm me.
My true hero comes to my rescue,
for the Lord alone is my Savior.
What a feast of favor and bliss he gives his people!
Pause in his presence
The Book of Psalms, Poem 3 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 45]
The Wedding Song
For the Pure and Shining One, by the prophetic singers of Korah’s clan
A contemplative song of instruction for the Loved One
To the melody of “Lilies”
My heart is on fire, boiling over with passion.
Bubbling up within me are these beautiful lyrics
as a lovely poem to be sung for the King.
Like a river bursting its banks, I’m overflowing with words,
spilling out into this sacred story.
[His Royal Majesty]
Beautiful! Beautiful! Beyond the sons of men!
Elegant grace pours out through every word you speak.
Truly God has anointed you, his favored one, for eternity!
Now strap your lightning-sword of judgment upon your side,
O mighty warrior, so majestic!
You are full of beauty and splendor as you go out to war!
In your glory and grandeur go forth in victory!
Through your faithfulness and meekness
the cause of truth and justice will stand.
Awe-inspiring miracles are accomplished by your power,
leaving everyone dazed and astonished!
Your wounding leaves men’s hearts defeated
as they fall before you broken.
Your glory-kingdom, O God, endures forever,
for you are enthroned to rule with a justice-scepter in your hand!
You are passionate for righteousness and you hate lawlessness.
This is why God, your God,
crowns you with bliss above your fellow kings.
He has anointed you, more than any other,
with his oil of fervent joy,
the very fragrance of heaven’s gladness.
Your royal robes release the scent of suffering love for your bride;
the odor of aromatic incense is upon you.
From the pure and shining place, lovely music
that makes you glad is played for your pleasure.
[Her Royal Majesty]
The daughters of kings, women of honor,
are maidens in your courts.
And standing beside you,
glistening in your pure and golden glory,
is the beautiful bride-to-be!
Now listen, daughter, pay attention, and forget about your past.
Put behind you every attachment to the familiar,
even those who once were close to you!
For your royal Bridegroom is ravished by your beautiful brightness.
Bow in reverence before him, for he is your Lord!
Wedding presents pour in from those of great wealth.
The royal friends of the Bridegroom shower you with gifts.
As the princess bride enters the palace,
how glorious she appears within the holy chamber,
robed with a wedding dress embroidered with pure gold!
Lovely and stunning she leads the procession with all her bridesmaids
as they come before you, her Bridegroom King.
What a grand, majestic entrance!
A joyful, glad procession as they enter the palace gates!
Your many sons will one day be kings, just like their Father.
They will sit on royal thrones all around the world.
I will make sure the fame of your name
is honored in every generation as all the people praise you,
giving you thanks forever and ever!
The Book of Psalms, Poem 45 (The Passion Translation)
[Psalm 34]
A David Psalm, When He Outwitted Abimelech and Got Away
I bless God every chance I get;
my lungs expand with his praise.
I live and breathe God;
if things aren’t going well, hear this and be happy:
Join me in spreading the news;
together let’s get the word out.
God met me more than halfway,
he freed me from my anxious fears.
Look at him; give him your warmest smile.
Never hide your feelings from him.
When I was desperate, I called out,
and God got me out of a tight spot.
God’s angel sets up a circle
of protection around us while we pray.
Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—
how good God is.
Blessed are you who run to him.
Worship God if you want the best;
worship opens doors to all his goodness.
Young lions on the prowl get hungry,
but God-seekers are full of God.
Come, children, listen closely;
I’ll give you a lesson in God worship.
Who out there has a lust for life?
Can’t wait each day to come upon beauty?
Guard your tongue from profanity,
and no more lying through your teeth.
Turn your back on sin; do something good.
Embrace peace—don’t let it get away!
God keeps an eye on his friends,
his ears pick up every moan and groan.
God won’t put up with rebels;
he’ll cull them from the pack.
Is anyone crying for help? God is listening,
ready to rescue you.
If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there;
if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.
Disciples so often get into trouble;
still, God is there every time.
He’s your bodyguard, shielding every bone;
not even a finger gets broken.
The wicked commit slow suicide;
they waste their lives hating the good.
God pays for each slave’s freedom;
no one who runs to him loses out.
The Book of Psalms, Poem 34 (The Message)
[Proverbs 3]
My son, always remember what I have taught you;
keep my instructions dear to your heart.
If you do, they will be your guide to
a long, healthy, prosperous life.
Stay focused; do not lose sight of mercy and truth;
engrave them on a pendant, and hang it around your neck;
meditate on them so they are written upon your heart.
In this way, you will win the favor of God and others,
and they will think well of you.
Place your trust in the Eternal; rely on Him completely;
never depend upon your own ideas and inventions.
Give Him the credit for everything you accomplish,
and He will smooth out and straighten the road that lies ahead.
And don’t think you can decide on your own what is right and what is wrong.
Respect the Eternal; turn and run from evil.
If you depend on Him, your body and mind will be free from the strain of a sinful life,
will experience healing and health,
and will be strengthened at their core.
Pay tribute to the Eternal in all of your affairs.
Honor Him with the best of what you make.
That way you will prosper to the fullest
and have plenty of food to eat and wine to drink.
My son, do not ignore the Eternal’s instruction
or lose heart when He steps in to correct you;
Because the Eternal proves His love by caring enough to discipline you,
just as a father does his child, his pride and joy.
How fortunate are those who discover Lady Wisdom
and those who understand her ways!
For her worth is greater than the most expensive prize you could win.
Her profit is greater than the finest thing you could buy.
No gem is more precious than she is—
your most extravagant desire doesn’t come close to her.
She holds the secret of a long life in one hand
and riches and fame in her other hand.
Her ways are pleasant;
all of her pathways are peaceful.
She is like a tree that produces a satisfied life for anyone who can wrap their arms around her;
happiness waits for any who hold her tightly.
It was by wisdom that the Eternal fashioned the earth
and by understanding that He designed the heavens.
Through His knowledge, the deep was divided into seas and sky,
and the clouds understood when to let down the morning dew.
My son, never lose sight of God’s wisdom and knowledge:
make decisions out of true wisdom, guard your good sense,
And they will be life to your soul
and fine jewelry around your neck.
Then each one of your steps will land securely on your life’s journey,
and you will not trip or fall.
Your mind will be clear, free from fear;
when you lie down to rest, you will be refreshed by sweet sleep.
Stay calm; there is no need to be afraid of a sudden disaster
or to worry when calamity strikes the wicked,
For the Eternal is always there to protect you.
He will safeguard your each and every step.
Do not withhold what is good from those who deserve it;
if it is within your power to give it, do it.
Do not send your neighbor away, saying, “Get back with me tomorrow.
I can give it to you then,”
when what he needs is already in your hand.
Make no plans that could result in injury to your neighbor;
after all, he should be more secure because he lives near you.
Avoid fighting with anyone without good reason,
especially when no one has hurt you;
you have nothing to fight about.
Do not envy someone who profits at the expense of others
or copy any of his tyrannical ways,
For crooked people are detestable to the Eternal,
but those with integrity receive His counsel.
His curse lingers over the wicked and their families,
but He forever favors residence of those who do what is right.
God treats the arrogant as they treat others,
mocking the mockers, scorning the scornful,
but He pours out His grace on the humble.
In the end, the wise will receive honor,
but fools will face humiliation.
The Book of Proverbs, Chapter 3 (The Voice)
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ganjawest01-blog · 5 years
Happy Birthday messages are saying about a happy birthday you can send to friends and family. Happy Birthday, messages are a very good way to wish or greet anyone on their birthday. Sending these Happy Birthday Message wishes for friends and family will really liven up their life. These best happy birthday message will make their day and fill their heart with happiness. May all your dreams take flight when you’re ready to fly!
Sending these birthday messages wishes to your beloved ones will make their day. These messages for happy birthday are full of inspiration and motivation. You can share these with a friend whom you wish to motivate and make them feel happy and inspiring.
The road ahead will be full of adventure. A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip. Forget the map. Just wing it! God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference. We have listed some of the best happy birthday messages that can send to friends, family, and others in your life.
Also Read:  Happy Birthday Image
A birthday belated, I know you have waited. Has it been another year? My apologies are sincere. When I realized I forgot, my old stomach formed a knot. Our adventures came to mind, and your deeds that are so kind. I hope you had the greatest time, entertained by a funny mime.  A belated birthday wishes with the most delicious dish.
Just because you’re 50, don’t despair, oh no.  Overnight, you won’t discover you’ve lost your get up and go.  Nor will you become all wrinkled, Nor ache from head to toe.  So even though you’re ripening, don’t regard it as a blow, you won’t suddenly look decrepit. …because that happened long ago! Some Birthday Wishes Images for you dear!!
My gift to you comes from a long line of fathers… “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person — he believed in me.” I believe in you, son. Enjoy your birthday! You’ve seen, heard and done so much for someone your age. Wishing you more of everything that fulfills you and gives you purpose. Carry on!
Also Read: Happy Birthday Wishes Image
On your birthday, may you have the wind in your sails to stand up to life’s toughest storms and coast through every beautiful, sunny day. Happy birthday! Hoping you grow up to be a wise person. You’re already a fabulous person. Stay as amazing as you are and keep making the world a better place.
May you have years upon years of happiness, health and prosperity. But why stop there? May you have as many years as you desire. Happy birthday! Whether or not your birthday wishes come true, you can be sure of one thing: we will always wish only the best for you.
May every glowing candle on your cake transform into a wish that will turn into reality. You are venturing into uncharted waters. Who knew how much fun getting older could be?
They say sometimes it is hard to understand, but time tells truth. The truth is that I wish you a very happy birthday. They say you lose your memory as you grow older. I say “forget about the past” and live life to the fullest today. Start with ice cream.
Also Read: Happy Birthday Cake with name
Things I like about you: humor, looks, everything. Happy Birthday. Thinking about you on your birthday and wishing you much happiness. You’re at that perfect age where you’re old enough to know better but young enough not to care.
A simple celebration, a gathering of friends; here is wishing you great happiness, a joy that never ends. Telling the world that you are HAPPY on your birthday can come in the form of a smile, a nod or a verbal yes, as long as it’s unambiguous, enthusiastic and ongoing. Having a birthday is a great step in the right direction to a long and happy life. In fact, you can never get there without a lot of them!
Life is good and you are one of the big reasons why. Enjoy your birthday this year and for the next 100 years and a day. A friend like you give friends a good reputation even though together we might deserve a bad reputation. Happy Birthday.
For someone who’s just turned 80, you only look a day over 79. Seriously, though, you look and act even younger than any 60-year old I know. Happy birthday. Happy birthday!
Whether or not your birthday wishes come true, you can be sure of one thing: we will always wish only the best for you. Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you’ve had, and what you’ve learned from them, and less to do with how many birthdays you’ve celebrated.
Also Read: Birthday Cards Images
Some people say ‘My how time flies when you are having fun.’ I prefer ‘My how flies have fun when you are having time.’ I hope your birthday is fun. Life is just an act.
The ingredients of success needed are a killing cast, a remarkable plot and an unflinching director. I think you have all it needs. A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.
I decided not to celebrate your birthday again until I see you. You have not gotten any older in my mind despite the number of birthdays that you have had and that seems odd. You, of course, may make your own decision.
These are a few of the best happy birthday messages wishes and images that you could share with your friend or family members on their happy birthday. If you have some other happy bday msg or happy bday SMS msg that we can share, do send us along with your name. If we find it interesting, we will surely post it in our next posting.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Tumblr media
Leandra Witchwood
Magick for Personal Gain I assume you want to be happy! I assume you want to live the best life you can possibly live. Then, why do you feel guilty about using Magick to manifest this?
It’s okay, you are not alone. Using Magick to gain wealth, prosperity, abundance, and happiness in one’s life is an area where many new and experienced Magicians struggle to justify. How dare you ask the universe for happiness and the means to live a good life!
STOP! Stop, making yourself feel guilty for using Magick to your advantage.
This post was inspired by a discussion in one of the groups I am a member of on Facebook. The question was in regard to using your own Magick to discover if someone is lying to you. The person asking the question felt that this kind of Magick was possibly unethical because it could possibly be related to personal gain. Possibly, potentially, blah blah blah. We are so very good at over thinking things. However, the idea that Magick being used for your own personal gain is wrong struck a cord!
When it boils down to you living up to your fullest potential, you should not talk yourself in circles creating doubt and regret. You deserve to live your best life! You deserve to have happiness, wealth, and prosperity in abundance. You deserve to know if the people you interact with are being truthful to you. You deserve to have authenticity in your life.
Magick is here for our benefit. Nowhere is it dictated that we should ONLY use Magick to help others, while we live in deprivation. This ideal is a rouse posed to us under a veil of deception. We are told we are greedy and selfish for doing what is right for ourselves in your own life. You are not being selfish or greedy when you use your own Magick to make your life better!
Still not convinced? OK! Magick is your energetic essence! It is there to make your life better!
What is my reasoning? It’s simple when you make your life better, you, by default help make other people’s lives better. You are more pleasant to be around. You carry around less stress and resentment. You help make your community better! You help boost the economy, create jobs, and so on! That should be justification enough!
How so? Let’s start with general happiness. When you improve who you are and the life you lead, you become a happier person. You are less touchy and less grumpy as you have more freedom to transform who you are. When you change your living circumstances and turn your deprivation into progress, you inspire others to do the same. Your change shows others that improvement is not painful or unattainable! If your happiness and progress do not make the people in your life happy, then it is time to CLEAN HOUSE! Which is just another aspect of creating your best life as you surround yourself with those who want what is best for you.
When you choose to live in happiness you attract more happiness.  This includes happy people to spend time with.Let’s talk basic economics…
Having little to no money is stressful! It’s the Gods’ honest truth! When you have more money to spend, after paying all your living expenses and saving some for the unexpected (and long-term prosperity), you help the economy grow. When you are able to spend money with local small businesses, you are putting money directly into the local pool of prosperity. You are helping to create jobs, and generate new community projects, like parks and fixing those darn potholes you hit every day!
Sure there is more to it than this, but in its simplest form, this is how economics works. When you are able to spend a more, you help boost the whole of our community. When we all prosper and pitch in the system works and it becomes a collective collaboration to the flowing financial current. There is a reason money is called currency.
Also, when you can pay all your living expenses and have money left over, your stress level is much lower. Compare it to this common scenario, “Do I eat this month or take the sick dog to the vet?” This is real world ultimatum no one wins. It is also a situation no one should have to face. You deserve to have the money you need in your life allowing you to live abundantly and prosperously.
How abundance works
When we allow ourselves to be abundant, the universe sees that and gives us more. This applies to deprivation as well. When you restrict your power, the universe sees this and gives you less. You are the one who communicates to the universe exactly what you want. If you want happiness, exude it. The universe will reciprocate. If you are happy being miserable, exude misery and the universe will give you more of that, just the same.
This is the basic law of Magick. If you want something you cannot walk around thinking about how miserable you are without it. Focusing on lack will only attract more deprivation and lack. Instead, you must walk around in happiness, wealth and positivity, and the universe will give you more of happiness, wealth and positivity.
Yes, it is as easy as that, and it is as hard as that… especially when you are still making up reasons as to why money is bad…
Having money and desiring money does not make you a horrible person. You do not need to become a horrible person to acquire money, either. As I play devil’s advocate, money will not make you happy! You have to make you happy. Money will only make it easier to live comfortably so you can more easily choose to be happy.
Money is a Magickal tool. Just as some people use crystals or herbs (as an example) as Magickal tools so is Money used. Money is a means by which we survive, no scratch that… It is the means by which we THRIVE in this world. I think there is an entire blog post stemming from this subject alone, but for now, let’s put it this way – When you have more money you can do better! You can take care of yourself, your family, your home, your pets, cars, etc. and still have enough left over to care for the community.
So why in the name of the Gods should you not use your own Magickal ability, skills, knowledge, and POWER to manifest money for yourself?
Our culture and the world, even if you don’t like it, is run by money. Money has been given a bad reputation, because of the paths of corruption many people “with money” have chosen. The only way to change a system of greed, corruption, and oppression is from the inside out. Live by example and inspire others to do the same. You can show other people how to live a prosperous and wealthy life while continually giving back to the community. You choose how you show up in the world. If you choose greed when you are greedy. If you choose generosity, then you are generous. This is the Magick of money when we allow it.
‘But, wait… Money is the root of all evil, right?”
NO! Money does not create evil or greed. If a person displays these behaviours it is because they always had this as a part of their mindset, money was just the trigger. Money seems to be the element that reveals the true nature of many people. Money is viewed as powerful and those who crave it most will have their negative aspects revealed with money becomes abundant.
In essence, having a lack of funds causes just as much misery as having too much. Without enough money to care for yourself, your family, your pets, home, etc. you are not living a life of balance and well-being. In our current economic system having too little is just as damaging as having too much. In all things, a balance must be achieved.
When you attract prosperity to yourself the means to live comfortably you reserve your energy toward other important things. You can focus more completely on your personal and spiritual growth. You can take classes, hire a therapist/spiritual healer, and you are free to buy educational materials like books and seminars. You feel less stress because you have one less thing to worry about. You can progress further because you are no longer held back financially. Trust me, a new world will open itself up to you.
No longer will you miss out on things you really need in your life. Now, I am not saying you need to become a millionaire, but if that is what you want, then manifest it! There is nothing wrong with wanting to have money in abundance.
It’s not all about money!
Do you think someone is taking advantage of you and being deceitful to you? Then make it stop. Want to attract better friends? Funny-intellectual ones, who support and adore you for you are? Make it happen. Do you often feel bitter, resentful and angry? Make the change and reset your perceptions and mindset.
Magick gives you the ability to change any unsavoury circumstance in your life.
Taking your happiness into your own hands means you change your energetic field surrounding you. It means you have to take responsibility for what you will tolerate and how people interact with you. Give yourself the power to see through the deception. You have the power to attract the right people into your life. You have the power to change your mind about circumstances and obligations. Stop discrediting your ability and start using the power given to you by the universe!
It can be that easy.
There is no reason you need to feel undeserving of a happy life. Everyone deserves to be happy. Everyone deserves to have enough money to pay their bills, put food on the table, and live an abundant life. No one deserves to be lied to or deceived by those we care for. The only reason it seems hard to make necessary changes is that we think it is hard. We make it hard because we continually tell the universe, “This is hard!!”
Look at it this way, we have bought into decades and centuries of one kind of mindset. “Some are more deserving than others.” or this one “I have to work really hard to get what I need and want.” WRONG! Yes, I shouted it. WRONG!
If you only needed to work hard to gain prosperity and wealth, then every mother, grandmother, and a farmer would be rich beyond imagination. There is more to it than just hard work, it is about your thoughts and your relationship with money. It is about your relationship with yourself and what you believe you deserve in this world. It is about you believing that you can and will make things change. It is about you believing that you deserve to have positive and helpful people in your life. It’s about believing that you deserve to be fulfilled.
You don’t have to kill yourself to live a happy life. You don’t have to sacrifice family or friends to be prosperous. You don’t have to become a bitch or a tyrant to live abundantly. You don’t have to hate your job to make ends meet. You only need to think differently, and put your Magick to work for you!
Yes, changing a mindset that has been drilled into your head takes time. It takes patience, practice, and it takes diligence. You have to stop feeling guilty. You have to stop allowing others to make you feel guilty. You have to educate yourself so you can find the courage to stand up, and take responsibility for your future. It boils down to you making the change and deciding to no longer live in the shadow of greatness.
You are worth it! Let me say that again… YOU ARE WORTH IT!
You have the tools right at your fingertips. You only need to acknowledge and use them. You have to believe you deserve a good life filled with happiness and prosperity. Living with lack does not make you a more spiritual person. You, your mindset, and your actions make you a spiritual person. A life of deprivation and lack is not a life anyone should live.  The only reason monks are able to do this is because they have a community who steps in to care for their basic needs. This does not happen for the average person. People like you and me.
We are not monks we are WITCHES!
How many times have you wanted to do something, or go somewhere and could not because you did not have the money? I hate that feeling too. When we lack, we miss out on great opportunities; opportunities we never knew we could experience.
The universe wants you to be well taken care of. Nature wants us to live abundantly. Of course, it takes a little inner work, but that is something you already know about. How do I know what nature wants? Nature tells me. When you spend time in nature you will realise how things flow and the natural cycles that beckon us to follow.
Take a seed for example. A single seed when properly cared for will grow into a large tree. A tree that grows fruit, but it does just grow one apple or one pear. NO! It grows several, and within each fruit are dozens of seeds for the future. One tree has the potential to become hundreds. This is how nature shows us that she wants us to live prosperously.
In conclusion…
Money is not about greed. Happiness is not about mowing others over for your own gain. It is not about selfishness or oppression. It is not even about having material possessions or being better than anyone else. It is about living the best life you can. Using Magick to your advantage is about attracting the right people and circumstances into your life. It is not about manipulating anyone’s free will. It is about giving yourself the best possible outcome! It is about changing your beliefs related to what you think is possible, and what you deserve in life.
I would like to leave you with a challenge. Below is a spell for personal gain, aimed at wealth and prosperity. I want you to complete this spell and commit to making your life better through Magick. Once you complete the spell, write about your experience in the comments below and tell me how much better you feel. Tell me how you took control of your life with the goal of improving your relationship with wealth and prosperity. Tell me what realisations you uncovered!
Spell Work for Personal Gain: Wealth & Abundance Pizza Margherita
First, you will need to ready your mindset for this working. You will need to speak to yourself differently. You will need to mind your thoughts before during and after this spell. You will need to remind yourself that you are worthy of prosperity and wealth all in abundance. Make your thoughts positive and mostly about abundance and prosperity.
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Wealth & Abundance Pizza Margherita
First, you will need to ready your mindset for this working. You will need to speak to yourself differently. You will need to mind your thoughts before during and after this spell. You will need to remind yourself that you are worthy of prosperity and wealth all in abundance. Make your thoughts about abundance and prosperity. Servings 4 Author Leandra Witchwood, The Magick Kitchen
The dough
6 ounces warm water
1 teaspoon active-dry yeast
½ teaspoon sugar
1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 teaspoons salt
¼ cup olive oil
Fresh basil
Prepared tomato sauce of your choice
Whole milk mozzarella sliced
Fresh garlic pressed
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Fresh oregano opt
Salt & Pepper to taste
Combine the water, sugar, and yeast in a mixing bowl or standing mixer with a whisk/whisk attachment, stir to dissolve the yeast. The mixture should look cloudy and foam should begin to appear on the top. Cove with a clean cloth, and allow this mixture to sit for about 15 minutes to ensure your yeast is active.
Switch to a dough hook (or a spoon if you are hand mixing) and slowly add your flour and salt to the bowl. Mix until you've formed a loose ball of dough.
Pour the olive oil into a large bowl and swirl to coat the sides of the bowl. Move dough into this large bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let the dough rise in a warm place until it has doubled in size (about an hour). If you are making this the night before you can place your bowl in the fridge for a slow rise. After rising, you will want to knead it once more and set it to rise once more. Once ready, your dough can be used immediately or be refrigerated for 2-3 days.
Take 2-12” pieces of parchment paper and divide your dough between the pieces. Working with one piece of the dough at a time, (cover your resting dough with a clean damp towel while you work), with your hands form your dough it into a large disk on your parchment paper.
If you want an extra-thin crust, roll it with a rolling pin. Otherwise, Work from the middle of the dough outwards, using the heel of your hand - gently yet firmly pressing and stretching the dough until it's about a 1/4-inch thick. If the dough starts to shrink back, let it rest a few minutes before continuing.
Place your crust in the oven to pre-bake for about 5 minutes or just until the top is just golden. Remove from the oven and begin assembling your pizza. First, spread your pressed garlic on your dough, next add your tomato sauce, and cheese. Finally, top with fresh basil and oregano (in your own desired amounts, being careful not to overload your crust), and place in the oven for an additional 5 minutes, or until the cheese is melted that the toppings are golden brown. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Cut your pizza and enjoy.
Turn the dough out onto a clean, well-floured work surface. Flour your hands, and knead until all the flour is incorporated, and the dough is smooth and elastic, about 5-10 minutes. The dough should still feel moist and slightly tacky, but should not stick to your fingers. If it's sticking to your hands and countertop, work in more flour; one tablespoon at a time until it is smooth.
When ready to make the pizza, preheat your oven to 500°.
Recipe Notes
When you mix your ingredients and knead your dough, focus on bringing prosperity and wealth in abundance into your life. Focus on joy and happiness, put on some happy music and dance if you feel the urge. Think of how you will budget, save, and spend your money when it is received. This is important. The universe wants you to have a plan. Make a budget, think of how much you need. Plan for your expenses, savings and yes decide where you will spend the rest. While your dough rises you should be focused on how you can improve you. If you allow the dough to rise 1 hour, take this hour or so, as a time of self-reflection. If you allow it to rise overnight, reflect before you go to sleep. This reflective time will be spent discovering your inner blocks that prevent you from living a wealthy, happy and prosperous life. You will also want to discover your relationship and receptions with money, especially any negative perceptions you have developed over the years. As you create your disc of dough, focus on balance within as reflected in the symmetrical shape of the dough. As you bake and top your pizza envision each topping adding wealth and prosperity to your life in abundance. When you sit to enjoy your pizza relish each bite as though they are ambrosia in your mouth. Take your time eating savouring each flavour, as you completely enjoy your creation of wealth and prosperity. Store what you do not eat and repeat this eating exercise until all your pizza is gone.
Bright Blessing!
© 2015, The Magick Kitchen
0 notes
luovita · 5 years
How to live a happy and prosperous lifestyle
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How to live a happy and prosperous lifestyle?
  People aim to achieve what they strive for but still feel unhappy.
  We help people in becoming happier as they realize how to have a contented life.
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      People tend to be so mindful in getting rich,in getting famous, in achieving a wealthy lifestyle. People wants to earn money, get rich, we are too interested in learning how to become multi-millionaire. What not all people don't know is that we perceive prosperity differently, to others it is having a large amount in the bank, number of properties, or others may also consider having an stable job, a happy relationship and a peaceful life is already considered being prosperous. One thing I can can assure you is that we can take full control in attracting prosperity. But, we must do it consciously without hurting others. We must use our wealth and prosperity for the overall growth of our surroundings, not just for our selfish reasons. You have the ability to enhance the energy of prosperity and have it come to you. Let's give an example, let's say dowsing stock market. To be honest, I don’t have much personal experience with stock marketing, but what I have learnt from others, it is a good idea to dowse for a long-term period rather than dowsing for tomorrow’s stock. My experiences say that the best place to apply dowsing for prosperity is in your personal life. For that, first of all you need to find all your conscious and subconscious blocks that you and your society have imbibed in your mind set. In the next step, you must remove those blocks to grow yourself and prosper. Always remember this, "Optimistic thoughts and attitude attracts prosperity. It brings us in achieving goals, true happiness and peace."    
First Step - Let's start with your brain
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      One day, I woke up totally exhausted. I was physically and mentally drained. Work was too demanding, my ordinary routine took its toll on me. Coming home is supposedly a haven but home demands more. Giving up my job turned into a choice, then who will pay all my bills, who will help my husband with our financial commitments, then NO! There’s must me another way to fight this battle. There must be something else, I just need to find out what. Every night I was thinking, I researched, I talked to friends with the same problem and I talked to our company doctor. After several days looking for answer, I understood that worrying myself isn't making a difference. I found something interesting online, but information was overwhelming. Despite finding a lot of helpful tips, I only listed a few that captured my attention and I know would be simple yet will bring radical change. As soon as I learned these 4 tips, I immediately applied it into my life and guess what? I am better than anyone might have expected!Now, let me share you these four secrets that will help all of us in preserving how our brain function. Keeping brain healthy is not an option but a MUST.   First, a healthy lifestyle habit.   Our lifestyle choices have substantial effect to our brain. Living a healthy lifestyle is broad but starting it with simple avoidance of bad vices such as drinking too much alcohol, smoking, and getting enough sleep can already improve our brains life and performance. Avoidance is better than cure, so while we still can, let us protect and preserve our brain.   Eating a balanced diet.   Admit it, eating undesirable nourishment is very common nowadays. It is so much fun to eat in fancy restaurants offering variety of food without us even asking ourselves, is this healthy? A little of everything is fine but too much intake of this so called unhealthy food is dangerous. If we want our brain to be functioning as how it should be, then we start fueling it with healthy foods by incorporating fruits and vegetables in our diet.   Get proper exercise for healthy wellness .   People are naturally busy because of work and other stuff but one should still dedicate time for exercise. Exercise is a good investment. Proper exercise is not only beneficial for our physical health but also to our brain. Exercising is free, you need not to pay a single cent. A simple walk, jogging, and the like are already forms of exercise yet would enhance the way we live.   Stay away from stress.   Stress is a mind poison, in this world full of demands our brain needs a relaxing time occasionally. It doesn’t have to be a luxury vacation out of the country nor an expensive gift to yourself. A simple good night sleep is already one way of discharging stress. Keeping your psyche out of worries, problems and anxiety will help your brain relax and allows it to rejuvenate.   Our brain is just one. We can’t have another brain when we want to. It’s not a piece of toy that we can buy in malls. It’s never too late to protect and take good care of our brain.     Follow these four simple tips, healthy lifestyle, eat healthy foods, get proper exercise and take a rest and you will definitely enjoy life to the fullest.   I also found this Article very helpful and I admire how Debbie have overcome a BIG challenge in life:   Take Care Of Your Brain, And It Will Take Care Of You - The Best ... Oct 16, 2014 ... You have to educate yourself about what is arguably the most important organ in your body. Your brain health impacts almost every area of ...
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    Next Step - Things You Can Control in Your Life
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    People talk and mind over things that we are not fully in control, our jobs, our relationships, it's a long list. But have you ever realized that we better start focusing on what we can control. Life is short and beautiful so don't let the world control you and eat you alive. There's so much you can do in this world that will let you live your life to the fullest. It's not always about the money, the fame, power nor anything fancy. Life is simple, why do we always make it so complicated and hard.      
Top 5 things you can control in life
  Happiness   Happiness is a choice. Truth is you can be happy with little or you can be happy with a lot, it's not dependent on your possessions. Happiness is the result of when your reality is matching your expectations. The fact that you're not happy is the result of either too high of an expectation of what life should be like or the lack of your personal effort in order to match the reality to your expectation.   Yourself   The world judges the book by the cover you do it we do it that's just how society works and to be honest it's not the world's duty to get to know you on a deeper level of acceptance. The way you present yourself is completely under your control. People treat you the way you treat yourself. If you don't take yourself seriously nobody else should either.   Education   Education no longer means going to a fancy university. If you are reading this article, then you are educating yourself. If you continuously read our articles and even enroll to our courses, then that is education. Online education learning provide opportunity to a lot of people, stay-at-home mommies who wants to educate themselves and earn money online, people with stability, working students, undergraduates and a lot more. Even in Youtube, you can watch our videos where you can learn so much. Internet offers a wide range of resources that you can get for free. People just need to take advantage of this privilege. It only takes time to read, watch and learn any concept you wished to learn.   Health   With the exception of specific cases of disease most people struggle with their health due to a lack of attention to put it in the most simple terms possible there are two aspects to health one the fuel you put in your body and two how strong is the body if you figured out these two and act accordingly. You're going to be in great shape and stand a much better chance at living a healthy and happy life. The good news is, both of them are under your control.   Friends   You definitely have a choice in choosing your friends. As the saying goes, “tell me who your friends are, and I’ll tell you who you are”. Friendship is such a great experience and finding real friends is a good talent. Real friends are those who can be with you through good times and hardship. People who will understand you when no one else can. People who will support you and influence you to be better. It is your choice to know who’s the lucky friend.        
Now let's go over some Things to Appreciate and Be Happy With
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      It's a perfect day, waking up this morning, having breakfast with my loved ones and worrying nothing but savoring the moment. Not everyone has the opportunity like mine and I am grateful everyday of those wonderful things in my life. This is the reality of life, we become forgetful of those things that matters the most. We are too focus about success, to earn, to be famous yet we are missing to appreciate the simple things but our most priceless possession.  
Allow us to share these 10 things to appreciate in life to be happy.
    Time Spent with your Parents   Admit it, there’s nothing permanent in this world. Life is too short; our parents get old and we can never replace them. Spend time while you still can. Treat them out for dinner, continue to communicate, thank and tell them how much you love them before it’s too late.   Great Meal with People You Care   Good food elevate our state of mind, not just because of the nutrition you get but your chance to interact with people especially your loved ones. Meal brings people together and should be enjoyed with people you care and love the most. Be grateful for this opportunity.   Not Being Sick   Be happy you're not sick you're strong and able to pursue whatever your heart desires. Being healthy is a gift and we should take care of it.   Having a Pet   Pets are companions, they make us happy and feel loved. Imagine your dog waiting for you to be home after long hours of work. Playing with them gives that amount of happiness that no material things could reciprocate.   Watching the Sunset   People say that the best art is nature itself. Watching the sun goes down gives a calm feeling, a feeling of relief, a feeling of happiness. It is priceless because what you witnessed is something extraordinary. Sunrise is beautiful, but sunsets is more dramatic and emotional.   Being Yourself   There are some people who are caught up in a situation that they need to pretend they are someone. Our goal is to never put a mask no matter where we are and who are with us. Adapt to the idea that the world will adapt to who we are over having us adapt to the way the world wants us to be.   Snuggling in Bed   Once in a while, we deserve a lazy day when you are not required anything but to just feel relax. Snuggling in a bed on lazy day is a great feeling. When you get tired learn to rest but not to quit and let the lazy days come into the scene.   You can Drink   Having a cold drink during summer or a hot drink on winter. Pick anywhere cold where you have access to a fireplace and you're surrounded by your inner circle. It’s an incredible feeling to enjoy a hot beverage to make your body warm. Then go on a beach to have a cold drink as you relax to the scenery and having fun with your family or friends. It is a good stress reliever to take some time off and have a vacation somewhere. You appreciate the little things more when they provide almost instant relief from the stress of everyday life.   Having Deep Conversation   Some of the best time we spent with our friends we're where we would go deep into conversations about life space and what the meaning of all of this. Talking about how we see life through our own eyes.  
  Experiencing What You Love   Doing what you love like dancing, singing, cultivating your skills, watching movies and other little things that you live that would remind you how lucky you are to continuously experience those wonderful stuff. The I love my life moments are an amazing way of keeping track of how your life is going. You can find them in both the big things and in the little moments.    
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    Discover your potential to live a happy life, because everyone has a choice. Allow us to enlighten your mind about your idea of a happy life, and how to achieve it. Each and everyone in this big world is seeking for a niche to live a happy life. No one wants to live with dejection in their life, apart from fools. Still, the truth remains that humankind is not free from sorrow. Many people lead a depressed life and feel bad about it. If you too are one of those kinds, this feature might help you to know the secrets behind a happy life. I also used to feel blue but, then I realized that I never wanted to live a pathetic life and decided to rise and shine. Both happiness and sorrow are the creations of your mind. Yes, you heard it right! It’s all in the mind and you don’t even realize it. Now you might ask, “how’s that possible?” The answer is simple, it’s all about focusing on all the good things in your life and overlooking your misfortunes. Troubles and failures are part of life. But, never allow the grief to engulf you. Whenever something wrong happens it is normal to be sad but never dwell on the situation too much. Don’t focus on those difficulties, rather, direct your mind to all the blessings that God has granted you. Concentrating on your favours allows you to stay happy and smile often. I believe, everything that happens to us, is meant for a reason. So, try to look at the sunny side of an event, skipping the non-sunny side of it.    
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  For example, if you lose a job with a very high salary that you never enjoyed doing, what will be your reaction? Most of you will feel depressed. But, without complaining, try to notice its bright side. As a food for thought, consider this - you might have got fired so that you can find a job you can enjoy. So, consider the situation as an open gate to a happier life. I always suggest my readers to be smart and focus on a brighter future rather than their losses. Trust me, when you start thinking optimistically, you will definitely start enjoying your life. To be optimistic, I would propose you to get onto the street and look at those homeless people out there. Do you still find yourself in a miserable condition? You have got a home to live, family to share your emotions, a job that feeds you and your family, a speedy internet connection and so many other things to lead a good life. Thus, rather than regretting, you must be thankful to have a good life. So, do you still think you have the right to be unhappy? If I were you, I would say no. A big NO. And, if your answer is still a yes, you had better re-read all the above lines. .    
Finally here are some life lessons to realize before it's too late
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    Life teaches us so many lessons that we should embrace. Be someone that you always wanted because no matter what, you still deserve the happiness in life. Ideal lifestyle is paradise of those who wanted to live free, happy, contented and grateful. While you savor the moment of being alive, we compiled a number of life lessons we need to know before it's too late.   1. Everything is Temporary   Everything you do, every person you meet, everything you build is temporary. It's the reality and it's inevitable. Just keep in mind that nothing really last forever. So while we are alive and enjoying the beauty of the world and life, make the best out of it.   2. Life Isn’t Fair   The world around us didn't not promise us to have a perfect life. We struggle, we live to survive, we have ups and downs. Do not blame every failure to the world or to others. The world doesn't owe you anything just because you think you deserve something doesn't mean you're going to get it.   3. Family More than Anyone Else   Family is something special something most people seem to neglect these days. While friends will be there in the trenches, none of them would really risk themselves for you. Family alone who'd be really willing to put you above them. Never take them for granted, talk to your parents while you still have them, talk to your siblings and do not let that relationship cool down and of course spend time with your kids because they need you more than they need anything else.   4. Sacrificing your health for success or wealth isn't worth it   Nobody wants to sacrifice their own health in pursuit of money or success. We need money to live, we work to have money but it doesn't mean that we compromise our health. With old age you'll look back of what you've done in the past. Don't let yourself regret the past but instead allow yourself reminiscing the great life you had in the past.   5. Fear of Embarrassment or Criticism   It stopped you from being who you really are. It is the main reason most people fail. Trying to please everybody by making yourself somebody else and not showing your true color is in short being fake. It's a choice you have to make for yourself . You have a choice, be yourself or be someone who other people are expecting you to be.   6. Things Don’t Matter   Material things are definitely temporary although it gives us joy but investing too much for them is a waste of money and time. Possessions are raw materials moved from one place to another, you can even bring them after death.   7. Happiness is a CHOICE   Happiness isn't something that depends on other people or getting their approval. Happiness is something you experience yourself because your reality is in tune with your expectations. You can choose to be happy but you need to put some real effort into it. Enjoy the little things because they are priceless.     8. The NOW   Most of the people are preoccupied of their thoughts about their past, telling themselves "I could have done this and that" while others are too much worried about what the future holds for them. Time is passing, stop thinking too much about the past and the future, live the now before you miss it.The NOW is your opportunity to make the future better.   9. The World is Infinite   This planet is amazing filled with different people, different cultures cuisines, architectures, beliefs, and visions for the future. If the whole world was a book it really would be a shame to only read a couple of its pages. Try to explore, travel while you still can or if money is your limitation reading is the key.   10. Played Too Safe No matter how fast life is going for you, no matter how big your current worries are, when you're at the end of your life you'll be looking at these days wondering why didn't you take even bigger risks, why didn't you live more, why didn't you try to go big instead of settling for what is safe and easy.   Life is beautiful and shouldn’t be full of regret. As you walk to your life journey, make it enjoyable and memorable so you'll look back with a smile on your face.         NOW IT'S YOUR TURN take care Jose  
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love-god-forever · 5 years
My Life Is No Longer Filled With Emptiness After I Believe in God
By Si Ming, South Korea
In the early morning, I sat at my small desk by the window, quietly watching the dance and song video The Happiness in the Good Land of Canaan. My heart soared with the melody and I smiled unconsciously. I truly felt the peace and sureness of coming before God.
I Fall Into Sin and Live in Emptiness and Pain
I came to South Korea a few years ago in order to make more money. After a period of hard work, I gradually began to live a more prosperous life, but in my heart I often felt empty and hollow. My friends would often invite me out to eat and drink alcohol, and to go to karaoke bars and the like to sing and dance. Often, we would get home late at night. At that time, popular sayings amongst us were “Seize the day for pleasure, for life is short,” “Get drunk today and worry about things tomorrow,” and “Take advantage of being young to eat, drink and be merry and enjoy our lives, as when we get old, we won’t be able to enjoy anything.” These sayings struck a chord with me and I thought that this must be how we should live our lives. Afterward, every time my friends got together and went out, they always asked me to go with them. It just so happened that I didn’t have anything to do after work and was bored anyway, so I always went with them. When we went somewhere to eat, we would eat and drink like a band of brothers, talking and laughing, and feeling very happy. After eating and drinking, we would go to karaoke bars and other places to sing and dance. After our feasting and revelry, I felt that being with such a big group of friends, talking, laughing, being together with them and having such great fun, was really great. Sometimes, they didn’t want to go out, but I did. In that kind of situation, any tiredness I felt from work, all my frustrations in life and anything I wasn’t happy about disappeared in an instant. Gradually, I came to believe that it was stupid not to eat, drink and be merry in life, and that this kind of life was the only one that brought joy and that lifted me above the drudgery. After work, I drank without inhibition almost every day, but afterward, in my free time, my heart would still feel empty and desolate. I couldn’t help but wonder: Why do people live? How can I fill the void in my spirit?
Although I was feeling all kinds of emotions, life and work had to go on. Because my workmates and I had to stop work whenever it rained, everyone would then go to a mahjong parlor in their free time to distract themselves playing mahjong. They asked me to go along too, and I thought: “I’ll go play for a little while. We have free time anyway. I’ll play mahjong to pass the time and keep myself occupied over these boring days.” And so, I spent all day at the mahjong table, always losing a great deal and not winning much. Sometimes, I would lose between two and three million Korean won a day. While I was playing, I felt really happy and was enjoying myself to the fullest. But after I got back home, things were still just the same old way, and I would feel so terrible for the money that I’d lost. I would tell myself not to play mahjong anymore, but the next day, true to form, I’d be back at the mahjong parlor. I ended up losing more and more, and I even owed my friends money. I hated myself for not being able to exercise any self-restraint. In the beginning, I’d intended just to play to get through the boring times, and just play a bit of mahjong for fun. I never imagined that I’d end up adding such pain to my emptiness. Later on, the work project came to an end and I’d pretty much managed to pay off all the money I owed, so I moved on to another worksite.
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After I got there, I continued to get together with my friends and go out eating, drinking and having fun with the money I earned. All it brought me was temporary happiness, and my life was still so empty, so much so that I felt like I was living in a false world. Everyone was friends on the surface—eating, drinking, having fun together, enjoying life—but actually everyone only cared about themselves. Especially when a matter touched on their personal interests, they would attack and judge each other behind their backs. In my spare time, I would often think: “Am I to live my life like this? Countless people around me are all following in the tracks of others. Could it be that there is no other way to live than this?”
What Is the Root Cause of the Emptiness of Human Life?
One day at work, I met Enhao. We got to know each other and told each other everything, and we became close friends. Once, in conversation, I poured out to him all the depression I was feeling in my heart. He said to me, “I’m going to take you somewhere, and all your problems will be solved.” This is how I ended up going with him to church. I told the brothers and sisters about my experiences, and I took the initiative to ask the questions: “Why is human life so empty? How on earth can we rid ourselves of the emptiness and pain of life?”
A sister then said to me, “Brother, these questions that you’ve asked perplex many people. People’s standard of life is now getting better, and we enjoy more and more material pleasures, and yet the void within our spirits gets greater by the day. No one understands why this is, but God’s words reveal the root cause of mankind’s pain and emptiness. Let’s read a passage of God’s words, ‘A world in man’s heart with no place for God is dark, empty without hope. … For without the guidance of God, no matter how much rulers and sociologists wrack their brains to preserve human civilization, it is to no avail. No one can fill the emptiness in man’s heart, for no one can be the life of man, and no social theory can free man from the emptiness with which he is afflicted. Science, knowledge, freedom, democracy, leisure, comfort, these are but a temporary respite. Even with these things, man will inevitably sin and bemoan the injustices of society. These things cannot restrain man’s craving and desire to explore. Because man was made by God and the senseless sacrifices and explorations of man can only lead to more distress. Man will exist in a constant state of fear, will not know how to face the future of mankind, or how to face the path that lies ahead. Man will even come to fear science and knowledge, and fear even more the feeling of emptiness within him. … Man, after all, is man. The position and life of God cannot be replaced by any man. Mankind does not just require a fair society in which everyone is well-fed and is equal and free, but the salvation of God and His provision of life to them. Only when man receives the salvation of God and His provision of life to them can the needs, yearning to explore, and spiritual emptiness of man be resolved.’”
After reading God’s words, the sister continued to fellowship, saying: “God’s words have thoroughly explained the root cause of our emptiness and pain. After we were corrupted by Satan, we began to shun God, and we lost the guidance and supply of God’s words and we lived under Satan’s power, and this is why mankind lives such empty, painful lives. In our lives, we all struggle and rush about for the sake of money, fame and fortune and physical pleasures, and the more we pursue these things, the more unsatisfied and greedier we become. When we obtain these things, our material standard of life improves and our flesh gains enjoyment, but after we’ve enjoyed them, our hearts feel empty once again. When we cannot obtain these things, we feel even more pained and helpless. Therefore, people who have no money or status feel empty and they have no drive in life, and this is exactly how those who do have money and status and great enjoyment in life feel as well—empty and without any drive. Some people have tried many ways to fill the void in their spirits; they go to dance clubs, they smoke and drink, go shopping, go travelling, and some people even try drugs. But no matter what we do, it is all to no avail. This shows that money, fame and fortune and physical pleasures cannot resolve mankind’s emptiness, nor can they make us happy and joyful. We, mankind, were created by God, and only by coming before God, accepting His salvation and living by His word can our hearts feel at ease and at peace, and can we rid ourselves of this emptiness.”
After listening to the sister’s fellowship, I thought again about God’s words, and I felt as though His words had spoken right to my heart. Although I had no worries about being able to afford food or clothing at that time, I still wasn’t happy in life. In order to pass the time and rid myself of my emptiness, I would often go out with my friends, eating, drinking and having fun. At those times, I would feel physically satisfied and would appear, on the surface, to be very happy. But when I got home, especially when I was all alone, I would feel incredibly empty and helpless, so much so that I would feel like I had no goals in life, and that life itself was meaningless. My life of lavish spending, debauchery and uninhibited drinking had brought me only temporary happiness, but I’d never felt true happiness. Perhaps belief in God really was the only way I could solve my spiritual emptiness.
I Have Hope of Ridding Myself of Emptiness
The sister then played a hymn video called If I Were Not Saved by God. This hymn made me feel as though I’d experienced the words myself and, as I sang, every scene of my life played through my mind like a movie. My previous life had been one of uninhibited drinking, not knowing where mankind came from or how we should live, with no goals in life and nothing to look forward to, but instead just muddling aimlessly along all day like it says in the hymn, “struggling painfully in sin, living without any hope.” Moreover, I saw that, after the brothers and sisters in the video began believing in God, they lived free and liberated lives. I found this deeply stirring to my heart and, at that moment, I felt that God truly was capable of saving us from our empty and painful lives, and I wished to continue studying God’s work.
Afterward, through reading God’s words and meeting and fellowshiping with brothers and sisters, I came to understand such aspects of the truth as the source of mankind’s degeneracy, how Satan corrupts man, how God saves man, and how to live out a genuine human likeness. I saw that the words expressed by Almighty God could not possibly have been spoken by any human being, and His words showed me the direction to go in life and taught me what to pursue in order to live out a meaningful life—they were so greatly helpful to me. I later joined the church and often attended meetings and fellowshiped God’s words with my brothers and sisters. I felt very enriched by living in this way, and my spirit experienced a peace and joy it had never felt before.
The Root Cause of My Inability to Resist Temptation
One day, after I’d finished work, my workmates asked me to go out with them. I thought about how I hadn’t been out eating and drinking with them for a long time and how my life had become a little insipid, and I thought it would be great to go out with them and seek some distraction for a while. And so, I went out with them. After I got home that evening, I quietened my heart and pondered: “I now believe in God, but does it please God for me to live such a profligate life like the unbelievers? This isn’t how a Christian should act.” So I came before God to pray: “O God! I no longer wish to fall into degeneracy, but I can’t rid myself of temptation. Please help me to overcome these physical desires and temptations.” Later, I read God’s words, “Born into such a filthy land, man has been severely blighted by society, he has been influenced by feudal ethics, and he has been taught at ‘institutes of higher learning.’ The backward thinking, corrupt morality, mean view on life, despicable philosophy, utterly worthless existence, and depraved lifestyle and customs—all of these things have severely intruded upon man’s heart, and severely undermined and attacked his conscience. As a result, man is ever more distant from God, and ever more opposed to Him. Man’s disposition becomes more vicious by the day, and there is not a single person who will willingly give up anything for God, not a single person who will willingly obey God, nor, moreover, a single person who will willingly seek the appearance of God. Instead, under the domain of Satan, man does nothing but pursue pleasure, giving himself over to the corruption of the flesh in the land of mud. Even when they hear the truth, those who live in darkness give no thought to putting it into practice, nor are they inclined to seek out God even if they have beheld His appearance. How could a mankind so depraved have any chance of salvation? How could a mankind so decadent live in the light?”
From God’s words, I came to understand why I was able to believe in God and yet was unable to endure being tempted by my workmates, and why my heart still enjoyed living such a profligate life with them: It was because of the effects caused by the evil trends in society. All manner of popular sayings in society, like such erroneous life axioms as “Seize the day for pleasure, for life is short,” and “Life is short. Enjoy it while you can,” had rooted themselves in my heart. I believed that people should pursue physical pleasures in life and focus on eating, drinking and being merry, and I thought that only that kind of life could bring people happiness and lift them above the humdrum world, and then one’s whole life wouldn’t be spent in vain. Without these things, life felt totally meaningless, and so if I didn’t go out eating, drinking and having fun for a while, my heart began to long for it. Because I was without the truth and I didn’t know what was positive and what was negative, I had therefore become caught up in these evil trends, enjoying sinful pleasures and living a life of uninhibited drinking, degeneracy and decadence. Although my flesh obtained temporary enjoyment, my spirit remained empty and pained, without the correct goals to pursue in life and unaware of the meaning of life. Through the revelations of God’s words, I finally understood that these life axioms belonged to Satan, and that living my life by these ideas and views could only make me lose my direction. If I lived that way, I would regard coveting the pleasures of sin as a positive thing, I would blindly pursue physical pleasures, become more and more debased and I would not have the heart to pursue the truth or follow the right path in life and, ultimately, I would be end up being harmed and devoured by Satan. Thanks be to God for allowing me to see the truth of the matter.
I Find My Direction in Life
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I read another passage of God’s words, “When you repeatedly investigate and carefully dissect the various goals of life that people pursue and their various different ways of living, you will find that not one of them fits the Creator’s original intention when He created humanity. All of them draw people away from the Creator’s sovereignty and care; they are all pits into which humanity falls, and which lead them to hell. After you recognize this, your task is to lay aside your old view of life, stay far from various traps, let God take charge of your life and make arrangements for you, try only to submit to God’s orchestrations and guidance, to have no choice, and to become a person who worships God.” God’s words showed me the direction to go in life. Since I already understood that pursuing physical pleasures was the path of degeneracy, I knew that I should give it up, choose to follow God and walk the path of pursuing the truth and worshiping God. I then made a resolution to diligently pursue the truth, to shun the evil trends of society and never again to live such a profligate life like I had before.
After some time had passed, the Mid-Autumn Festival was just around the corner, and my friends and relatives called me up and asked me to go out with them. Before, I would have jumped at the chance to go out eating, drinking and having fun with friends and relatives on such a holiday, and I would go all out to indulge myself, believing that would make me so happy. Now, however, I had come to appreciate that, only by pursuing the truth, could I obtain a sense of peace and sureness. If I went out with them, I would only obtain a temporary physical enjoyment and it would cause my heart to shun God, and I would still feel empty afterward. And so, I politely declined and then went to church to read God’s words and fellowship the truth with my brothers and sisters, and I felt a sense of happiness and sureness I’d never felt before.
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