#be a pagan or something
stroebe2 · 1 year
that satanic panic text post w like 4000 notes making the rounds on here has some of the most insane notes/replies i’ve ever seen. full on unhinged warfare. have fun i guess. i’m good tho
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fabledfoxglove · 29 days
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♤ ʜᴇʀᴍᴇs • ɢᴏᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʀᴀᴠᴇʟ, ʙᴏᴜɴᴅᴀʀɪᴇs, ᴍᴇʀᴄʜᴀɴᴛs, ᴛʜɪᴇᴠᴇs, ᴛʀɪᴄᴋᴇʀʏ, ɢᴀᴍʙʟɪɴɢ, ʟᴜᴄᴋ, & ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs ♤
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khaire-traveler · 21 days
The gods breathe the air in our lungs. Their breath shakes the leaves in the trees and blows gently against our skin. Their touch is as light as the rays of the sun, and just as the sun, it can burn with too much force. We are fragile beings, and the gods know this. They treat us the tenderness of a shepherd to a newborn lamb.
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citrineandrosmarin · 6 months
Intuitive Free Writing
(Decided to make this its own post.)
Free Writing is a method of journaling but can also be used to communicate with entities such as deities. It can also help to develop your clairs. It's pretty simple to do and you can also do it via typing or probably even voice recording if those are more accessible for you. It involves writing your stream of consciousness without worrying about grammar or spelling.
Here is how you can do it:
Grab a notebook or whatever you are going to write/type with. Include a timer if you want to set a time limit.
Set up in a space where you will not be interrupted and have nothing distracting you. It can be quiet or with instrumental music (avoid music with lyrics unless you want to see if certain lyrics pop out to you).
Make an offering (optional) and pray to/invite the deity you want to speak to.You can use a divination tool to confirm their presence if you wish.
Ground and center yourself in the present. You want to get into a receptive, meditative state or as close to it as you are able to have.
Start writing. I usually start with something intentional to get the ball rolling such as "I am listening" or whatever just to get my hands moving.
Write everything that comes to mind or into your awareness - and do not try to control any of it or make judgements about it. You are just receiving right now. Don't worry about spelling or grammar or anything like that. If you smell chocolate then write that down. If you feel dumb doing this then write it down. If your mind is blank then write what you hear or smell or see or just write that your mind is blank.
You may notice in the moment that some things feel different or are definitely not your own thoughts. It may be easy to know what is your deity's message or it may not. If you do notice/feel something then you can write it down or make a little note with a symbol like a * or just be aware of it and continue.
Stop when the timer goes off or when it feels right or when your deity has delivered their message. Thank them.
Read over what you have written. I like to use highlighters here: one color for what was definitely my own thoughts and another for what I am certain is from the deity. You can also have a color for sensory observations, or wherever you're uncertain about where the thought or image comes from, or if you notice something that may be more towards the shadow work side of things or negative thoughts, etc.
Make a note on your experience. How did you feel? Did you sense any energies? Did you feel something different when you were getting down certain words? Reflect a bit on the experience.
If you want you can copy the results into a neater or summarised format then do so! If you have messy handwriting and some words are a mess then go in and make it clearer what the word is. You may look back months later and you don't want to be confused what word that one scribble is supposed to be! I have two journals, one to do this exercise in and one woth the neater notes and summaries.
It may take time to get comfortable doing this and to develop discernment but I've found it very helpful personally!
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thereseuwu · 2 months
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I just needed to sketch him :^)
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gods-and-accolades · 1 month
I love how much like home the gods feel. Like the day can be awful, my health issues might act up, my anxiety could be through the roof, but at the end of it I get to sit at Lord Apollon’s altar and everything feels okay again.
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queeringclassiclit · 24 days
The Green Knight
from Arthurian Legend (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)
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submitted by anon
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mars-and-the-theoi · 1 year
Low energy Devotional Acts for when you don’t have a lot of energy (or time, or money, etc.) pt. 8
- listen to a devotional playlist for Him
- learn how to budget if able
- if you have a dog- spend some time with them
- if able volunteer at an animal shelter or volunteer to walk dogs
- if able learn about your ancestors
- learn about death magic and spirit work
- learn about death doulas
- learn about the Underworld or afterlives in general
- listen to ‘dark ambient’ soundscapes
- if able visit a cemetery
- learn about cemetery and graveyard etiquette
- learn about funerary practices throughout time and around the world
- wear black (can be as simple as a hair tie or socks to your whole outfit and even makeup!)
- listen to goth music
- carry some coins on you if able
- do Halloween or gothic themed coloring pages
- learn about the roles of hospice workers, funeral directors, morticians, etc.
- honor deceased loved ones (can be pets, friends, family members, etc. doesn’t matter)
- be kind to spirits and respect* them and the dead (*I know there are some folks who don’t deserve respect in death so obviously you don’t have to respect them this is just a more…in general kind of thing)
- if able go on a walk (can be as simple as down the driveway and back up if that’s all you can manage)
- if unable to do that try to sit outside or open a window/door to let some fresh air in and open the blinds/curtains to let some sunlight in
- listen to nature soundscapes
- pick some flowers or get a bouquet for yourself or others
- learn about herbalism
- enjoy some pomegranates, pomegranate juice, or something with pomegranate in it
- listen to a devotional playlist for Her
- if able visit a cemetery
- learn, read, watch stuff about ghosts (yes even those weird ghost hunting shows that come on at like 2 am and make you feel like you’re experiencing a fever dream)
- learn about reincarnation
- be kind to Demeter
- if able donate to or volunteer at a battered women’s shelter and learn about their history and importance
- if able do some baking (especially bread)
- learn about the underworld or afterlives in general
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
It's so funny that fae!Dick was trying to take care of Jason, but ended scaring him like
Dick likes me now: 😃
Dick likes me now: 😨
Pfpfpf definitely. Jason still thinks Dick is the best thing since sliced bread but there’s some instances where is just like?? 😨😱😨😵‍💫 like one time he could SWEAR Dick was trying to eat him. Dick swear it was just a loving little nibble (and in his defense, it totally was) but for Jason those sharp rows of teeth came way too close to his jugular for comfort.
(Jason retaliates by biting Dick full force, but all that achieves is Dick tearing up and bursting into tears because “Jason loves me! Bruce! My little brother loves me!” Jason just gives up at this point.)
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curious-chaosmagiic · 5 months
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Hypnos, lord of slumber, weaver of dreams
for you this small offering, to give me the energy to wake up from my nap to get today's activities done
may i be lulled to sleep swiftly, and may i feel your embrace when i dream 💤💕
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sllunag · 2 days
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Digital Offering for Lady Aphrodite
My dear and beloved Aphrodite,
The sweet Mother of Love
Warrior and sea born
Mighty child of the Sky
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0wl3tt3 · 7 months
I'm an Athena devotee, of course people call me wise after giving some advice
I'm an Athena devotee, of course I make sure to stand for my ideals and ideologies
I'm an Athena devotee, of course I read history books and would want to walk through the historical architects we have left
I'm an Athena devotee, of course I also get into media that revolves around war and how the character develope because of it
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khaire-traveler · 8 months
To my fellow polytheists and pagans who are living through abuse,...
...your deities hear your prayers and see your struggles. Your deities hear you, they see you; you do not go unnoticed by them and neither does your pain. It can be so easy to convince ourselves that we are alone, that no one cares for us, that because our situations don't immediately improve our prayers have been ignored. I assure you that none of these things are true. It is more than ok to pray to your deities during times of need when things are becoming too volatile. It is more than ok to seek comfort in your deities when you are feeling alone and afraid. It is more than ok to ask your deities for guidance or safety or direction when you simply don't know what else to do. Your problems are not a burden on them, and even though I can't speak for gods, I fully believe they will listen to you, be there for you, and support you the best that they can.
Unfortunately, healing takes time. It's especially hard trying to heal when you are still around people who have caused your pain in the first place. I'm in such a situation now, and even though I'm currently struggling to maintain hope myself, I want to say that it does get better. You will get out someday, and you will live separate from those who have harmed you, and all those prayers that you muttered under your breath with tears streaming down your face will be answered. I hardcore believe in you. I'm certain you will live a better, separate life from these people one day. I wish I could take away the wait. I hate saying this, but it takes time for these sorts of plans to unfold. But I assure you that it does get better.
It will get better, and your deities will be right there beside you if you wish them to be.
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caraecethrae · 2 months
great tip for intermediate practitioners:
start a journal of your own practice and UPG. not a log, though that is very useful – but it should already be part of your practice if it's been a few years.
instead, keep a journal into your own insights. little "aha" moments that click different things into place. don't just jot those down, include what made you realize and what is your plan to do with that information. it can be very brief, its the long-term collection of this that can be incredibly affirming to look back on.
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kitthew · 18 days
i think the reason that kaos is such a successful adaptation, despite being so inaccurate to the myths, it’s that it’s so new, fresh, and entertaining
like, there isn’t one canonical Greek Myth. there are, of course, surviving texts from the era—homer, euripides, aeschlyus, etc. — but those are only what have *survived,* there are countless other myths and ancient retellings that have been lost to time. besides, even between the original myths, there are discrepancies and different interpretations. the myths originated in an oral storytelling tradition, and with each teller, the stories were different. sure, there were some things that stayed consistent throughout the retellings, but almost every myth has elements that varied across sources.
you could always argue that even though that might be true, they could have based the show more on less common myth alternatives that still have sources from the time period, but i personally think the fact that they’re kind of doing their own thing is literally just what the ancient greeks were doing with their myths as well lol
plus, the reason successful greek plays *were* successful was that they told existing stories in a new and interesting light. sure, it was more of a “no one goes to the theatre to find out what happens next, they go to hear how the writer is telling the myth in a new and interesting way” sort of vibe, and kaos *does* have an element of watching bc you don’t know what happens next bc so much has been changed from the original myths, but again, i think this is basically just what the greeks were doing. when something originated in an oral storytelling tradition, there isn’t One Definitive Way to retell it. kaos takes a lot of creative liberties with the source material, but there’s always room for new interpretations and ways of telling these stories
BUT the show is imo so engaging and successful despite all that bc it really gets at the heart of the myths, even though, again, it isn’t at all accurate. zeus is cruel, power-crazed, and incestuous. dionysus is literally just a boy. hera is trying so so hard to be a GirlBoss. hades and persephone are the only ones who seem to have their shit together. poseidon is a douche on a yacht. there’s some incredibly interesting and compelling world building. and at its core, the show is about two things: 1) the gods are human and fallible and 2) you cannot outrun your fate, no matter how hard you try.
and what’s more greek than that?
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the-lyre-and-the-raven · 10 months
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I feel Apollon in my veins. I feel his hands guide mine as I pour my soul into the piano. I hear his voice, gentle as the summer sun urging me to keep going. letting me know that I am not too ambitious for choosing to seek knowledge. I feel his rage in my blood when men speak to me as if I know nothing. As I walk to perform or present a project, I know he is there. Watching over me and when I am done, his cheers are always the loudest.
steady and firm, a strict teacher and a gentle healer. Letting me know that I will be okay. Someday, I will wake up, greet the sun and the joy I shall feel will not be a lie.
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