#bc they absolutely KILLED that scene which almost nobody does.
raspberryzingaaa · 4 months
So in 1961 the Royal Shakespeare Company put on Much Ado About Nothing with Christopher Plummer as Benedick and I cannot find a recording of it and this is a TRAVESTY
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jazz-bazz · 1 year
victorian vampire ghoul hc
so the initial thought was what if rain and aurora likes to dress up in victorian era outfits, and @webbyghoul and i talked about what if the ghouls were royalties, what would their roles be, and this is adapted from that
and then i asked @mac-and-thefox what does she think, and she had pictures!! and the pictures she sent is the inspiration behind victorian vampire ghouls, so here they are
tw blood bc vampires
to set the scene, the ghouls are a pack living together in a mansion on top of a hill near an unnamed town
cumulus : the matriarch! she and mountain is some of the oldest of the pack, collects vampire ghouls as her children, absolutely scary if someone threatens her pack, keeps everyone in check, is a bit of a messy eater so almost never hunts in public, prefers to have her preys be brought home
mountain : the original owner of the mansion, nobody knows how long he’s been there, his hobby is updating the mansion to stay up to date, is the only one who knows what the deal is with the cemetery beside the mansion, who are the people buried there etc, spends a lot of time in the garden or somewhere with cumulus, mostly hunts animals in the forest for food, although would not say no to sharing a human or two with cumulus
rain : absolute princess, he’s the first cumulus and mountain found and adopted, the one the townspeople come to when they need something from the family, sort of spokesperson? but he always consults with “the parents“ first aka cumulus and mountain, also dew‘s handler, and one of the messiest eater bcs he always plays with his food and has to share them with dewdrop, which would end up even messier with a lot more fluids than blood
dewdrop : the troublemaker, aether found him sneaking into the grounds and brought him to cumulus mountain and rain asking what to do, he’s very cocky, he’s actually there bcs he’s bored, brain instantly turned off when he saw rain, heart eyes, and turns out he’s good at business, always finds new sources of income for the pack, but don’t trust him with doing it, he’s just the research and idea guy
aether : he takes the security and secrecy of the pack really seriously, and with swiss is always the one cleaning up after the others (read : dew), always ready to accompany anyone who wants to go into town or travel somewhere, he was a member of the royal guard, almost killed in a scruffle with bandits but mountain found him, very clean and never wastes a drop when eating, likes hunting bandits and criminals
swiss : helps aether with cleaning messes, but sometimes also creating messes, is the one tasked with hunting for food for those who doesn’t like hunting bc he has the charms for it, always “know a guy“ for anything one might need, he was in the scotland yard and often goes on undercovers and that’s why he knows people, personally prefers sickly and dying people to feed from
cirrus : nobody knows where she came from, one day she just appeared and asked to stay there with them, instant besties with cumulus, she always has stories to tell, and nobody knows if they’re her experiences or just fiction, to the townspeople she’s cumulus‘ cousin from overseas, has no preference when hunting, whoever catches her eyes would be brought home and toyed with before she eats
sunshine : takes care of the mansion, helps mist in managing the money, whenever the pack wants to hold a ball or something similar, she’s gonna organize everything, cumulus found her as a kid when she was traveling to other towns on holiday with cirrus, her favorite hunting method is to trick people by acting like a lost little girl, not really messy so only needs a handkerchief
phantom : loves animals, takes care of the packs horses and many pets, fairly young, loves to follow aether around, is not allowed to be alone with dew, omega saved him bc he was such a sickly little kid and his parents were already old and struggling, even then he was still such a bright soul, so omega took him in and raised him in the pack, he prefers blood bags so he doesn’t know where it comes from, definitely never hunts animals
aurora : the other princess, often goes to town to socialize with the rich people and other nobles, she wears fancy masks though, and has several identities so the humans in town wont suspect anything, has the best gossips, helps mist in running businesses, was nobility before she escaped an arranged marriage and found rain and dew on a honeymoon trip, who helped her hide and later brought her to mountain and cumulus, she likes to seduce human men like her ex and eat slowly, very clean and neat
ifrit : head chef at the packs restaurant in town, managed of course by mist, aether found him in a really poor village trying to just sell his food, which tasted really good even only with the supplies he could afford there, so he offered him a bit of training and then after that a job, very messy eater, also loves raw beef for snacks
omega : is the one actually from overseas, had his own pack but left bc of a disagreement, was passing through town and met aurora, he was intrigued by this pack and wanted to try living in a pack again, he completely settled down after he found phantom, like cirrus he hunts whoever catches his eyes but kills quickly and efficiently
zephyr : the last of the princesses, loves sewing and making everyone’s dresses and suits and accessories, sometimes goes to town to sell them or take commissions, used to be part of the traveling circus before getting injured and saved by ifrit, also prefers hunting animals bc it’s less work
mist : if dew is the one with business idea, mist is the one doing it, really good with money and managing the pack’s various businesses, she’s tiny but scary, has a death glare, cumulus found her awaiting punishment for witchcraft, kidnapped her, and the rest is history, also a messy eater bc she loves biting her food in various places
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sirdust · 8 months
i need your thoughts on the new episode/s bc i genuinely don't wanna watch it myself
i am not going to rewatch the episodes if i can help it so i'm going off memory here but. sure thing anon <3
ep5: i've said it before but i forgot around 80% of what was happening in this episode as i was watching it. lucifer is a nothing character. at best, he is stolas but even less interesting. he does not serve any purpose but to repeat the doubts that have already been expressed around charlie's project. his reconciliation with charlie comes out of nowhere and there's no reason for them to have fallen out in the first place since he is clearly loving and wants to compromise with her. he's boring and so was the episode.
i feel like it was also trying to be an alastor episode but doing a very bad job at it. alastor has had no character development occur on screen at all. there's a bit with husk thag doesn't work because it needed to be established earlier; as-is it feels like a way to try and show that alastor IS on a similar level of abusive to valentino, but that 100% should've happened before ep4. more to the point, he implies to mimzy that he cares about the hotel project, but this (again) does not make sense because we have not seen him grow to care at all. the dad/daughter angle they try to push with him and charlie also has zero setup. they've spoken maybe two sentences to each other in the season proper.
ep6: dumpster fire. the exorcist vaggie reveal is poorly handled and there is no reason charlie shouldn't know about it, let alone have it be this big liar revealed moment. the scene of vaggie being demoted is extremely fast and difficult to follow because there is no time to sit with the drama at all; the reason she defects is so cliche there's no point in commenting on it.
"nobody knows how people get into heaven" when it was angels who created heaven is a confusing plot point and a bad way of saying the criteria to get into heaven is arbitrary. it fails at being morally gray because there is nothing about heaven worth protecting, and the only reason sinners are killed is to prevent an uprising. emily realizing heaven is wrong over the course of one song is terribly rushed, and the reveal of vaggie's former angel status to charlie, as a moment, is silly. the b-plot with cherri at the club is bad all the way through. cherri's character is assassinated and treated like an after-school special villain, the rivalry between her and pentious is dissolved in favor of a crush that was not properly established at all (and which retcons their dynamic from the pilot), the SA joke with pentious is conceptually awful, and angel's character development is badly handled in every way. he's rejecting drugs and standing up to valentino out of absolutely nowhere, and it's presented as if husk is the primary reason for his progress, which is bad for all sorts of reasons. i've talked about why the b-plot is so bad already, i think, so i don't want to ramble on about it too long.
the overall pacing of the season (ep1-3 taking place over 2 weeks, ep4 taking place somewhere between 2 weeks-almost 5 months later, and ep5-6 taking place 5 months later) is also the worst i've ever seen.
idk what happened with the writing but it's bad.
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thegeminisage · 11 months
ok, tng update before bed because Holy Fuck. earlier tonight i did "symbiosis" and then we did "skin of evil" together
symbiosis: the premise of this was kind of interesting actually. one angle i wish they'd gone into was if picard DOES tell the ornarans that the "medicine" is really just drugs then the brekkians have no means to survive on their own and they will die. would they deserve it? almost definitely, but it still goes against the prime directive. so picard giving them ample warning - by letting them know that soon the freighters will be unreparable and the ornarans will figure out the game on their own - at least gives them time to start learning to farm or whatever so they can survive without the ornarans's help. he actually saved both planets, however undeserving, with his solution. only they didn't even go into that side of it. AND ALSO literally not even one person was happy with it which was kind of hilarious
HOWEVER. once we veered into wesley and tashas Very Special Episode About Drugs moments i did start scream laughing. truly hysterical. thank you tasha for explaining narcotic abuse to me <3 i didn't know how any of it worked <3
i did actually like dr crusher in this episode. well, no, i had mixed feelings. absolutely she was right to be disgusted and reviled by what the brekkians were doing. absolutely it was in character for her, a doctor, to strongly morally object to anything that leaves exploited people in pain when she can do something about it. bones would have objected if picard was doing it. but somehow it STILL felt like an "emotional woman" thing. obviously it's very subjective. and i do REALLY love that she got to have an opinion about something that wasn't being a woman, a widow, or a mother. but something about the execution left me wanting a LITTLE bit more.
none of this was helped by picard mansplaining the prime directive to her in the elevator btw. like i could have almost given it a pass if not for that last scene. i know what he's really doing is explaining it to us the audience but come onnnnn. i feel this show really needs a spock and the spock needs to be a girl. someone to be ruthless with logic to offset the emotional woman dr crusher and the emotional woman deanna (it is quite literally in her job description i know this and i love her but we need some variety here).
skin of evil: girl. what.
ok. i did love the little slime man. i loved how evil he was and i loved deanna being able to just talk him to death essentially. i really liked deanna that one time she stormed out of the room but she's hardly ever given anything to do except emote/state the obvious (deanna about a transparently shady guy: "i feel much deception, captain!") and i really am genuinely happy when she gets stuff to do bc i am a deanna enjoyer.
and i loved throwing riker into the slime! go into the soup boy. get vored idiot. etc. real sad that nobody got possessed but the slime monster was the best monster of the week we've had so far. 10/10 i love a goopy boy.
but what in GODS. NAME.
like. tasha died SO unceremoniously we were both expecting her to be brought back before the end
and then her funeral was like TWENTY MINUTES LONG like it just KEPT GOING when i was still absorbing the fact that they killed her off fr
ik they killed her bc her actress wanted to leave. which is a true janice rand of a situation. women i'm so sorry. but also did they just slutshame her to death? like she flirted with worf and it was cute but did they decide enough was enough and just punt her outta there?
ik dr crusher isnt in season 2 and now tasha isnt either...like, ik i said put the women back on the shelf until you can treat them really niceys but what kind of godawful boys only club are we having next season.......
again, women. i'm so sorry. the slime monster was so good but the bookends of that episode, which involve tasha yar's poorly written death, were AWFUL. what a horrible way to go.
OH YEAH AND. them doing that to geordi was sooo horrible. i like how data helped him even though he was told not to and then refused to help him to amuse the slime guy. data and geordi being besties is so important to me and i love geordi so so so so so much and if anybody EVER touches his visor again i'll kill them. i will KILL THEM.
next i do "we'll always have paris" alone, then tomorrow night we do "conspiracy" and "the neutral zone" together
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silverislander · 2 years
man ok kind of obsessed w the way amanda overton talks abt writing fight scenes in that new bridging the rift episode! so i have thoughts about the vi/sevika fight
first off: i don't really think vi did that in order to win and kick sevika's ass. i think she's smarter than assuming she's just going to take her on no problem, and i think the reason is as simple as... that's kind of who she is what she does. we learn from her records (and the everything about her actually) that vi got into a LOT of fights in prison, but from arcane/context clues, it seems like when she starts it, it was always people associated with silco and his gang. vi beats up silco's crew. it's what she does.
i feel like that singleminded tunnel vision from stillwater is still super there (bc. when did she ever get downtime to heal it lol); she didn't get to have an identity for years in a literal sense. she didn't even get a name- just 516 or pink, which side note makes me Cry but anyways. she's not vi, not powder's sister or the leader/strength of her group. she's prisoner 516 who punched a man's eye out. she's the scary bitch down in the hole half the time. she's pink, who beats up silco's goons. that's all she had to define herself as for most of her formative years. this is what she is.
building on this, i think the meaning of the fight gets a lot clearer: this is vi trying to fight her past and all of its pain, and it's her beating herself up because of it. sevika isn't just a traitor that vi wants to fight, she's the idea of powder being taken away and it being all vi's fault (in her mind). she only ever did it out of that self-hatred and a need to somehow atone for that night anyway? vi goes up against her, already kind of knowing she won't win, knowing it's gonna fucking hurt, because she has to. it's like self harm (don't get me started on my hc of vi starting fights to punish herself-); she thinks she deserves to be hurt by her past just as much as she explicitly states she doesn't think she'll ever grow and move past what she did that night, how she wasn't enough for powder.
and it almost kills her. sevika is going to finish it and let her bleed out in an alley, that's pretty clear.
so then there's the best fucking part at the very end- caitlyn saves her, and that's the most obvious symbolism in this thing, and i fucking love it. she's even placed up above the fight and the lighter colours are behind her head like a halo- she's literally an avenging angel, it absolutely slaps!! but it's super clear what she represents in this scene, bc it's kind of what she always represents.
caitlyn is hope here. she always is- joining the enforcers to help the cities, solving a mystery nobody wants her to figure out that doesn't even affect her because it's the Right Thing To Do, later dreaming of a world where zaunites won't have to live the way they do and piltovans will make things fair again, and i absolutely love that about her- but here especially, because she's vi's hope for the future (their future!). vi is saved from her own self-hatred and pulled out of hurting herself via her own past by a force she doesn't expect or understand yet. things get better by themselves out of nowhere for her in a way they never have before, and maybe... that means that could happen again. she has hope now.
and then with this understanding, of course that's the turning point for their relationship, of course now vi can treat her as an equal ally (and maybe even more). vi has literally fucking seen the light and she's getting pulled right into it. here is a chance for things to get better: a girl she's supposed to hate who shouldn't give a damn who genuinely wants to help everyone she meets, including vi, despite all of her flaws and baggage.
and you get all of this in like... fifteen minutes or less, without directly saying any of it. fucking incredible.
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pencildragons · 3 years
some assorted merlin headcanons:
word has it around camelot that merlin's favourite food is blueberries. this is incorrect. his favourite food is blackberries. he is deathly allergic to blueberries.
arthur found this out the hard way
that bracelet he wears in season 1?? gwen gave it to him. i don’t CARE that they’d known each for like 2 days gwen immediately saw this man and though he Will Be My Friend and then made him a friendship bracelet and nobody stopped her (i love u dork)
in ealdor the Thing He Is Known For is falling into ponds. that’s it. ‘oh who’s that?’ ‘that? that’s merlin. he falls into ponds.’
he almost set Will on fire as a child and will teased him mercilessly to his death about it. off-scene moments before death bitch literally made a joke abt at least he wasn’t set on fire and merlin strangled him then and there.
he can freaking shape shift. like man, how cool is that?? his shape of choice is an EAGLE rather than a merlin, but. the thing is. the way he figured out he could shapeshift was he sneezed one day and suddenly he was a goldfish
GODDAMN my man loves lancelot. he’s the og lancelot fan. he started the lancelot appreciation club and literally the entire round table, gwen, and a couple of randoms off the street are part of it. it’s a great hit. ironically, lancelot doesn’t know it exists.
he made gwaine a Bag of Holding but it’s just for apples. all that’s in the bag is apples, all the way down. gwaine proposed to him on the spot when he got it
he’s left handed BUT arthur taught him to use a sword with his right hand which is why he’s not,,,, fantastic (also because my man just Isn’t Good With Swords) BUT elyan sees him cutting some stuff up one day, yknow. with his left hand. and Realises and as a fellow leftie decides to train him and confuse the HELL out of everyone the next time merlin’s part of training
it works
oh! he was born on samhain, which does play into the fact that he’s immortal, because usually babies born on samhain die,,,, but he didn’t
this did lead to a lot of people being suspicious of he and his mother as he grew up
he didn’t do a lot to help this, admittedly
so y’know how babies can’t really control their limbs when their young?? yeah well merlin couldn’t control his magic
kid would just start spinning and shit right out of his cradle while hunith was having people over for dinner which was. interesting
his entire eyeball was completely golden until he was about 8. it used to freak ppl out so he just. stopped making eye contact
when he’s REALLY angry his eyes just start changing colour,,,,,
there is a Reason why he doesn’t get angry very much
lancelot saw it once and he was Shook forever
gwaine saw it and Immediately decided that it was the coolest thing
he is waiting for the day that merlin cracks because that will be the day that Shit Goes Down
in the 15th century merlin will discover coffee. a caffeinated merlin is a merlin that the world is not ready for
you know how he can speak to dragons? well that extends to all reptiles now. one day a snake starts talking to him and he just shrugs and rolls with it. whatever. this is normal
this is Not Normal
poor arthur walks in on him one day to find him fucking hissing at a twenty-foot python
he and gwen are at the very top of camelot’s rumour mill. they see everything. they hear everything. they know everything. they can also control it >:)
one day merlin’s had enough of arthur and goes to complain in the kitchens
arthur the next day: merlin WHY did i just get called in front of my father on allegations of being in love with a statue??
merlin, pouring a potion of itching into his bath: .....i really couldn’t say, sire
this continues for a while until arthur catches on
in retaliation he writes a letter to hunith detailing all the dumb things her son has gotten up to over the years
the effect is devestating
(as in: merlin doesn’t speak to him for a week)
my man can SEW. his mother was a seamstress and taught him how to make clothes to sell at market the next village over
he loves embroidery, and he also helps gwen out sometimes and they gossip
his magic acts up a lot when he’s sick or tired
this includes turning the sky green and wine into soup
at the same time
while at a banquet
arthur just wants to know why there’s soup in his goblet
he’s,,,,,, really uncomfortable with the druids’ worship of him, bc they see him as akin to a god and their savour and post-camlann they’re going ‘oh mighty emrys the rule of the pendragons has passed onto the once and future queen finally magic can be freed’ and he just loses it
too bad gwaine didn’t get to see it
or anything else, ever
he and morgana pretended to court for a while just so they could absolute SCANADALISE uther, and also to make arthur jealous. they fake-eloped at one point and uther charged merlin with high treason
he got charged with high treason a lot actually, and not just in camelot. he is now a wanted criminal in four different kingdoms
losing morgana (the first time after the poisoning) absolutely DESTROYED him and he became rlly recluse until she came back, which started the descent into who he becomes in s4/5
he is Small and Angry and he will throw hands with Literally Everyone
merlin is no longer allowed swords in public
he’s also tone-deaf but thinks he’s not, and it drives arthur, who’s very musical, absolutely INSANE
he gets his hands on the medieval equivalent of a kazoo and has stopped two bandit attacks and three assassination attempts to date with the ~Power Of Annoyance~
one of those assassination attempts took place during a council meeting and merlin just whips out his kazoo and starts playing
he gets charged with high treason again for that
he is TERRIBLE with plants and kills every single of one of them
he once woke arthur up by climbing through the window on the 9th floor of the castle or whatever and rattling the window pane until arthur woke up and nearly tried to kill him because he thought he was an intruder
he has tried to consume rocks but elyan stopped him
idk i just love him, i’ll probably do some more of others later ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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swanqueensalad · 3 years
Without triggering anyone I wanna ask two things:
1) Was Cora ever physically abbussive towards Regina?
2) I know many ppl's head canon is that Leopold raped Regina again and again as his bride, but is that your headcanon too?
ok again TRIGGER WARNING for abuse & SA (and brief mention of suicide) for anyone reading/scrolling!
i'm going to just explain my personal interpretation of the show and these subjects, bc i find regina so interesting and heartbreaking. and i actually do think part of what makes regina so fascinating as a character is her relationship within the cycle of abuse and how yes, she was incredibly hurt and manipulated all her life, but she eventually managed to break free of it all and work to be better for her own child.
buckle up because i have a lot of feelings and this is probably going to be LONG
so, my thoughts on exactly what happened and why regina is as fucked up as she is:
so yeah, cora was a horrific parent. it's canon that she abused regina both emotionally and physically for practically all her life.
in practically her very first scene, we see cora using magic to hurt her eighteen year old daughter - to violently restrain her/drop her to the ground when she 'misbehaves' which pretty clearly says this is a woman who uses power and fear as a control tactic, and is not afraid of physically hurting regina.
and if this is what she was doing when regina is almost an adult, i think it's safe to assume she's been doing it since she was very young - regina's response 'please don't, i'll be good' is the conditioned response of a much younger child. everything about the way regina was written, her relationship with cora, and the way lana and the directors chose to play it screams abuse victim. she is hypervigilant - she jumps when people come close or make sudden noises. when she's choked with magic she immediately knows not to struggle or fight back. as a young girl, she is terrified of doing things wrong.
(also, when we get the flashback to actual 10 year old regina, cora says she can't help her because 'it needs to be someone who's magic has never hurt her')
while i think most of the time cora relied on magic to physically punish regina - knowing how much regina particularly hated it/was afraid of it - i think she was definitely not above slapping her for more minor infractions
beyond just physical abuse, cora was clearly emotionally distant and got regina to a place of being pretty touch-starved and desperate for affection. (lana and barbara play this so masterfully as well) we see her being constantly, nastily critical of everything her daughter does.
i think it's also implied in the regina rising book that cora was controlling/restrictive of regina's food to ensure she stayed thin/attractive which is just a whole other can of worms
as for leopold. please bear with me while i RANT:
nothing will ever make me more mad than the fact this man was never held accountable in the narrative for his role in regina's story and how absolutely fucking awful he was.
first of all, even before he meets regina, he is dodgy af. he supposedly genuinely loves cora, but throws her out immediately when he discovers her pregnancy without even asking her if it's true/discussing it. also, even in that flashback the man is visibly much older than cora and even more so than eva, who he actually does marry (although i do believe they came to truly love each other). so yeah he has a habit of Not Listening to women and not looking at women his own age
and then we get to regina. the eighteen year old daughter of his ex fiancee (younger even than the unborn child who cora carried when she was engaged to him)
yes i think he raped her. because powerful old men do not marry pretty eighteen year olds for the company. (also, if it was just so snow would have a mother figure, well, she already had her maid joanna. and if snow really wanted regina around that badly, leopold could have just brought her to court as a lady in waiting, a fitting role for a noblewoman, and more appropriate seeing as regina was only about eight years older than snow)
regina is visibly distressed by the proposal. she is panicked. she looks to her father to help. cora accepts the proposal for her. and leopold does not care. i think this tells u all u need to know about his views on consent
(also it all gets ickier when you remember leopold was attracted to cora, and regina is considered to look like cora did when she was younger)
leopold clearly had zero interest in regina as a person. he used her for arm candy for events, to make snow happy, and to keep his bed warm. (later, he invades her privacy so much regina counts on him reading her diary as a thoughtless and integral part of a plan, and locks her up for receiving a present from another man) and yet he is never treated as a villain or ever held accountable (besides regina killing him - good for her - but even then it's framed more as a way to villainise her for tricking sidney) and it makes me FURIOUS
i sometimes see the take that leopold might have stopped raping her towards the latter years of their marriage, but i disagree - i think maybe it did get fewer and farther between, but regina was still his wife who he only saw as serving a few purposes, and the way he is so possessive of her in 1x011 makes no sense otherwise, seeing as he was so uninterested in her in every other way
i do think a lot of regina's rage and vendetta against snow is because of this abuse too.
hear me out: in s1 especially, both snow and regina refer to snow as 'ruining her life'. because regina blamed her for everything that happened to her. not only did snow cause daniel's murder, it was her desire for regina as a mother that prompted leopold to marry her.
and this marriage was hell. and i think people don't realise how long it lasted either - snow went from a child to at least her late teens before regina killed leopold. regina was a traumatised young girl, grieving the love of her life, with no friends, no allies, nobody except the literal dark one who was grooming her for his own gain. (no wonder she clung to the brief sense of freedom and control his lessons offered. no wonder she nearly killed herself.)
and while regina suffered, she was forced to play with snow white every day, who was so spoiled, so loved, so happy, and had no idea of the life she had unwittingly trapped regina in.
so yeah, it's all pretty dark.
and it's for all these reasons i think ouat ended up shying away from many more regina backstory episodes centring on the time she was married/pre-evil queen years, because they were on abc after all, and i don't think they were really equipped to deal with the horrendousness of the story they'd created
but lana most certainly did her work becaue i think all of this nuance does show in her portrayal
and it all just makes regina's ending - the good queen, in her own name, safe and strong and loved, part of a true family, her bond with snow healed - so much more of a relief.
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blookmallow · 3 years
Can you do a rating on child animatronics like you did with the clowns
i sure can
welcome to animatronic nightmare preschool
theres a trend ive discussed about spirit before where all their female animatronics tend to be either the “old hag” type, or “creepy little girl” - and now that im thinking about it i actually couldn’t think of any boy characters ive ever seen. i dont know why this is exactly. theres something to analyze there but im not really sure what it is. i found a few but almost ALL of them are little girls. i dont know what to say about this but i did notice it 
there IS a boy in this group though: 
ring around the rosie
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enter the ritual 
just some nice kids having a fun time. it may be cliché at this point but i love the “spooky nursery rhyme” trope anyway (and y’know, ring around the rosie was already creepy to begin with. im not sure if the theory that it’s really about the black plague is actually true but its still highly questionable to include the line “ashes, ashes, we all fall down” in a childrens rhyme with no explanation either way) 
for some reason the fact that none of them have hands and its just their sleeves tied together is really funny to me and i dont know why. they also dont have feet and im not sure if its a technical limitation for convenience purposes or if they’re supposed to be little ghost children but it definitely comes across like they’re little ghost children who tied their sleeves together to try to feel like they’re holding hands which is very cute. 10/10 big fan of this one 
i already mentioned harriet hustle in this post, shes fantastic 
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i LOVE this one shes SO cute
i dont really understand how she's supposed to be scary, the description is like "she'll scare the lights out of your guests" or w/e but like, she's just. a kid who can see ghosts. she herself isn't even a ghost. i like her id adopt her i think she'd be a fun addition to a graveyard scene 10/10
abandoned annie
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ok technically this one is a doll but im counting her anyway, shes one of my FAVORITE spirit animatronics bc A) i love creepy dolls B) shes cute and most importantly C) her entire fucking face unhinges i need y’all to watch the video on this one its so good 12/10 ive said this before but animatronics that do something completely fucking unexpected are my absolute favorite 
broken girl 
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completely batshit. horrifying. shes actually initially standing upright and then snaps backward and screams and the image does not do it justice i highly recommend the video for this one. not much there as a Character but as “really effective way to scare the shit out of someone” its, i would imagine, incredibly effective. 9/10
there’s also menacing molly who looks similar and has the same kind of “facing away from you but then snaps backward” scare but is on a swing and sings “I see dead people, I see ghosts 💖i see the things that hate you the most” before she does her jumpscare which is incredibly funny to me 
double trouble
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creepy little girl trope meets creepy twins trope, at first glance i thought this was just like, discount grady twins (which it looks like they also have, in blatant knockoff form. they’re uh, not good) but it looks like their description backstory is that they killed their mother and disappeared with their rumored-insane father so its slightly different. one of their phrases is “daddy says we have to play outside :( he doesnt want any more blood on the floor” and i love it 
they have a pretty good sense of personality and character to them even if its not necessarily groundbreaking. 7/10
ellie hatchet 
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i love this one bc so many of the creepy little girl animatronics are just pretty much standing there being creepy but not ellie. she’s fucking DONE with all of you. you come near her she will swing an axe at your face. 6/10 not really a big stand out but i appreciate her undying rage 
lunging lily 
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shes spooky. she jumps out at you. thats about it. i dont really have anything to say about this one. that sure is a creepy little girl that jumpscares you. i like that she goes “help me... help me...” before she jumps out but i feel like it would be hard to get the timing right for that to actually work as a lure to make guests curious where the sound’s coming from since most of these are motion activated. anyway 6/10 shes just not very interesting 
johnny punk 
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one of the rare boy characters, i have actually seen him in store and just completely forgot about him because he was that uninteresting. he doesn’t really do much and his backstory on site is just like, “He's got a nice house, loving parents and a severe attitude problem.” 
like this isn’t an undead child back for revenge against those who wronged him or a crazed circus runaway or anything. he’s just a bratty kid. hes like a 13 year old who just saw Joker and has decided to make it his entire personality. this comes across less as a threatening figure and more just like some shitty kid who thinks he’s cool. i glanced at the comments on the wiki page and it turns out absolutely everyone hates him which is completely hilarious to me 
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2/10 nobody likes you johnny go do your homework and apologize to your mother 
i also found limb eating zombie boy, who is considerably better 
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gross. bloody. would probably be pretty effective if you had him like, placed among some boxes or something so people dont see him at first and aren’t expecting him there. pretty standard zombie. i dont have much to say. He’s Fine. 6/10
mommy’s favorite
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ive seen this one in the stores several times, I think we have her there now, and i just don’t. get it? she just moves back and forth with the “shhh” gesture and it’s like, ok, she’s vaguely creepy, but what’s going on here. she just says “don’t wake my mommy! she’s been sleeping for a long time!” so i guess the implication is that her mother is dead and she doesn’t understand, which is just sad rather than scary. the description says she makes mommy’s tea just how she likes it with five drops from the special skull bottle, which could imply she killed her mom, which would make more sense as a horror character, but if that’s How Mommy Likes It that implies the mother instructed her daughter to unknowingly poison her, which is horrifying but in a way darker sense than a spooky halloween prop lmfao 
anyway if i have to go digging into descriptions to try to figure out what this character is or what shes supposed to be or anything i just dont feel like its a very effective character design. and i did read it and i still dont really get it. 2/10 i just feel like im missing something here 
anyway there’s a bunch more variations of “scary possessed child” that are all basically the same, so im just gonna close this out with:
swinging skeletal boy 
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allo there, guvna 
look at this dapper little victorian child im gonna cry he’s so cute 
he just swings but has this surprisingly endearing soft little voice which COMPLETELY contrasts the weird shit he actually says. hes this precious little skeleton kid with a sweet little voice who goes “your skin is so nice :) can i have it? haha. that’s okay. I’ll take it when you’re sleeping” 
absolutely love animatronics with that “wait WHAT did that thing just say” factor to them i love this guy 11/10 good boy my new son 
i would also like to mention that people are also continuing to dunk on johnny punk in this guy’s comment section too fsadkflj people hate that shitty joker kid so much their hatred has bled into other completely unrelated swinging children
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soulwillower · 4 years
tozier • ben hanscom
(ben hanscom x tozier!reader smut)
requested: okay so once regular requests open, here's my idea. so the reader and richie are siblings and they absolutely hate each other and to get under his sisters skin, he fucks her best friend. so in sheer anger she decides to fuck all of his
warnings: swearing, smut, unedited bc im a lazy asshole 
ok guys here’s part one of the new series! i’ll probably have to go back in and edit some stuff n probably change the name but lmk what u guys think and what u wanna see for the next parts :) 
[losers and reader are in college in this.]
2.8k words
you know richie pretty well, if you say so yourself. hell, you grew up with him - you've known him your whole entire life and even now, as 19 and 20 year olds, you're still at each other’s throats constantly. 
naturally, growing up with richie as your brother was full of ups and downs - like the time that you were still a baby in your crib and he'd curiously wandered into your nursery and twisted your finger, causing it to break. or, that time when you two got into a fight over who took the last of the ice cream in the freezer and didn't speak to each other for almost three whole days.
but there were really good times, too - like when richie picked you up after your disastrous senior prom night and drank vodka with you in the back of his pickup truck while you threw rocks at the creepy house on neibolt street. or the time where you bought him a new pair of glasses so your parents wouldn't kill him for breaking them and he bought you ice cream for a month as a thank you. 
richie was the most frustrating, annoying, rude, arrogant older brother, and yet even when you were away at separate colleges, you talked on the phone almost every night.
you share one of those really, really competitive relationships - a lot of it, you’ve realized, stems from your parents constantly pitting you two against each other to vie for their attention and praise. but no matter, you still hated richie most of the time and he hated you just as much. 
but right now, you might fucking murder him.
you have so much hatred for him as you storm down your stairs, phone clutched violently in your palm as you stalk into the basement, hollering, "richard!" at the top of your lungs. it's a hot august afternoon and you've just come back from the pool with your best friend, now filled to the brim with white hot rage for your brother. 
when you'd been at the pool, cecily, your best friend, had stretched her neck and you'd noticed a hickey (naturally, you'd teased her about it). but when you pried, she got secretive and defensive until it finally slipped out that the boy she'd been with was none other than your gangly, stupid older brother, richie.
you were completely disgusted and beyond addled as to why she'd choose richie, of all people, but more than that you were extremely pissed and stormed off, driving home with knuckles tight against the steering wheel.
and now, as you make it down to the last step of the basement, you're aware that you're still in your bathing suit with shorts thrown haphazardly on top as you storm towards your fuckwit brother.
he and all of the losers he hung out with are down here, sprawled on the large sofas and on the floor in front of the tv. you don't dare break your eye contact with richie as you glare, face heated with anger.
"well hey there, little sis. what's got your knickers in a knot?" he says with a lopsided grin that you just want to punch clean off his face. he's sitting between ben and bill and you turn a little pink as you notice both boys’ eyes on your body. yet you barely think for a second before slapping richie straight across his cheek, hard. 
the slap is a sickening sound as it quiets the whole room - you can feel bev's eyes on you, hear eddie's short gasp, and see out of the corner of your eyes as stan turns his head to watch the scene. richie stares at you, hand on his cheek. "what the hell, y/n?" he asks with a glare as he stands up, rising to his full height above you. but you’re not afraid. 
"you talk to cecily today?" you ask with feigned sweetness, a sick smile on your face as you cross your arms. richie just blinks at you, mouth opening and closing like the dumbass he is. "how long have you been fucking her?" you ask when he says nothing.
the room bursts in exclamations after your words - from mike's "you didn't." to bill's "what the f-fuck is wrong with you, m-man?" and ben's, "oh my god, dude."
richie just shakes his head, looking way too casual as he places a hand on your shoulder with a grin, "y/n/n, can we talk about this later? we’re trying to watch jeopardy." he smirks, but you immediately shake his arm off, recoiling in frustration as you glare at him. "no, richie! you’ve been fucking my best friend! my ONLY friend!" you ask, shaking your head. “you’re such a shitty person, i fucking hate you. why did you do it?” 
 as you make eye contact, he sighs almost forlornly, as if he’s about to apologize. but this is richie, so of course he doesn’t. "....she's just so fuckin’ hot." he says with a grin. 
you take a sharp breath, rubbing your face with your hands as you back away towards the stairs.
"c'mon, sis! don't be so sensitive." he calls to your back and you can practically hear the nasty grin in his voice. you hear eddie hiss, "quit being a fucking asshole." to your brother and you want to scream. "don't fucking talk to me, richie." you snap as you make it up the stairs, ignoring richie as he laughs his stupid hyena laughter. 
you're finally changed out of your suit and into a shirt and shorts by the time you've calmed down enough to take a few deep breaths. a knock makes you jump, though, and you glare at the closed door. as you're about to yell for whoever it is to go away, you're stopped by a voice.
"hey, y/n." ben's voice sounds through the door, and it's almost shocking how quickly your shoulders relax. you smile shyly as you open the door, your heart beating wildly, this time not from anger but out of your proximity to ben.
ben hanscom had been your brother’s friend for a while, and you simply did not understand. all of them are jackasses, richie being the king of the pack, but ben really does seem to be so fucking genuine. maybe it’s because you’ve always had a small thing for him, but then again it may just be because you’re furious with richie. 
"hi, ben. sorry i was.... sorry about that." you say awkwardly as he walks into your room and shuts the door gently. he laughs quietly as he leans against your wall, looking down at you knowingly. "it's richie's fault. you have every right to be mad. he’s a dick sometimes"
you nod thoughtfully, touched that ben came to check in on you. "i know he is. you know, i'm not even mad that they had sex, honestly, i’m just mad because i know he did it to piss me off." you say, biting your lip as you stare up at ben, his hair glinting under the soft light of your lamp. 
ben nods as he reaches out to rub your shoulder, making your stomach flutter as you look up at him. "if i can be honest, you two have the weirdest relationship i've ever seen, y/n. i'm sorry he did that and didn’t tell you, that's really unfair."
you smile lightly at the floor where your feet point towards his. "well now i have, like, nobody to hang out with this summer." you mumble, thinking about how cecily is really your only friend from derry, and how all your college friends live hundreds of miles away.
you shrug, leaning into ben's touch. "you have me to keep me company, though." he says with a shy grin, cheeks heating up at your smile.
"oh, just you? i like the sound of that." you ask, lifting a brow playfully. he chuckles a bit at your look and it makes your chest flutter.
"yeah, of course you do, y/n." he says as he pulls you into a hug. he's warm and smells like cinnamon cologne and it makes your chest glow sweetly. you pull back only slightly, hands sliding up to his chest as you look into his golden eyes. "ben..." you whisper softly, eyes going down to his lips and then bouncing back up, not wanting to make a move if he's not comfortable with it.
he clearly is thinking the same thing, because you're both moving closer and closer, his hands lightly squeezing your hips as he stares at you with hooded eyes. "yeah?" he asks, just as quietly. you swallow, wanting nothing more than to just close the gap just to see what it'd be like. to have one of richie's friends, for a change.
you don't know how to initiate it, though. "do you want to-"
"yes." he rushes out quickly, apprehension only flashing across his face just after he'd rushed out the answer, in fear that you'd been overwhelmed by his enthusiasm. but it's enough for you, and you grin slightly before pulling him into a kiss.
his lips are hot on yours, your hair still drying from the chlorine at the pool as his fingers tangle in the strands. you moan a bit out of shock, having not kissed anyone in a while and feeling touch starved. his hands are strong and soft in all the best ways and you try not to smirk as you think about your stupid brother sitting in the basement, currently unaware of what you’re about to do with one of his best friends upstairs. 
but then, just as your hand slips to the hem of ben’s jeans, he pulls back a bit. “is this a bad idea?” he asks.
you sigh, looking away. “yes.” you say with barely any hesitation. “but i don’t fucking care.” you say honestly, and ben grins, “well, me neither. you’re...” he looks you up and down before smiling. “so fucking pretty.” he ends with and your stomach flutters, face growing hot at the compliment. 
"but i don't want to, like.... t-take advantage of this situation, or-" ben starts, but you shake your head, biting your lip as you stare at him. he's so fucking amazing, so caring. he's always been like this - respectful, considerate, and interested in your well being, which really just makes you want him even more.
"no, ben, i... i really want this. if-if you do too." you say honestly, fiddling with your fingers as you watch him through your lashes. he grins as he nods. "you sure?"
you giggle, pulling him towards you by his neck. "yes. are you, ben?" you ask as he leans down closer. "definitely." he whispers against your lips, his breath coming out in a short huff. and then his lips are on yours, pressing strongly and fully as you stumble a bit, grasping him tightly as you kiss back.
he presses you against him, hand at the small of your back as he moves his tongue deftly against your lip, exploring your mouth as you suppress a moan. one moment later, you pull back a bit.
"you're not..." you trail off, and he shakes his head. "no, are you?" he asks, and you also shake your head as you cup his cheek and pull him back in for a kiss. "me neither." you mutter, falling back down onto the mattress, hand blindly fumbling around inside your bedside drawer for your box of condoms.
he's kissing down your neck, his hands palming your breasts softly as you finally pull one out and set it beside you, wrapping your arms back around his neck.
he grinds slowly against you and you let out an embarrassedly loud moan at the friction against your clothed clit. he's already pretty hard and your mind flickers to the basement, how chilly it had been against your skin and how your swimsuit top probably didn't leave much to the imagination as you'd stood right in front of him. it makes you giddy at the thought of ben's eyes on you, his mind drifting to what you'd look like underneath him.
which is where you are right now, as he rolls the condom onto himself and pumps slowly. you kick your shorts and underwear off, aching and dripping with need as he slides between your legs, bracing himself with one arm above you.
"ready?" he asks softly and you let out a strangled whimper as you feel him line up at your entrance, teasing your folds a bit and making your hips buck. "yes." you say, staring deep into his eyes.
ben grasps your hand then, steading both you and him as he eases into you, sinking slowly and letting out a shuddering breath. you let out a small whine at the feeling of ben stretching you out, having been too antsy and not having enough time or patience for foreplay. once he's fully inside you, he kisses your cheek and gives you a few moments to adjust as you breathe into his neck.
and then he starts to move, his hips rolling slowly as he fills you up and hits a perfect spot inside you, your toes curling almost immediately. "oh god, ben." you moan out and that makes his hips move fluidly as he thrusts into you, kissing your neck softly as you whimper in pleasure.
the hand that isn't steadying himself above you holding your hand dances around you; exploring your curves, fingers lightly tracing over the stretch marks on your hips and then his palm sliding to caress your sides, his touch making your skin feel on fire.
after a few more minutes, he picks up the pace, hips angled slightly deeper and making your toes curl. he starts to moan every few thrusts, right into the shell of your ear, and it pushes you closer and closer to that feeling growing in your abdomen.
"shit, y/n, i'm already close." he mutters, eyes closed in bliss as he leans his head back slightly, the sight heavenly to your eyes. and you don't even blame him because he's probably just as pent-up as you are and you know this has to be quick or else richie will come up, wondering why ben was taking so long to ask if you're okay.
so you lean up a bit as he thrusts into you and you attach your lips to his neck, sucking lightly enough that it won't mark. "so am i." you say breathlessly as you move your hips, chasing the high that's building deep inside you.
you press your hands to his chest, stopping his motions momentarily. "let me ride you." you say breathlessly and his eyes widen with something akin to hunger as he pulls out of you, rolling onto his back with a shocked look. you smirk as you climb back onto him, straddling him as you pump him a few times. he bites his lip as you sink yourself onto him, moaning and covering your mouth so as not to carry the sound all the way to the basement.
as you start to bounce, you smile, realizing that you're not at all insecure in front of ben - his hands are all over your body, running over and gripping the plush skin as you sink onto him, taking him perfectly. he's groaning and moving his hips with yours as you mouth wet kisses over his chest and neck.
ben lets out a moan that pushes you near the edge as you pick up the pace, his cock hitting a new spot inside you that has you whimpering. as his hands fall to move your hips with his, squeezing your soft thighs tightly, you hit your high.
you tremble as the feeling of him inside you makes you clench hard, your eyes squeezing shut in bliss as you moan out, "ben!"
your hips stop moving as you ride out your high, only making small movements as you clench around him in complete pleasure. he groans below you, eyes still shut as he juts his hips upwards, taking over to chase his own orgasm.
and his hips start to stutter a few thrusts after as you slump on his chest, one hand on your tits and the other on your hips to move you with his thrusts. he cums a few moments later with a moan that is muffled by your hair, his hands sliding down to your ass, your lips on his collarbone.
after a few moments, you roll off of him and sigh, shocked and unsure as to if that really just happened. you're embarrassed at how quickly he made you cum - you want to blame it all on the fact that it has been quite some time since you'd had sex, but it really was the thrill of hooking up with him, especially because your brother was just downstairs.
ben's cheeks are red as he sits up quickly, pulling on his boxers and then his pants, only looking at you after he tugs the hem of his shirt down. "um, i would totally stay, but-"
you shake your head with a grin, "no, i get it. this was... just a spur of the moment thing."
he beams at you, seemingly relieved that he wasn't hurting your feelings - that was amazing and you're both glowing in your post-orgasm high, but you both know that this was a one-time thing. he pecks your cheek sweetly and as he turns to leave, you mutter, "wait!"
he lifts a brow as he turns to you and you run your fingers through his hair a few times to make it look the way it did before he came up here. "thanks." he says with a grin before he disappears, closing the door behind him and making you get dressed with red cheeks in silence.
tag list: @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings​ @stenbrozier​ @simplesammyx @clownsloveyou @baby-yoda-a @moon-shine-baby @daughter-of-the-stars11 @trashedfortozier​ @oceandog13​ @finnskindofwoman​  @kait-tozier​ @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @brxken-heartsclub
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shinjaeha · 4 years
so i KEEP thinking about itsay and i just need to rant (to nobody) about how perfectly teh and oh-aew balance one another out. teh’s def the more impulsive of the two...he’s so reactive. as soon as he sees oh-aew’s done something to (unintentionally) offend him in some way, he needs to do something back. it’s the pettiness of it for me, but it’s also makes him so wonderfully interesting as a character bc everything he feels is so real?? that feeling of being jealous that your friend is spending more time with other people?? or that they’ve told a secret to everyone else when you thought it was just supposed to be something between the both of you?? it’s so damn realistic. i feel like everyone’s had those fleeting moments of jealousy and possessiveness over a friend, where you just can’t HELP it. i think most of us don’t really let it take over us, but the feeling itself is just so true to life (and something i have 100% experienced). of course, there’s a hidden element in teh’s case bc he’s got romantic feelings for oh-aew (which he hasn’t quite fully realised yet), but even on a friendship level those feelings of jealousy and possessiveness are just so incredibly normal and relatable.
so every time teh does something petty...like trying to take an ig pic just like oh-aew’s, or giving him the silent treatment for oh-aew telling the gang that he’s a virgin, or the silent treatment again/making everyone flash cards bc of bas tutoring him...while it makes me want to grab him by the arms and shake some sense into him, it’s ALSO something i can understand. i can understand being taken by those impulses and wanting to act petty bc i’m mad at someone. it’s so human. it’s so real. what i absolutely love about teh though is that even though he has these bursts of pettiness, he does try to talk to oh-aew about how he feels (he’s just also understandably very confused by all his feelings atm). it made me so happy when he told oh-aew about how he didn’t feel special after oh-aew told the gang his secret. and happier still when he went to the boat to try to talk to oh-aew (even though he wasn’t able to start the conversation) bc he at least knew there was something he needed to say to oh-aew, and it was clearly taking a lot for him to even go there and take the first step in the first place (his fault or otherwise).
and what makes oh-aew such a great counter balance to teh is that he seems to be the exact opposite of teh. he’s more cautious and careful about things. def nowhere near the same level of impulsive that teh is. you can see it in how he chooses not to pursue bas as opposed to how teh pursues tarn. tbh if teh wasn’t trying to help oh-aew and bas to succeed, he’d prob never do anything about it. he’d just let it go and move on once they graduated. it’s bc of how oh-aew is so much more level headed that he starts the conversation with teh. that he can sit down and try to understand WHY teh might be treating him the way he’s being treated. if he were as hot-headed as teh is, he might just leave yet again and end things the way they did as children. but he’s older now and he’s willing to listen, but also reprimand teh for not properly communicating how he feels bc oh-aew can’t read his mind!! how is oh-aew ever supposed to know how teh’s feeling if he’s just going to give him the silent treatment instead of tell him.
the scene on the boat where they talked to one another was so, so beautiful. i love that they have their misunderstandings, but they KNOW what happened that first time they let the misunderstanding fester...how the both of them were too stubborn to start the conversation, and because of that lost touch, and now they’re both trying what they can to make sure that they actually TALK to one another. even if they still have their moments of anger bc of all these new feelings. they know what miscommunication did to their relationship the first time and are not gonna let history repeat itself.
i also just think it’s so beautiful how you can see how their personalities are still so similar to when they were kids. the way teh’s impulsiveness/idealism is there from the start...in the way he watches that chinese show on tv and immediately proclaims that he wants to be an actor. in the way he focuses wholeheartedly on getting into his communications major with no other backups. in the way he’s constantly pursuing tarn even though she’s told him that they can only be official after their studies are done.
compare that to the more cautious/pragmatic oh-aew who doesn’t know what he wants to be until after he does the play before deciding he wants to become an actor too. who is thinking about changing some of his choices to business administration as a backup in case he doesn’t get into communications and has to takeover managing the resort from his parents. who doesn’t even want to try to win over bas when he already thinks it’s a hopeless cause. they’re like yin and yang.
anyway, those are just some of the thoughts i felt like i had to get out of me bc they were tangling up my insides and i STILL have to wait another almost week for the next ep and i can’t stop thinking about this show!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the writing and the way they’ve tied things together so far have been top notch. i esp love the way they’ve written tarn bc !!!!!!!!!!!! we know that she’s going to be the one that teh leaves for oh-aew, but female love interests in BLs are hardly ever written well (they’re either evil or have no real personality and only serve as a plot point for the male lead to get over). just the fact that tarn already has a personality outside of teh?? that she has her own ambitions and drive?? that SHE was the one that made the move to kiss him when teh drew back from almost kissing her?? god, i just hope that they don’t mess that up and she comes out of this okay.
acting has also been phenomenal. bkpp have been absolutely killing it since the first ep (including the child actors!!). every scene between the both of them makes my heart ache, even when they’re being playful bc i’m so scared for where that’s going to take us all. their chemistry is just *chef’s kiss*. THE SCENE ON THE BOAT. my god, you could cut the tension with a knife it was so intense. so suffocating. the way i held my breath during that whole scene bc of just how well crafted everything was, and how it felt like that was somehow a tipping point for the both of them, slowly inching their way into realising that their feelings for one another might not just be quite so platonic after all. basically, i just know that everything after boat scene is gonna hit different in some way.
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softlyblues · 4 years
hi I read your answer about moist! I agree. :) I was wondering based on what you said if you ship vetvimes or not?
fhi, thanks very much! 
i think vetvimes have a rly interesting and nuanced dynamic. i’m all in for the memes, of course i am, but i don’t really ship it so much as i think vetinari/vimes/sybil have a rly interesting, basically canonical relationship, involving if not vimes w/ both of them, then all three of them with each other. i rly hope u dont mind bc im about to go off on one lmao. 
i recently reread guards guards and what got me (and i know from a doylist pov it’s because pterry hadnt finalised the universe yet) was the inequality in vetvimes dynamic. vetinari pities vimes and holds him at arms length, and vimes is a very stupid but very earnest drunkard. he’s a pitiable figure when he asks for a small raise and a dartboard, and vetinari doesn’t take him seriously. 
through men at arms/feet of clay/jingo we see the dynamic we know and love growing. it’s been a while since i’ve read them all, but im gonna get up some scenes that i think are super important to vet/vimes/sybil... and yes this includes the gonne scene. (:D)
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so here is the scene right after vetinari is shot. here is really, imo, the first time vimes stops seeing vetinari as one of his Betters - vimes is in his element, calm even, and vetinari asks him what to do. vetinari speaks slowly, almost stuttering, and i read a lot of fear into that line “i appear... to be losing a lot of blood.”
and then vimes outright accuses vetinari of not doing the right thing. can you IMAGINE guards guards vimes doing something like that? vimes holds vetinari to account, and vetinari allows him. i also think it’s significant that this all happens at vimes & sybil’s wedding; we know sybil and vetinari are friends, old friends, and the wedding continues on despite the attack. vimes has time to save sybil AND vetinari, without sacrificing one for the other. that’s really the central point of men at arms: vimes doesn’t have to retire to have time for his wife and for the watch. he can multitask without losing either. 
feet of clay is another important leveler book for vetinari and vimes. for most of the book, vetinari is slowly dying, trusting basically nobody but drumknott and vimes to come into his room - he does know what’s going on, yes, but he trusts vimes to not need his help to work the thing out. vetinari does stay ahead, and he does have the advantage, but he doesn’t feel the need to help vimes; he respects him, and treats him as though he’s on the same level as him. this is really important for vimes’ perception of himself going from drunkard to someone who has people relying on him, and as someone who can be trusted. in order for vetinari and vimes to have any relationship, they need to not only be on a level, but they both need to know they are as well. i think vetinari has no problem knowing this, but sam is very unreliable when it comes to an account of his own intelligence, bravery, and merit. i mean. he remains, right up until the end of snuff, convinced that he is a Bad Person who has Snuck Into Someone Else’s Happy Life and is waiting for the other shoe, yknow, so men at arms/feet of clay are important books for hauling vimes up onto vetinari’s platform so they both know they’re equals. 
sybil is HUGELY important in this, and part of the reason i dislike traditional vetvimes is bc they just... idk, kill her off of make her horrible or just disregard her existence. sybil is the catalyst for literally all of sam’s development. without her he’s an alcoholic in the gutter. with her, he’s duke, commander, sir samuel, the man vetinari trusts the most. (dont disregard sybil, vetvimes ppl.)
in jingo, i think we start to see the vetvimessybil dynamic we’re more familiar with. vetinari trusts sam to play along with him, and he goes to klatch and does the whole sexy juggler thing and he allows sam to arrest two countries. he lets the lords of ankh-morpork raise armies, because he trusts sam. sybil trusts sam. vetinari trusts sam. vimes trusts both of them implicitly, even if he doesn’t think or say so. 
fifth elephant might seem not that important, but it’s really big to note that at the beginning, vetinari and sybil appear to be conspiring to give sam a holiday. also, sybil calls vetinari havelock, and the only other person i can remember who calls him that is lady margolotta, his ‘love interest’. vimes turns to sybil as his last chance against vetinari, only to find that they’ve been in cahoots because they’re both concerned about his health (and about sybil) and doesn’t that sound terribly domestic!
then we come to night watch, and i know it isn’t a new opinion, that this is one of the big pivotal books for he whole series, but more than that it’s pivotal for the balance between vetinari, vimes, and sybil. the cigar case is the only thing stopping sam from going off the deep end - with love from your sybil, just to press the point - and it all happens in between the birth of young sam. vimes is motivated by love for his city of course, but he has a family now, and he drinks Loving His Wife Juice through history. vimes has already been through his character development; night watch is vetinari’s turn.
finally vimes is the wiser, superior, older mentor figure to vetinari’s bullied, presumably 25-or-younger self. he is already mature, with a tendency towards the dramatic, but i think it’s not really a reach to say night watch was vetinari’s gay awakening. and OH MY GOD the ending scene beside keel’s grave is etched into my memory. i’ll attach it even though i’m sure we don’t need it:
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like, woah. what a change in dynamic. now vetinari is bowing to the whims of a vimes he can’t predict, and now vimes is the one telling vetinari off. this is his area of expertise. “afterwards we could-” vetinari has become accustomed to a world where he and sam do things together; it would be fair to say (and supported by the young assassin at the start of this book) that vimes is now firmly integral to the cogs of ankh-morpork. vetinari not only relies on him, but trusts him to be at his side without having to ask. vetinari respects him at this time, in this place, because he has finally seen the lengths to which vimes will go to protect his city, a dedication to a-m that only vetinari has ever expressed. 
from there i think vetinari/vimes/sybil continue without much change. in thud, snuff, and raising steam they have settled into a comfortable give and take. i think that sybil ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be removed from the equation, because she cares for both vimes & vetinari - she is a formidable force when put into action (hello, army of letter-writers from snuff!) and we know she has the power to bully both men into taking care of themselves. imo she is the driving force behind any romantic action between any of the three of them, including herself & sam; remember how they got together in guards guards? she just sat him down with a cup of tea and talked and he realised that he’d somehow gathered a fiancee without realising it. sybil ramkin is DEFINITELY the unstoppable force to both mens’ immovable objects. 
i think it’s perfectly expressed in thud. vimes can both read a story to his son, be a good husband to his wife, be a good commander to his patrician, and be a good watchman to his city, without ever having to sacrifice anything - because of the machinations of his wife and his patrician. (and his city and his son. i mean, that scene with the traffic and the high-speed bedtime story chase says it all.) 
so those are my Many Many Thoughts about vetvimes, i hope that... wasnt too much over what you were asking me for lmao
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prince-opossum · 4 years
I think almost everyone had finished streaming. mild cliffhanger, but enough to get everyone excited!! spoilers ahead :P
I watched tubbos stream, so if I miss something that u saw from another pov, sorry abdbdj
okay so the beginning of his stream started when I was in school so I didn't catch much of it. but I was very excited seeing all the festival stuffs and I enjoyed the mindless running around manberg!! also sjsjdnns schlatts green hands... then I saw the lil 'wilbursoot joined the game' and OOHHH BOY. shit started happening, there was some boxing matches, dance at pokimane Island, the lil roof talk between tubbo tommy n wilbur, and then the SPEECH. it was a lot less big than I thought, ig there was no code word, but when big q and schlatt started trapping tubbo, I knew shit was going DOWN. techno ended up having to kill tubbo, but rly he had no choice. splash zones n all. and hes also an anarchist, he'll do what he pleases. so anyways, tubbo dies, tommy gets pissed, and is ready to detonate manberg. that doesn't happen, but instead techno, niki, wilbur, tommy, and tubbo go into pogtopia, and yell at techno JAJDJSJ tommy and tech fight, what goes in the pit stays in the pit, yada yada. theres a lil sunset music jam scene with niki, tommy, n tubbo, WHICH I LOVED!!! overall, a very high adrenaline stream, it managed to keep my attention span occupied, so im glad :D
im curious abt what fundy and tubbo are gonna talk abt, since I heard the fox man was in pogtopia. also since everything wasn't absolutely obliterated, im wondering what wilburs gonna do next. is he still gonna blow shit up? will he continue to have 2nd thoughts? all v interesting. if tubbo dies again, will tommy go fucking feral again, and blow everything up himself? also, how much does schlatt know abt tubbos secret meetings with pogtopia? bc schaltt clearly knows some shit. with all these excuses with pregnancy, tunnels, librarys... how much does he rly know?? im v excited for the next streams, and im SO FUCKIN GLAD I WAS ABLE TO WATCH THIS ONE AHDJDAH
regardless of all this, they're all still friends ofc. nobody truly hates eachother, its all a bit, just a roleplay, it's acting! pls no one go and attack anybody for doing anything, that's just shitty. theyre all friends in the end, and its all just fun and games. like, ffs, its minecraft ajdnsjsjj
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Hi! I really like your blog. Your analysis posts about ships or other things are really interesting and your gifsets are super cute! I have just finished reading your two anime recommendation posts and I was wondering if you plan to write a third one about the remaining animes you like? I would LOVE to read it.
Hi:) Thank you so much! Haha these were more like “bromance anime recommendations” lists. I’m glad you liked them romances. Here’s part 1 and part 2 :)
14. Hakkenden Touhou Hakken Ibun.
The relationship of the couple in this anime are one of the best on so many levels. They’re one of those “even the darkest part of me can’t hurt you” superior ships. They’re two of the main characters, 2 out 8 of the reincarnated warriors (who are all handsome af haha) that are meant to.. you know… save the world.
They’re both on the verge of death at the beginning and one (Shino) in order to survive agrees to live with a demonic sword inside of him which prevents him from growing old and growing per se (which is really sad for many reasons plus you’ll see him once in his 18-year old body and he’s so gorgeous), the other (Sousuke) takes half of a life from a dog, so he can tranform into it whenever he wants.
The problem is that during all of that Sousuke has split and lost his shadow aka the dark part of himself. His shadow works for the dark side, but all he really wants is Shino. The most amazing thing is that Sousuke loves Shino so much, that even his dark part would never ever hurt him. Like his shadow does some pretty terrible stuff to others like once he has made a deal with a girl so she would gave him her eyes just because Shino has said that they’re pretty lmao (I’m sory but its kinda funny), but he gets so pissed when Shino is hurt. So it’s the same as Akashi & Kuroko and Gauche & Lag: even for the darkest part of him the other one is his weakness. 
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Also this is one of the animes where LITERALLY the power of gay love saves the world by the end. (p.s. sorry, Genpachi, I love you the most and I know you like Shino too, but your flirting can’t beat such deep feelings lol).
15. Assassination Classroom.
Not gonna spoil anything about plot, so I’ll say it’s about “problematic” kids trying to kill their teacher who has superpowers and that’s it. This anime is full of controversial stuff, like I really questioned things and what’s right or wrong, but one thing for sure is that no matter of what you think about the situation, you will 100% cry at the end. I personally think it’s a kinda happy ending considering all the stuff, but opinions are very different when it comes to this anime.
Now for the ship. Let’s just start with the fact that both Karma and Nagisa have ehhhh… psychological problems haha (but who doesn’t in this anime? lol). So Karma is a sadist (like for real, he likes to get creative with torturing) and I think he’s also a yandere when it comes to Nagisa. He threatens to kill those who even talk bad about Nagisa and once has almost beaten to death those who bullied him (which I didn’t mind tbh lmao). He never does anything if others ask, but when/if Nagisa says “please”, he immediately says yes (which is also funny). 
They both are in awe with each other and think the other one is absolutely incredible so it’s like a two-sided fan club. Karma is really scary, but when it comes to Nagisa he can be fluffy af. He also doesn’t care about people much, but Nagisa is his everything. Like the “I give up” moment will melt your heart, that was so cute. 
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So this is one of those “you’re the only exception” ships. Bc Karma is a person who will enjoy skinning ppl alive, but when he’s with Nagisa he likes to hug, pick him up and coo about Nagisa’s height, play tag, discuss his fav movies and tickle fight. I’m like… I’m just… this is great.
16. Bungou Stray Dogs.
This one is about a detective agency where everyone has superpowers who are “enemies” with the mafia group where everyone has superpowers, but actually they’re all friends and half of the detective agency date the mafia xD (I’m sorry, but it’s the truth). Like I still don’t get why they won’t just make one organization, this is getting ridiculous.
I’m not a huge fan of the anime per se tbh, because like it has way too many characters who I can’t even feel for cause supposedly they’ve had a dramatic past, but what past nobody tells, so I like can’t empathize to someone who’s an asshole without knowing why he is that way. Plus there’re many characters in animes who have had a horrible childhood/past but are incredible people (hello to Todoroki and Levi). And some characters there for some reason are degrading instead of progressing which is the worst for me. But it’s pretty entertaining to watch if you won’t think much about stuff, powers are cool and it’s drawn beautifully (but there is one scene that was repeated 28 times 28 TIMES!, we’ve counted just for laughs, guess which xD, that’s like.. they could’ve made time for a whole new episode instead of this)
There’s one character whose progression is so incredible though that I’m happy to watch just for him. It’s Akutagawa. He’s like grown so much and I love everything about him, how he went from trying to kill Atsushi to risking his life for him and letting him use rashomon, how he’s homey with his sister and how he’s so good with feeling his powers, how Kyouka tried to kill him and he was like “I’m so glad you’re happy now”. Bitch, like that’s the character progression I’m asking for! Man, he’s just… he’s my favorite, I love seeing many sides of him. He made me so happy in s3 when I was ready to turn it off lmao
So there are two main ships in this anime. Dazai and Chuuya. They are one of those perfect combinations. But not in a usual way you think.. like characteristically. Chuuya’s full power is uncontrollable and the only one who can stop him is Dazai, cause his ability is to nullify other’s abilities, so he’s the only one who can stop Chuuya and also save him from being destroyed by his own power. So basically Chuuya trusts Dazai with his own life when they work together (which is.. I’d be scared if I was in Chuuya’s place lmao). It’s not like I’m scared that Dazai’s gonna let him die or anything, but stuff like “let’s watch a bit longer how Chuuya is going nuts cause it’s funny” doesn’t seem funny to me.
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Let’s just say, I do ship them, I think they’d be perfect together if Dazai was like a fanfiction Dazai, you know. But the truth here is firstly their relationships progression is zero to none, like yeah, it’s fun to watch them bicker, but it like won’t give you any deep feelings. Plus Dazai was the most humane and emotional when he was with Oda (which I really don’t get, Oda was a dumbass tbh, like who makes a children shelter while working in MAFIA???! ofc they were fucking killed). Like Oda’s so special for him but then he treats Chuuya and Akutagawa like shit. And he had more feelings for Oda’s matchbox than for Chuuya in the last season. So my heart just won’t lie there fully, you know. Because there are no moments there that indicate like he’s the one for him.
Now to Akutagawa and Atsushi. This is a classic enemies to lovers stuff. Like they go from trying to kill each other to risking their lives for each other. They warm my heart on so many levels. So they’re both struggling to get over of their past and can’t. But then by the end they help each other to let go of their demons, they give each other what others couldn’t. Like I still can’t believe Atsushi came in like a wrecking ball and said the words Akutagawa wanted to hear for ages (his face, his face lol he was like “w-w-what?”). Atsushi himself admitted that Akutagawa is his cure in the last season. 
These two are like also hilarious bc they both think that they’re trash so their arguments are like “you’re the best”, “no, you’re the best”. Like Atsushi literally goes “Akutagawa is so strong and amazing, but he still thinks he’s weak” what a bae xD and Akutagawa thinks that he’s nowhere as good as Atsushi so it’s really funny. The relationships progression is like insane. They went from beating each other into a blood puddles to covering each other from bullets and being like “honey, don’t you dare die, I was going to kill you myself” lol
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I still can’t believe Akautagawa gave Atsushi rashomon… he was wearing rashomon. I mean his ability, which is a part of him was okay with Atsushi using her. I mean.. maaaaaan fanfiction does come true! And they’re like the representation of yin and yang characteristically and even appereance-wise and I think it’s super cool. Plus the “lawnmower” is the cutest pet name I’ve ever heard lol
Anywho, this anime has like 20 bromances, so pick whichever you like.
Damn, that got long and I’ve only mentioned 3 haha, sorry. That way it’s gonna be like 50 parts xD
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mieczyhale · 4 years
i mean klaus got choked by Luther and thrown and just all round disrespected, BUT he was awful to Luther (who has little to NO social skills) after finding him with the girl. I think what people most zero on this scene is Klaus saying he doesn’t remember his first time bc he was high/drunk, while ignoring Luther who also doesn’t/barely remembers HIS first time bc he was high/drunk. I actually really LOVE this scene in terms of character development (1/2)
this scene and the ‘I want to be u’ scene too, bc it shows how awful their relationship is and how reginald trained them to compete with each other and put each other down, to ‘win’ so to speak, and how the way they were treated and how they treated each other manifests in this bitterness and mockery. specially Klaus who must feel angry no one takes his struggles seriously. bc in healthy siblings dynamics they don’t treat each other that way. but..... yeah it’s awful and sad 😔 (2/2) i’d like to thank you, anon, for sending asks on this topic that have some good points and aren’t dickish. it is greatly appreciated and you are an angel <3 i’m going to try and respond and explain my feelings on this the best i can but.. no promises on quality lmfao it’s almost 3AM and i’m three (3) drinks in so IMMA DO MY BEST
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  [[just a heads up also that i am NOT re-reading this before posting. i do not have the energy for that so it’s just gonna be what it’s gonna be]] Luther (who has little to NO social skills) - I think what people most zero on this scene is Klaus saying he doesn’t remember his first time bc he was high/drunk, while ignoring Luther who also doesn’t/barely remembers HIS first time bc he was high/drunk. the thing is, and this seems to depend entirely on the perspective and personal experiences of the person watching, klaus wasn’t awful to luther. he wasn’t mocking. he was doing what siblings do - they tease. as for ignoring luther who doesn’t really remember his first time for the same reasons klaus doesn’t remember his: i dont think it was ignoring so much as it was klaus wouldn’t consider it a big deal - it wouldn’t occur to him to think of it that way - because it wasn’t for him. and even when you know that your sibling doesn’t have much for social skills, it’s probably not something that’s going to stay at the forefront of your mind and direct every interaction you have with them - especially in regards to a sibling you haven’t seen in 13 years - so it would make sense for klaus to not interact with luther in more of a way people would find acceptable. perfect sibling interactions dont happen i mean klaus got choked by Luther and thrown and just all round disrespected, BUT there is no but there - some teasing (or mocking, depending on how you see it) is nowhere near the same thing as choking someone, throwing them across a room, AND consistently being genuinely rude and disrespectful. i’m not saying klaus can’t be mean or a jackass - he absolutely can - but to say he was awful or horrible to luther ESPECIALLY post!rave is bananas.  klaus tried to cheer luther up, offered to try summoning reginald even though that’s the last thing he’s ever want to do, tried to stop luther from drinking more, tried to convince luther that drugs and alcohol weren’t the way to go, tried to stop luther from venturing out on his own, went after him when he didn’t listen - and yeah, he wanted to stop part way in because of withdrawals, but he didn’t. and it’s not just because ben tried to guilt him - ben does not control the klaus. if klaus didn’t want to keep looking for luther he wouldn’t have. so he finds him. he goes into the worst possible place for someone who is trying to get sober because his inexperienced brother is there, he tries to get luther to leave with him and while he’s struggling so horribly the whole time - because of the immediate access to drugs and the ptsd episode - he tried to protect luther and gets killed for it.  and then never brings any of this up to luther after the dude is sober. he could have - he could have been petty and cruel about it, because if luther knew i dont doubt he would feel horrible and it would weigh on him so much, both as a brother and as the leader, but klaus never did. and maybe that was because he didnt think anyone would believe him but i think part of it was not wanting to hurt luther because he knows what drugs and alcohol do to a person - he knows very fucking well - he knows the lack of control and awareness and he isnt going to hold it against luther the way we all know everyone holds everything against klaus - the things he did while mentally on another planet. AT MOST klaus teases him when he goes to wake luther up for a family meeting - in a manner that comes off silly but not - imo - cruel. simply ridiculous, as klaus often is. but he pours luther a cup of coffee and they talk about his conversation with their dad and that’s that their only other interactions after that are when klaus, diego, and five go to the bar to get luther - and that isnt even an interaction because they dont talk. and then in the car on the way to leonard’s cabin.. where they dont talk. and then at the cabin klaus has his hand on luther’s shoulder, providing a small act of comfort while also devastated because literally everyone knows luther and allison. they’re in the infirmary when allison needs blood but again - they dont talk. and then in the scene where vanya is bringing down the academy - brief, and they dont talk. and then it’s the bowling alley - where klaus tries to be honest with everyone, expresses a quiet offer of help that nobody takes seriously, and then okay yes - he snaps back at luther when luther is a dick to him. but its nothing actually cruel and he immediately tries to backtrack. after that moment the only time they talk is when luther is asking klaus if ben is in agreement on time traveling at the end of episode 10 so where in there was klaus cruel and awful and horrible?? i mean i guess those things can depend, again, on a person’s perspective and experiences - and maybe people have different takes on what those words mean (and the extent they cover) and yknow what?? gotta say - that’s valid. nobody can control how someone else takes in the show - we cant even control how we take it in ourselves. but for me this specific line of takes is absolutely noodles. do i think klaus was flawless? fuck no. i wouldnt love him so much if he was. but i dont think any of his interactions with luther can be considered horrible on his end. i dont see this awful person in those moments that apparently other people do Klaus who must feel angry no one takes his struggles seriously. this though. t h i s t h o u g h. i’m not gonna get super into it because this response is already kind of a lot BUT yes. whether klaus knows it or not, acknowledges it or not, he probably is so angry and hurt that nobody takes his struggles seriously. nobody ever has - i mean ben has followed him around for the last 13 years, has seen some of what he’s been through and has learned about the rest, and he STILL digs into klaus and acts like he doesn’t have a reason to be the way he is. if not even ben can take his trauma seriously, and he - at least pre!death - seemed to be the kindest, then how would anyone else?? they wouldn’t and It Shows. and, of course, that includes luther - who i agree, was in a way separated from the others - not physically but like.. ranking and power wise, by reginald and his constant push of luther being number one and that meaning Everything. and klaus - well we all know what reginald thought of klaus and i dont doubt he filled luther’s head with his opinions which luther would internalize as Facts - because reginald had a hold on luther that he didn’t quite have on any of the others. (i mean he totally had a hold on all of them, they’re all fucked up, but luther stayed there because reginald had him so convinced of the academy’s mission and luther’s importance to him) SO. if klaus WERE to verbally be aggressive with luther or anyone i personally would understand - why should he take other people’s trauma seriously, expend the heart and energy to care and to do what he can to cheer them up, when they can’t even take a moment to listen to him - or see what’s right in front of their eyes. i’d be fucking pissed. tbh i think klaus handles things pretty fucking well from the funeral on considering the Everyfuckingthing.  he’s sassy - yeah. he can be jackass and he has the potential to be cruel - hell yeah. but he expresses more care for each of his siblings in s1 than any of them do for him (except maybe diego) and idk, man, i have seen the first season somewhere beyond 15 times (i stopped counting) and i’ve never taken any of klaus’s words or actions towards luther to be genuinely cruel or horrible. it just doesnt read that way for me and i honestly struggle to see how people CAN see it that way.. so here i am. annoyed. but on my own tumblr bc i have no desire to @, fight, or argue with anyone over opinions but sometimes a little bastard just has to vent yknow?? yknow.
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chaeryybomb · 4 years
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
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it is really really catchy!! i immediately liked it after my first listen. it reminded me a lot of “dalla dalla”, like it has the same arrangement as “dalla dalla”. i really like the beginning of the song where it has the turning sound.
my favorite part is ryujin+chaeryeong rap part and lia’s “it’s none of your business, i do my own business”
it’s probably my favorite mv they have produced so far. the scenes were all very pleasing to watch and love the solo scenes of the girls. my favorite scene would be lia’s and ryujin’s scenes. like, w o w
the choreography is amazing!!! ryujin has the entire world at her feet because of the shoulder move, which by the way I still cannot understand how it works
the point choreography of it is also really nice, the one there they circle their face with their hand and where they slide their hand across their chest when they sing “i wanna be me me me”
i absolutely love the dance break! it is definitely my favorite part of the dance
bro ryujin is literally killing this era. p e r i o d
also I can see that the girls have improved so much! especially lia! she’s gaining more and more confidence and it looks amazing on her. as usual, yeji’s stage presence is a m a z i n g. yuna has definitely improved as well. and so has chaeryeong!
my favorite outfits of them is the mv solo scenes outfits. i just think it really suits them. and i love love love how they’re trying new hairstyles this era, unlike “dalla dalla” and “icy”s era when everyone had almost the same hairstyle for every stage.
i love how they actually let yeji perform with her hair down instead of the usual ponytail and that they gave it to yuna lmao. seriously, the hairstyles for this era is really diverse. and of course ryujin’s iconic blue hair. and I really like chaeryeong’s hair this era idk why but I do
also I love the fact that their outfits are mostly pants, they look so much more comfortable performing in them + yeji with a jacket is pretty dangerous
also, has anyone noticed that Lia has gained some weight?? which is a good thing! halfway through “icy” era, lia lost a lot of weight and I’m really glad she had gained some weight this era!
i know ITZY’s concept is about self confidence and the songs are more upbeat but personally I’m not a fan of it all
the album itself is catchy and nice but for me, the songs aren’t the type of songs that I’ll play on repeat
out of all of the songs, i don’t really like “ting ting ting”. i just can’t seem to like, vibe(?) with it
but my favorites of the album is “nobody like you” and “you make me”
+ lia’s iconic “you make me... speechless!”
overall, i felt that this comeback was definitely an improvement for itzy in dance and vocal wise. I’ve watched a few of their mr removed ( by the channel “lyma” bc it’s the only one I trust ) and their all quite stable, I’m surprised how stable ryujin can be she does the shoulder move. like I said before, lia has improved a lot in this comeback, she’s like jihyo where their voices doesn’t fit their groups initial concept, but with time, lia can improve like how jihyo did. yeji is really stable and i can understand why she gets most lines. yuna has improved and chaeryeong has been quite stable since debut, so i think she could get more lines. my only complain is that I wished that chaeryeong was the center during the dance break, considering the fact that she’s the main dancer
NCT 127: NCT #127 NEO ZONE
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TITLE SONG: 英雄;Kick It
fun fact! the Chinese word “英雄” in the title means “hero” which i think is quite fitting for this comeback’s concept.
i immediately for hooked on after the first listen, yes it's that catchy
lemme introduce you to some new thangs
as someone who learns taekwando, this is the song that u can work out to lmao. it's the fuel to ur flame and makes u wanna fight someone
also jungwoo baby!! he's back!! and bitch did he gREW I THINK HE'S ALMOST JOHNNY'S HEIGHT
the highlights: taeil's high note!!! yuta+haechan "baby we go wild, 127 squad"
also johnny!!! with lines!!
I just really love the entire music video okay
it's martial arts!!! it's like my hobby!!
and bruce lee!! who doesn't love bruce lee?? i absolutely love this concept in general and the music video does justice
like all the martial arts reference and bruce lee reference!!
my favorite part is when they were all dancing in the rain lol and when like behind the doors u can see silhouettes of someone fighting
i cannot stress e n o u g h how much I love this choreography, especially the dance break!!! it's so satisfying to watch!!!
and mark's "fight" scene in it!! bro!!
this has definitely became one of my favourite nct dances along with "black on black" and "cherry bomb"
also the part where taeyong does his "enter the dragon", the kick he does is called a side kick and lemme tell u how much I hate doing that shit so props to taeyong for doing not only, but two of it in the dance
++ center!! haechan!! the way he just smoothly slides into the center lmao
despite taeyong, yuta and johnny's really rude outfits from the mv, those are one of my favourites actually. they look like fighter outfits that came out from a bruce lee movie
and the bomber jackets outfits!! please I want one so badly!!! bc I'm a sucker for bomber jackets lol
bro yuta's hair colour + belly piercing
that's *chef's kiss*
and haechan's mullet!! it looks good on him!! he better start growing an actual mullet or so help me-
stage presence *inhales* were so so so so amazing
nct just has amazing stage presence in general tbh
also, johnny lowkey looks scary in this comeback besides the fact that he's also a giANT
you know despite the scary album cover, 70% of the songs are soft af
and yes I like it
my favourites are "sit down!" and "boom"
johnny's "don't get up, don't stand up, please don't put your hand up, and don't make me tell you again. sit down!"
bro the difference between nct dream's "boom" and nct 127's "boom" tho
johnny's rap in "dreams come true" tho
and jaehyun's high note in "day dream"
overall, I'm really happy to stan nct and be enjoy the comeback lmao
but yeah I really like this comeback as u can tell lol
i wonder if they're gonna release a "kick it" english version
but to be honest, this era would've fit winwin so well like, winwin himself can do flips and shit and it would've fit him so well
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okay I know that their comeback was in february but it was during late february and they promoted in march
and I finally know all of their names so u can write a proper review on them now lmao
so from what I understand, elris basically went m.i.a and came back with 2 new members
the song is definitely catchy and like I said, this is really solid group. they have a really good rap line and vocal line, plus they could all be main dancers and there's no visual hole
ej and chaejeong is a great addition to the group
plus hyeseong and sohee's vocals are!! really good!!
and bella's basically a triple threat y'all
the music video is really aesthetic
i like it a lot lol
the gambling concept they have on is really nice to see
ah yes the choreography
the choreography is really fun tbh
i like the chorus part the best and yukyung's bow and arrow move in between the chorus
ej and bella has really strong stage presence and I've watched bella on mixnine a few times
and chaejeong's purple hair stood out as well.
the one who caught my eyes is yukyung
and for the vocals, I'm quite surprised to see that karin is only 17 years old, I thought she would've been older
i really like their outfits despite coming from a smaller company, it's all bling bling and classy
i just wanna say chaejeong has a good set of lungs lmao, her vocals in the b-sides is really good especially in "this is me"
the entire album gave me a bit of a video game vibe like cherry bullet's "Q&A"
maybe it's because the soundtrack is like, upbeat and strong at the same time
my favourite is "this is me" and "like I do"
"this is me" reminds me of blackpink's "forever young" bc they almost have the same arrangement
both of the songs are like upbeat girl crush kind of song with a strong beat drop for the dancebreak
overall, elris is definitely underrated but I have a feeling they will rise to fame like everglow, if only they debuted this year, they could've been like monster rookies.
AleXa: Do Or Die
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okay so i feel like a lot of the english lyrics felt a bit out of place,,, idk maybe it’s just me. i think the song is quite nice, like for a sci-fi concept, i thought it’d have more heavier edm/beat drop but it actually feels light and nice to listen to it. i really like the chorus of the song and when she said “I’m a one girl army”
okay ngl, I zoned out from the song bc I was so immersed into the mv. like, it reminded me a lot of the movie “alita: the battle angel”.
also the cgi?? that’s some rlly good cgi lemme tell u that, the villain of the mv was rlly scary lmao
also I really like her fight scenes with the the bad guy
the choreography looks rlly complicated, and personally I feel like it doesn’t suit alexa?? like, I know she’s talented but she almost looked out of breath during her performance stages. the choreography looks like it suited a group song better cause alexa was constantly moving. she’s a solo artist and I feel like solo artists shouldn’t do such complicated choreography unless they have a really good control over their breathing and vocals
I really like her outfits, it suits her a lot, though I want to see alexa perform with her hair down
my favorite outfit of hers is the white outfit that she wore in the beginning of the mv
as for stage presence, she has good stage presence but I can see that there’s room for improvement. alexa is still quite new to the solo artist game, in time she can definitely improve on everything
overall, i feel like this is quite a powerful comeback. like I said, alexa needs to get a better control of her breathing. but other than that, i can see that she will be quite popular in the future.
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the song itself is so calming?? like, it’s the perfect song to listen if you want relieve stress or something. and her vocals are so beautiful and emotional. these type of songs fit her voice so much!!
the mv is literally the definition of “plant aesthetic”
it’s such a pleasing sight to watch and the mv itself is truly aesthetic
okay I know “plant” doesn’t have a choreography as expected but “swim away” does so
the choreography is so simple and it honestly fits the song. i also think that with the lack of an intense choreography, sejeong’s voice can be more clearly heard since “swim away” requires her to use falsetto a lot
so with a simple choreography, she can sing in falsetto without trouble
sejeong literally radiates emotions when she sings, when she performs “swim away”, there’s a playful and mischievous aura around her
when she sings “plant”, you can literally feel her raw emotion through her vocals
sejeong has the potential to be a really successful solo artist!! her voice basically suits almost any style, ranging from “semina” to “not that type”
her outfits for this is so cute, i love the white dresses she wears when she performs “plant” and her outfits for “swim away” is so so so so c u t e
feel stress? listen to the album
need to calm down? listen to the album
the entire album itself is calming and soft, like i have a playlist for soft/emotional songs and the entire album is in there
my favorite song of the album is “hopes for tomorrow”
if y’all have seen my post about songs where the music momentarily stops and just plays the idol’s vocals, yeah that song is exactly like that
it sent shivers down my spine when I first listened to it, seriously listen to it when you have the time cause it’ll be worth it
overall, this is a really nice comeback and one of my favorites for this month. sejeong really has potential to be a solo artist as big as chungha. and tbh, she should’ve went solo in the first place. she really reminds me taeyeon bc both artist produce very emotional songs. i don’t know gugudan is currently doing besides the fact that mina is still an mc, but sejeong really could blow up as a solo artist.
𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
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this song is so playful and mischievous lmao. the entire mv gave me a scooby-doo kinda vibe idk why, maybe it’s bc the guard was chasing them. the song itself is really catchy, like, the entire album is catchy. also I’m really glad that daniel can now perform his songs bc apparently he was almost banned from doing so(?)
bro I feel like ex produce members are making a comeback SKSKSK
this song is like, a parallel of sejeong’s song. it gave me the same vibe okay. it’s really sad okay, I like sad songs
the mv reminded me of that BTS webtoon, you guys should go read it btw, basically in the webtoon jin has to save all the members in a day to change the future but whenever a member dies, the day resets itself. in the mv, it looks like ong was trying to save the girl from drowning and whenever he failed, the day resets itself, which I found rlly cool btw
STRAY KIDS: Mixtape: On Track
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my dudes, my only theory is that jeongin has a crush on hyunjin okay
bro changbin has a nice set of vocals, I stg the rap line is out to put the vocal line out of business lmao. the song gave me the same vibe as their ost from “extraordinary you”, both written by changbin, so basically, changbin is a romantic guy-
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okay ngl, I have mistakenly read the group’s name as McDonald’s way too many times
but nonetheless, I like the song
a lot
my favorite part is when the rap mentions the group members names, like yo that’s so cool wtf
also the group members are really young??? Win, the blue hair dude, is LITERALLY the same age as me wtf
( I can’t find a proper gif sksks )
these girls dropped “loca” and went missing since then lmao
“loca” is a bop tho
“lie” kinda has the same arrangement as “loca” and the same vibe with it
+ gaeul(?) the blonde, she’s really a full package, she can rap, sing, dance AND she’s the leader??? damn
also I love go ahra
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I love love love love the song and the mv, their so funny wtf sksks literal crackheads. I’m also really happy that AKMU’s Suhyun was in the mv, it makes me feel happy knowing we get YG Artists interactions okay
jinu’s voice is usually really soft and stuff but his voice in this song made me went like: tHAT’S JINU???
anyways stan winner y’all
ONEUS: A Song Written Easily
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tbh, I stanned ONEWE bc “regulus” is a fucking bop and now I might need to stand ONEUS. all I know is that I really like Hwanwoong’s voice and Leedo’s voice. and the rappers can sing too??? like nice that’s some Han Jisung kinda shit there. I really like the chorus of the song and someone said if “starry night” had a little brother, it would be “a song written easily”. which I 100% agree, and it’s also really suitable considering the fact oneus and mamamoo are from the same company. It also reminds me of a song that I can’t put my finger on???
SUHO: Let’s Love
I feel when your ascend to heaven, Suho’s voice is what you hear at the gates. My dude has been underrated for too long. Remember when I said I have an entire playlist for emotional/soft songs? Yeah Suho’s album is in there. My favorites are “O2” and “Starry Night”.
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eyeslikefoxglove · 4 years
Episode 2 - Wei Wuxian has Foot-in-Mouth syndrome & Foxglove absolutely has a crush
Alright let’s go! It’s almost midnight so I might have to go to bed and continue tomorrow but... YOLO? I guess?
Fair warning, I will gush about cinematography and scenery like a lot. I have zero professional knowledge about it, but it’s pretty.
Wei “let me be really damn sexy when drinking” Wuxian.
He’s so done with everything omg it’s hilarious.
Ok but the actress who plays A-Yan is GORGEOUS.
Why does this show do “creepy yet beautiful” so damn good?
This might be my inner Rumplestiltskin talking but the second I heard “wish-granting fairy” I had to scream bullshit; all magic comes with a price.
My god Jin Ling would’ve gotten la zapatilla for talking to the people in the net like that if my granny had been there.
And I’ll never stop wondering who the fuck is in charge of logistics here. Because there you have A CIVILIAN wandering into a forest covered in magic nets.
That fucking donkey.
Watching this for the first time, with not prior knowledge must be fucking disconcerting. Because you have this literal walking disaster, who everyone (besides the gorgeous man in white) wants dead. But he’s a fucking mess and mostly harmless. So why? And it’s hilarious.
So maybe not that harmless. (Ok but badass WWX is kinda hot)
AND WWX DONE GOOFED. Feet in mouth syndrome at its finest.
Him sassing JL is hilarious.
But FR, the first time I saw JC in this scene I screamed: oh not he’s hoooooooot.
It’s the cheekbones. And the long hair. And the hands. And the fact that my self preservation instinct was left in-utero because I think getting that man riled up and angry over stupid shit would be hilarious.
... in my defence my family’s love language is being assholes to each other; but with affection you know?
JC: I am badass and have a temper don’t fuck with me.
Me: ok that’s valid but you’re also kind of an angry grape and spent ten minutes trying to find a polite way to say “fuck off and die” via letter.
WWX: why am I so unlike today.
ooooooohhhhhh petty petty smackdown round one!
I love that JC is throwing digs at LWJ and LWJ is not even looking at him. I mean, the ducklings are carrying the conversation so this must not even be new to them.
Jin Ling is the Peacock, Sizhui is Shijie and Jingyi is a WWX/JC hybrid.
JC: what’s the bad news now?
Honestly? Same.
Why does Netflix not translate HJG as HGJ?
JC telling JL that he’ll break his legs if he fucks up has the same energy as my mum threatening me with making me go out on a Friday night if I don’t pass a test.
And yes, I make jokes about threatening physical violence here because it is my hc that, after the kind of parents the Yunmeng siblings had, JC took a look at JL and decided right then and there to stay away from his own parents’ methods.
I mean, one of my dad’s fave swears is: lord give me patience, because if you give me strength they’re all dead.
Which I find hilarious, so I can’t help but see the same thing in those two.
WWX finding out he’d disparaged his orphan nephew’s parents: It was at this moment that he knew he’d fucked up.
... well, that was creepy.
(Can I make the “compass that doesn’t point north and wooden sword” joke? Please?)
So quick question, despite WWX coming back with his own body in this adaptation he does have a golden core right? Because he does some talisman and array things and he does mention when everyone is shit out of luck in the Burial Mounds that he, LWJ and the Ducklings are the only ones with spiritual energy. But he also gives his sword to WN to fight more often than not and he mentions that his body is “fragile”. So...
WWX just went into scolding/disappointed parent mode lol.
He just deduced everything correctly from a bunch of glittery grass. He’s fucking Sherlock and I can understand why NHS wanted him to help with his brother’s murder.
(Brief interlude so I can thirst over JC’s hands for a second again)
Jingyi is, as always, A Mood.
“The Yiling Patriarch is not here!”
He’s right behind you mate.
So everyone is wearing Kevlar under their robes right? I’m going to assume so, because otherwise WN would’ve caved LSZ’s chest in with that chain throw. I mean, he punched right through stone so...
*screaming into a pillow*
Oh hey, hubby is back!
OMG I’m laughing at him scolding JL. Can’t help it.
Full disclosure, I love Zidian’s design.
Petty smackdown number two!
Lemme go on a Zidian tangent tho: IT’S A LIGHTNING WHIP. That shit should be devastating. Do you know how much voltage is in lightning? Too fucking much. Every time someone got hit with it you would have at least second to third degree burns, not to mention broken bones, muscle spasms and if you’re very very unlucky cardiac arrest. But you don’t. It doesn’t make sense? Help?
... why am I being logical over A FUCKING MAGIC WHIP.
Idk, it’s almost 1am don’t ask me that.
He really wanted his brother back didn’t he. I mean, he was so sure WWX was possessing that body and when nothing happened his face got all surprised and sad. That’s not the look of someone who wants to torture and murder the dude. That’s for sure.
LJY: didn’t you kill him yourself?
JC: conceal don’t feel don’t let them know.
Again, brilliant tiny flashback. We still don’t see what exactly happened at the cliff. You see LWJ holding onto WWX, you see a close up of JC stabbing down from above, but then it cuts to a wider frame and WWX is already falling. We are meant to assume JC did something like stab him on the face or hurt LWJ’s hand.
I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS OVER JC OK? He’s an angry grape but he’s my angry grape and he misses both his siblings.
Amazing transition again to a mega long flashback.
(I’m gonna stop being all thirsty over JC at least until the SunShot Campaign bc 1. I think his mega crush on WQ is adorable and how I wish it’d worked out. & 2. He’s what? 17 at the beginning of this flashback? That feels creepy.)
It’s a little disturbing what WWX says about alcohol easing the mind tho. I mean he’s 17?
JC: A-Jie WWX is being mean to me!
So that’s episode 2 done. It’s 1am and my cat is begging me for food so I bet the neighbours love me right now. I’m not going to take any responsibility for typos or weird turns of phrases because I’m tired.
Tomorrow I have to actually start packing my flat so I might not get another episode out but who knows.
Thanks for reading!
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