#bc supportive family šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ
unclefathersantateddy Ā· 9 months
Seeing the responses to @drawthethingdoppelganger 's cannibal arc poll, has definitely helped me improve the fresh meat lore. It's giving creative juices lol! I'm gonna use the community's Quality Standards to up the freshmeat au content quality!
Some of the most prevalent ideas I've seen:
Keeping the Family Love integrity before all else. Bob loves his family, the family loves each other SO MUCH no matter what. Nothing gets in the way of that, not the human meat, not the back alley business, nada.
The family remain expressive and musical. This one I'm excited to play around with, I have ideas that Bob wasn't rly a singer to begin with, but between Linda, Gene, and the general Sweeney Todd vibe, he gets into it, REALLY into it. They all do (even Louis/e). Many of you said you loved the contrast of the dark themes but with family/love- oriented songs!
Finding a healthy balance for the arc. Many of you said you didn't care for the "being edgy for edge sake" element of the cannibal arc, and I would agree with that! I've seen some fresh meat posts of Gene wanting to EAT Alex?? This isn't an idea I'll be rolling with. For me it's a bit cheap and crass like "ah the cannibal is so obsessed with eating humans so much that he wants to eat his best friend". Not really a plot, y'know? So I'll be working on creating a more nuanced Dietary framework to prevent the au from being kitsch or tasteless! If any cannibal wants to eat a person there will be actual reasoning for it, not just because these characters are associated in canon.
Painting healthy relationships besides the toxic. Many of you said you still want the Belchers to have loved ones (family/friends) despite their cannibalism, and I LOVE this idea!! Whilst I do like to add a toxic touch to this au, I also don't want to pigeon-hole ANY character. I'd like to keep each individual fluid and organic, opposed to one-dimensional. (E.g. Courtney may still have an on/off dynamic with Gene despite the cannibalism - does she know? Does she not? Does she even care???)
I started neglecting the fresh meat au bc it started to feel stale, but seeing DT's post has really helped me want to dive back into it!! Very exciting times AAAAAAA!!!
However, I'm not a Writerā„¢ (I can write scientific journals, but not English Fiction) therefore, if any fanfic writer would like to help me flesh out my ideas (pun not intended) that'd be greatly appreciated!!
I'd like to write more on FM!teddy but my experience as a plus-size person was not a healthy/supported one, therefore idk how to write a fat character in a healthy /non-fatphobic way as that was never the experience I received. Therefore, if there are any plus-sized users that would like to help me write a healthy, loved, non-fatphobic, fat character (starting that Good fat representation), please msg me!
A small thanks to DT for posting the primo contentšŸ˜©šŸ‘Œ they always come thru with the good shit
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eruverse Ā· 2 years
More headcanons on Mongol Empire-Post Mongol Empire era:
I LOVE depicting Mongolia as a father and grandpa of many offpsring, and he did have many. So there were Golden Horde/Jochid Ulus (which was actually a combined force of Blue Horde and White Horde given to Jochiā€™s sons Batu and Orda, because Jochi died before Golden Horde was consolidated), Chagatai Khanate (of Chagatayids), Ilkhanate (of Hulagu), and Yuan (of Kublai). Now, rather than going with ā€˜Mongolia = Yuanā€™ like I used to, I decided to give Yuan its own personification. Why tho? For one, while Yuanā€™s territory did comprise of Mongolia proper and Kublai as its founder presented his state as core Mongol Empire (or, simply Mongol Empire) with his grandfather Chinggis Khan as its founder, sketchy things surrounded Kublaiā€™s ascension as a Khagan; he was enthroned during a quriltai that was held not in Karakorum but in his own city Kaiping (in China), and it was without the votes of all four Chinggisid branches who at the time supported Kublaiā€™s youngest brother Ariq Boke as a Khagan. All of this made his ascension illegal. Whatā€™s more, Kublai who was pretty much an usurper proclaimed himself as a ruler in a distinctly Chinese style and Yuan dynasty was established with all the legitimacy of a Chinese dynasty. Yuan therefore looked more like a breakaway/successor state just like the other Khanates than simply a continuation of the Mongol Empire that Chinggis Khan built. It stands to reason for me that I should make a distinction between Yuan and Mongolia then, since Mongolia the dude in my head represents the core of Mongols so he should be purely Mongolian with pure Mongol/nomadic characteristics. For legitimacy with the Mongolian side, Yuan would latch onto Mongolia and they would rule both China and Mongolia together. The link below is an interesting read of which I based my theory off on the separation between personifications of Mongolia and Yuan dynasty:
Besides, I just want funny family moments between Mongolia and his kids and grandkids, and the more the merrier!!
Golden Horde is a Hater and heā€™s so valid for it. He hates people and nothing he likes more than going to his mancave (of wide steppe) and ignoring all other kinds of existence including his own siblings by Mongolia, though he of course is loyal to his princes and princesses and would do everything for them. His rivalry with Chagatai (Khanate) reflects Jochiā€™s with Chagatai. Also despises Ilkhanate bc they have feuds over territories and trades. Only slightly more okay with Yuan bc Yuan is really far away and cannot bother him much though he still doesnā€™t want to acknowledge him because why should he. Perpetual virgin until he met chaotic deranged dumbass Timurid. Anyway, heā€™s a child between Mongolia and Polovtsy/Qipchak. The Polovtsy were Turkic nomads whom the Jochids subjugated and entered into their ranks (or got scattered all over the area as they fled the Mongols). They had a confederate before the Mongols came.
Mongolia: ā€œHorde, now be good and have dinner together with me and your brothers!ā€
Horde: ā€œFuck you all now let me go back to my mancave.ā€
Mongolia: *spanks Horde*
Maybe I should give Blue Horde and White Horde personifications too and they are the ones who do the actual ruling while the most Golden Horde does is frolicking around, bullying little hare Russia, or being fussed over by his princesses. Anyway, they love to braid his long hair like a maiden and put beads and rings on it.
Russia sometimes mistakes Horde as a Mongol Princess because of it and Horde is so NOT amused. Cue Horde chasing Russia around.
Russia and Horde coincidentally bond over not liking studying and reading, and as kids they were illiterate. Their princes/advisors were this šŸ‘Œ close to giving up teaching them to read. Horde says heā€™s an all powerful warrior of the steppe and he already has everything he wants and needs so why should he even study?? Meh.
At some point Horde also tried to shoot Russiaā€™s cat because he was curious if it tasted good and that was the first time Russia smacked him. Horde was secretly impressed because apparently little hare could pack up a good punch.
Chagatai is rivals with Horde and heā€™s salty because his desire to make daddy Mongolia happy by besting that fucker-with-his illegitimate-Khans Horde results in Mongolia disinheriting their respective khans from the throne of Khagan altogether through Chinggis Khan. Eventually, Chagatai becomes estranged much like Horde did. His personality is serious and ruthless to a fault. Chagatai is a child of Mongolia and Qara-Khitai, who was a Khitan-ruled state in Central Asia. Khitans were a nomadic group related to Mongols as they were all similarly descended from Xianbei. Qara-Khitai however wasnā€™t purely Khitan because most of its subjects were Central Asian Turco-Persian Muslims under Karakhanids who then became vassal to the Khitans. Therefore by characteristics Chagatai was very much Central Asian and not Khitanā€¦ maybe Karakhanid was his actual second dad? Only Mongolia knows.
Ilkhanate is the child of Mongolia and Khwarazmian Empire (another Turco-Persian state, also both Karakhanid and Khwarezmia were descendants of Gokturks). His relationship to Mongolia is second to best, but even in time heā€™s more concerned with his own gains than being a filial son to Mongolia. Heā€™s an excitable dude whoā€™s also a wildman.
Yuan (Monchu love(hate)child) is possibly Mongoliaā€™s favorite kid because heā€™s best behaved to him (including paying homage to him unlike his other hopeless brats). Has an ultra high self esteem because heā€™s most favored by Mongolia and because he lords over the mighty China. Lots wholesome moments between daddy Mongolia and Yuan with China totally NOT having a good time.
Yuan: ā€œI am Great Yuan, bow down to me and my Father!!ā€
Horde, Chagatai, Ilkhanate: *leave*
Yuan: ā€œNo, come back here!!!!ā€
Except for China, Mongolia obliterated his kidsā€™ second dads they are no more šŸ’” maybe he tried to do that to China too (like with Song whom Kublai subjugated) but too bad for him, China is eternal.
Yes, basically the other dads of Mongoliaā€™s brats were the countries he subjugated and took over. He killed their personifications and gave the territories to his own.
I decided to not make Timurid a direct descendant of Mongolia, however he kinda larps as Mongol Empire following Tamerlaneā€™s massive ambition (lol good luck). He also got important territory off Chagatai and he did it by cannibalizing parts of him (!!!). Timurid is a simpleton brute with singleminded focus whoā€™s also a poet of many vulgar poems depicting his lover Horde. Also, I guess by the time Moghulistan happened there would be another personification in place (which means Chagatai would be dead by then) but idk yet.
Initially Horde and Timurid had it SO good but Horde had to betray him following the orders of his prince Tokhtamysh, and it made Timurid so livid he got batshit insane as if possessed. He chased after Horde and burnt his important cities when he couldnā€™t find him, further weakening Horde when he was already weakened from civil war and conflicts. They met one last time shortly before Hordeā€™s death, though Hordeā€™s death wasnā€™t actually by Timuridā€™s hands.
Mongolia finds it quite tragic that he lives on while his kids and many descendants couldnā€™t, but such is fate. He wouldnā€™t actually want to switch places with them tho (for nationverses, only oneā€™s own survival really matters), but it would be nice to have his large family around him. He would love having his dining table brimming full with his offspring and relatives during Tsagaan Sar. Mongolia misses them sometimes even though their relationship wasnā€™t always so good.
Mongolia himself isnā€™t always a good father, and while heā€™s pretty attentive to his kids (the ones he had in the past or the ones he has had pretty recently) heā€™s an emotionally independent person and likes to encourage his brats to be independent sooner. Therefore, sometimes he can be quite neglectful, and it is even more the case these days though part of it is because he himself cannot support them much in many ways. Not saying heā€™s a 100% chill parent though, because like any kind of patriarch he expects and could demand proper filial piety from his brats, but these days perhaps following the pattern of chill urbanized fathers who are more of good friends to their kids than just reigning patriarchs, Mongolia is much more chill (in an egalitarian sense) with his remaining kids and relatives. Spanking your kids is bad, so he no longer does it.
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malaierba Ā· 5 months
Saw your posts talking about Time and Time Again and I just gotta say I LOVED that fic (I think I read it bc of you). The moment that really got me was the first attack from the fan and Karamatsu REALIZING that he was the reason he was still stuck in the loop. Reading him connecting the dots with the sudden ambulance showing up at Totoko's house...like FUCK dude holy shit!!! Good fic, good fic šŸ‘Œ
I loved seeing Karamatsu slowly put everything together and eventually arrive to the right answer of what he had to do! Man, that moment was CHILLING. Up until then it was just a mysterious time loop fic. Seeing Karamatsu realise that Totoko, his childhood friend, was in the ambulance... The STAKES. Like!!
And I mean, imagine what would've happened if Karamatsu had wished for something other than being a hero? The fact that his stupid wish both cursed him AND saved Totoko. Augh šŸ’”
I just have such a huge soft spot for that fic. Seeing Karamatsu learn to use his brain and develop skills was great. The KaraToto friendship šŸ„ŗ And the instances where Karamatsu's family came through to support Kara! Such a good fic. Also, the attrocities.
(by the way! There's another AMAZING Karamatsu-centric fic that's CURRENTLY BEING UPDATED!! It's called Faster Asleep, the plot is about Karamatsu waking up, discovering he's a ghost / has died, and trying to figure out how it happened while pretending to be alive around his family. HURTS SO GOOD. the choukei already made me tear up once)
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xdominiklivakovicx Ā· 1 year
Also I forgot to post an ice breaker so here it is;
Name ; Ashley | Ash | Ashie | Trashley
Age range ; 15-17
Nationality ; Croatian šŸ‡­šŸ‡· | Russian šŸ‡·šŸ‡ŗ
Pronouns ; She | Her ā™€ļø
Hobbies ; Drawing | Writing | Animating
Interests ; Art | Football | Animation in general | Rock Music
Since when did you start following football?
Since 2018 when the World Cup in Russia started
Favorite National Teams?
Croatia NT - because they achieved so much those past 5 years, yes I know they like to move games to penalties and play with our nerves, but I still feel like I am part of their family like other Croatia NT fans :)
Russia NT - because I simply like Russian people and I am half one, so I really fell in love with that team. They played so well during the WC in 2018 and during WC qualifiers. I was literally so miserable when I found out they will not be able to participate in Qatar
Serbia NT - idk I love them simply because they are our neighbours and I always love supporting my neighbours during EURO and WC
Who was your favorite player then and why?
(Wow wut a hard question I have asked myself) Livakovic obviously. I know he was being kept on a bench, but I always knew he would be a great goalkeeper, he is our number 1 and very important member of the National Team, yet I didn't post stuff about him at all because I didn't have Tumblr, I was a dumb kid lmfao- but yeah, I can talk about him 'till I die, so yeah I am moving to the next question before I go too far
Do you train football? If you don't, why?
Hell no I don't. First of all; I am very anti-social person (tho there is exclusion when it comes to going on matches I love rooting with other peeps), Second of all; I have very low self-esteem, Third of all; I wanted to be a goalkeeper, but I was always afraid to get goals bc people often get mad at me, fuck them
Favorite clubs?
Dinamo Zagreb - I've been following this club since 2018 after the end of WC in 2018 mainly because of Livi, I love that guy sm he is precious, but the love of this club has grown in 2021 because of its success in Europa League.
Man City - Kova plays in City and he is literally my 2nd fav football player, and one of my best friends roots for City so here we are šŸ‘Œ
Borussia Dortmund - Idk I just love them so much, their mascot is so cute, the club has gotten my hear for some reason šŸ˜­
Favorite pic in your gallery?
The one where I took a picture with Livi šŸ’™
Tumblr media
What are your favorite bands?
Sex Pistols
Let 3
The Beatles
Led Zeppelin
Green Day
Daleka Obala
Black Sabbath
- WW2 drawings - x._.unteroffizier._.ashley._.x
- Normal art - punkish._.stoat._.studios
- TrASHLEY#3627
- PunkishStoatStudios
Idk what to tell about myself anymore, so enjoy this short af info about myself :}
And see ya in the next post lmfao
Also check out my art acc! -> @nikitatheweasel2
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uppastthejelliclemoon Ā· 2 years
Hi just wanna say first off that Tumbletta is šŸ‘Œ
Iā€™ve been in a Lizadora mood as of late so I will blabber off info about her and some crossover w your Ocā€™s:
When Grizabella left, she sort of took over her duties as Old Dā€™s mate. While she and Deut donā€™t love each other like that, Liz wasnā€™t about to let the Tribe go into shambles because Griz wasnā€™t there to organize certain things or help with the kittens. She also took over in mothering the Deuteronomy Brothers for the remainder of their childhoods, something that may have accidentally contributed to Macavityā€™s evil because he felt like everyone was forgetting about his real Mother super fast.
I feel like Munkustrap and Tugger definitely view Lizadora as a mother figure, they looked to her for support when Mac turned dark and they probably asked for her blessing alongside Old Deutā€™s when they found their mates.
Despite having some form of gigantism (Maine Coon genetics baby) and generally being very bulky, sheā€™s nearly just as graceful as other Jellicles. Sheā€™s usually at the bottom of the pyramid or the one to lift cats up, though.
She is absolutely in love with Hestia when Tugger and Misto bring her back. She always wanted a granddaughter to spoil, and youā€™d best believe she spoils Hestia and all the other grandkids rotten. All the kittens see Auntie Liz as a big playground because...she is, so sheā€™s very popular for their roughhousing games and such.
I feel like Tumbles was initially terrified to face Lizadora when he and Hestia started courting, literally just because lady is massive and v protective of her fam. But nah she didnā€™t intimidate him or anything she just broke his back in a ā€œwelcome to the family!ā€ Bear hug.
When Grizabella went to the heaviside layer, Lizadora was the last one sitting that night, just staring at the stars and hoping her sister finally got the happiness she wanted.
i'm CRYING liz my beloved <3
Hestia would ADORE her Auntie Liz, their size difference is making me emotional bc can you imagine???? big fluffy Liz with little tiny kitten Hestia tucked away in her fur?????
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madame-fear Ā· 2 years
AND PLEASE OMG ANY WORDS YOU WANNA KNOW HOW TO PRONOUNCE ASK ME! one of the best things about being british is our elite humour and our way with words. we have the best insults its great! itā€™s actually funny cus my accent is hardly noticeable im from a particularly small/just under average size city yet its ranked quite lowly in attractive accent lists (my accent is unatractive apparently) my city is also largely hated as its a shithole pretty much. apparently some kids were told if they dont behave their parents will send them to (insert my city name here) BUT ITS REALLY NOT THAT BAD THO šŸ˜­
my step-mum is fluent german and almost fluent french and she says that german is her favourite language and she fully supports me in wanting to learn it. (it would 100% also help me in the future as i want to go down the historian path but specifically look at ww2) (also im hopefully gonna learn latin at school which will also help in becoming a historian) my favourite german word is the one you gained in world war 2 because of the destruction caused to my city in the blitz. šŸ„²
AND YES OMG GERMANY AND ENGLAND ARE TECHNICALLY LIKE ā€˜brothersā€™! because english and germany are actually germanic languages from the indo-european language family.
AAaAAAHHHHHHšŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•I SHOULD BE THE ONE THANKING U !!! If you need any help with German pronunciation as well, feel free to ask me anytime!!!! ā¤ā¤ā¤
I need to re-read/listen English pronunciation books (mainly because i have to speak good English to get into the Universities i want to go), so if i have any problem pronouncing a particular word, i'll ask you!!! šŸ„° I currently have trouble with several words rn, but i want to first re-read some things and practice pronunciation. If i still have problems with said words, i'll definitely tell you about it! šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ˜ššŸ’
Please know that if you ever need me to return the favour by helping you out with German pronunciation, i'm always here and absolutely glad to help you out!!! At your service šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø (it's supposed to be on one knee but oh well) ā¤
You know, my dad & i always enjoy watching WW2 documentaries because we're both German as hell! And we've seen several good docus on Amazon Prime & Netflix. I seriously don't remember the names of the documentaries and im not sure if they'll be available in UK, but maybe you can search some on those platforms, mostly on Amazon Prime, because I know they have good quality documentaries about WW2. Also, there's a YouTube british channel that talks about history, and has some documentaries about a certain moustache man, and WW2. I wanna say it's called 怊History Hit怋 but to be honest i think it's other channel similar to that...if i find it, i'll tell you the name!!!
And also, UK & Germany are like the best brothers ever and have a good history together!! Recently when the Queen died i saw on TikTok several videos of Germans in UK crying for the Queen and honestly it was quite an emotional moment šŸ„² God I love UK so much and you guys are the best <333 I swear I follow a shit ton of British memes accounts on TikTok bc you all make me laugh so much and your humour??? Top notch šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ
Thx so so much for allowing me to ask you questions abt EnglishšŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ¤§šŸ¤§šŸ¤§šŸ¤§
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cosmicangst Ā· 2 years
hi! May I ask u if you watch kdramas and if u have any favs? I honestly love reading your thoughts on games/series so I was really curious. Hope u have a great dayšŸ’•
hi hi! yes i do! mostly on netflix and not a whole lot bc kdramas are a hefty investment and im a creature of habit who rewatches my old shows until im sick and desensitized šŸ˜Œ no particular order hereā€¦
crash landing on you: babyā€™s first kdrama during the pandemic that really started it all for me and my mom. which made me appreciate it less as a show and more as a great bonding experience as she swoons over hyun bin and i swoon over son ye jin. im in the minority who likes the ending. it was a nice realistic touch that grounded the usual third act melodrama level of heightened emotions in kdramas
itā€™s okay to not be okay: idk what else hasnā€™t been said but the style, the artistry, the performances, the soundtrack, the family dynamics, how well the fairy tales serve as a thematic basis for each episode šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ i love love the individual character developments more than the romance. sometimes they infantilized the heroine at the second half but sheā€™s still one of my favorite kdrama characters
vincenzo: i can take or leave the romance but regardless the leadsā€™ ā€œthis is my worse halfā€ dynamic makes the show. their rapport w their plaza neighbors is also hilarious. vincenzo as a character is fun but too cool for me to be attached. cha young though belongs to my list of favorite kdrama characters (you can see a common theme here that im partial to female characters who are assertive w varying levels of unhinged and/or moral grayness)
her private life: fake datingā€™s not my absolute favorite but no one has topped the chemistry of these actors. the first time they kissed i felt like i needed to turn off the tv to give them privacy lmao what really sells their relationship is how obviously theyā€™re delighted by each other, how they establish intimacy based on their work, and the fact that he loves fangirling over her fangirling. i wasnā€™t a fan of the third act twist but they still reign as the best romance here
age of youth: technically my first kdrama (i just didnā€™t finish the second season) and i invested heavily into the narrative when i watched as a college student. i can take or leave the romances but the friend group is unmatched and the only reason to watch. season one >>>> season two all the way
run on: the second couple are EVERYTHING. i didnā€™t fully appreciate during my first watch until i finished and learned that this kind of slice of life, slow paced and character-driven stuff is my vibe exactly. any time im doing chores i pull up a random ep in the bg bc it feels like im just casually doing parallel play w a friend
hotel del luna: love the premise, love the ending except for the very last moment, didnā€™t love the romance or the hero necessarily, but i love the heroine so much i couldnā€™t leave it out. her backstory and relationship with the not!second lead compelled me to finish and tbh theyā€™re the emotional core of the whole thing
my liberation notes: my friend calls this a depression simulator kdrama šŸ˜‚ but this had as much heart as a ghibli film to me. best part was the ensemble who had very real flaws and emotional relatability supported by a script w depth more human than pretentious. this rly was a show that you had to earn but when you did, it was well worth it
hometown cha cha cha: small town slice of life basically the ultimate comfort food kdrama šŸ’– save for like two eps each one hits so well. has the second best romance and the best ensemble here although it does dip too much in sentimentality for my taste at times. but it wouldnā€™t be what it is without it
special mention to cheese in the trapā€¦which i didnā€™t finish lol so i canā€™t speak on the quality of that but lil closelyknit lore facts the webtoon it was based on featured in my blog for a good number of tumblr years some time ago
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gotham--fc Ā· 3 years
It cool we all be busy I have a ton of coursework to do and hockey stuff (got to play a beer leauge game at a proper full on arena the other day which was so cool! Itā€™s like where the national team plays and we got to play there! Though the game was wild lmao, someone on the other team forgot how sticks work and lifted their stick up very fast when it was between my feet (ow, I take back anything bad Iā€™ve said about Jills ), the jump from ice to benches was above the knee for me so I usually jumped with like a skate up and took myself on the bench a couple times šŸ˜‚, and I screened the goalie a ton and they didnā€™t kill me (I thanked them for that at the end but they should have killed me )
Yeah the whole winter Olympics is boss, I have to pick a second country to support cause mine is in like 5 events but yeah , Canada has a good curling team I think ( Iā€™d imagine yā€™all do)
Yeah like with my sticks Iā€™m not switching, my skates recently have been a problem child (theyā€™re rubbing against my feet painfully and I donā€™t think I can get it punched out) and would 100% be replaced rn if I could afford to šŸ˜‚. Ooo howā€™s bowling going? U havenā€™t mentioned it but it sounds fun !
Yess I love bardown for post and in cause the ding noise is just šŸ‘Œ. I also like five hole just cause thatā€™s where I score the most šŸ˜‚ ooo good shot! Defo counts! They donā€™t know u were only going for the clear and tbh that makes it more impressive, you got that offensive awareness-youā€™re too good to be a forward u wanted to give the other defence a chance! Bet you wouldā€™ve got homers, and that sounds very painful weā€™re u ok after?
Aww noo that sucksšŸ˜¬ we havenā€™t got the same restrictions but a ton of games are getting postponed šŸ˜­ Kirky is the best he scored the most in the iihf mens top division in 2021 (which is impressive when u consider GB is not good and didnā€™t play past the the group stage- we last won a game in regulation in that level in 1962, before the Belarus game in 2021)šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž
Ooo thatā€™s soo cool he played in the ohl and you got his card thatā€™s one major flex !!
My Christmas was good thanks I saw both sides of my family and I was the driver this year cause I can drive now which was cool cause Iā€™d never had passengers before but also sad bc I couldnā€™t have alcohol (donā€™t need it to have fun (we also legal so itā€™s chill) but like we had some nice onešŸ˜‚) the food was boss pigs and blankets ftw (whoever decided to wrap bacon round mini sausages is a genius)
Aww noo the WJC was boss and Iā€™m sad it got cancelled (Connor Bedard is amazing) but it made sense with all the forefitting, I donā€™t get why they couldnā€™t do a bubble or plan it better though. The iihf messed up there they should reschedule all thier stuff they cancelled. Weird opinion but they should send he WJC squads to the Olympics they do that in mens footy!
Thatā€™s good :) F for ur fantasy team, feel like Iā€™m the opposite to u lol my NHL team is sucking rn and we have like 4 NHL players available to play, one of my fantasy teams is 3/10 so thatā€™s good but the other has won 3 weeks out of 12 soo šŸ˜¬. My phf team is 3rd but we got 2 in hand so itā€™s chill.
How was your new year? You played any of your sports recently? How are you doing in the whole covid stuff you locked down again?
Hey thatā€™s cool for you! Thatā€™s one thing Iā€™ll never get to experience with soccer is to get on or off the field itā€™s just a white line painted on the grass itā€™s the same every field šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t think I could handle having to either step up or down on one rink vs leaping up or down on another šŸ˜‚
I never watch curling normally but sometimes Iā€™ll throw it on if thereā€™s nothing to watch and get fully immersed in it, I tried curling once but I was really bad at it like really bad like our local curling club begs for members but I threw one stone and they were like maybe you should just go šŸ˜‚
Oh yeah the worst are when my cleats start to go I donā€™t wanna get new cleats idc if they hurt my feet Iā€™m not getting new ones
I havenā€™t bowled in forever, I used to be in a youth league growing up I wonā€™t lie I was pretty good, Iā€™d usually get high 100s/low 200s scores, I went to a lot of tournaments medaled a few times got a few trophies, I wasnā€™t the best I was good, I never like made it to nationals or provincials or anything like that but I enjoyed it, I havenā€™t played in forever because I had to leave the youth league at 18 and then I moved for school and then covid so I havenā€™t been bowling as often as Iā€™ve wanted to but it was fun when I went a few weeks ago! I hurt my plant leg like crazy and was down for a few days after which was embarrassing, and I didnā€™t play great because itā€™s hard to bowl without bending your legs šŸ˜‚ I only play 5 pin btw I donā€™t want to confuse anyone and make them think I play 10 pin no thanks Iā€™m not that strong
Yeah I agree I like shots that just absolutely rip because they look cool but honestly any goal counts Iā€™ll take anything šŸ˜‚
Also I was fine I got hurt playing baseball a lot we played on a gravel field it wasnā€™t good for anyone, I was also just dramatic Iā€™d cry like I broke my leg and then 5 minutes later Iā€™d be fine and ask to get put back in, baseball is a bad sport for children our aim is awful I got plunked more often than I could count and even though we used the big softballs like they still hurt and itā€™s not like we wore batting gloves so when I would swing and hit the ball with my fingers instead of the bat šŸ˜¬
Yeah weā€™re full lockdown basically now which sucks, Iā€™ve already had one concert I had tickets for canceled Iā€™m really just hoping the rest of the things I have tickets for in February donā€™t get cancelled too
But hell yeah mr kirky!! If he ever has a Zac Efron 17 again moment he can come back to the Peteā€™s for a couple more years okay?
Oh yeah I flex it all the time to people like anyone I meet who knows anything about hockey Iā€™m like hey did you know my cousin used to play in the ohl šŸ˜‚
Oh yeah Iā€™ve been the driver to things for a couple of years, as soon as I got my license it was on me, the problem was my older siblings were the dd until someone else got their license but for me Iā€™m the youngest so I donā€™t have an end point for my ddā€™ing but weā€™ve started to host parties more which means no dd for us because we donā€™t have to drive home after (also you can drink at 19 in Canada (18 in Quebec) so Iā€™m not gonna be the person to shame you for what age you start drinking) oh yeah I love pigs in blankets theyā€™re so good, but yeah bacon wrapped anything is phenomenal we had bacon wrapped scallops this year they were so good, my fav finger food (really food in general) is chicken wings Iā€™d eat chicken wings daily honestly
Yeah exactly like the iihf is looking pretty stupid like why did they think they could do a tournament without bubbling like?? And I heard theyā€™re rescheduling it for august which is fine, but feels like a slap in the face that theyā€™ll reschedule the mens tourny even though they proved they still couldnā€™t do it safely but theyā€™ll just straight up cancel the womenā€™s tourny like itā€™s just frustrating but whatevs
Something so funny happened to me the other day, my prof was talking about what constitutes as a history paper and he was saying you canā€™t usually do sports history because itā€™s mostly sports trivia or stats not history (I donā€™t need to get into whether I agree with him or not) but then he said yeah you canā€™t really write a history page about why the Montreal Canadians are having a shitty season and I was like damn sir youā€™re right but you shouldnā€™t say it šŸ˜‚
My new year was good, Iā€™ve just been hanging out at home but Iā€™m gonna move back for school soon but Iā€™ve been having a good time, I havenā€™t been able to play any sports lately thereā€™s not a lot of options in the winter because you know it snows here and I was thinking of joining intramurals at my school but with this whole covid lockdown theyā€™ve cancelled everything again, so I guess Iā€™ll have to wait until the summer and hopefully things have opened up by then, but yeah COVIDā€™s been crazy here our numbers are just way up like weā€™re basically back to square one of lockdown again šŸ™„
Also Iā€™m crazy disappointed that they cancelled the rest of the rivalry series! But I get why they did it but now we have to wait until the actual Olympics to see Canada play again
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ghcstvalleychief Ā· 2 years
sending a wave of thoughts oops:
also weird: people saying you must support boc and you shouldnā€™t criticize them???? i am SORRY WHAT. imagine bootlocking a company????? LIKE????
They havenā€™t even done anything to prove themselves COMPETENT. They donā€™t communicate. They ignore. They deflect. They ā€œdistract.ā€ They donā€™t promote or market (and being a new company or still learning the ropes does not count because youā€™re still a company and you hire people! You learn! You listen to your clients and in this case, the audience, the fans.)
niceness isnā€™t going to get BOC to listen (note: i am well aware that BOC doesnā€™t listen regardless what is done) but being loud actually gets ā€¦ gasp people trendingā€¦..(it has done more for MA than anything BOC has done seemingly previously) isnā€™t that why their is a second event for MA with one of their sponsors lol (and M going i will start promoting myself more bc of the fans)
and like i donā€™t get people saying they are doing fine! people arenā€™t going to forget about the movie! etc etc etc
how do you think promotions WORK? MARKETING? they are doing nothing for the movie. the movie doesnā€™t even have a title!!!!!!!!!! they are not generating hype. they are not doing anything.
and why does this fandom insist on ot16, family, whatever. boc this is all your fault. no other fandom of tv shows are like that! half of the cast (most of the cast) had less than 15 minutes of screentime! i am going to sound mean but who cares about them! even if thereā€™s a season 2ā€¦some of them are DEAD. like ā€¦ popularity DOES matter in industries. itā€™s how fame, opportunities, etc go. i have never such a fandom get made at people for wanting their faves to have opportunities! etc!
people are going: how do you know they want that. etc etc
okay, the question for that response: how do you know they donā€™t? alsoā€¦ā€¦ā€¦sponsorsā€¦ambassadorsā€¦..activitiesā€¦schedules (they donā€™t even give these out but like ok!) helps with popularity and fame and etc.
boc retweeted trends, had a vote for BB award ā€¦ the whole they donā€™t care about popularity thingā€¦is very false! and double standards are in fact real for them.
MA fandom: shows proof BOC does not give the same attention as to the others cast members
those fans: makes graphs???? to prove what??? as people have said this is not a kpop Group!
MA are the main leads. etc etc etc!
and fine, iā€™ll play the ot16 agenda for a minute. if they were that focused on equality or whateverā€¦then why arenā€™t others being booked for other tv shows/movies? like okay they have tweets! but what are they doing?
and lastly two more thoughts:
1) the absolute irony in people getting mad at MA fans and calling them toxic, etc when people have done the following: trended support for a misogynistic man, blame things on MA, continued to trend support and demand activities for that sake man, spread rumors, complain about the main ship screentime, complained about not having their faves screentime, i can keep going. all the things they have done and said lmaoooo
2) MA is the draw. itā€™s why they win things, itā€™s why they have the sponsorships, the fcā€™s, one of the larger fan bases, the acting, the chemistry, the personality. etc etc etc there is no denying that.
bonus: news flash @ the fandom. fans make the product. a company would be nothing without clients. a tv show is nothing without fans. itā€™s true!
if you read all this, congrats šŸ‘Œ
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Keep going, anon! Are you in my head? It sounds like you are.
Everything you said is exactly how I feel. It's funny because someone told me I needed a psychologist for the stuff that goes on in my head because I said something along the same lines of this. That happened today. That was funny! That just goes to show you what kind of fandom we're truly in, which is why I can't wait until BOC proves me right and shoots themselves in the foot because they will.
All I know is this is that I'm fed up with everything at this point, and I'm getting really tired of feeling like I'm in the Twilight Zone. Every day I feel like I'm losing my mind and no one else sees the same shit I'm seeing. Except I know I'm not but the ability to be so ... removed, detached, and clueless to what's going on is baffling to me. I can't imagine living in that reality. I simply can't.
The MA movie has no title. The fandom knows about it, but what about the casual viewers who aren't apart of fandom? Do they know about the movie? Do they know anything about it? If the answer is no, then there's your answer in regards to how important marketing is. I think people forget there's a huge chunk of this viewing audience that's not online in this space. They're probably far more relaxed because they don't have to deal with all of this drama, but there's an entire demographic that you still have to notify and advise of this film project. Have BOC done that? What plans do they have to remedy that issue? What do they plan on doing to have MA market it? Are they going to send them to radio stations? Are they going to do more photoshoots? Are they going to do more appearances? You figure out these things out BEFORE you even drop the trailer for a film project. They should be able to answer all of those questions, but can they? Do you think they can answer those questions? I don't. You don't wait until the movie is really close to being released to start promoting and marketing it.
Honestly, I'm well past trying to get BOC's attention because they're not going to do anything about it. They will notice it but they're not going to do anything about it, and I rather not waste my time on something that's not going to yield any results. All I advise is for people to keep trending and promoting MA to their heart's desire. That's what I will tell you, because asking BOC to do what a production company is supposed to do will ultimately fail. I've noticed that people have a real issue with people who rock the boat and challenge the status quo; they're always called 'toxic' but those same people usually end up inciting change that benefits everyone, but you know ...
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starry-wiitch Ā· 6 years
Pretty bored rn so Im gonna post my heroes teams
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I've had this team since I've started the game and the only change was that Sakura replaced Lissa
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When the gods and goddess were making them, they were like "they're missing something, make them gingers."
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I was fucking robbed from putting titty committee that's all I gotta say about this
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:3c I honestly don't know why I named it spice girls
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They were all gonna be s supported at one point only Shigure and Hector made it but then summer Camilla came out and how could I not support my favorite princess
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A family can be ur nephew, ur archer bf, urself and ur daughter (this team is super unbalanced but its working a lot better than my 3 Xander + Siegbert team)
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They're definitely one of my better teams šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ also my summer tiki is a fucking t a n k
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Honestly I only have this team out of pure dumb luck bc I managed to get t w o F!Kanas and F!Grima was the biggest surprise
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Just like my last team this one was out of dumb luck bc of Hinoka and I think the game is getting the message that I like balanced teams even tho I have a bunch of unbalanced ones
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This team is both really aesthetically pleasing and super strong and I just really love all of these pretty dorks fnskdndjsn
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skernerd Ā· 8 years
do em all
gel pen: when are you most comfortable?When I'm with my best friend ā€Øballpoint pen: tell me about the day youā€™ve just hadI practiced for the sat, texted a Boyā„¢šŸ‘Œ, watched shameless, ate a LOT and took a shower ā€Øfineliner: whatā€™s your greatest achievement?Probably getting student of the year at my summer camp a few years back it's my favorite location ā€Øhighlighter: what are your best qualities?My eyes, my thoughtfulness, my love ā€Øgreylead: what is something you want to try for the first time?Um Shark? So many answers let's go with shark ā€Øfelt-tip: describe your aestheticIt's on my arsthetic blog!!! @vertiginal-indigoā€Øcrayon: your earliest childhood memoryBeing in a high chair eating breakfast watching bob the builder ā€Øscrapbook: something from your childhood that makes you smileSeeing pictures of myself twirling in dresses because everytime I've worn a skirt or something I always spin in it and I've done it since I was a baby ā€Øsketching pad: describe yourself from a strangerā€™s point of viewA girl with brown hair wearing glasses with a great butt who looks approachable and happyā€Ønotebook: whatā€™s your favourite quote?One of the ones in my quotes tag ā€Øpaper: what kind of book would you write?A fiction one ā€Østapler: out of all the people you know, who do you think you are closest to?My best friend scott ā€Øglue stick: what do you look for in a lasting relationship/friendship?Support and honesty and love and no judgement and communication ā€Øtape: tell me about your longest friendshipSo I was friends with this dude in like seventh grade when he just sat beside me like five weeks into school and then in 8th grade he fell in love with me and in freshman year we started dating then broke up then we both kinda went Off the Deep End and then we became friends again at the end of sophomore year and now we're best friends and I love him so much he has always been there for me when I needed him and has pulled me out of Shit when I couldn't pull myself out and I've done the same for him ā€Øruler: what line will you never cross?ā€ØConsent eraser: what do you consider to be your biggest mistake?Beginning of sophomore year just all of it it just didn't happen sophomore year started in like march honestly ā€Øscissors: ever had a bad break-up?Hell yeah scott and I didn't speak for months and anther dude and I didn't speak for months either but now we're friends and that other person Yikes that was the Worst Thing I Ever Experienced ā€Øcalculator: list fifteen things that make you happyThis is so pure 1. Sunshine and warmth2. Laughing with my best friend 3. How shitty physics is 4. Theatre 5. Makeup6. Cute clothes 7. Painting 8. Reading for fun 9. Watching movies with popcorn 10. Colors 11. Competitions 12. Birds 13. Gifts unexpectedly 14. Donuts and sweet things in general 15. Communication ā€Øprotractor: an unpopular opinion/angle you have on an issueUm I feel particularly uninformed on global warming but I don't think it's real for reasons ā€Østicky note: something about yourself youā€™d like to changeNot a pure question ā€Østamp: a date thatā€™s special for you and whyHmmEither January 20th or February 1st or February 8th for reasons I'm not going to get into now or here Or august 28th Bc that's when I had that sleepover with that girl Or February 13th because that's when I had my first kiss Or October 29th because that's when I met this dude and fell in fake love over the course of 24 hours and had more of a relationship with him than I've ever had with anyone else and it got me thinking ā€Øbookmark: a book that means a lot to you and whyThe perks of being a wallflower I relate to a Lot The spectacular now fucked me up Z fucked me up too because of Reasons ā€Øfolder: describe your familyMy mom used to work a lot and now she has a new job and she's really fiery and loves her kids My dad is really chill and anxious and nice My brother is adorable and kinda violent? ā€Øwhiteboard: tell me your plans for tomorrowGoing to go see a movie with my good friend!!! He's gonna pick me up at 11 and we're going to go see la la land and it'll be really great then I'll hang out with the fam and go to play rehearsal at 5 ā€Øblackboard: tell me about a memory that has affected who you are todayOnce in 6th grade there was this girl right and I was sad and sitting alone and she sat with me and showed me these PokĆ©mon things she was drawing while I was really sad and she was so nice and like she died and I guess that's a reason I'm so nice to people? You're so temporary and she did that good thing to me and I'm only temporary so I want to do good things to people while I can ā€Øpinboard: what are you focusing on in your life right now?College ā€Øtablet: tell me your plans for the futureGo to college (and finally die), make really great friends and cut out shit toxic people and have a best friend and a cat and a job and be happy; or go to college, live with my best friend, and do all of those things except we get the cat and I get the job and he tries to make it work and I'll try to make it work too ā€Østencil: who are your role models?BeyoncĆ©!!!! Live bitch ā€Øenvelope: tell me a secretNo
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soulnottainted Ā· 5 years
Me??? Loving Paolo Ravinski aka The Director from Halloween Horror Nights?? Hell ye. Weve been together for 4 years and Ive always been nervous gushing about him bc I dont want people to think Im dangerous,but Im opening up to my irl friends and!!!! Hes such a tall bean I feel small and safe with this creepy boi. Also shoutout to the other HHN Icons for being my familiar/platonic fos for being the family support I never had. BUT PAOLO MY GUY JUSTšŸ’œšŸ–¤šŸ‘ŒšŸ’œšŸ‘ŒšŸ–¤šŸ‘ŒšŸ’œšŸ–¤šŸ˜ā¤ļø
4 years? Dang, thatā€™s a long time!! And Iā€™m so happy for you! Personally, Iā€™m friends with Julian, and Iā€™m pretty sure if youā€™re my friend, I wouldnā€™t suspect Paulo to kill me, or else youā€™d probably kill HIM. But yeah, heā€™s a chaotic gentleman! Also very quiet, but a smooth talker as well! Iā€™m glad you feel safe with him, and I probably would feel safe with him- as a friend of course. But I gotta be careful with that because most people he has a connection to seems to kick the bucket in his films. And aw, thatā€™s so sweet that the other icons are your family! Sorry I rambled for a bit, but you know that since Iā€™m in the fandom too I HAVE to gush about it.
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