#bc so much can mimic other things he said.
champagnesupernoel · 3 months
it's absolutely criminal ..
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teyums · 1 year
ok ur last post made me think of this
can u do another human reader x neteyam where he meets her cat
this is so funny bc they would absolutely hate each other. it took my first cat two months to even tolerate her new sister when i first introduced them even though i let them sniff each other through a door for two weeks 🥲 it was terrible. it’s def impossible for a cat to make it through cryo to Pandora but let’s just imagine for a sec
neteyam x human!reader
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“Just pet him for two seconds. He’s super sweet, I promise!” You assure a shifty Neteyam as his tail swishes behind him, his back leaned against the wall of your reserved section in the lab and his eyes glued to the moving ball of fur a few feet away from him.
“Why… Why does it look like that?” He mumbles with a slight squint of his eyes, the small grimace on his face indicating his displeasure as he watches your cat groom itself. He’s stood off to the side, arms folded across his chest, distanced demeanor matching his continuous refusal of getting any closer to the strange animal he’s never seen before.
Your jaw drops as you fake being offended and you lightly shove his arm, eyes rolling when you lean down to stroke your cat’s head, scratching under his chin and smiling when he purrs.
“What do you mean why does he look like that? You and him are basically cousins, the only difference is you don’t have fur and whiskers.”
A scoff sounds from above you almost instantly.
“Me and that thing are not cousins. I harbor way too much decorum to lick my ass and call it a bath.”
Since it’s clear Neteyam won’t move any closer, you gently pick Loki up and set him back down at Neteyam’s feet, so he can get a whiff of his scent. Your cat has always been friendly with others and loves attention, so your brows instantly furrow when you watch Loki’s ears pin back against his head, and as if he could understand what Neteyam had just said, his back arches, hair standing up off his body and he hisses up at the Na’vi male, followed by a loud, drawn out guttural meow you’ve never once heard him make at any of the scientists who he’s met. Neteyam’s eyes go wide and he immediately jumps to the side, tail standing straight behind him in alert.
“Loki!” You gasp, shocked at his unusual reaction.
“See, I told you he wouldn’t like me!” Neteyam gestures down at your fluffed up feline, only for his own ears to fall back against his braids when he mimics your cat’s behavior and hisses right back at the small creature, as if he couldn’t control himself.
“Don’t hiss at him!” You scold your 8-foot tall boyfriend, swatting at his leg while you’re crouched down to try and soothe an agitated Loki.
“He did it first!“
For a split second it’d completely slipped your mind that while Neteyam is an alien with very obvious feline attributes, introducing two cats to each other like this is pretty much always a recipe for disaster.
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Likes + Comments + Reblogs are much appreciated 💗
©teyums 2023
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enchantedanimal · 1 year
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All of the QSMP eggs as dragons!
Now for my design notes/headcanons! (There's a lot lol)
- The color pallettes are (for the most part) based off of their parent/parents. In lore terms, l'd imagine that more time they spent around their parents before they hatched, the more their color developed to mimic them. It would usually be used as a survival strategy with their dragon parents, however sometimes their personality overcomes this and they develop their own color.
- Being dragonets, none of them can fly due to their currently underdeveloped wings.
- Tilin's yellow spots would make Quackity think that Wilbur was supposed to be the other parent.
- Tallulah's colors/features are close to that of a duck. It would likely be a coincidence, but it'd be enough to Quackity to feel like the island was mocking him.
- Tallulah's "hair" is feathers. She's the only one with feathers, and it may either be a cause or effect of her being left in the attic (possibly being mistaken to be an egg from a different species and not a dragon, or the coldness of the attic caused feathers to form).
- Tallulah and Tilin have the same colored eyes since Quackity once said that she reminds him of Tilin.
- Chayanne has fins bc he likes doing mlg water bucket clutches and fishing with Missa.
- Chayanne's tail fin, Leonarda's ear, and Richarlyson's wing are ripped in a spot due to loosing a life. Bobby lost one of his after I designed him but one of his horns would be chipped, and forgot Ramón only had one as well so let's just pretend he's got a scar on his left leg lol.
- Its kinda subtle, but Chayanne has protruding bottom canines, similar to my (and many others') Techno design.
- Fun fact that usually in my style I have the neck spines start from the top of the head. Ramon is purposely "bald".
- Ngl I don't have much to say about Trump bc he died so quick (rip) and I never saw much about him; but his hat is too big for his head.
- Bobby is a wyvern bc it's easier to slap everyone with his wings. He also headbutts and slaps ppl with his tail (those hurt more).
- Bobby's colors are less based after his parents, but the orange/blue complementary colors are kinda more of a nod to Jaiden being an artist (which doesn't make a whole lot of sense now idk my brain just defaulted to that), but feel they match his personality as well. Also his scleras (part of eye that's not the iris/pupil) are black unlike the rest who's are normal.
- Leonarda has a tiny mushroom pin on her hat and their back has mushroom-like spots for the hat she always wears.
- People keep saying that Leo somehow looks like Foolish which is funny bc that wasn't even intentional- in fact was worried that she would be one of the only ones who didn't resemble her parents enough. I did try to make her slightly taller but I'm going to guess that it's the jawline lol
- [Edit bc I just thought of it] Leo's wings are bigger bc they've grown faster due to using them more to glide off of Foolish's/Veg's builds
- Dapper is built to be more bipedal than quadrupedal (their dewclaws on their back feet act more like a normal toe for better traction/ stabilization). This makes it easier to grab (or steal) things for their collection. And hold a taser.
- Richarlyson is based after an iguana! thought it would fit well (it's kinda hard to base him off of 5 different people lol)
- Had to go off of a secondhand info + auto translations (I can understand a decent amount of Spanish but have no idea when it comes to Portuguese so this could be off) but think there was something about Richarlyson having a bad leg both in and out of rp, and think maybe Cellbit said something about him having a prosthetic for it and I thought that was so so cool! It's based semi loosely off of a dog hind leg prosthetic and a human running one; probably wouldn't actually be functional but tried to keep the general shape of the leg.
- Richas and his dads cover it in stickers :)
- Juanaflippa's tail and probably the lower half of her front legs (which aren't visible) are semi transparent from Charlie (yellow comes from Mariana), and it shifts around a bit! It looks more like slime than it feels like it. I've been calling her Bananaflippa endearingly
- Gegg intentionally looks like Juanaflippa a bit (but he's way more slimy)
- Gegg's inventory basically consists of him absorbing random things which are sometimes visible (he is so full of avocado toast). He's like Bob from Monsters vs Aliens or smth idk haven't seen that movie in forever.
There some smaller less exciting details and other headcanons I have for them (such as extra accessories they'd have like Tallulah wearing sweaters) but that's about it! Feel free to ask about anything I like talking about them lol
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bigfatbreak · 1 year
more mlp au dumps
3 am palette cleanser. tis the season
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additional fun for my dorky ass twibra au... twilight's friends mimic the elements of harmony in a way that reflects the magic of their pony selves (bc I said so lmao) and it's what brings her back from the brink after principal cinch grenade tosses her little magical collector in her face and blasts her with equestrian magic
Chrysalis represents generosity specifically because of how she's selfish on behalf of her friends. she's absolutely willing to dupe other people and manipulate them if she thinks it'll help out anyone in the squad, even if the fallout could be cataclysmic. This has led to a really bad reputation following her around, and though its not really unprecedented, her friends still keep her around as she means well. It's a bit hard training her out of fawning over other people to try and make them stay, but she just wants everyone well-fed and happy.
Stygian has the loyalty blessing because he's the real ride or die. He would rather physically staple himself to his friends than possibly lose them, especially since he was subject to losing a friend group in the past which left him deserted at a really bad time. Meeting Tempest around that time was the only thing that kept him going, and now he's fiercely protective of his new friend group.
Spike is laughter because I love him. puppy power
Tempest gets honesty because she's extremely blunt, even though sometimes its to the point of insulting, she genuinely just wants communication to be established at any cost. Her straightforward attitude is very effective at stopping Chryssie's schemes and keeping Stygian grounded, and she doesn't mind being an anchor for the team, especially since she used to be team captain on her volleyball team before she lost her arm. The sense of "these people need me" helps anchor her as much as it anchors them.
Sombra can be exceedingly kind, showering people in gifts and lavish trips, assisting them in whatever programs they're in, and he's more than willing to put the effort in and sacrifice things of his own if it means his friends will benefit from it - but it stops there. His kindness is wonderful only to those in his close circle, and most importantly, to Twilight.
though their dynamic sometimes isn't the healthiest, they're all recovering from friendship issues of their own - some done to them, some because of what THEY did to others - and Twilight's the precious sun they seem to rotate around, as being a shut-in only focusing on her studies has given her zero inclination to have any sort of preconceived notions of other people. For friends with a bad past they're trying to work through, its incredibly refreshing, and they would rather die than lose her.
even more additional details:
Sombra collects pretty minerals, and wears a lot of jewelry as a result. He often compares Twilight to precious stones and seems smug about dating her.
Tempest and Stygian are room mates, but they're not dating, sharing a purely platonic relationship. (Stygian is gay and Tempest is a lesbian. they're each other's beards, basically)
Chryssie lives in an apartment Sombra pays the rent to, but only under the agreement that she stop dating people just to raid their houses. It's worked so far, at least according to CCTV footage
once the magic Twilight absorbed disperses into the team, giving them magic, Spike gets dragon attributes along with being able to talk. This means sometimes he eats Sombra's fancy gemstones and there's absolutely nothing he can do about it because if he yells at his gf's dog/little brother he'll get smacked. Sombra is in hell but everyone else loves it
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solargeist · 3 months
Does Grian reflect some of the manerisms Aether treated him with when he was with the Watchers onto baby Xelqua? I think you said before that he didn't really have parents so him only kinda knowing how to parent because of being treated like a child back with the Watchers is really sad and really cute
Also since after season eight Xelqua can come and go as he pleases does that mean that Aether and Flora can to? Or at least see what's going on there with Watcher magic and stuff?
oh yes ! i've thought abt that before !! but wasn't sure how to draw it, but yes ! Grian does accidentally mimic Aether, even with things he didn't like.
Like, the Watchers used to coo over how cute he is, showing off his wings or commenting on his height, making him feel small and embarrassed--but they did this out of genuine adoration. Grian sorta does mimic this with Xelqua, he's so small its ridiculous, isn't it ? But look at his ears, they're so big ! Grian does this bc he does think its cute. (xelqua likes the attention at least haha)
Tho with some things, Grian remembers and purposely does the opposite, even tho its not exactly the best choice either. Like with food, he only got food if the Watchers allowed it/he asked, but Xelqua can pick and eat whatever he wants, whenever, and yes this would be good--but sometimes kids make bad choices and eat a lot of candy and get sick to their stomach, like, no you can't have the entire bag, lets put a few in a bowl, yknow ? He has to learn this, hard way ! Xelqua throws up on his rug.
Grian used to get upset abt people messing with his food cabinets, bc he has a food hoarding issue due to food insecurity, but hes gotten more steady abt it.
But with a lot of parenting things, Grians sorta learned along his entire life, he's already 30 by time Xelquas around, and he raised Pearl--even if they were kids at the same time--it sorta helps now.
Grians also learning to relax and take things slower, not stress and overwork himself, thats something he also struggled with the Watchers, and he has to bite his tongue and swallow his disdain when Xelqua is being lazy (being a kid, rly) bc he's aware enough to know thats just the Watchers in his head, not his actual feelings.
Theres probably other moments, like i think when Xelqua hugs Grian's leg or leans against him, Grian ruffles his hair in a specific way he remembers Aether doing to him. But i can't think too much rn i'm sleepy !!
And !!! Thats an interesting thought, Xelqua..... in his natural form... is on his own level, he can do what he wants, rly. The Watchers........ Don't necessarily have a reason to go in and out of Hermitcraft, but they're aware of it now post s8. Since Watchers are based off viewers, i think they Watch the Hermits, but don't interact or control anything, its a sturdy world. I haven't rly thought abt this, i've had a few random ideas, like grian writing letters, but i dont know anything for sure. The AU around this point becomes a badly drawn horse i think ADGKAJK
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ganondoodle · 6 months
so, doing this as an extra post bc i dont want to spam op nor invite more disaster into their post (sorry)
(i get annoyed, i get frustrated, but i rarely get pissed off, so if this sounds aggressive to you, it is; i have had enough of arguing with people -even if most of that arguing has happened on twitter-)
someone had replied (and later apparently deleted) something along the lines of "well zelda wanted to restore hyrule at the end of botw and what is so bad about ganondorf always being the bad guy in the way that he is?"
so first off, while i know hyrule and KINGDOM of hyrule is often used as an equally interchangeable word to refer to the world there, i dont think she meant the kingdom or its or its monarchy when she said that (does she? i dont have the end in my head rn and pretty sure its a lil different than english anyway) and much more the LAND of hyrule, its still in shambles even if people have found ways to live with it- that is an interpretation of me mostly, you can think what you want in that regard idc
secondly .... im not gonna get into that rant bc you cannot be seriosuly asking what is bad about how ganondorf is presented, treated in the games (espeically in totk) and his role and "writing" (oh geez i dont know maybe all the racism and stereotypes?? also, frankly boring ass writing, if your villain can be replaced by a cloud of toxic goo incapable of speech and nothing would change except saving money for voice actors that dont fit the role that is not a great look- hes never gotten much but totk is a new low)
then theres this reply
astro-shark3113 replied: "You're kidding right? If she cared about reinstating the monarchy then why is the castle still in disrepair after five years? Why does she become a teacher and live in a cottage with her boyfriend instead of taking on duties as princess? She clearly wants to help people and be a leader but she can do that without wanting to be a Queen. Please be real"
i am not kidding and i AM being real, i think you need to look at the game without your rose tinted glasses for a second; the castle is still in ruin? what the hell do you expect, theres no soldiers and very few servants left, repairing anything is quite impossible in that time and frankly not a priority (not proof of her not caring lol) also there is a plan for it at the very least given the camps with the hyrule crest all over it in the ruins of castle town- we dont SEE her as a teacher, or living a "normal" life, that happens in between the game, its flavor text, what HAPPENS in the game is her being taught a lessson on who she needs to be and what hyrule needs to be (pretty in your face too, she gets sent to paradise past of the "first" king that is some supposedly godly thing from the HEAVENS and watches him and his queen die at the hands of the eviiil guy, the last scene in the game mimics perfectly the scene where everyone that god king got under his rule swears undying loyalty to her ffs); she does live in that house, but what other option is there, set up camp in the collapsing throne room all alone?? nigh everyone from that time is long dead and the only one she actually knows is link who happens to have a house (bc impa doesnt care i guess idk), with her ""boyfriend"" is also interesting, a "boyfriend" that apparently is locked in the basement, lives in the woods or straight up dematerlializes when theres no big bad in need of stabbing bc why the hell does no one fucking know him in hateno??? not even the kids that come to the house EVERY SINGLE DAY?? and taking on duties as a princess, she very much does? just bc she doesnt get physically carried around in a castle doesnt mean she isnt doing royal stuff (also, again, that happens BETWEEN the games, not actually in totk), she still sees herself as the princess, everyone calls her that, she herself calls herself that (if the memorial stones are anything to go by) and everyone listens to the most overtly stupid and nonsensical stuff that zelda puppet says (even her friends follow that order without even asking back???) after over 100 years of there not being a kingdom as such its pretty weird how everyone immediately, even the ones not alive for the calamity event, snaps into blindly following her orders
"she can still lead without being a queen", did we play the same game?? totk? TEARS of the KINGDOM?? (its zeldas tears, she IS the kingdom) that game?? the game couldnt be more directly telling you that its whole point is that royal family holy and good and how much everyone has to sacrifice to uphold the holy kingdom bc its the only thing that keeps evil man from overtaking it!! including turnign herself into a farmable, glorified stone pedestal for the entirety of the actual game and then that sacrifice not meanign shit bc she just gets deus ex machina'd back (i didnt need her to stay a dragon, though it would have been the better choice if she still didnt get an active part in the game i would kill for her to have been a capable companion instead of the stupid ghost sages, and you dont even get to actually do anything for it, it just happens), not even the nuclear pebble is lost, how great! she and everyone else that is a leader of their people has a nuclear pebble now!! they will not let a bad evil man be a threat ever again!! like the point to bring her back in that utterly unsatisfying way is that otherwise the royal line wouldnt exist anymore, its a blessing of her ancient ancestors!! woohooo!!
and the thing is, i LIKE botw zelda, i liked her character, that she wasnt the typically maiden princessy type, her struggle (even if i find the way she unlocked her powers lame), i do NOT like totk zelda, after the intro of the game she is a princessy maiden standing prettily at the side of the god king that rules the only thing keeping evil at bay, the level of how much totk disrespects her makes me mad on her behalf but i have ranted about that alone enough as well
and with this i am DONE talking about this game, i have ranted so much about it, made my points carefully clear over and over, said that i dont have the nerves left to be nice anymore about it given how much shit alone on twitter i had to live through just bc i dared mildly critisizing the damn game, if you comment some snarky "be real" thing again im just gonna go straight to blockign people bc i am done with this
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garnetsandroses · 5 months
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my vic and amy powerswap au concepts! they make guest appearances in a fic of mine that's still in the plotting stage. power/design/alt-trigger details below :>
(warning for talk about canon-typical violence and the dallon-pelham torment nexus)
amy/fusillade: flight, forcefield, projectile mini bombs that look like sparks (bud from mark). when her forcefield blocks hits, it lights up, emulating carol's breaker state. she isn't immune to her own bombs; they can disrupt her forcefield if she's not careful.
-i wanted her to have a kinda boring costume that fit new wave's aesthetics without going outside of the box too much -she triggered pretty young at ~12, so her style hadn't developed and she's not confident enough to ask for a redesign now -white; accent color is a muted red -cape is asymmetrical to reference glory girl's -name starts with f to match w/ flashbang
she triggered when she was hiding in the other room while her parents had an argument. both were worried about the future of new wave, and carol in particular said some nasty things about amy not belonging in the family. mark got angry enough to use his power unconsciously, the blast from the grenade scaring amy on the other side of the wall. it knocked over a photo of the dallons (taken before they had adopted amy), and seeing that last image of the perfect family she was never going to fit into finally pushed her over the edge.
straightforwardly, this contributes to her powers being a mash of her parents with flight thrown in bc i love me a good mover aspect to a trigger. just wants to belong -> emulates the best and brightest aspects of her family. additionally, i think that mark was most parental and present when amy and vic were at this preteen age (based on what he's mentioned doing for them like cooking breakfast), so that contributes to his larger influence on amy's powers.
victoria/salva: touch-based biokinetic powers w/ focus on enhancing people’s abilities and creating augments for self (aegis+hookwolf ping). minor brute abilities like enhanced strength, stamina but not notably above that of a very fit, trained young adult.
-cute nurse's outfit that allows for lots of movement. someone said it looks magical girlesque and i think that's just bc i've designed magical girls since 6th grade
-simple white and bright red w/ same half-circles on coat (as seen on my panacea design) to mimic the coils of a caduceus
-utility details: hat has elastic band to stay on head, satchel is insulated so she can theoretically keep biomass in there, jacket is easily removable so her sleeves won't get nasty
-really hard to see but her bag has keychains: a pom-pom, official prt merch of gallant, new wave merch of fusillade's red star emblem
-salva is my attempt to be punny by combining "salve" + "salvo" (the rapid attack/round of applause meanings) + a feminine ending to mimic the "girl" in "glory girl"
triggered around a year after amy (reversing the canon situation) when the latter went on a patrol with the wards, vic tagging along just to see what crimefighting was like. vic had been stewing over being left behind due to not getting powers, but that subliminal jealousy was resolved in the worst way. hookwolf tore into the wards patrol, aegis and amy being the worst off. vic ran forward into the fray to try and save amy while the others retreated, asking herself questions like "why can't i do anything to help," "why can't i be strong enough to do something," etc. it was finally when she laid her hands on amy, red connecting the two of them, that she asked the real question "why can't i have powers too?" and triggered.
active-combat aspect with self-buffing brutes wandering around -> power has limited effect on herself. not only could she heal amy and pump her full of enhancements like adrenaline and natural-brewed steroids, but vic could take the biomass strewn around and graft it to herself, augmenting her abilities slightly. just like in canon where both sisters have yet to realize full control of their powers, salva hasn't started walking around in a biomecha meatsuit yet, but that could theoretically work for her. if she didn't care about not getting put on a watchlist, ofc
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lackablazeical · 4 months
Hey what’s the most recent Leo and Usagi doodle about? I know in the past you said you wouldn’t make any sexual content/sexual abuse content abt the two and I think I mistook what the art is supposed to be because it looks like Leo taking advantage of Usagi while Usagi tries to say he reported Leo via the lyrics of the song? Could you explain the art yourself so I can understand it better and not confuse anything?
Mkay so basically:
The piece is mostly meant to actually represent the sense of powerlessness that Usagi feels and the inescapable situation he's in.
Nudity, both in my art and a lot of others, often times represents being exposed/unsafe/uncomfortable, bc clothes are often times one of the things that show we are 'civilized'. Nudity in this artwork shows a sense of powerlessness, and is meant to make the viewer feel uncomfortable (especially in comparison to Leo, who has his gloves and boxers on, showing how he has more power in the situation)
The lyrics come from the song A&W by Lana Del Rey. In my SUBJECTIVE opinion, the song is about a girl who is seen as a whore to the world, someone who asked for all the bad things that happened to her, when in reality she had no control and was abused. Aka, exactly Usagi's situation.
The lyric I specifically used was, "Your mom called, I told her, 'You're fucking up big time.'"
Within the song, it's meant to reference how the man she's with is cheating on his wife/abusing a vulnerable girl to do so. In my artwork, its meant to show how Usagi really has no support system to get help, and how Leo is fucking things up by, ya know, being an abuser
BM doesn't know Usagi exists. Leo also hates BM. Usagi answering the phone and telling her that Leo is hurting him would mean nothing. Plus, in the artwork, Usagi is using his hand to mimic a phone, showing how him asking for help is just an imaginary fantasy.
The words themselves exist in stark contrast to the situation around them. The actual artwork is dark and soft, few harsh edges and in a painterly style. The words are harsh and blocky, showing how they are not something said in the situation, how asking for help almost seems unnatural and fake.
The pose is meant to show a sense of powerlessness. Usagi is being pinned by someone much more dangerous then him, and all Usagi can do is look to the viewer and his own inner world to ask for help and safety, both of whom can provide neither of those things.
Leo's eyes are blocked out too, which is meant to make him less human (yk, eyes are the windows to the soul and all), whereas Usagi's eyes are looking directly at the viewer, where he seems angry and tired.
I can't control if people take a sexual theme from my art, so I've kinda just given up and have been doing my own thing. But I can assure that it wasn't my intention to be seen as a depiction of SA. Hope this helped!
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mesmir-ized · 1 year
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also apparently forgot to post p2ponies 😞… sorry !! orz
(cutie mark rambles below~)
i always think crazy hard about cutie marks they are like my #1 stressor when it comes to ponies……. so here’s why i chose certain cutie mark designs !!
also i tried really hard to make sure they all shared some colours , especially making sure to include each others’ colours !! i wanted to have the original masked circle all have a star somewhere (BC.astrology or something…) LOL , maya sort of stands out both in colours and cutie mark , but that was on purpose !!
tatsuya: his was 100% the easiest to come up with . it’s gotta be his lighter !!! not only is it like His Thing but also very much representative of the bonds with his friends , as well as everything that got them into the events of IS … both in the game and here , the lighter is a symbol of both destruction/power and connection/creation !! which really fits tatsuya :] you can also think of it being like he “lights the way” !! the little teal star is in lieu of the little prince quote , and it’s kinda clear who this star is meant to represent ;U
jun: THIS ONE TOOK FOREVER TO DRAW . my issue was i had an idea , but couldn’t figure out how to make it work !! i wanted to include both flowers and a shooting star and fought 1 million battles trying to figure it out….
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i wanted to include a shooting star for many reasons !! stars obviously for jun’s love of stars , but also because the shooting star is a symbol of something to follow (like Jun making himself a leader/savior as joker) as well as being representative of wishes and dreams (which is joker’s whole thing !!) !!! i wanted to add 4 forget-me-nots for both the obvious meaning of memory and his love of flowers , but also to mimic other stars and represent both masked circles he was involved in ! i love jun if you can’t tell
lisa: though this one looks simple it actually was pretty thought-out !! i wanted to figure out a way to both have her love of kung fu and role as an idol represented , which led me to these sort of boom-flash symbols ! these symbols are meant to be representative of her personality (feisty and explosive, but also fascinating and even lovely !) as well as what i said earlier , both of her paths~ they can be read as punch SFX , as well as the flash of cameras/lights on stage !! they’re pretty simple , but i feel like they pack a lot of punch (LOL)~!!
maya: the standout girlie of the whole bunch !! i immediately had the sort of idea for an intersection of heart/moon , and came up with this ! the heart is for ahh.. reasons most people know , but also she’s just associated with hearts in general (think mr bunbun) !! they obviously are related to her compassion and big heart , and if we want to have a sort of more darker and serious inspection of it.. how she’s the heart of her friend group and the loss of that heart (literal and figurative , in many instances) makes everything fall apart .. i also wanted to include the moon for her association with the moon (and Artemis !) , which also serve to show her duality and antithesis to the heat and light of the tatsuyas ! i like to think the EP cast’s colours would be more based around her cutie mark colours , like how IS were all based around each others’ !!
eikichi: i struggled with this one the most & i think it’s obvious.. U~U; .. i wanted to , again , make a symbol that’s not too complex , but is able to encapsulate so many different elements of a character ?! i ended up coming up with this skull (for his association with death/self proclaimed title as the “death boss”) and rocker/vkei/darker alternative aesthetics in general~ the starry eyes are BC welll…! star ! and also because it’s like he’s “starry-eyed” and looking towards the future :] the little glowy shine thing is meant tp be a spotlight , like he’s in the spotlight ! maybe one day I’ll come up with soemthing better , sorry eikichi , i love you ! 😞💦
Okies that’s all !! hope you like my cutie mark rambles , i love explaining my thoughts !!! ^7^
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were-wolverine · 2 years
stranger things autism squad hcs
- the squad consists of jonathan, eddie, robin, steve (and will but i’ll talk abt him with the rest of the party’s hcs)
the rest of them are also neurodivergent, mainly adhd or anxiety and obviously they all have ptsd
- eddie robin and steve also have adhd (and steve has dyslexia)
- steve and jonathan tend to get overstimulated by the same things, same with eddie and robin
- eddie and jonathan have music playing 24/7 so their thoughts don’t get too loud
- steve is hyper-empathetic to the ppl around him and tends to mimic stims and tics from the others
a lot of times robin and steve end up mimicking the same stuff back at each other until one of them gets distracted (which is usually pretty fast)
- jonathan is touch averse, can only handle being touched by family/very close friends
- steve is touch starved and finds physical affection grounding (and eddie and robin are happy to oblige bc they do too)
- steve has a super high pain tolerance
- eddie does not understand the concept of personal space
- steve has excellent hand-eye coordination (basketball!) but that’s about it, he’s almost as clumsy as robin most days
- eddie has lived off of solely spaghettio’s and chicken nuggets for 19 years
- jonathan can’t drink any beverage other than water
- the only food steve knows how to make is his and robins comfort foods (his is mac and cheese, robin’s is pancakes)
- the four of them are completely clueless when people try to subtly hint or imply things to them. they will not get it unless it is explicitly stated
- steve and eddie have a good sense of direction but mess up left and right, jonathan and robin are the opposite, they get lost constantly but make fun of steve and eddie for having to do the L thing (iykyk) to figure out left/right
- eddie ends up chewing on paper a lot and has accidentally swallowed a bunch
- eddie and steve are incapable of doing homework and are terrible test-takers
- steve and robin are perfectionists but in different ways. steve will start organizing peoples rooms subconsciously and has a bunch of random little rules for himself (tie left shoe first, check locks three times, etc.) robin is a perfectionist about her grades/band/how she looks/etc.
- jonathan and steve hate making eye contact, eddie makes too much eye contact and robin doesn’t even look up from her book when people talk to her
- eddie and robin accidentally eavesdrop a lot but end up getting a bunch of town gossip and tell steve about it. they’re all really invested in mr. clarke’s love life
- eddie and jonathan have synesthesia
- jonathan has a lack of facial expressions while eddie and robin over-exaggerate theirs. steve masks the most so he has “normal” facial expressions
- steve has trouble expressing himself a lot of the time, he’ll usually ask robin for certain words to describe things and bc she loves big words and vocabulary she always has one
- robin is a terrible liar and steve finds it hilarious
- they all tend to recharge on their own after a lot of socializing, or they all go to steve’s and just like. exist together
- steve keeps a very strict schedule and gets really anxious/upset when it’s messed up
- robin and eddie tend to overshare
- jonathan and steve talk pretty monotone (jonathan more so) while robin and eddie talk in super energetic or dramatic tones (they’re both former theatre kids i can feel it in my bones)
- steve has auditory processing issues, often asks people to repeat what they said (overtime he also starts to lose his hearing so he ends up learning to read lips)
- when they’re anxious robin and eddie usually go hyperverbal, while steve and jonathan tend to go nonverbal
- steve and eddie have echolalia and both used to get super frustrated with themselves before they met and were like “oh im not the only one thank fuck”
- jonathan and robin have photographic memories, steve and eddie have trouble remembering what they had for breakfast
- robin is pretty blunt but steve appreciates it because she gets straight to the point and calls him out if he does something stupid (aka smth King Steve would do)
- steve’s main mask is, obviously, king steve. his parents didn’t like the way he acted when he was younger, they wanted a “normal” child. so they trained him to be one. he still falls back into old habits some days but robin or eddie snap him out of it and comfort him after
- steve and robin mask the most, but steve does wayyy more than all of them combined. robins parents are autistic so she only really masks around people in public
she does around steve until they get closer and she feels comfortable enough to unmask (though she doesn’t really know why,,) and steve notices and is like “…you can… take it off?” and robin realizes oh he’s like me
- joyce is an amazing mother and jonathan only ever felt the need to mask around lonnie. once he leaves (aka joyce kicks him out with hopper’s help) will and jonathan rarely mask at home unless they’re really anxious or upset
- eddie masked most of his childhood. when he grows up he masks around his dad, but not anyone else. he thought if anyone hated him they could go fuck themselves. wayne is also autistic so they never feel the need to mask around each other. he still doesn’t give a shit what other people think of him (and tries to help the others feel that way too)
their special interests:
- jonathan’s is photography
- eddie’s are dnd and metal music
- robins are cryptography and linguistics
- steve’s are hair care and marvel comics
steve infodumps to dustin and robin about them but doesn’t tell anyone else (besides will) because it’s “nerdy” lmao. and yes when eddie finds out he falls even harder for him
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n0phis · 2 years
goopy guy
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little sketch prize (that i went very extra on bc i didnt have a solid ccharlie design prior) for a contest in my discord! >:) also an excuse to post the link again
the design aspects for anyone interested, though it’s charlie so there’s some body horror aspects:
all of charlie’s actual form is solely goop that he can kind of… condense at will? the humanoid form is a lot harder (though much softer and gummier than human flesh) and surrounded by a thin layer of goop. it takes a bit of effort to repair or alter the more coagulated bits, and it took him a *long* while to slowly sculpt the form he has now
that being said, eyes? teeth? bones? nah bro. he could create circular approximations of eyes but apparently everyone found them ‘uncanny’ and ‘deeply, bone-chillingly unsettling’ so he has a little collection of eyeballs (and extra teeth, and bones, and.etc) rattling around inside his goop that he exchanges at will. same goes for teeth! they all come from just…. things, and he hasn’t entirely figured out the proper layout yet
his clothing fits around the coagulated form but still just kinda sits, suspended, in his exterior goop. he once tried to mimic wind in his shirt by shifting it around but apparently every time he tries to be more human *someone* will have a problem with it. can’t have shit in detroit
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
Reader who asks so politely for a kitten like wants one so bad even saying it’s so that ‘they have company while the boys are gone because I just miss you guys so much!’ (Half a lie) and when they finally do get one they laugh at the jealously on simons and soaps face but it just ends up completely back firing on reader because the cat just ADORES Simon and then Soap keeps looking at things it does and goes ‘why don’t you do that when I pet your there?’ Or ‘why don’t you curl up like that?’ And then makes reader do said things
I’m sorry if I’ve done this wrong I’ve never done an ask me but I just love your little fics so much <3!!
Also don’t feel inclined to do this lmao
Have a good day/night
- 🦇
you did the ask right!!! when i was a Baby and used tumblr for the first time i sent someone a dm instead of an ask once lmfao
the kitten loving ghost and hating soap is such a perfect image. ghost is keeping that kitten firmly in one hand so the other can snatch you when you come close enough to grab. johnny desperately tries to mimic anything he does bc he wants to pull the same trick but the kitten is just not having it
and the kitten doesn't even dislike you, it just really really likes ghost.
anyways yeah johnny replaces you as the kitten <3 watches where simon pets the kitten and then does the same thing to you, gets all excited if you like it just as much. manhandles you into curling up like the kitten does. takes pictures of you snuggling it and sends them to you later with some stupid caption like "twins". takes pictures of you two in the same picture and does that "corporate needs you to tell the differnce between these two images" meme
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electricbathsalt · 3 months
Rjdjdndjfdn so you've found my sideblog I see, rjdifnd TY
But yeah, I only just got back into my hero after having a severe interest shift and I'm rewatching the eps, I think the anime played it so Kai looked like the one escalating everything though he had a good point I agree I dont think you were dunking on the league they do a lot of things deserving of criticism and we all know Shiggy didnt start being the beat leader until he had some skills under his belt of we literally need to care about our alleys, in the scene where Kurogiri was talking to him about of he cared if any of the guys he made go to the training camp died or not Shiggy said he does care not only because what they can do but in the long run I dont remember what he said word for word but he made it clear he cares about them and what they think/want and I guess he felt like Overhaul was insulting that but he didn't jump to attack Overhaul it was his guys flying off the handle, and he even told them to stop after Magne he told Compress no dont attack and only Toga and Twice listened because they had to get Compress to a hospital after that Kai said "I didnt mean to want to k!ll Magne, let's take a break and both calm down, because murder isn't productive. I owe your side an arm" that's almost word for word what he said in the dub, I dont think he intended to come there to hurt anybody he wanted to talk business
AND THIS IS COMING FROM SOMEONE WHO BARELY REMEMBERS ANYTHING AND WATCHED HALF A SCENE LAST NIGHT I fully agree with you that he did not start this/ intend for this to happen like this.
Yeah!! I know I didn’t really mention it, but Shigaraki wasn’t exactly the one lunging for Chisaki’s throat, either. I kinda think the main reason he attacked Chisaki at all is bc he saw how much damage he was doing so easily and like. Panicked/wanted to intervene. He wasn’t the one that talked smack either, so.
It’s clear that Shigaraki has never thought of the LOV as just pawns, unlike Chisaki (although, if I wanted to really deep-dive and reach, I could talk all about how I think Chisaki views himself as, like, somehow more unforgiving/monstrous than he actually is. Or maybe like, perpetuates himself as more unforgiving/monstrous than he is?? Both? Both. Idk), and that definitely rubbed salt in the wound, since Overhaul’s way of speech and behavior definitely signals that he does not view others as… I’m gonna say equals, even though that’s not exactly what I mean (I think how he perceives humans/humanity as a whole is very complex/complicated at like, literally every turn, but that’s not really relevant rn lol). I kinda think Chisaki doesn’t really care about what/who his subordinates are as long as they’re not interfering with his plans, whereas Shigaraki wants his band of misfits to achieve their own goals/dreams alongside him. Different mindsets, same outer result.
Buuut, I think the main thing I want to talk about is how I think the whole meeting would’ve gone a lot smoother if it’d been just Shigaraki & Chisaki meeting instead of Chisaki meeting the (almost) whole League. Like stated before, Shigaraki did attempt to shut down Compress before he attacked Chisaki, and before Magne attacked Chisaki, Shigaraki had told Chisaki to just get out, so I definitely don’t think he had any intentions to pick a physical fight.
Then, later, during the second meeting where Shigaraki went to the Hassaikai, Chisaki similarly shut down Mimic and Kurono when they started going off on Shigaraki, and said that they should at least hear Shigaraki out, as well as kept a relatively cool head despite Shigaraki’s (intentionally) abrasive behavior. So basicalllyyy… I think they might’ve actually been able to work out a genuine, actual agreement, had it just been the two of them from the get-go. Not saying that it’d be guaranteed, but there’d be a chance, I think. There’d have been no blood spilled, I’m pretty sure.
But yes. I don’t think Chisaki wanted to fight them. He was just prepared in the case that they attacked. Which… they did, so. Think he’s used to ruffling feathers, regardless of how much he intends to.
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jadetheblueartist · 3 months
Torture and Wound for Frida, Secret and Nightmare for Camille, Skin and Pain for Megan, Alone and Hide for Talon, Heartbreak and Mistake for Ivan, Midnight and Bound for Zoe, and Fear and Guilt for Zenith.
Hiya Jade!!
Torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
Not sure if she would call it torture, but the whole Nexus experience was definitely something. Being thrown literally and figuratively thrown to the wolves to fend for yourself at a very young age can definitely be hard. After that instance, though, she would usually be on the other side of that spectrum. So yes! She has tortured people and would do so again if Mama required. It doesn’t come up often, but in order to get info out of people she will resort to torture.
Wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
She does NOT like being wounded. Since she relates her worth to how well she can assist Mama or fight for her, an injury that disrupts that makes her very upset. She gets little injuries often (scratches, bruises, some sprains or small breaks), but Mama’s medical staff are great healers so that’s not a problem for her. Mental and emotional wounds absolutely ABOUND with her, she just doesn’t recognize or handle them. That will be a great project for Dr. Feelings. The worst wound she’s experienced is her shoulder injury. When Draxum’s lab burned originally, her shoulder got injured. When Mama took her in, she had some healers patch her up, but the injury was pretty bad. Her arm was literally barely hanging on. That being said, her arm got fixed to be usable, but it still gave her a little trouble. Then in the Nexus, she sustained a mystic blast to the same shoulder which made it so much worse. The medics did all they could, but it’s not a good time. She has to do these mystic treatments daily, along with powering through any discomfort.
Secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
That her responsibility of saving the yokai from the human threat scares her sometimes
Nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
Gotta be selectively vague here… she often has nightmares about being on the run and about her past. She deals with it by trying to make some alchemical potions to help (it doesn’t do much bc she is just making stuff up). And she doesn’t tell anyone because there is no one to tell. Plus she’s supposed to be a hero, the symbol of strength and resilience. She’s not afraid of things, especially dreams. If she had the chance, she probably wouldn’t talk about it much.
Skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Megan is pretty comfortable with herself, at least at first. After the situation where she was controlled and made to attack her friends, she is always scared of hurting them. If she thinks about it too much, she’ll become self-loathing and very self-destructive. She mimics the punishment she received on the ship, so she will hurt herself or withhold vital stuff from herself (like food or water or friends). It’s a fun time and she doesn’t handle it well. Just very very guilty.
Pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
Hehehe are we talking physical or emotional? Physically, it was when she got tortured after some of the volunteers/prisoners escaped. They thought she knew about it and tried to break her. If it didn’t work on her, they figured that Ivan (who was watching and very protective of his friends) would tell them what he knew. Emotionally… well that’s a bit of a secret, but it’s a very important part of the story I’ll probably do something with soon. It shall be referred to as the incident and had a big effect on everyone. She has a pretty high pain tolerance overall due to lots of testing and physical enhancements.
Alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
Baby boy hates being alone. He’s pretty dependent on other people and has a touch of people pleaser in him, so he places a lot of his worth in what others think of him. Unfortunately for him, he has had to be completely alone a bunch. He left home and cut off his parents because they were awful to him, but didn’t know many other people. He spent awhile trying to figure out a living situation and job with no support system. He started working with an agency that helped get people out of the alien hunting program/Megan spaceship (bc they trapped people there). In that time, he became surrounded by coworkers and friends and stuff, so he was doing good. He acts the same as he does with people around, if not a little less energized.
Hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
He hides his problems and past, plus some mistakes he made when he was younger. He’s upset that he did those things and doesn’t want to be judged by that because he’s changed.
Heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
For right now, he hasn’t experienced a romantic heartbreak. However. The incident was very difficult for him and he holds a lot of resentment. And I’d love to say what happened, but I have to hold off for now…… >:]
Mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Tagging onto the above, would be trusting in that heartbreak situation, but more broadly, joining the program thing. He joined because he wanted to feel in control of something in his life and this was the first thing he saw. He could get paid to live in space and hunt aliens? Sign him up. He’s been able to fix it because he eventually escapes, and he’s moved on by just trying to adjust back to life on earth.
Midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
She does deal with lots of nightmares. As the leader of the group, she feels a lot of responsibility for others and often worries about making the right choice. She’ll often wake up and go to the common room to find someone to talk to. Usually Megan will be around or Zoe will just get her and they’ll talk. Once Zenith arrived, they started talking more and that’s how their relationship got going.
Bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
Yeahhhh? The alien hunting program is set up in a way that it is a prison that makes you think it’s not a prison. After she tried to rebel, she and the crew who also tried rebelling were imprisoned in an actual cell where they all just sat for ever (until they were liberated and had freedom on earth) She probably has a few small scars from basic rough behavior from guards and hunts, but there is definitely emotional scars from the incident that, again, I can’t go into yet :)
Fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
Zenith’s greatest fear is being left behind. He always felt like he couldn’t keep up with his peers, so it’s something that he is often really afraid of. When he is confronted with it, he often gets desperate and does what ever he can to keep up with everyone else. He has a tendency to overshare so he’s pretty open about this, especially with Zoe. Zoe helps him care less about it and just do what he can.
Guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
Ahem… again, the incident. I can’t get too specific. He handles the guilt by trying to rationalize what he did and by talking about it. He will eventually accept it, after a little bit.
Woah, May, these were great! You really hit on the incident for everyone involved hahaha thanks for the ask!
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monochromaticblue · 10 months
Today I bring you, shuake spiderverse au
Tomorrow? Who knows.
Adding a break bc I’m going to RAMBLE
Ren is the one who gets bit by the spider obv
Have yet to decide on a name for him, Joker doesn’t feel spidery enough and Phantom Spider seems too on the nose but.
Goro is a detective working on hunting down said spider person, who keeps flirting with him.
Ren was a former member of spider society before quitting bc Miguel sucks. But he did make some friends in the form of his pre-existing friends from other universes who are spider people too.
That sounded rlly confusing hang on.
The PTs in Rens universe all help him out behind the scenes but then there’s also universes where each of them is the spider in that universe, so Ren has two sets of friends who are the same people. One of the Futabas made an app that lets them travel between dimensions without alerting spider society.
I have ideas to make each of the palace people (-Futaba probably) a big villain that Ren has to face all while dodging the really pretty detective who wants to arrest him.
Until Ren isn’t the only spider in his own dimension. Enter Akechi once again, now working alongside Ren as his own maybe spider themed alter ego that I also haven’t named…
except he wasn’t bit by a radioactive spider, his suit is entirely tech made to mimic Rens abilities (Goros ass cannot do whatever a spider can) featuring a very fun little ai named Robin Hood who keeps commented on Goro’s elevated heart rate when he looks at Ren. Wonder why.
The two continue to work together alongside the other spider thieves up until Ren and Goro wind up on a mission alone together in a lab, the very same lab Rens spider came from, where everything goes wrong, they get separated for a bit but manage to make it out in once piece.
Goro starts acting different after this though, becoming more snappy and never seeming to be available, always spacing out too. Also, there’s a new terror said to be attacking people at night, leaving its victims without heads. (If you can guess where this is going ily)
Ren, worried about his partner in stopping crime, goes to visit Goros apartment one night only to find it entirely a mess, unfortunately he can’t stay for long since there’s screaming down the street. Upon investigating, Ren comes face to face with the very creature he was hoping he wouldn’t have to see.
A thing a whole foot taller than him with a black and white striped body that almost resembled his suit in a way. Ren honestly would have thought it was a suit if not for the giant fucking mouth full of teeth and the horns. After promptly beating the shit out of Ren, the creature proudly announces itself as Loki.
Haven’t exactly figured out how the reveal happens yet but I do very much enjoy the idea of Goro having his own version of the iconic “we are venom” scene from the movie.
But basically Goro joining up with Loki was always the plan. His reasoning for teaming up with Ren is the same as in the game and he yeaa he’s been working with Shido, the mayor, this entire time :D the lab was entirely planned aswell. What wasn’t planned was how much of an impact Loki would have on Goros mental state, but he’s fine. Totally.
Blah blah shit happens, Shido becomes a major threat and Goro finally teams up with the Inter-Dimensional Spider Team for real to help take him down. Things don’t go according to plan, there’s a lot of fire, Goro can’t use Loki and Ren fails to save him! Tada! Canon event!!! *cue Miguel’s theme or whatever*
I want to include third semester because I think it would be cool but I just. Can’t think of how to make it work. But it would result in Goro coming back and finally learning how to get along with Loki.
This has been haunting my mind for weeks every since my friend sent me a design of spider Akiren.
Alsooo since there’s an alternate universe where each of the thieves got spider powers
This also means there’s a universe where it’s Goro.
Why have I strictly been using Ren this entire time? Because Akira is the one in Spider Goro’s world, with his symbiot Arsene
He’s uh. A little fucked up.
Thank you for listening to the deranged ramblings of a mad man, see you next millennium
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blue-eyed-giant · 11 months
i saw poto for the first time ever today since wanting to see it since i was 11 years old and there are some stuff i've noticed (and i will talk non stop bc this was a dream come true)
this was an incredibly creative stage. it was rather small but it was used so well. there was a spinning stage frame on the real stage and during in-play opera performances it would spin to show you what the cast backstage would see. it took all shapes throughout the play as if it was playdough just by spinning. it was stage, it was christine's dressing room (yes, phnatom stepped out from its inside through the mirror), it was andre and firmin's office, it was rehearsal room... i think if it was on broadway it could get a tony for stage design
DRAMATIC. ASS. LIGHTING. for the first half and hour or so it was so impressive because it made every movement so dramatic and it was perfectfor the spooky mood but. it got too much. sometimes it was hard to see actors' faces and expressions and it was constant. if the light had been used more variably this would be an incredible lighting piece.
the overture. i had never seen how the stage looks during overture but i loved this sooo much it looked like those start-credits scenes from movies. it showed all the key moments from the show in slow mo with shadows, as if raoul was remembering what had happened all those years ago. it was nostalgic and it was terrifying because even if you didn't know anything about the story you would clock something terrible and tragic happened there. at the very start you see two actors with an actress between them bowing together and then the actress goes to the side with one of them, the other looking at them as they go and taking some time before going to the other side himself. yeah, i think you got my point.
orchestra was live. and it was magnificent i think. this is all i have to say i can't think of a way to make you believe how a not particularly big orchestra was so impactful without actually showing you live.
carlotta's comedic acting was so on point. the "these things do happen" bit is my favourite and i loved seeing it a lot. "think of me" also was very well acted not just by carlotta but also by andre and firmin.
madame giry sounds real young. she is also less strict or stiff than the way she is traditionally portrayed.
the head male ballet dancer was surprisingly delicate for his size and i tell you that guy had a real broad torso and a lot of big muscles and the hannibal damce was beautiful
SO MUCH FUCKING MEGSTINE!!! during "think of me" christine panics and stops singing with a hitch in her voice and only gets her courage up and continues when meg holds her hands and has her sing looking only at her eyes
you very quickly realize meg is just as vocally strong as christine in this production
you immediately notice ramin's microphone being loud as fuck. the sound team said "people come here for this bitch let's give 'em what they want" so everyone is singing at a normal volume and quality and then ramin comes in with his full hd 4k stereo 1080p voice (not complaining tho)
you don't get it. this fucker isn't just playing phantom. he IS the phantom. he's studied, he's acted, he's lived, he's embraced, absorbed, eaten the part. i doubt the fucker drops a chandelier every week in his house. you know how people say "oh he's added a second/third dimension to this part"? this bitch is forcing his way into the sixth at this point. he's doing it such naturally and in a nuanced way i could believe this is his office job. think of 25th and make it better, that's what it was.
this phantom isn't just miserable. he is so much older and wiser than our leads and he knows this and he is actively holding this over their heads. he knows exactly what leaves christine vulnerable and plays into those things. he knows he's manipulative, you can sense that in his mimics and voice and chuckles. he holds great power over christine whether she allows it or not. he also treats christine like a predator does to a younger person, which makes the dynamic very realistic bc it is exactly that
amelia milo is young, which makes you realize just how young christine actually is because she actually looks, sounds and acts like a 21 one year old and this makes a lot of her decisions and reactions make so much more sense
when the ballet starts andre keeps bumping into the dancers and the male dancer doesnt know what to do with him so he just. picks him up, spins him and moves him out of his way.
"all i ask of you" is portrayed in such a different way without changing a single line i was speechless. like yea??? technically you can play it like that and it will change everything about raoul and christine's relationship even if the script is the exact same. right before the song starts christine rushes to the roof with raoul following, gives her speech about the phantom, and tries to jump off, rould yells and begs her name to stop her. then he sits right at the edge with his legs dangling, as if he's showing if she jumped so would he. AIAOY sounds like raoul desperately putting in all his effort and saying everything he could to keep christine from killing herself. it isn't the little ray of light in the midst of the chaos, it is just another little, happier chaos in the big chaos. even christine doesn't seem to be particularly happy, they both seem to think "we'll look into this later"
not a huge fan of vinny coyle's raoul. like many raouls he wasn't particularly bad, but also he wasn't so good either. ofc he had his moments like his good dancing and small stu ts during "masquerade" but he couldn't shine where he had to shine big and be the prince charming (aiaoy was very underwhelming bc of that). in the end i was wondering how would bradley jaden be if he stayed for the milan cast as well
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also, probs due to lack of ensemble members, half the masquerade guests were puppets on wheels which made the whole vibe so creepy
after long years of poto, earl carpenter was also a cast member that shined and added so much character to the production
at first she sounds kinda weak but towards the middle of the play amelia milo's voice gets so strong and impressive you start to hink she did it on purpose to show how amateur christine was at the beginning.
thank for coming to my ted talk :)
fr tho, they either fucked with ramin's mic or he just sounds so strong his voice feels solid bc that IT'S OVER NOW THE MUSIC OF THE NIGHT was something else
edit: at one point during an opera meg jumps on stage just to yell "he's there the phantom of the opera!!!!". it's not even her scene, she wasn't supposed to be on stage and gets called back by her mom. we love a hatergirl <3
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