#bc hybrids r very cool
falling-skyzz · 10 months
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twitter people liked this wip a lot so here yall go. sunny design :3
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amethystfairy1 · 2 months
hi I'm back again already lol, bc u really ought to know all the great things about ttsbc that I was too lazy to write out last time lmao.
Also! totally fine that ur not doing skizzpulse, you should write what inspires/motivates you (personally very motivated by them xD I've written ~90k words of skizzpulse myself rip)
Anyways, good things! You! you're the good things! I honestly can't remember when I last sent an ask in for the lil guys, so I'm just gonna say something I loved about each of their recent arcs.
First, Treebark. There's been so many identity reveals but I think this has been my favorite thus far. Ren going all protective boyfriend and fighting over Martyn was SO GOOD, plus soft kisses and they can just hold hands now without Ren being afraid he'll figure it out. Also loved Martyn seducing his entire family while being terrified out of his mind by big dog people with knives, like, I'd be a little out of it too. but the fam doesn't even notice but Ren did and is all supportive and comforts him, offers to take him home. I love how well they can read each other, like they're just in tune. they're soulmates, your honor. and, AND this means we can have double dates where they all know now! so excited :)))))
Zedango. this is what started me reading your stuff (the first fic I ever wrote was actually my own tt zedango ficlet, btw. that feels like an eternity ago now) I love how they've simultaneously progressed and devolved into slightly unhealthy relationship territory. something about not everything being perfect all the time just adds so much depth and realism to their relationship, as well as keeping the plot tense without feeling like you're making up problems just to have something to write about. AND THEN Tango doing the blazeborn courtship rituals was just so aaaaaaaa (THEY"RE SO ADORBSABLEEE) Tango setting aside his disgust with his claws to take care of Zed even tho its uncomfortable for him, and then Zed recognizing that and having all the warm fuzzy fondness for his bf was so sweet. Doc's notes about the rituals were on point, with how he reassures Tango that they're normal, healthy things and saying he's always open to having a conversation about it. (tho, i doubt Tango's ever taken him up on that offer lmao)
The other fic that's been in my head is ur most recent one, Handshakes and Headaches. I highly doubt we'll get a cub reveal in this next chapter, but ig we'll see soon enough. I loved how Cub just knew instantly that Grian was a hybrid and was just going in spirals putting it together that he was cuteguy, then him coming to the wrong conclusion about whether Scar knew, too, was just perfect. Tho, if he did think Scar knew and was cool with it, I wonder what he'd do first? Tell Scar his own secret, guess Grian's secret in front of them? I feel like he would think the safe thing would be to confront Scar about Grian being Cuteguy, and then if/when Scar admits it and says he's cool with it, Cub would feel safe(r) revealing his own identity. Maybe not right away, but sometime. Also, that would mean everyone in Hot Cave knows about hybrids and undercity, so he wouldn't have to glamor while he works (tho, that would also require revealing to Zed... they don't seem super close, but it's kinda obvious that Zed's chill w/ the undercity people, considering he's dating Tango and Cub knows that).
Also! now that Hypno knows G and Scar are safe, I really wanna see him revealing to Scar and Scar being all supportive and stuff :)))) Hypno wasn't someone I knew I needed in this world, but I'd die for him now. (ALSO the casual mention that his scales are dry and flaky rather than smooth and taken care of??? Hello?????? Someone get him some proper self-care ASAP, maybe take him swimming at a private pool or something idk. I feel like the moment Scar knows, he's going to be on it with the cookies and love and support. so excited hehehe)
anyways, I'm probably forgetting something, but whatever. I'll be back with more art soon (maybe I draw Hypno, since I've never done that before and electric eel hybrid sounds cool. Actually, I've decided, I'm gonna do it now. remind me what that looks like pls? or I go reread, whichever happens faster lol)
Ok that's all, have a good day!
Petition to get Hypno a private pool 😆
I'm so glad you love the slightly unhealthy but also very loving Zedango situation we have going on!
I LOVED YOUR TT ZEDANGO FIC! I'M STILL WAITING FOR THE SEQUEL!!!! 😭 /j you don't have to write one if you don't wanna BUT KNOW THAT I LOVED IT!
Ren being a protective boyfriend is all I need sometimes! It's just good fun! Thank you so much for telling all about everything!!!
I would actually LOVE to see how you would design Hypno if you do feel like drawing him! That sounds amazing! Electric Eel hybrid time!!!! 💖
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cameragore · 4 months
What is rotting rabbits…
hello nonnie ...ERM!!!!! I'm assuming yr someone who I reblogged with my blorbos sso I apologize for the autism I'm about 2 spew at you. and I hope that this iss something u think is cool ❤️.... Ok. so first u need to know everymanhybrid which is a cool slenderverse series and I think if you like horror or general cool films go watch emh explained by night mind. Ok.
rotting rabbits - the pairing name for EVERY omen & habit pairing, IT IS ALSO the singular name for rr!omen and rr!habit also known as the canon emh roleplay. omen is my self insert oc for emh because I'm a system and my bff is a habit fixtive and so I do what I do w everything I like (roleeplay w it)...... every rotting rabbits is habit and omen HOWEVER. rr!omen and rr!habit aren't anything else, it's a square is a rectangle but not every rectangle is a square. habit in every rp has rabbit motifs and omen has dog ones . This is also the reason for most of the pairing names .... rotting rabbits is also our big special interest currently. everyy rotting rabbits in every form is some sort of yuri... Btw
THERE'S ACTUALLY!!! multiple omens annd mutliple habits and their own aus, all of these r roleplays and if u look at my pinned most of my posts r tagged in some way. ( 📷 - rotting rabbits / emh au omen . 🔦 - haunted hares / ghost hunter au . 📹 - cursed canines / swap au !! hollowed hybrids omen still doesn't have a erm emoji but that's. Pretty ok)
haunted hares - the ghost hunter + ghost au!!! omen is a famous ghost hunter who takes fame and ego in return for feeding habit who is a whole ass house people!!!! yep!!!! habit is literally aa house that's starved for human flesh and hes managed to live on through folktales of the house on the hill that he lives in / lives as . omen is a ghost hunter that """gets rid of habit""" and is made. Extremelyyyy famous for it ,,, this ends really dependent but they're buddy buddy . surprisingly the most normal feeling au of every one of these.
cursed canines - swap au it's. A dog based one bc omens taking the place of habit I felt extremely smart when thinking of this and honestly it is onee of my prouder moments. this is also our current system wide hyperfixtion lol ..... it was originally made out of spite because people were arguing about shipping habit being proship and I was annoyed with it so I made OMEEN worse than habit and me and my bff play with them like barbie dolls. omen kills people on stream, her and habit mutually stalk each other, omen actually kidnaps him.......... YEAHH. this is mentally ill and it's very awesome and it's what most of my posting has been recently
hollow hybrids - our animal HYRBID au!!!!! habit is a parasitic bug that crawls over and infects the hosts body + only goal is to create a hivemind, Evan and tehcinlally habit by default are a spider . Omen is a English lop, who is extremely paranoid and is forced to help habit after habit took over her house LOL!!! this is da newest one and so I don't got a lot to say with it, but I really like it.
erm.... For asking about it even if it wasn't in an "infodump pls" ask and more like "what da fuck are u saying" ask...... have some doodles of the guys.
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in order... cursed canines omen, haunted hares one and two, and a hollow hybrids omen. my pfp has rotting rabbits omen.
tl;Dr ; rotting rabbits is my everymanhybrid self ship pairing with roleplays that I do with my best friend .
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shopcat · 1 year
no one is into animal hybrids well that's okay because i will make you into animal hybrids. i just find it interesting and cool and like if unicorns were real sometimes it's like Wow... but also u can be on some level aware of the ethicality i guess bc some ppl crossbreed animals for i dunno taking advantage or entertainment purposes or just like arrogance and stupidity BUT sometimes it's just like the scientific spirit i suppose i don't know. and there's a difference between like hybrids with fertile young vs infertile but just because the hybrid offspring is infertile doesn't always mean it's unhealthy or i suppose immoral ? its just to do with chromosomes n junk it's all complicated ... and i just like them and like seeing what they look like i used to be the kid who believed in that cat/rabbit hybrid hoax though which doesn't help
but it does just happen in the wild a bunch bc a coyote just thinks it found the worlds biggest coyote girlfriend but really his girlfriend is a wolf. which is so funny to me. I love them so much.
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and then u have something like a buffalo and a cow which r fertile . and a false killer whale and bottlenose dolphin
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all members of the ursidae family can healthily produce offspring which rules but i think this second picture might just be a normal grizzly bear. but the first is a polar grizzly <3
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then there's savannah cats and bengal cats which i think everyone knows about but make me so mad to be honest every time i see a serval in someone's house i wish they dropped dead it is HIGHLY unethical and just stupid even if i do sort of get wanting to have your own mini tiger it's just STUPID and rich people bullshit and 9/10 times when they can't look after the wild animal in their home it ends up being dumped + very rarely are they being taken care of + it is abusive by nature to simply own any wild animal even if you're a fucking trained animal handler or whatever which also goes for idiots who keep sugar gliders or like raccoons + letting it interact with domestic pets is WILD. and most of them end up as rescues in sanctuaries like with every other exotic pet and actually there's entire debates on whether it's ethical to even have sanctuaries where the keeper directly interacts with the animal and "no touch" facilities i believe r more ethical and the best option for the animal.. basically if u see a dumbass tiktok where someone is petting a panther taking advantage of the spectacle it creates call them a cunt in the comments okay
anyway. these domestic wild hybrids DO have health problems though it is interesting that the savannah cat female offspring is fertile to begin with... it's similar to wolfdogs in the levels of wild vs domestic being ranked 1 to .. 4 ? i think (but wolfdogs i don't actually know much about... they r more common tho) so like an f1 savannah cat is basically just a smaller serval which are HUGE wild cats to begin with and then it goes on in generations until it is essentially a house cat . so dismissing everything i just said it is interesting to see
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then with other big cats all members of the panthera genus can interbreed but all produce infertile male offspring and would never occur naturally in the wild. the females are fertile though which is also interesting i think... they also like most hybrids have different characteristics dependent on the parent species and sex so a male tiger and female lion (tigon) would create something different than a female tiger and a male lion (liger). which is also cool hashtag genetics. these are a female and male liger
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the power of the doctor
  c+p my livetweets
 first note: no one but maybe Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis has gotten the cybermen quite right... sure it's fun to have villains boasting, but cybermen (or ~cybermasters) are scary bc they're not supposed to do That (that being any emotion at all)
do appreciate the continuity of bringing back the ~hybrids~ (tm)... .
still holding out hope that there will be fallout/consequences to the last universe reset / Armageddon and the doctor's "solution" there (1% of hope)
im gonna go ahead and say this makes canon one of my favorite short eu stories  - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Girls%27_Night_In_(short_story)
"it's only been 3 decades for me" rip all the timelord-ace lore lol (in this continuity at least)dan slow down crazy it's only been 10 minutes
lmao i died @ the house still not being there xD
for future analysis: message about the comforts of modernity / technology doing away with regional cultures / identities?
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i love my contact-lensed hypnotic trash son
yaz: is yours, isn't it? (...) yours from another time? me, immediately, without breathing: VALEYARD?????? RANI!!!?!?!?! 
i love this nonesense:
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u know what would go great with that new UNIT building.. . .. a UNIT. . .. spin off
“are you ready for this?” “no! ””me neither!” me neither!!!!!!!
graphic design is my passion
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im screaming chibnall is actually Getting It Right TOT
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i love how this is proving the widely held fandom wisdom(tm) that 13 would not get away with her bs if she had been traveling with tegan and / or donna lol
one day it WILL be the valeyard / the rani and then You Will All See
and that was the day 23.342.340.923 university collage professor thoschei AUs were born and then launched into space 
im enjoying this a lot but i do have to give the critique that the emotional grounding of 13's and yaz's arcs feels very thin (as individuals and as a pair) and hasn't been the focus 20 minutes in, better hurry up @ show
I waited 2 years for this omg ot3 dynamicsssss   
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gotta love a petty in-character reference
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"oh, and ace! or should I say dorothy?" (...) "last time I saw you, you were half-cat" epic burns all around in this sunday night
the cameraperson doing those close af angles in the thasmin bit... i see you cameraperson
waiting for a twist because we've done the One Good Dalek thing like 3 times in new who asdfg 
i think Dhawan's master is forever gonna be my favorite master by far. the guys simply had no bad scenes ever. 
ooo, i liked this moment 
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the master in the doctor’s body... i have read that fic
fear you got beaten to the punch there, m8 
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fear you got beaten to the punch there, m8
me walking to the local convention w/ my first cosplay
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chibnall: can i copy your homework? rtd: yes but change it a little
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but,,, my spin off....,,, ):
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the noise i just made omg
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(screaming this was in the results when i went to re-check the meme's text sdlkjfdlksjf)
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chibnall: can i copy your homework? moffat: yes but change it a little
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we started the era with a funeral, and ended with support group for grief. bookend storytelling!
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(though lol not to brag mates but the 10-era crew has probably have cycled thru a dozen whatsapp - facebook - zoom calls and discord groups by the time this is happening)
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OK overall takes...
im gonna need time to digest lol yes, lots of very clever things, cool lore, and thematic bookends (esp, re: the fam, unit, cycles, optimism, and the master), some Right choices for classic characters BUT a lot of wasted potential for the current ones (thasmin, 13, yaz, honestly even dan! what a flimsy goodbye...).
i also think this finale fits well  the rest of the era, a lot of excellent set ups for fic writers + fandom to elevate, esp in regards to character stuff and new interpretations of old themes (regeneration as identity, emigration metaphors, companion grief, etc). im always gonna be thankful for this lesson in the 13th era: art is what the interpreter of the art brings to it. a lot of people didn’t bring a lot to this era (for valid reasons, sometimes just for misogyny/racist ones)  so they didn’t get a lot, but those who worked their way thru the subtle stuff and even “added-in” stuff, got a great, if imperfect work w/ a lot of nuances, and def things never before done in dw (one of the major wins: making the doctor mysterious again, and making them a refugee / vulnerable rather than “president of the universe” he’d come to be in 10 season of new who). stray points (things i wasnt as satisfied with) 1- im not sure thirteen learned a lot? i think the reason the master's final point in his arc hit and landed so well, while thirteen's didn't as much (for me) is that it all kind of circled around with not really a "lesson" being learned.  we really pulled back the layers of the master's narcissism and obsession with the doctor, and followed it all the way through its origins in jealousy and self-hatred. meanwhile the doctor's optimist, happy-go-lucky facade-that-falls that the fandom did such excellent meta about... never quite hit it in the end with the show. EVEN when the setup was so clearly there SO MANY TIMES: giving yaz a gun, comitting triple genocide on the daleks/cybermen/sontarans, the tim shaw of it all... etc. 2- related to the point of 13 not growing: in the end she and yaz didn't commit to anything (quite the opposite, they stuck to the denial from the warriors ep, which i thought would be Turned Around here...), the special instead of calling out the older doctors, validated them for abandoning the companions (when tbh i think the True Thing, even if it hurt, would be for 13 to have outright said to ace and tegan [and yaz, even!] "im sorry, i wish i could have given you what you needed, but i couldnt. and probably never will") Let me stress it tho: i did really like the yaz/13, 5/tegan, ace/7 resolutions in isolation, they got those dynamics Right in a lot of ways (the 7/ace thing about the Cost you pay for “doing the right thing” , the doctor/tegan being like That but rlly only bc they care sm about each other (aaa) thing, and even with the yaz/doctor thing i can see the logic of them always being so positive + supportive, of doing all they can to “stay together”) but looking at it as a whole, in the context of "doctor who as one long running story", this felt a bit like a regression for the doctor, and by extension for ace, tegan and yaz. 3- i think there was also just not enough time to let the story breath. or rather, there WAS time but also a lot of nonsense taking that time (like the dalek trairo or the whole train thing i was SO EXCITED thinking it would be a kid from the doctor’s mysterious origins but nope, it was just a diversion to get to Squiggles.... even vinder whom i rlly enjoyed ... idk i have to question how Necessary it was to have a whole thing about him breaking his ship then repairing his ship... etc. ) . the scene at  the veeery end where 13 and yaz eat ice cream was like the first time chibnall slowed the peace *enough* to let the emotions land (and also the only moment i actually started crying asdfg).there were so many more companion / doctor companion interactions to be had, but bc of all the Stuff (tm) there wasn't time to rlly exploit (not having the companions in Somber Silence around the doctor, waiting for her to wake up for days, was almost a writting crime of negligence). but then again, that's been chibnall the whole way through lol he ain't no Aguinaldo Silva and that's fine. "understated emotions" is just not my thing.
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seongminiz · 3 months
ooh yes!! i’d definitely be interested in talking more about hybrids and if u wanted to talk about the differences that’d be rly cool! i def look forward to that but no pressure!!<33
also.. on the topic of monsterfucking cuz werewolves… um.. sirens? im easily influenced atp but i saw a drabble where like.. a siren’s kiss can make you orgasm, like they can make you cum just from making out with u and bringing u to the edge that way without even having touched u.. the siren putting their fingers into ur cunt to feel you clench n gush around their digits😳😳��‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 u may have already seen smth like this before but yeah!!! not 100% sure who i see as a siren… maybe juyeon, sunwoo, sunghoon, heeseung, taeyoung, seongmin, jungmo, jiwoong, hanbin??? just off the top of my head i am just thinking about specific idols now🥴🥴
- 🧁 anon
stopppdkhdbfnf seongmin⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ siren!seongmin⁉️⁉️ sorry i immediately tunnel visioned to that i very clearly have a problem :3
i see ur vision n i raise u : needing to kiss ur siren partner to be able to breathe underwater so they can drag u down to the most insidious depth of the ocean AND their spit also working as an aphrodisiac to the point if u r exposed to it enough u can orgasm from only kissing them ★_★ (does it make sense for sirens to have spit as underwater beings ? i dont think so , im pretty sure sea creatures dont need it . will i still include it bc idgaf ? yeah :3)
now idk how far into monsterfucking territory we wanna get but ..... pretty sirens with tentacles 🫠 (yes im thinking abt jungmo yes i will write something abt it like rn immediately after im done with this ask) ... sirens with a breeding kink but instead of cum they fill u with their eggs bc ofc they dont reproduce like humans !
srry if any of this is too much i got a little carried away with my thoughts :')
also ur list is so perfect like yes all of them + chanhee n maybe hao ?? idk they give me siren vibes too . n any of my fromis girls , n junji n yoojung too !!
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transfemzedaph · 2 years
u are so welcome <3
i just think its a cool idea esp bc hes mostly a chill dude and i feel like cow hybrid beef is a lil boring and very like on the nose and ravagers r cool and interesting so
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cantalooprat · 2 years
Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually—
What I Liked
—really really good!!!!
i literally. came into this with no expectations at all. literally zero. i tried reading it once and wasn't feeling it and only tried reading it again bc i had a craving for cute meng-selling mc and cool ml, and i was v v v v v pleasantly surprised at how good it actually is
wu jin!! very cute mc, very easy to root for. he's an "op mc" but he grows to become an op mc and works v v hard to make up for his lack of knowledge. the kid's just so earnest and hard-working and it's an utter delight seeing how much effort he's put in to just... become better. do u know how rare it is to actually have a danmei mc in an action story grow stronger noticeably instead of being op from the get-go or relying on some sort of luck mechanism, wu jin is so good
wei shi!! the "final ver" of wei shi is def the "kind of black-bellied, loves to tease shou, gentle and supportive" type of gong, but he's introduced as the "stoic cold" type gong. one would think he would just... simply melt into being nice only to the mc, and ig to a certain extent he's kind of like that? like all his soft spots are wu jin's. but he has a noble goal to give a better life to the genetically modified humans and like... stan an ml who has a life goal outside being a simp for the mc, ykno
and when they had the double consciousness switching thing for wei shi and he turned from cold powerful doting ML to clumsy earnest tsundere ML... tfw u r ur own second male lead, what a reversal, crazy, i love it
the dinosaur elimination stage... the most romantic thing, i didn't know how romantic it could be? initially when i saw there'd be a dino stage i was like ehh a dino stage... but when wei shi raised quetzalcoatlus for wu jin? and they flew together like it was a magic carpet ride? and then in the end, when they met the end of the world together, wu jin in wei shi's arms? ahhhhh
lowkey shook that they had wu jin's backstory arc in the middle of the story when it feels like such an endgame thing, but that's another interesting thing actually, that they had the mc be MIA n have ml take center stage. they heal each other! they help each other become better! they bring out each other's strengths and cover each other's weaknesses!
ofc a danmei isn't a danmei without the romance aspect, n the romance is rly so sweet. wei shi is the usual variant of doting cold ml, possessive when it comes to love but also respectful of wu jin's motivations and dreams. he won't solve wu jin's problems for him but give him the resources and help him gain the skill and experience to solve those problems himself, i like that a lot. and wu jin, initially so skittish and timid and fearful, but his tenacity and willingness to learn and also big brain help him become better and more confident, especially as he wants to be someone who can proudly stand next to his big boss. it's v fun bc they each have their own goals and dreams---wu jin, who's gone from his og dream to become an idol into a survival show contestant, and wei shi, who wants to establish a foothold in the world for the sake of the genetically modified people.
the side ship hints drive me nuts, will zoelin and jingyi become canon?? im constantly at the edge of my seat hoping so much that they would. n jingyi did become canon... but zoelin is just, v v vague up until the end.
jingyi!!!!!! so cute. they have the dynamic of "adores gong but also oblivious to his own feelings, i ship my captain x me" shou and "gentle big brother who doesn't make the first move" gong. when ming yao's cat ears just. went crazy. and zuo botang Realizes what it means i just,,, i just!!!!!!
the unexpected side ship of mao dongqing and little orange the rando cat hybrid saved by wu jin. that guinea pig side plot rly made me sad ngl but also little orange wants to become mao dongqing's next therapy companion who will be with him for the rest of his life...
zoelin, the Super Vague non-ship like they have the "dad and mom of the team" kind of dynamic and i was like... wondering... the whole time... if they were a thing... or if they're just rly good bros... bc zoe Really Cares abt wen lin and wants to debut with him and wen lin indulges zoe's crazy moments and i?? author i want to know if theyre canon!!!
it's also fun bc it's an "unlimited flow" that has no "risks of death", so wu jin and wei shi don't automatically get "plot armor" for always winning. like ofc they will pass to the next round, but at the same time they're not gna be permanently number one. 
this wn actually treats its side chars with more attention and love than like. a majority of other danmei do. the white moonlight team, the floating city group, the rivals turned friends... they each have their own lives and make for such a vivid world. i love that zoe is a responsible albeit a somewhat overprotective leader, how wen lin is quiet but shows his claws in the versailles arc…
the wack af parallel world extra story that's like... i thought it would just be a cute high school au that's kind of off its rockers, but then it turns out it's wei shi's consciousness and that it's his final emotional lock that's finally being undone... it totally could have just been a kind of crazy but cute au, but that "twist" rly made it kind of perfect in my eyes
What I Disliked
in the beginning, the author played too much into the rabbit descriptors for wu jin and it's. lowkey kinda cringe. lmao good thing the frequency starts to lessen when wu jin becomes stronger
technically the setting is interstellar but it's only like... a vague worldbuilding setting that's there so they can do survival games in various diff terraformed planets
jingyi double c deserve more than just a "warm hug" and a "handholding" scene, give me the jingyi kiss
zoelin!!!!!!!!!! i want to know if they're canon!!!
finally finally i found another unlimited flow wn i can confidently say i love after teio, bc tbh card room was kind of lacking, and i don't see mist as a "real" uf story, and i didn't much like the gong in kod so i dropped it, and i haven't finished guee
lowkey i was having a slight... case... of reading slump. how is it so hard to find new things to read even though i have a million things on my read list? i've barely read 50!
There's a fierce beast in my heart, and the reins are in your hands. (Ch 96)
The knight was willing to be burned by the sacrificial fire, not for the sake of the unheard-of God, but for the one and only King of Swords that he'd pledged loyalty to. Burn my body, for the sake of crowning you. (Ch 70)
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HI i just wanted to say that i really enjoy your twilight metas (as those are the only ones ive read so far) and you're a genius. it's awesome to me how realistically you think about characters and the plot, which i have never been able to do because i always get confused. thank you especially for your post about jacob and how the fandom treats him bc ive always had mixed feelings! i love him (the fanon/new moon him ofc) but i also felt rly weird about the whole SA thing, especially as a brown boy thats been villainized (i didnt SA anyone i just realized how that sounds) i understood that it had racist roots but it still...happened, yk? anyways u put it beautifully and its alot easier to understand how i feel about him now. also like everything else u post about!! i despise the cullens w my every being but its so entertaining to see their dynamic and actions laid out. mostly bc it solidifies my hatred but anyways. they also kind of change my views on other characters, like i always kinda liked bella (i dont like alot of things she does but alot of the fan content i see on her made her feel rly relatable) and its rly interesting to see that she would be a kind of absent parent, bc id never considered it like that and it makes so much sense and woah. u have so much evidence to back up ur theories and opinions too--i tend to get lost in fanon but i dont rly do that w ur posts! even ones where ur spitballing its just muah chefs kiss i love. i write alot of self fulfilling fanfiction and tbh it does not feel the same when the characters r too ooc and ur posts have helped a fuck ton! ur super cool and i love ur stuff keep going :)
i do have some questions tho u dont have to acknowledge it at all and ik you tend to focus more on the cullens, but what do you think the wolf pack is like now that jacob, leah, and seth have left, and now that they have so many new members? do you think any other girls would have shifted and how would they be treated? ik leah was kind of alienated in canon not only bc shes a girl but also bc of her feelings, and i cant tell if the pack would be wary of her/treat her the same as leah, or if they would have learned their lesson.
have a good day!
Well first, thank you, I'm very flattered. I'm going to go ahead and acknowledge @therealvinelle here as well as she's I believe the one who originally posted the post about the very complicated topic of Jacob Black and his terrible choices throughout the series.
As for your questions there are a few pack questions in my inbox but it's mostly a matter that people keep asking questions about Bella and she keeps getting eaten.
Also, I'm not sure you want me answering these questions. Like all of Twilight, it's a bleak pit of despair.
But here we go
What About the Pack/Tribe After Breaking Dawn
There's a lot of shit going on in the tribe right now. Jacob leaving is just part of it.
They have an unprecedented number of shifters in the community and that's going to spell... a lot of issues in the years to come.
Namely, per Sam and Emily, domestic violence will be through the roof and kept very hushed up for the understandable reason of these people look like they were mauled by bears. This will also likely increase the number of deaths in the tribe, especially among those who are young. Accidents happen, it's not good, this is going to have a devastating impact on the people.
You also have a lot of angry, disaffected, young men who can no longer really be a part of society. They can't really attend school, can't even really leave the reservation for fear of turning into a wolf, they can't hold a job, at the age of nineteen or younger they each had their futures ripped away from them.
Some, Seth, handle this very well (possibly because he hasn't clued into what this means yet), others like Jake... do not. These people have had their lives turned upside down and in some cases utterly ruined: that's not good in any society.
Then you have the imprinting, lord, the imprinting.
To date, there's the Sam, Emily, and Leah disaster. The three of them handled it very well, but it still utterly destroyed Leah's life and emotional stability. Not helping, of course, is that Leah has had her very identity taken from her, has no privacy, and her only option of escape is to follow Jacob around which... we'll get to in a few paragraphs.
Added to that, you have the Claire/Quil disaster, in which the tribe is desperately trying to handle it by a) keeping it very quiet b) trying to make Quil just be the babysitter. That's unlikely to work out for them and is just angstfest all around and no one's fault.
And then, of course, Jacob/Renesmee. Jacob, having now imprinted, will follow Renesmee to the ends of the earth. He has no other purpose now. Which means that Leah and Seth, who are in his pack, get to follow along and uproot their lives. For the tribe this means they'll never be rid of the Cullens, not truly, and Billy has lost his son entirely. Not to mention it's guaranteed to go awful places.
Then you have the paternity questions this whole thing drudges up, the trauma of these children having to be sacred warriors and having slaughtered demons with human faces, many of whom were also once children and more.
The tribe and the pack are a goddamn mess.
Jacob imprinting on the Cullen hybrid daughter and leaving the tribe? Yeah, it's weird and no one likes it, but that isn't even the peak of the nonsense these people have to deal with.
Would the Other Girls Shift?
Leah seems to have won the genetic shitty lottery. In 600 years of shifting, there has never been another woman, and Leah has all shifting bloodlines in her veins.
It seems Leah was just very unlucky.
Were other girls to shift I imagine they'd face much the same situation. Suddenly teenage boys are witnessing them naked, all the time, they have no choice to become sacred warriors (a role not typically meant for women and which will very much feel like 'the boy's club') and I don't get the idea that anyone learned anything from Leah.
Jake certainly didn't, he just thought she was Uber Bitch until she begged him to let her in his new pack and reminded him she was a human being with feelings.
The concept genuinely had not occurred to him.
TL;DR Remember kids, Twilight is despair
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playgirlpontius · 2 years
Random jackass furry au ideas for the crew
(Disclaimer: this isn't any x reader or romance bullshit hcs fuck that lmao)
PJ: he's sort of insecure bc he's a really skinny/scrawny bull/yak in comparison to the rest of his family 😞 but it's ok bc his stick boy swag makes up for it, he dulls his horns to protect ppl around him but even if they were sharpened he wouldn't hurt anyone, has broken/fractured his horns at least twice, the jackass skull n crutches logo is a skull of a bull with broken horns bc of him in this universe 💕
Bam: has broken his antlers SO many times... It's like always expected of him to show up and have broken antlers or some sort of fracture on his antlers, he sometimes decorates his antlers with emo looking flowers/plants if they aren't broken, he's a hybrid deer/bear mix bc April is a deer n Phil is a black bear 👍🏽 (has more deer features tho), very skittish and quick to scare
Chris: absolutely HATES being confused as a cheetah(a one way ticket to get beaten the fuck up by him), him and Ehren have beef bc they're both the spotted cats of the group and Chris feels he's better due to being one of the big 4 cats while Ehren isn't, Jaguars are one of the 4 big cats that can roar but he uses it sparingly bc everyone always asks him to and it gets annoying
Ryan: I think him PJ and Preston are the only prey-ish animals so the 3 of them bonded over that, sort of wished he wasn't a fish bc he thought being any other animal was cooler, very proud of his tail bc the rest of the guys don't have a cool fish tail lik he does 😎, usually has a lot of water around him for obvious hydration due to being a fish, makes a lot of merman jokes
Steve-O: sometimes wished he was a girl due to how female hyenas rank higher in society, raised around a lot of hyenas so is very invested in his own culture, extremely interested in other species cultures and learned a lot during wbz, randomly touches other ppl's dicks due to how hyenas show trustworthiness by allowing others to touch their dick and everyone thinks he's gay as hell for it, constantly laughing ofc
Ehren: was really shy at first but warmed up to the group pretty easily, a lot of tension between Chris bc the 2 of them r both spotted cats and often get mistaken for the other, part of his tail is scarred from a stunt he got hurt in, the fact that he can run really fast is used a lot in his stunts(they mostly try to scare him to see how fast he can run away 😭), can put up a fight against anyone trying to attack him(mostly Chris lol)
Dave: really chill guy, sensitive to bright lights and needs time to get used to the light bc ferrets have eyesight like that, very agile guy and is kinda like a slinky if you will, tail kind of fucked up at the end due to snowboarding accident(he and Ehren match but for different reasons), still the professional shitter but the implications r different bc ferrets shit to mark territory etc etc
Preston: one of those sheep with horns obvi, has broken his horns at least once, very sweet guy but obviously will fight back if provoked, PJ n him bond over being stereotypically farm animals lol, sheep have really good hearing so it's hard to prank him bc he'll hear u coming from a mile away
Wee man: I've decided he's a fennec fox for obvious reasons, originally he was a red fox but then I was like wait fennec foxes r perfect, radiates an indescribable happy vibe to him that just lights up the room tbh, naps a lot due to being nocturnal, bc he's really sneaky/walks very quietly he's usually the one scaring Ehren to see how fast he runs away LOLL
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ghostpajamas · 3 years
im drawing c tubbo for my 5k dtiys (it looks very cool i prommy) and i am having many thoughts about my c tubbo design...
he is a hybrid but with no human, he has e dragon and shapeshifter in him :] when his eye got all exploded the dragon part of him was more durable and got exposed more which is why it glows (purple pinky particles yaey)
i like to think he is like an aether dragon. a dragonfly if you will. he just looks human bc his besties r human(oid) and he doesnt know what the end is. ranboo being an enderman who is married to him makes the 'free the end' achievement very funny and :[
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transsexualhamlet · 4 years
the many sins of tokyo ghoul :re
or: 13 reasons why :re is fucking terrible not clickbait
Disclaimer: I think no matter how long this post gets I’m missing something, so let’s just outline the worst ones. And I mean to be transparent, the only reason I actually read :re was so I could make this post... (and bc i wanted to see the what, five panels of hide) Well, I couldn’t stand hating it without evidence beyond hearsay and General Vibes. But I knew it was gonna be bad, I knew it was going to ruin me jesus christ. Obviously I’m not hating on people that like it, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with genuinely enjoying it (I do genuinely enjoy parts of it, and by parts i mean chapters 1-50 with exceptions and 75) I think it’s wonderful if you can derive joy from it (lmao) but I can say that through my lens in life, there’s so much fucking wrong with this goddamn fucking piece of shit manga and I feel the need to yell about it because i am ✨autism✨ so let’s get going (this is r e a l l y long just a warning)
tl;dr Ishida stay in your fucking lane
1. Transphobia and Homophobia:
alright here we are first off with the big one and if I had to choose, one of Ishida’s greatest sins here. It’s quite unusual in mangas like these to have any sort of representation for such things in and of itself, and yeah of course that annoys me, but having no represntation at all is like so much better than getting actively harmful representation. Most manga that aren’t specifically about those things shy away from those topics, and it’s tiring but it’s normal. You wouldn’t want a mangaka to try to write about something like that without experience or informed opinions. So I say if you can’t write something correct, just don’t write something like that in at all. Ishida clearly,,, does not get this.
And it’s not just the case of Mutsuki, who, well, gets it bad enough, there are three full fucking trans characters Ishida made like, just to shit on. 
Big Madame- god, made like that specifically to perpetuate the predatory trans woman trope jesus christ is Ishida friends with JK fuckface Rowling. Ah yes the ugly, human trafficking, predatory, pedophilic killer that tried to make their male child more feminine? Has a dick. Really? Could you be a single bit more transparent about your fucking agenda here? I really don’t have to say much here.
Kanae von Fuckwald- Technically Ishida says here that basically this bitch was just like??? Pretending to be a guy for years just to what?? I don’t even know?? Get together with Tsukiyama? Cause he’s fucking gay or something? I don’t even get it but like i read this post yesterday and that’s a whole ass thermian argument. It’s like “oh well this is fine because well this person’s not actually trans and therefore the representation thing doesn’t apply”... it’s useless. You created the character that way and you made it intentionally to for whatever way promote this idea that people would “pretend” to be a different gender and that eventually they’ll realize that it’s a “lie” and they never really wanted it. This is what you’re saying about the real people who are,,, actually trans? Jesus christ. Also thinking that a twink like that would be trans? God yeah trans guys can be feminine but buddy that’s clearly not what you’re going for here.
And of course, Mutsuki- There’s just... so much wrong here. I mean like. Before we even get into anything about his character and what they did to him let me just discuss his entire design. Buddy like if you had to choose one person in that show to be trans that’s the least likely one. Ah yes, the feminine one. With the androgynous haircut and the shy disposition and the physical weakness compared to the others. God that’s like, a fujoshi’s take on ao3 of what character should be trans. As much as yeah of course, trans guys can be feminine, they are in no way obligated to be such and you shouldn’t make them more so to be more “believably” so. Ask any actual trans person ever. A character like that is just perpetuating the notion of trans guys being inherently more feminine or trying to pretend to be otherwise.ThEn, of course, there’s the ridiculous sexualization, infantilization and fetishization of this character, going through a thousand plot hurdles to make him constantly stripped, put in girls clothing, chased by perverts, assaulted, ET FUCKING CETERA. Give him a fUCKING BREAK. Creating this character the way he’s portrayed in canon (including so called backstory of murdering parents because of sexual and physical abuse) is perpetuating a notion that someone would be a trans guy because of internalized misogyny and/or trauma instead of because they’re just... a guy. It’s just it’s just it’s just Really bad. Plus taking his character, demonizing him and making him like, supposedly love haise (which i Really hate for a thousand reasons, god that’s like, a parent and child type relationship they have there not romantic,,, god,,,) try to like fucking murder touka and stop seeing sense, and then just... return him to being infantalized. God. Jesus christ fucking goddamn it I love Mutsuki and he deserves better.
Oh yeah and then the homophobia, this one’s smaller because... most of the trans people are here to go “it’s gay... wait it’s not Really gay so it’s ok” but I would like to leave a small note here for all the gay characters who got thrown under the bus not just in re but in the original, like, you know, Nico and shit? I really do not know shit about Nico but all the things about Jason? God if I had a thing for one person that you shouldn’t try to portray as representation it’s Jason. IDK what’s up with him and Naki but god it wasn’t healthy. (i’d like to say here that i love naki and i think naki deserves the world but honey there are better heroes than yamori) Anyway yeah I think that’s also bullshit and Ishida should stay in his fucking lane. (or her i guess, i just feel like it’s probably a guy bc of just... so much sexism)
Ok, now that we have the big one out of the way-
2. The mishandling of portrayals of various mental illnesses:
I’m not an expert on this one like I can say about the gays TM but just like in general, the whole manga’s very messy and portrays a lot of gritty stuff, and Ishida clearly attempts to throw in some mental illness for fun, but god fUcking damn it they’re bad. I couldn’t really even give you examples bc it’s pretty widespread and i’m stupid, but it was really like trump throwing paper towels “and you get a demonization, and you get an infantalization, and you get a butchered character, and you get a fetishization-”
3. Ishida having no fucking clue how science works
This particular factoid led me to have a very hard time reading this manga because it went from being about like, yknow, torture and fights and crying and stuff to weird experimentation bullshit and mutated whatever and everyone’s a hybrid now I guess. When I heard this thing about the quinxes, I thought that made no sense, because I was like “yeah but wait,,, how tf does that work didn’t Ishida say earlier that kagune literally were fueled by human meat isn’t that like the entire point the ccg is against?” and then Ishida’s explanation of how they’re not just exactly like Kaneki is that “oh yeah well there’s like, metal around it, so it’s different.” OH YEAH OK THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE NOW, THANKS.
The thing is... there’s no way of actually regulating that. You couldn’t move a kagune unless it was attached to your cells, and if it’s attached man, it’s attached and it’s part of you. Also yelling “frame two” won’t like make it any bigger lmao, either you’re gonna have it based on theoretical science in this universe or you’re going to have a dumb supernatural magic pokemon fight deal. The whole thing makes no sense. The science issue isn’t just about this either, it’s also about how the entire thing basically undermines the point of the whole story. When you blur the lines between human and ghoul with little to no real rules or basis in real science, every rule kind of just becomes cheap plot convenience.
So the Quinxes can eat human food unless they use their kagune too much, alright, but Kaneki couldn’t eat human food before he’d even ever used his though the only difference between their bodies was this,,, theoretical metal thing?? And Haise... was never really covered, before he went black hair emo bastard and like vored Eto, did he eat human food like the rest of the CCG? He certainly cooked it. And the squad that lived with him wasn’t aware he was a ghoul until he pulled out the kagune. So I’d assume so, but then how could he have a kagune, how could he survive when his body still was like that?
Is it the RC suppressents? Then couldn’t he just have taken those and lived as a human the entire time? Is that all he fucking needed, is that the only difference between human and ghoul? It doesn’t make sense and the rules are bent so much they don’t function anymore. Ishida like write down your rules somewhere even if they’re bullshit, they shouldn’t contradict each other.
Damn man I’m not even going to go into the dumbass rules of the half humans or the special fast aging thing or the fucking,,, folded up cells deal,,, or the Imagination Kagune, or the fucking,,, Dragon, or the zombie ghoul apocalypse or the “whole new species made of just kagune” i don’t even have the time it is fucking ridiculous and I can’t even with it. Physics. Laws of physics. If not biology, at least follow physics Ishida??? Please???? And if you’re not you need to do that consistently??
4. character glow ups actually being character glow downs 
(with the exception of nishiki, he baby now, and akira, i think her development was valid af)
God, this one gets me every time. Touka was cool. Touka was fucking badass, she had a complex character with many motivations and wants, and in the original having her eventually kind of soften bc of Kaneki is valid. But taking her and turning her into like literally nothing but Pretty Housewife Yearning For Husband At War? God, kill me. She’s a strong person. She can like Kaneki without the guy being her only character trait. Also uh, Touka and Kaneki being a couple was valid before this change, now I honestly can’t stomach it. Like they were the kind of “both bisexual” m/f couple that we stan. No longer I guess.
She’s the most egregious example, but I’d also like to point out Juuzou, not everything they changed about him is bad, honestly we fucking stan his knife legs, but he’s kind of like a rip off L now? You got rid of his ~unhinged~, we do not stan. I’m on the fence about him bc i think that kind of is a valid transition to adulthood and I guess he’s grown up, but again, why change his fucking hair color? What is the explanation for this?
Also Hinami. I mean, I don’t really care about her a lot in general, but it’s weird to see her as like an adult when Ayato emo boy looks like exactly the fucking same and they’re like,,, supposedly the same age. 
There are definitely more I’m missing here. Honestly, Hide was valid. God him with his fucking burlap sack. With a fucking lenny face on it. I can’t with him. That’s so Hide. But there were some bad ones.
5. one hair color change was my limit, enough said
black white black and white black white more white god bitch get some variety
6. Showing me great new characters and then promptly ruining them
And you can tell this one’s about quinx squad, my favorite bastard children. God, I love them. They’re the only good things about Re other than Hide and Haise and like everything else, Ishida took them and went “what if i *guts*” god why. I love these kids with all my heart. Why. Why. Why did you do that to Mutsuki. Why as soon as Haise isn’t in the room they all get themselves tangled up with pedos. Why they gotta break up the squad. Why make all of them lose all the wholesomeness and lessons they learned from Haise. Why do you ruin them all with weird unreciprocated random crushes on each other when they’re like basically siblings. Why fuckinG KILL SHIRAZU HE IS THE APPOINTED CHIEF DUMBASS OF THE SQUAD WHY HIM. WHY. WITH SO LITTLE IMPACT. YOU COULD FUCKING MISS IT SO EASILY. THAT’S NOT RIGHT. AND KANEKI JUST FUCKING ABANDONS THEM BC HE HAS HIS MEMORIES AGAIN N O ? NO ACTUALLY NO.
7. the casual racism and sexism :)
i just :) can you stop having girls constantly bring themselves down for being female :) and making them be oversexualized, less full characters :) always in some way connected to a guy :) more weak and hurt more often :) my fucking god :) also yeah it’s way less prevalent but there were a few racist caricatures thrown in there for taste if you don’t know how to draw lips just don’t
8. Ishida being too much of a pissbaby for a real death scene
Basically: undermining the impact of “deaths” fom the first series while also randomly and badly killing off new characters. Oh that character that died in the original in a really cinematic way that made you cry and think about the meaning of life and how beautifully tragic this story was? Oh lol they’re not Actually dead. (x10) Doing that with Hide (at least in the manga, not the anime, god root A really did it with him but we’re not talking about that) was valid, seeing as I love him your honor and in the manga one of the lessons that his character hinges on was like in chapter 75 to live on instead of giving up even if it hurts and all that... (this is obviously kind of the opposite from root A where his character was like more about sacrificing for kaneki since kaneki had already done so much, i think both are valid but we’re Talking About The Manga) he was done well. That was right (even though i think they should have done More of it) but there were so many characters this kind of thing was done to without the proper adjustment in the handling of the messages given here. 
Like with Koma and Irimi, who,,, honestly should have stayed dead because their entire character arc kinda ended there and showed how they were sorry for their actions and this was how they were making it up. And then they just like... come back. And fight more. Really? This wasn’t the only instance either, same deal with Shinohara (though him coming back made me cry) it like, kind of undermines it if you’re going to have Juuzou derive his character development from that. Either Juuzou gets to keep his unhinged and his dad, or he loses his dad for real and he also grows up. God guys choose. What’s the message you’re playing here. (at least they kept Yoshimura dead, his death made me cry and I would have stabbed something if it wasn’t real, probably Ishida.) And even with Kaneki himself, god, if he can’t die from being stabbed straight through the fucking eye, what COULD kill him? It really diminishes the anxiety you feel about “omg is this person gonna die i want them to be ok” if they basically evade the laws of physics and their own previous character arcs 70 times. I’m definitely forgetting more of the same, Ishida can’t write a good death, he needed the anime writers to do it for him.
9. Kaneki. Just. Kaneki. 
God they fucking butchered this man. I could go on about his character is weird and confusing in the manga from the beginning, but we’re focusing on mostly all his weird :re character development, the bad handling of Haise and his memories, and all his iterations.
Before I read :re, what I could glean from fanart and the occasional fic that wasn’t tagged properly was really confusing and kind of a mixed bag. I knew Haise was Kaneki but without his memories, now in the ccg trying to be a pacifist and going :DDDDD a lot yknow. And what I came up with in my own mind for that change was a deal of (this makes more sense with the anime canon tbh, the manga honestly doesn’t do any of this well) like Kaneki after The Shit Went Down With Hide (whichever canon you’d like to interpret that as) he basically realized that he really couldn’t be a ghoul, he didn’t want to be, he didn’t want to hurt people and he wanted to be happy and make other people happy instead of what he thought was right before (trying to fight to protect others on his own etc) because that mentality had gotten people he loved hurt, and well subconsciously I guess that kind of factored into his development into Haise and maybe caused his memory loss (along with the, yknow, shanked eye.) So when I started to read it that kind of checked out, this is what he’s trying so hard to be now. But then this whole bullshit of the whole other like, 37 different versions of kaneki complicated things. 
Haise was scared that when he got his memories back he would cease to be, well, Haise, and he would just like revert back to what he was before everything. Which I can understand him being scared of and I think was a good point in the plot for him to worry about that, but I was like “oh honey don’t worry that’s not how it works” and was kind of vying for him to eventually get his memories back, come to terms with the fact that those were his memories, he did do those things, he was half a ghoul, and maybe come back to his original fight of wanting to bring the humans and ghouls together, still caring about his human people in the ccg and all. That development was real, and it wouldn’t just go away if he got his memories back, he learned a lot and grew a lot and he has a different outlook on life now. Right?
Fucking wrong I guess. Dude gets his memories back (very ambiguously, it was really hard to tell when that even happened tbh) and like. Turns into a flaming ass looking like ebony darkness dementia raven way. Haise gone. Fucking completely. No trace left. Doesn’t care about his kids anymore. When he’s done with that and goes white again he’s just Kaneki again and there’s really not enough left of things that like, really wouldn’t go away? He loses the flair? The dumbass? The :D? The Extra? WHY? Why would those things go away? Haise shouldn’t have been right that he would disappear when he got back his memories. That killed me. I love Kaneki and all but H a i s e. He is my b o y. H i m. With his e n e r g y  s h o r t s. And his m o m. And his c o o k i n g. And his k i d s, I l o v e him. And Ishida doesn’t seem to realize that they’re... literally the same person. Haise isn’t just some stupid bastard occupying Kaneki’s body, he’s a valid part of Kaneki himself and to be honest, peak Kaneki. Should have stayed that way. Would have been great for Hide tbh. Not just having him pretty much revert to his old self, but basically respond equally to both names and balance the world between human and ghoul. I would have loved that. What happened for real? It doesn’t make sense and it breaks my heart.
Some people on the interwebz try to kind of even that whole deal out by trying to say he like, has DID, which although is obviously a valid thing, like, so does not apply to him. God I’m like so not an expert on this but I feel like it’s not that hard to tell. His 87 little Kanekis in his head aren’t separate personas, they’re metaphorical representations of his past morals, experiences, and ideologies that all conflict. Again Haise here is peak conflict because when he gets his memories back, he has all these different conflicting ideas that were all previously separate. They’re all him. Tortured Kaneki constantly yelling at him in Jason’s chamber is basically again, a metaphor for how he’s denying his ghoulhood and the trauma that he’s been dealt. It’s not that this dude still exists just the way he is ready to show up at any moment lmao. Ishida kind of dealt with that badly too because Haise really said
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after his memories happened so I can see why people might, but it’s... not right, and it’s Ishida’s fault about that which is Incorrect
Also just blanket statement, black reaper Kaneki? Fuck him and all he stands for. 0% valid. I can excuse literally every other version of him. But wh y. God he leaves the room and Urie starts misusing his power and getting groomed by a pedo, Saiko is just, left behind and sad, Mutsuki gets captured by a perv and mentally destroyed again, Shirazu dies and the bitch is like like “lol it’s your fault” yeah helpful, die
10. P- the- the porn chapter-
Idk about you but that was so fucking unecessary??? Not even going off of how terribly awkward and weird it was to have it there when the opening was “i’m sad about my best friend who’s gonna get executed what do you do when you’re sad about your best friend” “i simply do not think of him or i might actually just curl up and die” “yo lmao same” “wanna fuck” Like ok um I’m biased bc i’m not straight but I like, really hated that. Even just flipping through the pages as fast as I could to get to the end of it like. God. It’s not a fucking hentai. I’m here for the plot. If you’re not gonna release the director’s cut of kaneki fucking voring hide, i don’t think i need to see 20 pages of straight fucking sex. And if you absolutely must have porn, kaneki is a fucking bottom. That man gets pegged do not try to prove otherwise. You started it out that way god I love how they’re like “oh god wait that looks kind of gay, the woman being dominant, better stop that right now” god Ishida not having a single iota of knowlege about his own characters aND THEN SHE GETS PREGNANT? NO. Excuse me. No. I just. I. Why. This isn’t. A fucking porno. This isn’t tentacle porn i swear oh my god kill me
11. Giving the wrong characters attention
Basically, redeeming characters that should have been redeemed and not going into/discussing characters that should have been redeemed/had more backstory. For example, Tsukiyama can go fucking die. I like, do not even care rich boy. I don’t understand how anyone could think he needed to be redeemed he’s just a gay attention whore who really needs to let this kid get on with his merry fucking life. I don’t care. I literally did not need to read three whole books about his dumbass hangup over eating Kaneki. Kaneki doesn’t fucking want you bitch move on. He didn’t need to be redeemed or seen to be in any way sympathetic, no one wanted it. Same with that bitch ass Furuta, he wasn’t really redeemed but he was given w a y too much time to play out his sob story. God man Rize doesn’t fucking want you. These gross ass simps. I swear.
On the other hand, I kind of liked Eto even though she’s a pile of shit, and I got mad when they didn’t really go into much about her. And you know who could have gotten much more screen time/development? TOUKA. God, I love her and she was just sitting around in the background being straight. Let her have some spicy development. Also obviously, Hide. He was... so underappreciated and underexplained? What happened with him? He didn’t just pick himself off the ground in the sewers and go ‘well i’d better get back to the ccg now’ we have a whole two years which are completely unexplained, most of which he was off mysteriously being involved in things but completely missing the eye of Haise and other major players. Where tf was he? How did he get around? What was he even doing??? I wanna know about that! Not all the characters I hate’s tragic backstories that make me feel 0% more sympathetic towards them :)
Ok like i know i say “the entire reason I read :re was __” but like to be honest this was the turning point, I saw pictures of hide’s vore face and went like
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So I was like “god fucking damn it ok, Ishida would you care to explain this to me” *cracks open re*
And then they DIDN’T.
Like. It’s actually laughable how much that entire situation was just glossed over. They gave that maybe like two pages. Like what. I. This manga has more sex scene than no homoing that. They just don’t even bother to. I feel like Ishida had that as a plot point but realized halfway in how it looked (i.e., really fucking gay) and decided that was something that he was just gonna, not deal with. Just act like that’s a completely normal heterosexual bro thing to do. Like of course anywhere would be pretty gay but Kaneki chose his face. His face. Like his face and his wholeass neck and his shoulders and nowhere else. (and assumedly like, his tongue, seeing as how the dude can’t talk... bruh) Dude really said extreme hickey. French kiss to the max. Ishida clearly did realize that generally, you can only get a bitten off face by,,, having your face bitten off, which is just inherently really fucking gay. Like, I’m just at a loss as to how it even makes sense. You wouldn’t think that the skin off his face, and specifically around his mouth, would really be the most nutritious thing to consume? I can get like the shoulders but generally you’d think something like his arm or leg would be 1.less inconvenient, and 2.much more logical and nutritious? But NO, Kaneki was like “you know what i’m gonna do? eat your Face” and hide’s like “lmao sounds cool”
(not to mention, wasn’t there another guy with a vore face somewhere? like that old guy in the ccg with the bigass turtleneck, i wanna know about him) But like... my bro Ishida went “yeah this happened but i’m going to cover it up with speech bubbles and the ends of panels guys they clearly had their socks on” Dude didn’t even TRY to explain otherwise. Like hey man, that’s pretty damn gay, you are kind of at liberty to either tell me why otherwise, or accept those implications and acknowledge them?? It’s really hilarious when you ignore it cause it’s like
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kind of
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pretty damn
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WEAK of you to leave it at that fucking pissbaby
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hmmmmmmmmm however could this happen i guess we’ll never know
13. What the fuck was even the plot omg
God I’ve been writing this post for like five hours so like, I’ll keep it short but like it made sense in the original, not to be like an anime fan but the anime made fucking sense (not re i mean like the original) this lore is so fucking stupid god, the horrors of the entire fucking dragon arc bleach my eyes, unresolved plotlines who???? (the whole ‘oh yeah also ur dying of old age’ thing etc, is kaneki like??? still doing that?? or was that randomly resolved with the whole spewing ovary bullshit i’m going to fucking kill myself) and to top it off, good job Ishida at a real fucking cheap ending. 
You gave them. Fake human. Really? They just come up with artificial human at the end. Kind of undermines the entire fucking story my guy. Ah yes throw out our whole plot. That was the whole tragedy. You gotta eat human. The ghouls have to eat human and that’s tragic bc they have to kill people or whatever. Or i guess they fucking don’t well fucking ok. God you could have just had them negotiate a kind of peace where the ghouls can get dead humans and such, there are plenty of them and no one has to kill anyone then, there could be a rule system for it, it would be messy but eventually everyone would be ok with it, and I think that would work a lot better than “quick fix i made some hamburger helper human you can eat it fine” guys wtf. It’s like Ishida started plotting out the ending for re approximately 2 hours before his deadline. Anyway yes I hate re and I love yelling about it thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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this DLC has me FUCKED UP and i keep screaming
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spoilers for Bounty of Blood under the cut, keep reading at ur own peril. Also some Guardian Takedown spoilers for anyone who hasn’t beat it yet
tl;dr: a comparison between something taken from BL2 and a thing taken from Bounty of Blood. more spoilery tl;dr below the cut.
also the siren thing is not spoilers so i’ll share it here for anyone curious, it’s just this: siren tattoos are blue but when lily absorbs eridium in 2, they turn pinkish/purple. just like how vaults do from bl1 to bl2. they’re white/blue in bl1, then purple-pink in bl2 (and tps), y’know, after Eridium begins erupting from the ground. just a neat little detail i noticed that im not entirely sure was intentional but im gonna believe it is.
tl;dr: Gythian Blood = Core and the Ruiner is of Eridian Origin even tho everyone in the DLC likes to say it was created with Jakobs’ bioengineering. disclaimer: idk if I’ve found every hidden ECHO so I may be missing a few things but I have done every side quest and took ample screenshots of all important dialogue in the DLC : )
“man i just sat here for like 15 minutes staring at my keyboard mentally comparing core and eridium like the dumb bitch i am. 
it's not like we can do an actual comparison because we have no idea what the natural fauna of gehenna was like before jakobs came and mutated everything with core unlike pandora where we know what skags and rakk and shit were like BEFORE the eridium crust erupted. 
altho!!! there's a neat comparison between joey ultraviolet and rose. like obviously he wasn't getting tattoos and was just doing lines of crushed up eridium but the point stands they both have glowy eyes and unique powers so i don't necessarily think this means rose is a siren just because she has magic powers especially when we know she got the whistling passed down to her from her grandmother. 
especially because we've never seen a siren interact with core before. altho that leaves the question we have seen core tattoos now what are eridium tattoos like? actually rose's tattoos were on her right arm obviously she isn't a siren as we know them right now (I saw a post on reddit where people thought rose was a siren) 
of course that brings up the point perhaps siren tattoos ARE eridium tattoos. but then we hear the general's log about how the devil riders were tattooing a man with core and blood so obviously they're not ‘naturally’ occurring unlike siren tattoos. so odds are they're probably not equivalents but something interesting i thought of while thinking about this is how well siren tattoos compare to the Vaults from borderlands 1 and borderlands 2″
anyway. this is all ive been thinking about. yes yes i know guardian takedown post but! >:( im still salty even tho this update has been lovely (outside of Blane not getting his correct damage scaling ‘till today......). so i’ll do that at my own damn pace. now let me elaborate so i can sleep at night lmao
refinement produces slag, which weakens people and can mutate things
has mutating properties, mostly with imbuing elements into shit- possibly causes insanity
seems to be connected to another dimension, likely the one the Eridians are from
has a secondary form of Infused Core
has mutating properties, mostly regarding a thing’s body and mind
apparently radioactive
there are some things i wanna note
1) People throughout the DLC say the Ruiner was created by the Jakobs corp (the company) thru bio-engineering but I’m 99% sure that’s not true. The paperwork seems to me like they found the egg somewhere on Gehenna and decided to roll and experiment with it like all corporations do when they find weird alien shit. so maybe they experimented with whatever was inside the egg, but I don’t think they actually created it entirely
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“Excavated from [REDACTED] ... Local legends speaks of a [REDACTED]. This theory is not endorsed by our research personnel.
2) The Ruiner’s design reminds me a lot of the Warrior.
3) Core immediately reminded me of Gythian Blood from Guns Love and Tentacles and I don’t think that’s coincidence to have 2 back-to-back DLCs where the big bad is focused on green death juice. I think Gythian Blood and Core are of the same stuffs.
4) Therefore, I think the Ruiner is (mostly) of Eridian origin (if you haven’t already guessed). 
This gives us an amazing look into how the Eridians actually create their beasts!!! And I’m so happy they showed us this.
(side note, Interitus Regina (the long name for Ruiner) literally means Destruction Queen and I think that’s beautiful <3)
i mean the idea that they plunge them from orbit to create an explosion similar to a nuke is fucking horrifying (but holy shit I love it so much ahhh it’s so cool!!!!)
the one side line from Oletta about how the company couldn’t control the Ruiner deffo makes me double down on this theory. I’m not entirely sure how Rose’s grandma knew about the whistling (I don’t think I’ve found every echo log in that area YET), but I would bet it was part of the testing given how many fuckin’ tape players they have throughout the facility. The Warrior was controlled by verbal commands via Jack, so it’s possible that the Ruiner was intended to be controlled similarly, but Jakobs intervention (or something like the way Rose hatched it) fucked it up.
now we know the Warrior was created to protect the Vault of the Destroyer (hmm.) so what the heck was the Ruiner created for? Ruiner is a name given to it by Jakobs/the people of Gehenna so we can’t really assume, but then again the monster names are pretty apt in this series even tho they probably technically shouldn’t be. 
it was only an egg, so maybe it was another test of Core? A Vault Monster incubating until it was ready to protecc and attacc but was never hatched because the Eridians ‘sacrificed’ themselves before it could? (I’m still not convinced the Eridians are the good guys. Listen. LISTEN. The guardian takedown is something to think about, BUT it doesn’t disprove that theory and I’ll stand by it because I 100% trust the Overseer more than bitchpants mcgee over here who thinks he’s soooo special for no reason fuck you and your dumb ‘I did what the Watcher could not’ bull you haven’t done shit.) ok sorry im done he just angers me. stupid guardian man. your whip is stupid and you should feel bad. oh also I totally called us actually being Guardians thru Guardian Rank before the game came out aha yeah.
I definitely think Gythian was a test/use of Core from the Eridians. We see in Bounty of Blood that core seems to mutate more the physical (and occasionally mental) parts of people, like with the crew challenges u do for Juno with all the weird hybrid people and whatnot. Gythian had the whole ‘the heart still beats’ thing going on (which is definitely a physical mutation if i’ve ever seen one), plus the whole, you know, mind control and shit. Which is p similar to what the menta gnats can do when charged with Infused Core. And keep in mind in BLaT we see DAHL notes on what happens to test subjects when injected with Gythian Blood. They mutated physically and went insane.
What im saying is Sirens and Eridium and Elements are connected, so what does Core equal? body/mind sure but are there unique creatures for core (yes holy shit I’m not talking about h2o au for once and FINALLY they gave us a canon name for the green stuff!!!). If not, I’d love to see a Siren interact with Core to see what it does to them. seriously why hasn’t tannis interrupted us yet. horrible excuse for a science lover (kidding kidding, I love her). I’d also really love a fuller rundown on what the hell Rose’s powers were. Because the whistling thing seemed to just be her grandma’s thingie passed down to her from her mom
but the core stuff
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her gun seems to be infused with it. So did her sword thing. I didn’t really get a good look at it i was too busy trying to see thru my blurry tears of LOVE for this DLC.
Strangely while her tattoos are (mostly) green I actually don’t know if they’re core infused bc look at this
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n look back at hers. hers aren’t very lime.
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her eyes
I’d love to know if the core gives her immediate future sight or just increased perception or reaction times. there’s a huge difference but she seemed to be able to shoot the gun outta the sheriff’s hand near immediately and it seems kinda implied its because of the core (or at least because her eyes are glowing green)
there’s a possibility she has some unique core powers/possibly implants because of her relations to the project in the first place, or as leader of the devil riders after looting the facility. it’s really hard to say without more info and like i said im not sure if i missed an ECHO or two or not regarding her backstory :( 
Her hair is also green which I just noticed. Maybe she has core powers bc her grandmother got suuuuuuuuper irradiated/influenced working on project horizons and it passed down thru her n Rose’s mom, to Rose. Tannis does have a line about Sirens having unique hair colors and, if Sirens are linked to Eridium, perhaps those linked to Core also have unique hair color. Could also explain why only Rose seems to have those whistling powers. That said we don’t really see anyone else trying that whistling thing out afaik and idk if it was, like, a special ability or a certain tone/ditty or w h a t. 
i know being vague with everything gives them more creative freedom to create amazing characters and scenarios, but dammit I want A N S W E R S.
All THAT said man I’m so glad magic is real in the borderlands universe. oh, sorry, “magic”. It’s magic. Science it, tannis, I dare you. either way, I win. Either it’s magic and H2O AU is canon, or it’s science and I finally get my goddamn answers. Hey gearbox can you make a book just explaining all the science and eridian stuff. please. I’d love you forever. please. pleaheheheheaaasseee it’s all i’ve ever wanted.
oh also can i just say, suuuper disappointed we didn’t learn anything about anshin. Really wish non-fan favorite corporations would get the spotlight/lore for once. Like, I like Jakobs as much as the next guy, and I get WHY they did it (can’t have a corporation looking too good!!!) but they now have 3 DLCs (Jakobs Cove, GLaT, and Bounty of Blood) and also a hefty chunk of the main game. Like... we all know Jakobs fuckin sucks, look at what they did on Pandora. I really just want info on a medical corporation 😭 I have to do everything my damn s e l f. but SERIOUSLY IMAGINE the possibilities that could come from a medical corp getting its hands on eridian tech. like, yeah obviously the weapons corps are gonna use it for weaponry and stuff BUT WOULDN’T THE MEDICAL CORPS MUTATING PEOPLE MAKE MORE SENSE??? ldfhgldfshg I have to do everything my damn self...
anyway all that aside, this is definitely by favorite borderlands dlc by a LONG shot. Nothing comes close. Ahhh the lore, the nuclear aspect, the a e s t h e t i c (seriously, have I mentioned how much I adore Trigun???), the art, the music, the cryoslinger, the fact I can bust out going beeEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAans like Ray Chase at any time and it will MAKE SENSE. I love all of it.
oh, also, Rose is totally not dead. C’mon, they couldn’t find her body. She pulled a Lilith. “Are you sure she didn’t just suffer a wound that LOOKS fatal, only for her to come back in a blockbuster sequel...?” is a line from mr Jones himself (the movie guy)
I just hope when she comes back she gets to meet Captain Scarlett. I’d love to watch their interactions plus pirates and or ninjas. That’s 2 DLC villains now that have vanished without a trace. And I like Captain Scarlett way more than Rose (seriously I spent the entire beginning of the DLC complaining about how her voice bothered me- I was so happy she was a villain, I was hoping that was the case).
oh yeah, reminder, the people of vestige were living next to highly radioactive egg for likely years. i feel really bad for them :(
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this made me smile
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coolgirl · 5 years
Jason expert rate Jason’s designs
sorry for being late i was busy with school but now i’m free so to celebrate. jason indulgence.
pre-crisis not robin
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very cute. i like that it has a lil more of flair to it? the collar and the lines on the gloves and the shorter cape.. also love it has pants. king rlly king. wonder if they already knew he was gonna be robin anyways or if they were still considering nightbird. anyways, 8/10 bc its cute
pre & post-crisis robin (bc its basically the same)
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i mean its a classic.. however it reminds me jason was the only robin who was simply given dick’s clothes rather than like. have an unique look? which sucks. 7/10 middle child syndrome is REAL
post-crisis robin (winter edition)
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OKAY NOW THIS. i absolutely love. is it tacky? oh yes without a doubt. i still love the pants and the sleeves. finally winter clothes for this child, especially considering his new titans scene where he was bitching about the costume not being snow proof. he got what he wanted! 9/10
new 52/rebirth costume by
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EPIC. IDC I LOVE IT.the circles on his arms and his boots.. the lines on his legs.. i just love it. i love the red mask too… it feels.. not more unique, but feels more jason-y than the other costume. 10/10
NOW. onto older stuff
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as u can see im VERY confusion about the pouches and the straps?? why??? whats the purpose.. generally its fine. the white strand moved a nation and i think the chest piece is cool, but everything else.. uglee. like the long as hell jacket and him looking 40 years old like why r u 19 looking like fifty? ugly white man. 5/10
winicks/utrh version
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LITERALLY A CLASSIC. i love this costume sooo much. like jason obviously grew out of it, as in it wouldnt make sense for him anymore to go with something like this as his main costume because i feel like this fit the utrh mood (him not veing a vigilante/hero/villain whatver but trying to be a mob boss n shit) and it just. fucks. i love the helmet just being plain with no stupid mouth or nose shape. i simply love it. 10/10
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its just. its just the nightwing costume. didnt even try he just stole that from dick. he still rocks it and looks better than dick, and u gotta give him points for accessorizing with his dagger. 7/10
red robin 
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im not. a big fan of this costume.. i think the cowl is ugly, it just does not work for someone as big as jason… however i do like why he took this mantle and what it meant.. 6/10 no words head empty. 
oh brother. furryman
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ITS SUCH AN UGLY COSTUME. muzzle batman walked so muzzle red hood could run. its just. ugly like ugly. i dont like the ears or again the muzzle or whatever the hell is going on in the arms.. its just so edgy. 5/10
Injustice 2 batman
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I2 HAD IT IN THE BAG BABY. i like that its like classic batman costume but again! with some jason touches! the red eyes, the electric tiddies making a comeback.. epic genuinely epic. 10/10
and if ur not into evil jason
100% dad ‘i have my life figured out’ batman jason 
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just like the nightwing costume this is just. batman costume. nothing special or different from it so its like did u even try? BUT in this scenario it actually means smth that he stuck to bruces costume.. sweet.. but boring. 7/10
speaking of. evil ugly designs. ugh i hate this.
this motherfucker
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ive never. ever. felt as humiliated by a costume than thetime jason wore this. like MORTIFYING RLLY. its DISGUSTINGGG. the helmet shape. the fucking WHITE. the SKULL PLEASE WHO DESIGNED THIS WHO HATES ME IN PARTICULAR SO MUCH??? THIS MAN DOES NOT FUCK! HES UGLY! HE STINKS!!!! the red guns are epic that much i can say. LOOK AT THOSE PANS GOD ITS SO HUMILLIATING. 0/10 WORST COSTUME EVER.
HOWEVER. winick and the artist spun GOLD from it, because next time jason wore possibly my favorite costume to date
this motherfucker…2!
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like look how much better it looks with a little of swag.. the helmet without eyes.. the belts.. the fucking leather jacket.. keeping the red guns/gloves.. like seriously i dont know a better man. the skull is still awful and i wouldve replaced the white for black and MWAH best costume. like the black part at the top make it all red and the white make it black.. god this jason fucks massively i love him. 11/10 my favorite by a landslide perhaps
new 52/rebirth red hood
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OKAY I KNOW theyre slightly different (rebirth has shorter sleeves and a more padded look) but to me its like. same thing. okay i think its.. fine. its not phenomenal but its not ugly.. i like the brown jacket more than the black jacket i have to admit, its more distinctive and i simply like the color more, however i do not.. like jason having the bat symbol.. but thats also a me thing about how badly written this is. anyways. the helmet with the mouth disgusts me and everytime its drawn like that its humilliating. like. 7/10. maybe 7+. when it has the mouth or like nose ANY FACIAL EXPRESSION RLLY its a 5. 
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oh i absolutely despise that helmet. he looks like fucking. terminator. its the ugliest shape ive ever seen and the visor is.. huge. i dont like the shoulder pads either idk what the fuck its going on with the thing around his neck either.. like hes. knockout batman and i HATEEE IT. damians costume slaps tho. i just… its… ugly. like.. 3/10. 
get damian back arc red hood costume
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oh im a HUGE fan of this design.i love how his costume is designed in a way thats like. if jason was a dnd character he absolutely would be a tank. the padding, the red undertones everywhere, i just.. love it. i like how all the costumes were done to reflect their personalities you know.. i like this robin red hood hybrid. 9/10 would even say 10/10 bc i just enjoy how gleason draws jason.
red hood/arsenal costume
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its like. i dont hate it completely (i love the way the hood+helmet looks) and thats.. yeah thats pretty much all i like about it. i HATEEEE the vest i hate it fr.i hate how huge the sumbol is and idk this costume just does not spark joy. 5/10
outlaw costume
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okay this one. this one drives me insane. because like. okay i dig parts of it. i like the lack of sleeves. i like the gloves thingies. i like the hood. i could get aboard him ditching the helmet - it breaks all the damn time anyways. i like the stripes on his pants in the boots. ALL SEPARATE? NEAT. now i hate. hate. the muzzle. like WHY IT LOOKS SO UGLYYY LIKE SO UGLY like unless the artist GETS IT and is SEXY it looks awful. look at this
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AWFUL. also like it made sense for when he was on the run and he had to make do and assemble a costume from what he had but like now hes sponsored by lex, get that man a goddamn new suit already please. anyways. 6/10.. like i said i like many elements from it but its still.. kinda ugly all together and depends A LOT on the artist.
three jokers
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im torn on this one.. i think its a bit boring.. i dont rlly like the top part, it reminds me SOO much of that one tt issue where he beat the fuck out of tim while wearing a robin costume like i understad the implications of him wearing a costume thats similar to the robin blouse but im not a big fan.. also i prefer the brown leather jacket. its like not his worst costume by far but not the best.. like pretty basic?  i would say 6/10
tiny titans & lil gotham
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okay these two are like. pretty much the canon versions of robin and red hood HOWEVER they both have details that are different from the original version and DESERVE a mention. the curls on robin jason and jasons red gloves/belt are ICONIC. whoever designed them knew what they were about, so 10/10 best bapy jason.
arkham knight
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does the person who designed this know how much theyve done for the lgbt community? i hope they do. i love.. a lot about this costume. i love the ears, i love how techno it is, i love the layers to it.. im.. not a big fan of the whole military thingy but i have to admit that applying it to the design itself is kind of neat.. i love the colors too and how.. practical it is while being. well. kinda dramatic? the whole bat aesthetic.. yeah. i love it. 9/10
arkham red hood
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this one.. when u think about it the outlaw version is VEEERY similar to this one: the pants, the hood, the jacket eve. however i like this helmet so much more, i have a weakness for eyeless (??) helmets.. i like the little details of it as well, i remember that pic going around of it being held together with like. fuckign stitches and bandaids. legendary. i love this look, i would say 9+/10
injustice 2 jason
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okay gonna go ahead and say it: not a big fan of the helmet. it looks like.. a bug? the lenses do not spark joy. this bitch has many styles and like toners etc and i will no rate them all. i think its a pretty basic design, not the best but not the worst either. like if it was an exam i would make them pass but make faces at what im reading like eeehhhgh. 7/10.
hag jason
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middle one is like literally, on the outside and superficial level, just. his usual costume. the jacket and the grey kevlar and the bat. now the gloves are sexy as hell.. and in the whit ebackground one u can appreciate the under costume better and i really like it?? i just.. like the design. I HATE HOWEVER the bat helmet. WHY IS IT HOLLOW?? BITCH HELLO?? AND THE BATMAN SYMBOL DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! and i like things making sense!!!. we will not talk about jason in this book. like.. 8/10. maybe 9 if im feeling it.
hag jason 2: the hagger and the furious
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hes just.. a little old man.. he cannot change this.. i like this design. i like seeing jason grow old. wish it wasnt in this context. my father rlly. 8/10
am i forgetting any jays.. i wont do all animated robins because they all look the same and the one that doesnt i do not like. SO HERES my thoughts..
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aemoglobin · 4 years
ANYWAYS keith and kaya sibling time
keith learns 2 braid hair from internet tutorials. he’s not very good at it (hair skills are just not one of their strong points) but he tries. he’s faster at it than kaya (thanks to his amazing hand/eye coordination) so if they’re in a hurry he’ll braid her hair for her.
both had rlly rough time of it as babies/little kids bc their immune systems r fucky thanks to being alien hybrids. kaya had a slightly easier time than keith since her genetic makeup is closer to human (don’t ask me how that works bc if vld gets to make shit up then i do too). so if one of them gets sick, the other will soon follow. can i get an f in the chat for their dad,
kaya has an oral fixation thing- really likes 2 bite, which is a problem when she’s little bc her immediate solution for all things is ‘bite it until it leaves me/keith alone’. not a good solution, in the long run!!
keith gets the special mom knife so kaya obviously needs her own...keith gets her her own cool alien knife for their first birthday out in space
k0gane twins dynamic is basically ‘aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you wanna go apeshit’ and they switch off who’s being nice and who’s going apeshit
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fwhatz · 4 years
hi instead of a song rec list im doin an artist rec list this time w lil descriptions of each! hopefully therez smth here u like!!
jack stauber
you probably hav heard at least one of his songs bc theyve been wildly popular on tik tok but he makes...weird sorta tunes w a nostalgic vhs kinda feel. he also makes super cool animated music videos with sum interesting indescribable vibes that i cant get enough of. personal fave songs: cupid, oh klahoma and new normal
will wood & the tapeworms
wacko andro gay dude who makes wild theatrical bops. really strong voice, most of his music is pretty frenetic and energetic but he has some really nice quieter stuff too! personal fave songs: dr capgras, cotard's solution, skeleton appreciation day
the heavy
youve probably heard their song how you like me now in a commercial, its a very widely recognized song but not as many people know anything abt the band! they make rly rad funky rock tunes, kinda blues-y at times! theyre amazing ive been listening to them since i was a kid. the entire album the house that dirt built is super fucking good. personal favorite songs: oh no not you again, sixteen, short change hero and literally every other song off thtdb
harley poe
folk punk def isnt for everyone but i rly like it most of the time! the chord progressions in his songs r rly nice, and his lyrics r sometimes fun, sometimes emotional n vulnerable, sometimes a little scary. folk goth probably fits his theme a little better than folk punk. fave songs: everybody knows my name, eat shit and die, gorehound
the prodigy
if u like loud beats mixed w rock (sometimes hip hop elements as well), i highly reccomend checking them out!!! dont hav a whole lot to say abt them rly but theyre a good band to listen to when u wanna kick sum ass! also. may i suggest the mashup of their song invaders must die + combination pizza hut and taco bell....it has changed my life. its called alien hybrid i believe. anyways. personal fave songs: invaders must die, the day is my enemy (liam h remix), medicine
destroy boys
oh god oh fuck oh shit i love girl punk bands so much the vocals r great the guitars great everything abt their music is so fucking goooooood their melodies hit me so hard every time ! if this sounds like ur thing pls check them out u wont regret it. personal fave songs: american river, honey im home, methatonin
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