waitmyturtles · 11 months
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Pat's dad and Pran's mom always controlled the narrative, from the very start, ep 1., 1/4.
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
Tell me the “Roman Empire” of all your ships 🎤🎤🎤
Thiam: “I did this to keep you from being taken!” (THEO KARL RAEKEN HOW DARE YOU MESS WITH MY MIND!!!! this jackass….comes back from a dimensional prison, swears to run when given the chance, tells Liam he’s only with him because that self serving for him, THEN MAKES HIMSELF THE BAIT TO SAVE LIAM’S LIFE, THEN SAVES LIAM AGAIN AFTER FIGHTING WHO KNOWS HOW MANY GHOSTRIDERS AND GETS UPSET AT LIAM’S PLAN BECAUSE HE FEELSNIR DIMINISHES HIS EFFORT TO KEEP LIAM ALIVE!!! why did he do that???? it wasn’t self-serving, it only made him more involved in this supernatural drama, and he clearly wants to leave Beacon Hills behind……AND YET—)
hangster: the fucking stare they do before Bradley gets on his plane and Jake shouts “Give ‘em hell!” (like wtf 🫠 this movie gave them so many moments where they’re staring at each other and none of it truly plot important. you could argue “they’re rivals tho! it’s to show how much they annoy each other!!” Okay…..you know that can be shown a lot more differently. Everything about them was gay as hell and like they were fuckbuddies but the buddies part started blurring the lines a little bit and led to a dumpster fire of a breakup)
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yellowymellon · 3 months
Argenti but if he was the real 'Red' mond ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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airenyah · 10 months
i guess p'aof likes making jimmy get into a fight in his very first scene in a drama huh
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bbgarbbage · 2 months
Chelsie is either going to serve iconic DRs a la Jacosta or be miss the mark like Blue and I don't see it being anything else.
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sunsetandthemoon · 2 years
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#BadBuddyRewatch + Behind the Scenes - afterday, west
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coreytaylr · 6 months
100% legit totally real facts about the historical stede bonnet
no the title is not a lie these are really REAL bc believe it or not, somehow the show made our stede MORE competent than the real one
sources: Real Pirates podcast (ep1, ep2, ep3, ep4, ep5), Dirty Sexy History podcast (with jeremy moss, bonnet's biographer, who LOVES the show, and said it changed his perspective on bonnet's and blackbeard's relationship PLUS he has the stedesrevenge handle on twt)
the library on the revenge was a real thing. the man really did that.
running away from his family to be a pirate
paying a salary to his crew
before bonnet's capture, he ran his ship aground and that's how the english caught up with him BUT the two english ships also ran aground (😭), so they fought each other with their flintlock pistols from behind their ships (until the tides turned and dislodged the english ships first. rip)
adopted an alias when he started pirating so people wouldn't know it was him but he raided ships near Barbados (where he's from), so that didnt turn out well. his solution? burning every ship from Barbados
he only succeeded in his early days bc merchant ships knew they would get off easier if they surrendered
ATTACKED A WARSHIP that whooped his ass so bad he almost died. the remaining crew steered the ship to Nassau where he met blackbeard
blackbeard stole the revenge from him but "allowed" him to stay on BB's ship (either as a guest or as a prisoner, it's not clear, but he def wasn't a crew member bc he didn't have any chores)
he was seen on deck running around in his gowns 😭😭
BB eventually reinstated him as the captain of the revenge and they sailed together for a while
"there is a 4 month period where stede and blackbeard kind of disappeared and no one really knows what they were doing" 👀
BB allowed bonnet to raid on his own which lead to him getting his ass beat by the Protestant Caesar. BB then proceeded to HUNT DOWN THE PROTESTANT CAESAR while flying the RED FLAG (which meant no mercy to anyone on board)
bonnet would raid ships and take what provisions he needed and give the other ship what he didn't need (essentially the library raiding scene lmaoo)
BB betrayed bonnet by raiding his ship and marooning his crew while bonnet was off getting a pardon
SO BONNET SWORE REVENGE AGAINST BB who was at the time, the most feared pirate
this led to him adopting another alias - "he also changes his name, at the time he goes by captain edward's. which is really interesting, I don't know if that's an homage to, you know, edward teach, but.. captain edward's with an "s", that's as if he's.. a possession of captain edward" ONCE AGAIN 👀👀👀👀
after escaping, he was promised a sloop by some rando. when the rando didnt deliver, bonnet "WROTE HIM A STRONGLY WORDED LETTER REPRIMANDING THE MAN"
that letter led to him being recaptured 😭😭
he was hanged while holding a bouquet of wilted flowers
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adrealucia · 2 months
i have to know ur fav sean looks and lis2 ending.. for research purposes (jk i’m just nosey) (nobody asked but my top 3 sean looks r deffo ep 2 sean, ep 4 buzzcut sean and ofc his shag in ep 3 :3 bb sean is a whole different story. i need him viscerally 💔)
okay okay, this is honestly a hard one! BUT here it comes
I know it's almost everyone's fav but ep 3 Sean is on top, the shag omg I am just a goner for this kind of hairstyle, gives me like rockstar, skater vibes and I am all here for it. also a huge fan of the buzzcut and ep2 Sean (me about to say I also really like ep1 and 5 Sean, but okay come for me I just think this boy is so so pretty no matter the hairstyle or look) and for the endings, I don't know if this is an underrated one but Redemption Sean (especially when they are back in the forest and his hair has grown out a little) and just like you said bb Sean is a whole different story... it's doing something to me.
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mahuhumaling · 1 year
why pran singing the unfinished version of "our song" is one of my top 5 fav bbs scenes
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adding a layer to highschool!patpran by introducing us to their juniors specifically in their music club is cute and clever.
this show has a great habit of establishing things early on (pran starts writing the song in EP2 shortly after applying in EP1) and paying it off before the show ends. the Chekhov's Gun Principle approves.
we get confirmation from p'aof (?) that pran's guitar is a metaphor for pat and his relationship with him.
forbidding to play it, it being kept for years and returned (= university reunion), then at EP12 dissaya getting it herself and laying it for her son to play... yeah.
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pat also being smart because he knows exactly how to get to pran, by making a deal.
this scene is so easy breezy. that even though they're in public now, there are no more pretenses. they get to be comfortable.
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also wait! cute goof up. they decided to keep that in because it's natural. i think his forehead got hit by the guitar, haha.
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speaking of natural, thank you that pran did some testing and tuning because no one immediately remembers the chords and plays it. lol
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and then, when pran actually starts playing, the lighting changes. he looks more angel-like.
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p'aof said that the windy effect wasn't on purpose. sir i'm glad you shot this scene like this, even though it must've been hard to pick up audio, because it looks so good.
again, natural. pran sing so slowly because he's trying to remember the lyrics.
i kind of bashed episode 3's guitar hallway scene because the background music didn't make way for pran playing the guitar. there was music on top of music it was kind of annoying lmao but
they made it up with this scene. they let only the sound of the wind, the strings, and nanon's voice take over quietly.
hats off to Pat's multitasking and attention though?? deciphering the lyrics and then stopping to admire Pran. brooo. you're so down bad.
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but seriously, the simplicity in their looks. we see in the show's first half how and why pran fell in love with pat, so now we see here the vice versa. (pun not intended)
i have a feeling the song draft actually ends at the previous line, about the sky, sea, or other kind of splendor.
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but pran improvises the beginning of the refrain right here. because when he can serenade to pat like this, he can finally answer the question in the first verse.
because see how he stops and looks up before and after he sings this line: it felt like he wasn't recalling, but rather making up one on the spot.
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this scene was simply a masterclass of the simplicity of romantic chemistry. the fondness in the eyes. the succeeding revelation of pat's memory.
remember when tumblr user absolutebl said nanon emotes with his eyes? because yes. god yes.
look at him. pran is very surprised. but what is more on the surface are warmth and affection once he learns of this fact and that hears it from pat himself.
i love how nanon chooses to fall into a trance-like state while looking at pat, so much that pran has to visibly shake himself off of it by blinking and looking away to continue the sincere conversation playfully. he's so INFJ for this.
we end with pran learning that pat has liked him back just as long as him, which makes both him and i happy.
the lack of awareness pat has with the nature of feelings he has for pran doesn't invalidate its existence: that it's romantic in nature.
(In no actual order)
3 - Broken Bus Stop Redesigning
5 - Fight in the Dorm Parking Lot
10 - Pran Sings "Our Song" Draft
10 - InkPa in the Darkroom
12 - Dissaya Watches Ming
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warsamongthestars · 5 months
We have the destruction of the Marauder, the painting black of the Boy's armor, Echo in Five's esque situations...
... Look, we might just have to face the fact that the BBs are heading to their deaths. Because I don't see this ending well.
The show is knee deep now. Its shown what it wanted to be shown that doesn't interfere / sets up with the other shows.
The Bad Batch are going to die.
If they don't, I'll be fucking shocked. Except I won't.
1). I'd be shocked because...
... We're talking about the super special awesome team that, if left alive, would be capable of totally altering Star Wars before Star Wars had a chance.
And that's from TCWs set up alone.
... Because Rex has to lose the will to fight somehow, and killing Echo would be a good way to start.
Gotta get that Rebels in. I guess.
... Because Where the hell would the The BBs be in the other money-sunk shows that've popped up in the last decade, besides being Dead.
... Because they're clearly setting up Omega to appear in the Live Action somewhere, and nothing stereotypes enforces a Mary Sue a brand new clone jedi character related to Boba Fett, more than "Tragic Family Backstory Death"... Like every bad rogue character in DND.
2). I wouldn't be shocked because...
... Shitty Writing Choices are par for the course.
... The Writers have ignored every Logical, Reasonable, Characteristic Option since Episode 1, so why would they start thinking Now.
... They've already Killed Tech beyond Story revival, Killed Echo's Buildup to Anything (Now he's a literal shock-trooper in narration; only appears to do a few things, then leaves without any character), killed Hunter's character in Ep1, and Crosshair's development means he's on the same chopping block as Tech.
... They've tried like hell to De-Set up TCWs and TCWs branched stories in nearly every decision they've made, and frankly, I don't view it as "Oh rising to the empire--look how they treat clones", I view as more as "We didn't bother viewing TCWs beyond S7 so we're going to ignore the vast majority of it to have wangst--BUT LOOK AT OUR SPECIAL OC!"
I am prepared for both. Death would be the reasonable writing choice--but they haven't done reasonable since show start.
These are the same folk who said "Oh Crosshair's chip was removed!"... off Screen, and on Xitter no less.
I wouldn't trust these people to find a picture of a hemlock plant.
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aprillikesthings · 7 months
The next episode itself is a two-parter, and I think that rather than split them up I will just watch through, which might mean I have to reblog this post multiple times.
Finishing out season four!
s4, eps 12&13 Destiny
Usual reminder: this is a REwatch and there’s spoilers ahoy, I make a lot of bad jokes (some of which are Adult In Nature), I reference other cartoons, I make random asides.
(also, this time specifically, I had some alcohol)
Tbh? it's a lot like watching things like this with me in person aaahahaha I always want to pause and infodump shit -_-
lol Emily is destroying Shadow Weaver's garden
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Emily acts like Mal the cat does sometimes. WHAT IS IN YOUR MOUTH you are not supposed to have that! Get out of there!
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it's easy to forget how BIG Scorpia is??
LOLOL oh my god I went downstairs for like an hour and a half talking to my partners about the most random shit and then playing with the cat and also: I've had most of a can of wine.
One of these:
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YEAH (that's a huge image)
so if these get weird: blame the wine I guess
oh also @corpseauthority and I picked out fake fur and minky fabric for the ears and tail of my Catra cosplay :D :D :D I'M SO EXCITED
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the only thing better than Scorpia's "huh?" is Shadow Weaver's flat "what"
Shadow Weaver: no we need the other princesses Glimmer: well they're gone but-- Scorpia, Shadow Weaver, and Emily: WAIT, WHAT???
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okay but is the guard telling you this Double Trouble
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that thing was not meant to hold four humans and a horse with wings
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why are you SNIFFING HIM
Entrapta: "I don't know you" Micah: "Yes, you do. You stole my food." Entrapta: "OH YEAH! It was delicious :D"
oh god Adora's like "....but are you okay? we came here to find you 🥺"
and she's like YEAH I'M GREAT
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"each more deadly than the next??? it's PARADISE"
I love her so much oh my godddd
Bow: "We're here to rescue you" Entrapta: "didn't I just rescue YOU?"
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Bow mentions Hordak and Entrapta pulls her little new bug-eye mask down :(
Adora: so hey we uhhhhhhhh really need your help due to a terrible secret of the First Ones that nobody but us knows
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"WHy didn't you say so???"
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well that's a callback to s1 ep1
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anyway Kyle, Rogelio, and Lonnie come in and Catra's like OH UHHH so...what's happening
Lonnie: "we just got back from conquering another Rebel town" Kyle: ":D You should've seen us!! It was all:"
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and then he kicks Scorpia's old locker, with the drawings on it, and Catra gets mad
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Ironically the degree to which Catra is UPSET is making me ship them harder lol
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bb you need a break you are getting feral
Man Lonnie has her number lol. "What is wrong with you? We're winning! Even you should be happy."
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god I love when she's this deranged
she slams poor Lonnie against a locker
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john cena dot gif
but also OH DO THEY REMIND YOU OF WHO YOU USED TO BE? HMM? what you really wanted??? what actually gave you something like joy or contentment????? are you trying to just erase any part of you capable of feeling good?????????
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Kyle is RIGHT
The cinematic parallels between Catra and Glimmer in this episode ("forget my friends I'M IN CHARGE HERE and YOU NEED TO FOLLOW ORDERS") are *chef's kiss*
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Catra realizing this isn't what she actually wants: part ....a lot
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The other three leave, she yanks the drawings off Scorpia's old locker, then THUMPs her head on it. And then Double Trouble shows up!
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okay wait tho the way she pauses and then thumps her head on it is so funny I wish I could gif it, it's so cat-like and also Very Emo
I don't think this is supposed to be funny but it IS and I cannot stop rewinding and laughing. I blame the wine.
help i've rewatched it like five times now
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lol right??
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Me, when I was info-dumping my own fic at myself: is it weird to imagine these two banging??? Me now: nope
Double Trouble: "Apologies for the delay, kitten. I got ...held up...in Bright Moon"
Anyway they give a little speech about how the Princesses keep fighting and She-Ra is away
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(now THERE's an old fandom reference ahahaha)
"We can't let them return to the Fright Zone!" TOO FUCKING LATE
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Anyway they argue about the possibility of Glimmer taking Scorpia back to the Fright Zone
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lolol I am. like. less than ten minutes into the FIRST OF TWO EPISODES and i've hit the image limit.
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
A moment I've been waiting for! I got through Cutie Pie (lol) to get to this peak!
The Bad Buddy OGMMTVC Rewatch begins NOW, eeee!
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hongtiddiez · 9 months
every month of 2023 🌸
thank you so much for the tag @sparklyeyedhimbo my beloved!
i've only been making gifs since september and watching bls since june. prior to that i was actually working a lot on my art and writing and working on my legend of zelda OC, vasru (i miss you bb i swear i haven't forgotten about you - someday ill come back to that massive wip project)
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september 🌸
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in september i posted my very first gifset! i made a few gifs prior to this but the quality was.. eh. these were the first ones i felt confident enough to post.
i also made a set for my favorite not me scene per episode
october 🌸
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october i made my favorite gumpa moments set! i also made this single gif from only friends (which i have still never seen) which has the most notes of any of my gifs (tho gumpa is catching up)
i also made my gmmtv live papang set, papang show announcements set, my moonlight chicken almost kiss set, and my gaipa set
november 🌸
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november i made way too many inspector m gifs. here's the 'official' set and then the honorable mentions set ! i think this is the month i showed the most growth and learned the most and really came into my own style.
i also made the beam (moonlight chicken) set, the save your tears mv set, bake me please ep1, this manner of death tan set (that did SO BADLY), my first the sign set, and bake me please e2
i also made this meme for my beloved @porschesbabydaddy
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december 🌸
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not the first gif i made of december but the first time i put subtitles on a gif, so a lil milestone. i made a lot of bake me please and the sign sets for december. i'm not going to link them all but basically page 1-3 of my gifs are all december.
i think my euripedes set and my would you mind it are my favorites of the month~
i've really, really enjoyed learning how to gif and experimenting and learning new things! it's really connected me with so many people and i can't wait to see what 2024 brings for all of us.
i'm being a nasty lazy lil guy and anyone that wants to do this pls feel free bc i dont wanna tag (im sure most have already been tagged lol)
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resentingthestatusquo · 5 months
GOD I've finally caved and started rewatching 911 from the beginning (bc finals are over and I'm a winner) but I truly forgot
a) just how TWINKY bb buck was!!!!
a.5) how YOUNG they ALL are!!! and the looks are SO different!!
b) how many ICONIC lines come from ep1
c) just how fucking annoying abby is - PARTICULARLY since we've had maddie at dispatch
(potentially more updates to come)
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airenyah · 1 year
literally only seconds into the our skyy nlmg episode and....
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anyone else got the ability to recognize bedsheets on sight?
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
I wasn't sure about ON or the idea of a crossover, like many people, but at risk of speaking too soon, this is one of my favorite episodes. Patpran felt organic, the plot didn't bother me, I love Inkpa and Phuphatian, the chemistry was there. People could call it bad taste or low standards, but for me nothing too annoying jumped out. I genuinely enjoyed it so far and am actually excited for the next episodes. Sure I don't like Pat's hair personally speaking lol, but that won't stop me from rewatching. I haven't looked much at opinions yet so maybe other people hated it with a passion. Maybe it's because I went in with low expectations? Maybe if I had been hyped about Bad Buddy's episode I'd be let down instead?
P’Aof got me on this crossover train, at least for now. The plot definitely makes sense. Also did we just get WaiPat kiss😭 that was so funny LMAOO at least we know now how Pat wakes up Pran
Sooo the crossover is really happening, I am still not sure if we will get 2 or 4 episodes(I think 4🤔) I am happy to see Tian and Phupa back🥹 For the BBS part I am not sure anymore about this 2 passing as a couple? I don't know they feel very "bro" with each other? p.s. I hate Pats hair and I am still devastated over Longtae not being in PhuPanDao
I feel conflicted lol.
I don't wanna comment too much on patpran because I know people are sensitive; I'd say the chemistry wasn't bad and ON were able to fully get back into character which I didn't doubt - but too much has happened for me to enjoy this lmao. I can't look past the things that occurred so it's difficult for me to be objective.
However, unexpectedly, I'm loving the crossover lol. I was trying to think of possible ways for them to combine these stories over the past few days and I came up with nothing lmao. But the idea with the script is actually really smart. It makes sense to me. Also I might have gotten a little emotional at that last scene lmao I didn't expect that. it's been so long. none of this feels real. but daddy aof did it again 😮‍💨
I'm pretty sure we will get 4 episodes. I'm thinking it's gonna be BBS x ATOTS ep1 tomorrow, BBS x ATOTS ep2 next Wednesday and then ATOTS ep1 on Thursday. but who knows. if they wanna go full clusterfuck they bring the others back in the finale as well lmao.
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