grilleddexmix · 6 hours
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greasehydra save me. save me..
i know its an odd ship. but yall have to hear me out they want eachother fr fr.
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grilleddexmix · 15 hours
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Greaseball is S-O-R-R-R-Y! 🎥: @mttztrading
Bonus: proud of herself
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grilleddexmix · 18 hours
update on comms, i am working on them diligently i simply got so much homework from school this week 😭😭 hopefully the weekend should see em done 💗💗
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grilleddexmix · 3 days
werewolf!greaseball getting more open and comfortable with dinah and doing doglike things in human form >>>>
Hehehehe this is so cute. Here’s some ramblings because thiiiiis
It starts with little differences.
Greaseball lets Dinah feed her treats throughout the day without her even thinking about it. Its a stark contrast to their early relationship where Greaseball would get annoyed and say “I can feed myself” with a sharpness to her tone. As time goes on, Dinah always carries (human although Greaseball has eaten dog treats in her human form) treats where ever they go because even though the full moon is weeks away, Dinah makes sure Greaseball is well fed. She gets cranky when she’s hungry.
Greaseball lays out on Dinah’s lap whenever she sits down, she’s a surprisingly affectionate werewolf and that translates over to her human form.
Greasey starts making more dogish noises. Grunts, grumbles and rumbles, sometimes she start snarling if she thinks her or Dinah are being threatened.
She sniffs a lot of things. If it’s unfamiliar to her, she has to give it a good sniff to get its scent. She reacts to different scents. Like she gets all happy when she takes in Dinah’s scent, pissy and aggressive if she catches the scent of an unfamiliar creature or a monster that she has told to back off from Dinah.
She does the thing dogs do when they play chase where they creep up a little and stare, then creep up a little closer. Dinah is sitting on the couch reading and just looks up at Greaseball “Greaseball, no. Stop” suddenly Dinah is a giggling mess as she run from Greasey around the house until they land on the couch.
Dinah is curious if human Greaseball will fetch so she pretends to throw a ball and Greaseball starts to speed walk after it. A moment goes by and she just turns around and says “the fuck-“ over 1. She actually went after the ball and 2. There was no fucking ball.
Hehehe human Greaseball doing dog things without realizing cause she’s comfy around Dinah to let her walls down.
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grilleddexmix · 3 days
Ok now I have to ask: in this werewolf au, you mentioned that Electra is a vampire. Is anyone else a supernatural creature?
So far I have
• Belle is a witch. She really tries to help any of the other creatures and beasts but it takes a lot out of her to do magic, its why she sleeps a lot.
• Rusty is also a werewolf although he’s a different type, he has more control over his wolfish side (partly due to Momma taking care of him from a young age and showing him how to work with being a werewolf and not being against it). I keep thinking of making him something different than Greaseball but I like the tension it makes between them because Greaseball knows he’s a werewolf on HER territory but she lets him be because he poses no threat. Doesn’t mean she won’t try to beat the shit out of him or bully him (before an event similar to the crash in canon. Still fleshing a storyline out)
• Electa is a vampire and their components are like their human caretakers(? Its weird trying to explain them). They have centuries of wealth and a loyal group of humans so when they do hunt, it’s because they get a craving for different bloods. They imagine Pearl’s is rather sweet and it makes them hungry just thinking about it.
• I’ve been thinking about making Tassita fae. I want to include him in the monster line up somehow and my brain keeps going to fae.
• i want at least one of the freight trucks to be a monster though not sure what kind. Same for some of the champion engines.
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grilleddexmix · 3 days
how come gb wears shirts when she knows she’s about to transform anyway? why not just like hang naked for that day, especially pre-dinah?
Oh my god you are absolutely right.
Greaseball only starts wearing clothes because Dinah starts hanging around during the full moon. Dinah thinks thats just how Greaseball is and wonders why she doesn’t just wear larger shirts on full moon days.
One particularly bad day pretty far into their relationship, Greaseball hasn’t gotten out of bed, she’s overheated and in pain to the point where she strips down to nothing to try and cool down. Dinah blushes heavily when she brings her something to eat and some tea. They’d been intimate before so its not like Dinah had never seen Greaseball naked but it still made her knees buckle a little at seeing Greaseball’s (in Dinah’s mind) perfect body.
Werewolf!Greaseball is much more comfortable when she’s free of all that fabric against her fur. Dinah loves getting to fully brush Greaseball’s fur and give her all the pats and belly rubs. It really is like have a giant dog around the house now.
And when Greaseball wakes up the next morning, Dinah is so quick to kiss her and worship her body, this was Greaseball gets a little ego boost if it was a rough transformation and it puts her in a better mood despite how tired she is.
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grilleddexmix · 3 days
Werewolf AU question!
Love your werewolf!Greaseball AU! I was cruising through the tags when this question hit me. In this AU, has there even been times when Greaseball, in werewolf form or human, has been (a) more protective of Dinah and/or (b) been more aggressive in her defense?
Like say, its the full moon night and she is transformed. And there is a strange werewolf (or some other supernatural creature) that's out and about in the night, and it gets too close to Greaseball's place. Does Greaseball go feral to get this thing off her lawn?
Or what about some supernatural creature flirts with Dinah (because Dinah is cute human or because they smell Greaseball on her and want to piss off GB off for whatever reason). Does Greaseball growl/do some werewolf alpha T-posing to tell them off?
And how does Dinah take it, regardless of whatever scenario it is?
I kinda ramble here because ahhhhhh this was so fun to kinda explore
Ooohhhh she definitely gets aggressive in Dinah’s defense in both her forms. It’s a little easier to keep werewolf!Greaseball at bay since Dinah keeps her inside. Despite calming down a lot since getting with Dinah, she’s still worried about hurting anyone and Dinah respects that. That doesn’t stop her snarling and gnashing at the door or window if she smells something off. If she were to get out or someone tried to get in, it’d be kill on sight. Its the only time Dinah is truly afraid of Greaseball’s wolf. She’s sees how truly vicious it can be and she can’t help but be scared in the moment. It causes Greaseball to lay down at the other end of the room with her ears flat and giving big old puppy dog eyes to try to ease her.
Human Greaseball gets very hyperaware of anyone that could be a threat going near Dinah. Electra (vampire) so badly wants to drink from Dinah but if they even look at Dinah like that, Greaseball’s hair raises and she bares her fangs, starting to snarl at Electra and their components. She will break their pretty pale face if they step out of line. I’ve been toying with the idea that Greaseball *could* potentially transform or even just do a partial transformation if she ever needed to. She doesn’t because there is always a chance she could lose herself and scare the town. Transforming also uses a *lot* of energy, even partial transformations.
Greaseball has broken people’s bones and done serious damage as a human. This also tends to scare Dinah and it takes a lot of coaxing to assure her that Greaseball’s ok and she’s ok. She’s in control. Greaseball realizes there is a fine line between showing off her strength and getting too aggressive, Dinah finds it hot until it seems like Greaseball starts to lose control. Dinah gets flashbacks to the first night she had met Werewolf!Greaseball and she went after her.
Dinah and Rusty have a pact that if she ever needed help getting Greaseball back should she lose herself and the wolf goes crazy beyond Dinah’s taming, he’d try to help. He’d at least try to protect Dinah, which could lead to Greaseball going even more ballistic in her wolf form.
Omg there is so much potential here and ah, its so fun to ramble about.
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grilleddexmix · 3 days
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I don’t think this needs an explanation
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grilleddexmix · 3 days
A few werewolf!Greaseball hcs I wrote at work. A very short list cause my brain is mush but still cute:
* Dinah makes Greaseball wear clothes a few sizes too big because she’s tired of Greaseball ripping her good shirts and jeans when she transforms.
* Greaseball can sense heartbeats if she focuses. She can tell if Dinah is getting anxious and is able to try to calm her down.
* (Human)Greaseball likes to lay her head in Dinah’s lap when they watch tv, Dinah doesn’t even think as she gives GB head scritches.
* In the same scenario, Dinah goes to give Greaseball a belly rub and freezes when her hand doesn’t meet soft fur but rather Greaseball’s very human torso. Force of habit is to give belly rubs.
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grilleddexmix · 3 days
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Dexter sketch cause I’m exhausted and also laying on the floor, vegging out with junk food. As a treat.
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grilleddexmix · 3 days
slow burn friends to lovers greasedinah…..
they meet when they’re like the equivalent of teenagers for trains, and end up becoming pretty good friends. even from the beginning they bicker like an old married couple.
they start racing together a little after they meet, and it’s the perfect partnership. GB is beyond amazed, because it seems like Dinah can almost read her mind during races.
neither of them bring up any feelings for a looonnnggg time. they’re friends and racing partners, that’s all. like Sure, Dinah is pretty, and Greaseball can barely breathe when she smiles at her, but that’s a normal friend feeling!
it isn’t until they’re probably like young adults that either of them realize they’ve been plausible deniability flirting for YEARS.
they win a really big race, and of course that calls for a party!! someone (no one remembers who) suggests everyone plays seven minutes in heaven. at first they’re hesitant, didn’t they all stop playing that when they were kids? eventually they decide it could be fun and plop down in a circle.
everyone drops something of theirs in a bag, Dinah’s hairclip goes in, as does one of Greaseballs wrenches she carries around.
GB gets to go first as the race winner, and she pulls the hairclip out. her eyes go wide, as do Dinah’s. neither of them thought of this as a real possibility when they agreed to the game. whatever.
in the small shed that was designated as “heaven” for the game, they sit on the floor and stare at each other. all of their friends are chanting “kiss! kiss! kiss!” outside the door, and both of their faces are cherry red.
Dinah finally gets exasperated with the silence and jumps up, skating over to where GB is sitting, “They aren’t gonna let us out until we kiss,,,we may as well just do it.”
Greaseball doesn’t say anything, still just staring at Dinah like she’s somehow the scariest and most beautiful thing she’s ever seen.
“hey, Greaseball, did you hear me?” Dinah waves a hand in front of her face, still not computing what was going on with her friend. “it can just be like a peck, but that door isn’t unlocking without one.”
Greasey finally seems to come to, scanning Dinah’s face up and down, “Has it been seven minutes?”
Dinah nodded, “more like nine, I banged on the door but they just kept chanting.” she rolled her eyes, “it doesn’t have to like,,mean anything, but if we want out of here tonight we’re gonna have to do something.”
“Can’t.” Greaseball shook her head, rolling over to the door and starting to bang on it, “C’mon, this isn’t funny, let us out!”
Dinah registered how odd GB sounded, almost like she was nervous…wait WAS she nervous???
The chanting outside the door got louder, pushing them to just kiss and get it done with.
“They aren’t gonna listen, we’re all drunk and making terrible choices.” Dinah sighed, skating over to put a hand on GB’s shoulder, “Can we please just get this over with?”
“…I can’t do it, not like this, okay?” Greaseball finally turned back to Dinah, looking like a deer in headlights.
“What do you mean ‘not like this?’ That implies you…would..other..wise…” Dinah looked confused for a moment, before realization washed over her, ���Oh.”
“Forget I said anything, let’s just get out of here, okay?” Greaseball grabbed the door handle and yanked as hard as she could, managing to break the lock and get the door open
Okay hot…
Dinah sighed and followed her out, the others booing them jokingly. The rest of the night was spent doing shots with the other coaches and trying to keep her mind off what Greaseball said.
An engine from out of town, one who had come for the race, skated up to her, sliding into the seat next to hers, “Hey there, want a drink?” They seemed to loom over Dinah, and while she wasn’t being threatened, she didn’t particularly like their presence.
“I’m alright thanks, had plenty for the night.” She scanned the area for Greaseball, catching sight of her chatting with Golden Eagle on the other side of the outdoor area.
“Aw, you sure? You’re a real pretty little coach.” the engine did back out of her personal space, but still wasn’t leaving her alone, “I guess you’re taken though, that diesel you race with means business about you.”
“What do you mean?” Dinah looked confused, crossing her arms.
“She’s been staring at you on and off all night for one thing, and for another, three other engines have tried to come talk to you, she scared em all off. I’m only here because she’s distracted.”
“No, there’s no way…” Greaseball seemed to feel her gaze and made eye contact with her, noticing the engine sitting in her space and coming over.
“Nope, out.” GB waved the engine away, glaring at them menacingly.
They gave Dinah a knowing look and skated off, leaving them to their devices.
“Have you been scaring people away from me?” Dinah rounded on Greaseball, looking more confused than angry, “What’s your game here?”
“I don’t have a game, I just don’t like them bothering you, you’re my racing partner, not theirs.” GB folded her arms and sat down in the newly abandoned seat
“Tassita races with Orange Flash, and they aren’t like that over him.” Dinah knew that was a weak comparison, but her point still stood, “I’m not just gonna up and leave you because some random engine hit on me, we’re a good team.” Being a little tipsy was definitely making her a bit more honest.
“Dinah, that isn’t the same and you know it. Come on, we need to get you home.” Greaseball stood and gestured for Dinah to couple up with her.
“What if I don’t wanna?” she didn’t move from her seat, crossing her arms and glaring stubbornly at Greaseball. She wasn’t moving willingly until she got a real answer.
“Ugh, Di, can we not do this tonight? We can talk about everything when we’re sober.” GB offered a hand to help her up that Dinah hesitantly took, getting hitched up to go home
They made it to the coaches’ shed, Greaseball unhitching Dinah carefully so she could get inside. The moonlight was more apparent here than it was around the lights at the party, and Dinah looked so shiny and perfect
“Are you okay?” Dinah looked at Greaseball’s expression with worry, she’d never seen that expression on her before. (the expression is lovesick puppy)
“Um, yeah, just thinking.” all her bravado and grumpy posturing was gone in a second, replaced by all the fearfulness she felt her first time racing.
“Alright, goodnight Greaseball, thanks for the lift home..” Dinah made for the front door to the shed, pulling out her key.
Right as the door opened, Greaseball snapped forward, pulling Dinah back to her as gently as she could and smashing their lips together.
Dinah gasped, her arms making their way around Greaseball’s shoulders.
They didn’t break apart until their breath ran out almost entirely, hearts pounding against their chests
“I meant something like that..” Greaseball skated off, leaving Dinah standing outside her shed, absolutely baffled and equally happy.
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grilleddexmix · 3 days
werewolf!greaseball: inside me there are two wolves. one is my irrepressible lesbian thoughts, and the other is an actual wolf
Her lesbian thoughts are about Dinah. The actual wolf is crazy about Dinah. Dinah wants to comb Greaseball’s fur? Ok. Dinah wants Greaseball to do tricks? Ok. Dinah wants to trim Greaseball’s claws? Greasey will growl and snarl but let her because its what Dinah wants.
She’s so gay for Dinah
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grilleddexmix · 4 days
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i’ll stop with the text posts soon but for now suffer bc i have a stockpile x
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grilleddexmix · 4 days
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grilleddexmix · 4 days
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I mean it’s true
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grilleddexmix · 5 days
can we get some hurt/comfort hcs for werewolf gb? like dinah taking care of her before and after the full moon?
Anon, this is what I’m living for. I love this so, so much. Just Dinah getting to take care of her werewolf gf and makin sure she’s comfy but also giving her body what it needs.
* Greaseball tries telling Dinah she’s fine, she doesn’t need her help. She’s been a werewolf for years. She knows how to prepare for her transformations. (No she doesn’t, she just ignores her needs until after the transformation).
* Dinah shows up to Greaseball’s house anyway. She’s got bags of groceries and a duffle bag of her own clothes, intending on staying the week despite Greaseball’s protests.
* When Greaseball’s hair starts going wild, she does everything to try and stop it but nothing works. She hates how floofy her mullets gets but Dinah adores it. She’s always loved Greaseball’s hair but now she just wants to run her hands through it and play with it.
* Greaseball’s appetite gets worse but Gb doesn’t do anything about. They’ll be sitting on the couch after lunch, Greaseball in a sour mood because she’s STILL hungry but she doesn’t want to give in to her wolfish tendencies. Dinah notices but doesn’t think anything of it.
* That night though, Dinah wakes up to Greaseball’s spot on the bed empty. When she walks into the kitchen, her heart breaks. Greaseball is laid on the floor, cradling her stomach after raiding the fridge and making a mess of the kitchen. Her whimpers and whines sound so dog like, Dinah can’t help but find it a little bit cute. Dinah helps Greasy to bed and cleans up.
* From then on, Dinah makes Greaseball eat until she’s satisfied. She doesn’t care how much she has to cook, she will not let Gb let herself go hungry cause her wolfy side is coming out.
* Greaseball struggles with it all because she hates losing control. Its her body and just because she was a werewolf didn’t mean she should let herself fall into letting her animal instincts take over.
* Greaseball’s teeth get achy when her fangs come out. She tries wearing a mask to cover them so Dinah doesn’t get freaked out but Dinah actually LOVES her little fangs. Her ears get a little more pointy and Dinah could spend hours just staring at her girlfriend.
* She starts overheating in bed. The little sleep she did get would be interrupted with waking up in a sweat and having to ditch the covers. Dinah brings some fans in to try and cool her hot (hehe) girlfriend off.
* The day before, when Greaseball wakes up in pain cause her body is prepping to transform, Dinah insists Greaseball stay in bed. She brings everything the Greasy, medicine, food, drinks. Dinah even gives her a massage to try and help ease her muscles.
* When it’s time to transform, Greaseball makes Dinah leave the room. Usually it’s an incredibly painful process that leaves her disoriented and cranky. But this time, she shifts and it’s still uncomfortable and a little painful but…its not nearly as bad. It’s actually tolerable by Greaseball’s standards.
* After transformations are usually spent in bed, building her energy back. Dinah stays with her snd cuddles her, letting her sleep and only waking her to eat something.
* The next full moon, Greaseball isn’t so anxious about it. That fear is never gone as there was always a risk but suddenly being a werewolf wasn’t so hard on her body.
I have so many ideas for oneshots and stories its not even funny
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grilleddexmix · 5 days
how does dinah gain werewolf greaseballs trust? assuming (since in the first drabble gb went for dinah) that she’s not all there, how do they bridge that gap at first? do they wait until the next full moon and agree to let dinah meet wolf gb in a cage or something? i’m picturing gb waking up the second time as a human, realising she’s not in the cage anymore (she made dinah promise not to let her out) and panicking that she’s killed dinah, until dinah walks in with some dog treats and a tennis ball like ‘oh you’re back!’
In hindsight, I should’ve written another drabble but here it is in kinda bullet points. (And I’ll likely write something for this on top of it because ahh, I love this au)
* Dinah BEGS Greaseball to be there for the next full moon. Greaseball really doesn’t want to let her but she’s making that face so reluctantly, she lets Dinah do it.
* Greaseball admits that she really doesn’t have any control over her wolf side so it’d be a big risk. She’s hurt people before and she really doesn’t want anything to happen to Dinah.
* They come up with a plan, Greaseball is to be locked in her bedroom and Dinah has to promise not to let her out.
* The full moon comes around and Dinah’s heart breaks when she hears Greaseball’s cries and yells as she transforms.
* The wolf at first is quiet but then gets a whiff of Dinah and starts trying to escape. Not just because it could smell Dinah but werewolf Gb was so used to being allowed anywhere in her house (she usually just stayed in the kitchen)
* The growling and snarling soon turn to whimpers and whines with gentle scratches against the door. She so badly wants to open the door.
* The next morning, Dinah wakes up on Grease’s couch when a very exhausted human Greaseball walks out and is so relieved to see Dinah. Dinah is so quick to give her a hug and kiss and then its straight to making sure Greaseball gets something to eat.
* From this point, Dinah starts doing as much research as she can about werewolves and Momma picks it up it, revealing that Rusty is also afflicted with the same problem and that she knows a lot about caring for werewolves. Momma gives Dinah a long list of advice on how to really get the wolf to trust her.
* It takes a few months of leaving her own clothes out for the wolf to smell, sitting against the door so Greaseball can sniff her from under the door, sliding treats and little snacks under the door. The werewolf seems to calm down a lot. It helps that Dinah has been forcing Greaseball to take care of herself leading up to the full moon.
* Finally, Dinah opens the door and backs away (even though Greaseball begged her not to). The giant, scary werewolf lunges out, growling and snarling but this time, Dinah stands her ground.
* Dinah lets Greaseball approach her, sniffing her and putting her snout against her as she takes in Dinah’s scent.
* Suddenly the wolf is inpartial to her, just happy to be allowed into the kitchen again as she opens the door to the fridge. Dinah doesn’t push her luck and lets her big wolfy Gb raid the kitchen, knowing she’s probably just hungry.
* Greaseball is panicked when she wakes up in the kitchen but when she sees Dinah asleep on the couch, she gets very, very confused. She’s never not hurt someone.
* The next few months, Dinah starts getting more and more involved with Greaseball’s werewolf side. She starts cooking a lot the day of and werewolf Greaseball starts recognizing that Dinah=food.
* Her first head scritches, she realizes Dinah=food AND comfort.
* Suddenly Dinah has a giant werewolf nudging her for food and belly rubs, in that order.
* Greaseball’s kitchen goes from poorly stocked to incredibly well stocked and Dinah keeps her werewolf well fed and well loved. Greaseball notices how the kitchen and her furniture is now intact, as her werewolf side doesn’t try to tear her home apart anymore.
* Human Greaseball refuses to admit how much she loves it. At first she just can’t believe Dinah has managed to somehow tame her but then it starts translating into her human life too. When she’s hungry, she wants Dinah. When she’s needy, she wants Dinah. Even just coming home and catching a whiff of her scent is enough to get Greaseball craving Dinah’s attention.
In short, it’s a long process but Dinah is determined to pet that big fluffy werewolf.
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