#bbh blows me away once again
kadextra · 7 months
Today, for the very first time, the eggs were not supporting characters- they were the main characters of their own story, for an entire stream which we got front row seats for. We got our closest glimpse into what happens in the qsmp universe for the kids “when the cameras are off” through Dapper and Pomme.
We watched them wake up, search for their dad, go on an adventure, visit their tio, make dinner, have fond moments, watch the sunrise, and go to sleep. All focus on them, all aspects of their characterization in the spotlight. They carried the 3 hour long stream with nothing but text on signs, little egg body language, and guitar notes- which I imagine was super challenging, but they killed it.
I am so happy Bad handed the stage to these talented roleplayers to tell their POV of the story while his character is gone, and his “Absence” settles in. I’d been wanting to see something like this for a long time and I feel so satisfied <3
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
hello! can i please request hcs with quackity about being in a long distance relationship with him?
yes omg!! thanks for the request! ; I tried, I tried not that great
QUACKITY ; long distance relationship
summary ; you and quackity are online daters /j
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 686
y/s/n = your ship name
Tumblr media
you met at Twitch Rivals
you're both content creators which is obviously how you met
you guys bonded over shared interactions and the games you'd both lost
you got along so great that you exchanged information and decided you should stream together sometime
a couple weeks later you were invited to a jackbox stream with him, fundy, tommy, tubbo, bbh, and niki
shit went crazy
"Y/u/n, is there anything you'd like me to call you before we start? Like nickname or just y/u/n?" Niki asks
You graciously answer her, letting her know your name and proffered pronouns. Tommy makes a little, very lighthearted joke before pointing out someone in chat already making you and Niki and you and Alex ship names.
"Oh God, they've got us" You chuckle. "They're both mine, chat"
"AYO? SINCE WHEN?" Alex shouts
Niki giggles, covering her mouth.
"Since now" You shrug
you decided to try dating during the second north carolina meetup
you both had some fuzzy feelings about each other and mutually agreed on 'well hey, we like each other, why not try it out?'
being near the beach and with all your friends made it like a dream
but after two weeks, you had to go home
but you left your relationship untitled for now
Streaming together continued as per usual. So did long talks and phone calls, and hours spent playing video games (mostly Minecraft) together.
the next trip was to LA to visit Alex this time
you guys had your first kiss on his balcony overlooking the city
the way he giggled after omg
during that trip, you established your relationship and started to go on every day dates and stuff
but then you had to go home again
Honestly, both of you didn't really think about what to do with your relationship once you went home. You were taking it all in while you had it and weren't thinking about the very true reality of it all.
you thought talking was constant? it is now
sometimes both of you will just stay up late and rant about what you like about each other and corny shit
youre the one to softlaunch the relationship to fans
you probably guessed the password to his twitter/instagram and changed his bio to "y/u/n's bf 💯💯"
he didnt even know until people were flooding his dms and people on tik tok were talking about it
hed already said he was okay with telling people as long as you were tho
sends you pictures of flower bouquets once a week with some thought out, very loving paragraph or poem
he constantly complains about not being able to kiss or cuddle you
"y/n/n why are you so far away!?"
"i told you id be able to pay for you to live with me"
sends you good morning/goodnight texts and talks about what you'd be doing that day if you were together
cheesy little man
always spamming you w pics of Tiger
will religiously send you memes and blow up your phone if you're busy or ignoring him
yk the relationship is srs when even your qsmp characters are in love
the lore.
half of its heartbreaking angst and the other half is literally your bucket lists/daydreams of the future of your relationship
hes so down bad for you
will do anything to make you smile or make you flustered
will make the most suggestive jokes in front of friends, stay silent for a second or two and yell "im joking, im joking!"
orders you doordash/uber eats when you're doing subathons or generally long streams
will always join through vc/greenscreen when youre doing cooking streams
you'll do greenscreen dates (like the fiances stream) once a month and gossip over takeout LMAO
genuinely asks his fanartists to make ship art of you two because he loves seeing all the ideas and cute shit
they always draw you with one of his beanies or hats on, the occasional necklace
you reblog tumblr y/s/n fanart 24/7/365
karaoke streams are a must
you guys rank those "songs that all white people love" videos and rate the songs
dare or hot wing streams when youre literally anywhere but near each other>>
also playing just dance using vc and stream green screen>>>
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odusseus-xvi · 1 year
Pomme's paranoïa
Because aparently I can't stop talking about this little egg. I wanted to touch this subject because it is something CRUCIAL to her character, and from what I've seen Richas, in his letter to Forever, has actually talked about that and how he is worried for her.
I want to talk here about WHERE that paranoïa might come from idea by idea (more in depth than my post about Pomme as a whole) :
Bobby died THE DAY after her arrival, that probably didn't help. That also caused a startle in everyone on the island making everyone a lot more paranoïd that they already were at Pomme's arrival, she then had the realization that life was EXTREMELY dangerous and limited on the island VERY early on, in a way a bit similar to Richas if we think about it, though Richas experienced it and so processed it wildly diferently, she got a dreadful suspense ; when is it coming to me ? To the others ? Because that's the thing, she is not as scared of losing her lives as she is scared of losing the others and the others losing her.
Not long after Dapper lost his first life to the code, that not only added to the already constant background aprehension, but that also made her the LAST egg with two lives, and from now on, everytime people talked about her was about how she was the next target of the code.
And then she WAS : Targeted by the code next to Ninho after everyone was worried of the tweet from Quackity Studios, and after she was saved THREE times from the codes she saw the people she cared about turn against each other because she had been not careful (Her french dads becoming suspicious of Forever, and therefore of Baghera.) (she was in fact "mind controlled" to come outside but from her POV it was still her fault.) From now on SHE CANNO'T let her guard down, this is both too dangerous for her and the people she loves.
A bit later was the attack that was then considered not canon by the admins because the attack was WAY too powerful : It broke a lot of totems at once and broke all of her armor. Though her death was not considered canon by the admins at first, Pomme (and the admin) played it as actually existing, not as a nightmare, not as non existant, but as an actual event she was saved from by someone or something : She talks about it from time to time, she truly died a bit that day.
(a little quote from that event from her diary because it's Heartbreaking)
"The pain was excruciating. It pierced my body, and with each hit, I felt the life leave my body a little more. The noise of the totems was deafening, the pain prevented me from running to escape. Just a few seconds later, I felt intense pain, even more intense than the previous blows. He had just finished me off. I no longer saw anything, I no longer felt anything. The pain had vanished in an instant. It was cold, I was scared. [...] While I was sleeping. something strange happened. As if the missing part of my soul was repairing itself. When I woke up, I no longer had any pain anywhere. But I'm still scared, more scared than ever. I'm terrified. [...] I never want to suffer so much again. I never want anyone to suffer so much again. I have no other choice; I have to get stronger. I'm going to have to live with this fear from now on, so I might as well put it to good use."
She then starts to actually show her paranoïa in a lot of aspects of her personality :
She is INCREDIBLY quick at trading her butterfly wings for her chestplate at any potential danger. She has also shown multiple times and SAID on her sign that her inventory hotbar is the most paranoïd thing ever : Filled with totems, her weapons, regeneration 2 splash potions (that are also very likely refilled with the backpack upgrade knowing her parents)
She, after learning the codes could imperssionate them now, immediatly figured out a code to make sure she was truly herself.
The day after ElQuackity was exploded by BBH and Max and that he threatened them, Pomme asked Baghera to build another safe room 200k away from spawn as she was not feeling safe in Ninho anymore.
One other interesting thing : She is not just the only egg with two lives, she is the egg that survived the LONGEST with two lives. And two things comes out of that : The fear of losing her first life because it would cause suffering to her AND her loved ones, but ironically also that SHE would be the one that could sacrifice a life to one of her siblings, she would feel terrible if one of her siblings died instead of her "simply" losing a life and she did nothing because she was scared.
A fun (not fun) little fact is that recently this paranoïa for the other's safety has started to transform into anger : She was first scared of ElQuackity, but the second she learned that Dapper was captured by him, she was FURIOUS, Baghera had to tell her multiple times to not go after ElQuackity, and though she is most of the time very empathetic of someone's situation, she has only expressed disgust and hate towards ElQuackity since then, talking multiple times how much she wants to kill him herself. (if that's how she loses her first life : dying trying to kill ElQuackity... I don't what I would do (probably cry))
I could probably find 100 more things to say but I'm writing that in the middle of doing something else and I'm getting a headache so I'll stop there. If you can't tell this was just an excuse to talk about the egg of all time. Let's finish by the quote (that I really like) that crowns her wiki page :
"J'ai beaucoup de questions mais je suis pas sûre de vouloir connaître les réponses"
"I have many questions but I'm not sure I want to know the answers"
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Work the Knight Away- 4halo
A thing for 4halo, playing on the themes of romance but not romantic. (Whether or not Badboyhalo’s character is aromantic matters little to me- I enjoy all interpretations but this is themed for those who like to think he is. :3 )
A story in which Forever is a knight errant out to make his fame and fortune. He and his family- Cellbit, Pac, Mike, and Felps- agreed that they would set out to make legends of themselves. Once they were famous, they would return home and tell each other stories about what had happened while they were away and what they had done.
Cellbit was the first to return, solving a series of murders to track down the killer, a desperate man with a more desperate motive that lead him down the path of vile, vicious black magic. Pac and Mike left together and returned as such, having become great inventors and saving a kingdom from a bitter winter through use of steam and brass and bravery. (Marketing is tough, y’all, customer service more so.)
Felps was the latest to return, having tripped his way into a conspiracy to summon forth a dark god by way of being slated as one of the three bodies for the next sacrifice. He escaped with the child in tow, the old man staying behind to blow up the ritual site, and as one of two survivors, he was marked as a hero and a martyr. The child comes with Felps to his home with his friends and they name him Richarlyson, deciding to raise the kid as their own.
Forever... Forever has yet to return. He’s not as technologically-inclined as Pac and Mike, nor as blindly compassionate as Felps, nor as quick-witted as Cellbit. All he has is his sword, his horse, his armor, and his willingness to work. So perhaps it’s for the best that a year into his journey, the work finds him.
It starts with a demon.
Forever is on day 432 of his journey and he rides up into a town that looks run down but well-loved, just on the right side of poor. He asks around if there’s any monsters that need slaying because at this point he’ll do just about anything for a warm bed and a meal and the townspeople insist that there’s only one monster around and that he shouldn’t be bothered. Forever presses the matter and he’s told that the monster is a demon who showed up about a week before he did, and that if he were to travel out upriver to see the demon, he would surely agree that he’s harmless.
Forever, tired but not too tired to be curious, and just jaded enough to suspect that the demon may not be as harmless as he appears, rides off to see him. He finds Badboyhalo just as the townspeople had said, cutting down a tree with a big stack of logs nearby. Forever starts to interrogate BBH but he just smiles sunnily at the knight and pretends that Forever had come up to be his friend. He spins out a yarn about how happy he is to see Forever, how eager he is to have a friend and how friends help friends, right?
Forever ends up spending four hours with Badboyhalo building a bridge across the river. He didn’t plan on this, but it ended up happening and even when the bridge is complete he’s still not sure how he got roped into it. Immediately after he goes to the inn, pays for a room, and goes to bed, exhausted after the labor.
With the bridge built, BBH leaves town in the dead of night and the third morning after, the river floods. Forever is there to watch it happen and he's shocked and intrigued to see a flood of people cross into town in the wake of the disaster. Apparently the town Forever is staying in for the time being was barely hit by the flood but those upstream suffered greatly- Bad's bridge saved lives. A bridge, built three mornings before it became necessary, saved lives.
It's just as suspicious as it is auspicious so Forever leaves town to track down the demon who roped him into helping in the first place. It takes time but Forever is stubborn and patient when he needs to be, so he does find the man again, this time digging a big hole in the garden behind someone's house. Forever tries to interrogate BBH again but the demon remains cagey, instead having Forever dig the pit with him.
Again Forever is too tired to question BBH after the work is done and just like the first time, upon having to deal with the other's word play and shenanigans for hours, his first thought is of sleep. BBH leaves with the rising of the moon and upon its setting, Forever awakens to a heavy rainstorm, heavy enough to prevent all travel. He waits out the weather in the inn, irritated at this turn of events, and it's only on the third day that it clears up- but not before a bolt of lightning strikes the pond made by water filling the hole he and BBH dug.
Forever and the townsfolk understand, then, that the pond was what kept the lightning from striking a nearby house, the body of water a more attractive target, if only just. To Forever, this feels like intentional acts rather than happenstance that saved the people again. BBH is preventing disaster before it occurs and he is either the cause of the disaster in the first place, or he can see the future. Either way, Forever wants to know more.
Really, a demon causing and mitigating problems at every turn, ones dangerous enough to risk life and limb of everyone nearby? Sounds like the perfect person to follow for adventure and Forever really, really wants to go home.
So he follows BBH from town to town and city to city and helps the demon out every chance he gets, trying to learn more about him along the way. At first Forever's motive is entirely adventure and fame driven but over time, he falls in love with the work. It's ugly and hard and most of the time, he only gets minor accolades if anything at all. But he's saving lives.
He gets a roof over his head and homemade bread. He gets babies named after him, left in his lap as the parents greet the refuges or cry over those who narrowly escaped disaster. He gets BBH smiling at him; happy to see him, happy to have his help and his hands, eager to get to work.
Forever falls in love with that, the work. The grind. And along the way, he thinks he may fall in love with Badboyhalo too but only so much as it's a relief to see him, a lone constant just as happy to see him in turn. A welcome indicator that there is work to be done and here, for a few days at least, Forever can stop his wandering and lose himself in helping others.
It comes to a head when Forever, too full up on love to hide it anymore, confesses to BBH that he loves him but that he asks not for reciprocity because he doesn't love the demon as a person but as a symbol. A sign of the work, which is his true love. Bad hesitates and back peddles and tries to argue Forever out of it, but the knight stays firm- he loves BBH. He just doesn't want the demon to love him back: it would be leading them both on, giving them both false hope.
At last, BBH accepts but tells Forever outright that he can't love Forever back, even if he wanted to. As he's bound up in his duty to warn people of danger and to prevent harm where he can, the work has to come first. He can love things, sure, but to love any particular person enough to be in love with them is simply beyond his ability. He asks Forever if he's absolutely sure that it's the work that the knight loves, and not the demon himself.
As if by saying it he would firm up his belief on the matter, Forever confirms this- the work is first in his heart.
And the work goes on.
More towns, more cities, more lives to be saved. A full year passes and now Forever travels with Badboyhalo, not trailing after him as he did before. It's harder on his body as the demon takes fewer breaks and stays in one place less than a human like Forever would, but he rejoices in it because it means more work, more help. Less suffering.
Less time to think.
In his wake, Forever has left legends and folk stories about him and his demonic companion and they are certainly famous in their own way. However, because Forever is enamored with BBH and the work, he never sticks around to hear how the people love him and as such, he has no clue that he's met the requirements to return home.
Cellbit and the others know of course, and they get worried for their friend. He's alive, the stories and their rate of creation proves it, but still Forever doesn't return. They write letters to him but none of them reach the knight, the carrier birds plucked out of the air by Bad any time they come close, their letters confiscated and the birds returned to the air.
Forever loves his life, it's necessary and wonderful- and it's ripping him to shreds. Bad notices and begins to insist on more breaks, more food, more time to sleep but at this point the damage is done and Forever has a taste for self destructive love. The work consumes him. This too eventually leads to confrontation and Forever demands BBH explain how, for a man who could never be in love with him, he shows the knight so much love.
Fired up and angry because harm is being done and it's taking something extreme like a fight to get Forever to stop hurting himself, Bad shouts that he doesn't love Forever - he cares for him.
Forever will never come first to him, Bad has his own life to live, but he's enjoyed having Forever in it. It's lonely being a harbinger of doom as few dare to travel his road, full of hard work and long hours as it is, so Forever's kindness is deeply appreciated. However, while having Forever in his life brings him joy, it's killing the knight and that's unacceptable. He can live without Forever. He can't live with Forever being gone from his life in a final, more permanent sense.
Forever needs to go home, even if BBH really doesn't want to let him go. So, the demon gives the knight the letters he stole, the letters he kept so he could keep Forever with him just a little longer.
Forever is heartbroken and betrayed and angry because when someone is hurting you, the last thing you want to hear is that it's for your own good. However, reading the letters affirms that his family needs him so he does eventually pack up his things and head back the way he came, leaving Badboyhalo behind.
The way home is long and arduous and without the work, Forever finally realizes just how close he's come to killing himself. Suddenly, riding on horseback for a day is insufferable without at least a blanket to pad his seat, and skipping meals makes him feel so ill he can hardly move. His body is fed up with the mistreatment so it's demanding all the things it needs as loudly as it can now that Forever is out of self-inflicted survival mode.
How fortunate, then, that there are plenty of people to greet him and take care of him on his journey home. Every place that Forever had stopped to help is eager to see him and are happy to feed him, house him, and entertain him for as long as he needs. Finally, Forever realizes just how beloved he is- it's only reaffirmed by how people cluck over his scars and sob over how much he's suffered to save lives. To them, their love for him is enough to make them distressed over the fact that he's in pain. By hurting himself, he's hurting them.
It makes Forever think on the last month or two of his journey with Badboyhalo and what it must have been like to have an identity that revolved around preventing suffering yet have a companion who experienced nothing but, simply because they chose to live in your presence and follow your ways.
It hurts to think about, but then, there's certainly plenty of time to think now that he's traveling home. Time enough to learn, to grow- to fall in love in new ways. To fall in love with the world he rushed to save without stopping to see just what he was saving.
And perhaps, Forever falls a little bit in love with the demon who decided to save him from himself, at what he thought to be the cost of their friendship for separating Forever from his "true love."
Eventually, Forever makes it home and Cellbit, Pac, Mike, Felps, and little Richarlyson rush out to meet him. They sweep him up into a big hug and laugh at how he's changed his sword for a shovel, his big war horse for a draft horse perfect for pulling wagons. Forever laughs too and he gathers his family up and shares his story with them, which really does sound fantastic when it's all laid out at once.
The family hears this story often in the following weeks, enough that Richarlyson gets a little sick of it, but they can tell it means a lot to Forever so they put up with it. They're also very grateful to Badboyhalo, even if they aren't 100% sure he exists- really, a future predicting demon with a penchant for community service? Really? (Cellbit still votes that this is better than the time Forever fell in love with their migratory avian neighbor. The pining had been unreal.)
Months pass. Badboyhalo, who had been keeping a portion of his attention on Forever ever since the man had left, gets a bad feeling. Something is about to happen and he needs to save his friend before it's too late, so he picks up his bag, borrows a faster horse, and rushes for Forever's home as quick as he can.
On Forever's part, life continues as normal until one day, a winter storm comes through and their house collapses in on Forever and his family, pinning them all underneath the dining room table. Cellbit can't think of a way out, Pac and Mike don't have the tools to build a way out, and Felps' willingness to be eaten to keep his family alive is profoundly unhelpful.
The only ones who are calm are Forever and Richarlyson- the latter because he's certain that his dads can do anything, and the former because he knows that while he can't do anything, Bad is coming for him. Badboyhalo's whole purpose in life is to help. Bad is his friend. He just needs to wait.
And sure enough, BBH comes right in the nick of time, squeezing his way into the house through the ruins of the chimney and leading the family out through narrow passages in the debris. Everyone makes it out alive and they watch as the house finally caves in, the last of the supports giving way under the weight of the snow.
Cellbit and the rest are in awe of the demon that saved them but Forever's only reaction is to pull Bad into a tight hug, reassuring the man that there are no hard feelings between them. BBH apologizes for not getting there sooner but Forever is having none of it, as to him there's nothing to forgive- he had faith that Bad would turn up and low and behold, he did.
Forever's family splits off a little ways, Pac and Mike already examining the wreckage to see how they may rebuild, but Forever stays by Bad's side for a bit. He's thought too much on the topic to stop the words from pouring out- Bad was right, all that time ago. Forever loves the work, but he loves Bad too, as a person this time.
Badboyhalo saved him from his lonely wandering by giving him the work, then saved him from himself by forcing him away, at cost to Bad himself. Forever isn't sure if it's hero worship or chivalrous loyalty or something else entirely, but Forever loves Bad and he wants to travel with the man again.
Bad takes a step back, heart aching and feeling slightly betrayed, and he repeats that he can't love Forever back, not the way Forever loves him. The work comes first, and Bad's life has to be entirely his own- in a world filled with danger at every turn plus his ability to sense it, Bad's greatest comforts are total control over his life and as much prevention of pain as possible. Divvying up his time between the work and a relationship would be stressful enough to render him non-functional, even if he knows it would make Forever happy.
Forever just shakes his head, explaining that he knows this full well and what he said before holds true- he doesn't want Bad to return his feelings. He is well aware that the work comes first, so he simply wants to travel with Bad and help him again. If doing the work lets him spend time with the objects of his affection- as his love for BBH is new but his love of the work never went away- then he'll commit to the task happily.
At this, it's BBH's turn to protest, as this method had nearly killed Forever last time. He'd rather have Forever alive, well, and far from him than close and in peril. Forever just smiles, a little bittersweet, and tells Bad that for all that the demon can't be in love with him, it's very clear that love is there. Bad just says that that's stating the obvious- why else would he be so eager to leave one of his best friends behind?
It seems like there's no resolution to be found, but Richarlyson stumbles up to them both and demands a story. He's tired from all the stress and a story before bed is a must! And not that boring one about Forever's adventures either! Forever laughs as an idea comes to him, which he explains to BBH and his family. Tentatively they agree, then more enthusiastically when they realize it solves all their problems.
The coming of Spring marks Forever and Badboyhalo leaving together for more adventures, and Fall marks their return to the rest of Forever's family, loaded down with gifts from the people they helped and stories from their time abroad. It's a bit of a pomegranate trick to make it work, especially since it's hard to carry a calendar on the road, but it all works out and everyone is happy- Richarlyson most of all.
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daisyychainssj · 1 year
Q!Max being right where you left me by Taylor Swift coded
Okay so I have a bit of time to write the highly anticipated (I doubt literally anyone cares but I neeeeed to talk about this even if i'm just screaming into the void) breakdown on how right where you left me by Taylor Swift is so q!Max coded it's actually outrageous.
"Friends break up, friends get married Strangers get born, strangers get buried Trends change, rumors fly through new skies But I'm right where you left me"
RIGHT OFF THE BAT, When the Spanish and English speakers arrived at the island, Max was one of the first islanders to begin building his base. He was, if i'm not mistaken, the first one to have the revolving base and had used the create mod for his windmill VERY early on. (Back to this later)
"Friends break up, friends get married" The Spanish and English speakers had barely settled in before Marianna broke up with Foolish on the very first day on the island. However, pretty much from the first day on the island there was a vibe between Foolish and Vegetta. There was a mutual respect and admiration for the building skills and a budding friendship blossomed that then became something more. Vegetta himself even saying that after they got paired up to take care of Leo that "you and me are predestined!" and Max has been very close friends with both Vegetta and Foolish since their first day on the island and so has been there for it all. He has also watched as Roier and Cellbit fell in love and got married. And was the judge at the Marianna and Slime trial for Juanna Flippa so had a front row seat to the MULTIPLE make-ups and break-ups they had just that day. All whilst he's just been on the sidelines, watching.
"Strangers get born" Then the eggs were introduced! "strangers get buried" Trumpet, Juanna flippa, Tilin and Bobby have since sadly passed away and despite the immense love the islanders feel for the eggs now, they were strangers, effectively dropped in their laps and told "here these are your responsibility now" Max experienced being given the responsibility of caring for this little egg and then the tragic loss of them. Alone. (RIP DanTDM who wandered away and was never seen again o7) Of course he had the support of his friends but they still had their eggs, the only people who could understand were grieving in their own ways so Max had to grieve through it alone.
And through all of this, Max is in his house with the windmill that he built so early on that became Trumpet's home and nothing has changed or moved except now the grave of his son is there too. Max is essentially "right where you left me"
"Still sitting in a corner I haunt Cross-legged in the dim light They say, "What a sad sight" I, I stayed there"
When Trumpet died, Max turned to food and alcohol to try and cope. BBH and Dapper were with him a lot, tried to help him and understand but grief is complicated and complex. Every time a loved one visited him there was such sadness having to see someone they cared about living this way "They say, "What a sad sight""
Once again going back to my first paragraph about Max being one of the first to completely build his base. After everything he has been through the past few months on the island. The loss of Trumpet, the forming of The Theory Bros, being visited by an unknown stranger on the island with blueprints, being killed by the code, building Sofia and bonding with her and beginning to see her as his daughter, losing her to Cellbit changing the access code, her then blue screening with no explanation or way to get her back, starting up his TV show, having to blow up the set for the tv show and along the way losing more eggs that loved him and called him Tio. Through EVERYTHING he still lives in that base from start. Where he bought Trumpet home and then lost him, where he was killed by the code and visited by the stranger and formed his base to theorise with theory bros.
At first I know it's like "well why wouldn't he stay there he put so much time and effort into building it" and that's true but let's look at the other islanders who have experienced significant loss/terrifying events. Slime moved SO far out to exile himself but has now made it a home and built a base there. He's been back to his original base once (I think) to grab some things from Flippa's room and that was an incredibly emotional and tough experience for him. Jaiden, similarly, moved incredibly far away after the loss of Bobby to build a new base as a way to both honour Bobby and allow her to heal. Roier moved in with Cellbit and has only recently (literally last night) went back into the tower he built with and for Bobby to show Richas some of the art in there. Even Cellbit and Forever moved out of the Favela after their big fall out over Richas' custody and Cellbit and Felps being kidnapped. All of these places were built and laboured over for hours and so much care and time went into them but they were attached to incredibly painful memories and grief. Yet. Max stays right there.
"At the restaurant, when I was still the one you want Cross-legged in the dim light, everything was just right I, I could feel the mascara run You told me that you met someone Glass shattered on the white cloth Everybody moved on"
Max was caught so unaware by the Festa Junina wedding with Forever not being real. Max has very real feeling for Forever and he thought, and hoped that they were reciprocated and believed the wedding was real and meant something real for both of them. Afterwards he was told a couple of times by different people that the weddings held on that day aren't real but he still held onto hope that perhaps Forever felt the same way he did. He had to watch Forever pine after Phil and flirt with BBH. All whilst he is right where he was left, with his heart on his sleeve, just waiting to be loved back.
"You left me no choice but to stay here forever"
Everybody on the island seems to be moving, whether thats changing bases and building new things, and their life changing constantly. Max is still in his house, with the windmill that he's been at since day 1. Almost as if he is holding on to what life was then. There was no grief, no loss, no death. It was the beginning of a vacation and a new start! So he's staying right there, where he was left.
If even (1) person reads this entire thing, I'm sorry for how long it was but i hope you enjoyed it in some way!
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exosmutfactory · 3 years
Only Forever 003
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Originally posted by hyunniebaeked
How long could you wait for the love of your life to decide you are his as well? How many times could you witness all his best moments of winning over agencies and the amount of clothes left overnight from his daily one night stands?
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Main Masterlist | Bookclub zone | Chapter 3✓
networks — @superm-net @/bbh-net @/exowritersnet
pairing — Baekhyun x You
word count — 1.8k
genre — model! baekhyun, playboy! baekhyun, friends to lovers! romance, angst, fluff, smut (eventually)
[ This chapter contains: fluff, anddd “chemistry.” ]
⏰💋 Only Forever Tag List: 💋⏰
@to-all-the-stories-i-love @you-n-me-e-e @insta1010 @bellamendoza @bbhflrt @weirdoome @marovekian1 @pearliejoy @loey0491 @__jxnnx3 @soonvivi @jairahxelle @dynqstyna
Chapter 3
Let's just go with the connection, give me your affection
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“Go out with me.”
Okay—that’s not what you expected to hear from your best friend at 4 in the morning. It hasn’t even been 24 hours since you’ve last seen each other. Couldn’t he have asked you this last night when he dropped you off at your apartment? “What?” your voice comes out rough. You blow away an annoying strand of hair, noticing its messy state spread across your satin pillows. Your sleeping cap must have fallen off in your sleep… Why did he wake you up again?
“Go out with me today,” Baekhyun repeats with an annoying, (yet endearing,) whiny edge to his voice. He sounds too perky to be awake at this hour. What the hell? “Please? I need you.”
“Whoa whoa whoa,” you slowly sit up with your phone pressed to your ear, running a hand through your tangled hair. “Back up. What’s up? What’s going on?”
“I have a photoshoot today,” he shares casually. As if that explains everything. “I need you to accompany me.”
“And why do I have to be there?” you ask dryly, completely unamused. You had plans to clean your dusty apartment, restock your fridge, and go look for a part-time job to help you through your last year of college today. Yet here you are, rudely awakened by your best friend who came in like a wrecking ball like the fluffy-haired idiot he is.
Baekhyun immediately picks up on your tone. He huffs over the phone and you just know he’s sporting a pout on his unfairly handsome face right now.
—Handsome? Did you just call him handsome after he woke you up at this ungodly hour?! You fall back into your satin pillows and throw an arm over your face, cursing the humidity of the stuffy room. It’s already hot as hell and the sun won’t be up for another hour. You don’t know who you want to smack more: Baekhyun or yourself. Now the raven has resorted to muttering incoherently under his breath.
“No reason,” he mumbles petulantly.
Oh? Really now? You roll your eyes. “Baekhyun.”
Oh, he’s not an idiot; he’s a damn menace. “Baek-”
“None at all.”
“Okay then,” you chirp with finality, pulling the phone away from your ear. “Goodnight-”
“Wait, wait!” he yells distantly over the line, “...this is embarrassing.”
You slap your forehead in exaggeration. Spit it out, man!!!
“You know the new makeup artist assistant that I told you about…?” he mumbles lowly.
“Yeah well,” Baekhyun clears his throat. “We hooked up a week before our vacation. I keep trying to drop hints that we will never be more than a one-time thing, but she keeps acting like she’s in love with me!”
His words make you freeze. Ah yes, your vacation is over. Your peace of mind is ruined. Your favorite illusion of having Baekhyun all to yourself is done for. Now you’re back in the real world, with real problems—
“She’s dumber than a doorknob,” he mutters darkly.
In the form of a puppy-eyed casanova.
You take a deep breath, lean your head back, and pinch the bridge of your nose. This fucking playboy, what the hell are you going to do with this man? You’re seconds away from just hanging up on him and he’s still muttering to himself.
“Women, I swear,” he grumbles, scoffing in disbelief. “Let them suck you off once and suddenly-”
“OKAY,” you yell into the phone, slapping a hand on your forehead again. “I get it. Spare me the details PLEASE.” Your voice cracks under the weight of your shrill pleads. The last thing you want and the last thing you need to hear is the details of his sexcapades. It’s way too early in the morning for this shit. “I’ll be there, but-” an explicit threat rings loudly in your lowered tone. “If she jumps me, Baekhyun, I’m suing the shit out of both of you.”
“Okay~” he breezily agrees, sounding more cheerful than ever. “Thank you~~~ I love you.”
“You better,” you grumble, hanging up with a roll of your eyes and a smile on your lips.
You sigh for what feels like the hundredth time this morning, hoisting your bag further up your shoulder and hurrying down the street. Times like this you wish you had your own car. You had planned to look up a few car dealerships today as well, but now you’ve hopped off the third bus of the day to reach the busiest side of town and Baekhyun has sent at least 20 texts in the past 5 minutes alone. You swear when you find him you’re gonna chew his ass out.
After 10 minutes of walking around in circles, you finally find the designated building you are looking for. A little brick structure tucked away from the floor-to-ceiling businesses lining the main road. If only the raven had mentioned that along with the address he sent you earlier. “Would have been helpful,” you mutter over the edge of your coffee cup, watching countless people walk back and forth from the front entrance to the parking lot.
Sighing with a roll of your eyes, you take off your blazer and throw it over your shoulder, holding it between your fingers. Of all the days to be out and about all the way across town, Baekhyun just had to pick the hottest day of the month. Then again, he’s been indoors and avoiding this smothering summer heat for who knows how long.
You quickly chug the rest of your coffee, tossing it into a trashcan tucked away in a nearby alley. When you reach the front of the building, you show your ID to the security guards before they let you in. The second you slip into the air-conditioned place, an all-too-familiar voice calls your name. You turn your head, a complaint resting on the tip of your tongue until your wide eyes fall on him.
Baekhyun smirks at you from across the room, sitting back in his chair with his legs crossed and chin propped up on his laced fingers. You hate how easily he can silence your protests with a single smokey gaze. The eyeliner around his brown eyes doesn’t help you in the slightest. It only sharpens his mischievous stare and the questioning quirk of his brow.
You jolt out of your intense eye contact when someone brushes past you, a handful of wire hangers digging painfully into your back. A hiss escapes your tightly sealed lips as you rub the throbbing area, snapping your narrowed eyes back to your laughing best friend. Jerk. Your lips twitch when you march your way over to him, the clicks of your shoes echoing across the quiet room.
“Enjoying yourself?” you raise a brow, crossing your arms.
“Now that my dove is here,” he cheekily grins, wrapping his arms around your waist. He looks you over curiously, his brown eyes sparkling with wonder. “Why are you-”
“Dressed like this?” You finish, relaxing in his embrace. “I have a job interview this afternoon.”
Baekhyun frowns, idly curling a lock of your hair around his finger. “Today?”
“Today,” you nod, confused by his behavior. He’s pretty touchy in this room full of strangers—in the middle of a photoshoot nonetheless. “So you better finish up soon…” your eyes widen when he leans forward and rests his forehead on yours.
“Don’t worry,” he murmurs, caressing your cheek. His brown eyes flicker over to something behind you. “It will all be over soon.”
“Excuse me!” a shrill voice exclaims in your ear.
You flinch back, turning to face them with a glare.
The woman glares right back at you, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “Mr. Byun will be called on set in 5 minutes and we don’t have any more chairs,” she says snobbishly, raising her chin. The longer she talks in her annoying voice, you remember exactly why Baekhyun called you here. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to-”
“Ah, that’s no problem!” Baekhyun interjects cheerfully. Too cheerful. In fact, that’s the only warning you get before he’s pulling you onto his lap. Surrounding you with his alluring vanilla and citrus scent.
You gasp, instinctively resting your hands on his chest. Thankfully your knee-length pencil skirt is form-fitting, hiding your modesty from the room full of curious eyes. However the downside of it is your inability to move freely while your legs are draped over Baekhyun’s right thigh.
“My darling can sit right here,” he smiles charmingly, tucking his hand under your chin and urging you to face him. “Right, baby?”
Oh. Your eyes and mouth twitch. He is so going to get an earful of complaints later for this. If you weren’t so busy trying to ignore how firm his chest is, you’d snap at him with a witty comeback.
The assistant abruptly snaps her head around and stomps away with a hateful scowl and burning cheeks.
You cut your narrowed eyes back over to the cheeky raven grinning beside you. “You owe me.”
“I do,” he agrees, wrapping his arms securely around you.
“I’m serious,” you mutter between gritted teeth, fixing the collar of his red and white striped shirt.
Baekhyun tilts his head, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. “I know, dove.” The warmth in his brown eyes pulls you in like a moth to a flame. A deer caught in the line of headlights. “Anything you want,” he murmurs, cupping your cheek. “It’s all yours.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” you mutter softly, clearing your throat and looking away. Anywhere that isn’t those sparkly brown eyes trying to break your resolve and the assistant burning her stare into the side of your face. You swear when you get out of here there will be hell to pay.
“When haven’t I fulfilled a promise?” he asks humoredly.
A grin instantly forms on your face. “Junior year,” you mention happily at a louder volume, feeling his arms tense around you. “When you-”
“Oops, time to go hahaha,” he laughs awkwardly, lifting you up bridal style so he can stand. He gently sets you down on your feet and rubs the back of his neck. “Duty calls,” he murmurs with a sheepish smile, the tips of his ears turning red.
You muffle your laugh when he trips over his feet on his way to the other side of the room, hiding your smile behding your hand when he looks back to glare playfully at you. You rest your chin on your palm while watching him pose in front of the flashing cameras. He’s such a natural. It’s rare that you get to see him like this. In his element. Posing in various black and white outfits. He’s not a world-wide known model for just any reason.
Baekhyun tilts his head slowly and looks down with a shy smile hours later. “Isn’t this too sexy?” he asks the directors, bashful over his exposed collarbones and chest on display. The scarf around his neck sways softly when he laughs at the giggling staff and looks over at you.
A smile curls at your lips. You don’t mind the view. You wish you could stay like this forever. Just him and you.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3✓ | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
A/N: This Baekhyun is cheeky as always (>.<) Thank you for reading!
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aressss1 · 3 years
The Bloody Red Banquet
(Technoblade x Reader)
Read me on AO3!
A/N:  Descriptions of blood and gore, as well as death in this one, so please turn back if that makes you uncomfortable. Also spoilers for the Red Banquet, if you haven't seen it yet.
“Why aren’t you going to be there?” You whined, trying to give your love your best sad puppy dog impression. This caused an irritated sigh to escape Techno’s lips, as his eyes searched your face.
 “The last time I was at celebration it didn’t go well… Or do you not remember that.”  He grumbled. “You shouldn’t go.” His eyes pierced right through you. “Why would they just change their tune that quickly?” He questioned you gesturing in the direction of the main SMP. “It’s not safe.”
“Puffy and Niki asked me to go…” You bit your lip looking away from him. “Puffy doesn’t trust them either, and she’s got something planned if things go south.” Techno’s eyebrows furrowed, and he sighed, his hands dropping to his sides. You were going to go against the rules and bring your armor, not that you would tell Techno that, it would just make his point stand even more.
 “I’m not goin’,” He walked back toward his seat as he summoned his axe. You watched as he proceeded to sharpen the tool in his hands. “I’m not gonna stop you from goin’, I want you to have fun, and I could only hope they’re serious.” You gave a huff at his words. You wanted him there to back you up if need be. “I know you can handle yourself, you’re a great fighter.” He sighed, his eyes focusing back to the axe in his hands.
 He had his own plans regarding that banquet, he trusted you with his life… He just couldn’t risk word getting out about his plans. He would be there for you if need be, but he needed everything to go smoothly for him. He wasn’t about to lose you to the egg or anyone else for that matter. The netherite axe in his hands felt heavy, and his fingers tightened on the handle. You could handle yourself, he had faith in you and your fighting abilities.
 “Ugh fine…” You pouted climbing up to your shared room, finding your best clothes suitable for a banquet, you put them on feeling the fabric hug your form. You examined yourself in the mirror adjusting your hair, smoothing out the wrinkles in your clothes that you had missed. Some time had passed, and you were ready. Climbing down the ladder, you could feel Techno’s eyes on you, watching you. You gave him a smirk. “You sure you don’t want to come?”
 He gave a grumble as he set his axe down by his chair, walking over to you. Brushing your hair out of your eyes, he gazes over your face with a fond expression. You melt at his touch, as you place your hands on his chest. His hand slips up to the back of your neck.
 “You look amazin’,” His deep voice grounds you and you close your eyes as his face inches closer to yours. “I can’t wait until you take those clothes off.” You felt heat rise to your cheeks, as he kisses you hungrily, his other arm wrapping around your lower back to pull you even closer to him. He was still able to give you butterflies. You loved this hybrid. You almost whimpered when he pulled away. “You…” His thumb stroked over your cheek, “have a banquet to get to.”
 He pulled away from you, admiring the hungry look in your eyes. He made his way to the chair again taking hold of the axe. He wanted to go with you, especially with how you looked right now… But he couldn’t just back out on Quackity. This was too important.
 He watched you go, the sound of the stone sharpening the axe echoing through the house made it feel very lonely. But he would be with you soon. You would be safe.
 It was a… Very red banquet… You were the second guest to arrive it seemed. So, when Ponk had taken your coat, you made your way to the venue. Niki was talking with BBH, you were about to go say hi to her when Sam and Puffy came in behind you. Puffy called you by your name excitedly and started gushing about your outfit. You turned and gave her a smile, meeting the two of them by the entrance.
 More guests arrived by the minute. Everyone looked amazing, and you giggled when Foolish flashed his rolex and started handing out the cider he had brought. It was cute watching Puffy with Foolish. Eventually, everyone moved to the dance floor. The music started up, and people started dancing, swaying to and fro with the music.
 Puffy had gone to talk to BBH and you found Niki, she flashed you a smile, and you started dancing with her. You had fun twirling around with her, the both of you laughed dancing to Hbomb’s song of choice. By the time the two of you were out of breath, leaning on each other, Puffy had come back to you, linking arms with you and Niki, as she was excited about the shrimp cocktail that Antfrost had promised her.
You sat next to Niki; your eyes curiously look over the red soup on the table in front of you. Beet soup? It wasn’t the best, but it was… red… Like everything else here. It definitely fit the theme. You could feel Ponk’s and Ant’s eyes on you as they whispered to each other, from across the table and you had a bad feeling settle in your stomach.
 Once everyone was in their place, you all listened to Bad’s beginning speech, asking if others wanted to make a toast. Foolish volunteered going first and you gave him an encouraging nod when he looked over you and Niki. Though his speech was… a little on the rough side, you raised your glass when he called for cheers. Niki patted Foolish on his shoulder as he sat back down on the other side of her.
 Eret volunteered to say a few words next. He held himself with grace, as he stepped up on the table, scanning those around him. You could have sworn you saw the monarch side of him come out. His toast was well said and you realized that even though he spoke words of everyone being reunited… You bit your lip. Spoken like a true king, even if the reality wouldn’t be that easy. In fact, it was near impossible, too much has happened, and you would be a fool to believe words like that.
 Ponk’s speech was short… and sweet? It was… Interesting… to say the least. You and Foolish exchanged confused glances when Sam called Ponk beautiful. Wasn’t he the one to take Ponk’s arm? You shrugged it off opting to think about it later. Everyone raised their glasses in a confused manner, well everyone except for Puffy, who stood up on the table, looking like she wanted to say her piece.
 When Puffy spoke, she was casual, mentioning how the egg tore her, Bad and Antfrost apart. You gave her a smile when she glanced over you and Niki as she expressed that she didn’t want any more friendships being ruined over the egg anymore. Everyone cheered as she made her way back to her seat.
 You pitied George when he was thrust into giving a toast, he clearly hadn’t thought of doing. But he did well, considering. Even asking Ponk about the soup. You giggled at Ponk’s explanation of free-range beets. George gave a yawn as he made his way back to his seat.
 Lastly it was Bad’s closing speech, and you listened intently. Your hands fidgeted with your glass. You kept seeing things in the rafters of this place, shadows… You had your armor in your inventory, you weren’t gullible, and even though Bad spoke of nothing but good things for the future… The temperature rose, causing sweat to bead off of your skin… Toward the end of Bad’s speech… Your back was burning, and when you turned around and were met with a wall of lava. You stood as Bad spoke those words, the words you had been waiting to hear. The words that confirmed that this was nothing more than a trap.
 “Prepare to die.” He spoke it so casually… Hearing the gasps of the other guests, you and Niki back up, creating as much space in between you and them as you could without touching the lava at your back. You and Niki watched as Puffy confronted all of them. Pulling up the tablecloth from the table revealing a chest.  
 “WHAT!?” Her shriek rang through out the entire banquet. You felt your blood run cold, your eyes connecting with Niki’s. Bad laughed as he summoned forth a set of diamond armor… Hannah, Antfrost and Ponk followed suit. Hannah stepped forward. A tainted apology spewing from her lips. You felt your fists clench and unclench as you were stepping forward, your eye on all of their swords, which they eventually swapped to their crossbows. Sam, stepped forward, his eyes on Hannah.
 “Well… That is tragic that you told them about our plans for the armor, buut…” Sam paused, continuing after Bad questioned him on what he meant. “There is something, that you should know… I had another plan because I didn’t trust you.” His eyes pierce through Hannah. You felt your lips quirk up as Sam mentioned his plan to blow the egg up.
 It all happened really fast, and you braced yourself, your hands coming up to cover your ears as TNT rained on top of the egg. Your eyes were closed, and you straightened up, your eyes looking over the still intact egg once all of the TNT had detonated. Obsidian covered the egg as if it were armor. Your heart sunk as you watched as the obsidian disappear without a trace. The TNT had failed…
 You tuned out Bad’s laughing, your eyes looking for any possible way out of this situation. Your heartbeat echoed in your ears, and you were having trouble breathing. You willed yourself to calm down. Bad pulled everyone’s attention to the egg, as he stood in front of it. Straining to hear what he was saying you push through the crowd, planting yourself at the forefront next to Foolish and Eret.
 You were able to focus, when Eret called Bad a monster, only to receive insults back about his past betrayals. You bit your lip, your hands itching to call your armor forth, now wasn’t the time. Your eyes scanned over Eret gauging his reactions.
 “I’ve changed since then! I know not to break peoples trust anymore.” He was silent, his hands clasped behind his back, he truly held himself like a king. Bad smirked announcing that Eret would be the first one to be sacrificed on this night. You felt your eyes widen, adrenaline coursing through you. You tried grounding yourself, making sure your feet were firmly planted where you stood.
 You had to hold yourself back as they grabbed Eret, forcing him to kneel in front of the egg. Antfrost pointed the tip of his sword at Eret’s throat his ruby red eyes staring daggers at the crowd that watched. Eret’s crown fell to the ground as Hannah push him down exposing his neck for Antfrost’s blade to see.
 You grit your teeth, what could you do in this sort of situation. The others tried talking it out with Bad, but you zoned out of their conversation. Opting to once again scanning the area for anything that might help… Your attention snapped back to Eret and Antfrost, as Ant held his sword up, readying it to come down. You felt your feet start to move on their own, well… That is… Until Foolish started talking, you felt yourself stop, listening to what he had to say.
“Enough! I am sick of this foul, red stench. I am tired of this endless cycle of egg nonsense. I tried, WE tried to give this dreadful egg another chance. But it’s probably best it ends this way.” Your eyes flick over to Bad as Foolish keeps talking. Trying to gauge their reaction, you ready yourself to summon your armor. “But can it withstand… A barrage of lightning?”
 A few painfully long seconds, pass by… Your stomach lurched when nothing happened. Foolish fell to his knees. Studying his hands, he shook his head.
 “I don’t understand…” He was in genuine disbelief. His eyes lock with Eret’s. “Why… Isn’t it working?” He asked, as if Eret would know. Today was filled with many disappointments… You gulped down the lump in your throat, listening to Bad gloat, about how we were in the egg’s territory. We held no power here, as a human, and even as a God...
 “Why don’t we start with Foolish instead?”Ant’s words caused Puffy, to scream her repugnance at them. They ignored her, as they dragged Foolish up from his knees and to the area where they previously kept Eret.
 “You two Bad, Ant, this is your last chance with me, your very very last chance. I am done after this.” Puffy ran to the front, anger flashing in her eyes as she looked over all of them. You could only watch, as Eret made his way over to you. Puffy was a good mother, defending her son. You listened to them fight, your hands shook at your sides. Ant blamed Puffy for everything that they were doing… Saying it was her fault… When Ant stopped talking and the sound of the blade had sliced through Foolish’s skin, his body falling to the ground made you tear up. Puffy screamed and you summoned forth your armor.
 The netherite armor you donned clung to your body, it was always such a perfect fit, expertly made by Techno. Foolish was dead and it was clear you needed to fight, otherwise you wouldn’t get out of here alive, and if this didn’t help you didn’t go down helpless. Everyone screamed as Puffy sunk down to the ground, tears in her eyes, her burning eyes trained on Antfrost.
 “Oh? What’s this?” Bad eyed you with an amused expression crossing his features. “I think we have a party pooper on our hands.” Bad’s group homed in on you. The sword in your hands was heavy, Techno and Phil had taught you how to fight. You could easily take down one maybe two, but there were three on you in an instant. You couldn’t even get a swing in with your sword, before they knocked the weapon from your hands, grabbing your wrists, and binding them together.
 “Let go of me,” You kicked and thrashed your legs to no avail. They had an easy time getting you into Foolish’s spot. They made you kneel… Where he kneeled… His blood pooled where you stood, it soaked into your outfit, the sight making your stomach churn in disgust.
 “Don’t worry, you will be a part of something bigger, than you and I.” It sounded like Bad was trying to reassure you… “Good thing that armor doesn’t cover their neck.” Bad shrugged as his eyes flicked to Ant who held his axe, instead of the sword he killed Foolish with, at the ready. You tried wrenching away, but Hannah’s hold on your hair kept you in place. You couldn’t see anything, but the bloody ground, tears on the brink of flowing. Techno’s words about it not being safe echoing in your mind.
 “I’m sorry… Techno.” It was barely a whisper, no one heard it but you. Out of the corner of your eye Ant raised his axe and in one fell swoop he brought it down. Your whole body tensed, and you waited for death… But it never came. Instead, a loud clang of metal on metal sounded out above you. Ant’s axe went flying, landing near puffy.
 “Bad stop, stop what you’re doing right now.” Quackity’s voice sounded out and Hannah’s hold on you was released as she backed away from your very own blood God who now stood next to you. Your heart soared at the sight of Techno, who didn’t hesitate to pull you up from your kneeling position and to him away from the enemy. You looked around for Quackity who had his hands up as he talked with Bad. He still had a sword in his hand, as he talked.
 You listened to Quackity, who you hadn’t seen in forever, not since he had kidnapped you to get an edge on Techno, so he would come easily to his own execution… His gnarled face… You knew Techno had done a number on him… But… It was easy to forget who Techno was and what he could do. Quackity was a good reminder, and you nuzzled yourself closer into Techno’s side. Techno’s eyes scanned over you, looking for any wounds. But when his eyes turned back toward Bad, he let out a whistle and out from the opening, you assumed Quackity came from, a hoard of dogs rushed in, as they planted themselves around their master. During Quackity’s speech Purpled made himself known, and you figured that had to hurt the eggpire since Purpled was working for them. You gave a sigh of relief.
 “Techno. You and Quackity are enemies why would you side with him?” Bad’s glare shifted from Quackity and Purpled, to Techno. Your Blood God tightened his hold on you as if they would snatch you away from him.
 “Listen Bad, I didn’t want to work with this guy either, but this egg… Is warpin’ people’s minds, it’s controllin’ them, and it has no plans of stoppin’ until it controls the entire world.” He paused, his nose wrinkling underneath the pig skull mask. “This egg stands for everything… It’s the epitome of everything I stand against as an anarchist, and if I don’t stop it… It’ll be the end of the world.” He squared his shoulders his eyes glancing toward you. “Not to mention, you almost killed one of the people most important to me, and for that, I’ll see that you will get tenfold what Quackity got.”
 “ANTFROST YOU’RE DEAD!” Puffy screamed, she had grabbed Antfrost’s axe, and she ran at him swinging wildly. “You’ve taken my kindness as weakness Antfrost!” Her axe hitting him square in the chest plate he tried blocking and dodging most of her shots, but to no avail, he stumbled back. She brought her axe down hitting him square in the jugular. Blood sprayed over her, as her grip tightened on the axe, and she pulled it out with a sickening crunch. His body fell to the ground and she turned around, her eyes scanning the crowd; it was truly a look of despair only a mother could feel.
 That was when everyone broke out fighting. Techno held you behind him, his cloak now covering your body. The dogs stayed around him attacking those who got close enough, keeping a good perimeter between the two of you and them, as Techno shot his fireworks at the enemy. You pressed your face in between his shoulder blades, your fingers intertwining in his shirt, just waiting for the sounds to stop.
 When Bad called for retreat, and everything quieted down you felt yourself breath a sigh of relief. You just wanted to go home at this point. You listened to the conversation around you, as Techno put his arm around you. His fingers rubbing tiny circles in your arm to try and comfort you.
 “Come on, I’ve got you darlin’,” He whispered in your ear, once Quackity said his piece to him and Sam. He carried you on his back, back to the place that you both called home. When you felt the windchill, you shuddered, happy to feel it again. Tears sprung forth and you buried your face in his cloak, your tears soaking into the red material.
 When you got into the house, he fed the coals of the fire, making it come back to life. He scans over your form, his heart sinking when you didn’t look up at him. He could have lost you in a second. Taking off his mask, he presses his lips to your forehead, his hands running up your arms.
 “Darlin’ let’s get you out of these clothes,” the scent of Foolish’s blood permeated the air, making the voices in his mind louder and more aggressive... Aggression wasn’t something you needed right now. He helped you get undressed finding more comfortable clothing for you to wear. While you bathed and eventually got dressed, he made dinner for the both of you. You were still in disbelief, that you almost lost a life, not to mention you felt horrible because Foolish did lose a life… You didn’t want to eat when Techno slid food in front of you.
 “Eat, you need your strength.” You nodded and picked at your food. You weren’t hungry, but if you didn’t at least try, you would worry Techno. That was the last thing he needed. The two of you ate in a comfortable silence, and when the two of you were done with dinner, he set your plates in the kitchen sink, opting to do them later. He turned back to you kneeling down to your level, letting his lips graze yours.
 “I love you.” He never said it out loud before, he always made sure you knew though but this time was different, sure Quackity threatened your life when Techno was on his way to his execution… But to see an axe flying toward you… Was a completely different feeling all together. Your tears sprang forth at his confession, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, as you sobbed. He held you close, even picked you up and sat down in his chair with you in his arms. “I’m here. It’s okay.” He tried calming you, as he pressed kisses to your head, while you sobbed into his chest.
 When you did calm down and you just laid there with your head on his chest, he started reading to you, his arm still around you while the other held up the book he read from. The two of you always did this, but this time was more special. He still had you in his arms, and you still had him. The two of you stayed like that until nightfall. The fire roaring beside his chair.
 It wasn’t until you were asleep, did he decide to take you to your shared bed. He climbed the ladder albeit a little awkwardly, but he got your exhausted form up there, like he had done many times before. He got ready for bed himself, and he climbed in the sheets with you, holding you closely to him. He vowed to protect you and he would, to his very last breath.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Okokok but Stell. Stell. My beloved. This has no context but like.
The fact Tommy thinks he has to be the hero again isn't even wrong. Like. Don't get me wrong it sucks but the facts are that he's the only one willing to be "the hero" and someone has to be.
And of course he thinks that. He was waiting for a hero to safe him and everyone for weeks when he was in exile and noone came. Noone attempted to really help him or anything.
Even Tubbo who decided to visit him just a few days after he left wouldn't have been there to save him or anything. He would have just visited him (and like don't get me wrong that would've been amazing but still)
Tommy's whole narrative has always been about not waiting around. His inability to take proper charge is what enabled (and listen I don't blame him for this) Wilbur to blow up Lmanberg. In exile with Dream he waited for weeks for someone to help him and it just made things worse and if he hadn't managed to once again take matters into his own hands he would've died there.
Right now he has to be "the hero" again because Wilbur is going to free dream and dream will kill Tubbo and everything will go down the drain again because people on this server are lazy fucks.
I mean technoblade who for some reason made it his mission to "protect the server" from tyranny *cough cough police everybody's life's cough cough* took weeks to actually do something against the eggpire. At that point they had kidnapped several people and brainwashed even more. He was there when they locked ranboo with the egg and he just. Waited for weeks after that to actually do something. Like I'm sorry but no wonder Dream sees Tommy as special. The kid is the only one who has actual priorities.
Like I get that he's the only one with a lot of important info but jfc it's not like him telling people would actually change a lot. Like Jesus fuck. This guy is the only somewhat competent motherfucker on this server and the only actually competent one is dream.
Like yknow how we joke about how Tommy can't have a villain arc cuz he's too good? Quite frankly he can't have one because who tf would stop him, either. Like he'd have to invest 0.5 braincells and he'd have won.
No seriously
The eggpire has been doing more than just shady shit for months just getting more and more obvious. And noone was actually doing anything. Some ppl said "mmm I don't like this" and then just kinda... Watched. Again. Technoblade watched ranboo get trapped and yeah he rescued him but then they just. Fckin left. Dream invested some braincells and was able to go "undetected" in broad daylight. Showcasing his villainy and if it wasn't for Tommy he would have gotten away with it Scott free.
If Tommy actually wanted to be a villain? Bitch could do it and fckin succeed because who the actual fuck would even get off their ass to stop him if he's somewhat smart about it?
Anyways that's my rant for today c ya
I love this whole rant so much! 
Also yeah, the server as a whole is made of a bunch of lazy useless f*ckers who absolutely LOVE grand epic speaches, but that are completely USELESS when it comes to actually DOING something. 
Like, remember the Green Festival when Dream openly admitted in front of EVERYONE that he manipulated Tubbo that whole time just because he wanted the thing he needed to control Tommy before destroying L’Manburg and everyone’s conclusion was SOMEHOW that Tommy was the viallin in all of that? 
This fricking idiots have the deduction skills of a 2 years old and the capacity for action of a new born kitten. 
That’s of course unless it comes to destroying stuff and causing trauma for some people *cough cough* Techno and Phil *cough cough* by exploding countries and allying themselves with the absolute worst f*ckers in existence with zero repercussions, but I digress!
Quackity is a bit of an exception to this whole thing because he’s the only f*cker aside from Tommy who TRIES to do something! He tried to de-convert BBH, he tried to explode the Egg, he tried to get rid of Techno (justified or not, at least he was DOING something), he is trying to get the knowledge out of Dream so he won’t be useful anymore and he stopped the banquet. Man is actually useful. 
But everyone else???
Like, my guys, it really WASN’T that hard to see through Dream’s or the Eggpire bullshit, both of them where actually absurdly open in their f*ckery, WHY did NO ONE ever do anything aside from Tommy and Quackity?? 
Like of f*cking course Tommy feels like all the responsabilities are on his shoulders, because they fricking are! Who else is gonna stop Wilbur? Phil who SOMEHOW immediately started believing him AGAIN after confronting him about lying to him for months and being persuaded that the assisted suicide was actually the best case scenario? The man who was living in New L’Manburg for WEEKS and yet somehow failed to learn ANY history about them??? Like, who is gonna do it??
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creatorofchaos · 4 years
Dream SMP’s Pandora’s Vault - the Prison
I think it is important we theorize who could end up in the prison. We, of course are at a disadvantage as we do not know, even vaguely anymore, how the story will progress.
Dream has said the prison is for someone capable on December 27, 2020.
He also said that it is NOT for Tommy.
It has been built in such a way that the prisoner would lose all three canon lives, as once again mentioned by Dream.
The last one is important because there would be no point in adding it if Dream did not want to put emphasis on the whole ‘three lives’ thing. If it was someone with less than three lives, then there is no point to mentioning this fact. Checkov’s Gun and all that fun stuff.
This eliminates a large swath of people just on the last point alone. Such names include: Tommy, Philza, Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity, Sapnap, and Schlatt (see Wilbur reaction to game theory video and him realizing that Schlatt still technically has one canon life left).
Another group can be quickly eliminated: the Badlands. They helped build the prison, have wanted to be allies with the Dream SMP, and will more than likely be the prison guards.
One other honorable mention is Dream himself. Although there was a chance he could have been tricked into being locked up in the prison by the angry L’Manbergians, Dream has eliminated such a threat.
So, who does that leave on Dream’s actual threat radar? Techno, Wilbur, Ranboo, Eret, George, and someone else (see below for possible individual)
1. Technoblade - Likely, but Predictable
He has been a fan favorite to be locked up since the prison started. He also fits the two actual requirements above. He’s capable in many aspects of the game and has all three of his canon lives left.
However! Dream and Techno have a oddly positive relationship. There has not been one hint of animosity between the two that wasn’t brushed over with new friendship in a near instant. We all thought Techno would protect Tommy from Dream but when Dream confronted Techno about housing Tommy, Techno said he and Tommy were business partners and he wouldn’t be handing Tommy over to Dream unless Dream wanted that favor turned in. Dream brushed it off and didn’t take Techno’s words as a threat.
Furthermore, why would Dream throw away an ally that shows every reason to side with Dream. Although Techno may be an immovable wall for Dream, Techno is a wall. If Dream leaves him alone, he won’t do anything to Dream. So Techno is no threat to Dream.
It seems that if it is Techno, it would be too predictable. The writing that has gone into this has largely been good at hiding the obvious by using Techno as a scapegoat. It wouldn’t surprise me if they’d do the same here.
2. Wilbur - Unlikely, but Interesting
Why Wilbur? Isn’t he dead? Well, on Doomsday, Ghostbur wanted to be resurrected, which is apparently happening on the 10th of January. As shown by Jack Manifold breaking down death’s door, and regaining his three lives, Wilbur could do the same. (This last bit is based on various posts I saw about jack’s January 6th stream).
So what? Wilbur’s back alive. What’s the big deal? Well, he’d have all three lives back, he’s very capable (and can be quite manipulative), and all of a sudden, has figured out a way to escape death. The three canon deaths rule is something that separates Dream from the peasants of the server. He would feel threatened by someone figuring out how to overcome death, so it would be in his best interest to lock said person up.
Furthermore, Wilbur has always been a threat to Dream, being able to rally people to his side in a way that Tommy can’t, while having the morals Dream himself lacks. A threat to Dream Dominance, if I’ve ever heard of one.
3. Ranboo - Possible, but Pointless
Ranboo has a major drawback that he only shares with Ghostbur: his short term, emotion-driven, memory loss.
He seems like a likely candidate. He’s well liked and could rally the server behind him in a way that echoes of Wilbur’s L’Manberg. He’s highly capable in defeating Dream with those abilities, already allying Techno and Phil to a point where Techno wouldn’t even harm him during Doomsday.
However, Ranboo’s memory loss is his major drawback. If his memory book is altered, he won’t know, and will move on without having been the wiser. Dream knows this and has already proven he is willing to do it, having stolen Ranboo’s book to show his traitorship to L’Manberg. Dream can simply just manipulate Ranboo without ever needing to lock him up. It would be pointless for Dream to use the prison on Ranboo.
4. Eret - Unlikely, and also Pointless
Eret, like Ranboo has a drawback that Dream can easily manipulate: his kingship. Eret, time and time again has proven that he will sacrifice everything else to keep the crown, and thus remain subject to Dream. If he gets too rebellious, Dream can just put another puppet on the throne and wait for the steam to blow over before gifting it back to Eret, restoring their uneasy alliance. Dream doesn’t need to build another prison for Eret because Eret already willingly goes to his prison: the castle.
5. George - Extremely Unlikely, but Extremely Heartwrenching
George is Dream’s one and only weakness. George rarely logs on in the server, which makes Dream appear invincible. However, whenever George is active, he is a constant liability to Dream. He is constantly in danger solely because of Dream’s attachment to him. Any time George is active, Dream’s plans are hindered and have to normally be adjusted accordingly to keep George happy.
What better way to cover a liability than locking it up so it can’t be harmed. Not only is the prison in breakable to escape from, but it is also impenetrable to those who are not familiar with its intricacies.
No one can harm George - and thus, Dream - if they can’t get to him.
6. The Random - CaptainSparklez - Nearly Impossible, but the Most Story Driven and World Building Possibility
Sparklez is very much so a fan favorite for the next YouTuber to join the Dream SMP. He is also highly respected and connected to the current members. He has accepted the canon of Tubbo being his son and Tubbo accepting Sparklez as his dad. The only people who didn’t grow up watching Sparklez play Minecraft are BBH (25) and Philza (32). Wilbur, possibly, would not have been largely influenced by Sparklez as he is 24. However, many of the others have said they grew up watching Sparklez; they were born in Revenge.
More importantly, they all, more than likely, grew up watching Sparklez play Mianite, a role playing server that has many parallels with Dream SMP.
Furthermore, Mianitian Isles just ended before Christmas, right when the prison was finished.
There have been rumblings about the mysterious red egg being connected to the Darkness from Mianite (forgot the AU name) and what better way to actually pull it off.
Dream has a motive to locking up Sparklez for two different scenarios:
1. If Dream is actually evil because of the red egg - the Darkness - he would want to lock up a world hopping Sparklez so that the Captain couldn’t foil the plans of the Darkness.
2. If Dream is not evil because of the Darkness but some other reason, he still wouldn’t want someone with a just moral compass unconditionally allying Tubbo, and thus Tommy, against him. What better way than locking up the Captain the moment he joins the world, never able to even contact his son of his arrival.
Sparklez, even without his Mianitian demigod status, is more than a capable adversary. The mans was built around puzzle maps, parkour challenges, and escapes. He even has done adventure maps where he has escaped prisons, on many more than one occasion.
He also, you know, has three lives upon entering.
I’m not saying I have a clear favorite, but I have a clear favorite.
Melt me know what you think down below!
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Mess We Made - second (m)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: arranged marriage au (not bbh), doctor AU, university AU (this chapter only), fluff, ANGST
Words: 12K
WARNINGS: language, unprotected sex, terrible family relations, stalking
Quick A/N: Goodness. This is long. I need to sleep! ENJOY! And thank you for patiently waiting ❤
tags: @byunfirstlady @blackon @puppyeoliepop @in3vitably3v3 @mangobaek @bobohumyonlyboo @wooya1224 @exortedgoods @gureuma ( if you want to be tagged/untagged please reply to this post)
>> A very special shoutout to @byunfirstlady because she rocks and deserves all the best! ><
parts: first -- second -- third -- fourth (last)
Mess We Made, part 2
Gentle puffs of hot air were hitting the shell of your ear as he was whispering something to you. The tip of his nose was poking you in the side of your cheek and you giggled, squirming away from him but his hand under your shirt and on your hip were preventing you from doing so.
“Where are you off to,” he whispered teasingly again, smiling widely as he bit your earlobe gently while his arm tightened around you. He wasn’t letting you squirm away that easily. “It’s too early.”
“You literally didn’t let us sleep the whole night,” you whispered back, still shimmying under his wandering hand. “It’s basically time to get up and my eyes are stinging from having no rest,” you pouted, blinking them a few times to prove a point. You were lying on your back while Baekhyun was propped on one elbow, hovering over you. Baekhyun’s shirt was the only piece of clothing on you. While he was completely naked, it seemed to be his second nature by now. After so much time together, his personality and preferences were more than familiar to you.
“Because I want to enjoy you as much as I can. And because I don’t want you to go,” he whined quietly and you giggled again, turning on your side to face him, hiding in his chest. “I really don’t want you to go, love. What do I do?”
You kissed his chest and looked up at him with a small smile. “I won’t go then.”
Baekhyun returned the smile but there was something in his eyes- that something giving you slight uneasiness. He was hesitating. Usually, he would immediately agree and it wasn’t like he had to beg you to stay; if anything, you had to beg him to kick you out because there was no way you would willingly leave his place and his warmth by your own choice.
“But I will have to go,” you added, verbalizing the sentence he secretly wished to hear but wouldn’t voice it. “Since my parents are waiting for me.” You didn’t give two damns about your parents. You really, really didn’t. But Baekhyun did. So you should, too. 
Baekhyun caressed your hip bone, his hand sliding over your tummy where he tickled you, causing you to squirm once again under his touch. “I will meet you later, if you want,” he said, smiling when he saw your lips widely stretched in a silent laugh. “We can go to the coffee shop and be a little productive.”
You groaned, hiding your face in his chest again. Baekhyun let his hand slide over your back, enjoying the warmth your skin was emitting. “I don’t want to study. I want to cuddle you and kiss you and just feel you.”
Baekhyun’s chuckle was quiet but so handsome. He kissed your neck lovingly, puckering his lips three, four times. His lips were so smooth and soft; you wished you could stop the time now and live in the moment forever. “You felt me the whole night, didn’t you?” he rasped.
“Besides,” you added and leaned back a bit to look at his affectionate gaze. “We have some free time now before university starts.” His messy hair was falling over his eyes and you hummed, sliding your fingers through the strands, brushing them back and revealing his forehead. “Let’s make the most out of that. Just you and me.”
The air in the room felt warm. Whether it was from the activities you did the whole night or because you simply couldn’t not blush under his hooded eyes, you wouldn’t know. But when he leaned in to kiss you, unable to hold back any longer, you knew it was simply Baekhyun’s presence that was keeping you hot inside. With his hand on your naked skin, with his tongue teasing your lips or just a simple smile was what kept you burning hot, passion swallowing you and blinding you at the same time. If you were to keep walking, it was because of him. Thanks to him.
There were no cars parked in front of your house as you typed in the code for the tall wooden gate. Usually, there was some guest present but it was unusually peaceful. It almost made you excited because you naively believed your parents wouldn’t be home. Them not being home equaled time to yourself and more time to think through how you would approach the upcoming (dreader) discussion.
Stupid marriage, you thought unhappily as you entered the house. Making a beeline towards the kitchen, you were surprised yet again to find it empty. Wasn't it almost lunch time? Where were the maids? And the cooks?
It was all too strange which made you walk around, what was an obviously empty, house in order to find someone. Sure, your house was huge, and getting easily lost in it was a common issue for guests who were not hosted well, but this was beyond everything you expected.
Making the final decision to check your father’s office, you stopped in front of the sturdy wooden door. No sounds were coming from there, but the wood was too thick anyways. Clearing your throat gently, you opened the door and walked in the spacious room. It was also vacant, his chair turned to the side as if someone stood up from it in a hasty manner. Some documents were scattered around his otherwise well-organized table, so there wasn't anything out of ordinary until you felt a presence behind you, and you turned. You let out a shocked gasp when you saw your mother’s strict, emotionless face while standing straight with her arms crossed on her chest. She was, as per usual, well-dressed, her make-up one shade too light for her darker skin making her seem almost lifeless. You shuddered, but before you could react, she snapped.
“Do you like what you see? Empty house, no maids to run around you nor your family to welcome you?”
This time, you were really startled by her words. “What?”
“This is what will happen if you continue disobeying us, dear daughter. There won't be anyone to tend to your needs, no one to cook for you, to clean for you, not even me and your father will be there if you continue meeting that boy.”
You snorted, disbelief written all of your face as you sent daggers with your eyes. She dared to attack and mention Baekhyun again? “What is wrong with you-”
“Where were you last night until now?”
Scrambling to compose your still shocked state, you muttered: “You know where I was.”
She let out a humorless laugh and you noticed her jaw clenching. “What do you think you are doing? What were you even doing?” She reached out to the collar of your dress and yanked it sideways, revealing your collarbones along with your shoulder. Even though you didn't see exactly what she was looking at, you knew very well what she found there. You felt your heart jump in fear.
“Fooling around with him in bed?” she grumbled and snapped her cold eyes at you. “Letting him mark you? You little bitch.” The back of her hand landed with your cheek, the sting bringing tears to your eyes as your head snapped to the side, your hair covering half of your face from the strong blow. “How stupid must you be to be this irresponsible?!”
You held the abused cheek, biting your lip hard to prevent you from letting out a sob. You turned at her. “How dare you! I told you I will not comply and let that other man touch me-”
Her hand landed again on your cheek; the other one. “Wrong answer.”
You stepped away from her before she could hit you again, now letting the tears fall from your eyes. “You're crazy, mother,” you whispered, “you and father are both crazy.”
“That other man is your future husband,” she seethed, making a menacing step closer to you which prompted you to step back. “And he won't accept you cheating behind his back with some kid-”
“Stop talking about him like he is a no one!” you screeched loudly, losing your calm, surprising your mother and yourself in the process. Seeing your mother was finally silenced, you added: “He is the one I love, mum! I already said I will marry the guy, but you cannot take Baekhyun away from me! He is the only good thing I have in my life,” you cried. Your tears were scorching hot on your already reddened cheeks, just like Baekhyun's warmth that you were supposed to leave behind. 
“The only good thing?” she repeated, disgusted. “After everything we have provided for you - you always had food and luxury! The least you can do to repay us is to do as we say!” she shouted, swishing her hands in the air. “I didn't even tell you off when you kept bringing bad grades home. I didn't bother. After all, you went to a useless, regular high school with no reputation. But right now, when I am telling you to do as I say, you decide to go against me?! I won't tolerate it! You will break up with him, and you will marry Mr Kwon. I made arrangements already, and he won’t impregnate you until you are done with university.”
Your gasp was loud, overwhelming the both of you, but your mother was faster to brush it off and continue with her nonsense. Her words were like a cut of a dagger; precise, because she knew your weak points, and very painful, because her goal was to wound you and eventually destroy you, leaving you in pain that would make you surrender to her orders.
“Impregnate?” you finally let out, voice trembling. “What the actual hell! I TOLD YOU. I am not letting him touch me.”
“Well,” she pressed an ugly, wrinkly smile, “you will have to. We need an heir. A boy.”
Sick. You were sick to your stomach at the idea of Mr Kwon smiling at you, let alone touch you at your most private parts and let him take you. The idea was maddening, and you desperately wanted to pull at your hair, hoping it would be a good enough sign for your mother to understand you didn't want to be part of an arranged marriage.
“Mum,” you whimpered finally, letting more tears fall as you connected your hands in front of your chest, pleading. “Mum, please. Don't do this. I will… I will do anything else you want me to, but please… You can't simply let him sleep with me.”
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “You're acting as if you haven't been bedded already,” she said through gritted teeth. She was so disgusted by you, you couldn't help but take the hurt. Family was supposed to support you, be warm and kind and helpful, but her and your father were anything but. However, it never ceased to hurt you; the way she looked impersonal towards you, and right now, disgusted. As if you were some trash; someone unworthy of love and understanding. 
“Please,” you whispered, closing your eyes for a moment.
“Wash up,” she grumbled resolutely before her eyes fell on the still exposed shoulder, “and hide that stupid mark with some make-up. Mr Kwon will be over for dinner-”
“NO!” you screeched, stomping your foot. “I WILL NOT MEET HIM!”
“Unless you want me to beat you up until your pretty-for-nothing face is marked just like he marked your neck, then I advise you to go. Wash. Up.” She turned around and walked away with resolute steps.
There was a crack within you; it literally felt like a knife slashing through your weak organ that was your heart.
“You’re cruel, mother!” you shouted after her, despite her not paying you any more attention, and you ran out of the office and up the wide staircase that would lead you to the only place you could hide in. Your room.
Shaky hands grabbed at the hair tie, yanking it out of your hair and throwing it across the spacious room. It was followed by your dress, also thrown to the other side while you stomped to the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind you. Its surface was cold on the skin of your naked back as you slid down, sobbing.
How many times have you been in this position already? How many times have you cried like this, despair pooling in the pit of your stomach, hoping, praying that things would somehow magically turn over and you’d feel some sort of relief? That relief never came and your misery would only worsen. Maybe it was exactly because of your high hopes, you thought as your sobbing slowly ceased, leaving you with only quiet whimpers and a throbbing headache. Maybe it was because, at the end of the day, you’d have Baekhyun who would bring out all the best and kindest and the most positive parts out of your suffering soul.
The thought of him made you only weep again, but you became determined as well. For him, you’d do anything. Anything.
He said to obey.
And you would.
Just before the main guest would arrive, your mother pushed a familiar pink gift bag into your hand. “You didn’t even open this ever since you decided to grace us with your presence,” she pressed through her gritted teeth, holding back from raising her voice. As much as she wished to smack you, she also didn’t want to cause a ruckus just before Mr Kwon would arrive. She needed you to look your best, which you did. “Open it and make sure to mention the gift,” she ordered and took a sharp look-over at your dressed up figure.
As promised, you hid all the hickeys Baekhyun left on you blinded by his passion and desire last night. The polite black dress was hugging your curves just in the gentlest ways, not too much but still leaving a good image of what you were hiding underneath. The colour of your stockings was of your skin, but with a glistening touch, making your legs look more desirable. Hair politely combed, wavy at the ends and tucked behind your ears. Perfect.
“Finally you know how to dress up properly to your age,” mumbled your mother. When you didn’t respond and averted your gaze to the ground, she hesitated before heaving out a sigh. “He’ll be here soon,” she turned around to leave your room. “Prepare.”
You were surprised when your mother shut the door quietly behind herself, giving you the necessary time to actually get ready and collect your thoughts.
The bag, just as yesterday, felt heavy in your fingers and you decided to finally take out the small, cream-coloured box, most probably promising a pricey gift. Sitting down at the edge of your bed, you quickly opened it to find a pretty set of earrings and a necklace. Earrings consisted of two pearls while the necklace was a simple silver necklace with a single pearl in the middle.
Noticing their unusual shape, you could tell right away that they were real pearls. Each piece of irregular shape made the actual stone throw all kinds of colors of the rainbow. It was beautiful, it really was, but not something you’d expect from someone you had never met. It strengthened the idea that what was about to go down in the future was, in fact, real. He was pursuing you.
Sighing tiredly, you felt your eyes burning up once again but was abruptly stopped when your phone vibrated on the vanity where you left it. Quickly moving to take it, you instantly smiled when you saw Baekhyun’s picture and his caller ID on display.
“Baby,” you sighed breathily, eager to hear his voice.
First you heard his handsome chuckle before he spoke: “My princess. Just wanted to check on you. I told you to text me once you’re home,” he scolded gently.
You bit your lip before quickly releasing it, remembering you had lipstick on. “Sorry I got… busy,” you murmured eventually. Not sure whether to tell him about the dinner, you decided to keep quiet. If he heard your uncertainty, he’d know something was up right away.
He hummed. “There was no trouble, right?” His voice was careful, hesitant. He always trusted you but he also knew you would lie if he asked.
You lied anyway. “Of course. You know I’m not that easily breakable, right? There is no need to worry, Baekhyun.”
He sighed. “I always worry about you.” And about your family hurting you. He kept that to himself though. “But as long as I hear your voice and know your fine, it’s more than enough.”
You closed your eyes, desperately wishing you could be with him, in his bed, while he studied and you’d observe him. Anything would be better than the situation you were in now. “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too,” he was fast to reply. “Always. I missed you even before you left this morning.”
You giggled, covering your mouth even though no one saw you. “I’ll gladly sneak out tonight.”
“No. Stay home. Don’t want you getting into trouble-“
“You know I’d do it even with you disapproving.”
“Oh, I know you would, sweetheart. I know.”
“I’d do anything for you, Baekhyun,” you whispered, “in a heartbeat.”
He was silent for a moment. You weren’t sure why he wasn’t replying, but then again, your words bore quite a powerful meaning. “And I’d do anything to protect you and keep you happy.”
Burning tears came to life when you heard his low voice, sending shocks down your body. “Then never leave me.”
Silence again.
“Baekhyun,” you muttered, “promise me you won’t leave me.”
Why wasn’t he replying as fast as he did just a few moments ago? Were you asking for too much? Were you crossing boundaries? That made you scoff. You and him had such a strong and intimate relationship, there was no space for any boundaries. Your relationship seemed to be limitless.
“I won’t leave you, love,” was his answer finally. “I love you too fucking much for me to leave you.”
“Then that’s enough,” you sighed shakily, knowing it was time for you to hang up and face the dreaded. “As long as I know you love me and won’t leave me, all will be well.”
The silence in the dining room was one of the worst things your life had put you through. The chewing sounds, clinking of the cutlery along with slurping were the only noises that you heard physically, while your mind was about to explode with your thoughts.
Mr Kwon was sitting directly opposite you, to your misfortune, while your parents were seated in their usual spots, your father being at the head of the table.  It was almost the absolute end of you when the servers put octopuses on the table as the main dish. Shooting them a horrified glare, they could only widen their eyes at you, silently asking for your forgiveness when they knew octopuses made you puke your guts out. Just the sight triggered your gag reflex and you ended up swallowing the rice through the wrong pipe, causing you to start a spree of aggressive coughing. Definitely not lady-like.
“Oh my, look at you,” chided your mother who was next to you, tapping your back with good enough power. “You eat too fast, darling,” she said knowingly and when you turned to glare at her, she only chuckled, taking in your red face.
“Maybe have octopuses,” suggested Mr Kwon with a chuckle as he reached for one right away. “They certainly won't make you suffocate.”
Your presence alone is suffocating enough, you thought bitterly but made sure to break a smile to show respect even though it was killing you. Quickly reaching for a jar with water, you wanted to pour yourself some very much needed liquid when you saw the man's hand in your line of vision, and he poured you water.
“Eat carefully, miss,” he murmured, giving you the slightest of honest smiles.
You bowed your head in gratitude before gulping down. It gave you the relief you desperately seeked, but the sight of the octopuses was creating an uncomfortable bulge in your stomach.
“So, now that we enjoyed the main dishes, we shall talk about some business, what do you say, Mr Kwon?” suggested your father in a friendly manner, connecting his fingers as he rested his elbows on the table.
Mr Kwon nodded. “Oh, yes, we shall do that. The meal was terrific, by the way.”
“Thank you, I will make sure to tell the kitchen staff,” smiled brightly your mother, hiding her grin behind her hand. You tried not to shudder at the tense, over-polite atmosphere, but on the other hand you were dying to find out more about your fate. With Baekhyun on your mind, you braced yourself, ready to fight for whatever was to come.
Your father gave you a brief glance before facing the expectant Mr Kwon. “Well, I suppose we should set a wedding date. Given we discussed most of the business part, we should now focus on you and our daughter.”
“Yes, yes. I would like to suggest marriage once she enters university,” proposed Mr Kwon importantly and you felt blood leaving your face immediately. “As you know, I would also like to get to know her better and I believe that if we will start our marriage early on, we both can earn ourselves some valuable time before starting a family. I also do not want her to steer away from me too much.”
No. No, no, no. “Actually, may I  say-”
“No, you may not,” muttered your mother, squeezing your thigh under the table. She quickly looked at Mr Kwon who had a questioning look. “Would you like the ceremony when her first semester starts? You see, she is a good student, so I'd like her not to steer away from her studies too much.”
Surprised, you stole a glance at your mother, but she was facing your future husband. Your heartbeat was frantic in your chest and you swore you would pass out at the idea of your mother trying to protect you in some twisted manner, despite her fighting you like a wild bull.
“What do you suggest, then?” asked Mr Kwon, his attention fully on your mother.
She took a deep breath and her hand left your thigh, leaving behind a warm, but uncomfortable feeling on your skin. “Marriage after graduation.”
The man in question raised his eyebrows slowly, thinking over the suggested idea. Meticulously, he scrutinized your mother before his eyes fell on your wavering gaze. It was almost scorching, and you couldn't help but look down at your lap where your hands were politely connected. Noticing the sickeningly white skin of your knuckles, you didn't realize you were squeezing them together in order to fight the nerves.
“Alright,” he rasped eventually, causing you to raise your head in hope. “Under some conditions, though.”
Your heart died a little bit at that, but it didn't matter. You had four years ahead. Four years of freedom. With Baekhyun. “I am to do what my initial plan was,” he started, “and that is to get to know my future wife well. I do respect her needs, however I would like to visit her on various occasions and take her out, too. She shouldn't be a newbie to the house where I live in, so I demand to have at least one night with her-”
“Oh, Mr Kwon,” chimed in your mother nonchalantly, while your father shot her a warning look, “let me remind you that we would like our daughter to finish her bachelor degree on time. Which means we wouldn't want unwelcome pregnancies or such.”
Your throat went dry and you almost whimpered at the horrific idea.
“Are you suggesting no physical contact until after marriage?”
“Excuse me,” you said in a tiny tone, withering under the adults' strict gazes, “but this is my life and my body we talk about here.” You bravely looked at Mr Kwon's face. “As much as I understand and respect your request, I do not wish to do anything more until we know each other well enough,” you hesitated, before adding, “until I feel ready. You know yourself that I am still young and have a desire to live a little bit before I will settle down with you.”
“By living a little bit I hope you do not mean finding other boyfriends,” he cut in, the slightest of scoffs tinting his voice. “From this moment on, you are to tend to me only.”
“Actually,” this time your mother cut in, her hand back on your thigh, wordlessly silencing you, “we understand your request.” She paused and you held your breath. “We agree, of course. She shouldn't be seeing anyone else besides you.”
“And has she been seeing anyone else before?” quipped Mr Kwon, leaning back in his chair, his stance somehow lazy. “Does she have experience? Has she been bedded before?”
You winced and your head snapped to your father, your eyes pleading with him to do something.
“I'd rather not…” your father trailed off, obvious discomfort on his face, “talk about this. We promised you our daughter and we are willing to make the wedding ceremony once she graduates in four years. Until then, you are to pursue her,” he decided, authority now dripping from his voice. “Feel free to contact her, but our conditions are as I stated just now. Marriage after graduation. Otherwise, we comply with your requests to be with her. She won't be seeing anyone else. Do not worry, Mr Kwon.”
Mr Kwon was watching you and that scared you. Was the fact that you were in a relationship written all over your face? You hoped not, even though you desperately wanted to tell him that yes, indeed, you had a boyfriend. You already had someone who occupied every possible space in your heart and in your mind.
“Alright,” said the guest, “may I suggest a little talk face to face here with our young miss?”
“But of course!” agreed your mother without hesitation and in no time, her and your father were gone, both of them shooting you warning glares. If only they could support you for once. Was that too much to ask for? Though you had to be honest. You were satisfied that you still had something you could hold for yourself.
“Miss,” Mr Kwon snapped you out of your thoughts. He stood up and walked over to you, motioning for you to stand up as well. You hastily did, quickly adjusting your skirt, which didn't go unnoticed by his sharp eyes. Feeling your cheeks reddening, you didn't look up.
He was quiet for a little while longer before softly muttering: “My gift looks very pretty on you. I have to say, I feel baffled that you decided to wear the pearls for me.”
Your breath hitched in your throat, but you still refused to look up at him. It was anything but for him.
“I assume you must be startled by the events, but I assure you I won't harm you. In the adult world, it is only normal to follow natural instincts though,” he murmured again as he made a step closer. “And you are definitely a breath-takingly beautiful young woman.” Suppressing the shivers, you nodded to show you were listening. He chuckled lowly. “No need to be shy around me. I prefer my women brave and confident. Like they know what they want.”
You raised your head now, reciprocating the eye contact. “In that case - I am still eighteen, Mr Kwon. I would appreciate it if you respect that.”
“I didn't even do anything,” he laughed again, shaking his head, taking your words as a joke. “But I like it. Okay. You got me. I will ask your parents for your telephone number and from now on,” he paused and leaned in a little closer, his strong cologne hitting your nose, “we shall deal with everything privately. Just the two of us.” He leaned back, checking your face for some reaction. You were shaken. “Alright?”
You nodded, wanting it to be quickly over. “Alright.”
“I'll make sure no one else will roam around you, miss. From today on, you are mine.”
It was yet another of the many times that you cried in your bed. Guilty feelings eating you away, the creeping sense of disgust at everything that you had to listen to and become part of sooner than later.
You were trying to think your situation over - how you could trick Mr Kwon to make him believe you weren't seeing anyone. In a way, you were thankful your mother and father never mentioned you already having a boyfriend as much as you wanted to shout it to the whole world. It was better to keep Baekhyun a secret which was basically one step to being in a relationship you didn't want to be. Baekhyun already became a forbidden fruit and you wondered what would happen if Mr Kwon found out.
You never told Baekhyun what was the deal between your parents and Mr Kwon. As much as he knew you were secretive and he tried to be the same Baekhyun as before, you couldn’t help the lurking feeling of your relationship's dynamics suddenly changing.
It shifted.
Unfortunately, in the wrong direction.
It’s been almost four years now that you’ve been attending university, meaning the sacred time to part was coming up, and you saw your boyfriend less and less. Even if the weather was nice and all you’ve asked was five minutes of his precious time,  Baekhyun slowly but surely refused to give it to you. He would make sure to make it up later but the slightest hint of distance was palpable in his eyes and his touches.
In the beginning, you still enjoyed each other as much as you used to. He would bring you along to parties and show everyone you were together. You would bring him along to your get-togethers and make sure all the ladies knew he was yours. You slept at his place whenever you could and you were still just as crazy about each other as you used to be. 
It was only once Mr Kwon started to take you out, asking for dinner dates and sometimes even making unannounced visits, was when your relationship started to break. You hated that word dearly; to break. You hated to use that word in the same sentence with Baekhyun's name. But you got the hunch that Baekhyun was suspicious. He knew something was up, he was not dumb. Suddenly, it was you rejecting his advances, it was you busy and with little time to spare. So you made sure he wouldn't get the hint and masked everything. Mr Kwon was not allowed to give you unannounced visits and you had to meet him somewhere far away from campus (it was convenient since he always treated you to expensive, tasteless food in Gangnam).
Over those few years, you and Baekhyun developed a routine; at the beginning of each semester, both of you exchanged your timetables. But in your final year, despite you knowing about Baekhyun's whereabouts, he would either stay later in school or hang out with his classmates. Thankfully, he took you many times with him - to lunches and dinners and get-togethers. Many of his friends there had girlfriends and you were never surprised that Baekhyun managed to win over almost everyone in his year. Because even if you were there as his girlfriend, his hand on your thigh to prove it, there were still so many girls, younger and older, swallowing him up with dark, hungry eyes.
Just where did the good old days go? In the good old days, you would be inseparable. There was no one who could stay between you two, even if it was your evil parents. He would kiss you, you would hug him, he would caress you and you would lay your head on his shoulder. You’d sneak out to see him, and he would create a new, safe home for you even if it meant just for a night. You risked so much to be with him; even now when you were under a scrutinizing watch of Mr Kwon, you’d always go and try to see Baekhyun.
So why was Baekhyun acting like this? With every passing day, he would drift away from you and you felt like you were trying to grasp onto him desperately, preventing him from leaving your side. Baekhyun was always by your side. He belonged there.
You were in your final year now, the beginning of a brand new, and last, semester when you decided to sign up for a fashion design class. You weren’t sure why you did it; the constant doodling as a way to get rid of your negative emotions, you grew to love grabbing a pencil and just let the sharp tip of it slide on the crisp surface of the paper. Fashion was something you always had to excel at given your reputation so when you found yourself sketching some pretty lingerie, you decided it wouldn’t be a bad move to attend a class that you actually liked, unlike the rest.
“But why does it have to be in the evening?” whined Baekhyun who was walking you to the seminar room. His hair was messy and it wasn’t because of your fingers. Apparently he had been in the library since 6am.
You sighed, and hugged your books closer to your chest, the chilly autumn evening catching you unprepared. You loved the deep red dress you wore today, but not only you were cold, but the heels were killing your feet too. “You’re always busy, Baekhyun. Why is it suddenly so difficult for you to accept that I will be busy one evening out of seven?”
He went silent and you knew you hit a sensitive spot. “You’re right.”
That made you feel… disappointed. He wouldn’t even try to fight anymore.
“Let’s talk after your class,” he suggested when you stopped in front of the classroom. There was some movement inside, most probably the professor preparing the materials for the seminar.
Baekhyun’s words left you feeling uneasy. “About what?”
He looked at you but his gaze was unreadable. He didn’t smile but didn’t frown either, until you saw the slightest clench of his jaw before he relaxed it. “About us.”
You instantly had tears in your eyes but you pressed your lips together, praying you wouldn’t start wailing now. Despite that, you shivered. “Maybe another time,” you tried.
“Sweetheart,” he sighed, running his hand through his hair. “I really need to talk to you.”
“So when you want to talk to me I need to have time but when I was chasing you the past years, you couldn’t even give me five goddamn minutes of your precious time!”
He was taken aback at the raise of your voice but didn’t comment on it, nor did he act upon it. “I think you know that we have too many unresolved issues.”
“I don’t want to solve them,” you replied stubbornly.
He frowned. “What? What’s the matter with you?” he asked, exasperated. “You’ve been acting so strange,” he added, saying your name with so much seriousness it made you shiver again. “All I want is to talk.”
“But you will break up with me,” you said, voice low now and your chin trembling. “I know it. And I don’t want to.”
“No,” he was fast to whisper, shaking his head as he stepped closer to you, “I don’t want to break up with you, angel,” he whispered into your ear now, his hands gently cradling your head as he hugged you to him.
You whimpered, dropping your books so you could squeeze his slim waist and hide your face in his chest. His sweater had a pleasant scent of his detergent and it made you feel instantly at home. “Then what is it,” you gritted your teeth to prevent yourself from sobbing.
He sighed, knowing how he must have shattered you over the time. He grew distant, he was aware of that. But Baekhyun was also a perfectionist. He had to excel in classes, he had to make sure he knew what he was doing in order to become a qualified doctor as he always dreamed about. However, him being meticulous with his studies made him lose someone who was very special to him - you. “I miss you,” he whispered. “I just want to make sure we are in the clear. I want to spend more time with you. But I want to talk.”
“I’ve been missing you for so long,” you mumbled, ignoring the few students who were passing by and entering your classroom. He had a sad look on his face and you weren’t sure you wanted to know why. “I’ll come to your place. Will the other guys be out?”
He grasped your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. “I don’t know. I don’t care. Just head straight to my place, alright?” he said, attempting to smile.
Baekhyun was sharing an apartment with his friends just across the campus so it was convenient for him and for you. Even though they could be annoying sometimes, they knew not to play around you too much, given how ignorant you were towards anyone that wasn’t a Byun Baekhyun.
You nodded and Baekhyun hummed in acknowledgment, leaning in to kiss your forehead. You sighed, satisfied. 
“Enjoy your class,” he murmured, his lips still brushing your skin. “I'll be waiting for you.”
Before he could let go of your hand and walk away, you pulled him towards you, ignoring his questioning gaze and stood on your tiptoes, pressing your lips together. You felt him heave out a soft breath before he cradled your face and angled you up to have better access as he teased you with his tongue.
Someone cleared their throat out of nowhere and you gasped, disattaching from Baekhyun's lips a smooch that made you blush. He let go of you when he zoomed in on someone and you turned to find a young professor standing in the doorway to the seminar room. “Are you joining my class?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Quickly bowing to him, you nodded, apologizing as you made your way to the classroom. Before the doors could completely close, you looked at Baekhyun who gave you a supportive smile.
You could smell cigarettes in the corridor as you stood in front of Baekhyun's apartment door. It wasn't the nicest building; some weird people lurking here and there, but you knew he worked hard to earn the place so you never told him how you actually felt about the place.
You typed in the code, letting yourself enter and quickly took off your heels, chasing the very much needed relief in your aching feet.
“You came.” Baekhyun appeared from his room, a big grey hoodie and black pants looking extra comfortable and cuddly on him.
He walked over to you and this time he initiated the small kiss. “How was class?” he asked, taking your bag from your hand as he moved to the kitchen. He was about to lift it up when your sketchbook fell out, the pages messily opening and splattering on the floor.
“It went very well,” you answered, watching him slowly pick up the sketch book, his eyes drinking in what he was seemingly missing out on the past year. Your sketches.
“Did you…” he trailed off, swallowing before looking up at you, “did you draw this? Did you come up with this?”
“Well, I had to present something to the teacher so that I wouldn't look too lost in his fashion class,” you smiled cheekily, sensing the unease Baekhyun was suddenly full of. He let his eyes follow you as you stepped towards him, taking the sketchbook from his frozen hand. “This is my personal favourite,” you said in a low voice, turning the pages until there were no more left. The last page was the only sketch you didn't show to your professor. Baekhyun was silent, but his eyes were sharp. They flickered from your face to the lingerie sketches that you were showing him.
Slowly, he took a deep breath, eyes scanning the figure that was resembling yours unlike the regular ones that you sketched before, for anyone's eyes. This one was meant for Baekhyun's eyes only and he was assured of it when he saw the small “unlock, bbh” under the sketch.
You knew Baekhyun loved wearing black colours despite his favourite one being red. So you decided to combine the dark with a deep, sultry red that oozed sexiness and confidence. Lace was so thinly sketched, it almost seemed like your skin was tattered with it. You never liked wearing thongs, so you made sure the underwear would be comfortable for you, instead filling the space with lace and silk.
It was a luxurious piece that you were confident you could actually wear one day if you would be determined enough to bring it to life.
“You see,” you started when silence was too much to bear, the growing tension made you feel all sorts of strong emotions, “I made it like a game for you, Baekhyun.” You took his index finger and pointed it at the paper where your left shoulder bra strap was drawn. “You won't unlock me until you find out one crucial point of this set. If you do, you'll unlock the entire outfit,” you told him, your voice low. “And what do I mean by unlock?” you asked, letting go of his finger and he looked at you from his side. “You'll get to see me in my whole glory. Just a simple click can give you access to everything that I am.”
Baekhyun was thinking about your words even though it had been a while since he spoke. Eventually, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to control something you weren't aware of. “Is this what you did in your class?”
You snorted a laugh. “No, Baekhyun. This is just for you. My present to you,” you smiled at the idea. “One day.”
“How can you be so fucking sexy inside and out?” he grumbled and with one arm swiftly brought you to his chest, his hand tightly gripping your waist. His eyes flickered all over your features, taking in the make-up and the red lipstick that you knew he adored so much. How could he let himself ignore you when you were a full meal, a huge prey for any man with bad and good intentions? How could he not appreciate you every single day and tell you that he loved you and wanted to make love to you every single time he saw you?
You smiled up at him and he lost it. Despite the trouble and negative tension he created, you still dared to smile at him?
He claimed your lips, catching you by surprise but you moaned instantly when you felt his hands drag downwards over your hips and bum until reaching the backside of your thighs. Both of you were so familiar with each other's actions, that Baekhyun didn't have to tell you to jump anymore. You did so without his order and when he had you in his arms, you felt him right at your center instantly. You gasped, reacting to his body as you tried to shimmy your middle over him and he grunted into the kiss.
“Jesus, what are you doing to me, woman,” he breathed, his lips glistening with your mixed saliva before cradling your cheek with one hand, bringing you in for another dirty kiss.
You whined, growing wet right away. Squeezing his waist with your legs, he clumsily put you on the counter, accidentally knocking over some cups, but neither of you cared. Baekhyun was kissing your jaw, slowly making his way to your ear into which he whispered: “I need to fuck you right now.” He bit your earlobe and you moaned, wanting to close your legs but his hands were already pushing them apart. Your dress hiked up to your hips, revealing your underwear and you fumbled with his pants, your hands already inside to bring him out. Upon touching him, you gasped, looking at your boyfriend. He was hard.
“It's what you do to me all the damn time,” he whispered, panting when he felt your light touch. “I told you years ago, didn't I?” he smirked and pushed your hand away, instead his hands grabbing you under your knees and yanking you to the edge so he could have better access. You whimpered, clenching around nothing when he pushed the crotch of your panties aside and felt his middle finger teasing you by letting it dip but not quite enter. “So wet,” he breathed, looking at your blushed face. “Let’s dive, shall we?” he murmured, grabbing himself. You circled your arms around his neck, face buried in his neck as you felt him poke you. Lubricating himself he made sure to spread your arousal all over your womanhood. You whimpered and he finally pushed in. Both of you moaned in unison, the stretch so pleasurable it made you almost see stars.
“Mmhhmm, you feel so good,” you moaned, closing your eyes and biting his earlobe. He was quick to reply when he set up a fast pace, chasing his release.
Both of you were panting, neither of you speaking as you were indulged in each other. Feeling the sweat prickling around your hairline, you kissed Baekhyun, who grunted, pushing extra deep and hitting your g-spot. You let go of the kiss with a smooch, moaning loudly into his mouth which he swallowed, his forehead pressed to yours. “Is it good? Am I making you feel good?” he breathed, puffs of air hitting your lips.
“Yes, yes, you do,” you exhaled harshly as he slowed down, circling his hips to make sure he was touching every corner of you. You arched your back, your head hitting the cupboards you forgot were behind you. Just like that, both of you were laughing like crazy, Baekhyun smiling widely as he kissed your exposed neck while still deep inside you.
You cursed, still giggling. Bringing your face back, you took his face into your hands and kissed him as he took himself out of you completely and then slammed back in right away.
“I’m so fucking close,” he whispered between messy kisses. “I swear I'm gonna cum right now, princess.”
You wanted to tell him to wait for you, but instead you lead him on. “Then cum.”
“Should I pull out?” The urgency of his voice as he kept thrusting into you made you momentarily dizzy. He felt so good. “No, don’t pull out,” you breathed and he groaned loudly, hiding his face in your chest as was his habit when he was releasing. Exactly then, you felt hot spurts pumping into you. You felt so full but the satisfaction was anywhere near. You chose not to act up on your frustration, instead deciding to enjoy seeing Baekhyun in a bliss.
“I don't remember when was the last time I came this hard,” he told you, stilling completely, his breath fanning your lips as he was slowly coming down from his high. After a few moments, he kissed you sweetly. “Sorry, baby. Let me-”
“No, don’t,” you said, the wetness leaking out of you and on the counter. His hand hovered above your bundle of nerves just above where he disappeared inside you. “It's fine.”
“But you didn’t cum,” he muttered, embarrassed. “Sorry… this is so ridiculous.”
“Don't be silly,” you said with a gentle tone and brushed his hair out of his sweaty forehead and leaned in to kiss it. “You're so gorgeous, Baekyhun,” you told him when he finally focused his shy gaze on you. In response, he squeezed your thighs he was holding onto the whole time. The iron grip eased up into a gentle hold. You were sure you would bruise but damn, you didn't care.
He smiled and that was your biggest present. His smile that was meant for you. “The one who is gorgeous is you. You made me cum so fast with just the idea of you wearing that lingerie… I'll make it up to you, I promise,” he whispered, kissing you again as he pulled out of you, once again causing you to moan at the friction.
Baekhyun cleaned up the mess quickly and sent you to wash up but before you could saunter off, he held your hand. “Stay over tonight,” he requested softly.
Feeling yourself smile even wider, you gratefully accepted.
After eating dinner, it was already too late, so both of you moved to Baekhyun's room, deciding to talk like you wanted to. 
He lent you his clothes and you relished in the feeling of getting lost in his hoodie. When he lied down, he opened his arms for you to find comfort in and you were fast to jump at him, causing him to grunt at the impact which made you giggle.
“Are you trying to say I’m heavy!” you shrieked in mock anger, hitting his chest gently, and Baekhyun laughed.
“No, never,” he hummed when you settled in, resting your head on his chest. His heartbeat sounded a little irregular.
Your mood instantly deflated. “So,” you started, drawing circles on his pectoral with your finger. “What was it you wanted to talk about?”
He sighed gently and you felt his breath on your forehead. “I don’t know how to begin.”
“From the start.”
Baekhyun clicked his tongue at your reply and you smiled though it didn’t quite reach your eyes. “You’re a teasing little thing, aren’t you, my love.”
My love.
If he called you his love it meant he wouldn’t break up with you, right?
“I just feel like …” he trailed off, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. “You’re in your final year.”
That sentence spoke volumes to you. The meaning behind it meant only one thing and it was that only thing you’d been trying to fight against and refuse to accept. Your time with Baekhyun was almost up.
“Won’t you say something?” he asked softly when there was no answer from you.
This time you were the one who sighed and gently pushed yourself out of his grasp, to sit up facing him.
He mirrored you and sat opposite you. “Baby, what is going to happen?”
“I don’t know,” you murmured, lowering your head. “I mean-“ you looked up. “I won’t leave you, that’s all I know for sure.”
Baekhyun wasn’t satisfied with your answer. After all, you had the same answer years ago. He called your name. “We cannot do this forever, you know? Both of us deserve to know where we stand. It’s weird that you’ve been promised to that man but there is no news about when you are supposed to get married?” he rumbled though his voice wasn’t accusative.
Biting your lip, you avoided his eyes again by looking down.
“You know stuff, don’t you.”
You grit your teeth.
“What aren’t you telling me, hm?” He waited for a moment and when you still refused to talk, he took a deep breath. “I can’t believe you’ve known stuff and not tell me!”
This time, he sounded angry. “No, Baek, it’s not like that! I- yes, I’m supposed to be marrying him after I graduate but-“
“There is no but. There is only a period. You are marrying him after you graduate. Period.”
Your heart broke into two. Baekhyun was frowning, hurt flashing in his eyes as his jaw pulsed with how hard he was clenching it. His lips, those lips, were set into a hard line and there was no way to make him look happy like he once used to when he was with you.
“Baekhyun,” you tried, voice thin, “I already told you I’m not letting you go.”
“You seriously think about yourself only, don’t you,” he responded coldly, disbelief painting his voice. “You really don’t care what it means for me to sneak behind some rich dude who can give you anything you point at! I have my own pride. I can’t bear to share you with someone-“
“Baekhyun, I won’t let him touch me! I won’t let him do anything! You won’t be sharing me with anyone! My heart belongs to you and you know it,” you said, tears burning up in your eyes. “I love you so much,” you whispered before your voice could break. 
Baekhyun was holding back, you could tell. His lips quivered but he didn’t make any effort to reach out for you. His eyes glistened. “Don’t marry him.”
You groaned inwardly. “You know I can’t do that.”
“So you’ve been going behind your parents the entire time, seeing me despite their protests and when I ask you not to marry him, you suddenly want to comply?”
“It’s for business,” you reminded him, “I didn’t choose this myself if that’s what you’ve been thinking.”
“I don’t care! I’ll give you everything. I’ll give you more than he can ever give you,” he said hurriedly and you let out a small gasp because Baekhyun was usually anything but desperate. He was the collected one, but now he was anything but.
“I’ll never leave you,” you promised shuffling to him, taking his face in your cold hands. “Please know that, Baekhyun. I won’t let him do anything. It’s just a status. That's all.”
His eyes were frantically flickering between yours, as if searching for something more than there was. “How can you just marry him when you barely ever saw him?”
And now was the time where you could start feeling guilty. It was on you. This was your fault and given how well Baekhyun knew you, he would read right into it. It got confirmed when he pulled away from you, your hands dropping.
“What else aren't you telling me?” he said in a low voice now completely withdrawing away from you and pushing himself up against the headboard.
“Just tell me already!”
You winced, quickly shutting your mouth. “We sometimes meet because he… eh, he just wants to get to know me better. That's it, he just asks me questions an-and I answer,” you replied shakily, brushing your hair behind your ear. “There is nothing, I swear. I deserve to know what kind of man I am marrying, too,” you added, looking up at your boyfriend whose gaze was set somewhere behind you.
“Has this been happening the entire time?” he asked quietly.
“Since the start of the uni.”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Fucking awesome. Congratulations.”
“Baekhyun,” you said, this time strictly. “What the hell is wrong with you? I've been begging to meet you the whole past year and you always found some bullshit excuse for studying and actually you know what? Who knows what you'd been doing during those times!” you exclaimed, the idea of him being with someone else sending you into a rage.
“The fuck? As if I would cheat on you!” he shouted back, sending daggers your way. “I've been in a relationship with someone who was never supposed to be mine! Tell me, sweetcheeks, how does that sound to you? I'm saving myself for you while I know the entire time that I'll be on the loose end. I'm the pathetic one. I am the one who will lose. Not you,” he said in a menacing tone. “So before you start to throw shit at me, I would look in the mirror if I were you.”
“Byun Baekhyun!” you shouted.
He raised an eyebrow. “What. You don't like to hear the truth? Well, this is it. And I have lost my mind, finally. I've been too goddamn blinded by your hope when I knew the whole time it would be fruitless. I cannot do this anymore!”
By then you were sobbing. The last sentence sent you into fits of cries that you couldn't suppress no matter how hard you tried, and it hurt. Byun Baekhyun's words hurt like hell. Hiding your face in your hands, you felt the wetness of your tears pooling in your palms, hoping he would stop being angry with you and just take you in his arms and take his words back.
It didn't happen.
Slowly, you moved your hands away to see him stare at you, hard gaze, lips sealed tightly. “Baby,” you tried, reaching for him. More tears fell from your eyes but you didn't care anymore. He had seen you cry so many times and he was always there to comfort you. This time you were crying because of him and he wouldn't even move a finger for you. “Baby, please.”
“You said you deserve to know him better, too,” he said. “So it is that important to you - that you need to know him.”
“Of course,” you replied with a nasal voice, “what if he is a psychopath.”
He laughed bitterly. “Right. What if he is. How the fuck would you know - you are marrying him anyway! So why is it so important to you to let him get to know you? And you him?”
“It's just the way the deal went, okay?”
“No, it's not okay,” he spat. “You're going against your own word. “You told me there would be nothing happening until you graduate and you were with him behind my back.”
It was your turn to scoff now, though your face was splotchy. “Because you were waiting for me so much!”
“Don't you dare turn this against me,” he muttered in a low tone which left you shocked. This was the first time Baekhyun used that kind of tone with you. In fact, this was your first time fighting this ugly. “This is about you. About your fucking family. About them wanting to destroy us!”
“And it's obviously working!” You threw your hands up. “Just look at you now! You're doing exactly what they want you to be doing! They so desperately wish for you to hurt me so I could dump you,” you shouted, more tears rolling down your hot cheeks. “I guess they were right after all.”
“Right in what,” he snapped again, glaring at you.
You stood up, unable to keep fighting with him. He watched you wordlessly as you picked up your bag where you had your school books. “You're just using me. I guess I was just money to you as well!” You were seething as you yanked his door open and rushed straight for the door.
Sensing someone in the kitchen, you stopped abruptly for a moment, seeing Park Chanyeol staring at you in shock while he took in your state.
You shook your head, not bothering to say hi to him as you went to grab your shoes just to realize you came in heels. “Fuck,” you muttered. Well, Baekhyun's vans would have to do. Grabbing them, you tied both shoes tightly so you wouldn't fall as you rushed to grab the door when you felt a hand grab your wrist instead.
You looked back, making out Baekhyun's features through tears. “Let go,” you snapped, trying to shake him off.
“Where are you going this late?!”
“Anywhere is better than here with you! I cannot stay with you, Baekhyun!” you shouted, finally yanking him off harshly enough so his hand slipped.
You slammed the door shut and Baekyhun was met with silence. Throwing a single, helpless gaze at his friend was enough for Chanyeol to nod and move. “I'll go after her,” he reassured Baekhyun who seemed to be on the verge of mental breakdown.
Baekhyun just nodded, watching Chanyeol leave and hoping you wouldn't actually break up with him.
You were marching down the dark street, ignoring the anxiety creeping in from the silent, empty streets. They were eerie and scary and you hated walking down them at such a late hour but there was no way you could stay at Baekhyun's.
Fast steps brought you back to the present and your heart almost jumped out of your rib cage when you felt someone taking your wrist again. Hope spiked up, expecting to see Baekhyun but it was Park Chanyeol.
He turned you to him gently, little out of breath from trying to catch up with you. “You sure walk fast,” he commented.
He let go of your wrist and you sighed, looking at him with expectation. “What do you want, Park?”
“I just wanted to make sure you're fine,” he said rather shyly.
“I'm just fine,” you insisted, “I will go home now. Go back, it's late.”
“I'll take you home,” he said and to prove a point he clinked with his car keys. “Though it's not the best car out there, it will do the job.”
You rolled your eyes. “I always knew all of you were judging me for my status. And don't bother. I know you're only doing this because of Baekhyun. Well, you don't need to do this.”
“He would skin me alive,” he whispered, horrified. “And he is now too good with the scalpel. I wouldn’t dare.”
“I don't want your help unless it's something you actually want to do, Park Chanyeol,” you muttered through gritted teeth, feeling another wave of tears threatening to spill. “You just made it worse. Leave.”
“It’s late.”
“I don't care. I need to be alone right now.”
“For your information, we all know how much he cherishes you,” he started. “Whenever he would reject you, he would study but not really focus. He keeps talking only about you. We don’t judge you for money but for how much you occupy our space even if you aren't there. That dude is just bewitched by you and I don't know how you managed to do it, to be honest. He is the coldest guy to any other opposite sex beside you.”
“What are you trying to say, Park Chanyeol?”
He sighed and gave you a pointed look. “Baekhyun sacrificed a lot for you. He is so loyal to you despite all the matters you guys have. He never told us but we have a hunch. Just… don’t go breaking his heart.”
“I am not breaking his heart!” you said loudly, tears rolling down your cheeks. “He doubts my feelings.”
“He doesn't. He is insecure.”
“How can he be insecure? All I ever wanted was to be with him.”
Chanyeol stepped closer to you, causing you to tilt your head back further. “Then go back and amend the mess you made.”
“It's not just my mess. It's ours. We made it. He should know what he told me was wrong.”
“All he ever did was listen to you! What makes you think that guy has unlimited patience? He doesn't! So go back, and make it right again!”
You let out a loud groan, turning away from him. You tapped your foot on the concrete, thinking hard though you were close to exasperation. Turning back to Baekhyun's friend, you muttered: “Since you brought those keys, take me on a drive. I’ll sponsor the gas.”
It was already late when you returned back but at least you managed to clear up your mind. Quietly slipping back inside his dark room, you saw him lying in bed, his back turned to you. Putting your bag quietly down on the floor, you slipped under the comforter, your arms and legs hugging him like a koala bear.
You thought he was asleep or worse, that he’d ignore you, but he moved almost as soon as you hugged him, turning in your embrace, pushing his leg between yours and his hand circling your waist, his hand on the skin of your lower back. It was pitch black in the room, but once you felt his hot breath on your mouth and then the moisture of his lips on yours, you didn't need to see. You just felt. He kissed you and poured all of his apologies, regrets and forgiveness in the kiss. You returned the kiss just as fervently, feeling his warm hand on your cheek, his fingers in your hair while his thumb smoothed the skin under your eye. He shuffled himself closer and hummed when you darted out your tongue. He sucked on your lip a little longer before opening his mouth to let you in, and you took your time in exploring him, twirling and sucking on his tongue while you felt his arm tightening around you, his hand under your hoodie as he caressed you under your breast. In the quietness of his room there were just the slick sounds of your making out. 
When you couldn't keep going anymore, you separated, your mouth fully wet from your mixed saliva as you panted loudly. You felt him pressing his forehead to yours and you sighed in relief.
“I'm so sorry, princess,” he whispered, nuzzling your nose gently, dragging his leg up so he could rest it on your thigh. “I was a fool.”
“No,” you whispered back, wishing you could see him better. “You merely stated the facts. It's all on me.”
“We both screwed up,” he added, “but fuck.” He gave your cheek a small, open-mouthed kiss, sending shivers down your spine, “I can't imagine you leaving me and being with him. I can't.”
You wanted to reply to him and to ease his mind that you wouldn't, but you would lie. The more you would keep to yourself, the more you would end up hurting the most precious person in your life.
“I'm so sorry. None of what I said is true,” you managed to blurt, unable to come up with anything more. “I keep breaking you. I'm so sorry.”
“Shh, baby,” he whispered urgently, his hand that was resting on your cheek slipping to the back of your head to bring you closer. You hid your face in his chest while he hid his in your neck. “You're not breaking me. You're breaking me if I'm not with you.”
You snuggled closer to him and he sighed, hugging you tighter. “My precious gem, I love you,” he whispered into your ear. To make your body contact more intimate, you also hid your hands under his hoodie, feeling his muscles contracting at your delicate touch. “You're mine.”
Few days later you received a message. It was from Mr Kwon and you groaned, stopping on your way to another class.
I request a lunch with you today
My driver will pick you up at 12
I know you're not supposed to be having classes
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you pushed your phone back into your bag and headed inside the classroom. Even if you would reject him, he wouldn't accept it, so you might as well not bother with replying.
However, you were shocked when the driver came all the way to your classroom as all the students were pouring out and heading for lunch. You knew Mr Kwon's driver and even though he was polite, you didn't like the looks he was giving you whenever he saw you wearing skirts, like for instance, now.
He escorted you to the expensive restaurant where they were already waiting for you. Upon spotting you, the staff rushed towards you and led you to Mr Kwon who was already seated, his hands clasped together as his elbows rested on the table. He stood up, giving you a polite bow as he helped you sit down.
When he was opposite you, he said: “Pleasure to see you. How have you been the past few days we didn't see each other?”
You suppress a tired sigh. “I've been fine, thank you.”
“Oh, have you, now?” he questioned, his eyebrow lifting. His eyes were telling you something he wasn't verbalizing and it put you into unease right away.
Smiling, you muttered: “Yes, but thank you for your concern.”
“No issues with your friends?”
His stupid inquisition was starting to annoy you. “Excuse me? Could you please speak more explicitly?”
“I thought you'd never ask,” he smirked and took out an envelope from the inside of his cardigan and handed it to you over the table.
With uncertainty, you accepted it and opened it, not wasting time in trying to understand his mysterious words. There were photos. Frowning, you inspected them better and you were shocked when you saw it was you with a tall male. Park Chanyeol. It must have been that night when you fought with Baekhyun. Your breath hitched in your throat when you realized this man had you followed by someone. 
You opened your mouth to talk but he cut through like a knife. “I was wondering where did you receive such a - how shall I put it - passionate bruise on your neck the last time I saw you. Turns out you're sleeping around with someone.”
It felt like he just threw a bucket of icy cold water on you. The idea of him having you followed, of him not trusting you and rudely breaking into your privacy as if you were some object he could manipulate and decide whom to meet and whom to not meet was driving you up the wall.
“You don't have anything to defend yourself?” he asked sharply. “How long have you been seeing that man?”
You swallowed on a dry throat. Mr Kwon thought your boyfriend was Park Chanyeol? That was good. As long as he had no knowledge about Baekhyun, you didn't care. “I… it's been…”
“Jesus Christ, I really didn't think you would be a whore,” he snickered, eyeing you up and his eyes eventually resting on your cleavage. “You were acting all innocent and brave just a few years ago and attending university changed you so much. I wanted to be the only one who would bed you,” he sneered and you felt a bile rising in your stomach.
“What- Excuse me?! Who do you think you are?!” you exclaimed, horrified. “Don't you dare think of me that way.” You stood up and wanted to scream when you saw his eyes drinking up your thighs that got revealed as your skirt hiked up. “A deal is a deal. You don't have any rights to treat me like this. And you can bet you aren't going to boss me around once we are married. I'll easily reject the marriage, too.”
Mr Kwon was fast up on his feet to walk over to you. “Well, if you do, your parents are as good as dead. Their business is in shackles, young lady. So unless you want them to be able to afford some food and have a roof over their heads, I advise you to respect me,” he was talking so fast you could barely register his touch on your hip and on your backside. Gasping, you slapped his hand away and dared to push him from you. He snickered.
“Watch your hands, Mr Kwon,” you spat. “This is a private property.”
He laughed and leaned in. “Oh, are you like this with him too? Then I can't wait to have the full rights. The only one with rights. Soon, little tiger.” You moved to push him away when he added: “You better end this little thingy you have with the boy. Because if I find out who he is, I will destroy him and any perspectives he could have for the future.”
Even though he didn't know about Byun Baekhyun, you could not risk it. 
You had to break up with him.
// // // // //
Drop me a message! ^^ CuriousCat
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heckpup · 4 years
Hmmmmmm Time for the Part 2 of the Immortal Tommy AU I cooked up with my raw materials in the middle of the night
:DDDDDDDDD What fun. I have also now decided that Tommy's new wings are now phoenix style (cause he's immortal now, innit?), in flames, but only at the tips (so far, this will change the older he gets) and only if he wants them to be. Had he still been mortal, they probably would've been just a regular red, and so that is what they look like when they're not on fire.
Also, I'd like to imagine that the old worlds from when we were kids (with borders and that didn't go on forever and just stopped and dropped off into the void, right? I know me and my friends loved to find the corners and try to go through. Good times.) are what the god's personal realms are like. Not enough room for rebellion, since there's not enough room to run from an angry god/goddess. If you go to the edge, you can look at/travel to other worlds as well. Most gods don't bring other people into their worlds anyway, but *shrugs*
Edit: (I can't believe I forgot this I'm so sorry ;-;) TW:Mentions of bl00d, Mention of de@th, mentions of m@n!pulat!0n and g@sl!ght!ng, mentions of t0rture.
Just thought I should mention + explain.
"Hey Clara?" Tommy asks from a small tree, letting his feathers move gently in the wind.
"Yes, Tommy?" Clara calls from below, looking up at the young immortal. Tommy glides down to meet her on the ground, and he looks up at her a little sheepishly.
"Do you think that since, well, you know, I'm recovered and shit, I could visit those bitches from the SMP? I kinda just want to, uh, blow up at them, sorta. I just- its a lot of untapped rage and I really just wanna scream at 'em, you know? It's totally ok if you think I shouldn't I mean, you are the biggest man- er, woman- here, just wanted to ask, but uh-"
"Tommy." Clara cuts him off with a small smile, and a bit of mischief and malice (And anger, as well) twinkling in her dark eyes. "I think that's a wonderful idea. Besides," She begins to walk over to the edge of their small world, "they need to understand what they did, and its never good for us immortals to hold grudges over mortals. Could cause some unplanned problems in the far future."
Tommy beams, and Clara begins mentally preparing for the showdown with glee. "Tommy, how do you want to do it?" She asks, inner drama queen squealing.
"Well-" Tommy tells her- "-I really want it to be big and dramtic, you know? Like lightning and thunder, and like things bursting into flame and shit. I could probably do the flames myself, but do you think-" He looks up at her expectantly.
"Of course!" She says, patting his shoulder. "A storm fit for a god. It would be only fitting, of course. I am going to come along, of course. Just in case there are any unexpected developments, like more dramatic effect."
Tommy nods. "Yeah! Those bitches aren't gonna know what hit them! But, do you think you could stay invisible 'n shit for it? I still wanna do this by myself. I don't-" He cuts himself off, feathers ruffling. "I wanna yell and bitch about it, and I want to do this on my own. Like an important milestone on my recovery." Clara nods in agreement.
"Right, right. For the lightning though, is there any houses you want to keep out of harms way? I plan on hitting a lot of houses, just to get people up and moving."
Tommy thinks for a minute. "Uh, maybe hit close to Ranboo's house- he's the black and white hybrid, he's always been pretty nice to me- and Sam and Puffy and BadBoyHalo. Sam put Dream in prison a while ago, and Puffy and BBH gave me some gifts the night before you picked me up. So, they're clear from property damage, but I still want to see them. Defintely break Dream out, I want to yell at him though. Wait, maybe I can break him out, like teleport him away from the prison and show off my new powers and shit- anyway, maybe save Niki as well, she was always nice."
Clara nods and begins to locate the small world that she pulled Tommy from so many years ago. "Goodness!" She laughs. "It's been a while since you looked down at this one, isn't it?"
"Yeah, haven't had much time to think shit about those old bitches." Tommy begins to search with her, quickly locating the small SMP, being recently cleared of the red bloodvines that had plagued it for a while.
While they plan, they laugh, and Clara is reminded of how far the young godling had been when she whisked him away. His old SMP hadn't deserved him, not even for a second.
Tommy and Clara were watching from the clouds as the little people in the SMP ran around panicked about the storm that was destroying a lot of their houses. Tommy watched with glee and satisfaction as the majority of the SMP (save for Dream, of course) gathered in the newly rebuilt community house to discuss the looming problem.
"Dream has to be behind this, Sam!" Fundy growled out. "He's the only one that has this kind of power!"
"You ready?" Clara asked Tommy, after waiting for him to be perfectly positioned under one of the next lightning bolts, aimed at one of the doorways to the community house. Tommy nodded and lit the tips of his wings, prepared for the force of the bolt to push him back down to the earth.
The lightning hit, and Tommy found himself being thrown down and pushed to the ground.
The first thing he noticed was that the bolt left little sparks over his body and his wings were a little more lit up than usual.
The second thing he noticed was that everyone in the community house was looking at him.
He stood up and, with a great amount of false confidence, strode into the room. Tubbo was staring slack-jawed, as were most people in the building. Phil's face was incredibly pale, to the point that Tommy actually began to worry about the man's health. Ranboo looked at him wide-eyed, but then Tommy saw recognition flash and a smile began to creep onto his face.
But the person that Tommy had his eyes on the most was the no-longer transparent form of his elder brother, well and alive again.
"What's up, bitches?" Tommy grinned, and suddenly the room was alive with shouts and yelling and holy Prime, Tommy probably should have prepared more for this reaction but he hadn't even known Wilbur was alive but oh, Phil's yelling about how Tommy left him and-
"Tommy, how could you? You've been off to who knows where? Where the fuck have you been? How could you leave us?" Phil's void-black wings ruffled, and Tommy didn't even think before responding,
"I've been off healing, bitch! You know, from all the trauma you adults forced on me? And the gaslighting from Dream? The manipulation? It took me years to get over that shit, and the god's world-time runs slow! I spent a whole fucking year trying to understand that what you bitches put me through was fucking wrong, and I was not alright! I left you all here because you left me when I was at my fucking WORST! YOU LET A SIXTEEN YEAR-OLD FIGHT IN FUCKING WARS AND GET EXILED! YOU EXPECTED ME TO TAKE THAT SHIT LIKE A FUCKING ADULT? FUCK NO!" Tommy's wings flared out and he could feel the heat radiating off of it, his flames responding to his anger.
"Thomas Minecraft-Innit, I am your father, how dare you-"
"Oh, you're my father now? Now, after you abandoned me, neglected me, left me in the dust? You cared more about your fucking war buddy than your own two sons! Wilbur was more of a father than you were, and then you fucking killed him!"
"Tommy-" Tubbo tried to interject.
"AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON YOU TUBBO! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID? YOU LEFT ME AS WELL, YOU LEFT ME WITH FUCKING DREAM! YOU EXILED ME, AND FOR FUCKING WHAT? A SAD POSITION IN A COUNTRY THAT YOU LET DREAM PUPPETEER ANYWAY! WE FOUGHT THAT WAR TO GET AWAY FROM DREAM, AND THEN YOU FUCKING LET HIM RIGHT BACK IN!" Tommy raged, turing on his ex-best friend. "Oh, speaking of-" He snapped his fingers and then Dream was in the room with them, wearing an orange jumpsuit and looking around wildly.
The room let out a great outburst, which, to be fair, was expected.
But then Dream took one look at Tommy and decided that it was a-fucking-okay to try and re-manipulate Tommy again. As if he didn't notice that Tommy was much older, much more healed and much more powerful than before. (Or that could just be him. Clara did tell him that gods- and even godlings- could change their age and appearance, and sometimes it was involuntary and depended on emotions and metal stability. Tommy did actually feel much younger. Maybe it was from being in this place, this world, and being in front of the person that hurt him most. That would make sense.)
"Tommy!" Dream cried with unusual glee. "You're here to help me, aren't you? You finally came to your senses about your best friend, right?" Tommy only raised an eyebrow in response, not giving him an answer. "What, not going to give an answer to your only friend? Tommy, I stayed with you, I kept you company when no one else did, remember?" Prime, how long did Dream think he had been in that prison for?
Tommy only shrugged and then pulled out a sword and dashed up to Dream, keeping the blade on Dream's throat. "You mother fucker. You are the biggest bitch boy I've ever, and I mean ever, had the pleasure of knowing, bitch boy. You are the absolute worst thing to ever happen to me, you know that? You killed me twice, and for what? Gratification of knowing you killed a teenager? And then you tried to gaslight me, manipulate me into doing your sick shit for you? That's the most fucked up thing I've ever known, Dream. I'm going to enjoy taking this life from you." And then he swung, embedding the blade into the wall behind where Dream's body had once been.
TommyInnit killed Dream with [A Final Blow]
Dream made the achievement [Banned?]
"Tommy what-" Tommy turned to look at Technoblade, who was looking blankly at his chatlog.
"Oh, don't worry too much about him. He'll just be stuck for a few days in the ban-void, and then he'll come back on his own." A great number of people paled, knowing the ban void, when you were still on a world, meant that you were subjected to great amounts of agony as your body tore itself apart and tried to pull its code back together. And Tommy had just taken one of Dream's lives, too!
"Tommy, what happened to you?" Phil asked, horrified.
"I grew up," Tommy said with a smile. "And now I have the rest of time to spend continuing to grow and live. Becuase now, Tommy Innit never dies."
Techno rushed at him suddenly, axe swinging. It caught the edge of Tomm'y neck, and Tommy took the chance to grab Techno by the scruff on his, and lift him up, also while feeling his body grow older. Several gasps were heard around the room at the sudden change. "What were you trying to do there, Technoblade? You can't kill a god." And then he let Techno drop to the ground, before touching the part of his neck Techno had sliced.
His hand drew away with golden ichor.
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timetoresurface · 4 years
secrets (4) / BBH
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5k, next part will be final
I apologize that it took me a while
PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3 // PART 4 // PART 5
Hopping from one job to another, you really wanted to keep your position at Banking and Finance. If you would have to describe your perfect work environment, it definitely wouldn’t be at that stupid finance magazine that had the worst coffee machine in history. But hey, it did pay the bills, and that’s what everyone does, right? A perfect job doesn’t exist, right? A perfect life doesn’t exist, right? Only in cheap romantic comedies was life perfect, and you certainly weren’t in any. At least the last time you checked.
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The sunlight trickled in through the blinds. Slowly, and reluctantly you uncover your face. You sit up, dragging your feet off the bed while rubbing your knuckles onto your eyes. Everything is blurry. For a second, you don’t know who or where you are. Then everything processed. You are in Baekhyun’s suite, and the thing above you is the ceiling. The thing on top of you is Baekhyun’s duvet, which smells like him. The stuff underneath you is the pillow and mattress. The item you are wearing is not yours, and you can’t recall when you dressed in an unknown oversized white t-shirt that didn’t belong to you.
The strange room was like a perfect magazine cover. You’re afraid to sit in case you wrinkle the fabric or stain it with something imaginary on your body. The white curtains are linen, the expensive kind you’re afraid to touch. There is no television, no bookshelf and the highly polished wooden floor is dark and free of dust or clutter. It didn’t look like anything Baekhyun would choose, but then again this was a hotel suite and not his personal home. The only things reminding you Baekhyun lived here were bis clothes neatly folded over the chair in the corner. The room smelled like his aftershave like he had sprinkled it everywhere before leaving. 
You softly stood up, trying not to make any sound. Baekhyun wasn’t lying beside you anymore, but he could still be roaming in the other rooms. You peaked your head through the door, but there was no sign of Baekhyun anywhere. His smell lingered in the air, but there was nobody in sight. You were left all alone in his suite, without a note or a thank you. He could’ve thanked you for the amazing sex you had yesterday. He could’ve left a letter saying there was some food in the fridge, or he could’ve made you some coffee. 
You quickly took a shower, trying to get rid of Baekhyun’s touch under the hot water. You felt disgusted by yourself, you felt used, but most importantly, you hated yourself for falling for his tricks. He was a player by heart, and you hated that kind of man. You might not have the best dating record here, but at least you prodded yourself for not letting a fuck-boy fuck you over. And you just let a fuck-boy fuck you over. How ironic. How tragic.
You searched for your clothes at high speed but were quickly reminded of last nights events. Baekhyun had torn your blouse with his bare hands, and there was no saving it now. You searched through his clothes and found a simple white dress shirt that could fit you. It wasn’t too big, but it was clearly not yours, and you were afraid everybody could tell. You tried to arrange the shirt in your pencil skirt to make it look more yours, but everyone would see through your efforts.
With a final glance in the mirror, you left Baekhyun’s room in a hurry. Suddenly realizing you were late for work thanks to the little guy who hadn’t woken you. You awkwardly encountered with the room cleaning lady who had a knowing look on her face. Why hadn’t he put up the sign to leave his room for today? Maybe he had sent her to get rid of you. How rude. 
Luckily for you was the hotel not far from your work, and you made it in under five minutes to the entrance where the old security greeted you awkwardly. 
“Good morning. I’m sorry, I’m late. I’ll talk this afternoon.” You said while running through the crowd while bumping into people. They frowned at you when you walked passed them, but you just didn’t care. You needed to know if Baekhyun was at the office, and why the hell he thought it was a good idea to leave you alone. You might not have known him for long, but he should’ve known you were going to make a big deal out of this. You weren’t a toy he could just use and discard whenever he wanted. You’re a strong independent woman, and you don’t need a man to bring you down. You could talk to that on your own. 
“Hi, Y/N. You’re late again.” Sehun commented while you seated yourself at your messy desk. When were you going to clean up your life? Maybe your mess of an office was to blame for all your bad decisions? 
“It’s only my second day that I’m late. What are you insinuating Oh Sehun?” You bit back, but he didn’t even flinch at your tone.
“Someone got out of bed with the wrong foot.” A teasingly smile appeared on his face, and you really wanted to knock it off his face, but that wouldn’t be considered very socially of you.
“Someone is trying to test my patience this early in the morning.” You simply stated, moving away from Sehun.
“You look like hell.” 
“I still look better than you. Do I see eye bags under your eyes? Have you actually done your work for once?” You spit back, and he just kept on smiling. 
“Y/N!” Your boss interrupted the silent argument you had with Sehun. He simply smiled at you, and you couldn’t hold yourself back to glare at Sehun directly behind your boss’s back. You followed your manager into his office and quietly sat in front of him. He looked questionably at your shirt but shook his head like he didn’t care why you were dressed in a men’s dress shirt. You awkwardly fiddled with your hands, scared of what your boss was going to say. Maybe Baekhyun had spilt all your secrets after he had gotten what he wanted from the start. 
“Chanyeol will be visiting this afternoon, and he asked me to get you in on the project. He thinks you’re the perfect fit and would love to work with you.” Your boss smiled at you, and you couldn’t hide the shock on your face. Your boss had mentioned Chanyeol had taken a little interest in you. Still, you hadn’t anticipated for it to happen so quickly after the event. 
“Oh.” Was all you could say, and your boss softly smiled.
“I know we haven’t been given you enough opportunities, and we have been wrong to do so. You have proved to be a worthy colleague who could handle the more difficult parts of this job.”
“Thank you so much. You won’t be disappointed.”
“I hope not. Please pull yourself together as Chanyeol will arrive at two. Be ready.” He ended the conversation, and you took it as your cue to leave his office. You silently grabbed your back-up make-up bag from your desk and made your way to the restroom. Your manager had said you needed to pull yourself together, and you were going to show Baekhyun you were more than an inflatable toy.
“Wild night?” Mina asked as she exited the toilet. You quickly nodded your head and continued to apply some moisturizer on your face. You wanted to use Baekhyun’s, but then you would have been reminded of his smell all day long. You just couldn’t handle anything Baekhyun related today.
“Baekhyun also looked shaken up this morning.” She told you while washing her hands roughly. 
“It must be hard to be a CEO. He probably worked all night.” You tried to reason with her. You weren't sure if she was insulation anything, but you didn’t want anyone to link your look to Baekhyun this morning.
“He didn’t look tired or anything, he just looked stressed.” She explained herself more clearly this time while drying her hands.
“You’ve only seen him once, and you can already tell when he’s stressed?” You asked her in disbelief. She really was something that girl.
“Maybe not, but I did hear that his wife made a surprise visit this morning. They’re in a meeting as we speak, and Baekhyun definitely didn’t expected her to be here.”
“His wife?” You squeaked uncertainly. 
“Didn’t you know that he is married? I’m not surprised though, you didn’t even know who Baekhyun was before yesterday. You should really do your research, it might come in handy later on.” She told you while leaving the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You were in overdrive due to her information.
“Thank you.” You softly spoke, and you didn’t know why you were thanking her. Baekhyun’s wife is here? Did he know she was going to be here too? Why did he have sex with you if his wife was going to be in our office? What was wrong with the guy?
Stop. Thinking. About. Baekhyun.
Just apply some foundation, comb those eyebrows, and try to get through the meeting with Chanyeol. After that, you can go home, and complain about your life decisions to your roommate, who had been blowing up your phone ever since seven AM. She’ll have to wait. You need to blow away those investors with your competence while wearing a male’ dress shirt that didn’t belong to you, but to your company’s CEO. You were finishing up your face when an unknown female entered the toilets. She looked absolutely gorgeous, and like the insecure little bitch you were, you were jealous. She seemed to have everything, and you’d only seen her for five whole seconds before she dived into a cubicle. Some people leave an impression. Baekhyun had the same aura surrounding him.
You didn’t pay it too much attention and continued your mental pep talk. Stop thinking about Baekhyun and keep being awesome. Nobody knows that the shirt you’re wearing is Baekhyun’s, only you do. Baekhyun himself probably won’t even recognize his own shirt.
“Oh.” The stranger said when she still saw you standing there. You looked questionably at her through the mirror. She started washing her hands while her eyes never left your form.
“Good day.” You awkwardly said after a few moments of silent eye contact.
“Nice dress shirt.” She complimented you, even though you didn’t feel like it was a helpful comment at all.
“Thank you?” You questioned her.
“Rough night?” She asked you.
“No, why?” You tried to play coy. Maybe you weren’t as good at hiding your sex glow as you thought you were.
“Looks like you didn’t make it home last night.” She snapped at you, and you didn’t know why such a stranger would be so rude.
“I just woke up too late to finish up my routine. Happens from time to time.†You tried to play it cooly. You weren’t going to spill your little secret to this new girl you met in a bathroom.
“Sure.” And with these words, she left you all alone. What the hell was that? What was her problem? But again, you tried not to pay too much attention. Maybe she got out of the wrong bed this morning also. You don’t know what happened to her this morning. The girl’s bathroom was no place to judge.
A good cup of free coffee would definitely lighten your lousy mood. The coffee might be terrible, but at least they gave you free coffee. You’ve heard stories from friends that they have to pay for their coffee at work. It was something Starbucks related, but still, your company should provide you with a brown beverage.
“Are you making coffee?” Someone of your floor asked you, and you simply nodded your head. You didn't even know his name, and you felt a little embarrassed. Maybe you were a bit too self-centred.
“They took away the coffee machine this morning. They said they will replace it with a newer one by tomorrow morning.” He continued when he got no response from your side.
“Oh.” Was what you finally mentioned to say. He didn’t look impressed and left you alone in the kitchen. Where was our bad coffee machine? Did Baekhyun buy a new one so you could enjoy your coffee at work? What was he up to?
“Y/N! There you are.” Mina yelled once you entered the office floor.
“Is there anything you want me to check? I’ll start right away.” You hurriedly made your way over to your desk. You had been gone for half an hour, and you didn’t want to waste any more time thinking about Baekhyun. He most definitely didn’t deserve your thoughts.
“No, yes, but that’s not important right now. Chanyeol just came in early and is already in the meeting room waiting for you.” She explained with jealous laced in her tone. Still, she said Chanyeol was waiting for you. She could’ve said nothing, and let you make a fool of yourself. Maybe she was sweet, after all?
“Oh.” Was all you could mutter while getting up from your desk.
“Make sure to not embarrass yourself.” She said emphasizing the word 'not’.
“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.” You told here while grabbing your laptop to go to the meeting room. Your heart was racing. Your palms were sweating. Would Baekhyun also be present at this meeting? Would his wife be there? So many questions fill your head, you barely missed the door to the meeting room.
You got this.
You repeated these words three times before you entered the meeting room. It was the first time you were expected to be there to really participate, and not to just bring the coffee. Just stepping in makes your breathing rapid and shallow. It’s a relief to get to your chair because between the heels and your shaking legs, you’e afraid you’ll trip.
“Look who decided to join us.†Chanyeol smiled, and you couldn’t help but smile back at him. He made his way over to your side and kissed your cheek, making you blush.
“I wouldn’t want to miss seeing your face.” You happily replied, and your boss smiled at the interaction. Chanyeol was a vital investor, but pure numbers and tricks don’t work with him. You need to become his friend, and somehow you’ve managed to spark an interest.
Chanyeol chuckled lowly and made his way to his chair. You finally had the chance to glance around the room. Everyone was seated around the table with their laptops taken out. You didn’t know half of the people in the room, but it didn’t really matter as your eyes immediately locked with Baekhyun. He was seated at the head of the table. He wore a dark blue suit, and his hair was pushed back. He looked like a snack, and you hated yourself for being so weak.
“This Y/N I told you about. She was at our last event and blew everyone away.” Chanyeol demanded your attention. It wasn’t that hard as Baekhyun was avoiding your eyes now. He shrunk a little in his seat, and you almost felt bad for him.
“Chanyeol can’t stop talking about you. You must have left a great impression.” Someone said, while entering the meeting room. You turned your head and were greeted with the sight of the lady from the awkward bathroom conversation.
“His brunch most definitely left a great impression on me.â” You told her with half a smile. She kept walking over to Baekhyun, and she took the seat next to him. Baekhyun didn’t look at you, or at the woman next to him, and suddenly it clicked. That must be his wife. The wife you met in the bathroom while wearing Baekhyun’s shirt. The wife that somehow wasn’t his wife anymore, according to his words last night.
“Baby, why are you so quiet?” She asked Baekhyun silently, and everyone removed their attention from the two, giving them a bit of privacy in a serious meeting. You had no clue as to why she was supposed to be present for this. Last time you checked she didn’t work for this company.
“So Y/N, we do need your help.” Chanyeol began speaking, ignoring the presence of Baekhyun and his wife. He looked annoyed.
“I’m all ears.” You told him earnestly. You were really excited to start up a project of your own. Maybe you were allowed to write something, and it would be published. That would be the dream.
“We need someone’s opinion of who is fresh. Someone who hasn’t changed into a walking banking dictionary.” Chanyeol started, and you remained still. “We would like the magazine to be a little bit more approachable, as our brand doesn’t fit with the stuck-up shit it is now.” His words left you speechless, but you tried to hide your surprise.
“You’ve managed to stun most banking people at my event with your honesty, and if I’m honest, I really like your view on the banking world.” Chanyeol continued quickly after noticing your expression. He smiled softly at you, and you couldn’t help but the smile back at him. Chanyeol was a handsome, tall guy who had seemed to have taken an interest in you. Who could really blame you?
“I’m glad you enjoyed Y/N’s presence at the event, but what would you like her to do?” Baekhyun suddenly spoke up, breaking the eye contact you had with Chanyeol.
“I’m glad you ask. I thought to do a weekly column, and maybe add some social media while we’re at it. Nobody buys paper magazine’s anymore, everything is on social media. I think we should focus more on being approachable than our content right now.”
“And who are you to decide what direction Banking and Finance should take?” Baekhyun asked him firmly, but Chanyeol didn’t really seem to care. His smile grew even more significant than before if that was possible. He knew what kind of power he had over Banking and Finance as his dad was the biggest investor in the company. Investors are what keeps our magazine going, so he was actually the perfect person to stir the wheel.
“Last time I checked you agreed, and that’s why you’re here. I thought you were just as impressed by Y/N as I was.” Chanyeol announced, and you could see Baekhyun’s wife snapping her head up.
"Maybe we should ask Y/N if she agrees to your plan?” Baekhyun’s wife suddenly spoke up, making all heads turn to her direction. Everyone except Baekhyun, he seemed to ignore her every move. You thought he said they were over, but you don’t think she already got the memo. The more you thought about it, it seemed he only mentioned it to you. You hadn’t decided how that made you feel.
“I think the world needs a bit of help regarding finance subjects. Before I started working here, I didn’t know a thing, but I’m feeling more confident about my capability in the banking world. At least I know what they’re talking about. I would love to be a translator and teach people the basics.” You confidently stated while maintained eye contact with Baekhyun’s wife who didn’t really look impressed. You really needed to learn her name.
“And you think you’re capable of doing so?” She questioned you sceptically, looking you up and down like you were the most disgusting thing in the world. Suddenly Baekhyun’s shirt weighed down on your body, and you felt yourself becoming smaller. The anxiety she stirred awake, sits below your smile and your actions. You felt over-caffeinated but without the option to drink a cup of your liquid luck.
“I'm the most capable person in here, but nothing is set in stone.” You tried to hide your blushing cheeks and sweating palms. Now was not the time to show your weaknesses, and most definitely not in front of Baekhyun and his wife.
“I completely agree. Y/N would do a great job, but we are nowhere further than just an idea. We still have to discuss things with possible other investors if they agree, and create a plan before we present this to the outside.” Chanyeol said, making everyone turn their attention back to him, and you softly smiled at him. Thanking him with showing him your teeth. Baekhyun noticed.
“Give me a plan by next week before I agree.” He declared confidently while his eyes never left your frame. You felt naked under his stare, and a short memory of last night flashed before your eyes. How he had torn your blouse in one go as he was to impatient to undo all the buttons one by one. He really described him perfectly. He always got what he wanted, and he didn’t want to wait.
“Y/N and I are going to spend a lot of time this week with such a short deadline.” Chanyeol chuckled, but you didn’t mind to spend some more time with him. He seemed like a genuinely good person who liked brunches just a little bit too much. There were worse people to spend late nights with. Baekhyun noticed your sparked enthusiasm, and his fake smile faltered for a second.
“Next Tuesday. Same time. Same place.” Baekhyun stated before making his way out of the meeting room. You finally let go of your breath you didn’t know you were holding in.
“That’s it for today. Y/N, I have a dinner meeting today, but as from tomorrow morning I’m all free to get this project started.” Chanyeol told you while making his way over to your side of the table. He seated himself on the table next to your hands, towering over you.
“That would be great. I can not wait to work with you.” You told him enthusiastically, and the both of you were smiling like idiots.
“Likewise. Can I maybe have your number?” Chanyeol asked you softly, and you almost melted under his intense gaze. It was not the same look as Baekhyun, it didn’t make your insides stir, but it felt good to be appreciated. Something Baekhyun had forgotten somewhere along the way. But could you really blame him? You had only met him this weekend and he might have turned your life upside down with a couple of secretive glances.You were nothing more than someone who worked for him who fell into his trap he had so beautifully placed.
“I have to go now, but please do call me tomorrow morning.” You told him after you had given him your number. You felt his gaze on you while you exited the room, but you really needed to get out. You just wanted to get absorbed in your work and forget about the past 24 hours. 
You ignored your other colleagues and went straight to work. The new coffee machine was already set in place, but you didn’t want to drink from it. If Baekhyun had installed a new one because he knew about your secret hate, you didn’t want to take a sip. What else would he do with you other secrets? You didn’t want him to change anything because it made you feel weak. It made you feel naked, and Baekhyun had your clothes. He was holding onto them with a smirk on his face, or that’s how you imagined it to be. 
“I’m out.” Sehun declared when the clock stroke five, and you immediately followed after him. You were going to work overtime for the rest of the week, and possible weekend. You deserved an early night in with your roommate. Who would be fuming because you hadn’t contacted her at all today? You had texted her you were fine and that you would discuss the details tonight, but knowing her, that wasn’t going to be enough.
“Where have you been?” Jennie asked the moment you entered your shared apartment. 
“Can I please change into something more comfortable before you grill me?” You asked her, desperation clearly heard in your voice. She didn’t give up, though.
“What in hell are you wearing? Is that a man’s shirt?” She exclaimed loudly, making you cover yourself up. You had momentarily forgotten about Baekhyun’s shirt. It was beautiful and comfortable and still smelled a little like him. You hated the fact that you loved is smell so much. 
“All in time.” You told her while trying to make your way to your bedroom. You really just needed to escape her.
“Now’s the time.” She told you firmly while guiding you toward the orange sofa in your living room. You took the shirt out of your skirt and kicked your heels very far away.
“Ok.” You said while crossing your legs.
“From the start.” She told you with a glare, and you couldn’t help but agree to her wishes. Jennie was a firm young lady, and she didn’t take no as an answer. 
“It actually all started this weekend.” And that’s how you explained the whole situation to your best friend. She had opened a bottle of wine, which made telling a bit more fun to do so. She nodded her head at the right time and asked the right questions. After you were done explaining, she remained quiet, which was a nice contrast to her past behaviour. 
“Do you like him?” She suddenly asked you. She was seriously questioning if you liked your boss. You weren’t an idiot. You didn’t want him like that because you didn’t really know him. But the physical attraction was something that couldn’t be ignored when the two of you were together.
“No, of course not. He’s my boss.”
“But you’re not the type to randomly have sex with someone.” She said while holding your hand. Why was she holding your hand? It’s not like your heart was broken.
“Maybe I’ve changed.” You told her while taking your hand out of hers. You didn’t need her pity. 
“You could have chosen someone else to pop your one night stand cherry with, though.” She reasoned with you, and god did you hate it when people reasoned with you. 
“That’s up to me, I guess.”
“That’s true. So, what are you going to do? He’s going to be there all week? And with his wife?” Her eyes lit up like when she was watching sex and the city, and you did feel like you were in the middle of a drama you were not even supposed to be in.
“Luckily for me, Chanyeol has started this project at the right time. I won’t be having any free time at work for a week. If I’m fortunate, I won’t have to see Baekhyun until our meeting next week.” You confidently told her, but she looked strangely at you. 
“From what you’ve told me about Baekhyun, I don’t think he’ll wait until next week.” She simply stated.
“He’s gotten what he wanted. There is no need to return his attention to me.” You softly explained to her, and you hated it that you sounded weak.
“He did get you a new coffee machine.” She reassured you, but you didn’t need the false hope only a friend can give you.
“That’s coincidental.” You muttered under your breath.
“Whatever.” She said before leaving to her room. It was already past nine, and it was time to get ready for bed. You quickly took off Baekhyun’s shirt, and you wondered if you should give it back to him. Maybe you could keep it, but that would be weird. But it would also be strange if you suddenly gave a shirt to your CEO. What were you going to do now?
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baekberrie · 6 years
🍁f o r g e t - bbh🍁
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Baekhyun x Reader x Jongdae
Genre: Angst, romance, two-shot
Part 2
"I'm sorry,"
His voice was unusually soft when he spoke the first words, his eyes were gazing into yours, but they were void of any emotion. These words could never mean anything well, and although your hand was still in his, you were fearing; suddenly paranoid. The way he was holding it was different, lighter, just as if he was going to let go and before you could help it, you were already tightening your fingers around his.
"What- Jongdae, what do you mean?" The words felt like thick syrup in your throat and they caused you, even more, fear, in your chest was your heart hammering against your ribs, teeth digging into your cheek as you searched for something in his eyes, anything, that could promise you the opposite of what you were expecting. But you were only to be disappointed when he didn't waver, at this point, you were sure that your heart was starting to crack, waiting for the final blow.
"We should break up." Even though you had expected exactly this to happen, the words still crashed on you like a wave, it felt as if ice had been dumped at you because the moment the words left his lips, you felt your heart stop. Something warm burned behind your eyes and you were blinking furiously before it could cloud your view.
Unfair. It was unfair, he was unfair. It was so unfair that he had to look so unavoidably beautiful in a moment like this when his fingers were loosening from yours, when he was letting you go.
An angel, he was an actual angel.
His brown hair was impeccable, parted in the middle, leaving a clear spot of his forehead. His skin pale and silky smooth, his lips, oh, his lips were the most beautiful thing you acknowledged on this earth, colored in a faint pink and incredibly smooth, and warm.
The question why tumbled over your lips, voice shaking so much that it had been practically impossible to help it, at that Jongdae sent you an apologizing stare, guilty but also pitiful. As if he knew too well that his next words were going to stab you very deeply and he was feeling bad for you. And to be frank, you hated it.
"I'm just not, in love with you anymore. And I'm really so sorry to say this now, in this stage of our relationship, but I hope you understand that I-" Jongdae halted for a moment to sigh frustratedly, it made you more anxious that he wasn't saying it all at once because it was just extending the blinding pain of your clenching heart.
"I hope you understand that I can't go on like this. Y/n, I love you, just not that way." But I do, the words lingered on your tongue. His hand was not holding yours anymore, and you already missed the warmth of his body. It was cold. And while you eyed him with wide glazed eyes, his other hand proceeded to slide off the engagement ring from his ring finger, took your hand and pushed the small diamond into your palm. You couldn't help the tear that fell flatly on your cheek.
He had just returned your heart, in the worst shape you could ever get it back. Broken was an understatement. The pain was so strong that you felt it spread through your whole body. Feet glued into the ground, legs weak and trembling when all you wanted to do was to run away from him.
You didn't know how you managed the smile on your lips as you nodded understandingly.
"Of course, I understand. I hope life will go well for you." You were asking yourself why you still were keeping back the tears instead of screaming at him and hitting his chest as any other person would have done. He was your husband to be after all. Was.
Jongdae bit his lips, nodding uncertainly, looking uneasy. He probably didn't know what to say now that you had answered him, and you understood it.
And then he did the last thing you expected him to do. His warm hands were suddenly back on your face, and foolishly for a moment, you thought that perhaps the past minutes had indeed been just a very bad nightmare. Jongdae's warm and damp lips pressed against your forehead. His lips lingered for a while, though you were so shocked that you hadn't even gotten the time to relax against him that he had already stepped away.
A soft "Goodbye," lingered in the thick air of his apartment, you returned the words just as quiet and hurriedly made you away outside the entrance door. Leaving behind you everything you had been through together. Everything. At least so you thought.
Because when you were outside in the rain it finally got to you that you weren't going to see him smile at you anymore. Those crescent moons of his would never be directed at you anymore. His laughter had been one of your favorite things, and even though you could recall it perfectly, it seemed to fade away the more you thought about it. His long fingers weren't going to protectively curl around your anymore. Jongdae wasn't going to let you hear his angelic singing ever again. Jongdae was gone.
A sob erupted from your lips and the salty tears mixed with the cold rain on your face. A sudden urge of running back inside, into his arms just to hear him say that he never left you overwhelmed you, but you fought it back. Hands clutching your aching heart as you crouched down. Eyes tightly shut as the tears fell unto the ground until it became mud.
Though you opened your eyes because as if it wasn't enough, Jongdae's smile had to flash in front of you as soon as you closed them. You hoped that this wasn't going to haunt you forever. And what were you going to do with the rings? Yours was still placed on your finger. You had never removed it from the moment he had slid it on you.
It took you a while to realize that the rain wasn't landing on your hair anymore. Your thoughts had been clouding your mind so much that you hadn't been hearing how the water splashed on something that wasn't the ground. Dizziness came to you when you whipped your head upwards too fast, only to see the impermeable texture of an umbrella hovering above of you. Just as quickly you faced the person who was holding it. Your eyes widened when they met a pair of familiar warm orbs.
Despite the pain in your chest, your heart still fluttered the view of the blonde man crouching beside you with a genuine look on his face. This face, this person, you knew him very well. You and he had been very close as teenagers, it must have been a good amount of years since you last saw him. Sadly you had parted ways after school and seeing each other had stopped being an option in all of the work the both of you had been into.
You remembered when his hair had still been black and a bit too long, you also recalled his title as heartthrob of the school. His face looked exactly the same, there were a couple of differences though, maybe it was the bright hair color, but his cheekbones were sharper, his jaw too.
His chocolate brown eyes held no pity for the state that you were in, you were sure that you weren't exactly looking splendid; and that your mascara was probably smudged under your eyes. But that was what made a warm feeling of comfort spread inside of you. He was only showing genuine worry, and even if he felt pity for you, you were glad that he wasn't showing it. You didn't need anyone to remind you how miserable you were.
"Baekhyun?" His name rolled off your tongue breathlessly, tears still sliding down your now flushed cheeks, you almost couldn't believe your own eyes when a soft smile displayed on his puffy lips, was he really there?
"That's me," He whispered, and for some reason, his voice felt so relieving.
There was a soft breeze rustling the yellow and red leaves around, his platinum fringe following their movement on his forehead.
"What are you doing here outside, you'll get sick." He stated obviously and suddenly you felt ashamed. You hadn't realized how stupid you had actually been looking, crouched under the rain and sobbing loudly. The blood rushed to your cheeks without your permission and you just pointed your eyes downwards, more tears welling at the waterline. What am I doing?
Gentle fingers hooked under your chin, lifting your gaze up to his. It was almost strange how easily he was touching you. It had been years since you had last seen each other and you couldn't say for him, but personally, you would never have been able to get into the skinship that you had before after being distant for so long.
Baekhyun let the pad of his thumb run ever so softly on the tear-stained spots of your right cheek, and the carefulness in his touch made your tears spill once more, he was touching you like he was afraid you would break anytime, compared to Jongdae who had considered you broken from the start of your conversation.
Lip caught in your teeth you tried to keep in the sob, only to have Baekhyun frowning with concern, taking small steps closer.
"Hey," He soothed, "What's wrong?" How were you supposed to tell him that your fiance had dumped you? That he wasn't in love with you anymore, while he pretty much still had you around his finger.
Mouth quivering, you broke down.
His eyes widened in disbelief.
"Oh, honey," Baekhyun murmured sweetly as he quickly discarded the umbrella to the side, taking you into his embrace, ignoring the way he was ruining his signed pants against the muddy ground. And you could only remark that he was so warm, so comforting, that his scent was just as dazzling and sweet as it had been years ago.
"Whatever is wrong, we'll fix it." He whispered into your ear, hot breath tickling your skin. If it wasn't for your state, you would have probably scoffed, because there was no way someone could fix your heart, your relationship with Jongdae.
But at that moment, when he said it, you trusted it. That he could fix it, fix you. In fact, Baekhyun could've said the most ridiculous thing in the world, and you would have believed him.
I do not own gif!
hi hi hi there, so I know this isn't either the cozy one shot or the him and her update that I promised. But today this popped into my head when I was walking to the train station. Here where I live it's fully fall and I felt really inspired.
I'm really bad at angst lol, but maybe this wasn't that bad.
Oh also, I'm contemplating making a second part to this? I mean only if you guys want it, of course, you may suggest what you want to happen next and I'll consider it!
Have a lovely day loves🍁💖
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timetoresurface · 4 years
secrets (2) / BBH
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Second part 6k
Will be more
PART 1 // PART 2 // PART 3 // PART 4 // PART 5
Hopping from one job to another, you really wanted to keep your position at Banking and Finance. If you would have to describe your perfect work environment, it definitely wouldn’t be at that stupid finance magazine that had the worst coffee machine in history. But hey, it did pay the bills, and that’s what everyone does, right? A perfect job doesn’t exist, right? A perfect life doesn’t exist, right? Only in cheap romantic comedies was life perfect, and you certainly weren’t in any. At least the last time you checked.
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“Did you enjoy your stay, miss?” The lady at the reception area asked you friendly. Your eyes were covered with black sunglasses, hiding the fact that you were terribly hangover. Maybe these cocktails weren’t such a good idea. Well, you were convinced these cocktails were a terrible idea. You just spilt your secrets to a stranger. A handsome stranger. What is wrong with you?
“Yes, it’s a lovely place. Thank you for your kindness.” You thanked her. She looked sceptically at you, but you decided to ignore her. Celebrities wear sunglasses inside, so you could too. 
“I still have to pay the bill for the cocktails last night.” You told her, forcing a smile on your face. Forces friendly conversations weren’t your forte. 
“They have already been paid.” She simply stated.
“No, they don’t need to be on the tap of my company. I will pay for them myself.” You tried to clarify to her. Your company didn’t need to know how many cocktails you could drink in under two hours.
“They’re not on your company’s tab, they were paid by another guest in the hotel.” She explained to you like you were a toddler. You didn’t like the way she was looking at you or speaking.
“Oh.” Was all you managed to get out. You nodded your head and tried to keep a straight face but inside you were in overdrive. Who the hell paid for your drinks? 
Byun Baekhyun
He’s the only one on your mind who would be stupid enough to pay for your drinks. Why would he do that? Probably out of pity. He probably thought you were a loser who couldn’t even hold her liquor. Why did you drink so many cocktails? Why did you tell him personal things even your roommate didn’t know? 
“Miss everything alright?” The receptionist looked strangely at you, but you just gave her another of your fake smiles before retreating outside of the hotel. Your cab was already arranged thanks to your company, and you quickly got in before Baekhyun highjacked your car again. Or did you highjack his? It doesn’t matter really. You just needed to get out as fast as you could. You wanted to go home and nurse your hangover with desperate housewives on your television. 
Your phone started to ring, and anxiety quickly took over as you saw the person calling you. It was your boss. Why would he call on a Sunday? Did Baekhyun already spill all your secrets to your boss? Maybe that’s why he paid the drinks. So the blow would be a little bit softer when you were fired. Did you tell him you lied on your resume? You probably did. How were you going to tell your parents the bad news? Maybe you should look for another job first and then tell them you were headhunted or something like that. What would Jennie think? Perhaps you should just pretend to go to work for a month or so before telling her the devastating news. Okay, you got this. You’ve got a plan.
“Good morning, Y/N speaking.” You answered the phone with your most professional voice that might sound a little fake if you listened intently. 
“Hi, Y/N. I heard you did a wonderful job at the event. I know I shouldn’t be calling on a Sunday, but I just wanted to let you know.” Your boss immediately said, and you could hear the smile in his voice. He was proud of you. He thought you did well.
“Chanyeol spoke highly of you. He just sent me a mail telling me he wanted to work on a piece with you. I will go over the details tomorrow. Have a save flight.” He quickly hung up before you could even say anything. What the hell did just happen? Chanyeol, the main advertiser of your company, wanted to work with you. Research girl might get that imaginary promotion after all. Maybe you should tell your parents the good news. You were being promoted.
Hold on.
Maybe you were moving to fast. There was still this Baekhyun guy who could take you down in a minute. Why didn’t you ask him who he worked for? Maybe you could’ve smoothed things over before your big promotion. Perhaps you could’ve asked him to ignore your drunken talk. Maybe you could’ve explained to him you weren’t thinking straight, and nothing was true about your overdramatic words. Tomorrow you would look up his name in your company’s database. He said everyone knew who he was, he must be in your system if he was that cocky. Everyone did seem to know him yesterday though, maybe he was also an investor? 
You kept thinking about Baekhyun, and how you could apologize to him all the way up to your shared apartment. Your thoughts were interrupted the moment desperate housewives was put on. Your hangover was utterly forgotten when Bree was cleaning one of her precious little things. Your mind was finally calm. You were at peace with your glass of rosé and your imaginary neighbours. Life was good.
“Good morning, Miss Y/L/N.” The old security guy greeted you with a beaming smile. His smile might even be more prominent than last Friday.
“Good morning. How was the ballet recital?” You asked him while badging in. You didn’t think it was possible, but his smile grew even more significant.
“She was great. She really was the star of the show.” He happily told you while grabbing his phone. You stood there for a good minute while the old man was fumbling on his phone to show you the pictures. You cooed and gave compliments at the right time to make the man more at ease. 
“Now you go, I heard people talking about someone important coming in today. You can’t be late.” You nodded your head and followed his orders obediently. 
“I’ll catch you for coffee this afternoon.” You quickly told him before hopping in the elevator. Some other people from your office were gathered in the small space. They kept talking about the big CEO visiting your offices today. You didn’t really care that much though, important people never visited your floor. You were safe.
“Y/N. Finally!” Your colleague Mina shouted when you entered your workspace. She was red in the face, and you immediately looked at her plant. You didn’t really kill it, right? The plant was not at fault, why must it die? Maybe you should water it when she leaves the office tonight.
“Have you heard?” She screeched, and you almost tried to cover your ears, but that would be considered impolite. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You told her hesitantly. Did she know you would be getting a promotion? Did the whole office know about this? Were they just pretending and waiting to open the champagne? 
“You never do. The big CEO is visiting us today.” She told you.
“Oh, that.” You had lost your excitement. You took off your coat and put it on the coat rack. Mina followed you from the coat rack to the coffee machine like a bunny on steroids. 
“You should be more excited.” She squealed once more while clapping her hands like a toddler. 
“Important people never visit our floor, you know that.” You tried to reason with her while brewing a cup of coffee. Or what they call coffee in this office.
“He’s going to inspect the working of the whole office. He wants to get in touch with our branch of the company. He flew across the world to be here. We must be doing something good if he wants to visit us.” She explained to you with excitement radiating from her whole body.
“Or something bad.” You quickly added which made her glare at you. Still, she was radiating pure happiness all because an old bastard decided to show up. You have bigger issues that needed your attention at this moment.
“It’s a great opportunity, Y/N. I can show my hard work, and he might promote me to another branch.”
“That would be great, indeed.” You whispered under your breath. She had heard you, but she had mistaken if for excitement instead of a massive dislike for her. She really lived in her made-up world of success. Well, she was successful, you couldn’t deny that. You just didn’t like her. That’s all, and that’s okay. You can not like everyone you cross paths with. 
“Everyone…” your manager started when he entered the work floor. Mina presented herself right in front of you so you couldn’t see who he was with. “I’d like to introduce this man next to me. He is the head of Banking and Finance, and the reason why this magazine has gotten so big over the world.” He kept on talking, and you still hadn’t seen the other man he had entered the room with. Mina moved away slightly, just enough for you to see who he was talking about.
“Give a warm welcome to Byun Baekhyun.” He finally said, and you could hardly contain your surprise when you saw the handsome stranger next to your boss.
The stranger you had babbled all your secrets too, was the big boss of your company. The company who hired you. The company who didn’t know you had lied on your resume. But he knew.
What are you going to do? You were just having an opening for a promotion, and now the damn man from this weekend was standing there in all his handsomeness. Like he owned the building. Well, he probably did, but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that he probably forgot all about you? Why would he remember someone so insignificant as you?
You tried to hide behind Mina again, but she was as jittery as the most jittery thing in the world. She kept hopping from one leg to another, and you could hardly follow her pace. What were you going to do? 
“Hello, everyone. I’ve only ever visited this office when three people were working here. It’s nice to see so many motivated faces today. I hope you’re being treated well.” You heard the low voice of Baekhyun, and you had to control the eye roll. Why did his voice sound so sexy too? He really had everything going for him, didn’t he? How obnoxious. 
“Yes, we can not complain.” You heard some people say in unison. They all sat up straight, and you almost wanted to laugh at how apparent people were being. They wanted to be noticed by the big Byun Baekhyun. “Please, continue working. I’m only here to observe and learn how the other offices are doing.” He ended his speech, and some were applauding. How embarrassing. He’s not Bill Gates, you know. Just a finance CEO. Nothing big. There were more of him. Nothing special. 
“Y/N please go to your desk.” Your manager scolded you when you were the only one not running to your desk to impress some stranger. Baekhyun heard your name and his head quickly turned your way. You tried to hide the blush on your face when you walked past him to your cluttered desk. You really did try to clean your working space from time to time, but it was hard when your colleagues randomly dropped papers on your desk for checking. 
He probably forgot about all your secrets. They weren’t that important, after all. Why would someone like him remember stuff about someone like you?
“This is our research and checking department. They do all the research for the writers and reread the final article to see if any mistake has been made. They are the most important bunch, so that’s why we also like to send them to events. Advertisers like people who know their numbers.” Your boss explained to Baekhyun as if he didn’t already know what he was saying. He runs this company on his own, you know. 
“Good news. I heard the last advertiser's event went great. The person you send left a great impression on most people.” Baekhyun said while secretly glancing at you. You tried to hide your face while placing some folders from one side of your desk to the other side. Maybe an acting class wouldn’t be so bad. 
He probably forgot about your ex-boyfriend getting engaged drama. Why would he even care about something like that? He doesn’t look like the guy who has time for other people’s drama. He probably doesn’t even have time for his own drama. 
“Ah, that must be Y/N. I’ve also heard some great words about her.” Your boss agreed with him instantly. He motioned for you to come over, so you did. Slowly. At a snail’s pace. You didn’t want to let Baekhyun snap and spill all your secrets over the carpeted floor.
Why would he care you lied about speaking French? Your company doesn’t do business with France, so it’s not that important, to begin with. No one speaks French these days.
“You must be Y/N. Great to meet you.” Baekhyun told you while offering his hand for you to shake. You did shyly shake his hand, avoiding any eye contact with the man.
His hand feels really soft. 
“Nice to meet you too, mister Byun.” You finally said. You felt his eyes looking for yours, but you tried to ignore them by looking over at your boss. He didn’t seem to feel the weird tension that was building between you and Baekhyun. He simply was too happy because of Baekhyun’s presence. You wish you could’ve said the same thing, but you were highly stressed by his random visit. 
What else did you spill to him? Did you tell him about your weird Wednesday cravings for chicken nuggets?
“Let me show you the kitchen area. We have some great coffee to offer you.” Your boss said while gesturing toward the coffee machine. You quickly glanced up at Baekhyun, and you saw a small smile covering his face. 
Fuck. You told him about the worst coffee in history. Didn’t you tell him you would rather be dead than drink another sip of the brown poison? Did you?
“I don’t really drink coffee, but thanks for the offer.” He nicely declined while looking over at you. He most definitely remembered what you had said about the coffee at work. 
Your boss quickly left to his office with Baekhyun tailing behind him. The doors closed for the first time since you worked there, and stress took over your body. Why would they close the door? 
“You look pale.” Oh, Sehun commented when you returned to your desk. He eyed you suspiciously like he couldn’t understand what was so special about you.
“I’m not feeling too well.” You whispered softly, but Sehun didn’t care enough to question you further. He continued his card game as if the room wasn’t suffocating him like it was choking you. 
“You made an impression,” Mina stated when she walked by your office. She dropped some files on your desk to check. She looked pissed, and that only meant more work for you, you didn’t understand. Great.
You were halfway the file Mina had dropped on your desk when your boss returned with Baekhyun beside him. He cleared his throat, and everyone straightened their backs when they noticed Baekhyun.
“Mister Byun will monitor the working of the office for the following week. Please act as natural as if he wasn’t here. Thank you for your understanding.” Your boss explained while Baekhyun stood beside him. Your boss wasn’t an ugly man, but compared to Baekhyun he wasn’t really a match at all. Your boss spoke, but all eyes were glued to Baekhyun. His curls were midnight black, and his eyes were dark brown, framed by smooth brows. He skin was tanned. He had prominent cheekbones and a well-defined chin and nose.
“Please just ignore me being here. Just continue your day as if I wasn’t here.” Everyone loves him, they’re drawn to him. You see it in the way they hang on his words and reciprocate his smile so quickly. But you couldn’t smile. Your face was frozen in shock.
“Y/N have you already finished what I gave you this morning?” Mina asked you nicely. She never asked you things politely. She usually throws a fit and drops another file on your desk.
“I still have to check one thing.” You told her softly, trying not to look at Baekhyun who was making his way over to your desk.
“Oh, mister Byun. How are you?” Mina suddenly turned her attention toward him. He quickly smiled at her before turning his body toward you, completely ignoring Mina.
“What are you working on?” He asked you. He put his hands in his pockets and looked expectantly at you. 
“Oh, she’s working on something I researched. She’s the best for checking spelling mistakes, as I’m too busy checking our main articles.” 
“As you’re too busy, shouldn’t you continue working on those main articles?” Baekhyun told her off, and you had to hide your smile. She looked shocked for a moment, but she quickly composed herself making her way back to her desk. Leaving you alone with Baekhyun.
“So what are you checking?” He asked you again, but this time more friendly. Like you were old friends talking about their jobs at the local pub. 
“As she said, I’m making sure no spelling mistakes are made.” You repeated Mina’s words to him. Why was he playing dumb?
“And do you check any of the information?”
“Sometimes, but this has already been thoroughly checked by Mina. She spent weeks gathering information about certain banks and their loyalty bonuses.”
“Teamwork is crucial.” He simply stated.
“Yes, it is.” you didn’t know if it was okay to respond, but your brain wanted to end this conversation. Everyone was pretending to work, but were secretly spying on your discussion with mister Byun, and it made you anxious. 
“Well, keep going.” He told you, and you simply nodded your head. You really tried to continue, but the conversation with Baekhyun was just so damn uncomfortable it made you lose focus. Why was he focusing his attention on you? Why didn’t he say anything about your secrets? What was he doing here? Was it to expose you? Was he waiting for an opportunity to spill your secrets out in the open? 
He made his way to some of your coworkers but never asked them questions. He simply observed and looked over some files while shaking his head. After an hour of him fidgeting through the office, he made his way to another part of your company. Where he could bother other people. The moment he left your floor, everyone started to breathe again. You heard people whispering, but you didn’t care about the gossip. 
“He was very interested in you,” Mina said when you returned her file. You simply shrugged it off and continued walking toward the kitchen area. You needed to talk to a friendly face, and there was only one of those in the whole goddamn building.
Your favourite security guard was cleaning the floor when you exited the elevator. You had two cups of coffee in your hand. One for you and one for him, with a lot of milk. He actually didn’t really like coffee. Or maybe it was because the coffee in this building was exceedingly terrible. However, he still accepted every cup you gave him.
“Hello.” You said while seating yourself at his desk. He looked up and smiled when he saw it was you.
“Hi, miss Y/L/N. Have you seen the CEO?” He asked you enthusiastically. He seemed really pleased that Baekhyun was here. You just didn’t understand why. It’s not like he works for him. 
“Yes, I’ve seen him briefly.” You confirmed. He seemed to be expecting more.
“Handsome young man.” He stated.
“He does have a CEO look.” You confirmed while sipping tentatively from your coffee. It was getting cold.
“A young CEO.” He remarks.
“I don’t know how old he is.” You told him softly. He couldn’t be older than you, though.
“Haven’t you looked him up yet?” He asked you surprised. Why was everyone so obsessed with the man? He is good-looking, yes. And he did look good in his black suit, you have to give him that. But he is not worth obsessing over.
“I don’t see why I would have to that.” You gave him his coffee before his got cold too.
“He started this magazine all by himself without any knowledge of banking and finance.” He read from his phone. It was like he practised this in the mirror. He looked like a little schoolboy giving a book presentation. 
“Sounds like something difficult to do.” You agreed with him, not trying to care about Baekhyun or be impressed by his achievements.
“He wanted to make financing more approachable.” He did kind of make it more approachable. Someone like you could work here without any knowledge whatsoever. You tried to act as if you didn’t care, but he always sees through you.
“Do you look everyone up that passes these gates? Should I be worried?” You tried to change the subject from Baekhyun to something lighter. He was precisely the reason why you went downstairs. You didn’t want to hear other people talk about him. You didn’t want to see him. You just wanted him to disappear, and let you live in peace with your secrets safely hidden. 
“I only look up possible candidates for you.” He told you earnestly. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Was he looking for candidates? Candidates for you? For what? To help you invest?
“Candidates?” You almost choked out. What the hell was he talking about?
“You’ve been alone for so long now. When was the last time you dated someone?” He softly asked you so nobody else could overhear your conversation.
“I’m sorry?” 
“He’s your age.” Giving up was most definitely not in his vocabulary list.
“So?” You questioned him again.
“Isn’t it time to settle down?” He asked you sincerely. He had been interested in your love life before, but never this straightforward.
“Excuse me? I’ll settle down when I want to settle down. I’ll look up my own candidates. Thank you very much.” You told him while walking away from him. You didn’t need his meddling in your life. Why couldn’t he just keep talking about his granddaughter? That would’ve been better.
“Y/N!” He tried calling after you, but you were already inside the elevator with a scowl on your face. Why was everyone so obsessed with settling down and having babies. Maybe you didn’t want to have babies. Perhaps you didn’t want to have the same life as the others had? You weren’t sure what you wanted, but you most definitely didn’t need a man. 
“Are you ok?” Someone asked beside you. When did that person even enter the elevator? You could’ve sworn it was empty when you had entered. 
“Of course.” You said out loud when you noticed the guy be Baekhyun. Of course, it would be him. Why was he everywhere you went? Did he have your coordinates on his phone? Was he tracking you?
“Can I please speak to you in my office?” He suddenly asked you. His eyes had black circles under it, and he did look a little bit tired. 
“You have an office here?” You challenged him but immediately regretted your big mouth. You really needed to learn to shut the fuck up.
“Well, it is my company.” He reasoned, but you simply nodded your head.
“Right.” You awkwardly said. The doors opened, and he got out on the top floor. Did you miss your level? Why were you here? You’ve never been here in your life. This was only for the best of your company.
“Are you coming?” Baekhyun worriedly asked you while keeping the doors from closing. 
“Yes, sorry.” You hurriedly told him while exiting the elevator. It was gorgeous up here. You had a breathtaking view of the city from up here. You stopped following Baekhyun to simply take a look at your city. It has is flaws, and yes you didn’t like the vomit of drunken people covering the streets, but from up here you fell in love again. You only saw the beautiful buildings shining bright because of the sun’s warmth. 
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Baekhyun broke the silence. You had almost forgotten the reason why you were here in the first place. If he fired you right here, you wouldn’t be as mad. You did get to see the scenery of the only place you loved and feared at the same time.
You still remembered when you and Jennie rented your first apartment here. You were both so unprepared for real life, and the city has taught you many beautiful lessons. Don’t take the night bus, just spend money on a cab and you will be rewarded with your life and clothes intact. Don’t give the same homeless man al your spare change, he might take it for granted and follow you around the city if you didn’t have any change that day. Living alone in such a big city brings opportunities, but it also takes a lot. You can’t just roam free as you want. There is no room to take a breath as everything is fast-paced and hard. 
“It makes you think.” You told him softly, and his eyes were again searching for yours. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asked you.
“That I shouldn’t be so scared of something so beautiful.” You confessed. Why did you have to tell him all your thoughts? He just needed to look at you, and you wanted to bare your soul. Which you already did by the way, but he already knew enough.
“It’s always more beautiful from a distance.” He finally looked away, and you could finally breathe. Why did he have such an effect on you? He was your boss for crying out loud.
“Isn’t everything?”
“Not everything.” He told you while looking at you, and you had to fight a blush. He quickly composed himself and motioned for you to follow him, and you did this time. Does a pig know when they will be slaughtered? You hope they don’t as it is not a nice feeling to know your life will end. You might not get murdered, but right now, you really wished you would. You have been fired so many times in your life, but it never got easier.
He opened the doors to his office, and you softly made your way inside. He closed the doors behind you and sat down at his desk. There was nothing personal about his office, but that was to be expected. He was only here for a week. You tried to not be awkward, but you didn’t know what to do. 
“Please sit down.” He chuckled after letting you struggle for a couple of minutes. You gladly accepted the seat right across from him. He did look majestic in his black suit with just the right amount of buttons unbuttoned. You didn’t like the feeling that was going through your body. You didn’t like the fact that Baekhyun made you feel comfortable. If he was going to fire you because of your resume, you were just going to pretend you didn’t know what he was talking about. How could he prove you lied? 
“Why am I here?” You asked him forcefully, and he looked taken aback for a split second. “Is it because of my resume? That I lied?” You asked him, and you mentally smacked your head. 
“No, but you really shouldn’t have lied.” He chuckled lightly. He looked amused by you.
“So why are you firing me?” You weren’t the most subtle kind of lady. You liked to know what was going on at all times. 
“Who said I was going to fire you?” His smile fell from his face, and you kind of felt wrong to be so blunt to him.
“Why else would you want to see me?” You softly asked him, avoiding eye contact once again. There was something in his brown eyes that made you lose your cool. Not that you were usually calm and collected, but you could often pretend. Not with him, though.
“I have a favour to ask you.” He rested his head on his hand while looking at you expectantly. Like he expected you would throw a fit.
“Me?” You blurted out without thinking. What could he possibly ask?
“Yes.” He simply confirmed while he gave you time to compose yourself.
“Nobody is supposed to know I stayed at a hotel this weekend, and I would like to keep it that way.” He explained in a business-like manner. He lost the youthful look that was so characteristic for him in the short time you had known him, and it surprised you.
“Ok.” Was all you could mutter.
“Can I trust you?” He asked you hopeful. 
“Can I trust you?” You returned his question, and his playfulness returned in a matter of seconds. He suppressed a smile. 
“I won't tell the cute barista you want to have sex with him.” He joked with you, and you wanted to throw yourself out of his window. How embarrassing. 
“I never said I wanted to have sex with him, I just thought he would make a good candidate.” You clarified. “Why is it such a big deal you stayed in a hotel?” You were pushing your luck. You knew that the moment you had asked him that question. His smile disappeared again, and a frown was its replacement. It wasn’t a good look on him. He looked better with his mouth turned upwards.
“Not important.” He harshly stated.
“It seems important if you want to hide it.” Why couldn’t you just shut up and take your nosy ass somewhere else? 
“I don’t tell my secrets to strangers.” He blurted out harshly, and you immediately understood you had reached his limit. 
“Touché.” You told him while getting up and ready to leave the tension-filled room.
“So can I trust you?” He asked you again, with more determination for a concrete answer. He sat tired-eyed and slumped over his desk. You pitied him at that moment. He could ruin your life in an instant, and he knew all about your dirty laundry, but he was still human. And something was bothering him, and it strangely bothers you.
“Of course. I’m happy to forget that night.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” He flashed you a relief smile, and you couldn’t help but return it to him.
“It is no problem mister Byun. I’m glad to help.” You ended the conversation while exiting his office. It wasn’t much of an office, to be honest. Just a room with a desk and man with a big ego and secrets. Everyone has secrets, and suddenly yours didn’t seem so relevant anymore.
You kept pretending to work until everyone in the office left so you could adequately water Mina’s plant. Maybe it was time to improve yourself. Perhaps it was time for you to live a better life. You had recently read something about becoming better. Self-honesty is the key to learning how to become a better human. All the mindfulness in the world won't help you unless you are willing to see your own flaws. Maybe it was time to become more honest with the people around you, but most importantly, yourself. You’ve got to admit you sometimes started to believe your own lies.
You heard some noise from behind you, but you ignored it. Probably some co-worker who forgot something on his desk. It wasn’t that weird to water other people’s plants after hours.
“Are you still killing the plant?” Baekhyun asked you, startling you.
“I was giving it some healthy water.” You told him with a smile. It might be the first time you had given him a smile, and he was clearly stuck for a moment. “I might not like Mina, but her plant is not at fault here.”
“I don’t really like her either.” He told you while fighting a shiver. It was adorable to see him act so cute. 
“Why? You’ve barely spoken to her?” You asked him while laughing. He looked shocked again with your new attitude. You were kind of shocked yourself, but it was too late to change.
“It’s just a feeling I have.”
“I understand.” You stopped watering the plant, scared you might overdo it. The plant was certainly not used to getting water.
“Like I have the feeling you’re more capable than you think.” Your eyes found him, but you quickly averted. Do not look in the eyes of your handsome boss, bad idea, it made you feel things. You didn’t know what these things were, but they should not be present.
“Please don’t use the knowledge you have of me from that night. I told you I’ve forgotten all about it.” You tried to lighten the mood.
“It’s hard to forget such crucial information about one of my best workers.” He quickly understood your actions and played along. It was like he knew exactly how to play your mood.
“Just close your eyes and think of something completely different. You’ll easily forget it if you just gave it a try.” You put the cup down and examined the plant again. It was still looking alive, kind of. Luckily Mina didn’t really care about her plant. Fortunately for the plant, you really did care.
“What if I don’t want to forget?” He asked you while getting closer to you. The room started to get warmer, or maybe that was just your imagination.
“Because I’m your best worker?” You asked him softly. Were you guys flirting? 
“I didn’t say you were the best, I said you were one of my best.” He told you with a smile, you gladly returned. It felt great to be appreciated.
“Sounds the same to me.”
“Would you like to get a drink with me?” He suddenly asked you after a minute of silence. He looked taken aback by his own question, but he tried to play it cool. You could tell. He wasn’t that hard to read.
“Why? Are you trying to get me drunk again to gather more secrets?” You joked while touching his arm playfully. 
“You did that all by yourself last time.”
“Touché.” You didn’t really know what to do. The both of you were just awkward, staring at the other. 
“Well, would you?” He asked you again while shoving his hands into the pockets of his black suit pants.
“Don’t you need to get dinner with the managers or something?” You asked him while getting your coat from the rack. He silently followed you, just like Mina had done this morning. Somehow you attracted people today.
“We’ve already had lunch together. That’s more than I can handle.” He confessed. “I told them I was tired because of my flight.” He continued. 
“I do know a good bar with great cocktails.” You thought out loud.
“I don’t really do cocktails.” He confessed again. Maybe he would spill his secrets this time. That didn’t seem like such lousy spending of your time.
“You don’t drink coffee. You don’t drink cocktails. I think I don’t want to work here anymore.” You told him jokingly. You put on your coat and grabbed your things. He seemed to understand that you were showing him you agreed to his offer, even if you were playing a little coy. 
“I do like coffee. I was just scared to try the coffee here.” Another confession spills out of him, and you softly smiled.
“And you’re a fraud. Where can I resign?” You told him while making your way over to the elevator. 
“I’ll drink a cocktail of your choosing, but please don’t quit or make me drink from that coffee machine.” He practically begged you. He pushed the button to the ground floor, and the doors closed. Were you really going to do this? Getting a drink with your boss? 
“Okay, you don’t need to beg.” 
“I was hardly begging.” He whispered, and his low voice surprised you. You looked into his eyes, but they remained innocent. Much more innocent than his voice.
“Don’t make me change my mind, mister Byun.” You scolded him, but you couldn’t hide the smile that kept growing on your face.
“Please call me Baekhyun.”
“Let’s go Baekhyun. I don’t have all night.” He simply laughed at your impatience and followed you out of the building.
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