#bb 20
photo-roulette-wheel · 4 months
Let the HOH Dictatorship begin
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mokadevs · 8 months
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day 2: please be gentle
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hanase · 1 year
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sappho-rose · 24 days
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ryusae <3
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hamable · 8 months
I hope, however the growing Cassandra plot plays out, that she grows the following and appreciation she deserves. Kristen talks with her cleric Professor about a no one wanting a religion based on uncertainty, but I think that could be massively popular??
Like, a divinity based around the idea that there is no grand plan, nothing is preordained. You are born, you enjoy things, and then you pass on, and what you do with that chunk of time is up to you. No, not all your questions will be answered. How could they be? How comfortable are you with not knowing?
I think a lot of people in Solace would like something like that to pray to and rely on and connect with, even if that connection is “idk either, but I hear you.”
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rari0516 · 4 months
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can’t wait for the black butler climax 🙏
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3-aem · 5 months
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atopvisenyashill · 1 month
not people calling george unprofessional for his post my god will u bitches never stop dickriding for this corporation is the man who created these characters not allowed to have an opinion on the way they’re adapting his work. they’re HIS characters!
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bberetd · 2 months
I woke up in a cutesy fluffy mood today so I’m dumping my cutesy fluffy mood onto these goons 🚶‍♀️
This takes place one day post-marriage!
He woke up with the blinding orange-tinted sunlight in his eyes. It took him a while to stir, trying to remember if he was real or not. It wasn’t until he moved his arms that he realized they felt stiff, so he outstretched them from their current position, then moved them back onto the wonderfully soft and silk object he was holding.
Wait, what am I holding?
Luigi cast his eyes up in thought and slight fear. A small, paranoid part of him that maybe it was one of those good dreams gone bad where he would discover that it was a giant spider he was holding and devour him whole once he made eye contact. But he took a chance and ran his right hand down the material, and the curiosity immediately faded away; he recognized that feeling from anywhere. He tilted his head down, enough to see his beautiful princess sleeping against him, or at least the top of her hair and forehead, since her face was buried in his chest.
He smiled tiredly, now comfortably combing his hand through the back of her suddenly larger-looking hair. Humidity had never been kind to Daisy; she would always wake up with a hundred percent frizzier hair. It got worse as she got older, and because of this, she had to wake up earlier in the mornings, as it would take more time to make it look normal again. They both couldn’t help but wonder what powers above in the Overthere gave her this curse. As far as Daisy could remember, she had always been well-behaved. Pretty much.
But the frizz unveiled the true volume of Daisy’s hair, and it just gave Luigi more to run his hands through, so it was a win in his book. He brought his left arm up to pet her bangs, pulling her closer in the process. That was when his eyes registered the shiny diamond on his ring finger, and everything snapped into place: He was holding his wife. And he, he was a husband! The knowledge was enough to make his heart jump and further wake him up. His reality was further confirmed as he felt the same rock gently pressing onto his back from Daisy’s own finger.  The room suddenly felt a lot brighter. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to be holding the most beautiful woman in Sarasaland, hell, all the kingdoms in this world, so closely and intimately, and call him his, and him hers.
Luigi felt Daisy’s eyelashes flutter against his chest, a surefire sign that she was waking up, making his smile grow. He leaned in and whispered against her forehead. “Buongiorno, Fiore.”
Daisy made a sleepy noise, clutching and unclutching the back of his shirt, which in Daisinese (a language Luigi and their friends proudly created) meant, “I’m awake, but I’m too tired to talk.” Luigi couldn’t help but let out a light huff of amusement. Sleepy Daisy was a hard contrast from awake and chipper Daisy. One of the things that he found cute about her was how she was a grabber in her sleep, clenching her hand around anything it came into contact with. In some moments when she was napping, Luigi would hover over her and place his hand where their hands would meet. Normally, her face was resting in her sleep, but when her hand would unknowingly close around Luigi’s, a small smile would form on her face, as if she could feel his presence.
Daisy held Luigi a bit tighter in her half-asleep state, mumbling something incoherent against his chest. Luigi chuckled lightly.
“Wake up, you,” he teased before planting several light kisses on her forehead, which resulted in tired, muffled giggles from Daisy, and the shaking of her head. He pulled back slightly and looked for his next favorite spot on Daisy’s face: her freckles, dotted and perfectly aligned on the top of her cheeks. He leaned in again to kiss each and every one of them, further stirring Daisy awake.
“Stooooooooopp,” she laughed, moving her arms to push at Luigi’s chest. Normally, fifty percent of Daisy’s power would be enough to knock Luigi off the bed, but she was sleepy and hardly trying, letting him win even. Luigi laughed with her, grabbing both her hands in his own and smiling from ear to ear.
“Then wake up!”
Daisy’s eyes finally opened, in slow motion it felt like, and they met Luigi’s. She gave him a goofy smile before moving her eyes down to their joined hands, taking note of the rings on their finger. Her smile softened, but then brightened, looking back up to Luigi. “Morning… hubby.”
Luigi gave her a playful but heartfelt smile. “Morning… wifey.” His face twisted up slightly at how the word sounded coming out of his mouth. And a silent, agreeing single nod from Daisy confirmed that he would never say that again. But it was back to smiles after that.
“Nooo. Italian-ify it or something. I like when you do that.” Daisy smiled sweetly.
Luigi thought for a moment before the term popped into his head and tried his greeting again. “Okay, then. Good morning, moglie.”
Daisy blushed and giggled like an idiot, using their now entwined hands to cover her mouth. She loved how smoothly Italian rolled off his tongue. “Much better.” She tugged on his hands, pulling him in for a tender morning kiss.
Luigi smiled into the kiss, closing his eyes. Today would definitely be a good day.
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lonestarbattleship · 1 month
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Hull of VERMONT (BB-20) after being launched at the Fore River Shipyard.
Date: August 31, 1905
Digital Collections Massachusetts Collections Online: LS1035
Information from Navsource: link
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sophfandoms53 · 2 months
Brooklyn fucking with Tucker’s clothes (attempting to blame it on Quinn) and Tucker’s wild ‘scenarios’ ass mindset are aboutta be what saves Quinn this week
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apurpledust · 11 months
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young napoleon 🥺 🥺
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vangbelsing · 2 months
I'm hoping they'll confirm the ages of the companions in Veilguard. I need to know if Lucanis is as old as I think he is because if he is in his twenties I'm going to end it all (I imagine to be about 35 or so)
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whoblewboobear · 3 months
In honor of my two current hyperfixations bumping up against each other, I'm gonna make them kiss. So starbreaker!Reality tv au.
In my heart of hearts I know Jace would fucking hate playing Survivor but Porter would love it. Jace would thrive on big brother and so would Porter, but Porter falls into the category of houseguests I usually hate which makes this 10% funnier when they form a night one alliance and make it all the way to final 3 just for Porter to go rogue and betray Jace, taking Lucilla to final 2 because he knows her track record is non-existent compared to him being a comp beast the entire season. On top of JacePorter being a duo, they're in a showmance that they are awful at hiding. Up until Porter's betrayal, he and Jace are basically fighting for their lives in the end game because they're a deadly combo when it comes to competitions.
Jace went in fully intended to lay low until mid game when he starts to comp out. Porter absolutely hates his strategy because throwing a comp is sacrilegious to him. Jace does not care. His social game is immaculate and it has to be because most of the house fucking hates Porter and wants him gone like YESTERDAY and someone has to keep him in the house if he's not winning. On a week where Porter is in danger of being backdoored, Jace wins Head of household and keeps him safe. They're absolutely fucking every night in the HoH room to the point where people don't even bother trying to meet with Jace when he's up there. They find him in the backyard when he's smoking to really talk game with him.
His biggest public allies outside of Porter are Corsica and Sandra Lynn, but he his other biggest ally is Zara. He runs all his info back to her. They move like ghosts inside that house. Only the fans watching live feeds know their alliance exists at all bc they're even too discreet to make the edit until Zara wins HoH and turns the house on its head. She loves Jace to death but she knows if she doesn't take the shot at Porter this week, they won't have a shot at sitting in the final two together. Her social game is just that much better than Jace's and she does end up double crossing him to put him on the block next to Gilear as a pawn. They have a very public fight because Jace was NOT looped in because she knew he'd hate it and find a way to talk her out of it. This is the big turning point that lands him and Porter on the outs of the house. Porter wins the veto and pulls Jace down. Terpsichore goes up next to Gilear who gets voted out unanimously. Everyone is surprised he even made it this far lbr.
Porter's in a 6 person all guys alliance, he goes rogue and ropes in two girls to make it a solid 8 at some point thinking they'll steam roll the early game but it doesn't last long because Jawbone, Digby, Gorthalax, Bill, and Pok form something stronger on the side and let the 8 implode.
After the season is over, Jace and Porter 100% go on the amazing race and work surprising well together but they do fight the ENTIRE time.
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maimedaffair · 3 months
i love being old enough in the rpc to remember lying about our ages bc we were 12 &* now seeing people my current age (28) not saying how old they are other than like " over 21 " / " well into my 20s " / " 25+ " &* im like , ah we have not changed our ways.
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