#baynard family
seawolvesanddragons · 2 years
AWAE 12 Days of Christmas Countdown - Day 8
Marilla has knitted several things for various loved ones over the years. Now that they’re older, Anne and Jerry decide to try and return the favor. 
The first time Marilla finds herself knitting Anne a new hat she insists it's only because the current one is so shabby. It wouldn’t do for her new charge to be catching cold every time she had to leave the castle. 
And besides, she needed a new knitting project. Green Gables had plenty of blankets, it didn’t need any more. 
She was partially through the hat when she decided she might as well do a scarf to go along with it. For Anne’s health, of  course. Her current hat and scarf was more tatters than fabric, as apparently the orphanage didn’t place a high value on their children not freezing to death. 
(As a caretaker of multiple charges herself, Marilla found such oversight lazy and despicable.) 
She was almost done with the scarf, its matching hat lying neatly next to it, when Marilla noticed the colors. 
Out of habit, she had grabbed the yellow and black yarn. Understandable, as the Cuthberts were from a long line of Huffepuffs. 
Really, a scarf was a scarf and a hat was a hat. The purpose was to keep Anne warm in the winter, not boast her house for all to see. That was what the school uniforms were for. 
But Marilla had seen Jane Andrews own bronze colored hat and goves, and Diana Barry had been dressed in blue since she was a mere babe. Marilla remembered her own days at Hogwarts, were she and Rachel had enjoyed charming as much of their belongings as they could yellow and black in a fit of house pride. 
Anne already had such a hard time fitting in. Perhaps a show of house pride wouldn’t go amiss. 
Besides, Marilla might have some leftover blue and bronze yarn from when Rachel’s daughter was expecting and really it was only practical that she use it up. And while Marilla didn’t hold with vanity, yellow and black would clash with Anne’s  hair terribly.
Matthew raised an eyebrow at her that evening, when he saw her detangling the blue yarn. 
“Not a word Matthew Cuthbert,” Marilla warned. 
“I dinnae say anything,” her brother shrugged. “Just wondering what you’ll do with the other one now.” He gestured to the completed scarf and hat next to her, almost blending in with the family banket. 
Truthfully, Marilla hadn’t thought about that yet. The scarf and hat were too small for her or her brother to use, and all of the Lynde’s children (who for years had been the main recipients of Marilla’s knitting projects) were grown and gone. And it was hardly as if Twycross was going to put another child at Green Gables for Marilla and Matthew to have to adopt. 
Though, there was another eleven year old at Hogwarts whose winter wardrobe was solely lacking. 
“It can go to Jerry Baynard,” Marilla decided. “After all, waste not. Give it to him next time you take the both of them into the forest, Matthew. And do try not to make a fuss over it; we don’t want to embarrass the poor lad.” 
“Huh,” Matthew said, considering. “I don’t reckon I’m the one fussin’ over here.” 
Marilla pretended not to hear him. Honestly, brothers could be such a trial. She should point that out to Anne next time the girl waxes on about the enviable “bond between siblings.” 
Her next knitting project takes her most of the summer. Blankets normally did. And whatever Matthew might think, it was entirely practical. He had never been up in Ravenclaw tower, he had not a clue how drafty and cold it got up there! It would be just like three twelve year old girls to fall asleep with the windows open and wake up frozen the next day. 
No, Anne would need a blanket, a thick one. And Marilla needed more yarn anyway, she just happened to pick blue and bronze up. 
No, Matthew, she was not over mothering. 
Though, they did owe Jerry for helping them out over the summer. The Hufflepuff common rooms were far too warm to need an extra blanket (a point Marilla prided herself on) but perhaps a nice jumper wouldn't go amiss. 
By fourth year, Marilla had given up any pretenses. She was a mother, with one official charge and one unofficial charge whose hats and scarves were torn one too many times from unsupervised explorations of the forest. 
So a new set of gloves and hats and scarves were churned out, along with a special pair of gloves for each; ruby red for Anne, dark purple for Jerry. 
“For school, are they?” Matthew asked with a knowing smile. 
“They’re old enough now to require some gloves that aren’t based on their Hogwarts house colors,” Marilla sniffed. “A bit of individuality and color never hurt anyone.” 
Fifth year, Bash received a dark green scarf (so that you’ll stop complaining about the cold, Sebastian!) for Christmas, while Muriel was given a pair of hand knit lavender gloves. 
Phineas looked at Marilla suspiciously over his brand new navy hat. 
“You’ve gone soft,” he accused.
“Fiddlesticks,” Marilla huffed. “You sound like my brother. Utter nonsense.” 
Their last Christmas Morning as Hogwarts students, Anne and Jerry presented Marilla with a neatly wrapped package, eager smiles on their faces. 
Marilla pulled at the delicate twine holding the wrapping together (Anne’s work, no doubt). The paper fell away, leaving a multi-colored, heavy looking swarth of knitted wool in its place. 
“My word,” Marilla said, running her hands over fabric. It was softer than even her coziest of blankets. 
“Its a blanket!” Jerry explained excitedly. “Anne and I made it. Well, technically you made it too..”
“What Jerry means to say,” Anne interrupted, as Marilla looked confusedy between the two. “Is that the blanket is made from all of your old knitting gifts.” She pointed at the far edge of the blanket, where two yellow and black squares were offset by a blue an bronze one. “Those are from the first scarves you made us, plus an old one of Matthews. And there, that’s part of Jerry’s jumper, and over there is part of the baby blanket you made Mrs. Lynde when she had her first child-” 
“They went all over Hogsmeade,” Matthew said softly, a gentle look in his eyes as he nodded toward the blanket. “Collected up bits and pieces from just about everything you ever knitted.” 
“Well, I never,” Marilla said, blinking rapidly. There was moisture in her eyes that threatened to overflow. “What a thoughtful gift.” 
It was colorful, certainly, full of reds and blues, purples and golds, silver and greens and so much yellow Marilla wondered it didn’t hurt to look at. But the colors blended far better than Marilla would have guessed. It was a pattern of all the love and warmth and hope Marilla put out into the world, wrapped up into one gorgeous blanket. It felt like home. 
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frickingnerd · 4 months
secretly dating jerry baynard
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pairing: jerry baynard x fem!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, gardener jerry, rich girl x poor boy, mentions of eloping together, reader has multiple suitors
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jerry had been working for your family for a while, looking after the flowers in the garden and doing some work on the fields
your family was rich and stuck up, always looking down on the boy. but you always admired and envied jerry, for the freedom he had
you knew you'd eventually be married off to a man you didn't love, while jerry could pick his partner freely. yet what you didn't know at that time was that the girl jerry wanted was you!
you always watched him when he worked in the garden, while jerry watched you when you were reading a book outside by the flowers. the garden was the only place the two of you ever met and got any alone time
your relationship started with some small talk, about the flowers blooming near you and the books you liked to read. but quickly, you realized how much the two of you had in common!
you began to seek each other out at any opportunity. you helped jerry with the flowers and lent him your books. soon, feelings began to blossom between the two of you!
you had your first kiss near the roses in the garden, your faces hidden behind a book, as jerry stole your first kiss. ever since then, that spot became the place you'd meet and spend time at
you always had to be careful that your parents, nor any of the other people working at the mansion didn't spot you two! if anyone saw you two, you'd be in grave trouble!
sometimes, when your parents were out of town or away for an evening, you'd sneak jerry into the mansion, showing him the book shelves in your room and treating him to all the best food he never ate before!
those moments always felt so domestic and precious. almost as if, even for just a moment, you got to be a normal couple
jerry always listened to you vent about the men your parents introduced you to and the two of you came up with plans on how to get rid of them, so you wouldn't have to marry any of those suitors
for now, those plans always worked. and while nobody said it out loud, both of you were worried that eventually, you'd be forced to marry one of those men!
but even then, jerry swore to run away with you, before that could ever happen! he started saving up some money and even if you had to live in poverty, at least the two of you could stay together!
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count-a-w-k · 2 months
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Going through my mind before setting off, I felt like Bilbo Baggins going on adventure. Jumping up and down getting ready, warming up for the ride, while waiting for my friends to come outside and see me off. On my phone I was getting likes and good luck messages from friends on twitter. I knew the encouragement from them was sending positive vibes through me. I then set up a playlist of music, which would help me on my first leg.
Then at 11pm my friends came out, with her boyfriend; I went over to them, and they gave me their blessings. I hugged my friend goodbye, and her boyfriend went with me to film me starting off on my journey. He started the recording, and I said, “see you all in Portsmouth”. Then off I went, into the dark heading west. I started iTunes, ready to press play on playlist. What I didn’t realise was that I had forgotten to save the playlist, so I stopped and picked out a couple of songs. The music kicked in and off I went, knowing I wouldn’t be home till later the next day.
Receiving comments on my phone from friends on twitter still wishing me luck inspired me as I was going at my own pace. The progress along the A13 was going fine, first came the railway bridge nice and easy to get over and once over I could freewheel for a bit. Then onto the second, this time a bit steeper as it crosses the River Rodin. As I was freewheeling down and made sharp ‘S’ turn, off the main road and onto a dedicated cycle path. Halfway down the path I noticed a four-legged animal standing there on the cycle lane. So, I came to a complete stop so as not to disturb it. To my surprise, three more appeared - it was a family of foxes foraging around for food. I kept still and watched, thinking ’just don’t disturb them’. So, for ten minutes I waited.
Then a nutter on an electric bike whizzed by me, giving me a shock, and straight into the path of the foxes. I thought ‘Mad sod!’. The foxes noticed what was coming towards them and quickly scarpered. So, I took off, pedalling slowly to see if they were still around, but the family were gone. Oh well I thought and carried on, knowing I knew was pushed for time as I wanted to get Westminster and be within sight of the tower as Big Ben struck midnight. However, that wasn’t meant to be, because it took me thirty minutes just to reach the edge of the City of London, 2 ½ miles from the tower. I kept looking at the time on my phone. Could I get to Big Ben before midnight? I had five minutes. So, I sped up doing my best.
Then, cycling down Castle Baynard Street, I saw three men on publicly rentable ‘Boris bikes’ up ahead in a narrow tunnel. They were cycling erratically and there was way to overtake them. I thought ‘Great people who can’t ride a safely.’ Looking at the time on my phone, I realised there was now no chance of making it in time, so slowed down waiting for the opportunity to pass them.
After a couple of minutes, where the Embankment passes under Waterloo bridge, the cycle lane widened and I went into high gear flying past them, ringing my bell to warn people on the side pavement that I was about to pass them. When I finally reached Big Ben, it had already chimed midnight, so I pulled over outside the main gates to the Houses of Parliament.
I took the opportunity to look at the notifications on my phone, then took a photo of the clock, showing the ‘ten past twelve’ on its face. ‘Maybe next time I will get here in time,’ I thought.
Five minutes later I was back on the road, for the next leg, heading for the Thames path at Richmond bridge, where I intended to take a break. My usual route to Richmond takes about an hour. The warm night air was making my throat dry, and I was sweating like mad so, about half-an-hour, passing a pub next to Parsons Green, I decided to stop. Unfortunately for me, the pub was closed, and the staff were cleaning up ready to go home. Seeing a woman sweeping up outside, I explained what I was doing and asked if I was too late to get a drink. She said that I was too late, but kindly she went back inside and got me a full pint of water. I drank most of it and poured the rest over my head to cool me down. After thanking her, I got talking to these young gentlemen, who must have drunk the pub dry as they looked totally paralytic. We chatted for about fifteen minutes. I told who I was and explained to them what I was doing. They thought it was a kind act and after that I was back on the road, heading over Putney bridge and along Putney High Street, before turning right at the lights for Richmond.
The travel-time between Putney and Richmond didn’t feel as long as it had done in the past. The roads were very quiet, mostly people walking along the street after a good night out. Then I finally made it, pulling off the main road into a small park then down the ramp onto the Thames path.
Making my way to the park bench I usually sit on, I stopped and got off the bike. Sitting down, I got my food and drink out of my bag and tucked in. I thought it was going to be quiet, however the sound of people still enjoying themselves filled the air. After finishing, I recorded an update video for twitter, stating were I was. Then I decided to move to a different park bench and try and get thirty minutes shut eye.
I called my mother to let her know where I was and after a few minutes, this random stranger approached me. But you will find out more about what happened next in part two…
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wonder-worker · 1 year
"Margaret (of York, Duchess of Burgundy) left Bruges on 24 June and was in England for more than three months. She travelled with a large retinue headed by Guillaume de Baume and the embassy included two officials who were well-known to her, Thomas Plaines and Jean Gros, the treasurer of the Order of the Golden Fleece. She received aides from the Estates to cover her expenses with the Hainault Estates contributing 4,000 livres. Her mission had several goals, but the immediate need was to obtain some military help in the form of English archers to reinforce Maximilian’s hard pressed armies. ... King Edward sent Sir Edward Woodville, the Queen’s younger brother, aboard the royal ship ‘Falcon’ to bring his sister across the Channel. It was twelve years since she had sailed to her marriage. Sir Edward had been part of her marriage party and he had won the honours in the famous joust of the Golden Tree. This time Margaret took the shorter route from Calais to Gravesend, where she was received by Sir John Weston, the Prior of the Knights of St John. She then transferred to a royal barge which had been sent to bring her up the Thames to London. The barge was specially refitted for the occasion. The master and the twenty-four oarsmen had been supplied with new liveries in the Yorkist colours of murrey and blue with white roses embroidered on their jackets. The knights and squires who formed the escort of honour wore fine black velvet jackets which were decorated with a pattern of silver and purple. Two residences had been prepared for Margaret’s use, the palace at Greenwich where she had spent so much time before her marriage, and the London house of Coldharbour near her mother’s home at Baynard’s Castle. New beds with red and green hangings had been sent up to the Coldharbour house and the finest bedlinens and coverlets had been ordered. Curtains, screens and tapestries were provided for both the houses, including a piece of arras which depicted the story of Paris and Helen. For her travel during her stay in England, Margaret was sent ten ‘hobbeys and palfreys’ all newly harnessed and caparisoned in rich saddle cloths. The King encouraged everyone to be generous towards his sister and used ‘right large language’ with the Archbishop of Canterbury who failed to offer Margaret a gift. His own final present to his sister was a luxurious pillion saddle in blue and violet cloth of gold, fringed with ‘Venetian gold’ thread.
While she was in England, Margaret renewed her contacts with all her old friends and family. She was received by the Queen and introduced to her royal nephews and nieces. Her youngest brother Richard, Duke of Gloucester, who was busy dealing with Scottish incursions in the north, made time to come south to see his sister, and the King gave a state banquet at Greenwich in honour of Margaret and their mother, the old Duchess Cecily. It was also attended by Margaret’s sister Elizabeth, Duchess of Suffolk. It seems that Margaret admired the wine, for on the day after the banquet, Edward sent her ‘a pipe of our wine’ valued at 36s 8d. As well as enjoying the company of her living family, Margaret could not have failed to remember all her dead relations. It was perhaps with a chantry in mind that she persuaded Edward to introduce the reformed Order of the Observant Friars into England. Soon after her departure the King sent for the Vicar-General of the Order and offered him a site for their new monastery near to the palace of Greenwich. Building began in 1482 and the abbey chapel was dedicated to the Holy Cross. Was the dedication in honour of Margaret, and does it provide further evidence of her connection with Waltham Abbey? ... Well satisfied that the negotiations were at last completed, Margaret prepared to leave London. She paid a farewell visit to the city where she was presented with a purse containing £100. She then set off for the coast accompanied by her brother Edward who had decided to see her on her way. ... The Dowager passed a week in Kent visiting the shrine of St Thomas à Becket and staying on the private estates of Anthony Woodville, Lord Rivers. These two bibliophiles must have had much in common especially now that Rivers was the patron of Margaret’s former protégé, William Caxton. No doubt she was shown Woodville’s translation of the ‘Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers’ which was one of the first books printed on Caxton’s press at Westminster. With the King still in attendance, Margaret finally left for Dover, where the ‘Falcon’ waited to take her back to Calais. Edward seemed to be genuinely sad to see her departure and he wrote to Maximilian on 22 September announcing the return of his ‘well-beloved sister’. She left behind her in England Jacques de la Villeon, who was to act as an agent for the Burgundian ally, the Duke of Brittany."
Christine Weightman, "Margaret of York: The Diabolical Duchess"
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humanoidtyphoons · 27 days
ricon/hargrave speedrunning their wedding just to vex baynard/peres (who got engaged first!!!!) is making me laugh with this nightmare family scenario of supreme messiness
peres: but dad!!!! why do you get to marry ricon but i don’t get to marry baynard???
hargrave: do you have a child to continue the family line?? no??? i didn’t think so!!!
idk what to tell you, i think ricon/hargrave have big “oh they fucking” energy
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Hii welcome to my blog!!
୨୧ Amelia/Millie ୨୧ she/her ୨୧ slytherin ୨୧ multi-fandom ୨୧ avid ABBA listener ୨୧ def a little clinically insane ୨୧
i'll try my best to keep master list up to date
reqs: open!
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-criminal minds (haven't finished it yet sadly but working on it)
bad dreams
snow flurries
new puppy (req)m
-hunger games
-harry potter
don humes (tbitb)
gilbert blythe (awae)
jerry baynard (awae)
cameron james (10tihay)
mischa bachinski (rtc)
and there are many more.
✰ I mostly write fluff and sometimes write angst i prefer to stay away from angst because reading and write is my escape from some upsetting topics and i don't wanna make myself said but, I will write it for you. I don't usually write nsfw and I prob won't depending on the request
✰ I can write of certain reader types (goth, super feminine, curly hair, etc.) but, if it's topics i'm not super familiar with such as readers with mental health problems i may not write the request or it may take me some more time so i can do some research.
✰ I will not write racism, homophobia, transphobia, incest, r*pe, ped*philia, abuse. if requested you will be blocked
✰ I mostly write for female or gn readers but, unless requested otherwise I try to keep everything gender neutral.
✰ I try to keep my blog pretty clean and family friendly(tho there is some cursing)so keep that in mind when requesting.
✰ I wish to keep my place a safe and kind space so don't be a dick, please.
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
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“As you have always been the friend of my dear husband, I now pray you may be the friend of his Son. I send him down to be placed in a Country house, your Opinion which counting house will be the best suited to him will have weight.
He is young and alone your goodness I trust will Excuse the request I make that you will have an Eye upon him, and could you permit him sometimes to accompany you in your walks, that he might hear from you thou just sometimes of Religion as well as thou on Other subjects that have always marked your character. The Grievous Affliction I am under will be added the trembling mother’s anxiety for her child least he should fall in to evil.  I have every assurance from him that he will be careful of himself but New York has a thousand snares for an unprotected young man.
Remember me to Mr. Baynard family.
I remain with Esteem
E. Hamilton
You will be so good as to see Mr. Pendleton on this subject”
(source — Elizabeth Hamilton to Matthew Clarkson, [September 17, 1804])
So, it seems Elizabeth was trying to find a mentor to help with Alexander Jr. It's clear that Elizabeth was struggling with her duty as a mother to help her children get educated and fly out of the nest, but was also unnerved by anxiety about letting Alex Jr out of her grasp. Also, remember when I said Elizabeth was very adamant about religion to her children?
The truth is; it was a family moral of Hamilton's that he wanted the family to always be together. So, Elizabeth is clearly trying to keep Hamilton's virtues alive in the family. And is even dissuading Alex Jr from becoming a merchant like his father wanted because that means he would have to travel away.
But additionally, she seems to fear letting Alex out on his own, likely because of what happened to Philip, with her statement; “The Grievous Affliction I am under will be added the trembling mother’s anxiety for her child least he should fall in to evil.  I have every assurance from him that he will be careful of himself but New York has a thousand snares for an unprotected young man.”
But this also may imply Alex was a slightly rebellious kid, or maybe he was just eager to run off and start his career. As we all know the tale of when he sailed off to Spain and the military, leaving young James behind to care for their sickly mother and help her with the finances and expenses of the property. It just adds salt to the wound to know Elizabeth tried so hard to protect him and keep him with the family, but he ran off regardless once abled to.
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isefyres-archive · 8 months
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Taena Of Myr, also known as Taena Merryweather, is the Myrish wife of Lord Orton Merryweather, and is the Lady of Longtable. They have one child, Russell. Companion and friend of Queen Cersei Lannister.
Ser Osney Kettleblack is the youngest of the Kettleblack brothers. He is the son of Oswell Kettleblack and he has two brothers, Ser Osmund and Osfryd Kettleblack, a sworn sword of Queen Cersei and sometimes his lover, he was accused of being Queen Margaery's lover and imprisoned in the Keep.
Lady Myranda Royce called Randa, is the daughter of Lord Nestor Royce, the High Steward of the Vale. he is good friends with Mya Stone, one of her father's retainers. In the abscence of her father, Myranda is the acting Lady of the Gates of the Moon in the Vale.
Lady Delena Florent. the mother of Edric Storm and niece to Lord Alester Florent. She is married to Ser Hosman Norcross and has two children by him, Alester and Renly. She was one of Robert Baratheon's lovers During the wedding of Lord Stannis Lady Selyse Florent, King Robert I Baratheon carried Delena, who was one of Selyse's bedmaids, upstairs to the bedroom of Lord Stannis. This coupling eventually led to the birth of Edric Storm. Because Delena had been a maiden of noble birth when Robert slept with her, he had to acknowledge the child as his bastard.
Prince Lysandro Orthys of Lys. One of the ruling princes of Lys and part of House Orthys. They trace their bloodline directly to Old Valyria and they are bankers and masters of coin. Lysandro is a supporter of the Golden Company and was persuaded by Jon Connington to support Young Griff/Aegon in his quest for the Throne. He offered his sister Narcyssa as a lover for Aegon, wanting the prestige of the dragon blood.
Princess Narcyssa Orthys of Lys. Master of Whispers and a Priestess of the Lysani Gods. She was offered by her brother as a bedwarmer for Aegon Targaryen and is part of the emboy travelling to Westeros. She is tasked to find a way to get the dragon blood into her family in order to be able to bond with dragons.
Lady Khorina Rogere. Noblewoman of House Rogere, once a great house of Lys but fallen into grace after years. Khorina owns a pleasure house for the Elite and one of her girls, Doreah was send to Prince Viserys as his lover and handmaiden of Daenerys. Khorina supports Queen Daenerys for the Throne.
Lady Reina Horpe. Daughter of Richard Horpe, Reina is the heir of her father and currently remains at the Stormlands. She is at Griffin's Roost when Jon Connington takes seige of the castle. She is a vocal supporter of her father's choice to back King Stannis and thus, she remains a "guest" under supervision.
Lord Rolland Storm known as the Bastard of Nightsong, is a knight of House Caron. He is the bastard son of the late Lord Bryen Caron of Nightsong and the half-brother of Lord Bryce Caron. He worships the Warrior, an aspect of the Faith of the Seven, with a faith as fierce as he is. After the death of Lord Bryce at the Blackwater, Rolland disputes the title of Lord of Nightsong.
Lady Guinevere Dayne, the younger sister of Ser Gerold Dayne, nicknamed Nightstar is part of the Dayne's of High Hermitage. She travels to pledge to Princess Arianne to forgive her brother, although she does not think he was the one who killed Ser Arys. Guinevere has lilac eyes and like all the Dayne's of High Hermitage, she has two colored hair. Black with white streaks.
Ser Baynard Norcross is a knight of House Norcross at Highgarden. he travels to King's Landing as part of Lady Margaery's emboy and is one of her knights. Bayard is named by Taena of Myr as being among the group of young knights who give their attentions to Queen Margaery Tyrell. He is eventually fred and send to Highgarden.
Lady Seline Florent. Bastard sister of Queen Selyse, she was legitimized by her father and made a Lady of the House. She attends to Lady Melisandre and travels to the North with King Stannis. Seline is known for having a strange hair, naturally shaded a dark violet. Many think it's an omen.
Lady Hestyna Flint of the First Flints. Sister of Donnel Flint, Hestyna is known for her magical greenseer qualities, she self proclaimed herself a priestess of the Old Gods and is known to give magical favors in exchange of coin or favor to those in the North. Hestyna is also a healer.
Cletus Yronwood is a knight of House Yronwood, the son and heir of Lord Anders Yronwood of Yronwood. Cletus is one of Prince Quentyn Martell's closest friends. Cletus is among Prince Quentyn Martell's traveling companions on his mission to meet with Daenerys Targaryen in the Free Cities.
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#Repost Deborah Harkness FB page SHADOW OF NIGHT read along chapters 13-15 “It looks like a demented hedgehog,” I observed. The London skyline was filled with needle like spires that stuck up from the huddle of buildings that surrounded them. “What is that?” I gasped, pointing to a vast expanse of stone pierced by tall windows. High above the wooden roof was a charred, stout stump that made the building’s proportions look all wrong.” -SHADOW OF NIGHT “The Hart and Crown, the residence in which Diana and Matthew had rooms in Tudor London, was on Water Lane in Blackfriars. In a city as cramped as London was at that time, they were lucky to have the spacious apartment they did, including the hidden archive room that Matthew revealed to Diana, decorated with strange hanging files filled with de Clermont family secrets. Water Lane would have been a bustling, narrow street, with creaking signs on each dwelling denoting the services for sale in the wide array of shops. The Hawleys, a shoemaker and his wife with whom Diana and Matthew shared the building, appear in the historical records of the period, living and working in Blackfriars, and the building’s complex was a community within a community. With so little remaining of the old Elizabethan city today, Water Lane has long since been renamed and built over. To imagine what the Hart and Crown might have been like, you can look at Staple Inn (situated in Holborn, northwest of Blackfriars), built in 1585. This is one of the few remaining Tudor buildings that has survived fire and war and has the same timber-framed façade and inner courtyard that the Hart and Crown would have had.” THE WORLD OF ALL SOULS, pg 213-214 In 2012, Deb did a walking tour of London with Headline Books, to show some of the sites that are in SHADOW OF NIGHT. You can watch it here https://youtu.be/t3nruTVx25U Cat #ShadowOfNightreadalong2022 #TheWorldOfAllSouls #SONch13 #SONch14 #SONch15 Image of late sixteenth-century London, showing St. Paul's Cathedral in the center, Baynard's castle on the river to its left, and the Blackfriars to the left of Baynard's castle. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClBrl9xMo5-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gavotte-paradisio · 2 months
Don't feel forced to right now (or literally at all) but that one rp we did however long ago now has made me kinda interested to know more about Baynard, and I was kinda wondering if you could ramble about him a bit? Like I'm pretty sure you mentioned in said rp that he'd been akumatized, and admittedly I'm kinda curious to know about that (as well as literally anything else)
Again, don't feel forced to talk about him rn/at all lol
Alright, for those of you who don't know, this is a mutual of a few years of mine from Quotev and we met due to the Miraculous Ladybug fandom.
Baynard Travers is a Miraculous Ladybug OC I made partway through watching the first three seasons (I know it was before I got to Timetagger), and I created him as a heroic successor to Hawkmoth.
Some things about him that I think the asker would like to know:
The story I thought about his akumatization: after he was paralyzed, he started learning card games to have something to do. His family has an annual game night, and this year he was finally planning to beat his uncle, but he used a shady tactic to beat Baynard. He got akumatized into a card-themed supervillain named Ace, and his legs were supported by braces attached to roller skates.
Speaking of mobility, when I made him, I was fascinated by the way the miraculous and akumas made their holders/infected stronger, but not superman-level super strength. So with a paraplegic holder/infected, a miraculous or Akuma (or kamiko) would give him the strength to move, but not the ability to support his entire weight. To make up for that, the Akuma turned his wheelchair into leg brace roller skates, while the butterfly miraculous turns it into wings.
One more thing: his personality is sort of a milder, kinder version of Gabriel. He's also a creative (he draws as a hobby/side job), and is kind of hard on himself in the way Gabriel is hard on others. So sometimes when he starts spiraling, Nooroo gets scared. But it usually turns out okay. He wants to be a clinical psychologist when he grows up, so he's helping Nooroo work through their trauma.
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fallin4fiction · 7 months
Tate Legacy: Gen 1 Completes its Aspiration and Expands
Essie completed the Property Owner aspiration after becoming friends with Aqua Song. She then sold the apartments so her family could have more money to expand their home. Especially since she and Jonathan had another son named Josiah.
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As teens, Jackson dated Wren Grove’s little sister, Tanvi, while Jovie didn’t have as much luck finding anyone, but she did briefly date a guy who came out of the wishing well. Also, Essie took on a job in business since she was no longer a landlord.
As Young Adults, Jovie met a guy through the met and mingle app named Fabian Baynard. He thought she was rather charming and they got along well enough.
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He soon moved in but hated her family’s decor, so they got a place of their own. He got a job in tech while she was working on a degree from Britchester. Sadly, she had no wishes for a child at the moment…even though she’s the heir!
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Jovie’s brother sent news that he and Tanvi got engaged…and Fabian got a call about an inheritance with a stipulation and decided to ask Jovie to marry him.
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They got married at the same place Jovie’s parents did.
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After trying and failing to have a baby, Jovie and Fabian had a science baby, a baby girl named Francesca. ( here's the creative picture Fabian took of her through the front window)
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mindyabusines · 5 years
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the way he puts his hand on top of hers when she grabs his arm 🥺🥺 Jerry and Diana have all my uwu’s PERIOD
gif credit goes to @cayzaka
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donneko · 5 years
One day, I’m good enough.
This is my first Short Story in English, so please be gentle. (But fair critics are welcome) After my brief thought on Jerry Baynard, I really wanted to make a little story out of it. Here we go...
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Rien n'a jamais fait autant de mal ...
With the book of Frankenstein and the porcelain poodle at his feet, which lay in the dirt, the young Baynard stood in front of the bridge on which the otherwise charming Diana Barry left him standing. Jerry had lowered his eyes to the gifts he had given Diana. That's exactly how he felt. As if she lifted him up and now threw it back exactly where he belongs; in the dirt. It hurt so incredibly that he felt every breath burning in his throat as soon as she had turned her heel to stalk across the bridge. The tré charming girl left a tré blessé boy behind.
If Diana turned to Jerry only once, she would have seen that he was standing there petrified and not moving. It is like it is. She had broken his heart. You couldn't talk it over or appease it. His eyes on the floor, focused on his shabby gifts, he wiped his eyes with his arm. He wanted to keep those tears back that shone in his dark brown eyes, which tied up his throat. No, he didn't want to cry. He wanted to be strong, not let it get him down and not lose his value, as Anne might say - just with a flowerier choice of words. For a few breaths he could pull himself together until it overpowered him, his whole body trembled, that he could hardly breathe and so he gasped. And all of a sudden, he couldn't stop the warm tears that soaked his sleeves.
It wasn't like Jerry isn't used to being treated like dirt. Little frog, frog-eater, dirty Frenchman, street dog and what else came to mind for the honorable residents of Avonlea - so there was a whole list that was thrown against the young Baynard before he got his job on Green Gables, so fewer people enjoyed in humiliating him when he was on the street selling newspapers. He hated the city. Jerry has been pushed around for years and not just beaten twice, but four times. The first time for what he is; a little Frenchman with dirty clothes who hardly knew a word of English at the time. The second time because they weren't satisfied with his work. The third time because he was stupid and careless, so he got robbed. The fourth time because he wanted to stand up for someone he liked. Because he wanted to do something right, just once in his life. But none of this has ever hurt as much as this moment. Looking at his origins, it was actually only a matter of time before the rich upper-class girl dropped him, to face a better future he could never offer her. What was he thinking? What hopes had he ever had?
Living in Avonlea, for someone who had to learn the local language with difficulty, without having been to school and always working, was not uncommon to be insulted and treated in this way. They were a large family with three brothers and three sisters who live in a wooden cabin with only one room. Ordinary trappers and the lowest working class. He could never have anything of great value. But Diana knew all that. She knew how he lived and yet ... had she only played with him? Was he a fun pastime until he got too stupid for Diana or better doors opened for her? Was he the first boy she gave some hope? Or was he already the second or even third, who got lost in her fawn eyes and thought he had fallen head over heels in love?
He couldn't even blame Diana for leaving him here. What could the Farmboy of Green Gables ever offer her? Would she want to live in a house where everyone sleeps in one room? Hardly likely! Jerry had seen her aunt Josephine live. In this big house that looked like a palace. With a servant and the many rooms and all the pretty clothes, as well as the most expensive jewelry that could be imagined. It was an incredibly beautiful and carefree life where you never had to worry about not having enough food for the next day.
In the end, he was just the farm boy who is not good enough for a girl like Diana. There was nothing to shake about it. That's the reality. Jerry was a simple apple that could be found everywhere, on every tree in Avonlea, and Diana was a fruity, sweet-smelling, expensive orange, the taste of which he had only gotten once.
But could it be that simple? Couldn't it be that one day he's ... good enough? In his mind he heard the voice of Anne steadily, to knight him or giving him a map, so he can be a adventurer who travels the world because ... anything is possible. Maybe Anne was right. Maybe everything is possible! Carried by these words, his feet led him to a door of a young woman who gave him exactly that feeling when he looked into her brown eyes.
„Miss Stacy, forgive me for the disturbance, I ...“, as soon as the door to the small wooden hut opened, where he was knocking and stepping nervously from one foot to the other, this request for which he came for, was unspeakable. Oh sacrément, what was he thinking? Completely rushed, his eyes flushed with tears, he stood here and did not know where to start. „Um, Jerry, right? What a surprise. What brings you to me?“ A kind and so warm smile came from Miss Stacy's lips that the right words that came to his mind on the way here, got stuck in his throat. The smile on her lips persisted as the boy, who towered over her head, faced her at the entrance to her house. The young Farmboy at Green Gables had never met her before. Not so directly, not personally, and certainly not in front of her door in the early summer evening.
„I thought, well, I was wondering if maybe you could ... help me? I already learned something. Anne, she - she taught me to read and write. Well, I'm not really good at it, but I can do a little bit of that ...“ Jerry joked nervously, sliding more and more into the French accent, as he got unsecure. During his indistinct stammering, Jerry pulled the cap from his head out of courtesy, which was convenient for him now because he was kneading it in his hands. „You want to learn something? Go to school? That's excellent“, said Miss Stacy with joy, who in this case did not seem to really understand where the problem was. Whereby she had noticed the reddened eyes long ago, which gleamed suspiciously after shedding tears. „You can start right away next year. Together with the rest of the class“, Miss Stacy offered for the next school year, whereupon the initial smile faded from Jerry, who became more aware of his situation. „No, I can not do that … I-I have to work, Miss Stacy ... Pardon, I shouldn't have asked, that was stupid of me ...“, Jerry stammered back, as he did so often when he thought he was wrong. „Oh, of course, I understand. Then in the evening, after work“, she promptly said to bring Jerry, who had already put on the cap, to flee from the unpleasant situation back into the conversation.
The way he stood in front of her door, barely able to lift his head, to look the young woman in the eye, as he stuttered with nervousness, made an extremely pitiful and sad impression on Jerry. She hadn't seen him often - but she hadn't remembered the French boy so depressed.
„Merci, Miss Stacy. I don't have much, but I ...“,  with another deep breath, Jerry pulled out a bag that was already telling treacherously. It didn't sound like much, but it sounded like it was all he had. Miss Stacy shook her head immediately as soon as she took the hand with the purse in her hands to push it away. „That is not necessary“, she said with a loving smile, as well as her brown eyes looked at the boy. „You come over whenever you have time, and then we'll see. I'm more than happy to be able to help you, Jerry.“ With that admonishing look that raised her eyebrows, she indicated that he should put the hard-earned coins back in.
„Merci beaucoup. I don't know how I should ever thank you for that“, a relieved smile flitted across the sad face. For Miss Stacy, however, it goes without saying, for which he would never have to thank her. Especially not with his hard earned money.
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humanoidtyphoons · 7 months
to some extent, i want baynard&lucia to be wrong about ricon, is the thing.
"assume he knows everything." baynard says to lucia about her being a fairy.
but everything?
how did ricon become aware of octavia's plan to try and rescue quinn, and then meticulously time it to also be the time to murder reimund and kirsi?
it just... idk. feels a lil too convenient that i want it to be a red herring.
yeah, i imagine reimund is on ricon's shitlist after their argument, after ricon realizes that reimund is no longer under his thumb.
but. hey. even if i sort of believe that it's the case myself, i do kind of want there to be a moment where ricon gasps dramatically and says: "me???? try to kill my family?? i would never!!"
i'm not saying that ricon's a good man, i do think he could and would willingly murder his family under the right circumstances, tho i'd be interested in a version that is like "well i can gaslight and manipulate my family members however i like! but murder them? now that goes against my principles!"
maybe it's just the way it's being presented, just... flattens ricon as a character to me. it's a bit boring at how quick ricon was to act, for one supposed to be a chess master, and for one who enjoys a challenge, i'd rather he'd have been closer to the end of his rope. instead, he kinda rushed it, and i'm not sure the stars lined up for him that neatly to be believeable.
something like that, but not quite.
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psst-carrots · 4 years
jerry, after crying for awhile: it’s like i have no moisture in my body
jerry: i am
jerry: dead inside
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seawolvesanddragons · 4 years
Might just mess around and rewatch all of Anne with an E today
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