#out of character ╲ when you play the game › mun.
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isefyres-archive · 1 year ago
finally made a few bios:
princess orysa baratheon (oc).
lady elyra brax (oc).
lady barbara bracken.
lady mara mormont (oc).
ser edmund blackwood.
ser arthur dayne.
balerion blackfyre (oc).
elmon tully (semi-canon).
ser terrick tarbeck (oc).
lady cerenna lannister.
ser daven lannister.
lady fuchsia fylgjar (oc).
lady jeyne poole.
king viserys i targaryen (fire and blood).
lady cassandra baratheon (fire and blood).
lady eleana vyrwel (oc).
lady desmera redwyne.
princess gaia of haen, commander of lysani armies (oc).
queen rhaenys i targaryen (conquest).
val of the free folk.
lady alysanne lefford.
lady claypso upcliff (oc).
ser wallace waynwood.
sigorn of thenn, magnar of thenn.
lady laena velaryon (fire and blood).
lord orys baratheon (conquest).
lady guienvere dayne (oc).
king aegon i targaryen (conquest).
princess argella durrandon (conquest).
lady ashara dayne.
lady lyanna stark.
lord addam whitehead.
lady quira qorgyle (oc).
prince jacaerys targaryen/velaryon. (fire and blood).
princess rhaena targaryen (fire and blood).
princess arianne martell.
lady medysa webber (oc).
lady alynne connington.
lord alyn velaryon (fire and blood).
lady rhea royce (fire and blood).
lady serafia celtigar (fire and blood).
lord clement celtigar (fire and blood).
lady mysaria (fire and blood).
aurane waters.
lady florya royce (oc, fire and blood).
kyra kingsblood (free folk, semi canon).
doreah of lys.
lord ardrian celtigar.
lady tessaria velaryon (oc).
lord crispian celtigar (conquest).
lady obsidia celtigar (oc, conquest).
lady elinda massey (fire and blood).
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isefyres-archive · 10 months ago
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𝔪𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔱𝔬 𝔭𝔩𝔞𝔶 𝔦𝔫 𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔥 𝔢𝔯𝔞:
conquest: rhaenys targaryen, obsidia celtigar, orys baratheon. jaeherys era: baelon targaryen, alaric stark, viserra targaryen, alyssa targaryen. dance era: rhaena targaryen, laena velaryon, jace velaryon, mysaria (on her blog), cregan stark (on his blog), sara snow (on her blog), cassandra baratheon, lea tyrell, morthen vagnaron. after the dance: aegon iii targaryen, myrmadora haen, jaehera targaryen, viserys ii targaryen, larra rogere, sycorax celtigar. rebellion: rhaegar targaryen, arthur dayne, ashara dayne, elia martell. asoiaf era: balerion blackfyre, thena celtigar, laena longwaters, jeyne farman, sebaston farman, oberyn martell, quira qorgyle, harmen uller,allyria dayne, jeyne fowler, tyene sand, ellaria sand, edric dayne, jeyne poole, mara mormont, howland reed, alys karstark, jorah mormont, larence snow, loras tyrell, willas tyrell, elinor tyrell, desmera redwyne, megga tyrell, alyna ashford, roslin frey, edmure tully, barbara bracken, joanna swfyt, doreah, sariah, lysandro orthys, irri, nika elizan,ember assharis.
if you want to interact with some of this muses, do like this post and reply which ones and i'll try to come up with something.
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isefyres-archive · 11 months ago
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Alyssa set the standard for women who marry targaryens.
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isefyres-archive · 11 months ago
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𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔰 (𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔫𝔬𝔱 𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔰)
Princess Shireen Baratheon: Shireen Baratheon is a noblewoman of House Baratheon of Dragonstone, and is the daughter and only child of Lord Stannis Baratheon and Lady Selyse Florent. Greyscale has left half of her left cheek and most of her neck covered in cracked and flaking, grey and black stony skin. She has suffered from nightmares since infancy. Stannis's army and retinue travels from Dragonstone to the Wall to respond to the wildling threat. At the Wall, he leaves Shireen at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea with her mother, while his army marches to Castle Black. After her father's death, she remains in the North under The North care and request to be send to Dorne to her cousin, wanting to refute her father's claims about Myrcella. Canon. Song Era.
Lord Edric Dayne: Edric Dayne, also known as Ned, is the Lord of Starfall and the head of House Dayne. His father, Gwayne Dayne is the elder brother of Ser Arthur, Lady Ashara, and Lady Allyria Dayne. Edric serves as the squire of Beric Dondarrion, Lord of Blackhaven. Edric's mother did not have enough milk for him when he was born, so he was nursed by Wylla, a servant at Starfall. At some point, Edric was told that Wylla was the mother of Jon Snow, the bastard of Lord Eddard Stark. Edric attempts to befriend a wary Arya during the brotherhood's travels, and her friend Gendry is scornful of their interactions. Ned tells Arya more about his family, and he is surprised that her father never spoke of Edric's aunt Ashara committing suicide over her broken heart. Ned hesitantly tells Arya that his aunt Allyria told him that Ashara and Eddard fell in love at the tourney at Harrenhal. Edric is back in Dorne. Canon. Song Era.
Edric Storm: Edric Storm is the bastard son of King Robert I Baratheon and Delena Florent. Edric is a sturdily attractive youth, with jet-black hair and deep blue eyes. He resembles his father, King Robert I, and has the characteristic hair, eyes, jaw, and cheekbones of House Baratheon. Edric also has the large ears common to House Florent. Edric was conceived by King Robert I Baratheon and Delena on the wedding night of Lord Stannis Baratheon to Selyse Florent, Delena's cousin, in the couple's wedding bed. Stannis saw this as an insult to his honor, so he sent Edric to Storm's End to foster with the boy's other uncle, Renly Baratheon. As Delena was a noblewoman, Edric was acknowledged by his father. Edric sails across the narrow sea past the Stepstones to Essos on the Mad Prendos with Andrew and other protectors. He is hiding in Lys. Canon. Song Era.
Mya Stone: Mya Stone is a young woman serving House Royce of the Gates of the Moon. She is the eldest of King Robert I Baratheon's bastards. Mya serves as a guide on the treacherous rocky climb from the Vale to the Eyrie, leading trains of mules, such as Whitey. She also transports foodstuffs from the foot of the Giant's Lance to the Eyrie. Mya is somewhat openly known to be the bastard daughter of the king, although she was not acknowledged by her father. She has vague memories of him, as a big strong man tossing her in the air and catching her. Myranda Royce reveals to "Alayne Stone" that Mya lost her virginity to Mychel. Mya still hoped for marriage, till the newly-knighted Mychel was ordered by his father, Lord Horton Redfort, to marry Ysilla Royce, daughter of Lord Yohn Royce of Runestone. Canon. Song Era.
Gendry Baratheon: Gendry is a blacksmith apprentice for Master Tobho Mott in King's Landing. He does not know he is a bastard son of King Robert I Baratheon until later when captured by Melisandre and the truth is revealed, his blood used in a ritual. Gendry looks like a young Renly Baratheon, albeit with a squarer jaw, bushier brows, and tangled hair. He has since been legitimized and inherited all titles held by his father before Robert became king, and appointed the new Warden of the South. Gendry is not the eldest of the bastards and by all means, he supports his "sister" Myrcella for lady of Storm's End but he also reclaims his sibligns as his own, rebuilding House Baratheon under a new sigil, changing the colors to the inverted ones, considering the house is now mostly bastards. Canon. Song Era.
Joy Hill: She is the bastard daughter of Gerion Lannister. According to her cousin Jaime, Joy is a sweet child, but a lonely one since her father Gerion disappeared. As part of the pact between Lord Tywin Lannister and Lord Walder Frey concerning the betrayal of Robb Stark in the Red Wedding, Joy is to wed a natural son of Walder from House Frey once she is older. After the siege of Riverrun, Lady Sybell Spicer mentions to Ser Jaime Lannister that his late father, Tywin, had promised a bride from Casterly Rock for her eldest son, Ser Raynald Westerling. Because Sybell mentions "joy", Jaime thinks Tywin intended for Joy Hill to marry Raynald. Sybell is angered at the idea of her son marrying a bastard. Joy would prefer the handsom Raynald as a husband. Eventually, Joy is send to Dorne alongside Myrcella new sworn sword so she would become less gloom and safety. Canon. Song Era.
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isefyres-archive · 1 year ago
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what celtigar/targaryen union babies would look if targaryens weren't so elitist.
and some celtigar/velaryon.
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isefyres-archive · 1 year ago
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Lord Crispian Celtigar was the Lord of Claw Isle and head of House Celtigar during the reign of King Aegon I Targaryen. He served as the first master of coin. After Aegon was crowned as King of All Westeros, he established the first small council and Crispian was named the first master of coin. In that office, he advised Aegon on matters relating to taxation, debts, and incomes. Canon.
Lord Alton Celtigar was the Lord of Claw Isle and the head of House Celtigar during the reign of King Aegon I Targaryen after his father Crispian. Alton was named Hand of the King by King Aegon I Targaryen, following the resignation of Lord Edmyn Tully in 9 AC. Alton served ably as Hand until he died from natural causes in 17 AC. He was succeeded as Hand by Ser Osmund Strong. Edwell Celtigar, was his nephew by his sister Obsidia, he succeeded him as head of House Celtigar during Maegor's Rule. Canon.
Lady Obsidia Celtigar was the only daughter of Lord Crispian and joined the offorts in the conquest. She managed a small fleet on the sea and arranged Claw Isle as it is today. She became a companion to Queen Rhaenys and upon her death, her father proposed her as a second bride but the King never took a second wife again. Obsidia eventually would marry a Stormlander and have a son, Edwell who would succeed her brother as Lord of House Celtigar. OC.
Lord Clement Celtigar. Canon. was the Lord of Claw Isle and the head of House Celtigar during the late part of the Dance of the Dragons. He was the son and heir of Lord Bartimos Celtigar and a supporter of Queen Rhaenyra. Clement became the Lord of Claw Isle after the death of his father during the riot in King's Landing in 130 AC. He would later serve during the ascension of Aegon III and Viserys II, and propose his own daughters as brides but both proposals were rejected despite having aided in the war.
Lady Serafia Celtigar. OC. Youngest daughgter of Bartimos Celtigar and an attendant to Queen Rhaenyra when she becomes Queen, however, due to the war, she is send back to Claw Isle to secure it and make it a safe haven for refuges. Serafia was a potential bride to King Viserys I alongside Laena for his second wife but the match, as usual was rejected. Serafia is the one who begins a log of every item of magic and collection that House Celtigar has, having visions that some of them might help in the future.
Lord Ardrian Celtigar. Canon. known as the Red Crab, is the Lord of Claw Isle and the head of House Celtigar. Ardrian is known for his avarice and his wealth. He is considered a sour old man. Prideful of his house and bitter over the years of mistreatment from the other Valyrian Houses, Ardrian remains quiet on his opinions regarding Valeryons and Targaryens. As a vassal of Dragonstone, Lord Ardrian supports Stannis Baratheon when he lays claim to the Iron Throne, but without real enthusiasm. He is forced to bend the knee to Joffrey, again without real enthusiasm. House Celtigar's wealth is said to be greater than Lannister in gold.
Ser Atlas Celtigar. OC. Atlas is Ardrian eldest son, currently in Essos, hoping to get close to Asshai and the shadowlands, seeking the Origin of Magic and Old Valyria. He wille ventually cross paths with the Dragon Queen, however, Atlas does not give away his ideas and thoughts regarding the house before him. Though he does make it clear that House Celtigar has suffered being sidelined by the other two houses and sees the Rebellion and the Dance as some sort of fate or karma for denying Celtigar blood.
Lady Regent Odessa Celtigar. OC. While her father is in King's Landing, forced to bend the knee, Odessa remains at Claw Isle and secures the isle itself for any future attacks and acts as Regent of her house in abscence of her father and brother. Odessa was a prospect bride for Prince Viserys III when she was a child, despite being only 3 when the Rebellion broke out.
Details about Celtigars:
One of the wealthiest families in Westeros and very reluctant to give away in loans. Very strict when asking for money or favors back.
Most Celtigar women have been offered as wives to Targaryen Kings and even Velaryon men but often refused as Celtigars were not on the same status in Valyria as the other two houses, this is why Celtigars are not dragonriders.
They possess a Valyrian forged axe, a mythical horn that can summon krakens from the seas as well sea dragons.
Their eyes are a shade of Bixbite, Jade and some do share purple tones like the rest of the Valyrians. This is because most Celtigars descend more from families from the Empire of the Dawn and Ghiscari Empires.
During the Dance, they were on the side of the Blacks.
During Aegon's Conquest, they offered their daughter Obsidia asa second wife to Aegon after the death of Rhaenys but the offer was refused.
They often hold position of treasures or masters of coins.
Claw Isle is highly secured with valyrian steel and one of the few rare places where it remains in Westeros besides swords.
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isefyres-archive · 10 months ago
what i hate is that the upcoming season of hotd is gonna rise. . .tensions and some perhaps unsavoury comments. this is why i'm very picky with who i roleplay the dance era. i feel it's too nuisance and in my opinion, only 10% of that book could be consider canon considering the multiple narrators, the unreliable of it all and the fact it's written years after what happened.
y'all hot.d muses scare me mostly because i do see that people are passionate about where they characters are right or wrong (and bare in mind i do have a pretty clean cut opinion on the matter, by a simple matter of law and how it worked on a medieval landscape while keeping in mind this is a fantasy show).
it's like we are forgetting this is ASOIAF, and barely anyone remains good and those who do, suffer and are changed for it. god forbid a character like jaime existed in that timeline because you would all chew one another over if he good or bad (he is a third secret thing, a grey character! with layers and growth and flaws!)
all of this ramble to say that if i see too much negativity on either side, i will be softblocking. i have already seen some takes that make me uncomfortable so pleas,e be mindful, remember to tag things properly, spoilers as such, opinions as opinions, negativity as negativity and so on.
and this is a decision i made based on my own comfort. i haven't rped like this and felt so comfortable in a fandom in a long time, but seeing the opinions (and it's not like the opinions are nuisance and layers, they are biased) on my dash really do make me not want to log in. so i hope you all understand. you can have your opinions, but tag all properly, specially in such a show that stirrs so many emotions.
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isefyres-archive · 10 months ago
everyone at the trailer:
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isefyres-archive · 10 months ago
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cregan my man you need a beard, don't you know northern men are 100% more effective with one.
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isefyres-archive · 10 months ago
place your bets, is it rhae? i think it's her
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isefyres-archive · 1 year ago
I'll make a little graphic all pretty later but matches that never came to be (unless in aus i'm writing ofc):
king aegon i targaryen - lady obsidia celtigar: after queen rhaenys died, people thought he would take another wife per valyrian costume. he never did, though some say she might had been his lover at one point.
king jaeherys targaryen - unknown celtigar lady: the marriage was fleetingly proposed, but once again, the targaryens chose one of their own to wed.
king viserys i targaryen - lady serafia celtigar: after the death of aemma, alongside lady laena she was proposed as a bride, but she was still too young, and alicent was chosen as his second wife.
prince daemon targaryen - lady serafia celtigar: bartimons thought perhaps the prince would find his daughter suitable but by the time the crab lord came around to court, lady laena and prince daemon were rumored to have eloped.
ser addam velaryon - lady serafia celtigar: rumored to be lovers and addam is the rumored father of serafia's daughter.
prince daeron targaryen - lady nyxa celtigar: despite being closer in age to prince aemond, she was offered as a potential bride to prince daeron, however any talks of it died down the moment the civil war begna. nyxa would later marry a lysani prince.
king aegon iii targaryen - lady baeleria celtigar : the legitimized daughter of addam and lady serafia, she was present at the maiden's ball to choose a second bride for aegon but was outshined by her cousin, daenera.
king viserys ii targaryen - lady sycorax celtigar: after larra rogere fled king's landing leaving the king with his kids, sycorax was offered as a companion for the children, specially for the king to see she could be a good mother and potential bride and queen for the king.
queen rhaella targaryen - lord ardrian celtigar: briefly proposed, as always to expand the superstitions that the targaryens were cursed and ardrian was closer in age to the queen than aerys but the thought was put aside.
prince viserys iii targaryen - lady odessa celtigar: closer in age to the second prince, a proposal was being made before the rebellion came to be. the proposal was send to essos after the after despite the exile of the prince, but it was never known if viserys got it.
princess daenerys targaryen - lord atlas celtigar: despite being the same age as viserys, when the doctors confirmed it was a girl, an arrangement was made, perhaps the first time one would come to be. rebellion came to be and all plans fled.
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isefyres-archive · 1 year ago
get this. . .ken watanabe
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isefyres-archive · 11 months ago
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𝔑𝔢𝔴 𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔪𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰:
Captain Hallis Mollen: called Hal, is a member of the household guard of Lord Eddard Stark at Winterfell. Hallis is muscular and has a square brown beard. He has a tendency to state the obvious and has a loose tongue. During the battle in the Whispering Wood, Hallis personally commands the guards protecting Catelyn, after asking for the honor. Robb, now King in the North, sends Hallis, twenty guards, and five lordlings to protect Catelyn when she goes south to meet Renly Baratheon and negotiate a possible alliance. At Winterfell, Barbrey Dustin, Lady of Barrowton, tells Theon that should Ned Stark's bones emerge from the Neck, the escorts will be prevented from going north of Barrowton. Carrying the remains of Eddard Stark and aware of the taking of Winterfell, Hallis makes the order to go to Castle Black to Jon Snow. Canon. Song Era.
Queen Jeyne Westerling : is the eldest daughter of Lord Gawen Westerling and Lady Sybell Spicer. Robb Stark, the Young Wolf, agrees to marry a daughter of Lord Walder Frey as part of the alliance between Houses Stark and Frey. Jeyne's father, Lord Gawen Westerling, is captured by Robb's army captures during the battle in the Whispering Wood and held at Seagard. During the westerlands expedition of Robb, now the King in the North, his army storms the Crag, the ancestral keep of House Westerling. Since Robb is wounded by an arrow, Jeyne's mother, Sybell, and uncle, Ser Rolph Spicer, encourage the girl to nurse the Young Wolf. While recuperating at the Crag, Robb receives a message that his younger brothers, Bran and Rickon, have been killed by his former friend, Theon Greyjoy, who captured Winterfell. Jeyne comforts Robb in his grief and they sleep together. To protect her honor he marries her the next day, but the marriage leads directly to the break-up of Robb's alliance with Lord Walder. Canon. Song Era.
Lady Regent Allyria Dayne: Allyria Dayne is a noblewoman of House Dayne, and according to semi-canon sources the younger sibling of Ser Arthur Dayne and Lady Ashara Dayne. She is the aunt of the young Edric Dayne, Lord of Starfall, whose father was her older brother. Having been revived several times by Thoros of Myr, Lord Beric Dondarrion admits that he has forgotten the hair color of the woman he was pledged to marry. With Berric dead, the alliance with House Dondarrion dies with him. Regardless, Allyria offers Princess Arianne safeguard at Starfall as well, backs up a second plan if she wished to Crown Princess Myrcella again. Allyria is under the impression that her sister, Ashara was in love with Ned Stark and thus, has no ill thoughts toward the man or the North. Canon. Song Era.
Lady Myrielle Lannister. Daughter of Genna Lannister, having been born out of wedlock after the death of Genna's husband, she bore the name Lannister instead of Frey. Myrielle often felt neglected by her aunt' paying more attention to Jaime and Cersei than to herself and thus, she was often spending her days with other lesser Houses or her cousin Joy Hill, to the dismay of her mother, as she made friendship with a bastard. She is send reluctantly to King's Landing to become a lady companion of her ocusin when Tommen is crowned King. OC. Song Era.
Lady Mellario of Norvos: Lady Mellario is a noblewoman of the Free City of Norvos, and the estranged wife of Doran Martell, the Prince of Dorne. She had three children by him: Arianne, Quentyn, and Trystane. Mellario was born in Norvos. Accompanied by her guardsman, Areo Hotah, she met Prince Doran Martell when he was visiting the city of her birth. Doran caught her eye during a festival, where the three bells of Norvos were ringing and the bears were dancing.[6] When Doran returned to Dorne, Mellario went with him, escorted by Areo. Hotah Doran and Mellario were betrothed. They would marry not long after, as their first child, Princess Arianne was born in 276 AC. Two more children would follow: Prince Quentyn, born in 281 AC, and Prince Trystane, born in 287 AC. Since divorce in Westeros is uncommon, Mellario eventually returned to Norvos. There's some bitterness about this from Mellario, as Doran was the Prince of Dorne, which enabled his children to stay with him, while she had to leave them behind. Canon. Song Era.
Lord Rennifer Longwaters: Rennifer Longwaters is the chief undergaoler of the dungeons beneath the Red Keep. He is descended from Ser Jon Waters, the bastard son of Princess Elaena Targaryen and Lord Alyn Velaryon. As chief undergaoler, it is his duty to keep the counts of the prisoners in the cells of the Red Keep. Ser Jaime Lannister enquires into Rennifer's role in the escape of his brother, Tyrion Lannister. Rennifer explains how the cells work, and boasts of having royal blood. When Ser Jaime seeks out Ser Ilyn Payne before departing for the riverlands, Rennifer lets Ser Jaime into Ser Ilyn's quarters. Considering the youth of the new Lord of Driftmark, Rennifer disputes that perhaps a relative of age should take place until the boy is of age. Canon. Song Era.
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isefyres-archive · 11 months ago
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isefyres-archive · 1 year ago
forever thinking about how rhaeny.ra seemed to not mind daemon sleeping with mysaria like, yas queen.
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isefyres-archive · 11 months ago
what is the worst change from fire and blood to the show that you dislike?
mine is the ambiguous and likely fake rumors regarding the bastardy of rhae's sons. the show made it a reality instead of keeping it ambigious.
oh and laena's death and the change.
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