roguetelemetry · 1 month
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stone-cold-groove · 7 months
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Doing the Batusi.
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qosmiq · 11 months
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thesiouxzy · 5 months
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Batusi & Bushy B seeing something 👀
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dirtyriver · 2 years
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Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries #3, cover by Erich Owen
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deweydell25 · 2 months
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(via GIPHY)
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Batusi like it's 1966...
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gossamermoth · 7 months
was listening to a podcast where a random sound bit from a batman commercial was playing, and I heard the word "batussy" and thought I was going insane
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qwantzfeed · 5 months
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so for writing this comic I DID SOME RESEARCH and it turns out the "batusi" dance that Batman does in the 60s show is actually a gag on a then-popular dance called the Watusi!  this is a scandal - Batman took an existing thing that was ALREADY THERE and just added "bat" to the front of it!  ...Wait
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Just One Dance
Stepsister!Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
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It’s not that you didn’t like your future stepdad or his daughter, it just seemed like an odd request for the wedding.
“One dance with her is all I ask” Django said gently, “one dance to signify our new family”
“Okay” you said a little uneasy. A dance with your stepsister at the wedding reception, it wasn’t that it was a bad idea. It’s just that you found your heart beating out of your chest every time she was close by. Every time she smiled and laugh, your heart was practically ready to burst out of your chest.
You loved hanging out with her. She was a good friend and you shared the same love of old TV shows. You could totally see sharing a roof with her.
Django treated you well. He already saw you as his own. He decided to make you his best man for the ceremony. Your mom made Wanda her maid of honor.
You found yourself wobbly approaching Wanda that afternoon.
“Papa tell you that we had to dance together?” Wanda asks
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
“Your mom told me the same thing.”
“I’m guessing it’d be a bad idea to do the Adam West Batusi dance”
Wanda couldn’t help but laugh at your joke. Her laugh made your heart soar even if ever so brief.
“I know some ballroom dancing” your future stepsis balanced herself on her toes. “I could teach her you before the ceremony”
“Y-yeah sure” you found yourself blushing. You tried to hide your face.
Barely into high school, you weren’t supposed to be this way around girls but here you were falling hard for her.
You and Wanda spent the better parts of the following afternoons learning the basic steps of ballroom dancing.
“This is just like Beauty and the Beast” Wanda found herself giggling.
“Well as you future stepbrother, if anyone calls you beast I’ll punch them” you joke.
Wanda playfully punches you in the chest for that one.
The ceremony went off without a hitch. Wanda looked so beautiful in her dress, it was simple yet elegant. Your heart only bear faster the second you saw her in it.
Your mom was now married to Wanda’s dad. You were now Wanda’s stepbrother. Part of you felt happy yet sad at the same time. Not sure why.
Then came the dance. Your mom looked so happy dancing with Django. And then came the song. The one that you y bad Wanda had been practicing for the last few afternoons. You felt time stand still as she drifted up to you.
“May I have this dance?” You asked her, earning a nod and giggle from the young Maximoff.
The two of you slow danced together to the melodious sound. Your eyes were locked firmly on hers. They were filled with nothing but adoration and maybe even a little bit of love for you. Everything else just seemed to fade away.
Was this what love felt like? Was this how your mom felt when Django held her? You wanted nothing more than to spend an eternity with this girl in your arms. You only hoped that maybe she felt the same way.
The song came to an end. A little too quickly in your mind. The two of you parted and gave a respectful bow f one another.
“Thank you for the lovely dance,” she whispers and goes off into the crowd.
There was only one thing you recognized that night: you were one hundred percent undoubtedly in love with Wanda Maximoff, your stepsister.
Can’t love be a little less complicated? You thought to yourself as you joined Wanda for some of the wedding cake.
You still tell that story to this day. It makes Wanda laugh every time. You first told it to her when you started dating. And then again at your wedding before you and her did your first dance as a married couple. And now you tell it to your children each year on your anniversary. And Wanda’s love and adoration for you only grows more and more each time you tell it.
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maxwell-grant · 1 year
I’ve been diving a bit back into Batman 66 for research, and this is the cliffhanger from the very first episode. As such:
Jesus Christ
For context: Batman had his drink spiked by one of Riddler's goons at a bar he was investigating in, and he realized this just in time to call Robin to his aid, but Robin was tranquilized and kidnapped by the Riddler's gang just as he left the car. The scene above is what happens almost directly after Batman does the Batusi, and together they kinda form a microcosm for the whole show: That it is super silly and played for laughs and done with tongue-in-cheek irony, but when you’re a kid or just suspend your disbelief more easily, this is all extremely real and serious, there’s hardly much that funny or campy about the plot here
Adam West is so good here, drugged and despairing and worried bad enough that his composure is gone. The scene is funny in one way, because it’s drunk Batman handing the keys to the Batmobile to the police because he’s too sloshed to drive, but it’s also fucking horrible, because he’s just been roofied and has to stand by as his partner / son is taken by very, very bad people who want to do very bad things to him and he’s completely helpless to do anything about it. I don’t think even the movies (outside of maybe The Batman’s scenes with Falcone) ever got this dark
Frank Gorshin is so fucking good here, so goddamn creepy. The episode itself pivots hard tone-wise to get to this cliffhanger and most of Riddler’s scenes beforehand were all fairly comedic, with him trying to destroy the Batmobile or handing Batman the lawsuit, but he ping-pongs masterfully between affable conversational charm laced with uncurable arrogance, smug satisfaction and high-pitched manic giggling that causes his whole body to spasm and bend and curdle like the laugh is going to leave his body, and then he just as frequently punctuates those with ice-cold homicidal whispering with not one bit of humor in it whatsoever, and he shuffles these three multiple times per scene or even dialogue
I wanted to more personally confirm the stuff people have said about his performance, that he was the only villain in the show who conveyed genuine, chilling menace (not sure if he’s the only one as of yet), that he was the blueprint that 70s-onwards Joker ripped everything from, and yeah, forget just the Joker, he feels like a baseline for so much of modern film supervillains on a scale maybe only matched by Heath Ledger’s Joker (that I can think of right now)
Batman really doesn’t break composure in this show that much and that’s part of the charm, which helps make these two first episodes and his desperation with Robin more notable. I know there’s one major scene in the movie where he goes berserk around the villains to protect his date, but I’m liking how this matches something that's a fairly consistent pattern with Batman media, from the early comics to this show to the cartoons even all the way to The Batman, which is The Riddler’s ability to fucking piss off Batman to the point his composure evaporates and he goes berserk with violence.
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gothamgrrrls · 7 months
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and what do u know abt the batusi?????
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martyrbat · 1 year
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batman a-go-go! – solo #7
[ID: a panel of Bruce Wayne dancing with a redheaded woman. He has a purple suit on and is doing the ‘Batusi’ dance move—which is performed by making a horizontal V-sign with his index and middle fingers with both his hands and drawing them away from his face. The woman giggles, “Oh, Brucie! Tee-hee! And you said you had to work late tonight.” Bruce melodramatically sulks in the club, “They didn't need me. They've never needed me.” END ID]
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thesiouxzy · 2 years
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beginnerblueglass · 2 months
If I ever don’t lose my freaking mind over Dick’s Bruce hallucinations check my pulse I’m most likely dead
“Hey I just realized what your special skill is, the thing that makes you the natural leader of this group. You’re the only one with my phone number”
“More people should drop their problem children off buildings, it clarifies the mind and body”
Every time he calls Dick out for lying!! “Military speak for when you’re bald-faced lying”
“Bastard’s clever too. No wonder Dawn made the trade. I always imagined it was a lateral move but now I see it was an upgrade”
“Nothing to worry about kids, just a mild psychic split”
“Why don’t you stick his head in the deep-fryer?”
“FIVE YEARS why does no one remember?”
“Pretty sure you win (the crazy contest) Dick”
Their entire conversation in the church. Every line. All of it.
And that’s not even the whole episode! Everything with Jason? The rooftop scene 😭 This episode is so good. I think it’s funny how my favourite episodes in this show are “Jason Todd,” “Dick Grayson,” and “Bruce Wayne.”
Also Dick is really hot in this episode. It’s the mental breakdown, the cracking facade, the sleep deprivation, the waving a gun in everyone’s face, the being on the verge of tears and/or a fit of rage, the crumbling wall of lies he’s built around himself idk. I love him
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splooosh · 6 months
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Ty Templeton
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