#battle rope manufacturer
lftdex · 7 months
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realtimerealities · 4 months
Rope in the rage, unleash the power!
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skyrope · 1 year
Polypropylene Rope Suppliers | Polypropylene Rope Manufacturers
Sky Ropes offers a variety of polypropylene rope options to cater to different applications. Whether you need ropes for boating, camping, towing
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piecesofchess · 3 months
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After a couple years of being at the bottom of my drafts, I've finally finished the first concept of the Armada Elite Steeds. The Clockwork Steed is a beautiful mount and I've always wondered why they were created. I think they could be an advantage to the Court, so here are some fan-made designs and concepts (below).
I wanted to make them represent the Elite that owns them, which explains the design choices. Headcanons for each Elite + their Steed below the cut:
Shadow (Bishop's Steed):
The most agile Clockwork Steed. Bishop rarely uses / rides Shadow, but it comes in handy if he’s in the middle of fleeing an area and needs a quicker means of escaping.
He uses Shadow to test any improvements / upgrades to the clockwork steeds, so its look and function is always changing. This means it’s also the most advanced clockwork steed.
Note: The design shown here is Shadow's 'default' / first modification.
Trivel (Phule’s Steed):
The youngest of the Elite steeds and therefore the most energetic. Trivel was  going to be scrapped because it needed taming and wasn’t built correctly - however, Phule was sympathetic and found it reminded him of himself. He managed with patience and eventually tamed Trivel.
Phule technically works as King Casimir’s Court Jester, so he is sometimes sent into battlefield and carries/delivers messages between the Armada and the enemy using Trivel. Being a clockwork is a huge advantage since he usually returns unscathed.
^ Phule boosts morale for the Armada soldiers by giving them speeches beforehand. He also cavorts with Trivel when the enemies are in their opposing positions, usually just to taunt them.
Goliath (Rooke’s Steed):
The biggest and strongest Elite steed. Essentially a warhorse. It wears armor for protection while Rooke uses it on the battlefield. He rides Goliath into battle, serving as heavy cavalry if needed.
Goliath has a bit of a bad temper compared to the usual Dragoon’s warhorses. Rooke handles it easily and is therefore the only one to ever ride it.
Echo (Kane & Queen’s steed):
Echo is used in Valencia’s horse shows to showcase the beauty and advancements of the clockwork steeds. It’s programmed to do tricks and be ridden for dressage. (I know, I KNOW, ‘technicalities’. But they’re CLOCKWORK.)
The steed is shared between Kane and Queen, who either ride it on their own or together. They use Echo when the King and Queen request to go horseback riding with other nobility.
Echo was one of the first Clockwork Steeds manufactured and therefore maintains its simplified design.
Traveler (Deacon’s Steed):
Uses Traveler to go long distances on land, if he’s not on his ship. Has a lot of pockets on it to keep Deacon’s possessions and carry important things for him like treaties and deeds.
It’s also used to carry a prisoner or two back to his ship, for long-traveling distances. This is why it usually carries rope / handcuffs.
Additional headcanons:
There are Clockwork Steeds provided to the soldiers/dragoons/etc. for Cavalry. They are less advanced than the Elite’s Steeds, and usually not dressed. They’re constantly being broken, so the parts are often recycled to make new ones.
Only special nobility / upper classes in Valencia own a clockwork steed, but they’re strictly for show and leisurely riding. These steeds belong to anyone that the Armada can closely monitor, since the horses are still under testing.
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monstersdownthepath · 5 months
Not monsters, but spells.
As a person who loves to play spellcasters - especially wizards - I wanted to ask your opinion on the offensive cantrip spells, acid splash and ray of frost, specifically.
They just seem so … useless. I get that unlike manufactured weapons, they use touch AC to hit, but 1d3 damage that never changes or increases at all? Seems rather weak. Low-level wizards who run out of spells are effectively reduced to walking encyclopaedias. 5e cantrips scale with level, but naturally 5e monsters are also generally tougher.
What’s your thoughts? Are those cantrips useful? Could they be stronger without being game-breaking for spellcasters?
If they seem useless in battle, that's because they are! Most of the time, attacking a creature with cantrips is strictly worse than just using a crossbow or similar.
Operative word: "Creature."
Now, say, if you wanted to freeze a drink or a small amount of hazardous fluid (such as a vial of poison), burn a rope, clear out a patch of hazardous mold, burn off a leech, clear out webbing, or do something similar to that, you'll be glad you had them. There's also niche uses against monster abilities, such as an entanglement being destroyed by "any amount of Fire damage" or a bloodsucking creature being forced to let go if it takes any Acid damage, in which case suddenly your useless cantrips are saving you time, effort, and bigger spell slots.
Cantrips are also... well, training wheels for low-level caster, both in and out of story. By the time your Wizard or Witch reaches 8th to 10th level, their spells should be changing the tides of encounters with singular casts. If they ever get anywhere close to the point where offensive cantrips are starting to look good, you know things are getting bad. Getting to that point reveals the trade the caster has made when they selected their class; their candle slowly burns down over the course of the day, but the martials are still going strong. It's the balancing factor, really; 5e's cantrips are stronger because spells are less numerous.
also, there's something to be said about cantrip damage needing to be low because of the specific interaction it has with Arcane Tricksters Sneak Attacks...
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Paul V. Fontelo at Roll Call:
Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., a New Jersey Democrat first elected to the House in 1996, died on Wednesday, his office announced on X. He was 87 and would have been the oldest member of the House if reelected in November.  “Bill fought to his last breath to return to the job he cherished and the people he loved,” the post said. “Bill lived his entire life in Paterson and had an unwavering love for the city he grew up in and served. He is now at peace after a life time devoted to our great nation America.” A veteran of New Jersey’s brand of politics who dominated his home Passaic County, Pascrell was known for his pugnacious demeanor in promoting tax enforcement and ensuring “tax fairness” for all income levels. To achieve that, “everybody’s got to pull on the rope the same,” he said.
An Army veteran and one-time semi-professional baseball player, Pascrell was a teenager when his uncle took him to his first ward meeting in the city of Paterson, then a factory town with a thriving textile business. The rough-and-tumble political arena left an impression on Pascrell. “There’s a lot of fist fights … I’m gonna like this,” he recalled in an interview. “I did. I stayed with it since I was 16 years old.” While he saw far fewer physical melees between parties in Congress, Pascrell said he stuck by the lessons he learned from his first exposure to politics. “See it through or else don’t start it,” he said. And when you are in a fight, “never yield.” In the 118th Congress, Pascrell was the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee, having previously spent more than two years as the panel’s chairman. He and fellow Ways and Means Democrats scored several victories in the final months of the previous Congress, including enacting a major tax and social spending budget reconciliation law and, after years of legal battles, acquiring six years of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns in the lame duck session after the 2022.
Pascrell waged a long campaign to tax “carried interest,” a form of compensation for investment fund managers that is not taxed like ordinary income, a situation he called a loophole that allows rich individuals to avoid fair taxation. He repeatedly introduced legislation to change inheritance rules as well. His bill on the so-called stepped-up basis would have changed existing tax law so that when someone dies and passes on property, the inheritor would pay capital gains taxes based on the fair market rate of the inherited assets, with a few exceptions. Pascrell’s position on the Ways and Means Committee also gave him a platform to fight to restore deductions for state and local tax payments, which Republicans capped in their 2017 tax law. The cap on the SALT deduction hit people in the top income brackets hardest, but in states with high local property and income taxes such as New Jersey, it was also felt by less wealthy families. As a result, Pascrell framed his tax proposals as benefiting the middle class.
Representing a manufacturing-heavy district, he was a close ally of labor unions and focused on ensuring that countries trading with the U.S. complied with international labor standards.  One recurring bipartisan cause for Pascrell was research on and treatment of brain injuries. Inspired by the plight of a constituent, he co-founded the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force in 2001. The issue took on added importance after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks because of a spike in veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with wounds from improvised explosive devices.  Pascrell was born in Paterson, N.J., where his Italian immigrant grandparents settled. His father worked for the railroad. The first member of his family to go to high school, Pascrell was an all-state third baseman, played semi-professional baseball for a team in Clifton and tried out for the Philadelphia Phillies after finishing his schooling in the early 1960s. 
New Jersey Congressman Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) died today at the age of 87.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
Terusho joined the Survey Corps because the Professor caught them trying to figure out how to use his photocamera.
They had started out as an apprentice of the Manufacture Corps, and had gone to the ground floor offices to ask for something they had forgotten. The strange abandoned gadget had captured their attention.
It wasn't a punishment, truly - the Professor had been ecstatic to see someone interested in the technology and willing to learn how to use it. He had managed to rope Dagero into teaching them the basics and encouraged them to take pictures of Jubilife Village to practice and document its development.
So for a while, Terusho was 'the One-Eye Kid'. Wandering the world with only one eye opened behind mechanical lenses.
They took photos of buildings at first, then of people: the first ones were average at best, but that was to be expected. One day they took a marvelous one of Colza, and they blushed deeply at the praise it received.
The Professor had a lot of film for his camera, because he wanted to take pictures of Pokémon while he studied them; so one day, even though they were terrified and their legs trembled, Terusho followed him out to the Fieldlands to photograph a few of the mysterious creatures as he wrote down their behaviors from a safe distance.
As nerve wrecking as it had been, they had both returned to Jubilife safe, sound and satisfied with the day's research. The Professor was very enthusiastic about their improvement in photography, and especially complimented their pictures of a Shinx yawning and of a Starly caught in the middle of its first flight.
That was all it took them to become 'the Professor's assistant'.
Terusho wishes they would not have to go around catching and battling Pokémon as Survey Corps duty, that they do.
They're not good at either, basically a lost cause: how can you take on something that makes your blood freeze solid, and having to rely on one of its horrifying kind to booth?
They'd rather spend hours making all sorts of Pokéball for Choy to sell. They are good at that.
So while it is a little embarassing to be outclassed by an 8-year-old, they aren’t exactly complaining when AkaRei excitedly takes over the most perilous part of the Survey Corps gig, leaving their senior to just craft items they might need - because they are too young to properly grind medicinal leeks and Oran berries into potions, let alone carefully cut and carve an Apricorn to turn it into a functioning capsule.
One of the strange and good things about AkaRei is that they love to catch Pokémon: they love to complete the Pokédex pages, and they love to hear the Professor talk about Pokémon.
Being only able to carry six of them, this means that there are plenty docile specimens sitting around in the pastures - perfect for one to make a small collection of up close and personal pictures that Terusho would otherwise be too scared to even just try and attempt to take.
Terusho takes AkaRei’s second photograph in Hisui (the first one was taken by the Professor, of course): they have just gotten Lord Wyrdeer’s approval and promised aid. They look so small, sat upon the imposing creature’s back, little hands lost in the white beard; they smile brightly as they nuzzle the Lord’s neck.
It comes out beautifully.
AkaRei always smiles when told they are having a picture of them taken. They also sometimes say “cheese!” for no reason. It’s very curious.
Mr. Emmet of the Survey Corps also smiles wider when he notices Terusho is photographing him: he tips his hat, as if to get in a pose of sorts, like he’s used to it. He is surprisingly photogenic, too. He has a special look to him on account of his... Well... His entire face, really.
White of hair and eyes despite not being that old (as far as anybody knows), skin so pale that if he stood in the sun a minute too long he would turn completely red, a long straight nose that jumps out of his profile whenever he turns to the side. He has a certain piercing glare and frozen smile that make him seem unpercievable, yet curious.
(In the photograph of him and AkaRei to celebrate the quelling of Lord Kleavor, despite being forced on the ground by the aching in his bad leg, with that toothy grin and his eyes almost squeezed shut as he raises the triumphant kid's hand in the air declaring them the winner of the battle as if he’d been a mere a spectator and not a helper in it, he looks so friendly.)
It starts only with him, and then it snowballs: Terusho begins stealing secretive photos of the people around them.
It’s by no means new - this is what they do with wild Pokémon. They sneak about with their mechanical eye in hand and snap! A photo is taken without anybody noticing.
But with people it’s different, they think.
Sometimes there’s an expression that paints a face in a special way, and so they scramble silently to capture it before it disappears. Sometimes it’s just a certain way of being, repeated day after day, that when looked at from a slightly different angle turns it into a gorgeous scene.
The Professor stretching after a long day or the Captain resting her eyes a moment as she lays back in her chair. Captain Zisu crouching while she warms up. Beni making mochi batter. The Commander meditating. The Ginko merchants setting up and tucking away their caravan.
The Clans going about their lives.
Their first visit in the Diamond settlement was a year ago, actually - and they were nervous as all get-out about going around with a photocamera, eyed with at best an intense suspicion.
They had not at all expected for the quiet lady to ask for a picture - to be honest, there were so many thing they had not expected, like her apparent recognition of the gadget and quick approach of them with a shine in her eyes as soon as they had met her gaze, let alone for her to very enthusiastically invite them amidst her people's confusion to take a photo, even striking a bit of a pose. It did certainly ease her clansmen about the strange contraption enough for some to accept having pictures taken of them.
Miss Elesa seems to appear breathtakingly beautiful in every one of her photos, and Terusho is just an amateur. Who knows how heightened the effect might be if they were done by a professional.
(Even in the one where she is being helped back down from Lilligant’s arena, tired and pained and so unable to stand on her legs that she is only able to leave because AkaRei carries her on top of Ursaluna, she still flashes the lenses a genial, genuine smile by the child’s side. Her expression makes her eyes too small and her face too round - and yet she is still so pretty.)
They don’t need to hide that they’re taking pictures with her: she is always glad to be their subject or show off some clothing.
Terusho’s parents used to be weavers, working close with Anthe’s family (their child moved to Jubilife with her after all, as if she were their aunt), and when they were little they used to comb through wool and fur and fibers of all sorts to help around, watching as they were turned to vests and robes and coats. They were never too good in that trade - their hands were clumsy with needles and too heavy on the scissors - but they had remained fascinated with handywork all the same, with the ways one could spin thread to sew clothes, carve wood to make tools, melt ore to fabricate blades, mush herbs to produce medicine.
The guildsmen know how to make all sorts of things, of course. They learn quickly too, to the point where Choy jokes that they’ll put Anvin out of work with all the potions they learned to make from him. Not like they didn’t have their own recipies for that sort of thing - but many of the ones for Pokémon had gone lost in a very long oral tradition, as it happens sometimes.
But most of that knowledge is safe, and while not necessarily eager to share it they don’t mind it being documented in pictures if asked politely.
And Terusho is a very polite kid.
They have a way of singing that doesn’t sound like anything else, and they’re very good at making textiles and fabrics and ropes on their long journeys across Hisui, and wooden utensils: they’re great carvers. Must be why their pipes are so... Elegant, for lack of a better word.
Mr. Briosa always plucks hers from her mouth and snuffs it out when she sees kids around her - though once she didn’t notice Terusho in time, and they managed to snap a photo that they think is lovely.
From what they’ve heard she must know a lot about cooking, but they can’t really say they know a lot about her. They know more things about Volo, whom she always hangs around for some reason - probably to pull him along when he starts getting sidetracked while asking a million questions and such, and he said once half-jokingly that he lets her stick to him only because she can make a mean fried Barboach - and Volo is a secretive person himself.
(The closest they’ve ever come to her in a non-commercial context was after AkaRei had handled Lord Arcanine, on the shore of Firespit Island. They took a photo while she was tending to a big burn on the child’s arm: her mouth was perfectly flat, and her eyes wide, like she didn’t expect that. They can still hear her yelling in another language what was unequivocably a swear right after.)
They do know she can throw Volo, who is much taller than her. So. That is certainly something to remember.
Something else they need to remember - the Nobles. They need pictures of them, too.
...To be honest, Terusho doesn’t think they could ever approach any of the Nobles without their wardens around them. Actually, they feel safest when AkaRei is there, rolling around and throwing treats at them in a safer version of the frienzied trials the commander imposed on the kid as if to beat some record.
It’s only partially a matter of fear, though for Terusho that’s obviously the main point; but ignoring the natural scare factor, the main obstacle has more of a religious root. Rather understandably, considering they are holy descendants of blessed beasts, the Pokémon’s wardens are less than keen on having just any stranger come waving some strange device to make sounds and flashes at them for what seems like no good reason. The opinion of the Nobles regarding the camera are also something to take into consideration - some seem curious, others look at it with suspicion; some remain completely neutral to it, or might get frightened once it’s properly in motion.
The wardens tend to relent once informed that the purpose is only documentative, and that it won’t hurt them nor their wards. They still discuss with the Pokémon first, and only officially agree once they’re on board as well.
Terusho likes to photograph both the Nobles and their humans together. On one hand, it serves to show the unusual size of the creatures when compared to others of their own kind, though that’s usually achieved much more easily by putting them side-by-side with specimens grown or caught by AkaRei; on the other, it documents the wardens, their existence, their work. Terusho asks often if they’re allowed to take pictures of how they care for the Nobles, and notes if they’re permitted: this is also part of the research after all, isn’t it? For the betterment of relationships between Humans and Pokémon, one must know how to care for them, no?
Warden Ingo is often happy to dispense his more practical wisdom, if not to just invite them to come with him in Sneasler’s den to show them examples of what he’s talking about. Where others are skittish or focus their explanations on only a few things, he enjoys talking at length and very precisely about every aspect of caring for his ward or her kits - and his own team, too.
His face was awfully familiar when they first met him, what with that long straight nose, those piercing white eyes, the snowy hair, the squalid skin, something in the sharp angles of his mouth. They feel terribly silly for not piecing it all together sooner, but in their defense, neither had anybody else, it seems.
(The photograph Terusho took after his and AkaRei’s succesful quelling of Lord Electrode is gloomier than the other ones. It’s not a matter of lighting, nor because of the warden’s constant frown; it’s the kid’s furrowed expression despite a weak smile, and the bandages being wrapped around them. He made them laugh afterwards, though: so Terusho thinks of that instead.)
Ever since he started spending a lot of time in the training grounds of Jubilife, he’s been eager to explain battle strategies as well, to both them and Zisu, and a few of the Security Corps. They don’t really understand what half of the things he says mean, but they appreciate the effort and enthusiasm.
As for Terusho specifically, they already have a tutor. That’s AkaRei.
It would be much more embarassing if the 8-year-old wasn’t one the most skilled battlers in Jubilife, and also the only one who can explain battles simply enough for someone as hopeless as the professor’s assistant.
But it’s working! Their fear has eased up considerably, Pikachu actually likes them, and they’ve even managed to evolve Mime Jr! Even the prospect of participating in excursions through the various lands of Hisui makes them excited to capture wildlife scenes instead of causing them a stomach ache for the dread and anxiety that used to overtake them. They’re still as cautious as ever, but it feels much less daunting.
The clan leaders speak to them, even. This is something they would have never expected - Terusho is nobody important, let alone someone interesting to speak to - but they come to camp from time to time and greet them politely, asking news from Jubilife or wardens they’ve visited recently while the professor barely manages to tear himself away from his work enough to welcome them. The two of them even asked how the camera works, in a different occasion each - and Terusho did teach them, to the best of their abilities.
(They had to physically guide Adaman’s face closer to the device, as he kept getting further away and trying to squint into the lens, while Irida was so tense in handling the machine that her fingers jerked the focus too quickly, constantly pulling the image out of it. Their skin was rough in different ways, one dusty from remains of sunbaked muds, one harshly carved in by wind and ice, and if Terusho starts thinking about those little photography crash courses they gave them they end up spending the whole day in an embarassed daze, thinking only about their hands and faces and everything.)
(Their first photographs were of Terusho. Of all the subjects they had pointed to the two leaders, both insisted on chosing some Jubilife kid instead. Irida smiled, proud of herself, as she thanked them and apologized if it ended up all blurry despite her attempt at keeping her hand as still as possible; Adaman repeated the click with his tongue and changed pose and framing a few times, as if taking multiple pictures, and laughed sweetly at their bashfulness.)
(Terusho hadn’t had the guts to ask to take a photo of them until after Avalugg had been quelled. Hands clutched tight in AkaRei’s as the kid raised them into the air solemnly, Adaman does his best to fight the shivers that would make him a shaky mess while Irida remains unbothered by the cold. Despite wearing worried faces, they smile at the photographer: Terusho’s heart skips two beats.)
“We are zoologists, my dear!” the professor said when they first complained about the dangers of photographing wild Pokémon. “We aim to discover the secrets of mysterious and strange creatures to understand them! To better our relationship with them!”
Isn’t man too a strange, mysterious creature?
Despite all their works on human subjects, the professor has never chastised them for wasting film. Maybe he understands their fascination with mundane things - with making and washing and sewing, and living and eating and talking.
What Pokémon do - eating and flying and burning and sleeping and shocking and hovering and yawning - it must be mundane for them, too. 
Everything looks so... Weird. Behind the lenses.
The world closes in and focuses on a little piece of itself in perfect clarity. That’s the moment, the place: click! Immortalized.
All is where it should be.
Even the five of them, of all things and people, look in Hisui’s landscapes like Pokéball halves slotted together in a perfect fit.
They call them ‘the Misplaced’ - through time and space, and maybe even fate, why not. This is not where or when they belong, although they’ve molded themselves in the ways of the land enough to be plenty comfortable in it.
Terusho has documented gods and ghosts by now, beasts that tower over houses and others that barely reach their ankles; they’ve stuck them in photographs as they raged in battle with incredible feats of strength and mastery of the elements.
Still, they like above all to capture the subtle differences between the warden and guard while they watch a battle, to pause the forager in the perfect moment as she raises her arm in a certain graceful way, to press onto paper memory the way the merchant’s muscles carve into her skin. To catch the hero of Hisui off guard as they rub the tip of their cold red nose on the back of their hand.
They take one of the four adults as they speak to one another in the Highlands, sitting on the ground in different stances, hands flying; they call for them and they turn, and click! A smile, a frown, a small ‘o’, a perfectly flat mouth. A catalogue of human emotion in one shot.
If they were to count the ones where AkaRei joins them, it might take them a week and a half, both night and day. In part because they’d have to distinguish the from all the other ones with AkaRei, who likes to do what they call a ‘photobomb’ by jumping into frame when they see Terusho ready to take a picture, and whom the older kid likes to amuse by not telling them to move away and letting them pose.
A good number of the ones with their fellow Misplaced feature Mr. Emmet, usually with him holding them in his arms; this is because - as they themself said - he is their favorite one. (This doesn’t seem to happen often, asafter the initial surprise he moved on to bragging to his brother about this for a while.)
The picture that they’ve taken with Miss Elesa which they like the most features both of them showing the lens their tongue, noses all curled from how hard their squinting eyes are shut, index and middle fingers in the shape of a V, the child proudly displaying the badge they just earned on their kimono.
Their best one with Mr. Briosa has them in the middle of being thrown onto a futon. They’re just about to leap off of her bare shoulders and are clearly laughing madly; grinning wide, sarashi and ribs out in the open like nobody’s business, she’s clearly dosing her strength as to not hurl them in the sun.
Warden Ingo doesn’t have much luck with photos despite being as photogenic as his twin - he’s awfully embarassed by them, by his lackluster expressions. But they managed to take a lovely one during a long day, of him sprawled under a tree, the kid resting on him, the both of them snoring peacefully.
There’s a lot more, of course. But aside from a few  that migh interest future historians, and an even smaller part they gladly gift to the four adults, Terusho will probably end up keeping them for themself.
Never to be seen by anybody else. Maybe passed down in the family.
It’s not at all a bad thing.
On the last day the five spend in Hisui, because their return home has finally been granted and they want nothing more, they have two photos taken of them.
The first one has the professor behind the camera. They stand in a nice row for him just before the snowy patch of land preceding the cave that leads up to the peak of the mountain, an artful mismatch of what survived of the clothes that came with them and new garments in place of the uniforms they’ve worn for years or months, looking into the lens for a picture they can’t sign the back of and that they hope to maybe see one day, perhaps in a museum; after it’s done the kid runs into the poor man’s shins and hugs him tight, saying thank you and goodbye as he embraces them back and cries a bit.
They say their goodbyes; they go.
Terusho watches them for a while, until they seem to disappear. A knot in their throat makes their eyes prickle.
It takes a look to get the professor’s undying support as the camera gets almost shoved in their hand, and off they bolt! Their feet are cold and the tips of their socks are a little wet, and thank goodness the Electabuzzes and the Alpha Electivire have taken a vacation today so they don’t have to worry about dodging lightning strikes as they run - there they are, all set to get in the tunnel - wait, wait, hold on, just one, just-
All five turn towards them.
They stop without reaching them, seeing as the Misplaced don’t continue on their path, instead waiting for them. Their heavy breaths, tired from the sprint, turn into clouds as they leave their mouth.
Terusho raises an arm and waves, smiling.
AkaRei raises both of them and waves back, smiling.
The Misplaced say one last goodbye to Hisui, arms up in the air caught mid-motion, smiling.
Terusho, professor Laventon’s assistant, the One-Eye Kid, turns around satisfied by a photo nobody will ever care for and walks back to the camp near Moonview Arena, rubbing their cold red nose against the back of their hand.
(”I know this one!” Luce tells their mother, gasping as their hand gently caresses the old glass frame that preserves one of their great-grandparent’s photos from deterioration, and recognizes first and foremost their pijama peeking through the large plush kimono they’re still not done growing into of all things: “Terusho took it right before we came back home!”)
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[Headcanon snippet; Besides rare Pokémon, evolution items, and shards, random everyday things can be found in space-time distortions. A famous case of this is Ginter finding the Rotom-compatible appliances which don’t have any external plugs. What do we find after farming the distortions for rare encounters?]
“Most items and Pokémon from inside space-time distortions disappear once they disperse.”
Uxie’s mental voice snapped her out of looking over the various items. It was surprising to see a lake guardian so soon after the red-sky issue.
“I thought so until some modern potion bottles didn’t go away,” Caitlin replied. “Worried Com—Kamado confiscated these during my exile.” He lost any respect she had despite knowing what was supposed to happen. There were some differences from the game like Beni disguising himself as Rei which didn’t happen in it at all...
The lake guardian nodded before floating down to her collection. A jar of shrunken Pokéballs was what Uxie interacted with psychically first. Caitlin watched as the legendary sorted them by type: normal, great, ultra, safari, net, dive, premier, heal, quick, and one beast ball. All were fortunately empty when she found them. She noticed they could be mistaken for marbles so stored them in a glass jar. Many, many, many potion bottles made up a nearby pile.
One of the most common modern-day items she found regularly. So much so that the surveyor debated using them as water bottles.
A stone crown-like rock sat beside what she thought was a shed baby Onix tail. Slight laughter came from Uxie upon finding the ticket signed by Looker. They uncrinkled it using Psychic and put it atop the spell tags. Caitlin placed two boxing gloves connected to springs next to a plain red card. Some items like the zoom lens made her question how Pokémom were supposed to hold them. Or how the Orb held items inflicted their status conditions.
Several berries sat in a bowl nearby just in case a Toxic or Flame Orb leaked again. Moving on, some non-battle-related items surprised her when they were left behind. Any clothes found needed a good cleaning with Wash Rotom and Anthe to patch major tears. Maybe it was a bad idea to let the clothier with modern clothing, but then again Arceus created the Arc-Phone.
For some reason, fire-type shampoo existed albeit more closely resembling oil. She had a massive everstone collection from failing to pick up evolution stones in distortions. Items like soda cans had to be melted down because they genuinely didn’t belong in the past. Pencils were okay to use out in the open as long as she was carefully using them up. The escape rope’s durability had been downplayed since Scizor and Steelix played tug of war with longer ones.
While she was reviewing her collection, Uxie found a user manual for the tent she privately used on long expeditions. They seemed to be smiling as they read through each page. Said galarian-manufactured tent at the moment was hidden in her Ursaluna’s den for safekeeping. It held up well against the weather in the Icelands.
If only most of the items she found weren’t broken, then Caitlin could remain stress-free.
—(My first actual snippet! A little wordy yet I like what I wrote. Distortions can be messy.)
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rohanseoewe · 1 month
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Viking Museum
After lunch our plan was to learn about and see a Viking ship and so headed off to the Viking Museum. Like the ABBA Museum it located in the Royal National City Park and was close by.
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It was easy to build seagoing vessels in Scandinavia because the components to build a ship were readily available in the area: wood for the hull, iron for the nails and fittings, and wool for the sails. It took up to 40,000 man-hours to build a 100 foot Viking ship, including the hours required to manufacture ironwork, ropes and sails. It took the wool from 220 sheep to make a ship’s sail.
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They had an English speaking tour guide in the museum and she told us the Viking period lasted from 750 to 1100. During that time Viking warriors sailed throughout Europe and other parts of the world raiding costal towns and monasteries. These raids involved looting valuable items, destroying property, and often leaving a trail of destruction. Their attacks were often brutal, aiming to instill fear and quickly overpower their targets.
The map below shows the routes the Viking took.
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Below is the typical dress by a Viking warrior. Contrary to popular belief, Viking warriors did not have horns on their helmets. That myth was popularized by a Wagner’s “The Ring of Nibelung” opera about the Vikings and has no factual basis.
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The most common weapon used during battle by Viking warriors was the axe, as shown below on the left. Axes were widely used because they were relatively inexpensive to produce compared to swords, making them available to most Viking warriors. Plus axes could be used in both daily life and in combat. Other weapons commonly used by Vikings included spears, swords, and bows but the axe is most iconic weapon for the Viking period.
Vikings engaged in slavery extensively, both as captors and traders. They captured and enslaved people during their raids. These slaves, or thralls, were forcibly taken from their homes, sold in markets, and subjected to harsh conditions and treatment. The picture on the right below shows neck and wrist shackles used by the Vikings to restrain their slaves.
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The Viking era declined as Christianity spread throughout Scandinavia. As Viking leaders and their populations converted to Christianity and elected Christian kings, their raiding activities began to diminish.
After the Viking Museum we attempted to take a bus ride to the far end of the park. But for some unknown reason the bus that was supposed to go to the end of the park didn’t. At this point it would have helped to know Swedish. After that we returned to our hotel and rested for a bit.
For dinner, we went to Zink Grill, an Italian restaurant. MaryEllen had pappardelle with a slow-cooked lamb ragu and I had beef tenderloin tournedos with peppercorn sauce & croquettes. Both dishes were very good.
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sqinsights · 8 months
Navigating the Wild World of IoT Security: A Dive into the Global Market Insights
In a world where everything seems to be “smart” these days, from refrigerators that can order groceries to thermostats that know when you’re feeling a bit chilly, one thing we can’t afford to overlook is the security of these interconnected devices. Enter the realm of IoT Security, a topic that sounds like a sci-fi movie plot, but hey, it’s the reality we live in. Let’s take a light-hearted stroll through the Global IoT Security Market Insights report and decode the jargon without getting lost in the technical maze.
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The Market Safari:
The report kicks off with the revelation that the IoT Security Market size was valued at a whopping USD 9.01 billion in 2021. I know what you’re thinking, that’s a lot of zeros and commas. Brace yourselves, because by 2030, it’s predicted to skyrocket to USD 94.27 billion — talk about compound growth rates that put your investments to shame.
Deployment Mode: Clouds and On-Premises, Oh My!
The deployment modes are like the age-old debate of whether you prefer your data floating in the cloud or grounded on-premise. It’s like choosing between a fluffy cloud that can vanish in thin air or a tangible server that might throw a tantrum. Choose wisely — or just flip a coin.
Organization Size: David vs. Goliath, Enterprises Edition
In the red corner, we have the heavyweight champion — Large Enterprises. In the blue corner, the underdog — Small & Medium Enterprises. It’s the classic tale of David vs. Goliath, but in the business world, where slingshots are replaced by cybersecurity measures, and victory is measured in market share.
Product Types: Device Authentication & Management vs. Identity Crisis & Management
Imagine your IoT device having an identity crisis — that’s where Identity Access & Management come into play. On the other hand, Device Authentication & Management are like the bouncers at the IoT party, ensuring only the authorized devices get past the velvet rope.
Security Types: Defenders of the Cyber Realm
Network Security and Endpoint Security — the dynamic duo defending the cyber realm from malicious invaders. It’s like a cybersecurity Avengers movie, where firewalls and antivirus software play the superheroes, protecting our data from the supervillains of the digital world.
Industry Verticals: Where IoT Meets Real Life
From Manufacturing to Retail & E-Commerce, it’s like IoT is the behind-the-scenes director making things smoother. The real show-stealer? Agriculture, with its smart farming and precision agriculture. Who knew your lettuce could be so high-tech?
End-Use: Agriculture, BFSI, and the Alphabet Soup
BFSI — Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance — the three musketeers of the financial world. Agriculture, the unsung hero feeding the world. It’s like the Avengers and the Justice League, but in the corporate landscape.
Regional Insights: The Global Symphony
North America, the land of the free and the home of the cloud-based platforms. Asia-Pacific, leading the charge in smart city initiatives. It’s a global symphony of IoT adoption, with different regions playing their unique tunes.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/iot-security-market
Market Dynamics: Driving Forces and Roadblocks
The report identifies the adoption of IoT devices as a driving force, like giving your car a turbo boost. However, there are roadblocks — limitations in the security, integrity, and privacy of data. It’s like having a high-speed car with brakes that occasionally decide to take a nap.
Competitive Landscape: Battle of the Titans
In the red corner, we have established brands. In the blue corner, emerging players and niche producers. It’s like a game of chess, where innovation is the key to checkmate. IBM even has a move called ‘Watsonx Your Business’ — it sounds like a secret move you unlock after reaching level 10.
Top Players: The A-List of IoT Security
Allot Ltd., Armis Inc., CENTRI Technology, and more — it’s like the red carpet event of the IoT world. These companies are the celebrities, and their moves and partnerships are the plot twists in this tech thriller.
Conclusion: Navigating the IoT Jungle
As we wrap up this adventure through the Global IoT Security Market, one thing is clear — IoT is here to stay, and securing it is no joke. It’s a wild jungle out there, with data breaches lurking like hidden traps. So, whether you’re a large enterprise or a small player, buckle up your cyber seatbelt and enjoy the IoT ride — just don’t forget your digital sunscreen.
Remember, in the world of IoT, it’s not survival of the fittest; it’s survival of the most securely connected. Stay safe, stay connected!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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market-spy · 8 months
Navigating the Wild World of IoT Security: A Dive into the Global Market Insights
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The Market Safari:
The report kicks off with the revelation that the IoT Security Market size was valued at a whopping USD 9.01 billion in 2021. I know what you’re thinking, that’s a lot of zeros and commas. Brace yourselves, because by 2030, it’s predicted to skyrocket to USD 94.27 billion — talk about compound growth rates that put your investments to shame.
Deployment Mode: Clouds and On-Premises, Oh My!
The deployment modes are like the age-old debate of whether you prefer your data floating in the cloud or grounded on-premise. It’s like choosing between a fluffy cloud that can vanish in thin air or a tangible server that might throw a tantrum. Choose wisely — or just flip a coin.
Organization Size: David vs. Goliath, Enterprises Edition
In the red corner, we have the heavyweight champion — Large Enterprises. In the blue corner, the underdog — Small & Medium Enterprises. It’s the classic tale of David vs. Goliath, but in the business world, where slingshots are replaced by cybersecurity measures, and victory is measured in market share.
Product Types: Device Authentication & Management vs. Identity Crisis & Management
Imagine your IoT device having an identity crisis — that’s where Identity Access & Management come into play. On the other hand, Device Authentication & Management are like the bouncers at the IoT party, ensuring only the authorized devices get past the velvet rope.
Security Types: Defenders of the Cyber Realm
Network Security and Endpoint Security — the dynamic duo defending the cyber realm from malicious invaders. It’s like a cybersecurity Avengers movie, where firewalls and antivirus software play the superheroes, protecting our data from the supervillains of the digital world.
Industry Verticals: Where IoT Meets Real Life
From Manufacturing to Retail & E-Commerce, it’s like IoT is the behind-the-scenes director making things smoother. The real show-stealer? Agriculture, with its smart farming and precision agriculture. Who knew your lettuce could be so high-tech?
End-Use: Agriculture, BFSI, and the Alphabet Soup
BFSI — Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance — the three musketeers of the financial world. Agriculture, the unsung hero feeding the world. It’s like the Avengers and the Justice League, but in the corporate landscape.
Regional Insights: The Global Symphony
North America, the land of the free and the home of the cloud-based platforms. Asia-Pacific, leading the charge in smart city initiatives. It’s a global symphony of IoT adoption, with different regions playing their unique tunes.
Market Dynamics: Driving Forces and Roadblocks
The report identifies the adoption of IoT devices as a driving force, like giving your car a turbo boost. However, there are roadblocks — limitations in the security, integrity, and privacy of data. It’s like having a high-speed car with brakes that occasionally decide to take a nap.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/iot-security-market
Competitive Landscape: Battle of the Titans
In the red corner, we have established brands. In the blue corner, emerging players and niche producers. It’s like a game of chess, where innovation is the key to checkmate. IBM even has a move called ‘Watsonx Your Business’ — it sounds like a secret move you unlock after reaching level 10.
Top Players: The A-List of IoT Security
Allot Ltd., Armis Inc., CENTRI Technology, and more — it’s like the red carpet event of the IoT world. These companies are the celebrities, and their moves and partnerships are the plot twists in this tech thriller.
Conclusion: Navigating the IoT Jungle
As we wrap up this adventure through the Global IoT Security Market, one thing is clear — IoT is here to stay, and securing it is no joke. It’s a wild jungle out there, with data breaches lurking like hidden traps. So, whether you’re a large enterprise or a small player, buckle up your cyber seatbelt and enjoy the IoT ride — just don’t forget your digital sunscreen.
Remember, in the world of IoT, it’s not survival of the fittest; it’s survival of the most securely connected. Stay safe, stay connected!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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realtimerealities · 5 months
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Battle ropes are the remaining full-body exercise device! 💪🏼 With just a few mins of excessive rope-slapping, you could blast calories, build energy, and enhance your cardiovascular patience. Plus, they may be low-effect and clean to take with you everywhere. Say good-bye to dull workout routines and good day to the electricity of battle ropes! #FitnessGoals #BattleRopes #FullBodyWorkout
If you're looking to take your workout routine to the next level, Azuka Ropes is the ultimate battle rope seller to trust. With their superior quality, innovative designs, versatility, exceptional customer service, and affordable pricing, Azuka Ropes stands out as a top choice for fitness enthusiasts of all levels. Enhance your fitness journey, unleash your strength, and achieve your goals with Azuka Ropes by your side.
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skyrope · 1 year
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Sky Ropes offers a variety of polypropylene rope options to cater to different applications. Whether you need ropes for boating, camping, towing
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whitepolaris · 8 months
Old Wyoming State Penitentary
by Scott A. Johnson
Imagine yourself confined to a room five feet by seven feet with only a bare cot and toilet. Down the hallway, terrified screams and sadistic laughter echo throughout the night, reminding you that you live in what may be as well be described as one of Dante's lower circles of hell. You'll be all right, you tell yourself, so long as you keep to your tasks and don't make eye contact with anyone who lives nearby.
Now imagine that same room shared with up to five other men-a prison cell in every breath drawn might be the last and every setting heralds new terrors that come in the night.
A New but Fearful Facility
By 1873, the prison in Laramie, Wyoming, was bulging at the seams. Home to convicts from the surrounding areas, it could no longer accept new inmates, yet the stream of new arrivals never let up. The state government decided a new prison was needed, one that could accommodate the high number of miscreants who roamed Idaho at the time. Construction of what would be an enormous structure began in 1888. It took thirteen years, but on December 12, 1901, the Wyoming State Penitentiary in Rawlins opened its doors. The incarcerated were to be assigned meaningful duties that would not only put money in the coffers of both the prison and the state but would also in the prisoners the seed of a work ethic. Over the years, the prisoners manufactured brooms, shirts, and proceesed wool, when they weren't stamping out license plates.
Despite the state's good intentions, the new facility had tiny cells without running water or toilets, and their bare concrete walls bred more than a sense of punishment. They bred madness. Fights were common, as were stabbings and near riots. In just three years, the penitentiary saw several bloody battles between prisoners, one of which involved a prisoner attempting to cut another's heart out. The terrified guards, who sometimes felt themselves the real prisoners, often did nothing.
Such violence could only be tolerated for so long, prompting the construction of "the Hole" in 1906. Being confined to this windowless room was the punishment for anything from refusing to eat dinner to murder. The guilty were chained to a wall in the room and left in total darkness. During their stay, they were attended to only briefly and were fed miniscule amounts of bread and water.
It wasn't until 1914, years after the prison had already come dangerously close to its capacity, that the penitentiary cells were equipped with toilets, washbowls, and running water-cold only, however.
After several escape attempts by inmates, high concrete walls replaced the wooden stockades surrounding the prison buildings in 1915. The convicts were pressed into service to erect the walls and guard towers, partially to make them aware that escaping would be impossible.
Rough Justice
Executions were commonplace, either by hanging or by gas, but it wasn't just the state that meted out capital punishment. Prison guards often enforced their own bran of justice or simply turned a blind eye to prisoner-devised hangings. In one case, the person hanged didn't die immediately, prompting his executioners to haul hi up by the rope and toss him over the rail for a second time.
By the late 1970s, tales of abuse and overcrowding reached the state. Stories involving the horrors of the Hole and other tortures, including thumb cuffs and the insidious Oregon Boot (a heavily weighted steel shoe), reached the proper ears, prompting an investigation. In 1981, the Wyoming State Penitentiary closed its doors for good, leaving decades of abuse and agony behind.
It is impossible to identify the restless souls that never left what's called the Old Pen; they're simply too numerous. What is clear, however, is that in my places whatever remains is angry and resentful-and not at all shy about showing its feelings.
Tour guides and tourists alike have reported seeing shadowy figures disappearing around corners and malicious presences throughout the structure. There are, however, a few places deemed hotbeds of activity. The showers, were countless inmates were attacked, violated, or even killed, are the setting of many a story. Also on the list of places to be avoided are the former Death Row and the gas chamber.
However, most agree that the worst hauntings occur in the black pit called the Hole. Whatever lurks there, according to those whose job it is to walk the halls, is angry and crazed, threatening anyone who enters. There are also specific cells in which voices are heard and presences felt. Also well known is Guard Tower No. 9, in which a guard committed suicide.
The buildings stand as they did, with cell walls still bearing the markings and artwork of those who occupied them. Death Row cells are adorned with photos of those prisoners who spent their last moments inside. The old prison cemetery is visible on the grounds, and many of the tombstones lie broken or stand propped against a fence.
In other words, the prison looks no less ominous for the lack of new prisoners. Time will tell whether the awful energy generated within its walls is here to stay.
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opengymequipmentindia · 11 months
Ten Ways To Use a Open Gym Equipment
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Open Gym Equipment provides an excellent opportunity to get in shape, stay fit, and have fun while doing it. Whether you're a regular gym-goer or a newbie, there are countless ways to utilize the available equipment for a full-body workout. Here are ten creative ways to make the most of open gym equipment:
Cardio Intervals: Treadmills, stationary bikes, and elliptical machines are perfect for high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Alternate between periods of intense effort & brief recovery for an effective cardiovascular workout.
Bodyweight Exercises: Use open spaces for bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks. These exercises require no equipment and help strengthen various muscle groups.
Climbing Walls: If your gym has climbing walls, try your hand at rock climbing. It's a fantastic full-body workout that challenges your strength, balance, and problem-solving skills.
Battle Ropes: Battle ropes are excellent for building upper body strength and improving cardiovascular fitness. Perform waves, slams, or circles to target different muscle groups.
Suspension Training: Utilize TRX straps or similar equipment to perform bodyweight exercises that challenge your core and stability. These can be adjusted for all fitness levels.
Kettlebells and Dumbbells: Incorporate free weights for strength training. You can do squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and countless other exercises to target specific muscle groups.
Medicine Ball Workouts: Medicine balls are versatile and can be used for core exercises, wall throws, and partner passes. They add a dynamic element to your routine.
Plyometric Box Jumps: Plyometric boxes are perfect for explosive lower body workouts. Perform box jumps, step-ups, and lunges to boost your leg strength and power.
Indoor Track: If your gym has an indoor track, use it for running, jogging, or walking. It's a joint-friendly way to improve your cardiovascular fitness.
Resistance Bands: These versatile tools can be used for a wide range of exercises to work various muscle groups. You can perform bicep curls, lateral raises, and more.
Remember, safety and proper forms are paramount when using open gym equipment. If you're new to a particular exercise or machine, consider seeking guidance from a certified fitness trainer to ensure you're using the equipment correctly and safely.
By incorporating these ten ways to use open gym equipment into your fitness routine, you'll have a well-rounded workout that targets different muscle groups and keeps your workouts exciting and effective.
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